Variability Of Ozone Reaction Kinetics

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  • Words: 403
  • Pages: 8
Variability of ozone reaction kinetics in batch and continuous flow reactors - S.W. Hermanowicz, W.D.Bellamy and L.C.Fung, Science Direct, UCB, 1999

Rajarshi Guha (07302009) ACRE Seminar, Chemical Engineering Department, IIT Bombay

Variability of Ozone kinetics • Reaction of ozone with surface water shows a variability in reaction rates • Reaction rates in continuous flow experiments are higher than batch experiments • Reaction order is described by n-th order (0.4-2) kinetics

Experimental Setup • A cylindrical bubble column reactor is used • Water and Ozone flow is maintained from the bottom until a S.S. conc has been achieved • 3 residence time has been taken for each continuous experiment • Then all flows are stopped and batch experiment starts • Water for experiment comes from a water treatment plant • Ozone conc has been measured by titration

Data Analysis •

rO3=kncO3^n n=1 is the simplest choice, but order can vary

C=C0exp(−k1Bt) for batch reactors

D−cO3−k1C cO3 Θ=0 for continuous reactors (CSTR),D is transferred ozone dose, cO3 is S.S. conc and Θ is hydraulic residence time

In all cases k1c > k1b

In CFR ozone is continuously contacted with raw water which exerts some instantaneous ozone demand

In batch experiment some of these demands has been partially fulfilled First order reaction rate coefficients for different steady state ozone concentrations cO3 (for bath systems “k1”=k1B; for continuous flow “k1”=k1C).

Finding the rate law parameters • 3 characteristic rate constants have been proposed • Initially first order kinetics (if logc03 v/s t is linear) • Curve significantly upward (n-th order kinetics) • Curve significantly downward (n-th order kinetics)

• The eqn has been integrated analytically to obtain c(t) • This c(t) is then fitted to the observed ozone conc using a nonlinear least square method to find kn and n

Importance of specific reaction rates • Kn and n decreases when more ozone has been transferred • This indicates a change in sp. reaction Rate r(c)/c • n<1: c decreases faster than r(c), r(c)/c will increase • n>1: r(c) will decrease faster than c, r(c)/c will decrease • n=1: r(c)/c=dc/dt and it remains constant

Reaction kinetics for different n

Conclusion • We can obtain an expression for ozone demand which attributes to the difference of reaction rates in continuous and batch experiments • Rate for continuous flow expt: • Rate of batch expt: rd=kncO3^n • Hence Instantaneous ozone demand: cd=D−cO3−kn cO3^n Θ

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