
  • October 2019
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  • Words: 9,139
  • Pages: 15
Kelly wanted to vomit in terror, “This wasn’t right. This wasn’t the club this was just some bland little room with off white walls and a faintly medicinal odor in the air. Where was she? How did she get here of all places? She was sure she had never been here before. The woman in front of her wasn’t the handsome, suave Joe she was meeting to have drinks with. She was pale and plain with lank brown hair, thin like she was getting over some serious illness.” Then Kelly noticed as she shifted uncomfortably she was having trouble moving. “Don’t try to move too much, the strange sickly looking woman said softly, “You’ve only just been awakened we haven’t had time to fully make the disconnect from Utopia.” Kelly’s stomach heaved “You’re an Anarchist? You’ve just ruined my entire life! I can never go back to my life!” Kelly screamed in despair. She knew that once these psychos made the disconnect on a person they never come back to Utopia they just disappeared. Kelly’s breathing started to pick up to never go back. “But my entire world! All my friends! My family! My career! What am I going to do now?” Then her head whipped around from her vacant staring at the far wall to stare at the woman sitting quietly & politely in front of her. “Where am I may be better question and she can probably answer it to,” she thought herself. “These people can’t be completely without a way to some how care for the people whose lives they are ruining.” Kelly cleared her throat carefully and asked hoarsely “So what comes next?” The woman smiled gently, “Excellent question! You’re not just another pretty dumb blonde girl. I must say I like it so much better when people just accept the change rather than begging to go back to Utopia. There really is no reversal and it really is for you’re your own good you know” her brow furrowed in an anxious line down the middle like a school teacher whose students wouldn’t behave. “Well first we need to put you back to sleep for a few more hours to finish disconnecting you completely. Then we begin rehabilitation which includes a great many things but first and foremost is your dietary change. If you look down at your arm you will see a tube. That’s how you get your food right now every thing you ate in Utopia was illusion you were fed intravenously or IV. Now you are going to have to learn to eat solid foods. It’s going to be hard at first so we will take it slow but eventually it becomes quite enjoyable. As enjoyable as it was in Utopia. My name is Allison by the way I am going to be your guide for the time being so you can direct any questions or problems your having to me.” she said reaching out to the table next her to pick a syringe. “Now I have to put you back to sleep now so we can get finished up with this stage so you get started with your REAL life,” Allison said flourishing the syringe before inserting it into the IV & pressing down the plunger. Kelly didn’t have time to protest or even think before blackness engulfed her. As Melissa stood in line she felt strange new emotion take a hold of her as she watched her hand held she realized it was excitement. But why excitement? “I should be scared terrified even she thought to herself. The Anarchists are claiming more & more people every day from Utopia. And no one seems to know what to do. Not even the great Mr. Raymond Lucas the father of Utopia himself. He just keeps coming on our vid screens preaching tolerance and patience for the misunderstood Anarchist group. While they laugh in his face and everyday the number of disappearing people multiplies. Soon its going to start effecting the work forces and then what is everyone going to do” Melissa though with a touch of unease. “I must be sick in the head or something thousands of people have disappeared gods knows where and I’m feeling excitement hearing the latest about the group that’s responsible for do it” Melissa thought to herself it disgust. “God is line ever going to move” was her next thought. She could hear Jenna’s

whiny voice in her head “You have just got to come Mel it is the new “it” club to go to in Utopia.” Well Jenna was safely inside already and not inclined answer any of Melissa’s repeated pleas to come rescue her from line purgatory. “Probably has some cute male hanging on her every eyelash flutter, poor man,” Melissa thought to herself, with an annoyed sigh. It had rained recently and the neon reflected brilliantly from all the signs on all sides it was almost brighter than daylight outside and the glittering throng in line threatened to outshine the lights with their display. Melissa knew she was dressed positively plainly besides them. Perhaps that was why she was still in line while many more had already gone in. But Melissa still stood out amongst the crowd for a few of her features first her hair was a flaming red color long and a riot of curls trailing down to her waist, it was very eye catching. She was tall and slender with the trade mark alabaster skin of the red haired unmarred by freckles and her eyes were a bright blue. All in all she drew many admiring glances from the male contingent no matter how plainly she was dressed. “Maybe that’s what wrong with me I’m not very happy with my life here and it’s kind of ironic considering I live in a place called Utopia,” she thought. “Life here is as close to perfect as you can get,” Melissa thought to herself idlely, “maybe that’s why everyone is having such trouble catching these people they aren’t used to actual opposition in any form.” Abruptly she stepped out of line “I’m done waiting for this line to start moving in any direction at all, forwards or backwards. I’m going home there are better things to do with my time besides stand around.” “Besides there are some things I’m curious about now,” she thought to herself. “I want to look them up at home,” Melissa muttered as she marched away down the street and hailed a cab. A few hours later Melissa sat back in her chair and stretched with groan “Sometimes being journalist has its perks, my research skills are defiantly above par.” “And this is defiantly worth missing out on the new “it” club scene. It’s gratifying to see that my suspicions were correct. Mr. Lucas and his investigation team will be falling all over themselves to thank me.” Melissa gloated to herself. “That’s if I can get them to listen to me in the first place after all who the hell am I compared to them,” She thought derisively. “First step contact proper authorities,” Melissa muttered as she dialed the vid phone and settled herself down on the couch,” This may be a long conversation.” Like most of the rooms of Melissa’s condo it was decorated fairly basically in plain colors no patterns just flat hues in complimenting shades, she liked to keep her decorating uncomplicated. The couch was a deep burgundy velvet with gold pillows and the carpet was a soft beige to compliment the couch, the love seat matched couch and the coffee table and end tables were complicated wrought pieces of gold and glass all curlicues and a few flowers peeking out between Melissa’s one nod to her inner need of some girlishness in her home. “Welcome to Consumer Complaint Services or CCS for short for added convenience we have created a touch screen of available options to further direct your call please choose from the available options in the screen that has appeared in front of you now. If you need help please state HELP aloud in clear and loud tone.” A smooth modulated computer generated voice had begun to speak through the speakers around Melissa’s living room. And the coffee tables display screen beamed up a giant list of available options that Melissa began to scroll through trying to figure how to classify just what the complaint would be. “I think I will choose to classify this as terrorist activity. I’m surprised they don’t have an Anarchist option on here already. Probably don’t want to make the problem seem any bigger then it already is,” Melissa muttered to herself. She sighed and punched a couple buttons as PLEASE HOLD came scrolling across her screen and soothing music began playing. “Always get stuck on hold why is no one EVER at their desks to answer their phones when you need them?” Melissa said as

