Vibrational Pattern Of The Source

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by Dinesh CHAUHAN VIBRATIONAL PATTERN OF THE SOURCE In order to search for the exact vibrational pattern of a substance from the universe, we need to know the specific, individualizing and qualifying vibrational pattern and forms of each substance. This peculiar pattern will be first seen in the subclass (subkingdom) and then the most accurate individual pattern will be seen in the pattern of that substance itself i.e. the source. The striking, singular, uncommon, peculiar and characteristic pattern of a specific substance will differentiate one vibrational pattern from another. Let's take for instance the Family Felidae. This family consists of all types of cats including the cheetah, lion, leopard, black panther, tiger, jaguar and domestic cat. Each one of them has a unique pattern of vibration that distinguishes it from another, such as the way it captures and kills its prey. Lion: The lion’s most frequently used killing method is suffocation. The lion kills its prey by biting the back of the animal’s neck with sharp canine teeth or by holding the prey's throat in its jaws until the animal suffocates. Cheetah: It is one of the most accomplished hunters within the wildcat species. It is the fastest animal on land achieving high speeds in short durations. During the chase it quickly accelerates to over 50 miles per hour, easily overtakes its prey in a surprise rush and strikes with the paws to make it fall. Black Panther: This cat patiently waits for its prey night after night. It hunts by stalking and then pouncing on the animal in a surprise attack when the victim passes close by enough. It is not a chaser but excels in jumping and climbing trees. Its eyesight, particularly its night vision, is very sharp. Tiger: This cat uses camouflage such as trees, tall grass, or other vegetation to hide in while it stalks its prey. In a typical hunt, a tiger slowly and silently stalks its target until it is about 30 feet (10 m) away, then it pounces and finally kills by sinking its teeth into the victim’s throat or neck. 1

Jaguar: This cat is a good swimmer. It kills its prey by piercing the skull with its canines. Thus if we understand the deepest, most peculiar and most individualizing vibrational patterns of each substance, then our search for the altered vibrational pattern of the human being becomes completely clear. Each homoeopathic remedy, whether from an animal, plant, mineral or other source has a peculiar vibrational pattern. This deepest individualizing vibrational pattern of the homoeopathic remedy matches with the deepest individualizing vibrational pattern of the substances existing in the universe. In order to understand the human core in disease, we need to know one more component i.e. the source from where the altered vibrational pattern arises. Hence after being acquainted with the ‘source’ we can modify our equation to:

Human Core = {Source + Energy Pattern + Sensation + Perception + Feeling + Reaction (Active/Passive/Compensation) + Coping up + P.G. + P. P.} IN DEPTH STUDY OF VARIOUS FORMS AND PATTERNS OF ENERGY It is essential to realize that any person will experience the world within and outside him according to the form of energy with which he is in touch. In order to understand the altered vibrational pattern of a human being, we need to recognize this form. His reality within and outside depends on this form of energy. For instance, if a person is wearing black or red glasses then the outside world will appear black or red accordingly. Hence when a person experiences the world within and outside him through the eyes of his feelings or perceptions, his reality will be in that fashion. 8 The following are the forms and patterns of energy from higher to lower forms. i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii)

The Highest Level - Nothingness A Formless Pattern - Vibrational Pattern (Energy Pattern) A Form Common to the Whole Being - Vital Sensation A Form pertaining to Mind - Perception A Form pertaining to Mind - Emotion A Form pertaining to a Local Part - Fact A Form pertaining to a Local Part - Name


____________________________________ 8. Dr. Sankaran introduced the classification of these forms of energy known as ‘Levels of Experience’. According to this concept, every human has seven possible ways of experiencing the same truth. This concept holds true not only for Homoeopathy but also for life itself. Not only it indicates the level at which the patient experiences symptoms, but also the various levels of all human experience. Therefore the levels are universally applicable.

1. The Highest Level: Nothingness 2. A Formless Pattern: Vibrational Pattern 3. A Form Common to Whole Being: Sensation 4. A Form pertaining to Mind: Perception 5. A Form pertaining to Mind: Emotion 6. A Form pertaining to Local Part: Fact 7. A Form pertaining to Local Part: Name

(Various Forms of Energy in a human being) (Figure 11)

The Highest Level – Nothingness This is a level that is devoid of any vibrational pattern. It is a level from where the vibrational pattern of each substance arises. It is a level of nothing yet everything is 3

there. It is also the paper on which the entire story is written. It is the highest rung on the ladder but it is also the woodcut of which the entire ladder is made. It is both the goal and the ground of the entire sequence. Every ‘thing’ exists only in relation to the whole, and is nothing in itself. The same concept is cited in Physics and even in mysticism.

