Vi Editor

  • November 2019
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Chapter8 The vi Editor

Introduction to vi υ

Modes of Operation :

ESC Input mode

Command mode Insert, Append, Replace …


Last Line mode Enter

The Work Buffer  During the editing session, vi make all changes in the buffer

Basic (Loading and Saving files) υ υ υ υ υ υ υ

vi [filename] - start vi ( edit filename) vi +[number, /string] - begin with start line, first matching string, relatively :e filename - edit filename :q - terminate vi without saving :q! - terminate vi, leave file unchanged :w - save edited file, stay in vi :r filename - read in text in filename

Command mode - Moving the Cursor υ υ υ υ υ υ υ υ υ

Input Mode υ υ υ υ υ υ υ υ υ

i - insert before the cursor a - append after the cursor o - insert the text on a new line after the current line r - replace the current one character, automatically return to command mode I - insert the text at start of line A - insert the text at end of line O - insert the text on a new line before the current line R - overwrite all character until press <ESC> <ESC> - return to command mode

l,h,j,k - move right, left, down, up w,b,e - move right one, left one, to end of word W,B,E - equivalent above except the space delimited word -,Enter - move start of upper line, start of next line ^,$ - move start of line, end of line +u,d,b,f - move screen one half-page up, one half page down, one page up, one page down in text H,M,L - move left end of top, middle line, bottom line G - move to last line nG - move to nth line

Command mode - Deleting text υ υ υ υ υ υ υ

x - delete the character under the cursor dw - delete to the of word dW - delete to end of space delimited word D - delete to end of line dd - delete the current line u - undo the last change made U - restore current line to previous state


Command mode - Changing text υ υ υ υ υ

cw - change to end of word cb - change to begin of word cW - change to end of space delimited word cB - change to begin of space delimited word cc - change the current line

Searching for a String υ

The Search Commands  /xxx - search forward for text string xxx  ?xxx - search backward for text string xxx  / - repeat search forwards  ? - repeat search backwards  n - repeat search in same direction  N - repeat search in opposite direction


Special Characters in Search Strings  ^ - the beginning-of-line indicator  $ - the end-of-line indicator  . - the any character indicator  \> - the end-of-word indicator  \< - the beginning-of-word indicator  [ ] - the character class definition

Substituting One String for Another υ υ

[address]s/search-string/replace-string[/g] address  number - line number  77,100 - line 77 through 100  1, . - the beginning of the work buffer through the current line  .,$ - the current line through the end of work buffer  1,$ - the entire work buffer  % - the entire work buffer  .,.+10 - the current line through the tenth following line

Miscellaneous Commands υ υ

 End line mode - :f υ υ

The Put, Delete and Yank Commands υ

The General Purpose Buffer  Store the text that you most recently changed, deleted and yanked.  Undo command uses the general purpose buffer when it restores text


y - yank command  yy, Y - yank the current line  nyy, nY - yank the n line from current line

υ υ

J - join command -g - status command (line number of current line, total number of line) . - period command (repeat the most recent command that made a change) ~ - tilde command (change between lowercase and uppercase)

Reading and Writing Files υ

Read Command


Write Command

 :[address]r [filename]  :[address]w[!] [filename] - overwrite mode  :[address]w>>filename - append mode  address - the same as substitution command

p - paste the text on a new line after the current line P - paste the text on a new line above the current line


Setting Parameters υ

Setting Parameters in a Startup File  Bourne and Korn shell - .profile EXINIT = ‘set param1 param2 …’ export EXINIT

 C shell - .login setenv EXINIT = ‘set param1 param2 …’

 .exrc set param1 param2 … υ

Parameters  :set all - show all parameter  number, nonumber - show line number, hide line number  wrapmargin=nn - break the line by inserting character at the closest blank delimited word boundary λ

Setting Parameters υ

Parameters (Cont.)  Shell[=pathname]  showmode, noshowmode - give a cue to let you know when vi is in Input Mode  flash, noflash - beep when give invalid command or press <ESC> in Command Mode  ignorecase, noignorecase - ignore case in search  magic, nomagic - special characters in search strings have no special meanings (except ^, $)  list, nolist - show -> ^I, end of line -> $  wrapscan, nowrapscan  autoindent, noautoindent  shiftwidth=nn

nn - the number of character from the right side of the screen

Units of Measure υ υ υ υ υ υ

Character Word - <space>, ,, numeral, punctuation marks Line - Sentence - period, exclamation point, question mark, followed by two <space> or a Paragraph - blank line Screen


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