Upgradation From 11

  • November 2019
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Prepared by: Nikhil Rangaraju.............................................................................................1 INSTALLATION OF 11.5.9 APPLICATION FILE SYSTEM...........................................2 Passwd appupg - welcome...................................................................................................2 POST INSTALLATION STEPS..........................................................................................2 FOLLOW DOCUMENT 316365. TO UPGRADE 11.5.9 TO PRE UPDATE TASKS.....................................................................................................3 APPS SIDE..................................................................................................................4 DATABASE SIDE...............................................................................................................4 SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/catpatch.sql...................................................................................5 SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql.........................................................................................5 Sqlplus apps/apps @adgnofa.sql ALL.........................................................................5 APPLYING MAINTENANCE PACK............................................................................5 POST-UPDATE TASKS..................................................................................................6 WHY and WHAT??.........................................................................................................6

Prepared by: Nikhil Rangaraju Oracle NAIO

INSTALLATION OF 11.5.9 APPLICATION FILE SYSTEM  Create database user- orupg Useradd –g dba –d /u01/orupg orupg Passwd orupg- welcome  Create Application user Useradd –g dba –d /u01/appupg apupg Passwd appupg - welcome  Install JDK1.3 and source the /usr/java/jdk1.3/bin to $PATH environmental variable  Set LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19  As a root user using Rapidwiz install wizard install 11.5.9 from the stage directory. Cd /nfs/stage/linux/oracle/11.5.9/startcd/Disk1/rapidwiz ./rapidwiz  Observations ORACLE_SID: upg Application user: appupg Database user: orupg APPL_TOP: /u01/appupg/upgappl COMMON_TOP: /u01/orupg/upgcomn Scripts location: $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/

POST INSTALLATION STEPS After the installation is complete, perform the following tasks.  Shut down all Oracle Applications processes with the following command. $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts//adstpall.sh apps/apps

 Apply interoperability patch 3830807.  Apply patch 3170128.  Relink all Oracle Applications executables. In AD Administration, choose "Relink Applications programs" from the "Generate Applications Files" menu.  Restart Oracle Applications processes. $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts//adstrtal.sh apps/apps

FOLLOW DOCUMENT 316365. TO UPGRADE 11.5.9 TO This document contains the following sections  Pre-Update Tasks  Applying Maintenance pack  Post- update tasks PRE UPDATE TASKS S.NO TASK 1 Apply AD1.2 or higher 2 Update Autoconfig technology stack templates


PATCH 5161676

RESULT Successful

 Unzip 5478710  Cd fnd/patch/115/bin ./txkprepatchcheck.pl -script=ValidateRollup - outfile = $APPLTMP/txkValidateRollup.html -appspass=apps Open txkValidateRollup.html and perform a) Run Autoconfig b) HTTP server patches 3072811 c) JDK version-  adpatch u5478710.drv  Run Autoconfig  Update the RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME file system On application tier create the appsutil.zip file by executing: $ADPERLPRG $AD_TOP/bin/admkappsutil.pl On Database tier, copy appsutil.zip to ORACLE_HOME Unzip and run autoconfig  Stop and start application serverprocesses




Install and run tech stack validation utility.

 Run Autoconfig- Error- Apply patch 4201222  Apply patch u4318672.drv  Update RDBMS_HOME with Autoconfig files.  Run Tech stack validation utility APPS SIDE - Source APPS env file - $ADPERLPRG $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/ TXKScript.pl -script = $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/ txkVal11510MP.pl -txktop=$APPLTMP -appspass=apps -outfile= $APPLTMP/txkVal11510MP.html Open txkVal11510MP.html a) Client library version in IAS_ORACLE_HOME- b) Oracle ModPLSQL version for HTTP server ( c) Oracle Jinitiator version- (124606.1) d) JDK version on HTTP server node and AD utilities- (246105.1) e) Developer 6i version (Patchset 18) – f) Check for Package OWA_MATCH in sys schema DATABASE SIDE - Source Database env file - $ADPERLPRG $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin/TXKScript.pl -script= $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin/txkVal11510MP. pl -txktop= $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil -appspass= apps -outfile= $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/temp/txkVal11510 MP_DB.html Open txkVal11510MP_DB.html a) Upgrade Database to Apply patch Appling patchset As an oracle user Unzip patch 4547809 Cd 4547809/Disk1







