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  • Words: 25,905
  • Pages: 96
2-Xtreme:4 Unleashed Chris Iced out ballaz? Damn that's some shit. So yeah what's going between ya'll? Xion Uhhhh, What do you mean what's going on between us? Who's us? Chris You and your mom dude. Xion Fuck you. You ever look at your mom? Chris Nah she walked out on me. And my pops did too. You were here for that. Xion When was the last time you saw yourself? Chris This morning? Xion Now you know why your moms and dads left now. Chris Fuck you man. But yo. Thanks for saving my ass back there in the whole Brooke versus Jamie thing. I thought my ass was going down for that shit. Xion What do you mean? Jamie wasn't gonna do anything. Chris I questioned them both yo. Believe me they were going to do something. Jamie isn't even a member of 2-Xtreme why is she even jumping at that shit? Xion I dunno. Yo, you seen DJ yet? Chris Why? Xion You don't need to know why. But have you seen him? Chris Is this nigga gettin an upgrade for his X-gear. Xion Chill Chris. We're in public ight man. But no. You know damn right you're the only dickhead stupid enough to try my upgrades. Chris Ouch that hurt alot. Yo we gotta go to school man. We still juniors.

Xion Yo I asked you a question. I expected you to answer awhile ago but noooooo, you wanna get fly with yo mouth. So let me tell you right now. If you don't tell me if you've seen DJ or not I'm gonna find you after school and beat the shit outta you. Chris You're coming out of chracter again z. It's kind of not cool. Xion Oh you noticed? Can you fucking tell me if you seen DJ or not? Chris yo dukes chill. Xion Here we go again.... Ok look (At this time, Next Community school's bell rings and all the kids gathered in the front,including Xion and Chris, walk towards the school's doors. Xion's face has an angry expression) Chris Well my first class is science looks like I'm out. Xion oh hell no.... (Chris rushes into the doors and Xion tries to follow him but he loses Chris in the crowd of Mayhem. Xion then tilts his head to the side and spots DJ. He walks beside him all the way to Dj's locker.) Xion Yo D. DJ Yeah. Xion What's going on? Dj With what? Xion You know what I'm talking about. We do have lives beyond what the writer gives us. Dj I seriously don't know what you're talking about. And watch what you say about the writer... remember last time? Xion yeah...So... Ok look, do you remember with the lone wolf how you kinda had to open a vortex about yay high? Dj Oh yeah.

Xion Ok well you know how everyone on internet forums were trying to make a plot hole out of us not correctly closing it and then starting a book right after it and not mentioning anything about it? Dj Not neccesarily but yeah. Why? Xion Well Yay high, is now yay big. And alot of people have been trying to get close to it to take pics or something. And they have people on youtube trying to get people getting sucked into it and we kind of have to close it. Dj So take Chris. Xion I can't. The ghetto wolf started this problem with it's time travel crap. Dj Time travel? No such thing. Xion I hate you so much right now. Stop fucking around! Dj Zee...I'm not! Xion Ok now I'm pissed. You always do this shit and gimmie the same damn excuses. Dj If it's the same excuse shouldn't you know why I do this then? Xion Unfortunately you're right...Ok look seriously though. Dj I still really don't care...seriously. Xion What do you mean you don't care? This is the future of how we live, what we do, when we shit! (Chris comes flying through the doors of the stairway. He sees Dj and Xion and runs over to them.) Chris Emergency...The way we poop is at stake. Dj Shit...we gotta do something. Chris Does anybody know why and how? Dj Uh, I think Xion was saying something about that to me but then I played that game with him...

Chris When you make him talk and pretend you don't care? Dj Yeah. It's still a classic... Xion You're both assholes...Anyways seriously we have to do something about this. Chris Like what? Xion Well go to class I'll get at ya'll thorugh the X-Gear when I figure something out. (The all go seperate ways. Over at another school Brooke notices something strange. She calls Chris on his cell phone.) Brooke Chris, please say that you can talk right now. Chris I can't talk right now, I'm busy. Brooke Look nigga, if I have to tell you to stop looking at her because we know you never get the girl in the end one more time, I'm gonna beat the shit outta you again and worse then last night when I beat your ass worse then previous one. Chris Fine, What's good? Brooke I have this wierd feeling...Something doesn't feel right... Chris And? Are you trying to come out of the closet or something? Brooke Watch...If I see you in HQ I'm gonna knock you back into the time rift. Chris Look it was only a joke relax. Brooke I'm being serious here Chrissy. Chris Look Brooke. If anything goes wrong suit up. And then contact us.Ok? Brooke Fine. But watch something happen to all of us. Like one of those slasher movies. Chris That'd require nudity... Brooke

We'll see some tits...More then geeky pimples. Chris And that came from? Brooke Ugly ass dorks right by my face. Get..get..get the fuck away from me you star trek masturbating to power rangers asshole jerk offs named nerds. Chris That was pretty long. Brooke It was written in by the same guy who did your dialouge for the last 3 movies. Chris Interesting...Is this done? Brooke No. Chris How about now? Brooke I'm thinking about it mister... Chris Um...Now? Brooke Bye! (She takes a deep breath and walks into her next class. Back in Next Community School, Xion figures out something to do.) Xion Finally. Ok guys can you hear me? Chris Loud and unfortunately. Dj That was a mad whack joke chris... Chris Who says mad whack and claims to be black? Dj Your mom. Chris Ohhhhh burn! Dj Yep and now you gotta put it out bu-

Xion Shut up! We can't use the X-gear for that long. Chris where are you? Chris In class... Xion And you're being open about this? Chris Nah. I'm more hidden then Ryan Seacrest's sexuality. Xion ....Ok....We get enough gay jokes on him on VH1 leave it be. Dj where are you? Dj The floor. Xion Why are you on the floor? Dj That was a good Ryan Seacrest joke. Xion What floor are you on? Dj The libraries floor... Xion Ok I need both of you to meet me in the bathroom. And contact Victor if you can... Chris Did you try? Xion Twice. I can't even imagine what he's doing at this very moment. (Victor is shown smoking weed.) Chris Don't worry. Anyways over and out. Dj Roll out? Fool... Xion How did I meet these people? (Withen five minutes the three are in the bathroom. Xion presses a button on his X-Gear a picture of the sapce time vortex.) Chris Damn...That's threating my toilet times? Xion

Unfortunately yes. It's weak on power right now. It hasn't eaten in about 5 days. Dj What you mean eat? Chris You should know fat boy! Dj Ah come on we promised no jokes until we found out what the fuck was going on. Damn man that shit was cheap. Chris Cheaper then Xion's mom? Dj Man you're on fire today what you do take steroids? Chris They call me the Barry Bonds of jokes. Dj Man youXion Shut the fuck up! We have a serious issue here and all you wanna do is laugh and shit? Dj You know the drill my fams (puts hand on xion's shoulder) We joke around, get our ass whooped, then we get serious, make a plan, tease a death, and then win, end of movie, people come back for sequel. Chris It's all written in the book of knowledge. Xion Ok what ever. You guys had fun. Can we get serious. Dj We didn't get our ass whooped yet. Xion What the hell makes you think that there is gonna be a fight now? We beat everyone. We beat everything. (X-Gear goes off, Dj takes his hand off of Xion's shoulder). Chris You were saying all smart one? Dj Don't ever doubt the actual black one. Xion You're questioning my race?

Dj There wasn't a question mark when I read it... Xion I hate you guys! Chris You guys ready? Xion Slow down, we don't even know what the problem is. And we're in school. And we have to be back before the period ends. Dj We've been doing this since what? Seventh grade and now you wanna warn us about it. Chris Yo zee, you needa relax o.d. You've been stressing your self ever since that whole Jamie Brooke problem. So calm your shit man. Dj Word, no one is gonna get at chu. We can beat both of them up. Chris Wait. Are we talking about the same problem here? Dj What's yours? [Chris' Flashback] (Brooke is on the couch playing around with her morpher. Jamie walks in and kisses Xion who is sitting down.) Jamie So honey. Can I be a member of 2-Xtreme. Brooke No. Jamie You sure xion? Brooke Yeah I'm sure. Jamie Ok. Xion (Chair turns to face Brooke) What the fuck are you saying? Brooke I answered for you. Xion

Why, it's just gonna start some issue. Brooke She's blonde. She doesn't understand anything that comes out of your mouth let alone register anything that comes out mine. So me talking to her would be like you talking to her. Especially when you don't look. Jamie Wait...Are you saying I'm dumb? Xion No honey. Jamie Oh ok. Brooke You see! Xion Jamie could so be a member of 2-Xtreme. Brooke Yeah right. Jamie I could...I think. Chris (walks into the room and stands in the middle) I do not wanna be dragged into this. (starts to walk out) Brooke Wait! (chris stops) Do you think that Jamie could be a decent member of 2-Xtreme? Jamie Yeah do you? Chris (turns to face the two) Why am I being brought into this? Xion You're dumber then Jamie Jamie huh? Chris Nothing. But wait...Jamie as a member? She's not that dumb is she? Jamie No! In fact I'm only potrayed this way because of some adolescent youth who chooses to

stereotype my intelligence because I am in fact a blonde headed character in a story I quite frankly think demeans the face of women all over the country. When in fact I am trying to be a female role model to the female youth. Chris So? Brooke Yeah.... Xion Wow. So you wanna be in 2-Xtreme. Brooke What? Why? I had to work for this morpher. Chris She's hot. Brooke You saying I'm not hot? Jamie Yeah that's what he's saying. Chris Wait no.... Jamie Oh so you're saying I'm not hot.... [Flashback Over] Chris Then he had to jump in and since then they've gotten on his nerves about the whole Jamie joining thing. Dj Oh...my flashback is more of a fantasy so I'd rather not show it.... Xion You're a sick individual. Chris So we wasted time on that...now we have about 10 minutes until the class ends and we have to foil some kind of evil plot. Dj Sounds fun. Xion If I drop only one grade this year...I swear I will kill you all.... All 3 X-Mode Xtreme! (Doing the hand movements and activating the morphers, they finally morph. They then do a

pose) Go Ghetto! Dj Why do we pose? Chris Kills time.... Xion My grade is on the line you fucking assholes! Chris Chill kids could be watching this. (the 3 teleport to what looks to be a bank robbery/ hostage situation) Dj Hey cop, whats the situation? Cop 1 Uhhh...They have some people in there and they have a shit load of cash. Cop 2 It's been like that for a couple of days now. Xion Days? Cop 1 No. But it feels like it. Xion Assholes... (Xion looks inside and gets shot at. He dodges it quickly) Ok...So they are violent.... Chris I think we should just send the cops in as a barrier. Cop 1 What?! Chris Yeah we could hide behind you guys as you guys storm the bank. Cop 2 Sounds good. Cop 1 What are you a robot for Osama Bin Laden? (Over in some dark cave) Osama (In his language) Abort mission...I repeat abort mission.

(Back at the situation) Xion Don't be stupid. We can't risk the lives of cops. Dj We killed some.... Cop 1 What?! I'm sorry but I am gonna have to take you in. Chris With what proof? Cop 2 He's black. (doing the robot) Dj Actually...I know people in high places and Al Sharpton. Cop 1 Wow....Um we'll talk things over. Chris Ok look we have about 8 minutes to get back. So this is what we should do. I'll deflect, Dj cover fires, Xion you get in there. Xion Ok. Dj You guys ready. Xion Hellspawn! Dj Dark Blasta. Which I think is still a gay name. Chris X-Blade. (The weapons come from their respective locations and came to the three. they then took postions). Good luck. Dj Why do we need luck? Chris I dunno. I saw it in a movie. Xion Oh come on you ass holes. (Dj shot into the banks and return fire came and Chris rushed forward to deflect the bullets. Xion

began calculation of where the bullets are coming from. He joined Chris side by side and began to deflect bullets too.) Xion Ok look, there should be about three people shooting. That means right now they're shooting at where ever the bullets are coming from. Since Dj is shooting that means we can come in from the left window. Chris You sure? Xion Yeah, trust me. ( The two get to the left window and nod heads. Xion backs up and rushes into the in tact window...It doesn't break.) Chris You are so frail... (Does a hand movement and gets a strong wind to knock out the window.) That's how it's done. (gunshots come at the two. They quickly deflect the shots and rush in. Pushing over a desk they take cover. Xion examines the situation and sees that all three have a hostage.) Xion The guns only hold 7 rounds...they've been shooting none stop though. Meaning when one reloads another covers. So that means we have to make(Chris jumps over the bank and heads straight into things. Deflecting the bullets was nothing. He made a sign with his hand and made a wind blow the bullets up. Chris then took that chance to stab one of the gunners in the leg. He then grabbed the female hostage away from him and kicked the gun out of his hand. Xion joined and then Dj ran in. Xion kicked the second guy in the head then quickly turned around and gave him an elbow to his face. He let go of the hostage and he ran. The last guy Dj just shot in the arm and he dropped both the gun and the hostage. Xion and Dj got everybody out while Chris held the bullets in the air. When they were done, they had 1 minute to get back to class.) Chris Oh before I forget. (Chris took his sword and swung directly at the neck of Cop 2 cutting his head off revealing a bunch of wires and stuff.) Cop 1 Wow... To believe he has kids... Chris Kill them when you get home. (The three teleported back to school. As the cop looks down in shame.) Xion That was close... Chris We're not in class yet...

