Uniting Our Efforts 1999-2009

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Uniting Our Efforts Ten Years of Research Together 1999-2009 From the archives of the Buchanan Family Listserv

[email protected] (Originally: [email protected])

List creator and administrator: Suzanne Schaller With contributions from many family members and their correspondents. This book belongs jointly to the membership of this list. Each contributor retains ownership of their contributions. Membership is limited to descendants of Andrew and Jane Buchanan, County Tyrone, Ireland >Donegal, Ontario. This list is to exchange genealogical information regarding this family and their ancestry/descendants.

Edited by Bill Buchanan January 2009

Editorial comment: I felt that the postings to this email list were too good to lose. I have previously published some of them e.g. “Letters From the Past”, but much of the research would be lost if the list and archives of the [email protected] group ceased to exist. I didn’t want to take that chance. The postings are listed in chronological order, not by topic. There is no index, but the electronic document is easily searchable by computer. I have endeavored to delete personal information on living people where it is provided in personal letters and email messages. (Subscribers to the list can find that information in the List archives.) Where personal information has been previously published in books, newspapers, etc. it has not been deleted. Yahoo deletes the last part of all email addresses from the archives. Yahoo also deletes all attachments. So we don’t have access to them. I hope these postings will continue to be a help to all who are researching our Buchanans and related families. Unless other members of the list object, I consider this document to be publicly accessible to all people interested in researching these families. If they would like their postings removed, they should contact me at [email protected]

Bill Buchanan 18 January 2009

Oct 5, 1999 Hi list, We have eight people subscribed, which isn't as many as I expected. The reason I set this list up is, there are so many of us, but I guess people who aren't researching their Buchanan line at this time haven't joined the list. I said in the welcome message to hold off on posting until I get everyone subscribed, but I think we've got everyone we're going to get - for now, at least. So ... (dramatic voice) I declare the list open for discussion! :-) To post to the list, send the message to [email protected] . Anyone have any really big questions about our Buchanan line? Does anyone have a current email address for Bill Buchanan, formerly of Onoway, Alberta? I heard that he had moved, but the person who told me that didn't know where to. Can anyone help? Bill has done a lot of work on our Buchanan line. If you know how to get in touch with him, post to the list, because I'm sure others are wondering where he is. Suzanne ________________________________________________________________________ Oct 6, 1999 James Buchanan I am Val Buchanan granddaughter of Robert Alex Buchanan who was son of James Buchanan who married Huenia McClay etc. etc. Sometime ago i discovered my grandfathers diaries and am having a fantastic time reading them. I have found quite a bit of info in these books . I was just wondering if there was anyone out there that had any records on James buchanan or Huenia (hughenia) McClay who famed at Lansdowne Municipality, manitoba, Arden? I believe he may have died there in 1931. I have more precise dates if anyone could help me or suggest where i should look. thanxs, Val ____________________________________________ Oct 6, 1999 Let's get started! Hi everyone I'm so glad your thought of the list, Suzanne! It's a great way for us all to communicate. I was so taken with the idea that I started a list for my mother's "other" side.....the descendants of a Hugh MacArthur who came to PEI in 1770! Perhaps we could start by introducing ourselves. My connection with Andrew Buchanan and Jane Long is as follows: GGGGrandparents were Andrew Buchanan and Jane Long GGGrandparents: Samuel Buchanan (1830-1912) and Mary Watson (daughter of James Watson and Elizabeth Linnen) GGrandparents: "Long" Johnny Buchanan (1857-1932) and Elizabeth Shields

Graham (1869-1911) Grandparents: Elizabeth Buchanan (1893-1988) and Charles MacArthur (1881-1952) Parents: Willena "Billie" MacArthur (b. 1920) and William Fardoe Donna Fardoe (b. 1949) married to Warren Phillips My branch of the family moved from Perth County, ON to southern Manitoba. My grandmother (Elizabeth Buchanan) met my grandfather (Charles MacArthur) while he was out from PEI on a threshing expedition before WWI. They married and when he went overseas she took their young daughter and lived in PEI with his family until the end of the war. After the war they homesteaded in Pleasantdale, Saskatchewan where the remainder of their family was born. The family moved to Flin Flon, Manitoba in the early 1940's. Their children married there, and several still live there, including my parents. My grandmother's family was very close and I grew up regularly visiting several of my great aunts and uncles (childen of "Long" Johnny Buchanan and Elizabeth Shields Graham). The last of her generation, my great aunt Georgie, just died last year at age 95 or 96. Many of the women in that family lived to be in their 90s. The family talked a lot about the Buchanan history and I knew the story of Andrew and Jane from a young age. Myself [personal info deleted] Looking forward to hearing about the rest of you! Donna ____________________________________________ Oct 6, 1999 Introductions sound like a good idea. I'm Suzanne, and I'm descended from both the Buchanans and the Watsons because my 2greatgrandparents were first cousins Robert Buchanan and Elizabeth Watson. So my lines of descendancy go like this: through Buchanan 1) Andrew Buchanan and Jane Long William Buchanan and Ann Thompson Robert Buchanan and Elizabeth Watson Charles Buchanan and Clara Danbrook my grandfather, Weldon Buchanan of Stratford through Watson 2) Andrew Buchanan and Jane Long Jane Buchanan and James Watson Elizabeth Watson and Robert Buchanan Charles Buchanan - etc. I have done some work on William Buchanan and Ann Thompson's line, and I've found some information on the rest of the Buchanans in Donegal, Elma township, Perth County. Our Buchanans were the first settlers in Donegal, which was originally called Buchananville

(renamed by the first postmaster), and Margaret Buchanan, dau. of William and Ann, was the first child born in Elma township, in July 1848. Perth County was one of the last areas of Ontario to be settled, because it's so far inland from the Great Lakes. I have a photograph which I believe is the family of William and Ann Buchanan - I think it may have been taken at the time of William's funeral in 1885, since it was dated c1885, and everyone is wearing black and has sober expressions on their faces. I can't put names to all the faces - I put the photo online at http://www.cyberus.ca/~suzannes/identify.html And my Buchanan page is located at http://www.cyberus.ca/~suzannes/buchanan.html All for now, Suzanne ____________________________________________ Oct 7, 1999 Hi My name is Andrea Garcia [personal info deleted] I have been researching my family history for almost 2 years. My connection to Andrew Buchanan & Jane Long is: GGGG grandparents Andrew Buchanan & Jane Long GGG grandparents Jane Buchanan & James Watson GG grandparents Margaret Watson & Joseph Johnson Willerton G grandparents James Alfred Willerton & Mary Coulter grandparents Irene Willerton & Herman Leslie Belfour parents Anna Belfour & Frederick Garcia Take care Andrea Garcia ____________________________________________ Oct 7, 1999 Re: email address for Bill Buchanan Found him! Or rather, he found our list, or the list found him... or something... Welcome, Bill! I was just asking the list, "Does anyone have a current email address for Bill of Onoway??" :-) Yay! Suzanne, who apparently needs to get out more! ____________________________________________ Oct 10, 1999 Hello cousins I have the following connections to Andrew Buchanan and Jane Long: 1.Andrew Buchanan m Jane Long 2. John Buchanan m Isabella Watson

3. James George Buchanan m Sarah Elizabeth Watson 4. Dorothy Mildred Buchanan m Horace Hopkinson 5. Patricia Leslie Hopkinson (ME) My Watson connections are: 1. James Watson m Isabella Linnen 2. Isabella Watson m John Buchanan 3. James George Buchanan m Sarah Elizabeth Watson 4. Dorothy Mildred Buchanan m Horace Hopkinson 5. Patricia Leslie Hopkinson (ME) 1. James Watson m Isabella Linnen 2. William Watson m Eliza Ash 3. Sarah Elizabeth Watson m James George Buchanan 4. Dorothy Mildred Buchanan m Horace Hopkinson 5. Patricia Leslie Hopkinson (ME) I have a theory about who Andrew Buchanans parents were if anyone is interested. I will try and post that info soon (it is a bit complicated, so I will do it when I have more time). Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ Oct 10, 1999 Pictures on Sue Page Hi All; My Name is Kelly Mitchell [personal info deleted] I havent been focusing much on the Buchanans lately but I am hoping to do so at some point in time. My great grandparents were Andrew Buchanan and Annie Danbrook and they were from the Salvador area of Saskatchewan. Which leads in to what I wanted to tell Sue and the rest. Sue on your page: http://www.cyberus.ca/~suzannes/dbphotos.html The very first page of the Buchanans, Danbrooks and Mitchell, there is an "Aunt Jane". This is suppose to be Andrew Buchanan's Sister, but unfortunely noone new her married name. But I still a couple of people left to ask so give me a little more time :-) Quite a few of those people are buried in Salvador Cemetery. I do believe I have pictures of the headstones. will have to look :) Huuggss To All

Kelly :-) ____________________________________________ Oct 10, 1999 Re: Pictures on Sue's Page Hi Kelly, Andrew Buchanan (son of William Sam Buchanan) had a sister Mary Jane. She married Thomas Jordon. Now, I didn't know that she was called Jane! I never would have thought of her - I was trying to think of a Jane in the Danbrook line, not in the Buchanan line! No wonder I was confused! Yes, I forgot to mention this photo when I introduced myself - it's on my Danbrook photo page, that's why I forgot. The top photo is a Buchanan/Danbrook grouping and the url is http://www.cyberus.ca/~suzannes/dbphotos.html . The names were listed on the photo, but in some cases I've left the names out because the people are still living. (Kelly, I have one of the Danbrooks identified incorrectly, too - the woman with the baby on her lap isn't Edith Danbrook, she's Mabel Challis, your great-grandmother's sister.) Suzanne ____________________________________________ Oct 10, 1999 Re: Pictures on Sue's Page - More :-) Hi Group; Do you need information on Ed and Mary Buchanan? They settled in Luseland Saskatchewan. Ed and Mary were from Listowel Ont. Children: Evelyn, Ken, Len, Della, Roy, Marion, Jim and Doris. I have a breif write up from Grassland to Grainlands. Also who do they below to?? :-) Kelly :-) ____________________________________________ Oct 10, 1999 1864 Assessment Roll, Elma Township, Perth County, Ontario Published in "Perth County Profiles," May 1999 (the journal of Perth County Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society). The original records

seem to be at the Listowel Archives. "If you are interested in any of the names, write to the Listowel Archives for more particulars which may be on the roll." I think I will do so, at least for William. If anyone else wants to ask about their own ancestor, the address is: Stratford-Perth Archives, Listowel and Area Division General Delivery Gowanstown, ON Canada N0G 1Y0 They have a user fee - five dollars usually covers it. I hope to get there soon in person, but I don't know when!! Gowanstown is up in the middle of nowhere, and I don't have transportation. :-( Format - name, age, concession and lot, assessment in dollars Samuel Buchanan, 29, con. 8, east 1/2 of lot 28, $203 David Watson, 32, con. 8, west 1/2 of lot 28, $200 John Buchanan, 30, con. 8, south 1/2 of lot 30, $220 Robert Buchanan, 54, con. 8, north 1/2 of lot 30, $12 Charles Buchanan, 40, con. 8, lot 36, $657 Andrew Buchanan, 32, con. 9, lot 31, $480 William Thompson, 35, con. 9, south 1/2 of lot 32, $200 William Buchanan, 35, con. 9 lot 33 and con. 8, south 1/2 lot 33, $600 I could not find James on the list. And are these ages right? Robert wasn't *that* much older than the rest, was he? He wasn't born in 1810. I have 1815. I included the other names so that you can see who shares the land. It's interesting that a Thompson has land next to William Buchanan, whose wife was Ann Thompson!! There was a rumour going around that some of her family came to Canada with the Buchanans, but I haven't been able to find any proof yet. The rumour was that they later moved to Michigan...? As Spock would say, "Fascinating." I have more Buchanan records that don't pertain to my particular line (William)... will post them as I clean out my papers and come across them. :-) Others, feel free to do so as well! Suzanne ____________________________________________ Oct 11, 1999 proper introduction Hi there, I thought i would reintroduce myself since i did a poor job last time

i am Val Buchanan Great Great Great Grandparents were andrew buchanan & Jane Long Great Great Grandparents were Samuel buchanan & Mary Watson Great Grandparents were James Buchanan & hughena McClay Grandparents were/are Robert Alex Buchanan & Gertie Scott I live in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada and have 4 children. I have been given my great grandfathers (James buchanan's) diaries from 1908 to 1931 and am having a wonderful time reading them. I Have also had great luck on the 1901 manitoba census finding a lot of my relatives. I am very new at doing this geneology and am a little confused as to how i can get someone or some group to get me a picture or rubbing of my great grandfathers grave. or any of them for that matter. Also is there a way to get a copy of some of the families birth certificates. There doesn't seem to be a lot of manitoba lookups. Please forgive my newness but hope to learn how to do this properly. thanxs for your time and love this board!! [Val] ____________________________________________ Oct 12, 1999 Records in MB Val, I would be VERY interesting in getting a copy of the diaries that your grandfather kept. Would you be willing to share? Also, what graves do you want rubbings of? You can write to the vital records department in Winnipeg and get birth, marriage and death certificates. You can do this by phone (they take credit cards). The address and Phone # is: Division of Vital Statistics-Community Services and Corrections 254 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0B6 Phone (204) 945-3701 FEE: $15.00/certificate payable to Minister of Finance ____________________________________________ Oct 18, 1999 Hi I'm Bill Buchanan, My ancestors: W. George Buchanan<Wm. A. Buchanan<John Buchanan
(Fwd) 1864 Assessment Roll, Elma Township, Perth County I have in my possession accounts written by Elizabeth Hardie and Annie Brae McMane that substantiate the rumor. Annie Brae indicated that she actually knew some of her Thompson cousins and was planning on vid=siting them. Unfortunately she never gave me any indcation of names, addresses or relationships. (I am enclosing copies of these document from my website http://members.xoom.com/billb3) Bill A Talk Prepared by Mrs. Elizabeth Hardie for the 1949 Buchanan Reunion [Transcribed from a photocopy of her handwritten account.] Dear Uncle (Alexander), cousins; first, second and third. I stand before you today feeling very inadequate to speak on such a great occasion. I am sure it was for neither my intellect or looks, but because I am the third eldest representative of the Buchanan Clan, whose memory we are here to reverence, as well as get acquainted and have a happy reunion together. I am sorry time was so short I couldn't look more authentic dates, so if I make mistakes I hope you feel free to set me right. I am also sorry our first reunion could not have been held at our grandparents' [William Buchanan and Ann Thompson's] old home, that they took up nearly 100 years ago out of the wilderness. It was before there was any surveys, and they were known as squatters. We are proud to say it has always had a Buchanan owner. If our younger generation could remember as long back as a very few of the older ones can, 65 - 70 years, they could appreciate better the courage, hard work, and industry it took to make Elma township what it is, and the great heritage that is ours and theirs. My sister Angelina and I are, I might say, the connecting link between the old and the new. Very few of the grandchildren here today can remember our grandfather William Buchanan. He was a fine type of a real Irish gentleman, honest, kindly, and intelligent. He was a Christian gentleman, whose word was as good as his oath any day. I am often sorry we didn't get more authentic information from grandmother, who by the way, had a most wonderful memory. What I have is mostly from memory. Our grandparents, William Buchanan and Ann Thompson grew up and were married in County Tyrone, in the North of Ireland, and had one child, a girl, when they decided to come to Canada, about the year 1846 or 48. His father and mother, 7 brothers, and 1 sister, and also 2 Thompson brothers came at the same time. A number were married, so there would have been quite a company. I believe they had some money, much or little, when they left Ireland, but after a 9 week very strenuous voyage they expected to land in Halifax, but they were not allowed to land. Emigrant fever, a most deadly disease had broken out on the ship and a number died and were buried at sea, our great grandfather [Andrew sr.] and our grandparents' first child among them.

The great grandmother survived and came to the Bush country, where she lived a number of years and was buried in a little plot near the old English church on the 12 of Elma. But much or little money, they sure had their Irish pride, and although they could have come out on government emigrant money, preferred to pay their own passage. Oh, the pride of the Irish! Although they perhaps hadn't enough to buy their next meal, they were above accepting what they thought charity, and as long as grandmother lived, she spoke with considerable pride that they didn't come out on government money. Being detained in quarantine 2 or 3 months soon took what ready money they had. I have heard it said that grandfather spent his last money to buy an ax, so it was start at scratch -- or I guess chop when once they got to their proposed destination. They came to North East Hope, where some of their earlier Irish friends had settled, but decided to come on into the Queen's bush, where land was to be had for the taking and clearing. The men came north that same fall, cleared some land and built a few shanties during the winter. What they ate, I often wonder! The women came the following spring. In July 1849, their next child (my mother [Margaret]) was born, just 100 years ago this July. How they lived -or existed, has always been a puzzle to me, till they were able to grow something. Children came along with regularity, as was common in the Bush in those days. First Margaret, who was the first white child known to be born in Elma Township, then Andrew, Jimmie, Robert, William Sam -- oh yes, Jane and Lizzie came in about then too -- John Charles, and Alexander who is with us here today, and last Angelina, who died when about 9. Grandfather's first shanty was on or near the 12th concession, not far from the Mornington boundary, where Mother was born, but wanting to be near water, they soon built another shanty on the creek bank and started to clear the land near the back of what is now Jimmie Buchanan's farm. Later, when the survey was made and lines blazed and deeds from the government made out, a shanty or log house and stable for some stock was built near the centre of the farm, and about 20 rods [about 35 metres] back of the present buildings. They must have been in use up till about 1875, when the present house and barn were built. It was one of the first bank barns in the township -- and the house -- Well! It was simply a marvel for those days -- a separate pantry, washroom, 2 parlors, and most wonderful -even colored glass in the front door. Grandfather enjoyed the new buildings about 10 years. He took a lingering stomach trouble, and died in or about the year 1885. Shortly after his death the farm was divided. The two sons, Jimmie and Alexander took over the farm, and buildings were built nearer the road for Jimmie. Such is a brief outline of our family tree, but I cannot close without a few words about our grandmother, a most remarkable and useful woman for her day and generation. For many years she was known the country-over as Grannie Buchanan. As I said before, she had a wonderful memory. She was a great reader and talker, clever, and strong-minded, and a wonderful nurse, which

meant so much in those early days with no doctor nearer than Stratford -and babies! Each household mostly had from 8 or 9 to 14 or 15. One time when I was a young girl I remember her speaking of the births she had attended as Chief -- no doctor on hand in those days, and I counted as she named 134 or 6 and she never lost a case! With all our modern science and medical knowledge, where is a doctor today with such a record? She lived to the age of 84. She went visiting, perhaps for weeks at a time, but always had her room in her old home and counted it as home. I cannot but speak a word of appreciation for Aunt Emmie and Uncle Alex -- or Alexander as she always called him. She lived to be 84 in good health, always able to look after herself until some 6 or 8 months before her death, when she took a stroke and needed a lot of care. All the rest of the family was tied up with their own homes and cares but Aunt Emmie cared fro her as a loving daughter. There were no old age pensions in those days, and Grandma had lost her money that was left to keep her by lending it years before, but she never felt unwelcome in her old home, and her last words were "Emmie's good!" I would have liked to tell something about life in the so-called Good Old Days, but I find that my time is more than taken and someone might think they have spotted that. The first school started when my mother was 9, in my grandfather's log barn. The first teachers, the first church services, music, the first newspapers, the ghost on Roll. Henry Hill, Stanley Buchanan, etc. etc. It would take longer to tell what they hadn't than what they had. Their needs were supplied by doing without. What to us are absolute necessities, to them were unheard of and unavailable luxuries. Are we happier? We should be, but that rest very much with ourselves. We are met here today in a great reunion. May nothing mar our happiness as one great family, and may it be a shadow of that great reunion in the New World, even of Christ our King, which many believe will be established even in this generation. Now, I am not a singer, but something always thrills me when I hear the Women's Institute Ode, which I'm sure many of us know. Would it be appropriate to sing it -"A goodly thing it is to meet, In friendship's circle bright" and the last lines "That all may seek the common good, The good of all mankind.", even as our Grandfather and Grandmother, William and Ann Buchanan did, so many years ago. Thank you. Elizabeth Hardie ____________________________________________ Oct 19, 1999 Mervyn Buchanan Bill.....you mentioned that Mervyn Buchanan might be a good source of info on Samuel Buchanan and Mary Watson's family. Do you have contact information for him? Donna Phillips

Camrose, AB ____________________________________________ Oct 19, 1999 Ed and Mary Buchanan Hi All; I thought I would shared this with you. On this page that I am sending is information on Ed and mary Buchanan...Not sure exactly who they are but I think these are the Cousins my grandmother talks about: Ed and Mary http://www.rootsweb.com/~skstjose/biographies/bio/edmarybuchanan.html This is the main page for the above link: http://www.rootsweb.com/~skstjose/biographies/biographies.html I hope it is helpful to someone :-) Kelly :-) ____________________________________________ Oct 20, 1999 andrew buchanan & jane longs parents Just out of curiousity does anyone know who andrew buchanan's or Jane long's parent are? I don't even know where to look. Any suggestions? thanxs, Val ____________________________________________ Nov 1, 1999 Hi everyone Thought you might be interested in the message I received this am. I'm not sure how this Gar Watson found my name or interest in the Buchanan family. Donna Phillips -----Original Message----From: Gar Watson
She is researching the line. I recently recieved an email including this extract. There was and Andrew son of John and Jane (Nixon) Buchanan. While he would be too old to be your Andrew, could that be his father. It does show the name is in the family, as well as some of the children you list to the couple too being family names. I don't know if Patty has more on this or not, but maybe it's worth a shot for you to contact her if you haven't already. John Buchanan, of Donaghanie, b 1704, Deroran, Co., Tyrone, IREL; m1 1735, Jane Nixon; They had John Buchanan, of Omagh. He m2 1738, Mary Orr and had: William, Andrew, Patrick, and Elizabeth. Good Luck - Gar ____________________________________________ Nov 1, 1999 Re: andrew buchanan & jane longs parents Hi Val, Actually, I am not sure her last name was Long. Two of my best sources (Annie Brae McMane and Elizabeth Hardie) give her name as McNeilands or McNeilens. The death certificate of her daughter Jane gives the mother's maiden name as Young, but others have said that the informant (the deceased's husband James Watson) made a mistake. The name Long may come from Mrs. Alex Long. Also, the term "Grannie" (used as a title of respect for a midwife) may have been confused with children's biological grandmother. Sorry to complicate things, but there is still much for all of us to learn. I have been asking questions for about 50 years, and still don't have all the answers I would like to have. A lot of the fun is in the looking, as well as the finding. Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Nov 24, 1999 MB land grants Hello cousins, Well, I have done it again. I got myself into something that turned out to be bigger than I ever expected. I was digging through the Ontario archives website and found a searchable database for land grants for MB. I knew that my branch of Buchanans and Watsons headed for MB in 1878, so I figured I would write and get all the Buchanans and Watsons in the Neepawa area of MB. I had no idea there were so many!!! In any case, I now have copies of all of the deeds to Buchanans and Watsons in MB. There were 7 Watson grants and 12 Buchanan grants. The Watsons: David, William, James, James, Robert, Robert, and David. The Buchanans: Donald, John, Robert, Robert, Samuel, Joh, Samuel, John, Robert, Robert, John J. and Andrew.

Each grant has the section and range number as well as the name of the holder and the date received. If anyone would like copies of some of these, just let me know and I can send you a xerox. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ Nov 24, 1999 MB land grants hi there patty, i would love a copy of those, if need be i will send you postage. val ____________________________________________ Dec 2, 1999 County Tyrone Buchanans This looks interesting! Could this be our Andrew or his father?? Donna Phillips Camrose, AB -----Original Message----From: pmlbounce@... To: dphillip@... Date: December 2, 1999 1:02 AM Subject: PML Digest ===================================================================== A result of your requested PML search. To refine or cancel this search, please visit http://pml.rootsweb.com/ ===================================================================== Match: Buchanan AND "County Tyrone" Source: CoTyroneIreland-L@... From: "Roger E. Montague"
Hi Juliette, Here ya go. Roger Index to Tithe Applotment Books, 1823-1838 Buchanan, Andw. County : Tyrone Parish : Longfield West Townland : Cooel Year : 1826 Buchanan, Jas. County : Tyrone Parish : Longfield West Townland : Lackagh Year : 1826 Buchanan, John County : Tyrone Parish : Longfield West Townland : Cooel Year : 1826 Buchanan, Robt. County : Tyrone Parish : Longfield West Townland : Meencargagh Year : 1826 Buchanan, Wm. County : Tyrone Parish : Longfield West Townland : Cooel Year : 1826 Buchanan, Wm. County : Tyrone Parish : Longfield West Townland : Curricamulkin Year : 1826 Emery, Lenox County : Tyrone Parish : Longfield West Townland : Aughekinmart Year : 1826 Speer, John County : Tyrone Parish : Longfield West Townland : Cooel Year : 1826 Speer, Robt. County : Tyrone Parish : Longfield West Townland : Cooel Year : 1826 ____________________________________________ Dec 3, 1999 Re: Digest Number 12 I also have the index to Tithe Applotments. Of course the first thing I did was look up and see if I could find anything that looks like our

Andrew. I have on my agenda for my trip to the Omagh next spring to check out the Longfield West area (which note that son William married in Lower Longfield). In addition to those listed below, there are a few other possibilities as well that I am hoping to check out. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ Dec 28, 1999 Hello cousins, I hope everyone had a good Christmas Holiday. I recently found out a few tidbits about one of the early Buchanan/Watson connections that I thought I would pass on. Most of you probably know that Jane Buchanan (daughter of Andrew Buchanan and Jane Long) married James Watson Jr. (son of James Watson and Isabella Linnen). I was aware that James Jr had previously been married to a Caroline, but knew nothing else about the marriage or even her last name. I discovered that her name was Caroline A. Dodge and that she died 11 NOV 1854 at age 25 (making her birth about 1829). She is buried in Mainsville Cemetery, Edwardsburgh, Grenville County Ontario. Also, since most of us have that Watson connection as well, I thought I would pass this on. Elizabeth Watson (daughter of James Watson and Isabella Linnen) died 25 FEN 1902, age 74. She was married to Solomon Simons, who died 28 SEP 1898, age 72 years. They both apparently stayed in the Edwardsburgh area and did not move west to Perth/Huron County area as they are buried in Mainsville Cemetery, Edwardsburgh, Grenville County Ontario. Have a great new year. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ Dec 28, 1999 This is interesting, since William's marriage in 1846 took place in Lower Langfield, Tyrone, Ireland. Lang is usually a variation of "long". Would anyone know whether Lower Langfield and Longfield West are the same place? [Bill] ____________________________________________ Jan 17, 2000 Hello cousins, If anyone is interested in some LINNEN information that I am compiling, please let me know. As most of you know (at least those with the WATSON connection) James Watson Sr. married Elizabeth (or Isobella) LINNEN. They were in the Edwardsburgh area of Grenville Co., Ont. I have found 3 siblings of Elizabeth as well as many descendants of the siblings.

I also have tracked down a possible marriage date for James WATSON and Elizabeth LINNEN, in NY state (apparently quite common for citizens of Edwardsburgh to do). I have a definite marriage date in Ogdensburg, Oswagatchie, St. Lawrence Co., NY for one of Elizabeth's brothers. I also have figured out some connections with the WELSH family to the LINNEN family of Edwardsburgh. Any one interested in more details, let me know. Patty Hopkinson (pattyh@...) ____________________________________________ Jan 25, 2000 Hello cousinsI am taking a trip to the UK this spring and I am spending 5 days in the Omagh area in Co Tyrone, primarily for genealogy purposes. If anyone has any leads or suggestions as where to dig over there I am very willing to run down whatever leads we have on the Buchanans. What I am working on so far is 2 basic facts: 1) Jane Buchanan's (daughter of Andrew Buchanan and Jane Long) grave marker places her birth as 27 Feb 1836, in Omagh. I will try and track down a christening record or some sort of registration of birth (not likely). 2) William Buchanan (son of Andrew Buchanan and Jane Long) listed his residence as Binnawooda (a few miles from Omagh) when he married Anne Thompson in 1846. I will check out Binnawooda and see what is there. There are a few Buchanans listed in the Tithe Applotment Records, but I have no strong feeling that anyone that I have found in there is connected to us. If anyone else has any indicators as to any connection to Buchanans in Tithe Records, let me know. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ Hi Patty, I remember my father mentioning Buchanans living in the Strabane area as well, but I don't know where. Bill ____________________________________________ Apr 10, 2000 Hope everyone is enjoying their spring!!

If there is anyone on the list that needs birth, death or marriage ceritificates from the British Columbia archives please email me at svw@... i make a trip to victoria once a month and will be willing to copy these documents for you. They only cover Births 1872 to 1899, Marriages 1872 to 1924 and Deaths from 1872 to 1979. Haven't heard much from this list but i guess everyone is busy with the beautiful weather we are having. Val Buchanan ____________________________________________ Apr 11, 2000 Hi list, Just to create more work for Val ;-) The index to these records is online at the BC Archives site. http://www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca/textual/governmt/vstats/v_events.htm (*What* beautiful weather? It's snowing here!! :-( So much for Spring...) Suzanne ____________________________________________ May 15, 2000 Buchanan Cousins. I returned from my trip to the UK with some success to report on our Buchanan genealogy. I was able to make some progress in finding out Andrew Buchanan's tracks in Ireland. I spent a few days in the Omagh area and it was very beneficial. I first tried to trace down Binnawoods, which was where William Buchanan listed as his residence at the time of his marriage to Anne Thompson. Tracking this townland down actually turned out to be quite a task, since these small townlands are not on any modern maps. They are basically open farmland with no real town to go with it. The best I had was an 1851 townland map that showed all the townlands in Ardstraw parish. There were no towns or roads etc on the map, so getting there was an adventure. I did manage to find it and it is beautiful farmland. There was a stream that ran through and completely charmed the area. Binnawoods is really quite a beautiful place. At this point I was assuming that Andrew Buchanan was also from Binnawoods (which turned out to be wrong!). Having to actually drive to the area was helpful in that I learned what parished were close to the area. Even though Binnawoods is in Ardstraw parish, it is very close to a couple of other parishes. While in Omagh I was able to pick up a book on Omagh cemeteries and there are many Buchanans buried in the local (mainly Church or Ireland) cemeteries. I decided to hit a few of the cemeteries in person that were not covered by the book and were closer to Binnawoods. I found Buchanans in those that may very well be related to us (lots of Andrews, Williams and Samuels). I also called on a couple of Buchanans still in the area and a farm in Binnawoods actually ended up back in Buchanan hands! A Douglas Buchanan's family bought the farm about 75 years ago and he sold it about 25 years ago. Now for the really good part. I moved on to the Public Records Office in Belfast to see what they had in the way of parish records. It turns out that Ardstraw parish was destroyed in Dublin in

1922. But I did not lose hope, since Binnawoods was actually closer to other parish churches. I began to dig in those parished and in Derg (Urney) parish I was able to find 3 of Andrew Buchanans children christenings (Charles, Robert and William). These listings had as his residence at what appeared to be Lissnamore (for Robert) and Leur (for the other 2), however the writing was not terribly legible. I was able to verify that there is a townland called Listymore in Ardstraw parish. I looked up Leur in a listing of Townlands and could not find anything, but I did find a Lower listed as a townland in Ardstraw parish. This same roll of film was also suppose to contain marriages from 1807 onward, however I was not able to find a records of any marriage prior to 1830's. I was a bit disappoined since Andrew and Jane would have married about 1813ish. I continued to work through this parish register and I found a few other Buchanans that are probably related (my guess a younger brother to Andrew) and when I get them all sorted out I will pass those on. At this point I was out of time and had to catch my flight home from Belfast. I will attempt to continue checking surround parishes and see if LDS has them microfilmed so that perhaps we can narrow down a few more posibilities. The 3 christening records are: Robert Buchanan, c 20 APR 1815, Derg (Urney) Parish, Co Tyrone, Ireland. Charles Buchanan, c 26 MAY 1817, Derg (Urney) Parish, Co Tyrone, Ireland. William c 28 MAR 1824, Derg (Urney) Parish, Co Tyrone, Ireland. The christening for William was double checked as I had his date of birth as 20 SEP 1824. Children were generally christed within the first month of life, so it would seem that whoever recorded 20 SEP 1824 was a bit off. I would be interested in figuring out where this piece of info came from. To give you a sense of location, the areas these christenings were done in are about 10 miles from Omagh, very close to the town of Castlederg. I know we were always told that our Buchanans were from Omagh and some of them might well have been. Since I only found 3 christening records, it is possible that the younger children were born much closer to Omagh since they fall off the Derg parish records. What is also interesting to realize is that part of Urney parish is in Donegal, rather than Tyrone. It is possible that we come off the Buchanans of Donegal rather than the Buchanans of Omagh. I will check on the townlands listed in the christenings and see if there is anything similar in Donegal. Some of you may know my theory of who Andrew's parents are. I was able to find some more circumstantial evidence supporting this (the book of cemetery transcripts), however, finding paper documentation will probably be difficult due to the poor records at this time in Ireland. I will continue to try and go through some parish records if LDS has them filmed. If not, I will probably have to hire someone in Belfast to go through the records there in the Public Records Office. If any of you have any questions, I would be happy to try and answer them. I was also able to gather quite a bit of info on the known Buchanan lines in Omagh (Buchanans of Deroran, Tattykeel, Straughroy and Killyclogher). My theory is that we are off the Deroran line. If anyone is interested in the details of my theory and the new circumstantial evidence I found, I will be happy to share it. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ May 16, 2000 Patty and anyone else who's interested, Here are my notes on the date of birth of William Buchanan (the son of Andrew, married Ann Thompson).

Gravestone in Donegal Cemetery, Elma township, Ontario: "In memory of William Buchanan, died Oct 3, 1885 aged 61y 6m 22d, a native of Co. Tyrone, Ireland." Death registration with the government: Ontario Vital Statistics registration #013589-1885 "William Buchanan, died Oct 3, 1885 age 61y 5m 22d, of dyspipsia duration sixteen months." I just noticed that there is a difference there, in the months. I calculated his date of birth as March 11, 1824 based on the gravestone, but you might want to check my math. Also, sometimes fives and sixes get mixed up by the transcribers. If I'm out at the cemetery this summer, I'll have a look at it & see whether it really reads 5 months or 6 months. Lorne & Doris Buchanan's "Buchanan Family Tree" - admittedly not the most reliable of sources - gives Sept 20, 1824. Of course we do not know their sources, but 30 years ago there were people still living who had known these early Buchanans. I'd say that William's date of birth is still open to debate. But the death & cemetery records put it closer to the christening, where the date given by Lorne & Doris means that he would have been christened before being born! Thanks, Patty, for sharing your findings from your trip. I have long been planning to share the results of my research on my own branch, and have been procrastinating. :-( Too much to do. I will try to motivate myself this summer. Suzanne ____________________________________________ May 17, 2000 Sue and the rest, The date of March 11 is much more in line with the christening date (28 MAR) and my money is on that one being correct (whether or not the grave marker reads 5 or 6 months). I double checked (triple actually) the christening date because is did not match up with the DOB I had from Lorne's book, so I am confident that the christening was correct. I guess Lorna and Doris were off a bit on their date... Also on William-I did find a William Buchanan who had 2 illegitimate children with the same women in the last couple of years before Andrew & Co. moved to Canada. It is possible that it was this William. This is some of the Buchanan christenings that I felt were related to our Andrew-but I am not quite sure how yet. I will sort out all of that info and post it soon (I am still very jet lagged--need to get my energy back!). Just something to

ponder..... I check at LDS and the parish records I want to continue to check on are not filmed. So that means paying someone in Belfast. I have someone lined up and his rates seem reasonable and all I can do is give him a try. I will decide which records I want him to go over and see where to go from here. Patty ____________________________________________ Jul 21, 2000 Haven't heard from this group for sometime and came to check if maybe i wasn't getting the posts, but i'm here and there aren't any. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer. I am planning a trip to manitoba canada with my family this august. My four kids are not to anxious to be hunting through cemeteries but as i told them if mom is happy everyone is happy (haha). Just wondered if anyone had any suggestions as to cemeteries i could go to from vancouver island, british columbia to Neepawa, Manitoba. Have still been searching for the buchanan family on passanger lists but i haven't had any luck what so ever, but i did find my friends family on a list so I made her day! Well i hope to hear from this list soon and hope everyone is doing well. take care, Val p.s. my email address has changed and i'm not sure how to change that on this list??? ____________________________________________ Oct 10, 2000 Have all of you read about the Commemorative Cross that was raised in Kingston to commemorate the Irish victims of typhus in 1847-48? I was fortunate to have a helpful Kingston resident send me some photos and an excerpt from the local paper when the cross was dedicated. The links below will take you to some information: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Museum/7787/index.html http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Museum/7787/kingston.html From the article is appears that the immigrants first landed at Grosse Ile near Quebec City and then were transported to Kingston via a barge. Information about the Irish and Grosse Ile is below: http://www.celtic-connection.com/lit/eye.html Does anyone have any information about which ship the Buchanan family travelled on? There were so many landing in Quebec at that time that it will be difficult to figure out, I imagine. Donna Phillips Camrose, AB ____________________________________________ On Sun, 8 Oct 2000 11:21:18 EDT, Jandswood@... wrote:

Hi! I was thinking a bit more about your McGoffin connection. We have several pictures of the McGoffin family, but they are unidentified otherwise. Would you recognize a picture of Jane? Thanks! Jennifer

Oct 14, 2000 Hi Jennifer, I am sorry, but I have never seen a picture of her. Maybe someone in the Andrew and Jane Buchanan genealogy mailing list could help. Jennifer is looking for information on the parents and ancestry of: Jane Elizabeth (Jennie) McGoffin was born in Listowel, Ontario, 3 June 1881. On 21 July 1905 Jennie married David Buchanan, the son of Samuel and Mary (Watson) Buchanan. She died 9 July 1946. Can any of you help her? Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ 10 April 2000 I hope this will be of interest to some of you. 10 April 2000 - I recently found some of my old genealogy notes, including the notepad I used when interviewing relatives in 1963. I decided to type these so that they could be shared with anyone interested. Comments in [square brackets] are mine from 2000

1. [Source: The first part is from interviews with the surviving children of William Andrew Buchanan and Elizabeth Watson: George and Jack (John Henry) Buchanan, and Inez McCallum. They are since deceased. George is my father.] John and 6 bros. [plus father, mother and sister were] 9 weeks on the water. Out 10 days and a storm forced them back to Ireland. The trip was then completed in 7 weeks. Great Great Grandpa died in Ireland at more than 90 (years of age). [This would be Andrew’s or Jane’s father.] The census for 1900 in Manitoba would give many helpful details. Write Earl McGillivray, Melfort, Saskatchewan - moved Family lived near Londonderry in N. Ireland right on the coast.

Watsons were farmers in Michigan, sold their produce to residents of Drummond’s Island, were related to Buchanans. “Pa” [William Andrew Buchanan] and Grandma were second cousins. [first cousins?] 2. Buchanans and Watsons must have kept in close contact for “Pa” [William A. Buchanan] and Grandma to meet and get married. Watsons lived near Sault Ste. Marie. Minnie used to sit on the pier. Emily and Carl were born in Michigan. Watsons migrated to Canada. Allan Watson must have learned some Gaelic from his mother. – No. Full names [of the family of William Andrew Buchanan and Elizabeth Watson] William George Buchanan John Henry Buchanan Margaret Elizabeth Buchanan Inez Marion Buchanan Violet [stillborn] was probably born before Inez. Violet is buried on Dick’s farm at Millett. Possibly another [stillborn] child at Leedale. See Jack about [Dick Watson’s] birth certificate. Back of page 2. Sheffields: Carl, Emily, Dewey, Arthur Adam Watson named after Adam Linen? Jim was caretaker for the school. Ernie used to interpret for Jim and do his writing for him and so on. Jim missed Ernie terribly after his death. 3. Minnie Steel d. in Michigan. Dewie Sheffield died in Calgary of pneumonia. Buchanans lived in County Tyrone. Linen estate in England through Watsons and Buchanans intermarried. Two brothers, second cousins to “Pa” and Dick and Allan Watson. Get in touch with Carrie and Merton Watson, Toledo, Ohio. Merton Watson – Toledo, Ohio – lives on the shore of one of the great lakes – son of Allan Watson. Ida Keating is around Jasper Place [Edmonton] [died Dec 1961] Davie Watson, Dick’s uncle was Adam Watson from Vancouver’s father [uncle] [His uncle Adam was James Watson jr.’s son] John B. and Davey W. were in the California gold rush. Dick and Allan were cousins of Adam.

7 [Buchanan] brothers Dick’s birth certificate: Richard James Watson b. Oct 24, 1878 Wingham, Turnberry Twp. Huron Co. [Ont.] Reg. No. 78-05-010296 [died 1951] Emily [Sheffield] Coeur d’Helene, Idaho Back of 3. Wm., Chas., and Andy settled around Donegal [Ontario], the others went west (Jas., John, Sam, and Robert) Archie at Riding Mountain – Sam’s grandson 4. [Source: Inez McCallum] Ber [McCallum] and Inez m. Aug 27, 1938 Richard James McCallum – md. Stephanie Spicer [div.] Kenneth Lloyd McCallum Beverley Ann McCallum Minnie [Watson] Steel – md. Frank Steel Nate, Nellie, Jeannie & twins. Went temporarily insane from over-work and worry. –died giving birth to twins. Nellie and Nate caught polio. Nellie died and Nate was crippled. Jeannie died before Nellie. Maggie Sheffield had a premonition of her son Dewey’s death. While washing with a scrub board she heard him calling her. At this same time he was dying in the hospital in Calgary of pneumonia. Dick Watson used to be a miner. Married a Scottish nurse named Mary. – no children Jim Buchanan had a grown son killed in a gun accident. - Ernie Carl Sheffield married Leona Hagen, later divorced. Lorraine b. about 1935 and Duane b. about 1937

Back of 4 Dick and Allan, first cousins to Adam [Watson] Old Davey and Adam’s kinship [Davey was a brother to Adam’s father James.] Linen Estate – [rough sketch showing the position of the two second cousins of Adam and Allan who acquired the estate] 5.

[Source: a list kept by William Andrew Buchanan in the possession of Jack Buchanan] Births Elizabeth Buchanan – July 4, 1857 Jane Buchanan [Hamilton] – Dec 20, 1859 Robert [Red Bob] Buchanan – Jan 28, 1861 James [Dumby Jim] Buchanan – March 10,1864 Margaret Buchanan [Keating] – Feb 13, 1867 Mary Buchanan [Ash] – Feb 14, 1869 William Buchanan – Oct 22, 1874 Annie Elizabeth Buchanan [McGillvray] – Nov 14, 1876 John Charles Buchanan – June 14, 1879 Deaths Elizabeth Buchanan – Dec 15, 1873 [in Ont.] John Charles Buchanan – Nov 19, 1882 [in Man.] John Buchanan sr. – Feb 15, 1909 Isabell Buchanan – March 30, 1917 Robert Buchanan Jane Hamilton – 1932 (aged 73 years) Annie Elizabeth McGillvray – William A. Buchanan – 28 May 1948 Births Lloyd McCallum – Dec 14, 1929 James McCallum – May 4, 1931 Beverley McCallum – July, 1949 6. Maggie [Keating] had the old family Bible, Ida may have it now. Some Buchanans belonged to the Plymouth Brethren. John willed everything to Jim, leaving $10 to “Pa” [Wm. A. Buchanan] he handed it back saying, “Let the tail go with the hide.” Carl Sheffield, Pr. George, BC. Elizabeth Watson Buchanan (d. In Tacoma, Washington about 1926 or 1924) died at approximately 42 years of age. 4 years difference between George and Maggie. Maggie was 14, Jack 12, Inez 8. (I arrived in Neepawa, Manitoba at this point.) [Source:] The Neepawa Press, page 4, February 16, 1909 John Buchanan, one of the early settlers here, and brother of Samuel Buchanan of town, died yesterday at the residence of his son-in-law Dan McGillivray on the [survey] correction line. Deceased was 68 years of age and came from Elma, County of Perth, Ont. He is survived by 7 children – Mrs. J. Hamilton, Mrs. Caithness [should be Keating], Mrs. W. Ash, Mrs. Dan

McGillivray, Robert, James, and William. The funeral will take place 7. to Riverside [Rosedale or Buchanan] cemetery at 1:30 PM on Wednesday afternoon. Source: Mervyn Buchanan Tradition of the Neepawa branch says that 6 brothers and a sister came over from N. Ireland during the famine in Ireland. 3 brothers came west. Actually there were 7 brothers, 1 sister, 2 parents, Williams’ wife and daughter. Robert J. Watson – witness to will. Adam’s brother, James’ son. Source: John Buchanan in Birnie, grandson of Robert Jane Watson was a sister to the 7 brothers. 2 Watson girls married 2 Buchanans Isabel [married John] and Mary (married Sam) James (one son in States, 2 girls in Man. – Russell’s mother Maggie, Jennie Keating), John, and Sam came to Man. James came on horseback from [after is scribbled out] Nevada (from the gold rush). It took the Buchanans 11 days to go from Ont. to Nevada by train. Sam, John, James, Andy, Charles, William, and Robert.

8. Watsons came from the same place as the Buchanans (in Ontario). Source: Mabel Henry of Riding Mountain, daughter of David James Watson Write Mrs. Earle Chatwin (nee Roxy Watson) 2611 Fernwood Rd., Victoria, BC Certificate of Marriage Sept 22, 1856. James Watson of the Twp. Of Elma in the Co. of Perth and the province of Canada and Jane Buchanan of the Twp of Elma, etc. were married by me by the authority of Publication of Banns in the presence of the following witnesses – James Buchanan, Elizabeth Glen. Witness my hand at Elma this 22 day of Sept 1856. James M. Clark, Minister of the W. M. [Wesleyan Methodist] Church in Canada. Births of Watson Family [Children of James Watson and Elizabeth Linen] James Watson – July 23, 1825 md. Sept 22, 1856 Jane Buchanan – Feb 27, 1836 Robert Watson – Nov 12, 1857 Margaret Watson Margaret Watson – Jan 25, 1859 Joe Willerton Elizabeth Watson – May 10, 1860 Robert Buchanan Adam Watson – March 2, 1862 1. Christina Adamson, 2. Mary Anne Folston

Jane Watson – March 30, 1864 d. Feb 25, 1898 Jack A. Snider [Spouses’ names are scribbled in the right-hand margin] Page 9 is missing 10. [These appear to be death dates from the lists kept by David James Watson] Mrs. Wm. Buchanan Sr. - Nov 6, 1911 Evelyn Watson – Oct 16, 1907 b. 3 Aug 1899 (daughter of Solomon) Mrs. D A Snider - Oct 1st 1911 Andrew Buchanan – March 1912 (old) Samuel Buchanan – Dec 25, 1912 James [Watson] sr. and Elizabeth Watson (Linen) James [Watson] jr. md. Jane Buchanan Robert [Watson] – Elizabeth [Watson] md. Solomon Simons David [Watson] md. Jane Buchanan born on shipboard (Scott?) John [Watson] md. Phoebe Barrett Isobel (Bella) [Watson] md. John Buchanan Mary [Watson] md. Sam Buchanan George (Jordy) [Watson] md. Jane Welsh William (Billie) [Watson] md. Elizabeth Ash Elizabeth Watson md. Solomon Simons - Robert, Lizzie, Annie, Bert James Watson and Elizabeth Linen md. in Scotland James Watson jr. and Jane Buchanan b. July 3, 1825, near Prescott, Ont. D. May 24, 1904 Robert [Watson] – David [Watson] md. Jane Scott (Buchanan?) John [Watson] md. Phoebe Barrett, family John and Ruth Back of page 10. [Source: Gertie Wilson?] Old Billy Watson married Liza Johnson Jim [Watson] (May) Mary [Watson] (Bylowe) Sarah [Watson] (Dumby Jimmy) Ellen [Watson] (Paine) Jordy [Watson] (Mary) John [Watson] (Mary Willerton) Katie [Watson] (Robt G. Buchanan) Evelyn [Watson] (never md.) Dave [Watson] (Dora Graham) Lucille [Watson] (Potts) Elgin [Watson] (Mary Ellen his cousin) Gertrude [Buchanan] Wilson says the family came out [to Manitoba] in 1872. Wrong – Lizzie Buchanan died in Ontario.

Big Sam [Buchanan] lived with a Mills woman for years and had several children before she left him and married. Mrs. Walter Hunter 475 – 5 Ave, Neepawa Md. Dave Beare and lived in Calgary or Moosejaw. [This is in pencil like the note about Mary Ellen Mills, and may be a continuation of the same note.] Buchanan family reunion near Donegal, Perth County, Ontario. Beck and John [are] Charles’ descendants at McCreary. Page 11 is missing Page 12 James Watson and Elizabeth Linen Married in Scotland Son James b. July 3, 1825, near Prescott, Ontario, d. May 24, 1904 James Watson married Jane Buchanan Robert – Elizabeth – Solomon Simons David – Jane Scott (Buchanan?) John – Phoebe Barrett Isobel (Bella) – John Buchanan Mary – Sam Buchanan George (Jordy) – Jane Welsh Wm. (Billie) – Liza Johnson (Plumas – Bert’s grandparents) Elizabeth Watson married Solomon Simons Robert Annie Lizzie Bert David Watson married Jane Scott (Buchanan?) Maggie and Robert Watson – Jeannie [Jean Victoria Watson] from Dauphin Mary and Ben Everall Roy [Everall] md. Helen Lunsted – Kathleen Robert Watson Watson [Everall] md. Mary Paterson – Louise Anne May (Dalby) md. Jim Smith Kathleen [Everall] Eliza Jane [Watson] married Josh Ritchie Ellen [Ritchie] (Des) Evelyn [Ritchie] & Robt Coulter – Gertiet, Dorothy Laura [Ritchie] & Anson McGorman Elsie [Ritchie] – Melville [Ritchie] & Kate

Jennie [Ritchie] & James McGorman Winnie [Ritchie] & Geo. Ellis – Fred, Alvin, Patricia, Wendy Annie [Watson] – unmarried James [Watson] – unmarried Robert [Watson] & Jessie Howe – Olive Back of Page 12. James and Jane Buchanan Watson’s Billy’s daughter Clara married John Alexander Ask John at Birnie or Nels what his grandmother’s name was. John died in Oct. or Nov 1962 Ted Dafoe md. Margaret Buchanan Daughter Alma married Howard Buchanan from Birnie (John and Florence’s son) Mary may be able to help. Grace Buchanan in Washington died leaving a lot of family information. – son Virgil Grace Ann Campbell daughter of Big Bob md. Charles Buchanan son of Andrew Nels is keeping a family record [This may have become the basis of the Buchanan Family Tree book.]

Page 13. Robert Buchanan and Margaret Booth – Eliza, Andy, Big Bob, John James 1. Eliza [Buchanan] & Big Bob Campbell – Bob, Pete, Jane (Orton), Johnny, Andy, Grace (Charlie Buchanan), Bill, Mary (Bill Chambers) 2. Andy [Buchanan] & Letitia Campbell – John (at Birnie), Maggie, Bob, Howard, Nels, Melvin, Dick, Bert, Webb 3. Big Bob [Buchanan] & Lizzie Bell – Ida (Holmes), Essie (Art Smith), Nellie (Jas. V. McLaughlin), Bob (dec), Lucy (Coulter), Beatrice (Fenwick), Flossy, Florence, Sanford, Weldon 4. John James & Bella Campbell – Kate, May, Anne (Bill Gerry), Norman, Archie, Tom, Lawrence (d. in WWII), John, Harold Margaret Booth Buchanan [Robert’s widow] married Alex Long. Their only child was Mag (McBride) Back of page 13. Don Buchanan is RCMP at Swift Current, Bill at Birnie’s son. Bill is Sam’s Little Jimmy’s son. Little Sam’s Andy lives at Williams Lake [BC]

Myrtle Rupert and Georgina Harris live in Melfort Write Archie at RM and ask him for a list of his aunts and uncles. Lizzie Graham died giving birth to twins Merle and Alex 14. Sam Buchanan and Mary Watson 1. Long Johnny, 2. Robbie, 3. Davie, 4. Jimmy, 5. Billy, 6. Little Sammy, 7. Mary (md. Jim Graham), 1. Long Johnny 1. Maggie Coulter (one child buried with her) 2. Lizzie Graham – Mary Jane (Smith), Maggie (Dafoe), Lizzie (McArthur), Cassie (Liverington), Myrtle (Rupert), Kaaty (Kennedy), Georgina (Harris), Merle ( ), Andy, Sammy John, Alex 2. Robbie 1. Annie Coulter – Gertie (George Wilson), Sam 2. Kate Watson – Bert, Norman, Annie (Bradshaw) 3. Davie md. Jennie McGuffin 4. Jimmy md. Hugena McClay – Eva (Smith), Clara (dec), Ethel (Kilborn), Cooraal ( ), Bill (Leona Murdock) (at Birnie), Alex (Hazel Scott) 5. Billy unmarried 6. Little Sammy md. Bella Coulter – Mary (Nels Buchanan), Archie (at Riding Mountain), Andy, Jean (Ducklow, 2. Nels Buchanan), Angus, Leola (Troope) 7. Mary md. Little Jim Graham - Minnie (Smith), Lizzie (Clancy), Olive (Coad), Ila (Kines), Bob, Sam (dec), John, Mel Back of page 14. Davy Buchanan’s Bill and Marian are at Abbotsford, BC. Bill looked up Buchanans in Ireland and Scotland. Annie Watson and 1. D. Gardner – Al, Weldon, Roy (dec) 2. Andy Snider – Jim, Eldon 15. James Buchanan married Bessie Glen Jennie married Jim Keating Annie Gilbert married Frank Grasby Maggie married 1. Harvey Tibbetts, 2. Red Bob Buchanan Andy (drowned in the Fraser River) Note Annie Gilbert is daughter of Henry Gilbert by [Bessie Glen’s] second marriage Jane Buchanan married James Watson (Jane Buchanan b. 27 Feb 1836, d. 24 May 1917) (James Watson b. Edwardsburg, 23 July 1825, d. 24 May 1905) Robert [Watson] married Margaret Watson (Davy Watson’s daughter) – 1 child Maggie [Watson] married Joe Willerton – 11 children Lizzie [Watson] married Robert Buchanan (Old William‘s Bob) - 6 Adam [Watson] married 1. Christina Adamson – 3 2. Mary Anne Folston – 3 Jennie [Watson] married Jack Snider – 0 Solomon [Watson] married Blanche Matthews – 6 Annie [Watson] married 1. Dave Gardiner – 6

2. D. Andy Snider Dave [Watson] married Min Snider – 3 (Mable Henry’s parents) Mary [Watson] married Dave McLarty – 7 Bill [Watson] married Sophia Munro – 6 (lives at Bowsman) Sam [Watson] (drowned at Neepawa) Belle [Watson] (Andy Snider’s first wife) – 2 Allan [Watson] married Kitty Harvey – 10 (At Abbotsford, may have diary) Obituary Robert Buchanan – d. Sept 27, ’38, 81 years Son of William and Anne Buchanan who came here from Tyrone County, Ireland, 60 years ago. He married Lizzie Watson, daughter of the late Mr. And Mrs. James Watson. Survivors: Sons: Charles, William, Alex, Herbert, Reuben. Daughter: Annie and a daughter died in infancy. 2 sisters: Lizzie (J. Patrick), Jane (R. Terry), 2 brothers predeceased him. Daughter Annie d. Apr. 14, 1942, 54 years. Back of 15. 3 of Big Sam’s brothers were mixed up in a murder – sons of Andy. 16. Andrew Buchanan married Mary Jane Wallace Jimmy Bill Bob Charlie Andy Big Sam Jane (Sam McCauley) Mary (Isaac Hodge) Maggie (Bill Hempill) William Buchanan married Anne Thompson Andy (Liza Burke) Jimmy (Annie Scott) Jane (Dick Terry) Lizzie (Patrick) William Sam (Maggie Burke, later Maggie Cuthbertson) Alex (Emma Scott) Robert (Lizzie Watson) Charles Buchanan married Nancy Cooper Bill (Mary McGregor) Johnnie (…) Grace (Bill Blair) Charlie (…) Big Bob (R. M.) Buchanan (Robert’s son) married Elizabeth Bell Ida (T. Holmes) Essie (Art Smith) Nellie (James V. McLaughlin)

Robbie (dec) Beatty (Bert Fenwick) of Brandon Lucy (W. E. Coulter) of Steelcam, Sask. Sanford (Margaret Averill) Weldon (McGee) Flossie (Allan Scott) of Neepawa (twin) Florence (Maurice Halkirk) of Osprey Back of page 16 John [Buchanan?]’s place was 4 miles west [of where?] Bill Buchanan, Abbotsford Marian Buchanan, Abbotsford Ask Mabel Henry for Allan Watson’s address Mrs. G. A. Wilson 22320 Selkirk Street, Haney, BC See Willie about immigration details. Jack Broadfoot, Aunt Jennie’s son. 17. [Source: Belle Hunter] (Red Bob) Robert J. Buchanan married Margaret Tibbetts, nee Buchanan John James Isabelle Russell Elizabeth (Livingston) Douglas Stanley Hazel (Griffiths) Edward Andrew [Buchanan] and Jane (McNielens) and 8 children (original immigrants) Lived in Omagh, Co. of Tyrone, Ireland, and knew they were Scotch Buchanans left Scotland during a rebellion Andrew Buchanan and son William’s wife died and were buried at sea. Her daughter, Little Jane, born in shipboard married Old David Watson, was on the California gold rush. [This paragraph is mixed up. William’s daughter died, not his wife. David Watson married Jane Scott. Their oldest child was born in 1861, making it unlikely that Jane Scott was born on shipboard in 1847] Old James Watson had a thick diary. No one knows where it is now. Al had it at one time, may still have it. There was an old log church on the corner of John’s farm, 4 miles west of town. (Methodist)

Back of 17. Earl and Carl McGillvray both live at Melfort Dan McGillvray married Lizzie Buchanan Earl Carl Annie (Bell) Alma John Charles’ boys live at McCreary. 18. John and Isabell are both buried at Rosedale Isabell died also at Dan McGillvray’s Jim Buchanan married Sarah Watson Lottie Ernie (accidentally shot) Allan Marjorie Eleanor Edith Whole family moved to Winnipeg. Elma Centre [now Attwood, Ont.] was near where John lived. John and Sam [Buchanan] were in Manitoba for a year before they brought their families out, probably brought their families out in 1876. There were no stores this side of Portage [la Prairie] and they had to drive all the way for groceries. Hunters were also an early family (1878). Long Johnny’s wife (the Coulter girl) was first to be buried in the [Rosedae] cemetery. (Actually, after the survey, her body had to be moved further from the road.) Jane Buchanan married William John Hamilton Guy Edith Mary Isabell Lillian John (adopted) Back of 18. Red Bob [Buchanan] may have been named for his house. [No, his descendants insist he was named for his red hair. The house being red was

coincidental.] Davy Watson married Old William’s daughter, whose mother died on shipboard. [This is incorrect, unless Jane Scott’s mother died on shipboard and she was subsequently raised by William and Anne Buchanan. This could make her the “Little Jane Buchanan” referred to by some people.] Jessie Watson married Bob Arnold (she was a Howe), 1 mile east of town [Neepawa] Married a Watson, then Bob Arnold.` Where and when did Davy Watson’s wife die? [They traveled by] covered wagons from Winnipeg to Neepawa. Charlie Ash works on boats at the west coast. Captain running between the Island and the mainland. Ship named the Neepawa. Mary Buchanan married Bill Ash Charlie Nellie (Duncan Sinclair) - Vancouver Mary (Elgin Govenlock) Jessie (died at 14) Maggie (Ritchie) Myrtle (Henderson) Ada (Caulay) Bill Alice (Donnely) They were quarantined at Kingston, Ontario. The Watsons were all Presbyterians and were more of church people than the Buchanans. Rosedale church at Joe Jackson’s – When Eden got a church, it ws moved to the Rosedale cemetery, then to Riding Mountain. The old log church was built by family and neighbors. It was very small, and may have had a few people buried in the churchyard. (This is the end of Bella hunter’s account.) [Source: Jessie Howe Buchanan Arnold] They sailed from a port on the dividing line between the Scots and the Irish. Watsons lived on one side and Buchanans in Londonderry. [It seems quite definite that Watsons came from Scotland, not Ireland.] There were 14 or 15 deaths on board the ship. [Source: Gerald Buchanan] Family Record of Sam Buchanan in the possession of Sam’s son Robert’s son Sam and Sam’s son Gerald, of Neepawa, given to Gerald by Miss Benson of the

Municipal Office, 1. John Buchanan b. May 7, 1857, married January 18, 1888 2. Andrew Buchanan b. June 2nd, 1860, d. June 9, 1877 3. James Buchanan b. Sept 16, 1862, m. Nov 30, 1892 4. Mary Buchanan b. Sept 20, 1864, m. Feb 22, 1885 5. Samuel Buchanan b. Aug 15, 1866, d. July 19, 1869 6. Samuel Buchanan b. Jan 25? 1870, m. Nov 16, 1892 7. William Buchanan b. Dec 15, 1873 8. Robert G. Buchanan b. Sept 28, 1875, d. Apr 20, 1951, m. Feb 14, 1900 9. David Buchanan b. Aug 17, 1877, m. July 21, 1905 [This is the end of these notes from my 1963 trip to Neepawa, Manitoba] [Other Notes in the Same Notepad:] Genealogical Data Births of Family William George Buchanan, May 1, 1906 – Riding Mountain or Neepawa, Manitoba Dorothy May Ing, May 5, 1920 – Kirriemuir, Alberta William Richard Buchanan, Feb 6, 1942 – Rimbey, Alberta [Me] Reginald Charles Buchanan, Oct 13, 1943 – Leduc, Alberta Lloyd George Buchanan, March 19, 1945 – Edmonton, Alberta Edward John Buchanan, March 29, 1950 – Edmonton, Alberta Judy Margaret Buchanan, Dec 7, 1952 – Edmonton, Alberta John [Buchanan] married Isabell [Watson] [family are not listed in order] Maggie md. John Keating Lizzie md. Dan McGillvray Charlie (died old enough to walk but not talk) Jennie md. John Hamilton Bill md. Lizzie Watson Lizzie (choked on a hot potato and died, in Ontario) Jim (deaf mute) md, Sarah Watson Bob md. Margaret Buchanan Bill [me] < George < William Andrew < John (from Ireland) < Andrew John (and Isabell? [no]) and John’s 6 brothers and 1 sister were 7 weeks on the ocean from Ireland. Mrs. Smith – Jim Graham’s daughter 305, 594 – Ave, Neepawa Mrs. Ida Holmes – Big Bob’s oldest daughter (at Osborne Home) 305 – 1st Ave, Neepawa Sam Buchanan’s Davy’s family live at Abbotsford John and Isabell, Geordie Watson, Maggie Sheffield, Allan Watson, Maggie Keating, Minnie Steel, Carl Sheffield, Old James Watson, James Watson jr, Davy Watson, Solomon Simons, Lizzie Buchanan, James Watson and Phoebe

Barrett, Bill Watson and Liza J, Maggie Watson and … [This list continues and makes no sense that I can see.] [Source: Inez Buchanan McCallum] Maggie Buchanan married John Keating Billy Murray (died in a train accident) Alec – 2 children Ida married a Cochrane Birdie married a McCartney – had a boy and a girl Mary Buchanan md. 1. Wm. Ash 2. Skeets Buchanan and Watson families frequently intermarried. George Allan Watson sang songs in Erse. Some of them weren’t very nice apparently. Moves of the William Andrew Buchanan Family Manitoba – births of Maggie, George and Jack Millett, Alberta (Dick’s place) Leedale, Alberta – birth of Inez Stettler, Alberta Leedale/Leslieville, Alberta Tacoma, Washington – Elizaabeth died Millett, Alberta Stettler, Alberta Breton, Alberta – Pa and the boys (George and Jack) “Pa” [William Andrew Buchanan] and Grandma [Elizabeth Watson] were cousins George Watson – father of Elizabeth Sam [Buchanan] Prospected in the Caribou with James [Buchanan] jr. John went to Nevada, worked at Gold Hill. Bill Watson (husband of Fia Munro) ran a blind pig [bootleg liquor establishment]. “Pa” [Wm. Andrew Buchanan] was against it. When Bill [Watson] was squealed on he blamed “Pa” and made it as miserable as he could for “Pa”. Bill [Watson] later found out who the “squealer” was and sent “Pa” his best regards. Scoutens owned a store and blacksmith shop and bought “Pa” out. [i.e. they bought his blacksmith shop at Riding Mountain] “Pa” got a farm out by Riding mountain and cleared and broke it. He was offered $500 more than he paid for it, and against his father’s counsel, he sold it. John told him he could never get another like it for that price, but Pa thought it was pretty good money for a year’s work.

