Uss Missouri Member's Guide

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,916
  • Pages: 6
The Guide The purpose of this guide is to give all players an easy to access rulebook to help instruct them in the fine rules of the Simm.

Acceptance of New Members All new members are evaluated and accepted or rejected based on their initial Biography and Sample post. The Missouri makes an effort to allow as broad a range of player into the Simm as possible, however those with insufficient skills will be rejected immediately. If you are accepted into the Simm, you must complete a solo mission post within seven (7) days of your application being accepted; as this will allow you to be introduced into the storyline. New members must also undergo a one month probationary period during which you will be strictly monitored and evaluated. The goal of this month period is to help struggling players meet the requirements of the Simm, and to assess whether or not new players are up to the Missouri's Simming Quality Level. All members are required to use proper English grammar and spelling. At the end of this time the member’s posts and character biography are reviewed and evaluated for proper use of punctuation, grammar, and spelling; proper use of the posting format; the member’s ability to portray their character clearly and accurately; and the member’s ability to advance the current story plot. If a member’s skills are substandard but still shows promise the member will be enrolled in Obsidian Fleet’s Cadet Academy. Variations of these two extremes will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

Transfer of Members At certain times; members may wish to not continue simming with the USS Missouri, but they wish to simm with their existing character on another simm. In this case; the member may request a player transfer. They must follow the rules below for the transfer to be completed in the quickest possible time and without delay. 1. They must send an email to the following people: a. Commanding Officer of the USS Missouri b. Task Group Commanding Officer ([email protected]) c. Commanding Officer of new simm d. Office of Personnel Management Director ([email protected]) 2. The member must indicate in their email the following details a. Character Name b. Current Rank c. Current Simm (USS Missouri) d. New Simm e. Reason for transferring (please try to be as detailed as possible) 3. After the email is sent; the only person that needs to approve the transfer will be the new Commanding Officer. Once that has occurred; you have officially left the USS Missouri; and your account will be deactivated; along with your forum and/or wiki database account

Game Play The game is played by all members submitting messages, called posts, to the Missouri’s posting website ( Each post is written in third person past tense as if the character were remembering a story from his/her past; the member’s post portrays the actions, thoughts, words and feelings of their fictional character. Posts are organized by the timeline of Current. This is to keep within the timeline of Obsidian Fleet (explained later). Posts are categorised into solo mission posts and joint mission posts. Solo Mission Posts are posts that involve only the players own character and any NPC’s he/she might create. Joint Mission Posts are posts that involve up to 8 crewmembers who have their own character and any NPC’s he/she might create. Another type of post onboard the USS Missouri is a Personal Log. They are a type of log used to record a person's thoughts about a current mission, which can be recorded in a personal log by name or as an unofficial documentation of events as viewed from their professional position. It is similar to a diary or journal, and is meant to be a personal record not available to others. Personal Logs are different as they are written in First Person A turn consists of submitting your characters actions, thoughts, etc… to a post. Lengthy, detailed posts that develop the characters and the current story plot should be the goal of every member. If a member does not post for fourteen (14) days the player will receive a strike (see Three Strike Policy). The minimum requirement for posting onboard the USS Missouri is one every 14 days, wether it be a solo mission post, joint mission post or personal log. Players who continually post only personal logs or solo mission posts may be subject to strikes in accordance with the Three Strike Policy

Posting Format The Missouri requires members to write in the third-person prose (i.e. as if you are writing a novel about what happened to your character). All posts should be in past tense and be written as if you are observing your character. All posts, wether they be solo mission posts; joint mission posts or personal logs must be a minimum of three normal sized paragraphs long. Should a player’s solo mission post or joint mission post not be a minimum of three paragraphs long; the post will be denied and the player(s) will be informed and asked to resubmit. Should a player’s personal log not be of the minimum standard; the post will be deleted and the player will be asked to post again. Multiple infractions of this rule will be terms for a strike against the player’s name. Here are a few basic guidelines that members should follow at all times when posting: 1. Build upon previous posts. This means the flow of time and events should flow smoothly from one player’s post to another player’s post. Once details regarding an event are established by a player’s post, another player should not arbitrarily change those details in any post that they themselves submit at a later time. 2. Respect the sovereignty that other members have over their own character. Each member has their own goals and desires for their character; you should never do anything that significantly alters another character without the member’s approval. If you decided to attempt a joint post with another player

