Vastu Tips

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Vastu Tips 1. Your head should be towards the east or south while sleeping. 2. The rooms in the south should never have ceiling low as compared to ceilding of the rooms in east and north side. 3. Shoes and slippers should not be scattered all over the house, as this leads to feud. 4. Don't keep dirty clothes with the washed clothes. 5. One should never sleep under exposed beam as it brings ill fortune. 6. Don't a keep jug or jar of water near the telephone. The electric rays produced from telephone leave bad effect on the water. Your face should be towards the east while cooking food. The cupboard containing food articles should be towards your right. 7. The ceiling of the poojaroom should be lower than the ceiling of all the other rooms in the house. 8. There should be no noise while opening the doors and windows especially the entrance door from hinges etc.To remove the noise keep the hinges well oiled. 9. A picture of Lord Ganesha and Saraswati is good in study room. 10.Place vegetables in a dish after cutting them. If they are kept on floor their nourishing substance will be adsorbed by the floor. 11.The house should always be kept need and clean and all the wastage etc., should be dumped or stored in west of the house. 12.To prevent the house from evil-eyes, seven green chillies and lemon should be hung at the main entrance of the house, shop etc. 13.Change the bed-sheets during day time. 14.Comb and other beauty aids should be kept neatly at the right place. 15.A cut-out in the roof should be provided in the northeast to ensure proper ventilation of the house. This factor works as a natural air-conditioner for the house. 16.There should be a separate towel for every member of the family and for guests. 17.One should never provide three doors on a single wall, especially in the front of the house. 18.One should never construct circular stairs in the house. 19.It is very auspicious to view rising sun after taking bath in the morning. 20.A blue bedsheet should never be used inthe house. 21.One should always wear neat and clean clothes while working.

22.All the things should be properly placed and well organized in the house, to ensure good luck. 23.Keep cash and jewelry in the safe or locker which opens in the north.

Brahmasthana - Definition and Importance

The Brahmasthana (central portion of the plot) is an important factor to be reckoned while constructing a building, be it an office or a house. The Brahmasthana is the region around the navel (Nabhi) of the Vastu Purusha (site deity). The energy lines running through the center of the plot are also equally important. Much care should be taken in building a structure, so that these lines are not disturbed. Vastu recomends that the Brahmasthana of the building should always be left empty. The center of the building is selected as an intersent of two diagonal lines from the four corners of the plot; and the same is done with all the interior rooms. No pillars and no rooms should be contructed at this place, and no heavy furniture should be kept in the centre of any room. Only carpets, rugs etc. can be kept at this place.

Vastu For Selection of Paint Colors Color has a profound effect on our mood. In clothing , interiors , landscape and even natural light , a color can change mood from sad to happy, from confusion to intelligence , from fear to confidence. Particular colors have different effects on each individual. Response to a color may be influenced by a number of factors such as the body's need for a specific color , a sad or happy memory associated with a color. In previous decades , certain colors or group of colors dominated every palette . Now in millennium , the stopper is out and uniqueness and personal preferences are really in. There are no absolutes in the world of color. Some colors make you want to get out of your chair , others make you want to nestle down and read. Some colors are articulate and must be listened to. Others are very quiet . Some colors indicate that you have traveled or are well read. Yet others create a desire for closeness , intimacy and love. Following are some of the most typical responses to various color groups. Nurturing Neutrals These colors create a sense of peace and well being. They foster quiet conversation with family and friends and can dispel loneliness. Throughout time , mankind has found a sense of peace and tranquility when in touch with "Mother Earth" . It follows that colors which impart a sense of warmth and serenity come directly from the earth. In addition to the earth colors in the neutral group are colors associated with sea such as sand , shell , coral , pearl , stone , seaweed. GREEN is a color which helps us to adjust to new environments and situations. It will always be found among the 'nurturing neutrals'. The BLUES represented here will range from winter sky to stream to midnight. The neutrals are somewhat like the furniture while other palettes are more like accents or accessories. Intellectual Colors These are the sharp , witty and unique colors which convey a message that the owner has traveled , is well read and has something to say. These colors will command respect without being overbearing. This palette also starts with a earthy , warm base. Gray is a color which promotes creativity and will often be found in foundation of an intellectual palette. These grays will be warm and gentle. Some tones of blue suggest communication and trust , so it will naturally be found in the

intellectual palette. Navy blues will often find their way in this palette , but its effect is warm and never cold and fragile. Red also appears in this intellectual palette , but the shades will be earthy and complicated burgundy , cranberry.