George Watson married Jane Welsh Dick (Mary, a Scottish nurse) – no children Allan (Carrie Shuster) Minnie (Frank Steel) – Nate and Nellie Maggie (Arthur Sheffield) Elizabeth (Bill Buchanan) Family pictures – Jack Buchanan and Mrs. Sheffield See Ida Keating in Edmonton and Earl McGillivray in Melfort, Sask. Gt. Grandpa George Watson b. Ontario Gt. Grandma Watson b. Scotland, nee Welsh John [Buchanan] and 6 brothers including Sam came over from Ireland, also sister Jane and parents. Try to get a large scale map of Londonderry, Tyrone, and Antrim Maggie [Watson married Arthur] Sheffield Dewie Carl Emily Allan Watson married Carrie [Shuster] Nate Steel (adopted) June [Watson] Ralph Merton Kathryn Nellie Steel (adopted) They broke up and Carrie took all of the kids but Ralph. Gert Wilson remembers “Pa” as “Little Willie” was quite dapper and wore highly polished brown shoes. Olive < Robert < Davey Watson American estate [?] The men left the women to farm and went to Nevada to prospect. Bert Buchanan [Wilbert V.?] < Katie Watson (cousin to Robbie) < William Watson Arthur and Dewie Sheffield are buried at Leedale [Alberta]. Buried at Millett: Dick, Allan, Mrs. Sheffield, George and Jane Watson. “Pa” lived 5 miles west of Leedale. Mervyn Buchanan married Mary May McCracken Samuel Howard

Joanne Judy Came from Antrim, often walked the walls of Derry. – quoted by some man in Neepawa. John [Buchanan]’s father died at sea and was buried in Kingston. Buchanan [Rosedale] cemetery north of Neepawa 3 miles. Bert [Wilbert V. Buchanan]’s mother was a Watson – Kate Watson

A rough pedigree chart of my genealogy [myself, parents, grandparents and great grandparents]

Family History – rough notes [a single page, 2 sided] [Source: William George Buchanan] [They were] 9 weeks on the water, out 10 days and a storm forced them back to Ireland. The ship was refitted and the trip was completed in 7 weeks. Great –great grandpa [this could be Andrew’s father or Jane’s father, but I had the impression it was Andrew’s] died in Ireland at more than 90 [years old]. [Some of the family] Lived near Londonderry in N. Ireland (right on the coast) I remember someone telling about someone going by with some large fish he caught. The census of 1840 would give some information. [Source: Inez Buchanan McCallum] Maggie Sheffield had a premonition of her son Dewey’s death. While washing with a washboard she heard him calling her at the same time he was dieing of pneumonia inn Calgary. Minnie Steel went religious crazy from overwork. She soon recovered. Giving birth to twins, she died. Dick [Richard James Watson] used to be a miner. Allan Watson sang songs in Erse. Some of them were not very nice, apparently. Family pictures – Jack [John Henry Buchanan] or Mrs. Sheffield. [From memory of an account by Mabel Henry] Sam and John Buchanan and George Watson were gold miners at Gold Hill, Nevada. The men left the women to farm and went mining. The train trip took 11 days. James and Sam mined in the Cariboo county of B.C. Just after he left his son Andy, [Andy] drowned in the Fraser River. James didn’t find out about it until he was back home.

Sam used to tell the kids about the “Club 101” vigilantes. [From memory of the vigilante story, as told by Dad – William George Buchanan] At Gold Hill there was a bunch of Australian “bushrangers” [i.e. outlaws] who had been kicked out of Australia. They were a pretty bad bunch. They used to rob and kill prospectors and miners. Any witnesses usually turned up dead or missing or else changed their minds. If a witness did stand up to them, they always had plenty of witnesses from their crowd who would be willing to swear that the accused man had been playing cards with 4 or 5 friends when the incident happened. Finally one day a miner was robbed and killed and a reliable witness had definitely seen one of the bushrangers commit the act. The outlaws were quick to produce “witnesses” “proving” that the man was innocent, although everyone knew his guilt. The entire gang lived high but never worked, so they were obviously all guilty to some degree of the crimes. That night a vigilante committee was formed. When people woke up in the morning there were bushrangers hanging from trees, lampposts and store signs. A note was left advising any survivors to get out of town if they wished to see another sunrise. By noon there wasn’t another bushranger to be found in town. [I have also heard it said that the gang of murderers “was centered in a group of Australian bushrangers”, suggesting that not all of the gang were from Australia.] [End of this document .]

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Oct 14, 2000 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Re: McGoffin family

Bill, Ontario Vital Statistics start in 1869, & are indexed & available on microfilm through the Family History Centers. The birth record in 1881 and the marriage in 1905 (if it took place in Ontario) would both give the names of parents. By the way Bill, someone was asking me about your home page? Do you have one?? Suzanne ____________________________________________ Hello cousins,

I have a few updates on the various families. I cant remember if I have already passed these tidbits on or not. So if I have already, excuse the redundancy. The Buchanans-Andrew Buchanan who married Jane Long was from a townland called Learmore in Co. Tyrone Ireland. Learmore is in Urney parish, and is about 8 miles from Omagh. William (one of this couples sons) was settled on farmland in a townland called Binnawooda. Binnawooda is in Ardstraw parish, and is about 7 miles from Omagh. While in Belfast last spring, I found 3 of this couples christenings in Urney parish registers and have hired a genealogist in Belfast to continue the search. The parish registers in Urney are full of Young families (no Longs that I could find) and it is very possible that Jane's last name is Young as has been reported by some family members. If anyone is interested in the 1901 MB census, part of it is online (including Rosedale) and I have found many of our Buchanans who settled in Neepawa in this data. The address is: www.kenora.net/manitoba/rosedale.htm . There are Willertons, Campbells, Coulters, Grahams, McGillivarys and lots of other Buchanan related families in this database. For those connected to the James Watson/Elizabeth Linnen line-I have constructed a database of Linnens. It looks as if Elizabeth was one of several siblings (probably at least 4) who came and settled in Edwardsburgh. The Linnen family had heavy connections to the Hunter family and it has been rumored that they were connected in Scotland, although I have found no evidence of this. Happy genealogy hunting... Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ Oct 28, 2000 Yes, I have the family stories I have collected posted at http://members.nbci.com/billb3 I will be posting some new information in the next couple of weeks. Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Oct 28, 2000 Cousins, I just received my first report from the genealogist that I hired in Belfast to search the archives there. There are some interesting Buchanan references that I will share once I have evaluated them. I recently obtained my copy of the newly published "Elmanac". It is a wonderfully put together history of Elma. As I am not from the Elma area and have never visited there, and this book was able to give me a sense of the geography and layout of the area. I have particularly enjoyed the

histories of the Concessions, as it goes back to 1854 and includes all original owners, including our Buchanans. I have been able to trace just how many properties the Buchanans have been involved with in the last 150 years there (A LOT). There is a rather nice write up in the "family stories" section regarding William Buchanan and Anne Thompson's family and includes a lot on their descendants. There is mention of Andrew and his death from the fever before the family arrived. In the book there are apparently stories that the first baby born in Elma may not have been a Buchanan. Apparently there are some stories that it was Elizabeth Code, but the editor notes Buchanans were in the area before the Codes. However, they make no firm conclusions due to lack of documenation. There are even some Watsons in early Elma, but I do not know if they are "our" Watsons. Most of our Watsons were in Wallace or in a few townships in Huron Co. There is a John Watson involved in several pieces of land. I have often thought that our James Watson Sr had a brother John Watson, as there was a John Watson not too far from them when they lived in Edwardsburgh. I encourage you all to purchase the book-it will enrich your understanding of what our ancestors went through. It is available from the town of North Perth. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ Oct 28, 2000 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Elmanac

Hi Patty, I have investigated this. The Code child was supposedly the first child born in Elma township. So says the "Illustrated HIstorical Atlas" of Perth County published in 1879. however it turns out that Elizabeth Code wasn't born until 1852. She married a Willis and was buried in Elma Center Cemetery, Atwood. The Code family was very prominent, were members of the local government, and were among those who donated $ to help get the history books published! :-( There's at least one other branch of Watsons in the area, which as far as I know isn't related to ours. This John Watson pops up in many of the history books he was a prominent fellow. I don't think he's related to our Watsons, I believe that I found info that he came from someplace else. (Too tired to dig out my notes tonight...) I have not purchased this book myself and have no intention to do so, since it is much too expensive for me to afford. :-(( However, this is an excellent series of books for those who actually have the money to spend, and I recommend them. They're doing a book for every township in the county. Suzanne ____________________________________________ Mar 3, 2001 I just received an interesting package from Darlene Perrett of Neepawa, MB. It includes 5 pictures and a letter and a transcript of Riverside Cemetery

in Neepawa. I tried attaching the two pictures that I thought would be of greatest interest: One of Anne Thompson Buchanan and family and one of John Charles and Jennie Freeborn and family, however e-groups bounced my message back, suggesting that I not send attachments. If you are interested in copies of these photos or the other 3: Eva Maud Pfaff Buchanan Brooks and her two daughters; Wm and Anne's sons Wm Sam and Alec; Johny and Eva Buchanan and children. This paragraph may be of special interest to Val and other who are interested in the trial of three Buchanan brothers: "Has Dawn Johnston got in touch with you? She's my cousin Wilma Jasper's daughter [on the Buchanan side: Dawn
Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Mar 4, 2001 I haven't heard anything about this murder trial! Can you bring the whole list up to date on the background? Sounds fascinating! Donna Phillips Camrose, AB ____________________________________________ Mar 8, 2001 Fw: PML Digest Some of this sounds familiar. Is this the same line we may be descended from? Donna Phillips -----Original Message----From: pmlbounce@... To: dphillip@... Date: March 8, 2001 12:01 AM Subject: PML Digest =====================================================================

A result of your requested PML search. To refine or cancel this search, please visit http://pml.rootsweb.com/ ===================================================================== Match: Buchanan AND "County Tyrone" Source: BLAIR-JACOB-L@... From: Gretchen Carey Subject: Re: [BLAIR-JACOB-L] JAMES BUCHANAN I reread some very confusing info I have on the James Buchanan situation, and dang it, I was off by a generation! Mary, keep in mind we are talking about three different James Buchanan's. Thomas Buchanan the 13th Laird of Buchanan was given land by his brother Patric, and became the first laird of Garneth. He had two sons John and Tomas. John, was the second laird by birth, but he died young so the title went to Tomas, who became the third Laird of Garneth. Tomas had four sons: John, William, Tomas, and George. John by birthright was the 4th larid of Garneth, so he was the oldest. Of these four sons, John and William went to County Tyrone, in Ireland, Tomas to the County Dongeal in Ireland, and George who was actually a younger half brother, went to Munster. Of these four brothers, William is our relative, and Tomas is president James Buchanan's. William - brother to Tomas Col. John - first cousin to John James - second cousin to James Sr. (Pres. Dad) Arthur - third cousin to President James Buchanan William, third cousin once removed Nancy, third cousin twice removed Elizabeth Hutchins Taylor 3rd cousin 3 times removed Elmer Taylor 3rd cousin 4 times removed Wayne Taylor 3rd cousin 5 times removed Bette Taylor Fogle 3rd cousin 6 times removed Gretchen Fogle Carey 3rd cousin 7 times removed Now, I hate to admit it, but this is as close, as I can figure out, and it came from papers, that I received with some Buchanan stuff, and I have never tried to verify it! Hope this helps Gretchen ____________________________________________

Mar 8, 2001 I found two identical transcripts of a case R. v. Jobidon that quotes a 1898 Supreme Court case R. v. Buchanan. The context seems to be whether killing someone in a fist fight constitutes murder. If you are interested you can read the Crown vs. Jobidon decision at: http://www.lexum.umontreal.ca/csc-scc/en/pub/1991/vol2/html/1991scr2_0714.html This seemed the most relevant part to me: (ii) The Canadian authorities We have seen that the statutory definition of assault has always contained a general requirement that the Crown prove absence of consent, and has made reference to some circumstances in which consent would be considered involuntary. But this Court has not previously confronted the precise issue on appeal. Provincial appellate courts on the other hand have dealt with numerous cases of purportedly consensual beatings or fights giving rise to charges of assault (and sometimes manslaughter) though the overwhelming bulk of these have surfaced in recent times. Prior to the 1970s, only one reported decision squarely addressed the issue: R. v. Buchanan (1898), 1 C.C.C. 442 (Man. C.A.), decided a few years after the offence was incorporated in the Code of 1892. Sitting in appeal, the Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench accepted the principle stated in Coney that consent to assault should be ineffectual in the context of fist fights where bodily harm is intended. The court held that a blow landed in a fist fight amounted to assault regardless of consent, citing at pp. 446-47 the following passage from Coney, supra, per Cave J.: The true view is . . . that a blow struck in anger, or which is likely or is intended to do corporal hurt, is an assault, but that a blow struck in sport, and not likely, nor intended to cause bodily harm, is not an assault, and that, an assault being a breach of the peace and unlawful, the consent of the person struck is immaterial. The Coney principle was reconfirmed, en passant, by the Ontario Court of Appeal in Bradley v. Coleman (1925), 28 O.W.N. 261, at p. 262, a fist fight case, and in obiter dicta in R. v. Cullen (1948), 93 C.C.C. 1, at p. 9, aff'd [1949] S.C.R. 658, which dealt with unilateral aggression in a rape. But the issue was not again squarely addressed as it had been in Buchanan until the 1970s, when the earlier view became seriously disturbed. Provincial courts of appeal began rendering statements which appeared directly to contradict Buchanan and the English approach in Coney and Donovan. Indeed the first appeals either ignored the English jurisprudence completely, or discounted its applicability to the Canadian statutory assault provisions. As for Buchanan, it was entirely absent from the courts' deliberations. If any of you have access to the 1898 case you could probably determine

whether it is the one involving members of our family.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Mar 12, 2001 I spent Saturday typing up the material sent to me by Darlene Perrett, of Neepawa. I am about half finished at this point. I will send more when I get the opportunity. Some formatting has been lost by pasting it into the text of the email. I hope this information is of interest to some of you. [Comments in square brackets are mine, not part of Darlene’s document.]

Genealogy Received From Darlene Perrett in March 2001 1. [page 1 of Darlene’s document] This is from the cemetery record for Neepawa Riverside Cemetery. Percy son of Zeman Stoodly - Springhill Farmer D. 26 Oct 1900 Bu. 28 Oct 1900 3 yrs. NW 1/4 Lot 2 Blk D Buried in Samuel Pocket’s Lot George Percy Buchanan - Franklin d. 26 June 1901 buried 27 June 1901 9 mo. Lot NW 1/4 40 Blk D J.J. Buchanan’s infant son. [Which J. J. Buchanan? I find 3 of them but the dates don’t match.] Homer Glen McRae - Neepawa D. 11 Aug 1901 Bu. 12 Aug 1901 11 mo. 26 days SE 1/4 Lot 86 Blk D Infant child of Albert Ash (Lilly Maria) - Neepawa d. 5 Sept 1901 aged 11 mo. 26 days bu. 7 Sept 1901 Lot 101 Blk A [I can’t find them but may be related.] Gabriel Wm. Frampton Neepawa Printer D. 22 Oct 1901 Bu. 23 Oct 1901 22 yrs. 3 mos NW 1/4 Lot 74 Blk D David Coulter Rosedale Farmer

D. 12 Aug 1902 Bu. 14 Aug 1902 77 yrs. Lot 206 Blk D [I can’t find him but he may be related to our Coulters.] 2. John Boyd McCracken - Portage La Prairie D. 6 June 1915 Bu. 9 June 1915 These are marriages - Town of Neepawa Black Book dated 1892 - 1912 All male names in it [Darlene just copied the names that are found in lines she is researching.] 1909 Albert Adamson 1897 John Henry Batters 1898 Charles Barriball - Because he was married 2 July 1898 1893 Wm Ed D Coulter 1909 Arthur H Wm Frampton 1912 Wm John Grey 1908 Geo Wm McCracken 1892 David McLarty 1897 Wm Albert Pocket 1896 Richard Ralph 1899 Joseph Ralph 1900 John Ralph 1908 Frank B Ralph 1892 John Allen Snider 1900 John Allen Snider 1901 Robt John Watson 1904 Chas Allen Watson 1910 Arthur Witter 1911 George Warren 1898 Adam Watson - This is where he must have married Foulston 3. Births 1891 to 1912 Annie J Buchanan 1892 Archie Buchanan 1893 Thos E Buchanan 1897 Myrtle Buchanan 1897 Laurence Buchanan 1898 Harold C Buchanan 1905 Olga Coulter 1895 Olive Carson 1900 Hazel Carson 1900 H G Clement 1911 Big Book Cemetery Record - June 1899-June 1915 James Molland - Farmer Glendaale

D. 8 March 1900 Bu. 9 March 1900 57 yrs male Lot 18 Blk D Owner but got no deed - his wife buried there Lewis Hickman D. 15 Apr 1912 Bu 10 May 1912 NE 1/4 Lot 249 Blk D Drowned Titanic shipwreck 4. Deaths Black Book 1935-1943 1937 Elizabeth Buchanan 1942 Wm Batters 1942 Roy R A Cumberland 1936 Bessie Gilberts Bessie Glen 1938 Wm Alex Jackson 1940 Elizabeth McCutchin 1942 Geo D McCutcheon Arnold McCutcheon 1942 Ronald W Pocket 1937 James Watson Black Book Deaths 1944-1949 1947 Russell G Batters 1945 Sharon Dunbar 1944 Jane Frampton 1947 Geo F Grasby 1945 Richard Ralph 1944 Clara Willerton 5. Black Book Deaths 1916-Sept 1918 1918 Weldon batters 1918 John James Buchanan (grandpa) 31 1918 E J Livingstone (great aunt) 34 died together 1918 W G Wicox 19 1920 Oliver Torkington 4 1921 K A Jackson 1921 R A Torkington 29 Black Book Deaths 1949-1953 1950 Thomas Wm Adamson 7

1952 Buchanan 8 1953 Buchanan, M M 28 (great G.ma) [No- wrong age] 1957 Buchanan, Robert 49 Uncle Eddie 1953 Dunbar, Anthony 33 1949 Adeline Mary Frampton 20 1952 Agnes C Jackson 1 1949 Clarence Ralph 10 6. Births Black Book 1891-1912 1892 Annie J Buchanan 1893 Archie Buchanan 1897 Thos E Buchanan 1897 Myrtle Buchanan 1905 Harold C Buchanan 1911 Clement H G Frampton 1900 Mildred Irene Jackson 1901 Jackson, Mary T E 1903 Russell Jackson 1904 Sarah O P Jackson 1912 Eva Edna Buchanan 5 (Auntie Edna) 1912 Buchanan (not given) 52 1910 Keith B Ralph 38 1912 Ruth L Ralph 40 Black Book Births 1916-21 1915 M E Buchanan (my dad) 49 1918 Jack Brooks 69 1919 D M Buchanan 71 1919 James S Cumberland 1919 Pockett, Almer James 1920 V M Pockett 1918 Alfred Earle Willerton 7. Red Book Births 1922-34 1934 Adamson, Laurence John 41 1922 Buchanan, G G 6 1922 Buchanan E M 8 Buchanan, F I 7 Buchanan, A S 54 1924 Buchanan, Arnold G 1 1926 Batters, Jean Mary 36 Batters, Reid Wm 58 1929 Buchanan, Eliz Katherine 79 1930 Batters, Wm Robert 70

1932 Buchanan, Irwin L 60 1927 Norma G Dunbar 32 1930 Robert Earl Dunbar 12 1934 Dunbar, Melwyn Roy 60 1922 Ralph, Clarence E 83 1925 Ralph, Phylis I 13 1927 Ralph, Frederick Fallis 41 1926 Wetter, John K 12 8. Marriages 19151915 Brooks, J H 24 1917 Brooks, John Adamson 1 1920 Buchanan, W R & J G Burnhardt 22 (Russ) 1919 Frampton, A O 24 1920 Ralph, K E 9 1915 Watson, O R 21 Marriages Red Book 19221923 Adamson, Irene E 6 1922 Buchanan, H M 5 1922 Brooks, Grey 10 Buchanan, Annie J 19 Buchanan, Gertude J 24 Buchanan N (or M) B 35 1923 Buchanan, Hugh A 18 1923 Batters, Russell F 32 1925 Buchanan, Victor 5 1925 Buchanan, Henry 15 1926 Brooks, Stanley 1 Buchanan, A G 7 1929 Buchanan, Thos Eddon 7 Batters, Ethel 25 9. Marriages 1922-34 1931 Buchanan, Alex B 12 1932 Buchanan, Percy Douglas 2 1932 Buchanan, Edna Eva 9 1934 Buchanan, Jennie 2 Buchanan, Violet Pearl 30 1922 Coulter, Robert J 15 1934 Cramond, Wm John 11 1933 Dunbar, Jean Helen 8 1934 Livingstone, Margaret Mary 23 (Peg) 1933 Wilcox, Forest C 30

1923 Yerex, Nobel V 6 1926 Yerex, Gertrude A 8 1932 Yerex, Alfred Isaac 4 Mariages 1935-1943 1936 Brooks, Arthur 17 1938 Batters, Russell Garefield 25 Buchanan, Elsie C 40 1943 Buchanan, Raymond 43 1942 Gilberts, Harry L 15 (Lee) 1937 Pockett, Edward John 31 10. Births 1936 Buchanan, Ronald H 49 1938 Buchanan, Norris Gerald 3 1942 Buchanan, Nancy L 12 1942 Pockett, Ronald W 22 1943 Pockett, Ronald Edwin 68 Pockett, Donovan E 170 1939 Ralph, Clifford L 87 1939 Ralph, Marvin W G 61 Deaths Albert Pockett N 1/2 Lot 55 Blk D (Bought the plot - not buried there) Interred is William Wallace Pockett Buried May 30, 1900 Sam Pockett Lot 2 Blk D Buried Apr 16, 1900 Amelia Sam NW corner same lot Buried 1 Feb 1923 Mrs. Richard Pockett page 67 11. The Neepawa Press Friday June 16, 1922 Widow of Late S Buchanan Dies [i.e. Mary Watson Buchanan] Death claimed another of the old pioneers on Wednesday last in the person of Mrs. Samuel Buchanan, widow of the late Samuel Buchanan, who died in the home of her son Robert G. in her 82nd year. The deceased lady was born at Prescott, Ont. and came to Manitoba in 1882, sharing the hardships incidental to pioneer life. She was of a pleasant disposition, always cheerful and never complaining. Her husband predeceased

her about 8 years ago. Since then she has lived in B.C. with her son David, in Neepawa, and lately with R.G. Buchanan of Rosedale. She leaves six sons and one daughter. they are John S and Samuel of Pleasantdale, Sask, David and William H. of B.C., James of Birtle, Robert G or]f Rosedale, aand Mrs. Jass. Graham of Neepawa. The funeral services took place yesterday at Rosedale church and interment in Rosedale Cemetery. 12. Manitoba Archives 25 January 2001-03-10 United Church Archives Index for Bunscarth (Russell Foxwarren) Charge Baptisms Baptized Father Mother Broadfoot, John Alex Keating Oct 1, 1913 Jas W H Broadfoot, Maria Keating Coulter, Mervin Selwin May 28, 1892 Robt J Coulter, Lizzie M Peddie Poff, Bertha Aug 16, 1896 Geo Poff, Margaret Eliz. Seebach Poff, Norman George Aug 28, 1904 Geo Poff, Maggie Seebach Seebach, Emma Eve Aug 7, 1898 Otto Seebach, Mary Seebach Seebach, Mary Louisa Aug 16, 1896 Otto Seebach, Mary Louisa Seebach Marriages Broadfoot, Jas W H m. Mena Keating 8 Dec 1909 Poff, George m. Margaaret Elizabeth Seebach Sept 3, 1898 13. United Church Archives Index for Kelwood McCreary Charge Baptisms Baptized Father Mother Buchanan, Andrew Sept 7, 1908 Andrew Buchanan* Lizzie Graham Buchanan, Georgina Sept 7, 1908 Andrew Buchanan Lizzie Graham Buchanan, Lydeina Sept 7, 1908 Andrew Buchanan Lizzie Graham Buchanan, Samuel John Sept 7, 1908 Andrew Buchanan Lizzie Graham Martin ? Oct 3, 1905 Edward Martin Jenny Willerton Martin, female Oct 3, 1905 Edward Martin Jenny Willerton Martin, Geo Wm. Oct 3, 1905 Edward Martin Jenny Willerton Watson, David Roy Feb 16, 1908 David Watson Minnie Snider Watson, Joseph Albert Aug 29, 1906 David Watson Minnie Snider Watson, Mabel Clair** Dec 21, 1913 David Watson Minnie Snider * Bill, he went by “Long Johnny Buchanan” [** This is Mabel Henry] In 1901 Census Neepawa There was a Lizzie Findlay living as a sister in law in Alex H Hunter b. 18 Mar 1867 Ont Jessie Stewart Allan b. Aug 6, 1874 Ont Book 75 Years Keystone of the Keystone Province - Neepawa Land of Plenty

by A.F. Dick McKenzie 14. The Neepawa Register No. 8 Nov 22, 1889 - Feb 17, 1893 22 Nov 1889 Albert Pockett has moved here from Beulah and located near his brothers Wm and Sam Pockett northwest of Neepawa. They have done exceeding well here and Albert is the right kind of stuff to make a successful farmer where circumstances are not against him as they have been up west. The Neepawa Register Fri Dec 6, 1889 Jas Molland was returned Reeve of Glendale by acclamation. The Neepawa Register Fri Jan 10, 1890 Born at Osprey on Wed, jan 8, the wife of J J Buchanan a son. The Neepawa Register Fri Jan 17, 1890 W.E.D.Coulter has been gazetted bailiff for County of Beautiful Plains Jonathan J. Hamilton lost his only son, a little fellow of 5 on Monday The 20th January J J Hamilton had a daughter die. 15. The Neepawa Register Fri July 12, 1890 Born on July 5, 1890 the wife of Wm C Coulter of Rosedale, a son At Neepawa on Sat July 5 the wife of R Green a son The Neepawa Register Fri July 18, 1890 Born At Eden on June 26, 1890 the wife of J J Willerton twin daughters (Josephine and Jessie - DP) The Neepawa Register Fri Aug 1, 1890 Died on Sat July 18, at the residence of his son Robt. McCracken near Acton[?], Mr. Richard McCracken at the advanced age of 87 [89?] years. The Neepawa Register Fri July 12, 1890 Born on August 5, 1890 the wife of Andrew Buchanan of Osprey a son (Grandpa Nelson - Nels died 10 Dec 1969, Neepawa, MB- DP) 16. The Neepawa Register Fri July 17, 1891 Born 27 July the wife of John Keating of Rosedale a son. The Neepawa Register Fri July 17, 1891 Sad Accident A most lamentable accident occurred at the house of Mr. Dave Gardiner of Rosedale on Friday evening last. Mr. Gardiner had just moved into a more

commodious house and amongst the effects was a Colt’s repeating rifle with 6 cartridges in the chamber. These, by way of precaution against accident, Mr. Gardiner was in the act of removing from the gun whilst his two little boys were sleeping on the upper flat, five of the cartridges were withdrawn but the fatal sixth one by some unaccountable means exploded sending the bullet through the bedding on which the little ones were sleeping and through the eldest child, a fine promising little fellow of four years of age. The family were horror-stricken; the father frantic with grief. Dr. McFadden was immediately sent for, who arrived shortly after the accident, and did all in his power to save the life of the dear little one, to whom he had always been strongly attached, but to no avail. The messenger of death had made her call and was not to be denied, and nine hours after the sad occurrence the bright and promising little youth passed into the arms of Him who said “Suffer little children to come unto me.” Mr. Gardiner and family have the sympathy of the whole community in their great bereavement. The funeral took place on Sunday last and was one of the largest ever witnessed in the county. 17. The Neepawa Press Sat Sept 8, 1900 Born Buchanan - On Sept 4th the wife of J J Buchanan, grain buyer, Franklin, of a son. The Neepawa Press Wed Sept 12, 1900 Local & General Miss Ralph arrived on Monday from London, Ont. and is the guest of Mrs. H. Hutchinson. The Neepawa Press Sat Sept 22 1900 Local & General Mrs. Geo Barriball left Fri for Lindsay, Ont. 18. The Neepawa Register Wed Jan 7, 1903 Orange Blossoms The residence of Mr. Andrew Snider, Rosedale, was the scene off a very interesting event on the evening of Wed 24 December 1902 when two young hearts were knit in wedlock. The contracting parties, who were both popular members of the community and much esteemed, were Mr. David Calvin Allan and Miss Ida May Willerton. The bride was given away by her father Mr. Joseph J. Willerton and the bridesmaid was Miss Ida may Keating of Neepawa, while the best man Mr. George Foulston Perry of Oak Leaf. After the ceremony a great number of guests sat down to a sumptuous repast at the close of which the health of the bride and bridegroom was proposed by the officiating minister, Rev J.A.G. Stirling who, in a humorous speech, exhorted the other bachelors and spinsters present to emulate the good example set before them by the happy bride and bridegroom. Altogether a very enjoyable evening was spent, in which the usual amusements and festivities were prolonged till the “wee

sma’ oors” All joined in wishing the happy young couple a Merry Christmas and many happy returns of their Wedding Day. The following is a list of the wedding presents which were both serviceable and beautiful: water set, Mr & Mrs Robt Allan; handkerchief & glove box, Alfred Young; 2 ornamental vases, Mr & Mrs J M Taylor; water set, Mr & Mrs A W Allan; carving set, Mr & Mrs Hugh Rae; tea set, Mr & Mrs Alex Alan senior; globe lamp, Errnest & Edward Avison brothers; set of smoothing irons; Mr & Mrs George Foulston;; cake dish, Mr & Mrs Ernest Graham; fruit dish & jug, Mr & Mrs W A Watson; silk handkerchief, Mr Thomas Crandell; glass set, Mr & Mrs Jas Willerton; fruit dish & cake dish, Miss Barbour; two pairs of pickle [it is cut off here] 19. The Neepawa Register Wed Dec 3, 1902 Town Talk J S Buchanan returned Monday from Kamloops, BC The Neepawa Register Wed Jan 7, 1903 Married Allan-Willerton At the residence of Andrew Snider, Rosedale, on Dec 24, 1902 by Rev J A C Stirling, David C Allan to Ida May Willerton. Jno A Keating is visiting his mother at Silver Creek just now. Miss Minnie Keating of Binscarth has been spending the holidays at her Uncles Jno Keating south of town. Miss Maud Keating of Silver Creek has been the guest of Mr & Mrs Robert Watson during the holiday season. 20. (Wrong Ash Wedding. This is W J Ash’s (m. Mary Buchanan) sister. Albert was his brother too. -DP) The Neepawa Register Wed Sept 24, 1902 Town Talk Miss Ash of Listowel, Ont arrived in town Friday to visit her brother Albert Ash. The Neepawa Register Wed October 1, 1902 Town Talk Frank Jackson returned home last week from Brandon Hospital, where he has been confined with typhoid fever. The Neepawa Register Oct 8, 1902 Married Ash-McLaughlin At the manse, Gladstone, October 1, 1902 by Rev J E Munro, Thos Ash to Miss Margaret McLaughlin, both of Bear Creek. The Neepawa Register Oct 15, 1902

Eden Mr. J Brooks of Neepawa has accepted a position in the New Store. He takes charge of the dry goods department. Town Talk Jos Brooks formerly with A E Fremlin has taken a position with G W Waggoner at Eden.

Phillip McCrae lived on NE 12-16-16 Oct 1902 C Finnamore was still in town Oct 1902 21. The Neepawa Register Wed March 20, 1901 Springhill Mr Sam Yerex leaves on Monday for the Klondyke. We wish him every success in the enterprise. Born In Neepawa on March 6 1901, to Mr & Mrs R Watson, a daughter The Neepawa Register March 27, 1901 Local & General Mr & Mrs D J [David James] Watson of Riding Mountain were the guests of Mr & Mrs R Watson & D R Gardiner the past few days. Talk of the Town Samuel Ralph passed through a successful operation for appendicitis yesterday. The Neepawa Register Wed April 3, 1901 Personal Mention Jno Slemmon who had been spending the past winter at his home in Brussels, Ont returned to Neepawa Saturday. Mr & Mrs Jno Jackson of Ochre River, who had been visiting at the residence of Geo Waite of Bridge Creek, returned home Friday. 22. The Neepawa Register Wed July 3, 1901 Franklin Mr. Jas Buchanan lost his little boy last week. The remains were interned in Neepawa Cemetery. Mr & Mrs Buchanan have our deepest sympathy in the sudden departure of their little one. The July 24, 1901 Register has a story about Jesse James & the Younger Bros on Page 3. The Neepawa Register Wed 31 July, 1901 Talk of the Town Miss Jennie Foulston of Listowel, Ont arrived in town Fri and is the guest

of Mr & Mrs Robert Watson. She is a sister to Mrs Adam Watson. The Neepawa Register Wed Aug 7, 1901 Personal Mention Jas Gray who had been visiting at J W Drysdaale’s left yesterday for Jamestown, Dakota. 23. The Neepawa Register Wed 28 Aug, 1901 Born McCracken - at Springhill on 18 August 1901, to Mr & Mrs McCracken, a son. Franklin Mr John Pogue has purchased Duncan Martin’s threshing outfit and intends entering upon his new field of labour as soon as to give satisfaction at all. We do not doubt but that he will meet with success as he is hustler. The President of the US Wm McKinley Assassinated The Neepawa Register Wed 9 Oct, 1901 Talk of the Town On Tues evening Oct 1st Hiram C Buchanan CPR agent at Moosimin, SK died very suddenly from an attack of appendicitis. He was a cousin of Mrs S J Amson and visited Neepawa last summer, was 39 years of age and a member of the Masonic, Oddfellows, and Workmen societies. He leaves a wife, son and daughter to mourn his loss. 24. (cont’d) [This seems to have no connection to the previous page, but the page numbering is consecutive.] The stock and implements consist of: 1 team of geldings 6 years old, 1 team horses 8 years old, mare 10 years old; driving horse 9 years old; Sylvester 14 inch shoe drill; 2 John Deere 14 inch stubble plows; set 3 sections diamond harrows; set Cockshutt bob sleighs; 1 wagon; set diamond harrows; 1 Patterson wagon; top-buggy; set single harness; also a quantity of Oat sheaves. Terms of Sale All will be sold, WITHOUT RESERVE including the lands stock and implements CASH. Lands 15 percent cash deposit for terms as to balance and further particulars apply to T E Adams, auctioneer, Neepawa, man. The Neepawa Register Wed Dec 25, 1901 Married: Watson-Howe At the residence of Robert Watson, Neepawa on Dec 18, 1901 by Rev Francis hall, Robert J Watson to Miss Jessie Howe, both odf Neepawa. Sam McKee Sr. obit. Sons: Thomas, Richard, & John; Daughters: Elizabeth Maggie, (Mrs Sam E McKee) and Minerva. (62 yrs old) From Perth Co, Ont 15 years ago.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Mar 13, 2001 Bill and others: Thanks so much for posting the pages! I am finding them quite interesting. I do have an addition to some of Bill's notes regarding the entry below: Infant child of Albert Ash (Lilly Maria) - Neepawa d. 5 Sept 1901 aged 11 mo. 26 days bu. 7 Sept 1901 Lot 101 Blk A [I can’t find them but may be related.] Albert Ash was the son of Christopher Ash. Christopher was the brother of Hannah Ash. Hannah's daughter Eliza Ash married William Watson. William and Eliza's daughter Sarah Elizabeth married James Buchanan (son of John Buchanan and Isabel Watson) who was the son of Andrew Buchanan and Jane. So basically this Ash entry is a cousin of some of the Buchanans and Watsons in Neepawa. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ Mar 17, 2001 I have finished typing the rest of the material from Darlene Bonnie Buchanan Perrett. Her handwriting is excellent, my typing is so-so. Anyhow here is the rest of the material. I hope you find it interesting and helpful.

27. The Neepawa Register Wed Jan 1, 1902 Town Talk The disappearance of the five year old son of J J Buchanan on Monday was the cause of a lot of anxiety. The youngster was around the streets in the afternoon, but not getting home at tea time, a search among the neighbours was made without result. The father continued his enquiries well on into the evening, and shortly after midnight the fire bell aroused the citizens, who turned out and thoroughly covered the town – but the boy was not to be found. Then it was decided to send parties out along the roads leading to town as several parties had observed the youngster in a farmer’s sleigh near B R Hamilton & Co.’s store early in the evening. About 3 o’clock Tuesday morning the little chap was found at the farm house of Mr. Sangster, about 2 ½ miles south-west from the town. The farmer who took him from town had carried him that distance and put him off and into the house. None of the family were at home and it was half past eight o’clock when they arrived home and discovered the boy , who from cold and fright was so dazed he only

knew his name was Tommy. It is needless to say that the parents were overjoyed at the safe return of their boy and they desire through the Register to tender their gratefulness to the many citizens who spent so many hours in the search. The Neepawa Register Wed Jan 8, 1902 Town Talk Mrs. W J Black of Minnedosa visited her sister Mrs. Chas. Finnimore of town. 26. (Hope you can’t find him in our family tree!! – DP) The Neepawa Register Wed Jan 22, 1902 Drew a Gun on a Woman MacGregor Man. Jan. 15 – Mr. Buchanan, south of Bagot, was summoned to appear before E A Bailey, J.P. to answer to a charge of drawing a revolver on one Mrs. Kelly. Buchanan in the meantime took his departure. A warrant has been issued for his arrest. Town Talk - Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Ralph arrived in town from Minnedosa to visit his brother Jon Ralph. - W Ash, Robt Johnston, S McKee, Oscar Adams, Robt & Wm. Buchanan, Dan McGillivray, Jno. & Jesse Batters left last evening for Rainy River district on a land prospecting trip. The Neepawa Register Wed Jan 29, 1902 In the estate of Samuel McKee who died 18 Dec 1901 – Town Talk Wm. Ash, S McKee, Dan McGillivray, Jno. & Jesse Batters, Oscar Armstrong, Robt & Wm. Buchanan returned from Rainy River district. 27. The Neepawa Register Wed March 12, 1902 Town Talk Married: Watson-Harvey At the residence of Mr. D R Gardiner, Hamilton St., Neepawa on Monday March 10, 1902 by the Rev R Francis Hall, Charles Allan Watson of Roskeen, to Miss Katie Harvey of Winnipeg. (This is Bessie Glen Buchanan Gilberts – DP) The Neepawa Press Wed March 25, 1902 Town Talk Mrs. and Mrs. W H Gilbert of Silver Creek, who were on their way home from the East made a brief call on Mr. & Mrs. Sam Buchanan last week. The Neepawa Press Wed April 2, 1902, 1902 Married: Foulston – Willerton At the residence of Alex Mills, Langford by Rev R Francis hall on March 26, 1902, Miss Irene Willerton to George Foulston, both of Riding Mountain.

The Neepawa Register Wed Jan 15, 1902 A Mysterious Death Creemore, Ont. Dec 31, W L Coulter, a prominent merchant of this place was found dead last Saturday night in his stable on Avening with a bullet wound in his head and his gun lying under him. He was last seen by his family at 11 o’clock in the morning when he left the house, presumably to go to Creemore, as was his usual custom. His son came up to the store here in the afternoon and finding that his father had not arrived, he at once returned to Avening and search was at once instituted, resulting in the body being found in the stable. As far as is known there is nothing to indicate that he contemplated committing suicide and it will probably never be known whether the shooting was other than accidental. He leaves a widow and three children. The Neepawa Register Wed Jan 22, 1902 Born: Buchanan – at Franklin on Monday Jan 13, 1902 to Mr. & Mrs. J J Buchanan a daughter. The Neepawa Register 8 May, 1902 Town talk Samuel Adamson secured a nest of four young wolves the other day on the Adamson Estate, which netted him four good dollars from the township treasury. There’s money in wolves. The Neepawa Register Wed June 4, 1902 Died Watson – In Neepawa on Monday afternoon June 2, 1902 Samuel George Watson, aged 26 years 11 mo. & 24 days. The funeral will take place from the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. D R Gardiner, Hamilton Street East at 2 o’clock this afternoon. The funeral will be conducted by Neepawa L.O.L No. 1494 of which the deceased was a member Interment will take place in the Buchanan Cemetery, four miles north of town. Friends and acquaintances will please accept this invitation to attend. Members of L.O.L No. 1494 will meet at the lodge room at 1 o’clock sharp and visiting brothers are invited. Acton Mr. Frank Ault was the teacher. The children of Acton School had their pictures taken last Friday and the Acton church was still open. 31. The Neepawa Register Wed June 11, 1902 Sad Drowning Accident A sad drowning accident occurred in our town on Monday afternoon, Monday June 2, 1902 when George Samuel Watson, who was assisting in driving cattle for Dan Hamilton, became to victim of the treacherous waters of Stony Creek. One of the young cattle got into the creek and Watson undertook to rescue it. He waded into the water and was instantly carried under by the current, and was not seen again until his lifeless body was found tightly pressed against the wire fence only a few yards away. Efforts at resuscitation were

made, but without avail – the body had been too long in the river. Deceased was a young man of 26 years of exemplary habits and was well known and respected by a wide circle of friends and acquaintances in both town and country. He was a brother of Mr. Robert Watson, north end, and of Mrs. D R Gardiner. The Register joins with the many friends of the family in deepest sympathy in their hour of affliction. The funeral which takes place at 2 o’clock this afternoon from the home of D R Gardiner to the Buchanan cemetery four miles north of town will be conducted by the members of the L.O.L. 1494 of which deceased was a member. 32. The Neepawa Register Wed June 11, 1902 Riding Mountain Deepest regret is felt here over the untimely death of Mr. Samuel Watson, who was a resident of this place, and had here many friends. The impossible condition of the roads kept many from attending the funeral obseques, while a great many had not head of the sad occurrence until the ceremony was over. Much sympathy was felt for every one of the bereaved in their great trouble, but especially the aged parents. In the case of the father it is extremely distressing as he has been very low in health for some time. Samuel was the only unmarried one of a large family. Springhill Miss Alexander of Hamiota is visiting here as the guest of Mrs. Richard McCracken. Town Talk The funeral of the late Samuel G Watson which took place last Wednesday afternoon to the Buchanan burial ground, was one of the most largely attended that has been held in Neepawa for a long time. Brother Orangemen of deceased to the number of about seventy preceded the hearse to the north end, where rigs were waiting for them, while in the rear of the hearse were some eighty conveyances filled with mourning relatives and friends. The six brothers of deceased acted as pall-bearers and Rev R Francis Hall conducted services at the house and burial ground. The impressive burial service of the Orange order was also gone through with at the grave. 33. [This would almost certainly be the prominent Rev Thomas Buchanan, who is not known to be related to us, although his ancestors also came from Northern Ireland. Buchanan-Eastwood United Church in Edmonton is named after him. His grandson Judd Buchanan was a cabinet minister in the Trudeau government. I used to work with Judd’s sister Kathryn. We compared genealogies, but could find no connection between our families.] The Neepawa Register Wed June 18, 1902 Town talk Rev T C Buchanan of Edmonton was elected president of the Methodist conference at last week. There were one hundred and seventy-four members present. The following appointments were made for the Neepawa District at the Methodist conference at Portage la Prairie: Neepawa: Wes W Abbott; Arden:

Hiram Hull; Plumas: Richard A Rutledge; Glensmith: I Kilpatrick; Gladstone: Thomas Lawson; Lakeland and Bear Creeks: D R Patterson; Eden: Joseph Wilson; Franklin: WSA Crux. The Neepawa Register Wed June 25, 1902 Card of Condolence The duly appointed Standing Committee of LOL 1494 instructed to draft a letter of condolence to the parents, family and friends of the late Samuel George Watson have done so as follows: To Mr. & Mrs. James Watson and Family On the behalf of the officers and members of Loyal Orange Lodge No. 1494. Neepawa we the undersigned committee desire to express our deepest sympathy and condolence with you in the sudden bereavement you have met in the untimely calling away of an affectionate son and brother.; and while you will miss him from the family circle more than any words can ever tell, we his brethren will mourn his absence from among us in our lodge where he was always prominent by his zeal and earnestness. We trust however that you may receive from the Giver of all Good strength to bear the great affliction (cont’d) 34. that his was a life of usefulness and that there is a bright prospect for a happy reunion in the Beyond. Signed on the behalf of L.O.L. 1494 Co. T E Adams Geo. A Graham The Neepawa Register Wed June 25, 1902 Town talk Born: Willerton In Springhill, on June22, 1902 to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Willerton, a son. The Neepawa Register Wed July 2, 1902 Springhill A happy event occurred last Wednesday afternoon in the Methodist Church, when Miss Minnie McCracken was united in holy matrimony to Br Angus Bell, of Glensmith, Rev Crux officiating. Mrs. John Miller played the wedding march. The bride and groom were assisted by Miss Emma Harris and Mr. Wm. McCracken. The bride was tastefully attired in white satin, trimmed with chiffon and passementerie, with bridal veil and orange blossoms. After the ceremony a reception was held at the bride’s father’s where a bountiful spread was enjoyed by all. The presents were many and costly. All join in wishing Mr. & Mrs. Bell every comfort and prosperity in their new life. Sam Buchanan Sr. lived on Sec 28-15-15 35. The Neepawa Press Fri March 27, 1908

News of Neepawa Mrs. Jas. H Coulter, NE 7, 16, 15 is offering a fine bunch of horses and cattle besides an extensive farming outfit and household effects at her sale on Monday next. The Neepawa Press March 31, 1908 Mr. & Mrs. Rich McCracken and family left on Monday for their new home at Oliver, Sask. The Neepawa Press Fri April 3, 1908 Birnie Briefs The death took place recently of the daughter of J Buchanan. The funeral was conducted by the Rev J Davey and Rev Mr. Hall at Rosedale Cemetery. 36. Rosedale Cemetery The stone of John and Isabella Buchanan reads: South side: John Charles Son of Jno. and Isabella Buchanan Died Nov 19, 1882 Aged 2 yrs. 5 mo. East side: John Buchanan Died Feb 15, 1909 Aged 78 years North side: Isabella Beloved wife of John Buchanan Born Jan 12, 1837 Died Mar 30, 1917 Also North side: James Buchanan 1864 – 1942 37. Rosedale Cemetery [For all the tombstone inscriptions as of 1962, see my web site: http://members.nbci.com/billb3 ] Stone of Solomon Watson West side reads: James Lawrence Born Aug 26th, 1895

Evelyn May Born Aug 3, 1889 Died Oct 16, 1907 Beloved children of Solomon & Blanche Watson.

The Neepawa Press Fri October 18, 1907 Died At Riding Mountain, on Oct 16th, Evelyn May, eldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Watson, aged 8 years 2 months and 13 days. News of Nepawa A ten year old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Watson died suddenly and unexpectedly at Riding Mountain Wednesday morning. 38. [Continued from page 17] dishes, James & Jack Snider; twelve fruit dishes and decanter, Mr. Gibb Allan; Preserve dish and pepper & salt dishes, Mr. & Mrs. Crandell; 2 fruit dishes, Mr. Frank Snider; cruet stand, Mr. & Mrs. Andy Snider; picture, Mr. George Perry. The Neepawa Register ends Feb 1903 in the red book, begins in 1904 book at Jan 7, 1904, so I will read the Neepawa Press starting at 2 Jan 1903 The Neepawa Press Friday Jan 2, 1903 Building Improvements of 1902 – Langford Jno. Ralph has left the old time-honoured homesteading cabin and is now luxuriating in a fine new two-story cottage, with basement full size containing every modern improvement. The building is very pleasing in appearance and is finished throughout in the best style. It cost about $1800.00. The Neepawa Press Tuesday, Jan 6, 1903 Oliver Torkington returned from Gladstone on Sat, where he attended the wedding of Miss Viola McRae who was led to the alter by Editor Downing of Maple Creek. Mr. & Mrs. Thos. McKee went to the same wedding, 39. The Neepawa Press Tues Feb 3, 1909 News of Neepawa Solomon Watson & Jos. Willerton went down to Winnipeg on Saturday’s train. Mr. Watson is the plaintiff in a civil suit to be heard there. Riding Mountain Solomon Watson has returned from Winnipeg, where he was successful in his suit against a livestock insurance company there. Jos. Willerton accompanied him. Jno. Buchanan is occupying Howard Kitson’s house this winter.

The Neepawa Press Tuesday Feb 6, 1903 News of Neepawa S J Watson and J J Willerton returned Tuesday from Winnipeg. They went to contest a suit with the Western Farmers Live Stock Insurance Co. Mr. Watson insured a horse with that co. The animal died and Mr. Watson claimed the amount of insurance. The company paid no attention to the matter. Mr. Watson sued and recovered. The Neepawa Press Fri. Feb 13, 1903 News of Neepawa The hands of death was laid on the senior member of the Buchanan family on Wed night (Feb 11). Deceased was Andrew Buchanan, who succumbed to that dire disease, pleurisy, after a short illness. He leaves several children behind him. His home was three miles north east of town. 40. The Neepawa Press Tuesday February 17, 1903 News of Neepawa (Big Sam) Samuel & James A Buchanan left on Saturday for Ontario with the remains of their father for interment. There was a Mary Coulter living in Orange Ridge The Neepawa Press Tuesday March 3, 1903 Mrs. Alf Willerton died on Monday. She has been ill a few days. There is a Georgina Brooks marrying a Martin Hanneberry. Georgina’s sister named was Ida & bother Joseph Brooks, Eden. The Neepawa Press Friday March 20, 1903 Franklin Alex Pogue and Edith Passmore were united in wedlock on Wednesday at the home of the bride’s parents. The Neepawa Press Tuesday March 24, 1903 News of Neepawa Robert Lindsay was disposed of his blacksmith shop to W A Buchanan, who takes possession on April 6th. [Wm. A Buchanan is my grandfather] 41. Mrs. McRae of Gladstone & Mrs. Downing of Maple Creek, Assa. [Assiniboia became part of Saskatchewan in 1905] arrived in town Wed. To visit at Oliver Torkington’s of Stony Creek. The Neepawa Press Tuesday June 23, 1903 In Town & Vicinity W A Jackson of Springhill, brought to town yesterday a sample of his wheat measuring 28 inches in length.

Rev Crux is leaving Franklin church. The Neepawa Press Tuesday June 30, 1903 Married At the manse, Minnedosa, on Wed June 24, 1903, by the Rev Wm. Millar, Thomas Graham & Henrietta Campbell, both of Neepawa. Geo. McCallum was in Grade 3 at Stoney Creek School. There was a W R Caithness living here in 1903. The Neepawa Press Tuesday July 7, 1903 In Town & Vicinity Harry Nerie, a young man of 21 years of age, who came out from Tunbridge Wells, England last April died on Thurs at Eden and was interred Sat morning in Buchanan’s cemetery. He had worked for Robt Riley. Cause of death was meningitis. 42. The Neepawa Press Tuesday July 7, 1903 Eli Potter, one of the pioneers of Springhill, passed away on Friday night last. Mr. Potter had been ailing for some time, but had not been in a critical condition until a few days before his death took place. The cause of death was a complication of heart and lung trouble. Mr. Potter was well and favourably known by a large proportion of the residents of town and country, and his demise is a distinct loss to the community. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon, a large number of friends following the remains to Buchanan’s cemetery where interment took place. Solomon Watson lived on 16-18-15 in 1903. Story of Arthur Kilburn sr. NP Friday July 28, 1903 The Neepawa Press Tuesday July 28, 1903 Married At the Presbyterian manse, Portage la Prairie on Tuesday July 21, David Buchanan and Jean McGoffin, both of Neepawa. In Town & Vicinity Mrs. Geo. Watson & family arrived in town last week from Michigan, USA to join Mr. Watson here, who is taking up residence in this district. Geo. B Poole will teach Acton school for 6 mo. Mrs. Carl Lund of Buffalso arrived in town on Tuesday, the guest of her sister Mrs. McKee. 43. The Neepawa Press Tuesday Aug. 18, 1903 In Town & Vicinity

The child of Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Buchanan of Orange Ridge died on Monday morning. The Neepawa Press Friday August 21, 1903 In Town & Vicinity Mrs. W C Buchanan & Mrs. Jas. Buchanan of Donegal, Ont and Mrs. Jas. Keating of Silver Creek are visiting relatives and friends throughout the district. Obituary The Palmerston, Ont Spectator of Aug 6th contains the following death notice. John Brooks, an old resident of Palmerston, died on Wednesday at his home on Jane St. He was 79 years of age. Mr. Brooks was a native of Ireland. Coming to Canada, he settled first on the Yonge road near Toronto, from there to Toronto, thence to Collingwood, and about 25 years ago to Palmerston, where he had lived since. The funeral will be held on Friday to the Palmerston Cemetery. He leaves a family of 11 viz: Mrs. Wm. Lamb & Mrs. M S Hannaberry of Neepawa, Man; Mrs. Wm. Chubb and Mrs. Wm. Gardiner of Lansing Michigan; Mrs. Wm. Tarlin of Galt; Jos Brooks of Neepawa, Man; Maud & Olive of Hespeler; William, Mary & Evelyn of Palmerston. 44. The Neepawa Register Thur March 3, 1904 Twenty years ago March 14, 1884 Mr. Robert Buchanan returned from the east on Friday bringing his mother with him. He was called east by his father’s death. The Neepawa Register Thur March 10, 1904 Springhill Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Pocket of Glenella are visiting friends in this vicinity Town Talk Mr. Robt Watson has disposed of his residence at the North End to Mr. McLarty of Riding Mtn, who will take up residence here with his family. Ridge View Mr. Thos. Storey of Acton is hauling home his oats from Mr. Haggerty’s. Springhill Mr. Geo. Pockett has moved over to his new farm. Huns Valley Miss Mary Coulter of Purple Ridge is visiting at the home of Mrs. Birch. 45. The Neepawa Register Thur May 19, 1904 Town Talk Rev & Mrs. JBJ Belford, Mrs. E Cresswell & Mrs. CC Balck of Gladstone were guests of Mrs. Fenimore last week. Mrs. Cresswell & Mrs. Belford visited their parents at Eden, Mr. & Mrs. Robert McCracken. The Neepawa Register Thur May 26, 1904 Obituary The death of Mr. Jas. Watson of Riding Mountain occurred at his late

residence on Tues last, May 24. Mr. Watson was one of the oldest and most highly respected residents of Beautiful Plains country and he is mourned by many friends and relatives. His sons living are: Robert, Adam & Solomon of Riding Mountain; William & Alex of Eden; his daughters: Mrs. R Buchanan of Attwood, Ont; Mrs. D R Gardiner & Mrs. David McLarty, Neepawa; and Mrs. Andrew Snider of Eden. The funeral takes place to the cemetery at Buchanan’s today. Twenty Years Ago from Neepawa Canadian, 29 May 1884: W J Bonney & Jas. Coulter each lost a valuable horse from causes unknown. Town Talk Died – Watson At Riding Mountain on Tues May 24, 1904, James Watson aged 78 yrs. 10 mos. 21 days. 46. The Neepawa Register Thur July 7, 1904 Before the Magistrate Aaron Bonney of Springhill and his wife were charged with cruelty to Lizzie Bonney aged about 12 years, being beaten with a piece of harness trace and an exe handle. Last beating was for not putting enough water in the tea kettle. (This is her step mother.) Now being cared for by her grandfather and neighbours. Parents fined $20 & to keep the peace for 1 year. The Neepawa Register Thur July 14, 1904 General News Thos. Storey was killed by a yard engine at Winnipeg. Born – Buchanan In Neepawa on Wed July 6, 1904 to Mr. & Mrs. David Buchanan, a daughter. The Neepawa Register Thur July 21, 1904 Twenty Years Ago, From the Neepawa Canadian, July 24, 1884 John Buchanan had a house raising and plowing bee ... Jas. Buchanan arrived last Saturday having ridden horse back from Yale, BC. (This is the find of the century Bill! This is my mysterious great great grandfather – Bessie Glen’s husband. He came back and lived with his daughter he never knew “Maggie Matilda” [Mrs. Robt J. (Red Bob) Buchanan] It’s the year my grandfather was born 1884. Yale isn’t quite the Klondike [I understood he went to the Cariboo.] but he left Bessie for the West in the early 1860s after Maggie was born in 1862. James died April 1900. I’ve already sent his OBIT to you. – DP) 47. The Neepawa Register Thur Nov 2, 1904 Twenty Years Ago – From the Neepawa Canadian 6 Nov 1884 Married – Monday Nov 3, 1884. Joshua Ritchie to Eliza J. Watson. Rev Mr. Jukes performed the ceremony. The Neepawa Register Thur Nov 10, 1904 Springhill

Frank Elliott of Bagot is visiting friends here this week. The Neepawa Register Thur Nov 17, 1904 Additional Locals The death took place on Sunday of the two month old child of Mr. & Mrs. R G Buchanan, Mountain View. The funeral was held Tuesday to the family burying ground on Eden Road (Buchanan Cemetery/Rosedale Cemetery) (Wm. McKone death also – big write-up) Acton Mr. Seth Potter has bought Mr. Adam Watson’s farm for $3500. Mr. Potter has returned to his home in BC 20 Years Ago – Neepawa Canadian Thursday Nov 20, 1884 Franky Ralph aged 6 years lost the end of his little finger in the fanning mill. 48. The Neepawa Press Friday May 27, 1904 Death of a Pioneer James Watson of Riding Mountain passed away to the great beyond at early dawn on Victoria Day. The funeral on Thursday to Mountain View Cemetery was largely attended by many of his friends of former and later days. The late Mr. Watson was one of the sturdy pioneers of Beautiful Plains. He came here from Perth County [Ontario] in 1878 and settled in Rosedale, where he and his family were very successful. In 1887 he moved to Riding Mountain where he lived in quiet prosperity until the end. He leaves six sons and five daughters. They are Robert, Adam, Solomon, David J, William A, and Allan Watson, all of whom reside in this vicinity; Mrs. Joseph Willerton, Springhill; Mrs. Robert Buchanan, Atwood, Ont; Mrs. D R Gardiner, Neepawa; Mrs. D McLarty; Neepawa; and Mrs. Andrew Snider of Riding Mountain. Two members of the family are deceased. Mrs. Jno. Snider died in 1898 and Samuel G Watson was drowned in Neepawa in June 1902. Memories of the exemplary life of James Watson will have an enduring influence on those left behind. The Neepawa Press Tues June 14, 1904 Riding Mountain James Graham is doing carpenter work on Jno. Buchanan’s new barn 32 x 40 [feet]. Mrs. Samuel Buchanan paid Mrs. John Buchanan a visit this week. 49. The Neepawa Press Tues June 21, 1904 In Town & Vicinity There are 1009 names on the list of electors for the R M [Rural Municipality] of Lansdowne. This is an increase of 64 over the 1903 list. The Neepawa Press Friday June 24, 1904 Born In Neepawa on Thur June 23, 1904 to Mr. & Mrs. David McLarty, a son.

