Virginia Henderson Theory[1]

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  • Words: 738
  • Pages: 20

Presented by: Lee, B Lee, E Defoe, A Cross, P Thomas, A

1897-1996 Army School of Nursing,

Objective 

       

We will discuss her nursing theory Prioritize client’s needs Integrate her theory with another theorist List of functional health patterns Prioritize NIC Prioritize NOC Conclusion

Case Scenario   

 

A home care nurse visits an elderly client who lives alone and is restricted to bed  because of pain in his joints due to osteoarthritis. During conversation, the nurse finds that the client feels sad and  inadequate due to his disability.


Viewed the patient as an individual requiring help toward achieving independence.

  

Interpreted nursing function as a synthesis of many influences.


She identified 3 levels of nurse-patient relationships:

   

Substitute for the patient Helper to the patient Partner with the patient

THEORY Nursing care is based on 14 basic human needs

 

      

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



 

Breath normally Eat and drink adequately Eliminate body wastes Move and maintain desirable postures Sleep and rest Select suitable clothes; dress and undress Maintain body temperature within a normal range by adjusting clothing and modifying

8. Keep the body clean and well groomed and  protect the integument 9. Avoid dangers in the environment and avoid  injuring others 10. Communicate with others in expressing  emotions, needs, fears, or opinions 11. Worship according to one's faith 12. Work in such a way that there is a sense of  accomplishment 13. Play or participate in various form of recreation 14. Learn, discover, or satisfy the curiosity that leads  to normal development and health and use 


Virginia Henderson supported empathetic understanding and stated that "the nurse must get inside the skin of each of her patients in order to know what he/she needs" (Henderson, 1964, p.63)


 

(Chronic joint pain)

Inadequacy  (Lack of ability to move and function ) 

Sadness  (Depression) 

Integrated Theory HENDERSON


Breathe normally Eat and drink adequately Eliminate by all avenues of elimination Move and maintain desirable posture Sleep and rest Select suitable clothing Physiological needs Maintain body temperature Keep body clean and well groomed and protect the integument

Avoid environmental dangers and avoid injuring others

Safety needs



Communicate with others Worship according to faith

Belongingness and love needs

Play or participate in various forms of recreation

Esteem needs

Learn, discover, or satisfy curiosity Work at something providing a sense accomplishment.

Self actualization needs

Self-Perception and Self-Concept

 

Activity and Exercise

 

Sleep and Rest

 

Coping and Stress Management

    

Pain Management (1400)

Explore patient’s knowledge and beliefs  about pain 

Explore with patient factors that  relieve/worsen pain 

Teach principles of pain management

  

J oint Mobility (0224) 

Initiate pain control measures before  beginning joint exercise 

Determine limitations of joint movement  and effect on function 

Provide written discharge instructions for  exercise 

 

Self-Esteem Enhancement (5400)

Encourage patient to accept new challenges

 

Monitor levels of self-esteem over time, as appropriate

 

Determine patient’s confidence in own judgment

   

Pain Control (1605)

 

Recognizes pain onset

 

Uses analgesics as recommended (ex. codeine,  naproxen, hydromorphone) 

Reports changes in pain symptoms to health  professional 

Adaptation To Physical Disability (1308)

 

Adjustment to changes in body  function 

Adjustment to body changes due to aging

 

Internal picture of self

Depression Level (1208)

 

Depressed mood Sadness Loneliness 

Depression Self-Control (1409)

 

Reports improved mood Follows treatment regimen Set realistic goals 

Conclusion Virginia Henderson believes in the nature of nursing, her purpose is to assist the client in gaining independence as rapidly as possible by her 14 components of nursing. As we discussed, we covered: 

We will discuss her nursing theory Prioritize client’s needs Integrate her theory with another theorist List of functional health patterns Prioritize NIC Prioritize NOC 



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