Playful Colors These colors are exiting and used for a fun providing environment These playful , whimsical palettes create their own kind of music , like the sounds of children playing. There are highs and lows, lights and darks and always movement and activity. Used in active spaces within the home , a 'playful' palette can add energy and vitality. But if overdone , this type of palette becomes irritating and stressful. The foundation of this palette is WHITE . This could be anywhere from vanilla ice cream to snow drift to winter moon. Then comes the bubble gum pink, buttercup, wintergreen, all the berry colors and crayon colors. Many of these colors will be cool, and even in lighter tones there will be brightness and clarity. The bottom line in creating this type of palette is that the colors should suggest a sense of freedom , play and downright fun. Healing Colors This palette includes the colors which are very refreshing and rejuvenating. Like nurturing colors , 'healing colors' also begin by getting in touch with nature. The first group of colors considered in this palette is GREEN. Because they have the power to help us adjust to new environments , skillful designers use lots of plants and other forms of green . Healing greens may be warm or cool , but not muddy or mysterious like those in the intellectual palette. Healing palettes also take inspirations from warn earth tones. These palettes usually contains contrast as well as a clarity of color that is inspiring. They will include a range of lights and darks but will never be muddy. Romantic Colors Many species including the human beings attempt to attract the opposite sex with colors. RED is the color of sex and lust and is often called the most romantic of colors. It is no accident that red is the chosen symbolic color for the Valentine's Day. In interior design , however , a less intense , softer tone of red is far more conducive to romance than the pure hue. Often referred as PINKS , these colors vary from cool to warm and from light to dark. Pinks have an interesting quality that seems to halt the body's ability to stay angry. PURPLE is another color which is definitively romantic because of its passionate , unpredictable and quixotic characteristics. Paler , less intense tones of ORANGE such as apricot and peach are often included in the romantic palette , suggesting purity and innocence. BLUES in the romantic palette will be cool and inspired by water.

Personal Style

There are no trends in color as important as personal style. Today , most designers draw from many historical periods as well as contemporary influences and mix them together to create unique personal spaces. The most effective color palettes reflect and enhance the interests , collections and activities of the people who live there as well as architectural features. The effects of color on mood will vary from individual to individual. Color schemes have emotional messages too. An awareness of the emotions generated by different colors is helpful in planning personal palettes that will be pleasant to live with , but it must be understood that this information is not absolute. Subtle changes in tone can increase or decrease the emotions evoked by a particular color , allowing it to be included in many diverse palettes.

Doors and Windows Entrance Door To the House

The entrance door should also be taken in consideration while the application of Vastu to your house. Entrance door should be in North, East or North East of the house. The entrance door size should always be larger than the other doors of the house. Number of Entrances Many houses may have more than one entrance on the frontage. Some rules however, have to be followed for providing these doors. If there is only one main entrance door to the house then more wealth is expected over other factors. If there are two doors in the entrance then a comfortable life for the inmates can be expected. If there ar three doors than it is harmful to the residents. If more than three doors are provided as main entrance than it causes many problems. Placement of Main Entrance Doors One Door If only one entrance s provided to the house it should be placed in east or north for the best results. Doors in the west and south are not good/allowed, but these directions can be used for a entrance in commercial establishments. Two Doors If a house has two doors than they can be in the following combinations: • • • •

East in combination with north and west. West with north and East is allowed. South and West Doors are not allowed. South and East Doors are not allowed.

Three Doors • • • •

Three doors excluding the east is inauspicious. Three doors excluding south is auspicious. Three Doors excluding north is inauspicious. Three doors excluding west is auspicious.

Four Doors If the house is aligned to the magnetic orientation than keeping the door in all the 4 directions is very auspicious.

Inner Doors Height of the doors should be at least 7'-0", and with of the door should be at least 3'-6".

