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  • Words: 296
  • Pages: 2
Jessa B. Vergara (1:50-4:50) BSED-IB

Thursday NSTP12

Narrative report March 12, 2009: As a continuation of our Community Extension Service, we went to San Salvador, Zone 3, to have our Literacy Training Services. I was so excited because it is my first time to teach those children about solving problems with fractions. But unfortunately, when we got there they already have no classes. Some of the residents told us that it is already their vacation, so we decided to have the Civic Welfare Training Services. We really had fun on our CWTS. We cleaned the sidewalks and driveways, and at the same time, we are also having our pictorials. We also cleaned the chapel and its garden. We found out that the chapel still needs to have its renovation. On the other side, some of our classmates had their CWTS in Zone 2. Also, some of them attended the CWTS in the Day Care Center. After that tiring yet enjoyable experience, we ate “halo-halo” and we went to our classmate’s house. It is the most delightful moment at that time, because aside from our bonding time, we also had a free buko juice trip. It is really cool! March 19, 2009: It is our last meeting for the NSTP Class this semester, and aside from that, we had our accreditation on this day that’s why we were handled by Mr. Carandang. We discussed about the things that we did in our immersion project. We also have a discussion about the problems that we encountered on the outreach program and how we solved it. And also, we talked about our most favorite part in the immersion project. It is really nice to meet Mr. Carandang because we hwd a great time in discussing our experiences with him.

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