50. (I read the whole year 1930 looking for info for someone else and found all that I’m sending in that year. – DP) The Neepawa Press Tues April 22, 1930 Mrs. Gilberts Celebrates Birthday [Bessie Glen Buchanan Gilberts] At her home on Thursday, Mrs. Bessie Gilberts was the honoured personnage of a surprise party, it being the occasion of her 89th birthday. During the afternoon and evening many friends called to congratulate her. Refreshments were served. The convenors of this happy event were: Mrs. A Grasby, Mrs. N Ashby, Mrs. James Strohman, Mrs. Gowing, Mrs. W Bazuk. On April 17, 1841, Mrs. Gilberts was born in Omma [Omagh] Ireland and when a child came to Perth County Ont. With her parents and moved to Manitoba later. Her husband, a carpenter [Henry Gilberts] died here 15 years ago. Neepawa has been her home for about 35 years. She has 3 children living, 5 dead. Also has 22 grandchildren and 34 great grandchildren. Mrs. Gilberts retains and active mind and an excellent memory, being able to recall many experiences minutely. [No mention is made of her earlier marriage and abandonment by James Buchanan.] The Neepawa Press Friday June 27, 1930 Married On Saturday June 21 at 5 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Jackson of Winipeg, Mr. C C Finemore of Winnipeg and Miss Janet Young of Arden. The young couple will reside in Winnipeg. 51. The Neepawa Press Tues Sept 9, 1930 News of Neepawa Mrs. Farrell, Miss Jennie and Howard Wolf, night editor of the Free Press, Winnipeg were week end guests at the home of Mrs. Farrell brother Wm. Batters. The Neepawa Press Friday Sept 12, 1930 (more obit on C E Black in News of Neepawa) News of Neepawa Andrew Innis motored down this week from McCreary accompanied by Mrs. Dunbar Sr. and son Gilmor of Alonsa to visit at the home of Mrs. Dunbar’s son Mr. (& Mrs) Henry Dunbar. The Neepawa Press Tues Sept 16, 1930 Born In Winnipeg General Hospital on Sept 8 to Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Hutton a son, Robert Yerex. News of Neepawa Mrs. Thos. Dunbar & son Gilmore went to Minnedosa on Monday for a visit with friends. They had been visiting her son Mr. (& Mrs) Henry Dunbar here. The Neepawa Press Tuesday Sept 30, 1930

Births in Neepawa Hospital Mr. & Mrs. Allan Willerton, Neepawa on Sept 21, a son (Clinton – DP) 52. The Neepawa Press Friday Oct 3, 1930 Arden Advices Mrs. T Storey and Mrs. McDonald motored to Winnipeg on Tuesday. Mrs. Storey at attend the marriage of her daughter Miss Mae to Laverne Graham (formerly of Arden) which took place n Winnipeg on Oct 2nd. The Neepawa Press Friday Oct 10, 1930 News of Neepawa Severe burns on the hands and face caused by the explosion of gasoline vapour resulted in the death of Norman Buchanan, 16 year old son of Mr. & Mrs. R G Buchanan in Neepawa Hospital Thursday morning. The deceased with his father and brother Bert, aged 14, were about to obtain fuel for a motor car at the home 5 miles north of Neepawa on Tuesday night. A lantern was carried and when the gasoline was about to be poured, the explosion ensued. Mr. Buchanan had his hands badly burned and Bert one hand. Norman’s funeral is to be held this afternoon from Rosedale church at 2:30. Interment at Rosedale cemetery. 53. The Neepawa Press Tuesday Oct 14, 1930 Mrs. Dan McGillivray Passes The death of Mrs. Daniel McGillivray occurred on Thursday October 2nd at Saskatoon, SK. The funeral was conducted from her late residence on Saturday afternoon and interment took place in the Pleasantdale Cemetery. Rev E G Riddolls, pastor of the United Church, Naicon, conducted the service. The large number present and the many beautiful floral tributes spoke eloquently of the high esteem in which the late Mrs. McGillivray was held. Mrs. McGillivray (nee Elizabeth Buchanan) was born at Donegal, Ont. November 14, 1876. When a child of four years she came west with her parents who took up their residence at Neepawa man. In 1899 she became the wife of Mr. Dan McGillivray. After a further residence of 21 years in Manitoba, the family moved to this northern district in the spring of 1920, first to Melfort and later to their farm north-east of Naicam, where they now reside. Mrs. McGillivray leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, five daughters and two sons: Mrs. Howard Nicholls, Naisbury; Mrs. Verne Thorpe, Naisbury; Mrs. E Cottrill, Resource; Lillian and Alma at home; Earle, Pontillas; and Carl at home. The sympathy of a wide circle of friends is extended to the family in their hour of bereavement . The Neepawa Press Tuesday Oct 14, 1930 News of Neepawa A wrong impression was given of the Norman Buchanan accident in last issue. Mr. Buchanan did not enter the garage with the boys and never before had a lantern been used for such a purpose. Mr. Buchanan’s hands were burned in

attempting to put out the flames which enveloped his son. The funeral of Norman Buchanan, 16 year old son of Mr. & Mrs. R G Buchanan, 5 miles north of Neepawa, who died on Thursday from burns he sustained when gasoline vapour exploded was held from Rosedale Church on Friday afternoon. Friends filled the building to pay tribute. The Rev Mr. McKay of Forrest conducted the service, and the pall-bearers were: Carman Lindsay, Elston Lindsay, Gordon Hutton, Gordon Arbuckle, Archir McLaughlin and Alex Potter. Interment was made in Rosedale Cemetery. The Neepawa Press Friday Oct 17, 1930 News of Neepawa Mrs. Jas. Hamilton of Valparaiso left for her home on Wed. After a visit with Mrs. Buchanan Sr. The Neepawa Press Friday Oct 24, 1930 Birnie Briefs Married Friday Oct 17, Roy Jackson to Miss Alice Bradley of Arden, residing at Arden. On Tues Oct 7, Miss Coral Buchanan to Mr. John Whitlaw of Yorkton, residing at Regina. [This is the end of the material sent to me by Darlene Perrett in March 2001. I hope you enjoy reading it and find some things of value. - Bill Buchanan, RR 3 Site 304 Box 11, Onoway, AB T0E 1V0 - Phone: 780-967-2004 - E-mail bill.buchanan@... - March 17, 2001]

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Apr 9, 2001 Hi Everyone, At the end of March, I received another package of info from Darlene Buchanan Perrett. Today I finished typing it, so here it is. I was DELIGHTED to find various references to my grandfather William A Buchanan ("Willy the blacksmith") and even references to his future wife Elizabeth Watson, her mother Mrs. George (Jane Welsh) Watson and some of her siblings. I was able to pinpoint the exact week they left for Alberta. With all the references to relatives, you will probably all find something of interest. [Darlene marked one spot as being of special interest to Val.] I spoke to Darlene this evening for about half an hour. I told her about being in touch with Berniece Willerton, who lives next door to Ron Buchanan, of all people. We met Ron and his brother Bob and some other relatives at Vera Ash's on a family history jaunt to Winnipeg in 1997. Berniece is sending me a package as well. When I have it in electronic format I will send it along too,

probably in May. Anyway, I am having fun, and hope that you are, too. Bill

#15 [These appear to be page numbers from a larger document.] The Neepawa Register Wed Nov 8, 1899 Town Talk Miss McLarty left Fri for Chatham, Ont after visiting her brother at Riding Mountain. The Neepawa Register Wed Nov 22, 1899 Married - McGillivray-Buchanan - On November 15th by Rev. Dr. McLean at the residence of the bride’s father, John Buchanan Esq. of Rosedale. Daniel McGillivray of Rosedale to Annie Elizabeth Buchanan Born - Watson In Rosedale on Nov 14th to Mr. and Mrs. Adam Watson a daughter (still born) Town Talk - The three Buchanan Brothers returned from the mountain on the 15th with 5 moose and 1 bear. - George Jackson went to Minnedosa on yesterday’s train to visit friends. #19 The Neepawa Register Wed 3 Jan 1900 Married Martin-Willerton at Glenellen on Dec 25, 1899 by Geo. Stoney, Methodist minister, Edmund Martin of Hampshire, England to Jennie Willerton of Glenellen, Rosedale. New Year’s Day 1900 will long be remembered in Manitoba as the most balmy in the history of the province. The Neepawa Register Wed Feb 14, 1900 Personal Mention Master Frank Jackson who has been in the general hospital, Winnipeg for some time returned to Neepawa Saturday. #20 The Neepawa Register Wed Feb 21, 1900 Personal Mention S. Farrell left on Monday for Dauphin on a short business trip. Clara C. Warren, daughter of Chas. T. Warren of Victoria, BC, married Feb 14, 1900 at Neepawa Manse, Rev. R.G Scott BA, of Dauphin. The Neepawa Register Wed Feb 21, 1900 Personal Mention

Mr. Robert Buchanan and Miss Annie Coulter were married in Eden on Wednesday Feb 14. The Neepawa Register Wed Feb 28, 1900 Town talk Jas. Watson sold the north half of 32-15-15 to Benj Jackson last week for $7 000.00 They passed a resolution to build a 4-room school of brick or stone at the north end of town. The Neepawa Register Wed 4 April, 1900 Glenallen The sympathies of the community are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Willerton in the loss of their only son by croup in Thursday. * There was a Ben Dark living at Union at 19-14-14. He sold this to J W Lamb. #22 The Neepawa Register Wed April 11, 1900 Died Buchanan - In Rosedale on Sunday April 8th, Jas. Buchanan aged 77 years. (Jennie & Maggie Matilda’s dad, my great-great grandfather -DP) Town Talk - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith of the Carberry district died with 24 hours of each other. - H. Adamson, who has been employed in the hardware store of Geo. L. Forester left on Tuesday’s train for Yorkton, Sask. - The funeral of the late Richard Ralph on Monday afternoon was very largely attended. The Neepawa Register Wed April 25, 1900 Town Talk Mrs. A P Symons aand son left on Wednesday’s train for Acton, Ont. where they will visit for several months. Died Jackson - In Neepawa on Saturday April 21, 1900, the youngest child of Mildred Irene Jackson, daughter of W J Jackson and Mary A Jackson aged 2 yrs. 2 mo. 6 days. #24 The Neepawa Register Wed May 23, 1900 Franklin Mr. James of Balgorie is here visiting his brother-in-law Jas. Buchanan. (This is the J J Buchanan the grain agent of Franklin. He had the little boy Tommy who was lost. - DP) Town Talk Messrs. T Durnin & J Buchanan returned to Neepawa Thursday evening from their prospecting tour through Alberta. They intend going into the ranching

business there in the future, being satisfied with the prospects in that district. Mr. Durnin also made a short visit to Banff. The Neepawa Register Wed May 30, 1900 Town Talk Chas. Finnamore and Mary Jackson, both of Neepawa were united in the bonds of matrimony on Thursday by Rev. J Semmens - Portage Graphic May 26 The Neepawa Register June 6, 1900 Town Talk Buchanan Bros. are breaking scrub land with a John Abell double-cylinder compound engine. They claim the engine is much better than horses. #27 The Neepawa Register Wed August 8, 1900 Town Talk Mr. S Farrell Sr. who has been making a prospecting tour of the different districts, principally Dauphin, returned to Neepawa last week and was the guest of his son Councillor Farrell for several days. He left on Monday’s train for his home in Listowel, Ont. * There was an H C Buchanan who was a CPR station agent at Moosamin who was visiting his family at Mr. Wm Scott’s home Langford. (Is this one of our relatives? -DP) The Neepawa Register Wed August 8, 1900 Town Talk Mr. and Mrs. A McIntyre who had been visiting friends in Neepawa and vicinity for some time returned to Strathclair last week taking Miss H Black to spend her holidays at their home. The Neepawa Register Wed August 15, 1900 Town Talk Mrs. J S Roe departed for Milverton, Ont where she will visit relatives for several months. (Is she a Jackson? -DP) #29 we were informed that the bodies had been identified as those of Samuel Adamson and Thomas Adamson. The funeral takes place in Neepawa today at 2:00 p.m. The Neepawa Register Wed September 12, 1900 Born Buchanan - On Sept 4, 1900 the wife of J J Buchanan, grain buyer at Franklin of a son. Local and General One of the sons of the late Samuel Adamson is at present very low with typhoid fever. Town Talk

The bodies of Samuel Adamson, councilor of Rosedale and his brother Thomas Adamson of Novar [?], Ont, the victims of the accident on the M & N.W. branch of the CPR near Minnedosa on Labour Day were interred in the Buchanan cemetery four miles north of town last Wednesday afternoon. A large number of the friends of the family followed the remains to their last resting place. #31 The Neepawa Register Wed 21 Nov, 1900 Springhill Mr. Richard McCracken was badly kicked by a horse last week and has been laid-up since. The Neepawa Register Wed Nov 29, 1900 Town Talk Mr. David Gardiner of Eden has moved into town and intends shortly commencing the manufacturing of his threshing machine blower which has proven such a success the past season. Mr. Gardiner expects to have about 200 ready for next year’s work and is confident as his machine comes to be better known the demand therefore will exceed the supply. The Neepawa Register Wed 28 Nov, 1900 Died Ritchie - In the St. Boniface Hospital, Winnipeg on Nov 22, 1900. Mary Ann Howatt, wife of Jas. Ritchie of Makinak, Manitoba aged 41 years 10 months. The Neepawa Register Wed 5 June, 1901 Talk of the Town To the Editor of the Register Sir - As the public attention has been directed to the fact that the present administration in Ottawa is not satisfied with the amount of public lands that have been given to speculators in the shape of railway lands, etc., but are handing over the few parcels of land which were set aside for homesteads to their political heelers as payment for campaign services; as the Neepawa Press, anxious to serve its boss, comes out and denies the fact and tries to make the public believe that a lawyer holding several sections of such lands, waiting for an increase in value is not a speculator and the actual settler who wants a homestead to settle on and make a home for himself and family is a speculator; that Hunt, Logan, and Robertson have been notified to do homestead duties or have their entries cancelled; and as I am the party referred to as making application for the cancellation of the entries to those lands, I happen to know a little bit about them. While looking around for a homestead last fall a friend told me about Sec 6, 13, 12 and that three-quarters of that section was vacant. I examined these lands and found them very desirable for homesteading. I went to Minnedosa to make entry and found that Mr. J D Hunt, a lawyer in Carberry had made entry for one quarter and two of his clerks, Robertson and Logan - had entered for the other two quarters. Knowing that there was no probability of Hunt, Robertson, or Logan going to settle on homesteads, I applied to have their entries cancelled, and to enter for one quarter for myself and the other two

quarters for my father and brother in Ontario. Well, they delayed canceling from December 9 to April 20 when they informed me that the Commissioner had decided not to cancel these lands. The homestead inspector was not sent to see if Mr. Hunt and his clerks were doing their homestead duties or not, but the officials in Ottawa decided in a high handed manner that their political heelers must be rewarded for campaign services and that 480 acres of choice agricultural lands, lying right in the heart off the province, and within two miles of a thriving town on the C.P.Ry. was not too much of a reward for Mr. Hunt. Then the question arose, how they would get those lands for nothing or as close to nothing as possible. Mr. Hunt applied to buy the lands and Mr. Thompson the homestead inspector presiding over the district in which these lands are, and the proper valuator therefore was instructed to go and value the property. But perhaps fearing that Thompson would be too honest and place a value too high to suit Mr. Hunt, these orders were recalled and a friend of Mr. Hunt, having no connection with the district whatsoever, has been sent to value these lands. There is no doubt in my mind that the new valuator will place the value to suit the clique, and that Mr. Hunt will secure these lands at a price satisfactory to him, and such as will enable him to turn them over at a good profit, I have no objection to lawyers or other professional men taking up homesteads, but I think they should be made to live on them and improve them just the same as other people do, And I do object to homestead lands being handed over to speculators to be held an indefinite time, thereby keeping settlers out of the country. Yours truly, W J Ash Stoney Creek, June 3, 1901 [His wife was John Buchanan’s daughter Mary]

The Neepawa Press Tuesday February 17, 1903 News of Neepawa Samuel (Big Sam) and James (A.) Buchanan left on Saturday for Ontario with the remains of their father for interment. There was a Mary Coulter living in Orange Ridge. The Neepawa Press Tuesday March 3, 1903 News of Neepawa Mrs. Alf Willerton died on Monday. She has been ill but a few days. [I can’t find Alf.] There is a Georgina Brooks marrying a Martin Hanneberry. Georgina’s sister was named Ida & brother Joseph Brooks [of] Eden. The Neepawa Press Friday March 30, 1903 Franklin Alex Pogue & Edith Passemore were united in wedlock Wednesday at the home of the bride’s parents. The Neepawa Press Tuesday March 24, 1903

News of Neepawa Robert Lindsay has disposed of his blacksmith shop to W A Buchanan, who takes possession on April 6th. [John’s son, my grandfather - Bill] The Neepawa Press Friday July 31, 1903 In Town & Vicinity Davidson Bros have disposed of their blacksmith business in town to Wm. Buchanan [John’s son, my grandfather]. Wm J has taken a position with the Massey-Harris Co. and Bert leaves next week for Seattle, Wash. The Neepawa Press Tuesday August 4, 1903 Eden There were two weddings inn this vicinity this week. Thos. Storey and Sarah Coulter were made one in the presence of about 100 guests at the home of her parents on Wednesday July 29, 1903. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. G H Peaccock. After the wedding feast, Mr. and Mrs. Storey went to their new home at Acton, followed by the good wishes of their host of friends. The large number of handsome and costly presents received by them is ample evidence of the esteem in which they were held. Mrs. W J Black is visiting her sister Mrs. C Finnemore.

The Neepawa Press Friday August 14, 1903 In Town & Vicinity Mrs. Geo. Watson, accompanied by her daughter Mrs. Sheffield and daughter-in-law Mrs. Al Watson, who came from the East a month ago and have been visiting with friends here, left on Wednesday for Leduc, N.W.T. to join their husbands, where they will reside in the future. [Mrs. Geo. Watson was my great grandmother. Bill
home at Portage la Prairie. - Seth Potter’s land sale at his farm which is situated 1 mile north and 1/2 mile east of the CPR station, Neepawa. The Springhill land he was keeping. The Neepawa Press Tuesday November 3, 1903 Neepawa Business Directory W. A. Buchanan - General Blacksmith, Davidson St. East of the Union Bank. In Town & Country - Seth Potter embarked on Monday fro British Columbia, where he hopes to make his future home. - Mr. & Mrs. A E Jackson of Edmonton paid a visit to Neepawa last week and called on their former townspeople Mr. & Mrs. W W Davidson. - The blacksmiths of Neepawa, Arden, and Eden have agreed on a scale of prices for the general run of work on the same basis as blacksmiths throughout the province charge. In some respects the new prices are higher than previously prescribed, and in other respects there are no changes. Purple Ridge Coulter Bros are busy hauling out their wheat now. Bodies of the two little Davidson girls drowned last year at Portage la Prairie in the Assiniboine River were removed last Saturday. The Neepawa Press Tuesday December 8, 1903 In Town & Vicinity W. A. Buchanan having sold his blacksmith business in town to Dan McQuarrie will resume farming on the old homestead three miles west of town. - In Rosedale on Dec 1 to Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Barrieball, twin girls. - W J Ash left on Friday for Ontario with the remains of his father, which will be buried there. The Neepawa Press Tuesday December 22, 1903 Lefroy-Campbell A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Robt. Campbell, Bridge Creek on Wed. Dec 16, when their daughter Almina Jane was married to Geo. Langlois Maxwell Lefroy. The bride was assisted by her sister Margaret and Mr. Robt. Horner was the best man. The bride was dressed in pure white silk, trimmed with chiffon, while the bridesmaid was dressed in pale blue Henriettam trimmed with cream applique. Miss Nettie Dunsmore played the wedding march and Rev. J K Clark performed the ceremony. About 75 guests sat down to dinner after which they spent the afternoon in games and chatting. The young folks gathered in the evening and tripped the light fantastic into the small hours of the morning. The presents were numerous and costly. Mr. & Mrs. Lefroy have our best wishes for a prosperous future. The Neepawa Press Tuesday April 5, 1904 In Town & Vicinity Wm. Stenhouse, A McKee & P Coulter left with their outfits for Melfort, Sask via CNR on Saturday. Aaron Bonney lived 34-15-16

The Neepawa Press Tuesday April 18, 1904 Arden Mrs W Weller of Shoal Lake after visiting her sister-in-law Mrs. W. Robinson, left for home In Town & Vicinity - J A Keating and wife, W A Buchanan & Miss Lizzie Watson left on Saturday for Leduc, Alberta, where they propose residing. - W E D Coulter has leased the Simpson House, to take possession today. Mr. Coulter is well and favourably known to the travelling public and under his management the house will no doubt continue to receive a continued liberal patronage. The Neepawa Press Tuesday April 22, 1904 Riding Mountain - James Watson, the pioneer settler of this settlement, remains very low, having been in bed all winter with general decline. - John Buchanan, Will Watson, and D. Tyler took the train to Neepawa on Monday. The Neepawa Register Thurs Nov 24, 1904 Additional Locals Wm. Buchanan, formerly a blacksmith in town returned from the territories on Tuesday, where he had spent the last several months. He reports conditions fairly good in the west, although some of the more progressive towns are rather at a standstill at present, mentioning Edmonton in particular, where real estate has recently taken a drop of 25 per cent. At this latter place also, applicants for work exceed the demand. Richard Warren’s family was here in 1884. The Neepawa Register Thurs Dec 8, 1904 Big story about Riding Mountain and what stores, doctors, etc. are in town. The Neepawa Register Thurs Dec 15, 1904 Large Obit for Wm. Graham of the Grahams who donated land for the cemetery. Twenty Years Ago - The Neepawa Canadian, Dec 18, 1884 - Joseph Ralph has completed his residence on 10-14-15 - Big wedding write-up for Mary McCracken, dau. of John McCracken married Nesbitt Poole. The Neepawa Press Tuesday April 3, 1917 Death of Mrs. Buchanan Still another of the pioneer women of this district passed away last Friday morning, in the person of Mrs. Isabel Buchanan, widow of the late Jno. Buchanan, who died about 8 years ago. The funeral on Sunday from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Dan McGillivray, to Buchanan cemetery, was largely attended by a wide circle of relatives and acquaintances, all of whom remember her as a cheerful and loyal friend under all circumstances. Deceased was born at Prescott, Ontario, on Jan. 17, 1837, and was aged 80 years, 2 months and 13 days. She came to Manitoba with her husband 37 years

ago and had continuously resided here. She leaves three sons - William, at Stettler, Alberta; Jas. G. and Robert of this vicinity - also four daughters - Mrs. Jno. Hamilton, of Tisdale, Sask, Mrs. W. J. Ash, of Edrans, Mrs. Jno. Keating, of Edmonton, Alberta, and Mrs. Dan McGillivray, of Stony Creek. She was a sister of the late Jas. Watson, and of Mrs. Sam Buchanan, of Rosedale. A brother, William, resides at Plumas, and another, George, near Edmonton, Alberta. The Neepawa Press Tuesday Feb 16, 1909 John Buchanan, one of the early settlers here, and a brother of Samuel Buchanan of town, died yesterday at the residence of his son-in-law Dan McGillivray, on the correction line. Deceased was 68 (78 - DP) years of age and came from Elma, County of Perth, Ont. He is survived by 7 children Mrs. J Hamilton; Mrs. Caithness (Keating -DP); Mrs. W. Ash; Mrs. Dan McGillivray; Robert; James, & William. The funeral will take place to Riverside Cemetery at 1:30 pm on Wednesday afternoon. (This is incorrect stone for John & Isabella is in Rosedale Cemetery (Buchanan Cemetery, R.M. of Rosedale) - DP) The Neepawa Press Tuesday August 11, 1936 Mrs. Bessie Gilberts Dies Mrs. Bessie Gilberts, who celebrated her 95th birthday last April 17, passed away peacefully at her home in Neepawa Monday morning after a period of indifferent health for the past few weeks. Until her recent illness, Mrs. Gilberts had retained her faculties in a remarkable manner although for several months she has not been active. Mrs. Gilberts’ maiden name was Bessie Glen, and she was born April 17, 1841 in Ohma (Omagh - DP), County of Tyrone, Ireland. At the age of 3 years she came to Canada in a sailboat that took seven weeks to cross the ocean. The family first settled in Stratford, Ont, and later moved west, and at different times she lived at points in Saskatchewan, Alberta, and the United States, coming to Neepawa about 25 years ago. Her first marriage took place in 1857 to James Buchanan at Elma, Ont. He died four years later (No -DP) and nine years after she became the wife of Mr. Gilberts, who died in Neepawa in 1916. Of the seven children, there survive three: Mrs. Jas. Kealing (Keating - DP) of Binscarth, and Mrs. Frank (Annie -DP) Grasby, and Mrs. R. (Red Bob - Maggie Matilda -DP) Buchanan of Neepawa. There are also 14 grandchildren, 41 great grandchildren, and 3 great-great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held this afternoon Tuesday at 2:30 o’clock from the home, and Rev E. C. Emerson of the Baptist Church will conduct the service. Interment will be made at Riverside Cemetery, and the pallbearers will be Gordon, George and Vernon Hunter (Bella’s sons -DP) and Elmer Buchanan (This is my dad “Sonny”. They called him Elmer for a while. -DP) great grandchildren, and Russell and Edward Buchanan, grandchildren. The Duxbury Service is in charge of the funeral arrangements. (Read Jas. Buchanan’s obit TOTALLY DIFFERENT They had 36 years to think up another! -DP) The Neepawa Press Tuesday July 25, 1916 News of Neepawa

Wm. Gilberts (A late resident of Neepawa) was found dead in his room at the Occidental Hotel in Winnipeg on Friday last, and his son Lee went to the city at once to attend to the obsequies. Deceased had been engaged o the new waterworks aqueduct construction and was not known to have any ailment. He was a widower about 45 years of age. (This has to be one of the seven children?? Unless he was only Henry’s son. Lee was the grandson Bessie & Henry Gilberts helped raise. - DP) The Neepawa Press Wed. April 11, 1900 (Front Page) The Grim Reaper AT WORK AMONG THE OLD RESIDENTS Messrs. Richard Ralph, James Buchanan and John A Lamb Gathered to Their Fathers - Sturdy Pioneers of the District James Buchanan, of Eden, aged 77, died Saturday afternoon and his remains were laid in Neepawa Cemetery on Monday. He was born in Tyrone, Ireland, in 1823; came to Canada in 1844 (1847 -DP); went to British Columbia in the sixties; and came to this district in 1887 (1884 -DP). He was a sturdy old man, highly respected and always took a keen interest in public affairs. He leaves two daughters, but no sons, to mourn his loss. They are Mrs. Robert [Red Bob] Buchanan, Rosedale and Mrs. Jas Cadden (Keating -DP) of Saltcoats. (Binscarth -DP)

Municipality Lansdowne: Kelwood/McCreary Charge 1899-1937 Church Glensmith Circuit Book 100 MGS p.2 Clergy Wm. Henbest Name: Ida Lees Winthrop Birthdate: Feb 4/06 Place of Birth: Kelwood Father’s name: Fred Winthrop Mother’s name: (not given - see #29) Father’s Occ’n: Farmer Residence: Kelwood Date of Baptism: Mar 9/06 Remarks: Name: Gilmore, Muriel Gladys Birthdate: Oct 6/05 Place of Birth: Glensmith Father’s name: Thos. Gilmore Mother’s name: Father’s Occ’n: Farmer Residence: Glensmith Date of Baptism: May 18/06 Remarks: Name: Watson, Joseph Albert Birthdate: May 16/02 Place of Birth: Riding Mountain Father’s name: David Watson Mother’s name: Minnie Snider

Father’s Occ’n: Farmer Residence: Riding Mountain Date of Baptism: Aug 29/06 Remarks: Name: Phaff, Violet Amelia Birthdate: Oct 15/02 Place of Birth: Riding Mountain Father’s name: Jno. Phaff Mother’s name: Nellie Coulter Father’s Occ’n: Farmer Residence: Riding Mountain Date of Baptism: Aug 29/06 Remarks: Name: Phaff, Jno. James Birthdate: Feb 3/04 Place of Birth: Riding Mountain Father’s name: Jno. Phaff Mother’s name: Nellie Coulter Father’s Occ’n: Farmer Residence: Riding Mountain Date of Baptism: Aug 29/06 Remarks: Name: Watson, David Roy Birthdate: (not given) Place of Birth: Riding Mountain Father’s name: David Watson Mother’s name: Minnie Snider Father’s Occ’n: FarmerRiding Mountain Residence: Riding Mountain Date of Baptism: Feb 16/08 Remarks: Clergy: Henry E Gilbert Name: Anderson, John Livingstone Birthdate: June 15/07 Place of Birth: Kelwood Father’s name: Albert Anderson Mother’s name: Rachel Iverell Little Father’s Occ’n: Farmer Residence: (not given) Date of Baptism: March 15/08 Remarks: Baptised at parsonage Name: Hall, Albert Ernest Birthdate: March 30/08 Place of Birth: Kelwood Father’s name: Thos. I. Hall Mother’s name: Mary Jane Tomlin Father’s Occ’n: Farmer

Residence: Date of Baptism: June 3/08 Remarks: Baptised at parsonage Name: Anderson, Albert Bruce Birthdate: Apl 25/08 Place of Birth: Kelwood Father’s name: Albert Anderson Mother’s name: Rachel Iverell Little Father’s Occ’n: Farmer Residence: Date of Baptism: July 9/08 Remarks: Clergy: Henry E. Gilbert Name: Harrison, John Hacenan Birthdate: Nov 28, 1903 Place of Birth: Laurier Father’s name: James Harrison Mother’s name: Agness Dolby Father’s Occ’n: Farmer Residence: Date of Baptism: Jan 12, 1908 Remarks: Name: Harrison, James Albert Birthdate: April 15, 1905 Place of Birth: Laurier Father’s name: James Harrison Mother’s name: Agness Dolby Father’s Occ’n: Farmer Residence: Date of Baptism: Jan 12, 1908 Remarks: Name: Harrison, Inga Isabelle Birthdate: Dec 31, 1906 Place of Birth: Laurier Father’s name: Mother’s name: Father’s Occ’n: Residence: Date of Baptism: Remarks:

Municipality Rosedale: Kelwood/McCreary Charge 1899-1937 Church Kelwood Circuit Book 100 MGS p.5 Name: (obscured) Birthdate: Oct 4, 1899

Place of Birth: Ont, Roseneath Father’s name: Robert Smith Mother’s name: Sarah Emily Minor Father’s Occ’n: Farmer Residence: Date of Baptism: Apr 14, 1911 Remarks: Baptised in house, Glenallen Name: (obscured) Birthdate: August 4, 1905 Place of Birth: Kelwood, Man Father’s name: David Poole Mother’s name: Mary Elizabeth Poole Father’s Occ’n: Farmer Residence: Date of Baptism: July 18/11 Remarks: Name: (obscured) Birthdate: Feby 8, 1908 Place of Birth: Kelwood, Man Father’s name: David Poole Mother’s name: Mary Elizabeth Poole Father’s Occ’n: Farmer Residence: Date of Baptism: July 18/11 Remarks: Name: (obscured) Birthdate: October 29, 1910 Place of Birth: Kelwood, Man Father’s name: Mother’s name: Father’s Occ’n: FarmerResidence: Date of Baptism: July 18, 1911 Remarks: [Almost certainly another Poole child] Name: Merryweather, Helena Ardath Birthdate: May 22, 1900 Place of Birth: Glensmith, Man Father’s name: Thomas Merryweather Mother’s name: Myrtle Armanella Reed Father’s Occ’n: Minister Residence: Date of Baptism: Oct 22, 1911 Remarks: Clergy: A B Osterhout, Baptised in church at Kelwood Name: Smith, Madeleine Birthdate: Aug 26, 1910

Place of Birth: Riding Mountain Father’s name: George Smith Mother’s name: Mary Jane Buchanan Father’s Occ’n: Farmer Residence: Date of Baptism: October 13, 1911 Remarks: Baptised at home at Riding Mountain Name: Budd, Hazel Gladys Birthdate: July 3, 1910 Place of Birth: Kelwood Father’s name: Thomas Budd Mother’s name: Clara Hosler Father’s Occ’n: Livery Proprietor Residence: Date of Baptism: Oct 23, 1911 Remarks: Baptised in home. Name: Stinson, William Thomas Birthdate: Feb 7, 1908 Place of Birth: Riding Mountain Father’s name: George Smith Mother’s name: Matilda Stinson Father’s Occ’n: Farmer Residence: Date of Baptism: Nov 19, 1911 Remarks: Baptised at home. Informant: C Stinson Name: Pfaff, Mary Christina Elizabeth Birthdate: Feby 4, 1907 Place of Birth: Riding Mountain Father’s name: John Pfaff Mother’s name: Barbara Ellen Coulter Father’s Occ’n: Farmer Residence: Date of Baptism: Nov 23, 1911 Remarks: Baptised at home. Name: Sherman, Jennett Ellen Birthdate: Dec 22, 1911 Place of Birth: Kelwood Father’s name: Thomas Nile Sherman Mother’s name: Sarah Ellen Hall Father’s Occ’n: Farmer Residence: Date of Baptism: Jan 15, 1912 Remarks: Baptised at home. Name: Merryweather, Thelma Lilian Birthdate: June 29, 1912 Place of Birth: Kelwood

Father’s name: Thomas Merryweather Mother’s name: Myrtle Armanella Reed Father’s Occ’n: Minister Residence: Date of Baptism: Oct 20, 1912 Remarks: Clergy: R E McCullagh, Baptised in home Name: Ash, George Henry Birthdate: Sept 19, 1912 Place of Birth: Kelwood Father’s name: Clarence Henry Ash Mother’s name: Jane Ann Elliott Father’s Occ’n: FarmerMerchant Residence: Date of Baptism: Dec 5, 1912 Remarks: Baptised at home The Herald - Neepawa Thurs 6 Sept 1893 Local News Buchanan Bros have commenced threshing. Their first work was done on S. Buchanan’s Saturday. The Herald - Neepawa Thurs Oct 23, 1893 Serious Assault Charge On Fri, Oct 20th at Mr. W F young’s office herefore N D Peter Esq. and W F young Esq., James Buchannan was charged with committing an assault upon Willet Burkell of Neepawa with intent to do him grievous bodily harm. A considerable amount of evidence was taken. Edward Rogers and John Roberts appearing as witnesses on behalf of Burkell and Wm J Ash and Arthur Hutton on behalf of Buchannan. The case was of a somewhat complicated character and the evidence rather conflicting, other questions besides the assault being involved. In the end the defendant was committed for trial on the charge of assault to the Assizes, to be held at Portage la Prairie. Bail was accepted for $1000; himself in $500, James Buchanan Sr. $250, and W J Ash $250. [Which James Buchanan? Jas. Sr. had no son named James.] The Herald Neepawa Thurs 8 November 1893 Births Ralph: At Neepawa, Oct 29 the wife of Joseph Ralph of a son. _________________________________________________________ Funeral Card In Memory of Gladys Annie Buchanan Born Sept 17, 1912 R.M. of Lansdowne, Manitoba Died - November 13, 2000 Neepawa, Manitoba Funeral Service Thursday November 16, 200 - 2:00 p.m. Neepawa United Church

Officiating Clergy - Rev. George Cargo A private family Committal Service has taken place at Riverside Cemetery Ushers: Merv and Marj Drayson ______________________________________ Service of Celebration For The Life Of Ruth Buchanan Who was born November 9, 1921 and passed away October 29, 2000 Chapel Lawn Funeral Home Friday November 3, 2000 at 10:00 a.m. Officiating Clergy Major Bill Loveless Order of Service Call to Worship Greetings Scripture Reading Family Tribute: Erin Chapman Hymn: “I Come to the Garden Alone” Message: Major Loveless Prayers Special Music: “My Heart Will Go On” Benediction ______________________________________ IRENE BUCHANAN It is with deep sorrow we announce the sudden passing of our dear wife, mother, grandmother, sister and friend at the Neepawa. Hospital on November 17, 2000. Irene will be lovingly remembered and sadly missed by her husband of 44 years, Mac; daughter Kerry (Ken); sons Myles (Cathy), Randy (Val), Greg, Neal (Brenda); grandchildren Shawn, Stacey, Shantel, Bianna, Brett, Jannelle, Erika, Joel, Roxanne, Josh and Shane. Also left to mourn are brothers Henry (Ev), Benny (Elsie), Jack (Margaret) Clancy (Joyce). She was predeceased by her father and mother Frank and Helen Kaspick, sisters Kay and Isla, father-in-law and mother-in-law Sanford and Avy Buchanan. Irene was born in Rosedale Municipality on March 16,1928, and spent her early years in the Neepawa area. After brief stops in Winnipeg and Deloraine, Irene and Mac resided in Shoal Lake, MB, for 40 years. They then retired in Neepawa where she and husband Mac spent 4 happy years enjoying their home, yard, bingo and Wednesday night bowling. Irene enjoyed cooking, baking and was known for her perogies, cabbage rolls and cinnamon buns. She cherished the time she spent with family and

friends to whom she unselfishly gave all her time and energy. Irene would never say no to a game of cards and spent many late nights demonstrating her knowledge and skills. She was very proud of her home and yard and spent many hours with her husband beautifying her yard with flowers in summer and Christmas decorations in winter. The service was held on November 21, 2000, at the Neepawa United Church with Rev. George Cargo officiating. Pallbearers were Irene's nephews Andrew Hockin, Lindsay Kaspick, Garnett Kaspick, Ian Wilson, Dennis Kaspick and Bryan Kaspick. She will be forever in our hearts To love a Mom and then to part Is the greatest trial of the human heart Years of striving, little of play Loving, giving the whole of the way. A cherished smile, a heart of gold To the dearest Mother the world could hold Happy memories are treasured ever Of happy days when we were together. With aching hearts we whisper low "God Bless you Mother, we will miss you so." Father in Heaven, hear our prayer Guard our Mother with tender care Be a good shepherd, don't leave her alone, Love her as we loved her When she was here at home. Mom, we love you, we are strengthened by you, and we will miss you! ________________________________________________________________ James Buchanan It came with a great shock to the community on Sunday morning to learn of the death of Jas. Buchanan , who passed away Saturday night about 11o’clock. He was in his 69th year. On Tuesday, March 24 he was taken ill with pleurisy, from which he never recovered. He was a son of the late Mr. & Mrs. Sam Buchanan, who with their family moved from Listowel, Ont to the Neepawa district in 1880. Mr. Buchanan married in 1892, Miss H. Motley, daughter of the late Mr. & Mrs. McClay. The family moved to Birnie district 22 years ago. Surviving realtives re his wife, three daughters: Mrs. E. Smith of Yorkton, Mrs. W. Kilburn of Melville, and Mrs. John Wigmore of Regina, and two sons: Will and alex at home, also five brothers: T S of Melfort, Sam of Chilliwack, W David of Sumas, BC, and one sister, Mrs. G Graham of Rosedale. Mr. Buchanan Mr. Buchanan was a member of the Orange Lodge. The funeral service was held at the home on Monday afternoon. The Rev. G A Colpitts conducted. Interment was made in Rosedale Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Wm. Denoon, Les Birnie, Guy Scott, C H Bailey, V P Dewis, and E Henton. The sympathy of the community goes to Mrs. Buchanan and family in their sad bereavement. (died 28 March 1931 –dp) (This is what Val Buchanan – Nanaimo, BC has been searching for –dp) ________________________________________________________________

DOROTHY VIOLA WILLIMENT (BUCHANAN) It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of our wife, mother and grandmother, Dorothy Williment on April 21, 2000 at the McCreary Hospital with all her family at her side. Born September 22,1935 in Miami Hospital, Dorothy received all her education in Miami, MB. On February 16,1954 Dorothy wed Walter Williment. They lived in Neepawa for a short period of time. They then moved to Arden, from there they moved to Norgate and then to Reeve in 1962 where their farming career began. They continued to farm in the Reeve area until then retirement when they moved to McCreary in 1984. They then purchased a motor home, which allowed them to travel various places in Canada and the U.S.A. Her talents were unlimited, as she enjoyed crocheting, making several afghans, quilting, sewing and gardening. She also loved attending bingo with her husband and friends. Dorothy was also involved in many community activities such as U.C W. hospital aid and ladies' auxiliary. Besides her community activities she always made time for her family. Dorothy will be lovingly remembered by her husband Walter of 46 years, daughter Joan Whyte (Allan) of McCreary; son Brian Williment (Marie) and daughter Darlene (Ledoux) McCreary. She will be sadly missed by grandchildren, Tracy Chubey (Dale), Theresa Kohlman (Clayton), Bradly Willlment, Jarvis Whyte, Kristin and Travls Ledoux all of McCreary. Dorothy was also blessed with two great-grandchildren, Dylan Chubey and Mykayla Kohlman both of McCreary. She also leaves to mourn sister Ethel Pfiel (Hank) of McCreary; sister Edna Hurlbert ot Selkirk, MB and brother Bill Buchanan of Winnipeg; And many friends and relatives too numerous to mention. Dorothy was predeceased by her father Alexander in 1962; her mother Lily in 1972 and brothers, Lyle in 1992 and Russell in 1998. Service to be held at the McCreary United Church 2:00 p.m Tuesday, April 25 with Rev. Colin Grambo officiating. Interment to follow at the McCreary Municipal Cemetery. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. Dobchuk Funeral Home of McCreary in charge of arrangements. [I can’t find how she connects to the family] ________________________________________________________________ DORIS PEARL BUCHANAN Suddenly at Almonte on Wednesday, September 27, 2000, Doris Pearl Buchanan of Almonte, Ont., and formerly of Winnipeg, age 88 years. Beloved daughter of the late Alwyn Buchanan and his wife the late Elizabeth Johnson; predeceased by two sisters, Mrs. Velda Burrell and Mrs. Fern McQuarrie and by two brothers, Calvert and Ivan; loved aunt of Mrs. Betty Preston (Ernie) of Almonte and Mrs. Sandra Beyak (John) of Burlington and by two great-nieces and two great-nephews as well as one great-great-niece and two great-great-nephews. Cremation. Friends are invited to attend a funeral service in the chapel of the C.R. Gamble Funeral Home, 127 Church St., Almonte, on Saturday, September 30, at 11:00 a.m., Rev. S. Derek Shelly officiating. Donations in memory of Doris may be made to he Ontario Heart and Stroke

Foundation and would be much appreciated by her family. (WINNIPEG FREE PRESS) [How does she connect to the family?] ________________________________________________________________ BIRTHS First time parents Shawn and Nancy Buchanan of McCreary are pleased to announce the arrival of their 7 Ib.11-1/4 oz. daughter, Taryn Mary Jean, who was born August 23, 2000 in Dauphin. Proud grandparents are James and Tina Lambourne of Alonsa & Milton and Jean Buchanan of McCreary, and great grandma Mary Whyte of McCreary. ________________________________________________________________ RUTH BUCHANAN It is with great sadness that after a short, unexpected illness, we lost our mother grand-mother, and friend Evelyn Ruth Buchanan, suddenly on October 29, 2000. Ruth was born in Ireland in 1921 and while she was a child moved to England with her family. During the Second World War she met and married Mervin (Bud) Buchanan and crossed the ocean by herself with a baby in arm to a challenging new country. Mom was a strong person that met each challenge head on. She was predeceased by her husband and her daughter-in-law Dawne Buchanan. She is survived by her four sons Gerry, Dan (Bonnie), Ross (Bev), Terry (Judy); her grandchildren, Todd (Krista), Tanis (Cayce Cook) Darci (Scott) Forbes), Tara (Sean Brownridge), Tyler, Kevin, Scott, Christine, Heather, Erin (Scott Chapman). She was also blessed with six great-grandchildren. In England she is survived by her four brothers, George (Pam), Ernie (Joyce), Bob (Margaret) Vincent ( Mavis), two sisters Chrissy and Rose (Tony); one brother-in-law Bill Sponder, and many nieces, nephews and extended family. She was predeceased by her sister Hetty. Ruth will be greatly missed by all her family. Many thanks to the staff on the 2nd floor of the Grace Hospital for the care they gave to Mom. A memorial service will be held Friday November 3, at 10:00 a.m. from Chapel Lawn Funeral Home, 4000 Portage Ave. In lieu of flowers, friends so wishing may make donations in Ruth's memory to the Grace Hospital, 350 Booth St., R3J 3M7, as tokens of remembrance. You will be in our hearts forever Mom. Arrangements entrusted to: CHAPEL LAWN FUNERAL HOME CEMETERY AND CREMATORIUM 885-9715 ________________________________________________________________ GEORGE DOUGLAS KITSON Suddenly on July 16, 2000, George Douglas Kitson passed away while attending a family reunion at Gladstone, Manitoba. Doug was born January 11, 1932 in Neepawa Hospital to Jack and Eleanor

(Dolly) Kitson. He attended Franklin and Neepawa Area schools. After completing his education he joined the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in 1951. He trained in Regina and Ottawa serving in B.C. and Ottawa for six years. During this time he played in the R.C.M.P Band for the musical ride. In 1957 he returned home to farm with his dad. On April 18,1959 Doug married Joan Griffith at the Neepawa United Church. They resided in Franklin, Manitoba. This union was blessed with four children. Doug had many accomplishments in his life. In 1947, at the age of 15, Doug placed second, winning the Western Canadian Curling Championships representing Manitoba. He also had a fondness for music. Besides playing the piano he played the trumpet with the Neepawa Lions Club Band serving for a time as assistant band master. In the seventies while the Neepawa Barbershoppers were active, he was a member For many years he took an avid interest in the Manitoba Pool Elevators, serving 29 years on Franklin Pool Board, 22 of those as secretary and 20 years as district delegate. Doug worked on many winter works construction crews, often as active foreman. In 1987 Doug became a driver education instructor for Neepawa Area Collegiate Institute. He worked with this until he was forced to retire due to illness. Doug had a sincere interest in the church. In the Franklin United Church he was active on the board and as organist. Later he became a member of the choir and the Knox Presbyterian Church in Neepawa. An organization Doug was very interested in was the Elks Lodge #398. He served as Exalted Ruler for the past two years. During his life Doug had many hobbies among which were curling, carpentry, camping, and reading. One of his early interests was flying and he received his private pilot's license from the Neepawa flying Club in 1958. Left to cherish his memory is his devoted wife Joan; his daughter Heather (Peter) Behrens of Brandon, MB, grand-daughters Janelle, Angela, and Jody; son Brian (Kelli) Kitson of Oxdrift, Ont., granddaughter Lee-Anne and grandsons Jace and Trey; son Kevin (Derena) Kitson of Franklin, MB, grandsons Justin and Joshua and grand-daughter Joni; son Trevor (Naleen) Kitson of Neepawa, MB and grand-son Tanner. He was predeceased by his parents Jack and Eleanor (Dolly) Kitson. He will be sadly missed by special cousin Myrna Shutko (Ed) and family; brothers-in-law Stuart Milne, Douglas (Jean)Griffith; sisters-in-law Jean Hunter (Peter); Berniece Smith, and Joyce Welboume and families. Also many cousins and friends. ________________________________________________________________ Obituary Phyllis Marjorie BUCHANAN Phyllis Marjorie Buchanan of Souris passed away suddenly at the age of 69 on April 27 2000 from cancer at the home of her daughter Colleen She was born on February 28,1931 in Brandon, MB. Predeceased by her husbands Jack and Bill, mother Emma and stepfather Virgil and brother Jim. Left to cherish her memories are son Dave (Dianne), daughters Kim

(George) Braun of Arden and Colleen (Doug) Crampain of Souris' two brothers Fletcher and Wally (Lana); six grandchildren and six great grandchildren; numerous nieces and nephews and her loving pet Chi-Chi. Phyllis was raised in Carberry, moved to Neepawa until the loss of her husband Jack. She then married Bill and lived in Arden. She had numerous jobs in Neepawa and later retired in Souris. She was a member of the Orange Lodge in Neepawa; Rebekah's in Neepawa and Souris, the U.C.W. group in Souris. Mom's greatest enjoyments were camping and fishing with the family, cooking a great feast for a family gathering, and fixing up her home in Souris, crocheting and knitting and playing the piano. A great many thanks to Dr. Cram and staff of Souris and thanks to Don and Leona for their help and support. Funeral Service was held in the Neepawa United Church, Neepawa on Monday May 1, 2000 at 2:00 pm with Rev. Joe Ball officiating. Interment was in Riverside Cemetery, Neepawa beside her husband Bill. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Manitoba Lung Association or the Canadian Cancer Society. White's Funeral Home, Neepawa in care of arrangements. ________________________________________________________________ Obituary WALTER RICHARD HOWATT May 7 1951- April 20, 2000 Richard passed away suddenly at his home in Yorkton, SK. He was born in Neepawa and was educated there. After school he moved to Snow Lake, Flin Flon, then to Yorkton. Richard was predeceased by his parents Ross and Lillian Howatt. Richard was a loving father to his four children: Jenny, Kyle, Drew, and Reed. He also leaves to mourn his passing sister Josie (Harvey) Hill, his brothers George (Doreen) Howatt and David Howatt, close friends John Stampe and Trish McDonald, his aunt Bessie Arnold, nieces nephews and cousins. Cremation has taken place. Burial was at Riverside Cemetery in Neepawa. Rest in peace Richard. ________________________________________________________________ The Neepawa Press 29 September 1949 The Funeral of Mrs. Jas. Buchanan [Hughena McClay] Mrs. Jas. Buchanan, 77, an old time resident of Birnie died on Tuesday Sept 20 at the home of her daughter Mrs. A W Smith in Yorkton, Sask. Mrs. Buchanan was born at Owen Sound, Ont 1872 and came to Manitoba with her parents at the age of 10 years. She was married to James Buchanan in 1891, settling on the farm east of Birnie. For the past few years Mrs. Buchanan has been spending most of her time at Yorkton, visiting at intervals at the old home here. Her husband pre-deceased her in 1931. Surviving are three daughters: Mrs A W Smith (Eva) of Yorkton; Mrs Wilfred Killburn (Ethel) of Chilliwack, BC, Miss Coral Buchanan of Regina, SK, and two sons: William at home, and Alex at Yorkton. Two sister: Mrs Betts of Yorkton, and Mrs Alex Smith of Vancouver, also two brothers George and Robert McClay of Kelwood

and 11 grandchildren. Funeral service was held in Birnie United Church Thursday Sept 22 with Rev J S B Nixon conducting. Jas. Thompson sang “The Old Rugged Cross”. Burial was made at Rosedale Cemetery. White’s funeral Home in care of arrangements. Floral Tributes bore testament of sympathy for the bereaved. Pallbearers: C H Bailey; Walter Kilburn; Guy Scott; Fred Babcock; and Frank Stickler.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Apr 12, 2001 Charlie Buchanan Hi Sue and Group; Sorry I haven't ever joined in on the chatting on this group. However, I have read several of the messages. Hopefully, I haven't missed any of the messages on Charlie. A couple of weeks ago, I would say the last of March. Charlie, son of Andrew Buchanan and Annie Maude Danbrook, passed away of cancer in Ontario. I did try to find the obituary through the internet however, I had no luck. If any of you may have come across the obituary, I would really appreciate. My Grandmother, Margaret Buchanan Mitchell was Charlie sister. She married Tommy Mitchell in Saskatchewan. She is still living in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Thank you for your time Kelly Mitchell :-) ____________________________________________ Apr 13, 2001 Hi Everyone, Margaret Watson (daughter of James Watson and Jane Buchanan) married JJ Willerton and had a very large family. I have added the Willerton information from Bernice Baldwyn Willerton to my database, and exported all the Willertons to a GEDcom file. (753 individuals / 213 marriages) Most of this is not new, although in many cases the dates and places of events were updated with her information. She added about 100 people to my database. She also provided obits on: Melvin Elmer Buchanan,

Rita Budd Buchanan, Wm. Arnold Watson, Margaret Jane Allen Buchanan, and David James Watson, if you are interested in any of these, please let me know. Thanks, Bernice! If you would like the Willerton GEDCOM file, please let me know and I will send it to you from a different email server. (Email attachments are a big part of my daily job, it's too bad that my Excite email server and YahooGroups have such severe space limitations.) I invite you to send me GEDCOM files of any lines you are working on. Send them to bbuchana@... (Notice the absent final "n" of Buchanan)and put "Genealogy" in the subject so that it doesn't get deleted by mistake. (When I retire in 5 months, I will be giving up the Telus internet account, but feel free to send attachments there until then.) I wish you all a happy Easter.

Bill Buchanan http://members.nbci.com/billb3 (Sorry, but the online genealogy database there has not been updated for about 6 months.) Also see: www.buchanan.go2click.com ____________________________________________ Apr 18, 2001 Hi cousins, I do have a question for you all. I have always been a bit confused by Charles Buchanan's spouse (son of Andrew Buchanan and Jane Long/Young). I have that her name was Ann Porter and I also have notes that he married Nancy Cooper (perhaps a second marriage). Does anyone have any clues on this? Also do we know where and when he married? Sue or Bill-do you know if he married in Canada? The reason this has become important is that I have found a marriage record for a Charles Buchanan, of Binn (Binnawoods in Ardstraw parish Co. Tyrone) to Fanny Porter (which I believe is a nickname for Ann?) in MAR 1843. If this is our Charles, he would have been about 25 at the time of this marriage. The location of Binn is important as that is where William listed as his residence in 1846 when he married Anne Thompson. So it makes sense that this is our Charles. I appreciate all of your help. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ Re: [andrew-buchanan] Charles Buchanan

19 Apr 2001 Hi Patty, I share the confusion. I do have this note: "Her name has been given by some as Nancy Cooper e.g. by Jean Victoria Watson and Mabel Henry." (Both are now dead.) I assumed he was married after they arrived in Canada, for lack of any evidence to the contrary. But I believe you have found the missing evidence. I really don't know whether he was married once or twice, but I believe you have found the marriage of our Charles. Good job!!!

I would like to extend an invitation to Jim Ferguson of Winnipeg to join our group is he is still interested in his Buchanan genealogy.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Apr 19, 2001 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Charles Buchanan

Hi Bill, What's Jim Ferguson's email address? I need to approve all new subscribers because I created this list to be limited to people who are descended from *our* Buchanan line, not just any Buchanan line. So it's no problem, as long as I can recognize his email addy when I receive the confirmation notice. :-) Whoops! I just checked the page, and we have four pending subscribers! I have not been receiving the notifications, in that case! Oopsie... I'll have to look into this! Suzanne ____________________________________________ Apr 19, 2001 i just wanted to pop in and let everyone know that i am still here. i had moved in oct of last year and was still waiting to get put back on the list! I have been overwhelmed with all the information you have put on the site bill it is great. I am currently awaiting the arrival of the neepawa paper microfilm that i think darlene is getting a lot of her material from. I am getting very frustrated with the fact that i can't seem to find our buchanan's on the ship from ireland to canada. I know i read somewhere that , on the passenger list....... but i can't remember where. I hope everyone is having good luck in their genealogy ventures and hope you are all looking forward to spring as i, i can't get used to this alberta weather from british columbia I'm always cold!

Val ____________________________________________ Apr 24, 2001 Sorry Sue, Apparently Jim Ferguson has changed his email address, and a search on www.411.ca failed to find his new email address. It found his address and telephone number but no email address. Too bad, he was quite interested when I met him in 1997.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Aug 2, 2001 http://www.bowesnet.com/beaconherald/classifieds/areadeaths/thursday/obit4.html Stratford Beacon-Herald, August 2, 2001 Weldon Buchanan Mr. Robert Weldon Buchanan, age 84, of 69 Somerset Street, Stratford passed away peacefully surrounded by family at Stratford General Hospital on Wednesday, August 1, 2001. Born in Donegal, Ontario, he was the son of the late Charles Buchanan and the former Clara Danbrook. He owned and operated Weldon Buchanan Electric and then in 1950 founded Buchanan & Hall, a longstanding family company. He also operated Stratford Airways for many years. Loving husband of Eva Ruth Chalmers whom he married November 1939 in Listowel. Devoted father of Arlene Schaller and husband Fred, Chatham, Bob Buchanan and wife Barb, Stratford, Louise McAsh and husband Gary, London. Fondly remembered by 13 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Brother of Mabel Sage, Listowel. Brother-in-law of Gladys Buchanan, Listowel, Beatrice and Clarence Rutledge, Thamesford. Besides his parents he was predeceased by a son Allen Buchanan (December 12, 1991), a brother Carman Buchanan and a sister Lorraine Coxon. Friends and relatives may call at the W.G. Young Funeral Home, 430 Huron Street, Stratford on Friday, August 3, 2001 from 7-9 p.m. Foster Knight of the Stratford South Congregation, Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, 106 Mogan Street, Stratford will conduct a memorial service there on Saturday at 2:00 p.m. Cremation. Burial in Donegal Cemetery. As expressions of sympathy, memorial donations may be made to Watchtower Bible and Tract Society or to the Heart and Stroke Foundation through the funeral home. W.G. Young Funeral Home 430 Huron Street Stratford 271-7411 [End of obit] My beloved grandfather descends from the Buchanan tree as follows: Andrew Buchanan & Jane Long William Buchanan & Ann Thompson

Robert Buchanan & Elizabeth Watson Charles Buchanan & Clara Danbrook Although not a genealogist, he was a storyteller, and loved to tell stories about his grandparents Robert and Elizabeth, and about other relatives. He will be missed. Suzanne ____________________________________________ Sep 8, 2001 Hi

Hi Everyone, I am now officially retired, and making plans for the future. Our trip to Manitoba and Ontario etc. has been put on hold until next year, probably in late June. Buy that time I hope to have a laptop and scanner that I can take on the road, so if you have any old documents and pictures I can scan, please let me know. My intent is to put all the pictures etc. on a CD that can be distributed at cost (about $5 with postage). It should be a good resource to go along with Patty's and Sue's books. As I understand it, Sue's book is about the descendants of William Buchanan & Anne Thompson, and Patty has 2 books: one about the family of Andrew & Jane Buchanan, and one about other branches of the clan Buchanan. I am presently putting all our photo albums on CD-ROM. These pictures are of interest to only my immediate family, but it serves as a prototype for the other project. I have found that a standard CD-ROM will hold over 2000 jpeg photos scanned at 300 dpi. At this resolution they look really good, and print well. For example, I would love to scan James Watson & Jane Buchanan's marriage certificate. It was in the possession of Mable Henry when I saw it in 1963, and one of her children or grandchildren may still have it. (Have you had any success in contacting them Bernice?)(Jim, would it be OK to include the un-retouched picture of John & Isabel Buchanan and family?) The professionally retouched picture is probably still available from Jim Ferguson for a modest fee. All descendants of John & Isabel should have a copy. Does anyone have a photo of any other Buchanan and Watson families?