Number of Doors

The number of doors within the house should be even in count, but not ten or multiples of eight. There are several rules to be noted before counting all ten doors

within the house. the main gate or the doors in the outhouse are not counted with doors in the house. It is to be noted than two flanged doors are counted as one door. Entrance may without doors but if they are covered overhead to form a enclosed passage, than they are counted as doors. Doors to partitions within the house which do not touch the ceiling are not counted as doors. Following is the explanation of number of doors in the house and their effect: 2 Doors 3 Doors 4 Doors 5 Doors 6 Doors 7 Doors 8 Doors 9 Doors 10 Doors 11 Doors 12 Doors 13 Doors 14 Doors 15 Doors

Auspicious Cause Enmity Cause Extended Life Dieses Good Child Bearing Death Growth of Wealth Des ease Robbery Destruction of the good Growth of business Lowers the man's life span Increase in Wealth Destruction of the good

Designing the Doors Vastu allows decoration and carving on the main entrance and other doors, but has some rules to be strictly followed for the same: • • • • • •

Lakshmi seated on lotus with elephants is good to be used on doors. Traditional guard images can be carved. The gods of wealth emitting coins can be used for decoration. Kul Devta, the family deity can adorn the door. Birds like parrots, peacocks, swans images are good to be used on doors Nature paintings etc.

Pictures or Sculptures of war scans etc. are not allowed.

One should keep in mind that any god images etc. should not be used on the outer side of the door as it may lead to poverty and other problems. Windows Windows in the house provide us with fresh and light to enjoy our life with. All the windows should be on the exterior walls of the house and not opening within the rooms. All the windows bigger in size should be in the north-east and smaller window should be in the south-west. The number of windows in the house should be in even numbers (when counted in total), and not in the multiples of 10. Sun Shades The slopes of all sunshades constructed above doors and windows should be towards the north-east, so that the rain water must flow from south-west to north-east.

A Guide to Decorating Your Home According To Vastu Some rules should be followed while considering the decoration of the interiors of your house. Some rules and tips related to the same are as under:

Shoe Racks: The shoes and footwear should be placed in the south-west portion of the verandah or main hall only, and never in the bedroom. Shoes should never be placed in the north, south-east or east portion of the house. Almirahs: Almirahs should be placed in the southwest of the room. If almirahs with valuables are to be kept, the best place for the same is in the southwest portion of the southwest room in the house. The almirahs with valuables and jewellery should open towards the north or east direction. Beds: The beds should be placed more towards the southwest of the room but never in the southwest corner. One should sleep with head towards the south for sound sleep and better health. Sofa Sets/Sitting: Sofa sets or chairs etc. should be kept in the south and west of the living room. The chairs should be so kept as for he owner of the house, or elder person in the house to face towards south or west direction while sitting. Dining Table: Dining Table can be placed in the north west of the kitchen. The owners or elder person in the house should face towards the north or east while the guest should face south or west while eating. Study Table: A study table can be placed in the southwest of the room and the person should face towards north or east while studying. Mirrors: Mirrors should only be fixed on the north and east walls. No mirrors should be place/installed in study rooms and opposite to beds in the bedrooms. Home Appliances: Heating appliances must be placed in the southeast of the room. Fridge should be placed in the northwest portion of the room. Television sets should never be placed in the southeast of the rooms. Paint Colours: The kind of paint colours used in the house greatly effects the mood and general nature of the inmates. The psychology of the man can be disturbed is wrong type of colours are used. In entrance of the house, avoid red, black and gray colours, while using white, light blue and dark green colours are good. Plants Within The House: According to Vastu, cactus or related plants should never be kept in the house. Plants with red flowers and bonsai of the trees are not allowed in the house. Avoid plants in the northeast corner of the house. Avoid pots along the north and east walls of the house. Paintings and Statues: Vastu doesn't allow to use northeast corner of the house to hang paintings or any other thing, so as to keep the northeast clean and light. Paintings with scary marks and evil things should be avoided. Paintings depicting scenes of Ramayana and Mahabharata should be avoided; however, Vastu allows the use of other puranic paintings. Paintings of nude should be avoided. Paintings showing violence and abstract paintings with clashing colours should be avoided. Avoid keeping statues of gods in bedrooms. Vastu suggest paintings of nature scenes, prayer, and temples for good health and better living. Avoid keeping heavy statues in the northeast corner of the room. Never keep any stuffed animals in the house. Fountains and Fish Tanks: Never keep fountains and fish tanks in bedroom and study.