4948577 4888294 5713544 4261542 5216496 5753922 5355158 3835781

Successful Successful Successful Successful Successful Successful Successful Successful



./runInstaller set SHARED_POOL_SIZE and JAVA_POOL_SIZE to 150MB sqlplus /nolog CONNECT SYS/welcome AS SYSDBA SQL> STARTUP MIGRATE SQL> SPOOL patch.log SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/catpatch.sql SQL> SPOOL OFF SHUTDOWN STARTUP Run the utlrp.sql script to recompile all invalid PL/SQL packages SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql Hence patchset was successful. b) Increase temp tablespace to 1024 MB c) _B_TREE_BITMAP_PLANS= FALSE d) O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY=F ALSE e) Increase system tablespace to 9216 MB See that all PASS in both validation html files and proceed furthur.


Configure database for new products and new tablespace requirement s

 Apply patch 3180164  Unzip it and go to ad/patch/115/sql  Run adgnofa.sql Sqlplus apps/apps @adgnofa.sql ALL  Run adruncts.sql which calls adcrtbsp.sql  Now apply patch u3180164.drv



PATCH 3480000

RESULT Successful

APPLYING MAINTENANCE PACK S.NO TASK ACTION DONE 1 Apply  Download patch 3480000 Maintenance  Unzip all zipped files


 Shutdown application server processes  Adpatch u3480000.drv  Restart server processes.

POST-UPDATE TASKS S.NO TASK 1 Apply latest online consolidated patch 2 Drop MRC schema

ACTION DONE Apply latest online help consolidated patch3275245

PATCH 3275245

RESULT Successful

Cd APPL_TOP/admin Sqlplus system/welcome @addrpmrc.sql appplsys safe

WHY and WHAT?? Document? This document (OracleMetaLink Doc ID: 316365.1) contains instructions for applying the Oracle Applications Release Maintenance Pack to update an existing Release 11i system to Oracle Applications Release Pre-update tasks? Tasks that must be performed to prepare your system for application of this maintenance pack. TUMS-MP? The Upgrade Manual Script for the Maintenance Pack (TUMS-MP) examines your current configuration and creates a report detailing which of the steps in these instructions you must complete and which steps you can ignore. Because TUMS-MP reports on a unique configuration, its output is relevant only to your update. Following the guidelines in the TUMS-MP report can reduce the time is takes to perform the update. AD I.5? It includes new features: AD Secure Software Check AD Administration and AD Controller Support for Non-interactive Mode AD Merge Patch Utility - Support for Merging Zip Files AutoConfig Integration with AutoPatch Creation of Large Indexes Using Parallel Slaves Distributed AD

Eliminate MRC Maintenance Overhead (11.5.10) Maintenance Mode Patch and File History XML Reports

AutoConfig technology stack template? The AutoConfig engine relies on template files that are merged with your implementation-specific data to create necessary configuration files. It includes TXK AutoConfig template files to configure the Technology Stack for Oracle E-Business Suite 11i instances using AutoConfig. These template files have no effect on the E-Business Suite configuration until the AutoConfig utility is run. This patch also contains the latest AutoConfig Engine and Tools related enhancements and fixes. In the past these changes have been released in ADX Rollup patches. Technology Stack Validation Utility? This utility verifies certain minimum technology component versions and other configuration requirements associated with this maintenance pack. This utility performs a series of tests that validate the technology stack components of a Release 11i system, ensuring that the system is prepared for the installation of the Release If it reports any failures or warnings, follow the instructions it provides and fix each reported failure. Then, run the utility again on each node that reported a failure. Make all corrections before continuing with the maintenance pack installation. We highly recommend you correct all warnings as well. Client library version in IAS_ORACLE_HOME- (2376472)? This is patch set for the Oracle Database Server. It includes patches for the RDBMS, PL/SQL, and Precompiler, Networking, interMedia Text, JDBC, JavaVM, Enterprise Java Beans, Corba and Java Server Pages products. This is not a complete software distribution and you must install it over an existing 8.1.7 Oracle Server installation. Oracle ModPLSQL version for HTTP server ( You must apply patch 3835781 to update modplsql version in the iAS Oracle Home to This patch contains the following fix for Oracle iAS 1.0.2 a) 2004-S128E b) BACKPORT OF BUG 3559310 ON TOP OF VERSION 1.0.2

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