All 3 X-Down (They unmorph and run out of the bathroom and to there respective classes) ~~~After School On The Walk To HQ~~~ Chris Ok...Lets get this straight. Jamie's cousin is coming to live with her? Xion Yeah. Dj You're assed out buddy. Chris Imagine. (In a girly voice) Where do you live cuz? (Normal Voice) Oh she's homeless... Dj I can't wait to see that in person. Xion Well we can always find somewhere for her right? Chris Yeah...in that time rift. Dj Sounds good (sarcastic). Xion That reminds me. We should check it out later on today. Chris Yeah sure. Dj Yo it's been made boring since we basically killed everyone... Xion Yeah I'm gonna have to agree... Chris You think maybe we should stop? Dj That was the most crack headed shit I've ever heard you say. Chris You're right...But still, what do we do when everything is safe. Xion

Our job is done. Dj Do we keep our shit? Xion I guess. But come on that's not an issue. We're stuck on this whole Jamie's cousin Trinity thing. Chris Her name is Trinity? Xion Yeah... Dj Who the fuck names their child Trinity. No seriously. Think about it. It's retarded. Chris (laughs) Honestly though zee. Jamie's family is weird. Xion Why? Because she's britney's lil sister? Dj No shit that's why! Crazy white bitches. Chris Wait...Didn't you wanna go out with Jamie? Xion Oh...Looks like the table is turning on him. Dj It was a round table to start with. (Over in HQ, the new team Iced Out Ballaz are hard at work training when Jamie walks in. She has somebody with her.) Brooke Hold up! Lahene Why? Brooke Look over there. (She points at Jamie) Lahene Oh please tell me this bitch didn't ruin it for all of us. Jamie Hey guys, I wanna introduce you to my cousin Trinity. Trinity

Hey guys. Christian Well hello sesy. Trinity What? Kim Don't worry about it. Wait. Jamie...Why'd you bring her here. Jamie Because she's staying with me. Brooke Do you not tell us this shit first?! Jamie I told Xion. Brooke Was he paying attention? Jamie I think so... Christian That explains alot of this. Lahene Look Trinity do you know anything about us? Trinity Yeah I do. You guys are all part of 2-Xtreme. Brooke I'm gonna kill you Jamie! (She tries to run towards Jamie but Christian freezes her feet to the floor) Let me go! Jamie Relax, She's part of 2-Xtreme too. Trinity Yeah sorry for the worry guys but I am part of 2-Xtreme. Christian Say what? Trinity Yeah. I'm part of 2-Xtreme man... Christian What? How is that... Besides Colorado...we're the only people with this kind of technology. Trinity

Actually you're right. And my other cousins hacked a computer and recieved alot of information on how to harness it. Lahene Makes sense. Kim No it doesn't.... You broke into our systems. Trinity Wait. Not me...My other cousins. They did it for fun. So if you think that Jamie had anything to do with this, she didn't and to be honest with you, I had no Idea that you guys were 2-Xtreme until I got to this place. Brooke But still. Does Xion and Chris know that she's part of 2-Xtreme. Jamie No, I wanted to have some fun. Brooke I see...You know, you're turning into more of a person I like to know. Christian Everythings cool then? Brooke Yeah. (Lahene gets up and breaks Brooke out of the ice. Brooke and Jamie followed by everyone else in the training room exit...The time rift is shown to start spitting things out. More noteably, people and objects. One at a time. Dj is shown dropping his bags on a couch. All 3 are then shown doing the same. Xion hits a button and then an image of the house from the outside is shown. The inside turns into HQ. Xion takes a seat in front of the giant computer looking bored.) Xion Man everything is so stressful. I wonder what the future is gonna be like... Chris Yeah dude. You don't wanna know... Dj So bets people. I'm taking bets today....How many people think Chris is gonna get the girl in the end. Chris I got 20 against me. I'm not even in the mood to hype myself up for rejection. Xion Damn you're that bored. Chris Think about it. We used to have enemies. We used to have people against us. We used to have demonic creatures and stuff like that. Now were reduced to high school students with powers to fight crime. Crime! What the hell man. What happened to all the bad people?

Dj My dude...We dead ass finished and squashed any beef we have. All we have left is this stupid Time Rift. Xion There we go. We need to go check it out. Chris But what the hell...It's some simple job. All we're gonna do is close it. And there, job done. It's so fucking boring around here with out evil. This is why the fight for good is suppose to be a struggle. Because if good keeps winning then evil won't exist. Xion Who's the one coming out of character now? Chris I'm just saying. Lets toy around next time around. Xion What don't you understand? There isn't gonna be a next time. Chris, we're done with the fight. If anything happens, we'll be here. But as for now we're done. Chris You're wrong. We used to have passion for this shit man. We used to fucking live off of the adrenaline from fighting and thinking we're gonna die. Dj Yo Chris. You are like a bro to me. We know each other like this and like that. Look man. We were in this together...We were together from the start my dude...No homo...But look my dude...We're done. What in your right mind makes you think that something is gonna happen? (Alarm on the computer goes off loudly.) You know what...You my nigga. You gon tell my moms if she gon win the lottery tomorrow aight? Chris (smiles) No doubt. Xion Yo...this is some shit...We have um...Diablo....back.. Dj Nah...You gotta be shitting me. Xion No I'm not. I'm being honest, Diablo is seriously back in human form. Chris You mean as Earl? Xion Yeah. Dj Let him walk. Xion

Let him walk? Dj Yeah, when he starts trouble then we'll get at him. Xion Dj. You're missing the picture. We killed him...for good. He wasn't suppose to come back. We threw him in the time rift and decapitated him. Chris You think maybe? He came out of the time rift? Xion Lets go! We have to check it out. Chris Yo zee.. Just let it go. What bad can come out of it? Lets just rest man. Xion But you just gave me this whole pep talk about fighting evil! Chris Man I'm puerto rican...Leave me the fuck alone! I'm mad lazy. Xion Goes to show you why they think about stereotypes every time they walk out one of our movies. (Brooke walks in) Hey Brooke hows everything? Brooke Good....I guess. (Lahene walks in) Chris Ay bro. Lahene What's poppin? Dj Nothing my nigga. So yo what's really hood with an L? Chris Chill Dj we bout to head out anyways. Xion You just said wait!!! Chris Nah, something's up. (The three get up and are about to walk out) Yo, Brooke...anything going on? Brooke Nah...

Chris So what's this fuzzy feeling in my gut? Brooke You have to be as stupid as Jamie...I don't know what the hell is going on in your anatomy. (She and Lahene walk away) Chris Something is different. Xion Lets just go before you change your mind again. (The three leave and Jamie and Trinity walk in followed by Brooke.) Jamie Damn! Chris knew or something? Trinity Nah, it's just that he's the wind one right? Brooke Yeah (looks at her weird). Trinity Well a lot of the time the wind is kind of a guide to someone, even the slighest change in a pattern could change the course of a simple breeze. He probably felt one different from what he was feeling. Brooke How would you know? Trinity I'm the same way...hey you have anything to eat? My stomach feels weird. Jamie I felt the same way when I met Xion. Maybe you have a crush on one of the Iced Out Ballaz... Trinity No I don't. Believe me I would know.... Brooke Hm. That's weird. Follow me. (Over at the time rift Earl is seen walking away. He turns a corner and walks into a dark alley and changes into demon mode. He is now Diablo) Diablo What's going on? I could've sworn I was killed and scattered through out time. There's something up with the time rift, I need to know what. Unknown Guy Diablo we need you to come with me. Diablo

No, I answer to no one. Unknown Guy Believe me you're gonna wanna come with me...We believe in the same thing. Diablo And what's that? Unknown Guy A common goal. Diablo Kill 2-Xtreme? Unknown Guy Yes. Diablo How can I trust you? Unknown Guy Because you know me... (Steps out of shadow. He reveals himself to be the scientist that created the lone wolf.) And my name is Dr.Doom. Diablo No it's not. Unknown Guy So then you think of a super villian name. Diablo Um, how about Doc. Doc Just Doc? Diablo No one would ever suspect it. Doc No I'm sorry my friend, I have a hide out, I have a base of operations I don't have a need for anyone suspecting me. Diablo What ever. Doc Lets go... (They leave as 2-Xtreme arrive over the roof tops.) DJ Whoa. This shit is crazy. It reminds me of that shit from now. Xion What's up with everyone coming out of character?

Chris Just shut up man. Get the shit we need so we can go. I still got this weird feeling in my tummy. Xion and DJ Tummy? Chris Ok Niggas. I latch on to somethings my mom said and what? Xion Nothing...Oh nothing... Chris DJ does too. He latched on to never waste food and look where the fuck he's at now. DJ You bitch.... (Xion jumps down to further inspect the rift but he gets sucked half way in. Chris makes a symbol and gets the wind to blow him out.) Chris Gotta love mother nature. DJ Oh yeah the only milf you never see right. ( [+] flashed on the X-Gears and the team left to the problem immediately only to see that someone else was there already. And someone else had taken care fo the problem. They morphed in an alley and confronted the mysterious person.) Xion Who are you? Unknown Member None of your business. Chris How about mine? Unkown Member (Laughs) No not you either. Chris I would ask about DJ but...yeah he probably can't fit into your buisness. Unknown Member (Laughing Harder) No...Ok Well you are fellow 2-Xtreme so I guess it's ok to say but lets go somewhere private. Xion We have HQ but we don't invite just anyone there. Unknown Member

I been there already. Chris ...Wow Xion. Talk about timing. Anyways. So mysterious person, you sound like a girl....Enlighten us. DJ Yeah with your number first. Xion DJ...You understand she could be a he? DJ I could give the number to Jamie. Xion Asshole.... DJ Face it man. Scuzz..... Unknown Member Hey! That's my cousin. Xion Cousin? Chris Cousin? DJ Scuzzin? Unknown Member Shut up. Lets just go back to the HQ. (They all teleport to HQ where everyone de-morphed. Everyone stared at Trinity who stood there in front of the 3.) DJ Niggas...This nigga is chick. And she look good for a rocker. Chris Chill be. Ayo. You're Trinity right? (Chris dazed off into her eyes and she apparently was doing the same.) Trinity Ye-Yeah...Um. Hey. Chris H-Hi. Xion Ok lets just get this over with. How are you 2-Xtreme. Besides Colorado Springs...we're the only 2-Xtreme.

Trinity Xion right? Xion Yeah. Trinity You're the smart one with lack of sexual experience right? Xion Wh-What? Chris Sounds like him. DJ Yo Zee can she stay. Bitch is fine and she fits in. Chris Where? Nigga you take up everything. DJ I took up all that space making you. Chris With what donuts? (Trinity laughed. Chris smiled and looked at her and that funny feeling in his stomach grew bigger and so did Trinity's. Jamie walked in.) Jamie Ah. You met? This is Trinity my cousin. DJ Ayo Jamie. You know we go way back. You wanna put a word in for a nigga? Jamie Aren't you suppose to say that quietly? DJ Nah man I want her to know. Chris Shut up. Xion is right though, we are the only ones besides CS. Xion Yeah so how are you 2-Xtreme? Trinity Simple. My other cousins hacked your stuff so we harness the tech and I'm here as a independent member of 2-Xtreme Chris You single? Trinity

Maybe.... Jamie Xion I need to talk to you alone. So um lets go. Chris Whipped. (the couple exit right) So um Trinity? Right? Trinity Yeah. Chris Why'd you come here? Trinity Well I came becauseDJ Cuz I made you come. Over and over and over...Well I ain't make you but I can, if you let a brother holla at ya (he smiles). (Trinity punches DJ in the jaw and DJ falls to the floor.) Trinity First off I'm a virgin, second off I would never date an inconsiderate dick head like you. Chris You're amazing. Trinity What? Chris (Trying to cover up) I said the it's like a maze thing. Trinity What? Chris Yeah it's an inside joke between me and me. Trinity (She smiles) You and you? Chris I'll let you in if you want... Trinity Would that make me special to you? Chris (smiles)

Very. (DJ gets up off te floor.) DJ You're lucky I don't hit girls. I only hit it. (DJ laughs going for a dap to Chris but Chris doesn't extend his hand.) DJ Ah come on nigga. Chris Yeah, anyways, so Trinity...Why are you here anyways? Trinity To get Jamie to come home, but if things are like this than I don't wanna leave. Chris If you stay that beautiful than I wouldn't wanna leave either. (The two gazed at each other as DJ left the room.) Trinity You think so? Chris I know so...You're beautiful. Trinity I think your handsome. Chris You know with the way you present yourself I'd never expected the word handsome to come out of your mouth. Trinity You shouldn't judge something you don't know. Chris You mean jumping to conclusions. Trinity Yes making assumptions. Chris Usually I'd have the last word. Trinity I guess that means I am special than. Chris I guess you could say that. Trinity Why is there something else I am?

Chris Yeah. Trinity What's that? Chris I have no idea but when I think of it I will get it to you. Trinity Chris, right? Chris Yeah. What do you only pay attention to your part of the script? Trinity (Smiles) Shut up. Chris So um, let me give you the grand tour of our HQ. (The two walk out as Jamie and Xion come back in.) Xion Okay, so we make Trinity happy and show her it's cool to be here than you could stay? Jamie Yeah. Baby I don't wanna leave you. Xion I know, I don't wanna let you go either. Jamie So it's a deal? Xion Well so far everything is going according to plan right? She's probably checking out the HQ. (Show a quick shot of Chris and Trinity making out on Chris' bed.) Jamie Ugh, you don't think anything stupid is gonna happen right? Xion What's the worse that can happen? (Show a quick shot of DJ fighting Chris for her.) Jamie You know how boys are. Xion I'm not like that am I? (Show a quick shot of Xion fighting DJ and Chris wearing a I heart Trinity shirt.)

Jamie That's right. And I'm not that way either. (Show a quick shot of Jamie making out with Trinity. Xion fighting in the I heart Trinity shirt gets knocked through a wall by Chris and DJ and Chris go through it. Xion and Jamie slowly whistle and cover their face and walk away.) Xion So anyways what we have to do is get that hole to close before we get shouted out for not closing it any time soon. Jamie Okay. Go get the boys baby, I'll hold this part down for you. (She kisses him as he presses a button on his X-Gear. Instantly he was gone. He met up with Chris and DJ where the rift was. Cut away to the Doc and Diablo.) Doc If I've timed this right than that means we can go through that time rift and alter time so that we never lose and then get the material we need for our plan. Diablo What if they follow us? Doc Knowing Xion than I know he won't let anyone go in without knowing what's going to happen. Same goes for that idiot DJ. Diablo But Chris is there fearless leader. That means what ever he says goes. Doc You think that's going to stop Xion? Anyways did you see the news today? Diablo(Changes into human form Earl) Yeah. Some new 2-Xtreme member single handedly took down some monster. Doc Yes, that is the member we need to find out about. That member might have some power that we need to power this baby. (Camera zooms out to giant gun, it then zooms back in to the doc.) If things go according to plan then we can take over the world. Earl Look Doc, my mission was to destroy 2-Xtreme, not take over the world. Doc Diablo my friend...You don't see the bigger picture. I'm the brain and you're the muscle. You'll get your opportunity to take down those stupid adolescents one by one and I get the opportunity to gloat as if I did it. Earl I'm not stupid. This whole world domination plan is for you to take over and then dump me because you don't need me. I'll be working solo. So if you need anything that doesn't involves betraying me give me a call.

Doc Look, Diablo I will pay you with 3 donuts. Earl 3? Doc Yes 3. Earl Deal! Doc Here's the plan, I need you to go to town as Earl and draw as little attention as possible. Go to Point Square warehouse and inspect it for me. Earl Deal...but when do I get my donuts? Doc After the job. (Back at the rift, Chris and Xion inspected it while DJ ate a cookie.) Xion It seems as there might some kind of reaction going on in it. Chris Well no shit... DJ For a genius, you're mad slow. Chris My point exactly. You ever seen his mom? Looks like she has down syndrome. DJ Really? Chris Yes. She's always going down on someone. Xion Shut the fuck up! Where's your mom and dad at? Chris Wait, we were talking about moms...Since when have you had a dad? Xion Since forever? Chris Damn! DJ Pay up...

