Vethathiri - Science Of God

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 16
Cosmology – The Science of God


VETHATHIRI MAHARISHI Prof. Madhavan Bangalore Ph. 2553 1595


Cosmology – The Science of God Definition Science



Known. Predictable ( Orderly ) Based on Collective Experience / Experiments Accepted at present / Rejected with new discoveries Continuously Progressive to infinite Measurable, hence Mathematical :

Unknown / Unknowable ? Seems Unpredictable ( Chaos ) Based on individual’s intuition / imagination Accepted as the ultimate for all causes Infinite by itself. Immeasurable, hence Philosophical

Are they different ? Though both studies are made by one – the People. People are all the same; Is it not ? Not really, because physiologically they appear same but psychologically ( in consciousness ) they are different. Then, Are we not Science in appearance & God in consciousness ? Is it not true with the Universe also ? Prof. Madhavan Bangalore Ph. 2553 1595


Cosmology – The Science of God Masses & Forces Unlike matter, forces are not visible. ( like God is also not visible). But we see the effects of forces on matter. Science help us to measure ( understand ) these effects. To measure Force, we need matter ( mass ) and it must move. Of all known forces, there is one mighty force that keeps moving one mighty mass. The mighty mass is the Universe & the mighty force is the Gravity. Therefore the study of Universe & its origin, working, functions, effects etc. are of great interest to -Theologians who study the Almighty - God - Philosophers who study the process of Existence and - Scientists who study the rationale of nature. All their study is with a purpose – to understand things around us so that we can live better.The aim is one to be of service to self & society at large. Prof. Madhavan Bangalore Ph. 2553 1595


Cosmology – The Science of God Cosmology Cosmology, is about the study of Cosmos. Cosmos refer to the Universe & beyond. Cosmos – is the CAUSE for the MASS. Cause refer to the origin of the Universe and the mass refer to its Transformations as matter & living beings. Many ancient scriptures, saints, spiritual leaders, philosophers, scientists, Astronomers etc. have given us their findings / revelations about Universe & the forces behind it. Yet there seems to be some gaps to be filled in to understand its Totality of Oneness & continuity for the past, present & future. In this context, the concepts as given by Shri Thathuvagnani Vethathiri Maharishi throws new light in the dark areas of Universe & beyond. Following are a few highlights to spark your thoughts for a brighter knowledge. Prof. Madhavan Bangalore Ph. 2553 1595


Cosmology – The Science of God Science of Universe Science of Universe are the Observed facts. Scientists say that : - What we have seen in Universe is less than - What we have not seen is more than

10 % (Seen ) 90 % ( Unseen )

- What we see in cosmos is many years old & at this moment the reality could be entirely different. - Age of Universe is 15,000,000,000 years old. - Age of earth is 5,000,000,000 years old - Age of science is 800 years old - Universe is a mass. Mass is made up of atoms. - Mass in the atom is 0.000,000,000,001 % and the rest which is the space is 99.999,999,999,999 % -The visible wave length range is much smaller compared to the entire electro magnetic spectrum range. Prof. Madhavan Bangalore Ph. 2553 1595


Cosmology – The Science of God Science of Universe ( contd.) If this true, then Universe is more of Unseen Space. Therefore we have to really study the space which is the mighty behind the show of the Universe than the mass of the Universe which is a small dot dominating the entire Show. If one knows the behaviour of earth, then he knows the behaviour of cosmos. Because as per Newton “As is below so is above”. Likewise if one knows the mind of God, then the rest of the Science explanations are simple details . Because Einstein has said “I want to know the mind of God; rest are details”. Gravity is the force property of space that support the mass of Universe. Gravity, as per Newton is an - Effect between two masses. Gravity, as per Einstein is an - Effect of mass on space Gravity, as per Vethathiri is an - Effect of space on mass. .

