Usrat Ul Maria Folder

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  • Pages: 98
Contents 1. Time Line 2. Handouts a) A Leader‟s Formula For Success b) Building Strength c) A Call For Action  WHY ISLAM Calendar Of Events d) The Road Of The Pious e) Investing in Akhirah f) The Solid Cemented Wall  Questionnaire g) If Tomorrow Never Comes h) The Power House i) The Foundation Blocks j) Life Is The Color You Paint It k) Mini Tazkeer (Al-e-Imran Verses 190-192) l) Working Hand in Hand  YM Sisters m) One Step At a Time n) Finding Your Full Potential 3. Morning & Evening Azkaar 4. Flyers a) Online Islamic Institute For Women b) Book Club c) Book Club Registration Form 5. Syllabus a) MGA b) Member 6. UM News Letter 7. 2008 Annual report 8. 2009 Planning 9. Report Forms a) Unit /Region b) Bait ul Maal  Sub-unit  Region c) Personal Monthly 10. Evaluation Form a) Individual b) Feedback from Organizers & Committee Members 11. Calendar Of Events 12. Notes 1

2 5 6 9 16 17 20 21 25 28 30 32 34 38 40 41 43 47 49 53 54 54 55 58 61 66 72 86 89 91

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Time Line Friday Apr. 3rd 09

Session 1: 4:00 -5:20 p.m. Moderator: Saaher Tafsir Joint Session Usrat ul Maria & Usrat ul Ayesha (until Asr break) Time Topic Speaker 4:00 p.m. Introduction 4:05 - 4:15 p.m. Tilawah and Translation Sadia Ashraf 4:20 - 4:50 p.m. Welcome Address Fariha Shakeel 4:55 - 5:15 p.m. Seminar Guidelines Dania Hameed 5:20 - 5:55 p.m. ASR PRAYER

Session 2: 6:00 -10:30 p.m. Moderator: Jamila Yusuf Time 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. 6:35 - 7:10 p.m. 7:15 - 7:45 p.m. 7:50 – 8:30 p.m. 8:30 – 9:25 p.m. 9:30 -9:45 p.m. 9:45 – 10:30 p.m.

Topic A Leader‟s Formula for Success (Closed Session) Connection with American Society Part I (Open Session) Connection with American Society Part II (Open Session) MAGHRIB PRAYER Dinner ISHA PRAYER Ice Breaker … Introduction (Closed Session) Upstairs Musallah)

Saturday Apr. 4th 09 Session: 6:00 -6:45 a.m. Time 5:15 a.m. 5:45 – 6:00 a.m. 6:15 – 6:30 a.m. 6:30 – 6:45 a.m.

Topic Wake up Tahajjud Prayer Azkaar FAJY PRAYER


Speaker Hena Syed Br. Zahid Bukhari (Ameer ICNA) Saadia Yunus

Amina Mohsin

Session 3: 6:45 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Moderator: Amina Mohsin Time 6:45 - 8:00 a.m.

Topic Building Strength

8:05 - 9:25 a.m. 9:30 - 10:45 a.m.

Breakfast & fresh up A Call For Action

10:50 - 11:50 a.m. 11:55a.m. - 12:25 p.m. 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.

The Road of The Pious Investing in Akhirah

1:35 – 2:55 p.m.

Speaker Main Speaker: Amina Mohsin Team: Mehnaz Fatima, Mehreen Amdani, Mona Shoaib, Saima Shah, Siddiqa Qadir, Shakiyla Rashid Jamila Yusuf Skit: Ayesha Hameed Fariha Shakeel Uzma Zaffar, Saadia Yunus Jamila Yusuf, Humera Hai

The Solid Cemented Wall ZUHR PRAYER + Lunch

Session 4: 3:00 - 5:55 p.m. Moderator: Umber Siddiqi Time 3:00 - 4:15 p.m.

Topic If Tomorrow Never Comes

4:20 - 5:20 p.m.

The Power House

5:20 - 5:55 p.m.


Speaker Main Speaker: Saba Yasir College or School-going students: Atya Kazmi Working Lady: Fatimah Beig Living with In-Laws: Saaher Tafsir Spouses: Mutayyaba Siddiqui Samia Tariq, Durre Shahwar Aziz

Session 5: 6:00 - 10:00 p.m. Moderator: Fatimah Beig 6:00 - 6:50 p.m.

The Foundation Blocks

6:55 - 7:55 p.m.

Life is the Color You Paint It

8:00 p.m. 8:05



Tasneem Sidiqui, Razina Syed Main Speaker: Saima Azfar Panel: Atya Kazmi, Humera Hai, Durre Shahwar

9:30 – 9:45 p.m. 9:45 – 10:00 p.m.

Dinner ISHA PRAYER Azkaar before Sleeping

Talat Sajid

Sunday Apr. 5th 09 Session: 5:15 a.m. - 6:45 a.m. Time 5:15 a.m. 5:45 – 6:00 a.m. 6:15 – 6:30 a.m. 6:30 – 6:45 a.m.

Topic Wake up Tahajjud Prayer Azkaar FAJY PRAYER

Session 6: 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. Moderator: Atya Kazmi Time 7:00 - 8:00 a.m.

Topic Mini Tazkeer

8:00 - 9:00 a.m.


Speaker Saima Shah, Tasneem Ahmad, Umaymah Shahid

Session 7: 9:05 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Moderator: Saadia Yunus Time 9:05 - 9:30 a.m. 9:35 - 11:00 a.m.

Topic ICNA & YM The Big Leap

11:05 - 11:45 a.m. 11:50 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 12:35 - 12:50 p.m. 12:50 - 1:00 p.m.

One Step at a Time Finding Your Full Potential

Speaker Br. Zahid Bukhari Samina Hassan, Fariha Shakeel, Umber Siddiqi, Ayesha Siddiqui Saaher Tafsir Samina Hassan

Closing Remarks Dua

Abeer Sher (via phone) Salma Malik


A Leader’s Formula For Success “And We made from among them, leaders, giving guidance under Our command, when they were patient and used to believe with certainty in Our ayat. (As-Sajdah:24)”

“Believers, be patient in adversity, and let your patience never be exhausted; be ever ready and fear God so that you may prosper. (3:200)” “Everything is possible if we fulfill our commitment. (Shamim Siddiqi)” “…pardon them and pray for them… (3:159)”


“Fear Allah wherever you are, let an evil deed be followed by a good deed so that you blot it out. (Ahmad, Tirmizi)”

Building Strength Interpersonal Relations: An Islamic Perspective by Khurram Murad Behold! Good and evil cannot be equal. Repel the evil with something that is better – and lo! He between whom and yourself was enmity (may then become) as though he had (always) been close unto you, a true friend. (Fussilat 41:34)

Our GOAL with the help of this book: Transform ourselves into a complete Muslim Personality and be Role Model for society. We should be above the level of just trying to mend our character flaws and be at a level in our moral traits that we are able to transform society. We have to realize the weaknesses that are damaging the Islamic society and understand what traits are necessary to strengthen the foundation of a morally just society. We can accomplish this with support from a strong group of sisters around us and be like a solid cemented structure (Saff,61:4). Remember Allah has honored the entire progeny of Adam. Every human is a potential Khalifa so don‟t ignore anyone. Our attitude towards every single person on earth has to be according to the beautiful saying of Sayyidana Ali: “If you are dealing with a Muslim, you are dealing with a brother in faith; if you are dealing with a non-Muslim, you are dealing with a brother in humanity.” (foreword, xvii). Chapter 1: Mutual Relations Between Believers “The believers are but a single brotherhood.” (Hujurat, 49:10) Chapter 2: The Main Features of Conduct Adorable Qualities pages 10-19 1. Sincerity Hadith, “You should be sincere to your brother in faith, be he present or absent.” (11) Always work for the welfare of others “By Him in whose hand is my life, one does not attain faith until one prefers for others what one chooses for oneself. (Bukhari, Muslim). 2. Sacrifice They give preference to others over themselves, even though poverty may be their own lot.(59:9) 3. Justice hadith Qudsi: “One should abide by justice, even in a fit of anger or hostility.” (Mishkat) 4. Ihsan - higher level than justice hadith: “O Allah! Let me maintain ties with him who severs these. Let me grant him his due that deprieves me of what is due to me. Let me forgive him who wrongs me.” (Mishkat) 5. Mercy “It is part of the mercy of Allah that you deal gently with them. Were you severe or harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from you.” (Imran, 3:159) 6. Forgiveness- A higher state of patience is when onegenerously pardons one‟s brethren even though one is in a position to retaliate.(17) Characteristic of pious Muslim: “( …ones who) who restrain anger and pardon all men.” (3:134) 7. Trust shared in both anxiety and joy 8. Recognizing Someone’s Value and Worth-more value to relationship if one knows true worth


Detestable Traits (pages 19-29) 1. Usurping Rights “A Muslim is one whose hands and tongue do not hurt other Muslims.”(Bukhari and Muslim) 2. Sanctity of Life and Body –restraining tongue is difficult yet if misused causes problems which cannot be resolved easily. 3. Speaking Ill –never attack one‟s honor 4. Back-Biting 5. Telling Tales 6. Reproaching-humiliating publicly In Tirmidhi Prophet (PBUH) warns that one who reproaches others will not die until he commits the same sin. 7. Spying “do not be after the weaknesses of fellow Muslims. For one who spies on others, Allah will expose his weaknesses. Such a person who is exposed by Allah is bound to be publicly disgraced, even if he retires from social life.” 8. Ridicule 9. Contemptuous Attitudes “It is enough to become a mischievous person if one considers a fellow Muslim as inferior.” (Muslim) 10. Suspicion –nothing can be said with certainty about anyone‟s intentions. Immediately clarify matters and put an end to suspicion. 11. Slander 12. Harming “Whoever harms a Muslim will be harmed by Allah. Likewise, one who offends a Muslilm will be put to inconvenience by Allah.” (Ibn Majah and Tirmidhi) 13. Hurting One’s Feelings -careful when making jokes, not to offend anyone unintentionally. 14. Cheating 15. Jealousy –one is more interested in other‟s loss than in acquiring it for self. Chapter 3: Social Obligations (pages 30-52) 1. Defending Honor “If a Muslim remains a silent spectator as his Muslim brother‟s honor is being attacked, he is denied divine help when he is in need of such help. He will not receive any help from fellow Muslims. On the contrary if a Muslim comes to the aid of a Muslim who is being slandered then he is helped by Allah in his need.” (Abu Dawud) 2. Sharing sorrow “A Muslim should be like a structure for a fellow Muslim, lending strength and support to him. It should be akin to a brick holding another brick. Then he joined the fingers of his hand to give a more graphic picture of their bond.” (Bukhari and Muslim). 3. Scrutiny and Advice- page 35 *** “Every Muslim serves as another Muslim‟s mirror. He safeguards his rights in his absence as well.” (Abu Dawud) 4. Social Visits 5. Visiting the Sick


6. Expressing One’s Feelings has a positive effect on a relationship; difficult to heal hurt caused by tongue. 7. Affectionate and Cordial visits – don‟t be indifferent :indicate meeting was a pleasure hadith: “Do not take any virtue lightly. You should courteously meet a fellow Muslim.” (Muslim) 8. Greetings 9. Handshakes 10. Addressing Each other with Good Names 11. Taking Personal Interest 12. Exchanging Gifts – not beyond one‟s means, accept with gratitude, and reciprocate. 13. Expressing Gratitude 14. Sharing Food 15. Supplication 16. Gracious Responses 17. Reconciliation Notes_____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________



Sister Jamila Yusuf

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Surah An-Nahl 16:125: Allah SWT says, “Invite all to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for your Lord knows best who has strayed from His path and who receives guidance.” I.



We invite all non-Muslims and Muslims we meet every day to the way of Allah – Islam as a way of life. WHAT IS OUR MESSAGE FOR THEM?

Our message is to tell people to worship only One God and to believe that Prophet Muhammad (saw) is the last and final messenger of God to humanity. (Kalimah Shahada – declaration of faith)

We MUST please Allah SWT all the time by enjoining good and forbidding evil in the society by guarding our morals. Allah SWT says in the Quran 3:110, “You (Muslims) are the best of peoples evolved for mankind enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong.”

We should discover the beauty of Islam and understand our purpose in this world. We were created solely to serve and worship our Lord. In the Qur’an, Surah 51:56, Allah SWT says, “I have only created Jinns and men that they might serve me.”

Muslims have been given the responsibility by Allah SWT to establish Islam as the way of life in this world. In Surah Al-Baqarah 2:143, Allah SWT says, “Thus,


have We made of you an Ummah (community) justly balanced, that you might be witnesses over the nations and the Messenger a witness over yourselves.” 

We should encourage others (our Muslim family members, Muslim friends, Muslim neighbors) to be a part of a bigger group to pursue the same goals. This is where we should realize the importance of being a part of an organization, ICNA, specifically.

It is easier to achieve our goals of pleasing Allah SWT if we are a part of a collective effort for a common goal. It is much harder and lonesome to achieve our goals individually.




The simple and honest answer is EVERYWHERE and ANYWHERE!!! We should first look in our own homes. Invite our moms, daughters, sisters, sisters-in-law, aunts, cousins and then friends to attend our halaqas or neighbor nets, conferences, conventions, Daura Tafseers, Ramadan and Eid programs etc. WHEN DO WE INVITE THEM?

The time to call others for this cause is NOW!

We are not getting any younger every day and the society we live in is getting worse each day. There are so many challenges that we face as Muslim women living in this western society. (TVs, movies, music, clothing, western values, food etc.)

The time to CHANGE IS NOW. If not NOW, then WHEN?

We don’t know if we are still going to live another day for tomorrow, we may die. We don’t want to lose the opportunity of telling others of Islam, of inviting them to be a part of ICNA.

