Valley Of Shadow #5

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 7
to leave no sign of his passing. The Klingons would be after them in earnest in the morning. WhenSpock made it back to the mouth of the cave, he noticed the moonwas nowlow in the sky. He had been gone much longer than he expected. The cavern had cooled in his absence and darkness replaced the red glow. "Doctor McCoy?" There was no answer. He located one of the boulders by feel and trained his phaser on it. The returning light revealed a very still, pale figure on the floor of the cave. Kneeling beside the doctor, he felt for a pulse, but could not be sure if the faint throb was real or imagined. Spock reached down and grasped McCoy's shoulders, shaking them gently. "McCoy...McCoy... Bones?" No word or movementanswered him. As he flipped open the medikit, he cursed himself for leaving the doctor. He should have been here to help his friend through the pain. It was not something a man should have to go through alone. He passed the scanner slowly over McCoy's chest. Spock did not have the skill of the doctor in reading the instrument, but knew the bleeps and whirrs meant life. A sterilite injection was given to combat infection, but it would be of little help; peritonitis had taken hold of McCoy's body. There was nothing he could do. Nothing but wait. * * * * The bridge of the Konya was not like that of Federation starships. Little space was left after essential instruments were installed, but the crew managed to move efficiently in the cramped area. There was no room here for anyone not assigned to the bridge, yet. CommanderKab stood leaning on the captain's chair. II We

11, Captain, it looks 1ike Kopel's not doing too well down there.

Keck must be having a fit. Is that the way you planned it?" Kultor shot him a warning gl ance. "Don' t overstep 1;he bounds Qf friendship. This situation is too important to play politics with. I


thought they'd be able to handle it. Kab wasn't


me down there in the first

him off that easily.


Evidently I was mistaken.


"Yot,Ashould have sent

You know that.


He smiled at his comrade. "Really? And could you have done what needed to be done? What Keck did?" A hardness rarely seen crossed Kab's face. "Oh yes, I could have done it, only I wouldn't have enjoyed it. Maybe I should take a detail down there and-help the kid find the Earthers. My boys in Enforcement

need a little

exercise anyway.II

He was about to approve the suggestion tracking station broke in on his thoughts. .


when a voice from the

"Captain, I have a target on the long-range scanner. Kultor's body tensed for action. II Identi fy. II "Unknown, sir.

It is approaching

at high speed:


warp five or


"Let me know as soon as it's classified. II Kab leaned close to the captain. liThe Enterprise.1I III hope not. II He turned to the communications officer.


Koch, get me Commander Kopel.


Only a momentpassed before . . the young voice acknowledged. 31.

Ku1tor made the urgency in

his voice unmistaka'b1 e, "Kopel, we

have a ship on our scanner, possibly the Enterprise.


want you to find

those humans a~d destroy them. Now! Eliminate all traces of their presence '.' -V11 try to give you time, but un1ess you want to answer some embarrassing questions, you will do as I say." "Yes, sir. We have their medical tricorder and may be able to locate them with it. Failing that, it will be light soon and we'll track them down. I promise, Captain, I will locate them." The boy sounded genuinely confident and...older? Something had ;happened on, that planet to mature his first officer. "I'm counting on ,you, Kopel. Ku1tor out." Kab was heading for the door. "Well, I'd better be getting down ther.e. you 1a ter . " "No. " .'

Kab spun to. face



Kultor scratched his beard. "I said you're not going. If that is the Enterprise down there, we'll have to raise our shields until they-either leave or are destroyed, and with the shields up I can't beamanyone aboard. I'm arready risking five men, I won't risk any more." He 1eaned forward. and massaged his temples. He had one hell of a headache. "Besides, does it really matter what happens dawn there? This Kirk isn't going to be discouraged. It looks like we're the ones who are going to end up doing the fighting, not Kope1." "Captain, target identified as a Federation starship." Kab sighed. "Well, that ends the suspense. What now?" '"


"Now.we try a bluff.

