Uswf Wvshpo County Historical Memo Oct 2009

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\\'HEREAS, Pinnacle\\'ind Force.LLC proposesthe developmenl of a \\ind-Fo$eredel!-ctric gener.rlion facilit) in NlineraiCountl. \\'esl\'ifgini{: and

\\'HEREAS. Pinnacle\\'ind Forcc.LLC (Pinnacle)hasconsulted\\'ithrhe \\'est VirginiaState pursuanr llisr.rricPresenalionOfflcer,WV Di\jsion olCullure and Hislor\ (\\TVSHPO). lo 8: CSR l. in particuhr82-2-5:Stalel{evies Process. implcmentirUJS. \ra. Codel9-lregulaiions 8: and

1\'HEREAS. Pinnacle\\/ind Force.Lt-C has conductedsun'el cffbns rrithin thc rrea of potentialeffectto identif historicresources whicharelistedor considered cligihleto be lisredin the National Registerol Historic Placesand has consultedwith lhe \\'\'SHPO regarding cligibilitl and assessrrient ofcflecl: and

$ HfREAS, the W\TSHPOhas dcterminedthat lhc proposedPinnacle\\'ind l:arm at Ne\\ Page. in \linelal Countl. \\est VirginiarrJl havc an ad\erselisual effectupon l3 buildings\\ilhin the Kevser.MineralCounty.\VcstYirginiavicinitr. \\hich are listedor considered eligibieto be listed in the National Registerol Historic Placcs(AftachmentI ) (the SubjectProperties)land

$'HERI.4.S,the\\'VSHPOhascommunicated rvithPinnacle regarding theresults of irsrevie\\ ofthe Pinnacle'ssur\eyefforts(A(tachment 2); and

WHEREAS, the N.Iineral Counl) HisloricalSociet) and the \lineral Countv Hislorical Foundationhave beenconsuhedregardinglhe polentialfinding of adversevisual elTert and iLrC!eqtions l,'r nlrt.galionmcasure'5pe(:ii(dll\ drrrinri1meeting heldin Kelseron l7 . { ug u s t ---------:a-/.

/,,/ a t -a6/

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\\'HEREAS, the l\,lineralCountl lnd the Nlineral ( ountv . -- Historical 1!.9$4lsEier) f o u n . l r t i o nh a reb e e np ro ri d e drn oppnnuni(r\o conm cnrto the \\'\'SHPO regaJdinglhe 1/

findingandproposed mitigation:

NO\\'. therefore.Pinnacleandthc \\'VSHPOagrecthatthe undertaking will be implemented in accordancewith the follo\ring siipulationsin order to take into accountthe effecr ol the undenakinl onhistoricproperties.

STIPULATIONS rriLlinsurethatthelbllo$inr measures Pinnecle rre carricdout: L

of construction $ithin the rie$ sheclscri the -{rchitccture.Prior to thc commencemenl SlLbjecrProperties.Pinnacle shall have titnded an historic presenalion gran! fund in anount of$10.000.00.The historicpreser\ation grant\\'ill be madeto andadministered br

an independent. localcommunit)t'!q!glb!_ A.

ishedbr Pinnacle.

\rirh tirDding Thesemonies$ill be administered h\ the communit)foundation pu+rose tlecisir.rns beingmadeindependent ol Pinnacle. andu ill befor theexpress of rssistingin the presenation. rehabilitation. Lrrrcstoration of hisloricproperlrcs rn IUineral Count).Westvirginia.


\\'rixen approvalby thc \\'\'SFIPOthatprojectsproposedfor assist:urce tluoughthe historicpresenationfund cornpll \!'ith rhe SecretarY oflhe lnterior'sSranLlor/lJbr Historic Presen'dlionshall be a conditionof t'undingsuch projects\\ith historic preservation fundproceeds.