We will be accountable to Allah SWT if we forego this chance of bringing others to the same road that we tread and to enjoy the benefits of Jannah (Paradise) in the Akhirah (Hereafter), Insha Allah. HOW DO WE INVITE THEM?


This is where the challenge comes in. How do we tell other family members or other Muslim sisters about ICNA and our goals?

We might get scoffed at, looked at weirdly and even despised at times. But our NIYYAH or intention should be PURE that we are inviting others to the common good of pleasing our CREATOR and by trying to establish ISLAM as a way of life.

We should help them understand our message of Islam and our goal of pleasing Allah SWT alone by being good examples of what a good Muslimah or Mu’mina should be. We should practice what we preach.

We should be gentle yet firm in our convictions as we relay them to others. In Surah Al-Imran 3:159, Allah SWT says, “It was thanks to Allah’s mercy that you were gentle to them. Had you been rough, hard-hearted, they would surely have scattered away from you. So pardon them, and pray for them, and pray for their forgiveness, and take counsel from them in matters of importance.”

We should have a clear understanding of what ICNA’s goals and methodologies (dawah, tarbiyah and tanzeem) are so we can easily share them to others. We should give them ideas of our different programs such as our book clubs, Qur’an classes, neighbor nets, seminars, training programs, etc.)

CONCLUSION: The task ahead of us is HUGE…to invite others to join ICNA and share our common goals but we should not be disheartened if we meet hurdles along the way. The theme of our Tarbiyah seminar reminds us that Allah SWT says in Surah Al-Imran 3:200, “O ye who believe! Persevere in patience and constancy; strive in such perseverance; strengthen each other and fear Allah that you may prosper.”

WHY ISLAM PLANNING 2009 AT A GLANCE WHY ISLAM CENTRAL TEAM MEMBERS: In-charge: Amina Jaffer-Mohsin (Chicago) [email protected] (630) 789-0765 Assistant: Jamila Yusuf (Chicago) [email protected] (708) 331-4961 Secretary: Fatimah Beig (NY) [email protected] (516) 316-1971 Team member: Samina Hassan (CA) [email protected] Home: (562) 591-6766



  


MENTOR TRAINING is one of our biggest goals. We plan to accomplish this by giving the members of different units criteria and guidelines for mentoring new Muslim sisters or reverts by focusing on the Ansar Project, also known as the Revert Follow-up. The basic purpose of the establishment of a Sisters’ Why Islam team is to focus on this project and to make the reverted sisters an integral part of the movement by building strong relationships and good training practices, on both the individual and collective level. The success of the Ansar Project will, Insha Allah, be projected in the membership of the new Muslim sisters that our mentors became buddies with. ACTION PLANS FOR 2009 This year, we will be planning three steps: 1. Dawah or inviting people to Islam: a. Establishment of Why Islam Department in EVERY city or region where there is an operating ICNA Sisters Wing Unit. If they already have one department, by the end of 2010 they should have two more departments.


b. Dawah to Non-Muslims through the following means: The code of conduct must be followed by both brothers and sisters at all times during these activities: -Dawah booths in public places in conjunction with Brothers’ WI team. -Ramadan and Hajj displays in local libraries and Ramadan Story hours - Ramadan and Hajj presentations in local public schools. - Garage sales with dawah booths by having some Why Islam brochures - Dawah field trips: passing out flyers / brochures at public events or general public places. c. Why Islam Web Page development, with the help of Web Site Department. The web page should be incorporated in the actual ICNA Sisters’ Wing page. It will provide materials and resources for new Muslim sisters, such as information on salat, tahara, modesty, programs that can benefit them, etc 2. Training or Tarbiyah Purpose: To have a very clear concept about the vision of Why Islam, a better understanding of our own work among team members, and to implement the same vision at the local level, focusing on Ansar (mentor) and how they can be good Ansars. a. We will provide mentors with continuous training sessions either online or physical through Tarbiyah camps (local or national) and through our monthly Why Islam meetings, Insha Allah. b. We will collaborate with UM team to help us design these classes, online or inperson. c. We will incorporate reverts into ICNA as members by having teacher training sessions throughout the years, either in-person or online. 2. Organization a. Why Islam department will contact all local Nazimaats to give the name and numbers of in-charges, mentors, and reverts. Will have a meeting once a month on the weekends with mentors for follow-up. b. At least two on-line workshops will be planned for the mentors and the WI volunteers, Insha Allah.


c. Every two months department reports will be sent to central Nazam by the tenth of the month. All local units will be advised to send their unit reports by the fifth of the month. d. Team members will be advised to send their personal reports once in three months to Why Islam in-charge.

DAWAH DEPARTMENT PLANNING 2009 AT A GLANCE DAWAH TEAM: IN-CHARGE: Abeer Sher SECRETARIES: Dania Hameed; Kulsoom Siddiqi COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Seema Muzaffar, Shamila Hassan, Ayesha Hameed, Abidah Gias, Rabia Kamran, Shazia, Rana Ikram, Why Islam coordinator CONTACT NUMBERS FOR WHOLE DAWAH TEAM.  [email protected]  ABEER SHER 810-881-0001  DANIA HAMEED 214-501-7800  SEEMA MUZAFFAR 832-692-2012  KULSOOM SIDDIQI 859-223-3444  RABIA KAMRAN 630-261-1621  SHAMAILA HASSAN 718-523-3122  AYESHA HAMEED 972-234-0292  ABIDAH GIAS 714-530-5848 OUR GOAL: For the sake of Allah’s pleasure and blessings, dawah department will collaborate with tarbiyah and tanzeem to make our efforts more effective and strong. We have to make local sisters an effective part of our organization. Inshallah we will do dawah to 20,000 people in these 2 years and try to make, Insha Allah up to 100 members in these 2 years. BRIEF ACTION PLANS FOR 2009 1. In two years, in Urdu, at least 4 new halaqas in regions & 2 new halaqas in cities each will be established. In two years, in English, at least 2 new halaqas in region & 2 new halaqas in cities each will be established. 14

2. Murabeen Training Program (MTP) will be done in collaboration with tarbiya dept. 3. Ramadan planning will be done according to the guidelines of dawah dept..Tarbiya dept’s help will also be required in planning for English halaqas. 4. Ramadan package will be given to cities and regions before summer vacation for murabeen how to prepare for dora-e tafseer. Ramadan package will contain: a. GUIDELINES FOR DORA-E-TAFSEER b. GUIDELINES FOR QAYAM-UL-LAIYL. c. EID PACKAGE. d. POWER POINT PRESENTATION ON HOW TO MAKE NEW MEMBERS IN 4 STEPS 5. We need to publicize the coming ICNA Convention to all the halaqas in all cities and regions. We need to get a head count of how many sisters are coming and please e-mail it to [email protected]. 6.

ICNA-MAS Convention at Hartford, CT: SAT-SUN-MON May 23rd-May 25th, 2009 THEME: GLOBAL CRISIS – ISLAMIC SOLUTION The 34th Annual Convention will be held on Memorial Day weekend insha'Allah. Please note the new dates for this very important event.


Why Islam Calendar of Events 2009 March Sunday 22, 2009

Why Islam volunteers meeting with WI Core Team 11am Eastern-12:30pm Eastern

April Friday 3- Sunday 5 Tarbiyyah Seminar in Dallas for all UM members Saturday 11 Part 1: Women‟s Series on Modesty and Hijab 1-3pm Eastern For all reverts and mentors Saturday 18 Part 2: Women‟s Series on Marriage 1-3 pm Eastern For all reverts and mentors Saturday 25 part 3: Women‟ Series on Women‟s Rights 1-3pm Eastern For all reverts and mentors May Mentor Training Program Date to be announced June Sunday 21

July Sunday 19

11am E- 12:30 pm E

Daura Tafseer Training and Summer Program For incharges, teachers,

Meeting with WI mentors

August- September

11am E-12:30 pm E

No meeting for Ramadan

October Sunday 18

Meeting with WI unit in-charges.

11am E- 12:30 pm E

November Sunday 15

Mentor Session

11am E- 12:30 pm E

December Sunday 20

Meeting with WI unit in-charges.

11am E- 12:30 pm E

Supervision of WI Units Please contact following sisters with any questions or concerns: East Coast, New Jersey (central Jersey combined)…Saima Sindhu [email protected] West Coast, Kentucky and Dallas………………….Samina Hassan [email protected] Midwest and LA….………………………………..Amina Mohsin [email protected] Chicago and Houston………..……………………..Jamila Yusuf [email protected] New York…………………………………………..Fatimah Beig [email protected]



Fariha Shakeel  A process of SELF purification in the Quran is referred to as tazkiyah, it also refers to cleansing of the human Self from all that is undesirable. It also includes nurturing (Tarbeyah) and strengthening of all the qualities that are essential for self-development.  Tarbiyah is a two way process, accepting it from others and giving it out to our fellow muslims.  The whole procedure is effective if it is carried out in the light of Quran and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saw)  Prophet Muhammad’s strategy was the most successful one as it started from one person and by the time he passed away, the whole Arabian’s peninsula was under his command.  We as Daiee Illallah, are also working among fellow human beings to bring them closer to Allah’s message and to the eternal success. In order to be successful in our mission, we’ll have to understand, follow, and implement Rasool Allah’s tarbiyah system. Some important characteristics to acquire as a Murabbi (mentor) would be : 1. Sincerety : All the efforts due to Allah’s love and love for His creation , no hate for any individual. 2. Ilm : The knowledge which we are gaining should give us some action plan and help us learn wisdom 3. Sabr and Istiqamah: No hurry, even if the desired results are not obvious. Also, we should have the patience to tolerate other people’s weaknesses only for Allah’s sake. 4. Ikhlaaq e Hasana: Our attitude, our way of communications, and our dealings should all be according to the Ikhlaaq and Uswaa’ of Rasool Allah (saw). Some important qualities to focus on while working with our fellow sisters in order to get them ready for leadership: Wisdom and dealing with the matters intelligently, prophet Muhammad sometimes taught his companions with his facial expressions or sometimes by reminding them collectively. Love and Affection, prophet Muhammad not even ignored the request of a lady who was mentally sick. Understanding human psychology, while doing treaty of Hudaybiyah when apparently all the clauses of it were going against Muslims, how Rasool Allah handled the situation and controlled the emotions and feelings of his companions. Appreciation, at the event of Battle of


Tabuk, Prophet Muhammad put the small amount of money contributed by a poor ansari sahabi over the whole donations collected from all the companions. Assuming good, Prophet Muhammad always focused on the good characteristics of people and used not to describe their shortcomings to others. Being polite and humble instead of being harsh, Rasool saw was only strict at the time of battles or while dealing with the criminals, besides he was always polite and gentle with people living around him. Moving onwards step by step, Rasool Allah trained his companions by putting the commands of Allah in the order, starting with the basics and moving on step by step to the other details. Creating an environment appropriate for tarbiyah, the migration from Makkah to Madeenah was basically to provide the muslims with the appropriate environment to practice Islam as a Deen. Close relationship, the way Prophet Muhammad meet with people, shook hands with them, look at their faces with smile, made each one of them realize that he loved them the most. This closeness helped a lot to absorb Tarbiyah more effectively. Discussion forums, sometimes Rasool Allah asked questions from his companions, other times letting them ask question from him, and even initiating discussions among them. Creating the concept of being answerable on the last day, Although the sahabas loved him so much but through this love, Prophet Muhammad connected them to Allah and always reminded them the last day of judgment.  

Focusing on the above-mentioned prominent features of Rasool Allah‟s strategy of tarbiyah, we as an Islamic movement are trying our best to follow the same guidelines. ICNA Sisters Wing tarbiyah system is composed of: 18

   

Purification or tarbiyah of thoughts, feelings, behavior, morals, time and resources. The different systems (within the Tarbiyah system) are also originated from the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saw). In this year‟s planning of Usratul Maria, our members are asked to focus not only on their own self development but also to train other sisters and prepare them for leadership through the Tarbiyah system provided by the organization. This year all the members of ICNA Sisters Wing have to focus these points for receiving personal Tarbiyah as well as for giving tarbiyah to others: 1. Attending the Quran class and book club must be the number one priority, as we all know that without Ilm the process of Tarbiyah is incomplete. We have to make sure that this knowledge gives us a solid action plan and wisdom to move on. 2. Through the buddy system, we all have to work hard to create such an environment throughout the organization that would create a role model of unity for other organizations and muslims at large. It shouldn‟t be something artificial but we should build such a strong bond among each other that would provide us with a support system. 3. Filling out the self evaluation form regularly must give us the sense of accountability on the day of judgment. It should force us to spend our lives positively and in the right and straight direction. 4. Following the quarterly issued syllabus and discussing it with our other sisters will help to create a uniformity of tarbiyah level throughout our units and halaqas. 5. Focusing our connection with the divine book Quran, developing regularity and Khushu in our salat , strengthening the characteristic of Haya (modesty), acquiring good morals, trying our best not to get near any Haraam (forbidden) act or source of income and then finally spreading all these jewels of goodness in the environmend in which we are living today. These are the keys to get the door of Jannah open for us and others inshaAllah.


―INVESTING IN AKHiRA‖—part 2  Why should I do Infaq? ‫ُلض ِذعفُل ياِذ َث يي‬ ‫يو ِهّللا ُلي َث‬ ‫َّم َثيُلي اَّم ِذ يَث ي ُل نِذ ُل وَث ي َث ْم َث اَث ُل ْم ي ِذ ي َث نِذ ِذيي ِهّللا ِذي َث َث َث ِذيي َث نَّم ٍةي َث َثن َث ْم ي َث ْمن َث ي َث َث اِذ َثيي ِذ ي ُليِّلي ُل نُل َث ٍةيي ِّل ئَث ُلي َث نَّم ٍة َث‬ ﴾٢٦١﴿‫َث َث اي َثو ِهّللا ُلي َثيو ِذ ٌي َثع ِذ ٌ ي‬ Al –Baqarah 261:”The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is as the likeness of a grain (of corn): it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase to whom He pleases: And Allah is All- Sufficient for His creatures‟ needs, All- Knower.” Narrated Abu Hurairah (ra): Allah's Apostle said, "Allah said, 'O son of Adam! Spend, and I shall spend on you." (hadith Qudsi)( Sahih Bukhari)

 Accounting in the Islamic state The development of the accounting system in the Islamic state was motivated and associated with the imposition of zakat in the year 2 H (624 A.D.) Also we learn from the Quran that when Yusuf (as) became the finance minister his main responsibility was to Keep an account of inventory and distribute it in an equitable way.

