Using Lightweight Formal Methods In User Interface Verification

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Using Lightweight Formal Methods in User Interface Verification Izzat Alsmadi Kenneth Magel Department of Computer Science North Dakota State University { izzat.alsmadi,kenneth.magel }

Abstract Formal methods are usually out of scope for industry GUI designers as they are uneasy to implement and require long time for learning and implementation. User interface design evolves several times through the life time of the software project. This makes it ineffective to use formal methods to verify the correctness of the design especially in an uncritical environment. The last factor that depresses designers from using formal methods in GUI design is that GUI specifications are not easy to be formally described or proved. On the other hand, GUI components and states are too large for them to be adequately covered by testing. If we can dynamically (e.g. implemented automatically by a tool) verify some properties of the GUI model, this can assist in the reduction of the required resources for testing while it does not require extra time or resources for learning or implementing this lightweight formal process. This paper introduces a process to dynamically define and verify some GUI properties and test cases. The GUI model used in the technique is developed from the implementation. Test cases are created dynamically and formal methods are used to describe their expected results. Those results are then compared with the actual output from the execution process.

Keywords Model based user interface verification, Interface model, GUI specification, software verification, formal methods.

1. Introduction Model verification means to verify that the deigned model matches or complies with its requirement or

specifications. User interface verification means to verify that all GUI widgets are in their expected state. If you copy a certain text in a text editor application, GUI widgets states change should be reflected on the paste control (to become enabled), and on the clipboard to save the copied text. Formal verification is accomplished through making assertions about the design with some expected results, by formulating properties based on the specification of the system, or by using mathematical and/or logical rules to prove that the design meets these properties. Verification can support testing and save the effort of exhaustingly test the implementation. As it is always stated; testing can only show the presence, but not the absence of error. Interface designers usually use informal or ad-hoc techniques such as mock-ups or prototypes for defining or describing the user interface. In some cases they are incomplete and/or vague and cause developers and users to interpret them differently. It is resource consuming and infeasible to adequately test the user interface. It is very difficult and expensive to automate GUI testing. Bit-by-bit screen verification has long been abandoned. Modern development languages allow us to extract and interrogate GUI information from their executables. GUI test automation is an extensive process faces challenges in test cases’ creation, execution, and verification. Using verification of some properties can support and complement the testing process and provide another channel to improve the overall testing coverage. Neither process should or can claim completely proving the correctness of the user interface.

2. Related Work In order to be able to verify requirements, they have to be formally described. If we research through some of the software projects specifications for GUI specifications, we find them as general guidelines (rather than detailed specifications) such as workflow, window,

common action, buttons, pop-up menus, drag and drop, item selection, layout, and dialogue guidelines that are not formally described. There are several researches regarding the automatic GUI generation from specification using formally specified GUI requirements or using a GUI specification language [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22]. The general problem with those approaches to be adopted in GUI design is that they require a relatively long learning curve that does not fit the user interface unstable, and continuously evolved environment. Companies tend to prefer paying more for testing than investing those resources for GUI formal verification. Qing et al. [6] discussed formally describing GUI events for the automatic generation of test oracles. We added to the similar concept of current state-event-next state described in the paper, the idea of dynamically defining the name of next state depending on the names of current state and the event. This makes it possible to automate the event flow graph creation and the expected test case results. This assumption may involve some abstraction in assuming that it is always true that the same event on the same state causes the transition to a similar state. For example, assuming that clicking the event “save” in an open document causes the transition to another state (e.g. a document is saved in a certain location with a certain name). The name or the destination can be different, but we assume that the final state is the same. We can use the initial state info to verify the next state results. Vieira et al [1] used UML models for test case generation and verification. Beer et al [2] described the IDATG (Integrating Design and Automated Test Case Generation) environment for GUI testing. IDATG supports the generation of test cases based a model that describes a specific user task and a model that captures the user interface behavior. Operators, Methods, and Selection Rules (GOMS) model is used for user interface design and evaluation [14, 15, and 16]. GOMS analyzes the user complexity of interactive systems and models the user behavior. The GOMS approach has several limitations. Its most significant downside is that the predictions are only valid for expert users who do not make any errors. GOMS does not take into account novices who are just learning the system, or intermediate users who make occasional errors. Since one of the goals of GUI is to aim for maximum usability for all users, especially novices, this is a serious deficiency in the model [17].

3. Goals and Approaches In order to verify the model against specification, we need to clearly and as formally as we can describe the specification. How can we describe the GUI

specifications in a format way that can be verified?! We developed a tool for the automatic generation and execution of GUI testing [12] [13]. The tool generates a GUI tree model from the implementation using reflection. Test cases are generated using several algorithms that consider the tree paths’ coverage. The goal is to test each path in the generated tree (i.e. branch coverage). Execution is accomplished through running some API’s that simulate user actions. The execution process uses the output of the dynamically generated test cases as input and provides a log through the execution process to indicate those events that are successfully executed. Verification is accomplished through the comparison of the generated and executed test suites.