Chris What the hell zee, you couldn't be a test tube baby? Xion You have herpes shut up! Chris If I had herpes...Jamie would too. Xion Why is that you find a way to always get on my nerves. DJ Nerves? You're just pussy. Xion You're just ugly. DJ Ugly say what? Chris I was just about to ask you the same question fat boy. Xion Can we stop fucking around? You're suppose to be the fucking leader of my team and you always sit there and make fucking jokes with your fat best friend. Can you not joke for about one minute without a girl insight and be serious. Chris I'm the leader, I'll do as I please. Xion Fine then when this mission is done, I'm breaking up with you guys. DJ You're so fucking homo zee. Even when you're being a douche you're homo. Xion This is exactly why I wanna break away from this retarded team. You only listen to what girls say. You can never think for yourself. Chris Is that right zee? When knowing you're the only fucking member with a girlfriend at the time? A girl who has no experience in action yet you wanna consider her as a candidate to become the next member of your team that I lead? Xion Yes because she has more sense than all of you. She also has something called respect. Something I'm suppose to recieve from my fellow team mates but I can never seem to get it... DJ What ever I'm out! (DJ teleports back to HQ)

Chris Do you wanna know why you get no respect? It's because you do nothing that deserves respect. You tell us what to do we do it, but never once have you ever said thank you for saving the city when you were to busy fucking around with Melissa. Never once did you apologize for being late to the fight when you were buying Jamie pads. Xion never fucking once did you give us the respect that you're asking for. Xion I've never done anything to deserve respect? Look at what the hell is around your wrists. What did your athesist ass believe that god sent those to you as a thank you for considering my existance gift? No! I slaved my ass off working on something for me, yet you and DJ, being the juveniles you are, stole it from me. Chris Stole? You used us as fucking test subjects because you were to afraid to do it on yourself. We fucking took a risk for you and you never said thank you for that either. Face it your an ingrate who demands what he doesn't deserve. Xion And you're a self centered, self concious, womanizing, asshole! You never once wanna let up who you really are because you're afraid of what DJ might think of you. You only care about yourself and those you decide to care about. You're fucking inconsiderate amongst the latter. Chris And you know what, I'm choosing to not care about you. You wanna leave your own team go ahead, but as long as I lead my team, I'm gonna do shit my way! Xion Fine! Chris Okay! (teleports back to HQ.) (We go onto Diablo who's at the ware house checking the pipes. He walks around a bit and then stands in the middle. He sees a red x on the ground and decides to step on it. He smiled and flashbacked to when he got killed in 2-Xtreme 2: Nitemare of The Ghettobyrd. As the flashback ends his smile turns into a smirk then his facial expression changes into an angry one. He kicks dirt onto the the X and walks away. We get an outside shot of the building as he's walking away. We then go into a shot of a quiet HQ. Chris, DJ, Jamie, Trinity, and Xion all sat in the living room in the house disguise for HQ. Jamie sat next to Xion and across from the other three. The T.V was on but it was on mute. The room was colored blue but it had scratches of missing paint on it from when Chris slashed the walls. Trinity looked at Jamie and then at Chris. ) Trinity[Thoughts] I wanna talk to him but I don't wanna be the one to break the silence. If no one talks I'm leaving...if he does. Xion[Thoughts] Why are they here anyway? I mean I built this place I should kick them out! I should ask what Jamie thinks first. Damn I really am whipped. DJ What the fuck? Ya all mad pussy. Can't talk cause there was a problem. Chris

Word. I'm pussy. Trinity Really? Chris ...I don't kn-know. Trinity Hey can I ask you something? Chris Sure. You wanna get away from here or something. Trinity Hey lets go for a walk. Anyone wanna come? [Thoughts] Please say no. DJ Nah yo. I'm hungry and it's Brooke's turn to make or get food and she always brings KFC. Xion No thank you. Jamie Have fun ya'll. (Together the two walked outta the room and out of HQ. The started walking down Dead Man's Valley. The dirt path, surrounded by tall grass, made for a nice setting as the sun was making its self known on the two.) Trinity I wanted to ask you, what do you think of me? Chris Why? Trinity Well I know I look a certain way but I'm not a certain way. So like, you made that statement before about not looking like the type to say the word handsome and I juChris So I was on your mind the whole time I was gone? Trinity (Blushes) Um...Uh. Not really. Chris Oh...Well uh. (He stops in place and Trinity stops two steps ahead of him and turns to face him. The two make direct eye contact. Camera focuses on that shifting back and forth between the two's eyes.) When I look at you I feel something I've never felt before. Trinity

It's like an empty feeling but it feels so full. Chris The wind changes for me and blows in your direction. Trinity Like it's letting me know that you're the one. Chris & Trinity That I'm supposed to be with. Chris Just because you look a certain way doesn't mean you are a certain way. Trinity (Smiles) I am single. Chris I don't want you to be. Trinity What? Chris I don't know you, but life is about taking risks. I want you to be my girlfriend. Trinity You don't know me. And it's not worth the risk. Trust me. (She sighed and turned away. Chris walked up to her and put his arm around her.) Chris That's up to me to decide. Trinity You're different. Chris I've heard that before. Trinity I don't want to be played in a place I've never been. Chris It's a risk. Trinity I wanna give you my heart. Chris I wanna protect it. Trinity You say all these things now but I'm not sure if you mean them or not. Chris

Stop asking yourself. Ask your heart. Trinity Why are you like this way with me but not with the guys or around them to say the least? Chris You're different. Trinity (She holds the hand of the arm that's wrapped around her shoulder.) Do you accept that? Chris More than you think. (They looked at each other in the eye.) Trinity If you're thinking about kissing me, I don't kiss on the first date. Chris (leaning in) Thankfully it isn't the first date. Trinity (Leans back with her head causing Chris to stumble forward) I don't meet someone in one day and fall head over heels. Chris It's a risk. (He regained composure) Trinity (She looked him in the eyes) Besides if we're gonna be together you have to know...I'm the dominant one in the relationship. (Trinity smiles and leans in for the kiss. Chris pulls back causing her to stumble forward.) Chris (smiling) I don't meet someone and kiss them on the first date. Trinity (laughing) You know what? Chris What? Trinity I like you a lot. Chris You just met me though. Trinity It's like-

Chris & Trinity Love at first sight. (The two share on more intense passionate stare before the both go in fot the kiss. Zoom out and cut to Xion and Jamie at HQ) Xion What kind of person does he think he is? Jamie Who Chris? Xion Yes Chris! Who does he think he is?! He can't lead a team that my technology created. Who does he think he is? Jamie Do you think maybe there's a reason why Chris is the leader? Xion What? You're my girlfriend and now you're turning your back on me? Jamie No. Baby listen. Chris may be irresponsible at times but he knows what's right for this team, he's led you guys this far hasn't he? Xion And we died once! Everytime we go into some fight he never has a plan at first. We rush into battle before thinking things through. Jamie But look at where you guys are now! You are all alive and kicking. Xion But that doesn't make him a good leader. It doesn't make him leader at all. Jamie So then babe, ask yourself could you do any better? Xion (Taking a pause before answering. He looks around and his eyes flare open) There's only one way to find out. I love you, I'll be back. Jamie Where are you-(Xion leaves through teleportation.) Going...I just hope you know what you're doing babe. (At Doc's "lair" Earl returns and informs Doc of the place.) Doc So? What's it like? Diablo It's the same thing as it was before I got thrown into the Time Rift. Doc

Excellent. Diablo Why? Doc We need to lead 2-Xtreme there. Diablo Why? Doc My gun will be there. Diablo You must not understand that your gun is here. Doc Does the word transportation mean anything to you? Diablo Ha! How are you gonna get that thing over ... (Earl looks down and then back up at Doc. His face looks as if he's figured out the plan.) Doc You're the muscle. (At the Time Rift. Xion is inspecting it closely.) Xion [Thoughts] I need to figure out to reverse the polarization in order to control the stream of time that was ripped. Chris (Over X-Gear) Zee we need you back here. Xion No! Chris What ever you say. (The camera zooms into the X-Gear and Zooms out and now it's on Chris who's standing in front of HQ with Jamie, Trinity and Iced Out Ballaz.) Jamie I don't want to go back. Trinity I'm sorry but I can't stay and I was told to bring you back. Chris Trinity...is there anything you can do though to keep her here?

Trinity I was only told to stay a couple of days but now John wants me to come back with Jamie now! Christian Who's John? Jamie My other cousin...Trinity's brother. Brooke Okay so why has Jamie been here for so long but all of a sudden they want her back? Jamie I don't know Trinity never told me. Chris So Trinity? Trinity No ones cared until they found out this is where she was. Chris So if no one cared then... Trinity Look this is what I was told to do and I need to do it. I'm sorry I love you Jamie but if you don't come with me willingly then I'm gonna have to take you by force... Chris (Show emotion on Chris' face as he looks at Trinity in disbelief) And...And what if we don't let you. Trinity Chris please. This truly has nothing to do with you or 2-Xtreme in general. This is family business. Chris 2-Xtreme is a family...And Jamie being here means she's part of our family. So this is our business. Lahene Yeah. Brooke Shut up groupie. Christian Chris has a point though...We're all a family. Chris Exactly. We all come from somewhere different but together we make up 2-Xtreme. No matter which branch we are. We all come together to come form 2-Xtreme. Trinity In which jurisdiction gives you the right to speak about being a family? Chris when I became "2Xtreme" we had to hack through your files. I know that someone left the team at the end of some fight with a giant wolf. I know that someone left this family to go in search of there own. You

abandoned them once but you came back to them. That's what I was told to do. You of all people should understand this. My family left Jamie and let her be taken by you guys...but now they want her back. Chris And what do you want? Trinity I wanna get this done? Chris You understand that ripping apart a piece of our family is like ripping out a piece of our hearts. Brooke Look Trinity. We know you have something to do but everyone fails once in awhile. Trinity So let me know why do you guys try so hard to succeed? Chris Cause... (In a sad voice) We don't wanna fail. Trinity I'm sorry Jamie. But lets go. Brooke No! Jamie go upstairs you're staying here. (Everyone excluding Trinity looks at Brooke surprised) What? Jamie You hated me like a day ago. Brooke Just shut up. Trinity I don't want to hurt you guys. Chris Really? You've gone beyond that already...Suit up... X-Mode Xtreme. Iced Out Ballaz Iced Out 2..Xtreme Trinity X-Mode Xtreme. (All the groups morphed and Jamie ran upstairs. Chris blocked the door way but couldn't help but feel saddened. Trinity took her stance as Kim rushed in full power. Trinity stepped to the side and watched as Kim went crashing through the wall. Lahene came at her with strong punches but Trinity re-directed all of his shots at her. Brooke then pushed Lahene away and came in with a kick at Trinity's head. Trinity ducked under it and punched Brooke hard to the ground. Trinity

drove her foot into Lahene's side and it sent him flying into a huge computer screen. Christian made ice fly at her but Trinity made a hand movement and a strong wind pushed the ice at Christian freezing him in place.) Chris Holy shit! You took down I.C.B quick... Trinity Chris please. Chris I'm sorry I can't let you do this. (They begin to fight and take it outside of the house. Jamie watches from a window. They begin to talk as they fight.) Trinity Chris please. Chris You don't have to do this. Trinity Yes I do. Chris Who's forcing you?! Who the hell is watching over you and screaming for you to do this?! Trinity My family is waiting! Chris What makes you think that we can't be your family? Trinity Because I'll never have a real family! Chris So then what the hell are you talking about some family back home for? Trinity Because I'm adopted... (The fight stopped) Chris What? Trinity Jamie isn't my real cousin. John isn't either.. Chris So then why are you going so hard about this? (They stand still looking at each other in the middle of the street.) Trinity Because they took me in. They fucking took me in when every family looked at me and said no!

They don't treat me like I'm one of theres but because they took me in I am fucking grateful to them for that! I don't have a real family okay and your stupid lines won't work on me. You can't be my family. (She de-morphs. Chris does too.) Chris So if we can't be your family what makes you think you can be my girlfriend? Trinity I don't think that anymore. I never will either... You are the type of person I don't want to meet. Chris But you met me. Trinity And I resent it. Chris So if that's how you feel...I'm sorry to send you home. Trinity Send me home!? I'm fucking going home. This was never meant for me. Chris How can you go home to place that isn't yours? (Trinity begins to walk off. Chris stands there feeling remorseful. Cut to inside the house as Xion arrives where the fight took place. He looks around in disbelief.) Xion What the hell happened here? Brooke (Getting up slowly) Trinity tried to take Jamie. Xion Did she get away? Brooke I don't know. Chris took over the fight. Zee, she's really strong. Xion Shit. Jamie! (He runs out of the room and outside where he sees Chris sitting down on the curb.) Chris! Where's Jamie? Chris ...In her room. (Xion goes back inside as Chris remains sitting down on the curb. The camera shows Chris looking down with his fist balled. Thunder is heard and rain begins to fall. Instead of going, Chris stays outside and gets soaked while re-thinking his actions. He looks up as the rain continues to hit him and then looks out towards the way Trinity walked off. Cut to DJ walking in the halls and bumping into Xion.)

Xion Watch out DJ. DJ Zee. She's good. I need to talk to you though. Xion What? DJ It's about the team. Xion What about it? DJ We're not good. We're fucked up. Xion And? DJ This shit is gonna lead to problems nigga. Xion I'm not the leader. DJ Yeah and when you finally admit that you've already let the team fall to pieces. Xion What do you want me to do DJ? I can't go back in time and make Chris not go to Colorado Springs. I can't stop his parents from leaving him. I can't do that. DJ Nigga it's not about any of that stuff! It's about how we got two fucking conceited ass niggas butting heads with each other because both of them are selfish. Xion So then DJ, you tell me why I am not leader of a team I created. DJ You can create something but it doesn't mean you own it. Xion How is that possible? DJ You're the genius...ever read the bible? Xion Don't bring religion into this! DJ I know I know. Then a bunch of people are gonna protest cause we're trying to convert people but seriously. God created the earth...we run it.

(Walks off, Jamie is seen leaving her room.) Xion Where are you going? Jamie To talk to Chris. Xion What the hell. I came to check on you because apparently something happens andJamie Chris called you...You said no. Xion But I was... Jamie I'll be back. (Jamie walks off leaving Xion stunned. Cut to Chris still sitting on the curb. She walks over to him and sits besides him.) Why? Chris Why what? Jamie Why'd you let her go? Chris ...Why? Jamie It's easy to see how you two liked each other. Chris I had to let her go. Jamie Why? Chris She needed to be alone. Jamie You think that because what? Chris She needed to think. Jamie Chris! Are you stupid? (Smacks him up side the head.) Chris What the hell?

