Vbsep2007 Decimal 2 Binary

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 420
  • Pages: 2
private sub cmdclear_click() txtdec.text = "" txtbin.text = "" end sub private sub cmdconvert_click() 'find out if you are converting decimal to binary andif so, convert them if txtbin.text = "" and txtdec.text <> "" then 'retrieve decimal value dec = val(txtdec.text) 'create a duplicate to process, and make 'it compatible - to reduce errors copied = dec + 1 'self adjusting max-bit maxbit = 32 10 if dec < 2 ^ (maxbit - 1) then let maxbit = maxbit - 1: goto 10 'create an array to hold each bit redim bin$(maxbit) 'decimal => binary conversion engine for t = maxbit to 1 step -1 if copied > 2 ^ (t - 1) then copied = copied - (2 ^ (t - 1)) bin$(t) = "1" else bin$(t) = "0" end if next t 'construct binary string from each bit binary$ = "" for t = maxbit to 1 step -1 binary$ = binary$ + bin$(t) next t 'display results txtbin.text = binary$ end if

'convert binary to decimal if txtdec.text = "" and txtbin.text <> "" then 'get binary digit binary$ = txtbin.text 'workout how many bits it contains maxbit = len(binary$) 'create an array to hold each bit redim bin$(maxbit) 'needed to reverse the array redim other$(maxbit) for t = 1 to maxbit 'put each bit in its own string other$(t) = mid$(binary$, t, 1) next t

for t = 1 to maxbit 'reverse the array bin$(t) = other$((maxbit + 1) - t) next t 'empty the variable dec dec = 0 for t = maxbit to 1 step -1 'add up the binary and put it in a decimal if bin$(t) = 1 then let dec = dec + (2 ^ (t - 1)) next t 'output the decimal in it's textbox txtdec = dec end if end sub private sub cmdquit_click() end end sub private sub txtbin_change() 'check inputted value, discard all non binary digits value$ = right$(txtbin.text, 1) if value$ <> "0" and value$ <> "1" and value$ <> "" then txtbin.text = left$(txtbin.text, (len(txtbin.text) - 1)) txtbin.selstart = len(txtbin.text) end if end sub private sub txtdec_change() 'remove all non decimal digits value$ = right$(txtdec.text, 1) if value$ <> "0" and value$ <> "1" and value$ <> "2" and value$ <> "3" and value$ <> "4" and value$ <> "5" and value$ <> "6" and value$ <> "7" and value$ <> "8" and value$ <> "9" and value$ <> "" then txtdec.text = left$(txtdec.text, (len(txtdec.text) - 1)) txtdec.selstart = len(txtdec.text) end if end sub

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