Unobtrusive Javascript With Jquery

  • July 2020
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More details

  • Words: 3,111
  • Pages: 134
Unobtrusive JavaScript with jQuery Simon Willison XTech , 6th May 2008

How I learned to stop worrying and love JavaScript

Unobtrusive JavaScript

A set of principles for writing accessible, maintainable JavaScript

A library that supports unobtrusive scripting

Unobtrusive JavaScript




We will cover • • • •

The what and why of unobtrusive JavaScript Why use a library at all? Why pick jQuery? How jQuery handles...

• • • •

DOM manipulation Event handling Animation Ajax

Unobtrusive JavaScript

Progressive enhancement Rather than hoping for graceful degradation, PE builds documents for the least capable or differently capable devices first, then moves on to enhance those documents with separate logic for presentation, in ways that don't place an undue burden on baseline devices but which allow a richer experience for those users with modern graphical browser software. Steven Champeon and Nick Finck, 2003

Applied to JavaScript • Build a site that works without JavaScript • Use JavaScript to enhance that site to

provide a better user experience: easier to interact with, faster, more fun

• Start with Plain Old Semantic HTML • Layer on some CSS (in an external

stylesheet) to apply the site’s visual design

• Layer on some JavaScript (in an

external script file) to apply the site’s enhanced behaviour

Surely everyone has JavaScript these days?

• There are legitimate reasons to switch it off • Some companies strip JavaScript at the firewall

• Some people run the NoScript Firefox extension to protect themselves from common XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities

• Many mobile devices ignore JS entirely • Screen readers DO execute JavaScript, but accessibility issues mean that you may not want them to

The NoScript extension

Unobtrusive examples


• One of the earliest examples of this

technique, created by Aaron Boodman (now of Greasemonkey and Google Gears fame)

How it works

• Once the page has loaded, the JavaScript: • Finds any label elements linked to a text field • Moves their text in to the associated text field • Removes them from the DOM • Sets up the event handlers to remove the descriptive text when the field is focused

Django filter lists • Large multi-select boxes aren't much fun • Painful to scroll through • Easy to lose track of what you have selected

• Django's admin interface uses unobtrusive JavaScript to improve the usability here

Implementing Terms and Conditions

Bad Have you read our terms and conditions?

Also bad Have you read our terms and conditions?

Better Have you read our terms and conditions?

Better Have you read our terms and conditions?

Best Have you read our terms and conditions?

Characteristics of unobtrusive scripts • No in-line event handlers • All code is contained in external .js files • The site remains usable without JavaScript • Existing links and forms are repurposed • JavaScript dependent elements are dynamically added to the page

JavaScript for sidenotes • When the page has finished loading... • Find all links with class “sidenote” • When they’re clicked: • Launch a popup window containing the linked page

• Don’t navigate to the page

With JavaScript window.onload = function() { var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i = 0, link; link = links[i]; i++) { if (link.className == 'sidenote') { link.onclick = function() { var href = this.href;, 'popup', 'height=500,width=400,toolbar=no'); return false; } } } }

With JavaScript window.onload = function() { var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i = 0, link; link = links[i]; i++) { if (link.className == 'sidenote') { link.onclick = function() { var href = this.href;, 'popup', 'height=500,width=400,toolbar=no'); return false; } } } }

With JavaScript window.onload = function() { var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i = 0, link; link = links[i]; i++) { if (link.className == 'sidenote') { link.onclick = function() { var href = this.href;, 'popup', 'height=500,width=400,toolbar=no'); return false; } } } }

With JavaScript window.onload = function() { var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i = 0, link; link = links[i]; i++) { if (link.className == 'sidenote') { link.onclick = function() { var href = this.href;, 'popup', 'height=500,width=400,toolbar=no'); return false; } } } }


Problems • This only executes when the page has

completely loaded, including all images

• It over-writes existing load or click handlers • It can’t handle class="sidenote external" • It leaks memory in IE 6