The historic presenationgrant fund will be dedicaledto projectsfor the the

adlancemerllof hisloric presenarionin \lineral Count). or for thc presenation. reh:rbilitrtion. oi eligiblcproperties lbr a periodoi l0 Iears or until al1 or fesroration the nlonies in the fund are expended.


\4onies remainingin the iund ten ]ears liom its establishment\.\'ill be retainedb) the iocal cornmunitl foundation fbr distriburion as pan ol generalgrant a\\'ardslbr anv


other conlnrunit\ purposes Mincral Countl, \\'est Virginia. "vithin Allcrnoti\el\.Pinnaclenral electlo fund the histodcpresenationgranl1(]an existing presenalionorg rizationacceplable lo the signatr es.


Should PinnacLe tail to cstiblirh nn historicpresen'ationgrent tirnd throughthe proposedlocal communil] founclatio[,no constfl]ction r\ithin lhe r ierrshedsofrhe Subject Propcrtiesma\ be undertakenuntil the eshblislment ol such a lirnd in the amountof 510.000.00 throughthe WVSHPO,or otherorganizalion 1othe acceptable signalories.


Archcolog], ,A.

Pinnaclehas t'eenredesigned ro avoid sile 461\1i17.1 idenrifiedin the archireologl and studr. Pinnacleagreesthal site.16Nfil74is or(sideofthe limits of disturbance \\ilh installation \\iLl nor be directl) impactedbl constfuclion of activiticsassociated the \vird tLrrbines. I-ike\\ise,siles,16Mi76.46 \{i79. and,16NIi80 cenalsobe aroided in the construction olthe projcct.


If it is dcrcrminedthal archeological sitcs,l6N{i78.'16\li8l. and 46!1i82 cannolbe a\oided during thc proposedproject.Pinaaclc\\'ill continuerc consult\\ith the \\'VSHI'O lo asscsstheir sigriificnnce. If Pinnacleand the \VVSHPOagreelhat lhe sirestlo not qualitj as historicprLrpe(ies. thenno fu(her rvorLtriLLbe required.lf it is determinedthal avoidanceof an eligible archeologicalsite is impracticable. Pinnaclervill consult \\ith the \VVSIjPO to develop a |Ieatmentplan consistenlrvith the Secretar! of the Interior's Srandards and CuitleIines lor Archeological Documtntution and W\r SHPO Standnrds.


Posl-RevierrDiscoveries. In the e\'ent ol an! unanticipateddiscoveriesof archeoloeical funerar) siles.unmarkedcemelerics. or humanremainsand associated (rbjectsduring the conslruclionor opcration of the Pinnacle\\'ind project, all ground

dislurbing activities will be suspendedin the area ofdiscoverv. Pinnacle\\.i11contact $rySHPO lvithin ,18 hours of rhe .liscover).

In consultalion \\,ith W\.SHPO.

Pinnacleshallensurethit. ii necessan.a qualiliedarcheoloeisr \\ill \isil and asscss the disco\en rvithin 72 hours of rhe initial WVSHPO nolification. Tfuough consuhation.Pinnacieand \\YSHPO shall agree upon the approprialetreatmenlof the disco\'er\prior to resum|tionol construction aDd,oroperationactjvilicsin the aiea of discoverv. if humanremainsare detemlinedto be Na!i\c Americ.Lll !,rigin. \\'VSHPO. in consultation$ilh Pinnacleshall compll *ith \\'.Va. Code 29-l-8a. Pinnacleallimls that all human renrains$ill be a|oided br tlirecl conslnrciion impactsrvherefeasiblc.

I\'. DisDuleResolution. During the execulio)lolthe stipulalionsas oullinedabore. should Pirurircle ald the \f VSHP() be unableto reacha nlulu:lll\ satisfacrorJ dccision.crcepras not('d.the wVSIIPO \\ill proride$ritten cornments to Pinnaclc.Pinnacleshallrespond1o \\'\TSHPOconrn)enls.Thls exchangcol corresponder)ce shall dernoDstrate that Pimacle lus aftbrdcd!h('$VSHPO an opportunitl to conlnent and consideredthe eftlcts to historicresources. All stipulations not subjectto the disputeshallrenainin force.