(Nothingness) (Figure 12)

A Formless Pattern – Vibrational Pattern (Energy Pattern) From nothingness arises the definite pattern of each being, what we call a vibrational pattern.

A Kind of Vibrational Pattern (Figure 13) All things existing in this universe (living and non-living) have their own unique vibrational pattern. This pattern, devoid of any form, yet gives rise to all other forms. It is something that is beyond words and language. One can describe the feelings or thoughts in the form of words but the energy cannot be described just merely with the help of words. It is something that can only be experienced. It is experienced in the form of some vibrations/movements within the body. And it is expressed through hand gestures, movements, facial expressions, speech, tone, laughter, dance, drawing, music, the signature of a person, etc. The characteristics that represent the energy pattern include direction, speed, shape, color, and sound. ENERGY PATTERN

Internally Experienced

Externally Expressed


Vibrations/movements within the body

Hand Gestures, Facial expressions/Laughter, Dance/Music/Drawing, Speed of speech, Signature, etc. Energy/Vibrational Pattern (Figure 14)

Let’s take for instance hand gestures. Gestures open a window to mind, body and beyond mind and body. Taking the gestures into account, we see (energy) patterns not revealed by speech (words) alone. Rather we see more comprehensively how meanings are constructed through them. Many a time we have observed that while a person is expressing something, he very often moves his hands. It is often seen that even before the mind can find a word to express something, the body conveys it through some hand gesture. For example, one patient, upon being asked how his illness feels to him, answered that it is really a ‘terrible’ feeling. Even before he spoke the word ‘terrible’, there was a gesture (where he tightly semi-flexed his fingers and then brought both hands close to each other).

Expression of Energy Pattern in the Form of Hand Gesture (Figure 15) Further in the case, as other subconscious areas were explored, the very same hand gesture came up with the innermost sensation of being compressed, bombarded and exploded. Another time a lady suffering from chronic backache described her emotional upset: “it is a very miserable feeling…” While using these words, she made a hand gesture where both her hands (fists) were pulled apart from each other. On exploring the other areas in the case, and even at last the chief complaint, she came up with a sensation of everything getting ‘torn apart’. This was the sensation present throughout the case in the form of the same repeated hand gesture.


Here it is important to realize that spoken words are not that significant. The movements and the pattern that lie beyond the words need to be understood thoroughly.

A Form Common to the Whole Being – The Vital Sensation The vital sensation is the most individualistic, holistic and most vital component, in understanding any human being. Vital sensation being expressed as the first form of energy becomes the base for the exploration of the entire world of the human being. It is an internal aura, which comes up in all situations and is a kind of bodily awareness, profoundly influencing our lives. It exists, at every moment, in every part, every atom of the body. It cannot be expressed in the form of words or thoughts or other separate units but comes as a single bodily unit. Understanding the sensation means being home, being there, and being present in our body. By understanding the sensation we can understand our feelings, perceptions, fears and associated reactions.

A Bit More about a Form Common to the Whole Being An experience of the Delusion at the level common to the Mind and the Body. The crux of all delusions and feelings. The bodily perception of all human emotions and delusions. A delusion common to mind - body level. A delusion common to local, general and vital levels. A common pattern and process behind all the delusions, emotions, and actions. It can be said that the false perception of reality at the mind level is delusion and the false perception of reality at the body level is the vital sensation. The delusion that one is a bird flying in the air is a visual perception/image. In this case, a bodily experience of lightness and flying is the sensation. It is actually a bodily awareness of the situations and perceptions, which is usually associated with energy patterns.

Sensation-A whole process It is important to realize that the vital sensation is not merely a word but a whole process. It is the whole process of something which is happening beyond all systems, beyond all thoughts, perceptions and feelings. It has a definite pattern9. It is a live phenomenon happening at that moment of time. It is not just a past experience. It is a complete package of something experienced beyond the mind and body with a definite pattern. It is not just a word per se like ‘twist’ or ‘stuck’ or ‘tied’ or ‘compressed’, rather it is the way in which that ‘twist’ or ‘stuck’ is happening that is important. It is essential to know the step-by-step process of that ‘twist’ or ‘stuck’. Let us understand this with a case example.


A 24 year-old male patient came to me with acute recurrent pancreatitis. He described the pain as twisting, cramping, poking from inside and stretching apart. As I asked him to describe the whole process of this pain in detail, he expressed the exact process stepby-step of what was happening inside his stomach with clear gestures. He said, ‘it is like someone holding my stomach tightly, then pulling it apart, stretching it, pulling it to its maximum and then twisting it.’ As the case moved further along, he described the same sensation of pulling, stretching and twisting in other areas (Readers are requested to refer to the first case documented in part II of this book). ______________________________ 9. Further explanation about the Vital Sensation will be given in the forthcoming book, ‘The Journey of Case Witnessing Process’.

