Usdc Disbarment - Dkt 3 - Order Of Disbarment

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Case 2:09-mc-00129-ABC

Document 3

Filed 07/27/2009

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




10 11 In the Disciplinary Matter of 12 13



California State Bar 15 #55259 16 17

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )


On March 13, 2009, Richard Isaac Fine (“Fine”) was disbarred from the

18 practice of law by the Supreme Court of California. On May 27, 2009, this Court 19 issued an Order to Show Cause (“OSC”) as to why Fine should not be disbarred from 20 practice before this Court, pursuant to Rule 83-3.1.9 of the Local Rules for the 21 Central District of California. 22

The Court received a response to its OSC on June 25, 2009. In the Response,

23 Fine argues that his disbarment by the California Supreme Court was improper. He 24 also states that he is continuing to challenge that disbarment, noting that he has filed 25 a Petition for a Writ of Certiorari with the United States Supreme Court. 26

To avoid suspension from the Bar of this Court, an attorney suspended from

27 the State Bar of California must “set forth facts establishing one or more of the 28 following: (a) the procedure in the other jurisdiction was so lacking in notice or 1

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1 opportunity to be heard as to constitute a deprivation of due process; (b) there was 2 such an infirmity of proof establishing the misconduct as to give rise to a clear 3 conviction that the Court should not accept as final the other jurisdiction’s 4 conclusion(s) on that subject; (c) imposition of like discipline would result in a grave 5 injustice; or (d) other substantial reasons exist so as to justify not accepting the other 6 jurisdiction’s conclusions.” L.R. 83-3.1.9. 7

The Court has reviewed Fine’s response to the OSC, and finds that he has not

8 satisfied any of the exceptions set forth in Local Rule 83-3.1.9. He has not set forth 9 facts to show that this Court should not accept the conclusions of the California State 10 Bar Court on the matter of his disbarment. He received sufficient notice and 11 opportunity to be heard; there was not such an “infirmity of proof” before the State 12 Bar Court as to create a “clear conviction” that that Court’s conclusions should not 13 be accepted; disbarment from this Court would not result in a “grave injustice”; and 14 no facts to support any other convincing reason for disregarding the State Bar Court’s 15 findings have been presented. 16

In addition, Fine failed to comply with Local Rule 83-3.1.9 in one further

17 respect. At the time the response to his OSC was filed, Fine was required to provide 18 a certified copy of the entire record from the State Bar Court, which he has not done. 19 Nor has he met his “burden of persuading the Court that less than the entire record” 20 is sufficient. L.R. 83-3.1.9. However, the Opinion and Order of the Review 21 Department of the State Bar Court is publicly available from the California State 22 Bar’s website, and that Order fully supports this Court’s determination that the 23 substantive showing required by Local Rule 83-3.1.9 has not been made in this case. 24

IT IS THEREFORE HEREBY ORDERED that Fine is disbarred from the

25 practice of law in this Court pursuant to Rule 83-3.1.9 of the Local Rules for the 26 Central District of California. 27

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Fine shall be reinstated upon proof of his

28 reinstatement as an active member in good standing with the State Bar of California. 2

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An attorney registered to use the Court’s Electronic Case Filing System

2 (“ECF”) who is disbarred by this Court will not have access to file documents 3 electronically until the attorney has been reinstated by the State Bar of California and 4 reinstated to the Bar of this Court. 5

This Order is being served pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 5 to the

6 current address of the attorney as on file with the State Bar of California. 7 8 9


July 27, 2009

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Audrey B. Collins Chief United States District Judge

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