she got up to make herself some coffee. As she walked into her kitchen she stopped to admire it. As always its soft gray counters were pristine as were its shiny silver metal automatic food makers and the pale green walls complimented all the gray & silver nicely. “I really should try to use this stuff more often, actually cook my own food instead of eating out all them time. I mean what the point of having such a nice kitchen if you do use it?” Melissa thought to herself as she walked used to a much used coffee maker. She had just finished added cream and sugar and was wandering back into the living room when she heard the music go off and she heard a voice say “Hello?” “There is something familiar about that voice,” Melissa though to herself. And as she came around the corner and saw the vid screen she almost dropped her coffee cup. “Well to what do I owe the honor Melissa or is this just business?” said John with a twist in his lips and his voice filled with amusement at her shocked expression. John was handsome in a classic was with dark good looks with black hair that carefully groomed , he was clean shaven and had very full lips his complexion was olive toned and hi eyes were brown. You couldn’t see it because he was behind the desk but Melissa knew his figure was a tall 6 foot 7 and he was very fit, he worked out several times a week with a personal trainer to keep himself in top condition. “Of all the people in CCS to connect me the stupid computer connects me to my exhusband my god my luck sucks,” Melissa thought to herself. “Cat got your tongue honey? You’re a reporter you should never be at a loss for words,” John teased. “You were always such an ass when you became uncomfortable”, Melissa snapped feeling defensive at her lack of composure. “Well that got you going so we gonna talk or trade insults?” He said “I don’t have a whole lot more time to waste if you don’t have something constructive to say.” Melissa sat down on the couch with a huff “Well if you could NOT insult me anymore I could tell why I called CCS NOT you by the way,” she said snippily. “All points are noted. No insults and you did not call me and you called because of POSSIBLE terrorist activity,” John said mildly. “It’s about the Anarchists. There is a pattern to the people they are abducting,’ Melissa said earnestly. ‘They are all highly skilled individuals, engineers, psychologists, scientists, researchers, inventors, the pioneers in their fields, all the very intelligent. Don’t you see they are trying to take are brightest and best first to build their new world order wherever the hell they hell are. Then they can start taking the ordinary people away leaving us here with just the undesirables, the negative elements if you will, all the useless or violent or dangerous.” She said starting to lean forward on the couch in her intensity. John was silent for a few seconds, Melissa nearly bounced up and down on the couch with impatience waiting for his response and then he finally spoke. “How did you come to this kind of conclusion Melissa?” John said slowly. “I just did a little research on the backgrounds of who has been disappearing and a big warning began blaring my head as I noticed how high profile all of these people seemed to be in their field of work,” Melissa said contentedly, “its what I do John as a journalist I notice stuff lie this.” Melissa stood and start pacing