-A.nnualRcport. Pinnacleshall prolide an annualreporl to the \\'\,SFIPOregardingthe projectstatusincludinginformationregardingthe establishment of the local communitl toundation. useoflhc dedicared presenationf'undingandconstructjon activit\'.the lalteras it relxtesto rhe a\oidanceofrhe identiiedarchaeological sites. Llponcompletedispersal ot lhe $10.000and construclioncompletion, it will be mutually agrcedthat the reporting reqLriremenr hasbeenfulfilled.

that PinnacleWind Force,LLC Executionofthis MemorandumofAgreemenlevidences has taken into accounl the effects of the undenaking on historic propertiesand has mitigated

suchetfects tfrne satisfaction offi\ \'esi VirginiaDi\isionolCultureandHistorJ.









\\'cst VirginiaDeput] Statellisroric PrescnationOftjcer \\'esL\ ireinicDir i:.onoI Culture :nd Historr


t,/t'//c 1 Date

/t / -tt lpl Pinnaclq


Attaclment1rListof Subject Propenies Atlachment2r Conespondence fiom \'\'SIIPO to Pinnaclcregardingstudl reports

Attachment1 List of Subject Properti€s


TlDe of R€rource


Potomac SrateCollegeAgricultural

5 9 l6 2l

D!elline Dwellins

DwelLins DwellinE Dwellinq

25 26 33

Dwellins Dwellins Dwellirs


Dwellins Dwelline Dwelline

31 39 57.11 59.2 59.8 60 64.5

DweUins D$ellins

Dwellins Dwelline CroceD



IlIe€tsNrtional Register Crit€rir turbine(miles) |.872342 2.318189 2.47977 2.501086 2.6',18601 2.652979 2.663133 2.673591

Dir€ctionto turbin€


2.595332 ).141618 2.633057 2.5t2607 2.871441 4.O51132 3.40841I 4.515577 5.183561 2.100953

NN\\' N N



Mr. JamesM. Cookrnan US Wind Force P.O.Box 550 P.tcrsbulg,VfV 26847 REr FR:

WESTVRGINlA DMSIONOF OJLTURE & HISTORY The Culhrrcl Center I 900 Kd@who8|!d., E.

253050300 Phone304.558.0220 Fdt 3O4.554.277?


US Wind Forc€.LLC PinnacleWind Pro.jftt- ProposedWiDdPowerGenerationFacility 08-450-MI-5

DearMr. CookDan: We have reviewcd thc PhaseII lnyestiqotionfot' Architectuml and St.uchnol Reso rces, February26. 2009 for the PidnacleWind Projectin Mineral County. The following commentiare off€redunderWestVirginiaCode29-l-3. Aacordingto the informationsubmrtledthe initial piansfor th€ PinnacleWind Project proposedthe constructionofeasremandweslemarraysof wind turbinasin Mineral Couniy- Sincct}le rnitial plansfte weslemanay hasnow beenelimrnatedftom the proposedproject. Therefore,tha cunentprojectconsis6ofa maximumof lJ equiprnent.Studieswere completedto commercjalwind turbincsandassociated dct€rminethe visual andculturalefecG to architecturaland structumlresources eligible for listidg in the Nalional RegisterolHistoric Placesby $e project. We havereviewedthe Findingsas prescnted in the Report. We concurihat lhe PihDacleWind Projectrvill haveno directeffic! oa propertieslistedin or eligiblefor listing in the NationalRegisterofHistonc Places. We concurthat as a resultofthis chang€an analysisofthe curent project proposaland pholosimulationsfoundthat fiye of the propenies(Site59.1ClaysvilleChurch.6l-KanterCllt OffRoad-dwellingand62.1-CrossSchool, 62-2-CrossChrrch. 62.+CrossMethodistChur.h) rcconrmendcd for PhaseII investigationwill no longerbe within the viervshedofihe proposedprojectdue to Projectchang€s.topographysnd vegctatrooThoughthereis somecontemporary consmictronwithln the vie\rshedofeighl propenics(Sites5. 9, 16.23,24.37.39 and 65) the additionofthe wrnd rurbrnes will have an accumulativceffecllo thesehistoncresources.Also, the constructionofthe 30 wind turbineswill intioduc€a new rndustnalelementro lhe ruial landscapcoftheseindividualSites2. 15.26. ll. 35. 57.1l. 60. and 64.5. Ii is o\ll urdersiatdilg $at theDolscassessment studyhllsnot yet been completedard is nol specificto hlstoic resources.Ahhoughthe nearcsl rcsourcccligibl€ for listrngin the NationalRegFterof HistoricPlacesis I .8 miles ftom the turbmespleaseprcvidea copy ofthe studyfor our reviewand


