Very Large Scale Integration

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  • Pages: 10




ABSTRACT: Electronics as we know it today is characterized by reliability, low power dissipation ,extremely low weight and volume, and low cost, coupled with an ability to cope easily with a high degree of sophistication and complexity . Electronics , and in particular the integrated circuit ,has made possible the design of powerful and flexible processors which provide highly intelligent and adaptable devices for the user . Integrated circuit memories have provided the essential elements to complete this processors and together with a wide range of logic and analog integrated circuitry. The invention of transistor by William B Shockley ,Walter H. Brattian and John Bardeen of bell telephone laboratories was followed by the development of the integrated circuits. Over the past several years ,silicon CMOS technology has become the dominate fabrication process for relatively high performance and cost effective VLSI circuits. VLSI technology providing the user with a new and more complex range of ’off the shelf ’circuits, but VLSI design processes are such that system designer can readily design their own special circuits of considerable complexity . This provides a new degree of freedom for designer and it is probable that some very significant advances will result . Functions of IC • • • • • •

Less area/volume and therefore, compactness Less power consumption Less testing requirements at system level Higher reliability, mainly due to improved on-chip interconnects Higher speed, due to significantly reduced interconnection length Significant cost savings

HISTORY OF IC’S Integrated circuit (IC), electronic circuit built on a semiconductor substrate, usually one of single-crystal silicon. The circuit, often called a chip, is packaged in a hermetically sealed case or a non-hermetic plastic capsule, with leads extending from it for input, output, and power-supply connections, and for other connections that may be necessary when the device is put to use. Integrated circuits can be classified into two groups based on the type of transistor they contain. Bipolar integrated circuits contain bipolar junction transistors as their principle elements. Metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) integrated contain MOS transistors as their principle elements. Some integrated circuits contain both types of transistors. An integrated circuit (IC) is a thin chip consisting of at least two interconnected semiconductor devices mainly transistors, as well as passive components like resistors .The following are the IC depends on number of transistor

Integrated Circuit Evolution Approx. Date 1950s

Size gate level

Description A few transistors and other components combined to form an AND, OR or NOR gates

mid 1960s


4 or more gates; NAND, NOR, OR, AND, EXOR, NOT or INVERT

Early 1970s


up to 200 gates; registers, decoders, multiplexers, etc.

late 1970s


several hundred gates; ALU with scratch-pad registers, interrupt controllers, microprogram sequencers, ROMs, PROM



700 gates and up; CPUs, complex functions



up to 30,000 gates; multiple functions

Early 1990s


up to 100,000 gates and increasing with speeds at 1.4GHz and higher



The development of analog circuit arrays



Deep SubMicron (< 0.18µ) designs; 1 Million gate arrays; System on a Chip Intellectual Property - soft and hard IP building blocks

2000 and up

Deep SubMicron (0.13µ) designs; 4-10 Million gate arrays; Design more gates, faster designs; improved test methodology; faster Reuse (IP); synthesis High-speed the 1 GHz and faster CPUs

VLSI The final step in the development process, starting in the 1980s and continuing on, was "Very Large-Scale Integration" (VLSI), with hundreds of thousands of

transistors. For the first time it became possible to fabricate a CPU or even an entire microprocessor on a single integrated circuit. In 1986 the first one mega bit RAM chips were introduced, which contained more than one million transistors. Microprocessor chips produced in 1994 contained more than three million transistors.

VLSI Design Flow The design process, at various levels, is usually evolutionary in nature. It starts with a given set of requirements. Initial design is developed and tested against the requirements. When requirements are not met, the design has to be improved. If such improvement is either not possible or too costly, then the revision of requirements and its impact analysis must be considered. The Y-chart shown illustrates a design flow for most logic chips, using design activities on three different axes (domains) which resemble the letter Y.