 What is accounting? Accounting is the art of organizing, maintaining, recording, and analyzing financial activities.

 Importance of keeping a correct record of Bait-ul-Maal According to Hazrat Omar “Bait-ul- maal is like Maal -e- Yateem”

 Bait-ul-Maal of ICNA sister’s wing GOALS OF BAIT-UL-MAAL • Raising the spirit of giving and stressing the importance of spending in the way of Allah, among all Muslims in general and among MGAs / Members/ responsible sisters in particular so that it becomes a source of their personal training and purification of the heart. • Providing financial support to the movement from workers to make the important resources available for Islamic Work. • Keeping the record of donations and expenses with receipts and maintaining monthly balance reports regularly. Providing guidelines to all Cities/Regions/Units/Subunits about proper way of record keeping. Since the donation to Bait-ul-maal is a Trust, maintaining the record with honesty, keeping in view the sensitivity of the matter and sense of accountability, is an obligation. What are our Sources of Income?


• Fund Raising, Monthly member donations (a‟anat), Non-member donations, Zakat, Sadaqat. etc. What are the important things to do in the Planning of 2009? 1. Keeping at least two programs on motivating people to donate – especially in Ramadan. 2. Implementing the Receipt system 3. Improving the Recording and Reporting system. A: Making the Report  Send Checks and reports on a monthly basis. (all Unit, Regions and Departments)  Use the new report form.  If you collect cash always make a money order.  Set deadlines for receiving checks from cities and sub-units.  Each unit and region should compile and mail the report and checks by the 10th of each month to: ICNA SISTER’S WING PO BOX No: 1786 ALIEF, TX 77411-1786

 E-mail the report to : [email protected]  Remember to write the date on which the checks were mailed on the report, before e-mailing .  Also Write the number of checks mailed on the report.

 Do not E-mail the report until checks have been mailed. B: Make correct calculations and write the amount under the right category.  Regions Send 100% of all Income.  Units send 70% of Ayanat and 100% of all other income.

C: Get Organized.

Use a Multi –pocket folder- for each Bait-ul-maal in charge


(even at the Sub-unit level). What should I do with this Folder? Easy as one two three!!!!!! Step 1: Label the Pockets: Receipt book, Ayanat, Donation, Sadaqah, Zakat, Mcna, Noor, companion Step 2 : Collect money and checks in these pockets the whole month.

Step 3: Then at the end of the month take money and checks out of each pocket and make calculations using either:  Six column Cash Book or Excel work sheet

D. Request for invoice payment or re-imbursement of expenses-(for Regions and Departments). Send your request to [email protected] REMEMBER  To attach the invoice or receipt.  To write the full name and address of the person to whom the check is to be mailed.


 Conclusion Income is raised at Sub-unit/Regional level for expenses that are incurred at the central level. Examples of expenses incurred are:

Web-site, Dawah, Tarbiyah, Online Classes, Institute, Tarbiyah seminars, Printing and Publishing, Noor magazine, MCNA, Companion, Conventions, Flyers, Circulars, CDs etc.

Al-Baqarah O ye who believe! Spend out of (the bounties) We have provided for you before the Day comes when no bargaining (will avail) nor friendship nor intercession. Those who reject faith they are the wrong-doers. (254)

May Allah Ta’ala help us fulfill our duties Jazak Allah Khair—Central Bait-ul-Maal Uzma Zaffar



Humera Hai &

Jamila Yusuf QUR’ANIC AYATS SUPPORTING TEAMWORK: OUR VERY OWN THEME OF THIS YEAR’S SEMINAR: 3:200 “O ye who believe! Persevere in patience and constancy; strive in such perseverance; strengthen each other and fear Allah that you may prosper.” 61:4 “Surely Allah loves those who fight in His way in ranks as if they were a firm and compact wall.” (Bunyanu Marsoos) 3:103 “And hold fast all together by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you) and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favor on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love so that by His grace ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of fire and He saved you from it. Thus doth Allah make his signs clear to you: that ye may be guided." HADITH SUPPORTING TEAMWORK: Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: Faithful believers are to each other as the bricks of a wall, supporting and reinforcing each other. So saying, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) clasped his hands by interlocking his fingers. [Sahih al-Bukhari] 

Once a wise man said – “Two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one; they get a better return for their labor.

 

As the old saying goes, “two heads are better than one.” In Islam, Allah (SWT) gives us the gift of brotherhood and sisterhood and encourages us to do things in a group setting or teamwork. Examples where Islam encourages team spirit are Juma prayers and Hajj Pilgrimage.

Lessons from Geese provide a perfect example of the importance of teamwork and how it can have a profound and powerful effect in our lives.

It is essential to remember that teamwork happens when it is continually nurtured


and encouraged. FIVE PRINCIPLES OF TEAMWORK / LESSONS FROM THE GEESE STORY Lesson 1 - The Importance of Achieving Common Goals Aerodynamic Formation - The V formation of Geese is a way that maximizes the energy expended by those flying as part of it. The bird at the front of the flock breaks the air for those flying behind it and creates a slipstream for them to be dragged along in. The birds behind also help those in front as the upward motion of their wing also create an upward draft that propels them forward. This push/pull relationship ensures all birds in the formation benefit from the work of others. Outcome: When we have a sense of "Ummah (collectively united Community)" and focus, we create trust and can help each other to achieve our common goals. Lesson 2 - The Importance of Teamwork When a goose leaves the formation, he feels the resistance of the air and the difficulties of flying alone. Then, he quickly comes back to the formation to take advantage of the flock's power in front of him. Outcome: If we had as much sense as Geese we would stay in formation with those headed where we want to go. We are willing to accept their help and give our help to others. Sharing the same direction and working as a team, get us to the destination quicker and easier. By helping ourselves, the accomplishments are greater. Lesson 3 - The Importance of Sharing Leadership Rotating Leadership - Even with the pushing effect of those behind it - the front bird uses the most energy and becomes tired more quickly than others. The Geese know that and instinctively rotate leadership of the flock - allowing tired birds who have used a lot of energy for the sake of the flock to take a rest and be dragged a long for a while until it is their next turn up front. Outcome: It pays to take turns doing the hard tasks. We should respect and protect each other's unique arrangement of skills, capabilities, talents and resources. Lesson 4 - The Importance of Empathy and Understanding Dropping out of the Flock - as a result of sickness or injury, a bird will occasionally begin to fall away from the flock - unable to keep up. Instead of allowing this bird to fly alone - at least two others will always drop out of the flock with it. This ensures 25

that the injured bird will be defended and cared for until it is ready to resume flying - and that it will fly on with the benefit of flying in formation. Outcome: If we have as much sense as Geese we will stand by each other. Let's stay beside each other no matter what the differences, especially in times of difficulty and great challenges. If we bond together and support each other, if we keep the true spirit of teamwork, regardless of our differences, we can rise to meet our challenge. Lesson 5 - The Importance of Encouragement Power of the Honk - From the ground the V formation of the Geese is a beautiful thing to watch - serenely gliding across the sky these birds look quite majestic and peaceful. However get up into the flock and you find it's quite a noisy affair with the Geese constantly honking at one another. There are numerous theories about this honking and it could be partly about letting each other know where they are so there is no midair collision. But many believe that this honking is actually about creating an environment of success and mutual encouragement. Geese flying in formation 'Honk' to encourage those up front to keep up with their speed. Outcome: We need to make sure our honking is encouraging. In groups and teams where there is encouragement, production is much greater. 'Individual empowerment results from quality honking'. As a result of some of these principles the Geese can fly amazing distances without stopping for rest - so much further than if they tried to do it alone. Humans, like Geese, were created to work together and to support one another. When we encourage each other and support our leaders we can accomplish amazing things, much more than trying to work alone.

Characteristics of a Good Leader: •

Don’t emphasize on your opinion and views.

Take the group towards actions.

To make teamwork effective , ask for views and suggestions of others.

Try to create collective analogy on a reached point of view .

Try to use your authority rarely.


Try to avoid negative criticism.

Be appreciative and grateful to your subordinates.

Respect all team members and make them feel important part of the team.

Find information about team members’ hobbies and their families.

Remove personality admiration.

A good leader is always a good teacher. She lets others move forward and guides them.


Working in teams INFORMATION TO START You can use this Word document to assess your team work skills (as part of the Working in teams online workshop) by  printing the document and using the hard copy to write the answers on or  transferring the file to disc and then using it, or a copy of it, to fill in as a Word document on your own computer. If you copy it before you begin to answer the questions you will continue to be able to access the blank document at a future time.

Team Work Skills Questionnaire Visualise a particular group or team you have worked in. Answer the following about how you responded within that group. There are no wrong or right answers and some answers you may need to guess at. You might like to ask a friend or a team member to use this questionnaire to evaluate your effectiveness as a team member. You can then replace the ‘I’ in the questionnaire with your name before you give it your friend or team member. A scoring table is set out below the questions for you to score your effectiveness as a team member. 1 I offer information and opinions. a..Very frequently


c. Sometimes

d. .Rarely

e. Never

d. .Rarely

e. Never

c. Sometimes

d. .Rarely

e. Never

c. Sometimes

d. .Rarely

e. Never


c. Sometimes

d. .Rarely

e. Never


c. Sometimes

d. .Rarely

e. Never

d. .Rarely

e. Never

2. I summarise what is happening in the group. a..Very frequently


c. Sometimes

3. When there is a problem I try to identify what is happening. a..Very frequently


4. I start the group working. a..Very frequently


5. I suggest directions the group can take. a..Very frequently

6. I listen actively. a..Very frequently

7. I give positive feedback to other members of the group. a..Very frequently


c. Sometimes



I compromise. a..Very frequently



c. Sometimes

d. .Rarely

e. Never


c. Sometimes

d. .Rarely

e. Never


c. Sometimes

d. .Rarely

e. Never

I help relieve tension. a..Very frequently


I talk. a..Very frequently

11. I ensure that meeting times and places are arranged. a..Very frequently


c. Sometimes

d. .Rarely

e. Never

12. I try to observe what is happen in the group. a..Very frequently


c. Sometimes

d. .Rarely

e. Never

13. I try to help solve problems. a..Very frequently



c. Sometimes

d. .Rarely

e. Never

I take responsibility for ensuring that tasks are completed. a..Very frequently


c. Sometimes

d. .Rarely

e. Never

d. .Rarely

e. Never

15. I like the group to be having a good time. a..Very frequently


c. Sometimes


Scoring Score by awarding yourself the number of points shown in the Table on the following page. Put the score in the score column. Add the numbers together in the score column to discover your total score. Scoring table Question 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

a 1 1 1 2 0 3 3 2 1 0 2 3 2 2 1

b 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 3 2 0 3 3 3 2 1

c 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2

d 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

e 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Total


Results If you have scored between 40 and 45 you are a very effective team person. If you have scored between 35 and 40 you are an effective team person If you have scored under 35 it would be useful if you worked on some of your team skills.


If Tomorrow Never Comes By

Saba Yasir Why Manage Time? 1. Question about 5 things in Hadith: Abdullah Bin Mas`ud (radhiallahu anhu) narrated that Allah‟s Messenger (Sallallahu „alayhi wa sallam) said, “A man shall be asked concerning five things on the day of resurrection: concerning his life, how he spent it; concerning his youth, how he grew old; concerning his wealth, whence he acquired it, and in what way he spent it; and what was it that he did with the knowledge that he had.” (Tirmidhi ) 2. Concept of Time in Theories of Change Time=W/P W=Work )51:56(

ِ‫وَمَا َخلَ ْقتُ الْجِهَّ وَالْئِوسَ إِلَّا لِيَعِبُدُون‬

I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me.(51:56)

‫كُىتُ ِم خَيِ َر أُمَّ ٍة أُخِرِ َجتِ لِلىَّاسِ تَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعِرُوفِ وَتَِى َهىِ َن َعهِ الْمُىكَرِ وَُتؤِمِىُىنَ بِاللّه‬ YOU ARE indeed the best community that has ever been brought forth for [the good of] mankind: you enjoin the doing of what is right and forbid the doing of what is wrong, and you believe in God. (3:110)

P= Qualification for Job A:Iman, Taqwa, Sabr, Ilm, Hikma B: Education, Technical Skills, Analytical Skills, Public Speaking, Wise& Healthy Living

Our Story: Once Upon a Time… How can I manage time for all these duties? Household Work __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Husband and Children __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Relatives and In Laws __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Work __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

Practical Tips 1. Saying Good Bye to Procrastination Strong Will Learn to Say „No‟

‘O Allaah, I take refuge in You from anxiety and sorrow, weakness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, the burden of debts and from being over powered by men.’ 2. Top Time Wasters Identifying the areas where we waste our time the most

)23:3( َ‫وَالَّذِي َه هُ ِم عَ ِه اللَّغِىِ مُ ِعرِضُىن‬ and who turn away from all that is frivolous,(23:3)

3. Prioritizing Realization of Purpose Goals in Life Setting Targets 4. Getting Organized Things to Do List Daily Planners 5. Dealing with a particular Project Identifying the Steps Involved Time Required Delegation Level of Perfection Required Conclusion: _____________________________________________________________


Power House By Sisters

Samia Tariq &

Durre Shawar Aziz 1. What is a Members meeting?

