Verified Petition For Modification

  • Uploaded by: Sam Hasler
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 332
  • Pages: 2
nINSERT "fam-1 caption.wpt"o

Verified Petition for Modification of nIF Are we modifying support?oSupportnELSEoParenting TimenEND IFo nClient's nameo states the following for this Petition to Modify nIF Are we modifying support?o SupportnELSEoParenting TimenEND IFo:

1 That nClient's nameo is the nClient's party designationo in the above-entitled cause of action. 2 That there have been continuous and substantial changes which require changing the currentnIF Are we modifying support?o child supportnELSEoParenting TimenEND IFo order. 3. That there exists such a difference in incomes between the parties that the nOpposing party's party designationoshould pay the nClient's party designationo s attorney fees. WHEREFORE the nClient's party designationo prays for an order from this Court modifying nOpposing party's party designationo’s nIF Are we modifying support?osupport obligationnELSEoParenting TimenEND IFo, attorney fees and all other relief just and proper in the premises. I affirm, under the penalties for perjury, that the foregoing representations are true.

_____________________________________________ nClient's nameo, nClient's party designationo nIF Do we need a Certificate of Serv ice?o

Certificate of Service I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing has been furnished to nIF Does opposing party have an attorney?o nOpposing attorney nameo, attorney for nOpposing party's party designationo,nELSEo nOpposing party's

nameonEND IFo nHow served on opposing partyo on ________________________________________.

_________________________________________ Samuel C. HaslernEND IFo. nIF Do we need an Appearance?o nIF Do we need an appearance for initiation party?onASSEMBLE "fam- Appearance by Attorney for Initiating Party.wpt"onEND IFo nIF Do we need Appearance for defending party?onASSEMBLE "Pat-Appearance by Attorney for Defending Party.wpt"onEND IFonEND IFo nIF Are we modifying support?onASSEMBLE "sup-Motion to Produce.wpt"onELSEonASSEMBLE "visInterrogatories.wpt"onEND IFo nIF A r e w e m o d i f y i n g su p p o r t ? o n A S S E M B L E " S u p p o r t M o d i f i c a t io n Interrogatories.WPT"onELSEonASSEMBLE "vis-Interrogatories.wpt"onEND IFo nIF Do we want a change of judge?onASSEMBLE "fam - Motion for Change of Venue from the Judge.wpt"onEND IFo

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