Bill Buchanan http://members.nbci.com/billb3 www.buchanan.go2click.com 780-967-2004 ____________________________________________

Sep 8, 2001 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Hi I have a photo of some Buchanans at http://www.thetoybox.org/~eeyore/genealogy/identify.html It's a family photo of my line - possibly taken at the time of the death of William Buchanan, in 1885. Everyone's in black and looks very solemn. I'm not sure who's who here, either, but the eldest woman in the middle is likely Ann (Thompson) Buchanan. If this was the funeral of William, then some of the sons from the west didn't make the trip. A cousin in Listowel has lots of photos from our line, and I plan to contact him again soon & see what-all he has. :-) This photo was one of his. Sue ____________________________________________ Sep 9, 2001 Great idea, Bill. Are you only interested in photographs from the 1800's? Early 1900's? I have quite a few from my branch of the family -- they would be children and grandchildren of "Long Johnny" Buchanan who was the son of Samuel and grandson of Andrew & Jane. I also have a scanner. Donna Phillips Camrose, AB ____________________________________________ Sep 19, 2001 On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 21:21:14 -0700, Barry Snider wrote: Bill, I have been updating my records from the information on your website. A couple of discrepancies I noticed: James Watson - the 1871 census shows him as age 45, which would tie in with your birth year of 1825. But David Watson on the same census is shown as age 34, which would make his birth year about 1836/37, not 1831. Unless I read it wrong and it was 39. But that would make him quite a bit older than his wife. And since Isobel was born 17 Jan 1837 - were they twins??? Also George born Mar 1841 is only four months after Mary born Nov 1840. Any idea which birth year is wrong? Haven't got through everything yet, but finding it very interesting. ____________________________________________ Hi Barry, My notes on David Watson are inconsistant: "Born August or September 1831.

"Died 9 Oct 1911 aged 80 years 1 1/2 months on the S 1/2 - 2 - 14 - 15, Manitoba. "John Buchanan and Davey Watson were in the California gold rush according to Wm. A. Buchanan's family. "According to one family list, he married a Jane Buchanan. An added note says, she was born on shipboard. Maybe her real last name was Scott, but was raised by Buchanans? b. 1837 according to Marguerite MacDonald 1891 Census: (I believe this is from Darlene Perrett.) Watson, David M 60 M Ontario Scotland Scotland C. Presbyterian Farmer " Jane F 49 M Ireland Ireland Ireland " Robert John M 19 S Ontario Ontario Ireland " William James M 14 S " " " " Margaret F 24 S " " " So according to his death info and the 1891 census David was born in August or Sept 1831. According to the earlier census he was born in 1837. I believe that is where Marguerite Anderson MacDonald got her info. So far as I know, he and Isobel were not twins. George's birthdate is a problem. Of course the tombstone is likely in error in that regard, as it seems to be incorrect with regard to his date of death. At least it gives a different date of death than the church register I saw in Leduc, AB. I believe that Mary's birthdate is probably correct, as her family seem to have kept better records than George's. Another possibility is that he was adopted, but I would prefer the simpler explanation (an incorrect tombstone inscription). I have George's family Bible, but unfortunately no family info was recorded in it. I inherited it from my father, who inherited it from his mother or his uncle Richard James Watson. The only note in it says "Mr. George Watson, his Bible." It is written in indelible pencil, like my grandfather used to record his children's birthdates on an old piece of paper I have. If you find anything more, please let me know. I am enclosing a CC: to the Andrew Buchanan listserv in case someone there can help solve the mysteries of Watson birthdates.

Bill Buchanan http://members.nbci.com/billb3 www.buchanan.go2click.com ____________________________________________ Sep 20, 2001 On Wed, 19 Sep 2001 22:01:39 -0700, Barry Snider wrote:

Hi Bill. Here is that pest again. Jane or Jean Watson - I have her as Jean (Jennie), and died in 1895. But the inscription definitely says aged 33 years 10 months. So if she was born in 1864, then your date of 1898 seems more correct. I have John Allan (Jack) Snider, her husband, born 5 July 1870, died 23 April 1950. But I did not note the source of my entry, other than data supplied by Vern Hyde (a Snider descendant) and Mel Watson. "Isabel" Watson is my grandmother. On her marriage and death certificate, the name is spelled Isabella, although I believe she went by Bella. Charles Allan Watson you show died 1959. The BC Archives, which you can check on-line now, says 8 Nov 1958, age 77, Sumas (which is the area including Abbotsford, where they lived). If correct, it would mean he was born in 1881, not 1880. But I haven't verified that. That's as far as I got. Good chatting with you. Do you think we will ever get them all correct? ____________________________________________ Hi Barry, Thanks for the update. I don't know if we will get everything 100% correct, but so long as we keep working on it, we will get closer to that goal. I am sending this email to the Andrew Buchanan listserv so our cousins receive the info as well.

Bill Buchanan http://members.nbci.com www.buchanan.go2click.com ____________________________________________ Oct 23, 2001 I have recently updated my web site and moved it to a new location: http://bill_buchanan.tripod.com I invite you to drop by.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Nov 5, 2001 I have fixed some bad links on my website: http://bill_buchanan.tripod.com My sincere apologies for any inconvenience. (The links worked fine under

Windows but not under UNIX.) Please let me know if you have a (genealogy or family-related) website you would like me to link to. GEDCOM files are always welcome too.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Nov 22, 2001 Hi all, I have made some progress on the Linnen line (back 2 generations). I realize this is the Andrew Buchanan list, but so many of us are also Watson/Linnens in this line. If any are interested in the latest I have on the Linnens, drop me a note and I will fill you in when I get it all organized. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ Nov 25, 2001 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Linnens Hi Patricia. Yes, I would be interested in information on the Linnens. Thanks for the offer. [Barry Snider] ____________________________________________ Dec 5, 2001 Hi Everyone, Here is some documentation on the children of Andrew & Jane. I think it will be of general interest. The newspaper articles were gleaned by Darlene Perrett or Neepawa, MB. The certificates are from Valerie Buchanan of Sherwood Park, AB. I am just the collector and passer on. I welcome any genealogy data files (in GEDCOM or PAF format) and any websites having family data. At present I am aware of these websites: Bill Buchanan's http://bill_buchanan.tripod.com Patty Hopkinson's http://www.vantek.net/pages/pattyh/ Kelly Mitchell's http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/1672/buchanan.html Suzanne Schaller's http://www.cyberus.ca/~suzannes/buchanan.html I encourage you to check them out, if you haven't recently done so. If you want help putting your genealogy online, just let me know. I'd be glad to help for free. (Any large attachments should presently be sent to me at: bbuchanan@...) NOW ON TO THE GOOD STUFF: _______________________________________________________________

JAMES BUCHANAN and ELIZABETH GLEN The Neepawa Press Wed April 11, 1900 (Front Page) The Grim Reaper AT WORK AMONG THE OLD RESIDENTS Messrs. Richard Ralph, James Buchanan and John A Lamb Gathered to Their Fathers - Sturdy Pioneers of the District Jas. Buchanan of Eden, aged 77, died on Saturday afternoon and his remains were laid in Neepawa cemetery on Monday. He was born in Tyrone, Ireland in 1823;,came to Canada in 1844 (1848 -DP), went to British Columbia in the sixties, and came to this district in 1887. He was a sturdy old man, highly respected and always took a keen interest in public affairs. He leaves two daughters but no sons to mourn his loss. They are Mrs. Robert Buchanan, Rosedale, and Mrs. James Cadden (Keating -DP) of Saltcoats. The Neepawa Press Tues August 11, 1936 Mrs. Bessie Gilberts Dies Mrs. Bessie Gilberts, who celebrated her 95th birthday last April 17, passed away peacefully at her home in Neepawa Monday moring after a period of indifferent health for the past few weeks. Until her recent illness, Mrs. Gilberts had retained her faculties in a remarkable manner, although for several months she has not been active. Mrs. Gilberts' maiden name was Bessie Glen, and she was born April 17, 1841 in Ohma (DP S/B Omagh), county of Tyrone, Ireland. At the age of 3 she came to Canada in a sailboat that took seven weeks to cross the ocean. The family first settled in Stratford, Ontario and later moved west, and at different times she lived in Saskatchewan, Alberta, and the United States, coming to Neepawa 25 years ago. Her first marriage took place in 1857 to James Buchanan at Elma, Ont. He died [actually he left to go prospecting for gold - BB] four years later, and nine years later she became the wife of Mr. Gilberts, who died in Neepawa in 1916. Of the seven children, there survive three, Mrs. Jas. Keating of Biscarth, Mrs. Frank Grasby, and Mrs. R. Buchanan of Neepawa. There are also 14 grandchildren, 41 great grandchildren, and 3 great great grandchildren. The funeral will be held this afternoon Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock from the home and Rev, E.C. Emerson of the Baptist church will conduct the service. Interment will be made in Riverside Cemetery, and the pall bearers will be Gordon, George, and Vernon Hunter, and Elmer Buchanan (DP This was my dad), great grandchildren, and Russell and Edward Buchanan, grandchildren. The Duxbury Service is in charge of the funeral arrangements.

The Neepawa Register Wed April 11, 1900 Died Buchanan - In Rosedale on Sunday April 8th, Jas. Buchanan aged 77 years. (Jennie & Maggie Matilda's dad, my great-great grandfather -DP)

[The comments labeled DP are by Darlene Bonnie Buchanan Perrett, those in square brackets are mine - Bill Buchanan]

WILLIAM BUCHANAN His birthdate is given elsewhere as 1821 and his death date as 8 Oct 1885. His birthdate is given as 20 Sept 1824 in McCreary: Milestones and Memories, page 239. [Information submitted by Milton and Jean Buchanan - seems to be a quote from an earlier source] Annie B. McMane said he was 64 years old when he died. [wrong according to the registration of death] The 1871 census would place his birthdate in 1828, which seems too late, as he was married in 1846. Mrs. Hardie said he died in 1881. [wrong according to the registration of death] The marriage date and place are from the International Genealogical Index, where his name is spelled William Buchannan and hers as Anne Thompson. IGI 3.02 William Buchannan Anne Thompson married 24 March 1846 Lower Langfield, Tyrone, Ireland 0445 Batch M701623 Dates Source Call Numbers Type Printout -1846 101274 film none Irish Civil Registration. Locality listed is the county and registration district, plus the page number of the entry

There is a large monument in Donegal cemetery to William and his wife. Transcription of registration of death [photocopy from Valerie Buchanan] Elma [place] William Buchanan [name of deceased] October 3rd, 1885 [date of death] Male 61 years 5 mos. 22 days [age at death] [By my calculation, this would place his date of birth as 11 April 1824, according to this informant] Farmer [occupation] Ireland Dyspepsia [cause of death] 16 months [duration of illness causing death] Dr. Parke [physician] Wm. S. Buchanan [informant] Blacksmith, Elma [occupation and residence of informant] November 20, 1885 [date of registration]

Methodist Thos. Fullarton [recorder]

SAMUEL BUCHANAN Died 25 December 1912, Neepawa, Manitoba Info from death certificate and tombstone "died aged 62". Sam prospected in the Cariboo country of B.C. along with James Watson jr. Birth and death dates for Sam's family can be found in a family record of Sam Buchanan in the possession of his son Robert's son Gerald, of Neepawa. It was given to Gerald by a Miss Benson in the Municipal office. Came to Neepawa area in 1878 according to Darlene Buchanan Perrett.

JANE BUCHANAN Info from death certificate, marriage certificate, tombstone in Rosedale cemetery, and list kept by her son David James Watson. After the death of her husband, she returned to Elma Township and lived a year with her daughter Lizzie (Mrs. Robert) Buchanan, where Annie Brae knew her. "She was a short woman, very loveable." Tombstone at Rosedale Cemetery In memory of James Watson Born July 3, 1825 Edwardsburg, Grenville Co., Ont. Died May 24, 1904 Riding Mountain, Man. Aged 78 years 10 months and 21 days In memory of Jane Buchanan Beloved wife of James Watson Born Feb 27, 1836 In Co. Tyrone, Ireland Died May 24, 1917 I encourage you all to share your info with [email protected] Let's keep our listserv alive.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Dec 6, 2001

Buchanan cousins, When I went to Ireland last year I was able to find a few details about our Andrew and Jane Buchanan children. I hope these tidbits of documentation help. The oldest child: Robert Buchanan was christened 20 APR 1815, Urney Parish Church, Co. Tyrone, Ireland. The second child: Charles Buchanan was christened 26 MAY 1817, Urney Parish Church, Co. Tyrone, Ireland. Charles married first Ann Porter in MAR 1843 at Killeter Presbyterian Church, Termonamongan Parish, Co. Tyrone, Ireland. He apparently married Nancy Cooper sometime after they settled in Canada. The fourth child: William Buchanan was christened 28 MAR 1824, Urney Parish Church, Co. Tyrone, Ireland. I have a copy of his marriage registration on 24 MAR 1846 in Lower Longfield parish, Co. Tyrone, Ireland. It clearly lists his father and Andrew and that his residence was "Binn.", Ardstraw parish (an abreviation for Binnawoods- called "The Binn" by the locals). "The Binn" is basically a hill with a big rock on the end at the top and the land around the hill is the townland of Binnawoods. Quite a beautiful place actually. I have not been able to track the other 5 children's births in the parish records(they disappear off the Urney parish records after William's christenings). There are a few other Buchanans in them that are probably related to them, but how is still not clear to me. I hope this adds to everyones info. Patty ____________________________________________ Dec 14, 2001 Help with David and Jane Watson, a cute true story This question has been bothering me for 40 years. I hope one of you can help me. Who did David Watson, son of James Buchanan senior marry, and what are the dates for their family? I have her as Jane Scott, born about 1841 or 1846 in Ireland and died 21 Aug 1899 at Neepawa, Manitoba. Her name has also been given to me as Elizabeth Avison, and as "Little Jane" Buchanan. Was David married twice? According to one of her granddaughters, Anne Thompson Buchanan mentioned a "Little Jane" Buchanan who was adopted when her mother died, and who married Davey Watson. Still another source says her name may have been McCracken. Who is this mystery woman anyway? The Neepawa Register - Wed Aug 23, 1899

Died: Watson - In Neepawa on August 21, 1899, Jane, beloved wife of David Watson, aged 58 years, 2 months. Funeral from the residence of her nephew Robert Watson, North End, at 2 p.m. today. [This seems to establish her name as Jane. Other sources seem confident in the name Scott. - Bill Buchanan] The Neepawa Press Wed, Aug 23, 1899 In And About Town - Mrs. David Watson died yesterday. [This comes within one day of the competing newspaper] [from Barry Snider] 1871 Census, North Perth, Elma Twp, Dist #30, Division 3, Pg 28, #103: WATSON,David,M,34,Ont,C.Presb,Scotch,Farmer,Married. " ,Jane,F,25,Ireland,C.Presb,Irish,Married. " ,Margaret,F,10,Ont, " ,Scotch. " ,Mary,F,8, " " " " ,Elizabeth Jane,F,6,Ont,C.Presb,Scotch. " ,Robert,M,1/12-March, " " " 1891 Census: [I believe this is from Darlene Perrett.] Watson, David M 60 M Ontario Scotland Scotland C. Presbyterian Farmer " Jane F 49 M Ireland Ireland Ireland " Robert John M 19 S Ontario Ontario Ireland " William James M 14 S " " " " Margaret F 24 S " " " 1871 census has David born abt. 1837, Jane 1846, Margaret 1861, Mary 1863, Elizabeth Jane 1865, Robert 1871. 1891 census has David born abt. 1831, Jane 1842, Robert John 1872, William James 1877, Margaret 1867 According to the ages, Robert is the only potential match. They seem to be different families. Help!!!

Finally let me reward your patience with a Watson story. The 1800s were a rough time. Two of the Watson boys looked amost identical in appearance except that one was bigger and older than his "twin". The smaller boy was accosted by a bully looking for a fight. His victim told him that he would be happy to meet him in the same spot in half an hour, after he had gone home to put on his "fighting boots." The enterprising young fellow told his big brother about the arrangements and sent his big brother to keep the appointment. I guess he really cleaned up on the bully, who never did figure out how a pair of boots turned a wimp into a powerhouse! [As told to me about 50 years ago by my father William George Buchanan, son of Elizabeth Watson and Wm A. [Little Willie] Buchanan.] I would really appreciate any info on the Mrs. David Watson mystery, and I am always willing to share my database of 6000+ relatives with anyone who will do likewise (Thanks, Barry). Bill Buchanan


Dec 15, 2001 I said "Who did David Watson, son of James Buchanan senior marry, and what are the dates for their family?" What I meant was "Who did David Watson, son of James Watson senior marry, and what are the dates for their family?" I'm sorry about any confusion.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Jan 28, 2002 Genealogy: Winter widows, mining, & vigilantes My Excite email account is stable again. Please resend any messages sent during their transition period (later December to early January). Here is a glimpse at one aspect of our family history. I hope that you enjoy it.

Winter Widows, Mining, and Vigilantes Money was hard to come by in those early days. Farming was mostly on a subsistence level. Most laborers earned only $1.00 per day. In the 1860s and 1870s some of the Buchanan and Watson men found a more lucrative source of income. The mines out west were looking for miners and would pay as much as $3.50 per day. After the crops were harvested, the men would leave their farms in the charge of their wives and children, and make the 11-day train journey to Nevada, (or even to California) to work in the mines. The wives left behind to work the farms were jokingly called "winter widows". It was a hardship on the whole family, but it was judged as the best way of getting ahead financially. (I don't have a definitive list of who went to Nevada. The list is known to include Samuel and John Buchanan, and David and George Watson. Because they were a close-knit group, some of the others were almost certainly involved. James Buchanan mined in the Cariboo country of British Columbia, so it is very possible that he also went to Nevada.) The only place they mined that I have heard mentioned specifically is Gold Hill, Nevada. Gold Hill was a mining town on the Comstock Lode, just south of the more famous Virginia City. (See www.mapquest.com) Today little remains of Gold Hill other than the hotel (www.goldhillhotel.net), which is still in operation. GOLD HILL - Actually discovered before Virginia City and its size rivaled that town for a few years. By 1873, had become a small city with a population of 8000. It had its own mines on this southern end of the Comstock Lode but after 1878, the mines declined and so did Gold Hill. By the turn of the century, less than 50 still lived here. The town has never been abandoned and the Gold Hill Hotel, the oldest in Nevada, is still in operation. Many other buildings remain including the old V T RR depot which is being restored and is used by the revived railroad which caters to tourists. VIRGINIA CITY - Virginia City is Virginia City. Not much more can be said about this most famous of Nevada mining towns. Two words say it all: Comstock Lode. First discovered in 1859, the rest is history. The town's population ranged as high as 75,000 in 1875. Today, it

continues to be a vibrant town although mining ceased many years ago. It is the premier tourist town in Nevada. It retains much of its early flavor. http://nvghosttowns.topcities.com/storey/storylst.htm http://www.ghosttowns.com Most of the Comstock miners worked deep underground, under deplorable conditions. An estimated 600 mine shafts were tunneled to gain access to the rich silver and gold ore of the Comstock Lode before it was depleted in the 1880s. The Nevada mines are said to have pumped a billion dollars into the American economy during their heyday. If you translate that in terms of today's dollars, the amount of money is even more staggering. This was no small operation! Some of these mines were huge enterprises, employing large numbers of workers. Miners usually earned about $3.00 per day, very good money for the time. The payrolls attracted predators of the worst sort. The lawlessness of the Nevada mining towns is described in the following two excerpts. In several towns the only way the criminals were driven out of town was by vigilantes. At least some of the "vigilance committees" seem to have been organized by community service organizations such as the fraternal lodges and the miners' unions. The name of the vigilante organization that cleaned up Reno is interesting "The 601". The one that drove the criminals out of Gold Hill in is referred to as "Club 101" in family tradition. Perhaps the story that was passed down refers to Reno rather than Gold Hill, but all the Nevada vigilante stories are very similar. I believe that "Club 101" actually existed, but have been unable to prove it. Mark Twain's articles while he worked for a Virginia City newspaper, the Territorial Enterprise (1862-1868), were interesting, but not particularly helpful in my quest. http://www.twainquotes.com/teindex.html Some good pictures of mining in the 1860s can be found at http://www.nevadahistory.org/mines.html - Bill Buchanan, 28 January 2002

Vigilante Committee in Aurora, Nevada The overwhelming number of both social and moral perverts who had flocked to the district following the new strike on Braly Mountain, made this situation possible; vice and lawlessness ruled the town; dens of iniquity housed both men and women of the lowest type, every other door in the business district was either a saloon, a house of prostitution, or a gambling den, where the simplest forms of law and order were violated, except when in rare moments the sheriff and his deputies would make a raid. But these occasions were rare, and with only a nominal fine imposed upon the offenders, or the lightest of sentences pronounced upon the guilty, the offenders returned to carry on their lawless or unholy practices, and the better element of Aurora groaned at another miscarriage of justice. Law and order soon became a travesty, and with the decadent element in control of the town, a reign of terror ensued; men were openly waylaid and robbed, women were kidnapped and outraged, and murders were of almost nightly occurrence. This situation however was climaxed with the brutal murder of one of the most highly respected citizens of the town, a man by the name of Johnson. Four men known to be implicated in this murder were taken into custody and lodged in the local jail. Among the best citizens righteous indignation was aroused, resulting in the calling of a mass meeting, at which more than six hundred outstanding men of the town gathered, formed themselves into a Vigilante Committee, and under competent leadership, marched to the jail, and without any violence demanded, and received, from the sheriff the keys to the jail, took the four murderers from their cells, and hung them on a gallows they had erected on North Silver Street. This Vigilante Committee is said to have been housed in a building owned by a man by the name of Wingate, and used by the Masonic brethren of Aurora as a meeting place. There is an incident related in connection with this hanging, which involves Governor Nye, of Nevada, and County Commissioner Samuel Young of Aurora. On the day of the hanging

February 9, 1861, Governor Nye, who was in Carson, wired Commissioner Young, "There must be no violence," to which the commissioner replied, "All quiet and orderly, four men will be hanged in half an hour." It is of interest to note that not only was justice meted out to the guilty murderers, but all the undesirables in the town were rounded up and required to leave town. www.nvmasons.org/history/torrence/torr06.html

CHAPTER V LANDER LODGE NO. 8 AND AUSTIN NO. 10 ... However, tho Masonry declined as the ore values and supply diminished in a given section, and that section became depopulated, we may conclude that but for [i.e. if it had not been for] its moral and ministering influence exerted upon those communities during the period of their existence, the vice and wickedness introduced by the rough element, would have brought early disaster and an ultimate reign of terror to those localities. In fact these conditions actually existed in some of the camps of Nevada, and we are told that it was nor an uncommon thing for every officer of the lodge to enter the anteroom of his lodge hall, armed, although we may readily assume that no offensive or defensive weapon found its way into the lodge room. The prevalence of crime also, was likewise, eventually the signal for concerted action on the part of those who stood for right, and those mad exciting days, frequently witnessed the action of vigilante committees, formed to suppress and weed out those who evaded or violated the law. We of the present day cannot perhaps look upon such community gestures with any degree of toleration, but we have only to remember that these demonstrations were enacted, not for personal or revengeful motives, but rather to preserve the law, and save the community http://www.nvmasons.org/history/torrence/torr08.html

THE MANY IMAGES OF THE COMSTOCK MINERS' UNIONS Guy Louis Rocha There are three Miners' Unions, one at Virginia City, one at Gold Hill, and the third at Silver City ... Thus far, the principal officers and leading spirits of the several organizations have been men of such honesty of purpose and have shown such fairness in all of their demands that there has been no trouble between miners and mine owners. -Dan DeQuille, The Big Bonanza, 1876 The miners' unions on the Comstock Lode are unworthy champions of the labor cause, for they substitute might for right, and place personal interest in the room of justice. There is no question here of self-preservation, but rather of self-aggrandizement, and it is a disgrace to the Washoe district that such despotism should have existed within its limits for fourteen years without one effective revolt. -Eliot Lord, Comstock Mining and Miners, 1883 http://www.nevadalabor.com/rocha.html

March 1858 - Remaining residents of the Carson Valley set up a vigilante committee to deal with local crime. A number of people were tried and convicted by the committee and at least one person was hanged for allegedly participating in a murder. Western Utah would not have a legitimate government for another three years. [i.e. when it became the Nevada Territory] ... July 1874 - A vigilante committee known as the 601 cleared Reno of a horde of burglars, crooked gamblers, and robbers who had been ignored by the local sheriff.

http://www.geocities.com/mh430us/ (a list of historical events coordinated with the Bonanza TV series) The pages of the Truckee Republican show more than one "raid" by the "601" on the jail in which prisoner's were removed from their cells and taken to Hooligan Rocks where they were tarred and feathered and put on a train headed out of town. There is some evidence to support a theory that James Reed was, secretly, a member of the "601" as were many other leading citizens. Could certain members of the "601" have plotted to get rid of Teeter? Was Teeter the victim of a conspiracy? http://www.tahoenet.com/tdhs/tpteeter.html The 601 are also mentioned in http://www.fs.fed.us/htnf/ward.htm, http://www.rvjournal.com/archives/truckee.html, http://www.tahoe.com/Truckee/almanac97/walkingtour.html A good brief history of mining the Comstock Lode can be found at http://www.vcnevada.com/history.htm

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Feb 11, 2002 MY MEMORIES OF THE BUCHANAN FARM AT BIRNIE Don Buchanan has given me permission to post his history "My Memories of the Buchanan Farm at Birnie, Manitoba" on my website: http://bill_buchanan.tripod.com I invite you to drop by and read it.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Feb 15, 2002 I received this email from Dr. Michael Green in Las Vegas regarding "Club 101". I will probably not be able to get access to all the books he refers to. If anyone else is interested, perhaps they could try to borrow some of the books mentioned, and let us know if they found anything of interest. At the least, it should be interesting reading. I have asked my village library to bring in "The Compleat Nevada Traveler" by David Toll, which is supposed to have historical info about the various ghost towns. I will let you know if I find anything interesting about Gold Hill. Bill Buchanan

From: MICHAEL GREEN Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 17:35:29 -0800 (PST) To: Bill Buchanan Subject: Re: Fw: Re: Gold Hill Nevada Hi. Got your e-mail.

I have to admit I haven't heard about them, but let me suggest a few places to look for info. You may already have tried some of these, and I apologize if you have heard them before. First, Alf Doten, editor of the Gold Hill Daily news, kept a diary that was published as a three-volume set--happily, with an index. Walter Van Tilburg Clark edited them, and you probably can find them in a library. If you can't, I will take a look for you. Second, in 1881, Myron Angel, History of Nevada, came out. It has been republished, and there is an index to it now; I don't know whether the newest edition has the index in it, or it was published separately. Anyway, you might look into that. Third, you might try getting in touch with the Nevada State Library and Archives--they can be reached through the net--or, likewise, the Nevada Historical Society. There might be some stuff there. There are a few books that deal with the Comstock area that might have something: Wells Drury, An Editor on the Comstock Lode Marion Goldman, Gold Diggers and Silver Miners Ronald James, The Roar and the Silence Eliot Lord, Comstock Mining and Miners John Waldorf, A Kid on the Comstock Don't hesitate to let me know if I can help in some way, or to ask questions. And let me know how your search comes out! Mike ____________________________________________ Mar 1, 2002 Help re: Children of Andrew's son Robert Please respond if you can help me. (I am starting to wonder if anyone reads these postings, but it is my best chance of clearing up this puzzle.) Sue and Patty in particular will probably have the information I am looking for, but there will probably be others. Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth's son Robert married Margaret Anderson and they had at least three children: John Andrew Buchanan b. 1890 Edward Buchanan b. 1 June 1894 (registration of birth follows) Ethel Buchanan b. 1 June 1894 (registration of birth follows) Did they have any other children? My database shows a fourth child named William Sam Buchanan, who seems to be a erroneous duplicate of William Samuel Buchanan (son of William Buchanan and Anne Thompson). Before

deleting this William Sam (son of Andrew and Mary Jane Booth Buchanan) I wanted to be sure that there was no such person. Please respond if you can help. Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Transcription Schedule A. - Births County of Perth, Division of Elma 025411 No.3 Date of birth: June 1st, 1894 Name: Edward Buchanan Sex: male Father: Robert Buchanan Mother: Maggie Buchanan Mother's maiden name: M N Anderson Profession of Father : Farmer Signature and residence: Robert Buchanan, Farmer, Elma When registered: July 9, 1894 Name of accoucheur: None Signature of registrar: Thos. Fullarton (Twin to Ethel) Transcription Schedule A. - Births County of Perth, Division of Elma 025412 No. 4 Date of birth: June 1st, 1894 Name: Ethel Buchanan Sex: Female Father: Robert Buchanan Mother: Maggie Buchanan Mother's maiden name: M N Anderson Profession of Father : Farmer Signature and residence: Robert Buchanan, Farmer, Elma When registered: July 9, 1894 Name of accoucheur: (illegible) Signature of registrar: Thos. Fullarton (Twin to Eddie) ____________________________________________ Mar 1, 2002 Donna, For some reason I can't fathom, Yahoogroups now seems to default to sending messages in HTML format. It's driving me up the wall. I'll see if I can find a way to change it. That's probably why you're getting messages which can't be

displayed - that's my guess, anyway. Yahoogroups has only changed this within the last couple of weeks or so. Suzanne At 04:15 PM 03/01/2002 -0700, you wrote: Is anyone else getting an error message?? This what I get [This message is not in displayable format] whenever I get a message from the list. This has just started with the last couple of messages. Prior to that, everything went through fine. Donna Phillips ____________________________________________ Mar 1, 2002 Donna, Try this and see if it helps. And anyone else who's receiving HTML-format messages and doesn't want to, follow these instructions. You'll have to log in at www.yahoogroups.com - you should have got a password when you signed up for this list or for another list. Once you're where you can see the names of lists you belong to, click on the name of the group (in this case, andrew-buchanan). Then click on "Edit my membership." Look for "Message format: Convert to HTML / Do not convert." The default now seems to be "Convert to HTML." Change it to "Do not convert," click "save changes." I think you have to do this for every list you're signed up for on yahoogroups. What a pain. If that doesn't help, let me know. :-) Have a good weekend everyone, Suzanne Perth County GenWeb http://www.rootsweb.com/~onperth/perth.html York County GenWeb http://www.rootsweb.com/~onyork/york.html ____________________________________________ Mar 28, 2002 Children of Elizabeth Glen Yesterday I received a package from Darlene Perrett of Neepawa, Manitoba. I try to make sure that I share everything I receive, so here is the first part, a letter from Darlene to Donna Arnold Snezek ( Bessie Arnold Isabell Hunter Robert John (Red Bob) Buchanan John Buchanan) Her letter contains her latest findings about the children of James Buchanan and also of Henry Gilberds, the two husbands of Elizabeth Glen.

I hope you find it helpful, or at least interesting. I hope to be able to meet some of you when we travel east this summer from Alberta. Does anyone have a current email address for Steve Buchanan of Attwood, ON or Marguerite Anderson MacDonald of Sarnia, ON? (Note that When Bessie Glen and James Buchanan signed as witnesses on Jane Buchanan's marriage certificate in 1856, she signed it as "Elizabeth Glen", so I use that spelling rather than GLENN.)

Bill ____________________________________________

28 March 2002 Bill, this is a letter I wrote to Donna Arnold Snezek, Bessie Hunter Arnold's daughter. - Darlene

12 November 2001 I want to share with you our shared ancestry. The Buchanan Family Tree Book begins by stating that Andrew and Jane (Long) Buchanan came to Canada from Omagh, County Tyrone, Ireland in 1847 with their family of seven sons and one daughter; Robert, Charles, James, William, Andrew, Samuel, John and Jane. You are actually a descendent of the 3rd son James and the 7th son John. First I will relate on JAMES BUCHANAN. He was born circa 1823 in Omaugh, County Tyrone, Ireland. He was then around 24 years old when the Buchanan's came to Canada in October 1847. He remained a bachelor in Elma Township, Perth County, Ontario until 1857 when he married Elizabeth "Bessie" Glenn in Elma, Perth Co., Ontario. From this marriage their children were: Mary Jane "Jennie" born 1858; Andrew Charles born 1860 and Margaret "Maggie" Matilda born 7 July 1862. According to "Granny Gilberts" Elizabeth "Bessie" Glenn Buchanan Gilberts obituary (she died 10 Aug 1936) says James Buchanan was supposed "to have died 4 years later" meaning 4 years after their marriage. Family lore has always said he went to the Klondike and did not return for 25 years. The lore also includes the story of what happened to their son Andrew Charles. James Buchanan is supposed to have sent his son "home" but en route he died by drowning in a B.C. river. "Bessie" et all knew of this accident, but James Buchanan did not know until he came to Neepawa. Nothing is known of when or how for sure Andrew Charles died or where he is buried. Also nothing is known for sure of what James Buchanan did in B.C. in the years 1862 1884. A note of news I found in the Neepawa Canadian dated 24th July 1884 states "James Buchanan arrived from Yale, B.C. on horseback". So that certainly becomes fact. In old age Hazel (Buchanan) Griffith had related to her granddaughter Karen (Milne) Lambert that her grandfather James Buchanan returned when her brother Stanley Buchanan was a baby. In fact, it was actually just months before her mother (Margaret Matilda Buchanan Tibbetts Buchanan),

whom he had never known, gave birth to her first child, my grandfather, John James "Johnny" Buchanan born 29 September 1884. In conversation with Mavis Johnstone Buchanan (widow of Robert Edward "Bob"), "Danny" Buchanan, a grandson of "Maggie" Matilda, Mavis relates this story as follows. A knock came to the door of Margaret "Maggie" Matilda and her husband Robert J. "Red Bob" Buchanan at their farm 1 1/2 miles north of Neepawa. The man standing there said "Hello Maggie, do you know who I am?" The reply was "Yes Father, I do, come in I've been expecting you." He remained with their family until his death at age 77 on 7 April 1900. He is buried in Riverside Cemetery, Neepawa, MB. There is no headstone. James Buchanan, as colourful and mysterious as I thought he was, does not hold a candle to his wife ELIZABETH "BESSIE" GLENN BUCHANAN. Recounting her life in her obituary of Tuesday August 11, 1936 in the Neepawa Press: Elizabeth "Bessie" Glenn was born 17 April 1841 in Omaugh, County Tyrone, Ireland also. At age 3 with her family settled in Stratford, Ontario and later moved west. In the 1851 Census records for Stratford I cannot find her in a family unit so I cannot relate as to who her parents are or her siblings. So there is a gap in her life as well. However, at age 17 in 1857 she married James Buchanan aged 34 at Elma, Perth County, Ontario. To repeat myself she and James Buchanan's family are: Mary Jane "Jennie"; Andrew Charles and Margaret "Maggie" Matilda in the years 1858 to July 1862. "Bessie" (Glenn) Buchanan disappears again until I found her recently in the l880 U.S. Census in Port Huron, St. Clair, Michigan (just across the river from Sarnia, Ont.).This was a huge unexpected surprise. In that 1880 U.S. Census record, Elizabeth "Bessie" (Glenn) Buchanan is now married to Henry Gilberds who is age 40 and "Bessie" who is age 38. None of the Buchanan children are with her. As fact, Mary Jane "Jennie" Buchanan at age 18 married, 17 Sept 1879, James Keating age 28, son of John and Lillie-Ann (Mayberry) Keating; Andrew Charles, nothing factual known and the youngest, our great-grandmother Margaret "Maggie" Matilda was found in the 1880 U.S. Census in Valley, Iowa age 18 married to Harvey Tibbetts, age 29, her first husband. As far as I know, all of Elizabeth "Bessie" (Glenn) Buchanan Gilberds descendents referred to her as "Granny Gilberts" I always knew that the name was not just "Gilbert" but had to have the "S" on the end. A few years ago, when I wanted to know just where she and Henry Gilberts were buried in Riverside Cemetery, I went to the town office to inquire. No GILBERTS buried there but they told me there was an Elizabeth and Henry GILBERDS buried. I have assumed until this major find that the town had made a big mistake. There are no headstones in Neepawa Cemetery marking their graves. Anyway, as I resumed my search (Nov 2001) to find "Bessie" married to Henry Gilberts in Ontario we decided to look in the newly released indexed 1880 U.S. Census. Of course nothing with a "T" showed up until I remembered by what name they were buried. With a "D" bingo! There they were. Now I can tell you the rest of the story -- At about the same time 1858 - 1863 that James Buchanan and "Bessie" (Glenn) Buchanan were married and living at Elma, Perth Co., Ont., Henry Gilberds of Linwood, New York State, son of Thomas and Ester Gilberds came to Alma, Ont. to be around his uncle Henry and aunt Catherine Gilberds and their daughter Mary. Henry Gilberds at age 22 in 1862 married 7 April 1862 Margaret McCaulley age 18 of Mornington, W. Flamborough, Ontario, daughter of John and Marion McCaulley. Henry and Margaret Gilberds had a daughter Aurilla born in 1863 or 1864. Margaret (McCaulley) Gilberds must have died having Aurilla or another baby. By this time, James Buchanan is gone and one would assume Henry Gilberds and "Bessie" (Glenn) Buchanan married around l869. I have not found a marriage to date so it might be that she actually knew James Buchanan was really still alive and just assumed the Gilberds name or perhaps she had James Buchanan declared legally dead after a certain period. I don't know for sure at this point. But I have had the thought that if James

Buchanan left after 1862 and "Maggie" Matilda never knew him then how did he get his 14 year old son to be with him?. Maybe they just divorced. At any rate, "Bessie" and Henry have their first child Ann E. Gilberds in 1869 or 1870 depending in what month she was born. Then William Henry born 1870-1871; Ida M. born 1871 or 1872; and last Lilly M. born 1876 or t~77. These children were all born in Michigan. So "Bessie" and Henry must have gone to Michigan with his daughter Aurilla shortly after they were married or whatever and before the birth of Ann E. "Annie" in 1869 or 1870. Again there is a big gap in "Bessie's" life, the years from 1880 to 1911 until they arrive in the town of Neepawa around 1911. According to "Granny Gilberts" obituary, there is mention of them living in Saskatchewan and Alberta. Nothing is known about those places that are included in the 20 missed years before coming to Neepawa. However, in August 1901, the Neepawa Press stated, "Mrs. Gilberts who had been visiting at the home of R.J. Buchanan for several days returned to her home in the city". In the Neepawa Register dated 24 March 1902 it reads, "Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gilberts of Silver Creek who were on their way home from the East made a brief call on Sam Buchanan". "Bessie's" oldest daughter, Mary Jane "Jennie", known to us as "Aunt Jennie Keating" and her husband James Keating and their family lived at Silver Creek, MB. It is close to Russell, MB. The Keatings farmed up there with a bunch of other Keating relatives and they died there. Descendents still live up there today. Aunt "Jennie" and James Keating's family were: Elizabeth, John, George, William-Andrew, Earl Mina (twins), Glenn and Lillian. Supposedly Andrew Charles Buchanan, her son, drowned at age 14 in B.C.. "Bessie's"' youngest daughter Margaret "Maggie" Matilda also had married Harvey Tibbetts before I found them in the 1880 U.S. Census. They were farming in Apri4 1880. I had been told he was a minister, perhaps he was only a lay minister. After April 1880 but before mid-year 1883 Harvey Tibbetts dies. On 10 Dec 1883 Margaret "Maggie" Matilda Tibbetts married her 1st cousin Robert "Red Bob" Buchanan, son of her uncle John and Isabella (Watson) Buchanan. "Red Bob" and "Maggie" Matilda, as I refer to them, (our great-grandparents) family were: John James "Johnny"; Isabel "Bella"; William Russell "Russ"; Elizabeth Jane "Lizzie"; Percy Douglas "Doug"; Stanley H. "Stanley"; Hazel Margaret "Hazel" or "Hade";.and Edward Robert "Eddie". Of the Gilberds children: Nothing is known of Henry's daughter Aurilla or of Henry and "Bessies" daughters, Ida M. or Lilly M.. I do have a picture of "Granny Gilberts" with her three daughters; one of Henry and "Bessie" and their grandson "Lee"; one of "Annie" by herself and one picture of their son William H. "Billie" Gilberds with his Keating cousins. Ann E. "Annie" came to Neepawa as an adult. She arrived as "Annie" Findlay and in 1930 in Neepawa married Franklin "Frank" Grasby, a widower with a very large grown family. After his death she returned to Ontario to presumably be with her Findlay children. William Henry "Billie" Gilberds ended up in Neepawa too about 1911. He was working in Winnipeg on the Shoal Lake aqueduct to Winnipeg when he died of natural causes 21 July 1916. He is buried in Riverside Cemetery, Neepawa. He has no headstone. "Billie's" son Henry Lee "Lee" Gilberds married a Margaret Lord, presumed from Neepawa or district. On 7 March 1915 at age 20 years. she died and is also buried in Riverside Cemetery, Neepawa with no headstone. Henry and "Bessie", their son "Billie" and their grandson "Lee's" wife Margaret are buried together in four plots. Not really having a time frame for "Lee", I do know he worked for Guinn

Memorials. In talking to Bill Guinn he said, "Lee" left town for about 10 years. He came back after WWII and married a lady by the name of "Pat". He left again in the 1950's." No more is known.

Now JOHN BUCHANAN. He was the 7th son of Andrew and Jane (Long) Buchanan. He was born 1 November 1831 in Omaugh, County Tyrone, Ireland and at age 17 came to Canada in 1847 with his parents and the rest of his siblings. His brothers, Robert, Charles, James, William, Andrew, Samuel and his only sister Jane. Around 1855, in Ontario, John Buchanan married Isabella Watson. She was born in Prescott, Ont. on 12 Jan 1837 to James Sr. and Elizabeth (Linnen) Watson, originally from Scotland. Her family, or some part of it, must have moved to the Elma area, Perth Co., Ont. because her sister Mary Watson married John's brother Samuel. John Buchanan's only sister Jane married their brother James Watson Jr. John cont'd (There appears to have been more to the original letter, but the version given to me ends here. Bill Buchanan)

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Apr 7, 2002 Re: Thank-you for the memories Dear Nancy, Thank you for the nice message. It is always wonderful to receive feed-back. Suzanne Schaller has a listserv for the descendants of Andrew and Jane Buchanan of Omagh, County Tyrone, Ireland and their descendants. If you would like to be included, please send an email to suzannes@... Patricia Hopkinson is doing research on our family's Irish roots. Both of them have websites that can be accessed by clicking the link on my home page. I think you will enjoy them.

Bill Buchanan --- On Sat 04/06, Nancy Mills wrote: Dear Bill; I have been interested in my family's history since I was a child. I just checked out your webpage(my mother-in-law and step-father-in-law are genealogists and found it in their search) I have just spent over an hour reading. Thank-you. I can't supply any new information at this time. Dad died a few years ago and it was wonderful to hear the old stories(and lots of new) one more time. Thanks again. Nancy (Buchanan) Mills

P.S. Delmer was my dad, son of James,and Gladys(Holmes) etc. My two brothers and I grew up on the family farm. My brother Gary and his family have the west half of the original, so that part is still in the family, but the east half was sold to a non-family member a short time ago. ____________________________________________ May 1, 2002 1912 Nepawa Press Bio of Samuel Buchanan, Census Data The census data is from Darlene Perrett, of Neepawa. I am uncertain who gave me a transcription of the 1912 article on Samuel Buchanan, but it has some interesting details. ARTICLE FROM NEEPAWA PRESS ABOUT SAMUEL BUCHANAN (Written in 1912, but I don't have the exact date) Samuel Buchanan who was the second man to settle in the Neepawa District, just locating a year after Mr. Graham. Mr. Buchanan was born in the North of Ireland 83 years ago (1829) and in l847 emigrated to Ontario, locating at Perth. During the next 23 years he lived chiefly in Ontario, although he made 2 trips to California and Nevada where he worked as a miner and lumberjack. In 1878 he came west and securing a wagon and a team of oxen at Winnipeg, made a prospecting trip of 3 weeks, during which time he saw plenty of land, but thought none so good as that which he still owns 4 miles North of town (Neepawa). Then, the nearest railroad was about 300 miles away, at Fisher's Landing. In 1882 he was joined by Mrs. Buchanan and family, and by that time the C. P, P. was constructed as far as Carberry. In the early days elk were abundant here and the prairie chickens could be counted by the thousands, so that there was no lack of food. However, for the first few years there was no store closer than Portage La Prairie and prices were very high. The first store to locate in Neepawa was owned by Hamilton and Davidson, one of the partners now being mayor of the town. When Mrs. Buchanan and family came west, Mr. Buchanan had a half section and his oldest son, being of age, homesteaded a quarter and purchased another at a dollar an acre. For the half section, which was then worth a dollar an acre, an offer of $17,000 cash was refused last fall, 1911. In the days before the coming of the M. and N. W. railway, grain had to be hauled to Carberry, and only about 40 cents a bushel was received for it. Today 1912, with a market almost at the door about 90 cents a bushel is received for similar grain. In 1885, the year of the rebellion, good prices were received for grain and produce; Mr. Buchanan getting $l.00 a bushel for his potatoes that year. Mr. Buchanan always had great faith in the Province and believes that there is still no better land for the man who has good health and is willing to work. About 1856 Mr. Buchanan married Mary Watson, and together they are in wonderfully good health. 7 children born of the marriage are alive today 1912, there being 1 daughter Mrs. Jas.

Graham, and 6 sons, John, James, Samuel, William, Robert, and David. There are 35 grandchildren. The old people do not live on the farm now, but own 5 acres across the tracks from the C.P.R. station where they keep a cow and some chickens and take life easily. Mr. Buchanan is a firm believer in individual rights; also the duty of the individual to defend his rights. When C. P.R.. employees attempted to construct the Y on his property before he was paid for it, Mr. Buchanan came forth with a gun and ordered them to desist and they did. He contended that before be could get on a C.P.R. train he had to pay his way, or if he got on and did not pay his way he was promptly put off. Hence he claimed and exercised the same powers. The C.P.R. paid for his land before building the track. This incident gives a fair index of the sturdy, fearless and straight forward character of the man. He toadies to nobody; respects all who are entitled to respect; gives and demands a square deal; and is an ever-ready helper to those in need.

I apologize for not sending the census data as text in the email message, but the formatting requires that I send it as an attachment. I hope you find this information useful, or at least enjoyable. Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ May 19, 2002 Transcripts of old documents I am attaching a Microsoft Word file containing transcripts I have made from photocopies that Darlene Perrett sent me of some original records of family members. I hope you find them helpful. If you want copies of other things Darlene sent, please let me know, as I uncertain whether these documents are reaching people who actually want to receive them.

Bill Buchanan Attachment(not stored) Transcripts - Elma & Manitoba from Darlene Perrett.doc ____________________________________________ May 21, 2002 Neepawa museum archives, etc. Hi Everyone, I am enclosing the rest of the material that I received from Darlene Perrett a few weeks ago. My typing speed is laughable, but fortunately I was able to scan the printed material (well over half of the total).

In the clippings about the "Bad Birnie Bunch", I believe that the "Sam Buchanan" who was convicted of arson and assault was probably Samuel J. "Big Sam" Buchanan, son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth. Judging from two other situations, Big Sam seemed to live a somewhat tumultuous life, so he is my prime candidate. Of course, I could be suspecting an innocent man. Maybe one of you can verify this, if it interests you. Anyhow, I plan to include these files on the CD that I should be sending out sometime this summer. (My problem is that there is always something I want to add that will take additional time and work, but at some point I need to say "Enough!" and send them out.) Of course I can only send you a copy if I have your current mailing address. That is a hint to Sue and any others who hasn't given me a current mailing address. :-) Happy hunting. And remember that it is nice to share.

Bill Buchanan Attachment(not stored) Neepawa Press clippings -1905-1907.doc ____________________________________________ May 21, 2002 Bill....sorry to be a nuisance, but I was just looking at your previous attachments when this message came through.....same thing... no attachment. Could you sent it to me separately again? Thanks so much for this. It has info about my direct line so it's exciting! Donna ____________________________________________ May 22, 2002 Bill and anyone else who might need my address: I moved a few months back, here is my new address: [personal informaton deleted] Also, Bill, I dont seem to be getting the attachments, but if they are in the CD you plan on sending, I can wait.... Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ May 23, 2002 Hi Patty, Donna Phillips is having this problem too, I wonder why. In any case it will all be on the CD.

Bill Buchanan

____________________________________________ May 30, 2002 Hello cousins, I just got the 1881 CD that the LDS church put out covering all of Canada. I found pretty much what I expected with one exception. I had in all of my notes that Samuel Buchanan (who married Mary Watson) had moved to MB in 1878 when most of the Buchanan and Watsons moved west. However in the 1881 census, it clearly shows him and his family in Elma. Here's the entry: Elma, Perth North, Ontario, Canada Samuel Buchanan, m, mar, 46, Irish, b Ireland, Presbyterian Mary " , f, mar, 41, Canadian, b Ontario, Prebyterian Mary " , f, 16, Irish, b Ontario, Prebyterian Samuel " , m, 11, Irish, b Ontario, Prebyterian William " , m, 7, Irish, b Ontario, Prebyterian Robert " , m, 5, Irish, b Ontario, Prebyterian David " , m, 4 , Irish, b Ontario, Prebyterian Does anyone have any information on when they exactly moved to MB? Patty ____________________________________________ Jun 13, 2002 Re: Flossie Watson Hi Barry and all, Can anyone help us to clear up this mystery? Who ARE the real parents of Bertha Jane and Flossie Watson? The only reference for Solomon Watson's family I can find in my transcript of Rosedale Cemetery is for row V plot 10, I have: 10. SOLOMON WATSON Solomon Watson b. Donegal, Ont. 1865 d. Vancouver 1927 James Lawrence b. Aug. 25, 1895 d. Nov. 19,1902 Evelyn May b. Aug. 3, 1899 d. Oct. 16, 1907 Beloved children of Solomon and Blanche Watson Fortunately, I will be in Neepawa next month, so I can check the tombstones myself to see which transcription is correct. I have a photograph from Valerie Buchanan of the gravestone of Bertha Jane & Flossie, but it doesn't say who the parents are. The cemetery map has the plot listed as Adam Watson, but it is just the name of the person who purchased the plot. The tombstone inscription reads:

WATSON REMEMBRANCE OF BERTHA JANE BORN MAY 15, 1907 DIED MARCH 12, 1907 Budded on Earth to bloom in Heaven. Jesus called her home. FLOSSIE BORN NOV 14, 1888 Asleep in Jesus. Wilbert V. Buchanan looked after the Rosedale cemetery when I got the map and other information from him in 1962. The information (on my transcription) that these were the children of Adam Watson must have come from him, and not from the inscription on the tombstone. I was also in touch with Adam's daughter Roxie in the 1960s so a lot of my information on this family came from her. Her letters have probably been lost, although from time to time things still turn up. (usually when I am looking for something else) My lack of documentation of my research in those earlier years keeps coming back to haunt me, especially as so many of my earlier informants have died. If I could only find the package from Marguerite McDonald, it might clear things up.

Bill --- On Thu 06/13, Barry Snider wrote: From: Barry Snider [mailto: barrys@...] To: bill.buchanan@... Date: Thu 06/13 Subject: Re: Flossie Watson Bill - you had me going there for a moment, so I had to go back and check my source. My source is the Manitoba Genealogical Society transcription of tombstones for the Rosedale Cemetery, #112. Item 55 show four children - Bertha J., Flossie, James Laurence, and Evelyn May - as beloved children of Solomon and Blanche Watson. The dates are the same as you quoted, and the reference appears to be the same, i.e., a tombstone in the same cemetery. And this is the only Flossie Watson on the index. Can you recheck your source and verify? The nearby tombstones are: #54 Buchanan, Flossie Moe, daughter of R.G. and A.M. Buchanan, Annie May Coulter,wife of R.G. Buchanan Robert George Buchanan

Norman H. Buchanan Catherine I. I assume Norman and Catherine are also children of Robert and Annie, because they are on the same headstone, although that isn't stated. #58 Buchanan, Samuel, Mary his wife, William Henry (presumably a son, but not so stated). I have been proceeding assumpting these transcriptions are correct. But now I am wondering. Please let me know what you discover. Thanks. Barry. ----- Original Message ----Bill Buchanan To: barrys@ Sent: June 7, 2002 17:31 PM Subject: Flossie Watson Hi Barry, I just looked at the Solomon Watson family, and I think I found a mistake. According to the tombstone on plot VI-11 in the Rosedale cemetery, Flossie is the daughter of Adam Watson, not Solomon. "Watson - Bertha Jane b. May 15, 1906 d. Mar. 12, 1907 Flossie b. Nov. 14, 1888 - Children of Adam Watson" Bill ____________________________________________ Jun 14, 2002 My CD-ROM Project Hi Everyone, I have burned the first batch of CD-ROMs, and sent them out today. These went mostly to people in the west, that I won't have a chance to see this summer. I hope to deliver as many as possible on the way east in two weeks time. (It saves the cost of postage and might allow me to scan a few more pictures or hear an old story I haven't heard before.) I will be giving Darlene Perrett a computer, so hopefully she will soon join our listserv. If I miss seeing you on the trip east I will mail a copy of the CD-ROM to you when we get back in late July. (assuming that I have your address) I consider this CD-ROM to be a group project. Many people have contributed to it in one way or another. You can freely make use of all of the contents, provided you respect the privacy of the people. I have eliminated the dates and places of birth and marriage for all living people, as a measure to protect their privacy. I hear from Bernice Willerton that Mervyn Buchanan is in Brandon hospital, and is not doing well. I wish him a speedy recovery. He has always been a stalwart supporter of Buchanan family history. Barry Snider is busy working with the 1881 census. I am not sure what else is going in our group. Please fill me in. With warmest regards,

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Jun 15, 2002 Re: Flossie Watson Hi Barry, I mistyped the date. The picture of the tombstone appears to say: "BORN MAY 15, 1906" And this is the date I have in my database. However, my transcription of the grave of Solomon Watson's children does not list Bertha Jane and Flossie. I guess I will just have to check the tombstone when I am in Neepawa. Bill Buchanan --- On Sat 06/15, Barry Snider wrote: From: Barry Snider [mailto: barrys@...] To: bill.buchanan@... Date: Sat 06/15 Subject: Re: Flossie Watson Bill, I found the reference you refer to. On the transcription, it shows as the northeast corner, row 3. However, on my transcription, it says born May 15, 1906 (instead of 1907), which makes more sense. Else the baby would have died before it was born. My transcription in that area does not indicate who the parents are. The parent reference is on a different headstone, plot 55, where all four children are listed as "beloved children of Solomon and Blanche W.". Solomon Watson (but not his wife) is shown separately in plot 65. Hope this helps. Barry. ____________________________________________ Jun 17, 2002 Re: Cora Chamney Thanks Deb, I will forward it to others on the Andrew Buchanan listserv. I think it will be of interest to them.

Bill Buchanan --- On Sun 06/16, Graham & Deb Flanagan wrote: From: Graham & Deb Flanagan [mailto: benflan@...] To: Bill.Buchanan@... Date: Sun 06/16

Subject: Re: Cora Chamney Dear Bill I came across your entry for Andrew Hemphill and noticed that you don't have much information there. I'm tracking Cora Chamney's family so have the information that you require. Hope that this helps! Regards Deb Flanagan Christchurch New Zealand ____________________________________________ Jun 21, 2002 Re: Fw: Cd-Rom - Buchanan/Watson History Hi Barry, I checked them on my computer before sending them. I deliberately removed the AutoStart file that I put on one version of the CD-ROM because it interfered with simply exploring the CD. (It automatically opened Welcome.doc in Microsoft Word, as intended, but it kept re-running it at inconvenient times.) Maybe your CD drive did not spin-up before it was accessed. Try clicking Retry a few times, to see if that solves the problem. I have tried one of these CDs in 3 different drives, and all of them read it successfully. If no one else has this problem, try reading other CDs to see if the problem is with your drive. If it reads other CDs successfully, I will send you another copy of the CD. Let me know whether Retry solves the problem.

Bill Buchanan --- On Wed 06/19, Barry Snider barrys@... > wrote: From: Barry Snider [mailto: barrys@...] To: Bill.Buchanan@... Date: Wed 06/19 Subject: Fw: Cd-Rom - Buchanan/Watson History Sending again. Don't think it went the first time. ----- Original Message ----From: "Barry Snider" To: "Bill Buchanan" Sent: June 19, 2002 9:29 AM Subject: Cd-Rom - Buchanan/Watson History Bill, yesterday I received the package you sent, with the note enclosed and the CD-Rom. But when I put it in the drive, nothing shows???

I tried putting in another CD-Rom, thinking something was wrong with the drive. But it is reading correctly. I then tried flipping it over (written side down), but still nothing. Any ideas? Barry. ____________________________________________ Jul 5, 2002 Buchanan website This web site might be of interest to "our" line as well. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~ancestorsofcedric/Buchanan.htm Donna Phillips Camrose, AB ____________________________________________ Jul 18, 2002 Our Trip to Manitoa and Ontario Hi Vera and Everyone, Here is the condensed version of the family history portion of our trip. Monday, July 1 - We left home about 8:00 AM, following the Yellowhead Highway (Highway 16). We arrived at the farm of Darlene and Leonard Perrett southeast of Neepawa, Manitoba about 10:00 pm local time. We set up the computer (Compaq Prolinea 5100e) and printer that I had brought for her, and stayed for the night. Tuesday, July 2 - We drove to some of the surrounding towns, and visited the cemeteries at Rosedale and Riding Mountain and Birnie. In the evening we picked up Elsie Kaye Bare and took her to Birnie to visit her mother-in-law, Lucy Buchanan Bare, who had written some of the articles in the local history books. Lucy wasn't able to give us much family history, but as we were leaving I saw a family tree chart (of her immediate family) on the wall that I would like to have copied, but I had no way to do so. We returned to the Perrett farm for the night, and I did some scanning of Darlene's old pictures before going to sleep. Wednesday, July 3 - We telephoned Lorne and Doris Buchanan, and drove to their home at Ninette, Manitoba for a visit. They are the couple who edited the Buchanan Family Tree book that was produced in the 1970s. We had a nice visit with them and the Ron Davis family who were also visiting them. I was able to scan some of Lorne's old pictures. I had previously mailed him a copy of my Buchanan family history CD-ROM, and Ron had installed it on his laptop computer. We stayed at Perrett's again. Thursday, July 4 - With Darlene, we visited Ross and Bernice Willerton in Winnipeg. I gave Bernice my CD-ROM and an extra copy for the Manitoba Genealogical Society. I got a copy of her genealogy database and I copied a bunch of her pictures to a CD-ROM. Ross cooked a great supper, and we left Winnipeg about 7 PM headed towards Thunder Bay. The rain was torrential. It was a slow, tough drive to Kenora, where we spent the night.

Friday, July 5 - The drive through the Canadian Shield is strange. It is like driving through the mountains in BC - winding roads blasted through solid rock, with lots of little lakes, the only things missing are the mountains themselves. Saturday, July 6 - We crossed over into Michigan, driving over two huge bridges that give a great view of Lakes Superior, Michigan and Huron. We soon discovered that every large bridge and almost every large highway had toll booths. The highway through Michigan was fast and free. Sarnia, Ontario was a beautiful place. We stopped for a while to watch the boats. Lake Huron was beautifully blue. I was unable to reach Marguerite MacDonald, Sue Schaller, Mary Park, Andy Buchanan, or Steve Buchanan by telephone. It looked like the family history part of our Ontario trip was a complete wash-out, although we visited the towns of Stratford, Donegal, Atwood and Listowell, and we took some photos. We returned south to Cambridge for the night. Sunday, July 7 - We attended church at Cambridge. There I met Ken Wilson, a nephew of my cousin Gertie Buchanan Wilson. After church I telephoned Andy Buchanan, and this time he was home. He said "Muriel Buchanan Petrie is celebrating her 80th birthday, and there is a party for her at the Atwood Community Centre. Why don't you come?" So we drove north again. North of Guelph we passed dozens of Amish in their horse-drawn buggies, probably returning home from church. At Atwood we found the hall and met Muriel and a bunch of other people, including her sister Marie and her brother Earl, and Andy Buchanan and Andy's brother Jerry's wife. After the party we went to Earl's place at Donegal, where I scanned some pictures, then to Andy's place near Atwood, where I scanned some more. Then Andy led us to the Listowell Hospital, where we met his sister Nina, just leaving the hospital after visiting their brother Jerry [Jimmy]. We visited Jerry [Jimmy]and also Mary Park. Then we looked for the Trinity Anglican Cemetery about 1-1/2 miles from Donegal. When we found it, it was getting too dark out to see much. We drove south to Guelph, where we spent the night. The next few days we visited Niagara Falls, western New York state, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, and the Omaha area of Nebraska and Iowa, then to Winnipeg where I met briefly with Jim Ferguson and gave him a copy of the CD-ROM. He said we had just missed seeing Patty Hopkinson's brother's family and some of the other relatives. We visited Judy's aunt and her mother in southern Alberta, and reached home by the evening of July 16th.

