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  • Words: 2,047
  • Pages: 8

INTRODUCTION Permeable pavements are alternative paving surfaces that allow storm water runoff to filter through voids in the pavement surface into an underlying stone reservoir, where it is temporarily stored and/or infiltrated. A variety of permeable pavement surfaces are available, including pervious concrete, porous asphalt and permeable interlocking concrete pavers. While the specific design may vary, all permeable pavements have a similar structure, consisting of a surface pavement layer, an underlying stone aggregate reservoir layer and a filter layer or fabric installed on the bottom (See Figure below). The thickness of the reservoir layer is determined by both a structural and hydrologic design analysis. The reservoir layer serves to retain storm water and also supports the design traffic loads for the pavement. In low-infiltration soils, some or all of the filtered runoff is collected in an underdrain and returned to the storm drain system. If infiltration rates in the native soils permit, permeable pavement can be designed without an underdrain, to enable full infiltration of runoff. A combination of these methods can be used to infiltrate a portion of the filtered runoff.

Figure: Cross Section of Typical Permeable Pavement (Source: Hunt & Collins, 2008) Permeable pavement is typically designed to treat storm water that falls on the actual pavement surface area, but it may also be used to accept run-on from small adjacent impervious areas, such as impermeable driving lanes or rooftops. However, careful sediment control is needed for any run-on areas to avoid clogging of the down-gradient permeable pavement. Permeable pavement has been used at commercial, institutional, and residential sites in spaces that are traditionally


impervious. Permeable pavement promotes a high degree of runoff volume reduction and nutrient removal, and it can also reduce the effective impervious cover of a development site.

PROJECT OUTLINE PROJECT OBJECTIVE The project is an alternative to the standard approach of capturing stormwater in a pipe, treating it, and discharging it to a surface stream. The permeable pavement allows water to infiltrate the ground through the spaces between the blocks filled with fine rock. Two layers of rock below the pavers provide a strong base for the street and help the infiltration process. Geotextile fabric layers below the base rock further reduce pollutants carried into the soil as the water infiltrates. Laying Geotextile Fabric Portland uses several innovative approaches to reduce the amount of stormwater that flows through sewer pipes and discharges to rivers and streams.The goal is to replace the pipe it, treat it, discharge it method with models that improved water quality in a more natural way. PROJECT FEASIBILITY For the context of Nepal the permeable pavement is most suitable and economic pavement design which can easily replace the conventional pavement system and water crisis in some part of country and overflow of stormwater and flood in another suggest us on following such process which can balance both situations and permeable pavement is solution to both of the situation that we are facing. Overflow of water can be easily controlled and water management project for irrigation and drinking water project can step ahead if this system is installed here. But paper works only cannot provide us complete information on weather we can rely on this process or not, it should be practically implemented and its feasibility should be tested. But generally this kind of project is feasible in such conditions and places as mentioned below: 1. Permeable pavements should work well on most residential sites where paved surfaces such as patios and driveways exist. Areas with slopes greater than 3 percent may not be appropriate. 2. Permeable pavement applications should be installed at least 3 feet from public sidewalks and 10 feet from building foundations, or have an approved impermeable liner installed to prevent infiltration under these facilities 3. The infiltration rate of the site’s soils should be approximately 0.5 inch per hour, and the depth to groundwater or bedrock should be at least 5 vertical feet. 2

4. Promoting infiltration should be avoided under permeable pavements at sites with expansive, clay-rich soils, or soils susceptible to tunnel erosion. 5. At sites with certain characteristics that do not permit infiltration, an underdrain system can be installed to route the water to a storm drain or other BMP (i.e. rain garden). This type of system provides temporary storage, slows runoff, and filters some pollutants. 6. There are many types of permeable pavements, including pour-in-place concrete or asphalt, unit paver blocks, and granular materials. Modular types, such as stone or brick pavers and open cell pavers, tend to be good options for residential projects. The use of the surface (i.e. vehicles, foot traffic, recreation), site conditions, aesthetic qualities, price, and maintenance requirements should be considered during the design process. This model of ours will help to demonstrate the possibility of permeable pavement project in context of Nepal. Such pavements are used nowadays in most of the developed and developing country. As this project is economic, eco friendly and easy to contruct and implement and not need any extra new technology and can be built we the natural resources available in our country this project is most feasible project or the dream that we can easily afford.

MATERIALS REQUIRED 1. Perforated UPVC pipe 2. PVC Joints and Sockets 3. Plywood 4. Glass 5. Pea Gravel 6. Asphalt 7. Cement 8. Additive 9. Fevicol 10. PVC pipe 11. Motor 12. Miscellaneous PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project is just a simple demonstration of permeable pavement to show people how this kind of pavement works and how we can implement/built such pavement in our local areas and replace the conventional pavement with it. The whole infiltration system of pavement will be constructed inside a rectangular box with one side visible where will we use glass so that observer can clearly get idea of its working mechanism. To represent as this pavement is made 3

above the ground we will use soil as base layer and use of geotextile on walls will be done. We will provide a minimum of 2 inches of aggregate around underdrain pipes(UPVC pipe will be used in this model). The underdrains should slope down towards the outlet at a grade of 0.5 percent or steeper. The up-gradient end of underdrains in the reservoir layer will be capped. Where an underdrain pipe is connected to a structure, there should be no perforations within at least one foot of the structure. So we will ensure that there are no perforations in clean-outs within at least one foot from the surface. Then we will Spread maximum 4 inch lifts (6 inch preferred) of the reservoir base/subbase or base stone. Moistening the aggregate during spreading will facilitate better compaction. Then the most important part of the project is making whether pervious concrete design or porous asphalt design and we will determine which process to follow in the process of designing and testing our project before giving it a final touch. Then we will install the desired depth of the bedding or choker layer, depending on the type of pavement, as follows. 