Jamie Chris she's adopted. Chris Yeah I know. Jamie She told you? Chris Yes. Jamie So then I don't fucking get it why would you let her go. Chris She had to think. Jamie She's been alone all her life and when she thinks she has comfort in you, you abandon her just like her family did. Chris I gave her a chance though. Jamie She gave you a chance. A chance to prove your different. She doesn't usually talk about guys. In fact if you two did become something you would've been her first boyfriend. Chris, there's something about you that everyone likes...but sometimes you just make the wrong choice. Sure we get through it but this is something you should fix before you really mess up. Chris Mess up? I've been messed up. I left you guys...I left you guys without direction to go find something I wanted. Jamie You mean needed. I understand your suffering Chris but you need the love of a family and sometimes I think you'll never find it with us, but then I look at all we've been through. How you guys kidnapped me at first but then gave me a place to call home. I love being with you guys. You guys like me here for who I am. You guys are my family. And when you left to go find yours I thought it was cool but as time went on before you came back I thought it wouldn't be the same. You need that feeling of being wanted and we want you here...but Chris...Trinity is the same way. Chris I don't want to rely on someone else. Jamie Sometimes you need to. And I think you and Trinity could lean on each other... (Chris looks at Jamie with tears in his eyes. The camera focuses on him and her as she hugs him.) Chris Jamie...I need to find Trinity and let her take you back then.

Jamie I know. Chris Are you sure you want this? Jamie This is destiny...we can't fight it. Chris What about Zee? Jamie I'll talk to him. He's another one that needs to lean on someone else when times are rough. Chris I'll see you later. (Chris runs off in the direction of Trinity) Jamie Good luck hun. (Jamie goes back inside as the camera follows her into a confrontation with Xion). Xion What the hell is going on? Jamie Zee...I'm leaving. Xion Wait..Why? Jamie It's something I need to do. Xion No what you need to do is not leave at a time like this. Jamie And what time is it? Xion It's a bad time to leave. Jamie But I need to know hun. Why? Xion Because shit isn't right. This team isn't right I need you. Jamie There are times when you need someone...and then there are times when you don't. I think I'm not the person you need babe. Xion So then who is?

Jamie You're surrounded by them. Xion What ever, what about you going? When will you come back. Jamie I don't know. Xion Are you leaving or is Trinity taking you. Jamie I'm going with Trinity... Xion Why? Jamie Zee...This isn't something that concerns you. Xion But it concerns Chris? Jamie To a degree yes... Xion Jamie. What's wrong with you? Jamie Look baby, the question isn't what's wrong with me...You. What's wrong with you? (Jamie walks past him and jogs up the stairs leaving Xion angry.) (Doc and Diablo are in the warehouse with the gun inside. Diablo makes fire come out of his hand and he burns out a piece of the ceiling. Doc makes the gun point upwards out of the hole.) Doc This trajectory should be enough to hit the time rift. Diablo And why are we doing that? Doc If we hit the time rift chances are we can, simply put, control the power of the rift. Diablo Don't you need that new guy to power this thing. Doc That's my next order of business. Diablo. I'm gonna need you to work on un-veiling that member's identity. Diablo What's with all this incognito work?

Doc Donuts? Diablo Yes I know I'm a whore for that shit but still. My sole purpose is to eliminate them. You're making me waste my time by doing this. (Turns human form) I can't take all this shit. Doc Look my friend. You want action you'll get it soon enough. I promise. Earl Where are the donuts anyways? Doc You'll get them when you find out who that member is. Earl Fine. In the morning I'll get at it. (Chris finds Trinity laying down on a bench as the last scene fades into this. The rain is pouring hard.) Chris You look cold. Trinity (Sits up and looks at Chris) What do you want? Chris To say I know... Trinity You know what. (She stands up.) Chris I know how it feels...to be abandoned by my family. Trinity I don't care. Chris I know what it feels like be alone. Trinity You're saying all this stuff as if I wanna hear it. Chris I know what it feels like to be in love with a person I just met. Trinity You can't love me.

Chris I know what it feels like to never wanna fail but always amount to it. Trinity I don't get why you're doing this. Chris I know what it feelsTrinity Shut up! Enough of what it feels like Chris. I know what all that feels like too. What are you trying to make a point of? Chris That I feel what you feel. Trinity No you don't. That's the problem with everyone. They assume because they can imagine something that they know what it feels like. Chris But I don't have to imagine it I lived through it. Trinity And why all of a sudden does it matter to you? Chris Because I care. Trinity And I don't. Chris You can't say that now and expect me to believe it. Trinity Why not? Chris Because if you didn't care you wouldn't be here talking to me now. We'd still be fighting in front of the HQ. Trinity And what makes you so sure about that. Chris stop assuming things about me. You don't know jack shit about me. Chris And some crazy feeling in my stomach is telling me that you want me to learn. Trinity Stop assumChris Stop saying I'm fucking assuming this shit! I know that I want to learn about you! I know that I want to get to know you! Stop assuming that I don't care about you. Sure I fucking joke around,

sure I've only known you for a day...But look at where I am right now. I'm standing in the rain trying to apologize. If I didn't care I wouldn't be here. If I was abandoning you I wouldn't be here, if I didn't feel like you were worth every breath I'm breathing right now I wouldn't be here! Trinity I'm not worth anything of yours okay. I never expected to meet someone like you who just sweeps me away so you threw me off. Honestly Chris, you're cool. You're a cool guy but I can't have you in my way. Emotions over ride the thought process. They get in the way of too much... Chris And what's a few obstacles between me and you? Trinity This isn't about us though! It's either about you or it's about me. It can't be about us because we aren't us. I was meant to be lonely Chris. I was meant to do things on my own. I was meant to have that hollow feeling everytime my adopted mother says the word daughter. Having you around isn't gonna make these feelings go away. Chris You're talking like you know that already. You're talking like all you wanna do is give up on something you wanted to try so badly. I used to feel the same way. I wanted to give up butTrinity But what Chris? Were you picked up by some people who pretend to be what they're not. (The camera focuses on Chris' face as he remembers what Xion said about him. Show a translucent image of Xion saying this behind Chris. "You never once wanna let up who you really are because you're afraid of what DJ might think of you.") Chris (With a sad tone in his voice) I am one of those persons. Trinity So then what did you have planned for us Chris? We're you gonna use me? (The camera focuses on Chris' face as he remembers what Xion said about him. Show a translucent image of Xion saying this behind Chris. "And you're a self centered, self concious, womanizing, asshole!") Chris No! I wanted to love you. I wanted to be the one you can turn too. Trinity And look where we're at. Chris ...I'm here to help you though... Trinity CHRIS! There is no way you can help me. Jamie (Off Screen) Really? (Camera Shifts to her. Then back to Chris and Trinity.) Chris

I'll miss both of you. Trinity What's going on? Jamie Lets go Trinity. Trinity No IJamie What? Trinity ...Nothing... (Trinity and Jamie walk off together leaving Chris standing by himself. When Chris returned to HQ Xion punched him in the mouth. Falling back Chris extended his arms trying to find something to stop the fall. He held himself against the wall then stood straight up. He rushed at Xion and brung him into the dining room where N.E.X and DJ were eating. Immediately they scattered as Xion went crashing into the wall. Victor tried to pull Chris away but DJ pulled Victor back letting Chris and Xion fight.) Xion I don't get you Chris. You can't fall for someone in a day. You can't have all this happen in a day. Chris Like today wasn't enough proof that it could happen... (Xion got up and met Chris in the middle of the dining area. They traded blows for a good minute and then pushed each other away. DJ tried to hold everyone that tried to intervine back. But all the mean while he had one thought stuck in his head. He looked at the clock then back at the digital calendar. Finally he run into the middle where Chris and Xion were fighting. He got in between them and kicked Chris in the balls) DJ Bangkok. Chris (In pain on the floor) You didn't ask what the capital of Thailand was... DJ I know. (He smiled) Listen I understand why this is all happening so quickly. Xion ...You've got to be kidding me. (The room all looked at DJ shocked.) DJ Just listen. 5 minutes ago it was close to 11. It's 6 am now. Time has been going by faster.

Xion I get it. So by time going by faster. The events that happened in this day were scattered through out a timeline but since time accelerated it all happened in what we thought was today. Destiny is happening much quicker than it should be. Chris (Getting up) So no matter what we were always gonna fight? Xion Apparently so...This means Jamie got taken in a week from now. DJ Why a week? Chris I think it's because the way things panned out you could almost see it was week. Each time a day passed time had to have increased because we didn't notice it. Brooke (Coming in from the members crowded in front of the dining room) So then that means that this had to be happening before Trinity came. The reason why me and Jamie got so cool so quickly. Xion It has to be the time rift we never closed. Victor How do we close it? Chris We don't know. Xion Wait...At a certain projectory we can go inside and change the timeline... (Xion looked at Chris who looked at him with glossy eyes...He looked down and kept his head down as everyone shifted their eyes at him.) Brooke Do we have too though? Xion Not exactly. If I have enough time to study the rift than I'm not really sure we have to change everything at once. Chris (Looking up) What do you mean? Xion I'm thinking we can control the events and the way they happened inside of the time rift. It's just a matter of not getting lost in time or messing up the space time continum. I honestly think it's a dangerous job but I don't think it'd really bother us that much...Like Chris, you'll still know Trinity in your heart but you won't know who she is until you meet. DJ, you won't know that dinner is ready until you smell it.

(DJ grinned) It's just a lot will change no matter what we do inside that rift, we could lose each other and we could lose everything we ever loved by doing this. It's a risk but I'm sure some of you would rather take this than lose everything. Brooke I'm willing too. Lahene (from in the crowd) You have Iced Out's vote. Victor And N.E.X's Xion Well what about you guys? (He looked at DJ and Chris.) DJ Yeah. I guess. Chris ...Yeah. You have my vote too...Let do this. Xion Now I need you guys to do me a favor. Diablo came back as Earl and we let him rock. I need you all to bust into his place and investigate. Chris (Standing up.) We can do that. What about the rift? Xion That's what I'm going to do. I'm going to go get more info on it. If I don't come back I've saved everything into the X-Gear. You'll know what to do if you can follow the intstructions the right way. DJ Can I lead this one? Xion Sure... Chris Sure... DJ Everyone head to the morph room. Brooke ...Why the morph room? DJ We all need space to morph at one time...Duh! Chris

BURN! (The team heads to the morph room every member takes a positions and gets ready to morph.) DJ Ready? Everyone Ready! DJ and Chris X-Mode Xtreme! ....Go Ghetto. N.E.X N.E the after E-Fect. Iced Out Ballaz Iced Out, 2-Xtreme. (All the teams morphed and teleported to in front of Earl's apartment door. DJ and Chris were the too closest. They made gestures to each other about going and opening the door) DJ I don't get it..What are we trying to do? Chris Wait...I don't know...what were you trying to do? DJ I don't know. Chris You were the leader though. DJ I meant lead the morph thats all... Chris Are you serious? DJ Yeah why? Chris Why would you only wanna lead the morph? DJ For a close up. Brooke (from behind them) Open the door already! (Chris turns the knob but it's locked. Out of nowhere Lahene comes bulldozing through the members behind Chris and DJ and breaks the door down. DJ and Chris look at him and mumble things about weight watchers. They split into groups, DJ, Chris, Kim, and Genie went into Earl's

bedroom. The looked around and found a lot of odd things. They all meet up in the living room. Lahene is eating food and DJ is trying to find something to eat in the kitchen while Chris contacts Xion.) Chris (Into the X-Gear) Zee, we got nothing here. No sign of him. In fact according to the fattest boy on the team, his food was mostly rotting in the fridge. To be honest it smells like he hasn't been here in awhile. (Cut to Xion talking into his X-Gear while taking data in from the Time Rift) Xion Well then that means he has to be up to something. If we know Diablo and Earl the way we do, then Earl is Diablo again. (The alarm on the X-Gear begins to go off alerting them there's trouble going on. Xion checks it.) New plan. Chris, DJ...meet me at HQ. Send the rest of the team to the warehouse at Point Square. There's some kind of reading there that's oddly not recognized. (Cut back to Chris in Earl's apartment) Chris (into the x-gear) Got it. (He presses a button on the X-Gear) DJ we gotta go back to HQ. Kim What about us? Chris Vic, lead the team to point square. Let us know what you find there. Victor Fuck man I'm trying to get some pussy tonight and now I gotta do this? Chris Yeah sorry... Victor Yo if my girl says no to me when I get to HQ...I'm gonna be mad. DJ Who's ya girl? Victor Susie... (Chris and DJ teleport away while the camera focuses on Victor leading the team to Point Square warehouse. [It's still raining.] When they get there they are instantly attacked by Dyce Babies. They all broke up to take atleast 3 dyce babies at a time. The only two members who were not fighting were Brooke and Lahene, they infiltrated inside to see what was going. Inside they spotted Diablo and Doc with Jamie knocked out and Trinity fighting Dyce Babies. Brooke rushed in to surprise Diablo. Diablo instantly saw her and Lahene, who was right behind her, and motioned the Dyce Babies to attack them. Diablo then went to go fight Trinity. Trinity morphed quick but not quick enough to avoid Diablos hit to the head. She fell to the floor but held on. She was exhausted but stood up only to be met by more quick hits from Diablo. Everytime she fell to the floor Diablo picked her up and punished her more all until she un-morphed.)

Doc Yes...Yes... Take off her X-Gear and bring it too me. (Diablo did so and took off her X-Gear and picked her up on last time. He looked her in the face and smirked.) Diablo You remind me of Chris... (He took off one of his scales and watched it turn into a sword. He starred at the blade and then held it so the tip was at her neck. She had some tears coming down from her cheek knowing that she couldn't do anything to stop her fate. Just as Diablo was about to drive the sword into Trinity's neck, Brooke came in between the two bumping Diablo away from her.) Brooke Just cause you're stronger this time doesn't mean anything. Diablo I hate 2-Xtreme... (Brooke and Diablo started fighting as Trinity fell to the floor. The camera switches to her point of view [blurry and fading to white slowly]. You can hear the sound of her heart beat and the sounds around her. Her breathing is hard but she doesn't want to give in. She looks around at Jamie who is still un-concious on the same floor as she is. She then started remembering things that Chris told her. The camera then focuses on her face. The pain looks unbearable and she's struggling to keep her head up. The Camera quickly switches to Brooke's fight with Diablo. Diablo is beating Brooke just as bad as he was beating Trinity. Close up on Diablo's face, you can see it's a different Diablo. One more lethal and saddistic. Diablo watched as Brooke fell to the floor and unmorphed his sword become a scale on his demonic hands now, he held Trinity's X-gear in one hand and Brooke's neck in the other.) Diablo 2-Xtreme sickens me to the point where I don't care how many times I need to die to kill you. Each and everyone of you! Doc (calling from the gun) Diablo! Bring me the X-Gear! (Diablo continued to squeeze on Brooke's neck. Each second that passed she looked more and more lifeless. The camera showed Trinity on the floor finally out, Jamie on the floor, Lahene getting held back, and the other members on the outside being outnumbered by the Dyce babies.) DIABLO! BRING ME THE DAMN X-GEAR! (Diablo didn't want to let this opportunity pass him by. He brung his nails into her neck and her neck began to bleed slowly... Finally some help arrived in the form of Christian. He froze the Dyce babies holding Lahene back and ran for Diablo who was still slowly killing Brooke. Christian was hit with Diablo's fire shield which encases Diablo and Brooke in fire. Christian looks from the outside and begins to remember how this team came together.) Flashback (Christian was walking into HQ for the first time behind Chris and Xion) Christian So... I leave the third world for this huh? Kinda homo.