and you with your character and the other player's character to fight, make sure to talk it over with the other player first. During solo mission posts, never interact directly with another player’s character 3. Develop the plot Missions typically have a goal or objective that must be accomplished, and each post should bring the crew one step closer to accomplishing that goal. Have your character do more than react to what other characters have done – write the story yourself. However make sure that you don't 'Break' the plot. In other words, try to contain your actions within the existing storyline. 4. Be realistic and believable. While the Star Trek universe has considerably more technological advancements than we have today, the laws of physics and life in general still apply and must be obeyed. 5. Use NPC’s sparingly. Every member’s focus should be on developing and portraying their primary character. NPC’s should only be used to help fill in the minor details of a post. The USS Missouri allows players to have one Protected Non-Playing Character (PNPC) onboard the ship; but you must serve at least 6 months before asking. Any PNPC’s created can only be controlled by their governing player. Only in very rare cases will PNPC’s be allowed to hold officer positions 6. Establish your character’s knowledge and abilities prior to using them. Any ability or knowledge that your character would not normally already posses must be learned, i.e. established. Anything not established prior to use will be considered by the other characters as an unsubstantiated boast. To establish abilities a player may revolve posts around his/her character attempting to earn new skills, etc…

Simm Rating

The Missouri has been a +13 SIMM since the beginning. This means that no player under the age of 13 may apply to join. As we allow minors (between the ages of 13 and 18) to join; mature themes are acceptable, but they must be handled in a way suitable for young teenagers, the use of strong language must is not allowed. Sexual posts may be implied, can be referred to, but must not go beyond what's suitable for that age & violence mustn't dwell on detail, be gratuitous, or gory. No sexual violence and players shouldn't glamorise violence or weapons.

Duties of a Department Head Each department head is the immediate supervisor of the members in their department. The Head is responsible for ensuring that their department’s mission is carried out, (i.e. medical’s mission is to maintain the mental and physical health of all the crew). To that end, the Department Head has the following duties: - Recruit new members and maintain at least one active PCs in their department, (Apart from their own character) - Mentor new members to help them improve their role-playing skills - Department Heads must post at least 4 mission posts a month, unless on leave - Department Heads must post at least 2 personal logs a month, unless on leave

- Create and lead department-specific missions that are relevant to the main mission - Develop policies and procedures for their department - Submit members of their department for awards - Ensure their members remain active and challenged in the game - Handle all inner-departmental disciplinary actions, when necessary

Duties of an Assistant Department Head Each assistant department head is the next in line in their department. The Assistant Department Head is responsible for ensuring that they assist their department’s mission is carried out, (i.e. medical’s mission is to maintain the mental and physical health of all the crew). Also; the Assistant Department Head must be ready to take control of their department at any time. To that end, the Assistant Department Head has the following duties: - Recruit new members in conjunction with the Department Head - Help mentor new members to help them improve their role-playing skills - Assist with department-specific missions that are relevant to the main mission - Assistant Department Heads must post at least 2 mission posts a month, unless on leave - Assistant Department Heads must post at least 1 personal log a month, unless of leave - Submit members of their department for awards to the Department Head

Duties of an Executive Officer The executive officer is directly responsible for the safe and effective operation of the station. The XO’s role is internal in nature, coordinating each department to ensure they are working in unison to accomplish the ship’s mission. As such, the following duties are the responsibility of the executive officer: - Serve as the principal advisor to the commanding officer - Implement the CO's orders, and oversee their completion - Assist Commanding Officer with recruitment of new players - Assist Commanding Officer with review of all applications - Enforce station policies and discipline the members through issuance of strikes - Prepare and issue duty roster - Executive Officer must post at least 6 mission posts a month, unless on leave - Executive Officer must post at least 3 personal logs a month, unless on leave - Assist Commanding Officer with maintain simm’s wiki database - Command the ship in the event of the CO’s absence, incapacitation or death - Work with the chief medical officer or counselor on crew evaluations prior to promotions

