Verbal Ability

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 3,083
  • Pages: 19 2.SECTIONAL OVERVIEW Most of the entrance exams have two basic sections-English and mathematics. These sections are further divided into sub-sections. The objective we need to form here is: Identification of the weaker subsections. Strategy formulation (through identification of ones strength and weakness). Verbal Ability The first thing would be to record ones performance in every sub- section using the format of the type below. I present you with an example. Question No.

Question type




















Q37- 42







Net score: _________







In the remarks column one can write how one has performed in that particular section. This format would help you to analyse your performance in every test and to more specifically would help you identify what caused a resolution or improvement in scores of that test. On the basis of the analysis based on the last few tests one could arrive on a sort of "Balance sheet" on ones strength’s and weaknesses. STRENGTHS



h Deductive Logic

h Analogies

h FIJ’s

h Fill in the blanks

h Concluding statements

h Upstream- downstream

h Jumbled Sentences

h Grammar

h Strong- Weak Argument

h Critical Reasoning

On this is done, one could specifically focus on each subscribers individually and work on the weaker sections. An analysis of this sort needs to be done regularly i.e. after every 15-20 days, just to make sure that one is improving on every section or not. Now for a word for formulating ones strategy as far as verbal goes. I believe in the concept of a "concentration curve". Just as an individual begins a particular section he would need a little bit of time to ‘warm up’ and to get into the flow of things. Thus he would naturally want to start off with blocks where he can build momentum (i.e. with questions which are his strength, which take very little time to crack etc.) and then focus on questions that are more time consuming and would need a higher level of concentration. In contrast an individual may feel more comfortable in starting off with a section that requires greater level of concentration just because he will be fresh to start with at the beginning of the section. What is important here is to identify ones concentration curve and to decide the order in which he would attempt the blocks.Generally with greater time spent, the concentration curve would rise. Lastly one needs to analyse why he is making the mistakes he is actually making. One needs to keep a track of: How many guess (admitted guesses that are) have gone wrong. How many errors because of close answers. Are errors being made because of faulty comprehension / wrong assumptions being made.

Verbal Ability(pattern) This section is designed to test the understanding and knowledge of language. An aspirant is expected to know grammar, syntax, and spellings and all that makes a correct language. Different













Pointing out Grammatical Errors – A sentence with one or more grammatical mistake is given and you are expected to find the error. Example: Unless A

you do B


believe C


yourselves D

nobody E




Type II: Completing a sentence - Here a sentence is given with a blank space and four options. You are expected to pick up the correct option. Example: You must attempt the exam ______________. a.confidently b.bravely c.purposefully d.firmly Type III Correcting a sentence – A sentence with part or whole underlined is given with several options to correct the sentence. Example: This is a confidential phone call kindly do not hear. a.please do not listen. are requested not to listen c.kindly do not listen d.kindly keep your ears shut Type IV Fill up the blanks in the passage A passage running into several sentences is given with some blanks. Based on the flow of the passage correct options need to be picked up. Example: With the (1) of the information age and other recent developments such as (2) up of the Indian Economy, people are (3) information (4) India from the world over. a.1-advent, 2- opening, 3- seeking, 4- on.


b.1-coming, 2-liberating, 3-wanting, 4-about. c.1-dawning, 2-opening, 3-trying to, 4-about. d.1-appearance, 2-opening, 3-seeking, 4-regarding. Type IV Create a passage by arranging the sentences in a correct manner. Here several sentences will be given and you will be asked to arrange them in a logical order into a passage so that the passage makes sense. Example: 1.Customer has become very demanding. 2.Companies have become customer centric. 3.Companies are spending a lot of money for customer satisfaction. 4.Customers have a lot of choices and options. 5.Internet Commerce helps customers in doing comparison shopping. a) 23145 b) 12345 c) 54123 d) 32145 e) None of the these. Type V. Vocabulary Test This is to test the knowledge of synonyms and antonyms.

For answers give it online:

PAPER 1 Directions for questions 1 to 4 : Each question has a set of four statements. And each statement consists of 3 segments. Choose the best alternative/alternatives where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced from the preceding two segments. 1. A. Internet is for nerds. Shyam is a nerd. Internet is for Shyam. B. Intelligence is for wise men. Some people are wise. Intelligence is for people. C. Capital punishment is for killers. Ravan is a killer. Capital punishment is for Ravan. D. Liquor is for drinking. Juice is for drinking. Some liquor is juice.

A only

D only



2. A. No R is P ; All Y is R; No Y is P. B. No R is P ;All Y is R; All Y is P C. Some R is not P; Some Y is R ; Some Y is not P. D. Some R is not P; All Y is R ; All Y is not P.

C only


A only

D only

3. A. Some oranges are sour. This fruit is an orange. This fruit is sour. B. Sheela is a nurse. All nurses are healthy women. Radha is a healthy woman. C. Army officers are tall. Airforce officers are tall. Military officers are tall. D. No animal likes fire. Elephants are animals. Elephants do not like fire.