Problems • This only executes when the page has

completely loaded, including all images

• It over-writes existing load or click handlers • It can’t handle class="sidenote external" • It leaks memory in IE 6 • Solving these problems requires cross-

browser workarounds. That’s where libraries come in

With jQuery jQuery(document).ready(function() { $('a.sidenote').click(function() { var href = $(this).attr('href');, 'popup', 'height=500,width=400,toolbar=no'); return false; }); });

With jQuery jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('a.sidenote').click(function() { var href = $(this).attr('href');, 'popup', 'height=500,width=400,toolbar=no'); return false; }); });

With jQuery jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('a.sidenote').click(function() { var href = jQuery(this).attr('href');, 'popup', 'height=500,width=400,toolbar=no'); return false; }); });

With jQuery jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('a.sidenote').click(function() { var href = jQuery(this).attr('href');, 'popup', 'height=500,width=400,toolbar=no'); return false; }); });

With jQuery jQuery(function() { jQuery('a.sidenote').click(function() { var href = jQuery(this).attr('href');, 'popup', 'height=500,width=400,toolbar=no'); return false; }); });

With jQuery $(function() { $('a.sidenote').click(function() { var href = $(this).attr('href');, 'popup', 'height=500,width=400,toolbar=no'); return false; }); });

With jQuery jQuery(function($) { $('a.sidenote').click(function() { var href = $(this).attr('href');, 'popup', 'height=500,width=400,toolbar=no'); return false; }); });

Advantages • jQuery(document).ready() executes as soon as the DOM is ready

• $('a.sidenote') uses a CSS selector to traverse the DOM

• .click(function() { ... }) deals with crossbrowser event handling for us

• It also avoids IE memory leaks

Why jQuery instead of $X? • • •

Unlike Prototype and mooTools...

... it doesn’t clutter your global namespace

Unlike YUI...

• •

it’s succinct YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName()

Unlike Dojo...

... the learning curve is hours, not days

jQuery characteristics

jQuery characteristics •

Minimal namespace impact (one symbol)

jQuery characteristics • •

Minimal namespace impact (one symbol) Focus on the interaction between JavaScript and HTML

jQuery characteristics • • •

Minimal namespace impact (one symbol) Focus on the interaction between JavaScript and HTML (Almost) every operation boils down to:

• •

Find some elements Do things with them

jQuery characteristics • • • •

Minimal namespace impact (one symbol) Focus on the interaction between JavaScript and HTML (Almost) every operation boils down to:

• •

Find some elements Do things with them

Method chaining for shorter code

jQuery characteristics • • • • •

Minimal namespace impact (one symbol) Focus on the interaction between JavaScript and HTML (Almost) every operation boils down to:

• •

Find some elements Do things with them

Method chaining for shorter code Extensible with plugins

Essential tools Firebug extension for Firefox “Inject jQuery” bookmarklet jQuery API docs, inc.

Only one function! • Absolutely everything* starts with a call to the jQuery() function

• Since it’s called so often, the $ variable is set up as an alias to jQuery

• If you’re also using another library you can revert to the previous $ function with jQuery.noConflict(); * not entirely true

CSS selectors jQuery('#nav') jQuery('div#intro h2') jQuery('#nav li.current a')

CSS selectors $('#nav') $('div#intro h2') $('#nav li.current a')

CSS 2 and 3 selectors a[rel] a[rel="friend"] a[href^="http://"] ul#nav > li li#current ~ li (li siblings that follow #current) li:first-child, li:last-child, li:nth-child(3)