behind the couch in agitation to excited by being finally able to share her news with some to sit still “I’m really surprised now one else has seen the pattern I have & tried to do something about I mean if you know who the targets are can’t you take some type action to protect them?” Melissa asked. John’s faced reddened slightly and cleared his throat and shuffled the papers on his desk “Now Melissa I don’t even know if your idea hasn’t already been thought I have to make some calls first to make sure I wouldn’t count on your being the first one to have thought of this after we have had a lot of very rededicated people on this working very hard to protect all of you good citizens,” John said huffily. “Whoops, touched a nerve there, better placate him or this isn’t going to anywhere” Melissa thought to herself. Aloud she said meekly “I just thought it was my duty as citizen to be my concerns to the CCS John I’m sorry if I offended you.” John eyed Melissa suspiciously for a moment then appeared to accept the apology. “Ok then,” he said. “Well crisis averted male ego successfully unpunctured” Melissa smiled to herself. “Well then what do you propose to do with what I’ve just dumped into your lap John. It could be world changing,” Melissa said her voice starting to go faster and higher as her irritation rose as his lack of excitement registered on her. “You always did think to much of your self Melissa, you may not even be right, we still have to research this here at CCS to confirm your suspicions if so were enormously grateful if not just shut up & you just wasted my time with your hare brained conspiracy theories AGAIN,” Jon interjected venomously. Melissa took a deep breath and said quietly “I thought we agreed no insults.” John had the grace to look guilty as he shuffled some papers took down some notes and how wouldn’t meet her eyes. Melissa waited patiently knowing that at least now John would give her idea a chance. “I just have to say one thing about you Melissa,” John said as he tuck his notes into a courier and dropped into the mail shunt behind his desk. He went on completely ignoring the warning glare Melissa was directing his way, “Life is never boring with you around & I will never understand they way but you think but I’ve learned to trust your instinct, you may well be on to something so thank you for calling with your suspicions her at CCS.” “You may have just helped us all out a great amount,” he said finishing one of the most stunning speeches he had ever made in the history of their relationship. Melissa was stunned for a moment. Melissa thought carefully before responding not wanting to ruin the moment. “Thank you very much for the complement John coming from you it means a lot to me,” Melissa said her face reddening slightly in her embarrassment. John’s face began to get red as well and he laughed. “We can’t even get through one simple exchange of words without getting uncomfortable. We are some of the most messed up people in the Utopia you know Mel-Mel,” he said with a snort. Melissa flinched at the pet name no one called her that any more it hurt to much to here it was only John’s name for her. John saw the flinch and muttered “Sorry, sorry, I should go.” Melissa held her hand out quickly and half rose from the couch “Wait John, it WAS

good to see you, honestly it was. Perhaps we could do dinner sometime soon? Melissa said hopefully. “But on the more serious side will you call me when you hear some news on what we just discussed?” She finished. John’s serious expression relaxed finally and a soft smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he said “Dinner sounds like a great plan how about tomorrow night? I should hear something by then and we could discuss the results over sushi at Miyu’s?” “Oh Miyu’s! I haven’t been there in ages, sounds great!” Melissa exclaimed, “I’ll treat.” “In fact,” she thought privately “I never went back there because it was OUR place I wonder if he remembers that.” “Red letter day! Melissa volunteering to foot a bill? You have changed. Just kidding, don’t kill me, so I’ll meet you at Miyu’s at 7 o’clock?” John said with a smile. A beeping sounded shrilly from somewhere inside John’s office and his brow creased in irritation, “I have to go Melissa duty calls I’ll see you tomorrow ok?” “And thank for contacting CCS with your information,” he concluded formally and abruptly the screen went blank. “Goodbye to you too John,” Melissa said to now empty living room and sat back on her couch with a tired sigh. “Well that was incredibly stressful but kind of nice,” she said aloud to the empty room, “God listen to me talking to myself, its sad.” Melissa felt she had recovered some of her poise after long hot bath and small glass of the nice brandy that Jenna had given to her for her birthday a few weeks ago. “The girl may be a ditz but she knows her luxury items,” Melissa thought as she toasted to her friend and took an appreciative sip. Soon Melissa began to feel sleepy so she locked up set her alarm for work and then went to bed for the night. It was dark and shadowy and they were whispering to her. “Melissa, Melissa we are going to find you. Melissa do you really think you can catch us? The voices were getting closer and they were getting louder, more menacing.” They continued on, “We are the people even Raymond Lucas can’t stop. He is the most powerful man in the world, who are you compared to that? We are coming for you Melissa right NOW!” Melissa woke up with a scream and nearly fell out of her bed trying untangling herself from her bed sheets. “Lights on, lights on” she croaked weakly. She scanned the room frantically convinced that they were would be shadowy figures in her bedroom with but of course she was alone it was just a nightmare, a result of her research. But it was the exactly the same as it always was, the walls were a pale blue, the floor was hardwood with throw rugs in dark blue and the bedspread on the king sized bed was a patch worked quilted affair made of a multitude of different blue colored velvet pieces of fabric. Melissa’s favorite fabric was velvet she loved the texture of it. She looked at her clock and groaned 5 am it was useless to try to go back to sleep by the time she started to fall asleep it would be time to get up 6 am. “Might as well get up now and get a head start the article is coming due soon and if my new research pans out I’m going to be pressed for time. Some how the social life of Utopia’s most privileged just didn’t seem all that important anymore” Melissa thought “not since she may have a chance to save all of Utopia.” So she dragged herself out of bed and to the kitchen, to the coffee maker to start the first pot of the day to get her day started. Kelly swam back to consciousness very slowly it was like surfacing through water. Gradually the world around her became clear, as did the noises there was faint click, click, click of clock somewhere to her left and the faint sound of birds