Typical VLSI design flow in three domains (Y-chart representation). The Y-chart consists of three major domains, namely:  Behavioral domain,  Structural domain,  Geometrical layout domain. The design flow starts from the algorithm that describes the behavior of the target chip. The corresponding architecture of the processor is first defined. It is mapped onto the chip surface by floor planning. The next design evolution in the behavioral domain defines finite state machines (FSM’S) which are structurally implemented with functional modules such as registers and arithmetic logic units (ALU’S). These modules are then geometrically placed onto the chip surface using CAD tools for automatic module placement followed by routing, with a goal of minimizing the interconnects area

and signal delays. The third evolution starts with a behavioral module description. Individual modules are then implemented with leaf cells. At this stage the chip is described in terms of logic gates(leaf cell) , which can be placed and interconnected by using a cell placement & routing program. The last evolution involves a detailed Boolean description of leaf cells followed by a transistor level implementation of leaf cells and mask generation. In standard-cell based design, leaf cells are already pre-designed and stored in a library for logic design use.

Above Figure provides a more simplified view of the VLSI design flow, taking into account failure to properly verify a design in its early phases typically causes significant and expensive re-design at a later stage, which ultimately increases the time-to-market. Although the design process has been described in linear fashion for simplicity, in reality there are many iterations back and forth, especially between any two neighboring steps, and occasionally even remotely separated pairs. Although top-down design flow provides an excellent design process control, in reality, there is no truly unidirectional top-down design flow. Both top-down and bottom-up approaches have to be combined. For instance, if a chip designer defined an architecture without close estimation of the corresponding chip area, then it is very likely that the resulting chip layout exceeds the

area limit of the available technology. In such a case, in order to fit the architecture into the allowable chip area, some functions may have to be removed and the design process must be repeated. Such changes may require significant modification of the original requirements. Thus, it is very important to feed forward low-level information to higher levels (bottom up) as early as possible. In the following, we will examine design methodologies and structured approaches which have been developed over the years to deal with both complex hardware and software projects. Regardless of the actual size of the project, the basic principles of structured design will improve the prospects of success. Some of the classical techniques for reducing the complexity of IC design are: Hierarchy, regularity, modularity and locality.

Design Hierarchy The use of hierarchy, or “divide and conquer” technique involves dividing a module into sub- modules and then repeating this operation on the sub-modules until the complexity of the smaller parts becomes manageable. The design of a VLSI chip can be represented in three domains. Correspondingly, a hierarchy structure can be described in each domain separately. In the physical domain, partitioning a complex system into its various functional blocks will provide a valuable guidance for the actual realization of these blocks on chip. Obviously, the approximate shape and size (area) of each sub-module should be estimated in order to provide a useful floorplan. signals (in this case the carry signals) to be transferred from one sub-block to the other

Concepts of Regularity, Modularity and Locality The hierarchical design approach reduces the design complexity by dividing the large system into several sub-modules. Usually, other design concepts and design approaches are also needed to simplify the process. Regularity means that the hierarchical decomposition of a large system should result in not only simple, but also similar blocks, as much as possible. A good example of regularity is the design of array structures consisting of identical cells - such as a parallel multiplication array. Modularity in design means that the various functional blocks which make up the larger system must have well-defined functions and interfaces. Modularity allows that each block or module can be designed relatively independently from each other, since there is no ambiguity about the function and the signal interface of these blocks. All of the blocks can be combined with ease at the end of the design process, to form the large system. we effectively ensure that the internals of each module become unimportant to the exterior modules. Internal details remain at the local level. The concept of locality also ensures that connections are mostly between neighboring modules, avoiding longdistance connections as much as possible. This last point is extremely important for avoiding excessive interconnect delays. Time-critical operations should be performed locally, without the need to access distant modules or signals.

VLSI Design Styles Several design styles can be considered for chip implementation of specified algorithms or logic functions. Each design style has its own merits and shortcomings, and thus a proper choice has to be made by designers in order to provide the functionality at low cost.

Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Fully fabricated FPGA chips containing thousands of logic gates or even more, with programmable interconnects, are available to users for their custom hardware programming to realize desired functionality. This design style provides a means for fast prototyping and also for cost-effective chip design, especially for lowvolume applications. A typical field programmable gate array (FPGA) chip consists of I/O buffers, an array of configurable logic blocks (CLB’S), and programmable interconnect structures. The programming of the interconnects is implemented by programming of RAM cells whose output terminals are connected to the gates of MOS pass transistors. The largest advantage of FPGAbased design is the very short turn-around time, i.e., the time required from the start of the design process until a functional chip is available.