It was a great trip. In Neepawa, Darlene and I were able to get a copy of John Buchanan's will. I will type it up, and email it to you later. I had always wondered about the story of my grandfather (William Andrew Buchanan) receiving only $10 from his father's estate, and wondered if it was because he had gone against his father's advice in selling his farm. The will clears everything up. All of the children received $10 each, except for Jim, who was to look after his mother Isabella. So essentially, the will provided for Isabella's future, with each of the children getting a token amount. It seems very fair to me now that I have the complete information. We were unable to see some of the people we hoped to see, but were were able to see some others we hadn't expected. Darlene gave me another folder of information, and I have lots of scanned pictures to sort out. This should keep me busy for a while.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Jul 18, 2002

Hi Again. Nancy is right, it is Jimmy and Eva that I met. I have to plead a large dose of ignorance here. Andy and his son Steve were the only two members of that family that I had ever been in contact with, and my memory is not my strong point. I did communicate many years ago with Muriel's father William E Buchanan. He was the one who put me in touch with Annie Brae McMane, who wrote such wonderful letters about the family's early years in Canada. They all made us feel really welcome. I am glad we were invited to the party.

Bill Buchanan --- On Thu 07/18, Nancy M wrote: From: Nancy M [mailto: nancy_marie21@...] To: Bill.Buchanan@... Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 18:15:39 -0400 Subject: Your July 7 of the trip Hi Again Bill; Just read you e-mail about your trip. I missed going to Murial's party July 7. It would have been nice to meet you in person. I grew up beside Andy. I wondered who his brother Jerry was.(with large families, it is hard to keep track of everyone) It must be Jimmy that you meant? Married to Eva. I really enjoy all the information that I have learned about my family through you. Nancy (Buchanan) Mills ____________________________________________

Jul 29, 2002 A Forbidden Romance - Story Hi Everyone, Here is another Buchanan story to add to your collection. Suzanne Schaller sent it to me a few years ago, and I really enjoyed it. I found it recently and asked her if I could share it with you. I thought you might enjoy it. Bill A forbidden romance - Robert Buchanan Elizabeth Watson As told to me [Suzanne Schaller] by Weldon Buchanan (Robert Weldon, son of Charles Buchanan and Clara Danbrook)

Robert Elizabeth were first cousins and their parents tried to discourage their romance. The Watsons were preparing to move to Neepawa, Manitoba, and hoped that distance would help the two abandon their love and find someone else. The information written by Dave Watson (preserved by Bill Buchanan) indicates that the Watson family made the move in either late 1878 or very early 1879. It also says that they boarded the train in Millbank (just a few miles east of Donegal). Weldon Buchanan says that Elizabeth got on the train with her family and got off in Palmerston, north of Listowel. This means that she rode the train for several minutes acting as if everything was normal. In such a large family, as one of the eldest she was likely expected to help keep the younger ones in order, and there was probably some confusion while the family got settled in their seats on the train. As the train pulled into the Palmerston station, Eliabeth slipped away and got off the train. Weldon says that Robert was waiting at the station to meet her. She wasn't missed by her family until it was too late. The couple married Jan 10, 1879. Children of Robert Buchanan Elizabeth Watson: 1. Charles Henry, born Oct 26, 1879 2. Herbert, born Dec 8, 1883 3. Anne, born Nov 26, 1887 4. William Frnest, born Sept 20, 1889 5. Reuben, born Nov 27,1893 6. Ruby, born Nov27, 1893, died Jan31, 1894 - twin to Reuben 7. Alexander, born Jan 11, 1898 Charles Buchanan married Clara Danbrook and took over his father's farm. Sometime in the early 1920s he sold it to his brother William, and it is now farmed by Willie's grandson Barry Buchanan. Charles moved away to Wheatley. Ontario, for about a year, but regretted this decision and moved back home. He had to buy a new farm since he had sold his own to his brother. He would have been better off to keep the farm he had - it was well run, had good equipment and the land was productive. Willie profited from that while Charles had to purchase a farm that needed a lot of work! Weldon Buchanan is co-founder of Buchanan and Hall, Ltd, in Stratford, Ontario - an electrical servicing company specializing in refrigeration units. (Mr. Hall is no longer involved in the business.) Weldon is retired but still visits the office and shop frequently, since he can't get the work out of his blood. He also enjoys a productive garden at his house in Stratford, since farmer's blood also runs in his veins.

Hi Bill, ... If you do use it, please indicate that I wrote it in about 1998 and Weldon died August 1, 2001 at the age of 84. (Which does not seem like a year ago, but it is.) ... Sue ____________________________________________ Hi Nancy,

This is a wonderful article! Thanks for sending it to me. I have a slightly different version on my web site, but unfortunately I don't have the picture. Here is the version of the article I had. It was sent to me by Elizabeth Young (Mrs. J. O.) Hardie, with the following note: "This was in the Banner about a May 1900 issue, when Jim was about 4 years old. J. O. Hardie wrote it as Grandma [Ann Thompson] Buchanan told him to."

PIONEERS OF PERTH An interesting photograph was taken in Listowell on May 19th, being the photographing of four generations, in the persons of Mrs. William Buchannan, her daughter, Mrs. John Young, Mrs. Young's daughter, Mrs. J. O. Hardie, and her little boy. Mrs. Buchannan, with her husband were the first settlers in Elma, and Mrs. Young was the first child born in Elma. Mr. and Mrs. Buchannan, accompanied by three or four of his brothers and one of hers, left Ireland in the spring of 1847, coming west as far as Esqueising, where they worked a while, and then came west to North Easthope, where they worked till after harvest. Then leaving his young wife, Mr. Buchannan, and four or five others struck north to hunt for land in the bush. They covered quite a tract of country, finally taking up land near the Elma and Mornington boundary. Mrs. Buchannan still lives with her youngest son on the old homestead, taken up nearly 53 years ago. Mrs. Buchannan was the first white woman to pass the night in Elma township. Mrs. Young was born in July 1848, being the first white child born in the township. Of her eleven children, nine are still alive, six of whom are within four miles of the homestead, one in Michigan, one in Manitoba, and one in Exeter. She has forty-two grandchildren and four great grandchildren. I would (of course) love to have a copy of the photo if anyone has it. NOTE: If you find that scanning photos in books or newspapers gives very poor results because of the half-tone screening, try using a Median filter (my preference) or an Average filter (if you don't have Median) with a low value - such as 3 or 4 on your scanned image. The improvement is amazing!


--- On Wed 08/07, B&N Mills millsfam5@... > wrote: From: B&N Mills [mailto: millsfam5@...] To: bill.buchanan@... Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2002 18:00:45 -0400 Subject: Fw: Buchanans!!! Hi Bill; My mother-in-law found this at the Listowel Library archives, sent it to me and I knew that you would find it interesting too. Didn't know if you had it or not, but has some new information(I think). I have seen the picture somewhere. I thought that it was on the July edition of the CD that you sent me, but haven't re-found it yet. If it is, let me know where. If not, I will try to search it out. All that was in the archives was the text. Nancy(Buchanan)Mills ************************************************************************* To: "Nancy Mills"

Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2002 3:48 PM Subject: Buchanans!!! Dear Nancy; I wanted you to know that the family name Tennant was why Atwood was originally called Tennants Corners. Esquessing was in Halton County, not far from Georgetown, not sure if it's still there. Marilyn ******************************************** From the Atwood Bee of Friday June 8th 1900; front page, column 1 AN INTERESTING GROUP PHOTOGRAPHED C. A. Lee's photo gallery was on Saturday May 19th the scene of rather an interesting event, being the photographing of four generations in the persons of Mrs. William Buchanan, her daughter Mrs. John Young, Mrs. Young's daughter Mrs. J. O. Hardie and her little boy. A fact in connection gives the group something of local interest. Mrs. Buchanan with her husband were the first settlers in Elma, and Mrs. Young was the first child born in Elma. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan accompanied by 3 or 4 of his brothers and one of hers left Ireland in the spring of 1847, coming west as far as Esquessing where they worked awhile and then came west to North Easthope, where they worked 'till after harvest. Then leaving his young wife, Mr. Buchanan and four or five others struck north to hunt land in the bush, guided by one "Tennant", an old trapper. They covered quite a tract of country, finally taking up land near the Elma-Mornington boundary. Mrs. Buchanan still lives with her youngest son on the old homestead, taken up nearly 53 years ago. After taking up land, Mr. Buchanan put up a shanty, and started to clear, bringing in Mrs. Buchanan on the 9th of January, 1848, to share the trials and hardships of pioneer life. Mrs. Buchanan was the first white woman to pass the night in Elma township, Mrs. Young was born in July of 1848, being the first white child born in the township. Mrs. Buchanan never tires of relating incidents of the early years when she would be left alone with the children to care for the farm, while Mr. Buchanan went to harvest in North Easthope. Being of a kind and generous nature many a weary stranger found a kind welcome and a nights lodging. Mrs. Buchanan well remembers the first settlers as they began to come in, among them the Codes, who stayed overnight with them, the now Mrs. Young being a small child at the time. The Codes pushed on to find a millsite, and settled on the site of Trowbridge, being the first settlers in the northern part of Elma. Mrs. Buchanan is still hale and hearty, two years ago taking a trip to Manitoba all alone. She intends this summer, to visit her daughter in Michigan. Of her eleven children nine are still alive; six of whom live within four miles of the homestead, one in Michigan, one in Manitoba and one in Exeter. She has forty-two grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. ********************************** ____________________________________________ Aug 8, 2002 Re: Ancestry questions Yes, there were two Elizabeth Hammonds who married Young brothers. I have the parents of one recorded somewhere, but not the other - I should try to find that info so that it is clear that these are two different women. They were about the same age, too! It must have been confusing.

I just received Bill's creation today. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The photo called "School picture who and when" is from my collection. It is Donegal School, 1924. It was printed in the newspaper as sort of "Remember when?" thing, so others might have copies of it too. I think Arnold Hoffman has it, since his mother is in it. I'm looking for my copy with names, and can't find it. Aha! Here it is. It appeared in the Listowel Banner in 1982, probably because of the 125th anniversary of Elma township. Front row, 5th from left is Elwood Acheson; next to him is Marie Buchanan, next to her is Walter Buchanan. Second row, 3rd from left is Weldon Buchanan (standing, next to the two boys on the left who are kneeling); Alvin Buchanan is 6th from left. Third row: Emily Acheson is at the very right Back row, 4th from left is Carman Buchanan I am not sure if Elwood is the boy kneeling next to Marie or the smaller boy sitting cross-legged; he has to be one or the other but either way, a boy's name appears to be missing from the list of students. Elwood was about six at this time, so I think he is the young boy sitting cross-legged, and that means that the boy kneeling behind him got missed when names were being put on this photo. No name matches his position! Bill, I like the way that you put identifications right in the filename, but I don't know how you can do that with this one. It'd be awfully long. :-) I've finished all my assignments for this term and can now rest for a few weeks, until classes start again in September. Of course, to me, resting means trying to catch up on research. I thought that graduate school would give me a chance to do some research, but I was very wrong!! Many thanks again to Bill for all his hard work. Sue ____________________________________________ Aug 10, 2002 Re: School Photo I recently received this email from Nancy (Buchanan) Mills, which gives this identification of the people in the school photo. Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 21:42:55 -0400 From: B&N Mills To:

Subject: SchoolPicture- Who and When Hi Bill: I contacted my mother-in-law and she sent the names and date for the photo that you have on your CD. She had just got the picture from Annie (Vipond) Irvine a short time ago. They are working on different family histories than ours, but had the picture because it was Donegal school. If I can do anything else, let me know. Nancy (Buchanan) Mills p.s. Of course, the Buchanans and the Dick's are our family. Back Row; Jack Cowan, Clarence McCourt, Gordon Max Vipond, Carman Buchanan, Reg Sever, Margaret Young, Margaret Parker, Alice Irvine, Edna Murray, Margaret Vipond, Iris McCourt, Verna Matheson, Miss Marshall (teacher) Second Row; Willie Hymers, Reid Vipond, Melvin Acheson, Gordon Sever, Emma Hymers, Annie Dick, Effie Dick, Pearl Gooding, Janet Barton, Cora Hymers, Emily Acheson. Third Row; Elwood Struthers, Elmer McCourt, Weldon Buchanan, Elwood Danbrook, Stanley Stewart, Alvin Buchanan, Inez McCourt, Viola Dick. Front Row; Elmer Hymers, Howard Acheson, Alvin Matheson, George Hymers, Elwood Acheson, Elwood Hymers, Marie Buchanan, Walter Buchanan, Annie Haddow, Rosetta Matheson, Annie Vipond, Palma Struthers. The caption says' Donegal School, 1924' You may want to update your information regarding this photo.

Bill ____________________________________________ Aug 10, 2002 Re: [andrew-buchanan] RE: School Photo

Thanks - it looks like the name of Elwood Hymers was left out when they printed this photo in the newspaper in 1982. He's the boy kneeling between Elwood and Marie. Suzanne ____________________________________________ Aug 22, 2002 Re: Hi- Great web page Hi Vera, Thanks for the feedback. I have corrected the spelling on the website except for in the downloadable GEDCOM files, which will have to wait until the next major update. (You may not

see the changes if your browser loads cached copies of the old pages. If that happens, clear the browser cache or view the pages on a different computer to see the changes.) I am including a CC: to the members of the Andrew Buchanan listserv, so that they can correct the spelling in their copies of the Buchanan family database. If you wish to join this listserv, please contact Suzanne Schaller. (suzannes@...) It is always wonderful to hear from members of our extended family! Could you provide me with the names of your family and those of your brothers and sisters? I like to keep my database as upto-date as possible. Any further corrections would also be very welcome.

Bill Buchanan --- On Thu 08/22, Samuel Letwinetz samvee@... > wrote: From: Samuel Letwinetz [mailto: samvee@...] To: Bill.Buchanan@... Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 23:49:33 -0500 Subject: Hi- Great web page This is such a treat to read, thank you for all the work you put into this family tree. I have a correction for you, Line 655 should read, Zagiel. We have an " i " in our name. Vera Letwinetz (Zagiel ) ____________________________________________ Aug 25, 2002 the two Elizabeth Hammonds Two Young brothers married women named Elizabeth Hammond. The two brothers were Robert John Young and William Nixon Young, sons of Margaret Buchanan and John Young. The two Elizabeth Hammonds were both from Elma township, but they were a few years apart in age. From the Brussels Post, August 18, 1893: "YOUNG - HAMMOND - At the residence of the bride's father on Thursday 3rd inst, by Rev. A. Henderson, M.A., assisted by the Rev. G. E. Williams, Mr Robert John Young of Elma to Miss Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr George Hammond of Atwood." Robert and Elizabeth moved to Shellmouth, Manitoba, I think sometime between 1893 and 1901 because they are not on the 1901 census in Elma township. Elizabeth Hammond was born in 1864 (this according to the Buchanan Family Tree; their marriage record 009703-1893 would give Elizabeth's age at time of marriage but I haven't looked it up yet). The other Elizabeth Hammond, whose middle name was Jane, was born about 1870 (1870 according to gravestone, Sept 2, 1871 according to Buchanan Family Tree, Sept 2, 1869 according to the 1901 census and Perry Brisbin's info [but Perry may have got this from the 1901 census* - *The 1901 census shows

dates of birth, but for Elma township these dates are often off by one year!*]; obit says "died in 66th year" and she was 65, so born in about 1870). In the marriage record given below, I seem to have forgotten to record her age, so I'll have to re-check this. It might help clear up her year of birth. Marriage 013163-1900: Dec 26, 1900 in Elma township, William Nixon Young, 22, of Elma, farmer, Baptist, s/o John and Margaret Young, to Elizabeth Jane Hammond, Baptist, d/o William Hammond and Margaret Keating. William Nixon and Elizabeth lived in Elma township and were buried in Donegal Cemetery. I hope this helps clear up the Elizabeth Hammond confusion. There is a separation of about six years in their ages, as well as a geographical separation because Robert moved west, while William stayed. I still need to check those two marriage records, which, by the way if you're not familiar with them, are from the Ontario Vital Statistics records. There is a six-digit reference number followed by the year of registration. I have been slowly making my way through them. There is a new year's worth of records released every year; births 1905, marriages 1920 and deaths 1930 were just opened. Sue ____________________________________________ Aug 26, 2002 Virus warning - re: My CD-ROMs Hi Everyone, I just discovered that my computer is infected by the win95.Spaces.1445 virus. I don't know how long I have had this virus, but I suspect it is a very recent thing. If you have received one of my family history CD-ROMs, the pictures and text documents will be safe to use, but it is possible that the executables (file names ending in ".exe") may be infected. If so, the virus may have spread itself throughout your computer. This particular virus is classed as a "nuisance virus", meaning that it is not likely to disable your hard disk or destroy data, but it should be removed, as it may interfere with some of your programs. (I discovered something was wrong when my version of Windows ScanDisk stopped working.) I upgraded to Norton Antivirus 2002, which has disinfected my computer. I am very careful about such things, and I am sorry if I have passed this virus along to your computer. If you have no virus protection, a free online virus scan from sites such as http://www.trendmicro.com/free_tools/ will show whether you have a virus on your computer, and should clean the infected files. However, these free online scans will not protect your computer from future virus infections. For that reason, I urge you to not only do one of the free online virus scans, but also consider updating your anti-virus software. We shouldn't have to worry about such things, but unfortunately we do. Please let me know if your antivirus software detected any viruses on the CD-ROMs I sent.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Aug 28, 2002 The July CD-ROM is safe Hi Everyone, I have checked the July 2002 version of the Buchanan Watson CD-ROM for viruses and according to Norton Antivirus 2002 it is safe. This is the version received by nearly everyone. I am unable to check the August 2002 version as I only made 3 or 4 copies and gave them all away. Check the label on your CD-ROM to see which version you have. I hope you enjoy the CD-ROM, especially now that you know that at least the July version has been proven safe. I love the pictures I am getting. (Special thanks to Bernice and Donna for their recent contributions!) If you email pictures to me, please send them to billbuchanan@... as Excite.com has a smaller mailbox. JPEGs scanned at 300 dpi work really well. Remember, any time you come across an old family story, please share it with us. Your contributions to our listserv are always of interest.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Sep 2, 2002 Welcome, Donna Boyd Hi Donna, My web site is at http://bill_buchanan.tripod.com and it includes genealogy, stories and a few pictures. It also includes links to the web sites of Patricia Hopkinson, Suzanne Schaller, and Kelly Mitchell (although Kelly's new web site seems to be missing her Buchanan material). To join the Buchanan listserv, please contact Suzanne Schaller at suzannes@... Is the attached photo of Andrew & Letitia Buchanan's family the same one that you have?

Bill Buchanan Attachment(not stored) andrew&tishbuchananfamily-abt1910-labeled.jpg ____________________________________________

Sep 5, 2002 Re: Old Photos, etc. Hi Vee, I will pass your message along to the relatives who are on the Buchanan listserv. Maybe they can help. I have been looking for old photos for many years, and I have found none of Andrew or Jane. If there were any, they were either lost or destroyed. Early houses often caught fire and burned down or had roofs that leaked, destroying anything as delicate as a photograph. Even today, a flooded basement can quickly destroy a lifetime of photos. Sometimes they were discarded by later generations who didn't want them, and maybe didn't know who was in them. In the second generation, I have pictures of: - Ann Thompson Buchanan and family - Samuel Buchanan and his wife Mary Watson Buchanan (separate photos) - John Buchanan and his wife Isabella Watson - Isabella Watson Buchanan - John and Isabella Buchanan and family - James Watson jr. - James Watson jr, and Jane Buchanan Watson and family If any of you have old pictures, please let me know. I am making a major effort to save old family photos by identifying them and burning them onto CD-ROM, and distributing them to relatives that seem to have an interest in preserving them and passing them on. NOTE: I have seen countless beautiful old pictures that were rendered useless by the fact that the original owners didn't take the time to write down who was in them, and the people inheriting them didn't know who the people were. Please take time to identify any old photos you have. Be specific. Writing "The MacDonalds" is probably not enough. WHICH MacDonalds are in the picture? And how do you know who they are? Remember too, that if you can't identify the people, someone else may be able to. Old pictures are wonderful! Let's preserve them and pass them on. They are an important part of our heritage.

Bill Buchanan --- On Thu 09/05, Samuel Letwinetz samvee@... > wrote: From: Samuel Letwinetz [mailto: samvee@...] To: Bill.Buchanan@... Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2002 09:09:29 -0500 Subject: Hi fellow celt!! Thank you for putting the "i" in Zagiel. I've looked all thru' (I think) your website and haven't seen any pics of Andrew and Jane, Do you have any? Or, do you know where some my be? When they docked in Kingston was there any info registered there? I was hoping to find drawings or something. Any help would be great.

Vee ____________________________________________ Sep 10, 2002 Clarification of Names Please see the following message from Ron Davis regarding the nicknames of Wilbert and Hibbert Buchanan, sons of Andrew Letitia Buchanan. In the (mis)labeled picture, "Bert" is Wilbert and "Hib" is Hibbert. Sorry about the confusion, but I love those old photos.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Sep 11, 2002 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Clarification of Names OK Bill, I have changed my records back again. But in the records you sent me, Hibbert doesn't have a son named Lorne??? The only Lorne I could find was the son of Norman Buchanan. And the notes on Wilbert call him Webb, not Wib. And the notes on the picture definitely refer to Hib and Bert. Please let me know if I need to make further changes. Thanks, Barry [Snider]. ____________________________________________ Sep 11, 2002 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Clarification of Names

Hi Barry & Everyone Else, Lorne's name is actually Lawrence Campbell Buchanan. Webb and Wib sound so much alike that the diffence may be indistinguishable to the ear. Which is right I am not sure. Lorne doesn't have email, and Ron may have never seen Wilbert's nickname written. I did the labeling of the picture, so the mixup there is entirely my fault. I shortened the names as much as possible to fall within the 64-character limit allowed on a CD-ROM, then altered and pasted the name into the picture. I hope you are all enjoying nice weather, as autumn arrives. Bill ____________________________________________

Sep 17, 2002 Latest newspaper clippings from Darlene Perrett Hi Everyone, I have typed up the material I got from Darlene this summer. I have attached it as a Microsoft Word file. If that doesn't work for you let me know, and I will send it as plain text. I hope you find it helpful, or at least enjoyable. Most of the material is from 1906 to 1908 but there is older and newer material as well.

Bill Buchanan Attachment(not stored) Neepawa newspaper clippings received from Darlene Perrett in July 2002.doc ____________________________________________ Sep 18, 2002 Buchanan List Posting Bill…..as usual, the attachment that you included with your posting did not come through. All I get is a statement at the bottom of the message stating that [This message contained attachments]. Can you please send it directly to me? Thanks!

Donna Phillips ____________________________________________ Sep 18, 2002 Attachments Mystery solved! If you subscribe in the digest format, you do not receive attachments. I have changed to individual messages and should be able to receive attachments now. Donna ____________________________________________ Sep 24, 2002 Vinton Buchanan and Alwyn Buchanan Can you help me identify Vinton Buchanan and Alwyn Buchanan referred to in these obits from Bernice Willerton? If you can tell me how they fit into our family (if they do), I will really appreciate it. Bill

_________________________________________________________________ EDNA MARGARET BUCHANAN On February 25, 1998 at Third Crossing Manor, Gladstone, Man., Edna Margaret Buchanan passed away. Edna was born to Charles and Mary Patterson on August 12, 1910 in the Grassy River district of Manitoba. She married Vinton Buchanan in November, 1938 and together they farmed the Plumas district until 1977. Edna was predeceased by her husband Vinton in 1977; a granddaughter in 1981, a son-in-law in 1-992, her mother and father, sister Eunice and brother Lloyd. She leaves to mourn her passing, daughters, Mary Smith, Jean (Barry) Milton, Bea (Al) Jarvis, Pearl (Norm) Hogarth, Laura (Ed) Loomis; sons, Bill (Esther) and Norman (Angila); 17 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. She also leaves sisters, Myrtle, Hazel, and many nieces and nephews. Funeral service will he held on Saturday, February 28 at 2:00 p.m. in the Plumas United Church with Rev. Kent Gibbons officiating. Interment will follow in the Plumas Cemetery. Pall bearers will be her grandchildren. Honorary pallbearers will be all in atten-dance. Should friends so desire, memorial donations may be made to a charity of their choice. Clark's Funeral Home, Gladstone in care of arrangements. [Who are the parents of Vinton Buchanan? - Bill] Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 09:13:18 -0700 From: WILLERTONRB Subject: Doris Pearl Buchanan You probably have the following; however, here it is in case you don't. Ruby Willerton, Ross' mom, was in contact with Velda over the years -- seemed to be good friends -- I never knew the connection. At Almonte, Ontario - Sept. 27, 2000, beloved d/o the late Alwyn Buchanan and his wife, Eliz Johnson. Predeceased by two sisters, Mrs. Velda Burrell and Mrs. Fern McQuarrie, two bros. Calvert and Ivan, loved aunt of Mrs. Betty Preston (Ernie) of Almonte and Mrs.Sandra Beyak (John) of Burlington. Cremation. Funeral Service in the C.R.Gamble Funderal Home, 127 Church St. Almonte, on Sat. Sept. 30, 2000. Rev. S. Derek Shelly officiating. Bernice [Who are the parents of Alwyn Buchanan? - Bill ]

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Sep 27, 2002 Re: FW: bc archives Thanks for the details, Barry. This is excellent. Does anyone know how to access Manitoba and Ontario vital statistics online?

Bill Buchanan --- On Thu 09/26, Barry Snider wrote: From: Barry Snider [mailto: barrysnider@...] To: bill.buchanan@..., willertonrb@..., coachmgm@...

Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 11:00:54 -0700 Subject: Re: FW: bc archives To search the BC Archives on-line: First, go to href="http://www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca">www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca Then, Vital Events Then, on-line indexes (Once you get to the look-up page, you will want to add this to your favourites, to avoid all these steps in future) You can search by name, place, or date, or any combination. I searched deaths for Moore, and got 1780 hits. I then refined it to Moore, Edward, and got 41 hits. I gave up at that point, as without the year or date of death I couldn't narrow it down. The records include births to 1901, marriages to 1926, and deaths to 1981. (Each year they add one more year) The details are very basic. If you find something interesting, and want more information (like parent's names, etc.), you will need to order the records. The information on how to order copies of records, and the costs, are all on the website. Hope this helps. Barry ____________________________________________ Sep 27, 2002 Re: Surname Error-Stephen Thanks Paul, Any other info you can provide on your branches of the family would be much appreciated. Sometime soon (like maybe November) I plan to post an updated version of the family tree, on my web site. It will be larger, but in the case of living people it will have only the names (not dates and places). In the meantime, I have made the corrections you indicated. (You may need to click the Refresh button to see the changes, depending how your browser cache is configured.) To members of the andrew-buchanan listserv You may want to update your information also. Has anyone heard from Patty Hopkinson since her latest genealogy research trip to Ireland? I am anxious to know if she has found anything more on the origins of our Buchanans.

Bill --- On Thu 09/26, Teresa Chelli wrote: From: Teresa Chelli [mailto: tgchelli@...] To: bill.buchanan@... Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 12:43:17 -0700 Subject: Surname Error-Stephen Hi Bill, You have done a great job on the family tree. I would like alert you to an error in that Joe Stephen, who married Dorothy Dick, should be Joe Stepien. Thank you, Paul Chelli ____________________________________________

Oct 1, 2002 Re: [andrew-buchanan] RE: Surname Error-Stephen The name should be Stepian instead of Stephen? This "Stephen" family is yet another family I've been trying desperately to find, and now I know why I haven't been successful. That "Buchanan Family Tree" of Lorne and Doris's has led me down so many dead ends!! Thanks so much for this, Bill. :-) Suzanne ____________________________________________ Oct 2, 2002 The 1881 Canada Census CD-ROMs I was thinking of buying these (ultra cheap at $11 USD), but Judy suggested that I visit the Family History Centre and use them for free. Since this is the faster (but at the cost of gasoline, not necessarily cheaper) alternative, I spent 3 wonderful hours yesterday at the Edmonton Riverbend FHC searching for the 1881 census entries of some of the early Buchanans and Watsons. In the attached Microsoft Word file are the entries for the families of: George WATSON, James WATSON, David WATSON, J. (John) BUCHANAN, Samuel BUCHANAN, Alex. LONG (Robert Buchanan's family), William BUCHANAN, James BUCHANNON, Andrew BUCHANAN, MARGARET BUCHANAN AND JOHN YOUNG, WILLIAM'S SON ANDREW W. BUCHANAN, WILLIAM'S SON JAMES BUCHANAN, WILLIAM'S DAUGHTER JANE BUCHANAN AND RICHARD TERRY

Earlier I tried sending these useful links for online searches, but my message bounced back because of a change to my Excite.com account. So here they are again. 1871 Canada Census index for Ontario: http://www.archives.ca/02/020108_e.htm BC Archives births, marriages and deaths index (suggested to me by Barry Snider): http://www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca/textual/governmt/vstats/v_events.html Census Online (including the 1861 census of Elma Township Perth County, Ontario): http://www.census-online.com/links/ These have great potential. Let me know if you find anything interesting, including families that I couldn't find in the 1881 census, such as Charles

Buchanan and Ann Porter, Solomon Simons and Elizabeth Watson, Robert Watson (he may be dead in 1881 but his family aren't), James Buchanan's family, Charles' William and Mary McGregor, Jacob Henry Patrick and Elizabeth Buchanan, and others.

A HANDY TIP: If you want to copy tables of information from a web page, paste them into a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel) document. That way the tables aren't destroyed in the process. In fact, if you want to paste tables of information into a Word Processor or into the Notes of your genealogy database, copy them into a spreadsheet first, then select the rows you want, and copy and paste them into your text document. The table format is pasted in correctly. You may need to fine-tune the horizontal spacing, but it certainly beats retyping large tables. (To paste a table into a spreadsheet, firstly click inside the upper left-hand cell of the area you want to use.) ALSO: You can easily change the "sort order" of the items in the columns in Excel. Just click in a cell of the chosen column and then click on the sort button on the tool bar. You can view the same table or database sorted by name, date, location, event, or whatever the columns represent. Random census data can suddenly be organized alphabetically with just two easy clicks! (Always keep a copy of the original document unchanged for reference.) I invite you to share any useful links for online searches, etc. with the rest of us. Your cousin,

Bill Buchanan Attachment(not stored) 1881 Census.doc ____________________________________________ Oct 9, 2002 I have updated the information on my website to include family information that I have received in the past few months. Instead of multiple databases, there is now only one large one, as it is easier to update. The lists of names and surnames are now available from the home page. The notes now include the census data, where I have it. http://www.bill_buchanan.tripod.com Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Bill ____________________________________________

Oct 10, 2002 My Website - Corrected address Hi Everyone, I am sorry, but I accidentally added www. to the address of my website. It is actually http://bill_buchanan.tripod.com Since yesterday I have added an "updated Buchanan Family Tree" and a "Watson Family Tree." If these links don't appear when you view the site, click on the Refresh/Reload button to reload the page. To do searches in these documents, use Ctrl+F as with any web page. My apology for the confusion. I hope you enjoy the new content of my website. I am concerned about the notes, as some of these seem to have been messed up in the transformation from PAF format to the GEDCOM file I converted to HTML. [Barry, this IS the case after all. The PAF database I looked at when I replied to your question was the one I used as an intermediary step to eliminate personal data on living people.] Later I may switch from PAF 4.0.4 to PAF 5.2 and try again. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones.

Bill ____________________________________________

Oct 10, 2002 RE: [andrew-buchanan] My Website - Corrected address

Thanks Bill for all your work in compiling the Buchanan/Watson information in one place. A great resource for all descendants!

Donna Phillips, Camrose, AB ____________________________________________ Oct 23, 2002 Fw: Census news Thought this information might be useful to you. It includes the 1880/81 census for Canada, U.S., and Britain. Please feel free to share this with anyone you know who is researching those years. Barry ----- Original Message ----Sent: October 23, 2002 17:42 PM Subject: Census news

CHURCH ANNOUNCES RELEASE OF AMERICAN AND CANADIAN CENSUSES ONLINE See http://www.lds.org/media/article/0,5422,116-13102,00.html In honor of Family History Month, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is making invaluable indexes of American and Canadian heritage available free to the public. The 1880 United States Census and the 1881 Canadian Census, searchable databases of more than 55 million people, are now on the Internet. The online availability of these censuses was announced by President Gordon B. Hinckley in the Tabernacle on Temple Square with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing "O Canada" and "The StarSpangled Banner." Dozens of other press conferences were held across Canada and the United States. http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Search/frameset_search.asp?PAGE=census/search_census.asp ____________________________________________ Nov 3, 2002 buchanan photo Hi everyone, I've had this picture online for a while, but I still have one person unidentified. This photo was also included in the collection sent out by Bill. It's the family of William Buchanan and Anne (Thompson), taken about 1885 (I suspect it may have been taken at William's funeral, because everyone is in black and looks very sober). It's located at http://www.thetoybox.org/~eeyore/genealogy/identify.html I seem to be correct in labelling the back row Robert, Alex and John Charles. Still don't know who the fellow on the far right is - James or Andrew. Does anyone have any other photos of James or Andrew Buchanan to compare it with? I can't find any among Bill's collection. It's also really hard to tell the girls apart - Jane and Elizabeth were very close in age and looked a lot alike at this age. However, my grandfather told me a few years ago that none of the men in the photo was William Sam because he was "a big man." Bill does have a photo of Wm Sam in his collection, and I agree, he is not in this picture. (And again my thanks go out to Bill for his collection!) Suzanne ____________________________________________ Nov 18, 2002 Greetings

Hi Darlene, Now that you are online, I can include you in emails sent to other people. There is a listserv for descendants of Andrew and Jane Buchanan. Any messages sent to that email address goes to everyone who has subscribed to the listserv. It is run by Suzanne Schaller. To join it, send your request to Suzanne at suzannes@... I have found it somewhat disappointing how little email comes from this listserv, but at least it is a good way of getting information out to people. If enough active people subscribe to it, it has the potential to really come alive. You asked for Valerie's address: [an old address no longer valid] Valerie Buchanan 301 - 52313 Rge Rd 232 Sherwood Park, AB T8B 1B7 buggs36@... You already know Bernice Willerton. Her email address is willertonrb@... Barry Snider is also very active in Watson, Snider, and Willerton genealogy barrysnider@... Suzanne Schaller is an active Ontario genealogist. She is writing a book on the descendants of John Buchanan's brother William. suzannes@... or suzannes@... Patricia Hopkinson is a grand-daughter of Jim and Sarah Buchanan, closely related to the Buchanan brothers we met at Vera Ash's in Winnipeg. She is writing two books about Buchanans. She has taken two trips to County Tyrone, Ireland doing research. She is the one who has been most successful in finding information on our roots in Ireland. She is currently living in California. Her email address is pattyh@..., I think. If not, she uses the listserv and can let us know for sure. These are among the people who may be able to provide you with information, and who would be interested in information that you have. I will be posting more information from time to time on my web site http://bill_buchanan.tripod.com I look forward to hearing from you. Bill Everyone else to whom this message is CC'd You have heard me refer to Darlene Perrett, who does research for about 15 different genealogists. From time to time, I have sent you copies of the information she has researched in the Neepawa, MB newspaper archives. Please welcome her online.

Bill ____________________________________________ Nov 29, 2002 The Coulters If you know of anyone researching the Coulter family, please let Barry Snider know. barrysnider@...

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: Barry Snider To: Bill Buchanan Sent: November 28, 2002 1:25 PM Subject: Re: Pfaffs & Willertons Thanks Bill. I have added this information to my records. Too bad we can't access the 1910 census. That would clarify the children's names and birth years. Regarding the Coulter's, they are cropping up in several of my lines. And I vaguelly recall the name from Manitoba days. So I think they tie in to several of my lines. But I can't connect them together. Are you aware of anyone researching this line, that I could contact? Regards, Barry ____________________________________________ Dec 3, 2002 Some Old Letters In an email yesterday, Patricia Cherneff mentioned that as far as she knew her parents had not had two children who died in infancy. It occurred to me that the information might be in an old letter from her mother. I haven't found it yet, but did find some others. I don't know if you will find them interesting or not, but thought you might. I will probably not be posting them on my web site.

FOUR SCORE AND TEN (a poem by Annie B. McMane) What is there in living for a Grandmother like me With nothing to do and little to see? My hearing is gone and my muscles are sore, My eye-sight is failing, and my stories just bore. I live alone with my thoughts and my dreams With ambition gone, life is not what it seems Night follows day, and day follows night. How can we know which is wrong or is right.

Yet memories of a life time act as a guide And habits blindly followed, nothing we hide. We thank Our Creator for love freely given From loved ones we cherish, and a promise of heaven. Annie B. McMane ______________________________________________________

Riding Mountain, Man Sept 1, 1963 Dear Bill, Don't know if I can help you much on this family tree business, but I'll tell you all I can. My husband (Robert G. Buchanan) had three children before I married him. Gertie Wilson, Haney, BC Sam Buchanan, Neepawa Flossie died in infancy We had three children. Norman died in 1930. Bert lives at Neepawa Ann Bradshaw,Riding Mountain The two who died are buried in Rosedale Cemetery beside the old farm. Jim and Sarah are both gone. Jim is buried in Rosedale. Sarah is buried in Chapel Lawn Memorial Gardens, Winnipeg, 1959. Don't know the year Jim died. This is their family: Lottie Turncliff, 20 Arnold St, Winnipeg Ernest died 1923, buried Neepawa Eleanor Ferguson, Moreley Ave, Winnipeg Marjorie Mustoe, 14 Arnold Ave, Winnipeg Allan Buchanan, Varsity View, Charleswood, Winnipeg Dorothy Hopkinson, 4851 Stancroft Ave, Baldwin Park, California Edith, not married, 14 Arnold Ave, Winnipeg My mother's name was Ash. I can't think of anything else that would be of any help. I'm sorry I didn't meet you when you were down this way. So wishing you the best of luck with your family history. Your cousin, Katie Buchanan ______________________________________________________ 22320 Selkirk St. Haney, BC Nov 3, 1963

Dear Bill, Yes, I remember you very well. We were in Victoria a couple of weeks ago. Was speaking to Roxy Chatwin. She told me you had written her lately, and my letter was waiting for me when I got home. She thought you were not quite right in some things, which she was going to write you about. She said I told you James Watson had a diary. I think I told you David James Watson kept a diary - he always pulled out his little book when he visited me, before he went on to visit the next relative or friend. I did not know his father James Watson, my grandmother's brother. Now for my family: My mother was Annie Mary Coulter, born in Penn., USA in 1881 died May 18, 1911 at Neepawa, Man. Her father was William Cook Coulter, born in County Tyrone, Ireland Sept 22, 1856, died Dec 30, 1928 at Neepawa, Man. Her mother was Isabella Jane Stinson, born Apr 6, 1857 in County Tyrone, Ireland, died June 6, 1941 at Winnipeg, Man. You are right. My parents had me Jennie Gertrude, Samuel Dugald, and Flossie Mae. Samuel Dugald married Margaret Ann Jackson at Eden, Man. July 18, 1927. Children: Derle Cameron, died in infancy Mervyn Ross, born Jan 26, 1930 Robert Gerald, born July 2, 1933 Ronald Harold, born Aug 2, 1937 Mervyn married Mary May McCracken, July 29, 1952 Robert Gerald married Helena Marilyn Wood, May 26, 1956 My child is June Bernice McCracken born at Melville, Sask. June 9th, 1924. Married William Howard McCracken May 27th, 1946 in Vancouver, BC. @ children by adoption, boy and girl My Dad had 3 children by 2nd marriage: Norman Harold, oldest - died as the result of a gas explosion. Not killed directly by the explosion. Wilbert Victor and Annie Bradshaw. I can't remember the dates. Merv could get the information for you. Anne's girls are Sharon and Marjory but I can't remember their second names or the date of their births. I think Kate's mother's name was Johnson, but there are relations by the name of Ash, but I think they are the Watson clan, but don't quote me on this, as I am not sure. I will give you Lucille Pott's address and she is Katie's youngest sister. She may help you out. Explain what you are doing. Now I have done the best I can, and if I can help you further, write me. Mrs. D. Potts, 172 King Edward St, Vancouver, BC. As ever, Gertrude Wilson, wishing you luck. ______________________________________________________

Suite 4 Burroughs Blk. 205 Main St. N. Dauphin, Man. Mar 19/63 Dear Cousin Bill, Here it is almost spring, at least they say that spring begins March 21st. It has been very mild for the past two days, so hoping spring is not far away. Received a short note from Mabel Henry dated mar. 5th. She mentioned there may be a reunion of the Buchanan's this summer at Neepawa. As usual, Mabel has been busy and their train service is very poor. She did not mention how Roy was, but [had] a letter from Art Watson's wife. And she said Roy was really not well. Do hope that Bert and his wife are not too far from Roy's. Bert and Bessie [Watson] are now living at Burlington, Ont. Well Bill, finally have as much of the Buchanan family tree copied out as I have information. Do hope it will be of some use to you. By the way, if you have information as to my mother's mother's maiden name, should like to have it. Mabel says Grandma's name was Scott. This would be what some of the Buchanans call Grandpa Uncle Davie. If you have any information on the Watson's please let me have it. Hope you are keeping well and hope the Buchanan's have a reunion, that you are able to be at Neepawa for it. Sincerely, Jean or Jennie W. [Jean Victoria Watson] ____________________________________________

Dec 10, 2002 Old letters I could not find any of the letters from Roxy (Watson) Chatwin, but did find some others that are probably not of general interest, although I thought this one might be. If you are interested in the others, send me an email and I will send them to you. There is also a 1967 version of a Buchanan and Watson Family tree. Bill ________________________________________________________ Buchanan Society BUCHANAN & McILWRAITH, 166 Buchanan Street SOLICITORS. Glasgow, C1 ARTHUR R McILWRAITH, LLB.


21st September, 1964. William R. Buchanan, Esq., 1804 - 19th Avenue, S.W., CALGARY, Alberta, Canada.

Dear Sir, Your letter of 25th May has reached me after devious journeys, and I am interested to note what you say. Most members of the Buchanan Society are Scots, a1though we do have some from Ireland. The Society's records only cover members and I cannot trace any of your family among them, although in 1886 James Buchanan, from Omagh, Co. Tyrone, joined the Society. Again, in 1892 Col. Lewis Mansergh Buchanan, and in 1907 his son Lieut.Col. John Blacker Buchanan, both of Edenfel, Omagh, also joined. The Buchanan Society was founded in 1725, and is the oldest clan society in the world. Membership is confined to those bearing the name of Buchanan either by birth or marriage - or of any of the three recognised septs, MacAuslan, MacWattie or Risk. The subscription, which is payable on election and constitutes Life Membership, is £5.5 .-. except in the case of wives, daughters, or sisters of Members, who are admitted on payment of a subscription of £3.3 .-. Members are provided with a Handbook which gives particulars of the Society's activities, its Rules, and details of its Members since the inception of the Society. I may add that its membership is now world-wide. The objects of the Society are to assist Buchanans who are down on their luck through no fault of their own, and to help the young by granting Scholarships and Bursaries to students at schools and universities. Please let me know if you or any members of your family are interested in joining the Society, arid I will send on some forms to you. Yours faithfully, John M. Buchanan Secretary. JMB/NM. ____________________________________________

Dec 16, 2002 Aunt Maggie Matilda Buchanan stories When Sharon Chimney telephoned me, we immediately started talking about relatives. I enjoyed her stories about Red Bob's wife Maggie, one of our more colorful relatives. I found it especially interesting since Darlene Perrett had talked about Maggie when Judy & Andrew & I stayed at her house this summer. "I remember Aunt Maggie Buchanan really well. I loved her and I loved her stories. She came and stayed with us [Donnelley's] for a while. She lived with her daughter Bella Hunter and I loved to go visit her. She made me a blanket for my doll that I prized for years." "My Mother Gave Me Away" Maggie said,"When I was little, my mother [Bessie Glen Buchanan] dressed me up in my best dress and she gave me away to the neighbors. She stood me up on the table and turned me around. The neighbors took me to their house and I never returned to my real home ever again." Years later her daughter Bella Hunter told her that her mother was probably desperate and thought that this was the best thing she could do for Maggie. This only angered Maggie. She thought that abandoning a child was the worse thing that anyone could do. Yet she seems to have forgiven her father. "The Reunion" I told her the story of Maggie's reunion with her father James Buchanan, who left when she was a small child. Maggie answered the door, and an older man standing there asked her "Hello Maggie. Do you know who I am?" To which she replied, "Yes Father, I have been expecting you." Sharon said that she could tell more of the story, as told to her by Maggie. "Maggie said, my Dad came into the yard and my husband, looking out the window, said 'It's Uncle Jim!' I said, 'He's not Uncle Jim to me!' " I believe James lived with Red Bob and Maggie until he died 18 years later.

"Uncle [Dummy] Jim Buchanan built Mother [or Grandmother - I just wrote Mary, which could be either one] a lovely china cabinet which we unfortunately sold with the house. " "I have a dish on my dresser that used to belong to Aunt Maggie."

"Johnny Won't Spoon Up" A story that I have told previously is one I heard from Maggie's granddaughter Edna [Buchanan] Jasper, if I remember correctly. [Darlene was there and she can set me straight if I am wrong.] "Sometime before her marriage to Red Bob Buchanan, Maggie Matilda worked for a family that had several [4?] little boys that all slept in one bed. It as a tight fit, so they all had to face the same direction. She was constantly pestered by

little voices waking her up by calling out 'Nanny, Nanny, Johnny won't spoon up!'"

Some family stories are funny, some are curious, and some are tragic. May your own story be full of good times, but may the tragic times be treasured times as well. We all have them. They are part of life. Bill ____________________________________________

Dec 26, 2002 Charles Buchanan and Grace Campbell, and other comments Hi, I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday. Denton asked me off-list about Charles Buchanan and Grace Campbell. I don't know if you found the answer yet, Denton, but here it is: Andrew Buchanan, s/o Andrew and Jane, married Mary Jane Booth: they had many children, among them was Charles who married Grace Campbell. And yes, Robert Charles is listed as one of their children. Do you have the "yellow book" Buchanan Family Tree by Lorne and Doris Buchanan? That's what I'm looking at right now. It's about 30 years old now and not very accurate, but it does provide a starting point. Some of this data is on Bill's website or not (http://bill_buchanan.tripod.com) but I hope that he's corrected mistakes. :-) I'm in the process of updating the info for William Buchanan and Ann Thompson, but don't feel up to updating the rest of the seven branches. It's been really hard to find the time to get back to finishing up just this branch. (I have about 30 letters ready to go out in January, sitting on my desk right now... and more to prepare... to update the info that people sent me in about 1996-97!) It would be a great collaborative effort if we could get someone working on each of the eight branches (Robert, Charles, James, William, Andrew, Samuel, John and Jane) to update and correct the info from Lorne and Doris's book. I have some info that I've come across over the years for the other branches, but haven't made an effort to organize it. Suzanne ____________________________________________ Dec 26, 2002 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Charles Buchanan and Grace Campbell, and other comments Hi All.

Re Grace Campbell, I have her listed as Grace Ann Campbell, daughter of Robert Campbell (Big Bob) and Elizabeth Buchanan. And Elizabeth being the daughter of Robert Buchanan and Margaret Booth. The son, Robert Charles, I show married to Rosella Denton, with one son, Denton Charles Buchanan. Re Collaboration - I am descended from Jane Buchanan. I have many of her descendants on the Snider, Watson, and Buchanan sides. Much of the Buchanan side came from Bill, and so will be the same data as on his web site. But I would be happy to share what I have with anyone who is interested. Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Dec 28, 2002 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Charles Buchanan and Grace Campbell, and other comments thank you Suzanne for the information about charles Buchanan and Grace Campbell. I would be happy to provide info on the decendants of Charles and Grace (Campbell) if that would be of use. Have a great 2003 everyone! Denny Buchanan ____________________________________________

Dec 28, 2002 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Charles Buchanan and Grace Campbell, and other comments Regarding Robert Campbell and Elizabeth Buchanan, parents of Grace Ann Campbell. We show their oldest child Robert born in 1875. Yet I cannot find this family anywhere on the 1881 census. Has anyone else had better luck? Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Dec 30, 2002 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Charles Buchanan and Grace Campbell, and other comments

I can find no record of the Campbells on the 1881 census of Canada, but I do have these other notes regarding Charles Buchanan. Maybe the Campbells were not living in Canada in 1881 or got missed by the enumerators. I also didn't find them in the 1880 census of the USA. "1891 census of Rosedale RM, Manitoba gives Charles Buchanan's age as 21 "Val: Found on 1901 Manitoba census. Had Charles's father Andrew living with them. They were Presbyterian" Charles is on this entry from the 1881 census. Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion Andrew BUCHANAN W Male Irish 50 Ireland Farmer Church of England Maggie BUCHANAN Female Irish 21 O Church of England

Willie BUCHANAN Male Irish 19 O School Church of England Robert BUCHANAN Male Irish 16 O School Church of England Andrew BUCHANAN Male Irish 13 O School Church of England Charlie BUCHANAN Male Irish 11 O School Church of England Samuel BUCHANAN Male Irish 10 O School Church of England -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Census Place Elma, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375907 NA Film Number C-13271 District 172 Sub-district E Division 2 Page Number 56 Household Number 254 Bill ____________________________________________ Jan 2, 2003 Re: Genealogy Hi Darlene, I checked my database for that Willy Buchanan. Are you sure he is identified correctly? My database shows William Andrew Buchanan, son of Samuel Buchanan and Isabella Emaline Coulter as "living at Williams Lake, B.C. He was also called Squeaky Willie (a good enough reason to move to BC)" and married to Beatrice Harris and having a daughter Arlene Buchanan who is married with 4 children. My database has had other errors. I am wondering if we have found another.

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: Darlene Perrett To: Bill Buchanan Sent: January 2, 2003 7:41 AM Subject: Genealogy Hi Bill A couple of things: I have been in touch with Norma Watson. It was Bernice who told me about her and that she is related. She lives in town and I approached her in the restaurant at supper last night. She is out of William Watson and I have invited her out to see my Watson stuff. She has a laptop. I know that she has not been working on family history very long but has old photos so that is what I'm after for us plus of course info. So we will see how long it takes her to call. She does not use PAF but Family Tree Maker. Is it hard to change over?? Because if she is on the same as us it would make it alot easier to help her. What Do You Think? Please reply. 2nd thing: In the family photo's section. The one that reads "possibly Red Bob or Willy the blacksmith scanned at 600pi". I wish to clarify this for you:

This man is WILLIAM BUCHANAN page 6 - 6 in the B.F.T.B.. He is the son of Sam and Isabella Coulter Buchanan. This was confirmed to me by two sources Art Buchanan, son of "Nels" Buchanan, and his cousin Gertie Campbell at Riding Mountain, Manitoba one day when I met them up there and showed them that picture I own.. William was a batchelor and died in the Osborne Home in Neepawa 20 January l963. Must run D. ____________________________________________

Jan 2, 2003 William Henry Buchanan Thanks Barry, Your information makes sense. The man I visited in the Osborne Home in 1962 impressed me as being very old. William Henry Buchanan (son of Sam and Mary) being born in 1873 fits the bill better than his nephew William Andrew Buchanan (son of Sam and Isabella) born in 1898. The other information all fits together as well. I have renamed the picture WilliamHenryBuchanan-sonOfSam&Mary-600dpi.JPG and I have modified my notes for both these William Buchanans. Bill From: Barry Snider Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2003 10:47:42 -0800 To: "Buchanan, Bill" Subject: Fw: [andrew-buchanan] Re: Genealogy Hi Bill. Regarding William Buchanan. From my records there are two Williams (out of many). One is the uncle of the other. William Henry Buchanan, son of Samuel Buchanan and Mary Watson, died 20 Jan 1963 at Neepawa. There is no record of a wife, but the notes say he outlived all his family. Maybe there is something to staying single! William Andrew Buchanan (I have his common name as Andrew, not Squeaky Willie), son of Samuel Buchanan and Isabella Emaline Coulter, is shown in the notes as "Lives at Williams Lake, B.C." and is shown as married to Beatrice Harris with daughter Arlene. His father, Samuel, is shown as died 1956 at Williams Lake, B.C., and his mother, Isabella, is shown as died 1950 at Chilliwack, B.C. Both these deaths were confirmed by the on-line BC Archives. Hope this helps clear up the confusion.

Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Jan 3, 2003 Old Buchanan and Watson (Including Willerton) Family Photos Hi Everyone, I have just completed my major project to put the old family photos online. It is simpler for me (and cheaper too) than burning CD-ROMs and mailing them. I wasn't sure it could be done, as photos take a lot of storage space. Then, when I was looking for something else, I discovered bravenet.com, which offers 100 MB of FREE web space. Eureka! It has taken a while to get everything put together and uploaded (at the slow speed of my 28,8 kbps rural telephone line). But the site is ready for use. Bravenet limits bandwidth to 20 MB/day, so if that bandwith has been used, you may not be able to access the site or download from it. I don't expect this to be a problem after the first few days. A note on printing the pictures. Don't bother to print the small thumbnail pictures. They are only there to show you what the big pictures look like. Don't print the large pictures from the web browser - you will probably only get part of the picture, and the quality will probably not be very good either. Save the large pictures you want to your computer, then use your photo viewer to view and print the pictures. (As I mention on the site, IrfanView is an excellent free image viewer. For best viewing, click on the View menu and click on "Fit only big images to desktop.") I apologize for the lack of organization of the pictures. I sorted them out according to which of the 8 families they belong to, and that's the extent of the organizing. For people descended from more than one of the lines, check all the appropriate ancestors. For example, since I had lots of John Buchanan Family photos and fewer for the James Buchanan Family, I put Red Bob and Maggie Buchanan's family in the James Buchanan Family area. I have no photos for Charles' family and only 1 for Andrew's. I need more. I hope you enjoy the photos. There are over 300 of them.

Bill ____________________________________________ Jan 4, 2003 The address of my old family pictures site Hi Everyone, I have just completed my major project to put the old family photos online. The URL that was missing from my former message is:

http://billbuchanan.bravepages.com ... Bill ____________________________________________ Jan 5, 2003 photo comment Bill, your photo collection is great! I'll see what I can add from the ones I found at my grandmother's this fall. I have the William & Ann photo online at http://www.thetoybox.org/~eeyore/genealogy/identify.html By comparison with the other photos, I have identified the folks as follows, although I still could have Jane and Elizabeth mixed up - they were very close in age and looked a lot alike. Robert and John Charles also looked a lot alike, but I have two other photos of him (will try to get them scanned; one of them appears in the Elmanac but is very small). Back row: Robert, Alex, John Charles, James Middle: Jane Terry, Ann (Thompson), Margaret Young Seated on floor: Elizabeth Patrick I still believe that this photo was taken in 1885 soon after William's death. John Charles would have come from the west (Manitoba), and everyone is dressed in black and very somber. William Sam hadn't yet moved out west, and I think Andrew was living in Mornington township at this time, so I'm not sure why they weren't there to be in the photo. re: William and Ann's house 1880s photo on Bill's page, is it Gary who lives in this house now? Or is this the place that Andy and Delores just sold? (I certainly hope not the latter...) Sue ____________________________________________ Jan 5, 2003 photo comment Re: [andrew-buchanan] photo comment Hi Suzanne; The house in the picture is the house that Andy and Delores just sold. It is on the east part of the original farm that was split into two (between two brothers). Gary (my brother) still lives on the west half in the older house. I am not sure of the age difference. Nancy (Buchanan) Mills

____________________________________________ Jan 5, 2003 There's Gold in them thare hills! Thought this might be interesting as we appear to have ancestors with the gold bug. From the "Manitoba Daily Free Press," (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada), 23 December 1886, page 5: GOLD Mining Operations in British Columbia. Most of the inhabitants of the Northwest are desirous of amassing wealth, or at least a competency; but they hope to do it by the tedious methods of ordinary commercial transactions. Many of them are not aware that they are not far removed from a district where men dream of becoming rich in a day by luckily striking a gold mine, and where on a minor scale the exciting scenes of California and of Ballarat are being reproduced. When the traveller passes through the long Kicking Horse Pass and gets into the heart of the "sea of mountains" a customary sight is to see the prospector, with a wallet strapped to his shoulders and armed with his geological hammer. Two mines have been discovered right along the C.P.R. line through the Selkirks, but the want of machinery and capital has yet prevented their richness of being fully tested . . . A large number of Chinamen find a profitable employment in washing the sand along the Fraser River for gold dust. They very often make as much as $10 per day. There is no doubt but that in the beds of the rivers there are large quantities of gold . . . Of course the Cariboo district is the scene of the most extensive mining operations. Ever since the gold fever of 1858, which brought to Cariboo, mining adventurers from all parts of the world, the mines there have been worked, but in a very desultory fashion until a short time ago. A large number of mines are now being worked and the [returns?], while not holding forth much encouragement to those who want to get fabulously wealthy in a minute, are yet satisfactory to those who do not want the earth. The Peace River district, which is immediately adjoining the Cariboo country, is also being vigorously explored, and enough traces of gold have been found to indicate that it may yet become a mining district of considerable importance. Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Jan 6, 2003

Re: Hamiltons Hi Darlene, I spoke to Norma Wooley Kabanuck last night. She gave me information about her family and her parents' family. Tonight I will telephone her grand daughter who has a computer and email, etc. We will try to get some of the Hamilton branch of the family involved in things. Bill ----- Original Message ----From: Darlene Perrett To: Bill Buchanan Sent: January 6, 2003 8:09 AM Subject: Hamiltons Hi Bill Well don't know how to help. I was doing the same thing as you on Canada 411. So how did you make out with the phone call? Been busy all week-end with company staying. Let me know. D. ____________________________________________ Jan 6, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] photo comment Hi Sue, This is the house that Andy and Delores sold a year or two ago. I understand that it is the one that William and Ann built, but I may have been hasty in labeling it as such. Andy could verify whether that is the case, but I don't have his email address and the one I had for Steve no longer works. I have no other contacts in that family. Bill ____________________________________________ Jan 6, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] photo comment Hi Nancy and everyone else. Nancy's message sent me digging up more information. This is what I find in Elizabeth Hardie's account: "Later, when the survey was made and lines blazed and deeds from the

government made out, a shanty or log house and stable for some stock was built near the centre of the farm, and about 20 rods [about 35 metres] back of the present buildings. They must have been in use up till about 1875, when the present house and barn were built. It was one of the first bank barns in the township -- and the house -- Well! It was simply a marvel for those days -- a separate pantry, washroom, 2 parlors, and most wonderful -even colored glass in the front door. Grandfather enjoyed the new buildings about 10 years. He took a lingering stomach trouble, and died in or about the year 1885. Shortly after his death the farm was divided. The two sons, Jimmie and Alexander took over the farm, and buildings were built nearer the road for Jimmie." So, the house in the picture (the one sold by Andy and Delores) was the one built for Jimmie about 1890, after the death of William. When we visited Donegal this past summer, I noticed buildings a long way back of this house (at the end of the road that passes where Andy's old barn was), but missed the possible historical significance. Does Gary have an email address? It would be handy to be able to send email to Donegal. Do you have a picture of the older house? Bill ____________________________________________

Jan 6, 2003 Further work done on the old family photos site I have made the following changes: 1. corrected the identification of the house at Donegal 2. added William Henry Buchanan's picture 3. fixed the column-width problem To see the changes, you may need to click on the Reload/Refresh button when you are on the page. http://billbuchanan.bravepages.com

Bill ____________________________________________

Jan 7, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] photo comment It used to be woolen@... - I'm not sure if that's still current.