chirping. The smell was the smell of freshly cut wood, cedar in fact. Kelly loved that smell her clothes chests at home were made a cedar because she loved that scent she thought with stab of pain. She opened her eyes slowly and carefully not knowing what to expect. First thing she noticed was she wasn’t hooked up to anything. The wood walls of the room looked freshly constructed and was pale and unfinished it had one giant window that faced east with a view of a fantastic blue lake surrounded by woods. Kelly stared in appreciation for a minute before she heard a sound next to her and she turned her head quickly. It was Allison and she was holding and tray with a bowl and a cup on it along with a few syringes which she set on a table next to the bed. “Good morning Kelly,” she said brightly, “and welcome to your new home, I hope you like it, eventually it will be yours alone but until your all settled I will be staying with you.” “Hello Allison, what is all that there on the tray? None of its get any where near me until I know what it does. I learned my lesson with that first syringe,” Kelly said in friendly voice but enough steel in her voice to make it serious. “Now Kelly, what I did was necessary I just didn’t give you chance to protest its use. Believe me you wouldn’t have wanted to be awake for what we had to do to finish disconnecting you,” Allison said mildly, “But if you insist I’ll explain everything from now on. We can discuss it all until we are blue in the face.” “Well then you and I will get along just fine I’m accustomed to be in charge of my life. And usually being the one in charge of the lives of those around me to so you might find me a little difficult” Kelly stated in flat tone. Allison started to laugh “Well you’re in for a difficult adjustment then around here Miss I’m In Charge. Everyone has been chosen here, including your precious self, precisely because of their skill & intellect you won’t find anyone easy to bully around here. We are all just as accustomed to leadership roles as you are and believe you me it gets interesting around here with some of our personality clashes.” “A word to the wise as our newest member I’d try to take it slow and not make too many enemies my first day by charging in guns blazing,” Allison finished with a big smile and she lifted her tray from the table again. “Interesting,” thought Kelly, “some major organization has to be going into who get taken then so they have to have major amounts of contact with Utopia still that’s useful to know.” Aloud she stated, “I’ll consider myself duly warned now what are you holding there?” “Your first experience with real food begins now plus the syringes are a few inoculations against diseases you haven’t gotten yet and so we need to protect you from them, Allison said waving tray back and forth. “Well real food huh? Let’s get this show on the road then I would like to get out of this bed some time before the turn of the next century by the way is the view out there real?” Kelly said in a rush. “My aren’t we energetic I can see I might have to keep a leash on you for a while to keep you out of trouble,” said Allison with a fond smile but shrewd look in her eyes. “And yes the view is real. Our profile said you liked the out of doors so we included that in your placement,” she continued as she began to remove the lid from the bowl on the tray which she placed in Kelly’s lap. Then she raised the back rest on Kelly’s bed to its upright position and said “Alright then now this is some white rice and I have some green tea here as well sorry about the plainness of the fare but its got be this way until we are sure how your stomach

is going to behave. Some don’t take very well to real food for a little while, its best to play it safe.” “If I eat this prison fare can we go for a little walk around my new home warden?” Kelly said only half joking about the warden part. She got the feeling that’s what Allison’s job was at least until they had Kelly settled or brainwashed. “Which ever comes first,” she thought to herself cynically. And not pausing she picked up her utensil and dug into the rice discovering with surprise the she was genuinely hungry swallowing some tea she looked over at Allison to see her staring at Kelly with some concern on her face. Kelly paused in her consumption “Yes Allison? What has you looking at me like I just kicked your puppy?” Kelly asked. “I think we need to have talk Kelly because what you just said is very mistaken and I don’t want our relationship to suffer because you don’t understand why I’m here,” Allison said seriously. She sat down in a rocking chair that was in the corner by the window with faint sigh. “I’m not sure how to adequately explain what being your guide means to me,” Allison said slowly. “I am not a jailer, I would rather be a friend, a best friend if I could be and a sister would be the biggest compliment possible to me,” Allison said to her tightly clasped hands which she held stiffly in her lap. Kelly words taken world right

looked at Allison with undisguised pity “Allison I will try to remember the you just said to me now but you also must keep in mind that I have just been from a life that gave me great happiness and satisfaction and thrust into a I do not know and did not want to know so I am not inclined to be friendly now,” she said with finality.

