Update 4 - Winch Ester Passion Bulletin

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Bulletin 4

Good Friday 21st March 2008

We’ve found Jesus! We are thrilled to confirm that Israel Oyelumade will be playing the role of Jesus. He's a graduate of RADA and is a very experienced professional actor, having performed with the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Royal National Theatre. He also starred as Equiano in the Riding Lights production of 'African Snow' at York Theatre Royal and in London, and has a long list of TV and film credits.

The Winchester Passion – Bulletin Number 4

So much to say As the Passion project gathers momentum, there is so much to tell you! First of all, please forgive us if you have expressed interest in taking part but not yet been contacted. We're thrilled with the level of response but we are struggling to keep everyone posted with replies and progress reports please forgive our apparent lack of courtesy if you haven't heard from us recently. We have been fortunate to meet and work with some wonderful actors and actresses - several have already been assigned to particular roles, and we have further workshops ahead to fit everyone into the Passion. While Israel is a professional, all the other members of our remarkably talented cast are actors and actresses from local churches and local amateur companies, Universities and sixth-form colleges. We can also now confirm that Sir John Tavener has accepted our commission to write some music especially for us - a choral setting of the Winchester Prayer, the text of which dates from the tenth century! So, this will be a world premiere performance of a new piece by Sir John, performed by the Waynflete Singers. Here is the text of the Prayer. Lord Jesus Christ, I adore thee ascending the Cross; I beseech thee that the Cross may free me from the thrusts of the devil. Lord Jesus Christ, I adore thee wounded on the Cross; I beseech thee that thy wounds may be unto the healing of my soul. Lord Jesus Christ, I adore thee laid in the grave; I beseech thee that thy death may be my life. Lord Jesus Christ, I adore thee descending into hell to set free those in prison there; I beseech thee not to suffer me to enter there. Lord Jesus Christ, I adore thee rising from the grave and ascending into heaven; I beseech thee to have mercy on me. Lord Jesus Christ, I adore thee who art to come in judgment; I bessech thee at thy coming, not to enter into judgment with me, a sinner, But I beseech thee to forgive, rather than condemn.


The Winchester Passion – Bulletin Number 4

Philip Glassborow Philip is the Artistic Director and author of The Winchester Passion

Nine weeks and counting The ‘Blue notices’ are up on the Arbour, at the Great Hall, Law Courts and at the Buttercross: all signs of the detailed work that is being undertaken by scores of people to make sure that the Winchester Passion not only takes place, but is undertaken in an excellent way. John Wesley used to say of his preachers that they had an ‘extraordinary’ calling to proclaim the good news of Jesus. We have many people with an ‘extraordinary calling’, whether it be in the areas of acting, writing, technical, administration, planning, music, singing, etc. The experience of working with such a talented team gives me confidence that the Winchester Passion is going to be terrific. Think of it – on an untypically mild, dry evening in March, we shall have the enormous privilege of letting the story of Jesus loose on the streets of our lovely city. Wow, what a great occasion that will be; it is one of those unmissable events. Thanks Your enthusiasm is really very gratifying and we are delighted at the numbers wanting to be involved. We have people from around the south planning to bring coach loads to the event. Make sure you are in touch with your informal networks at home, family, work and leisure to share information about the Passion. From mid February, the ‘Invitations’ will be ready and available to you to share with others. Sorry to those of you who are waiting to hear. One of the blessings of so many people wanting to be involved is that we have a lot to do. You will hear and we are attempting to put in place the systems that we need to make sure there is the best communication we can provide. Now is the time for prayer, for encouraging those involved, supporting the process, getting alongside the hard workers, making sure as many people as possible know about the Passion. There are fewer than nine weeks to Good Friday. Make sure it really is Good with your presence, your prayers and your support. Revd Dr Howard Mellor

Howard is the overall Producer for the Winchester Passion 3

The Winchester Passion – Bulletin Number 4

Financial needs Our Budget today stands at £85,000 of which we have raised £58,600, (paid or promised) largely from Church sources and personal donations. We now have Peter Russell looking after fund-raising and he has already written to some 50 trusts. Over 150 businesses are also being contacted. If anyone has a particular close connection to a business or trust which might support The Passion, please contact Peter, phone 01962 865689 or via email: [email protected]. All help welcome. Your gift would be very welcome: Cash and cheques can be paid through your local church with all cheques made out to Christ Church PCC and marked ‘For the Winchester Passion’ on the back. Cheques can also be made payable direct to 'The Winchester Passion'. If you are a taxpayer and can give using Gift Aid, please write cheques in favour of Christ Church PCC and enclose details of your address and full name. Indicate that the gift is for the Winchester Passion and post it direct to: The Winchester Passion, Christ Church, Christchurch Rd, Winchester, SO23 9SR.

