Vayishlach Lekutei Sichos Abstract

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  • November 2019
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‫פ' וישלח‬


‫לקוטי שיחות‬

- ‫תוכן הענינים מלקו"ש השבועי‬-

‫נשמת אפרים‬

‫לע"נ ר' אפרים ב"ר אברהם ע"ה האפמאן‬  Resource to encourage the study of the Rebbe’s sichos 



‫פסוק‬ ‫חלק‬ ‫עם לבן גרתי‬

Every Jew realizes the world is not yet (‫ )א‬Realm of Lavan was “alien” to Yaacov; purified for the redemption, but one his true home was Torah; and his priority must prepare all one’s possessions was the coming of Moshiach contingent ‫ ה‬,‫לב‬ for the future redemption upon the avodah of birurim “Where are you?” Are you acting (‫ )ז‬Moshiach himself will be riding on the your purpose of transforming? donkey (chamor-physicality ‫חמור‬-‫)חומר‬ ‫ ו‬,‫לב‬ Pnimiyus of Torah is related to the (‫ )טז‬Kislev is the time of the revelation of miracles of this month, especially the pnimiyus of Torah, 3rd month (from the oil (‫)רזין דרזין‬ Tishrei) of the Teshuvah season Two names, two paths of Divine service On Shabbos we exist on level of ‫ י עקב‬lowest level of soul power Yisrael having no fear or need for ‫ לי ראש‬highest level of soul power strenuous effort to refine the world ‫ י‬,‫לה‬ see table below B’nai Noach is obligated in honoring their Obligation in mitzvos at 13 learned parents to maintain a stable society from actions of Shimon & Levi; Shimon & Levi’s attach on Shechem was who acted out of passion to defend for the same reason (the good of righteousness, putting aside rational society); thus, this gain to society (from considerations their quick actions), overrode their not ‫ כה‬,‫לד‬ Thus, every Jewish child upon consulting (and, thus, not honoring) their reaching the age of maturity, also parent needs to observe mitzvos with Shimon & Levi (called Ish, & thus, Bar mesiras nefesh Mitzvah) did not spill innocent blood This parsha reveals the real names of Eisav’s wifes; Parshas Toldos uses descriptive names to show Eisav’s intent ‫ ג‬,‫לו‬ 1) One makes birur in one’s body by The Maggid states Yaacov sent the means of the one’s soul “mamash” of the angels (their bodies) 2) A Shliach needs to remain but kept the souls with him; not that he connected to the Sender in order split the angels, but even when the to not be influenced by the angels went on their mission, they ‫ ד‬,‫לב‬ physical environment remained loyal (their souls) to Yaacov Eisav settled in the Diaspora, but a Eisav left since he always planned to leave Jew is always a stranger in a Eretz Yisrael to avoid the decree of exile, foreign land until we return to our and now with the numerous possessions true home in full and total of Yaacov, he had a cover; plus he was ‫ ז‬,‫לו‬ settlement embarrassed by the sale of the birthright