2. Why an organization needs a members meeting?

3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Members meeting:

4. Responsibilities of President and Participants of the meeting:

An ideal Members meeting should have these contents:        

Tazkeer Mutual introduction. Reports of work Analysis /question and answers Critique Muhasiba Sisterhood Decisions


Methodology Stages: Before the meeting:

During the meeting:

After the meetin:

Correct our mistakes..... Finding the solutions to some common problems of our meetings. *Participants are talking unnecessarily during the meeting, repeating what has been said or some are talking on irrelevant issues. Suggestions: ........................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... *Participants are coming late to the meetings. Participants only talk and do not work. Suggestions: ............................................................................................................ *There is an argument on some issue in the meeting. Groupings in the meeting. Suggestions: ........................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... *Members are complaining that the meetings are too boring .. not interesting to them. Suggestions: .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... Can you see any mistake in this Members meeting agenda: Meeting time: 1 hour, 30 min Tazkeer: 30 min Book discussion (from syllabus): 30 min Follow up of assigned work from members: 15 min Announcements and new assignments: 15 min Dua Pot luck lunch Other challenges and suggestions for improvements: ....................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ JazakAllah Khair.


The Foundation Blocks

Writing Competition



Book Club


Building Blocks of MCNA Importance of Children in our lives Quotes from Quran and Hadith Significance of Children education, training and our responsibility Developmental milestone and their needs Ways which are instrumental in children’s training Basic guidelines for children’s training Ways and means for individual training How can we train children on collective level Examples of sahaba MCNA goal Why MCNA Vision and objective Significance of leadership in our children MCNA Methodology   

Dawah – inviting to the way of Allah Tariyah – training in Knowledge of deen Tanzeem – Organization

Things to do for cities    

In 2009-2010 MCNA will raise 5 MCNA leaders in each unit inshAllah Book Club Writing week Special Programs (dawa conference, Eid Milan, quiz, istaqbale Ramadan.

Cities will a lot time in each shura and members meeting.






TAZKEER Surah Ale- Imran, Ayahs 190 to 192 By

Saima Shah

190. Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are indeed Signs for men of understanding,

191. Men who celebrate the praises of Allah, standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth, (With the thought): "Our Lord! Not for naught hast Thou created (all) this! Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from the penalty of the Fire.

192. "Our Lord! Any whom Thou dost admit to the Fire, truly Thou coverest with shame, and never will wrong-doers find any helpers!


Some Thoughts in the Light of these Ayahs Ponder over “the creation of the heaven and earth” includes each and everything Allah SWT has created. The earth signifies the smallest realities and the heaven signifies the immense mysteries that we have very little knowledge of. They all hold great signs of Allah SWT. The alternation of night and day is all inclusive of the changes in the length of the night and day at various seasons and in different parts of the world. This is another perfect sign of Allah SWT that we should be constantly amazed about. Ayaat is the plural for Ayah which means miracles of Allah SWT, signs of Allah SWT, and proofs of His Power. Allah is telling us the criteria of a wise person: They are engaged in His remembrance under all circumstances and in various conditions of mind and body. They ponder over Allah’s signs all around them and realize His Power. So, deliberation which leads to the discovery of the Divine is an act of worship, a great one indeed. Some very beautiful thoughts on pondering: Hadrat Hasan Basri said: An hour spent in thinking about the signs of Allah SWT is better and far more useful than a whole night standing in worship (Ibn Kathir). Hadrat Abu Sulayman al-Darani said: When I go out from my house, everything I cast my glance on makes me realize that it contains one or the other blessing of Allah SWT for me and that in its presence I have a good source of learning my lesson (Ibn Kathir). Hadrat Wahb ibn Munabbih said: One who thinks a lot will understand reality, and who understands will arrive at sound knowledge, and one who has sound knowledge is bound to act accordingly (Ibn Kathir). Hadrat Bishr al-Hafi said: If people pondered over the greatness of Almighty Allah SWT, it would have become impossible for them to remain sinful and disobedient. What is the result of Pondering over Allah’s signs? We come to realize the Power of Allah SWT and come to the obvious conclusion that there is nothing purposeless in Allah's creation. On the contrary, there are thousands of wise considerations behind it. Things have been harnessed to serve human beings with man being the user of resources in the whole universe. This should make human beings see that the universe has been created for their benefit and in their interest. Likewise, every human being has been created to obey and worship Allah. This is his or her purpose of life. After realizing Allah’s Power and our purpose of existence there are a series of pleas to Allah SWT in these ayahs: 1. The first request they make is: Save us from the Fire. 2. The second request is: Save us from the disgrace of the Hereafter for whoever is condemned to the Fire stands humiliated before the whole world. After reading all this where do we stand, how much do we ponder over Allah’s signs, what conclusions have we made from our pondering, what changes have we made in our lives as a result of this pondering, and how much are we asking Allah SWT to save us from hell fire???


Working Hand in Hand Saminah Hasan (Head), Amina Mohsin, Fariha Shakeel, Huma Murad, Umber Siddiqi Contact Info: [email protected] The plan for YM Board 2009 included the following points:  To improve communication with YM  To clarify the role of YM Board  To Contact ICNA Sisters units and act as a liaison  To follow up with paired YM buddies  Our goal: to make 2-3 new MGAs by end of 2009 Meetings: 2 x a month – 1 x with YM Board, & 1x with YM National Role of YM Board:  Bringing ICNA Sister's Wing and YM closer to fulfilling the Divine duty: to establish religion of Islam on an individual and collective basis  Becoming a link between YM National and ICNA Sister's Wing; filling the gap that exist between ICNA Sisters and YM by contacting one another  Finding out how both parties would like to work together; establishing an action plan according to these points  Being the connection between a smoother transition from YM to ICNA  Effectively relaying to both parties any issues or suggestions that will affect our work  Listening to one another in order to resolve matters and establishing a better understanding of our vision  Having an open, sincere relationship  Exchanging information about our activities  Motivating one another as movement members We hope to develop a good relationship between YM and our regional and city presidents by encouraging co-sponsorships of at least 2 events such. Examples include Welcome Ramadan event, a Mother-Daughter Luncheon or dinner, and participating in Why Islam activities in a mutual collaborative manner


Young Muslims Sisters define yourself. refine the world

YOUNG MUSLIMS SISTERS (YM) is the youth division of the Islamic Circle of North America. YM is open to all sisters from the ages of 13-251. The structure of Young Muslims Sisters is as follows:

National Shura NeighborNet Coordinators General Members

Active Members

The National Shura & the NeighborNet Coordinators are elected every 2 years (elections for each are held during alternate years). The Young Muslims NeighborNet consists of the NeighborNet Coordinator, the Active Members & the General Members. A general member is any sister who attends the NeighborNets and participates in events. An active member is an invited 2 general member who exemplifies commitment & vigor towards Young Muslims. Currently, Young Muslims has 10 active NeighborNets all across the United States with many potential NeighborNets in training. Any sisters who are interested in starting a Young Muslims NeighborNet in their area should e-mail: [email protected]. These sisters will receive approximately 3 months of “YM 101” training. During the training, the sisters will begin to understand the Islamic Movement, the structure of Young Muslims, the National Departments, and how to run their own NeighborNet. Following the completion of the YM 101 training, the YM Dawah Department will tour the potential NeighborNet, train the prospective NeighborNet shura members, and hold a community dinner 3. There are many other opportunities to get involved with Young Muslims Sisters, including our National Departments: Tarbiyah Dawah Public Relations Website/Forums Treasury

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

If you are interested in more information, please contact the National Shura at [email protected].


Those younger are encouraged to join Muslim Children of North America (MCNA) and those older are encouraged to join ICNA Sister‟s Wing – both are divisions of ICNA. 2

General Members are invited to become Active Members by their NeighborNet Coordinators. There are specific guidelines that must be met in order to be an active member, including regular attendance at NeighborNet, participation in majority of NeighborNet events, etc. 3

At this dinner, members from the community are invited for an introduction of Young Muslims and to promote the new NeighborNet.


DEPARTMENT GOALS & PURPOSE Dawah Department Goals:  Outreach to the community  Recruiting Young Muslims  Create and Maintaining sisterhood Purpose: Provide opportunities for sisters to come together on a grass roots level and actively engage in service to their communities. Tarbiyyah Department Goals:  Formulating and revising Personal Development Plans (PDP)  Provide resources for PDP  Evaluate effectiveness of PDP Purpose: Developing and providing the resources for member’s growth and personal development. Treasury Department Goals:  Book keeping of Young Muslims finances  Review budgets & submit to National for approval  Maintaining a steady income Purpose: Maintaining accurate records of YM finances and ensuring funds are available for YM events and projects. Website Department Goals:  Provide member interactivity  Increase traffic to website & forum  Generate revenue Purpose: Management of forums and website. Public Relations Department Goals:  Creating/updating organizational marketing material  Formation of official YM statements, press releases & media coverage  Encouraging interested members to join YM Purpose: Promoting the image, goals, and activities of YM.






UM Tarbiyah Seminar, April 2009 (Dallas, TX) Presented by: Samina Hassan

Finding Your Full Potential The Monthly Report WHAT IS IT? 








TAQWA → build my relationship with Allah SWT

ADHERENCE TO QURAN → “O ye who believe! Fear Allah, and let every soul look to what (provision) He has sent forth for the morrow. Yea, fear Allah: for Allah is well-acquainted with (all) that ye do.” (Surah Al-Hashr, Ayah 18)

SELF-DEVELOPMENT → if filled out honestly, it lets me know where my strengths are and what my weaknesses are so I can improve

TIME MANAGEMENT → it allows me to understand my priorities and organize my daily schedule

SELF-DISCIPLINE → it lets me evaluate my progress with respect to my goals in order to achieve more in the present and future

LEADERSHIP → it is an essential tool to gauge knowledge, strengths, talents, and capabilities, and to assign duties to members; it is a major step for MGAs 50

PLANNING → it is an essential part of SWOT analysis, reviewing, and planning for activities and events

DAWAH → it helps strengthen sisterhood and makes our community more organized and accessible

MOTIVATION → it encourages me to make changes for the better













Morning and Evening Adhkar 1.

„O Allah, You are my Lord, none has the right to be worshipped except You, You created me and I am You servant and I abide to Your covenant and promise as best I can, I take refuge in You from the evil of which I committed. I acknowledge Your favor upon me and I acknowledge my sin, so forgive me, for verily none can forgive sin except You.‟ 2. ‫ي‬

„Allah is Sufficient for me, none has the right to be worshipped except Him, upon Him I rely and He is Lord of the exalted throne.‟ (seven times morning and evening) 3.

„In the name of Allah with those name nothing is harmed on earth nor in the heavens and He is The All-Seeing, The All-Knowing.‟ (three times) 52

4. ‫ي‬

„I am pleased with Allah as a Lord, and Islam as a religion and Muhammad as a Prophet.‟ (three times) 5. ‫ي‬

„How perfect Allah is and I praise Him by the number of His creation and His pleasure, and by the weight of His throne, and the ink of His words.‟ (three times)


„None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone, without partner, to Him belongs all sovereignty and praise, and He is over all things omnipotent.‟ 7. ‫ي‬

„I take refuge in Allah‟s perfect words from the evil He has created.‟



„We have reached the morning and at this very time all sovereignty belongs to Allaah, Lord of the worlds. O Allah, I as you for the good of this day, its triumphs and its guidance, and I take refuge in You from the evil of this day and the evil that follows it.‟ 9.

„O Allah, I ask You for pardon and well being in this life and the next. O Allah, I ask You for pardon and well-being in my religious and worldly affairs, and my family and my wealth. O Allah, veil my weaknesses and set at ease my dismay. O Allah, preserve me from the front and from behind and on my right and on my left and from above, and I take refuge with You lest I be swallowed up by the earth.‟





The Online Institute for Women, founded by the Islamic Circle of North America Sisters Wing is a unique institution designated in providing advanced knowledge and understanding of Islam for our sisters, who are teaching, conducting classes and are responsible for projects and activities concerning Dawah work. Our Objective: To help Muslim Women develop an Islamic personality that is based on the Quran and exemplified by the Prophet (PBUH) so that they become effective leaders and role models for their peers and the next generation, and further the cause of Islam to achieve pleasure of Allah (SWT). Registration is open for ICNA sisters who have graduated from Fehm ul Quran class, or are currently enrolled in them or the graduates of local institutes. Some of the courses we offer are: Aqeedah; Uloom ul Quran; Uloom ul Hadith; Arabic Grammar; Islamic Literature; Seerah; Tajweed; Islamic Literature; Usool ul Fiqh; Fiqh of Current Affairs; Fiqh un Nisa, Islamic History and more. These subjects are taught by qualified scholars such as Dr. Mohammed Iqbal Nadvi, PhD (Islamic Law, Um-ul Qura University, Makkah); Sheikh Abdur-Rahman, graduate of AlMadinah University and Hafiz Zafeer, Major in Quran & Islamic Studies (graduate of University of Al-Madinah). Each course is at least a semester long varying from 3 - 5 months. Commitment, punctuality, and regular attendance are required. Diploma will be awarded to those who successfully complete all courses. INSHAALLAH! Remember sisters this is


YOU NOT PUBLIC” so take advantage of it and make it successful……. For further information please visit or email us at [email protected]


Registration Information For Usrat ul Maria Book Club (Please use capital letters)

First Name Last Name Address




Phone Email



Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)

Syllabus for Usratul Maria Mgas (April – June 09)

The Theme: (2:42) Confound not the Truth with falsehood nor conceal it knowingly. (2:43) Establish the Salat, pay the Zakat and bow down before Me along with those who bow down. (2:44) How is it that you enjoin others to follow the Right Way, but forget it yourselves, though you read the Scriptures? Have you no sense at all? 2:45 And seek aid in steadfast patience and prayer: and this, indeed, is a hard thing for all but the humble in spirit.  It is extremely important for us as Islamic workers & da’ees to reflect upon these ayahs and evaluate ourselves.  We should never utter any thing false or doubtful although sometimes it might look beneficial.  Whatever we learn, our first priority must be to live by it before teaching it to others – it will either be a proof for us or against us.  Prayers and patience give us the strength to overcome difficulties in our path and to control our desires. In fact they are the basic nutrition of our souls. Education and training:  Recitation of Quran: Recite 2 rukus daily with tajweed and meanings.  Tafseer: Ponder over the Ayahs you recited with looking up root words, word-to-word meanings and tafsir. Those sisters who are attending tafsir class should revise their previous and read ahead their future lectures with the help of different tafsir books.  Hadith: Riyad-us-Saliheen Vol 1. Read One Hadith Daily (Hadith # 1084 - 1384 ).Write below any one hadeeth or the meaning which you would like to share with others:  Literature: Read & Discuss the book “Riya The Hidden Shirk” published by DarAssalam and “Living & Dying for Islam” By Khurram Murad.  Memorization of the Quran: Memorize the last ruku’ of surah Al Imran.  All MGAS should actively participate in their sub units. Relating to Allah: 'The likeness of those who spend their money for Allah's sake, is as the likeness of a grain (of corn), it grows seven ears, every single ear has a hundred grains, and Allah


multiplies (increases the reward) for whom He wills, and Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures needs, All Knower' (2: 261). The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity." - Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 589 The whole world is going through an economic crisis and many of us might be passing through a difficult phase. As Muslims, we should always put our trust in Allah swt and not only continue with Infaaq fi sabeel Allah (spending in the way of Allah swt) but also try our best to live a simple and modest life.  Continuing with our goal of getting closer to Allah swt by pondering and reflecting on His names and attributes, try to focus on the His names Al Razzaq (The Provider, The sustainer), & Al Mateen (The firm One ).

