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The perfect negotiation scene in The Godfather By Ameya Pandit

Executive Summary In seven minutes, the opening scene of the movie establishes the meaning of the title "The Godfather”, his modus operandi, his values, his style of running the organization, his business model, his network model and most importantly, his style of negotiation. The Godfather’s network model is built around on providing protection to the newly arriving immigrants from Italy - these are people who the police and the courts don't usually protect. His business model involves an eye to eye approach, and he is simply not a mercenary. The Don works on a system of symbiotic relationships "Someday, and that day may never come, I will call on you to do something for me. Until that day, accept this justice as a gift on my daughter's wedding day." People go to him with a problem that law enforcement cannot or will not handle. He metes out his style of justice. If people knew that he was connected to the Don, "then they will fear you." Considering all these factors the godfather should be at the favoured situation to negotiate to deal with Bonasera, who thinks that he can bypass the Don and find succor in America's judicial system because he is afraid of being indebted to him. He learns the hard way what makes the Don so indispensable in his part of the world.

Context Setting It was the day when Don Corleone’s daughter was getting married and Bonasera had come to him to seek a favor. Bonasera had always avoided contact with Don and didn’t consider him part of his own family. To seek justice for the assault on his daughter by two “white men”, Bonasera took the help of American police. A plan which failed miserably and a time when Bonasera felt he needed help of the godfather.

Aims and motives Tito Corleone: The godfather knew that he had to have Bonasera feel guilty and indebted to his service. His best outcome was that Bonasera agrees and take a subordinate role. His style was to

The perfect negotiation scene in The Godfather By Ameya Pandit only play hard and project himself as uncooperative. There was also no BATNA to Corleone as he can easily say no. There was also no bottom line to him there was no other low acceptable term for him. Although he could have just said no to Bonasera but that would have been more damaging than beneficial. Bonasera: The key objective for him was to kill the men to deliver justice. He wasn’t looking to negotiate, which means that he wasn’t prepared. Although for him, negotiation would leave to have closer ties with the godfather. Bonasera’s bottom line was that there is some form of justice that is there for his daughter. He also didn’t have any BATNA and therefore was bound to reach an agreement.

Other party analysis Tito Corleone: The don knew everything about the state of Bonasera, so it was a clear power situation. Although Tito thought that Bonasera had distanced himself from the Italian family but Tito still though Bonasera was part of it. He also knew that Bonasera had no possible options apart from coming to Tito himself. Bonasera: Bonasera thought that Tito Corleone had hidden interest in the form of money and always thought Corleone wanted Bonasera to do a service for him. This was actually not true and goes to show that misperception could actually hamper your negotiation. Bonasera was also aware that Tito could always say no to him for providing justice.

Strategy and Tactics Tito Corleone: The godfather had a both competitive and cooperative nature for negotiations. His opening “that I cannot do” alludes to the lack of personal relationship between Bonasera and the godfather which meant that Bonasera was in much weaker position. Tito’s approach was simple. He kept himself distanced first and them makes his opponent feel more comfortable. Also, as much as

The perfect negotiation scene in The Godfather By Ameya Pandit Tito didn’t seem hurried, there was a time frame to the entire negotiation. This is something I am sure Tito would have kept in mind but probably didn’t want to convey to Bonasera. Bonasera: Bonasera style of negotiation, at least for this situation, seemed to be accommodating. He opened the negotiation by clearing stating what he wants by whispering it in Tito’s ear. Although Bonasera was all ears Corleone’s problems in fulfilling the deal, Bonasera anchored Corleone with his sad and sympathetic situations.

Communication Tito Corleone: Tito was very rhetoric with his communication, and it was mostly non-verbal. He sits in his chair, petting his cat, gets up when it gets serious. He also let Bonasera kiss his hands. Tito started of by only by accusation. Don is also very direct about his accusation “you come to ask for murder for money” but finally agrees. Although he does follow up with an additional condition. Bonasera: Bonasera was a bit more submissive and leans on the table saying, “I’ll give you want anything you want”. Stands all the time. Listens to Don Corleone keenly but repeats his demands. Hands on table and eye contact. The one thing noticeable that Bonasera did was swallow before saying “be more friend” before actually kissing Don’s hand.

Conclusion At the ends of the negotiation which started with the godfather in a more favored position. Bonasera reached his aim, which was more important to him than what godfather’s aim was from this deal. Corleone had to give in but reached his hidden agenda. Corleone should be given extra credit for this as he had less time to prepare for this meeting as compared to Bonasera. Corleone, with his big entourage, was also able to intimate Bonasera. This may not have been planned but nevertheless goes to show the powers silent partners in negotiations. A cheer squad that makes you super confident in the negotiations and doesn’t allow yourself to fall in the trap.

The perfect negotiation scene in The Godfather By Ameya Pandit In conclusion, both the parties use positional bargaining in the way that they first lock themselves to their positions

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