Chris I told you zee... Xion Look, this is the team you'll be leading. (Xion shows Christian a picture of Lahene, Brooke, and Kim.) Christian A team? But I don't need a team. I'm better off on my own. Chris If I show you boobs will you join? Christian The only worked once...now I want a hooker. Xion A hooker? You could've asked for anything but you ask for a hooker? Christian I was only seeing how far you would go into making me stay. Chris I like him, zee... Christian HOMO! Xion Ugh. Iced Out get out here... (The team entered the room and lined up side by side in front of Christian, Chris, and Xion. Christian couldn't move his eyes off of Brooke.) Christian I'll do it. (The flashback goes into different moments of training. It always showed Christian making Brooke laugh and helping her out. It showed them in their first fight and finally the flashback ended with....) Diablo Nothing is gonna get in the way of me killing you and your friends. (He increased the pressure he was applying on her neck. The blood was slowly dripping down her neck.) Christian Take me! Please take me. (He dropped to his knees. Even with his ability to create Ice and manipulate water into becoming ice he had no control over his emotions. His desire to see Brooke happy brought him to his knees. Diablo turned his head and looked at Christian with fire in his eyes. Diablo was infatuated with tormented souls and he knew killing Brooke would torture Christian forever. He dropped Brooke onto the floor and turned his body and attention to Christians tears.) Diablo You're fate is lying dormant on the floor. I want you to watch her suffer...

Christian Please...Just take me...I won't fight it...I'll call off the team. Just take me. (Lahene came rushing from the back and tried to break through the fire shield...It had no effect. Trinity crawled over slowly from the ground over to the fire shield. She felt her hand burning as she tried to reach into the shield. Diablo noticed this and saw that she wasn't hurt enough. He wanted to handle Trinity but instead he ended up putting his foot on Brooke's neck. Brooke tried crying out for help but she couldn't. Christian couldn't stand being helpless so he blasted ice from his hands into the fire barrier that surrounded Brooke and Diablo. He didn't try and freeze it. He focused on one area. Lahene then used punched through that area that Christian was holding the ice beam. He had his hand inside the barrier. Lahene grabbed Diablo by the neck and forced him through the barrier, breaking it in the process. Diablo accidently let go of the X-Gear while being brought through. Christian let go of the ice beam and collapsed to one knee. It took a lot out of him to sustain that much power.) Doc DIABLO! Get the X-Gear now! (Doc was getting frustrated and move closer to the action.) Christian Lahene...I can't hold my morphed form that much longer...I need you to hold off Diablo so I can get the girls to safety. Lahene I'll try my best bro. (Lahene and Diablo began to brawl. Their wasn't much flashy martial arts. Straight punches and jabs were being thrown. Lahene was strong but he lacked stamina and that began to show as his punches began to lack power and appeared sluggish. The focus then turns to Trinity who's crawling over to Brooke to check on her. Christian is now un-moprhed and gets there first. He checks on both the girls but is more concerned about Brooke.) Trinity (Struggling to speak) Chris-tian....My..my X-Gear...give it to me. (Christian turned to see where it was and painfully walked over to it slowly. He kneel'd down to pick it up but he was knee'd in the face by Doc who picked it up himself. Christian sturggled to pick himself up.) Doc Do yourself a favor...Keep yourself down. (Doc drove his foot into Christian's face. Every member inside the warehouse was defeated.) I guess being the villian I should explain myself. Ladies and gentlemen this here is my gun. My gun will hit the vortex, otherwise known as the time rift, and I'll be able to control what it does and how it happens. In stupid langauge...I'll control time and the events that occur in them. And thanks to that girls X-Gear I'd have enough power to go through with this...Thank god for Diablo's midnight donut run... 2-Xtreme this is your finale. (Over at HQ Chris, DJ and Xion went over what was gonna happen and how.) Chris Well...Yeah lets get this right. I'm taking care of re-adjusting the time frame between me and Trinity?

Xion Correct. Dj will take care of other members and I'll take care of closing it. DJ Lets go this. (The three teleport to the Time Rift. Each one of them take one deep breath.) Xion Look Chris I'm sorry for any of the pain you had to go through by taking my X-Gears. Chris Don't be this is destiny... Xion I know you understand by doing this we could never end up a team together. DJ Xion, your just like my brother. Xion I thought Chris was... Chris Dude, we're a family no matter what. And even if one of us doesn't make it back, where ever we are...We'll always be that family. Xion And Trinity? Chris This is going to make her life better...hopefully. DJ Bro, you sure you wanna do this? Chris (Chris takes a long pause and a deep breath before sighing it out.) Yeah... Xion Okay, Chris I need the wind on DJ to push him left-ward sending him into the current timeline. When you push me in I need you send me to the right. When you send yourself in you need to go up. Chris Got it... (Chris makes the hand symbol for wind.) Ready? DJ Lets go! (Chris makes the wind push DJ forward. He strengthened the wind when DJ was about to go into the Rift so it pushed him left.)

Xion Remember he needs to come out at the warehouse to meet up with the others. He'll give us a heads up when everything is good. Chris What about you? Xion I'm gonna go in and try and close it. Chris How? Xion The ghetto wolf. Chris And if you run into the Lone Wolf? Xion I'll take care of him. Chris Zee...if it doesn't close? Xion I'll make my way to the warehouse too. Chris But your sure that the rift is gonna be there no matter what time we end up in? Xion Positive. It's ripped through the time stream so no matter what it's gonna be there. Chris Are you ready? Xion I'm sorry it had to be this way between you and Trinity. Chris It's only this way because we had no control of it...No matter what zee...This would've happened...I'll try and make it so Jamie stays with us. Xion Thanks. Are you ready? Chris Oh yeah. (Xion jumps in front of the wind Chris was controlling. It pushed him close into the Time Rift but at the last moment Chris pushed him right. Chris put his hands behind is back to get the wind to push him forward. Before he went into the rift he pushed him self up with the wind and he went up in the rift...Back at the warehouse the members on the outside are getting beat badly by Diablo who made his way outside. After all of them are defeated by Diablo he throws them into the warehouse. Doc looks at him taking his attention away from the power core of the X-Gear.)

Doc Why'd you bring them all in here? Diablo I want to kill them one by one. (The camera shows every member in the warehouse in their misery but only Trinity and Brooke close to death. Brooke is struggling to breathe and hold on her life while Trinity is close by trying to not let her life slip. Diablo stands over Victor first and lifts him in the air by the neck. He tosses him into one of the walls and laughs an evil laugh.) Doc Diablo! There are still 3 members missing. Chris, Xion, and DJ. Diablo Chris... (Diablo remembers how Chris killed him) Xion.... (Diablo remembers how Xion killed him) DJ.... (Diablo remembers how DJ killed him. He walked over to Victor and hoisted him up by the neck again. He punched him the face driving the back of his head into the wall. He brung his head out from the wall and looked Victor dead in the eyes while choking him.) Where are your leaders? Victor (Struggling to talk.) Do....you...al...so...come...in...peace? (Throws him all the way into the other wall. After his body hits the wall he lands on the dirt floor in the same state as the rest of 2-Xtreme. Hurt. Kim tried to attack Diablo but she a driven into the ground by Diablo. Every member that tried to go after him ended up in worse shape then they were already. Diablo's eyes flare open at Jamie. His memories flash by, reminding him that Jamie and Xion are together. He wants to see Xion's torment when he finds out Jamie is dead. Diablo walks over to Jamie and lifts her up she's still un-conscious, so he drops her. He took a scale off of his leg and it became a sword. He swung it around. Camera switches to Trinity who's struggling to get up to help her cousin. Diablo lifts the sword up high above Jamie getting ready to impale her at the neck. As he's bringing the sword down he sees Trinity standing on her feet.) Trinity She is my family. My only family. I won't let you take her from me. Diablo So you will die first!!! (Diablo ran over to her and punched her. She fell slowly to the ground, her head bounced off of the floor and Diablo stood over her.) You're stupid for thinking you can hurt me. No one can hurt me! (Diablo kicked her in the gut and she was sent back a bit more. Brooke looked on wishing she could help but fighting for her own life.) Brooke 2-Xtreme is your family. (Brooke's words put fire into Trinity's will. She got up on her feet and looked at Brooke. She then noticed Doc behind her working on her power core. She needed time to make a plan so she

made herself fight Diablo knowing there isn't much she could do to him. Diablo continued to beat the life out of her, enjoying every hit. He threw her over to Jamie and she landed besides her. She looked at her with a tear coming down...) Trinity I'm so sorry Jamie. Diablo This is it! 2-Xtreme is in the palm of my hands! (He stepped over Christian who was on the ground knocked out. He looked at Brooke and brung the tip of the sword onto her stomach...he slowly pushed down on it. And finally he thrusted it in. The pleasure he felt from hearing her scream made him smile. He pulled the sword out of her body and watched as Trinity stood up.) Trinity BROOKE! (Diablo threw the sword at Trinity and she tried to catch it but it was too late. The sword had pierced it's way just under her shoulder. She fell back. Her eyes still open but in shock from the wound. She couldn't do anything but listen as her family died around her. The camera switches to Christian and he's moving is hand to send a distress signal to Chris, Xion, and DJ...And when Chris got the call he was too busy to respond. He watched as Trinity arrived in New Ghetto City to a greeting at the bus station from Jamie. Xion had explained to him before they left to not be seen by anyone he knew so it wouldn't alter how things happened. Chris remembered his mission. he needed to make sure the events are spaced out so things that minor things that happen inbetween them occur before the major events. While watching Jamie he noticed that Trinity had three bags with her. He remembered that in Trinity's room there were only two bags.) Chris She never mentioned anything about forgetting a bag. Or even it getting stolen...so what happened... (Chris continued to watch as Jamie and Trinity make their way towards HQ. He saw that Trinity still had her third bag. He followed from the trees but lost sight when a bus passed by. That's when she had two bags. He saw the bag on the floor and rushed to pick it up. He tried to throw it in front of her but he was sent flying into a nearby building and back into time. Chris' X-gear got a message from DJ saying he made it to the warehouse and he was fighting Diablo. Switch to DJ fighting Diablo while talking to Xion on the X-Gear.) DJ I worked things out so(DJ ducked under one of Diablo's punches) Chris and you fought over a 3 day period. (DJ tucked and rolled under Diablo's kick.) Jamie was involved. It was part of why she went with Trinity. So I'm not sure how that helps Chris. Xion (Over the X-gear) It should send him out of the original rift he was in and send him to one where he can do things. Which members are there? DJ (Shooting at Diablo with the Dark Blasta) Brooke is seriously hurt and so is Jamie. Xion

Fuck! What about the Trinity is she still there? DJ She's fucked up pretty bad, she's dying dude. My nigga, everyone was fucked up badly when I got here except they said they remember getting split up because Brooke and Lahene wanted to play heroes. Xion So you fixed the member situation! Good! But DJ You need to make sure that Trinity doesn't die before Chris gets the chance to fix her timeline. DJ About that...Her X-Gear was taken from that scientist that was with the lone wolf. He's powering some gun with it and he plans to control the power of the rift. (Diablo dodges the shots and moves quickly so that he gets close to DJ. He hits him hard.) Xion Well we need to get out of here...I'm coming back. I'll contact Chris! (The fight between Diablo and DJ turns into hand to hand combat as DJ tries his best to not get hit. Camera focuses on DJ's deflection of Diablo's attack. At this point have the camera go over to Doc and show him nearly finishing removing the power core of Trinity's X-Gear. The camera then zooms out to show Diablo and DJ fighting somemore. [Focus on DJ's strain with hand to hand combat.] Diablo finally breaks through and connects with a kick to the face that puts DJ on his back. Diablo stands over him and looks down at him. DJ gets up quickly and goes back to fighting Diablo. The scene changes to Xion making his way out while talking to Chris) Xion (Into the X-Gear) [Who ever is talking will show up on the screen] We need to get out of here. Chris Dude I didn't finish my mission. Xion It doesn't matter, DJ says Diablo is working with someone who's gonna take over the rift. Chris But I need to make things right! Xion Usually, I wouldn't...but this is something that will change lives. Just try and get out of here when we call you. Chris Don't worry I've basically finished up with a lot of shit over here. I just need to put in order a few last things and... Xion Chris?...Chris? Chris!? (The scene changes to Chris standing still and looking up. The camera shows what Chris is looking at. It's the Lone Wolf. It begins to attack him and Chris dodges quickly. The Wolf chases after Chris who is on the run now. The scene changes to Xion finally arriving in front of the time rift. He teleports to the warehouse as quick as he could. When he got inside he rushed to the

sides of who ever he saw first and activivated the teleportation on them. He rushed over to check on Brooke but Diablo spotted him. At this time every member but Brooke, DJ, Jamie, and Xion have been teleported back to the HQ.) Xion Shit, we need to get you to a hospital. Brooke I....ne-...ne-...need...to...s-...stay..an..and...f-..ight. Xion No you can't..Look you've done too much for us already we can take care of this for you. (Xion was slashed across the back by Diablo who rushed at him after beating DJ down. Xion screamed in pain as Diablo smiled. Diablo continued to slash at Xion's body. Focus on the voice of Xion going through to Jamie.) Diablo Being a hero must be tough. Having to protect others before protecting yourself... (gets hit by DJ's shot from the floor) Ugh! The only thing you will ever have on me is numbers! Doc I have completed it! (Presses some buttons on his giant gun and sets in the power core.) Time is mine! (He activates the gun and the scene changes to Chris finally being caught after a little bit of chase is shown. The Lone Wolf growls at Chris and pins him down with his paw.) Wolf What are you doing here? Chris What's it matter to you? Wolf I am the protector of time...Having you here could disrupt things. Chris Protector of time? We sent you here in the first place. Wolf While that is true, you and your friends did me a favor that I can never forget...you set me free. Chris Look man, I would love to hear your story but I gotta finish what I was doing... Wolf Do not worry about what you need to do. You are fine. Chris You think so? Wolf While your nature is playful you will need to be serious. I control the balance of time from here.