Mr. Cookman FR#:08-45o-MI-5 March12.2009 Pzge2

In our opinion,th€ proposedconstruclronofthe PinnacleWind TurbineProjectwill have a visual AdverseEflect to theseeighteenresources eligiblefor or lisredrn the National RegisterofHistoflc Placesaswell as a visualAdverseEffecr!o the rural landscape and culturalsettlngwithin someportionsofthe AreaofPotentialEffect(APEI. In antlcipationofan AdverseEffect to architectural eligiblefor andstructlral r€sources listing in lhe NationalRegislerof HistoricPlacesthe US Wind ForcehasFrovideda dmft MemorandumofAgeement (MOA) for the adversevrsualeffcctsof the l8 resources and adversecultural.ffects within the APE. In addition.dunDgour oreetlng on Fcbruary26.2009 we discussed I otbermitigationpossibilioes.We have severa checkedour recordsand at this time do nol haveany requestflom the public for a NationalRegislernomrnation.However.we do suggestthat lhe Mineral County HistoricalSociclybe contactedto providethernwrth an opportuniryro commen!andto inguireifth€y \{ould Iike to be a concurringpartyon the MOA. Also. m our opinjontte establjshment ofa local grantprogramtha!wasdiscussed In our meeringcoujdprovrdc someor all ihe bestlong te.m mitiBation.Pleaseprovideadrafr MOA dral incorporales mitrgation. of the suggcst€d thatthe PhaseI arcbaeological It rs o|rt unde.standing surveyrepon lvill be subnired for ot]r revie\{ in the nearfuture.Pleasek€epin Inrndthat ifall archaeo(ogical6sues have no! been.esolvedat this point in the process,the MOA will needto be amendedto providc for continuingdreconsultaliooprocesswith rcspectto archaeological r€souaces. We will ptovidafurthercommentupon receiptofthe reportandolher rtemslisledabov€We appreciatethe opportunityto be ofsc.vice and look forwa.d (o workmg with yolron lhts ptojccr.If,ou have a4) questions regadiDE our comnents or tlrc Sectrcn 106 prcceis, please call Ghlger Wiliforcl, Strfictural Hislo' ian, or Loru /1. Lanarrc, Seniar


at (344)558-0244.

\. J_, r 1,/Kdfl-tU'tW^1,L

M. Pierce S,)rsan DeputyStateHistoricPreserlation Officel SMP/OW,{-AL R. Chnsropher Goodwrn & Assocrales cc: Rebecca Garewood.