Sue At 12:09 PM 1/6/03 -0700, you wrote: Does Gary have an email address? It would be handy to be able to send email to Donegal. Do you have a picture of the older house? Bill ____________________________________________ Jan 7, 2003 Re: Charles Buchanan and Grace Campbell, Thank you everyone for the info on my grandparents Charles & Grace (Campbell). I never met Charles but my older cousins say that nobody has ever hear of Charles having a middle name. Does anyone know? [Denton C Buchanan] ____________________________________________ Jan 14, 2003 Elma township church records Hi everyone, I was reading the history of Donegal United Church in the Elmanac. There are no records for this church listed on the United Church archives website. I've found that some Elma township methodist records are listed under Trowbridge/Milverton Methodist Church (see http://vicu.utoronto.ca/archives/lcrT.html and click on Trowbridge). Most of the Buchanans were methodist. Has anyone checked these records yet? If not, I'll have a look at them next time I'm in Toronto (within the next few weeks, hopefully), and/or try to order them by ILL. Sue ____________________________________________ Jan 14, 2003 Elizabeth Pfaff who married George Willerton Regarding Elizabeth Pfaff, does anyone have any information to share on her family, i.e., the names of her parents? I found this family living next door to Thomas Willerton and family on the 1881 Canadian Census. The Elisebeth listed is the right age for our Elizabeth (born about 1867). But I can't be sure unless we know her parents' names. Would appreciate any information you can share which would help confirm or deny that this is her family. Thanks. Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation

Religion John POFF M Male German 45 Germany Farmer Lutheran Mary POFF M Female German 42 Germany Lutheran Luie POFF Male German 18 O Farmer Son Lutheran George POFF Male German 17 O Farmer Son Lutheran John POFF Male German 16 O Farmer Son Lutheran Sophia POFF Female German 14 O School Lutheran Elisebeth POFF Female German 13 O School Lutheran Cathrine POFF Female German 12 O School Lutheran Joseph POFF Male German 10 O School Lutheran Carolina POFF Female German 8 O School Lutheran William POFF Male German 7 O School Lutheran Mary POFF Female German 6 O Lutheran Michael POFF Female German 4 O Lutheran Albert POFF Male German 3 O Lutheran Christina POFF Female German 1 O Lutheran Source Information: Census Place Ellice, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375907, NA Film Number C-13271 District 172, Sub-district B, Division 3, Page Number 28, Household Number 136 Barry Snider Healthy Profits http://www.healthy-profits.com/main.php?member_id=71642 ____________________________________________ Jan 15, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Elma township church records Hi Sue, Valerie Buchanan has done some research on these records, at least the Milverton-Trowbridge Methodist pastoral charge, including Elma. Her email address is buggs36@... (e.g. Name of person baptized: Mary Jane Buchanan Names of parents: Wm S & Margaret Residence: Elma Born where: Elma Born when: Jan 20/87 (Jan 23/87?) Baptized when: July 24/90 Baptized where: Elma Minister baptizing: D. Rogers) Bill ____________________________________________ Jan 16, 2003 Document from Roy Woolsey - great-grandson of John & Isabella Buchanan

I was able to copy several documents in the possession of Roy Guy Woolsey, son of Bernice Hamilton, daughter of Jane Buchanan and John Hamilton. I have attached them as a Windows WordPad document. It can be opened with either Microsoft Word or the WordPad accessory (Start Menu>Programs> Accessories>WordPad) Yes, Barry and Darlene, Jonathan J. Hamilton and John James Hamilton are different people. They are two of the 14 children of Joseph Hamilton and Mary Busby. I had hoped to get the Hamilton pictures on http://billbuchanan.bravepages.com today. Well - maybe tomorrow afternoon I am tired from all the typing. (Usually I can use OCR but the originals were in poor shape so it didn't work.) I will keep looking for more of John and Isabel's descendants in the Hamilton and McGillivray families, along with my other pursuits. In a month or two it may be ready for my database website. I hope you enjoy information in the attached document. If necessary, I can send you the info pasted into the body of an email message, but the word processor document looks much nicer. It had a picture of Mary Busby Hamilton, mother of John James Hamilton, but that made it too large for Yahoo.

Bill Attachment(not stored) Documents in the possession of Roy Woolsey- no photo.doc ____________________________________________ Jan 17, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Document from Roy Woolsey - great-grandson of John & Isabella Buchanan Hi Bill. Colour me confused! I have only one John Hamilton in my list, married to Jane Buchanan. But I have no Joseph Hamilton or Mary Busby. And why would they have two sons, both named John? (Maybe one died young?) Haven't gone through your attachment yet, but will do so and add it to my notes. Thanks. Barry Snider ____________________________________________

Jan 17, 2003 Re: Document from Roy Woolsey - Hamilton Family pictures - etc. Yes, John Hamilton (John James Hamilton) married Jane Buchanan. That is correct. His brother Jonathan J. Hamilton (no middle name in any of Roy's material I looked at) also married and had a family, although I have no information on his family yet. Joseph and Mary Busby Hamilton are

the parents of 14 children, including John, Jonathan, (and Abner that you may have heard of). Most of them migrated to the Tisdale area of Saskatchewan about 1909. I spoke to the wife of Al Hamilton, son of Lawrence son of Guy. Within a week or so I hope to get more Hamilton info from them. Al's mother in law passed away yesterday morning, so I caught them at an unfortunate time. CORRECTION: Roy's mother's name is Beatrice (not Bernice). I hope Al Hamilton can give me all the information on Guy Hamilton's descendants. I have had no luck yet with the Andrews or Englands. Roy doesn't know where they are, and the info in his newspaper clippings is really old. Check out the Hamilton family pictures. They are the first you will see when you select the family of John Buchanan and Isabella Watson at http://billbuchanan.bravepages.com Enjoy! Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Jan 21, 2003 Fw: Hamilton Information from Wendy Walter Hi Everyone, I just received this wonderful message from Wendy Walter 3rdGGDaughter of John Buchanan. (
I had a chance to visit with Granny [Norma Woolsey Kabanuck] yesterday.The photo you sent was of the 3 Arps sisters and their husbands. Left to right Lorne & Alice, Jack & Mabel, Bill & Lucille. The center couple is Normas Uncle Jack Hamilton and his wife Mabel. Missing from the photo is their brother Arnold who had married to Muriel Buyers. (Both were teachers.) Norma had gone to the Arpsville school with Lucille. (The school was named after Mr. Arps) Jack Hamilton (son of John James Hamilton and Jane Buchanan) had married Mabel Arps and they lived in the mining town of Flin Flon, Manitoba. They had two sons, both of which were sadly lost, one [Melvin] to an appendix operation in his teens, the second [Gordon] in a car accident in his 30's. There were 3 grandsons. Jack & Mabel had moved to St. Catherines, Ontario (upon retiring?) and wintered in Florida. After Mabel died, Jack kept in contact with Norma [Woolsey] and Aunt Beatrice [Woolsey] on a regular basis. He spent the last few years of his life nearly blind. John James Hamilton (B.1856 Ontario D.1913 Tisdale Saskatchewan. He died 4 years before Norma was born.) married to Jane Buchanan (B.1859 Perth County Quebec - D. July 13, 1931 Tisdale, Saskatchewan. She died 1 year before her daughter Lillian who was Normas mother.) Married in Neepawa, moved to Willow Hill [Tisdale, SK] District in 1905. They had 7 children... - Guy married Ethel King, their 5 children .... - Jean - Laurence (Father of Al Hamilton, famous hockey player for the Edmonton Oilers) - Billy - Madeline - Vivian - Mary married Henry? Andrews - Edith married William Andrews - Lizzie married Jack England, their 3 children... - Dorthy - Rupert - Mark (Lizzie died during childbirth. Mark was raised by Grandma Jane) - Lillian married Norman Woolsey, their children... - Norma married Alexander Kabanuk their 2 children... - Lyle Kabanuk married Eleanor Bayrack, their 2 children... - Micheal - Patricia - Karen Lillian Kabanuk married Sterling Kenneth Smith of Ontario, their 3 children... - Norma Wendy Lynn born August 23, 1968 Fairview, Alberta married Garth John Walter born May 17, 1967 in Benton County, Corvallis Oregon USA, their 3 children... - Colton Charles Walter born May 14, 1991 Beaverlodge, Alberta - Johnathon Mackenzie Walter born May 7, 1993 Grande Prairie, Alberta - Katelyn Lee Walter born December 19, 1995 Beaverldoge, Alberta - Calvin Sterling Smith - Janice Emily Smith - Raymond Woolsey - Harold Woolsey - Elva married Gus Lambrecht - Peggy married Elmer Modrall (Lillian died during childbirth and the family was raised by Norma & he father Norman) - Beatrice (Aunt Bea) married Clifford Woolsey - Jack (as seen in center of the photo) married Mabel Arps

To work back in time... John James Hamilton was the son of Joseph Hamilton (Born in Ireland. Died prior to 1890) married Mary Busby (Born in Ottawa 1830? Died in 1924 at Tisdale Saskatchewan.) They settled in Gladstone Manitoba in 1874 then moved to Neepawa Manitoba. They had 14 children. She lived with Jane & John Hamilton for the last 20 years of her life. Her father was John Busby (Born in Ireland). Above as quoted by Norma Edith Jane Kabanuk (Woolsey) January 19, 2003 at the age of 85. I have much more information, but I will send it later. Until later, Your cousin, Wendy Walter ____________________________________________

Jan 21, 2003 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Fw: Hamilton Information from Wendy Walter Bill….I grew up in Flin Flon. The Lawe (sp?) family lived in our neighbourhood and apparently they are descendants of the Hamiltons discussed below. My dad has been collecting information on their family, and hopefully will be able to provide it to us sometime soon. I’ll keep you updated. Donna ____________________________________________ Jan 24, 2003 Some new findings (at least, new to me) I came across the following in my family research. Barry Snider Healthy Profits http://www.healthy-profits.com/main.php?member_id=71642 From Marriage Notices of Ontario, by Reid: P. 439, Christian Guardian, Toronto, 24 March 1852: March 1st, Andrew Buchanan to Mary Jane Booth, both of Elma. (Rev. Geo. Case) [Note - I only had the year before, not the exact date] From Marriage Notices of Ontario, by Reid: P. 290, Globe, Toronto, 13 Aug 1844: On 30th ult., Andrew H. Linen to Catherine Hunter, both of Edwardsburgh. (Rev. Robert Boyd) [Note - this changes the marriage date from Aug 30 to July 30] From Marriage Notices of Ontario, by Reid: P. 425, Christian Guardian, Toronto, 20 September 1854: At the bride's

father's, in Trafalgar, on September 14th, Joseph Snider to Rachel, youngest daughter of Thomas Secord. (Rev. D. Wright) [Note - if you are not tracking Snider's, you can ignore this one] From Ontario Marriage Notices, by Wilson: P. 172, Christian Guardian, Toronto, 19 April 1848: In Mornington, Feb 24th, Joseph Hamilton & Mary Busby. (Rev. W. Dignam) From Ontario Marriage Notices, by Wilson: P. 295, Christian Guardian, Toronto, 10 Oct 1855: Aug. 20th, John Farrell & Sophia Busbey, both of Mornington. (Rev. Wm. Glass) [Note - not clear yet how this fits, but suspect she is a relative of Mary Busby because 1) both are from Mornington and 2) the mother's name is Sophia] ____________________________________________ Jan 26, 2003 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Fw: Hamilton Information from Wendy Walter Hi Bill and other posters I spoke with my Dad this morning about the Hamilton connection in Flin Flon. I was mistaken about which Hamiltons he was referring to. My Dad worked with LAWRENCE HAMILTON (son of Guy Hamilton and Ethel King) for years at the Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting where Laurence was an electrician. They used to talk about the connection between Lawrence’s Hamilton family and my mom’s Buchanan family. In addition, Lawrence’s daughter Mavis lived in our neighborhood and her son was a good friend of my younger brother. Below is the information that Dad has recorded about this Hamilton family: Lawrence Hamilton (son of Guy Hamilton and Ethel King) married to Doris Setter (born in Baldur, Manitoba, she is still alive at 90+ years and living in Flin Flon) Mavis married to Bob Lau (3 children? Gordon, Diane and ??) Al -- hockey player you mentioned, living in Edmonton “Zeke” died in Calgary in 2001 Pat -- lives in BC Dan -- married to Donna Moore (1942-2002), lives in Flin Flon -- 3 sons (Sean, Michael, Pat) Donna Phillips, Camrose ____________________________________________ Jan 26, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Some new findings (at least, new to me) Good work, Barry!

Bill ____________________________________________

Jan 26, 2003 1906 census Both the 1901 AND the 1906 censuses are now available on-line through the National Archives website. You can access the 1906 census by clicking on the following: http://www.archives.ca/02/02015304_e.html Barry Snider ____________________________________________

Jan 26, 2003 Margaret Hunter Linnen Welsh Regarding Margaret Hunter who married first, Adam Linnen and second, Richard Welsh or Walsh, this appears to be them on the 1881 census. On the 1851 census, the children are Elizabeth, Robert, William & George Linnen, presumably by the 1st husband, and Jane & Allan Welsh, either by the 2nd husband or from his first marriage. On the 1881 census, Allen Walsh and Allan Welsh seem to be the same child, now 29 years older. And William Lannon and William Linnen appear to be the same child, now 28 years older. But Margurite Walsh is new - maybe a grandchild? Anyone know? Household Record 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion Ritchard WALSH M Male Scottish 71 Scotland Farmer Presbyterian Margurite WALSH M Female Scottish 80 Scotland Presbyterian Allen WALSH M Male Scottish 37 O Farmer Presbyterian Margurite WALSH Female Scottish 21 O Presbyterian William LANNON Male Scottish 45 O Store Keeper Presbyterian Source Information: Census Place Edwardsburg, Grenville South, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375866, NA Film Number C-13230 District 106, Sub-district C, Division 2, Page Number 62, Household Number 274 Barry Snider Healthy Profits http://www.healthy-profits.com/main.php?member_id=71642 ____________________________________________

Jan 26, 2003

Re: [andrew-buchanan] 1906 census Yes, but (while I do welcome having these online) neither are searchable by surname, you need to know the location. Suzanne At 02:35 PM 1/26/03 -0800, you wrote: Both the 1901 AND the 1906 censuses are now available on-line through the National Archives website. You can access the 1906 census by clicking on the following: http://www.archives.ca/02/02015304_e.html Barry Snider ____________________________________________

Jan 28, 2003 McGillivrays Concerning the family of John Buchanan and Isabel Watson: I spoke to Glen Thorpe yesterday. He will be in BC for another 4 weeks, but after returning home to Saskatchewan he will send me a copy of his McGillivray information. He said: "My McGillivray genealogy doesn't go back that far, just to Dan McGillivray. Relatives have traced the Thorpe side back to 1247." "We went to the Neepawa 75th anniversary, and while there, we visited the old home place of Dan and Lizzie McGillivray. Earl McGillivray was with us. The people who owned the farm invited us in. When they looked at Earl's height, they remarked 'We always wondered why the door of the house was 6 inches taller than a normal door, but now we understand!'" When I mentioned the picture of Dan McGillivray with John James Buchanan and Billy Parvin, he replied "It's not surprising Billy would be in the picture. He lived with the Dan McGillivray family all his life." They seemed to be a generous, caring family. Elderly relatives they cared for include John and Isabella Buchanan. I don't know if I mentioned it, but a young McGillivray cousin, Nicole Watt, won a silver medal for Canada in figure skating three years ago. Don't expect any more McGillivray info from me until April or May. In the meantime I will see what more I can find about the Hamiltons. I phoned Al's place and spoke to one of his children, who said they would pass the message along to have him call me.

Darlene says she has two more packages for me, so there will be lots of interesting stuff. Thank you Kelly Mitchell for the pictures of the family of Andrew Richard Buchanan and Annie Maude Danbrooke. You will find the first three of these pictures at the start of the William Buchanan Family page and the fourth at the end of the page. If you have any old pictures to send me, I will get as many as possible posted as soon as possible. The pictures site is http://billbuchanan.bravepages.com We have had lots of beautiful snow recently. It will help provide the moisture that is badly needed in our part of the world. Bill ____________________________________________ Jan 28, 2003 RE: [andrew-buchanan] McGillivrays Hi Bill…checked out your photo pages. Looking great! One correction: Photo titled MaryJane&GeorgeSmith&DaughterElizabeth…..Elizabeth was Mary Jane’s sister, not her daughter. This is the same Elizabeth featured in a number of photos on the page … my grandmother, daughter of Long Johnny and married to Charles MacArthur. Donna ____________________________________________ Jan 28, 2003 email address request Does anyone have a current email address for Perry Brisbin? I used to have one around somewhere, but I can't find it... He's the one who's done a lot of work on Margaret Buchanan and John Young. Thanks, Suzanne ____________________________________________ Jan 28, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] McGillivrays Thanks Donna, I have changed it. Bill


Feb 1, 2003 Received from Darlene this week I received two envelopes from Darlene Perrett this week, and typed it up. The attachment is in Windows WordPad/Word 95 format. It should open if you double-click it. If not, use Start menu > Programs>Accessories>WordPad. From Darlene Perrett - 30 Jan2003.doc - newspaper clippings, census data, etc. that may be of general interest

I also received the following, about families who are not descendants of the Buchanans and Watsons, but are related by marriage. If you want them let me know and I will email them to you. Darlene sent them to me at my request, but they will probably not be of general interest. 1. Joseph and Abner Hamilton by Boyd Hamilton.doc - A bio of John Hamilton's father Joseph and brother Abner. 2. Davidson Families from First Century of Langford .doc - A prominent Manitoba family member married John Hamilton's sister. This is the story of John A. Davidson's relatives. 3. Davidson family Century Family Farm.doc - This has much of the same content as the previous one, and is written by the same person (Beulah Smith Davidson)

Bill Attachment(not stored) From Darlene Perrett - 30 Jan2003.doc ____________________________________________

Feb 1, 2003 Elmanac Hi all, I still have the Elmanac on loan from my mother, but she's going to want it back soon. I think I'll do some furious photocopying before I give it back. If there's anyone I could look up for any of you, let me know. I can photocopy anything I find and snail-mail it to you. I also have the Wallace township book Magnified Memories on loan from my grandmother. She hasn't asked for it back, but I'm sure she will just when I least expect it. :-) So, the same offer is extended for Wallace township.

Sue ____________________________________________

Feb 4, 2003 Pictures of Soldiers I have now uploaded the pictures Darlene sent me of three young cousins who died in WWI . You can find them at http://billbuchanan.bravepages.com Lawrence Buchanan's picture will be the first one on the Robert Buchanan Family page. Carman Gardiner and Joseph Willerton will be the first pictures seen on the Jane Buchanan Family page. I am still soliciting any pictures available, especially for the Andrew Buchanan and Charles Buchanan families.

Bill ____________________________________________

Feb 4, 2003 Fw: KELWOOD CENTENNIAL FYI Barry Snider Healthy Profits http://www.healthy-profits.com/main.php?member_id=71642 ----- Original Message ----From: To: Sent: January 30, 2003 20:53 PM Subject: KELWOOD CENTENNIAL please pass on to anyone who might be interested - Thanks Thelma Tue Feb 4, 2003 11:51 am Attachment(not stored) 1_KELWOOD CENTENNIAL book request.doc ____________________________________________ Feb 13, 2003 Website Updates

I have fixed the two thumbnail images that failed to appear on the James Buchanan Family page on the photos site. Please let me know if anything else stops working. Lately Tripod has been suspending my main site for an hour or two at a time because they claim that the site traffic exceeds my allotted bandwidth. (This has only started happening since they have been promoting a higher bandwith PAID service.) So I have placed a link on the Bravenet (photos) site allowing you to access the 2003 database from there. I also cleaned up the duplicate surnames from the surname directory. I will also remove the 2002 version of the database from the Tripod site, in the hope that this makes them a little more congenial. :-) I apologize for not getting the Adam Watson photos from Pat Cherneff posted on the photos site yet. It really is on my list. I may also need to weed-out duplicate photos or more recent photos to keep within Bravenet's (Bravepages) 100 MB limit, so if there are pictures you want that fall into either of those two categories, I encourage you to download them in the next few days.

Bill ____________________________________________ Feb 20, 2003 Adam Watson Photos My Bravenet site now has the pictures of Adam Watson, son of Jane Buchanan and James Watson. However, the Jane Buchanan Family page is not loading well. I have eliminated the duplicate pictures to try to reduce the page's size and complexity, but it is still failing to load properly. I don't have any more time to spend on it today, but within the next few days I will work on it again. The frustrating thing is that the page loads perfectly from a local folder, but loading it from the server has problems.

Bill ____________________________________________

Feb 21, 2003 Battle of the Windmill I knew from Patty Hopkinson that Adam Linnen (brother-in-law to James Watson, senior) had died at the Battle of the Windmill, but I knew nothing about the nature of this battle.

A very interesting account can be found at http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~twigs2000/chap20.html The account is given by one of Adam's opponents, a young American who was captured in this battle. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Bill ____________________________________________ Feb 23, 2003 James Watson, senior in 1861 census While looking through a bunch of old papers, I found some photocopied pages from the 1861 census. On one of the pages, there is the entry for James Watson (senior) and his two youngest sons. Since so many people on the listserv are connected to the Watsons, I thought it might be of interest. 1861 census (entries 33, 34, 35 on the page. I don't have the page number, but on the right-hand side there is an outline of a stain that looks like a lake.) PERSONAL CENSUS Enumeration District , No. 9 Township of Turnberry Names Occupation Place of Birth Married Religion Age Next Sex M/S this year Birthday James Watson Farmer Scotland F.C. 66 M W George Watson Labourer Canada 17 M S William Watson Labourer Canada 15 M S (I altered the formatting by eliminating separate columns, including an unused "Residence if out of limits" column, to fit the page better)

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Mar 1, 2003 Darlene's latest finds in the Neepawa newspaper archives Hi Everyone, I have finished typing the material Darlene Perrett sent me this autumn. (partly by using my ViaVoice 9 software, which allows me to read aloud to the computer and have it type my words. I have corrected thousands of speech recognition errors, but some may remain. - Yes, my typing is so slow that this is actually faster.)

I have also enclosed two obituaries from Elma Township Ontario, sent to me by Nancy Buchanan Mills. Nancy's stepfather Don Holmes has sent me some Elma Township census transcriptions he has made. I will be working on them over the next while. Happy Hunting!

Bill Buchanan Attachment(not stored) Clippings from Darlene Perrett, autumn 2002.doc ____________________________________________ Mar 2, 2003 Re: William Jackson Bill, you mentioned William Jackson in a recent note: "The Neepawa Press Tuesday February 16th, 1909 Kelwood - William Jackson is going around with one of those little smiles. A boy." If this is the same William Jackson, he married Louisa Jane Smith, a relative on my mother's side. I believe this is the family in the 1881 census: Household Record 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion Joseph JACKSON M Male Irish 26 O. Labourer E. Methodist Agness JACKSON M Female German 26 O. E. Methodist Anne JACKSON Female Irish 6 O. E. Methodist William John JACKSON Male Irish 4 O. E. Methodist Harvey JACKSON Male Irish 1 O. E. Methodist Source Information: Census Place Mountain, Dundas, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375864, NA Film Number C-13228 District 102, Sub-district E, Division 4, Page Number 6, Household Number 25 Barry Snider ____________________________________________

Mar 2, 2003 Mrs James Snider Bill, regarding the recent clipping you sent: "The Neepawa Press Friday March 18th, 1910 News of Neepawa Andrew and John Snider, Mrs. David Watson (Minnie) and Mrs. Robert Alexander, went up to Hamiota on Tuesday to attend the funeral of their mother Mrs. James Snider, who died there on Monday at the home of her daughter Mrs. Ely. Interment of Mrs. Snider took place at Shoal Lake. The

mourners returned to Riding Mountain yesterday." Mrs James Snider was Elizabeth Ann Hutchinson, my great grandmother. Andrew would be David Andrew (Andy), my grandfather, who married 1st Isabella Watson, and 2nd Annie Watson Gardiner. And John would be John Allen (Jack), who married Jennie Watson. Mrs David Watson is Minnie Maude Snider. Mrs Robert Alexander is Laura Elizabeth Snider. Not sure who Mrs Ely is, but possibly Hester Florence Snider, who I show married to Allan Eby. (Is this a typo Bill? If not, I may have the name wrong) Other children not mentioned, but who should still be living in 1910 are: Annie Maria Snider (Mrs Robert Hainstock) of Shoal Lake. Joseph Henry Snider who married Minnie McAdam. James William Snider Francis Nelson Snider who married Mary ?? In the second obituary, there is reference to Mrs V Cornwall, sister of the deceased. If anyone has further information on this, I would appreciate it. As I have no record of who her sisters married, and was not aware that a sister had moved to Manitoba. Thanks. Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Mar 2, 2003 Allan Gardiner I wasn't aware that Allan had moved to BC. This may be his death record. "The Neepawa Press, Fri March 15, 1907: News of Neepawa - D..R. Gardiner went to Winnipeg on Wednesday. He was accompanied by his son Allan who has secured a position in the city. The Neepawa Press, Friday February 10th, 1911: News of Neepawa - Allan Gardiner left for Agassiz, BC." From the BC Archives on-line: Name: Allan Wentworth Gardiner, Place: North Surrey, Reg. Number: 1971-09-006492, Date: 1971 4 19 (Yr/Mo/Day), Age: 81, Event: Death, Microfilm #: B13310 (GSU # 2034218) Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Mar 2, 2003 George Willerton Bill, when I went to copy this clipping into my records, I found a previous clipping. They appear to contradict his location.

The 1907 clipping says he is moving from Manitoba to Saskatchewan. But the 1910 clipping says they are leaving Spring Hill, Manitoba for B.C. And I show George and Elizabeth both deceased in Winnipeg. I have only one George Willerton in my records. Where there two George Willerton's? "The Neepawa Press, Friday 31 May, 1907: News of Neepawa - Geo Willerton is moving to homestead at Battleford, Sask. The Neepawa Press, Friday November 11th, 1910: Riding Mountain - Mr. and Mrs. George Willerton of Spring Hill are visiting many friends in this district before leaving for BC, where they intend making their home." Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Mar 2, 2003 Sam Buchanan Which Sam Buchanan was this? It doesn't fit with any Sam in my records. "The Neepawa Press Friday January 3rd, 1911 News of Neepawa Sam Buchanan returned on Saturday to his home in Birnie after several years' absence (released from jail, spent six years-DP) " Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Mar 2, 2003 Solomon Watson Bill, wasn't the Red River Rebellion in about 1869-1870? The Hudson's Bay Company sold the land to Canada in 1869, and Manitoba became a province in 1870, which led to all the settlement and the moves from eastern Canada and elsewhere around that time. The transfer from HBC to Canada caused the grievances which led to the Red River Rebellion. And Solomon Watson was born in 1865. So he would be pretty young to serve at that time. Would they be speaking of a different Solomon Watson? Or was there a separate and later rebellion? "The Neepawa Press Tuesday in November 15th, 1910 Neepawa Veterans Forming a local company of the Veterans Brigade. The qualifications are possession of a war medal or in lieu of a metal 10 years or over of continuous service with the colors. Already enrolled: Ralph Donnelly, first Battalion Oxford L H, 12 years India; Solomon Watson 91st Battalion, North West Rebellion. "

Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Mar 2, 2003 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Sam Buchanan Yes, I’ve been curious about the Sam Buchanan who went to prison. What for? When? Which Sam Buchanan? Does anyone know the story? Donna ____________________________________________ Mar 2, 2003 Effie Hamilton "The Neepawa Press Tuesday April 4th, 1911 News of Neepawa There was dispatched to Mrs. Sheply to Battleford on Saturday by Mayor Gossell, a very neatly engraved sandwich plate with this inscription "Presented to Miss Effie Hamilton as a wedding gift from the Town Council of Neepawa as a memento of her natal day, she being the first girl born here thus marking an important epoch in the town's history. Birthday January 5th, 1882 Marriage February 8th, 1911". [apparently Jonathan's daughter Effie married a Mr. Sheply]" Interesting. Ada is two years older, also shown as born Manitoba, newborn on 1881 census and age 10 on 1891 census. Any idea where she was born? Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Mar 2, 2003 George Wilson and Jennie Gertrude Buchanan Bill, your notes on Gertie Wilson are as follows: "I met Gertie Wilson at Mervyn Buchanan's place at Neepawa, and had a very nice visit with her. She lives in Haney or Port Moody, B.C. - Bill Buchanan She is the Gert Wilson of Port Moody, BC whose death is reported Nov 10, 1997 in the Neepawa Press" I believe this is the same George and Gertie Wilson who were neighbors of ours in Haney abt 1958-1964 era. We visited infrequently, but I was not aware they were relatives - assumed they were just friends of my parents. The connection to Port Moody is that their daughter June (whom I don't recall meeting) married William Howard McCracken and lived in Port Moody. The only reason I know this is that my aunt Rowena (my mother's sister) married Wib McCracken, and when they came to visit us in Haney they would also visit June McCracken in Port Moody.

I tried to locate their death records in the BC Archives, but suspect the deaths are too recent to be included (only deaths to 1982 are included for privacy reasons). Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Mar 2, 2003 Family of Florence Louis Walker This is the only William Walker I could find in the 1881 Manitoba census that fit with the children listed in the obituary. "The Neepawa Press, Tuesday May 23rd, 1911: News of Neepawa - Big obit for William Walker: Sons John, William, Robert, George, Thomas [daughter Florence married John Campbell Buchanan-dp] came in 1871 from Howick, Ontario to Salisbury district, Alan and Fred, and daughters Mrs. McWade and Mrs. S. Magoffin. Brothers John Q. And Hugh (John Q. - Bosman, Manitoba, Hugh - deceased)" This may be the family in the 1881 census: Household Record 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion Wm. WALKER M Male Irish 45 O Farmer Presbyterian Jane WALKER M Female Irish 45 Ireland Presbyterian J.A. WALKER Male Irish 16 O Farmer Son Presbyterian W.J. WALKER Male Irish 14 O Presbyterian R.S. WALKER Male Irish 13 O Presbyterian S.J. WALKER Male Irish 11 O Presbyterian Thos. WALKER Male Irish 10 O Presbyterian E.Sophia WALKER Female Irish 8 Manitoba Presbyterian G.W. WALKER Male Irish 6 Manitoba Presbyterian A.F. WALKER Male Irish 4 Manitoba Presbyterian F.B. WALKER Male Irish <1 Born: Sep; 6/12 Northwest Territories Presbyterian Source Information: Census Place Little Saskatchewan, Western Extension, Extension, Manitoba Family History Library Film 1375920, NA Film Number C-13284 District 186, Sub-district E, Division 6, Page Number 42, Household Number 284 Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Mar 2, 2003 Sarah Letitia Campbell, wife of Andrew Buchanan

Based on the information in the obituary, I believe the attached is her and her sister's family on the 1881 Manitoba census. If so, she was 23 in 1880/81, and in her 69th year in 1923. So her birth year would be between 1857 and 1855. I suspect 1855, and the age 25 was mistranslated as a 23 from the census records. Would the son Webster be Wilbert? "The Neepawa Press, Friday December 28th, 1923: Death of Mrs. Andrew Buchanan - Mrs. Andrew Buchanan passed away at her home in Neepawa on Saturday after a protracted illness, and the remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery on Monday after funeral services in the Methodist Church, conducted by Rev. R.G. Pritchard. The deceased woman was in her 69th year, her birthplace Molesworth, Ontario and her maiden name Sarah Letitia Campbell, a sister of Mr. Rich Campbell of this town. She came to Manitoba in 1880 with her sister, Mrs. John H. Mckee with whom she lived until marriage. She leaves six sons and one daughter all of whom attended the obsequies and are residents of the West. They are: John C., Melvin, Richard, Bert, Webster and Mrs. Thomas Walker all of the Birnie district, and Nelson of Pleasantdale, Saskatchewan. Mrs. Buchanan reared her esteemed family in Christian precepts and had the satisfaction of seeing all of them comfortably settled for life before being called hence." Household Record 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion Jno. MCKAY M Male Irish 41 Ireland Farmer Weslyan Methodist Charlotte MCKAY M Female Irish 34 O Weslyan Methodist W.R. MCKAY Male Irish 15 O Farmer Son Weslyan Methodist J.H. MCKAY Male Irish 13 O Weslyan Methodist A.G. MCKAY Male Irish 11 O Weslyan Methodist S.E. MCKAY Male Irish 9 O Weslyan Methodist S.E. MCKAY Female Irish 6 O Weslyan Methodist Charlotte MCKAY Female Irish 4 O Weslyan Methodist T.H. MCKAY Male Irish 1 O Weslyan Methodist S.L. CAMPBELL Female Irish 23 O Weslyan Methodist Source Information: Census Place Little Saskatchewan, Western Extension, Extension, Manitoba Family History Library Film 1375920, NA Film Number C-13284 District 186, Sub-district E, Division 6, Page Number 43, Household Number 289 Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Mar 2, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Mrs James Snider

Hi Barry, Not sure who Mrs Ely is, but possibly Hester Florence Snider, who I show married to Allan Eby. (Is this a typo Bill? If not, I may have the name wrong) It is a typo. I was unsure whether the name was Eby (a name I had never seen before) or Ely (of which I have many on my mother's side). Upon re-reading Darlene's page, it is definitely Eby. I can't shed any light on this one.

Bill ____________________________________________ Mar 2, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Allan Gardiner Thanks Barry, I have updated his information. Bill ____________________________________________

Mar 2, 2003 George Willerton Hi Barry, I only have a record of one, although there may have been another. He seems to have moved around a lot, even homesteading in one area while maintaining a farm in another. Here are my newspaper clippings on him. The Neepawa Press Friday 31 May, 1907 News of Neepawa Geo Willerton is moving to homestead at Battleford, Sask. The Neepawa Press Tuesday Jan 7, 1908 News of Neepawa Geo Willerton went west on Monday to reside on his homestead near Battleford. Neepawa Press, Tues. Feb. 16, 1909: George Willerton returned last Friday from his homestead at Daneville, Saskatchewan. The Neepawa Press Friday November 11th, 1910 Riding Mountain Mr. and Mrs. George Willerton of Spring Hill are visiting many friends in this district before leaving for BC, where they intend making their home.

Neepawa Press Fri, Dec. 30, 1910: Mr. & Mrs. George Willerton left Wed for Vancouver, their new home. The Neepawa Press Friday February 24, 1911 Dempsey's Sale Register George Willerton, Spring Hill District, about 8 mi. northwest of Neepawa. A big stock of choice farm horses including some very choice young colts, heavy. Splendid range of cattle, pigs and poultry and a full line of machinery. The exact date and particulars of Mr. Willerton's big sale will be announced very soon. Watch for posters. George Willerton is back from the coast to look after his farm sale on Wednesday March 15th. Northwest quarter 19-15-15 In 1933 George was living at Springhill according to Mary Elizabeth's obit. 1946 Geo. Willerton Passes George Willerton, another of Neepawa's earlier citizens, passed away early Monday morning in Winnipeg, at the age of eighty-four. Born in England, he came to Canada as a boy, settling in Ontario for a few years before coming west to Neepawa district. During the many years here he farmed, in the Springhill district, retiring a few years ago to Neepawa. He is survived by his wife, who resides in Winnipeg; two daughters, Bertie, of Saskatoon, and Hattie of Keewatin, Ont., also one son Thomas, of Saskatoon. Funeral service will be held today (Thursday) at White's Funeral Home at 4 p.m. Interment will be made in Riverside cemetery. So it looks like he ended up back in Manitoba. Bill ____________________________________________ Mar 2, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Sam Buchanan Hi Barry, While I don't know 100% for sure, this was probably Sam and Mary's son Sam, who married Isabelle Coulter, and who was the father of Archie Buchanan, a prominent member of the Riding Mountain community. All the family seemed to keep the whole thing hushed up, so it is hard to be sure. The Sam who went to jail apparently moved to Riding Mountain, which seems to fit Archie's dad, but there might have been another. If he was Archie's dad, he seemed to have lived a good life after serving his sentence. Bill ____________________________________________

Mar 2, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Effie Hamilton Hi Barry, I believe she would have been born in the Palestine District (around Gladstone) prior to the move to Neepawa. Bill ____________________________________________ Mar 2, 2003 Hi Teresa, Thanks for your excellent work. You have given me two Hamilton families that I didn't have (complete with birth dates), solved the puzzle of the name of Mrs. Fred White, and filled in some other holes. I am passing this along to others who may be interested in the Hamiltons, especially those who are descended from John James Hamilton and Jane Buchanan, the daughter of John and Isabella.

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: Teresa Fouillard To: Merv Andrews ; Bill Buchanan ; Barry Snider Sent: March 2, 2003 3:44 PM Subject: Census Info - Hamiltons Hi All, Just to pass on a little more census info: 1901 Neepawa Town Div 3, Page 3, Family #70 Wigmore, William, head, 25 June 1856, Ont Ida, wife, 21 Oct 1867, Ont William J., son, 30 Jan 1893, MB Ella E., daur, 20 Oct 1894, MB Robert H., son, 15 Mar 1897, MB Div 2, Page 1, Family #2 White, Fred E., head, 10 Nov 1866, Ont Mary A., wife, 18 June 1870, Ont Carrie K., daur, 16 Mar 1896, MB Mary C., duar, 12 May 1899, MB baby, son, 14 Mar 1901, MB from the Dominion Land Grant site

Guy Hamilton's middle name was Wentworth from a discussion between Dad (Merv) and myself in reviewing some of the Andrews entries: Audrey Andrews' first husband was Ernest Schamehorn and Gordon is/was older than Merv, so born before 1932, children of her 2nd husband Murdoch were younger than Merv. Willis Andrews' wife's name was Margaret, aka Peggy and their daughter Valerie married Terrence Frederick Gosney in 1968. I am sending a letter to Valerie and am hoping she will fill in a few blanks. Clifford Andrews' wife Mabel Large, should read Mabel Williams, Large was the name of her 1st husband. Merv also says that Henry Andrews died about 1917 and Edith just before 1950 Cheers, Teresa ____________________________________________ Mar 3, 2003 Jane Buchanan, wife of William Blair I also show eight children, but 2 daughters and 6 sons. Whereas the death notice lists 3 daughters and 5 sons. William Thomas Blair, who married Evilina Jane Hamilton, is not mentioned in the death notice. And Mrs. William Bleen of Kelderfield, Saskatchewan is not in my records. Can someone help me out on this? Thanks. "LIFELONG RESIDENT OF ELMA DIES SUDDENLY Mrs. William Blair of Atwood died suddenly at her home on Main Street, Atwood on 22 February 1925 in her 68th year. She was born on the 8th concession of Elma, the daughter of the late Mr. Buchanan. In 1874 she married William Blair in Millbank. They farmed, first on her husband's farm on the present site of Atwood and later on the 14th concession and retired to Atwood eight years ago. She had eight children: Charles, the eldest and Mervyn, the youngest are both deceased. Survived by: Mrs. Charles Ducklow of the 14th concession, Mrs. William Bleen of Kelderfield, Saskatchewan, Mrs. Harvey Willahey of Birmingham, Michigan, Charles of Milverton, Arthur of Atwood, Bert of Oldcastle, Saskatchewan Also surviving are four brothers: Thomas of Roseburn, Saskatchewan, William of Toronto, John of Whittmore, Michigan, Charles of Atwood, & one sister Mrs. George Smith of Atwood. Interment at Elma Centre Cemetery" Barry Snider

____________________________________________ Mar 4, 2003 George Willerton and Elizabeth Pfaff family My cousin, Earlene Andrew, and her husband Al Vesey from The Pas, Manitoba are visiting in Victoria. And I had the opportunity to meet with them yesterday and ask about what she remembers of the family. Thomas Willerton - Earlene seems certain that Thomas never married. If so, then the marriage record we found to Anne Baker (Mrs. Annie Jesson) must be of another Thomas Willerton. Elmer Andrew - Earlene recalls that Elmer hated his name (something about a radio or newspaper commercial for Elmer the cow, and he was teased a lot). So he legally changed his name to Robert. Fanny Andrew - Earlene recalls that Fanny died young, about age 10. Bertie Amelia Willerton - we show only one son - Morley Willerton Carson died at sea abt 1940. Earlene recalls visiting Bertie in Saskatchewan after 1940 (Earlene was born 1941), and there was another son still living. He was about 10-15 years older than Earlene, so born about 1925-1930. So am passing this along for what it is worth, in the hopes that some of you have knowledge of some of these events and can complete the picture. Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Mar 4, 2003 Fw: R. E. Hainstock Mike Stewart forwarded this to me. R. E. Hainstock would be Robert Ernest Hainstock, son of Robert Hainstock and Annie Maria Snider. Annie was the daughter of James W Snider and Elizabeth Ann Hutchinson. Several of their children married Watson's. Thanks, Mike. Barry Snider Healthy Profits http://www.healthy-profits.com/main.php?member_id=71642 3. War Graves Commission information regarding RE Hainstock. Below. Mike Debt of Honour Register

In Memory of R E HAINSTOCK Private 1000305 43rd Bn., Canadian Infantry (Manitoba Regt.) who died on Saturday 19 January 1918 . Age 22 . Additional Information: Son of Robert and Annie Hainstock, of Shoal Lake, Manitoba. Corkscrew British Cem. Cemetery: LOOS BRITISH CEMETERY Pas de Calais, France Grave or Reference Panel Number: Mem. 28. Location: Loos (Loos-en-Gohelle) is a village to the north of the road from Lens to Bethune. From Lens, take the N43 towards Bethune. Arriving at Loos, turn right at CWGC sign post. The cemetery is about 1 kilometre from Loos Church in the southern part of the village. Historical Information: The village has given its name to the battle of the 25th September - 8th October, 1915, in which it was captured from the Germans by the 15th (Scottish) and 47th (London) Divisions, and defended by French troops on the 8th October. The cemetery was begun by the Canadian Corps in July, 1917, and the graves then made are contained in Rows A and B of Plot I and Row A of Plot II. The remainder of the cemetery was formed after the Armistice by the concentration of graves from the battlefields and smaller cemeteries over a wide area North and East of the village. The great majority of these soldiers fell in the Battle of Loos. There are nearly 3,000, 1914-18 and a small number of 1939-45 war casualties commemorated in this site. Of these, two-thirds from the 1914-18 are unidentified and special memorials are erected to two soldiers from the United Kingdom and four from Canada who are known or believed to be buried among them. Other special memorials record the names of 44 soldiers from Canada and 12 from the United Kingdom, buried in other cemeteries, whose graves were destroyed by shell fire. The cemetery covers an area of 11,364 square metres and is enclosed by a rubble wall. The following were among the burial grounds from which British graves were removed to Loos British Cemetery:- BARTS ALLEY CEMETERY, VERMELLES, about 1 kilometre North-East of the village, named from a communication trench in which a Dressing Station was established. It contained the graves of 38 soldiers from the United Kingdom, who fell, for the most part, in the Battle of Loos. CALDRON MILITARY CEMETERY (RED MILL), in the Southern part of the town of LIEVIN, in which were buried 85 soldiers from the United Kingdom (mainly of the 46th (North Midland) Division), 38 from Canada and one German. CITE CALONNE MILITARY CEMETERY, LIEVIN, in the middle of a mining village between Grenay and Lievin. The cemetery was begun by French troops and used by the British from March, 1916, onwards. It contained the graves of 207 soldiers from the United Kingdom, five from Canada, 130 French and six German. CORKSCREW CEMETERY, LOOS, which was close to the mine known as Fosse II. It contained the graves of 168 soldiers from the United Kingdom and 38 from Canada. COURCELLES-LES-LENS COMMUNAL CEMETERY, in which 19 soldiers and one airman from the United Kingdom, mainly of the 12th (Eastern) Division, were buried in October, 1918. LIEVIN STATION CEMETERY, on the North-West side of the railway station, used in 1917 and containing the graves of 48 soldiers from the United Kingdom (almost all of the 46th (North Midland) Division) and 12 from Canada. LOOS (FORT GLATZ) GERMAN CEMETERY,

named from a German strong point at the North-West corner of the village, and containing the graves of three soldiers from the United Kingdom who fell in the summer of 1915. (http://www.cwgc.org.uk/detailed.asp?casualty=562342 seen Mar 2, 2003) ____________________________________________ Mar 8, 2003 McGillivray Information Received Hi Everyone, I have received Glenn Thorpe's McGillivray-Campbell Family Tree, which contains the descendants of Daniel McGillivray and Annie Elizabeth Buchanan (daughter of John and Isabella (Watson) Buchanan). It also lists Dan's siblings and their husbands or wives (but not their children). Basically, it consists of approximately 150 family group charts. I need to copy it and then post the information on the Website. If you need the complete version, including full information on living people, contact me personally. The version posted on the Web will have only the names in the case of living people, but full information on the deceased. It is amazing how much information has come in on the Hamiltons and McGillivrays in the past two months! It gives me hope that we may yet find the descendants of Margaret Buchanan (daughter of John and Isabella) and John A. Keating, plus a few other lost branches of the family tree. By the way, if you have additional information on this Keating family, I would appreciate knowing it. My notes say: "His parents were from Russell, Silverton, and Binscarth, Manitoba. His sister Jane Ann Keating married Freeman Rice. Their daughter Charlotte married Thomas A. Patrick, who are the parents of Freeman Patrick of Calgary, AB. [whom I can no longer find 40 years later!] "1891 census of Rosedale RM, Manitoba has John 30 years old, born in Ontario i.e.. b. 1861..Another source said 1863. Ida and Lillian (Birdie)'s DOBs are from this census. "The Neepawa Register Wed Jan 7, 1903 Jno. A Keating is visiting his mother at Silver Creek just now. Miss Minnie Keating of Binscarth has been spending the holidays at her Uncles Jno. Keating south of town. Miss Maud Keating of Silver Creek has been the guest of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Watson during the holiday season. [Source: Inez Buchanan McCallum] "Maggie Buchanan married John Keating Children: - Billy

- Murray (died in a train accident) - Alec - 2 children - Ida married a Cochrane - Birdie married a McCartney - had a boy and a girl" The frustrating thing for me is that my parents knew this family well, and I visited Birdie McCartney about 1962, but never gathered their family information!!! Hopefully, I am learning from experience. I should have the website info updated by the end of March. Happy hunting.

Bill ____________________________________________

Mar 8, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] McGillivray Information Received Bill, this is the only Daniel McGillivray of the appropriate age that I could find on the 1881 census, with father Hugh and brothers John and Hugh. But they are living in Nova Scotia instead of Ontario. And the mother is Irene instead of Annie. Can you let me know if the other children tie in to what you have? If not, I will need to keep looking. Household Record 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion Hugh D. MCGILLIVRAY M Male Scottish 38 Nova Scotia Carriage Builder Roman Catholic Irene MCGILLIVRAY M Female Irish 31 Nova Scotia Roman Catholic Mary L. MCGILLIVRAY Female Scottish 10 Nova Scotia Roman Catholic Daniel J. MCGILLIVRAY Male Scottish 6 Nova Scotia Roman Catholic John F. MCGILLIVRAY Male Scottish 6 Nova Scotia Roman Catholic V.Hugh MCGILLIRAY Male Scottish 4 Nova Scotia Roman Catholic P.W. MCGILLIVRAY Male Scottish 3 Nova Scotia Roman Catholic Flora A. MCGILLIVRAY Female Irish --- Born: 9-12 Nova Scotia Roman Catholic Source Information: Census Place Antigonish, Antigonish, Nova Scotia Family History Library Film 1375812, NA Film Number C-13176 District 21, Sub-district C, Division 1, Page Number 14, Household Number 66 Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Mar 8, 2003 Re: John Keating Bill, this could be John Keating's family in the 1881 census.

There is a sister Jane Ann. If so, they came from Elma also. 1881 Canadian census: Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion John KEATING M Male Irish 63 O Farmer Presbyterian Lilly Ann KEATING M Female Irish 53 Ireland Presbyterian Nancy KEATING Female Irish 24 O Presbyterian Thomas KEATING Male Irish 23 O Presbyterian John KEATING Male Irish 21 O Farmer Presbyterian Oliver KEATING Male Irish 17 O Presbyterian Jane Ann KEATING Female Irish 15 O Presbyterian William KEATING Male Irish 13 O Presbyterian Source Information: Census Place Elma, Perth North, Ontario, Family History Library Film 1375907, NA Film Number C-13271 District 172, Sub-district E, Division 1, Page Number 54, Household Number 244

Barry Snider ____________________________________________

Mar 10, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] John Keating Hi Barry, That should be the right family. John's age is right too. I had him as born about 1861 and the census would place it at about 1860. Thanks. Bill ____________________________________________

Mar 14, 2003 Hi Everyone, I have finished inputting and interpreting the bundle of news clippings, death certificates, census returns and other interesting things that Darlene sent me recently - a tremendously enjoyable task. If I have made mistakes in my interpretations, please let me know. Along with the usual Buchanan and Watson info there is also a lot on the Coulter connections, where I am not especially knowledgeable. Still it as fascinating to see a few familiar names cropping up in their midst, such as Long Johnny Buchanan's first wife Margaret Coulter who died at such a tragically young age. She was the first person buried in the Buchanan (now Rosedale) Cemetery north of Neepawa. ... and other tragic stories, like one family member dying from a scratch received while getting shaved, and one of the Coulters dying on the hospital


I have attached the file in Windows WordPad format (openable also by Microsoft Word). To open it in Word (or any Word-compatible word processor) save it and double click the file's icon. To open it in WordPad, select the Windows Start button> Programs>Accessories>WordPad>File>Open If you don't use Word or Microsoft Windows, let me know and I can send you a copy as plain text. I had a pleasant chat this morning with Glen Thorpe of the McGillivray family. He was still suffering from temperature shock after arriving home at Yorkton, SK to face -40 degree weather and 3 feet of snow after spending several weeks on Vancouver Island! He says that Jane Buchanan Hamilton's daughter Mary is about 95 years old and still very sharp. If anyone wants to contact Mary, please let me know. It is probably best that we don't overwhelm her. I also have some material from Bernice on the Willerton-Allan family that I need to work on. It will fill in some of the gaps in the family of Jane Buchanan and James Watson. I hope you enjoy the attached information. Many thanks to Darlene for her patient efforts. Your cousin, Bill Attachment(not stored) From Darlene Perrett - March 2003- in Word6 or Windows WordPad format.doc ____________________________________________

Mar 18, 2003 My Website

Hi Everyone, I have now posted the latest changes to my genealogy database to the Internet. It can be accessed from http://bill_buchanan.tripod.com. Please note that the gedcom files are now zipped to make them quicker (and less troublesome) to download. The disadvantage is that you now need to unzip them. If you are one of the rare people who doesn't have an unzip program, you can download an excellent one for free from: http://www.thefreesite.com/easyzip111.htm or download the evaluation

version of WinZip at http://winzip.com/. My heartfelt thanks to all who have contributed to this latest upload: including Suzanne Schaller (the William Buchanan line), Nancy Buchanan Mills and Don Holmes (Elma lines), Darlene Perrett (Neepawa lines), Bernice Willerton (Watson-Willerton line), Barry Snider (Watsons and others), Teresa Foulliard and Merv Andrews (Hamiltons), Roy Woolsey (Hamiltons), Norma Kabanuk(Hamiltons), and Glenn Thorpe (McGillivrays). And to those whom I have failed to mention by name, thank you for your help too.

Bill ____________________________________________ Mar 23, 2003 Manitoba vital stats index online This may be of use to some of you in your Manitoba searchin. I'm not clear on how to get the full record, because I didn't find anyone, but it seems that you have to pay for it. I don't know how much info is provided online because I can't get any records to come up. Manitoba vital statistics index: http://web2.gov.mb.ca/cca/vital/Query.php Suzanne ____________________________________________ Mar 24, 2003 Fw: [ENG-SHROP] Toronto records FYI. You need to look for Pages of the Past. If anyone figures out how to get in, please let me know. I found several hits on Snider, but when I tried to open up the detail, it kept asking me for subscription information. Barry Snider ----- Original Message ----From: "Ross and Sherry Bonneau" To: "Barry Snider" Sent: March 24, 2003 11:13 AM Subject: Fw: [ENG-SHROP] Toronto records Barry are you looking for anyone in Ontario? If so then maybe you might enjoy this link. Cheers Sherry ----- Original Message ----From: To: <eng-shropshire-plus-l@...

Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 3:10 AM Subject: [ENG-SHROP] Toronto records Hi Listers, I saw the following message on the Notts list which the sender suggested should be passed on to other lists. Happy hunting, Irene If anyone is looking for relatives in Toronto, Canada, the Toronto Star is allowing you to view the 1945 archives for free. It's www.thestar.com . If you are on any other lists pass this on. Good luck on your search. ____________________________________________ Mar 24, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Fw: [ENG-SHROP] Toronto records Normally you do have to pay for Pages of the Past, unless you're accessing it through a library that has a subscription. If you can be patient, I may be able to get some stuff through the university library; if I recall correctly, they do have a subscription. However, I warn you that I'm very slow, since I have three weeks of classes left in the term and (counting) eight papers still to write in those three weeks, and that has to be my top priority (living until the end of the term). Suzanne ____________________________________________ Mar 24, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Manitoba vital stats index online Sue and others, I too tried the MB vital records search and got no hits (even though I know some should have been in there). If anyone has any luck with it, please let me know... Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________

Mar 25, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Manitoba vital stats index online Actually, I thought it was interesting if you were doing a general search. There must be many that are missing. Of course, back in those days births and deaths were not always registered with the government. (For example, Dad was born near Neepawa in 1906 but not registered until about 1962.) Here are the Buchanans the search found: List all Matches... MARRIAGES: 1 to 8 of 8 GROOM'S LAST NAME: BUCHANAN GROOM'S GIVEN NAMES: HIBBERT BOOTH BRIDE'S LAST NAME: HENTON





Bill ____________________________________________ Mar 25, 2003 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Manitoba vital stats index online That’s interesting! How did you do that? I tried putting in “Buchanan” and it found “no results”. Similar results with my other family names in Manitoba.

Donna Phillips ____________________________________________

Mar 25, 2003 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Manitoba vital stats index online It must not have been working when we tried it previously. Works fine now.

Donna ____________________________________________ Mar 25, 2003 reminder re: quoting messages A gentle reminder to everyone: Please be careful about quoting messages when you hit reply. Donna, your message of a few minutes ago is 41K (larger than the average mailing list digest), and contains one line from you - the rest is quoting someone quoting someone quoting someone... Thanks, Suzanne ____________________________________________

Mar 25, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Manitoba vital stats index online Bill, that was very useful information. It completed some dates and places and corrected some names in my records. Here is some more data from the BC Archives: From BC Archives on-line: Name: Victor Buchanan, Place: New Westminster, Reg. Number: 1976-09-009607 Date: 1976 6 14 (Yr/Mo/Day), Age: 79, Event: Death, Microfilm #: B13352 (GSU # 2050565) Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Mar 31, 2003 publishing thoughts Hi all, For a long time it's been my intention to publish a book on William and Ann (Thompson)'s line, updating & correcting what was published in 1970. I started this in about 1996, but for many reasons (health and general busy-ness being the main ones, as well as not having a stable mailing

address), it got set aside. After my grandfather died, I became determined to finish. He had really wanted to see this done. I've been even busier since then but I've been trying to make the time (which isn't always easy). In Jan. & Feb. I sent out about 50 letters, a good many of which have gone unanswered (later today I'll see if I can calculate what percentage). Many others were returned because of wrong addresses, which is my own fault; it's been so long since I wrote to these people that a lot of them have moved or even died. (That could also be why many of the letters haven't been answered at all.) However, out of the dozen or so responses which I have received, I've got two which are concerned with similar things. One woman doesn't want her mother's maiden name published because banks use mother's maiden name as a security password. A second response is concerned with the publishing of data on living people because of the possibility of identity fraud. I consider two out of a dozen pretty significant. Of course I will respect their wishes. And do they reflect others with the same concerns, who haven't answered my letters? If I take out all the living generations, that leaves me with the first and second generations born in Canada. (That wouldn't even include my grandfather; people in his generation are still living.) Besides significantly shortening the book and lessening its value to future researchers, it seems to me that it won't be as interesting to living people, but will only be interesting to other genealogists. I had intended for this to be a memento for future generations. In the letter which I sent out, I included a check-box for "I don't mind if this information is published in the book." Even if I include info only for living people who give permission, this is - so far - very few people, and I'd need to contact every single person in the book who's still alive. My cousin who published a few years ago said that she *did* contact every person in the book, or else she left their info out; she was retired and had lots of time to do this. I don't. What's a genealogist to do??? So... I can't believe I'm saying this. I think I quit. Any thoughts? Sue, frustrated and tired ____________________________________________ Mar 31, 2003

Re: [andrew-buchanan] publishing thoughts Hi Everyone, I am sure many of us have thought about concerns such as Sue raises. The identity fraud issue is one that has been in the news from time to time. I consider it a genuine concern. Identity fraud begins by a crook getting access to personal information such as Social Insurance Number, current address, and date and place of birth. We can simply avoid publishing that information about living people. I think we can safely publish people's names. After all, the telephone directories (including all the online directories) publish names and even addresses. The question of the mother's surname is an interesting one. In all my dealings with banks, I have never had them ask for this information. Online services of all kinds ask you to provide a security key for retrieving a lost password. Usually you get to pick from a list of items such as: name of your pet, your birthplace, mothers' maiden surname, favorite color, favorite food, ... other. I don't think this should be an issue, as a crook would have no way of knowing which you had chosen. Besides, he or she would need to know your username plus the security key to retrieve your password. People who are THAT concerned about online security should probably avoid all forms of online banking and other forms of online commerce. I invite your thoughts.

Bill ____________________________________________

Mar 31, 2003 Deleting James Ritchie I plan on deleting James Ritchie as a son of Joshua Ritchie and Elizabeth Jane Watson, because of this newspaper obituary: The Neepawa Register Wed 28 Nov, 1900 Died Ritchie - In the St. Boniface Hospital, Winnipeg on Nov 22, 1900. Mary Ann Howatt, wife of Jas. Ritchie of Makinak, Manitoba aged 41 years 10 months. The birthdate of James' wife would indicate that James may be a brother, and not a son of Josh and Elizabeth Jane. Let me know if you have any evidence to the contrary.

Bill ____________________________________________ Mar 31, 2003

Genealogical mystery solved? Wow! A genealogical mystery that has puzzled me for years may have just been solved! i.e. the maiden name of Jane Watson, wife of David Watson. This David Watson was a younger brother and close associate of James Watson who married Jane Buchanan. Her name is usually given as Jane Scott, and she appears in my database with this name, but with a note that says that her name is also given given as Elizabeth Avison, and as Jane Buchanan. Still another source says her name may have been McCracken. Was David married twice? The censuses for 1861, 1871, 1881, and 1891 show David with a wife named Jane who is about 10 years younger than himself. So it appears that he was only married once. I found the following entry in the Manitoba online vital statistics: LAST NAME: WATSON GIVEN NAMES: JANE BUCHANAN DATE OF DEATH: 08/21/1899 AGE: 58 UNITS OF AGE: YEARS SEX: F PLACE OF DEATH: NEEPAWA REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1899,002205 REGISTRATION DATE: It coincides perfectly with this obit from Darlene Perrett: The Neepawa Register - Wed Aug 23, 1899 Died: Watson - In Neepawa on August 21, 1899, Jane, beloved wife of David Watson, aged 58 years, 2 months. Funeral from the residence of her nephew Robert Watson, North End, at 2 p.m. today. OK, maybe Buchanan was her maiden name or only a given name. Who is she? Here is one possibility: Anne Thompson Buchanan, according to one of her granddaughters [Lizzie Hardie or Annie Bray McMane?], mentioned a "Little Jane" Buchanan who was adopted when her mother died. It was suggested to me by one relative that "Little Jane Buchanan" married Davey Watson. If she was born in 1841 as we believe, she could have come with the Buchanan family as a 6 year old child in 1847, which seems possible. If so, why wasn't she mentioned by more people? Of course if she was unofficially adopted it would help to explain the confusion over her surname. Even her grand-daughter, Jean Victoria Watson wrote to me over 30 years ago: "By the way, if you have information as to my mother's mother's maiden name, should like to have it. Mabel [Henry] says Grandma's name was Scott. This would be what some of the Buchanans call Grandpa Uncle Davie."

I would welcome any further information you may have on this mystery lady.

Bill ____________________________________________ Mar 31, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] publishing thoughts Sue, I have run across similar issues with my own book. The way I have handled it is to not list birthdates, but birthyears instead. Most creditors are now requiring more than one identifying piece of information. This makes identity fraud harder because birthdate, social security number and mother's maiden name are etc are all required. You could also leave out the years all together and just put the names. Also, another thought, anyone that was in the original Buchanan book compiled in the 1970's already had their mother's maiden name and possibly birthdate published, so it would not really be printing something that is not already out there. Unless someone specifically asks to be left out, I'd say go for it. If they specifically ask to be left out, I just say "for privacy reasons the descendants of this couple have been left out." Dont know if I have helped any, but these are my thoughts. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ Apr 1, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] publishing thoughts I have thought about this & have decided that I do not quit. I had a large percentage of letters RTS/moved (because it's been so long since I wrote to these folks), and a few returned because they were too thick for the one stamp I put on them. So even though I only got 12 responses, this is actually about a 40% response rate out of the letters that actually went out. I think this shows a good interest in the research results, and responses may still come to the letters that are left. However I will have to rethink what to do to address the privacy concerns. But it did occur to me that anything which is in the 1970 book could be said to be "already out there." I also found an email from the woman who didn't want her mother's maiden name published. In it she said that she didn't realize that the book would be mostly for family, so it's probably okay. After all, it's not like this will be something you can get in Chapters or Walmart. There will be copies for the local archives (Stratford and Listowel), and a copy for the National Library in Ottawa, but if any identity-thief wants to go to the NL to look up people's maiden names he'll find several rows of shelves of family histories to choose from. So in short, I feel better today.