Lighting Lighting According To Vastu

There are three basic types of lighting which are categorized according to the intensity of the light used. 1. General lighting - It supplies an overall illumination in the area. 2. Task lighting - It supplies the required illumination for specific tasks such as reading , painting etc. It directs strong local illumination without high general illumination as required for activities carried in a particular area. 3. Accent lighting - It offers a decorative element to the area by highlighting the particular objects or features in the area. They are auxiliary to the general lighting and provide an added , and at times , dramatic dimensions to the scheme. Spaces can be provided with one , two or all types of these lightings , depending upon the requirement . With different types of lighting in each room and dimmers to adjust the intensity of light , an ordinary space can be infused with much dramatic look to convey different moods to suit different times of the day. Light can define space , substance and style. Outdoors , with the shifting sun and atmospheric conditions , light and the shadows change the appearance of things natural and man made. But in the indoors, the play of natural and artificial lighting largely determine both function and decoration. Today lighting is considered to be a very important element of decorating scheme. The invention of the incandescent bulb in 1978 revolutionized lighting systems as it allowed light to be easily manipulated. Apart from exploiting natural light by using opaque or transparent glass walls , sky lights , large windows etc. for offices , architect work out the detailed light fittings which are conducive for a work environment . In homes , a careful selection of lights extends and enhances the aesthetics of interiors. Similarly for hotels , showrooms , museums , gardens , water bodies , individual lighting requirements are worked out. Artificial light falling from various

angles and heights on different surfaces guide us to perceive various features and dimensions while creating a specific mood. With technological developments and the stress on precision lighting , a variety of lighting fixtures are readily available with options which offer manifold possibilities in terms of effect. The choice of fitting according to the room , gets very difficult , one gets puzzled off as there are so many varieties in lights like the table lamps , spot lights , clamp lights , recessed / surface mounted lights , uplighters , halogens , incandescent bulb , pendants , fluorescent fixtures and lots of others. Once the basic idea of the space , mood , interior design , highlighting , function of work have been specified , one can then consider the basic types of lighting. Initially only the planned positions of lights need to be decided. Later , the selection of bulbs and the exact effect can be created. One should always keep in mind some of the basic rules while designing the light. • • • • •

Every activity that takes place in the interior must have lights of the right kind , intensity and the right direction. The eye prefers even lighting with the minimum of contrast between the brightness of the room surfaces and the lighting fixtures. The eye works best when the work surface is more brightly lit then the surroundings. The eye is stimulated by the contrast of tone and sparkle. When room lighting change , color changes or disappear , thus objects become more or less important in the room.

BATHROOM LIGHTNING Planning and designing is a tedious job. Today's bathroom wears a well dressed look , its design recognizing people's needs to begin and end their day in pleasant surroundings. It is after all an intimate personal place- perhaps the only room in the house where one can be totally private and get much needed peace. • • • •

For a relatively small room , the bath area can use a no. of different types of lighting. General lighting is essential in a compact bath , a central ceiling may suffice. Medium size and large size baths and especially those with sectioned areas for tub , shower and toilet will require several overhead fixtures. The lights are general , recessed into the ceilings or those over a tub or a shower must be watertight and vapour proof . A minimum of 100W incandescent or 60W fluorescent lamp is sufficient. The most critical lighting in a bath centers around the mirror area , this is the basic for good grooming. For shaving , make up applications hair care , light should be soft and diffused without glare or shadow. Avoid lighting the mirror itself rather light of the person looking into the mirror . The most efficient to light up a person's face is to use three fixtures , one on either side of the mirror and one overhead. Side fixtures should be mounted 30" - 36" apart on the wall and install about 60" above the floor.

Incandescent fixtures should have a minimum of 75W bulb and fluorescent tubes on either side of 20W and one tube of 30W or two tubes of 15W overhead. Additional bath lighting for specific purposes may include plant lights to take the advantage of bath humidity for growing the flowers and ferns.

