Universal Harmony Culture And Civilization

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UNIVERSAL HARMONY CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION FRIDAY, 4. DECEMBER 2009, 16:33:36 JUDAI CHRISTIAN, HARMONY THEORY, INVISIBEL ENERGY, LOVE, LAOTZE, UNIVERSE CREATION, SOCIEL SCIENCE, PEACE IN MIND, OUR SOULS, DYNAMIC BALANCE, CHRISTIAN FAITH, ASIA, BUDDHISM, SCIENTIFIC RELIGION, MEANING OF LIFE, GREED, ACCEPTANCE, OUR CONSCIECE, SOUL, CHINA, TOLERANCE, HARMONIZING RELIGION, MOSLEM FAITH, YING AND YANG, LOVE FOR COUNTRY, EINSTEIN, CREATION OF UNIVERSE, SCIENCE AND RELIGION UNITY, COMMON VALUE, LOVE FOR THE UNIVERSE, PERSONAL SALVATION, EUROPE, ISLAM, UNIVERSAL COMMON BELIEVE, INVISIBLE ENERGY, HARMONY FAITH, JEALOUSY, HARMONY RENAISSANCE DECLARATION, LOVE FOR SOCIETY, MAN MADE IMAGE, ORDER OF UNIVERSE, SELF CULTIVATION, HARMONY RENAISSANCE PREAMBLE, SPIRITUAL, HUMAN ARE GOOD, UNITY OF RELIGION, DAO, JUDGEMNENT DAY, RESPECT, ANCIENT CULTURE, FEAR Dear Friends, As a humble student of Universal Harmony Culture and Civilization I have distilled Harmony Renaissance into Harmony Faith to unify science and religion. Through the concept of universal invisible energy the attached concept papers postulates scientific origin of creation and venture to suggest scientific definitions of our soul, conscience and love. The titles of the attached concept papers are: "Harmony Faith Order of Universe. Unifier of Science and Religion" and "Harmony Faith Order of Universe, Our Soul, Conscience and Love". The intent of the proposed concepts are to give sufficient meaning to life as a universal philosophy and not necessary as a new religion. Rather believers are advised to accept all major world religions in the true spirit of Harmony Renaissance. As a fellow believer of Harmony Philosophy I welcome your opinion on the proposed concepts. Kindly respond with your comment and opinion by return email. In Service of Harmony Renaissance. Francis C W Fung, Ph.D. Director General World Harmony Organization WWW.WORLDHARMONYORG.NET 1


World Harmony Organization states in our Harmony Renaissance Preamble and Declaration: “In the East, harmony as a social science theory was evolved from natural science observation by Laotze. Humans in harmony with the universe is called Tian Ren He Yi.” “Einstein was also quoted as saying the order of nature is not accidental. Harmony is the order of nature. Harmony belongs to the World and to the Universe.” “Laotze said "At the beginning, Dao created one, one created two, two created three, three created all things. All things carry Ying and embrace Yang. Dynamic balance creates harmony." Laotze’s harmony theory of universe is in unison with modern quantum physics.” All atoms carry Ying (electrons) and embrace Yang (protons). “Harmony is dynamic energy balance and is also the principle of universe creation. From the very beginning, the Universe is created by the infinite invisible energy in the firmament. The invisible energy that created the universe can also be called DAO. The existence of invisible energy as omnipresent and infinite is a theory advanced by modern physics.” HARMONY FAITH ORDER OF UNIVERSE, UNIFIER OF SCIENCE AND RELIGION


Modern physics postulates that the universe is 80% invisible energy and 20% physical matter. Einstein is known for his observation that energy and matter are convertible. Hence it is logical to conclude that the universe is created by the invisible energy. This supports Laotze’s assertion that the universe is created by Dao which can be interpreted as the invisible energy. In the following concise dissertation we will explain how Harmony Faith can reconcile science and religion once and for all. On top of that we will give the meaning of life a very achievable goal. In this stage the door is also open for continuing human progressive inspiration from the omnipresent and all prevalent Dao, the invisible energy that created the universe. Together with modern science this concept makes a creator in a man made form unnecessary. Harmony is a universal common value; it is also a vision statement for all. It is the order of nature and the universe for all to emulate. Harmony is the dynamic balance that returns nature’s calamities to tranquility. Without harmony the universe cannot be eternal. In harmony we can find true belief that transcends all cultures and religions. The meaning of life is to seek harmony within our inner self. Mankind is born with a spiritual soul that develops to seek self fulfillment and self salvation. Our soul has a conscience that elevates us from total animal selfishness. As our soul grows to its maturity we must achieve our own harmony. A person at the end of his journey reconciles with his own soul to achieve harmony and peace of mind. The difference between a tormented soul and a soul in harmony at our death is the difference between hell and heaven. The invisible energy in the firmament created the universe and all creatures. This is our creator regardless of our religion and belief. Our soul is an energy field that grows with our accomplishments on earth. With differing strengths embedded in our DNA, humans are not created equal just as sure our souls will not develop equally. Static equality is not what life is all about. Each soul attaining its own harmony with itself is the meaning of life. The achievement of harmony by nature and us is a dynamic process. The evolution of nature and life are dynamic processes and must not be considered as static phenomena. Harmony 3