B only

D only

C only

A& D

4. A. Some babies are boys; Some boys are fathers; Some babies are fathers. B. Some films are books; Some books are good; Some films are good. C. Some fruits are sweet; Some mangoes are sweet; Some fruits are mangoes. D. Some mothers have babies; Some babies are boys; Some mothers have boys.

B only


D only


Directions for questions 5 to 9: In each of the following questions a phrase is underlined.There are four different ways of rephrasing the underlined part. Choose the best alternative. 5. I think Rahul had something vital to say, however he was unable to explain his viewpoint to a skeptical audience. He did not change the minds of a conversant public. The people were willing to accept his views. He failed to convince a suspicious congregation He could not convince the doubting audience. 6. In the twentieth century mental elite assumed that economic and cultural modernization was leading to the decay of religion as a determinant in human existence. Total decay of religion as a determinant. Withering away of religion as a significant element. Humanization of religion. Debasement of religion. 7. British Aerospace had been focussing on building European links. Stressing on building European links. Focusing on forging European links. Pursuing ways of building European connectivity. Concentrating on creating European links. 8.Impromptu recognition from supervisors and managers to employees is the most effective and inexpensive method available for sustaining personal interest and individual effort for continued quality progress. Immediate appreciation from supervisors and managers in management. Unobstructed showing of praises from supervisors and managers. Impromptu recognition from supervisors and managers. Free recognition from immediate superiors. 9. Bureaucrats may also be well advised to deal with Service Headquarters as representatives of the government and not behave as their bosses.

May also be well advised. Should know their limits when they have. May have to remember. May need to learn how.

Directions for questions 10 to 19: Each of the questions has part/parts left blank.There are 4 different ways of completing the sentence. Choose the best alternative. 10. To pursue their decision to resist what they saw as anti- labor acts,the employees' union launched an agitation to ___________ affirm their responsibility to the country. prove their strength. bring down the central government. exhibit their virility. 11. The best general characterization of the European philosophical tradition as it has developed upto now, with all its variety, is that it consists of a _____________ Plato. series of footnotes to set of prologues to series of chapters on string of commentaries on 12. The ideas that these companies used seem so clear with _________ that their rivals will now _______ themselves for not thinking of them first. technology, hit new ideas, disparage the passage of time, curse hindsight, kick 13. In our country, the challenges are to raise _______ incomes to reduce poverty, and to _____ ailing enterprises.

farm, liberalize middle-class, privatize workers', suppress rural, restructure 14. Overall, the recent policy changes by the government only amount to a _________ in the sugar industry. superficial attempt at liberalization lack of solution large change small regulating authority 15. The world is moving into a period of ' civilisational clash' in which the primary identification of people will not be ________ as during the Cold War, but_______ religious, technological cultural, ethnic political, economic ideological, cultural 16. The internet represents that awkward _______ in all communication systems; while it _______ to bring us together, it keeps us apart. paradox, tries irony, intends paradox,needs irony,wishes 17. These stories are just a few of the _______, sometimes extraordinary ones in this volume, in which people face unbelievable odds and __________! abhorrent,fly creative, die inspiring, lose inspiring,win

18. The dream of flying had _________ inventors since the ancient Greeks and Chinese, though most of those who attempted to create wings for themselves were considered ________ revived,strange troubled, insomniacs attracted, oddballs repulsed, demi-gods 19. Unable to contain their _______ and amazement at the end of the performance, the audience burst into _______, and showed no signs of stopping. excitement, cheers frustration, song envy, flames delight, tears

Directions for questions 20 to 30 : In each of the following sentences,four words or phrases are underlined.You should choose the one word or phrase which would not be appropriate in standard written English. Mark (5) if you think that the sentence has no error. 20. Thirty liters of fuel do not seem to be sufficient for the distance to be covered. Thirty liters do seem for none of the above 21. The hardest part of the job is the bending once a minute and then lifting the weight. hardest job is the bending lifting the none of the above

22. The minute they came to know that their chief was issued a charge sheet,the entire group of workers went on a boycott. minute came to know issued a charge went on a boycott none of the above 23. Since I had forgotten all my mathematical concepts I had to start from the scratch. I had all my I had the scratch none of the above 24. Modi has recently been selected as representative to the SriLanka. been selected the the SriLanka none of the above 25. Having laid the magazine on the desk, she went out the door. laid on went out the none of the above 26. She nearly blushed until she was pink. nearly until was pink none of the above

27. Our writing, like our speech, is a sign of our ability to communicate. like speech is sign none of the above 28. When you have completed the last topic of the book, please return it to the bookroom. have completed the it none of the above 29. His report, including thorough notes on the background investigation, were well received. including thorough notes the background were none of the above 30. This is one of the four primary libraries that are supported by our organization. this is one of the libraries that are none of the above

