Video Games

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,033
  • Pages: 7

Materia: English

Adrian Mtz. Tron Matrícula: 685945


Introduction Today, technology has advanced greatly, and one of the main activities that human beings prefer fun. Who would not want all the time doing things you enjoy? Clear that all people prefer to entertain with something that makes them laugh a bit, to keep them occupied without getting bored and to be able to live with others in the same activity. The human being, using its own technology, has created a myriad of mechanisms to develop the famous games.

In the game there is a digital interface where the user can manipulate at will, within several constraints, the properties of that interface, so that was entertaining and even fun. There are a number of games in the world, developed by many companies who have won millions and millions of dollars in sales. There are games from the classic tetris and pacman, and even the very elaborate as FIFA 2009, one of the top selling games in recent years in its various versions. Millions of children around the world every year are happy to see them buy the game at the moment, the most fun, most difficult, where all his friends want. What people see is just the fun of the child or young person, and are in some form at the right thing because they promote their happiness, however, not everything is happy to provide the purchase of video games also brings in many cases, consequences, some not so good, others are very important and not to other charities. Not everything is fun and happiness in the game, many do not meet the characteristics that must be taken to a video game is a good person, others have been so good that they are highly recommended, but I'm not very encouraged and are little used . All these technological inventions, certainly not designed to generate bad habits in young people, but a good time of fun, unfortunately, have caused a great impact on the daily lives of children, youth and adults. What are video games? A game is a computer program, usually created for entertainment and fun in which a person controls or systems by interacting with a machine that is running the same game. In the video game in most cases, it can support more than two players at the same time, interacting with the same machine within the same pattern of regulation established. The videogame industry has become one of the largest worldwide since 1970, but his start was several decades before. The history of video games began around 1947 when the idea of a video game was created by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann, who registered a patent application for January 25, 1947, and was granted in December 14, 1948. You have to be a 1952 video game for the first "real" of history was created. OXO, it was called, was actually a computer game graphics version of the famous "Three in-line" written for the EDSAC computer (the first electronic calculator in history). OXO could make their decisions based on the movements of the player, transmitting orders through controls. Without widespread, many of the games are considered very good, however, has

consequences, some not very charitable, other long-term can be very bad to such an extent that in recent years have prohibited the sale of individual games not meet expectations for healthy players.

The influence of video games The influence of video games on children and young people has been divided into four areas: - Biological - Psychological - Social - Health Risks Biological Under the influence of youth in the biological aspect caused by video games, are the consequences of excessive use of them. Man is an intelligent being compared to the other beings on the planet, and that intelligence is mainly due to the power of reasoning. The reasoning is one of the characteristics and skills most important in humans, to such an extent that all the things that today can be developed emerged from the outset thanks to the reasoning of the objects and situations. In many of the games created, it has been found to help the player's brain power, stimulating the same reasoning ability. This means that many games developed in compliance with the characteristic that when interacting with them, you are involved in many situations where you need to take right decisions to meet the goal of it. The person to be forced to find quick solutions, to help stimulate the brain to generate options and quick solutions in a short time to choose the best answer and the best solution to the problem presented at the interface of the game. Unfortunately, not all games that feature meets the capacity to stimulate the player's brain to solve problems correctly and in a short time. Studies conducted recently show that the majority of games do not help at all to generate an extra argument in the player, solving the same problems as in it. This is mainly because most of the game interface and present environments that are outside of reality, and where the player learns to solve problems in it, but outside the game, the situation would not be present and therefore acquired both the ability to solve problems can not be applied outside the game, on the contrary, it is only easier to play more and more. For example, a child is very entertaining with his new soccer game, the child learns