It won't work, but it may give Kopel the time

.he'needs.. .just in case it does matter." . Lieutnnant Koch looked up from his pane.1. "Sir, we're being hailed by the Enterprise. They want our identification and intentions. II ", Ku'lto.r settled back in his chair and threw a wink at Kab. II Well ,


here we g6.;- Put it on the screen, .



The viewscreen of the Konyawas less than a meter squ,are, but it

could not. diminish the resolve of the figure in gold that appeared there. Ku1tor. set his jaw in a defiant scowl. "This is Captain Ku1tor of the Imperial .Batt1ecruiser Konya. We are on a peaceful mission. Whyare we being challenged?" . ."I'm Captain Jame.s T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise. Would you mind explaining the nature of your mission here?" The human's voice was carefully polite. .. .IIWeare surveying this planet for possible settlement under the Treaty. Our sensors indicate natural resources which may be of interest to the Empire. We have done nothing to warrant your concern. Do not interfere." ,

Kirk seemed to consider that a momentbefore replying. "It seems we have the "same purpose. I left a landing party on .that planet two days ago and .... ~


".None .of your men are down there!

We scanned

when we arrived to make sure it was uninhabited. it is gone now.II

the entire


If your party was there,


The human.,'sface darkened; Kirk didn't believe a word of it. "My men were th~re, and if you don't mind, we'll assume orbit and check for ourselves." .. . 32.

"Liar! You .iust want to claim this planet yourself. Youdon't need Vogel -- I doubt -if the Federation even wants it -- but you'll do anything to see that we don't get it." His outburst took Kirk by surprise and a fleeting momentof doubt registered in his eyes. Good! "Captain Kultor, I assure you, my only interest is my l;nding party. If you will allow me to orbit " "No! I was willended. not tolerate your interference." At his si~nal. the transmission Kirk watched the screen as blackness was replaced by a blue and green'planet in the distance. Kultor was not going to let him get near it without a fight. He glimpsed a red shirt standing beside him. The chief engineer didn It 1ike being on the bridge when troubl e was brewing. but with Spock gone, Scotty was second in command. "What do you think, Scotty?" "Aye, it's a tight situation that for sure. It's possible that he didna pick up Mr. Spock and the others when he scanned th, p1anet. The area they're in jumbles the readins but good. Maybe he's te11in' the truth.~ "Maybe, but I doubt it. If they didn't detect them on their instruments, their landing party must have seen them. I ~hink we can assume that they're after the tri1ithium, and the copper field down there isn't that big. II He turned back toward the screen. "Mr. Hansen, how long before we can achieve orbit?" "Ten minutes, sir." "Good. Nowall we have to do is get close enough~ Proceed at warp 2; we don't want to make them nervous.1I On an impulse. Kirk punched the computer into 1ife. IIComputer'. Relate knowndate on Klingon battlecruiser Konya.1I .



The mechanical

voice responded at once.


Klingon vessel Konya.II


"Consul t all other banks for 'Konya'. II "Worl
Nearest Federation IISpecify


data 01')any


Earth family


Klingon bird of prey. Cathartidae.1I '

common name." ,

The cold impersonal voice unsettled

lives off the dead.

him. A vulture,

a bird that


Chekov straightened at the science station. IIKepten. the Konya has brol<enoribt and is heading out to meet us. Sir, her $hields are up. Expect intercept in 5.3 minutes." "Go to yellow alert. Can we get any life readings from the planet at this range?1I IINo, sir. With the interference we wi11 have to be in orbit before that is possible.1I Kirk swung around to face the communications station. "Uhura. any chance of contacting Spock?" "I've been trying, Captain, but we're too far away. The copper is causing static. I'm afraid we'll have to be close to orbit status



Orbit. Orbit. Everything depended on orbit. ItMr, Chekov, when we get close, scan for Spock first. He'll be the easiest' to pick up." III wouldna do that, Capta~ri..11 33.


Kirk looked up into Scotty's smile. "Whynot?" . "We", sir, Mr. Spock doesn'a register at all; must be his copperbased system. WhenI beamed down the equipment, I had to lock on to his

communicatorbecause I couldna find him.II ~hat a stroke of luck. If the Enterprise couldn't locate the ,

Vulcan, then the Klingons would certainly

have the same problem.