Character Building: Sincerity in all our actions. From 'Umar ibn al-Khattaab (radiyallaahu 'anhu) who said that Allah's Messenger (salallaahu 'alaihi wa'sallam) said: Actions are but by intentions and there is for every person only that which he intended. So he whose migration was for Allaah and His Messenger, then his migration was for Allaah and His Messenger, and he whose migration was to attain some worldly goal or to take a woman in marriage, then his migration was for that which he migrated. ( Bukhari) The pillar of all our actions is pure and sincere intention, and through purity of intention the hearts become upright and at rest. Checking our intentions all the time and performing our duties with sincerity is extremely important lest we think that we are doing well and in actuality we must have lost all the rewards. Removing flaws: Talk can be dangerous. So, we should control it within the limits of Islam. The goal of our talk should be good and beneficial. This is because the Prophet (S.A.W.) says reported by Imam Bukhari and Muslim, "Whosoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him say good or remain silent." Dua: Allahumma inni a'oodhubika minash-shiqaaqi wan-nifaaqi wa soo-il-

akhlaq Abu Dawud Book 8, Number 1541: Narrated AbuHurayrah: The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) used to supplicate by saying: "O Allah, I seek Your Protection from obstinacy, hypocrisy, and all bad manners."

Dawah (Inviting towards Allah):  Plan to have a Special program for the Mentors/teachers in each city. Try to give awareness on collectivity and Iman. UM online program for the preparation of teachers will be held on April 28th. 2009. All UM 59

members are required to attend. It will InshaAllah prove beneficial in conducting daur-etafseer and other activities. Try to give the understanding of the 4 points of membership on 1 to 1 bases and give them understanding and responsibility as a Muslim. It will help them become daii (members)

Sisterhood (Unity): Tarbiyah seminar gives us an opportunity to meet many sisters from different places. Try to strengthen the bond by being in touch via phone or e-mails. Buddy System: Sisters who attended the tarbiyah Seminar can discuss programs they liked most or share notes with their buddies. Try to follow up with your buddies on the various points from the syllabus. Activity: Make your own donation box at home and try to put in some money every day. At the end of the month donate it to any charity / masjid. Remember a dollar a day can feed an orphan in many countries. For those sisters who have difficulty praying fajr regularly, take help from your buddy. She can wake you up by calling you at the right time. Working Together: (Tanzeem) We should always keep in mind that for best results, there should be more collaboration & balance between our dawah, tarbiyah & oraganizational efforts.  The pattern for the members meetings has been given in previous syllabi. Pls. refer to it while planning for it.  ALL UM individual report forms must be handed to the Unit President who will then forward it to the UM Tarbiyah Dept. the EFAX number is_1-201-604-9770 or if emailing the address is [email protected]. NO HARDCOPIES, please! MCNA:  Plan activities in your city with the help of the points given in the MCNA planning with the help from your cities MCNA in charge.  Encourage kids who are attending the MCNA book club and follow up on those attending.


Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)

Syllabus for Usratul Maria Members (April – June 09) The Theme: (2:42) Confound not the Truth with falsehood nor conceal it knowingly. (2:43) Establish the Salat, pay the Zakat and bow down before Me along with those who bow down. (2:44) How is it that you enjoin others to follow the Right Way, but forget it yourselves, though you read the Scriptures? Have you no sense at all? 2:45 And seek aid in steadfast patience and prayer: and this, indeed, is a hard thing for all but the humble in spirit.  It is extremely important for us as Islamic workers & da’ees to reflect upon these ayahs and evaluate ourselves.  We should never utter any thing false or doubtful although sometimes it might look beneficial.  Whatever we learn, our first priority must be to live by it before teaching it to others – it will either be a proof for us or against us.  Prayers and patience give us the strength to overcome difficulties in our path and to control our desires. In fact they are the basic nutrition of our souls. Education and training:  Recitation of Quran: Recite one section (Ruku’) or 10 Ayahs daily with tajweed and meanings.  Tafseer: Ponder over the Ayahs you recited with looking up root words, word-to-word meanings and tafsir. Those sisters who are attending tafsir class should revise their previous and read ahead their future lectures with the help of different tafsir books.  Hadith: Riyad-us-Saliheen Vol 1. Read One Hadith Daily (Hadith # 1084 - 1384 ).Write below any one hadeeth or the meaning which you would like to share with others:  Literature: Read & Discuss the book “Towards Understanding Islam” by Syed Abul Ala Maudoodi. For those who have already read this book, they can read “Living & Dying for Islam”  Memorization of the Quran: Make your target to memorize/revise Suratul Annaba’. If you already know this one, memorize at least 20 Ayahs or one new Surah, let your Nazima and buddy know which surah you are at. Relating to Allah: 'The likeness of those who spend their money for Allah's sake, is as the likeness of a grain (of corn), it grows seven ears, every single ear has a hundred grains, and Allah 61

multiplies (increases the reward) for whom He wills, and Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures needs, All Knower' (2: 261). The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity." - Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 589 The whole world is going through an economic crisis and many of us might be passing through a difficult phase. As Muslims, we should always put our trust in Allah swt and not only continue with Infaaq fi sabeel Allah (spending in the way of Allah swt) but also try our best to live a simple and modest life.

Suggested Activity: Make your own donation box at home and try to put in some money every day. At the end of the month donate it to any charity / masjid. Remember a dollar a day can feed an orphan in many countries.  Continuing with our goal of getting closer to Allah swt by pondering and reflecting on His names and attributes, try to focus on the His names Al Razzaq (The Provider, The sustainer), & Al Mateen (The firm One ).

Character Building: Sincerity in all our actions. From 'Umar ibn al-Khattaab (radiyallaahu 'anhu) who said that Allah's Messenger (salallaahu 'alaihi wa'sallam) said: Actions are but by intentions and there is for every person only that which he intended. So he whose migration was for Allaah and His Messenger, then his migration was for Allaah and His Messenger, and he whose migration was to attain some worldly goal or to take a woman in marriage, then his migration was for that which he migrated. ( Bukhari) The pillar of all our actions is pure and sincere intention, and through purity of intention the hearts become upright and at rest. Checking our intentions all the time and performing our duties with sincerity is extremely important lest we think that we are doing well and in actuality we must have lost all the rewards. Removing flaws: Talk can be dangerous. So, we should control it within the limits of Islam. The goal of our talk should be good and beneficial. This is because the Prophet (S.A.W.) says reported by Imam Bukhari and Muslim, "Whosoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him say good or remain silent." Dua: Allahumma inni a'oodhubika minash-shiqaaqi wan-nifaaqi wa soo-il-

akhlaq Abu Dawud Book 8, Number 1541: Narrated AbuHurayrah: The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) used to supplicate by saying: "O Allah, I seek Your Protection from obstinacy, hypocrisy, and all bad manners."

Dawah (Inviting towards Allah): 62

 Plan to have a Special program for the Mentors/teachers in each city. Try to give awareness on collectivity and Iman.  UM online program for the preparation of teachers will be held on April 28th. 2009. All UM members are required to attend. It will InshaAllah prove beneficial in conducting daur-etafseer and other activities.  Try to give the understanding of the 4 points of membership on 1 to 1 bases and give them understanding and responsibility as a Muslim. It will help them become daii (members)

Sisterhood (Unity): Tarbiyah seminar gives us an opportunity to meet many sisters from different places. Try to strengthen the bond by being in touch via phone or e-mails. Buddy System:  Sisters who attended the tarbiyah Seminar can discuss programs they liked most or share notes with their buddies.  Try to follow up with your buddies on the various points from the syllabus.  For those sisters who have difficulty praying fajr regularly, take help from your buddy. She can wake you up by calling you at the right time. Working Together: (Tanzeem)  We should always keep in mind that for best results, there should be more collaboration & balance between our dawah, tarbiyah & organizational efforts.  The pattern for the members meetings has been given in previous syllabi. Pls. refer to it while planning for it.  ALL UM individual report forms must be handed to the Unit President who will then forward it to the UM Tarbiyah Dept. the EFAX number is_1-201-604-9770 or if emailing the address is [email protected]. NO HARDCOPIES, please! MCNA:  Plan activities in your city with the help of the points given in the MCNA planning with the help from your cities MCNA in charge.  Encourage kids who are attending the MCNA book club and follow up on those attending.




April 2009


*** Special UM Tarbiyah Seminar Issue *** In this issue:   

_Theme of TS

Duas for Travelling Tips to take for Seminar Announcement for Bookclub “A Beautiful Reminder”an article by our Quran Teacher.

Focusing on Leadership _Location: Dallas, TX _Scheduled Dates: April 3 till April 5, 2009 fW

"O you who believe! persevere in patience and constancy:

vie in such perseverance; strengthen each other; fear Allah; that you may prosper." (Surah Al e Imran 200) 

Each one of you is shepherd. And each one of you will be asked about your flock. A ruler also is a shepherd and he will be asked about his flock. And everyone is a shepherd to his family. And a woman is the custodian of her husband’s house and his children. Thus each one of you is shepherd, and each one will be asked about his flock. Source: Bukhari and Muslim, on the Authority of „Abdullah ibn „Umar

Alhamdolillah this is our 4thAnnual Seminar. In all the previous Seminars we learned about Dawah , Tarbiyah and Tanzeem . After laying the ground work, in this seminar we are focusing on leadership. These 3 days we will spend in Dallas with sisters whom we love only for the sake of Allah. Excitement is in the air as we begin the countdown for the Seminar.What we learn there, we will try to implement the rest of the year, inshAllah.

―The most beloved of deeds according to Allah are the continuous ones, even if they are little.‖ (Agreed upon)


What does Eid al-Adha commemorate? Why do Muslims sacrifice an animal on this day?

**Special Duas for Travelling** “In the name of Allah and there is no power save


with Allah. Praise be to Allah who made this


(the means of transport) subservient to us, and


we (by ourselves) could never have accomplished it”. “All praise is for Allah Who guided us in Islam


and taught us the Quran and graced us with


Muhammad (s.a.w.). Glory be to Allah Who


made this (the means of transport) subservient


to us, and we (by ourselves) could never have


accomplished it. And surely to our Lord we shall


return. All praise is for Allah, the Lord of the


worlds. `O` Allah! You are the Facilitator of the


journey and the helper in the affair and you are


the Companion in the journey, and the


Successor (incharge of my) family, property and


son. `O` Allah! You are my supporter and my Helper to Victory”.

What else do Musl8888ia*??What

should we do before coming to TS ?

Let us try to read Dua –e- Hajaat, & increase our nawafil. Let us pray & ask Allah SWT to make every thing smooth for us and accept our efforts, we are only doing this to please our Lord. May He gather all of us in Jannaah too (ameen). Allah loves those who love each other for His sake 

Once the Prophet (SAW) was asked, "Who can be our best friend?" "The one who helps you remember Allah, and reminds you when you forget Him," he (SAW) counseled.


The Prophet (SAW) was further asked, "Who is the best among people?" (SAW) replied, "the one, when you observe him, you are reminded of Allah". Tips***Tips***Tips***Tips***Tips 1. We must make our Niyaah(intention) pure, that we seek only of Allah SWT


2. We should also know the etiquettes of Masjid where our program will be organized. 3. Sisters please let‟s dress modestly throughout the whole seminar. 4. Try to observe the code of conduct like keeping the tone of voices low & not wearing perfume.(Due to the other activities in the Masjid involving the brothers) 5. Be in our best behaviour by helping each other and being patient. 6. The best Tip from Allah (swt) in 2:197: Take necessary provisions with you for the

journey, and Piety(Taqwa) is the best provision of all

None of you (truly) believes, until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.

Source: Bukhari, on the Authority of Anas Ibn Malik


!! Important Announcements!!

Usrat-ul-Maria New Book Club, Level 1 Book Club (centrally) A new book club will be starting from May 4th. All Usratul Maria sisters are invited and requested to join this book club. So don‟t miss this excellent opportunity.



