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  • Pages: 5
Military or Democracy? According to Karl Marx: “Mankind must first of all eat, drink, have shelter and clothing before it can pursue art, science, religion or culture”. Since the betterment of a country is in the welfare and betterment of its people, so the utmost factor to determine this is the economic well being of the masses of the country. Therefore in order to compare the accomplishments of both military and political bodies in terms of the criteria already mentioned, let us start by analyzing the most recent military regime of General Pervez Musharaf. It has been seen that growth in sectors like agriculture, small scale manufacturing and construction have high employment elasticity, while it’s low in financial sector. What we saw in previous regime was agricultural growth of 1.5%, while financial sector growth of 30%. The calculated average of both led to impressive growth of 7% in the GDP. This growth was nothing to do with the wages of common man, as this growth was profit centered. Stock exchange indexes and corporate profits boomed, benefiting all those who were already lying in the financial helm, while all this was meaningless for a common man. Such a phenomenal growth in the financial sector accompanied with the lax monetary policy led to the excess liquidity in the system. Thus mostly the upper and the upper middle class ended up taking large sums of loans, increasing the demand in the economy. The result was high food inflation, and the main affected people turned out to be the poor people, whose proportion of income spent on food lies around 50- 70%. A part from this tax structure was such that Richest 10% ended up paying around 12% of their incomes, while lowest 10% had to pay 16% of their income in taxes. It is also the result of such polices that today, for every rupee of increase in national income 34 paisas goes in the pocket of richest 10%, while mere 3 paisas end up in the pocket of poorest 10% of the population. It was the economic oppression of the people which forced the tyrant to leave the power and let democratic power come to solve the problems of people. Masses expected that the proper political government, for whom they voted in the February 19 elections, would improve their economic conditions, but the new government didn’t come up to the expectations of general public, and almost all citizens were startled after the announcement of the budget yesterday. The budget gave some hope to a fraction of people; to government employees, by increasing their salaries by 15%. This little sign of life to these people was taken back by the news of increase in the food prices, which will more than offset the increase in wages. Even government has not left the middle class and the lower middle class away from the budgetary pain, as the mentioned class spends a major proportion of monthly expenditure on car fuel and the CNG prices are to be increased by Rs 6 per kg. Fuel prices in general and electricity prices have also been increased further, which will

definitely make profit centered capitalists to fire- off workers, leading to employment in the economy. Subsides to already oppressed people are further reduced by 55%. In contrast to all these measures taken, some positive things have also been announced, but only for a small segment of already well-off people. For instance, the budget for Prime minister has been increased by 11%, while for president the increase is 10 %, and both of them are still expecting some supplementary payments. Similarly, the prices of cars have also been reduced, to facilitate already facilitated segment of population. Thus, even the political body has failed to cater the needs of needy, while fully satisfying the top fraction. After all these policies and the oppression of poor, the question remains that where does all our resources go, if not to the welfare of people. Though the question is already answered to some extent, but it’s still needs some further explanation, as in the case of military, the subject is involved into many more things than we expect it to be, and even more than it need to be. Over the years in order to become a strong political player, military has successfully increased its economic base in the country. The military which was supposed to protect the country, started interfering and taking interest in all the arenas and fields. Their diversified interests culminated so much and so that now they have become strong capitalists and property dealers. They are now leading many big corporations and businesses, some of which include: NLC, FWO, Fauji Fertilizer, Shaheen, welfare foundations, DHA, etc. Their ability to establish such a large economic base was succored by their strong political power and connections. They used their powers to acquire contracts and to get things done smoothly, without even have to pass through any hurdles. This was one of the reasons why they did better than all their business competitors. Thus strong political power led to their economic growth, while the strong economic base developed helps them to come back in politics, whenever they feel like. From this one thing is clear: the purpose of military to come in power has never been to serve the nation, but in fact to boost their already strong position. Plus now the generals are more interested in leading corporations, then leading the army. Even in all public corporations we have been seeing ex-service personnel replacing professional managers, because to maintain their economic stronghold military needs someone, they can trust. So they use their political powers to get their men in all such top civilian positions. Subsides worth 1.5, 1.2, 1.1 billion to Fauji Fertilizer were given by the government in 2004, 2005, and 2006. Important thing to note is that government of Pakistan never gave such amount of subsides to any other private corporation. This is a small example of how military enjoys perks, whenever they are in power, and this justifies staying in power for them. Though military is such a reputable institution but it’s not corruption free. For E.g. LT-GENERAL (RTD) Zahid Ali Akbar was accused by NAB of indulging in