June l:,1009

Mr. Jeffr€y H- lvlaymon SeniorProjectMana3cr R- Chr)ltophcrOoodwrD& Assocjrtes ?41 Eas(FoudnSi.eet Slrrc 100 F re d e ri c kMD , 2 1 7 01


US WindFo'ce,LLC propos€d windPowcr WindPrcJccr. 6eneranon Facil'ry Pinnacle 08-4i0-Ml-6

DearMr. Malmonl

WEST !lRGINIA DIVISION OF CUL'IURE & HISIORY The Culh,ol Cenler )900 Kono'hc 8lvd.,E. 25305-0300

Phon€304558.0220 Fox 30! 338.2779 TOO304.558.3562

we haverevr.wedrh€ draftt.pon \rled Phate I ArchseolaercalSuney lq the ProporedPil1na.le Wikd Prolect llfierc{ Cau1ry, ,vest vigtht4 \\thi.h was submincd for the abovereferenccd projectto delermrnceftectsto histoncresources. The follo\,vrngcomm.nti ar€prcvidedaccording to WestVi.grdn Ccde 5:9-l-8. W! lpojogrzc for lhe d.lay rDour cor)]Jierts.blt aslou kno\y wc areconc€medaboutft. nature6frcsources ftom €ur €mailand tel€ohoncconesDond.nce, identifiedin the p.ojectaleaandiave beena(cmplrngro locateusetulreierencematcnals. Accordinglo the rcDoGrystemanc surveyofthe proposcdprojectarea,IncludingrhcwrDdlubrnc corndo.and the T-lin€ andr.vrs€dintercon.ctroncorridors.resulredrn the rdenri6caon of9 qhlch arenumbcred46Mi?a 46Mi82. Oneoftheserrles,46Mi7J, new archaeologrcalresources. conslstsofa prehrstoncrsolatedfind. whrchwe agre.hasno researchporentral. Th. remainrng slresconsrstofrock carmsandwallsandarehougJrtto datero thc hrsrotlcpenod. In gencrnl.rh€draft rlpod pres€n6a thoroughaccoun!ofrh. survey.Hovever,we 6nd rhar addinonalrnfomationregardingtia idenrifi.drites is necdedbeforew€ canproyidecomnenron lhcir NatrDnalRqhter eligibiliry.S'tes46Mi?6 thougn 46Mj80 consrsrofindividualiet stones ( (o hav. bcenusedr.ccndy i8 | and46Mi8? na/ havc beenus.d as distiUerylocatrons, while46Mi?4 cons$tsofa clust.r ofcrims andwallslharar€ thoughtio reprcsentfield cleanngpiles.It rsour lndcrsrandingthat very few or no anifactswere fccoveredftom each5rtelodtion. Aiyo! know. rock caimsdalrngto hc preh$lo.rcpenodare nor uncommoD rn lirrcgron AJ aresulr.rt i5 unclcarwhcrherrhescresourccsrvereconsulcteddlring rh€hBtor|cperiodor werccreat.dmllch.dli.. andus€dfoFujtouslyi. ih€ In additron.In our cxpeoence,theclusterofrock carms:nd walk do not neccssarily resemblcfield cieanngpiles.Rather.iicy maybc moresimilarto thosedocum.nledelse\vhe.e n tie eastem Lhncd Stalcsthat ar. rhought!o be pr.historicrn o gln. As 3 result,we asktlratsrtesd6Mi74and .16Mi476- 46Mi82 o€ ayoidedby tn! propolcdprqect. Iflhey can be avoide4rr |s our opinrcn hal lhrs prolectwill haveno effecton any archieoiogicaI resourceeligiblc for rnctunonin thc NauonalRcgjsterofl-lisro c Places.lftnis s nor possible.lre askihar $ey undcrgotunner €xamrnarron to d€tennnetheireligibilityfor inclusioorn rheNalonal Rlg'ster. we appr€ciafe rheoppor nlty to bc afsewrce.fld& i a\)eony qlet!nnt re4atuitlgout cotnnekt! 106 proce:s. pteasecall Lg4A. Lanla,te, Se"ot lrcllacolags!. dt (30!) j5&0210

Sbre HistoncPrcservalron Ofilcer


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