Alhamdulillah book club is finished, and the sisters Currently we are doing Surah Anwho attended will be graduating in Tarbiyah Noor, Alhamdullilah it is a very Seminar InshAllah. good class. We are still taking new students if May Allah make them and all of us Sadaqae Jariyah any one wants to join they are and the asset for this Ummah? most welcome.

!!Important Announcements !!

WhyIslam Central Department, The first quarter of 2009 has been bussy planning WhyIslam for the year. Inshallah this year we plan on really focusing on the follow up of all WhyIslam units in North America. We are excited to meet the mentors and potential mentors in Dallas from April 3-5 at the Usratul Maria Tarbiyyah Seminar. Please plan on attending the 3 part women's series of lecures starting Saturday, April 11th and 2 consecutive Saturday's after that. More info will be given at the Dallas Seminar and by email. Topics will include hijab, women's rights and more!

A Beautiful Reminder Before We Leave Our Homes As I lie down, hoping to fall asleep rather quickly, I find myself walking into my mind. I suddenly visualize a masjid crowded with sisters from all over the country, all coming together for one purpose, my purpose—the pleasure of Allah swt. My heart flutters with excitement as I imagine myself amongst them, saying salaam to sisters I know, introducing myself to those I do not. The entire atmosphere is that of love, of sisterhood, of dedication to one cause. Stepping back into reality, my mind is a whirlwind of ideas, goals, and determination. The Tarbiyah Seminar in Dallas is so close that I can feel it. Questions also begin to immediately attack me:


What should I gain from this experience? How can I contribute? What are my goals for this precious weekend? More and more questions whirl around in my head, so I try to take a step back and answer them to clear my mind. What should I gain from this experience? Well, I tell myself, there is so much to gain! Knowledge is the first thing that comes to mind—a way to improve myself, to increase in personal tarbiyah and thus, taqwa, to arm me for the rest of my life, InshaAllah. Another thing is sisterhood, a connection with sisters all around the country, sisters who understand why we have come together. I also want to obtain a renewed sense of purpose, a revival of my niyyah for living—to please my Rabb. Pondering upon more goals and aims, I remind myself of the theme of the upcoming seminar, the last verse of Surah Ale Imran: “Oh you who have attained to faith! Be patient in adversity, and vie in patience with one another, and be ever ready (to do what is right), and remain conscious of God, so that

you might attain to a happy state!” SubhanAllah, another goal is given to me right through this verse! Through all of the programs, lectures, workshops, panel discussions, etc., I will learn to be patient, to have istiqaamah, steadfastness, and taqwa, InshaAllah. This definitely seems like a difficult task, but at least I must have the aim to acquire these lofty characteristics. Now a new question comes to my attention: how can I make sure that I fulfill all of the goals that I have put before myself? Immediately, I am reminded of the Prophet (S) and his companions and how, whenever they had a goal in mind, they immediately acted upon fulfilling it. One example I am reminded of is when Abu Bakr (R) was determined to give the most money in the way of Allah swt. He gave absolutely everything that he had! SubhanAllah! Now that is definitely willpower transformed into action. At this moment, the question that remains is: what will I do, how will I act, to achieve my goals for this Seminar? First, I will have to make sure I have my niyyah straight, that I am going for the pleasure of Allah swt alone. Then, I will have to act only in a way that is pleasing to Allah swt the entire time that I am there—greet sisters with a smile and salaam and introduce myself to sisters I do not know. If I want to gain the most benefit from lectures, then I need to keep my notebook with me at all times, ready to record the jewels that the speakers will pass on to me. I also need to pay attention, follow the instructions of the sisters in charge, and constantly pray to Allah swt to help me gain the most benefit from this amazing weekend. I then need to take home everything that I learn, the friendships I gain, and the tarbiyah and tazkiyah that occur within me, InshaAllah, and spread that to others. With my determination strong and my goals set, I feel somewhat prepared for the seminar ahead. However, since it is still a few days away, I let my thoughts subside for now, lie back down in my cozy bed, roll over on my right side, say a few prayers, and fall asleep. Saadia Yunus Ussrat-ul-Maria Department Hopes And Pray To Meet All of You Sisters IN Tarbiyah Seminaar InshAllah


In the name of Allah, most merciful most gracious

ICNASisterswing Annual Report Jan.-Dec. 2008 Local UNITS / REGIONS Consolidated Report Chart – 2008 Units


MGAs to be



New York New Jersey Chicago Los Angeles Houston Dallas Kentucky East Region West Region Mid West region Total

27 7 13 8 12 7 3 11 2 12 102

3 2

170 26 100 80 100 65 12 97 90 69 809

11 3 9 5 13 3 1 8 7 13 73

3 3

5 2 18

Classes Usratul Ayesha Units New York

Level 1 (Dawati Daroos) 103


New Jersey



12-15 sisters attend online


1 monthly

11 weekly

16-20 sisters attend online


5 monthly, 2 biweekly

3 weekly, 3 biweekly

20 sisters attend online

Houston Dallas

432 1 monthly

4 monthly

17 sisters attend online 12 sisters attend online

2 classes

5 sisters attend online


Level 1 (Dawati classes)

Level 2 class (Quran fahmi class) 8 sisters attend online


Level 3 class (literature) 1 karkun sazi class, 7 sisters attend rukniat sazi class 1 Karkun sazi class, 2 sisters attend rukniat sazi class Karkun sazi class , 8 sisters attend rukniat sazi class 1 karkun sazi class weekly,1 sister attending rukniat sazi class Karkun sazi class 1 sister attend rukniat sazi class

Mid West region

6 weekly

8-10 sisters attend online

Short course class, 2-3 sisters attending rukniat sazi class, 2 kaarkun sazi classes Karkun sazi class completed, 9-10 sisters attending rukniat sazi class

East Region

2-3Monthly, 2-5 biweekly,1-5 weekly

2-7weekly, 2-5 biweekly,

35 sisters attend online (1st Badge), 15-18 (2nd badge)

West Region

1 weekly,

4 weekly, 1 online biweekly

4 sisters attend online

Classes Usratul Maria Units

Level 1 (Dawati Daroos)

Level 1 (Dawati classes)

New York

Level 2 class (Quran fahmi class)

Level 3 class (literature)

2 sisters attend online

2 sisters attend Book club online, 1 book club on phone & online. 1 sister attend Book club online 1 sister attend Book club online

New Jersey



3 weekly

3-6 sisters attend online

1 weekly,1 biweekly

3 sisters attend online

4 monthly

7 sisters attend online

1sister attend Book club online

1 class 1 weekly

3 sisters attend online

2-3 biweekly

3 sisters attend online

2 weekly,

2 sisters attend online

1 English book club, 2 sisters attend online book club 2 sisters attend online book club Short course lit class

L.A. Houston Dallas

2 monthly,1 biweekly 63 4 monthly

Kentucky Mid West region East Region

2-3 weekly, 1 monthly

West Region

Number of Meetings…, & Bait ul Maal Units

Mga App. Mga Meetings

Workers Meetings

New York New Jersey

4 3

58 UA, 11 UM 11 UA,


Almost every month



Sub units w Reg mem meetings

Shura Meetings


Members attending Online Ins

Noor sold

Bait ul maal Income


Amount Sent to markaz





4 UA, UM monthly




5 UA, 9





620 r

1,000 exp 416 retained




UM 60 UA, 7 UM

12 UA, 9 UM





817 r





400 r 350 s



50 r 3540 s 566 r 566 s




8 UA

East Region


6 UA, 3 UM




10 UA 10 UM




4 UA,2 UM


12 reg,3 informal


West Region Mid west



8,048 132 r, 132 s


1,035.51 exp 2,311 retained 6,099.10 exp 649 retained 300 Exp, 396 retained 8,000 Total Exp 6,078 donated, 1,922 took from markaz 520.02 exp


370 retained


Special Events Units





Special Programs

3 Urdu Dawah conferences, 1 Urdu LSTC, 2 Urdu dawah intensive course,6 Urdu Hajj/Ibrahim day programs 6 week Urdu Seerah program 1 Urdu Hajj/ibrahim day program 1 eng Dawah conf, 16 Urdu Dawah Intensive courses. 2 Seerah sessions 1 Eng Dawah conference with

Welcome Ramadan, Daura Tafseer, Over night prog, Eid milan Dora tafsir urdu 4 com Quran,11 sel Surahs, Eng 1 com Quran,1sel Surahs Qiyam al lail 3 urdu,1 eng 12 Urdu Eid milan

Training Seminar

Flyer/books Distribution

3 Urdu Training seminars 1 Eng training Seminar

2390 circulars distributed

1 welcome Ramadan 1 daura tafsir, Urdu 1 Eid Milan, Urdu 1 Qiyam al lail urdu

300 circulars dist 406 books sold

10 urdu , 3 eng dora tafsir 7 eid Milan, 2 Eng, 2 Urdu wel Ramadan

National UA, & UM tarbiyah Seminars

Wel Ramadan in every unit,

1 UM training


364 books ordered

Cassette Distribution

200 cd‟s/ cass sold





brothers, 1 English dawah program, 1 Urdu Hajj/Ibrahim day program, 1 Urdu, 1 Eng LSTC, NonMuslim Iftaar Party, 3-4 Inter faith programs. 1 Eng Dawah conf, 1 Eng Dawah intensive course, 1 Urdu Dawah Intensive course. 1Eng, 1 Urdu Hajj/Ibrahim day programs

9 urdu,1 eng daura taf, 2 Eng sel surahs, 5 urdu,1 eng Qiyam lail, 2 Eng, 2 Urdu Eid Milan

seminar 1 UA training Seminar.

6 urdu,2 eng Eid Milan 1 eng Qiyam al lail 3 urdu,1 eng dora tafsir



1 Urdu Dawah conf

1 Urdu Dora e Tafsir 1 Welcome Ramadan 1 Eng , 1 Urdu Qiyam al lail, 1 Eng, 1 Urdu Eid Milan

1 UA & UM TS


1 Family Picnic, 1 tarbiyah session, 1 Eng, 2 Urdu Hajj/ Ibrahim day programs 1 Urdu dawah training session, 2 Urdu LSTC, 1 Urdu & Eng dawah conf, 1 family level urdu dawati program, family level camping, 3 Urdu online training sessions for murabbin, 10 days tarbiyati session in urdu from Maulana Islahi, 2 Urdu & 3Eng

6 Duara taf urdu com Quran,3 eng sel surahs , Eid Milan 5 + urdu,1 eng Qiyam ul lail 4 urdu, 1 Eng


East Region

5 wel. Ram in Urdu 4 Eid Milan Urdu, 1 Eng eid Milan, 4 comp Quran Urdu,4 urdu selected surahs,3 eng sel surahs dora taf 1 Eng family level Qiyam al lail, 3 urdu Qiyam al lail


90-95 circulars dist, 45 books ordered, 40 books sold, 5 books dist, 4 Quran dist, 2 tafheem sold 450 circulars dist, 15 tafheem set sold, 110 books ordered, 188 books sold 50 circulars dist, 155 books sold,3 tafheem set sold,32 Quran workbook set sold, 3 Quran sets sold, Flyers of different programs also dist.

12 cd‟s

Hajj/Ibrahim day programs. 2 Urdu Dawah conferences, 2 Eng dawah training sessions, 3 Urdu LSTC, 1 Eng youth program

West Region


1 Urdu Dawah conference, 3 Urdu LSTC, 2 Hajj/Ibrahim day programs

Dora taf 2 urdu, 1 Eng comp Quran, 2 eng, 2 urdu sel Surahs

1UA training Seminar

5 Urdu, 1 Eng daura tafseer 1 Eid Milan 1Eng, 1 Urdu Qiyam al lail , 4 Wel Ramadan

1UA training Seminar

450 circulars dist, 60 tajweed books , 2 Quran set, 42 books ord, 60 tajweed books 2 Quran set 7 19 books sold

40 cd‟s Ordered, 40 cd‟s sold


# of MCNA units 4

New Jersey




Starting 4 now only 2 4

330 r

Houston Dallas

2 1

381 r, 331 s 150 r, 150 s


Companions Sold 65 r, 65 s

MCNA Special Program


Ramadan programs, Eid Milan, Picnic, 3 special programs.

Eng Quran dist, 13 books dist, 200 Spanish, 450 Eng circulars dist, 1 Weekly Shahada class. 2 booth organized, 100 Quran, 200 books, 200 circulars dist.

1 Ramadan program, Eid Milan, 1 Hajj/Ibrahim day program

4 picnics, 1 ramadan program, 1 Hajj/Ibrahim day program 1 picnic, 1 summer seerah course, 1 Ramadan program, 2 Eid Milan, 1 Hajj program



2 Shahada classes, 10 sisters have buddies under Ansar project 1 shahada class, 6 shahada kits ordered, 6 dist. 450 circulars dist. 3 booth organized, 2 Shahada classes, 20 shahada kits ordered, 6 dist, 3 sisters have buddies under ansar project, 700 circulars, 150 Quran, 25 books dist.

Mid West region


East Region


West Region


1 shahada class weekly, 2 shahada taken, 100 circulars dist, 6 shahada kits ord, 6 dist. 3 booths organized. 150+ r, 150+ s

1 Eid Milan, 1 Movie Night ( The Message), Quiz Competition, Essay competition, 2 picnics, 3 summer camps, 3 Hajj/ Ibrahim day programs, Ramadan programs. 1 summer special program, Eid Milan, Hajj program, Ramadan program


1 monthly Shahada class, 4 shahadas taken, 50shahada kits ordered & distributed, Quran & books dist. 5-6 sisters have buddies under Ansar project,organise 1 Program with brothers, 1 reverts‟ picnic. 2 Shahada classes weekly, 2 kits dist, Iftaar, Henna & Eid parties. Program for public in library

ICNA Sisters Wing Central Planning 2009 Dear sisters, Assalamu-Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh, The Central Shura of ICNA sister‟s wing had a 3 day meeting for planning 2009 in Chicago. In this meeting, the shura review the planning in light of our 5 year goal.