a few days after control of the game to move at more and faster, their motor ability is increasing because the same body is used to react to situations as presented in the game. One day the child is presented with an unusual product in its level in the game is increasing, and the child is a problem, do not know how to solve it. But as with his experience in the game and knowing all their limitations, the child solves the problem using a trick with the controls of the same game. The child is returned to the same situation but not in the game, in real life, but the child now does not know how to resolve it where it was presented earlier in the game and ruled by the same constraints and same interface. Mental abilities and new skills that a player could develop into a video game are developed under a fictitious interface, outside of reality, therefore, can be difficult to re-submit the same situation with the same features and power resolve the same. The player who developed a special ability to solve problems within a game, most often not applicable in real life because it was developed in this interface, however, this capacity can apply it in the same or other games . Psychological Aspect Videogames mainly psychological. The player tends to go to the interface and the situations in the game and has to mimic the characters or the actors manipulating the same game. The player, who tends to emulate the game, also mimics its environment, its characteristics, for example, a player who will buy a skateboarding game, after some time playing it the player begins to take a taste for skateboarding and want to buy a real skateboard. "An experiment conducted by American psychologists, whose results will be published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, shows that users of violent videogames have a reduced brain response to images of violence in real life." This means that a player who is constantly interacting in a game where a situation or a specific environment, does not react to a situation in real life with the same environment because they're used to it. For example, a couple has several months to play his new game of fighting, the game showed high levels of violence and their parents have never been realized in that game golear show different forms of the opponents and the player starts to get used to such a violent environment, it begins to enter the game and emulate their "idols" in the same game, so it would not be surprising that the couple begins to take violent behavior with their friends, colleagues, and even with people outside his family, because such violence and makes it normal to be so used to that environment.

Many recent studies show that most video games have a high violent content, resulting in players who tend to become more violent while playing and still playing the same game. Social Aspect In the social aspect, the game generated a lot of changes in many people, others less so, and even tend to improve social conditions and personal. Several studies in many gamers have shown that the longer it applies to video games, have more problems to deal socially with others. This is because the player is specifically in a closed virtual world generated by the game and that starts to get less attention to social relationships, with friends, family, school, etc. For example, a person who previously had a normal social life, begins to give more time to video games, it begins to feel fun with video games, the unit to them, that makes you want to stay in their house to play, dating friends to any reunion. Gradually, the social relationship with others is eroded to the extent that the person who is constantly using videogames does not have a social life. But also, many studies have found that social relationships are very good among gamers. Studies and surveys the harbor. The vast majority of respondents (83%) felt that this relationship has not changed with the game while 13% believe that the best and only 3% had worsened. And 41% of respondents claim to have made friends through games.

This proves that the social aspect, video games tend to be favorable in some cases, but there are exceptions. Just as there are instances where gamers prefer to play with friends and meet new ones through the games, there are others who prefer to play a social life with other people. This could be explained as the gamers who prefer to have a social life with people who are in the same situation in video games and they tend not to engage in other activities. Appearance Health Risk Health problems are very common and very likely among gamers. Being continuously playing in front of the TV leads to major health problems in sight.

Studies surveys leading players doing the business of video games from one to five years, 82% had health problems at the hearing at any time, whether problems of myopia, eyestrain, astigmatism, hyperopia, etc.. Apart from health problems at the hearing, the abuse of video games causes physical inactivity to be much time to play and little time for physical activity and exercise. In the long run, physical inactivity leads to obesity in the case of children and youth and over time, causing risk and cases of joint disorders, respiratory, diabetes, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.

Conclusion In conclusion, video games have biological influences that cause disruption of gamers on their mental abilities to solve problems. Psychologically, the players have to engage in video games, the environments of the same, and we have no doubt that gamers take an aggressive because many of the games currently contain high levels of violence. Socially, the consequences of the players have to vary in many cases the players improve their social relationships with friends that use the same game, as well as many players have a low in their social life because they prefer to give more time to game together with others. There is something that could be common between the two cases, gamers have to relate better with people who have the same tastes them before the game. Videogames too many risks of health problems, either at the hearing, cardiovascular disease and obesity. The best way to prevent all these problems is to limit the playing time, avoid using gaming consoles such as "nannies" to entertain children, and above all create a culture of sport; social interaction and fun are not necessarily dependent on technology and video games.

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