Custom jQuery selectors :first, :last, :even, :odd :header :hidden, :visible :even, :odd :input, :text, :password, :radio, :submit... :checked, :selected, :enabled, :disabled div:has(a), div:contains(Hello), div:not(.entry)


jQuery collections • $('div.section') returns a jQuery collection object • You can call treat it like an array $('div.section').length = no. of matched elements $('div.section')[0] - the first div DOM element $('div.section')[1] $('div.section')[2]

jQuery collections • $('div.section') returns a jQuery collection object • You can call methods on it: $('div.section').size() = no. of matched elements $('div.section').each(function() { console.log(this); });

jQuery collections • $('div.section') returns a jQuery collection object • You can call methods on it: $('div.section').size() = no. of matched elements $('div.section').each(function(i) { console.log("Item " + i + " is ", this); });

jQuery collections • $('div.section') returns a jQuery collection object • You can chain method calls together: $('div.section').addClass('foo').hide(); $('div.section').each(function(i) { console.log("Item " + i + " is ", this); });

The jQuery() function • Overloaded: behaviour depends on the type of the arguments

• Grab elements using a selector • “Upgrade” existing DOM nodes • Create a new node from an HTML string • Schedule a function for onDomReady • Usually returns a jQuery collection object

jQuery methods •

I’ve identified four key types of jQuery method:

• Introspectors - return data about the selected nodes • Modifiers - alter the selected nodes in some way • Navigators - traverse the DOM, change the selection • DOM modifiers - move nodes within the DOM

Introspectors • $('div:first').attr('title') • $('div:first').html() • $('div:first').text() • $('div:first').css('color') • $('div:first').is('.entry')

Modifiers • $('div:first').attr('title', 'The first div') • $('div:first').html('New <em>content') • $('div:first').text('New text content') • $('div:first').css('color', 'red')

Bulk modifiers •

$('a:first').attr({ 'title': 'First link on the page', 'href': '' });

$('a:first').css({ 'color': 'red', 'backgroundColor': 'blue' });

Notice a pattern? • $(selector).attr(name) gets • $(selector).css(name) gets • $(selector).attr(name, value) sets • $(selector).css(name, value) sets • $(selector).attr({ object }) sets in bulk • $(selector).css({ object }) sets in bulk

Style modifiers • • • • •

$(selector).css(...) $(selector).addClass(class) $(selector).removeClass(class) $(selector).hasClass(class) $(selector).toggleClass(class)

Dimensions • $(selector).height() • $(selector).height(200) • $(selector).width() • $(selector).width(200) • var offset = $(selector).offset() •, offset.left

Navigators - finding • $('h1').add('h2') • $('div:first').find('a') • $('a:first').children() • $('a:first').children('em') • $('a').parent() • $('a:first').parents()

• $('a:first').siblings() • $('h3').next() • $('h3:first').nextAll() • $('h3').prev() • $('h3').prevAll() • $('a:first').contents()

Navigators - filtering • • •

$('div').eq(1) // gets second $('div').filter('.entry') $('div').filter(function(i) { return this.className == 'foo' }

• • •


$('div').slice(1, 3) // 2nd,3rd $('div').slice(-1) // last

DOM modifiers • • • • • •

els.append(content) content.appendTo(els) els.prepend(content) content.prependTo(els) els.after(content) els.before(content)

• • • • • •

content.insertAfter(els) content.insertBefore(els) els.wrapAll('
) els.wrapInner('
) els.empty() els.remove()

DOM construction • var p = $('

').addClass('bar'); • p.text('This is some text').css('color', 'red'); • p.appendTo(document.body);

jQuery and Microformats

Favourite restaurant list

With JavaScript enabled

jQuery and Microformats

  • Riddle & Finns

    12b Meeting House Lane

    <span class="locality">Brighton, UK

    BN1 1HB

    Telephone: <span class="tel">+44 (0)1273 323 008

    Lat/Lon: <span class="latitude">50.822563, <span class="longitude">-0.140457

  • ...