READING ROOM The study is the most important room for the intellectuals , for students as this is the room where one builds his carrer. In the reading room , one should plan the lights very carefully as the intensity affects a lot on the eyes thus on the health. •

In a study , the priority is to provide adequate illumination for reading and writing. For maximum pleasure of reading and for easier concentration , reading lamps must have a proper quality and quantity of illumination and be placed so that the light falls comfortably on the open page. The complete room may be lit with powerful uplighters , downlighters , or the general lighting may be reduced to be supplemented with task lights as required . For the study it is necessary that task lights be supported with general illumination even if it is of low intensity to avoid eye strain. Care should be taken where computers are placed , the task light should not produce glare or reflections on the screen. Task lights for writing should be positioned so as to avoid both glare and shadow. If floor lamps are used as reading lights , then it should be 40"-49" from the floor to the bottom edge of the shade. The shade should be moderately illuminous to softly diffuse the light and eliminate glare , thus open top shades are preferred.

BEDROOM The bedroom is a place where one can be totally oneself. It is the room where we spend the maximum amount of time - to sleep , relax and unwind , after a long tiring day and rejuvenate oneself for the tomorrow. • •

The lighting should be a soothing general illumination . If want to highlight some paintings or photographs , one can go for a task lighting in this area. Uplighters look very beautiful , dimmers can be very useful to play with the intensity of the light as per mood.

Lights should be planned in such a way that it must create a light , romantic , relaxing environment. Table lamps or hanging lamp shades provides the room a very aesthetic look.

SWIMMING POOL / FOUNTAINS Water presents a challenging and rewarding medium for lighting . Swimming pools , fountains , waterfalls magically come to life with lighting effects at night. • • • •

For effective swimming pool lighting , the lights are generally set below the water level , into the sides of the pool. This should be done while the construction of the pool so as to keep the wiring away from water. The lights should be placed to shimmer down the deep end of the pool. Fountains are effectively lit by submerged narrow beam sources set near the base of each jet or falling on the flowing water casting a color and sparkle on it. Waterfall comes to life when lit from behind.

GARDEN Garden is a place where man interacts and is near to the mother nature even at the time when we are on the verge of destroying it. • • • •

Lighting should be planned according to desired landscape lighting effects as well as providing adequate light for walking , security etc. All lights , wiring and metal work should be able to resist weather conditions for a prolonged period of time like dust , moisture and corrosion. The lighting should illuminate select areas , should create striking effects and keeps what is to be concealed in shadows. Thus , the way of lighting drastically changes the way of living and mood of the environment. So one must be very careful while planning the lights and choosing the fixtures as in the end , if worked carelessly , it can result into mis match of everything.

MAINTAINING THE LIGHTING SYSTEM The term lighting refers to the useful energy output of a system consisting of light sources , fixtures to support them in appropriate locations , wiring channels to activate the light sources and the convenient electrical controls. Here are the tips on how to maintain the lighting system in different rooms according to the ambience . LIVING ROOM lighting : The living room is the core of domestic life. People decorate them according to their interest , but the one element that is common to all is

the intangible style , which is not dictated by prevailing trends or large amounts of money. Here are some basics how to illuminate it properly. • • • • • • • • • •

Establish an adequate general illumination level to reduce the accent light , brightness , contrast. Illuminate an entire wall with overhead fixtures to provide background for room furnishings. Feature window areas with the cosmic lighting. Indirect light like that under a pelment or above a cabinet will supply soft uniform illumination. Use dimmers to program lighting moods. Play up with the architectural features like aala , niches , mantles etc. Highlight artwork and plants with individual lighting arrangements. Be sure that the floor , table and hanging fixtures have adequate shades to prevent glare. Plan adequate lighting to handle a variety of family activities like rack for display. Bar area could use incandescent light to play up sparkling glassware. Lighted shelves or fluorescent fixtures under the front edge of bar are effective.

DINING ROOM The decor of dining room depends upon the culture of the family. A dining room can change the style of eating. So one should be careful while playing with the lights to make the environment relax and easy. • • • •

One must keep the visual emphasis off the ceiling and walls and on the décor of food and guests. Ceiling down lights should fall and focus primarily on dining room table surface. Candles and fuel lamps in decorative holders can add special touch to any meal. Buffey or service areas and chinaware/silverware/crockery displays deserve special lighting emphasis.

