Useful Web Sites (1)

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USEFUL WEB SITES Air University Library. Provides one of the most detailed bibliographies ANSER. Specializes in homeland security http://www .anser.orgl Brookings Institution Center for Civil Military Relations http://www .ccmr .org Centers for Disease Control gov/. Central Intelligence Agency Centre for Defense & International Security Studies http://www.cdiss.orgl Centre for the Study of Terrorism & Political Violence uk/academic/intrel/research/cstpv / Directory of Terrorism Research Centers http://dmoz.orgiSociety/lssues/TerrorismlResearch


Directory 2. Another very useful web portal http://www.nlg.orglmltf/terrorism.html Federal Bureau of Investigation. Interagencv Programs: National Domestic Preparedness Office. http://www.fbi.goY/homepage.htm. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Fact Sheet: Terrorism. Federation of American Scientists http://www .fas.orgl FORSNET. International Association for Counterterrorism & Security Professionals International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism

International Relations & Security Network MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base http://db.mipt.orgIHome.isp Naval Postgraduate School. Another very useful bibliography and internet references. RAND http://www .rand.orglhot/newslinks/terrorism.html Terrorism & Political Violence!htmllterror .htm Terrorism Portal! Terrorism Research Center! U.S. Department of State. Counterterrorism Office. http://www .state. gov/s/ct.

Internet References Advisory Panel to Assess Do~estic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction. Advance Executive Summary: Third Annual Report to the President and the Congress of the Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction. James S. Gilmore III, Chairman. 31 October 2001. http://www .rand.orglnsrd/terrpanellterror3execsumscreen.pdf. Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction. Second Annual Report to the President and the Congress: II. Toward a National Strategy for Combating Terrorism. 15 December 2000. http://www pdf Baily, Martin Neil. "Economic Policy Following the Terrorist Attacks." International Economics Policy Briefs. October 2001.!policybriefs/newsOI-l0.pdf Bioterrorism Preparedness Act of 2001. H.R. 3310. "To improve the ability ofthe United States to prepare for and respond to a biological threat or attack." 16 November 2001. http://frwebgate.access. gpo. gov/cgibin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=107 cong bills&docid=f:h331Oih.txt.pdf Bush, George W. Executive Order (EO) 13224 of 23 September 2001. Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Persons Who Commit. Threaten to Commit. or Support Terrorism .. 2

Bush, George W. Executive Order (EO) 13228 of 8 October 2001. Establishing the Office of Homeland Security and the Homeland Security Council. http://www.fas.orglirp/offdocs/eo/eo-13228.htm. Bush, George W. Executive Order (EO) 13231 of 16 October 2001. Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Information Age. http://wwwJas.orglirp/offdocs/eo/eo-13231.htm. Bush, George W. Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 1 of 29 October 2001. Organization and Operation of the Homeland Securitv Council. http://www.fas.orglirp/offdocs/nspdlhspd-l.htm. Bush, George W. Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 2 of 29 October 2001. Combating Terrorism through Immigration Policies. http://www.fas.orglirp/offdocs/nspdlhspd-2.htm Clinton, William J. Executive Order (EO) 13010 of 15 July 1996. Critical Infrastructure Protection. http://www.fas.orglirp/offdocs/eo13010.htm. Clinton, William J. Presidential Decision Directive (PDD 39) of 21 June 1995. U.S. Policy on Counterterrorism .. http://www.fas.orglirp/offdocs/pdd39.htm. Clinton, William J. Presidential Decision Directive (PDD 56) of May 1997. Managing Complex Contingency Operations. http://wwwJas.orgjirp/offdocs/pdd56.htm. Clinton, William J. Presidential Decision Directive (PDD 63) of 22 May 1998. The Clinton Administration's Policy on Critical Infrastructure Protection. White Paper .. http://www.fas.orglirp/offdocs/paper598.htm The Committee on Energy and Commerce. "A Review of Federal Bioterrorism Preparedness_Programs from a Public Health Perspective." Hearing. 10 October 2001. Cordesman, Anthony H. A New Transatlantic Strategy for Terrorism and Asymmetric Warfare. Working draft. Revised 7 November 2001. http://www.csis.orglburke/hdlreports/Transatlanticll07.pdf. Cordesman, Anthony H. A New Strategy for Dealing with Terrorism in the Middle East. Working draft. 27 March 2001. 8 November 2001. Daalder, Ivo H., and I.M. Destler. "How Not to Reorganize for Homeland Security." The Hill. 7 November 2001. Decker, Raymond J. Combating Terrorism: Comments on Counterterrorism Leadership and National Strategy. Doyle, Charles. Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996: A Summary. 3 June 1996. http://www.fas.orglirp/crs/96-499.htm.


Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget. Annual Report to Congress on Combating Terrorism. 2001. http://www .whitehouse. gov/omb/legislative/nsd annual report200 1.pdf. Financial Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001. H.R. 3004. General themes. 3 October 2001. http://www /financialservices/ftolss.{>df Hoffman, Bruce. "Re-Thinking Terrorism in Light of a War on Terrorism." Testimony before the Subcommittee on Terrorism and Homeland Security, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, U.S. House of Representatives. 26 September 2001. Jenkins, Brian Michael. "Terrorism: Current and Long Term Threats." Testimony before the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats. 15 November 2001. http://www.rand.orgipublications/CT/CT187/CT187.pdf. Joint Service Chemical and Biological Defense Program. Avoid. Protect. Recover: FYOO-02 Overview. bio def program/CBDP FYOO 02 HandBook.pdf O'Hanlon, Michael. "The Case for a Careful Military Response." Analysis Paper #1. America's Response to Terrorism. 25 September 2001. Parachini, John. "Anthrax Attacks, Biological Terrorism and Preventive Responses." Testimony before the Subcommittee on Technology, Terrorism, and Government Information. 6 November 2001. http://www.rand.orgipublications/CT/CT186/CT186.pdf. Perl, Raphael F. Terrorism. the Future. and U.S. Foreign Policy. CRS Issue Brief for Congress. Last update 17 October 2001. REPS/crs terr.pdf Preparedness against Domestic Terrorism Act of 2001. H.R. 525. Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, & Emergency Management hearing. 9 May 2001. 1/05-09-0 1memo.html U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command. Operation Noble Eagle Website. .mil/nobleeagle U.S. Army War College. Strategic Studies Institute. Defeating Terrorism: Strategic Issue Analyses. . U.S. Department of Defense Chemical and Biological Program. Annual Report to Congress and Performance Plan. July 2001. bio def program/20m CBDP Annual Report.pdf. U.S. Department of Defense. DOD USS Cole Commission Report. 9 January 2001: Executive Summary. http://www.defenselink.millpubs/cole200 10109.html. U.S. Department of Defense. DoD Antiterrorism Standards. DoD Instruction 2000.16. 14 June 2001.


U.S. Department of Defense. Protecting the Homeland: Report of the Defense Science Board 2000 Summer Study. Executive Summary. http://www.acq.osd.milldsb/protecting.pdf. U.S. Department of Justice. Al Oaeda Training Manual U.S. Department of Justice. "Countering Terrorism and Ensuring Domestic Preparedness." In Office of Justice Programs: Fiscal Year 2001 At-a-Glance. March 2001. U.S. House of Representatives. Committee on Financial Services. "Hearing on Dismantling the Financial Infrastructure of Global Terrorism." 3 October 2001. U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff. Joint Tactics. Techniques. and Procedures for Antiterrorism. 17 March 1998. Joint Publication 3-07.2. http://www.dtic.milldoctrine/jellnew pubs/jp3 07 2.pdf Wolfowitz, Paul. "Building a Military for the 21st Century." Prepared testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee. 4 October 2001. . services/statemnt/2001/011004wolf.pdf.


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