    Creating the map jQuery(function($) { // First create a div to host the map var themap = $('
    ').css({ 'width': '90%', 'height': '400px' }).insertBefore('ul.restaurants'); // Now initialise the map var mapstraction = new Mapstraction('themap','google'); mapstraction.addControls({ zoom: 'large', map_type: true });

    Creating the map jQuery(function($) { // First create a div to host the map var themap = $('
    ').css({ 'width': '90%', 'height': '400px' }).insertBefore('ul.restaurants'); // Now initialise the map var mapstraction = new Mapstraction('themap','google'); mapstraction.addControls({ zoom: 'large', map_type: true });

    Displaying the map

    // Show map centred on Brighton mapstraction.setCenterAndZoom( new LatLonPoint(50.8242, -0.14008), 15 // Zoom level );

    Extracting the microformats $('.vcard').each(function() { var hcard = $(this); var latitude = hcard.find('.geo .latitude').text(); var longitude = hcard.find('.geo .longitude').text(); var marker = new Marker(new LatLonPoint(latitude, longitude)); marker.setInfoBubble( '
    ' + hcard.html() + '
    ' ); mapstraction.addMarker(marker); });

    Extracting the microformats $('.vcard').each(function() { var hcard = $(this); var latitude = hcard.find('.geo .latitude').text(); var longitude = hcard.find('.geo .longitude').text(); var marker = new Marker(new LatLonPoint(latitude, longitude)); marker.setInfoBubble( '
    ' + hcard.html() + '
    ' ); mapstraction.addMarker(marker); });

    Events $('a:first').bind('click', function() { $(this).css('backgroundColor' ,'red'); return false; });

    Events $('a:first').click(function() { $(this).css('backgroundColor' ,'red'); return false; });

    Event objects $('a:first').click(function(ev) { $(this).css('backgroundColor' ,'red'); ev.preventDefault(); });

    Triggering events


    Triggering events


    Events •



















    labels.js with jQuery

    ... ...

    labels.js with jQuery jQuery(function($) { $('label.inputHint').each(function() { var label = $(this); var input = $('#' + label.attr('for')); var initial = label.hide().text().replace(':', ''); input.focus(function() { input.css('color', '#000'); if (input.val() == initial) { input.val(''); } }).blur(function() { if (input.val() == '') { input.val(initial).css('color', '#aaa'); } }).css('color', '#aaa').val(initial); }); });

    labels.js with jQuery jQuery(function($) { $('label.inputHint').each(function() { var label = $(this); var input = $('#' + label.attr('for')); var initial = label.hide().text().replace(':', ''); input.focus(function() { input.css('color', '#000'); if (input.val() == initial) { input.val(''); } }).blur(function() { if (input.val() == '') { input.val(initial).css('color', '#aaa'); } }).css('color', '#aaa').val(initial); }); });

    labels.js with jQuery jQuery(function($) { $('label.inputHint').each(function() { var label = $(this); var input = $('#' + label.attr('for')); var initial = label.hide().text().replace(':', ''); input.focus(function() { input.css('color', '#000'); if (input.val() == initial) { input.val(''); } }).blur(function() { if (input.val() == '') { input.val(initial).css('color', '#aaa'); } }).css('color', '#aaa').val(initial); }); });

    labels.js with jQuery jQuery(function($) { $('label.inputHint').each(function() { var label = $(this); var input = $('#' + label.attr('for')); var initial = label.hide().text().replace(':', ''); input.focus(function() { input.css('color', '#000'); if (input.val() == initial) { input.val(''); } }).blur(function() { if (input.val() == '') { input.val(initial).css('color', '#aaa'); } }).css('color', '#aaa').val(initial); }); });

    labels.js with jQuery jQuery(function($) { $('label.inputHint').each(function() { var label = $(this); var input = $('#' + label.attr('for')); var initial = label.hide().text().replace(':', ''); input.focus(function() { input.css('color', '#000'); if (input.val() == initial) { input.val(''); } }).blur(function() { if (input.val() == '') { input.val(initial).css('color', '#aaa'); } }).css('color', '#aaa').val(initial); }); });

    Advanced chaining • Modified chains can be reverted using end() $('div.entry').css('border', '1px solid black). find('a').css('color', 'red').end(). find('p').addClass('p-inside-entry').end();

    Inline form help

    With JavaScript enabled

    Form help HTML

    We promise not to spam you!

