Vengeance From Below

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 3,070
  • Pages: 11
VENGEANCE FROM BELOW The Brigadier thought he had dealt with the threat posed by the Silurians when he detonated the charges around the entrance to their cave complex on Wenley Moor. However, there were survivors, thirsty for revenge, and looking for new ways to reclaim their planet from the hated ape primitives. Led by Morka, who has miraculously escaped the cave collapse, the remnants of the Silurian colony have located a nearby Sea Devil base, left high and dry by countless shifts in the Earth’s surface. Once they have been revived the takeover of Earth can begin… Vengeance from Below is a four battle campaign. One player takes command of the Silurians and Sea Devils, bent on eradicating the ape infestation of their world. Their opponent takes charge of Unit who, along with the Doctor and his assistants, must react to this new threat and take steps to ensure the world’s safety.

Episode 1

Revival This scenario requires: • 5 Silurian warriors, 1 Silurian Leader • 4 Unit SMG soldiers, 1 Unit SLR soldier, 1 Sergeant, 1 Landrover • The Doctor and 1 assistant

Outline – Unit Reports have come in from the village of Wenley of power stoppages and strange figures on the moors. The local hospital has admitted a farmer apparently suffering from a total nervous breakdown and feverishly scribbling primitive pictures of long extinct animals on any available surface. The Brigadier’s suspicions have been aroused by the village’s proximity to the former nuclear complex at Wenley Moor, and he has sent a small force to patrol the area. Should any evidence of Silurian activity be found there orders are to engage and hold the enemy while regular forces are mustered. The Doctor, his hopes of another chance of reconciliation raised, and contrary to the Brigadier’s orders, has raced ahead with his assistant, Jo Grant, to try to locate the Silurians before any conflict arises.

Outline – Silurian The Silurians are not ready for open conflict with the humans and must move covertly to the area of the Sea Devil base to begin the revival process. It is imperative that the Unit patrol do not intercept the Silurians on their mission. Should they be discovered the warriors have been ordered to wipe out any resistance to protect the location of their Sea Devil allies.

The Battle Neither force is prepared for open conflict, although Unit has a slight advantage in numbers. Unit must reconnoitre the area to gather intelligence on the suspected Silurian activity. They must locate and eliminate the Silurian warriors before they can deliver the revival equipment to the caves housing their Sea Devil allies. The Silurians, however, must move as quickly and covertly as they can with their equipment to their mission objective. Contact with the enemy is unadvisable. Once in the caves they will be safe from attack. The Doctor is operating outside of Unit jurisdiction and is on a personal mission to find and persuade the Silurians of the benefits that peace with mankind would bring them. The Doctor must make peaceful contact with the Silurians and persuade them to listen to reason. To do this he must move within 2 inches of a Silurian and roll as for a round of close assault. If the Doctor wins a round of combat he has made the Silurian listen (the Silurian is effectively pinned in close combat and cannot move away, although no hits are taken). If the Doctor wins the next round of combat in the next turn he has persuaded the Silurian of the error of his ways and the model must make its way back to its original deployment zone to spread the word to its fellow Silurians back at base. If the Silurian wins the combat it has not been receptive to the Doctor’s arguments and knocks the Doctor out for a turn with its third eye. Whilst the Doctor is beseeching a Silurian he cannot be attacked. However nearby Silurians can move to within 2 inches of their fellow warrior and add an assault point for the next round of debating to represent the added scepticism to the Doctor’s arguments for peace.

Scenery and Deployment A large rocky outcrop with a cave entrance occupies one corner. A large wood and series of hills are laid out as indicated on the plan. The Silurians start inside the wood and hidden from view. Unit sets up on the moorland by the hills. The Doctor and Jo starts on the opposite side of the wood to the Silurians. Unit moves first. NB. If you have the luxury of a games master the game can be given an added twist by allowing the Silurian player to move his warriors secretly on a scale map until they come into the line of sight of Unit. Once spotted, models are placed on the table.

Victory The battle ends when there are no more Silurian models on the table. They will have either entered the caves or been eliminated by the Unit patrol. Silurian – The Silurians will achieve victory if they get 2 pieces of revival equipment into the caves along with at least 1 Silurian. Unit – Unit must stop the Silurians taking the revival equipment into the caves by eliminating all the Silurian warriors, or capturing their equipment. The Doctor – The Doctor must make contact with and stop the Silurians from entering the caves.

What next? Any Unit and Silurian forces that survive this encounter may be kept for use in the next scenario.