corrupt practices during his chairmanship of WAPDA from 1987 to 1992.Similarly it was discovered that the electricity provision to the farm house of General Musharaf was at subsidized rates. There is much more of their corruption but remains veiled due to lack of transparency and accountability in defense sector. The senior military generals also involve themselves in favoritism and supporting factions to enhance their military and economic control. A part from this they also monopolize and exploit national resources in the same way as our politicians do, with only a slight difference which was highlighted by the editor of daily times, Najam Sethi: ‘the military bends the rules and make their own rules so that no one calls it corruption’ . A small example of such manipulation of rules is the way Musharaf made Shaukat Aziz prime minster by replacing Mir Zafar-ullah-Khan Jamali. On the other hand, all of us are aware of corruption and exploitation of power by political parties. There are charges of corruption on both mainstream parties: PML (N) and PPP. Billions of hard earned dollars of this nation lie with a single person in his Swiss bank accounts, and it’s not hard to believe that, that person is our president. Furthermore even his getting himself exonerated from all corruption charges, through NRO didn’t come as a surprise, because after all he is our president with all the powers, our people have trusted him with. The fact that he has personal interests, hovering over those of national ones is manifest through his hesitation and taking a long time to restore the sacked judges, because thieves never want to be accountable in front of free judiciary. These political governments rather than acting as a national government, rather act as a party. Whenever they come to power, they not only themselves exploit the resources of nation, but also let their supporters to do so. A recent example is the appointment of chairmen of ZTBL bank, whose qualification to hold the position is still questioned by state bank. This new chairman made all employees permanent, who were serving on the contract bases. Just recently before his becoming chairman, the bank paid millions of rupees in golden hand shake to get rid of permanent employees in order to reduce the long-run financial load on bank. It all ended up as wastage of tax money, but in the end, the bank will again get its share of IMF aid to drain it in corrupt and inefficient practices. After all that has been happening, the reason for being still under-developed is obvious. Now that we’re economically weak, in state of civil war, and still have not been able to resolve our major issues; such as the Kashmir one, we can definitely blame to both our democratic and military governments for pursuing their own personal interests. Quaid-e-Azam died early after independence, Liaqat Ali khan was killed, and from then on democratic governments started the strugglefor power, as the rewards of power were very high. Such an environment of political hostilities, dissolving of assemblies, accompanied with military constantly coming in and out of power never allowed democracy to develop. In fact military always came with the notion of strengthening the

nation and replacing weak political system. Furthermore megalomaniac cravings of military let to the Act of 58-2-b, giving the president power of dissolving the assembly. This is now also being used by our democratic presidents. Then establishment of National Security council in 2004, was another step to strengthen military, as it decides strategic matters including distribution of national resources- its core decision making body includes four top generals along with 9 civilians (off-course those favoring the interests of the one in power) Had our political governments not been consisting of capitalists and feudal lords themselves, then we might have worked out solutions for our problems. The reason why even military governments failed to deliver the nation is the same that they also indulged themselves in profit making. In fact they have strong connections with people in our political system, as many of the political parties were made by military dictators themselves, to prolong their rule as a hybrid of both military and political system. For example Zia made PML (N), while Musharaf came up with PML (Q), to make its illegal rule look legal. No matter whether the framework was legal or not, military always focused on using force to deal with national problems, and all these problems were such which could have dealt politically. An example is killing of Bugti and operation in Laal Masjid. On contrary it failed to use force in matters which needed force, like building of kala bagh dam, because of the pressure from groups whose support strengthened their tenure. Similarly Zia gave presidential pardon to a person named Rafique, on the request of some feudal Lord, even when the crime of that person was an attempt to undermine the nuclear program of Pakistan. So the point is clear, that in this fatherland, army; especially high rank cadre, feel themselves above the law, and only focus on their own interests. In China when communist party ordered its army to dispose off its assets in financial sector, the army obeyed the order. However in Pakistan even when Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's government supported the UN resolution, his army chief expressed admiration for Saddam Hussain. Even then we can’t get rid of army because firstly as mentioned they are both politically and economically strong, secondly they are our need because we’re under constant threat from India, and now even from Taliban’s. If we see exploitation of nation from political side, then we will come to the point that now there is no difference between military and political bodies. Both are capitalist classes working to maintain their stronghold over resources and power. Though previously it was just army who led us to the point of becoming the top-5 recipients of US aid, but now our civilian government has also become addicted to aid. Yesterday (14 June 09) Shaukat Tareen said that if America or Japan don’t give us aid, then we’ll go to IMF. So the only subtle difference which is now left between these two is of their ruling style: military rules through military dictatorship, while political system is ruled by CIVILIAN dictator, the head of whatsoever party gets elected. During the political tenure

not only the head of that party makes money, but also all the MNA(s) and MPA(s) of that party. It’s said that people make mistakes, but only fools repeat them. That is what we have been doing for last 60 years, by choosing between these two dictator groups again and again, who have given us nothing, instead have stolen the labour power of oppressed people of this nation. Now it’s time to stand up and come up with a solution to deal with this oppression. As far as I think the solution to our problem lies in the ‘dependency model’. We must realize that we need a revolution not only against foreign countries who have been exploiting us but also against agents (who lie within us) of those capitalists, in form of military and so called democratic rulers. They will always be working for their own interests, leaving the majority to suffer from hunger, poor economic and living conditions, and a psychological oppression at large. We need a revolution like of Cuba, to bring a more equal and a socialist society, where there is no space for corruption for anyone. Such a society is needed where everyone is accountable in front of law, irrespective of his/her position. If we want a just society then we’ll have to make sure that no one lives below a certain level. In that system even unemployed get state benefits, and where a check and balance keeps everyone working with sincerity. From such a system we’ll be able to expect swift and true justice, (not the one from existing 3rd most corrupt judiciary of world ruled by the ruling class), a system promising less inequality among classes, and ensuring equality within a class, a system which focuses on development of people by taking it from 139th position (according to current Human Developmental index figures) to leading positions, and system where no one is oppressed and everyone lives in harmony. To bring such a system and to emulate as a nation we’ll have to educate not only ourselves but also our fellow citizens. Then, through power of knowledge and a clear path we’ll have to bring a revolution as we brought when we decided to restore judiciary. Currently we are crying for high inflation and a low growth rate of 3%, while in that system we can expect growth rate of around 130% in manufacturing sector, and around 70 % in agriculture, while keeping inflation at very low level (the figures which are already achieved by socialist society of USSR). And above all the increase in resources will be shared by whole nation, not by a particular group. ONCE AGAIN- WE NEED REVOLUTION.

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