Goal 2006-2011 To seek the pleasure of Allah (subhanahu wa tallah), dawah, tarbiyah, organizational efforts need to be effective and more collaborated with each other. Strive hard to make local sisters an active part of the tahreek(movement). The responsible sisters should be role models of Bunyan un Marsoos (solid wall) towards achieving this goal.

Goal in Numbers for the year 2009 Usrat ul Aisha

Usrat ul Maria



10 MGA





- All of the regions/units will set their goal for members and inform central nazam.

Points to Achieve the Goal: 1. Every MGA/member will try to improve their character (mizaj) in the light of Seerah of Prophet Muhammad SAW to be an example for humanity. All of the work will be done with its spirit and with right intentions. Try to improve in keeping contacts with sisters and be an example of bunyan un marsoos (solid wall), (Surah Saff, ayah 4) 2. Under the Ansar project, every member should have at least one local sister as their buddy and will try to bring them to ICNA membership by giving them understanding of working collectively (Ijtamaiat). Every MGA/member should try to put their utmost efforts in Why Islam work. 3. Sub unit‟s members meeting should be used as a tool for character building. Dawah/tarbiah/ organizational efforts should be collaborated at the subunit level. All of responsible sisters will prepare at least 2 sisters in their place for leadership training.

4. All units/regions/depts. should try to strengthen their work by implementing report system and the concept of accountability (muhasaba) at the subunit level.


5. Try to make your family part of tahreek by balancing and prioritizing your time wisely among tahreek and family. 6. All units/regions should organize UM dawah circles as well as establishing tarbiah and organizational work in their subunits so that dawah work is not wasted.

Central Body:

Office Secretary

Farah Siddiqui Salma Malik Mamoona Choudry

(909-444-3184) (281-556-0853) (201-533-8405)

Vice President

Sobia Saleem Sadia Salman

(609-936-0435) (951-734-3662)

Abeer Sher Samina Hasan Rehana Beig Sadia Salman Fareeha Shakeel Abeer Sher Mamoona choudry

(810-881-0001) (562-591-6766) (631-274-5448) (951-734-3662) (773-262-7436) (810-881-0001) (201-533-8405)

Hena Syed


Urooj Hussain


President Secretary General

Central Shura (elected):


Executive Committee: The President, Sec. General., office sec and Vice Presidents are included in this committee.

Division of the Days of the Week. Monday Quran Class/ contacts with buddies

Tuesday 1st, 2nd, 3rd Tuesday for unit‟s organizational meetings/Lit. classes 4th week for Central dept.

Wednesday Quran class/ Office time with markaz/Contacts with Ansar project sisters


Thursday Dawah halaqas/Sub unit meetings/ Dawah visits

Friday 1st & 3rd central shura/ 2nd depts. meetings/4th Central meetings



UA Tarbiyah Farah Siddiqui

Usratul Maria

Farah Siddiqui

Contact #

Committee/ Assistant


Ass. Sadia Salman


Asma Hashmi Tahira Parveen, Saba Yaser, Farhana Mateen, Atiya Abdali, Razia Farheen, Faiza Aslam, Durre Shawar, Shaista Hasan, Arifa Mazhar,fozia Tahir Ass. Hena Syed Atiya Kazmi, Fariha Shakeel, Mahreen Amdani, Misbah choudry, Humaira Hai, Mutayyaba Siddiqui


Abeer Sher


Ass. Dania Hameed, Kulsum Siddiqui Seema Muzzafer, , Shamaila Hasan, Rabia Kamran, Ayesha hameed, Abida Ghayas

Why Islam


Amina Mohsin

Samina Hasan, Fatima Beig, Jamila Yusuf, Saima Sindhu


Tasneem Siddiqi

Ass. Munazza Sohail Razina Sayed, Zahida Rasheed, Asifa Kashif, Muneera Ahmed, Zareen Haq, Farhana Syed.


Kishwar Hussain


Ass. Musarrat Siddiqui, Uzma zaffar Iffat shahid, Nighat Faheem, Rizwana Khan



Talat Hussain


Ass. Urdu: Raheela Mir Nadira Ansari, Faiza Qamar, Momina Mehboob, Rofaida, Fauzia Mohiudeen. Ass. Eng. Madeeha Tabassam Zahra Beig, Fozia Mohiuddin, Farida Lakhani, Nuzhat Ashraf.


Farzeen Siddiqi


Faiza Moriz

YM Board

Book Store

Online Inst

Samina Hasan

Kulsoom Siddi.

Rubina Ali

Ass. Fozia Mohiuddin


Ass. Saima Masood


Kishwer husain, Kulsoom Seth, Quanita Zaki Ass. Umber Siddiqui


Fareeha Shakil, Huma Murad, Amina Mohsin Ass. Yasmeen Husaini


Pamma Shaikh, Khalida Ashraf, Asma Younas, Shama Dar, Ass: Sobia Sikander Office Sec : Ainy Azeem


Web Site

Zarina Ansari

Sumaira Afzal, Huma Khan, Shazia Moaz, Saher Tafseer, Sarwat Yasmeen Ass. Nighat Faheem

Urooj Husain

Sahar Tafseer, Anwer Sultana, Ass. Erum Anas Nadia Ansari


Regional Body REGION East Coast




Ass : Farzana Farukh, Rukhshanda Jabeen Shura: Raazia Farooqi, Sumaira Afzal, Tasneem Ahmed, Zille Huma Shams

West Coast


Saba Yaser

Faiza Aslam


Ass : Fariha Sadiq


Shura : Shaista Hasan, Fozia Wakeel, Wardah Rahman, Ayesha Yousuf, Asma Khwaja Ass : Aisha Sadaf Office Sec: Aisha Haq Shura: Khalida Ashraf, Munazza Sohail, Asma Anwer Zakia Kazmi.

Unit NY

Incharges Tahira Parveen

Contact # (718-792-0350)

Secretary & Shura Sec: NoreenAlam, Mutayyaba Siddiqi Office Sec: Farhana Syed Shura: Sarwat Yasmeen, Farzana Arif, Musarrat Siddiqi, Nabila Tauheed, Zeenat Ashrafi



Sobia Saleem


( This year Central Jersey & Jersey City was combined as one unit New Jersey due to be in one state.)


Vice President: Mamoona Choudry Sec: Shahida Samreen Off Sec: Shazia Khan Shura: Noor Jahan,Shahjahan Perveen,Saima Sandhu,Fozia Mohiuddin,Ainy Azeem,Erum Anas.

Samia Tariq


Vice President: Durre Shawar Sec: Aisha Hamid


Ismat Farooqui


Shura: Mehreen Amdani, Khalida Tafseer, Ambreen Imam, Dania Hameed, Roshan Ghazyani. Sec: Arifa Mazhar Office Sec: Shabana Warsi


Shahida Zabiullah


Shura: Rabia Kamran, Atiya Kazmi, Iffat Khan, Hafsa Islam. Vice President: Atiya Abdali Sec: Uzma Zaffar Office Sec: Hina Haseeb, Farzana Paracha Shura: Seema Muzaffer, Sadia Siddiqi, Maryam Hanif, Salma Mashwani, Rehana Asif



Urooj Husain


Sec: Fozia Tahir, Farheen Naseer Shura: Tasneem Siddiqui, Rehmat Memon, Abida Ghayas, Munazza Dasti, Faiza Moriz.


Naz Siddiqui


Sec: Sofia Ashfaq Shura: Fehmida Kahloon, Ayesha Sheikh, Firoza Siddiqi

To strengthen the ORGANIZATIONAL set up Central Shura has given the following suggestions for all regions and cities: To strengthen the organizational system in the units, the sub units should be strong. 2. There should be a regular monthly members meeting in every sub unit. All of the MGAs/ Aplicant MGAs/ members/ shura members/ Nazima/ Secretary will attend these meetings 3. There should be one members meeting every 3 months at the unit level. 4. The in charge of a subunit will be just like the unit in charge. 5. There should be a meeting with sub unit in charges every 2 months. 6. The subunit in charge will give their reports to the unit in charge by the 7th of each month and the units in charge will submit their unit reports to markaz by the 15th of the month. 7. All of the units/region will try to make their in person Dawah circles more effective. Try to minimize online uses for dawah work. 8. All of the units should start at least two dawah circles in next two years and all regions should start 4 new dawah circles in two years. Where ever there are three or more members, they should start a new sub unit. 9. All of the units/regions should establish at least two new UM dawah circles. UM members meeting should be regularly every month and the agenda for these meetings should be made in the local shura meetings. 10. Every unit/region should start membership classes. 11. Unit in charges should divide their work among the days of the week according to the calendar given. 12. All of the members should make a personal daily calendar. 1.

Suggestions: -

Use the time after Salatul Fajr for personal studies, Quran and literature. 81


The morning to mid afternoon hours when children are in school should be used for the tahreek (movement). Family time should be after Maghrib and this time should be used to bring family members into the tahreek (movement).

Central Visits   

NY NJ Dallas Chicago Houston LA KY East West Midwest

Unit In charges should plan to visit the subunits Regional In charges should get help from the sisters who are assigned for their regions from markaz (center) All units/region should plan the dates of their duaray(visits) and let markaz (center) know of it. Sadia Salman, Hena Syed, Mutayyaba Siddiqi Salma Malik Samina Hasan, Urooj Hussain Fareeha Shakeel, Sadia Salman Fareeha Shakeel, Sadia Salman Abeer Sher Salma Malik, Asma Hashmi Rehana Beig, Farhana Matin, Quanita Zaki Sobia Saleem, Mutayyaba Siddiqi Abeer Sher, Salma Malik, Faiza Aslam, Aisha Sadaf.

Departmental Planning Usratul Aisha: Buddy system: The purpose of buddy system is to - prepare sisters and bring them ahead in our movement one on one basis. - Giving solutions to their problems and helping them in the work through friendship. - Inviting them to good and forbidding evil and providing good and pious company by being a good friend ourselves. - All of unit in charges should recheck the buddy system in their units. - Prepare sisters at regional/unit level with clear purpose through this system. - Through out the year this team will provide new ideas for presentation in regards to Tarbiyah system. - Example: (punctuality in daily prayers, checking Emails and conducting tests etc.)

Fehm al Quran Classes: - A chart has been developed for training system of students. - Teachers and nazimats has taken responsibility of these students‟ progress. Based on this chart, the Tarbiyah process of these students will be followed up throughout the year. - For students who are attending these classes regularly; we need to adopt them (providing & giving them a role in local chapters) - For students that are not attending these classes regularly, we need to follow up with them via telephone. 82

KarkunSazi Classes: - A class will be planned for all those members(new & existing) who didn‟t go through the syllabus of karkun sazi class so that they would complete the syllabus. - This class will be held on a weekly basis & will be held apart from Dawati halaqas - Responsible sisters such as Mgas, shura members or nazima of the unit/region so clear understanding of the Islamic movement will be given should teach classes. Rukniatsazi Classes: - Cities are required to provide a list of the members who are ready for MGA ship after completing Karkun-sazi classes. This list is to be provided to tarbiyah department. Nazimat will plan to do the frequent & effective 1-on-1 basis meetings for tarbiyah purposes to expedite the process of mgaship. Leadership Training: - Leadership training is an ongoing process throughout the year. - It could be carried out through these - ** Online Programs - ** Organizational and Tarbiah meetings - ** Training seminars - ** Sub Units - This year Central tarbiyah dept will arrange teachers training sessions under LTC in June & Oct. Syllabus 1. The syllabus will continue coming after every three months. 2. The Tarbiah committee will attend the units/regions shura meetings and their MGAs meetings to discuss the syllabus. Report System: - The benefits of the report system should be discussed in the meetings as well as the harms of not giving reports or not following it regularly. 10 minutes should be given at the end of each meeting to fill it out. - How to fill out the report form will be taught in the regional/local TS. - New members who have difficulties in filling out the reports should be told that what they are doing just fill it out & then gradually develop their habit. - Reports should be taken from members in the members meetings. Follow up should be done with members who do not submit. - All MGAs/ Applicant MGAs/ members will give their reports at their subunits. All in charges will send their own personal reports to markaz (center) every month and Applicant MGAs reports & reports of the members who are taking rukniatsazi classes to the assistant of tarbia dept. The MGAs reports will also be sent to markaz (center) every three months. - Evaluation system should be kept and followed. Sub unit in charges will do evaluation on every members report monthly. Unit/region in charges will do evaluation on member‟s reports as well as all MGAs and Applicant MGAs reports every three months. Central President will do evaluation on all MGAs reports once a year. - The ways to do evaluation on reports will be 1. Through written letter or email 2. On the phone 3. collectively in the members/MGAs/shura meetings Circulars: 1. Ramadan planning, Qiyam al Lail. 2. Guidelines for TS 3. Character building, visiting for Tarbia purposes and how to keep in touch 83

Tarbiah seminars 1. All units will be given guidelines from tarbia dept. All units should arrange local 2 days long TS and regions should have 1 ½ day long TS. 2. Central Tarbiah Seminar will be in Dallas on April 3, 4,5th 2009. 3. In the tarbiyah seminars of all unit/region establish tarbiyati environment through effective meetings for tarbiyah purposes, Salah in jamah, modesty (haya) 4. Inshallah in 2010 three or four central tarbiyah seminar will be held on regional level both UM & UA parallel. Division will be all three regions alongwith nearby cities. Meetings: - Unit/region will arrange the meeting of Mgas & Applicant Mgas together every other month. Units will try to do it inperson. - All Mgas & member‟s meetings will be according to the syllabus

Usrat ul Maria Sub Units: - Guidelines on how to establish and run strong subunits will be sent from central dept. - Mentors Training courses will be held in June & July with the help of dawah dept. - Once in 6 months there will be an online sub-unit in charge meeting at the central level. -

Once in 6 months there will be an online members meeting at the central level. A regular monthly members meeting should be held in each unit/region. The proceedings of this meeting should be sent to UM. The agenda should be made in the unit/region shura. Buddy System: - All of the units/regions should update their buddy list and send it to central dept. Report system - All in charges will send UM member‟s reports to central UM email account [email protected] or at UM e fax # (201-609-9770) News Letter: It will be sent every 3 months. Tarbiah Seminar: - Central Training Seminar will be held in Dallas in April 3,4,& 5 th of this year. - All units/region should plan 1 ½ day long TS either parallel to UA or separate. Chicago, LA, New York (all 3 Borroughs) need to hold their UM TS for 1.5 days. Book Club : - Central UM tarbiyah dept will start level 1 book club for members in May.