Episode 2

Outbreak This scenario requires:• 5 Silurian warriors, 1 Silurian Scientist (use stats for Leader), 10 Sea Devils and 2 Armoured Sea Devils • 8 Unit SMG soldiers, 2 Unit SLR soldier, 1 Sergeant, 1 Captain, 1 Landrover • The Doctor and Jo Grant

Outline – Unit Watching the last Silurian slip into the darkness of the cave, Sergeant Benton settles down to set an ambush around the entrance and call in for reinforcements. However, as the hours pass Benton’s suspicions are confirmed that there is indeed a second concealed entrance as the familiar whine of Sea Devil heat rays reaches his ears. Radioing in this new turn of events Benton notices that there are two groups of Sea Devils. The nearest group is mounting a savage attack on his lines. Meanwhile the second party appear to be escorting the surviving Silurians, along with some alienlooking equipment back through the woods. Receiving confirmation that Captain Yates is advancing through the woods with reinforcements Benton has no choice but to repel his attackers. The Unit reserves must intercept and stop the escaping Sea Devils and Silurians, along with their mysterious equipment. The Doctor realising that a truce has once again slipped from his grasp is intrigued by the machinery being carried away by the Silurians. He follows to investigate what purpose it might have.

Outline – Silurian The Silurians have successfully reached their goal and once inside the security of the cave they proceed with the next step of their plan. As power courses through the millennia old machinery it is not long before the first Sea Devil warriors are stirring from their hibernation. Soon a small force is assembled with more thawing as time passes. Conscious of the presence of ape primitives waiting in futile ambush at the main entrance, the Silurian leader orders them eliminated. The remaining Silurians begin to transfer the 4 extra Sea Devil components needed to replace the worn out parts in the revival equipment back at the original colony. They will be necessary to begin awakening the fighting beasts slumbering there. While a select squad of Sea Devil warriors outflank the apes in an attempt to annihilate them, the main force leave by another concealed entrance and begin retreating back to the colony.

The Battle The Sea Devils must escort the Silurians and their 4 pieces of equipment off the far table edge, providing protection from the two Unit patrols. Unit must stop the Silurians escaping and, if possible, capture some or all of their equipment for analysis by the Doctor. The battle ends once the Silurians have left the table with some or all of their equipment.

Scenery & Deployment Use the previous map to set up scenery. The Sea Devils start either side of the rocky outcrop. Benton’s squad starts ringed around the cave entrance in soft cover. Captain Yates’ squad and the Landrover start at the far end of the table, outside the wood.

Victory The battle ends when the Silurians have left the table with some or all of their equipment.

What Next? For every equipment counter (unless it is useless) the Silurians carry off the table one Dinosaur may be revived. All surviving Silurians and Sea Devils may be used in the next scenario. Similarly all surviving Unit characters may be used in the next episode.

Episode 3

Awakening This scenario requires:• 5 Silurian warriors, 1 Silurian Scientist (use stats for Leader), 5 Sea Devils, 1 Armoured Sea Devil and any Dinosaurs that have been revived • 8 Unit SMG soldiers, 2 Unit SLR soldier, 1 LMG team, 1 Bazooka team, 1 Sergeant, 1 Captain, 1 Landrover • The Doctor and Jo Grant

Outline – Unit Things have gone quiet since the Silurians and their Sea Devil escort disappeared. Sentries have been posted around the cave entrances to the Silurian colony but no further attempts of reconnaissance have been attempted since the last ill-fated incursion vanished. As radios won’t work inside the caves a patrol was sent in with a Radio Telephone and 1000m of D10 cable. After their last garbled

communication about monsters in the darkness all that was recovered was the severed and bloody end of the cable connecting their RT set. With the Brigadier still tied up at the Ministry of Defence, trying to convince sceptical politicians of the need for a full scale response to the threat, Captain Yates has been ordered to dig in and observe. The uneasy silence is broken by an earth shattering roar as several large reptiles emerge from the main cave entrance. As Unit respond to this new threat a smaller party of Silurians are spotted making for a nearby experimental underground nuclear power station, again carrying some curious looking equipment. The power station’s reactor is shielded below by heavy titanium plating and protected above ground by a concrete bunker, however the Doctor is concerned about the Silurian’s ability to apparently absorb energy without direct contact with the source.

Outline – Silurian Having succeeded in retrieving the necessary replacement parts Silurian scientists begin the process of reviving a handful of fighting beasts. However, if they are to bring the army they need to reclaim the world they regard as their own, more power is needed than is contained in the tired energy cells that are left. A primitive source of power had been located near one of the rear exits to the colony and, as the fighting beasts are sent out to distract the humans, a small party of Silurians make their way out to set up a chain of relays to channel the power back into the colony. Success depends upon the acquisition of more power so it is critical that the relays remain operational for as long as possible, without interference from the ape primitives.

The Battle The Silurians must set up a chain of relays (spaced 6 inches apart) from the colony to the power station. Once the relay is complete it must remain intact for 5 turns. Should any relays suffer more than 5 hits they will become damaged and inoperable. To repair a relay a Silurian must move into base to base contact and roll a 4 or more on a D6. The Sea Devils and Dinosaurs must protect the Silurians and their equipment until enough power has been absorbed. Unit must stop the Silurians from completing the relay and neutralise the threat posed by the Dinosaurs and Sea Devils. The Doctor may assist in sabotaging the relays with his sonic screwdriver. Once the Doctor is in range he rolls a D6 and renders the relay inoperable on a roll of 4 or more.