Duties of a Commanding Officer The commanding officer is directly responsible the safety of the ship and crew under his command, and for their actions. The CO’s role is external in nature, coordinating with Starfleet and his fellow COs to ensure that all ships and stations are working in unison to accomplish Starfleet’s objectives. As such, the following duties are the responsibility of the commanding officer: - Create, start, lead, and end missions - Approve all applications within seven (7) days of submission - Submit a monthly report between the 25th and 31st day of each month to both the Task Force Commanding Officer and Task Group Commanding Officer Additional Comments - Submit crew for awards and promotions - Handle all disciplinary actions - Recruit new members and maintain at least six active PCs - Coordinate requests for technology through Obsidian Fleet’s R & D department - Ensure all Obsidian Fleet/Station policies and Starfleet General Orders are followed - Promote and demote characters, as necessary

- Participate in all mandatory fleet votes - Submit crew for Academy classes, as necessary - Approve all Leave of Absence requests - Create and maintain a website - Develop policies and procedures for the simm - Present a weekly report to all crew via means of both the forums (archival purpose) and news item - Maintain simm wiki database

Promotion of Characters Promotions onboard the USS Missouri are done in two ways. Firstly; promotions may be done at the sole discretion of the Commanding Officer and/or Executive Officer. As of 1 June 2009; all mission posts (solo and joint) along with personal logs are put onto a points system which governs promotions. This points policy can be found in our database (explained later).

Wiki Database The USS Missouri has its own Wiki database ( where in character information about the Missouri and its players along with missions and position descriptions are kept. It is not required to have an account with the database; but if you wish to be able to edit pages; you must have an account. Please be careful when editing someone else’s work; and if you are unsure; err on the side of caution and don’t edit that work. You are allowed to have a page for your own playing character on the database

Forums The USS Missouri also has an out of character forum ( this is for all crewmembers to have some fun away from posting and interact with other members of the crew. When you are accepted; you are also given login details to the forums. Again; it is not a requirement to use the forums; but please take advantage of them and feel free to start your own discussion and get some conversation going with your fellow crewmembers. Both the forums and wiki database are meant to be used as compliments to the main posting website; therefore it is more important that you log into the posting website and work on any posts that you may have outstanding before using the forums and/or wiki database

Leave of Absence From time to time you will encounter a situation where you will not have access to a computer or your access will not allow you to fulfil some or even all of your duties. When this happens, you are required to submit a Leave of Absence (LOA) in order not to receive a strike. If you are going to be away for between 2 days and 14 days; you need to submit a Leave of Absence (LOA); if you are going to be away for more than 14 days; you need to submit an Extended Leave of Absence (ELOA) In order to go on a leave of absence, you must do all of the following: 1. The day before you need to go on leave; login to the Missouri posting website ( and click on Request Status Change. 2. From there; you click on one of the three radio buttons and indicate how long you will be away for (either in weeks or dates) and give a reason for the absence. Please also indicate if you will have limited access or no access. Then click on Update 3. An email will be sent to the Commanding Officer & Executive Officer with your leave of absence form.

No leave of absence requests will be taken via email; unless in very extreme cases. No properly submitted LOA request will be denied. While you are on LOA, you will not be required to partake in any duties, and you will not incur any strikes under the Three Strike Policy (see separate article). You will, however, be responsible for making arrangements to ensure that your posts are either completed; or the player(s) informed of your absence Failure to follow the above policy will make you fully liable for any strikes incurred during your absence.

Removal from Simm Should a player not post and/or login to the posting website for more than fourteen (14) days, they will be warned with a former email from the Commanding Officer and given one week in which to login and post a solo mission post or joint mission post (in this case, personal logs will not be accepted). Should the player fail to either respond to the formal email with a reason as to the unexplained absence or the player fails to post within the extra week; the player will be removed from the simm. The player will be informed by formal email and there account on the posting website and/or the forums and/or wiki database will be deactivated. Any member receiving a strike has the right to contest the strike within seven (7) days of receiving the strike. Members contesting a strike must email the Commanding officer and Executive Officer; the email must contain their justification for contesting the strike and any supporting information. The Commanding Officer & Executive Officer will then review the information provided along with the original strike citation and render a final decision within seven (7) days of receiving the email. Should the player not appeal the strike within the seven (7) days; they will have to re-apply to the simm after ninety (90) days

Captain Bradley J. Harrison Commanding Officer USS Missouri, NCC-76241

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