DAWAH Dawah should be done in the best way possible with wisdom, good morals and communication. Remember the best dawah is the one that can be displayed from our characteristics and actions. Our best morals are our best tool. We need to use new ways and methods to do the work of dawah in this society. -


At least 1 new dawah circle (halaqas) in Urdu and 1 new one in English should be established at the sub unit level in each unit and every region must establish 2 new circles in Urdu and 2 in English. To strengthen these dawah circles at the subunit level, dawate deen package should be followed properly. New and improved package will be sent this year.


ICNA Center announced October 2009 as a „Family Campaign month”. All unit/region will also arrange different programs according to the theme. Inshallah central dawah dept.will give guidance on this matter. Tafseer Sessions -


Every unit/region will receive a Ramadan package before summer vacation starts. This year due to closeness of summer and Ramadan three online Dora-e-tafseer will be held. Division of three zones are ~East & cities ~ mid & cities ~west & cities. In person Dora-e-Quran will be as usual. One complete Dora-e-Quran in English will be held at national level with three of the best teachers, one from each region. Ramadan package will be follow up. Istaqbal-e-Ramadan should be start by July 20th i-e 27th of rajab Dora-eTafseer should be from July 30th or Aug 3rd . Murabeen will be instructed before summer vacation to come with a good action plan for dura-etafseer during summer following the general guidelines always provided by the dawah dept and submit it to us.

Humanitarian Work -

In every unit/region dawah booths should be arranged with the help of Why Islam at the subunit level. - Dawah kits should be distributed at these dawah booths. The kits can be of three types 1. Why Islam brochures, Dawah circulars such as “Ideal muslimah”, Quran and other dawah circulars 2. “Who is my best friend”, Seerah Number of Noor, Quran, Brochures, tahara books and dawah circulars - Every ICNA member should give out at least 2 dawah kits to their non Muslim neighbors, colleagues or friends through out the year. Circulars - A circular will come out on 4 points of membership. - Dawah dept will bring out dawah manual and a booklet on Islamic manners.

Dawah Conferences - All regions/units will arrange one day dawah conferences. - The guidelines and a list of topics will be given by dawah dept. Convention - Everyone should plan to attend the convention in May with their families and publicize it in their local communities.


Every unit/region will reach out to at least 500 non Muslims with dawah in next two years. 3 – 5 mentors should be prepared in each unit/region. 3-4 reverted sisters should be buddies under Ansar project. At least 2 reverted sisters should become members of UM from each unit in 2 years.




Dawah booths should be arranged with the help of Why Islam at the subunit level and code of conduct should be followed. Dawah kits can be prepared by each unit and guidelines will be sent by dawah dept. At Ramadan and Hajj time, presentations in public schools and displays in the libraries should be planned. Why Islam dept will arrange online Mentors Training Sessions.

On-Line Institute Purpose: Education for Tahreek and Tarbiah Courses: 1. Arabic Language (Urdu & English) Feb-June 2. Fiqh of current affairs Feb-June 3. Study of Ahadith (English) Feb-June 4. Fiqh un Nisa Oct-Jan 5. Islamic History OR Fiqh (Ibada, tahara…etc) Oct-Jan 6. Histor of revival of Islam (literature) Oct-Jan - All of these courses will be offered in 2009. - The classes will be on Mondays and Wednesdays. - All of the information is available on the web. Prerequisites for Admission - The sisters who graduated from our in person Institutes and the graduates of Fahm ul Quran classes will be able to get admission. Unit / region will focus on these graduates,tell the importance of these classes & try to convince them to take these classes.

Publications These books will be completed and published during this year -

Zaad e Safar, Dawah Manual, Members Manual, Shuraaiat booklet, Four points of member sazi, Dua‟s magnet, Tareekh Icna, Rehnumaa e Safar, & Fouzia Naheed‟s book. This dept will help print any material that Dawah or Tarbiah depts would suggest

Book Store -

All units/regions should decide the name of their bookstore In charge and send that name, her phone # and email to central book store email account. All units/regions will give order of any and all books through the central bookstore. All units/regions should send a list of their MGAs/ Applicant MGAs/ members to the bookstore.

Muslim Children of North America -

Number Target: At least 4 new units will be established.

The age limit for MCNA children will be 5 – 15. During next 2 years, the focus should be on leader ship training. Every unit should train at least 2 leaders in 2008 and every region should train 5 leaders in 2008. Also, the focus should be on teachers training. All teachers should be at least members of sister‟s wing. - For detailed planning of the dept, please contact dept. in charge. - MCNA should be allotted some time in member‟s meeting and city shuras. - We will have Teachers Training Sessions online in Feb, June and Sept 2009. Writing Competition will be arranged. “Writing Week” will be held in -units. Unit coordinator will be responsible to send best article to MCNA. -



Each unit should include in their city planning to hold special programs on at least one of the following Ramadan, Hajj, and Eid Milan parties, quiz competition and dawah conferences on sub unit levels. -

DATES SHOULD BE SET FOR THESE EVENTS LIKE TARBIYAH SEMINARS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR Please send information about these programs to be published in Companion Nazimat will plan to send children from their MCNA units in the online book club for future leaders.

YM Board -

All of the Unit Presidents should try to get all of the daughters of members/MGAs who are YM age involved actively in YM. Unit Presidents should contact the board if they need any info about YM instead of contacting them directly. YM national coordinator is Aisha Siddiqui. She can be reached at [email protected] & phone # 908-642-5315. YM Board works like a bridge between YM & sisterswing YM Board‟s role is to improve & strengthen the relationship between sisterswing & YM in order to have a smooth transition of YM into sisterswing.

Noor -


Increasing subscribers by convincing people to buy annual subscription Listing the names of subscribers and providing them the magazine Reading Noor articles in dura-e-tafseer and other gatherings so that people would be interested to buy it. For example, reading an article about mother‟s responsibilities when the topic comes under discussion or reading an article about Hijrat when discussing it during durah-e-tafsir - MGAs should gift atleast 2 Noor magazines while others should gift aleast 1 Noor magazine. They should motivate others to buy subscription Bayt-al-maal (treasury) money/dues are to be kept separate from those of Noor. Sending the city news on time to be included in ICNA step by step Encourage people to participate in essay writing contes Informing the address change or responsibility change either to circulation manager or email on [email protected]

Treasury -

Special efforts should be made during Ramadan and Tafseer sessions about Infaq since it‟s the time of extra rewards. Special focus should be increasing the donors and giving the donations regularly. The booklet on treasury should be discussed at the subunit level. Keeping in mind the sensitivity of the Treasury dept., and also keeping in mind the accountability on the day of judgment for every penny that we receive from people, we should 1. Keep clear record in writing of all of the expenses and income 2. Always give receipts for every donation we receive regardless of amount 3. Give receipts for all expenses also, and get receipts for the expenses too 4. Give monthly report regularly and on time. 5. In the units where they have their own accounts, these accounts must be audited yearly. 87

6. All unit /region will make budget for this year. Dear sisters, This is our planning for this year, which will help us in achieving our 5-year goal Inshallah. Keep it in mind when planning for the units/regions. Proper implementation of this planning is our responsibility now. Read and understand it very carefully and make sure it is being implemented properly. It should be discussed thoroughly in our shura and members meetings. May Allah SWT guide us toward the right path and help us in doing the best deeds. Wassalam Your sister Salma Malik; Secretary General of ICNA sisterswing


In the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful Unit/Region Report Unit Name: __________________

Unit President: _______________

Region Name: _________________

Regional President ________________

Unit/Region email: _______________ # of Subunits- Current_______


Total ______

Human Resources Category





MGAs Applicant MGAs Members UA Members UM

Meetings Meeting Type Number of meetings Total attendance


Members UA


Members UM

SUBUNITS Regular members meeting

Irregular members meeting

Without any members meeting

# of subunits

DAWAH Dawati classes



Weekl y




Nazima Visits to Sub-unit

Welcome Ramadan

Dora-eTafseer Complete

Dora-eTafseer Selected surahs

Qiya m-ulLail

Eid Milan

Dawah conference

Hajj Seminar

Murabeen session

How Many UA/ UM Attendance UA/UM

MCNA # of # of Units members


Companion Recv’d Sold

MCNA special Programs

# of Shahada Classes

Booths Organized

# of sisters have buddies under Ansar Project


CD’S / Cassettes

NOOR English/Urdu Received Sold




Tarbiyah Tarbiyah seminar UA


Karkunsazi / Book club UA


Fehm-ulQuran UA

On-line institute course






Summary # of Circulars distribute d

Members/MGA’ S conducted family meetings

MGA’s who submitte d reports

Applicant MGA’s who submitte d reports



Members who submitte d reports

Members/MGA’ s who followed syllabus

Members/MGA’ s who keep contacts with buddies

Bait-ul-Maal Monthly Income $

Monthly Expense $

Amount sent to Markaz $

Amount retained $

Any contacts with markaz (Nazima e Alla/central shura _______________________________ Any Problems/ Analysis

Signature ___________________________________________________________________


ICNA SISTERSWING BAIT-UL-MAAL REPORT Sub-Unit Report Name of sub-unit Name of Incharge Bait--ul-Maal-sub-unit Name of Sub-unit Nazima MONTH/ YEAR




Donations Sadaqah Zakat Tarbiyah UA/UM seminar Dawah Dept (convention) Why Islam Dept MCNA dept Companion Noor Printing/photocopying Bookstore Multimedia (cd's, cassettes) On-line Institute Other s . Please specify



Total given to Local Bait-ul-Maal



Report prepared by: IMPORTANT: PLEASE ALWAYS GIVE RECEIPTS FOR ALL AMOUNTS, EVEN IF IT IS $ 1.Write the category clearly eg. Ayanat, Noor, etc. If a person does not take the receipt please make a receipt and keep it with you , write the sub-units' & Units' name on the receipt. Submit, completed receipt books to local Bait-ul-maal. Request more Receipt books well before you run out of them.


ICNA SISTERSWING BAIT-UL-MAAL REPORT Region Report Name of Region Name of Incharge Bait--ul-Maal Name of Nazima MONTH/ YEAR





Donations Sadaqah Zakat Tarbiyah UA/UM seminar Dawah Dept (convention) Why Islam Dept MCNA dept Companion Noor Printing/photocopying Bookstore Multimedia (cd's, cassettes) On-line Institute Other s . Please specify





Total Amount sent to Markaz Date check Mailed to Markaz: IMPORTANT: PLEASE ALWAYS GIVE RECEIPTS FOR ALL AMOUNTS, EVEN IF IT IS $ 1.Write the category clearly eg. Ayanat, Noor, etc. If a person does not take the receipt please make a receipt and keep it with you , write the sub-units' & Units' name on the receipt. Submit, completed receipt books to central Bait-ul-maal. Request more Receipt books well before you run out of them.


ICNA Sisters Wing SISTERS TRAINING SEMINAR Apr. 3rd-5th 2009 Richardson TX

Evaluation Form Name: _____________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________ Contact Number: ___(______)-__________ - _____________ E-mail Address: ______________________________________ Please help us, InshALLAH, to improve this event in the future by giving us your constructive feedback. Rank the following on the scale of 1-5 (where 5 being the absolute best, and one being the worst) QUESTIONS RANK 1 Event was scheduled conveniently. 1 2 3 4 5 2 Event was well publicized. 1 2 3 4 5 3 The topics were useful. 1 2 3 4 5 4 List the topics you liked the best: 1.________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________ 4.________________________________________________ 5.________________________________________________ 6.________________________________________________ 4 List the topics you would like to include: 1. ________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________ 6. ________________________________________________ 5 What did you achieve from this seminar: From knowledge point of view: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ From practical point of view: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 6 Have you made a pact with your Lord that from now on you will be more Yes involved in the field, and will mould yourself into a figure of Bunyan-eMarsoon (iron clad wall) No



What is your opinion & suggestions about the hand-outs. Opinions _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Suggestions ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________


What were the shortcomings of this event & what steps can be taken to overcome them? 1. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________


What were the good points of this event & what steps can be taken to improve them? 1. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ The duration of the event was appropriate. Discipline throughout the event was excellent. The event was informative. The food was good. Cleanliness was good. Should we hold events like this more often. Overall program was successful. Which format was most informative (circle one): Panel Lecture Group Discussion Game

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3 3 3

45 45 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5

ICNA Sisters Wing SISTERS TRAINING SEMINAR Apr. 3rd-5th 2009 Richardson TX

Feedback from Organizers &

Committee Members Name: _______________________________________________________________ Responsibility: ________________________________________________________ Department: __________________________________________________________ 1. What was the most difficult thing you had to handle with regards to your department? _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 2. What was the attitude of the In-charge while dealing with you? □





3. During the Seminar did you ever thought that you could have done better if the charge was in your hands? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 4. Did you give any advice (written or oral) to your In-charge for the improvement of your department, and what was her reaction? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 5. Was there any difficulty in accomplishing your desired results because of the limitations of funds availability? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 6. In the following lines please provide us with the drawbacks and faults of the Seminar and give us your opinions and ideas for the next Seminar. a) _______________________________________________________________ b) _______________________________________________________________ c) _______________________________________________________________ d) _______________________________________________________________


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