View Attempt

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View Attempt

View Attempt 1 of 1 Title:

Exam 1


September 28, 2009 4:00 PM


September 28, 2009 4:52 PM

Time spent:


Total score: 15/20 = 75%

Total score adjusted by 0.0

Maximum possible score: 20

1. Which type of intermolecular force ("interparticle force") is the most important in CCl4(l)?

Student Response

Correct Answer

1. London Dispersion 2. Dipole-dipole forces 3. Ion-dipole forces 4. Hydrogen bonds 5. Ionic bonds Score:


2. Which of the following substances would be expected to have the lowest vapor pressure?

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Correct Answer

1. methane 2. CF4 3. CCl4 4. CBr4 5. CI4 Score:


3. How much energy in J is needed to convert 13 g of solid ethanol at -150 o C to liquid at -109o C. You might need to know that: mp = -114 o C and bp = 78o C The heat of fusion is 4.6 kJ/mol and the heat of vaporization is 46.0 kJ/mol. Finally, the specific heats of the solid, liquid and gas are, respectively 2.1, 3.2 and 1.8 J/g o C.

1 of 7

11-Oct-09 2:19 AM

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Correct Answer

1. 2490 2. 1190 3. 61000 4. 14190 5. 2915 Score:


4. Which of the following is not indicative of the existence of weak intermolecular forces of attraction in a liquid?

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Correct Answer

a. a very low boiling point b. a very low vapor pressure c. a very low viscosity d. a very low heat of vaporization e. a very low freezing point Score:


5. Which of the following statements is true?

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Correct Answer

a. Ideal colligative properties do not depend on the nature of the solute particles in a given solution. b. The addition of a non-volatile solute to a solvent increases the vapor pressure of the resulting solution. c. The osmotic pressure of a solution is directly proportional to the mole fraction of the solvent. d. Molarity is independent of temperature e. The freezing point depression constant is dependent on the solute present in a solution Score:



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What is the strongest form of intermolecular force between solute and solvent in a solution of C4H10(g) in C6H14(l)?

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Correct Answer

1. ion-dipole 2. dipole-dipole 3. hydrogen bonding 4. dipole-induced dipole 5. dispersion Score:


7. Which of the following is more soluble in ethanol, CaCO3(s) or NaCl(s). Don't try to type the subscripts, just use letters and numbers.

Student Response

Equals NaCl(s) (100%) Equals NaCl (100%) Equals sodium chloride (100%)

1. NaCl


Correct Answer


8. Calculate the molality of an aqueous solution that is 20.1% by mass calcium chloride. You might need to know that the density is 1.20 g/mL.

Student Response

Correct Answer

a. 2.26 b. 2.17 c. 3.33 d. 1.81 e. 2.63 Score:


9. How many moles of solute particles are present in 5.08 mL of 0.834 M Na2SO4? Use scientific notation with 3 significant figures!!!!

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4 of 7

Answer Score:

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Correct Answer


1.27E-2 (1.27 × 10-2)


10. Which of the following aqueous solutions will have the lowest vapor pressure?

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Correct Answer

a. 0.100 m K3PO4 b. 0.100 m CaCl2 c. 0.100 m NaCl d. 0.100 m glucose (C6H12O6) e. All have the same molality so all will have the same value. Score:


11. Calculate the osmotic pressure at 16.7 degrees C of a 0.023 M solution of glucose.

Answer Score:

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Correct Answer




12. 1.18 grams of an unknown non-electrolytic solute were dissolved in 50.0 g of water (Kfp = 1.86 K/m). If the freezing point of the solution was -0.360 o C, determine the molar mass of the unknown solute.

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Correct Answer

a. 122 g/mol b. 4.57 g/mol c. 0.12 g/mol d. 88 g/mol e. 219 g/mol Score:


11-Oct-09 2:19 AM

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13. H2Z is a nonvolatile, water-soluble substance. When 6.15 x 10-3 mol of H2Z is dissolved in 50.0 g of water (Kfp = 1.86 o C/m), the freezing point of the resulting solution is –0.69 o C. Choose the equation that best describes the dissolution of H2Z. I. H2Z(s) => H2Z(aq) II. H2Z(s) => H+(aq) + HZ-(aq) III. H2Z(s) => 2H+(aq) + Z2-(aq)

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Correct Answer

a. I only b. II only c. III only d. Equal combination of I and II e. Equal combination of II and III Score:


14. For the reaction, 2 A(g) + 2 B(g) => C(g) + 3 D(g), the following data were obtained at constant temperature. Experiment

Initial [A], mol/L

Initial [B], mol/L

Initial Rate, M/min




2.0 x 10-5




2.0 x 10-5




4.0 x 10-5




4.0 x 10-5

Calculate the value of k to 3 significant figures.

Student Response 1. 1.82E-4


Correct Answer Equals 0.000182 (100%) Equals .000182 (100%) Equals 1.82E-4 (100%)


15. In a first order decomposition in which the rate constant is 0.0328 sec-1, how long will it take (in minutes) until 0.217 mol/L of the compound is left, if there was 0.881 mol/L at the start? (give answer to 3 sig figs using E notation)?

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6 of 7

Answer Score:

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Correct Answer




16. The rate law for the reaction 2A => 4B is rate = k[A] with a rate constant of 4.45 sec-1 What is the half-life of the reaction?

Student Response

Correct Answer

1. 2.23 2. 6.42 3. 0.156 4. 0.449 5. Cannot answer without knowing the initial concentration. Score:


17. The rate law of a particular reaction is found to be, rate = k[A]2[B]. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

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Correct Answer

a. The reaction is third order overall. b. The units of k could be (L2/mol2 sec) c. Tripling the concentration of A will result in a nine-fold increase in the rate d. The actual value of k will depend on the temperature e. The actual value of k will depend on the concentrations of A and B. Score:


18. Consider the reaction with the rate law, Rate = k[BrO3-][Br-][H+]2 By what factor does the rate change if the concentration of BrO3- is quadrupled and that of Br- is is decreased by a factor of 2? Just put in the number as a whole number or fraction.

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Correct Answer

11-Oct-09 2:19 AM

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7 of 7

Equals 2 (100%) Equals 2/1 (100%)

1. 2



19. What is the overall reaction order for a reaction with the following rate law? Rate = k[Cl2][H+]2[CO]2

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Correct Answer

1. First 2. Second 3. Third 4. Fourth 5. Fifth Score:


20. Consider the equation, 4 NH3 + 5 O2 => 4 NO + 6 H2O. If the water is being produced at a rate of 0.30 M/s, how quickly is the concentration of ammonia decreasing?

Student Response

Correct Answer

a. 0.45 M/s b. 0.20 M/s c. 0.30 M/S d. -0.20 M/s e. -0.45 M/s Score:



11-Oct-09 2:19 AM

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