    Form help JavaScript

    jQuery(function($) { // Set up contextual help... var contextualHelp = $('
    '); contextualHelp.hide().appendTo(document.body);

    Form help JavaScript // helpArrow is a div containing the ]- thing var helpArrow = $('
    ').css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'left': '450px', 'top': '0px', // This changes 'height': '22px', // This changes 'width': '20px' }).hide().appendTo(document.body);

    Form help JavaScript

    var helpBrace = $('
    ').css({ 'width': '5px', 'height': '100%', 'border-right': '2px solid #ccc', 'border-bottom': '2px solid #ccc', 'border-top': '2px solid #ccc' }).appendTo(helpArrow);

    Form help JavaScript

    var helpBrace = $('
    ').css({ 'width': '5px', 'height': '100%', 'border-right': '2px solid #ccc', 'border-bottom': '2px solid #ccc', 'border-top': '2px solid #ccc' }).appendTo(helpArrow);

    Form help JavaScript var helpBar = $('
    ').css({ 'width': '15px', 'height': '0px', 'border-top': '2px solid #ccc', 'position': 'absolute', 'top': '50%', 'left': '5px' }).appendTo(helpArrow);

    Form help JavaScript

    function showHelp(helpWrapper, helpHtml) { // Display contextual help next to helpWrapper div var top = $(helpWrapper).offset().top; helpArrow.css('top', top + 'px'); helpArrow.height($(helpWrapper).height()).show(); contextualHelp.css('top', top + 'px').show().html(helpHtml); }

    Form help JavaScript

    function showHelpForField(field) { var helpWrapper = input.parents('div.helpWrapper'); var helpHtml = helpWrapper.find('p.helpText').html(); showHelp(helpWrapper, helpHtml); }

    Form help JavaScript

    $('div.helpWrapper').find(':input').focus(function() {

    showHelpForField(this); }).end().find('p.helpText').hide();

    Advanced Events $('a:first').unbind('click'); $('a:first').unbind(); $('a:first').one('click', function() { // executes the first time the link is clicked } $('a:first').toggle(func1, func2); $('a:first').hover(func1, func2);

    Custom events function updateInbox(event, mail) { alert('New e-mail: ' + mail); } $(window).bind('mail-recieved', updateInbox) $(window).bind('mail-recieved', soundPing) $(window).trigger('mail-recieved', [mail])

    Ajax • •




    • • • • •

    jQuery.ajax(options) - low level control jQuery.get(url, [data], [callback]), [data], [callback], [type]) jQuery.getJSON(url, [data], [callback]) jQuery.getScript(url, [data], [callback])

    Ajax global events • .ajaxComplete(function() { }) • .ajaxError(function() { }) • .ajaxSend(function() { }) • .ajaxStart(function() { }) • .ajaxStop(function() { }) • .ajaxSuccess(function() { })

    Ajax sidenote

    $('a.sidenote').one('click', function() { $('

    ').load(this.href).appendTo(document.body); // Make the link stop being a link $(this).replaceWith($(this).contents()); return false; });


    var loading = $( 'loading' ).appendTo(document.body).hide() jQuery(window).ajaxStart(function() { }); jQuery(window).ajaxStop(function() { loading.hide() });

    jQuery(xml) var signup = $('div#en_sidebar div#signup.rhsbox'); var news_box = $('

    '); news_box.html(signup.html()); news_box.find('').empty(); var ul = $('
      '); var feed_url = jQuery('link[type=application/atom+xml]').attr('href'); jQuery.get(feed_url, function(xml) { var feed = jQuery(xml); feed.find('feed entry').each(function() { var title = $(this).find('title').text(); var link = $(this).find('link').attr('href'); var li = $('
    • ' + title + '
    • '); li.appendTo(ul); }); }); ul.css('text-align', 'left').appendTo(news_box.find('')); news_box.insertBefore(signup);