Gate Array Design In view of the fast prototyping capability, the gate array (GA) comes after the FPGA. While the design implementation of the FPGA chip is done with user programming, that of the gate array is done with metal mask design and processing. Gate array implementation requires a two-step manufacturing process: The first phase, which is based on generic (standard) masks, results in an array of uncommitted transistors on each GA chip .

Standard-Cells Based Design The standard-cells based design is one of the most prevalent full custom design styles which require development of a full custom mask set. The standard cell is also called the poly cell. In this design style, all of the commonly used logic cells are developed, characterized, and stored in a standard cell library. A typical library may contain a few hundred cells including inverters, NAND gates, NOR gates, complex AOI, OAI gates, D-latches, and flip-flops. Each gate type can have multiple implementations to provide adequate driving capability for different fan outs. For instance, the inverter gate can have standard size transistors, double size transistors, and quadruple size transistors so that the chip designer can choose the proper size to achieve high circuit speed and layout density.

Full Custom Design

Although the standard-cells based design is often called full custom design, in a strict sense, it is somewhat less than fully custom since the cells are pre-designed for general use and the same cells are utilized in many different chip designs. In a fuller custom design, the entire mask design is done anew without use of any library. However, the development cost of such a design style is becoming prohibitively high. Thus, the concept of design reuse is becoming popular in order to reduce design cycle time and development cost. The most rigorous full custom design can be the design of a memory cell, be it static or dynamic. Since the same layout design is replicated, there would not be any alternative to high density memory chip design.

APPLICATIONS: VLSI FOR TELE COMMUNICATIONS Telecommunication fundamentals Figure shows a switching network. Lines are the media links. Ovals are called network nodes. Media links simply carry data from one point to other. Nodes take the incoming data and route them to an output port.

Figure: Switching network If two different communication paths intersect through this network they have to share some resources. Two paths can share a media link or a network node.

Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) This simple method consists on multiplexing data in time. Each user transmits a period of time equal to 1/(number of possible channels) in full bandwidth W. This

sharing mode can be synchronous or asynchronous. These two techniques are used to connect users. Providing broadcast channels in TDMA can not be done easily. Frequency Division Multiple Access technique avoids this problem.

Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) This sharing method consists on giving to each channel a piece of available bandwidth. Each user transmits over a constant bandwidth equal to W/(number of possible channels). Filtering with a bandwidth equal to W’ = W/(number of possible channels) the whole W bandwidth spectrum selects one channel. TV and radio broadcasters use this media sharing technique Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Each user transmits using the full bandwidth. Demodulating the whole W band using a given identification code selects one channel out of the others. Next mobile phones standard (IS-95 or W-CDMA) uses this media sharing technique. These techniques can be merged together. For example, the Global System Mobile (GSM = Natel D) phone standard uses an FDMA-TDMA technique.

Node sharing technique Node sharing occurs when two communication channels use the same network node.Before answering this question, we have to define the specification of the switching function. Next section presents this concept.

Switching function A switch has N input ports and N output ports. Data come in the lines attached to the input ports. After identifying their destination, data are routed through the switch to the appropriate output port. After this stage, data can be sent to the communication line attach to the output port hardware this canonical switch.

General telecommunication network taxonomy Telecommunication Networks can be mainly classified into two groups based on the criteria of who has made the decision of which nodes are not going to receive the transmitted information. When the network takes the responsibility of this decision, we have a switching network. When this decision is left to the end-nodes, we have a broadcast network that can be divided in packet radio networks, satellite networks and local area networks.

SCOPE: Our next goal is to size up the present chip designs and integrate them in larger systems. Since the VLSI designs are fully scalable and parallel, sizing is limited mostly

by budget considerations and fabrication process yield. The projected computational bandwidth available from such scaled versions is enormous (10 GOPS and larger), while the energetic efficiency (operations per Joule) remains a factor 100-10,000 better than general-purpose computer platforms.

CONCLUSION Our progress on hardware implementations has demonstrated the advantages of neuromorphic VLSI hardware in efficient computation of highly complex functions in biological models of vision processing. Our developed systems emulate models of boundary contour extraction in visual cortex and beyond, encompassing layers of simple cells, complex cells, hypercomplex cells, and bipole cells, including wide-range interactions among the several layers. Both multi-chip modules and single-chip solutions have been demonstrated, interfacing with a digital computer to extend the computational platform.

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