25hr prayer…. 6pm Friday 15th Feb to 7pm Saturday 16th Feb at Christ Church We will start at 6pm on a Friday 15th (– beginning of half term), and continue for 25 hours, with a big Finale for the last hour 6-7pm. The room will be set with some optional prayer stations and activities to support you in your prayers, there will also be some child friendly prayer activities provided. Sign up sheets will be at your church, you can commit to 1 hour, or the whole 25 hours! Day and night I bring you and your needs in prayer to God, whom I serve with all my heart by spreading the Good News about his Son. 4

Romans 1:9 (New Living Translation)

The Winchester Passion – Bulletin Number 4

Outreach THE TASK is to reach every home in Winchester with a personal invitation to the Passion - which means somewhere in the region of 20,000 homes and 300 people knocking on doors! CHURCH LEADERS - Can your church take responsibility for distributing within the parish or local community area, in the same way that some churches already deliver Parish magazines? Thanks if you have already agreed to help in this way. INDIVIDUALS - How about identifying an area near where you live and agreeing to visit every home with an invitation? GROUPS - Local community groups, home groups, why not agree together to target an area or two and make sure that every home has a personal invitation? The Passion is possibly the biggest community event ever to take place in Winchester and it is an incredible opportunity. We want to make sure the message of the Passion reaches every home and person in the city. If you live outside the city, you can become involved where you are by distributing in your own community. HOW DO YOU GET INVOLVED? • Complete the Response Form and send it to the Passion office or ring the office on 849559 or • Send an email to Peter Davey ([email protected]) • Tell Peter which roads you are wishing to cover • COME TO THE TRAINING EVENING THE TRAINING EVENING TUESDAY 26th FEB 7.30pm AT FAMILY CHURCH, STANMORE LANE Chris Kilby is going to give us some encouragement and hints about how to make this outreach successful. At this evening, we will be able to clearly identify the roads people are going to cover. You will need to sign your name on the list of Street Names in Winchester. DISTRIBUTION IS TO TAKE PLACE WITHIN THE TWO WEEKS OF 2nd - 8th AND 9th - 15th MARCH. 5

The Winchester Passion – Bulletin Number 4

Peter Davey Outreach Director

The latest on technology Being able to see and hear the Passion production is of paramount importance to us and we now have an excellent team to make sure it happens. We have Technology Site Managers at each of the sites (Orams Arbour, Great Hall & Law Courts, Buttercross and Cathedral) and, working under them, Technology Task Managers who will oversee a specific technology (sound, power & lighting, cameras and displays) at each location. Our team numbers about 50 engineers, many of them professionals, who will ensure that all the wireless microphones, huge LED displays, video cameras and sound systems serve the audience excellently- but there is still room for more help! We also have a team making a multi-track recording of Sir John Tavener’s music, which will be recorded on the evening of Thursday 13th March in the Cathedral. This will then be used in radio promotions, on the evening of the Passion presentation itself and on The Winchester Passion DVD which the University Media Department will make available some time after the event. Website, communication and sharing files/photos/resources Technology Team allocations will be shown on the 'Latest News' link next to my name on www.thewinchesterpassion.org.uk . Anyone can also contact any of the Directors to sign up and help in their area via the website. The website is updated about every three weeks so it does not always contain the latest information- please check the Gabcast (audio messages) and Esnips (shared files, promo, photos and video) links from our website for 'breaking news' and resources to which all Directors can upload. Your Directors should also be in regular email contact with you to keep you up to date - if they are not, contact them! Directors: if you lose your Gabcast or Esnips login information please contact me or Juli Wills.


The Winchester Passion – Bulletin Number 4

Technology Team Meeting Dates All meetings are at 7.30pm at Christ Church. Technology Site and Task Managers meet Monday 21st January. We will try and have site plans and schematics for you then. All Technology folks will meet Thursdays 7th Feb, 28th Feb, 6th March, Mondays 10th March and 17th March. Many of our team will be needed for much of Thurs 20th March and everyone will be needed from (very!) early on Friday 21st March- the big day! What will be where All sites will have power, lighting, sound and mobile video cameras to transmit back to large LED video displays at the Law Courts/Great Hall and Cathedral that will show all the action right from the start (so if you don't want to walk and 'follow Jesus' you can situate yourself at one of these locations). If you have mobility needs or a wheelchair, a cordoned off area will be available for you right outside the West end of the cathedral (where the final action will be). We hope to have Signers for the hard of hearing near one of the large screens at the cathedral. Any questions? Email me at [email protected] or, better still, contact: Ken Liddell [email protected] regarding cameras and displays Steve Lucas [email protected] regarding sound Doug Bennetts [email protected] regarding power and lighting Ewen Huffman (Technical Producer)

Schools Teams We anticipate taking a roadshow into a number of schools with a presentation around the story of the passion. • Are you involved in managing a school? • Would your school like a visit? 7

The Winchester Passion – Bulletin Number 4

Email David Williams at [email protected]

Wardrobe latest Designs for the costumes are coming together and should be complete soon. On 12th January we are meeting with the Drama Directors, who will each be responsible for particular scenes, to go through details. We understand that most actors have now been assigned their roles and we are meeting up with them to take personal measurements on 19th January. One group of characters will be in modern day dress which hopefully the actors may have in their own closets or we should be able to borrow. We also anticipate hiring/accessing some of the main costumes from other wardrobe contacts we have in the city – this should cut down on the amount of garments we have to make from scratch although we still have plenty of work ahead of us. Our first meeting for all those who have signed up to help with wardrobe will be on Monday 28th January, 7.45-9.15pm at Christ Church Winchester. This will be a time to meet together with the Directors, gain information and to pray. We hope to have dates/times/venues of further meetings, when we can begin to be creative with fabric, available at that meeting (and posted on the website). Yvonne Secker (Wardrobe Producer) on behalf of Lyn, Marjory & Melanie – Wardrobe Directors

For your diary: Sunday 9th March An afternoon ‘Pray the Way’

Praying and Walking the route of the passion play


The Winchester Passion – Bulletin Number 4

HOW CAN YOU CONTACT US? The office: The United Church, Jewry Street, Winchester. SO23 8RZ.

The office telephone numbers are 01962 878948 and 01962 849559 Via the web: www.thewinchesterpassion.org.uk


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