Allison looked up in surprise “Oh Kelly! I don’t expect you to trust me immediately at all! That would be unbelievably naïve! I just want you to give me chance.” Allison held her hand out with a hopeful look on her face, “It was just I could hear you slamming all your mental & emotional doors against as we spoke and I began to panic everyone needs at least one friend. I hope to be your friend.” Kelly took Allison’s hand and shook it and said, “Here is to possible friendship.” But she was thinking, “I’m very sorry Allison but I’m going to do everything in my power to go home no matter how long it takes me and what I have to do. I’m going back to Utopia.” Kelly let go of Allison’s hand quickly and resumed eating her rice and eyed the syringes still sitting on the tray suspiciously. “Now why exactly do I need those again?” She said in distaste. Allison laughed “You’re so suspicious! Its because your were never exposed to childhood diseases like chickenpox or measles or the mumps if you get them now as an adult you could die from them and they still exist in this world. So you need to get shots to be inoculated against them.” Kelly stared at the syringes. “Will it make me ill?” she asked nervously. As she finished her tea and began fiddling with the cup nervously. Allison paused for a moment before picking up a syringe slowly, “Your afraid of getting a shot aren’t you?” she said quietly sympathy breaking out across her face. “That’s what is making you so defensive right now,” she continued. Kelly felt tears pricking her eyes “Damn it she was an adult it did not make any sense to have such a fear of needles.” Kelly thought in frustration. “I can’t help it,” she admitted, “I get scared and I panic,” she said sheepishly. “What can I do to make this easier?” Allison asked. “Actually if you could strap my arms down it would be best,” Kelly admitted

quietly. Allison’s mouth dropped open in surprise “No half measures for you huh?” She said wryly, “Well no help for it, we do what we have to. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” And she walked briskly from the room closing the door behind her. Kelly was staring vacantly out the window wondering how she was going to take action first when Allison came back and this time she had someone with her. “Kelly this June and June this Kelly. June is here to hold your arm down Kelly while we give you your shots ok?” Allison said with an encouraging tone. June was a older woman with a heavily lined face, dark skinned and her hair was black with silver streaks running thru it, her hair was very long running down to her waist in waves and held back by a bandana. She wore a man’s flannel shirt and baggy blue jeans with dirt on the knees. She looked like she has just come in from a long hike through the woods or working in a garden, but Kelly got the feeling that this was June’s natural state. “Hello June,” said Kelly quietly. She didn’t like to reveal her fears to anyone least of all strangers both Allison AND June were strangers which made Kelly very uncomfortable. Her hear started to race and she began to pant slightly as June moved towards the side of the bed and Allison picked up the first syringe moving in behind June. But by sheer stubborn willpower she managed to hold still long enough for June to get close enough to lock her arm into position. Kelly could feel how powerful June’s muscles were and her breathing picked up even more and she whimpered slightly feeling helpless and afraid, she was well and truly stuck now. “We will make this quick Kelly. I am very sorry for your fear and distress but this has to be done,” Allison said soothingly. It was over in a minute, a few of the injections burned slightly but the tension began to drain from Kelly as Allison stepped back and June released her arm and stepped back. “There now, all done,” Allison said smiling at her proudly. Kelly smiled back weakly “Can I get up now?” She said faintly, “I’ve been good teach.” Allison sighed in irritation “Your very persistent my dear, I really don’t think your strong enough to get up out of bed yet the disconnection really takes a lot of you. Not that sitting in a conformable chair all your life hooked up to IV’s does much for you to begin with,” she said with derision. June laughed from over by the door. “Allison, you’re such an old mother hen just get a wheel chair for god’s sake and give her the ten-cent tour, let her out of bed for a little while. I know what its like to be stuck there. My own disconnection was recent enough and bed rest just plain old stinks.” June stated with finality. “Thank you June,” said Kelly looking at her unexpected ally in surprise. “No problem Kelly. Drop by when you’re up & about we will have a cup of coffee together in my garden, its lovely. I live right next door by the way. Don’t worry I’ll see myself out. Good day girls.” She said as she opened the bedroom door and slipped out. “Well it looks like everyone around here wants to let you out of bed except me,” said Allison with a disgruntled look on her face. But then she smiled and said, “Oh well, let me go get the wheel chair out and get you some warmer clothing and

we will tour the house.” “But then its back to bed with you,” she added sternly. “Aye aye sir!” said Kelly smartly. Allison just rolled her eyes and mumbled something unintelligible. Kelly chuckled. “These people were fun,” she thought. Then she sobered thinking of how she was going to have to deceive them if she was ever going to get home again. “How does a person make friends with out making any real attachments?” she wondered to herself, “Can I do that?” Allison was back with wheelchair and a huge smile a sweater and a pair sweat pants wear piled in the seat of the chair “I’ll help you climb into these and off we will go,” she said brightly. Kelly sighed and began to push at her blankets to get out of bed and thought to herself “I’m going to have to toughen my heart up a bit if I ever want to get back.” Kelly was surprised at how incredibly weak she was it took a lot of effort for her to perform even the simple task of pulling on the sweat pants Allison was there to help unobtrusively and sympathetically. “You’ve done this before haven’t you?” said Kelly. She was panting slightly with exertion after she settled herself in the wheelchair when she was done dressing. Allison gazed at for second with a measuring look of her face and said, “I have been the guide for a total of 4 people so far, not including you, so I am fairly experienced in the needs of the newly disconnected.” Kelly asked hesitantly, “About how many people have been disconnected? Do you know? Or is it classified?” “You have a visitor that is very eager to see you maybe he will tell you. I for one cannot tell you that information I don’t know how many for sure only that our numbers are growing by leaps and bounds,” Allison said mysteriously. Kelly craned her head backward sitting in her wheelchair to stare at Allison “When does my mystery visitor arrive?” She questioned. Kelly did not want any more surprises and this had to be someone from her past how could some one from her past support the Anarchists? Kelly felt a stab of apprehension, “Who was it?” She thought. “I thought they he could come visit after I settle you back in bed,” Allison said, “Don’t worry I think you’ll be happy to see this person he was certainly happy to have the chance to see you.” “Hmm.” said Kelly noncommittally. “Well is it time to go?” She asked brightly. In just a moment I have to use the bathroom why don’t I show you yours so you can brush you teeth and your brush out your pretty hair to? You’ll feel better if you’re completely cleaned up right?” said Allison. “Great idea,” said Kelly. Allison wheeled her into the bathroom attached to her room. The room was done in all white with silver fixtures very simple. There were lilies in a vase on a table in the corner Kelly’s favorite flower, Kelly felt a moment of concern “Someone knew her VERY well around her to know her favorite flower,” she thought. She started to brush her teeth and then brush out the tangles in her hair and then sat gazing at her reflection a moment taking in her reflection. She noted her paleness and the shadows underneath her gray eyes, her crooked nose and she smiled to look at the tooth she had chipped as a teen in a fall and never gotten fixed, her one claim to beauty was her thick blonde hair it was stick straight and when loose went about to Kelly’s mid back but most of the time Kelly kept it tied back. She sighed at her vanity in irritation and called “Allison are we ready?”