      Paste the above in to Firebug on any page

      Animation • jQuery has built in effects: $('h1').hide('slow'); $('h1').slideDown('fast'); $('h1').fadeOut(2000);

      • Chaining automatically queues the effects: $('h1').fadeOut(1000).slideDown()

      You can roll your own $("#block").animate({ width: "+=60px", opacity: 0.4, fontSize: "3em", borderWidth: "10px" }, 1500);

      A login form that shakes its head

      The shake animation function shake(el, callback) { el.css({'position': 'relative'}); el.animate( {left: '-10px'}, 100 ).animate( {left: '+10px'}, 100 ).animate( {left: '-10px'}, 100 ).animate( {left: '+10px'}, 100 ).animate( {left: '0px'}, 100, callback ); };

      The PHP $username = isset($_POST['username']) ? $_POST['username'] : ''; $password = isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : ''; $msg = ''; if ($_POST) { if ($username == 'simon' && $password == 'xtech') { if (is_xhr()) { json_response(array('ok' => true, 'redirect' => 'loggedin.php')); } else { header('Location: loggedin.php'); } exit; } if (is_xhr()) { json_response(array('ok' => false)); } $msg = '

      Incorrect username or password.

      '; }

      PHP utility functions function is_xhr() { return (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"]) && $_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"] == 'XMLHttpRequest'); } function json_response($obj) { header('Content-Type: application/json'); print json_encode($obj); exit; }

      The JavaScript jQuery(function($) { $('#username').focus(); $('form').submit(function() { var form = $(this); var url = form.attr('action'); var data = form.serialize();, data, function(json) { if (json.ok) { window.location = json.redirect; } else { ...

      The JavaScript else { $('#password').val('').focus(); shake(form, function() { if (!form.find('p.error').length) { $('

      Incorrect username or ' + 'password.

      ').prependTo(form). hide().slideDown(); } }); } }, 'json'); //, data, callback, type); return false; }); });

      shake() as a plugin jQuery.fn.shake = function(callback) { this.css({'position': 'relative'}); return this.animate( {left: '-10px'}, 100 ).animate( {left: '+10px'}, 100 ).animate( {left: '-10px'}, 100 ).animate( {left: '+10px'}, 100 ).animate( {left: '0px'}, 100, callback ); }; $('form').shake(); $('form').shake(function() { alert('shaken!') });

      jQuery Plugins

      Plugins • jQuery is extensible through plugins, which

      can add new methods to the jQuery object

      • Form: better form manipulation • UI: drag and drop and widgets • $('img[@src$=.png]').ifixpng() • ... many dozens more

      Logging the chain jQuery.fn.log = function(message) { if (message) { console.log(message, this); } else { console.log(this); } return this; };

      jQuery.fn.hideLinks = function() { this.find('a[href]').hide(); return this; } $('p').hideLinks();

      jQuery.fn.hideLinks = function() { this.find('a[href]').hide(); return this; } $('p').hideLinks();

      jQuery.fn.hideLinks = function() { return this.find('a[href]').hide().end(); } $('p').hideLinks();

      Extending the selector engine

      jQuery.expr[':'].second = function(a,i){return i==1;} $('div:second') - the second div on the page

      jQuery data() • Attaching data directly to DOM nodes can create circular references and cause memory leaks

      • jQuery provides a data() method for safely attaching information

      • $('div:first').data('key', 'value'); • var value = $('div:first').data('key');

      jQuery utilities • • • • •

      jQuery.each(object, callback) jQuery.extend(target, object) jQuery.grep(array, callback), callback) jQuery.inArray(value, array)

      • • • •

      jQuery.unique(array) jQuery.makeArray(obj) jQuery.isFunction(obj) jQuery.trim(string)

      Further reading • • • - API reference • • •

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