
  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,991
  • Pages: 21


space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space special special special special special special Missile Missile Missile space

spy Fck Suppert Tank small cargo mid crago high crago Colony Ship hyperspace GateWay Fighter DR4 mark 5 Fighter DR4 mark 6 Fighter DR4 mark 7 Zufros Cruiser Zufros Cruiser V battleship RivanDraK mark G V battleship RivanDraK mark G VI Ranjer Force Sivex Zoze Destroyer Reli Sorce Destroyer Holy Jet Alfa Destroyer GorSet corvette GorSet corvette mark Fox GorSet corvette mark 8 Defender scout Gonzila Satellite Gonzila Satellite mark ZD bomber GX bomber GX II bomber GX III Flax bomber GoverTor Src Holy Fadora Zeus Kris Alfa Voyjer EMP Missile plantery Missile Dfs Missile CNC RND


non combat unit for make now base/outpost transport untill 250 gnd units low armor transport untill 550 gnd units with bingo shield low armor transport untill 1550 gnd units with Jamer shield low armor make new colony with bingo shield and low armor moveable redar (higher attecks + can know the size of the fleet) Red Fox shield and high armor ligth Fighter high speed and low weapen and armor bingo shield mig Fighter high speed and mid weapen and armor bingo shield heaver Fighter high speed and low weapen and armor bingo shield Cruiser mid speed mid armor mid weapen jamer reflecter shield(can return the shots 10% chance) Cruiser mid speed high armor mid weapen jamer reflecter II shield(can return the shots 20% chance) battle ship slow speed ultra armor high weapen Flax Super Sk mark I shield (can return shots 25% chance) battle ship slow speed ultra armor ultra weapen Flax Super Sk mark I shield (can return shots 25% chance) very slow plantry kills(need 5 time to atteck for kill all building and units also 2 more for recover) Red Fox shield ultra armor light and fast with bingo shield and mid armor and mid weapon light and fast with jamer reflecter shield(can return the shots 10% chance) and mid armor and mid weapon with improve light and fast with jamer reflecter shield(can return the shots 20% chance) and mid armor and high weapon with improve mid speed with bingo reflector shield(20% chance return hits) and mid armor and high weapon mid speed with bingo reflector shield(25% chance return hits) and mid armor and high weapon mid speed with bingo reflector shield(30% chance return hits) and mid armor and high weapon spy on empire protective Satellite protective Satellite with bingo shield slow speed and reflector shield (20%) and low armor with high weapon slow speed and reflector shield (35%) and low armor with high weapon slow speed and bingo reflector shield (35%) and mid armor with high weapon bomber Destroyer battleship battleship Ranjer Force shutdown 40% from defence no dmg get at hit destroy 25% from defence and buildings at hit or 45% from shield destroy the planet(need 2 hit for that) at hit or 75% from shield(if hit agine its destroy the the shield a radar unit (no shield /weapon /armor 1 hit kills)




weapen type

0 0 105dmg 105dmg 105dmg 0 2004smg 500dmg 1005dmg 1505dmg 3500dmg 3500dmg 4500dmg 5500dmg 15000dmg 1700dmg 1900dmg 2500dmg 3500dmg 4000dmg 4500dmg 0 6000dmg 8000dmg 8000dmg 8000dmg 8000dmg 12000dmg 5000dmg 6900dmg 6900dmg 15000dmg 0 0 0

0% 0% 0% 25% 35% 25% 70% 25% 25% 25% 40% 40% 55% 60% 75% 25% 40% 40% 50% 50% 50% 0% 0% 50% 0% 0% 50% 75% 75% 75% 75% 90% 0% 0% 0%

0 0 10025 10025 10026 10026 30450 5026 1005 1500 40000 60000 90000 110000 150000 25000 25000 25000 35000 40000 45000 100 35000 35000 13500 13500 40500 50000 60000 110000 110000 150000 5000 7000 7500

none none Laser Laser Laser none Gauss Laser Laser siglerty Missile,Plazma,Ion,Anti Missile Missile,Ion,siglerty,Anti Missile Missile,Plazma,Ion,Gauss,Anti Missile Missile,siglerty,Ion,Anti Missile Interplanetary Missile,siglerty,Ion,Missile Ion,Gauss,Laser Ion,Gauss,Plazma Ion,siglerty,Plazma Ion,Gauss,Plazma,Missile Ion,Gauss,Plazma,Missile,anti Missile Ion,siglerty,Plazma,Missile,anti Missile none Gauss,Ion,Missile siglerty,Gauss,Ion,Missile Ion,Missile Ion,Missile Ion,Missile Ion,Missile Ion,siglerty,Plazma Missile,siglerty,Ion,Anti Missile Missile,siglerty,Ion,Anti Missile Interplanetary Missile,siglerty,Ion,Missile Missile Missile Missile