KITCHEN Kitchen is a place where a lady spends her maximum time so it should have comfortable and fresh feeling. Today's kitchens are far removed from the dark dingy spaces one saw earlier. • •

General lighting for a kitchen should be well distributed , uniform and as shadow less as possible. Fluorescent fixtures reduce the energy demands without sacrificing illumination.

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Even if there is window in the kitchen , install down lighting over a sink for cloudy days or nights. Special lighting for key work areas can be installed in the ceiling or in the upper cabinets. Provide light for storage areas in pantry or wall cabinets overhead or shelf mounted brackets will do the job.

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CREATING MOOD WITH COLOR Color has a profound effect on our mood. In clothing , interiors , landscape and even natural light , a color can change mood from sad to happy , from confusion to intelligence , from fear to confidence. Particular colors have different effects on each individual . Response to a color may be influenced by a number of factors such as the body's need for a specific color , a sad or happy memory associated with a color. In previous decades , certain colors or group of colors dominated every palette . Now in millenium , the stopper is out and uniqueness and personal preferences are really in. There are no absolutes in the world of color. Some colors make you want to get out of your chair , others make you want to nestle down and read. Some colors are articulate and must be listened to. Others are very quiet . Some colors indicate that you have travelled or are well read. Yet others create a desire for closeness , intimacy and love.

Following are some of the most typical responses to various color groups. NURTURING NEUTRALS : These colors create a sense of peace and well being. They foster quiet conversation with family and friends and can dispel loneliness. Throughout time , mankind has found a sense of peace and tranquility when in touch with " Mother Earth " . It follows that colors which impart a sense of warmth and serenity come directly from the earth. In addition to the earth colors in the neutral group are colors associated with sea such as sand , shell , coral , pearl , stone , seaweed. GREEN is a color which helps us to adjust to new environments and situations. It will always be found among the 'nurturing neutrals'. The BLUES represented here will range from winter sky to stream to midnight. The neutrals are somewhat like the furniture while other palettes are more like accents or accessories.


These are the sharp , witty and unique colors which convey a message that the owner has travelled , is well read and has something to say. These colors will command respect without being overbearing. This palette also starts with a earthy , warm base. Grey is a color which promotes creativity and will often be found in foundation of an intellectual palette. These greys will be warm and gentle. Some tones of blue suggest communication and trust , so it will naturally be found in the intellectual palette. Navy blues will often find their way in this palette , but its effect is warm and never cold and fragile. Red also appears in this intellectual palette , but the shades will be earthy and complicated burgundy , cranburry.

PLAYFUL COLORS : These colors are exiting and used for a fun providing environment These playful , whimsical palettes create their own kind of music , like the sounds of children playing. There are highs and lows , lights and darks and always movement and activity. Used in active spaces within the home , a 'playful' palette can add energy and vitality. But if overdone , this type of palette becomes irritating and stressful. The foundation of this palette is WHITE . This could be anywhere from vanilla ice cream to snow drift to winter moon. Then comes the bubble gum pink , buttercup , wintergreen , all the berry colors and crayon colors. Many of these colors will be cool , and even in lighter tones there will be brightness and clarity. The bottom line in creating this type of palette is that the colors should suggest a sense of freedom , play and downright fun. HEALING COLORS : This palette includes the colors which are very refreshing and rejuvenating. Like nurturing colors , 'healing colors' also begin by getting in touch with nature. The first group of colors considered in this palette is GREEN. Because they have the power to help us adjust to new environments , skillful designers use lots of plants and other forms of green . Healing greens may be warm or cool , but not muddy or mysterious like those in the intellectual palette. Healing palettes also take inspirations from warn earth tones. These palettes usually contains contrast as well as a clarity of color that is inspiring. They will include a range of lights and darks but will never be muddy.

ROMANTIC COLORS : Many species including the human beings attempt to attract the opposite sex with colors. RED is the color of sex and lust and is often called the most romantic of colors. It is no accident that red is the chosen symbolic color for the Valentine's Day.

In interior design , however , a less intense , softer tone of red is far more conducive to romance than the pure hue. Often referred as PINKS , these colors vary from cool to warm and from light to dark. Pinks have an interesting quality that seems to halt the body's ability to stay angry. PURPLE is another color which is definitively romantic because of its passionate , unpredictable and quixotic characteristics. Paler , less intense tones of ORANGE such as apricot and peach are often included in the romantic palette , suggesting purity and innocence. BLUES in the romantic palette will be cool and inspired by water.