(Figure 16) Hence the way it is happening, – the whole process of the pulling, stretching and twisting, is far more significant than mere words.

Difference between Vital Sensation and Feeling A question may come up as to how to differentiate between feelings (emotions) and vital sensation. Emotions are sharp and clearly felt and often come with a handy label by which one can describe them like ‘angry’, ‘fearful’, ‘forsaken’, ‘happy’, ‘sad’, etc. One can clearly define emotions but not the sensation. The sensation is more abstract and beyond logic. Besides this, different situations can produce different emotions while different situations will produce the same single sensation all the time.

Difference between Vital Sensation and Physical Sensation Often it is difficult to distinguish a bodily sensation from a vital sensation and it is important to understand the difference between them. A vital sensation is the body’s physical sense of awareness of a problem, fear, delusion, or incident that has had a deep impact. Pure bodily sensations are those which are only related to bodily functions and disease conditions for example burning in the feet because of diabetes or a vitamin deficiency. Hence while exploring the case, we need to differentiate between pure bodily sensations and the vital sensation. For example, a sensation of heat in the chest caused by sun exposure is purely a bodily sensation. On the other hand, a heat sensation in the chest associated with embarrassment can be a vital sensation. Similarly burning after a slap is a physical sensation, whereas the same sensation experienced after an emotional upset can be a vital sensation.


A form pertaining to the mind- Perception A false perception of reality is a delusion. Our perception of facts, situations, feelings or fears is in the form of a quite individual image, pattern or picture. One who is in touch with his perception usually describes it in metaphors: ‘it is like…’ or ‘it is as if…’. Delusions are expressed in mythology, fairytales, literature, art, movies, novels and all other forms of creative human activity. They are examples of altered perception. This altered perception is what we need to understand in the patient. For example a young woman with a patch of eczema feels depressed (emotion) because of the behavior of her alcoholic husband (a situation). This depression and situation make her feel as if she is trapped in a cage. This is a picture/image about her situation.

(Delusion: A False Perception) (Figure 17)

A form pertaining to the Mind- Emotion This is the next form of energy pertaining to the mind. Common emotions are fear, anxiety, tension, anger, irritation, sadness, grief, failure, depression, joy, happiness, and tearfulness. One who is mainly in touch with his emotions can only relate to his inner and outer world through his emotions.

(Emotions) (Figure 18)


A form pertaining to the Local Part-Fact The next form of energy pertains to the local part. Here, the patient is mainly in touch with the facts about a local affection. He mainly talks about what is happening to him in regards to that part. He can only give mere information about his illness. There are no general sensations, thoughts, or feelings associated with it. He might say, “There is a tumor,” or “There is an inflammation,” or “There was a death of a family member,” but nothing else beyond that. However, he can further qualify with the cause of his illness, or with the location, sensation and the modality related to the part.

A form pertaining to the Local Part-Name This is again a form that pertains to the local part but here the patient is mainly in touch with the name of the illness/local affection. Even if he is describing a situation, or anything happening to him, he will just talk about the mere fact about it. He just talks about the name of his illness/situation. There are no sensations, thoughts or feelings about it. He is just in touch with the identification of his local affection. For example he might say, “I have a prostate problem,” or “I get migraines,” or “I have depression,” i.e. just the diagnosis, nothing beyond that.

THE JOURNEY FROM FORM TO FORMLESSNESS The ultimate reality in science is the pattern of energy. This gave me the idea of the movement of energy in a human being. To begin with energy is universal, unlimited and not related to any particular being (No-self). This universal energy is transferred to the individual being (Self). Disease is manifested when there is alteration of this energy of a being. Now this altered energy pattern also resonates with the energy pattern of some substance (some other self) in the universe. This gave me the idea that in the disease process the movement of the energy is from no self (universal energy pattern), to self (individual energy pattern), to some other self (substance energy pattern). Hence in the process of cure the movement should be in reverse i.e. from some other self to self to no self. In the disease process: No Self


In the process of cure: Some Other Self

No Self

Some Other Self Self


No Self

Some Other Self

Journey from Formlessness to Form 9

Some Other Self


No Self

Journey from Form to Formlessness (Figure 19) Disease is nothing but a shift from no self to self to some other self. It is a complete journey from formlessness (no self) to form (some other self). And cure is the journey from form to formlessness.


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