Gotta go, lots to do today... Sue ____________________________________________ Apr 4, 2003 Deleting James Ritchie Re: [andrew-buchanan] Deleting James Ritchie Bill, I didn't solve the James Ritchie question, but I did find a lot of data on the Joshua Ritchie and Elizabeth Jane Watson family. See below. Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED DEATH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1928-055042 DECEASED DETAILS Last Name: RITCHIE, Given Names: JOSHUA, Sex: M, Date of Death: 10/20/1928 Place of Death: NEEPAWA, BIRTH DETAILS Date of Birth: 10/22/1856 Age At Death: 71 Units of age: YEARS Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED MARRIAGE INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1884-001212, MARRIAGE DETAILS Place of Marriage: MINNEDOSA, Date of Marriage: 11/03/1884 PERSONNAL DETAILS GROOM BRIDE Last Name: RITCHEY Last Name: WATSON Given Names: JOSHUA Given Names: ELIZA JANE Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED DEATH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1922-010340 DECEASED DETAILS Last Name: RITCHIE, Given Names: ELIZABETH JANE, Sex: F, Date of Death: 03/19/1922, Place of Death: NEEPAWA, BIRTH DETAILS Date of Birth: Age At Death: 55 Units of age: YEARS Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED BIRTH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1886-003441 CHILD'S DETAILS Last Name: RITCHIE, Given Names: ELLEN, Sex: F, Date of Birth: 10/24/1885 Place of Birth: OSPREY, Birth Weight: grams Parents Married: U Mother's Marital Status: MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: WATSON Given Names: ELIZABETH JANE Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED BIRTH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1887-001472 CHILD'S DETAILS Last Name: RITCHIE, Given Names: EVALINE, Sex: F, Date of Birth: 08/29/1887 Place of Birth: OSPREY, Birth Weight: grams Parents Married: U Mother's Marital Status: MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: WATSON Given Names: LIZA Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED BIRTH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1891-004221 CHILD'S DETAILS Last Name: RITCHEY, Given Names: LAURA, Sex: F, Date of Birth: 03/28/1891

Place of Birth: R.M. OF LANGFORD, Birth Weight: grams Parents Married: U Mother's Marital Status: MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: WATSON Given Names: ELIZABETH JANE Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED MARRIAGE INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1921-010166, MARRIAGE DETAILS Place of Marriage: WPG, Date of Marriage: 03/15/1921 PERSONNAL DETAILS GROOM BRIDE Last Name: MCGORMAN Last Name: RITCHIE Given Names: ANSON OLIVER Given Names: LAURA Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED BIRTH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1892-18311610, CHILD'S DETAILS Last Name: RITCHIE, Given Names: ELSIE ROWENA, Sex: F, Date of Birth: 08/12/1892, Place of Birth: R.M. OF LANGFORD, Birth Weight: grams Parents Married: U Mother's Marital Status: UNKNOWN, MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: WATSON Given Names: ELIZABETH JAN, Date of Registration: 05/05/1953 Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED BIRTH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1889-20215750, CHILD'S DETAILS Last Name: RITCHEY, Given Names: MELVILLE, Sex: M, Date of Birth: 04/08/1889, Place of Birth: NEEPAWA, Birth Weight: grams Parents Married: U Mother's Marital Status: UNKNOWN, MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: WATSON Given Names: ELIZA JANE Date of Registration: 08/06/1957 Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED BIRTH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1896-22921161, CHILD'S DETAILS Last Name: RITCHIE, Given Names: JANET, Sex: F, Date of Birth: 05/06/1896, Place of Birth: NEEPAWA, Birth Weight: grams Parents Married: U Mother's Marital Status: UNKNOWN, MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: WATSON Given Names: ELIZABETH JAN Date of Registration: 07/23/1964 [Note - this may be a duplication of the child listed as Jennie. I could find no birth record for Jennie, Winnie or James.] Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED DEATH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1900-001878 DECEASED DETAILS Last Name: RITCHEY, Given Names: MARY ANN, Sex: F, Date of Death: 11/22/1900 Place of Death: WINNIPEG, BIRTH DETAILS Date of Birth: Age At Death: 42 Units of age: YEARS Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Apr 6, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Deleting James Ritchie Thanks Barry,

I had found several of these, but not all of them. What does it cost for the detailed view? I believe the death certificate of one of the children of James Watson senior gave their father's birthplace, but have lost the certificate. Keep up the great work!

Bill ____________________________________________ Apr 6, 2003 The Unrelated James Buchanan In the Neepawa news clippings there are occasional references to James Buchanan of Franklin (Manitoba). Here is his family in the 1901 census of Franklin. Buchanan James Head 32 Scotland Scotch Presb. Grain Buyer " Isabella Wife 35 Ontario Irish " " Edith Dau. 3 Manitoba Scotch " " Geo. P.R. Son - " " " Since he is born in Scotland, he is not one of our Buchanans.

Bill ____________________________________________ Apr 6, 2003 Re: Genealogical mystery solved? Hi Barry and all, David and Jane Buchanan Watson are together on the 1861 census of Elma, Perth County Ontario. She is 20 and they have no children yet. Likely they were married within the previous 2 - 3 years. Maybe someone who is better connected in that area would know how to access the marriage records. I have them on these censuses: 1861 census of Elma, Perth, Ontario, transcribed by Don Holmes 35 302 Watson David L 28 C 8 Farmer Ontario Pres 28 Married Male 35 302 Jane Jane " " 20 Married Female This indicates that she was born in Ontario. From info supplied by Mel Watson of Abbotsford, B.C. on Aug 11, 1987 to Barry Snider. 1871 Census, North Perth, Elma Twp, Dist #30, Division 3, Pg 28, #103: WATSON,David,M,34,Ont,C.Presb,Scotch,Farmer,Married.

" ,Jane,F,25,Ireland,C.Presb,Irish,Married. " ,Margaret,F,10,Ont, " ,Scotch. " ,Mary,F,8, " " " " ,Elizabeth Jane,F,6,Ont,C.Presb,Scotch. " ,Robert,M,1/12-March, " " " [This would make his birth year about 1837 and hers about 1848 - they seem to bounce all over!] 1871 census index: WATSON , DAVID 34 ONTARIO PERTH NORTH Elma http://data4.archives.ca/ WATSON , DAVID Sex: Male Age: 34 Birthplace: ONTARIO Religion: Canada Presbyterian/C. Presb. Origin: SCOTCH Occupation: FARMER District: PERTH NORTH ( 030 ) Sub-district: Elma ( E ) Division: 3 Page: 28 Microfilm reel: C-9941 Reference: RG31 - Statistics Canada 1881 Census Place: Little Saskatchewan, Western Extension, Extension, Manitoba, Canada Source: FHL Film 1375920 NAC C-13284 Dist 186 SubDist E Div 6 Page 45 Family 297 Sex Marr Age Origin Birthplace David WATSON M M 50 Scottish O Occ: Farmer Religion: Presbyterian Jane WATSON F M 40 Irish Ireland Religion: Presbyterian Marg. WATSON F 18 Scottish O Religion: Presbyterian Mary WATSON F 16 Scottish O Religion: Presbyterian Ida J. WATSON F 14 Scottish O Religion: Presbyterian Robt. WATSON M 10 Scottish O Religion: Presbyterian James WATSON M 5 Scottish O Religion: Presbyterian [Ida should be Eliza] From Bernice Willerton 1891 ROSEDALE - MARQUETTE - T6294 David Watson - 60 b. Ont. Methodist, Farmer [In this copy he is a Methodist, in the other a Presbyterian?] Jane - 49 b. Ireland Robert John - 19 b. Ont. Wm. James - 14 b. Ont. Margaret - 24 b. Ont. Daughter??? Says: 1 employee DEATH: LAST NAME: WATSON GIVEN NAMES: DAVID DATE OF DEATH: 10/09/1911 AGE: 80 UNITS OF AGE: YEARS SEX: M PLACE OF DEATH: RM LANGFORD REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1911,001521 DEATH: LAST NAME: WATSON GIVEN NAMES: JANE BUCHANAN DATE OF DEATH: 08/21/1899 AGE: 58 UNITS OF AGE: YEARS SEX: F PLACE OF DEATH: NEEPAWA REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1899,002205

I put these censuses into a spreadsheet to calculate the approximate year of birth: 1861 Census Age Birth David 28 1833 Jane 20 1841 1871 Census Age Birth David 34 1837 Jane 25 1846 Margaret 10 1861 Mary 8 1863 Elizabeth Jane 6 1865 Robert "1/12-March" 1871 1881 Census Age Birth David 50 1831 Jane 40 1841 Margaret 18 1863 Mary 16 1865 Elizabeth Jane 14 1867 Robert 10 1871 James 5 1876 1891 Census Age Birth David 60 1831 Jane 49 1842 Margaret 24 1867 Robert John 19 1872 Wm. James 14 1877 (if this Margaret is the daughter, and not just an employee) Bill ____________________________________________ Hi Bill. Thanks for the info. I too had found this death record, but wasn't able to tie it in until now. I have added that record to her information. But I am unclear as to how this solves the mystery of her maiden name. Won't we have to find the marriage record to be sure? Attached to her file I have census records of a David and Jane Watson for the years 1871 and 1891. But the ages are not 20 years apart. I wonder if these two records are even of the same family? Further I have Jane born abt 1846 (probably based on the census record), and shall now change it to 1841 based on the death record. However, she would then be 30 in 1871, and 50 in 1891. So only the 1891 census record (age 49) appears to be this family. If you learn anything further, please keep us informed. Thanks. Barry Snider ____________________________________________

Apr 6, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Re: Genealogical mystery solved? "Better connected in Perth County" means me. :-) Marriages for Elma in this time period are hard to come by, but I can check the Huron District marriage register for Watsons next time I'm at the library, which will probably be sometime within the next week. There are a couple other books to check if I have time. If she was only 20 and they had no children, they likely married not long before this census - at least, that would be my guess. If I don't get time this week, it'll be two weeks before I have another spare moment. I'm in the end-of-term crunch now, frantically trying to get papers finished before the 16th. My big project is a guide for librarians serving genealogists, which has been really interesting - looking at genealogy from the librarian's point of view, rather than the genealogists. :-) Sue At 08:22 PM 4/6/03 -0600, you wrote: Hi Barry and all, David and Jane Buchanan Watson are together on the 1861 census of Elma, Perth County Ontario. She is 20 and they have no children yet. Likely they were married within the previous 2 - 3 years. Maybe someone who is better connected in that area would know how to access the marriage records. ____________________________________________ Apr 7, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Re: Genealogical mystery solved? Bill, the only way these could all be the same family is if I misread the dates on the 1871 census, i.e. David would be 39 instead of 34, and Jane would be 29 instead of 25. Incidentally, the census data didn't come from Mel Watson. What I got from Mel Watson was the Watson/Buchanan family history. If anyone has access to the 1871 census film, the coordinates are as follows: 1871 Census, North Perth, Elma Twp, Dist #30, Division 3, Pg 28, #103: WATSON,David,M,34,Ont,C.Presb,Scotch,Farmer,Married. " ,Jane,F,25,Ireland,C.Presb,Irish,Married. " ,Margaret,F,10,Ont, " ,Scotch. " ,Mary,F,8, " " " " ,Elizabeth Jane,F,6,Ont,C.Presb,Scotch. " ,Robert,M,1/12-March, " " " And regarding the marriage date - don't forget about Anne who doesn't show up on any census. She could have been born and died before the 1861 census, so they weren't necessarily newly married. Or she could have been born and died between Elizabeth Jane and Robert, as there is a big gap there.

Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Apr 7, 2003 Benjamin Everall and Mary Ann Watson I found the following on this family. Can anyone tell me if Jonathan David Watson Everall and Watson Everall are the same person? Also, I could find no birth records on the two daughters. Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED MARRIAGE INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1887-001170, MARRIAGE DETAILS Place of Marriage: NEEPAWA, Date of Marriage: 01/04/1887 PERSONNAL DETAILS GROOM BRIDE Last Name: EVERALL Last Name: WATSON Given Names: BENJAMIN Given Names: MARY ANN Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED BIRTH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1891-005727 CHILD'S DETAILS Last Name: EVERALL, Given Names: JONATHAN DAVID WATSON, Sex: M, Date of Birth: 06/10/1888, Place of Birth: R.M. OF ROSEDALE, , Birth Weight: grams Parents Married: U Mother's Marital Status: , MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: WATSON Given Names: MARY ANN Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED MARRIAGE INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1919-022007, MARRIAGE DETAILS Place of Marriage: DAUPHIN, Date of Marriage: 04/14/1919 PERSONNAL DETAILS GROOM BRIDE Last Name: EVERALL Last Name: PATTERSON Given Names: WATSON Given Names: MARY ELIZABETH Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED DEATH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1924-016238 DECEASED DETAILS Last Name: EVERALL, Given Names: WATSON, Sex: M, Date of Death: 02/26/1924 Place of Death: DAUPHIN, BIRTH DETAILS Date of Birth: Age At Death: 34 Units of age: YEARS Possible daughter from Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED DEATH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1923-040282, DECEASED DETAILS Last Name: EVERALL, Given Names: MARY HELEN, Sex: F Date of Death: 08/25/1923, Place of Death: RM DAUPHIN, BIRTH DETAILS Date of Birth: Age At Death: 24 Units of age: DAYS Possible daughter from Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED DEATH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1929-035011, DECEASED DETAILS Last Name: EVERALL, Given Names: JESSIE ELIZABETH, Sex: F, Date of Death: 06/17/1929,

Place of Death: DAUPHIN, BIRTH DETAILS Date of Birth: 10/30/1916 Age At Death: 12 Units of age: YEARS Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED BIRTH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1891-005728 CHILD'S DETAILS Last Name: EVERALL, Given Names: BENJAMIN ROY, Sex: M, Date of Birth: 09/11/1890 Place of Birth: R.M. OF ROSEDALE, Birth Weight: grams Parents Married: U Mother's Marital Status: MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: WATSON Given Names: MARY ANN Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED MARRIAGE INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1916-039203, MARRIAGE DETAILS Place of Marriage: WPG, Date of Marriage: 07/18/1916 PERSONNAL DETAILS GROOM BRIDE Last Name: SMITH Last Name: EVERALL Given Names: JAMES RUSSEL Given Names: DOLLY MAY Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Apr 27, 2003 Canada Genealogy Forum http://genforum.genealogy.com/canada/ Does anyone else use this website? You can also search by province, or by surname. Many of the messages are from USA, but there are a few Canadians posting to it. Barry Snider

Apr 27, 2003 BC Cariboo http://www.rootsweb.com/~bccaribo/recrdlink.html I haven't had a chance to check this out in detail yet. But thought some of you might be interested, as it appears some of our Watson ancestors were bitten by gold fever. Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Apr 28, 2003 Re: BC Cariboo journal of 1862 overlanders Hi Everyone,

A link on the site that Barry mentioned took me to this interesting journal of a gold miner traveling overland from Canada (Ontario) to the Cariboo country of British Columbia through the United States and the Hudson's Bay country (Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta). He is one member of a very large group traveling together. I think it will be of especially interesting reading to those of us living in the west, to read an eye-witness account of our parts of the country in 1862, before they became part of Canada. http://collections.ic.gc.ca/cariboo/primary/mcmick.htm James Buchanan left Ontario in the 1860s to mine in the Cariboo. His experiences would probably be very similar to those described in this journal. Family tradition says that James' son Andrew drowned in the Fraser river, as did one man in this journal. If you have an hour or so to spare, I think you will find it an interesting read.

Bill ____________________________________________

Apr 28, 2003 book I heartily recommend this new history of Scots in general, Ulster-Scots from whom the Andrew Buchanan's come and some perspective on our clan! It was an eye opener for me : Title : How The SCOTS Invented The Modern World, by Arthur Herman, Three Rivers Press, New York ;2001. It is on the New York Times best seller list. Enjoy! Denny Buchanan

____________________________________________ Apr 28, 2003 Buchanans buried in Elma Township, Perth, Ontario Hi Everyone, I have made a few changes to my website, and I thought some of you might also be interested in the following cemetery listings for Buchanan burials in Elma Township. It comes from the Ontario Cemetery Finding Aids that you may have already used. http://www.islandnet.com/cgi-bin/ms2/jveinot/search It gives the names and cemetery information but not the dates or relationships. Surname Given Name Cemetery County Township Reference BUCHANAN A. Lorraine Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN A. Ray "Elma Centre, Atwood" Perth Elma PH-178-2 BUCHANAN Alex Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3

BUCHANAN Alexander Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Alice (Thorndyke) Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Allen James Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Andrew Trinity Anglican Perth Elma PH-295-2 BUCHANAN Andrew Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Andrew W. Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Angelina Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Ann "Elma Centre, Atwood" Perth Elma PH-178-2 BUCHANAN Ann Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Ann (Thompson) Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Annie "Elma Centre, Atwood" Perth Elma PH-178-2 BUCHANAN Annie Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Annie B. Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Annie May Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Calvin Delmer Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Caroline Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Charles "Elma Centre, Atwood" Perth Elma PH-178-2 BUCHANAN Charles H. Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Clara V. (Danbrook) Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Delmer Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN E. Alex Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Earl P. Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Eliza Jane (Burke) Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Elizabeth Trinity Anglican Perth Elma PH-295-2 BUCHANAN Elizabeth (Watson) Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Emily Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Emily Breay (Scott) Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Emma Jane Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Gladys E. (Holmes) Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Glen Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Herbert Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Isabella Trinity Anglican Perth Elma PH-295-2 BUCHANAN Isabella A. (Anderson) Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Isabelle Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN J. Elgin Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN J. Stanley Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN James Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN James A. Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Jane "Elma Centre, Atwood" Perth Elma PH-178-2 BUCHANAN Jane L. (Porter) Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Jean Ida "Elma Centre, Atwood" Perth Elma PH-178-2 BUCHANAN Jessie A. (Dewar) Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN John Trinity Anglican Perth Elma PH-295-2 BUCHANAN John C. Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Julia Ann (Scott) Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Kevin E. Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN L. {Bert} Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Lee Ann Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Lorenzo Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Lorenzo Roy Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Mae (Broughton) Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3

BUCHANAN Margaret Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Margaret H. (Broughton) Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Marie (Eckmier) Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Marion B. (Henderson) Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Mary Trinity Anglican Perth Elma PH-295-2 BUCHANAN Mary Jane Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Myrta L. Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Pauline Cheryl Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN R. Glenn Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Reuben Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Robert Trinity Anglican Perth Elma PH-295-2 BUCHANAN Robert Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Robert L. Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Ross Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Samuel Trinity Anglican Perth Elma PH-295-2 BUCHANAN Shirley Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Shirley J. (Dewar) Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Vera Irene (Gilmer) Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN W. D. Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN William Earl Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN William S. Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Wm. Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCHANAN Wm. E. Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 BUCNANAN Walter A. Donegal Perth Elma PH-305-3 ____________________________________________

Apr 28, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanans buried in Elma Township, Perth, Ontario Almost all of these are William & Ann's descendents. I own all of these cemetery transcriptions, if anyone wants anyone in particular looked up... Sue ____________________________________________ Apr 29, 2003 Charles Ducklow m. Mary Jane Blair I only found two Charles Ducklow's in the 1881 census of the approximate correct age. Does anyone recognize either of these families? It is interesting to note that one family has two children named Charles. But based on the age of the mother, the younger children may be grandchildren. Household Record 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion Charles DUCKLOW M Male Irish 67 Ireland Farmer Church of England

Mary DUCKLOW M Female Irish 56 Ireland Church of England Thomas DUCKLOW Male Irish 23 Ontario Farmer Church of England Charles DUCKLOW Male Irish 19 Ontario Farmer Church of England Mary DUCKLOW Female Irish 21 Ontario Church of England Mattie DUCKLOW Female Irish 5 Ontario Church of England Charles DUCKLOW Male Irish 3 Ontario Church of England Source Information: Census Place Thorah, Ontario North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375881 NA Film Number C-13245 District 133 Sub-district F Division 1 Page Number 20 Household Number 91 http://www.familysearch.org v.2.5.0 Household Record 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion Peter DUCKLOW M Male Irish 24 O Farmer Church of England Sarah DUCKLOW M Female Irish 22 O Church of England Charlie DUCKLOW Male Irish 3 O Church of England Albert DUCKLOW Male Irish <1 Born: ; 2 m O Church of England Source Information: Census Place Elma, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375907 NA Film Number C-13271 District 172 Sub-district E Division 2 Page Number 56 Household Number 257 http://www.familysearch.org v.2.5.0

Barry Snider ____________________________________________ May 14, 2003 Obituary for Sharon Bailey Sharon Bailey May 13, 2003 SHARON BAILEY (nee KENNEDY) It is with deep sadness that we announce the death of our beloved wife, mother and grand-mother, Sharon Bailey. She died peacefully, after a brief illness, at Riverview Health Centre on Sunday, May 11, 2003. She is survived by her loving husband Tom, of 36 years of marriage; daughters, Karen Bailey of Ottawa, ON and Tara McBride (Russ) of Wetaskiwin, AB; son David Bailey (Lynn) of Winnipeg, MB; granddaughter Bailey Kate McBride; sisters, Joan Dick (Darrel) of Regina, SK and Florence Mryglod (Bill) of Weyburn, SK; brother Norman Kennedy (Doreen) of Moose Jaw, SK; niece Sandy Mang (Lyle) of Saskatoon, SK; as well as other numerous nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. Sharon grew up in Saskatoon and Weyburn, as well as Winnipeg, and later spent many years in Halifax / Dartmouth, NS; Toronto, Trenton and Ottawa, ON; St. Albert, AB; and Winnipeg. She graduated from St. Paul's School of Nursing in Saskatoon and was a very compassionate and caring Registered Nurse. She joined the Royal Canadian Navy and served at Shearwater, NS, as a Medevac Flight Nurse, and after her marriage in 1967, worked at the Halifax Infirmary. After taking time out to raise her children, she resumed her nursing career with the Victorian Order of Nurses in Trenton, then Ottawa and finally retiring from the VON in Winnipeg in 2001. For many years, Sharon enjoyed the close friendships she made through the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, her quilting, work, and other activities. She was also active as a volunteer in her parish. Prayers will be held on Friday, May 16 at 7:30 p.m. in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Roman Catholic Church, 4588 Roblin Blvd. Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Saturday, May 17 at 10:00 a.m. also in the

Church with Rev. Fr. Barry Schoonbaert presiding. A private family interment will follow in Assumption Roman Catholic Cemetery, 3990 Portage Ave. Pallbearers will be Messrs. Lyle Mang, Sean Mang, Brad Kells, Ted Bailey, John Bailey, and John Inglis. Our family would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to Dr. Jeremy Lipshitz and staff at the Winnipeg General Hospital / Health Sciences Centre; to Linda Dutton, RN and the wonderful staff of the Riverview Health Centre's Palliative Care Ward; to Rev. Fr. Barry Schoonbaert and the parishioners of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church for their prayers and to the many friends and family members who provided their support, comfort and prayers. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Sharon's memory to CancerCare Manitoba Foundation (Palliative Care), Room 1160 - 675 McDermot Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3E 0V9 or to the Arthritis Society of Canada, 105-386 Broadway Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3C 3R6. WOJCIK'S ALL BELIEFS & FAITHS FUNERAL CHAPEL & CREMATORIUM 897 - 4665

Donna ____________________________________________ May 14, 2003 Buchanan descendant death Sharon Bailey (nee Kennedy) passed away 11 May 2003 at River Health Centre, Winnipeg, MB. Her lineage is as follows: GG Grandparents were Andrew Buchanan and Jane Long. G Grandparents were Samuel Buchanan (1832-1912) and Mary Watson (1840-1922) Grandparents were John “Long Johnny” Buchanan (1857-1932) and Elizabeth Shields Graham (1869-1911) Parents were Kate Buchanan (1899-1985) and Hugh J. Kennedy (1894-1952) Sharon Kennedy (23 July 1941-11 May 2003) married to Thomas Bailey Children: Karen Lynn Patricia Bailey Tara Lee Bailey married to Russell Edward McBride David Thomas Bailey

Donna Phillips ____________________________________________ May 20, 2003 Allan Wentworth Gardiner For those of you tracking the Gardiners, attached are my notes on Allan. Allan's mother was Annie Watson, who married first, David Richard Gardiner, and second, David Andrew (Andy) Snider. Barry Snider Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED BIRTH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1889-11716099, CHILD'S DETAILS Last Name: GARDINER, Given Names: ALLAN WENTWORTH, Sex: M

Date of Birth: 05/16/1889, Place of Birth: R.M. OF ROSEDALE, Birth Weight: grams Parents Married: U Mother's Marital Status: UNKNOWN, MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: WATSON Given Names: ANNIE, Date of Registration: 08/28/1929 The Neepawa Press, Fri March 15, 1907: News of Neepawa - D..R. Gardiner went to Winnipeg on Wednesday. He was accompanied by his son Allan who has secured a position in the city. The Neepawa Press, Friday February 10th, 1911: News of Neepawa - Allan Gardiner left for Agassiz, BC. From the BC Archives on-line: Name: Allan Wentworth Gardiner, Place: North Surrey, Reg. Number: 1971-09-006492, Date: 1971 4 19 (Yr/Mo/Day), Age: 81, Event: Death, Microfilm #: B13310 (GSU # 2034218) 1st wife - Marguerite Grieve Possibility from BC Archives on-line: Name: Margaretta Gardner, Place: Sidney, Reg. Number: 1961-09-007863 Date: 1961 7 4 (Yr/Mo/Day), Age: 72, Event: Death, Microfilm #: B13252 (GSU # 2033373) 2nd wife - Florence May Hubbard Possibility from BC Archives on-line: Name: Florence May Gardiner, Place: Chilliwack, Reg. Number: 1967-09-003812, Date: 1967 3 15 (Yr/Mo/Day), Age: 79, Event: Death, Microfilm #: B13282 (GSU # 2033858) ----- Original Message ----From: Teresa Fouillard To: Merv Andrews ; rm.yurkowski@... ; H McCormick ; Darlene Perrett ; Bill Buchanan ; Barry Snider Sent: May 19, 2003 10:26 AM Subject: BC Death Registrations Hi, Just received some more B.C. Death Registration copies: 1) Place of Death: King George Private Hospital, Surrey, B.C. 2) Length of stay: 2 weeks, in province 60 years 3) Name: Gardiner, Allan Wentworth 4) Permanent Residence: Chilliwack, B.C., 45-041 5) Sex: Male 6) Citizenship: Canadian 7) Racial Origin: Irish 8) Marital Status: Widowed 9) Birthplace: Manitoba 10) Date of Birth: May 16, 1889 11) Age: 81 yrs 12) Trade/profession: Salesman with Rawleigh Industries 13) Date last worked: 1960 14) Total yrs spent in this occupation: 30 yrs 15) wife's maiden name: Florence Hubbard 16) Name of Father: Gardner, N/K (ammended to read Gardiner Per D.R. Memo May 11/71 17) Name of Mother: N/K, N/K 18) Birthplace of Father: Canada, of Mother: Canada

19) dated at Chilliwack, B.C. on 20 April 1971 by ???JELL Kepton??? step-son, Box 212 Agassiz, B.C. 20) Buried on April 22, 1971 at Valleyview Cemetery, Agassiz, B.C. 21) Undertaker: Henderson's Funeral Home, Chilliwack, B.C. 22) Date of Death: April 19, 1971 Cause of Death: Brombo? Pneumonia 2 days and something unreadable for 5 yrs as well as Congenitive ??? failure 5 yrs to go with the above, there was a Florence May Gardiner who died at Chilliwack on 15 March 1967 age 79 who could have been his wife. Obviously, this was a second marriage for both of them. Cheers, Teresa Fouillard ____________________________________________ May 26, 2003 Manitoba vital stats I think we have discussed this before, but I don't remember what the solution was. When I use the Manitoba vital stats search (http://web2.gov.mb.ca/cca/vital/Query.php) I still get no search results. Yet I know that some of you have used it & found Buchanans and Watsons. What am I doing wrong? I can't even get records to come up which someone else has already found in there. :-( Thanks, Suzanne ____________________________________________

May 26, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Manitoba vital stats I too have the same problem as Sue. I get searches that yield no results...I'd appreciate some tips as well! Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________

May 26, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Manitoba vital stats Well, you certainly have the right website. http://web2.gov.mb.ca/cca/vital/Query.php

Did you remember to scroll down and complete the information boxes before hitting the search key? If you are concerned about spelling variations, I discovered you can use ? instead of one letter of the name, or * for all remaining letters of a name. For instance, if you don't know if Barry is spelled Berry, you can type B?rry and it will search for both spellings. Or Smith* will pick up Smith or Smithe. Hope this helps. Barry Snider ____________________________________________ May 26, 2003 Fw: [andrew-buchanan] Manitoba vital stats Further to my previous message, the search does not appear to be working today. It worked fine when I was in yesterday, but I just tried it and it isn't working now. Try again tomorrow and see if they have it fixed. Barry Snider ____________________________________________

May 26, 2003 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Manitoba vital stats I’ve had it happen too….sometimes it just comes up with “no results found”….and then if you try again a few minutes or a few hours later it works fine. Might be that the server gets overloaded with usage at certain times or ??

Donna ____________________________________________ May 26, 2003 ancestry.com I'm taking advantage of both unemployment and my enrollment in the library science program to use some of the databases to which I have free access through the university - that is, to use them for non-school related purposes. This includes Ancestry - yay! Some of our Buchanans moved to the US. I spent a happy two hour period earlier this evening looking up the Patricks and descendents (Elizabeth Buchanan and Jacob Henry Patrick). The 1920 and 1930 censuses - with index AND digital images - is cool!! Too bad we don't have this for Canada? If anyone needs anything looked up through Ancestry, please ask me soon, while I actually have time. You can use the index for free, but if you're not a subscriber you'll keep hitting those "you must subscribe to access

this" blocks. So let me know what you need. (Oh, and speaking of time Patty, I still have that box of books for you, and may actually have a chance to get it away to you!) Sue ____________________________________________ May 27, 2003 Re: ancestry.com Hi Sue and company, Could you find anything more on James Watson senior in these databases? Do you know if this is his grave? I show him as dying there 7 Nov 1871. Burial plot: WATSON James Wingham (Section B) Huron Turnberry HU-3259-B Last week I received a telephone call from: William John (Jack) Noon ph. 902-679-0608 sumautwr@... I directed him to my web site and the family photos web site. He was supposed to get back to me with more information. He is the son of Helen Buchanan and William Noon. His mother's parents are William Samuel Buchanan (the machinist who moved to Toronto) and Bertha Slaughter. I asked him about another marriage of William Samuel that was mentioned by someone (you or Patty, I believe). "I found this in my backlog, and had not yet extracted it to my file. I'm not certain whether this is a first marriage or second (I can check the marriage again to see whether it says he was a bachelor or widow). So far I've found no other marriage for this guy. These Buchanans moved to Toronto, which is a difficult area to research because of its size. Ontario Vital Statistics, marriage 002489-1907 William Samuel Buchanan, 26, of Toronto, methodist, machinist, s/o Andrew Buchanan and Eliza Burke Mary Frazer, 28, of Toronto, presbyterian, d/o John Frazer and Margaret Craig. witnesses Robert Pearson and Annie Smith, both of Toronto. Jack wasn't aware of this marriage, but said it must have been an earlier marriage because William Samuel and Bertha remained together until the end of their lives. Jack also has a sister Catherine. (See the attached gedcom file.) He is supposed to be emailing me additional information. I wish I had asked more questions while I had him on the telephone.


Attachment(not stored) Noon.ged ____________________________________________ May 27, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] ancestry.com I just reread your message and figured out who the Noons are. I've had no contact with this line as of yet. I'll have to email him! Yay! Suzanne ____________________________________________ May 27, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] ancestry.com That was my note. I'm still puzzling over this... and will have another look for his later marriage. If he was married twice, then perhaps this Mary died and there will be a death record. Eeek, so much to do!! Wish I could get paid for this!! (no, that's not a request from you guys!!) Suzanne ____________________________________________ May 28, 2003 James Watson sen. According to OCFA, both a James and an Elizabeth Watson are buried in Mainsville Cemetery, Edwardsburgh, Grenville County. Could this be them? Isn't Edwardsburgh where they lived before coming to Elma twp? I may be able to check this cemetery transcription next time I'm in Toronto. I'm not certain that that Huron county cemetery would be the right one, it seems pretty far away. But the public library has most Huron county cemeteries; I can check next time I'm downtown. Suzanne ____________________________________________ May 28, 2003 Riding Mountain and Birnie Cemeteries Message List Here are some tombstone inscriptions from the cemeteries at Riding Mountain and Birnie that I made last summer when we went there with Darlene. I selected names that seemed to be connected to our family, but some of them

I haven't been able to connect. Riding Mountain Cemetery (family names only) Mclaughlin William E. September 6 1923 Married November 3, 1950 Melba J. August 21, 1927 - September 27, 1994 [daughter of Archie Alexander Buchanan] Loving parents of Noreen and Gay Bradshaw Charles F. 1915-1992 Ann M. 1917-1989 [daughter of Robert George Buchanan] Blanche Virtue Bradshaw 1882-1944 Buchanan Roy A. March 29, 1925-April 17, 1996 [son of Archie Alexander Buchanan] Elizabeth M. February 25, 1932 Married April 14, 1954 Brittany Nola Buchanan May 26-June 15, 1988 [Blair's daughter?] Father Ellis A. Dafoe 1874-1947 [Ted Dafoe] Margaret Buchanan [daughter of John S. (Long Johnny) Buchanan] wife of E.A. Dafoe Died January 10, 1919 aged 28 years Infant son of E and M Dafoe Died January 25, 1918 Gordon Dafoe 1911-1999 Bare James Archibald May 22nd, 1916-July 7, 1994 [Archie, Lucy Buchanan's husband] Smith [connection?] Frederick H. 1922-1943 Donald 1929 Pearl L Ducklow wife of Norman Tyler [connection?] Died March 25, 1919 aged 25 years Watson 1869 David James 1958 [the historian, son of James Watson and Jane Buchanan] 1881 his wife Minnie Snider 1935 Henry James L. 1911-1991 Mabel 1913-1983 [Mabel Watson - daughter of David James Watson]

Watson [sons of David James Watson] Joseph Albert May 16, 1902-April 27, 1979 Resting at Burlington, Ontario David Roy July 4, 1907-September 9, 1984 Resting at Fonthill, Ontario Robert Campbell 1852-1923 [relatives of Jim Henry] Mother Thelma M. Henry 1911-1995 Father William J. Henry 1908-1984 Robert B. Henry 1874-1955 Phoebe Ellen Henry 1887-1931 Mary Buchanan [Mary Campbell] June 1913-October 1991 Wife of Delbert Catherine Campbell 1885-1979 Mother [Mary's mother] Robert J. Campbell 1882-1951 Father Ida May Kitson 1876-1960 Mother [connection?] Daniel S. Kitson July 29, 1869-March 3, 1952 Father Baby Bonnie Kitson April 12, 1952 Milton C. Kitson Gunner RCA February 8, 1985 Age 66 Gordon D. Kitson died August 3, 1945 aged 30 years [husband of Merle Buchanan] Margaret Brown Graham 1881-1966 Mother [connection?] James Graham 1866-1940 Father Roy Graham 1910-1985 Son Kelm Edward September 14, 1913 Elsie (Buchanan) October 7, 1918-June 19, 2001 [daughter of Archie Alexander Buchanan] Alfred James Crandell [perhaps a brother to Earl Crandelll?] November 23, 1906-April 28, 1995 Dad Florence Grace Crandell (Boyd) October 10, 1906-September 30, 1976 Mom Birch [in-laws of Richard McKee Buchanan] Mother Claudine A 1907-1981 Father F. Tom 1903-1986 Birch E. Keith 1947-1989 Birch

Arthur H. May 10, 1938-May 17, 1986 Arthur H. Birch Beloved husband of Eva J. Birch Died September 22, 1926 aged 40 years Birch 1908 Ernest R. 1970 1917 Jean 1994 Married August 17, 1940 Johnston [connection?] Robyn M Liddle wife of A S Johnston died April 12, 1924 aged 37 years John Stewart Johnston [connection?] Nellie Johnston 1895-1955

Bernie Cemetery Mary I. Jasper 1898-1991 George E. 1911-1968 [connection?] Bare John Frederick [connection?] March 11, 1919-October 11, 2000 Buchanan John Campbell Born September 22, 1883 died November 18, 1962 Florence Louise born August 21, 1889-died February 23, 1973 Murdoch [probably the father of Annie Leona Murdoch, who died at Birnie] John Taylor Murdoch died December 28, 1948 aged 57 Harold beloved son of N. and Alice Jackson born June 19, 1905 died May 27, 1907 [possibly the infant brother of Margaret Ann Jackson] Birch [parents-in-law of Richard McKee Buchanan] Tom 1865-1952 Father Charlotte 1868-1943 Mother Violet M. Birch [sister-in-law of Richard McKee Buchanan] Beloved wife of J. S. Ennis born May 25, 1895 died July 2, 1917

I hope you enjoy this,

Bill ____________________________________________ May 28, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] James Watson sen. Hi Sue and all, I checked the microfiche on Wingham Cemetery yesterday, and the only James Watson I found there seems to be no connection. You are probably right about them being buried in Edwardsburgh, but somehow I show his death as 7 Nov 1871 at Wingham. Since my great grandfather George Watson's family lived in the area of Wingham, this seemed reasonable to me. What dates do you have for their deaths? Do we know if they came to North Huron when some of their children moved there? I have information on the family of their son Robert Watson which I am following up. I hope to add his descendants to the database soon.

Bill ____________________________________________ May 28, 2003 Manitoba Archives on-line I tried the Manitoba archives today, and they seem to be working again. Barry Snider ____________________________________________ May 31, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] James Watson sen. Listers, I have that James died in 1846 (prior to going to Elma). They were in Edwardsburgh prior to Elma, but an exact migration date is not known to me. James Jr and some of the others went to Elma in what I guess to be late 1840's early 1850's (when they started marrying the Buchanans). I dont have a death date for Elizabeth, but it would not suprise me that she stayed in Edwardsburgh. There were many Linnen relatives of hers there. I'd be interested in what you dig up on them. Patty Hopkinson [James is alive in the 1852 and 1861 censuses with some of his children]

____________________________________________ Jun 5, 2003 Hunter Family History Hi Patty, You refer to Frederick Hunter as the author of the Hunter-Linnen history "A FAMILY ORCHARD: LEAVES FROM THE HUNTER TREE" at http://freepages.misc.rootsweb.com/~database/HUNTER.htm Do you know any way of contacting the author of this document? He may have additional information on Richard Welsh's daughter Jane that will tell me her mother's name and allow me to confirm whether she is my great grandmother who married George Watson. I searched through the document, even the html code, but I could find no mention of the author's name, address, email address or telephone number - a most peculiar state of affairs. I looked for people listed in the history and found one in my area (the Bill Ho family). They were the right family but Bill and his son didn't know who wrote the history. And his wife never called me back. Then I discovered a link and the name Frederick Hunter on your web site, so I am hoping you can help. Elsewhere, I found a list of the descendants of Robert (son of James Watson and Elizabeth Linnen) and Ann Watson and I am trying to get permission to use it. So far I have sent three messages but have received no reply. By the way, it has no information on the other children of Elizabeth and James. But it does use the name "Elizabeth" rather than "Isabella", so I think we are right in concluding that the marriage registration of William James Watson is wrong on that point. Another thought. A book I am reading refers to Berwick-on-Tweed. Some of the Linnens were from Berwickshire. Perhaps the "Tweed, Scotland" where James Watson was born was not Tweedshire (Peebleshire) but actually Berwick-on-Tweed. One reason I thought James was buried at Wingham, Turnberry Twp, Huron was the 1861 and 1881 census entries attached. 1861 shows James Watson as a widower living in Turnberry Township with his two youngest sons, George and William. Turnberry Township is where at least two of George's children were born, and where we find the family of George Watson and Jane Welsh living in 1881. In the 1881 census, William and his family are living next door to George's family (i.e. Families 66 and 67 in the same Dist, SubDist, and Page) From the ages given in these censuses, there would be no conlflict between the birth dates of George and Mary. So one (or both) of the tombstone dates must be wrong, but they are brother and sister. I am sorry if you get two copies of this message, but this Excite email service seems to having problems again.

Bill ____________________________________________

Jun 12, 2003 Methodist Baptismal Register Thanks to Teresa Fouillard for this link that I have found very useful. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~wjmartin/wm-index.htm By the way, who is this person? Jennie Berthal Buchanan was born 26 Nov 1887 to a Robert and Elizabeth Buchanan in Elma Twp, Perth, ON, Canada. The name even seems vaguely familiar, but I can't find her in my database. Here is her entry in the MBR: Methodist Baptismal Register Vol Pg# Dist./Co. Area Given-name Surname Father Mother Residence Birthplace Birthdate Bapt-date Bapt-place Minister 4 301 Huron/Perth/Hastings Londesboro/Atwood/Dungannon Jennie Berthal Buchanan Robert Elizabeth Elma Elma 1887-11-26 1890-03-07 Elma Rogers, Rev D. Help! Bill ____________________________________________ Jun 12, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Methodist Baptismal Register Hi Bill: I decided this was Annie Bertha, and just transcribed wrong. Anyway, the birthdates and parents match. I suspect the original entry had poor handwriting or was very faint. Does anyone know why there are so few Watson's. I only found one entry for Elma. Should I be looking in a different location? Or were they members of a different church? Thanks. Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Jun 15, 2003 Manitoba newspapers on-line Does anyone know if any of the Manitoba newpapers obituary sections are available on-line? Thanks,

Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Jun 15, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Methodist Baptismal Register Yep, Barry's right. That's a mistranscription. I've seen the original & plan to look at it again just to be sure; I recorded this one (from the microfilm) as Annie Bertha. I have a photo of her somewhere & am not sure if you've got it in your collection, Bill... if I remember, I'll check! In the photo she's with Annie (Buchanan) Acheson. Annie Bertha had misformed legs, I believe, and tradition says that she never had a full-body picture taken; all pictures showed her only from the waist up. Her brothers Reuben & Herbie were both crippled as well. My grandfather thought that Reuben might have been born healthy but had something happen in his childhood that injured him. Of the two men, one of them was in a wheelchair and the other (Reuben?) just mainly stayed in the kitchen chair all day. My mom said when he wanted to go someplace he would just "walk" the chair across the room. It wasn't on wheels, he would just shift his weight to "walk" it. :-) Suzanne ____________________________________________

Jun 25, 2003 Scottish Church Records I found the christening of John Young, husband of (William and Ann's) Margaret Buchanan in the Scottish Church Records (along with many other people born in Scotland). If you have access to an LDS Family History Centre, you will find these (Church of Scotland) records in the FamilySearch computer program (NOT at the FamilySearch web site) as item "E" in the main menu. It is a fun resource to use. By the way, here is John Young's information, in case you are interested: Scottish Church Records 2.O2 FULL RECORD OF INDIVIDUAL (Including Source) John YOUNG Sex: M FATHER'S INFORMATION Name: John YOUNG MOTHER'S INFORMATION Name: Margaret HAMILTON INDIVIDUAL INFORMATION Christening 25 Apr 1840 Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Frame 5342 Now, if only there was something equivalent for the Church of England records, it would really help my research on my mother's lines!!! Happy holidays!

Bill ____________________________________________

Jun 25, 2003 Hamilton births I found two more Hamilton birth records: From http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~wjmartin/wm-h_12.htm 2 217 Perth Co. Mornington Twp. Abnah Hamilton Joseph Mary Mornington Mornington 1863-10-17 1863-11-16 Mornington Crane, Rev.J. From http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~wjmartin/wm-h_12.htm 2 269 Perth Co. Mornington Twp. Ida Ann Hamilton Joseph Mary Mornington Mornington 1865-10-18 1866-03-21 Mornington Crane, Rev. Isaac 2 571 Renfrew Co. Alice Twp. Ida Ann Hamilton Joseph Mary Ellice Mornington 1865-10-18 1866-03-02 Alice Crane, Rev. Isaac [These appear to be the same child]

Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Jun 26, 2003 Adamson family I came across this information on the Adamson family. Barry Snider Attachment(not stored) ADAMSON.ged ____________________________________________ Jun 26, 2003 William Samuel Buchanan Hi Buchanan cousins, Several weeks ago we were discussing the marriage I found for William Samuel Buchanan, which didn't agree with that in Lorne & Doris's family tree. My

research at the Archives of Ontario revealed the following. William Samuel Buchanan, son of Andrew and Eliza (Burke), married in Toronto June 29, 1907 to Mary Frazer. Ontario Vital Statistics, marriage 003629-1907. Mary (Fraser) Buchanan died Dec 27, 1914 in Toronto of angina pectoris. Her age at time of death was 46y 10m 2d. She was the daughter of John Frazer & Margaret Craig. OVS, death 007292-1914. I don't believe that they had any children from this marriage - none that I've found so far, anyway. William Samuel remarried in Niagara Falls on Apr 7, 1917 to Bertha Slaughter, daughter of Joseph Slaughter and Catherine Hagel. OVS, marriage 020218-1917. Their daughter was Helen (Buchanan) Noon, mother of the Jack Noon who contacted Bill a few weeks ago. I'm cc'ing this message to him as well as to the list. He didn't know about his grandfather's first marriage. Suzanne ____________________________________________ Jun 26, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] William Samuel Buchanan Hi Suzanne. Thanks for the update. While adding this information to my records, I noticed that there are four William Samuel Buchanan's, plus a William Sam. And that the William Samuel Buchanan who is son of David Buchanan and Jane Elizabeth McGoffin is also married to a Fraser, Ella Margaret. Any idea if these Fraser gals are related? Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Jun 26, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] William Samuel Buchanan A further note: Mary's age at death probably should have been 36, not 46. I may have copied it down wrong, or the record may be wrong. Age 46 would have made her ten years older than William Samuel, and the marriage record shows that this was not the case. I'll recheck when I have a chance. And her maiden name appears to have been FraZer, not Fraser. I misspelled it below. I just realized that I forgot to look up the cemetery transcription for James Watson when I was in Toronto. Darn. :-( Next trip, I guess!

Sue ____________________________________________ Jun 27, 2003 John & Sophia Farrell I found the following births registered to John & Sophia: From http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~wjmartin/wm-f_8.htm 3 490 Perth Mornington Twp. Mary Salina Farrell John Sophia Mornington Mornington 1869-11-11 1870-08-01 Mornington Hough, Rev. J. 1 189 Wellington Mornington Twp. Thomas Farral John Sophia Mornington Mornington 1857-05-28 1857-08-30 Mornington Robson, Rev. Thomas 4 175 Perth Mornington Twp. Margaret Farrell John Sophia Mornington Mornington 1875-02-18 1877-09-20 Mornington Phillips, Rev. R. However: Mary Salina is not included on the 1881 census, when she would be about 11 if she lived. The Mary listed is only 6. Thomas would be about 23, if he lived. The Thomas listed on the 1881 census is 17. Margaret would be about 6 on the 1881 census. But the Margaret listed is 10. Does anyone have any further information or thoughts that would reconcile these dates? Thanks. Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Jul 7, 2003 The 1847 voyage to Canada from Ireland To get an idea of what the voyage of our Buchanan ancestors was like, you can check this informative web site. http://www.theshipslist.com/1847/index.htm Bill ____________________________________________ Jul 21, 2003 Stories from Sharon Chimney Hi Darlene, Vera and Everyone Else, Earlier this month, Judy and I had the opportunity to visit Sharon and Jerry Chimney at their home in BC. It was a wonderful visit! They have a lot of great old pictures and family keepsakes. They even have a copy of the picture of the John Buchanan family that is complete. The only other copy of it that I have seen is the one I put on the web site (the one where Lizzie's picture was scratched off). The Chimneys' copy of the picture is part of a

beautiful family history display that is framed behind a huge sheet of glass in their house. Maybe Jerry and Sharon will scan it after their kitchen reconstruction is finished. I would love to have a copy, and I could email a copy to anyone else who is interested. When we finish repainting the outside of the house, I plan to up-date both web sites, and include copies of their pictures of the Ashes and Donnellys, etc. Does anyone have a family picture of other branches of the family? I have a copy of the William Buchanan family picture, the John Buchanan family picture, and of Jane and James Watson's family (a poor-quality copy as it was printed in a book). I would be surprised if some of the others didn't have family pictures taken (especially Sam and Mary, who had portraits painted). If you have any such pictures, please let me know and have someone scan them at 300 or 600 dpi and save them in JPEG format. (If you don't have a scanner, this may not make a lot of sense to you, but anyone with a scanner should understand.) Scanning takes less than 10 minutes and does no harm to your picture. Let's save these old pictures. Too many have already been lost. And remember that an unlabeled picture is a doomed picture. It is only one step removed from the garbage bin. Sorry about the tirade, but I can become passionate about old pictures. Stories from Sharon Chimney Aunt Maggie Buchanan - I loved her! (Margaret Matilda Buchanan) She was 93 years old when I was about 10. I could have sat with her all day. She stayed with us (Donnellys) when she was 91 - in our old house with a stairway that was more like a ladder than a stairway. My parents worried that she might fall, but she climbed it just fine. She made hand-stitched quilts. The T. Eaton Company would send her all their scrap materials free of charge to "Granny Buchanan, Neepawa, Man." She made quilts for everyone. She even made me a doll quilt that I kept for years. It was in Mom's trunk in her old house when they sold the house. Aunt Maggie was fun, she had the best stories. I don't know if they just happened that way or whether she jazzed them up to make them interesting for us kids. She was raised by neighbors. She told how her mom (Bessie Glenn Buchanan) dressed her in her nicest dress and put her up on the table and had her turn around so that the neighbors could look at her. Then they took her to their home and she never went back. Her daughter Bella (Hunter) tried to tell her "Grandmother probably did it because she was too poor to support you." Maggie retorted "Nobody is too poor! We were really poor but we raised 18 kids!" She and Uncle Bob were always willing to provide a home to the homeless. Only 8 of those children were actually their own. Three of their sons married Birch sisters, and all three ran off with other men, although Lizzie came back. Aunt Maggie never forgave them. One day she was working upstairs and Bella came up the stairs. She said "Eddy is downstairs and Lizzie is with him. You need to be NICE to them!"

She was a fascinating woman, Aunt Maggie.

The Trip from Ontario to Manitoba My grandmother, John and Isabel's daughter Mary Buchanan (Ash) was in grade 3 and quit school when they left Ontario and never went back to school. There was no bridge across the Red River at Winnipeg so they had to cross the river on rafts.

I hope you enjoy these stories from Sharon. And I hope you are all enjoying a beautiful summer!

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Jul 21, 2003 Re: Stories from Sharon Chimney Hi Bill, I've got a good quality copy of the Watson photo, which my dad made from an original (in possession of my grandmother). So we've also got a negative floating around somewhere, either in my apartment or at my parents'. I'll get you a better copy than the one that's scanned from the book. :-) My dad uses his camera to take pictures of old pictures - he knows how to do it so that they turn out really well, and then we also get a negative. (I think he should set up a photography business in his retirement.) And I can scan photos in the campus computer lab, although I don't have a scanner of my own. Thanks for your work to save old photos and stories. I believe that the oral tradition is also as important as the photos. One of my greatest regrets is that we never taped my grandfather before he died. My uncle Bob Buchanan is also a storyteller, who has some stories of his own and some heard from my grandfather. Guess I have to tape my uncle! Sue ____________________________________________ Jul 24, 2003 Distribution of Buchanan Households I thought this might be of interest. It shows the number of Buchanan households in each county of Ireland in the Primary Valuation property survey of 1848-64.

(from http://www.ireland.com/ancestor/ - which has other fascinating stuff.) Antrim 31 Armagh 17 Belfast city 4 Cavan 15 Cork 5 Derry 25 Donegal 84 Down 17 Dublin 2 Dublin city 1 Fermanagh 31 Galway 2 Leitrim 5 Mayo 24 Meath 7 Monaghan 2 Offaly 5 Roscommon 3 Sligo 3 Tipperary 1 Tyrone 91 Wexford 4 I hope you are all enjoying summer. Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Aug 4, 2003 Percy William Moore I came across the following obituary: Percy William Moore, b. 20 May 1933 at Kenora, Ontario, d. 25 July 2003 at Victoria, BC, son of Harry & Jessica Moore. I can't connect this up to any Moore's in my records. But I know we have some connections to Kenora. If anyone recognizes any of these names, please respond. Thanks. Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Aug 26, 2003 Norman Kennedy obituary

My mother’s cousin, Norman Kennedy, son of Kate Buchanan and Hugh Kennedy passed away August 23, 2003 in Moose Jaw. Link to obituary at http://www.wjjonesandson.com/Memorials%202003/kennedynorman082303.htm and http://classifieds.canada.com/saskatoon/viewad.aspx?id=2105190 GGGrandparents: Andrew Buchanan and Jane ? GGrandparents: Samuel Buchanan and Mary Watson Grandparents: Long Johnny Buchanan and Elizabeth Shields Graham Parents: Kate Buchanan and Hugh Kennedy Norman Kennedy Donna ____________________________________________ Sep 8, 2003 Buchanan names I thought it would be fun to see how closely the original Buchanan immigrants followed the Scottish naming pattern for children. If the second generation followed the naming pattern strictly, we could say that the first generation probably did so as well. In that case Andrew's father's name would be Robert, his own name would be James!!!, his oldest brother's name would be Andrew and his second oldest brother's name would be John. Jane's mother's name would be Jane, her father's name would be Charles, her oldest brother's name would be William, her second brother's name would be Samuel. :-) Now let's look at what really happened. The second generation seemed to follow it to a large degree, but not strictly. (See the attached spreadsheet to see the order in which parents gave specific names to children.) To summarize, the frequency of occurrence of names is: Andrew 8 John 7 Charles 6 James 6 Robert 6 William 6 Samuel 4 David 2 (probably after David Watson) George 2 (probably after George Watson) Thomas 2 Alexander 2 Henry 1 Jane 6 Mary 6 Elizabeth 5 Margaret 4

Angelina 1 Anne 1 Grace 1 Isabella 1 Matilda 1 Sarah 1

Bill Attachment(not stored) A Comparison of Names Given by the Buchanan Immigrants to Their Children.xls ____________________________________________ Sep 9, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanan names Interesting theory! Do the ? mean that a child is missing, or name unknown? Or just a break in the theory of names? Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Sep 9, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanan names Hi Barry, The ? means that I don't have the information to fill in the pattern at that point.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Sep 10, 2003 Birthdates of Samuel and John Hi Barry, I noticed the same thing. This note from Donna Phillips looks at Samuel's age. "Re Samuel Buchanan's birthdate.. The 1901 Census gives it as 28 March 1832. I have many different birth dates from different sources: 1861 Census b. 1835 1871 Census b. 1836 1881 Census b. 1835

1891 Census b. 1837 1906 Census b. 1830 Neepawa Press article: 1829 Neepawa Press obituary: 1830 However, all of the above were back-calculated based on the age that was stated and the date of the record. The 1901 Census actually states a birthdate, so I've chosen to go along with that one. Who knows for sure??" - Donna Phillips Perhaps Darlene and Valerie can tell us the sources they used for exact dates they mentioned. Maybe one of them is from the 1901 census. Where John is concerned: "Born 10 Aug 1829" according to Val Buchanan. Darlene wrote: "Now JOHN BUCHANAN. He was the 7th son of Andrew and Jane (Long) Buchanan. He was born 1 November 1831 in Omagh, County Tyrone, Ireland and at age 17 came to Canada in 1847 with his parents and the rest of his siblings." And then there are the censuses, tombstones and newspaper articles ... few of which agree. There is also the 1864 Tax Assessment Roll, which shows them younger than other sources, but not by any consistent number of years. The ages may be guesswork by the tax assessor: 1864 Assessment Roll, Elma Township, Perth County, Ontario Format - name, age, concession and lot, assessment in dollars Samuel Buchanan, 29, con. 8, east 1/2 of lot 28, $203 David Watson, 32, con. 8, west 1/2 of lot 28, $200 John Buchanan, 30, con. 8, south 1/2 of lot 30, $220 Robert Buchanan, 54, con. 8, north 1/2 of lot 30, $12 Charles Buchanan, 40, con. 8, lot 36, $657 Andrew Buchanan, 32, con. 9, lot 31, $480 William Thompson, 35, con. 9, south 1/2 of lot 32, $200 William Buchanan, 35, con. 9 lot 33 and con. 8, south 1/2 lot 33, $600 [This would indicate that Robert was born in 1810, Charles in 1824,William 1829, Andrew 1833, John 1834, Samuel 1835 - not consistent with other sources.] I included William Thompson because Annie B. McMane told me that one or two of Ann Thompson Buchanan's brothers had also come to Elma, and this William Thompson lived next door to William & Ann Buchanan so he seemed like a possibility. It is interesting to note that the brothers who didn't move to Manitoba were the ones who had the most valuable farms in Ontario. Does anyone have Charles' birthdate from the 1901 census?


Barry Snider wrote: Bill, your recent email about naming protocols got me looking at Andrew and Jane's family again. Specifically Samuel and John. I have them both born about 1830, with Samuel the older. But I don't believe they were twins. They are all over the map on the various census reports: Census Samuel John 1871 35 40 1881 46 53 1901 71 1906 76 1909 78 (headstone & death notice) 1912 83 (newspaper article) 1912 82 (death notice) Based on the early censuses, John should be the oldest, although Samuel appears to have caught up and even passed John in his later years?????? (Would there be some advantage to appear older, such as collecting the Old Age Pension?) Based on the above and your records, do you have any further thoughts on their birth years? It is too bad we couldn't find their immigration records, as it would probably show at least the age, if not the birthdates, of each of the children accompanying Andrew and Jane. Regards, Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Sep 17, 2003 Buchanans in the Cariboo? Would this possibly be James A. Buchanan married to Mary Elizabeth Shewin and his son James? Dates are in the ballpark. Does anyone know if they went west to prospect in the Cariboo? Census Year: 1901 Location: Kootenay West, Rossland Riding Film #: T-6430 Division #: 9 Page #: 1 Entry #: 23 Family #: 6 Surname: Buchanan

Given Name: Robert Relationship to Head of Household: lodger Birth Date: 4 Aug Birth Year: 1880 Birthplace: Ontario Immigration: Census Year: 1901 Location: Kootenay West, Rossland Riding Film #: T-6430 Division #: 15 Page #: 18 Entry #: 36 Family #: 229 Surname: Buchanan Given Name: James Relationship to Head of Household: head Birth Date: Feb 4 Birth Year: 1859 Birthplace: Ontario Immigration: Source Information: Stewart, Michael & Angela, comp.Yale & Cariboo Districts, British Columbia 1901 Census: Rossland Riding [database online]. Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2003. Original data: Rossland Riding, Yale & Cariboo Districts, British Columbia, Canada. 1901 Canada Census. Microfilm # T-6430 and T-6436. National Archives of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Donna Phillips ____________________________________________

Sep 17, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanans in the Cariboo? Hi Everyone, I don't think this is them, if the following information is correct. James A. Buchanan was born 5 March 1851 and his son Robert was born 29 May 1905 in Washington state. (See http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/8143/genealogy/hodgson.txt for the birth dates of this family and their Hodgson relatives.) James lived on Lopez Island, San Juan County, Washington, USA in 1901. The Hodgson site also clears up the confusion left by the Buchanan Family Tree book regarding which of James A. Buchanan's wives is the mother of which child. I found the Hodgson family history really helpful. The next update of my website (probably in October, possibly November) will include this information. Information thanks to Clifford Buchanan III, of Miami Beach, Florida. Cliff is a great grandson of James A. Buchanan and Jennie Annie Hodgson, (daughter of William James Hodgson and Emma Bates).

This may be of interest to those of you with Watson ancestry: I was contacted this past week by Theresa Adams, a descendant of George Watson and Jane Welsh's son George Allan Watson (a branch of the family that we lost touch with in the 1930s). I hope to get more information on her branch of the Watsons over the next week or so - including Catherine and June Watson, whose pictures are on the historical photos website. I spent yesterday in the Family History Centre looking through the Ontario Vital Statistics films for the death of James Watson, husband of Elizabeth Linnen. I checked out every James Watson whose death was recorded during 1869-1873 and he was definitely not among those recorded. No other James Watson is shown as dying on the date 7 Nov 1871, so this date may be accurate if his death was not recorded by the province. Can anyone else cast any light on this?

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Sep 17, 2003 re: James Watson Wasn't I supposed to check a cemetery transcription for a James Watson? Did I ever get to that? Please remind me which one - I've forgotten. :-( I think it was in Leeds county or that area. I was going to check it next time I was in Toronto, but I don't even remember whether I did or not. :-(( Suzanne ____________________________________________ Re: [andrew-buchanan] re: James Watson Hi Suzanne, Yes, that is the one. If you can find it that would be wonderful! A definite birth date should allow us to trace his ancestry in Scotland. From the age given on the 1861 census I estimate he was born about 1795. 1861 census PERSONAL CENSUS Enumeration District , No. 9 Township of Turnberry Names Occupation Place of Birth Religion Age Next Birthday Sex M/S James Watson Farmer Scotland F.C. 66 M W George Watson Labourer Canada 17 M S William Watson Labourer Canada 15 M S (formatting altered to fit the page better) Earlier you wrote: According to OCFA, both a James and an Elizabeth Watson are buried in Mainsville Cemetery, Edwardsburgh, Grenville County. Could this be them? Isn't Edwardsburgh where they lived before coming to Elma twp?

I may be able to check this cemetery transcription next time I'm in Toronto. I'm not certain that Huron county cemetery would be the right one, it seems pretty far away. But the public library has most Huron county cemeteries; I can check next time I'm downtown. Suzanne (I checked the Huron cemetery film and it was someone else with the same name.)