Paper II Directions for questions 1 to 9 In each of the following sentences, four words or phrases are underlined.You should choose the one word or phrase which would be not appropriate in standard written English. Mark (5) if you think that the sentence has no error. 1. The real indicator of success for many people are earning more and more wealth real are more more no error

2. He is invested by full rights to act on behalf of the firm. invested by full rights on no error 3. The leader is liable for losses. is liable for losses no error 4. The committee felt that there was no necessity of a new firm to handle project financing no of to

project financing no error 5. The painter was completely unconscious about the fact that not one of his creations had been sold for over two years. was completely had been sold about the fact no error 6. The superior wanted to know whether there was a precedent to that action. wanted whether precedent to no error 7. Which tables is booked for the ministers’ staff? which tables is ministers' no error 8. All my equipment, including the ruler, tripod, and the camera, were lost on the tour. including equipment camera were no error

9. The committee have ordered their coffee and are going to have it in the boardroom. have their are it no error

Directions for questions 10 to 14 Each question below consists of a pair of capitalised words, followed by four pairs of words. Choose the pair which best expresses the relationship DISSIMILAR to that expressed in the capitalised pair. 10. GRIP : FIRM Manners : good Wit : ready Aroma : tantalising Brain : heady 11 .VIGOUR : HEALTHY Hazard : dangerous Threat : alarming Challenge : defiant Hinder : impediment 12. CUFF: PUNISHMENT Penance : atonement Adulatory : flattery Prostration : respect Frown : disapproval 13. PULP : FRUIT

Jam : quince Ore : iron Vodka : potato pudding : rice 14. EAR : LOBE Foot : leg Hand : finger Arm : hand leg : foot

Directions for questions 15 to 19 Each question below contains six statements.Choose the set of three statements which are logically related. 15. A] No actress eats heartily. B] All actresses like food. C] Some actresses are weight conscious. D] All men eat heartily. E] No man is an actress F] All men are handsome. ABC CDB ADE FED. 16. A] All MBAS without work experience would like to attend training programmes. B] All managers would like to attend training programmes. C] Some managers are entitled to attend training programmes. D] Some who qualify as managers are also MBAs. E] All MBAs are entitled to attend training programmes. F] Some managers are not MBAs. ACD EDC

DFB CAD 17. A] All businessmen are rich. B] All businessmen are investors. C] All businessmen are professionals. D] All businessmen need money. E] All professionals need money. F] All professionals need power. BCF DFC ECD ABD 18. A] Some students think about their career. B] All CA aspirants are students. C] All CA aspirants are hardworking. D] All CA aspirants think about their career. E] Some people who think about their career are students. F] Some students are CA aspirants. AEF ADF BCE DBA 19. A] Some top companies are conscious about costs. B] Some high-growth companies are profitable. C] Some high growth companies are not conscious about costs. D] All high growth companies are profitble. E] Some high growth companies are not profitable. F] All profitable companies are not conscious about costs. ADE ACE ACF ABE.

Directions for questions 20 to 21

Each question below contains a sentence broken into four segments marked A,B,C,D. Arrange the segments so as to form a logical sequence. 20. A) that both hunts in the forest. B) the opposum is a roving feeder. C) from native hunts D) and steals food. BADC CBDA BACD ABCD. 21. A] When a young Virginia farmer named Peter Lobo B] the great breakthrough in wheat farming C] invented the harvesting machine. D] came in the 1930s ACBD DABC BDAC DBAC

Directions for 22 to 24 In each question below there is an incomplete sentence, followed by four answer choices marked 1, 2, 3, and 4.Choose the answer that best completes the sentence and mark it appropriately. 22. We consulted a specialist _________ so that cancer may be ruled out so that we wanted to rule out cancer. so that cancer could be ruled out so that we can rule out cancer 23. Could you tell us _________?

who was given the letter to to whom was given the letter to you have the letter to whom to whom you gave the letter. 24. No one denies that _______ knowledge. he is ambitious and aspires. he was ambitious and aspired for he is ambitious and aspires for he aspires after

Directions for questions 25 to 28 Each of the questions consists of two capitalized words, which have a certain relationship to each other, followed by 4 pairs of words. Choose the pair that is not related to each other in the same way as the capitalized pair. 25. MANDATORY : COMPLY Command : obey Forbidden : abstain Tacit : approve Lawful : abide 26. GENEROSITY : DONOR Discrimination : connoisseur Credulity : dupe Eloquence : orator Truculence : snob 27. GALLEY : SHIP Mall : market Kitchen : bedroom

Banquet : feast Restaurant : hotel 28. LETHARGIC : STIMULATION Skeptical : convince Bored : interest Unwilling : coax Erudite : teach 29. INVECTIVE : PRAISE Indiscriminate : fastidious Brook : tolerate Exaggerate : minimize Untoward : favorable

Directions for question 30 Each of the sentences given below has a blank space.Select the appropriate word that would make the sentence meaningful. 30. In the developed countries, R&D efforts are _________ by their absence. apparent conspicuous clear minimized

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