PERSONAL STYLE : There are no trends in color as important as personal style. Today , most designers draw from many historical periods as well as contemporary influences and mix them together to create unique personal spaces. The most effective color palettes reflect and enhance the interests , collections and activities of the people who live there as well as architectural features. The effects of color on mood will vary from individual to individual. Color schemes have emotional messages too. An awareness of the emotions generated by different colors is helpful in planning personal palettes that will be pleasant to live with , but it must be understood that this information is not absolute. Subtle changes in tone can increase or decrease the emotions evoked by a particular color , allowing it to be included in many diverse palettes

Vastu For Living Room The living room should be in the east (not the southeast corner) or in the north. However, it is more beneficial if the room is in the north. The slope of the flooring in the living room should be towards the east or the north. The furniture, show-cases and other heavy articles inside the room should be placed in the west or south direction. The colour of the walls and the tiles can be white, yellow, blue or green. As far as possible, it should not be red or black. Any fancy chandelier should not be right in the center of the room, but can be slightly towards the west. The objective is that the heavy weight of the chandelier and pull of Centre gravy it do not fall on Brahma' place. Coolers or air-conditioners should be in the west and not in the south-east section. The east-facing and west-facing doors are very auspicious for the living room. As far as possible the television should be in the southeast corner. If it is in the north-west corner, it is viewed for a very long time, thereby wasting a lot of precious time of the resident.

Vastu Tips for Students Make Better of Your Efforts Let Vastu help you attain better results for your efforts. You might be working hard but not getting results good enough for all the hard work you put yourself through. Vastu is not a magic wand to get you on the top, but it redirects your efforts to the right direction. Following are some of the tips that will help you do just the same: •

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The room to be chosen for study should be in the east ,North or the North-East direction of the house. These directions improve the absorption power and increase the knowledge content. Along with that if the door of the room is also in either of these directions , the result turns out to be the best. The study room should have images of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Saraswati. The books in the study chamber should be kept in the South-West , South or West direction and not in the North - East .In addition to that if the north - east direction bears heavy weight it shall pressurize the students' mind. Furthermore , if the student studies on the table and chair , the table should not stick to the wall .It should be at least 3 feet away from it . Along with that unnecessary books should not be piled up on the table . Only the books which are needed should be kept on the table. Load of books on the table create unnecessary mental pressure on the mind .The study books should be placed in the cupboard in the cabinet rather than in the open .And if the shutter of the cupboard is kept shut , the flow of energy is constantly maintained. If the learner makes use of the Table lamp then the lamp should be kept in the South-East corner of the desk. Plus if it is a square table then nothing like it. Further the size of the study table should not be too big nor too small. It should be just the size which is comfortable for the working of the student. A big sized table diminishes the working capacity , whereas the small table gives rise to depression. Moreover , if possible , the walls of the study room should be light orange in color as it is very auspicious and enhances the wishing power as well as supports the speedy progress of mind. Along with that , at the same time of study , the learner should use a pyramid cape as it proves to be extremely beneficial . Not only that it embellishes the remembering power and absorption.

The student should ensure that after studying when they go off to sleep , their head is in the South direction . It helps in maintaining the magnetic balance of the body and the earth. And last but not the least, a pendulum watch is a must in each and every study room

Vastu Purusha


Introduction and History Once, when Lord Shiva was fighting the demon called Andhaka, his (the Lord's) perspiration dropped on ground. Out of this was born the Vastu Purusha. Being hungry he started devouring everything that came his way.

The gods then went to Lord Brahma. He told 45 deities to press his face down in northeast and feet in southwest. Lord Brahma blessed him saying that he will be the deity of all plots and offerings have to be done to him while constructing any building. And in return Vastu Purusha is said to take care of the inmates of the house.