“Yep, let us go take a look at your new home dear one.” said Allison fondly. Allison started to chatter as they passed through the bedroom door and into the hallway “The entire home has all hardwood floors so you may want to get some throw rugs from some areas. The walls are cedar, your favorite wood we know you can tell by then scent all around you. We left the walls unfinished because we were unsure how you wanted them done.” “There is a full bathroom attached to your room and one additional bathroom attached to the second bedroom which is right here,” She continued. She opened a door and saw a bedroom with a blue bedspread and countryside prints on the walls. “This is where I am staying for the time being,” She said self-consciously and closed the door. “Lets go see your kitchen next its beautiful and what a view!” Allison said quickly. Kelly was impressed the kitchen was impressive, spacious and bright and the view truly was spectacular facing the lake. The counters were all made of a creamy colored marble and there was a gigantic center island in the middle of the room. The appliances and stove were copper colored to compliment the color scheme of the room. “Its gorgeous Allison someone went through went through a lot of trouble to make me a beautiful home. One I would have built for myself. Someone who knew me pretty well. Do you know who it was?” Kelly asked. “Actually it was me Kelly. Allison please bring Kelly into the living room. I’m sorry I was too impatient to wait for another hour to be reunited with Kelly. I had to come now forgive me my impatience please,” said a male voice from a door way across the kitchen. Allison’s face clouded in concern “I meant for you to be better rested so you were better prepared for this meeting Kelly, I’m sorry, he’s always difficult,” she murmured quickly as she wheeled her quickly to the living room area. Kelly did not immediately see whomever who speaking so she looked around her new living room with some interest the theme in here was a country theme the furniture was wicker with over stuffed cushions in a light green the floor was hardwood like the rest of the house. A huge fireplace dominated the far wall Kelly noted with a degree of pleasure she loved a good fire in winter. There were elaborate french doors leading out to a slate patio facing the lake and Kelly could see a table and chairs sitting out there. As her gaze continued traveling around the room it finally fell on its occupant in the far corner over by the entertainment center and her breath left her in a huge rush. There was a young man standing on the far side of the room with blonde hair and gray eyes and freckled, sun tanned skin and huge welcoming smile on his face. “Jamison! You’re with the Anarchists? Oh my god I had no idea your were even gone!” Kelly was nearly shouting. Inside she was screaming “My own brother! Oh god! What am I going to do?” Jamison nearly bounded across the room to take Kelly’s hands “Relax my love please. I’m not just with the Anarchists I am in charge of them. I started this all years ago my dear. And now we have really gotten the organization moving.” He said eagerly. “Utopia is going to be destroyed. It’s a diseased place now it was meant to be so much more than what it’s become,” He said with venom in his voice. “But Jamison,” Kelly protested, “You helped create that world why would you work to destroy something you worked so hard to build?” Jamison’s face grew very still and he drew himself up and stared down at Kelly in her wheelchair solemnly for a few moments. “Kelly I know this adjustment is hard for everyone at first and I will explain it