Scenery & Deployment Place the cave base and power station with a small fenced wood between them. There are a series of small hills ringing the wood and an abandoned factory lies between them.

The Silurians and Sea Devils start at the far side of the cave base. The Dinosaurs emerge from the cave entrance. Unit begin along the table edge opposite the cave entrance.

Victory The battle ends once the Silurians have maintained the relay for 5 turns, or Unit has destroyed all the relays and killed any Silurians capable of repairing them.

What Next? Any Silurian forces surviving may be used in the next scenario. All surviving Unit characters may be used in the next scenario.

Episode 4


This scenario requires:• All available Silurian forces – Morka, Silurian Leader, 5 Silurian warriors, 2 Armoured Sea Devils, 10 Sea Devils, 1 Myrka, 1 Allosaurus, 1 Nanotyrannus, 1 Pteranodon • All available Unit forces – The Brigadier, Sergeant Benton, Captain Yates, 11 SMG soldiers, 6 Grenade troopers, 4 SLR troopers, 1 LMG team, 1 Bazooka team, 1 Mortar team, 2 Landrovers, the Doctor, Jo Grant

Outline – Unit Bloodied but unbowed the Unit forces withdraw to link up with the Brigadier and the long awaited reinforcements. As the Brigadier is drawing up his battle plans urgent reports come in of major enemy movements towards Wenley village. More worrying are the reports of massive power drains on the National Grid across the country, signifying more Silurian shelters coming out of hibernation. To add to the chaos an epidemic appears to be spreading like wildfire with Wenley Moor at its epicentre. After a hasty conference an emergency plan is put into effect. Urgent messages are sent to mobilise the army to meet the nationwide threat of invasion. The Silurian virus proves more problematic. The only solution is for the Doctor to enter the Silurian cave complex to look for information and materials for an antidote. Meanwhile The Brigadier despatches his forces to the village. His rescue attempt, however, is in vain all that remains are charred and smoking ruins. The crackle of the burning village is drowned out by a series of deafening roars as the Silurian army wheels into view from the far side of a nearby wood. Realising that he has marched into a trap the Brigadier hastily sends out orders to repel the invaders.

Outline – Silurian Having successfully siphoned enough power to begin reanimating his army, Morka wastes no time in putting the next stage of his plan into action. First signals are sent to shelters across the country to begin the revival process. A captured primitive is infected with a new strain of virus and released to spread the deadly infection. Turning to more immediate problems Morka uses the humans’ pathetic sentimentality against them. Silurian forces descend upon the defenceless village of Wenley. Rejoicing in the terrified shrieks of the mammals, the Silurians rampage through the village, striking the first blow against the ape infestation. Sure enough the humans send their soldiers to retaliate and walk straight into Morkas trap. The soldiers surrounded and clearly outclassed, the Silurians advance, certain of a great victory against the stinking vermin.

The Battle Now the Silurians have the strength of numbers to face the humans in open battle. Their objective is to wipe out the Unit forces so they can link up with the emerging warriors from nearby shelters and continue their conquest of England. Unit faces a more difficult proposition. First and foremost they must defeat and rout their Silurian attackers. This should provide enough of a diversion to allow the Doctor to enter the caves to search for an antidote to the Silurian virus. Without this the country is surely doomed to a future in the thrall of the reptiles. For each turn the Doctor can remain inside the caves without Silurian interference he may select a discovery counter. If it is useless he must stay another turn searching for clues. If it is an equipment counter the Doctor must roll a D6 to see if he has successfully found the cure. With one counter he must roll a 6, two counters a 5 or 6 and so on. Once the Doctor has been successful he must leave the table by the Southern table edge and race back to his laboratory to mass produce the antidote and get it distributed. If any Silurian forces pursue the Doctor into the caves they may charge straight into close assault with him. If the Doctor has taken a body guard in with him it is they the Silurians must defeat before tackling the Doctor. NB – If you have sufficient terrain to represent the interior of the cave complex by all means continue the battle there!

Scenery & Deployment Set up the scenery as shown on the map. What used to be the village of Wenley is situated near to a hitherto unknown cave entrance. There is a road that bisects the map and runs through the village. There is a wood between the village and the cave entrance. The Silurians are ranged around the village as indicated. Unit and the Doctor find themselves surrounded and trapped in the centre of the village.

Victory The Silurians gain victory if they can destroy all Unit forces. Unit will gain victory if they can destroy the Silurian army and if the Doctor can find the antidote and get it safely off the table.

What Next? If the Silurians lose at Wenley their attempt at retaking the Earth will have suffered a major setback. The virus is neutralised with the Doctor’s serum with only minor loss of life. Unit is quick to take advantage of the last operational shelters revealing their locations. Morka’s reinforcements are isolated and defeated in a series of savage battles as they awake from their hibernation, much to the Doctor’s disgust. If the Silurians are victorious the first steps at taking their world back from the ape usurpers will have been taken. The virus decimates the population and as Silurians and Sea Devils from shelters across the country link up Unit faces terrible odds in turning the tide. Humanity’s future as rulers of the planet looks decidedly uncertain.

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