Model checkers Model checkers are decision procedures for temporal propositional logic. They are particularly suited to show properties of finite state-transition system [23]. Labeled Transition System Analyzer (LTSA) is a tool for modeling and analyzing the behavior of concurrent systems. The tool is being developed to meet the needs for a lightweight, accessible and interactive tool targeted at behavioral analysis of software architectures [25]. One problem with using LTSA for GUI modeling is that it can deal with limited number of states whereas GUI applications usually have large number of possible states. We intend to use and extend LTSA features as part of an automated dynamically generated algorithms as part of a GUI test automation framework. Using LTSA, we can define some requirement properties to be checked for the correctness and safety in the GUI generated model from the implementation. The verification of the implementation model rather than the design model is expected to expose different issues. While the design model is closer to the requirement, it is more abstract and generally causes some difficulties for testing. On the other hand, the implementation model is closer to testing and is expected to be easier to test and expose more relevant errors. Those errors could be a reflection of a requirement, design, or implementation problems. Intuitively, the conformance relation holds between an implementation and a specification if, for every trace in the specification, the implementation does not contain unexpected deadlocks. That means that if the implementation refuses an event after such a trace, the specification also refuses this event [25]. A formal definition of an event in LTSA is: S1= (e1> S2), where S1 is the initial state, S2 is the next state, and e1 is the event that causes the transition. We formalize the names of the states to dynamically generate the LTSA file. For example, Edir=(copy->Copy_Edit), File= (save->ok->Save_Ok_File)

File= (save->cancel->Save_Cancel_File), where the next state name is the combination of the event(s) and the initial state. This means that the same event on the same state transits to the same next state. After generating the LTSA File (with extension .lts) from the GUI tree, we can check for some safety, deadlock, or progress properties’ violations. The current tool can generate dynamically this file from the GUI tree [13]. Figure1 shows a screen shot from the file dynamically generated for MS Notepad Application Under Test (AUT). The default autogenerated LTSA file in the tool generates the single parent-child events that can be observed in the tree and not all possible events. The objects on the left represent those parents in Notepad that have several children. All original states go to undefined states (represented by -1 in the figure) in the tree file, as the dynamically generated file does not represent the complete possible states.

PASTE =({cut,copy} ->paste -> PASTE). We compose the edit process with a check property to make sure that the application does not start from a paste action (before copy, or cut). Figure2 represents the graphical representation in LTSA for the above example.

Figure2. Edit-Cut-Copy-Paste graphical presentation in LTSA.

Test cases’ results verification

Figure 1. LTSA Notepad model. Here is an edit-cut-copy –paste –undo LTSA demonstration example: Set Edit events={cut,copy,paste,undo} EDIT=(cut->CUTEDIT|copy->COPYEDIT |{paste,undo}->EDIT), CUTEDIT=(undo->EDIT|{cut,copy}-> CUTEDIT |paste>PASTECUTEDIT), COPYEDIT=(undo->EDIT|{cut,copy}-> COPYEDIT |paste->PASTECOPYEDIT), PASTECOPYEDIT=(undo->EDIT|paste-> PASTECOPYEDIT), PASTECUTEDIT=(undo->EDIT|paste-> PASTECUTEDIT). Property

The second usage of the LTSA implementation is in results verification. We utilize the concept of dynamically defining the next expected state to verify the output from the execution and compare it to the expected results. We developed algorithms to dynamically generate test cases from the GUI tree [12] [13]. A typical test case dynamically generated in the tool look like; 15,NOTEPADMAIN,EDIT,FIND,TABCONTROL1,TA BGOTO, where the number represent test case number, and the list represents the consecutive sequence of controls. This technique allows a simple approach to dynamically verify the out of GUI test automation which is considered as the most challenging process in GUI test automation implementation. The process verifies the results from executing those test cases and compares them to the expected ones as defined. To formally verify the results of the above test case according to the previously described rules, we will get the following: Notepadmain=(edit-> Edit_Notepadmain), Edit_Notepadmain=(find->Find_ Edit_Notepadmain), Find_ Edit_Notepadmain=(tabcontrol1->Tabcontrol1_ Find_ Edit_Notepadmain), Tabcontrol1_ Find_ Edit_Notepadmain=(tabgoto->Tabgoto_ Tabcontrol1_ Find_ Edit_Notepadmain).

The tool uses the test cases as input and executes them using some API’s that simulate the user actions. Each successfully executed control is logged. If all controls from the previous test case is successfully executed in the right sequence, they will be listed in the log file as (Tabgoto, tabcontrol1, find, edit, Notepadmain). The verification algorithm compares both (e.g. generated and executed) for the right controls; correct name, number and sequence of controls.

Using LTSA number of parent states as a GUI structural metric We studied the number of LTSA parent states as a metric to indicate the GUI structural complexity. The value behind this metric is that it can be automatically extracted from the tool without the need for users involvement as in several GUI metrics suggested in this field. Table1 shows the results of applying this metric on the selected AUTs. Compose and progress times (from the LTSA tool) are related to the number of states that the user interface have. Table1. LTSA parents’ metric. AUT No. of Compose Progress LTSA time time parents Millisecs Millisecs Notepad 24 453 812 CDiese Test 4 187 0 FormAnimation 5 172 609 App winFomThreading 1 250 0 WordInDotNet 3 156 594 WeatherNotify ---Note1 6 172 15 Note2 ---Note3 10 796 594 GUIControls 11 172 16 ReverseGame 6 156 0 MathMaze 5 172 594 PacSnake 5 156 594 TicTacToe 3 422 563 Bridges Game 10 156 0 Hexomania 7 156 593 Further study is required to find out whether this metric indicates a valid implication about the structural complexity of the GUI. We will study some other metrics on the same AUTs to validate the results or the value of this metric.

4. Conclusion and Future Work GUI test automation is not a cure-all that should be taken as the only solution. We automate to save time and resource and we don’t expect everything to be automated. In this research, we studied using GUI model and test results’ verification as a complement for testing. We try to target the practice of avoiding the use of formal methods through using a lightweight formal process that can be dynamically generated without the need for using extra resources. The research is still in an early stage as we still need to evaluate the effectiveness and the validity of the verification process. In principle, the verification process is simple and can be easily implemented dynamically which provides a promising solution for the usually complex GUI test automation verification process. GUI verification does not eliminate the need for user validation. Rather than getting rid of GUI testers, we want to reduce them and reduce the time it is required to test. Such techniques can be very useful in regression testing where we need to rerun specific test cases periodically or before a new release.

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