‫ולא יקרא‬ ‫עוד יעקב‬

‫איש חרבו‬

*‫בשמת בת‬ ‫ישמעאל‬

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‫וישלח יעקב‬ ‫מלאכים‬


*‫ולא יכלה‬ ‫ארץ מגוריהם‬


‫* רש"י שיחה‬




‫פ' וישלח‬


‫לקוטי שיחות‬

- ‫תוכן הענינים מלקו"ש השבועי‬-

‫נשמת אפרים‬

‫לע"נ ר' אפרים ב"ר אברהם ע"ה האפמאן‬  Resource to encourage the study of the Rebbe’s sichos  Both in fighting one’s Yetzer HaRa Term "‫( "התקין‬and not "‫ )"הכין‬indicates a and in educating Jewish children, it change in the person himself is insufficient to work in the usual Yaacov changed himself and expressed manner; one needs to change this change in the three actions of oneself on all three fronts: Gifts – ‫ אהבה‬War - ‫ יראה‬Prayer – ‫רחמים‬ ‫אהבה יראה רחמים‬ Yaacov only with his stick, nothing of worth (felt himself unworthy) could Despite the fact that a Jew can ask request Tzedaka from Hashem (despite Tzedakah in a way of Mishpat, yet his being entitled to it) ‫'לישועתך קויתי ה‬ a greater bitul is achieved if one On the other hand, Yaacov used the stick to requests Tzedakah despite being perform the miracle of splitting the river, owed; then one draws down since showed bitul in requesting G-d’s success beyond limitations Chesed, even though was worthy according to Mishpat ‫ברוך כבוד ה' ממקומו‬ Shimon & Levi were adults at time of their Divine service must begin with action in Shechem (a source of 13 for Bar acceptance of the Divine Yoke, Mitzvah) see table below ensuring that one is not blinded by At this age one reaches the adult maturity their own logic; afterwards one to serve with logic & comprehension; but applies their intellect and also, “each man took his sword” shows comprehension to the service of that one must also approach Mitzvos with HaShem mesiras nefesh which transcends logic ‫ לכדו‬returned for the sake of small items; or Chassidus is needed in these ‫ לבדו‬Yaacov stood alone, like HaShem generations either due to the deep stands alone darkness, or as “a taste of Shabbos Two explanations are connected; in the on Erev Shabbos” service of birur of small items almost lost Chassidus needs to spread out & be in the darkness, is where HaShem can be felt outside just like on the inside recognized and felt ‫ ולאום מלאום יאמץ‬refers to the kingships; at Sometimes necessary for the Tzadik times Eisav is greater; other times Yaacov to lower to the level of Kelipah ‫ ורב יעבוד צעיר‬refers to individuals where temporarily in order to elevate the children of Yaacov are always greater Kelipah Thus, Kings of Edom were not from Eisav A Jew must not count on a non-Jew Eisav’s kiss was only temporarily sincere; for assistance; however, on a just as Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai had fled temporary basis, a non-Jew can be from the Romans, later was chosen to be influenced to assist, setting the ambassador to them since he was a model for the real change in times miracle worker; so Yaacov who had fled of Moshiach from Eisav was now able to change Eisav For weekly email, send an email to [email protected]

*‫והי' המחנה‬ ‫הנשאר‬ ‫לפליטה‬



‫ ט‬,‫לב‬

‫כי במקלי‬ ‫ יא‬,‫לב‬

‫איש חרבו‬ ‫ כה‬,‫לד‬

‫ויותר יעקב‬ ‫לבדו‬







‫ כה‬,‫לב‬

*‫יובב בן זרח‬ ‫מבצרה‬



‫ לג‬,‫לו‬

*‫וישקהו‬ ‫ ד‬,‫לג‬

‫* רש"י שיחה‬




‫פ' וישלח‬


‫לקוטי שיחות‬

- ‫תוכן הענינים מלקו"ש השבועי‬-

‫נשמת אפרים‬

‫לע"נ ר' אפרים ב"ר אברהם ע"ה האפמאן‬  Resource to encourage the study of the Rebbe’s sichos  A Jew should not feel “at home” in Galus, but be aware we are in a journey which will only be completed in the time of Moshiach

Yaacov did not lie to Eisav, but indicated that he would travel at a different pace and eventually would meet Eisav, at the ‫ יד‬,‫לג‬ time of Moshiach To reach a higher level, one experiences a Alter Rebbe revealed his greatness lessening ((‫ קטנות‬of the prior level; primarily after the imprisonment in similar to questions and confusion that Petersburg of ‫י"ט כסלו‬ ‫ יא‬,‫לב‬ leads to a deeper understanding The Jewish people upon the final Yaacov upon returning to Eretz Yisrael Redemption will emerge whole obtained a wholeness in all aspects, without even scars, both physically greater than the initial promise from G-d, ‫ יח‬,‫לג‬ and spiritually in finances, in body and in Torah learning Yaacov did not buy land permanently in The Chasidus of Rabbi Akiva is to area of Shechem and thus, did not pay bring merit to Jews in all places full price, since only there temporarily ‫ יט‬,‫לג‬ The wounding of Yaacov in that particular place is seemingly only one small detail; this reflects the concept that HaShem’s providence over ‫ לג‬,‫לב‬ the Jews extends equally to every detail since He Chose us When a person cleaves to such a Idolatry exists so that it can be eliminated degree that G-d's true unity is not as a natural development, but as a revealed within him, then all result of the spiritual service of the Jews; opposition to G-dliness will end, therefore, He created the world in such a much as darkness - something that manner that idolatry is possible, so that ‫ ב‬,‫לה‬ has no true existence - is dispelled the Jewish people might reveal the true before light belief in the One G-d Creating spiritual children (those Any Jew that gets married (learned from lacking in Jewish education) does Eisav) has one’s sins forgiven at the not have to wait for one to be marriage even though not yet complete; but involvement brings accomplished the mitzvah of bearing ‫ ג‬,‫לו‬ forth one’s forgiveness children ; three reasons see table below Avodah of fighting the Yetzer “I saw G-d face to face” that place ‫ל‬-‫פני א‬ (Yaacov) and of connecting of the (plural faces of G-d & Yaccov) ‫;פנימיות‬ inner part of the heart to G-d After left the place is called “his face saw ‫לב‬-‫ לא‬,‫לב‬ (Yisrael), can be one avodah G-d” ‫ל‬-‫( פניו א‬Yaacov’s face) ‫חיצוניות‬ Eisav still intended to harm Yaacov, but Temporarily evil can be transformed was unable since his army left him, who into a friend as in the time of Yudwere scared off by the angels (and they ‫ טז‬,‫לג‬ Tes Kislev were rewarded in days of David) Jewish women who are capable, Dinah’s intention was to use her outgoing while maintaining modesty, should personality for the sake of Heaven bring others closer to Judaism, ‫ א‬,‫לד‬ attracting others to the ways of G-d spending time outside the home

