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21/09/09 17:09
VAMOS CANTANDO Vamos cantando, vamos cantando las canciones que llenen nuestras almas de algrìa y de amor, y estas dudas amargas que hay en los corazones sacudiràn las alas a su alegre rumor. Pablo Neruda We go singing the songs that fill our souls of happiness and love and these bitter doubts that we have in the hearts will shake the wings to their happy noise. Pablo Neruda Yo vi mil garzones que andaban cantando, por aquì volando, haciendo mil sones; Gloria sea en cielo y paz en el suelo. Villancico XVI sec. I saw thousand young people that went singing, flying in these parts, making thousand noises; Glory in the highest and peace on the earth. Villancico XVI century Uyay, !urikuna, Kristianos kaspaka, uyay tu kui sungu Iglesia mamata. Text in Quéchua Listen children, since you are Christian, listen, with all one's heart, the church your mother. Text in Quéchua
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