Verisign Ssl Webinar Slides

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,569
  • Pages: 26
How to Effectively Sell SSL Certificates Name of Presenter: Jay Schiavo, Sr. Manager – Product Management

Introduction + Understanding the Need for SSL + Leveraging Multiple Brands of SSL Certificates + Taking Advantage of Extended Validation SSL + Q&A


Understanding the Need for SSL

Phishing Attacks are Still a Problem +

Phishing reports remain high in 2008 – over 25,000 new sites reported per month !


Over 34,000 in October of 2008

Sites becoming more sophisticated

Phishing Reports Received July'07 - June '08 45,000

Less than .25% use an SSL cert


Attackers looking for greener fields


Utility bills, wireless phone service, eCommerce site, fundraisers March madness attacks










30,000 23,917


29,284 30,716 25,630 25,683 24,924

28,151 23,762

15,000 10,000 5,000

1. Anti-Phishing Working Group,


Ju ne

M ay

ril Ap

M ar ch

gu st Se pt em be r O ct ob er No ve m be r De ce m be r Ja nu ra y Fe br ua ry

0 Ju ly

90% fooled in April 2006 Harvard / UC Berkeley study



Online crime’s effect on consumers + Fraud and identity theft have created a chilling effect on ecommerce ! TNS research in August 2006 reported 87% consumers are concerned

about CC fraud and 83% are concerned about sharing personal info ! 84% believe businesses not doing enough to protect them ! 65% shop only at sites they know and trust (TNS research report 2006) ! 24% don’t purchase online at all1

+ Additional data from recent Consumer Reports Webwatch ! 53% of online users won’t give up personal information online ! 30 percent of the consumers surveyed reported reducing their overall

use of the Web ! 25 percent say they no longer make online purchases



Forrester Research, December 2005.


“Why Phishing Works,” April 2006.

Results of these Concerns + According to a Cybersource 2008 report $3.6B in online revenues lost as a result of fraud on the internet ! Up 16% from 2006

+ To ease consumers fears businesses are using SSL and displaying a site seal from trusted brands like VeriSign, GeoTrust and thawte ! SSL is needed to meet PCI compliance

+ Extended Validation is the next step


Applications using SSL is Growing + Secure browser to Web server communications when collecting financial and personal data ! ! ! !

eCommerce sites Banking applications User/Member login pages Sign-up pages

– Anywhere they collect private information about their customers ! ! ! ! !


VPN access Web access to email Intranets Development or test environments Sensitive business information (business partners, remote offices)

Dedicated vs. Shared SSL + One single fully qualified domain name per certificate • More credibility with the customer - Customer won’t experience a domain name change in middle of shopping experience (i.e. go from to or if the wildcard method is used) • Reduces Risk of low-customer confidence + Prevents users from experiencing a domain name change at payment time + Consumers are more likely to purchase from a site that uses a dedicated SSL certificate

The Bottom Line: The cost, ease of obtaining an SSL certificate and potential loss of revenue from having a shared SSL make having a dedicated SSL certificate critical 8

Leveraging Multiple Brands of SSL Certificates

Bifurcation of SSL Market: Optimize your revenue opportunity

Price Sensitive

+ !


Perceive SSL as a commoditized technology


Fast growing reseller segment


Extreme price sensitivity


Brand Conscious ! Pay premium for brand ! Demand highest encryption strength ! High focus on reducing shopping cart


Key Strengths of the VeriSign SSL Brands VeriSign 1.

Most Reputable brand and leader in Internet Security


Power to build consumer confidence online and boost online sales





Has the second largest user base in the Internet Security Industry


Strongest authentication at an affordable price


Characterized as a high quality brand that offers convenience and affordable certificates


A very loyal customer base


Has a significant footprint in the international and open source communities

Online Business Enabler whose name has a strong association with trust



Very competitive product lines and strong US presence

3 Main Types of SSL Certificates + Domain Validated SSL Certificates ! Validates domain is registered and someone with admin rights is aware of

and approves the certificate request ! Automated process takes less than 10 minutes

+ Organization Validated SSL Certificates ! Validates domain ownership, plus organization information included

in the certificate (name, city, state, country) ! Manual process takes 1-2 days

+ Extended Validation SSL Certificates ! Validates domain ownership and organization information, plus legal

existence of the organization and that the organization is aware of and approves the request ! Manual process takes 3-5 days