Chris So you've been moving the time faster? Wolf I needed to get you here. Chris Well I'm here so why do you have me pinned down? Wolf (Lets Chris go.) I needed you here to stop Doc. He's the guy who threatens our destiny. Chris Our? Wolf I'm destined to protect time. Chris Wait wait wait. You said we set you free, what did you mean? Wolf I was alone, human. I had no one else. In here I have time. And no matter how far I go in this place, time will always be with me. Chris Time is with you everywhere though. Wolf While you may believe you have time has an advantage in your world, you do not. Things happen the way you make them happen. It merely depends on timing. Chris Yeah I know what but time is everywhere though. Wolf Time has you in your world. Here I have time. Chris You didn't have to be alone though. We could've helped you. Wolf Time is on your side Chris. Chris And you're time...Oh shit I gotta go. Wolf I can't let you finish this Chris. You're gonna have to go back to your world. Chris Why? No I need to help the people I care about! Wolf

I've seen your future if you stay. You won't live to care about anyone else. Chris Wh..what? Wolf I revealed too much. I need to get you out of here. Chris And what about you? You don't think that you deserve more than time? Wolf What I deserve is what I think suits me. Chris But not everyone deserves what they think they deserve. Wolf If you leave now you'll be able to tell that to someone. (Chris looked at Trinity who was walking with Jamie in the background behind The Lone Wolf. He looked up at the wolf and nodded.) Chris How can I get there quick enough before this place closes? Wolf Hop on my back. I know that Doc intends to close this rift so he can control time. I've seen what will happen, (Chris jumps on his back. The Wolf runs as quickly as possible and the scenary changes to bluish space.) when he closes this rift. It will become just another weapon. There is no changing that. Chris So what do I do? Wolf When this rift closes time will be restored to when Doc created the plan only this time he would have no need for Trinity's X-Gear. Chris He needed her X-Gear? Wolf It powered the gun he's using to control time. He kills her Chris. Chris No... Wolf Just listen to me and remember this because we're at the end of this journey. Things have restored to when you're leaving school except the rift will no longer be there. When you get back, you need to try and piece everything together because knowledge of this happening will be no more. Let your heart guide you to the future. (The Lone Wolf stops and tosses Chris off his back and into the air. Chris' eyes close and when

he opens them again he's beside DJ and Xion walking in Dead Man's Valley.) Xion So Jamie's cousin Trinity is gonna be here in a few days. Chris What? Xion Yeah... Chris No what did you say? Xion Jamie's cousin Trinity will be here in a few days to pick up Jamie. DJ That sucks. Well nigga, back to blow up dolls and asian porn. Chris Is that what all the sound is at night? DJ No. That's me fucking Richard's mom! Xion No one is laughing... DJ (Looks at Chris who keeps repeating the name Trinity to himself) What's the matter bro? Chris Trinity..That name sounds so...soo... DJ Gay right. (He laughs and expects Chris too but he doesn't. Xion looks at Chris as if he expected him to laugh.) Yo. You sure everything is aight? Chris I don't know. Things just feel weird. Xion I was feeling that too when we fought that monster. DJ I felt that during lunch. Xion Figures... DJ What? Talk about me being fat one more time my nigga, one more time and I'll shove my Jamie

sized foot up your ass. Xion Oh, being fat? I didn't say anything like that... Chris Guys. We fought a monster today and stopped a bank robbery... DJ You just got smacked with Duh's dick haven't you? Xion Chris seriously what's going on? Chris You're the smart one you should know. DJ Duh's dick must of had a 2 for 1 special today. Chris Look man something isn't right it's a gut feeling. Xion You sure you're not just in love? Chris No one falls in love in a day... DJ Your mom said that on Hoe ave yesterday. (Chris repeats the name Trinity over and over until they get to the front of HQ's disguise of a house. Trinity and Jamie are standing in the front as the three core members approach them. Trinity has a somewhat bitter look on her face and touches her wrist a lot while being introduced to Chris, DJ, and Xion.) Chris Yeah so this is our house. Trinity Like I can't see that. DJ Jamie, you got a leash on you? Jamie For what? DJ Bitch is on the loose. Trinity Can we just go? Xion

You weren't supposed to be here for a few days. Jamie She came early just in case anything were to happen. Trinity Yeah, what ever. I came here to get away and to bring you back. Chris Get away from what? Trinity Why the fuck does it matter to you. Xion Chill...chill. Jamie Ya'll fighting like ya'll are married but ya'll just met. Chris Ya'll cousin is a bitch. Trinity What ever. Like I have time for this. Chris Apparently you do because you came early! Trinity Whatever! Xion Can I talk to you guys for a second. (Pulls DJ and Chris over. Motions for Jamie to come over. They huddle up.) What are we gonna do about her staying here? Chris Who wants her to stay? Jamie Oh hush up. She's my cousin guys. Chris Yeah...you two don't act like cousins. Jamie How would you know, you're family is arou-...Oh my gosh..I'm sorry Chris. Chris Whatever! (Walks away from the group and into the house disguised HQ.) Xion Ugh. I'll talk to him later, but look we need to keep everything around her, look like it's normal.

Jamie She knows about 2-Xtreme. Xion Okay the citizens do too but we can't have her find out about us. DJ Jamie don't blonde out on us now. Jamie No...She knows we're 2-Xtreme. DJ SAY WHAT?! Xion Whoa! When did this happen. Jamie Well her brother John and her sister Tracy hacked into the computer here, it came from some trace they found of mine and they hacked it. Found some blueprints and worked it into finding out who you are and where I am. Xion ...Holy shit. I feel so stupid. DJ Damn man every thought about having a firewall? Xion Fucking Macs... Trinity (From behind them) What the fuck am I gonna sleep on your damn porch? Chris (Shown from out a window) Get a hotel bitch! [Fade to inside HQ which still looks like a house.] (Chris is sitting on the couch watching T.V when Trinity walks in. She sits on a different couch and watches what he is. Chris looks to the side with an awkward stare and watches Trinity as she rocks her head to the sound of My Chemical Romance.) Chris You like MCR? Trinity Does it matter if I do? Chris You know you can't answer a question with a question, so hence forth, you're a dumb bitch. Trinity Like you're not the only one to call me that.

Chris What now your emo comes with a background story? Trinity Shut up... Chris Yeah okay miss gets left out of 2-Xtreme for emotional stress. Trinity You know what shut the fuck up. Atleast I have a family! Chris ...You've got some balls. Trinity More than you right. Chris What ever. (Chris gets up and leaves) Trinity I love MCR. (faces the T.V as Jamie walks in) Jamie What's up? Trinity Nothing much. Jamie So uh, I talked to Xion. They wanna give you training. Trinity They're only trying to get on my goodside. Jamie Isn't it worth it though. Trinity No! This is all bullshit. They don't want me to train with them, they don't want me here, their only in it for you. Jamie An opportunity is an opportunity wouldn't you want to take it? Trinity Not if it's truely not meant for me. Jamie And you don't think that fate brought you hear? Trinity

Not really no... Jamie Think about it... Trinity Where have you been for the past 3 years? I don't believe in that stuff anymore... Chris (Who walks back in) Good call... Trinity Why'd you come back? Chris I only let certain words get to me... Trinity Good call... (Awkward silence as the scene goes into Doc sitting in a dark room. The camera angles constantly shift as he speak to make it look as if he's crazy.) Doc I've done it. I've really done it. But what to do now...Kill the teens...no! No! I need the teens to watch in misery as I destroy this planet. Oh whats this? They don't wanna watch? Well that can't be true...I guess I'll have to make them watch as I destroy home...Oh mommy I hope you want be mad but home is about to get wrecked... Oh mommy stop it...we all know you never liked home...What's that...you don't want to watch either? What a shame...I guess I'll have to make you watch... (Doc gets up and the room is slightly more lit up. He walks over to a women's lifeless corpse in the corner and picks up a knife right by her. He puts it into her eye and slowly takes them out one by one.) Yes mommy...you're gonna watch. (He smiles.) I love you mommy... (Doc laughs as the women's son is heard crying hysterically from another room) Like mother like son they always say. (He smiles a sick smile and the scene changes to Xion and Chris talking in the training area.) Chris It figures you would make her train in the area of the wind. What the hell is up with you zee? Xion Do you know what it's like to possibly lose the girl you love because some girl in her family is bitter. Chris Dude I know what it's like to work with someone who is a bitter person. Xion Who would that be? Chris Your mom! But that's besides the point man...

Xion Grow up man! I need you to come through for me and doing this for me would make me an extremely grateful person... Chris Sure... Xion What's that suppose to mean? Chris Nothing, where is she? Xion Go inside the room and you'll see her. Chris Alright... (He paused before going into the training room. He saw Trinity sitting down on the floor with her legs crossed. He saw her differently this time though. Ignoring the yelling and screaming he noticed how beautiful she looked. He admired her up until he heard the door shut behind him. He slowly walked to her thinking about what he had just saw. he held his head down until reaching her in which she slowly looked up at him. They connected eyes. Chris felt a weird feeling in his stomach and held it, as did Trinity. He extended his hand to help her up but she rolled her eyes and helped herself up. She crossed her arms and looked at one of the padded walls.) Trinity Okay so can we get this over with? Chris Sure. Trinity ...So what do I do? Chris Come here. (She looked at him with a look asking if he was serious.) Come on... (She did so.) Okay I'm gonna create the pressure of wind contrapped in a small area of space and I want you to try to get through it. (Chris made all his finger tips touch and his face showed strain. Trinity came a bit closer and started to reach into the empty space of Chris' hands. She hesistated while reaching out but finally tried to put her hand in. She tried her hardest but just couldn't get in.) Pressure is a bitch isn't it. Trinity Yeah. Why? Chris Well in a small space the pressure will be tightly packed. It also depends on the person doing this. If the person can handle the strain of pushing the wind together for a long time then the pressure will only increase.

Trinity And if they can't? Chris Check it out. (Chris makes his hand into a heart and smiles. He begins to show strain and Trinity reaches in. She gets through.) They'll be able to get through the pressure. Trinity But I don't know how to manipulate wind or air currents in general. Chris I can teach you if you really want to learn but you need to be dedicated. That chick Genie in N.E.X, she was supposed to be my succesor but she can't dedicate herself to the wind so she only carries the spirit of the bird. Trinity How cheesy...the wind beneath the wings? Chris I just noticed that... (He smiles and Trinity joins him in doing so...she moved her hair out of her way and put it behind her ears.) So, are you good with hand to hand combat? Trinity You wanna know if I can kick someone's ass? Chris Yeah...that too. Trinity (Smiling) Yes. I can. Chris Well than I'm gonna need you to fight me and show me what exactly you can do. Trinity Are you sure? I wouldn't want to ruin that pretty little face of yours. Chris I'm flattered that you think my face is little and pretty but it's either one or the other and even then...You'll need to do a lot before landing a punch on me. (Trinity punches him in the jaw quickly.) Wow... (He holds his cheek.) Trinity You were saying? Chris I was saying nothing...Ow...

(The two begin to fight. Meanwhile Doc is in the city street with the woman's eyes around his neck. He held the little boys hand tightly as the boy continued his crying. Doc smiled.) Doc The world according to a pyscho...GOOD BYE NGC?! (Doc throws the kid into traffic. As a truck is speeding towards him the kid is saved by DJ. DJ jumps onto the side and puts the kid on the sidewalk as people frantically run to DJ as if he is some sort of a celebrity.) DJ Run off to your mom. Doc Did you hear that mommy? (He pets the eyeballs.) The teenager doesn't know that your my mommy now. (Doc takes out the knife he used to cut the mother's eyes and threw it at DJ.) Let the fun begin! (It pierced DJ in the back.) Kid I don't have a mommy...He killed her. (The kid starts crying.) DJ AH! Okay look can someone take him to safety? (He looks around the crowd that's formed. No one responds.) Yeah okay! Show your true colors now! (He pulls the knife out of his back and turns to Doc.) Look you just made a huge mistake... (Pulls out the dark blasta from his holster on the side of his suit.) Doc Mommy, can I play? (He slips out a remote like object from his sleeve and presses the pause button. Time has stopped.) Mommy don't you think this is un-fair? Oh well... (Doc smiles as he walks towards DJ who is frozen. He walks around him a couple of times, then takes the knife from his hands. DJ kicks him in the mouth and Doc begins to laugh as he falls to the ground. Doc gets back up and mumbles to himself. DJ looks at him wondering if he's the same guy that was with the lone wolf. Doc gets back up slowly with his sickening smile. DJ cracked his knuckles and put his gun back into his holster.) DJ You're the evil scientist aren't you? Doc No no no. Don't mis-understand me from what you saw...I'm the guy who's gonna kill you! DJ Yeah you must not notice that I can move with you giving me the edge over you cause you're just weak... Doc

Physically...yes, but mentally no. DJ Wh- what? (Doc disappeared after holding the remote up. DJ ran forward and noticed that time had resumed. He teleported to HQ where he spoke with Xion in private while Chris and Trinity were training behind him. Xion and him immediately ran off screen while the camera zooms in to show what was going on between Chris and Trinity.) Trinity Wow. This is awesome. Flying? Chris (Smiling at Trinity.) Yeah I know. So anyways. How do you know about me? Trinity What do you mean? Chris You know...know about me. Trinity You're an interesting person and for some reason I couldn't stop reading. Chris Did you want to stop? Trinity No. Not really to be honest with you. I noticed a couple of things about us. Chris Like what? Trinity Well for one thing... Chris Yeah... Trinity You're really fucking short. Chris Shut the fuck up. Trinity Look if you have to look up to Xion...it's okay. Not everyone can be 6'2. Chris Yeah well not everyone can be 4'11 and lack a face. Trinity ...That had to be the most stupidest, senseless, irrelevant thing I've ever heard.

Chris Wait till you see Z tryna get Jamie to have sex... Trinity (smiles) I'm not 4'11... Chris Is that the only thing you noticed? Trinity Uh...I rather not talk about it... Chris What do you mean? Trinity Lets just say someone who saw your junk told me a bit about it... Chris What?! (Trinity walks out and Chris follows. He follows her into the living room where Xion is sitting down starring into the wall while DJ is on fire and morphed. Chris gives a "what the fuck" look to DJ and Xion gives him a concerned glance. Camera focuses on this and then zooms out into Doc back where he was before when he had cut the eyes out of the little boys mom. He sat the same chair and the camera focused on that same smile.) Doc Stupid! Teenagers...who cares about them? The transition from child to adult is supposed to be recognized in these wasted years but alas, I've met the center. The rebellion that believes immaturity is fun. (He smirks) Aren't they wrong? What kind of game shall we play. Shall we kill until they show? No, no. That would be a waste of my talent. No! I will not waste my talent on them. My keen sense for art in destruction shall cause the destruction I create to be a marvelous piece of artwork. Get ready for a representation of artwork through the eyes of saint who can't stop sinning. This world is mine and I will force everyone on their knees in praise to the greatest artist in the world. Self destruction. And now...we implode. (Doc presses a button on his remote. The camera fades to a black screen. On the bottom it says 2 hours later. In parenthesis it says 2 days later. Xion and Chris begin to fight. Jamie and Trinity try to pull them apart.) Chris And what zee? (Dodges a punch.) I can't be who I wanna be because you have an issue with it? Xion (On the attack) I have an issue when who are gets in the way of what we're supposed to do. (Jamie finally pushes him back. Trinity stands in front of Chris so he won't do anything.) Chris. You're an immature teenager. Because of you our future will always be nothing but a thought of what could have been. You're not a good leader at all!