Prof. Madhavan Bangalore Ph. 2553 1595


Cosmology – The Science of God Gravity – A Uniforce in Space Space

Mass The Link = Gravity

Space, as Potential ( has 4 properties ) = Absolute Space Space, as Kinetic is the Universe. = Energy Space. 4 Properties of Abs. Space : - Gravity Force ( Self compressive surrounding Pressure ) - Everlasting Energy source ( Conservation of Energy ) - Orderly Function ( Programmed Intelligence - Consciousness ) - Period ( Life cycle controller ) All these are latent properties, and hence they are passive. Within the Abs.Space, at some points the passive compressive force due to its intensification becomes active. They are a large group of tiny high speed whirling particles, pushing the abs. Space ( or other particles produced earlier in a similar way ) around and yet retaining the same at its centers. This particles are like a dough nut having in the center and around. Prof. Madhavan Bangalore Ph. 2553 1595



Cosmology – The Science of God Gravity – A Uniforce in Space The entire Universe is concerned with Mass. Universe Galaxy Star ( Sun ) Our Planet Mass Matter Molecules Atom SAP Quarks

= = = = = = = = = =

Vedhon Space

= =

Collection of Galaxies Collection of Stars ( Suns ) Collection of Planets like our Solar system Collection of Mass = Mass Collection of Matter + Living Beings Collection of Molecules Collection of Atoms Collection of Sub atomic particles (SAP) Collection of Quarks Collection of Vedhons also called as Formative Dust particles or Fundamental Energy Particles Whirling space Active Energy Space

Therefore Universe is Active Energy Space, the Cause for Mass. Prof. Madhavan Bangalore Ph. 2553 1595


Cosmology – The Science of God Gravity – A Uniforce in Space The play of Abs. Space with its gravity gives rise to the Energy Space Vedhons which transform into masses & other parts of Nature. Forces are the binding integral components of mass Force is perceptible when exist in pairs – as Active & Passive. This is similar to Particle & Anti Particle / Action & Reaction What we commonly perceive as Earth’s gravity is the Repulsive force caused by the Attractive force of Uniforce – Gravity. That’s why the Uniforce – Gravity is not perceptible.

Any mass however tiny it may be, is rotating ( spinning ) Such rotation is caused by an Couple effect. The couple is the result of two forces at a distance ( or in space )The source of this two forces is one Gravity - uniforce which is the self compressive surrounding pressure force in space. The net effect of this Active ( Repulsive ) & Passive ( Attractive ) is the Mass. Prof. Madhavan Bangalore Ph. 2553 1595


Cosmology – The Science of God Gravity – A Uniforce in Space Atom E.Gravity





Prof. Madhavan Bangalore Ph. 2553 1595

Electro Mag



Things Active Energy Space


Gravity Passive Absolute Space Dec’2002

Cosmology – The Science of God Universe and Beyond has only SPACE Non-Moving (Static) Space Also called Absolute Space or

Moving (Dynamic) Space Also called Fundamental Energy Particle or

Almighty or


Unified Force


or God Prof. Madhavan Bangalore Ph. 2553 1595


And Let us see its 10 steps. Dec’2002

Cosmology – The Science of God Non-Moving (Static) SPACE or ABSOLUTE SPACE


Being Static has only latent qualities

1. Plenum

= Poornam

= Omni Present

2. Force

= Energy

= Omni Potent

3. Consciousness

= Order of function = Life cycle

= Omniscient

4. Time Prof. Madhavan Bangalore Ph. 2553 1595

= Omni Period Dec’2002

Cosmology – The Science of God

Static State mean ‘State of Equilibrium’

When opposing forces are equal, it is said to be static + -

Action Force Reaction Force


Sigma F = 0


When opposing forces shift a bit in space, gives rise to a couple effect, pushing each other and thus become a Rotating (Moving) space called Energy Particle - Vedhon. F1 r F2

Prof. Madhavan Bangalore Ph. 2553 1595


Cosmology – The Science of God MOVING (Dynamic) SPACE


Energy Particle Vedhon



Rotate @ High Speed


- Self Rotative Force - Particle (Vedhon) - Transmitting spreading - Wave (Yogon) 3 Wave




Prof. Madhavan Bangalore Ph. 2553 1595


Spreading Wave


Cosmology – The Science of God Character

• •

Rub with adjacent Abs. Space through spreading wave Looses speed in time

Functions - Create Magnetism effect (opposites) - Particles comes closer forming Masses - Quantity transformation

Changes in Magnetism - Quality transformation (due to changes in speed & Particles)

At Integrative Speed

Prof. Madhavan Bangalore Ph. 2553 1595

- Formation of Living Organisms

Results - Universal 4 Magnetism - 5 Elements - Akash - Air - Heavy Air - Earth - Pressure 5 6 - Sound 7 - Light 8 - Taste 9 - Smell - Evolution of Living Beings - Mind 10 Dec’2002

Cosmology – The Science of God

Thanking you & Good Day !

Prof. Madhavan Bangalore Ph. 2553 1595


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