weaknees all all all all all all battleships ,Cruiser ,Destroyer,corvette,bomber Destroyer,buildings,Cruiser,Gonzila Satellite Destroyer,buildings,Cruiser,Gonzila Satellite Destroyer,buildings,Cruiser,Gonzila Satellite battleships,buildings,corvette,Fighter,bomber battleships,buildings,corvette,Fighter,bomber buildings,Fighter,corvette,bomber buildings,Fighter,corvette,bomber Cruiser,Destroyer,corvette,battleship,Fighter,bomber battle ships,Cruiser,buildings,corvette battle ships,Cruiser,buildings,corvette battle ships,Cruiser,buildings,corvette battleships,buildings,Gonzila Satellite,Cruiser,Destroyer,Fighter battleships,buildings,Gonzila Satellite,Cruiser,Destroyer,Fighter battleships,buildings,Gonzila Satellite,Cruiser,Destroyer,Fighter all Destroyer,bomber,corvette Destroyer,bomber,corvette battleships ,Fighter,corvette battleships ,Fighter,corvette battleships ,Fighter,corvette battleships ,Fighter,corvette battle ships,Cruiser,buildings,corvette buildings,Fighter,corvette,bomber buildings,Fighter,corvette,bomber Cruiser,Destroyer,corvette,battleship,Fighter,bomber all untis that have anti Missile or sam buildings all untis that have anti Missile or sam buildings all untis that have anti Missile or sam buildings



Guard flact Gun Guard flact Gun mark GF Guard Ion Cannon Guard Crvsilia Cannon Guard Crvsilia Cannon Mark J Guard Rivzia shield Dome Mark IV Guard Sam AAR Guard Rivzia shield Dome Mark VI Guard Rivzia shield Dome Mark V Support small mine Uranium X Support big mine Uranium X Support small mine Maghemite Org Support Big mine Maghemite Org Support small mine XONOTLITE Cold Support big mine XONOTLITE Cold Support small mine Hyper UREA liquid Type C Support big mine Hyper UREA liquid Type C Support small mine hydrogen liquid Support Big mine hydrogen liquid Support small mine Hyper Sistropis Support big mine Hyper Sistropis Support Small gold mine Support big gold mine Power Small netro Solar Facility Power Big netro Solar Facility Power Small Fusion Plant Power big Fusion Plant Power small Hyper Sonics plant Power big Hyper Sonics plant military Tirgo Facility military Fid Facility military Flct Opration plant military espionage headquarters research hyperspace lab research weapons leb research network Control facility labs military HQ Facilty military Shipyard assemblage facility military Shipyard I\O installation research shield lab missile Silo military industry market place industry anti-matter facility industry dummy facility special ultra mine Uranium X special ultra mine XONOTLITE Cold special ultra mine Hyper Sistropis special ultra mine gold special ultra mine hydrogen liquid special ultra mine Hyper UREA liquid Type C

special special special special population population population population substratum substratum substratum substratum observation research

ultra mine Maghemite Org ultra Fusion Plant Rivzia shield Dome Mark VI Crvsilia Cannon Mark S Cr Fly hospital SrS Home safe house Train infrastructure AGT AGT infrastructure HyperSpace launcher CNC Radar LORF Rader lab


