Verizon 3q 2009 Earnings

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  • Words: 1,326
  • Pages: 14
3rd Quarter 2009 Earnings Conference Call

October 26, 2009

“Safe Harbor” Statement NOTE: This presentation contains statements about expected future events and financial results that are forward-looking and subject to risks and uncertainties. For those statements, we claim the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The following important factors could affect future results and could cause those results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements: the effects of adverse conditions in the U.S. and international economies; the effects of competition in our markets; materially adverse changes in labor matters, including workforce levels and labor negotiations, and any resulting financial and/or operational impact, in the markets served by us or by companies in which we have substantial investments; the effect of material changes in available technology; any disruption of our suppliers’ provisioning of critical products or services; significant increases in benefit plan costs or lower investment returns on plan assets; the impact of natural or man-made disasters or existing or future litigation and any resulting financial impact not covered by insurance; technology substitution; an adverse change in the ratings afforded our debt securities by nationally accredited ratings organizations or adverse conditions in the credit markets impacting the cost, including interest rates, and/or availability of financing; any changes in the regulatory environments in which we operate, including any loss of or inability to renew wireless licenses, and the final results of federal and state regulatory proceedings and judicial review of those results; the timing, scope and financial impact of our deployment of fiber-to-the-premises broadband technology; changes in our accounting assumptions that regulatory agencies, including the SEC, may require or that result from changes in the accounting rules or their application, which could result in an impact on earnings; our ability to complete acquisitions and dispositions; our ability to successfully integrate Alltel Corporation into Verizon Wireless’s business and achieve anticipated benefits of the acquisition; and the inability to implement our business strategies. Throughout this presentation, results shown are adjusted for special items. Results reflect the reclassifications of revenues, expenses and operating income in the Wireline segment following the completion, on March 31, 2008, of the spin-off of our local exchange and related business assets in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Reconciliations to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) for non-GAAP financial measures included in this presentation can be found on our website at 2


3Q ’09 Results Adjusted Earnings per Share $0.63



¾ Earnings per share 9 $1.86 YTD, down 3.6%

¾ Cash flow growth 9 16% increase in CFFO YTD 1Q '09

2Q '09

9 45% FCF growth YTD

3Q '09

Free Cash Flow YTD ($B)

¾ Disciplined capex

$10.7 $6.0

$7.4 46¢

Dividends Per 47.5¢ Share

9 1.0% decrease YTD 9 Capex/revenue 15.4% YTD,

down 130 bps*

43¢ 3Q '07

3Q '08

3Q '09

* Combined capex used in calculations

Strong cash flow growth & dividend increase 3


Revenue Pro Forma Revenue ($B) $27.1



3Q '08*



2Q '09

3Q '09

Total Revenue YTD ($B) $72.5

3Q '08

¾ 3Q’09 growth areas



YoY % Growth*

9 9 9 9 9

Wireless service* Wireless data* Consumer FiOS IP services

+6.1% +28.9% +1.2% +56.0% +8.0%

¾ 3Q’09 economic impacts 9 Global Enterprise (5.3%) 9 Global Wholesale (6.5%) 9 Small Business (7.3%)

3Q '09

* Results shown are pro forma

Growth in key strategic areas 4


Revenue & Profitability Service Revenue ($B) $12.8





2Q '09

3Q '09


3Q '08*

Data as % of Service Revenue






3Q '08*

2Q '09

3Q '09

¾ 46.1% EBITDA service margin ¾ EBITDA less capex $13.3B YTD

Profitability & Free Cash Flow 44.8%

¾ 6.1% service revenue growth*

Service EBITDA Margin

¾ Alltel integration on track

EBITDA less Capex ($B)

* Results shown are pro forma ** Combined capex used in calculation

Disciplined wireless performance – growth & profitability 5


Retail Market Retail Customers (M) 81.3


¾ 89.0M total customers


¾ Subscriber growth** 9 1.2M total net adds 9 943K retail postpaid net 3Q '08*

2Q '09


3Q '09

¾ Average revenue per user

Retail Postpaid ARPU $52.69


9 Retail postpaid ARPU up





3Q '08*

2Q '09

3Q '09

Retail Postpaid Churn

0.2% YoY* 9 Total service ARPU down 0.8% YoY* * Results shown are pro forma ** Excludes acquisitions and adjustments