all to you over time but please for now can you trust me that this is for your own good?” He said in a pleading voice. “Jamison you’re my brother if it were anyone else I would not be waiting for my answers but for you I will wait for a very small amount of time,” Kelly said in a hard voice. “Very small,” she emphasized. “Don’t make me go searching for my answers because I will and you won’t like it,” she said in threatening tone. Jamison bristled slightly, “Kelly I don’t think you understand who is in charge here,” He began to say. Allison, who had been completely forgotten by this point injected “The point of this meeting was to reunited you two peaceably not to fight like 2 year olds now behave yourselves,” she said sternly, “Or this meeting is over and you can go back to bed Kelly and you can leave Jamison,” She finished. Kelly sighed tiredly and said “You did build me a beautiful home Jamison I like it very much thank you.” “Your welcome sis,” said Jamison guardedly, “Look I’ll be by again in a few days once you have had a chance to rest up and we can talk more ok?” He said. “That’ll do just fine Jamison I’ll be waiting like a good girl,” said Kelly sarcastically. Jamison smiled broadly “I missed you sis you’re such a pain in the butt,” He said as he walked briskly to french doors “Good day Allison. Good luck with your charge.” And with that Kelly and Allison were alone again. Kelly just shook her head in frustration and said in a tired voice “I think I’m ready to go back to bed now Allison. I find myself suddenly very tired.” Allison chuckled, “Jamison has a tendency to do that to people. He just pulls the energy right out of them with the frustration they feel around him sometimes. But no one can deny that he isn’t one of the most brilliant people alive though,” She said proudly. “Yes but why did he turn that brilliancy against his pet project Utopia?” Kelly wondered aloud. Allison’s expression clouded up “Like Jamison said he’ll be back to tell you in a few days. It is a long and dirty story but I believe that you’ll come around to our side when he is done with his storytelling,” She said. “There is one last room for you to see then we will tuck you back in. I saved the best for last, Allison finished proudly as she head down a hallway off the living room and opened the door at the end. As they entered Kelly’s mouth fell open “Oh my, this is wonderful,” She breathed. It was a library, it was a fairly large room filled with shelves that went from the ceiling to the floor filled with beautiful leather bound books. Allison wheeled Kelly over so she could see some of the titles. She could see all her favorite classics like Little Women, Wuthering Heights, Great Expectations and The Great Gatsby amongst a huge amount of others. There were a few over stuffed armchairs in the room along with a large desk set against the far wall with a lamp on it and writing materials and pens organized upon it. “Well would you like to choose a book?” Allison asked. “That would be great could I have Twelfth Night please and Wuthering Heights,”

said Kelly. They headed back into Kelly’s bedroom. Allison reinstalled Kelly in her bed with her books set on the bedside table. “I think I’m going to just take a nap first Allison I’m quite tired,” said Kelly with a huge yawn. “I’ll be in to check on you in an hour or so I’ll keep your door open just call if you need me I should be able to hear you. Later today we will try walking just a little ways, I will be in my room reading if you need me” said Allison. Than she ducked out and down the hall towards her own room. Kelly’s last thought before she fell asleep was wondering what could have possibly made Jamison turn against the Utopia project in such a huge way but sleep rose up to claim her before she could wonder anymore than a little bit. Melissa was checking her hair and makeup in her little compact mirror when the cab driver announced “Lady we’re here.” “Oh!” She said startled, she fumbled through her purse for her wallet pulled out the fare with a generous tip and said “Thank you have a good evening.” “You to lady,” said the cabdriver and he pulled away. Melissa turned to gaze at the restaurants storefront. It was exactly the same. Two gigantic red and gold dragons stood sentinel on either side of the entry way and Miyu’s was spelled out in ornate gold letters directly over the double glass doors. Which was hand painted with a scene of a cherry blossom trees in blooms in great detail. A plush red carpet led up to the door and there was a green domed awning that stretched a good ways onto the street front lit with multi-colored paper lanterns painted with different symbols for luck, love, good health & prosperity. Melissa adored this place every time she came here she noticed some new detail she had missed before even though she had been coming here for years. “Hello Melissa, have you been here long?” John asked as he exited a cab. “No, not at all just marveling at the fact that this place ha changed so little, shall we go in?” She said. “Lets go I’m starving. It’s been a long and discouraging day. I could use some good food and good company to cheer me up,” He said tiredly moved forward and held the door open for Melissa. Melissa’s cheeks warmed at the compliment “It had been a long time since John had anything nice to say to her,” she thought as they moved inside. Once inside they checked their jackets and were seated and ordered a bottle of sake and some salmon avocado sushi to start. The lighting came from recessed bars along the walls and created a muted a glow around the room that was peaceful. The other diners created a low hum of conversation and John and Melissa stared at each other uncertainly over their sushi and sake. “This feels like the first date all over again,” Melissa said ruefully. John just laughed. “Why don’t I let you in on what happened when I took your information to my superiors. But it may ruin your enjoyment of your dinner though. Just to warn you,” He said a tiny touch of anger in his tone. “They blew it all off didn’t they?” Melissa stated flatly setting her sake cup down a trifle to hard so it rattled a bit. “Damn beauracratic bullcrap this world