Chris I'm not a bad one though am I? I got us through all these tough times didn't I? Xion We got each other through tough times. You're always concerned with one other person and that's it. You put you and that person ahead of everyone. Chris you don't care about us. You only care about what you want! Chris Like you're any different! Xion I am. I am very different from you. I didn't abandon my team while looking for my parents who abandoned me. No! Get the hint Chris. Your single for a reason, your parents left for a reason, it's just still a mystery to me how you can't see the obvious... Chris I don't have time for this. Xion Go ahead leave again. Trinity (watching Chris leave and then turns to Xion) What the hell is your problem? Xion What are you gonna believe that what he's doing is right? Trinity I'm gonna believe that he has to make decisions that he thinks is gonna benefit him. Xion What are you high on his sex drive or something?! We're a team. We can't make selfish decisions. Trinity So stop being selfish! (Things get quiet for 10 seconds. The silence is deadly. All of a sudden the alarm goes off. Xion presses buttons on his X-Gear and teleports. DJ and Victor have a bunch of people on the floor inside a bank when Xion gets there.) Xion What's going on here. DJ Nothin'. Xion Really now? Victor We blazin' up after this? DJ

Fuck. My nigga, I get caught with some shit in my system Xion gonna take away my shit. Victor Word? He started doing that shit? DJ Yeah. Xion Do what? DJ Nothin'. Xion I'm right here. You're talking about me and I'm right fucking here?! DJ You're right, my nigga lets go toke up. (He faces Xion and hands him a note.) One of these dumbasses wanted to rob this bank. Show him how 2-Xtreme handles bank robbers. Xion It's 4 against 1! Victor Chill man. We gotta get high to do this job. It's not every day you take a black man outta the hood and teach him kung-fu. DJ The shit we see everyday...I feel like I should be high when I see it. We be fighting some weird ass shit all the time. Victor So you feel me? Xion What the fuck are you talking about? Victor Just consider this a black thing. Xion Hold up where the fuck is all this coming from. DJ The nigga just said a black thing, where else would it be coming from, we're not white are we? Do we look white to you? Xion First off, if you were to lay down on the color black I would still be able to see you. You're skin color is brown where the hell did you get black from? Second of all, I'm black too. DJ Nah you see Xion. You're brown. This, the thing me and my dukes gotta handle, it's a black thing.

Stay up fams. (DJ and Victor teleport away leaving Xion to fight the four bank robbers. At first theres a numbers gain but Xion eventually fights out of it and cuts each one on the leg to keep them from running. He teleports to HQ after calling the cops. He looks for DJ and Victor but accidentally walks in on a conversation between Jamie and Chris. They don't notice him so he stays close to the door and listens.) Jamie I'm not sure what's gotten into him. I'm sorry though. Chris No it's okay. He feels the need to be an asshole let him be. Jamie I can't let him be. I distance myself from him everytime he gets this way with me... Chris What do you mean with you? He tried hitting you while yelling before? Jamie No...Maybe than I could prove I'm good for 2-Xtreme but no...When he gets threatened by something he takes it out on the closest things to him. He likes to yell at people about their flaws. So I usually try to get away from him before he brings up mine. Chris What's so bad about your flaws that you don't wanna hear em. Jamie It's not that. I know what my flaws are. It's justChris If you're aware of them why can't you stand to here them? Jamie Because it's who's saying it. Plus they really get to me. At times when ever we speak about them, I wanna leave...I mean we haven't even been together for that long but I feel the reason why I'm here is for him. Chris That sounds stupid... Jamie What ever. I don't care how it sounds to other people because only I know what it means to me. I'm tired of him getting that way though Chris, that's why I came to speak to you...I'm thinking about going back with Trinity. Chris Even if Trinity doesn't want to go back? Jamie She'll want to go back. Chris But what if she doesn't want to go?

Jamie No, Chris I know she wants too. Chris WHAT IF?! Jamie ...This is about something else isn't it...you don't want her to go. (Xion smiled and went through out HQ to go find someone. He bumped into DJ who was smoking...DJ stood still and hid the blunt behind him. Xion walked by him.) DJ I hope he don't think that I was smoking because I was smoking and I think I got caught but my butt had the blunt...Wait...Who's smoking my shit right now? (Xion continued to go up the stairs in HQ and found Trinity in her room. He knocked first and then slowly walked in. She was practicing some of the things that Chris had taught her. She looked like she had been doing it for a very long time. When she noticed Xion [have the camera focus on Xion standing from behind her head] she stopped and stared. [Have the camera swing around to focus on her "WTF" expression].) Xion Can I come in? Trinity Sure. Xion (walking in and closing the door behind him) I wanted to talk to you about Jamie. I think I need for her to go with you. Trinity I don't wanna leave though. Xion But really, Trinity? What is failure to you? Trinity What are you trying to get at? Xion Failing your mission...Trinity you need to realize that shall you ever become a member of 2Xtreme, you can't fail. Especially with a whole city's or state or even country's population in your protection. If you can't come through with this little escort mission what makes you think you're gonna be cut out for being a member of 2-Xtreme? Trinity What? Xion Look Trinity, I can't build you an X-Gear or even consider giving you one if you're caught up in things that have no relation to saving the world. Ignorance, arrogance, and stupidity get you nowhere in this bitter sweet world. Trinity

(have the camera zoom in on her expression. She's gonna look devastated) Wh...What do you want me to do than? Xion (Camera moves to behind Xion) I want you to prove your worth to us by taking Jamie back. You can come back with her though. Or we'll come get you... Trinity What the hell are you talking about? Don't you want Jamie to stay? Xion I do...I really do but I need to do what's best for the team I need you to understand that. Trinity What I understand is that you need to leave my room. Goodbye. Xion You'll see what I mean in a few days. (Xion walks out of the room leaving the camera to focus on Trinity who gets up to look outside the window. The next scene focuses on Iced Out with DJ and Chris in the training room. They were all working on their specific styles. Chris tells them to stop and DJ falls to the ground.) DJ I see butterflies. Christian Is he high again? Chris What's your idea of high cause he's pretty low to the ground right now. Brooke Why'd we stop training? Chris We didn't stop, I just need to train you in a different area. One that actually is required for this. Kim What's that being bitch whipped by Xion? Chris (He smiles) No. Although that's gonna be added to our regime pretty soon. This next piece of training is to help you deal with emotional situations...To be quite honest, this job has it's ups and downs. One of the downs is the possible death of a friend, a loved one, or even a civilian. We work hard to be strong enough to fight through those situations, making sure no one dies or gets hurt but in rare occasionsDJ (butting in) Niggas get merked. Hard body. Like brutality. I'm talking bout that SAW shit were they torture your ass and you think you can escape because you smart. Nah fams. You all gonna die if you get in that shit. So good fucking luck to all of yah...and my mom made meat loaf or some shit like that for the party.

Christian What party? DJ The party in Genie's mouth cuz everyone is coming haha... Chris ...Anyways, lets get on with this. Emotional situations like this occur randomnly. They can effect you in anyway so what we're going to do is put you in the situation room while a situation you never want to happen, happens. DJ Like me being fat. Chris DJ you are fat. DJ You talking about my love rolls? Kim Ew. Lahene What you got against love rolls you have them too? Chris It's fat! Kim You're calling me fat? Chris ...No? Brooke There is one thing you should know about any kind of girl you meet Chris, you never call them fat...unless your like my ex. He's a douche. Chris Go to the situation room. (The team leaves except for Christian who stays behind to speak to Chris. They watch as the group leaves. DJ finally stands up and follows them out.) Christian (turning away from the door) I need to know something. Chris Yeah? Christian This whole situation room, it's individual right? Not like all of us can see it right?

Chris Depends, if it involves someone in that room they will be aware of it. Christian I can't go then. Chris Why? Christian You know how I feel about Brooke, right? Chris Uhh yeah I guess....Oh I get it. You don't want her to know. Christian Yeah, I'd like to train individually for that. I don't know how Brooke would take it if she found out that my fear is losing her. (The words losing her echo in Chris' ear as he sees Brooke's face get punched by a scaly fist. Chris shook his head and got rid of the thought. He watched Christian walk out of the room and he finally walked out and bumped into Trinity.) Trinity You never fail right? Chris Depends who you ask. I could be made of fail one day and then I'm made of poop the next. I mean it's all perspective because I literally smell like shit after gym. I consider that a fail but really, who wouldn't. Especially for a guy who saves the world everyday that he has too. You'd think I'd find the time to go to gym and wear some extra strong deodorant. Trinity Do you take things serious? Chris I do, when I have too. It's my way of coping with things, why? Is there something wrong? Trinity Yeah...But I don't think you can help...anymore. Chris Way to throw that in. Anymore to make me feel like shit. (Trinity walked away without anymore words. Chris looked at her wrist and saw an X-Gear on it. He blinks and it's gone. The next scene is Doc standing on top of building looking down at a bunch of teenagers walking by. They begin bullying a kid with glasses on. The kid looks nerdy [go for a super nerdy look, suspenders, thick glasses, and skinny.]. Doc smiles.) Doc The world is in need of repair but no one wants to fix what works. Everyone always thinks that if the original works why not just add on to it instead of re-working it. This is where the world is wrong. The world will be fixed by me. Now lets make art. I'm gonna needa black canvas and red paint. (he does a sick smile) Ohhh. Great. PAUSE!

(Doc is jumps off the building and lands on his feet. Nothing is moving but him. He slowly moves over to the group of teenagers who were picking on the nerdy boy. Doc examines the group before punching all of them in the mouth. He laughs after he hits the last one. He keeps laughing until he pulls one by the hair into the street directly in the path of a car. He walks over to the other teenagers and then snaps all of there necks. He walks into an alleyway and stands leaning against the wall.) Doc Action! (Everything begins to move again. The teenagers that Doc killed fell to the ground as the one in the street got hit by a car. His blood flew onto the nerd who only kept walking and decided not to look back just to hide his smile. In moments time I.O.B showed up at the scene using their sensors on the dead bodies to follow the trace of anyone who's had contact with them. Brooke goes into the alley that Doc was in and gets a match on her X-Gear but decides not to go further in and get people away from the scene. Doc laughs from that back of the alley but we can't see him.) Doc This world will self destruct and I will be behind it all and the best part about it mommy, is that they won't even know. (The next scene has Xion in the kitchen looking at the clock. Chris walks in and looks at it. He begins to flashback to him and Xion fighting but he doesn't remember the actual event happening in his life. He shakes his head again and sits next to Xion.) Xion Do you think I can walk in your shoes for a mile? Chris I don't think anyone can walk in any ones shoes for a mile. Xion I'm not literally speaking. Chris I know. I wasn't joking around. Xion Tell me Chris, why is life hard for you? Chris Besides the fact that I get yelled at by friends? Um...probably because I have no one I can actually relate too. Xion No one at all, not even in school? Chris Nope. It doesn't help either that I'm alone. I mean you all have your parents and Jamie has Trinity here but I can't find my family. We have all this technology and I can't even find a cousin or my brothers and sisters. Xion What about DJ? Why do you always change when you're around DJ?

Chris Why are you asking so many questions? Xion Well for starters, what I said to you before...I didn't mean too say things like that. Chris Yeah it's okay, I understand how fights work with friends. We all know each other so well that we know what to say to get under each others skin. Xion Yeah...So I'm gonna man up and apologize for taking such a low blow on you like that. Chris Yeah man, it's cool. I just wish that I could find my family. Xion You know when you left...it was really hard for us too find a way to cope and even really follow the way that some of the people led this team. Chris You didn't you lead when I left? Xion I didn't want to lead when you left because it would've made no sense. I think I was the only one who knew you were coming back. Everyone was in the shits about you leaving that they didn't want to believe that anything optimistic could happen. For a whole year I sat back and watched and some people mess up, others succeed, and I watched how you held our team together. Chris Better than anyone might I add. Xion Now don't get ahead of yourself just yet. That same year I came to realize that we had each other for that but for some reason I'm not part of that. I wanted to know why and to this day I still haven't found that answer. Chris You need to be apart of us as a group. You know it's kind of like we function like a family. You're the father that's too busy with work all the time to actually sit down and help your kids out. Now I'm not saying that you have authority over us like a father because I don't think we need an ego tripped Xion running around. (He smiles ad Xion does the same.) But really man. Being in 2-Xtreme and being part of 2-Xtreme are two different things. To the rest of the members that don't know you the way DJ, Jamie, and I know you, you're just in 2-Xtreme. Jamie is part of 2-Xtreme while you're in 2-Xtreme. Do you catch my drift here. Xion Yeah. I do. I don't get it though. I created all of this. Why don't they listen to me more? Chris It's mutual respect in a way. When you don't listen to them, they won't listen to you. (Xion sat there quiet as he could possibly be until the alarm went off indicating trouble. Xion and Chris checked their X-Gears but couldn't get anything regarding the issue so they went to the

control room. In there was Trinity, Jamie, DJ, and I.O.B.) Xion What's going on? Brooke We have a problem. There might be a serial killer on the loose. Chris That's no need to turn the alarm on missy. Xion That's right but tell us more. Lahene Listen dicks. The alarm was because we think it has to do with someone with powers. Jamie Do you know what kinda powers? Brooke Why are you here? You can't do anything about it. Jamie Yeah butXion She's right, You and Trinity can't do anything about it. Go wait upstiars or something. Chris I've been training Trinity though. Xion She doesn't have an X-Gear though! Chris Since when did we need X-Gears to be heroes? Brooke Well Chris maybe you need to start acting like one and realize we're dealing with someone who can go un-noticed, so if you really wanna risk the lives of innoncent people be my guest. Chris Risk? We need to take them in order to do this job. What theTrinity It's okay. It's clear we don't belong here right now. Chris No don't go. (Trinity and Jamie walk out of the control room. The camera focuses on Kim who steps closer to Xion.) Kim The guy we need to chase can virtually get away with anything and we don't know why. There are

clear traces of his presence yet we can't track him down for some reason. DJ Nigga is playing a game with you then. Xion Do you know something we don't DJ? DJ I dunno. It just seems like he's playing a game with ya. Christian That could be true. I mean when we went to the scene of the crime we had very clear traces of him yet we couldn't find him for some reason. Brooke Even if he is playing games with us, it's not like we can win. If we can't find him now what the hell do we do? Xion What about the X-Gears? They responded to the traces right? Lahene Yeah but some weird shit came with those traces. Xion What's that? Christian A 2-Xtreme signature. DJ Word, this nigga is playing a game with you. Xion He could possibly in fact be playing a game with us. Crap! Chris you have any idea of what we should do? Chris (said with an attitude) Stop being so ignorant? Xion What's with the attitude? Huh? Chris You guys are douche bags! I mean for real. Even if they can't do anything about it why the hell would they try if they know they can't? What was the point of kicking them out of this room? Xion Because they had no reason being here. You think we should really let them hear that there is a serial killer with powers on the loose? How the fuck do they go to school knowing that? Chris Well maybe you should pull your head out of your ass for once and realize we protect this world, they are part of this world...Doesn't that mean that we protect them?