*‫עד אשר‬ ‫אבוא‬


‫קטנתי מכל‬ ‫החסדים‬


*‫ויבא יעקב‬ ‫שלם‬ ‫במאה‬ ‫קשיטה‬ ‫גיד הנשה‬ ‫הסירו את‬ ‫אלקי הנכר‬









‫בשמת בת‬ ‫ישמעאל‬





*‫להא פניאל פנואל‬ *‫עשו לדרכו‬ *‫בת דינה‬

For weekly email, send an email to [email protected]

‫* רש"י שיחה‬






‫פ' וישלח‬


‫לקוטי שיחות‬

- ‫תוכן הענינים מלקו"ש השבועי‬-

‫נשמת אפרים‬

‫לע"נ ר' אפרים ב"ר אברהם ע"ה האפמאן‬  Resource to encourage the study of the Rebbe’s sichos 

Reference for Bar Mitzvah in the Torah ‫ שמעון ולוי אחי דינה איש חרבו‬Shimon & Levi Were Brothers of Dina, a Man to His Sword Year Event 2192 2195

Yaacov marries Leah & Rochel; 12 children in 7 years 16th Nissan Levi born Yosef, the last child in Galus, is born Yaacov begins last 6 years of work for Lavan Yaacov and family leave Lavan; Meet Eisav Yaacov arrives in Succoth; stays for 18 months Yaacov moves to Shechem and buys property Incident with Dinah th 14 Nissan people of Shechem were circumcised th 16 of Nissan Shimon and Levi killed people of Shechem Levi called ‫ ;איש‬Levi turns 13 that day

2199 2205 2207 2208

Reason for Chosson & Kallah to Fast

Yom Kippur Effects Forgiveness

Chasanah Effects Forgiveness for Chosson & Kallah

Since forgiven for sins, the day becomes their Only works if do Teshuvah Fasting needed to facilitate personal Yom Kippur (Rabbanan) Teshuvah Perhaps they would become Shikur (drunk), Essence of day accomplishes and be unable to properly perform the legal forgiveness whether did Teshuvah not required acts of marriage Teshuvah or not (Rebbi) Since Mitzvos are beloved they are Fasted due to preciousness of accustomed, like the original Chassidim, to Kiruv to HaShem even Mitzvos, even without Teshuvah fast prior to doing the Mitzvah of marriage without fasting (Rabbanan according to Rambam) (like prior to doing Lulav, Shofar)

TWO NAMES TWO PATHS OF DIVINE SERVICE Weekday activities to refine the world by toil and labor

During the week Jews practiced “deception”, like eating for sake of Heaven

Service to elevate sparks of G-dliness in the material

Blessings through deceit

Cleverness (deception )

(‫)י עקב‬

Shabbos activities have no fear or strenuous effort to refine the world

On Shabbos for Jews’ eating reflects holiness

Direct service No concealment; no conflict

Revealed blessings as be fits a ruler



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‫* רש"י שיחה‬


(‫)לי ראש‬

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