is going to crumble before anyone does a darn thing about it!” She exclaimed in frustration. “Can I tell my story now Melissa?” said John mildly. “Yes, yes John go ahead I’m sorry,” Melissa said, “I’ll shut my mouth now.” “Thank you,” He said. “After our conversation I did some of my own research and discovered the exact same pattern you did but I went back much further than you had the time to. This has been going on for YEARS Melissa it has only become noticeable recently because the disappearances have begun accelerating enormously.” John said his eyes wide. “So this is a coordinated attack? How? Why? That’s a truly terrifying thought, said Melissa with a shiver. “And the authorities aren’t going to be anything help?” She asked. “When I brought my findings before the board I was nearly laughed right out of the meeting room it was implied that I should take some vacation ASAP because obviously I was in some seriously need of psychiatric care. They even gave me the name of a good therapist and suggested I go see them!” John said angrily. “So I am on my own then,” Melissa said quietly. “WE are on our own,” John said with emphasis, “I am not letting you run off to do this alone I believe you are right and this cloud be very dangerous and until were get some concrete proof you need protection. That’ll have to be me.” Melissa was shocked, “John that could endanger your job you know not to mention your life if this is as serious as it seems,” she whispered. John reached across the table to lay his hand across hers “Melissa despite everything I still care about you & want to make sure you are going to be ok. I want to help you. And something like this, people disappear from Utopia in droves like this. Well it is my responsibility as an officer to do something about it if I can. Your idea has merit. Let’s see if we can’t chase down some more leads? Bring back some evidence and be heroes?” He said with a gentle smile. “Shall we have dinner first then save the world as we know it?” said Melissa with a slightly sarcastic smile on her face. “Let’s do that,” smiled John. Dinner proceeded and the two feel back into the their same casual comfortable routine of chatting about current events, things like books they had read recently and things they had seen on the vid screens lately and soon dinner was completely and the check had arrived. Melissa placed her hand over the check book possessively when John reached for his wallet “I meant it when I said it was my treat,” she said reprovingly, reaching into her purse and pulling out her own wallet. She placed her credit card in and handed it to the waitress before John could do more than murmur, who whisked off promptly. “My mistake, I have no problem with a free meal.” He said. “So what are we going to do John,” Melissa asked, “If the people in charge aren’t going to help to us what are we going to do about this?”

“As of right now I’m not sure I need a day to think of some options before we can take any action,” John said slowly. Melissa sighed in irritation “This would be so much easy if people would just LISTEN for once!” John smiled and said “That is kind of ironic sounding coming from you, one of the most stubborn people I know.” Melissa kicked him lightly under the table “Thank you John that is enough.” She said. “Well perhaps we should go. Would you like to have dinner at my place tomorrow night? It would be much more private then a restaurant and give us a chance to discuss strategy.” She said. John’s face reddened slightly “Your house? I suppose your right you are right it would be more private.” He finished in a rush. Melissa looked at him in exasperation “John grow up its just dinner in my home.” The waitress brought back the check with the receipt to sign Melissa signed replaced her card and wallet. And they both stood to leave. While standing in line at the coat check John murmured “It was a lot of fun tonight Melissa we should do this again.” “It was pleasant wasn’t it?” She said, “We will. That is if we survive all this,” she said dryly. Outside the air was cold and Melissa shivered as they waited for a cab. “Ladies first,” said John courteously as a free cab pulled up in response to their hails. “Thanks John,” said Melissa gratefully. And she climbed into the warm cab interior. “Not a bad night,” thought Melissa, “nothing accomplished but I had a good time at least.” “It was nice to finally have a chance to use my kitchen,” Melissa thought with satisfaction as she was setting the dining room table. The chicken breast had about ten more minutes before it was complete, the bread was done and tucked in a cute little bread cozy shaped like a hen which Melissa had placed on the table, along with some steamed vegetables and she had mashed potatoes and gravy on the table as well with apple pie for dessert. “All of John’s favorite foods she murmured to herself in satisfaction. She wanted to do something nice for him after all he was going out his way to help her. This could get his into a lot of trouble at work so Melissa wanted to make it clear she knew how much f a risk he was taking and so she made him all his favorite foods. After all who would know him better than his ex-wife? Melissa turned some classical music on low to play in the back round and pulled the chicken from the oven and sliced some onto the serving plate and then placed that on the table. She surveyed the table nothing was missing except John, she consulted the clock, he should be here any minute and like magic here door chimed. “There he is” She said as she walked to the door. “Hello Melissa,” John said, “He self-consciously held-out some flowers “I thought these would look nice on your table.” “How sweet John, you shouldn’t have! Come in, come in. Let me have your coat please.” exclaimed Melissa, “I’ll go get a vase they are very pretty.” She went to the china cabinet for a vase then to kitchen to fill it with water and placed the

bouquet in and placed it all in the center of the dining room table. “The perfect center piece for our dinner,” She said smiling broadly. John sniffed “Is that lemon chicken I smell?” Then he spied the serving plate and his eyes lit up, “It is! Now I’m doubly glad I brought those flowers I love lemon chicken and no one makes it better than you Melissa.” He surveyed the table and then gazed at her steadily until Melissa shifted uncomfortably under his stare. “What’s wrong?” She demanded. “You made all of my favorite dishes, even after all this time you still remember. You went through a lot of time and effort to prepare all of this I know you don’t cook often. So thank you Melissa.” He said seriously. Melissa blushed in embarrassment “I wanted to do something nice for you to show how much I appreciate your help that’s all.”

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