DJ Yes...yes it does. Xion Don't go double teaming me. You guys are like siamese retards. Whatever one thinks the other will too just because it sounds smart. Brooke Actually...he was right. Xion Yeah you listen to your leader because he's your leader but you don't listen to me because I'm a nobody? Christian Iced Out, lets go. Brooke Why? Kim They have problems they need to settle on their own. (Iced Out Ballaz leave the room and leave Chris, DJ, and Xion standing in the room.) DJ I don't need no one to tell me whats wrong and whats right but Chris was right. He didn't tell me to think it was right. I did that shit on my own. Xion And since when have you had your own will power DJ? Your Chris' bitch as much as he's yours. Chris You really need to stop opening your mouth this way. I heard your problems, you know my mine...Why do you have to take it out on us? I don't take my problems out on you. Xion Yeah cause you choose to ignore me for someone higher up on your list of importance. Don't fucking act oblivious either. You know damn right it's true! You have a fucking thing for Trinity and that's why you chose to hold onto the fact that she didn't belong here. Chris If that were the case we all wouldn't belong here because we all can't do anything about someone we can't find. DJ Xion on some real shit bro. You tryna lose all your friends or something? What the fuck is up with you. You're acting like a white man who found out his white daughter is dating a black man. Xion Are you racist? Why the fuck is everything you say regarding color? Chris It's his way of analyzing shit you douche bag. Like I said if you spent time with us instead of working for no reason you would have spotted that years ago.

Xion And if you said we function like a family then you should've never left to find one that abandoned you if you have one here. (Chris swung at Xion but missed. DJ then held him back and walked out of the room. He shook his head in disbelief at all that was going on. The alarm goes off again and Xion looks at the giant monitor behind him. It apparently was another string of murders. He pressed a button down on his X-Gear and teleported to the scene. Jamie had just walked in.) Jamie Damn... (She walks out and into Brooke) Have you seen Xion? Brooke No. Jamie Do you know where he went? Brooke No. Jamie Well thanks for all the help. Brooke No problem. Jamie You know...I'm not dumb. Brooke Whatever you say. (Brooke walks off as Jamie stands there. She leans onto the wall with her back. She slumps all the way down until she's sitting on the floor. The camera rolls the shot up until it the ceiling. Upstairs Trinity is sitting the exact same way when Chris sits next to her. They both stare into the wall.) Trinity I feel confused. Chris Why's that? Trinity I feel like I don't belong here. Chris Look don't let some idiot like Xion get to you. He likes to play stupid mind games like that. He thinks he can get his way by using the way you feel against you. Trinity How would he know how I feel?

Chris He's like that. He spends his nights praying on innocent children's fear. It's some really sick shit considering how tall he is. Trinity Cute. Chris, do I see a side of you that no one else sees? Chris I would guess so. I mean I don't know why but I don't wanna hurt you or even see you get hurt. It's weird... Trinity Why? You hardly know me. Chris I'm getting to know you, which is much more enjoyable then actually knowing you. I mean if I knew you, I wouldn't have to speak to you or ask you questions. Everyday you learn something new whether it's about the world or a person...you still learn something. If you knew yourself enough to tell me where you would be exactly in 5 years you wouldn't be bored with yourself? Trinity I don't know, how about you tell me. Do you plan on doing this for the rest of your life? Chris I don't know... (smiles) This needs to stay between you and me but um...I wanna finish high school and start a family...You know. Like um...Settle down after marriage with my wife and have 2 kids. A boy and a girl. And we'd live in this big house and I'd work all day and when I came home I'd be pissed until I saw her face and my children's face... Trinity That's funny. Chris No it's not. Trinity I wanted the same thing. (smiles) I mean I understand how it would sound cheesy to your friends and stuff but(Chris' X-Gear goes off and it cuts Trinity off. He stands up while checking it. The camera focuses on Trinity who's looking up at him. He offers his hand to help her up and she takes it looking puzzled. Have the camera focus on their hands. Chris won't let go of it. They begin to blush.) Chris Um....uh. Xion needs help. We have to go. Trinity What do you mean we? Chris We as in you and me.

Trinity As in us? Chris Yeah...Why? Trinity Nothing. (Chris pressed a button on his X-Gear and the two arrived on the scene and quickly had to duck. Chris didn't say anything or press a button but was morphed. He looked down at his wrists to see what the hell was going on. They are in the middle of the street fighting a hoard of what looks like Dyce Babies. They look so un-familar to Chris though so he turns his head. A car is thrown his way and he's saved by Trinity who tackles him down. The car lands not to far behind them. Chris moves Trinity aside and stands up. He pulls a sword out from it's sheath on his back and hands it over to Trinity.) Chris You know what to do right? [Have the camera move in quickly through his mask and into his eyes and show Chris arriving at the ware house and witnessing all his friends dying and just as quickly have it zoom out.] (After Chris' flashback he runs towards the action where he sees Iced Out getting their asses kicked and Xion attempting to hold one away from civilians. Chris decided to help Xion out so the people can get to safety but as he got to him he was knocked back by one of them who had swung his arm at him. Chris landed in a wall of a building next to him. He fell to floor from the hole he had created.) Chris Shit... (He pulls himself up and gets up and rushes over to the thing that had hit him. [They look like Dyce Babies, the demons that have human like statures but ugly demon like faces. Except these have spikes coming out of them at random points in there body.] He kicks it in the leg and then kicks it with his shin in it's side. It catches his leg and throws him into Xion. Xion falls onto the floor with Chris falling on top of him. Xion pushes him off and runs to the help the civialians. He jumps and delivers round house to the monsters head and pushed it back. Chris came in with his sword and tried to cut it but it didn't cut it or even scratch it. Xion punches the monsters abdominal area with a flurry of punches. The thing is un-scathed and lifts Xion over his head and drops him. Xion lands on his feet while Chris is attack it's legs with swift kicks and quick punches. The camera is then gonna turn to face Brooke and Christian who are fight side by side against one of them. Christian is firing ice through his hands at the monsters legs attempting to make it stay still. The monster though keeps walking forward and swinging at the two.) Brooke Christian! It's not working. We should split up before you freeze someone other than this thing. Christian (while ducking and weaving) What do you mean split up, it's gonna chase one of us regardless. Brooke That's my point it can't get both of us. (She blocks one of the punches and tosses his arm up which leaves his rib area open. She elbows it with her left arm and tries to swing her right leg around to sweep his leg but as she

began to turn the monster brought his arm down around Brooke's neck and began to choke her. Christian moved in and kicked the monster with all his force. It only stumbled back a few steps with Brooke still in it's arms.) Christian Brooke can you speak or breath? Brooke Don't worry about me. I can get out. Go help the others. (Out of no where Trinity is in the air and comes down with a lot of force cutting the arm off. The monster begins to scream in pain. Have the camera pan around showing the other members fighting off the other monsters. The monsters react to the scream and suddenly disappear. DJ rushes over to Xion and Chris. He helps the other people that were there run away. When everyone is gone they rush over to Brooke and Iced Out.) DJ Ya'll seen that? Trinity fucked up that nigga. Xion That's not the point why is she here Chris? Chris Obviously because I believed she could help. Xion Yeah and I'll give you the fact that she did help out but what if she got hurt? What if she wasn't suited for this? Chris Why are you asking me this? Why don't you ask yourself about this? Damn Zee. You wanna let Jamie join the group but you can't let her cousin come and help when she has more knowledge and strength. Xion Chris. Tell me honestly, do you know what was going to happen? Chris No Xion. I also had no idea what was going on because you were getting your ass handed to you. So with out proper information I didn't know how to asess the situation. It was either come here and help or head into the control room and use my vast knowledge of technology to find out what was going on. I opted to come here and when I got here it was apparent everyone needed help so I chose to help you, the only person fighting alone. I gave Trinity something to protect herself with, something we've been training for, and might I add that she was the only one to hurt one of those shits. So you tell me if I made the wrong choice or the right choice. Xion You made the wrong choice that benefitted us in the long run. Nothing I should be impressed with. Chris You're just mad that the leader made a right choice without knowing it... Xion What ever, I've got things to do.

(Xion teleports away as the members celebrate with Trinity. Doc is on a roof top looking down on them. He smiles at them with his same demented smile and holds the eyes around his neck.) Doc You see mom...the world is much more clearer when you see things from my point of view. What's that mom? You need a better look? Why lets give you one. Pause! (Time had stopped and he had jumped down onto the ground this time. He had walked over to 2Xtreme. He went over to DJ first and looked at him.) Why do you always try and play with my intelligence? As if I won't retain the knowledge that you have the power to work time to your liking...You act as if your really going to surprise me. DJ (turns his body to face Doc) Why you killing people? Doc Why am I killing people? I think there are better questions to be answered. DJ Like what? Doc Such as...why are you killing people. (he laughs) DJ I ain't killing a soul. Doc You're lying. Mommy doesn't like liars. DJ Your moms ain't gon like it when I shove my dick in her mouth to show her what she likes. Doc DO NOT SPEAK ABOUT MOTHER THAT WAY! (Doc takes a swing at DJ. DJ leans back to avoid being hit and punches Doc in the mouth. Doc falls to the floor and starts bleeding from his mouth. He smiles and then starts to laugh. He pulls a knife out of his pocket and stands up. He licks the blood off his lips.) Doc Heh...my mother does not appreciate your disrespect...What did you say your name was? DJ Ask your mom she says it all night long. Doc (becoming irritated) I wanna know your name. It's obvious you can't be any older than sayyy...17? So! DJ So ask your mom everything you wanna know about me. It's embedded on her ass, tattooed with my dick. (Doc becomes mad now. He lunges at DJ and tries to stab him. DJ moves out of the way as Doc

drives the knife into Chris' chest. DJ sees this and takes his guns out of their holsters. He shoots Doc in the arm twice. Doc falls to the floor laughing.) Doc It looks...like you have a soft spot for that one. Are you gay DJ? DJ How do you know my name? Doc Rewind! (Time reversed up to when Doc stabbed Chris. Instead of just standing there with the knife still in Chris' chest he moved behind Chris as DJ was pulling out the guns. Doc moved the knife up cutting more and more of his chest.) Doc You know...DJ. There is one thing that I love about this more than anything. I have power. DJ What does having power against something powerless mean? That you have power in your conditions? Doc How about we change things then DJ how about we move along in life. Do you wanna see how much power I have over you DJ? Do you wanna know how I can change your life DJ? My mom sure as hell wants to see how much power I have over your life. Lets watch you DJ in a year. Without Chris. DJ Look dukes. Don't do anything. I'll agree to do whatever it is you want me to do...Just don't hurt em. Doc Why is that every human is attached to atleast one person in their lifetime. Why DJ? Can you tell me? When I made The Lone Wolf sentient he was supposed to a creature who could never grow attached to anything or anyone and yet he did. He grew attached to time. Why is that you are attached to this one? (He moved the knife along Chris' neck) DJ Why do you love your moms? Doc You're not playing the game the right way DJ. I asked you a question. I wanted an answer. You didn't give me one. (He presses the knife onto Chris' neck) DJ He's like my brother! Doc Like? So he isn't...that means there's room for replacement. (DJ shot Doc, this time, in his shoulder. Doc fell to the ground. DJ rushed over to him and held his gun to Doc's head.) Ah...well it's no fun if you're going to keep trying to kill me now is it. Rewind!

(Time rewinded to when DJ and the rest of 2-Xtreme were talking in the middle of the street. Doc was now gone. DJ looked around for him while everyone else talked.) Chris Yo bro, what's going on? DJ We gotta get away quick! Brooke Why? DJ Ima tell ya when we get back. (Everyone but DJ had teleported back. Dj stayed looking around trying to find Doc. Instead he had found the little boy he had rescued from Doc. The boy looked sad and confused. DJ took a knee by the boy and de-morphed.) DJ Hey lil man. What's up? (The boy remains silent) Look I need you to do me a big favor. I can get your mommy back if you help me okay. (The boy nodded his head) Do you remember where the man is? The one who killed your mom. Do you know where he lives? Kid Yes. DJ Great you talk. My name is DJ. I'm part of 2-Xtreme, you know the good guys...I'm gonna take to the place where my friends are. They can help me get your mommy back okay. They just need to know what you know okay. Kid Ok. (DJ extended his hand and kid took it. DJ and the kid teleported back to HQ as Doc looked down on this from the roof top.) Doc Interesting development. It seems that I might need to speed my plans up, don't you think mommy. (The scene changes to HQ with Xion yelling at DJ for bringing the little kid into the HQ. The little kid was mostly hiding behind DJ while he yelled at Xion back.) DJ No I'm not being stupid nigga! I'm doing what 2-Xtreme is supposed to do nigga! Xion By revealing our secret to a little kid? In broad day light? DJ

Without him we won't be able to stop that fucking guy I was telling you about! He's the one behind all the murders! He killed this kids mom. Xion We have nothing to do with that DJ! DJ Why the fuck is you being so damn heartless?! Xion You and Chris always have your own god damned agenda! When you care strongly enough about something you decide you finally wanna get your racist, bias, or whatever you are, ass up to finally do something. When Chris cares strongly enough about one person all he wants to do is make that person happy. DJ What about you? You do whatever it takes for people to give you respect but you never respect them! Xion I don't respect you because you don't respect me! Or the damn rules! Which is why you're on your own with this thing DJ. You are on your own. DJ What? Seriously? This kid has no one. He has no where to go. He can't do anything about it either Rich. Xion My name is Xion and he is now your problem! DJ This could possibly stop the serial killer that you wanna protect your stupid girlfriend from and you wanna send me in by myself? Xion Good luck Mr.Time. I told you before when you first told me about him. He's your responsibility because we can't deal with time. You should listen instead of wasting your time getting high with people you only know because of where you're at. DJ You're an asshole. And mark my words Xion whether I have to do this on my own or not, I will make you remember this one way or another! (He takes the little kid out of the room he and Xion were in walks out into the hallway of the HQ. He punches a wall which scares the kid. He sees this and kneels down beside the kid.) Look man. I'm gonna get your mom back I promise. I just need you to try and remember where that man took you and your mom to kill her. (The kid nods and DJ stands up with a look of determination. The next scene is of Chris and Jamie in school together. They're cutting class and walking through the hallway. The camera catches there upper body from the waist up as they walk through the school.) Jamie Thanks for recommending cutting, I don't know what I would do if I was stuck here for a whole day. Chris

Neither would I. Jamie Can we talk about something Chris? Chris Depends what? My mind is in one of those can't do no wrong moods so it needs to be right. Jamie Well it's about Trinity. I've never seen her like this. Chris What do you mean? Is something wrong with her? Jamie Well...Yeah kinda...

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