Vietnam National University, Hanoi College Of Economy

  • July 2020
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Vietnam National University, Hanoi College of Economy


Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút; (15 câu trắc nghiệm) Mã đề thi 061

Name:.......................................................................... Troy ID:............................................................................... Câu 1: A hydrogen atom is in its ground state when its orbital electron: A. is ionized. B. is stationary. C. is within the nucleus D. in its lowest energy level. Câu 2: A person in a dark room looking through a window can clearly see a person outside in a day light, whereas the person outside cannot see the person inside because: A. the person inside stays still, the person outside is moving. B. iris of the eyes of the person inside opens widely to get enough light from inside and therefore the eyes get enough light from outside. C. the distance between two persons is close. D. iris of the eyes of the person outside opens widely to get enough light from outside and therefore the eyes get enough light from inside.

Câu 3: Doppler effect is the effect in which A. the frequency of the wave increases when the source moves away from the observer. B. the frequency of the wave increases when the source moves toward the observer. C. the velocity of the wave increases when the source moves away from the observer. D. the velocity of the wave increases when the source moves toward the observer. Câu 4: If we take a piece of metal at room temperature and begin to heat it continuously in a dark room, it will soon begin to glow visibly. What will be its first visible color? A. red. B. blue. C. green.

D. yellow.

Câu 5: An isotope of carbon, C is used to estimate the age of artifacts. The half-life of 14C is A. 3000 years. B. 90000 years. C. 9000 years. D. 5730 years. Câu 6: Suppose that a certain atom has four energy levels. Assuming that all transitions between levels are 14

possible, how many spectral lines will this atom exhibit? A. four spectral lines. B. five spectral lines. C. six spectral lines.

D. cannot determine.

Câu 7: The wavelength of a wave is A. the distance between a crest of the wave and an adjacent trough. B. dependent on the amplitude of the wave. C. the same as the period of the wave. D. the distance between two successive crests or two successive troughs. Câu 8: Arrange electromagnetic wave in the order of increasing wavelength: A. infrared, ultraviolet, visible, gamma, radio. B. radio, gamma, infrared, ultraviolet, visible. C. radio, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, gamma. D. gamma, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, radio. Câu 9: When sun light travels through the atmosphere of the earth, sunlight is scattered by tiny molecules of oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere. It means that the molecules adsorb the sunlight and reemit the light in all directions. Arrange the order of colors which is scattered from the best to the worst. A. Blue, green, red. B. Blue, red, green. C. Red, green, blue. D. Green, red, blue.

Câu 10: In what way is the emission of gamma radiation from a nucleus similar to the emission of light from an atom? A. energy transition of nucleons in the nucleus and electrons in the atom. B. the mass is changed. C. protons and electrons are electric charges. D. energy of the emitted electromagnetic wave is the same.

Câu 11: What is the complementary color of red? Trang 1/2 - Mã đề thi 061

A. Magenta. B. Cyan. C. Blue. D. Green. Câu 12: When light passes from glass into air A. its frequency increases. B. its frequency decreases. C. its velocity decreases. D. its velocity increases. Câu 13: Human ear can hear sound with frequency ranging from A. 0 Hz – 20 kHz. B. 20 Hz – 200 kHz. C. 0 Hz – 200 kHz. D. 20 Hz – 16 kHz. Câu 14: An electroscope is a simple little gadget which played an important role in early investigations of electricity. It is still a useful device. It consists of a metal rode connected to two very thin metal leaves. When the electroscope is uncharged, the leaves hang straight down. If a charged object is touched to the metal ball on the top of the electroscope the leaves suddenly spring apart and stay that way. Why does it happen? A. Charge is placed on the leaves and attracted to opposite induced charge on the glass bottle. B. Electrons flow from the leaves onto the charged object which has touched the electroscope. This makes the leaves lighter and thus they rise up. C. A net charge is placed on the leaves and spreads out over them. Since like charges repel, the leaves are pushed apart. D. The leaves fly apart because electric charge is always conserved.

Câu 15: Which type of radiation produces the greatest change in mass number? The least change in mass number? A. beta - alpha.

B. alpha - gamma.

C. alpha - beta.

D. gamma - beta.


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