Pervious Concrete: No bedding/choker layer is used.

Porous Asphalt: The choker layer for porous asphalt pavement consists of 1 inch of washed No. 57 stone.

PICP: The bedding layer for open-jointed pavement blocks should consist of 2 inches of washed No.8 stone. This layer is compacted after pavers are placed on it and their joints are filled with aggregate.

But we will not be able to implement PICP process for our project. APPLICATION OF PERMEABLE PAVEMENT

There are various application of permeable pavement but important one are discussed below: 1. Reduce noise: Noise pollution has become an increasing concern in urban areas. Noise generated from vehicles operating on the pavement arises from different sources and one of them is related to tire passes over the pavement (tire/pavement noise). Tire/pavement noise depends heavily on pavement surface characteristics and pavement macrotexture. Asphalt pavement with open-‐graded friction courses that have good raveling resistance (such as the rubberized open-‐graded asphalt concrete) have been determined to be a good candidate for noise reduction. The open-‐graded asphalt surfaces will sustain noise reducing properties as long as their surface air permeability is maintained.


2. Manage stormwater runoff volume: Conventional impermeable pavement surfaces cause precipitation to run off much faster than it does from vegetated or undeveloped surfaces. The runoff from impermeable surfaces is often directed to stormwater collection systems and thus is not absorbed into the nearby soil. In addition, the collection of runoff in this manner during high precipitation events can cause the stormwater collection system to overflow resulting in flooding and erosion due to high flow velocities. In contrast, permeable pavements allow a significant portion of the stormwater runoff volume to pass through the surface and be absorbed into the underlying ground and hence minimize or eliminate the need for stormwater collection and treatment systems. Further the runoff water collected can be useful for various purposes.

3. Improve water quality: Full depth permeable pavement generally provides water quality and related benefits in several ways that include, but are not limited to (1) a reduction in the temperature increase and pollutants discharged into nearby surface water and streams, (2) reduction of pollutant mass loads through runoff infiltration into the subgrade soil, and (3) recharge of groundwater table, particularly in arid areas. In addition, there are also reported water quality benefits from the use of open graded friction course pavements. 4. Reduces soil erosion caused by stormwater. 5. Reduces natural calamities like flood. 6. Reduces human and property loss caused by overflow of water in city areas like Pokhara.



Basically we have estimated the minimum cost for our permeable pavement project.




Quantity with unit



Perforated UPVC pipe

1of length 2 m and 3 cm diameter



PVC Joints and Socket





1” thick of size 6’*4’




50*30 cm of 1 inch thick



Pea gravel



10kg(1 bag)




¼ bag




1 kg



PVC Pipe

2 cm diameter 5 m length



Motor(water pumper)

Mini 2 pieces





Grand Total



TIME SCHEDULING Key project dates are outlined below. Dates are best-guess estimates and are subject to change until project is executed. The project is estimated to complete in 30 days.


Start Date

End Date


Project Start

24th jestha

24th asar

30 days

Planning and Research

24th jestha

28th jestha

3 days

Designing the infiltration system and outer box

28th jestha

6th asar

5 days

Constructing the water drain system and reservior

4th asar

10th asar

4 days

Placing layers of soil, chokers and gravel

4th asar

10th asar

4 days

10th asar

12th asar

2 days

14th asar

1 day

20th asar

3 days

Phase 1 Complete

Phase 2 Complete Proper implementation Testing the project Reconstruction if defect found

16th asar

Retesting the whole project

22nd asar

Project End

24 asar

Project complete

CONCLUSION Here we conclude our proposal for project on permeable pavement and hope that the concept and design of permeable pavement which manage the stormwater runoff volume and further use of water for irrigation and various purposes will be implemented in our country in upcoming days. Further our project estimates the cost of 9050 and our target is to complete it in 30 days. If you have questions on this proposal, feel free to contact Sushant Dhital at your convenience by email at [email protected] or by phone at 9843546986. We will be in touch with younext week to arrange a follow-up conversation on the proposal. 7

Thank you for your consideration,

Fig: Basic design on water drain permeable pavement system Project on Permeable Pavement

References: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 2003. “Standard Classification for Sizes of Aggregate for Road and Bridge Construction.” ASTM D448-03a. West Conshohocken, PA. Jackson, N. 2007. Design, Construction and Maintenance Guide for Porous Asphalt Pavements. National Asphalt Pavement Association. Information Series 131. Lanham, MD. Smith, D. 2006. Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement-selection design, construction and maintenance. Third Edition. Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute. Herndon, VA. AVEMENT.html le_pavement


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