Vastu for Bedroom The master bedroom should be in the south-west area of the building. This room can be used by father or the eldest son in the family. The central south portion is also recommended for the eldest son. Beds should be placed so as the head of the person should be in south or west direction.The bedroom should not be constructed above porch, car parks and kitchen. The bedroom should never be constructed on four pillars with no construction under the bedroom. The room should not be in the central portion of the building or in the basement; as it may lead to mental instability in person using such bedrooms. When it somes to the placement of beds, Vastu lays clear rules for the placement of bed in the room. Accoring to Vastu, the beds should never be placed under the joint in roof or under a beam. The beds should always be kept away from the walls. If any cabinets of almirahs are constructed/placed in the bedroom, which contain valuable documents, cash, jewelry etc., it should be in the south-west of the room opening towards north. An attached bathroom to the room can be to the north-west or south-east of the room. Entrance door to the bedroom may have a window opposite to it.

If there are more than one floors, the head of the family (elder person) should have a bedroom on the upper floor and in the south-west corner. This room should never be used as a bedroom of young children, or unnecessary quarrels are likely to occur in the house. Southwest corner of the bedroom should never be left empty, always keep heavy things, furniture etc. in this portion in every room as a general rule of Vastu. The southwest side of the house and all the rooms inside the house should always be heavier than the east and northeast side. Maximum open space should be left in the northeast side of the rooms and house. Avoid keeping a TV in the bedroom. If a TV is kept, it should never be in front of bed, as it works as a mirror and keeping a mirror in front of bed generates negative energy. Keeping a up-lighter in the south-east is good. The dressing-table in the bedroom should be kept north direction. Reading and writing activities can be carried out in the west or east of the bedroom. The door of the bedroom

should be in the east, the west or the north. Having windows in the east and north and smaller windows in west is beneficial.

Colour of Walls What we see effects our mind, both in good ways and bad. The kind of paintings etc. in the house also effect the thinking of the inmates. The colours you see when you wake up define you day. As a general rule in Vastu light colours in house are always better than dark shades. The colour of walls in the bedroom should be light rose, blue, green, gray, etc for they encourage intelligent thinking. Yellow and white coloured marble stones should not be used in the bedroom.

Sleeping Direction Vastu allows sleeping with head in any direction except north. The detail of the direction of head while sleeping and its effects is as under: East: East is the direction of knowledge. Sleeping with head in the east improves health, increases knowledge and increases a liking for spiritualism. Children should always sleep with head in the east. West: Sleeping with one's head in the west causes bad dreams, illness, disturbed sleep and violent nature. North: Sleeping with head in the north causes fear and sleeplessness and major illness. South: South is the best direction for sleeping. Sleeping with one's head in the south brings happiness and sound sleep. It also leads to increment in wealth and prosperity.

Vastu For Construction of Verandah Verandahs should be in the east or north portion of the house. More open places towards the east and north side of the house are good, as it brings more positive energy of the morning sun to the house. No walls blocking the sun rays should be constructed in the east and north-east side of the verandah. The southwest portion of the verandah should always be higher then the north-east portion, both at floor and the ceiling levels. A mirror can be hung on the north or east wall of the verandah. Heavy furniture and plants should be placed in the south-west portion, and northeast portion can be used to place light plants and flower decorations. A shoe rack, if needed, can be built or placed in the north-west portion of the verandah.

Kitchen The kitchen should be in the south-east portion of the house. The door of the kitchen should be in the north, east or north-east direction opening clockwise. The lady should face east while cooking, for it brings good health to family members. If the lady faces west while cooking it may lead to health problems to ladies; while cooking with the face towards south may lead to financial problems in the family.

Cooking Gas/Range should be in the south-east part of the kitchen. Sink in the kitchen should be installed in the north east. Big windows and ventilators should be in the east direction, while smaller windows should be in south. Exhaust fan should be installed on the eastern wall in the south-east corner. A dishwasher can be placed in the north west of the kit chen.. If any storage cabinets are made in the north east, use these cabinets for light weight storage only. Soft pink and orange color can be used in the kitchen. Drinking water should be placed in the north-east; water filter will be installed in the north east, if required. Refrigerator should be in the south-west corner. No toilets and bathrooms should be adjoining, and above or below the kitchen. If the kitchen is adjoining a bedroom, the wall between them should be thicker than other walls. Food should never be served in the center of the kitchen, i.e. no dining table should be placed in the center of the kitchen. Dining table should be placed in the north-west cornet of the room. If a dining table is placed in the kitchen one should only face east north while consumption of food as it is good for digestion.

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