, "Kepten, intercept in 3 minutes. II His mouth was dry, as it always was before a fight. He'd kill for a glass of water right now. "Red alert. En@rgize phaser banks. Shields up; Mr. Sulu, maintain our heading for Vogel II at warp 4. Let's see if he's serious.". , Scotty reappeared at Kirk's e1~~w before he noticed the engineer's absence. "Shields an' phasers are 100%, and there's no problem in

engineering. II "Kepten, the Konya is within firing range. I~V~rywe1.1, Ensign. <


Steady as she goes, Mr. Sulu."

rhe bridge was tense, waiting for the Klingon's move, then Chekov's


"volc~';cratkl,ed ~hrough the air. "Singl e disruptor bol t fired, but... it wUl' pass .ahea'd of us." Ku1tor was trying ":0 scare them off. "Maintain heading. II The Dex~ bolt was a glancing hit on their number one shield. ,. Scotty.shook his head. "I canna be sure, but I think we've just had ,j

our nose slapped. II

. .



Kirk couldn't resist

a small laugh.

"Well, I'm sure. II

Chekov's voice cut through the moment of levity.

"He's increased

speed. Looks like an attack run. II . I 'The K]ingon h~d finished playing games. "Ready phasers, op1!jmtinir.~n.g.eis. 1,000 kilometers.

>:~hatdistance. Mr. Sulu, take evasive action at that time. II 'The e'nsign started a countdown as the Konyaapproached. ',"

.1,JOO.~...l,000 kilometers, , .-' ~.



"Now, Mr. Su1u!"

The Enterprise turned away from her attackers, hit. on the aft shield. .. . Kirk took ,a, deep breath and let



Mr. Chekov, advise us when they reach

it out slowly.

receiving a glancing So much for the

peace treaty. "He meant that one; we're in a shooting war now. Attack plan 8, Mr. Sulu. Get us close to that planet whenever possible. Chekov, -get someone to auxiliary control to scan for our people; we might be able to work our way close enough. Uhura, keep trying to raise Spock. Scotty, have someon,e,.stan;dby the transporter just in case. II Had he covered everythingl He lived in fear that someday, something would be overlooked. The starship~turned on her adversary, exchanging shot for shot. ,After two hours of intense battle, neither ship had gained an advantage. Then it happened. The K1ingon ship sustainea a prolonged phaser attack ,o!, her port' shi el ds before she coul d break away. "


IIKepten, instrument!:



and a.nother is very weak, both on the Kirk's tension eased slightly. He'll try to protect that side. Let's Su1u, m~~eo~r next. run angled at his turn away from him at 90°. We'" use

the Konya has lost

one sl1ield

port side. II "Weseem to have an edge at last. see if we can fake him out. Mr. starboard side; when we're on top, the aft phasers to hit him to port.

Sulu beamed at Kirk with admiration. .. 34.

"Yes, sir!



35. . .


The Konya's bridge crew studied their instruments in silence. During a battle, all information was duplicated on the panel of the fire control officer. He was the only one on the bridge allowed to speak to the cap-tain, leaving the others free to do their work and carry out the orders of their commander. Normally, Kopel would handle the job but, in his absence, Lieutenant Kassel was assigned. Kassel had the experience that Kopel lacked and could be counted on. "Engineering reports that the number three shield is gone and number two is down to 27%. The Enterprise is approaching from starboard." Ku1tor leaned over Kassel's shoulder, checking the starship~s movements. "Cometo 249 mark 3." As he watched, the Enterprise matched his course change and continued to close. He was about to order another turn when they took a hit on the starboard side. It was a short blast. Why? "Q~ick! Hard over!" As the battlecruiser spun away, two phaser blasts passed along its port side. "Kor was right. That Kirk is a devil!" Kab's calm voice came from behind him. "Whichway did he turn?" "Their present course is 167 mark 2. Why?" "Back to the planet. They almost always turn directly toward Vogel. Have you noticed?" Kultor checked the computer. Only twice after an attack had the straship not headed toward the planet, and during the course of battle the two ships had moved steadily closer to Kirk's ultimate goal. Kirk had made a mistake; he had become predictable. Maybeit would prove to be a

fatal mistake.