Range of SSL Certificates By Validation + Extended Validation +VeriSign Secure Site Pro with EV, Secure Site with EV +thawte SSL Webserver with EV, GeoTrust TrueBusinessID with EV

+ Organization Validation +VeriSign - Secure Site Pro, Secure Site +thawte - SGC SuperCert, SSL Webserver / Wildcard +GeoTrust – TrueBusinessID / Wildcard

+ Domain Validation +thawte – SSL123 +GeoTrust – QuickSSL, QuickSSL Premium


Choosing the Right Brand For You + Choose two brands ! Eliminate confusion in marketing materials ! Properly position the brands you choose ! Offer the right product mix to maximize revenues – Domain vetted, 2 organization vetted and 2 EV types

+ GeoTrust vs. thawte ! Offer one of these brands ! GeoTrust is strong in North and South America as well as Western

Europe ! Thawte is stronger in APAC, Eastern Europe, Africa ! Stay the course if already offering one of the brands

+ Leverage VeriSign as the upsell brand


Taking Advantage of Extended Validation SSL

All Users Cannot Know All the Attacks Viruses Phishing Pharming Identity Theft



Spyware Trojan Horses


The Extended Validation (EV) solution X.509 Certificates with encryption Same strong level of encryption protection Uses existing technology

Stronger identity authentication - CA/Browser Forum guidelines Standardized requirements for certificate content validation New WebTrust audits

More visible browser UI display Pulls content direction from certificate Clear display in browser chrome EV certificates have a unique identifier differentiating them from non-EV Backward compatible for legacy browsers


Market Adoption + Over 75% of the browsers in the world can display the green address bar + Browser support ! IE 7 (44.51%) ! Firefox 3.0 (20.25%) ! Safari 3.2 (4.29%) ! Internet Explorer 8 (3.99%) ! Google Chrome (1.41%) ! Safari 4 (0.80%) ! Opera 9.5 ( 0.65%) ! Others likely to adopt as


Market Share (by Net Application), May 2009;


The EV User Experience


The EV User Experience


The EV User Experience - Opera


EV Benefits Every Step in the Value Chain + Site owners !

Increase transactions on the site


Provide a premium customer experience


Associate security with your brand


Easy to implement


Users will spend more when privacy is ensured

+ Site visitors



Can feel confident in doing transaction on a site


Positive online experience with a business

“ VeriSign gives us an easily identifiable way for our customers to know their transactions are secure, and that they’re on the actual E*TRADE site. We’re educating our client base to look for the VeriSign EV Certificate as the new standard for e-commerce security. They’ll know that when the bar is green, the site is clean.” Stephen Pauley Network Operations Manager E*TRADE Australia

“ We set out with the hope to avoid erosion of our customers’ rate of completion of financial forms. In fact, since the deployment of EV certificates we’ve had an 11 percent increase in IE7 browsers alone, which has contributed significantly towards our current overall rate of form completions—which are on par with or exceeding the industry averages for conversion rates.” John Turner President

EV Results + ROI calculations ! 48,000% for ! Over 16,000% for ! 7,440% for

+ Users that can see the green bar spend more ! 27% increase in ticket size for EV customers for

+ Decreased shopping cart abandonment ! 13.3% reduced abandonment for (UK)

+ Decreased security concerns ! 27% of customers abandon due to security concerns for


Site Visitors Respond Very Favorably to Green Bars January 2007, Tec-Ed researched usage and attitudes of 384 online shoppers Measured their responses to Web sites with and without green bars ! 100% of participants notice whether a site shows the green EV bar ! 93% of participants prefer to shop on sites that show the green bar ! 97% are likely to share their credit card information on sites with the

green EV bar, as opposed to only 63% with non-EV sites ! 88% trust the name VeriSign on a site, as opposed to only

22% for the next most trusted SSL provider


Key Take-Aways + Educate your customers on the need for SSL – they are real + Focus on facts and data points + Offer the right brand and product mix for your customers + Leverage VeriSign brand and EV certificates as upsell opportunities to maximize your revenues + Boost online transactions for your customers with EV


Questions + Answers


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