Continued leadership in customer satisfaction 6


Data Revenue Total Data Revenue ($B) $3.9 $3.2 $12.92

3Q '08*



2Q '09

3Q '09

PDA/Smartphones as % of Retail Postpaid Customers 21%

¾ 28.9% data revenue growth*



Total Data ARPU

¾ 20.7% data ARPU growth* ¾ Mobile broadband expanding ¾ Introduced new data tiers for feature phones 9 $10 for 25 MB 9 $20 for 75 MB


3Q '08

2Q '09

3Q '09

* Results shown are pro forma

Continued momentum in wireless data services adoption 7


Growth Opportunities Today: Largest 3G network

¾ New devices in 4Q ‘09 9 Storm2 9 2 Android devices 9 12 additional devices

¾ Applications & Content 9 V CAST Apps store 9 Select RIM devices 9 Google partnership

¾ 4G / LTE Deployment Future: Largest 4G / LTE network with contiguous 700 MHz spectrum

9 9 9 9

Wireless broadband Machine-to-machine Consumer electronics Vertical applications

Future wireless growth driven by devices, Apps and 4G / LTE 8


Revenue and Profitability Total Revenue ($B) $12.2




YoY %

-4.8% Growth

-5.2% 3Q '08

2Q '09


¾ Economic pressure impacting business markets


¾ Enterprise securing competitive wins


3Q '08

¾ FiOS gaining scale

3Q '09

EBITDA ($B) $3.3

¾ Broadband & video driving consumer revenue growth



2Q '09

3Q '09


¾ Reorganizing Wireline

Transitioning the business model 9


Mass Markets Revenue Mass Markets Revenue ($B) $5.0



¾ 1.2% growth in consumer revenue

1.4% 0.2% -0.9%

3Q '08

2Q '09

YoY % Growth

3Q '09

Consumer Revenue ($B) $3.8


3Q '08




Consumer ARPU $75.04

2Q '09

3Q '09

¾ 12.6% increase in consumer ARPU ¾ 56.0% increase in FiOS revenue ¾ $137+ FiOS ARPU

Consumer demand for Verizon broadband & video 10


FiOS FiOS Net Adds YTD (K) TV 672

Internet 799



¾ 25% TV penetration 9 191K net adds

¾ 29% Internet penetration 9 198K net adds 3Q ’08 3Q ’09

3Q ’08 3Q ’09

% Premises Passed by FiOS ~ 70%* 37%

3Q '08

¾ 14.5M FiOS homes passed ¾ Deployment substantially complete in 2010


3Q '09

¾ 34% households open for sale with FiOS TV


* Projected after Frontier divestitures

Targeting 1 million FiOS customer additions per year 11


Enterprise & Wholesale Revenue Global Enterprise Revenue ($B) $4.0


3Q '08

¾ Continued cyclical impacts





2Q '09

3Q '09

YoY % Growth

Global Wholesale Revenue ($B) $2.6


3Q '08





2Q '09

3Q '09

YoY % Growth

9 Cumulative

unemployment 9 Delayed purchase decisions

¾ 2.5% Enterprise growth sequentially ¾ 1.0% Strategic Services revenue growth YoY

Positioned for economic recovery 12


Wireline Transformation FiOS Revenues ($B) $1.3



¾ Growth opportunities 9 FiOS 9 Global IP

¾ Operating simplification 3Q '08

2Q '09

3Q '09

Wireline Workforce (K) 133



9 Workforce sizing 9 Call Center redesign 9 Network organizations

¾ Capital efficiency 9 FiOS deployment 9 Core reductions

¾ Strategic divestitures 3Q '08

2Q '09

3Q '09

Products & organization aligning with markets & productivity targets 13

3Q ’09 Summary ¾ Growth in all key strategic areas ¾ Strong cash flow growth ¾ Healthy margins & data growth opportunities at Verizon Wireless ¾ Re-sizing & transforming Wireline business ¾ Alltel integration and access line divestitures on track

Focused on creating shareholder value 14

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