renaissance is a dynamic process and calls for proactive action. There is a fine line between a believer and non believer of any religion. A true creator will accept all because all humans attest to harmony. Cultural differences are only in form and not in essence. Harmony is the salvation of mankind and the king of unity in diversity. The universe and all living creations through evolution are created by the invisible energy and are sustained by energy. This theory without man made heavenly images does not contradict conventional religious beliefs. Furthermore it is a rational way of agreeing with modern sciences. Our soul is merely an energy field that contains our spirit, life time beliefs and experiences. It exists eternally and has a beginning and no end after our death. Each soul can accomplish harmony with itself but souls are not necessarily equal. We are here on earth to develop our own soul from its early immature conception. Religions begin with search of truth, goodness and beauty. This search will ultimately help us to reach harmony at death. All religions preach harmony because harmony is the most common value and the greatest common denominator of mankind. Conflicts in religion are caused by human corruption. Belief in harmony, the universal truth, does not need a man made image of creator. The invisible energy as the creator of the universe does not contradict with modern science. This imaging of the creator does not contradict any religious beliefs and is not divisive. In time this imaging of the creator without man made figure will reconcile all religions as the true scientific belief. According to modern science the invisible energy of the universe is all powerful and omnipresent. It is part of the paradigm of Faith in Harmony. Many religions believe in brotherhood of mankind. What has kept us from achieving unity in diversity are the differences in religious culture and the cultural centric creator figures conjured by different religions. A person who does not practice institutionalized religion can achieve inner peace through harmony practices. The universal belief in the invisible energy as the creator in the firmament reconciles all religions and faiths. Faith in Harmony is thus the most acceptable Faith that transcends mankind’s conflicts of fear and greed. Harmony on earth that promises unity in diversity is the promise of Kingdom on Earth and the Most Great Peace on earth by all sages and prophets. A person achieves self fulfillment has reached harmony in his own soul and his 4

life is complete and his soul is eternal and everlasting without torment. Our search for harmony renaissance is multifaceted and all inclusive. Our perspectives include East and West culture, world civilization and history, harmony diplomacy, world religions, ancient philosophy and modern science. For harmony to be a true universal faith it must reconcile with scientific observations. This is unity of science and religion. We believe in self salvation through Faith in Harmony practices. Our actions shall encompass all human activities such as world affairs, commerce, education, cultural activities and religious or non religious functions. Specifically at this moment in history our action should enhance peace, reduce conflict, harmonize world religions, and activate harmony culture, pursuit harmony education. United Nation is at a cross road. It is time to advocate U. N. harmony civilization so all 193 nations can converse and consult with universal Harmony common value. 21st century is the beginning of Harmony renaissance. The world mission is to be ready for human's next creative wave to lead us to a higher level of common accomplishment. World Harmony Renaissance will bring the whole world into action for a new millennium of peace and prosperity with unfettered collective energy surpassing European Renaissance. Harmony Faith is self sufficient without the need to introduce a new religion. Believers are advised to accept all major world religions. Francis C W Fung, Ph.D. Director General World Harmony Organization HARMONY FAITH ORDER OF UNIVERSE. OUR SOUL, CONSCIENCE AND LOVE FRIDAY, 4. DECEMBER 2009, 15:18:53 HARMONY RENAISSANCE PREAMBLE, YING AND YANG, DAO, EINSTEIN, LAOTZE, HARMONY RENAISSANCE DECLARATION, INVISIBEL ENERGY, HARMONY THEORY, ORDER OF UNIVERSE, OUR SOULS, SOCIEL



1) World Harmony Organization states in our Harmony Renaissance Preamble and Declaration: “In the East, harmony as a social science theory was evolved from natural science observation by Laotze. Humans in harmony with the universe is called Tian Ren He Yi.” “Einstein was also quoted as saying the order of nature is not accidental. Harmony is the order of nature. Harmony belongs to the World and to the Universe.” “Laotze said "At the beginning, Dao created one, one created two, two created three, three created all things. All things carry Ying and embrace Yang. Dynamic balance creates harmony." Laotze’s harmony theory of universe is in unison with modern quantum physics.” All atoms carry Ying (electrons) and embrace Yang (protons). “Harmony is dynamic energy balance and is also the principle of universe creation. From the very beginning, the Universe is created by the infinite invisible energy in the firmament. The invisible energy that created the universe can also be called DAO. The existence of invisible energy as omnipresent and infinite is a theory advanced by modern physics.” 2) HARMONY FAITH ORDER OF UNIVERSE. AND OUR SOULS

