
  • May 2020
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  • Words: 948
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1. Try to clear your mind of any preconceived ideas and beliefs. Start by asking yourself, “Is it okay with me if psychic functioning is really a natural part of the world?” Next ask yourself, “Is it okay with me if I have psychic ability?” 2. Take a positive tone. Say to yourself, “I can remote view a location.” If you sense any resistance to the idea that you can remote view, then take some time to work this out and become comfortable with the idea that you can function psychically, even if it is only temporary. 3. Sit comfortably in a quiet, undisturbed location. Try to find a place that is neutral in color and atmosphere. Avoid places with many distractions. Dim the lights, but darkness is not necessary. 4. Sit upright and remain alert. Have some clean sheets of paper and pen or pencils at hand. 5. Begin to quiet your mind. Relax and take deep breaths. With each exhalation, relax both your body’s muscles and your mind. Let your mind go blank but do not try and stop thoughts that come. Simply let them go without focusing on them. No special meditation is required, although one useful technique is to imagine yourself in an empty theater staring at a blank screen. Relax until images appear on the screen. 6. When images come, describe what you see, not what you think. View the images as if you were an unaffected observer. Observe them carefully, because the images often flash through the mind rapidly. The more basic the impressions, the more likelihood of an accurate viewing. 7. Try to draw what you see, even if you don’t know what the drawing represents. Don’t attempt to connect images. Simply draw or describe them. Try for an initial ideogram, which is a simple line drawing representing the whole idea of the target. Concentrate on the idea of the target and let your pencil hand move automatically. 8. Next, concentrate on shapes, forms, colors, and textures. Don’t be concerned if something doesn’t seem to make sense just record it. 9. Try to get a feel for your target, then interrogate yourself about it. Is it a person, place, or thing? Is it natural or man-made? What is it used for? Who goes there? 10. Limit your remote viewing session to 15 or 20 minutes. Whenever possible, a novice remote viewer should visit the target site as soon as possible after the RV session. Look about carefully and compare what you see with the images you received. If feedback is done while the images are still fresh in your mind, the comparisons made will benefit you during subsequent RV sessions.

I isolated seven general stages of the different kinds of information, which came psychically in exact order. Swann described the seven remote viewing stages as follows: Stage 1 = The formation of an ideogram, a spontaneous mark with a pen or pencil representing the target site. Stage 2 = Sensory impressions the viewer might experience if he were at the target site, such as smells, sounds, feelings, colors, and so on. Stage 3 = Dimensional references, the height and length of the site, most often represented in sketches. Stage 4 = Refinement of the dimensional references, gaining tangible details of the target site, such as surroundings (trees, buildings, tables, chairs, and such). Also, the recognition of intangibles such as the use of the site (governmental, medical, religious, museum, and so on). Stage 5 = Integrating the preceding four stages into the understanding of the remote viewer. It is here that the viewer interrogates his own memory, drawing out further details of the target site. Stage 6 = Making accurate renderings or drawing of the target site. This may also include modeling. It was learned that often viewers could use modeling clay to make three dimensional models of the site that were superior to line sketches. Stage 7 = This seldom-used stage involves the use of verbal sounds to approximate the precise names of individuals, streets, towns, and so on. For example, if a certain street name in Arabic is desired, the viewer would continue to approximate the sound until a linguist could interpret the name. Swann explained: I spent a great deal of time trying to understand how it worked. I wanted to understand how the data debriefed itself. You see, when these guys make an ideogram, there’s a chain of unraveling that takes place. The signal line is being incorporated into the viewer’s mind or something like that. And they are trained to discriminate between noise and signal. But the signal line does its own thing in these stages and in the way that it does that, you come up with practically a noiseless session. That’s if they adhere to the format, the structure. But it’s very hard to get people to do that because people like to contribute themselves, you know. This is not a contributive process. The viewer has to be passive, not active, and just receive what’s coming in. “Many psychic methodologies try to send the conscious mind on vacation. That is, they try to put the conscious mind into a trance or ‘altered state,’ explained Buchanan. He continued: These are the people who insist that psychic work can only be done “once you have achieved theta,” etc. In actual fact, the conscious mind sits in that altered state and keeps checking back every few seconds to see how the process is going. The person isn’t usually aware of it, but a part of them is constantly monitoring the session and either giving its approval or stopping the subconscious from doing its job by giving disapproval.


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