Kultor checked the condition. of the front shiel ds and decided they were strong enough for what he had in mind. "Comeabout; I want to make a head-on attack. After the Enterprise passes, assume that she will continue 100 kilometers, then turn directly toward Vogel. Put that information into the computer, then lock the helm and all aft disrupters into the computer's automatic firing system. Set for prolonged firing." Kab moved up beside him. "That's a big risk. Our firepower has been under quite a strain. If you hit her it will be sheer luck."



A detached voice came from fire control. "Closing on the Enterprise." "Commencefiring." The two ships came toward each other at light speed, exchanging vicious and prolonged fire. As the Enterprise passed overhead, the computer-controlled Konyachanged its heading slightly to be ready for the b1ind shot. Ku1tor watched the screen as the aft disruptors opened fire, catching the starship broadside in a merciless assault. Whenthe attack ended, the great ship hung dead in space. It was a hard-won victory; Kirk was a worthy adversary. Ku1tor was almost sorry it would be necessary to destroy him. "Report the enemy's status." Kasse11 leaned back in his chair and beamed up at Kultor like a Katerian puppy. "Power gone, sir, but her hull is intact and life support operational. Main damage is to the engines." .36.


Walking back to his chair seemed to take a great deal of effort. Ku1tor was tired. "Bring the ship about. We'll finish them with our

forward disruptors.


As the Konya began its slow turn, Kasse11's attention was attracted to another area of space. It took precious seconds to confirm that the new shi p was not a ghost. IICaptain, another starship approaching from 251

mark 6 at high speed."

In one step, Ku1tor was out of his chair and leaning over the scanner. The new ship was practically on top of them. His first slammedagainst the panel. IIHe1msman,get us out of here. Now!II The batt1ecruiser broke off its attack and headed for deep space at maximumspeed.


CommanderKab kept his voice low so only the captain could hear. "What about the 1anding party?1I


IIWhatabout them? They've failed miserably. I'm sure death or capture would be preferable to what they would face at home. Wehave one shield gone, three badly damagedand our firepower is down to 43%. There is no' way we can engage another starship and win. Our speed is still intact and I'm taking us home."

Kirk shook his head, trying to dispel the blaring inside, but it only got worse. The klaxon! Pulling himself up, his eyes surveyed the bridge. Red emergency lights revealed bodies littered around him, struggling to return to their stations. He movedunsteadily toward the science station, giving Uhura a hand up, silencing the klaxon as he passed. Chekov had recovered quickly and was intent on the screen. IIWhere's the Konya?1I The young man seemed confused. "She...she's maving offo sir. Leaving the system." IIKeepan eye on her, she may turn." His attention returned to communications to find Uhura busily logging in messages. "Damagereport ready?" "All decks repor.t minor to moderate damage, sir. Dr. M'Benga says we have four dead so far and several injured, two critically.1I She paused, her face troub1 ed.' IICaptain, I'm unabl e to reach Engineering." IIKeeptrying, lieutenant." Four dead, maybe more, but he couldn't think about that now. Later there would be time. He returned to his commandchair. Uhura's voice caught his attention. IISir, I have Mr. Scott.1I Scotty? Kirk looked around, but the engineer had disappeared from the bridge. He activated the chair's intercom. IIScotty, what's happening . down there?" .

IICap'n, we're havin' a wee bit 0' trouble." If the thickness of the Scot's brogue was any indication, they were indeed in trouble. IIJust how 'wee' is it?" "Weel, sair, the number one engine's not operatin' a'ta11, 'n

numbertwo's doon to impulse poweronly. II

Uhura broke in. "Captain, we're being hailed by the Potemkin. They want to know if we need their immediate assistance.1I So that's why the Konya took off. IIAskthem to stand by. Scotty, can we get to Vogel and maintain ;o-rbit?1I 37.

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