shot aginst space ships low armor and low attack shot aginst space ships low armor and mid attack bingo shield high armor high armor with Flax Kj shield with mid weapon ultra armor with Flax Kj with mid weapon Ultra sonic armor with Red Fox shield doing Bingo shield(50%) Anti missile installation low armor and bingo shield(can target untill 1 any missile at Atime only good vs missile Ultra sonic armor with Red Fox shield doing Flax Kj shield(60%) Ultra sonic armor with Red Fox shield doing Flax Super Sk shield(65%) small size Uranium facility large size Uranium facility small size Maghemite Org facility big size Maghemite Org facility small size XONOTLITE Cold facility big size XONOTLITE Cold facility smaill size Hyper UREA liquid Type C faility big size Hyper UREA liquid Type C faility small size hydrogen liquid geyser facility big size hydrogen liquid geyser facility small size Hyper Sistropis facility Big size Hyper Sistropis facility --------use Maghemite Org + 5 , uranium X +5 use Maghemite Org + 10 , uranium X +15 use Hyper Sistopis +1 , Maghemite Org + 10 (can only build 3) use Hyper Sistopis +3 , Maghemite Org + 10 (can only build 1) manufactur of tiger tank g I and G II manufactur of SID and volter tanks manufactur of Flcts Zet V and Flcts Zet IV tanks manufactur and command the spy if lost all spy that is build here destory by defulte build the space hyperspace gate and help manufactur the Satellite and give parts of ships that can go hyperspa laboratory for the weapon systems can improve and some of the units and building must that building must For build labs destroy and the game onver Red Fox shield ultra armor and mid weapon(gnd only) place the build and manufactur from the labs the ships place highly Guard where ships can get out with bingo shield

launch missile (can be launch Interplanetary Missile and normal one also can build 1 missile at a time after launch u can bu can exchange player with player can speed the time each building take place for build also units when atteck first u atteck this place and its cut in half the dmg the took place (can build only one if destroy need build -------------

----Ultra sonic armor with Red Fox shield doing Red Fox shield(65%) --Center environment population Control can heal units and add popuation popuation Control Evironment popuation balancing center Anti gravitytion Sub Train (need for build lab upgrade research speed) need for build APT cant build shipyard can pick up enemy units improve radar units and building




facility making

facility power

1500dmg 2500dmg 10500dmg 14000dmg 14000dmg 0 1500dmg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 140dmg

0% 0% 50% 65% 65% 75% 50% 75% 75% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 80% 0% 50% 50% 50% 0% 0% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

25000 25000 250000 250000 350000 540000 250000 540000 540000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 15000 15000 15000 15000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 750000 25000 50000 50000 50000 25500 25500 50000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20U/hour 50U/hour 10MO/hour 20MO/hour 5XC/hour 10XC/hour 450HT/hour 1000HT/hour 50Cob/hour 100Cob/hour 2HS/hour 5HS/hour 400G/hour 800G/hour 3000W/hour 6000W/hour 5500W/hour 7500W/hour 9000W/hour 12000W/hour 50tanks/hours 25tanks/hours 5tanks/hours 6spys/hour tech tech tech HQ Shipyard Shipyard tech silo industry industry industry 40U/hour 15XC/hour 15HS/hour 1500G/hour 200Cob/hour 2000HT/hour

2500W 2500W 3500W 3000W 3000W 5000W 3500W 6000W 7000W 500W 1000W 500W 1000W 500W 1000W 500W 1000W 2500W 5000W 2500W 5000W 500W 1000W 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000W 1000W 1000W 1000W 3000W 2000W 1000W 0W 2500W 2500W 7000W 10000W 2500W 4000W 4000W 1000W 1000W 1000W 1000W 1000W 1000W

1400dmg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 20000smg

0% 0% 75% 75%

25000 25000 540000 540000

40MO/hour 20000W/hour 0 0

1000W 0 10000W 5000W

weapen type Gauss Laser Ion Laser,Gauss Laser,Gauss none Ion,Gauss none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none Gauss none Gauss none none none none none none none none none none none

none none none Ion,siglerty,Plazma

module user

sub module rating xml auth lvls msgs notes buddylist

builds building units research dependents calc(for time and cost) data(get or set cost or finsh builds) atteck unit planet special calc recored

modules: sub modules:

3 18




industry industry industry industry industry Support Support Support Support Support Support Support

anti-matter level I anti-matter level III anti-matter level III anti-matter level IV anti-matter level V Uranium Maghemite Org XONOTLITE Cold Hyper UREA liquid Type C hydrogen liquid geyser Hyper Sistropis Gold

building time faster building time faster building time faster cost lower cost lower cost lower if (u can build the big its have lvls) if (u can build the big its have lvls) if (u can build the big its have lvls) if (u can build the big its have lvls) if (u can build the big its have lvls) if (u can build the big its have lvls) if (u can build the big its have lvls)



600G,5MO,1500HT 1200G,10MO,1500HT 1600G,20MO,1500HT,3XC 3000G,20MO,1500HT,3XC 5000G,20MO,1500HT,3XC,2HS the big facility the big facility the big facility the big facility the big facility the big facility the big facility

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