Modern physics postulates that the universe is 80% invisible energy and 20% physical matter. Einstein is known for his observation that energy and matter are convertible. Hence it is logical to conclude that the universe is created by the invisible energy. This supports Laotze’s assertion that the universe is created by Dao which can be interpreted as the invisible energy. In the following concise dissertation we will summarize how Harmony Faith can reconcile science and religion. As continuing development, we will explain our concept of soul, conscience and love based on harmony and


invisible energy. This will reinforce the meaning of life and give a very achievable goal for our existence. The invisible energy in the firmament created the universe and all creatures. This is our creator regardless of our religion and belief. Our souls are energy fields that grow with our accomplishments on earth. With differing strengths embedded in our DNA, humans are not created equal just as sure our souls will not develop equally. Static equality is not what life is all about. Each soul attaining its own harmony with itself is the meaning of life. The achievement of harmony by nature and us is a dynamic process. The evolution of nature and life are dynamic processes and must not be considered as static phenomena. Harmony renaissance is a dynamic process and calls for proactive action. The meaning of life is to seek harmony within our inner selves. Mankind is born with a spiritual soul that develops to seek self fulfillment and self salvation. Our souls have consciences that elevate us from total animal selfishness. As our souls grow to their maturity we must achieve our own harmony. A person at the end of his journey reconciles with his own soul to achieve harmony and peace of mind. The difference between a tormented soul and a soul in harmony at our death is the difference between hell and heaven. 3) HARMONY FAITH ORDER OF UNIVERSE. OUR CONSCIENCE AND LOVE

The invisible energy that makes up our soul is in constant dynamic interaction with all that surround us. Our soul seeks harmony with the universe. That is called “Tien Ren He Yi” by Laotze. Our soul belongs to and is part of the invisible energy that fills the universe. Our desire to interact with and our sense of belonging to the universe is our conscience. Our conscience’s awareness starts from within ourselves and extends as far as we can reach. This is what distinguishes us from other animals. Our conscience is sublime and enables us to rise above our base and selfish instincts. All humans are born “good”. We are corrupted by our own emotions of hate, greed and jealousy. There is no devil and angels and heaven and hell. How good we are depends on our own development. There is no judgment day but our own conscience that judges ourselves in our own way. That is why our soul needs to be at harmony with the universe 7

when we depart. Without corruption our conscience has the innate desire to do good because our soul and conscience IS our invisible energy and is part of the community of invisible energy in the universe that created all the matters, living or mineral. Our conscience wants to be accepted by the greater community of invisible energy. Humans and other animals are social animals. We all understand that our pets need us. Our consciences in their reaching out, express our love for our loved ones, to the society, our country, world community of nations and the planet. Our selfish nature wants to be loved. Many forms of love are selfless, most noticeable is a mother’s love for her off spring. At times our love for the society, our mother country and our faith can also be selfless. In no small part since our soul is part of the universal infinite energy, we naturally wish to extend our love to the world and universe as a whole. Our physical bodies are full of sensors beginning with our hearts that can receive messages of love. Our brains through our whole person can also send love. How is love transmitted? Love propagates by invisible energy field and resonance. This is basic physics. Harmony and love propagates by wave and resonance like all forms of energy fields such as the force filed that bind orbiting electrons to the nucleus in an atom; gravity field that holds the solar system and other heavenly systems together. Other fields of energy such as magnetic fields, electromagnetic fields in the form of magnetic induction, radio and TY signals, light, heat and acoustic sound fill our life. Humans can apply all these energy fields to serve us but we are not capable to fully understand them. We also do not fully understand the invisible energy that fills the universe and how the universe was created at the beginning. Yet all these energy fields are miracles that make our life satisfying. One of the most basic loves is between a man and woman, which are highly valued in the West. In other Eastern societies, besides romantic love, love for ancestors and mother country are highly valued traditionally. Of course greed and fear often dilutes our pure love. Love for the creator as in religions, from Harmony Faith perspective, can be considered as love for the infinite invisible energy. In the context of Harmony Faith we believe in love of mankind and the universe. Humans are capable of experiencing infinite forms of love and infinite love. Often the sense of fulfillment is a result of how much love we 8

express. Just as our souls are different our propensity to express love are also different. All said and done, our love must also reach a dynamic balance within ourselves to avoid extremism. Both our souls and our consciences they contain, at the end of our journey, need to reach self harmony fulfillment within ourselves as discussed in the previous section, under self salvation. This is the essence of Harmony Faith. Harmony Faith is self sufficient without the need to introduce a new religion. Believers are advised to accept all major world religions. Francis C W Fung, Ph.D. Director General World Harmony Organization.


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