Bill ____________________________________________

Sep 18, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanans in the Cariboo? Hi all, James actually moved around quite a bit before he ended up in Lopez Island. However, they were settled in Lopez Island by the time these census dates rolled around. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ Sep 25, 2003 Re: andrew buchanan grave site Hi Denny, You must mean the mass grave for the 1847 typhus victims, which is marked by the angel. There's still no proof that Andrew was among the people buried there, but it is likely that he was, since it appears that he died upon arrival in Kingston, and the time frame is right. I've been there, but it was a long time ago & I wasn't driving. It's in St Mary's cemetery, and I believe that it's to the right as you come in the main entrance. Hang on & I'll see if I still have my map of Kingston... Wow, I do! And the cemetery is even circled! NOTE: My map may be outdated, since it's probably about ten years old. If you're coming from the 401 take Division Street to the south. The cemetery is on Division St just after Kirkpatrick Street, but I don't remember which street the entrance is on. I have an X marked in a corner of the cemetery off Kirkpatrick, which may mark the spot of the mass grave. I don't really remember, but I can't think why else I'd have put an X there! I hope this helps!

Suzanne DCBuchanan writes: I will be in Kingston ON in 10 days. Does anyone know where the grave is? Denny Buchanan ____________________________________________

Sep 27, 2003 Mary (Buchanan) Park 1929-2003 I've been informed that Mary (BUchanan) Park has died, sometime within the last couple of weeks. She was my grandfather's cousin and contributed a lot of information on our family. Her parents were William Ernest BUchanan and Alice Thorndyke. I didn't know that she had cancer and I'm very sad to hear of her death. I will try to get the obit and will post it to the list. It's not on the Beacon-Herald website (they only have one week of obits accessible, and they don't archive them online). Sue ____________________________________________ Sep 28, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Mary (Buchanan) Park 1929-2003 Hi Sue; I hadn't heard about Mary, that really is too bad. I am working on getting the obit. Will forward it if I can get it. Nancy ____________________________________________ Sep 29, 2003 Re: Mary (Buchanan) Park 1929-2003 My wife and I had the opportunity of visiting Mary Park last summer at the Listowel hospital. Andy Buchanan took us to see her after Mary's sister Muriel's birthday party in Atwood. Mary was in good spirits and we had a really nice visit. Darlene sometimes uses the title "Keepers of the Flame" for those of us who try to preserve the memory of our ancestors, so that future generations can know them. I think it is an honorable title. I will remember Mary Edna Buchanan Park as a Keeper of the Flame.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Sep 29, 2003 Mary Park obit Hi Everyone; Here is Mary's obit. from the KW Record. Nancy Obituaries - Sep. 13, 2003 PARK, Mrs. Mary - At Listowel Memorial Hospital, on Friday, Sept. 12, 2003, Mrs. Mary Edna Park, of Listowel, in her 75th year.Beloved wife of the late L Col Stephen Park (Retd) CD2. Dear mother of Sheila Marie Venman and her husband Major Garry Venman and children Samantha and Kaylee of Cold Lake, Alberta. Fondly remembered by sisters, Muriel Petrie and friend Alec of Mitchell, Marie and Tom Blackwell of Welland, brother Earl Buchanan and friend Doris of Donegal and sister-in-law, Minnie Buchanan of Fonthill, as well as several nieces and nephews.Predeceased by son, Ian Jeffrey Park and brother, Alvin.A service of remembrance will be held at the Robert Trench Funeral Home, in Listowel on Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2003 at 11 a.m. officiated by Rev. George Russell. Cremation with interment at Elma Centre Cemetery.Memorial remembrances to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario would be appreciated as expressions of sympathy. ____________________________________________ Oct 1, 2003 re: Mary Park obit Thanks for posting the obit for Mary, Nancy. I hadn't had time to get to the library yet to check the Stratford paper. Suzanne ____________________________________________ Oct 14, 2003 James Watson senior and family The ancestors of James Watson senior have been a mystery to me, in spite of my interest in this family which has spanned over 40 years. Information from the 1851 and 1861 censuses have brought me a step closer to finding them. Recently I found the James Watson family in the 1851 census of Edwardsburg township, Grenville county, Upper Canada (Ontario). National Archives film C-11724

1851 Census of (Ontario) Grenville county, Edwardsburg township part 1, page 81 Name Occupation Birth place Religion Age next Sex Marital Birthday James Wadson Stone Mason Scotland G.Presby 55 M M Elizabeth " U. Canada " 25 F S Robert " " " 23 M S David " " " 20 M S John " " " 19 M S Isabella " " " 15 F S Mary " " " 12 F S George " " " 10 M S William " " " 8 M S (and 2 entries later on the same page) James Wadson Farmer U. Canada G.Presby 26 M M Caroline Wadson " E. Meth. 22 F M The Agricultural Census 9 (page 107) shows James (senior) as owning Concession 3 Lot 23 consisting of 50 acres (24 in crops, 3 in pasture and 23 in wild/wood lot. James (junior) as owning Concession 4 Lot 16, consisting of 100 acres (5-1/4 cultivated, 94-3/4 in wild/wood lot. James, the stone cutter, lives in a "1-story stone house", and James the farmer lives in a "log shanty" Later, James junior married Jane Buchanan in Elma township, Perth county, and Isabella married John Buchanan, and Mary married Samuel Buchanan. George married Jane Welsh, apparently the daughter of Richard Welsh.

Previously I had found them in the 1861 census of Turnberry township, Huron county, Upper Canada. 1861 census (entries 33, 34, 35 on the page. I don't have the page number, but there is an outline of a stain that looks like a lake.) PERSONAL CENSUS Enumeration District , No. 9 Township of Turnberry Names Occupation Place of Birth Religion Age Next Birthday Sex M/S James Watson Farmer Scotland F.C. 66 M W George Watson Labourer Canada 17 M S William Watson Labourer Canada 15 M S (In the 1851 census of Edwardsburg, young Elizabeth's future husband (Solomon Simons) and his parents and brothers are also listed, as are a Dodge family, probably the relatives of Caroline A. Dodge Buchanan, and the Richard Welsh-Margaret Hunter Linnen family.) In the 1861 census James Watson (jr.) and his brother David are living in Elma, Perth, Ontario. In the 1871 census of Elma, Only James' family is in Elma, plus a John Watson who doesn't appear to be his brother. In the 1861 census James (senior) is living in Turnberry Township, Huron

North, with his sons George and William. In the 1871 census none of them are enumerated in Canada. Last week I went through the 1871 census of Turnberry again, convinced that I must have overlooked them, but they aren't listed there. The 1851 census was especially helpful. Besides establishing the birth order of the children, and their approximate years of birth, it also allows me to narrow-in on the actual year of the birth of James Watson senior. The 1851 census took place on 12 January 1852 (delays led to the late enumeration of the 1851 census). The 1861 census was on 14 January 1861. Since the 1851 census was a year late, there can be some uncertainty whether "Age Next Birthday" was interpreted to refer to 1851 or 1852. The 1851 census would indicate he was born in 1896 or 1897. The 1861 census indicates he was born in 1895, so we are looking at a narrow span of years unless someone has a different birthdate that they can substantiate. Someone supplied a birth year of 1789 and exact day of death within the month, but an email asking her the source of the information brought no reply. Place of Birth In the 1970s I ordered all vital records of James' family from Manitoba Vital Statistics. One of these records gave James' place of birth as "Tweed, Scotland". Since I could find no town or city of this name, it seemed that this would probably have been the former county of Tweedshire, now known as Peebleshire, or possibly Tweedsmuir within Peebleshire. Unfortunately, these Watson records were lost sometime in the early 1990s, and I am reluctant to pay for them a second time, since I have extracted all the data. A search through the old Scottish Church Records for a James Watson born this period of time in any place with "Tweed" in the name came up empty. So I have had to re-examine the term "Tweed, Scotland" Tweed http://www.2hwy.com/st/r/rivtweed.htm The River Tweed rises in southern Peeblesshire at Tweed's Wells, near the source of the Clyde and Annan, and flows in a winding course of about 96 miles through Peeblesshire, Selkirkshire, and Roxburghshire, and between Berwickshire and Northumberland, entering the North Sea at Berwick-upon-Tweed, England. This and other information indicates that the "Tweed District" refers to the four Scottish Border counties the river flows through. James Watson senior would have been born somewhere in this region. I invite your input. Any information you can give me about James Watson senior will bring us closer to identifying his parents.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Oct 14, 2003 RE: James Watson senior and family Bill and list, What a great job you did in finding the elusive Watsons. I too have pondered the "Tweed" Scotland. I research Tweedsmuir and could just not find anything that matches with our family. However, I recently discovered there is another Tweed in Scotland. Its is Tweedbank, which is a small scattered settlement of the Scottish Borders, Tweedbank lies 2 miles (3km) west of Melrose. It is in Co Roxburgh. This is also where the Linnens were from (Berwick and Roxburgh Counties) so it is possible they even migrated together with the Linnens. I have never quite been able to determine when the Linnens or the Watsons came over, so I cant determine that as of yet. [Patty] ____________________________________________ Oct 14, 2003 Re: James Watson senior and family (more) Bill and list, Something that strikes me as odd is that in 1851 James Sr was listed as married (not widowed), yet Elizabeth is not enumerated with him. Does anyone have a death date for Elizabeth Linnen? I suspect she died and it was an error in enumeration. In 1861 James Sr is listed as a widow. I had also run across that someone had reported that James Sr. died in 1846. That piece of information is wrong given the new census data Bill dug up. Perhaps is was Elizabeth that died in 1846 (which would have been 2 years after the birth of William-the last child). Any thoughts? I will check the Old Parish Records and see if their is a James Watson born 1795ish in Tweedbank, Roxburgh. Maybe we will get lucky for once with these Watsons. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ Oct 14, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] RE: James Watson senior and family (more) Yes, I noticed discrepancy in the marital status. From Marguerite Anderson MacDonald I got a death date for Elizabeth Linnen Watson of Dec 1846. This seems consistent with her absence from the 1851 census and the age of her youngest child. (i.e. sometime between the birth of William and January 1852). ____________________________________________ Oct 14, 2003 James Watsons born in the Tweed area in 1794 - 1798 as found in the IGI. The International Genealogical Index has extracted the information from the old Scottish Church records. Note extracted records are copied by IGI from the original documents. Other IGI records consist of information submitted by patrons, and so are considered less reliable.

Born in Peebles IGI - Extracted JAMES WATSON Male Christening: 04 JAN 1796 Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland Father: WILLIAM WATSON Mother: VERONICA BROWN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or christening date. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type: C117594 1700 - 1819 1067905 Film 6901478

IGI - submitted by a patron, not extracted by IGI from an original document. JAMES WATSON Male Birth: 27 FEB 1798 West Linton, Peebles, Scotland Father: ROBERT WATSON Mother: JANET BROWN

Born in Sterling None Born in Roxburgh IGI - Extracted JAMES WATSON Male Christening: 25 DEC 1794 Kelso, Roxburgh, Scotland Father: JAMES WATSON Mother: ELISABETH TURNBULL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or christening date. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type: C117936 1786 - 1820 1067946 Film 6901351 *** See below IGI - Extracted JAMES WATSON Male

Birth: 08 MAR 1795 Christening: 22 NOV 1795 Melrose, Roxburgh, Scotland Father: HENRY WATSON Mother: ISABEL LEES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or christening date. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type: C100091 1642 - 1819 0844776 IT 1 Film 6901050 IGI- Extracted JAMES WATSON Male Christening: 14 AUG 1795 Ednam, Roxburgh, Scotland Father: JAMES WATSON Mother: ISABEL WATSON ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or christening date. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type: C117882 1666 - 1822 1067934 Film 6901636 Born in Berwick IGI - Submitted by a patron This is not him. Our James Watson was still alive in 1861. James Watson Male Birth: 24 JAN 1795 Berwick On Tweed, , Berwick, Scotland Death: 26 SEP 1848 That's it - all the births of James Watsons in the Tweed district during 1794-1798. There are only six of them. The one born in Berwick can be eliminated for certain. Some others can probably be eliminated, as one or both of the parents have names that do not occur in our Watson family. Those outside the range of years from 1795-1797 are dimmer prospects than those that occur within this range, to the extent that his 1851 and 1861 census data is correct.

*** Here is the marriage of the James Watson and Elizabeth Turnbul listed above. IGI - Extracted ELIZABETH TURNBUL Female

Father: THOMAS TURNBUL Spouse: JAMES WATSON Marriage: 17 JUL 1786 Kelso, Roxburgh, Scotland ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Extracted marriage record for locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the marriage date. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type: M117937 1597 - 1819 1067946 Film 6901384 The birth of this particular Elizabeth Turnbul is not found in Kelso in 1730-1790, so she may have been born elsewhere. SUMMARY: Our James Watson married Elizabeth Linnen, born in the parish of Stitchel, Roxborough, which is adjacent to Ednam. If they followed the usual Scottish naming practices, his father's name was probably James, as this is the name he gave to his first son. They named their daughters Elizabeth, Isabel and Mary, so James's mother probably had one of these names. Tentatively I favor James Watson and Isabel Watson of Ednam parish in Roxborough as the parents of our James Watson, pending a more exact date or place of birth. I am guessing that James Watson and Isabel Watson are the parents of our James Watson, for these somewhat debatable reasons: 1. 14 AUG 1795 is more central to the time period than 25 DEC 1794 [the other good possibility] 2. Ednam is closer to Stitchel than Kelso is. [so a better chance of James meeting Elizabeth Linnen] 3. Kelso is well enough known that a person from Kelso might tend to say "I am from Kelso" rather than "I am from Tweed." 4. The parents names are the names of James and Elizabeth's older children. Do you have any thoughts on this? Better yet, do you have his age from any previous censuses to we can get a more accurate fix on his birth date?

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Oct 14, 2003 Watsons Bill and list,

I think you have a good hunch about who James' parents might be given the data we have. One suggestion is that I have found that many times there are entries in the Old Parish Records Database (available at LDS) that are not in the IGI. It seems the database was not transferred one to one into the IGI. So I can stop by the FHC this week and check on the OPR database just to see if there are any addition records. Just for the heck of it I ran a parent search in the IGI on James Watson and Isabel Watson and I was only able to come up with one addition child. Hellen Watson, c 6 MAY 1787, Ladykird, Berwick, Scotland. So if this is the same couple, then this is another connection to Berwick. Although Elizabeth was born in Stichel, Roxburgh, her father was born in Greenlaw, Berwickshire. This is what I found on Ladykirk: This small village is located on the River Tweed 7 miles (11 km) south west of Berwick-uponTweed and 6 miles (9 km) north east of Coldstream, in the old county of Berwickshire. Ladykirk, originally named Upsettlington, was a popular crossing point for armies long before its bridge was built in 1839. James IV nearly drowned here and, as a mark of thanks, erected a church, thus changing the village's name. Roxburgh and Berwick are definitely associated with the Linnen family, so it does tend to support that the families were associated with each other prior to immigration. Since there is no married record in the OPR for James Watson and Elizabeth Linnen, I have always assumed they married in Ontario. However, I found out this tidbit recently through an internet lookup: They looked up in NY state for the marriage of James Watson and Elizabeth Linnen. The idea occured to me to look in NY because when I was researching the Linnens, someone had discovered that Adam Linnen had gone across the border to Orangeburg NY to marry (it was apparently closer to any ministers in the county where they lived-Ogdenburg is literally just across the river from Edwardsburg). Adam married in 1820, which is probably just a couple of years before James Watson and Elizabeth Linnen married. The person who did the lookup for me found a James Watson and Elizabeth Linnen marrying 1 NOV 1821. They did not however provide the location in NY or any more details. When I emailed them requesting the source, I never heard back from them. So if anyone has time/resources to dig through some NY data, they might find a marriage record for the couple, which might list their parents, places of birth, or other interesting facts. Bill--you've generated some good data for us to play with. Maybe we can figure this Watson bunch out yet! Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ Oct 14, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Watsons Hi Patty and all, Yes, a check of the OPR would be an excellent idea. There may be good prospects that have been missed in the IGI. Please let us know what you find.

Thanks for the information on the marriage of James Watson and Elizabeth Linnen. This solves a puzzle for me, as I couldn't find it in either Scotland or Canada. I even considered the possibility that they were married on the ship. Now I know the answer. If you find out the name of the place, please let us know.

Bill Buchanan P.S. You can safely add the George Watson family to the information on your web site. As for the discrepancy between the birth dates we have for Mary and George, we know now that he is about 2 years younger than she is and he is about 2 years older than William. If they interpreted "Age Next Birthday" literally, it would be their ages in 1852, (not 1851, the nominal year of the census) then Mary was born in 1840, George was born in 1842, and William in 1844. ____________________________________________ Oct 15, 2003 Re: The Buchanan Family. Hi George Good to hear from you. Yes, it’s the same family. My line, descended from Samuel Buchanan and Mary Watson also came west to Neepawa. I have quite a bit of information on the Andrew Buchanan family, but the info you provided was new to me. I’ve entered it into my records. There are quite a few Buchanan descendants who regularly communicate through an Internet list. I would recommend that you join the list if you are interested in the family’s genealogy. To join you need to go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/andrew-buchanan/ Web sites that deal with Andrew Buchanan’s descendants include: http://bill_buchanan.tripod.com/ Bill Buchanan has extensive records on this family http://www.thetoybox.org/~eeyore/genealogy/buchanan.html Suzanne Schaller http://www.vantek.net/pages/pattyh/mybuchan.htm Patti Hopkinson is researching this family as well as Buchanans in general. Thanks again for sharing your family information. I look forward to hearing from you again. Donna Phillips Camrose, Alberta -----Original Message----From: George Johnson [mailto:gwrj@...] Sent: October 15, 2003 8:42 PM To: dphillip@... Cc: George W. R. Johnson Subject: The Buchanan Family. Hello Donna Phillips,

Recently, I came upon a request for information concerning the Buchanan family who had settled in the Elma Township, in Perth County, Ontario. Although I don't have too much to offer, it may be of some interest to you. My wife's Grandfather John Andrew KEATING was born in Listowel, Ontario, on April 28, 1863. He married Margaret Buchanan, who was born at Listowel, Feb. 13, 1867, the daughter of John Buchanan and Isabel Watson. I do not have the actual date of the marriage of John Andrew Keating and Margaret Buchanan. However, it appears that they were residing in Neepawa, Manitoba from at least 1886, as the following children were reported to have been born at that location; Ida May Keating- Born Dec. 13, 1886 at Neepawa. Lillian Keating- Born June 3, 1889 at Neepawa. Murray Keating- Born July 27, 1891 at Neepawa. William Andrew Keating- Born July 12, 1894 at Neepawa. John Alexander Keating- Born Jan. 18, 1902 in Neepawa. This branch of the Keating family moved to Edmonton in the very early 1900's, where John Andrew Keating died on July 12, 1933. His widow Margaret ( Buchanan ) Keating died there in February, 1954. I trust some of the above may be of interest, and hopefully, you still have the same e-mail address. Take care, George Johnson. ____________________________________________ Oct 15, 2003 Re: [andrew-buchanan] RE: The Buchanan Family. George, I am so glad that Donna has sent your message on to me! I have been looking for this Keating family for years. My father was George Buchanan son of William Andrew Buchanan, Maggie's brother. My parents farmed near Breton, Alberta and on rare occasions when they made it to Edmonton they used to visit with Aunt Maggie and Uncle John Keating. In fact Mom stayed with them while waiting for my brother Lloyd to be born. I visited Birdie (Lillian) myself about that time to get some Buchanan family history information. I should have asked some questions about the Keatings, as I have very little information. When I went looking for them about 20 years later I couldn't find them. I sent some letters to some Keatings I found listed in the phone book, but no one replied. It was as if they had vanished from the planet. According to my information, John Keating and Margaret Buchanan were married in Silver Creek RM, MB, Canada 19 Jan 1886. I think John's parents lived there, or at least some of his relatives.

MANITOBA VITAL STATISTICS LAST NAME: KEATING FIRST NAME: LILLIAN DATE OF BIRTH: 06/03/1889 PLACE OF BIRTH: R.M. OF ROSEDALE SEX: F REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1889,005229 REGISTRATION DATE: MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: BUCHAUM Given Names: MARGARETT [Obviously the person recording the information or transcribing it had problems with spelling.) I have the date of Maggie's death as 11 Feb 1954. Maybe you can give me some basic information: What are the names of Lillian (Birdie)'s children? And what was her husband's first name? (I feel doubly embarrassed to ask you these questions, when she would have told me if I had just asked!) What are the names of Alex's wife and children? I have it that he had two daughters but my mother can't remember their names, and Dad has been gone for nearly 30 years, so I can't ask him. What is the name of William Andrew Keating's wife? Is Helen Elaine Keating's husband's last name Gladstone or Johnstone? How is your wife connected to the Keatings? If you can answer these questions for me I will tell you an interesting adventure of this family. (Well I have to give some sort of incentive, otherwise most people don't bother to reply.) I look forward to hearing from you, William Richard (Bill) Buchanan < William George < William Andrew < John < Andrew < ?

Oct 16, 2003 Watsons and Linnens - 1861 census If you are not interested in Watsons and Linnens, you are going to find this very boring reading. On the other hand, if you are interested the in the Watsons and Linnens, there is some fascinating stuff here. There are even two Willerton families that I can't seem to connect with the James Watson - Jane Buchanan family. If none of this is of interest, I apologize, just delete this message. Further details on James Watson senior in the 1861 census: 1861 Canada West Census film C-1037, 164 Turnberry Township, Huron County

This film has various townships so look for page 17 out of 27 of the Turnberry section. (about 1/4 of the way into the film) PERSONAL CENSUS Enumeration District , No. 9 Township of Turnberry Names Occupation Place of Birth Religion Age Next Birthday Sex M/S James Watson Farmer Scotland F.C. 66 M W George Watson Labourer Canada 17 M S William Watson Labourer Canada 15 M S They are listed as one family, living in a log house. It seems strange to remember that in 1861, Ontario was "Western Canada" or "Canada West". The abbreviation WC means "Western Canada" i.e. Ontario. 1861 Canada West Census film C-1025 has Augusta Township (120 pages) and Edwardsburg Township (115 pages) in Grenville County This film has lots of Hunters, if anyone is interested in them. Page 32 has Margaret Doge 9, and John Doge 3, living with a George and Mary McDonel family I don't know if they are related to Caroline A. Dodge who married James Watson junior. page 35. Robert Linnen merchant Scotland C of S 59 M - (not a member of the family he is living with) I can't help but wonder if he is related to Elizabeth Linnen and Richard Linnen. page 72. John Simons Farmer WC C of S 38 M M Stone house Mrs. " " " 25 F M Van Simons Farmer Scotland " 91 M This appears to be Elizabeth Watson's brother in law John and John's (and Solomon's) grandfather. Also on page 72, we have the family of Elizabeth Watson and Solomon Simons. Solomon Simons Farmer WC C of S 33 M M Log house Mrs. [Elizabeth] " " " 33 F M Daniel " " " 5 M S Ester " " " 3 F S However these children's names don't match those in my database. But they are the same as Solomon's parents in the 1851 census. On page 75 there are two families from England, whose name appears to be Willerton. John Willerton farmer England C of E 37 M M Log house Mrs. " wife U. States " 32 F M Sam? " child WC " 9 M S Elizabeth " " " " 7 F S William " " " " 5 M S John " " " " 2 M S Victoria " " " " 1 F S Wm Willerton farmer England C of E 63 M M Log house

Mrs. " wife " " 55 F M Elizabeth " dau " " 30 F S Wm. " farmer WC " 26 M S Benjamin " labourer " " 20 M S Rebecca " child " " 15 F S p. 77. John Linen farmer WC C of S 35 M M Log house A William aged 63 and a Mrs. " wife Scotland " 28 F M Andrew " child WC " 10 M S John " " " " 8 M S Mary " " " " 6 F S William " " " " 3 M S Mrs. Hunter widow Scotland " 66 F W David S. Linen farmer WC " 38 M M Mrs. " wife Ireland " 25 F M David L. " child WC " 5 M S George E. " " " " 3 M S Robert " mason " " 3 M S - There must be an error here! Andrew Linen farmer WC FC 37 M M Log house Mrs. " wife Scotland " 37 F M Elizabeth " dau WC " 16 F S Margaret " child " " 14 F S Allan " " " " 12 M S Mary A. " " " " 10 F S Adam " " " " 7 M S Catherine " " " " 5 F S Andrew " " " " 2 M S This would be the family of Richard Welsh and Margaret Hunter Linnen p. 78. Richard Welsh shoemaker Scotland C of S 51 M M Stone house Mrs. " wife " " 54 F M [or 59] Jean [Jane] " dau WC " 14 F S [or 19] Allan " labourer " " 16 M S Richard " adopted " " 6 M S Robert Cowder " " " 3 M S William Linen labourer " " 26 M S [William is a son by Margaret's previous marriage.] The entry on the next line is for a Henry Cowder aged 29 and single. likely some connection to Robert. At this point I ran out of time and had to make a hasty departure from the Provincial Archives of Alberta. I hope you enjoy this. I will use it to update my database, which should be uploaded again in November. So if you download gedcom files from http://bill_buchanan.tripod.com you don't need to copy the material from this email message. I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving (probably our most under-rated


Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Oct 16, 2003 Linnens Listers, At one time I went through all of the Edwardsburgh census' and pulled all of the Linnen data that I could find. Would anyone be interested in a post on those? Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ Oct 17, 2003 Linnens - & more on George Watson Hi Patty and All, Personally, I would be interested in the Linnen info if you have it handy, but not if it takes a lot of extra work on your part. I am revising the birthdate of George Watson to May 1842, based on this new information, which agrees better with the 1851 census. (Honestly - other than the name, I wonder if any information on that tombstone is accurate!) In the Family History Centre (where I can access Ancestry.com for free) I found them in the 1900 census living in Raber township, Chippewa county, Michigan. This is where I hoped to find them, as Carl and Emily Sheffield were born there. "Raber" is spelled "Rater" on Ancestry's page. Since the family says they had been there for 17 years I decided to check the 1890 census to find our more about some of the older children, and found that this census was destroyed in a fire in a federal government building. Too bad! TWELTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES SCHEDULE No. 1 - POPULATION State: Michigan County: Chippewa Township of Raber [about page 5] Enumerated by me this 6th day of June 1900, William Clark, Enumerator NAME Race Birth Married Birth Place Mother Years here Relation Sex Age Years Md. Father Immigration Occupation Watson, George Head W M May 1842 58 M 30 Canada Eng Scotland Scotland 1882 17 Farmer - Jane Wife W F May 1842 58 M 30 Canada Eng Scotland Scotland 1882 17 - George A Son W M Mar 1871 29 S Canada Eng Canada Eng Canada Eng 1882 17 Farm Lab

- Lizzie J Daughter W F Dec 1880 19 S Canada Eng Canada Eng Canada Eng 1882 17 Sheffield, Arthur Son-in-law W M Aug 1869 29 M Canada Eng Canada Eng Canada Eng 1891 8 Day Lab - Margaret A Daughter W F Feb 1876 26 F Canada Eng Canada Eng Canada Eng 1882 17 - Emily J G.Daughter W F Nov 1895 4 S Michigan Canada Eng Canada Eng - George D Grand Son W M May 1898 2 S Michigan Canada Eng Canada Eng I found this information very helpful. Knowing that Janes' father and mother were both born in Scotland allows me to eliminate another possible Jane Welsh whose ancestry is Irish. And it coincides nicely with Jane [or Jean] Welsh, daughter of Richard Welsh and Margaret Samson. Also here is some info on them from Darlene Perrett's research into the old Manitoba newspaper archives: The Neepawa Press Tuesday July 28, 1903 Mrs. Geo. Watson & family arrived in town last week from Michigan, USA to join Mr. Watson here, who is taking up residence in this district. The Neepawa Press Friday August 14, 1903 In Town & Vicinity Mrs. Geo. Watson, accompanied by her daughter Mrs. Sheffield and daughter-in-law Mrs. Al Watson, who came from the East a month ago and have been visiting with friends here, left on Wednesday for Leduc, N.W.T [soon to become Alberta]. to join their husbands, where they will reside in the future. I was contacted about a month ago by a descendant of George Allan Watson (referred to above as "George A" in the census and "Al" in the newspaper). I was excited because we lost contact with this family after they moved to Ohio in the 1930s. I requested further information on his descendants, but have received no new information yet. I am still hopeful ... Have a wonderful day!

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Oct 18, 2003 Re: Linnens & Watsons Wow - Patty & Bill, thanks for all this stuff! I don't have time to assimilate it all because I'm in the middle of term (I'm doing an M.A.). However I'll watch for updates on your websites, & thanks! And if you have more, keep it coming! :-) Remember that if you find anyone who moved to the U.S., I have *temporary* access to Ancestry's databases through the university. Would be happy to do lookups, as long as you realize that it may take me a few days to get to it. However, I can access it it right on my home computer (way cool! If only

they had more Canadian info!!). Sue ____________________________________________ Oct 18, 2003 Re: Watsons and Look-ups Suzanne, Patty and all, There is one US look-up that would mean a lot to me. I am having the same sort of problem finding the marriage of George Watson and Jane Welsh that I was having with the marriage of James Watson and Elizabeth Linnen. I suspect they too may have crossed the river to get married in NY state - (sort of a custom of the time?) Their first child was George Allan Watson, born 15 Mar 1871. So they were likely married sometime in the preceding 3 years. If the marriage information included the name of Jane's parents, (or any family information), it would allow me to verify whether she really was the daughter of Richard Welsh and Margaret Samson, as I believe. I recently got some additional information on the descendants of John and Isabel Buchanan's daughter Margaret Buchanan Keating from George Johnson, which I have added to my database. This was especially appreciated, as this is a family that my parents knew well before Mom & Dad moved to BC. When they moved back to Alberta many years later, the older generation of Keatings was dead and we never were able to get back in touch. I tried pasting a modified register report of Margaret's descendants into this document, but the formatting gets messed up so badly that it becomes incomprehensible. I promise to include them in my online database and gedcom the next time I upload them. Bill ____________________________________________

Oct 18, 2003 Re: grave site Hi Suzanne; I have just returned from Kingston and did some searching for the grave site. Thanks for your info. I talked to Gerald Nolan, the manager at St. Mary's cemetery. The mass grave there has little information except that all 49 adults were originally interned somewhere else PRIOR TO 1846 and moved there in 1972 without names. With the 1846 date it seems unlikely that Andrew is included. Also it is most likely that all were Roman Catholics as St. Mary's is R. C. A more likely spot is McBurney Park, nick named "Skeleton Park" It was a graveyard, in the heart of old Kingston, for about 4000 R. C. , 4000 Anglicans and 2000 Scottish Presbyterians, Mostly cholera

& typhoid victims in the mid 1800's. In 1892 the city decided to level the graveyard, knock down the tomb stones and cover it with soil to make a public park. Apparently no records were kept or exist today, of the graves. In 1992 some graves were unearthed by gas line installers. Articles in the Kingston newspaper are on file in the Kingston library, reporting archival research on the graveyard with little info being turned up . A monument to a Scottish Presbyterian minister still stands at the north end of the park but that is all that exists today. cheers Denny Buchanan ____________________________________________ Oct 19, 2003 re: grave site Hi Denny, Thanks for this info. I have to admit that I did little actual research on the graves in Kingston. It was a very tentative conclusion and I'm glad to have someone revisit it! The cemetery you mention does sound like it might be more likely, based on the little info available. The people in St Mary's wouldn't necessarily be Roman Catholic, since the mass grave was originally on the hospital grounds and was moved to the cemetery when the hospital wanted to expand. However, if they all died before 1846, it doesn't sound like Andrew could be among them. I wonder if we will ever know?? Suzanne ____________________________________________ Oct 22, 2003 John Arthur Buchanan While scanning in some obituaries from Bernice Willerton, I found this one for a John Arthur Buchanan, son of Ernest and Mabel Buchanan. I don't have him in my database and I wonder if one of you can identify him. I also found a Manitoba marriage of an Ernest and Mabel who might be his parents - but insufficient to identify them as anyone in my database. (Of course there is also the possibility that he may not be related to us.) [1911 census says they are Scotch - so unrelated] Bill ____________________________________________ Oct 29, 2003 Stories of Margaret Matilda Buchanan I can't remember whether I shared these stories that I heard from Sharon Chimney this summer.

(Sharon < Mary "Alice" Ash < Mary < John & Isabel Watson Buchanan) Sharon's great-aunt Margaret Matilda Buchanan was the daughter of James Buchanan and Bessie Glenn. Maggie married her cousin Robert John "Red Bob" Buchanan, son of John. She was one of the more colorful members of the family. - Bill [These were posted previously on Jul 21, 2003.] ____________________________________________ Oct 30, 2003 Genealogy web site Hi Everyone, My genealogy website has been rebuilt and uploaded. The look is basically unchanged. The stories are basically unchanged. So what is changed? 1. It has been divided into three sections. The Buchanan and Watson section is the largest, by far. 2. The databases are more extensive. 3. There are some descendancy and ancestry charts that are either new or enlarged. The ancestry/pedigree carts are something that I am experimenting with. I haven't found a way to entirely automate the process, so they are very tedious to do (especially Judy's - with some lines going back to the 1400s and 1500s.) If anyone knows of free software that will generate pedigree charts for web pages entirely automatically, please let me know. The gedcom files contain the public version of the databases. The gedcom files are in zipped format, so you will need a Zip utility such as Winzip or Easyzip. http://www.winzip.com/download.htm or http://synapses.mcg.edu/tools/EasyZIP/EasyZIP.stm To use the gedcom files you need genealogy software such as Personal Ancestral File or Family Tree Maker. If this seems too complicated, contact me for help. Those of you who want the information exclusively for family history research can send me an email to buchanan@... to request the private versions of the databases, which contain the full information on living people. Sorry, but I am afraid to place the full information on the Internet. The web site is an on-going project. I need to add more stories. If you know of any from people on your line, I encourage you to share them with me.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the changes. Your cousin, Bill ____________________________________________

Oct 31, 2003 Dictionary of Canadian Biography I thought this was an excellent article on the founding of Neepawa, Manitoba and of Jane Buchanan Hamilton's brother-in-law John Andrew Davidson. It also mentions another of her brothers-in-law Jonathan Joseph Hamilton. http://www.biographi.ca/EN/ShowBio.asp?BioId=40782 - Bill [There follows a biography of John Andrew Davidson.] ____________________________________________ Oct 31, 2003 Oral History Questions I have been thinking a lot about oral history lately. It probably comes from re-reading the old family stories from both sides of my family as I updated the web site. I am REALLY glad I asked my mother's parents a lot of questions before they died. I wish I could have had the same opportunity with Dad's parents, but his mother died before I was born and his father died when I was 7. What questions should you ask? There is an extensive list at http://www.rootsweb.com/~genepool/oralhist.htm Of course, you will probably not want to ask all of them - just choose those that you find most relevant. Now is a good time for collecting oral history, while there are people alive who lived through the great depression, WWII and the Korean War, the post-war boom, the 1960s, etc. Does some of that sound too recent? It's not! It is still history! Why did you, or your parents or grandparents move to the place you now live? What struggles and triumphs were experienced? What interesting things happened along the way? What close friendships and close family ties were most precious and rewarding? Maybe it's time to write a brief personal history or two. Think about it. Best wishes,

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Nov 1, 2003 A PAF utility program - If You Use PAF

I downloaded a free genealogy utility called FamilySearcher. It hasn't done everything I expected yet, but it's free. http://myweb.cableone.net/kevinowen3/familysearcher.htm I think it can be used with any genealogy software. One of the genealogy listservs that I subscribe to contained the following information. If you don't use PAF, just delete this message. I checked their site and it promises easy comparisons of individuals in different PAF databases, safe merges, easy synchronization of data from different people working on the same lines, etc. - Bill There is a great software package for PAF, called PAF Insight-- now in beta testing to search the IGI Internet. It works great and the product costs only $20.00. The new version should be out by Thanksgiving-- But, no promises. The developer is working very hard on this latest upgrade to a very important program. Go to http://www.ohanasoftware.com/ to see what is can do for you. Tell them that I sent you when you make the purchase-- I said I would send a lot of people to them. Mark E. Gower Mesa, Arizona, USA ____________________________________________ Nov 3, 2003 Old Buchanan and Watson stories Hi Everyone, I have finally updated the stories file on the web site, deleting a bit, revising a bit, and adding a bunch more. I have removed the Rosedale Cemetery transcriptions to a different file. I have added some additional stories, incorporated the external files into the main file, and shortened it so that it can be copied and pasted into your word processor (if you are so inclined) to make up 26 pages in 10 point type. I invite you to have another look at it.

Bill ____________________________________________ Nov 7, 2003 Dynamic Family Trees Yesterday I added dynamic family trees to the website, in the form of clickable pedigree charts that include detailed individual information and notes. The big drawback is that this particular software is slooooow getting

started, at least on my slow-speed dialup internet access. So I am looking at other possibilities if the Tripod web server will support them. Still, take a look if you haven't already done so. http://bill_buchanan.tripod.com

Bill ____________________________________________ Nov 11, 2003 WWI - Dad was in this drive I received this timely newspaper clipping from Bernice Willerton, whose father-in-law served in WWI. I thought I would share it with you all. T.E. Willerton was the son of Joseph J. Willerton and Margaret Watson. Margaret Watson was the daughter of James Watson jr. and Jane Buchanan, so the Willertons are descended from the Buchanan and Watson branches of the family tree. - Bill Hand-written on the top of the clipping: "August 8th, 1976 - Dad [Thomas Ethelbert Willerton] was in this drive and lasted 3 miles before he got wounded." Winnipeg Free Press, Saturday [date is cut off] HISTORY TODAY Canadian Corps Led Drive That Ended War By Bob Bowman August 8th, 1918 marked the beginning of the end of the First World War. It was a stunning reversal described later by the Germans as "the black day of the German army." Earlier in the year the Germans had unleashed a mighty attack that took them almost to Paris. They would have won the war if they had succeeded, but their drive petered out just short of their goal, which would force an armistice. Military historians have never been able to decide what really caused the failure. Early in August the Allied forces were ready to counter-attack, Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders, first-class assault troops were moved to the Amiens area just a few hours before the attack began. They were supported by nearly 500 tanks and stormed ahead 8 miles on the front of 15 miles. There were setbacks but the Allied drive continued until 50 German divisions had been cut off, or destroyed. By October the Canadian Corps had lost 16,000 men and but the Germans were completely defeated and forced to ask for armistice November 11th. The drive became known as "100 days of the Canadian Corps" and it added such famous names as Camrai, Douia, and Mons to Canada's battle flag.

While Canadian soldiers earned a great deal of credit for the drive that ended the war, there were 10,000 Canadians serving in the Royal Flying Corps which became the Royal Air Force. There had been no air force at the beginning of the war. When the Canadian army was recruited in 1914 two small training planes were imported from the U.S. but were never taken from their packing cases. Canadians who wanted to fly had to go to Britain and joined the Royal Flying Corps. In the early air battles they shot at enemy pilots with revolvers as though they were rival horsemen in western movies! ____________________________________________ Nov 19, 2003 Pictures of the family of Margaret Buchanan and John A. Keating Hi Everyone, Today I added the photos I received from George Johnson and Bob Marr. You can either access these photos through the John Buchanan family photos page or use the link below. Remember that if you want to save or print photos from this site, click the little "thumbnail" version to see the full-sized version of the photo. http://billbuchanan.bravepages.com/JAKeating/JAKeatingFamily.htm Enjoy! Today I received an email from Linda Watson, daughter of Kenneth Douglas Allan Watson, so I hope to receive some updates on that family. Linda is looking for the parents of Kate Harvey who married Charles "Allan" Watson her great grandfather. If anyone has this information, please let me know so that I can pass it along to Linda. (I gave her the marriage and death registration info from the Manitoba and BC vital statistics websites so that she can order these certificates.) Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Nov 27, 2003 Web site updates Hi Everyone, Janis Yasko contacted me to ask why her children's families were missing from the website. I checked, and immediately found them in my computer database, but when I checked the website, they were missing. Since I didn't know who else might have gotten lost during the transformation to HTML, I have done the process again. Interestingly when I did it again from PAF 4, I had exactly the same results, so my copy of PAF 4 seems to have a "bug" in its "make a website" routine. I switched to PAF 5.2 and this time everyone

seems to be present and accounted for. On the positive side, this new version of the online database (and the accompanying gedcom file) will have other recent additions from Janis and others, although not the Harveys. (Sorry about that Barry, but I have been tied up by other projects. Correcting this defective database problem has been given priority over the other projects.) If any of you find family information to be missing from the new version of the online database, or have old photos or stories you wouldn't mind sharing, please contact me. I would love to hear from you.

Bill Buchanan

____________________________________________ 1847 Chronology Chronology of the Buchanan family in 1847, compiled from early written accounts: Family Members: Andrew & Jane Buchanan, Robert & Margaret, Charles & Ann and daughter Mary, James, William & Ann and baby daughter, Andrew jr, Samuel, John, Jane, Ann Thompson's brother [whom she refers to]. "They were nine weeks in a sailing ship, and before they landed a fever broke out and many died. When they landed at Kingston, Ontario they were quarantined in the harbour for three weeks. Here Andrew Buchanan died of the fever and was buried." [dedication page of Buchanan Family Tree Book] "After starting there was such as severe storm they had to turn back. Making a second start, they were seven weeks on the ocean. They landed in Kingston in the fall of 1847" ... Pioneers of Perth County (Ontario) [Taken from London Free Press in 1941] "... the family spent 9 weeks on the water. They were out to sea for 10 days when a storm forced them back to Ireland. The ship was refitted and the trip was then completed in 7 weeks." William George Buchanan An account dictated by Ann Thompson Buchanan in the Listowel [Ontario] Banner, May 1900 "Mr. and Mrs. Buchannan, accompanied by three or four of his brothers and one of hers, left Ireland in the spring of 1847, coming west as far as Esquesing, where they worked a while, and then came west to North Easthope, where they worked till after harvest. Then leaving his young wife, Mr. Buchannan, and four or five others struck north to hunt for land in the bush. They covered quite a tract of country, finally taking up land near the Elma and Mornington boundary." In Summary: They sailed from Ireland [probably from Londonderry] in the spring of 1847,

perhaps in April. [Public Records Office of Northern Ireland website says that most Northern Irish emigrants sailed from Londonderry to Quebec rather than Liverpool to Halifax. Fascinating info! http://proni.nics.gov.uk/records/emigrat2.htm ] The ship was damaged in a storm and had to return. This would have delayed them by about a month. (10 days each way, plus time for repairs) So they left for a second time in May. Seven weeks of travel would have them arriving in Quebec about July. The Grosse Isle quarantine station was swamped with new arrivals, so they are diverted to Kingston, Ontario. They are quarantined on shipboard at Kingston for three weeks. Andrew senior dies in Kingston. William and Ann's baby also dies. August: They proceed to Esquesing, where they worked a while. (Esquesing township is in Harlton county, between Toronto and Guelph.) For an eyewitness account of the Irish migration from Kingston to Esquesing in August of 1847 read the first few letters here. (Some of them are more relevant than others): http://www.hhpl.on.ca/sigs/ehs/news.html Photo of a sawmill in Esquesing in 1850: http://images.halinet.on.ca/details.asp?ID=1470&number=6 September - October: They go to North Easthope, where they worked till after harvest. November - December: The men hunt for land and build shanties in the Donegal area, while the women remain at North Easthope.

NOTE: One account says "They landed in Kingston in the fall of 1847", but this seems to contradict the more detailed account by Ann Thompson Buchanan - who experienced these events first hand. Check the Public Records of Northern Ireland's Emigration To Canada page. http://proni.nics.gov.uk/records/emigrat2.htm As we contemplate our own Christmas this year, let's pause to think of our ancestors who faced very different circumstances in December of 1847. Perhaps their only Christmas gift was this reassurance to them in their Bibles, "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son" (from John 3:16) Best wishes of love and joy to you and your loved ones! Your cousin, Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Dec 18, 2003 Christmas goodies from Darlene Perrett Hi Everyone, A few days ago I received a wonderful package of newspaper clippings and excerpts from the Riding Mountain history book from Darlene, with a note saying that it was my Christmas present. However, I am sure she will not mind if I share these Christmas "goodies" with the rest of you. Since it is quite long, I am attaching it as a rich text format file that can be read by all word processors. On Tuesday Judy and I spent the day with Wally and Carol Payne. (Walter < Murray Payne <Martha "Ellen"< William James Watson & Eliza Ash) It was a delightful experience. They have lots of pictures and newspaper clippings (mostly inherited from his great-uncle Elgin Watson, I believe). Unfortunately most of the pictures are not labeled, and some of them are beautiful studio portraits - it makes you want to cry. Please, please, if you have any old family photos, write on the back in pencil who the people are. In the case of group photos, write the names in order. Pasted-on labels can fall off and sometimes the glue will discolor the photo. Ink can spread with time. Dark pencil works as well as anything. [end of rant] I hope you enjoy the attached material as much as I did. In my next revision of the online database, this material will be included in the Notes on the individuals. I was especially touched by the tribute to Mabel Henry - a wonderful lady and a true example to me of a family historian. I cherish the few short hours I spent visiting her. It was a joy to see her face smiling up at me from a picture on the page. Best wishes to all of you. I hope to share the written material from Wally and Carol Payne with you shortly.

Bill Attachment(not stored) From Dalene Perrett - December 2003.rtf ____________________________________________ Dec 22, 2003 Material from Wally Payne Hi Everyone,

Here is the material I got last week from Wally Payne. He is a great grandson of William James "Billy" Watson and Elizabeth Ash, so most of it relates in some way to this family. Since their daughter Sarah Elizabeth Watson married James George Buchanan, some of it also concerns the family of John Buchanan and Isabel Watson. Since John Henry Watson married Margaret Isabella Willerton and Elgin Watson married Margaret Jane Allan (daughter of Ada May Willerton), there are additional connections to the family of Jane Buchanan and James Watson junior. On a personal note - a few years ago my mother gave me several old Buchanan and Watson photos that had been inherited from my grandfather William Andrew Buchanan (son of John and Isabel), from his brother-in-law Richard James Watson, and Dad's brother John Henry Buchanan. Among these photos was a studio portrait of an attractive young couple with two small children. On the back was written (probably by Dad or his brother Jack) "Billy's William James, Pa's old friend". Mom indicated that these people were relatives of some sort. A frantic search of my database solved the mystery. The couple were Billy Watson's son William James Watson and his wife Mary Mabel Grant. William James was also a brother-in-law to "Pa's" brother Jim (James George Buchanan). Somehow I felt more connected to these people because I had seen their faces. Wally's documents are in the attached rich text document, which can be opened by all word processors. I have incorporated it into my notes for the various people, which will appear in the online version of the database and gedcom file the next time I update it. At some point I will also add some of his pictures to the online albums. For those of you interested in old farm equipment, he has an old picture of a monster of a steam tractor pulling a 12-bottom plow. (That is no typo - I mean it is turning 12 furrows!) It is GIGANTIC. Wally says it was the largest tractor in western Canada at the time. The ground must have shaken to the rhythm of its huge engine. Many thanks to Wally and Carol for providing all the information. And again, best wishes for a wonderful Christmas!

Bill Buchanan Attachment(not stored) Documents from Wally Payne - December 2003.rtf ____________________________________________ Fw: Buchanan family Hi Everyone, I thought this might be of interest to you, as it is about the family of Charles Buchanan and Ann Porter.

Bill Buchanan ----- Original Message ----From: "Hilary Machan" To: "Bill Buchanan" Sent: January 2, 2004 7:24 AM Subject: Re: Buchanan family |Bill: Since I sent that email I have discovered that Thomas and Ellen went |to Rossburn, Manitoba. Several of Ellen's siblings also went to Manitoba and |to Saskatchewan. I found the births on the Manitoba vital stats index, as |well as the marriage of Mary Eva Ellen and John Cummings. I wonder if they |were en route in 1881 or perhaps went through the U.S.? | |I can't seem to get onto your webpage for some reason. [Wally Payne and my brother Lloyd both subscribe to Telus DSL and have the same problem - Bill] |Hilary | |Descendants of Thomas Buchanan | |Generation No. 1 | |1. Thomas2 Buchanan (Charles1) was born March 15, 1851 in Elma Township, |Perth County, Ontario, Canada, and died December 03, 1925 in Rossburn, |Manitoba, Canada. He married Ellen Cochrane December 24, 1875, daughter of |Robert Cochrane and Janet Newbigging. She was born March 20, 1855 in Canada, |and died April 16, 1930 in Rossburn, Manitoba, Canada. | |Children of Thomas Buchanan and Ellen Cochrane are: | |2 i. Charles Robert3 Buchanan, born September 10, 1877 in Elma Township, |Perth County, Ontario, Canada. | |3 ii. Mary Eva Ellen Buchanan, born February 21, 1885 in Rossburn, Manitoba, |Canada. She married John Cummings March 15, 1905 in Rossburn, Manitoba, Canada. | |4 iii. Jessie Buchanan, born July 14, 1886 in Rossburn, Manitoba, Canada. | |5 iv. William Thomas Buchanan, born April 19, 1889 in Rossburn, Manitoba, Canada. | |6 v. Minor Stanley Buchanan, born October 03, 1891 in Rossburn, Manitoba, Canada. | |----- Original Message ----|From: "Bill Buchanan" |To: "Suzanne Schaller"; "Hilary Machan" |Sent: Friday, January 02, 2004 1:43 AM |Subject: Re: Buchanan family |

||I have relatively little on the family of Charles Buchanan and Ann Porter. ||The Wesleyan Methodist Baptismal Register for Ontario lists the christening ||of their son Thomas. ||http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~wjmartin/wm-index.htm || ||Name: Thomas Parents: Buchanan, Chas & Ann Residence: Elma ||Born: 15 Mar 1851 Baptised: 14 May 1851, Elma by Rev. Geo Case || ||The 1861 census shows him as 8 years of age. || ||"I have found a marriage record for a Charles Buchanan, of Binn (Binnawooda ||in Ardstraw parish Co. Tyrone) to Fanny Porter (which I believe is a ||nickname for Ann?) in MAR 1843. If this is our Charles, he would have been ||about 25 at the time of this marriage. The location of Binn is important as ||that is where William listed as his residence in 1846 when he married Anne ||Thompson. So it makes sense that this is our Charles." ||- Patty Hopkinson || ||The ages of Charles and Ann's family vary considerably from one census to ||another, but the names and location indicate that it is the same family. ||Because of the erratic ages, I have charted them across several censuses. ||1861 1871 1881 1891 ||Buchanan Charles 43 40 40 75 ||Buchanan Ann 40 38 35 ||Buchanan Mary 15 - - ||Buchanan Andrew 1 - - ||Buchanan Thomas 8 21 - ||Buchanan William 7 18 24 ||Buchanan Jane 5 15 - ||Buchanan John 3 14 - ||Buchanan Grace 1 12 - ||Buchanan Charles - 8 15 ||Thompson Jane - 17 - ||Thompson Jane - 3 mo. - ||Buchanan Ann - - 10 - (Presumed = Ann Jane Thompson*) ||Smith George - - - 30 (Grace's husband) ||Smith Grace - - - 26 (same as Grace Buchanan, above) ||Smith Lavina - - - 2 (Grace's daughter) || ||* Bill Hamilton is a descendant of Ann Jane Buchanan, and says that she is ||the adopted (and according to his family) illegitimate daughter of Charles. || ||Did Thomas Buchanan and Ellen Cochrane have any other children besides |this one? || ||Transcription ||Schedule A. - Births ||County of Perth, Division of Elma ||023215 No. 21 ||Date of birth: September 10th, 1877 ||Name: Charles Robert Buchanan

||Sex: M ||Father: Thomas Buchanan ||Mother's maiden name: Ellen Cochrane ||Profession of Father : Labourer ||Signature and residence: Thomas Buchanan, Farmer, Elma ||When registered: October 2nd, 1877 ||Name of accoucheur: Dr. Nichol ||Signature of registrar: Thos. Fullarton || ||Who did Charles Robert Buchanan marry, and what do you know of his ||descendants? I would appreciate any information you can give me. I can't ||find this family at all in the 1881 or 1880 census. I have gone through a ||complete transcription of the 1881 census of Elma several times, and they ||are not there. || ||Bill || ||Subject: Re: Buchanan family || |||Hi Hilary, ||| |||The Cochrane name sounds vaguely familiar. They're not connected to my |||direct line (William Buchanan and Ann Thompson), but there were seven |||Buchanan brothers altogether who settled in Elma. Bill has info on the |||other lines of the Elma township Buchanans. His website is now located at |||http://bill_buchanan.tripod.com/ . I'll cc this message to him. ||| |||I just did a search through his webpage and found this: ||| |||"Ellen Cochrane was born about 1850/1860 in of Roseburn, SK, Canada. She |||married Thomas Buchanan. |||They had the following children: |||M i Charles Robert Buchanan was born on 10 Sep 1877 in Elma, Perth, |||Ontario, Canada" ||| |||That's from: http://bill_buchanan.tripod.com/buchanan/pafg36.htm#750 , |||where he notes a birth record from OVS for Charles Robert. He doesn't have |||a marriage listed for Ellen and Thomas. ||| |||Good luck in your search, |||Suzanne ||| |||Hilary Machan writes: ||| ||||Hello. I am doing some research for a friend. One of her family, Ellen ||Cochrane, married a Thomas Buchanan in about 1875 probably in Elma Township. ||Is this any connection to your Buchanans? I was trying to get to Bill ||Buchanan's website, but it says it does not exist. Any idea where his ||information went? ||||

||||Thanks, |||| ||||Hilary Machan ____________________________________________ Jan 3, 2004 To those unable to access my website I found a solution for those of you who get a "BAD DNS GATEWAY" error when trying to access my main website (all using DSL, to the best of my knowledge). Wally Payne and Hilary Machan were both experiencing this problem, and can now get in by using this alternate form of the URL: http://members.tripod.com/bill_buchanan/ Try the usual form first, http://bill_buchanan.tripod.com/ as I have made a small change that may prevent the error. If it still doesn't work, use the alternate form above. Bill Hi Bill, Thank you for sending me this last version of the URL; it worked perfect. ... Wally Hi Wally, Try using this version of the URL, and let me know if it works. http://members.tripod.com/bill_buchanan/ Bill ____________________________________________ Jan 4, 2004 Interesting information from Bill Hamilton I just received this message from Bill Hamilton, a descendant of Ann Jane Buchanan, adopted daughter of Charles and Ann Porter Buchanan. According to his family Ann Jane was the illegitimate daughter of Charles and a girl who worked for the family. From the 1871 census I presume Ann Jane's mother to be Jane Thompson. 1871 Census of Elma, Perth, Ontario , transcribed by Don Holmes 3 30 108 Buchanan Charles L38 C 8 Farmer Ire Irish Ang 40 Married Male 3 30 108 Buchanan Ann " " " 38 Married Female 3 30 108 Buchanan Thomas Ont " " 21 S M 3 30 108 Buchanan William " " " 18 S M 3 30 108 Buchanan Jane " " " 15 S F 3 30 108 Buchanan John " " " 14 S M 3 30 108 Buchanan Grace " " " 12 S F 3 30 108 Buchanan Charles " " " 8 S M 3 31 108-S Thompson Jane Servant " " " 17 S F 3 31 108-S Thompson Jane " " " 3 mo. S F

In 1881 this family has the right names, location and religion but the parents ages seem wrong. Note that the baby "Jane Thompson" is now "Ann J. Buchanan". Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion Charlie BUCHANAN M Male Irish 40 Ireland Farmer Church of England Ann BUCHANAN M Female Irish 35 Ireland Church of England William BUCHANAN Male Irish 24 O Farmer Church of England Charlie BUCHANAN Male Irish 15 O S Church of England William HOLLIS Male Irish 12 O Church of England Ann J BUCHANAN Female Irish 10 O Church of England -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Census Place Elma, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375907 NA Film Number C-13271 District 172 Sub-district E Division 2 Page Number 10 Household Number 40

[Capitalization added.] Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2004 15:17:34 -0800 From: Bill Hamilton Subject: hamiltons Hi Bill. Sorry I took so long to get back to you. They were the children of James and Anne. James' father was Robert Hamilton. he was born in Waterloo twp. He settled in Elma lot 16 conn 7 close to the Buchanans and Thompsons. This property is on hwy 23 across the street from the Atwood cheese factory. His mother was Ellen Robb. their children were 1 Agnes Hamilton (1858) married Richard Coghlin 2 James Hamilton (1860) Ann Jane Buchanan 3 Henry Wilkinson Hamilton (1862) m 1 Rachel Elizabeth Montgomery 2 Harriet Ann Telford. 4 Robert Benjamin Hamilton (1864) m no. 5 Margaret Hamilton (1866) m George Coghlin. 6 Jessie B Hamilton (1868) m Henry Pope. 7 Ellen Hamilton (Nell)(1870) m Albert McBain 8 John Hamilton (1873-75) 9. Marion Jane Hamilton (1881) m William Thomas Blair. Sorry for the mess but I don't have my information on the computer but in a box and I don't have it all filed in order yet (one day). ____________________________________________________________________________

When I saw "Marion Jane Hamilton (1881) m William Thomas Blair" it looked familiar to me. In my database I have Thomas William (or William Thomas) Blair married to Evelina Jane Hamilton. The birth date of "Evelina" Jane Hamilton is given as 17 Aug 1881. The birth year of "Marion" Jane Hamilton is given as 1881. It seemed like they almost had to be the same person. In the 1891 census of Elma she appears as: Hamilton Minnie F 8 S Sister Ontario Ontario Scottish Methodist The 1901 census of Elma has the family of George and Maggie Coghlin 1901 census of Elma, Perth, Ontario Coghlin George M " Head Married 03 Sep 1862 38 O-r Irish Coghlin Maggie F " Wife Married 11 Nov 1866 34 " Scot Coghlin Earnest M " Son S 18 Dec 1889 11 " Irish Coghlin Ella F " Dau S 27 Oct 1898 2 " " Coghlin Edna F " Dau S 18-Jul-00 10 ms " " Hamilton Minnie F " Dom S 17 Aug 1881 20 " Scot

Note that the birthdate for "Minnie Hamilton" is 17 August 1881, identical to "Evelina Jane Hamilton" so it seems certain that she and "Marion Jane Hamilton" really are the same person. Since Minnie is commonly a nickname for Mary, I am inclined to think that her first name was probably Marion, but in the case of nicknames "anything goes". In any case, we now know the parentage of Marion or Evelina Jane Hamilton, who married the son of Jane Buchanan and William Blair. I have gathered some more information on this Hamilton family from the Wesleyan Methodist Baptismal Register and the 1881-1891-1901 censuses of Elma. If you are interested, let me know and I will send you a gedcom file or Rich Text File (whichever you prefer, but gedcom has all the documentation and RTF does not).

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Jan 17, 2004 James Watson's parents Hello Cousins, I have been pondering one of Bill's previous emails regarding James Watson and his parentage. He came up with a list of possible candidates for his parents. His reasoning was good and tentatively concluded that of the potentials listed in the IGI, one set of parents seemed more likely. I have done a bit more research on potential James Watsons born in that time period in the Tweed area. I have come up with a few more candidates as well as some siblings for the possibilities Bill had. I am hoping that the sibling lists will tell us if we are on the right track with that family. I have used an addition database called the British Vital Records Index, version 2 (which is all extracted records), as well as IGI to research these lines. I abbreviate the sources BVRI2 and IGI. The family groupings are separated by a string of &&&. Let me know what you all think. Patty Hopkinson James Watson m Isobel Watson (IGI, BVRI2) 1) Helen Watson, c 6 MAY 1787, Ladykirk, Berwickshire, SCOT 2) James Watson, c 14 AUG 1795, Ednam, Roxburgh, SCOT &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Henry Watson, bc 1757, m Isabel Lees 1) John Watson, b 4 JUN 1782, Melrose, Roxburgh, SCOT 2) Richard Watson, b 12 JUN 1785; c 1785, Melrose, Roxburgh, SCOT 3) Janet Watson, b 28 AUG 1789; c 1789, Melrose, Roxburgh, SCOT 4) Alison Watson, b 22 FEB, 1792; c 1792, Melrose, Roxburgh, SCOT 5) James Watson, b 8 MAR 1795; c 22 NOV 1795, Melrose, Roxburgh, SCOT &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

James Watson, m 17/27 JUL 1786, Kelson/Minto, Roxburgh, SCOT, Elizabeth Turnbull (IGI, BVRI2) 1) Thomas Watson, b 13 NOV 1792; c 25 DEC 1792, Kelso, Roxburgh, SCOT 2) James Watson, b 23 NOV 1794; c 25 DEC 1794, Kelso, Roxburgh, SCOT &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& William Watson, m 26 JAN 1781, Drumelzier, Peebleshire, SCOT, Veronica Brown (IGI, BVRI2) 1) George Watson, c 29 SEP 1783, Drumelzier, Peebleshire, SCOT 2) Caroline Watson, c 27 APR 1786, Drumelzier, Peebleshire, SCOT. She m 1815, William White 3) George Watson, c 12 JAN 1789, Drumelzier, Peebleshire, SCOT 4) Walter Hunter Watson, c 24 MAR 1791, Drumelzier, Peebleshire, SCOT 5) James Watson, c 4 JAN 1796, Drumelzier, Peebleshire, SCOT &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Robert Watson, m 8 JAN 1797, Carstairs, Lanarkshire, SCOT, Janet Brown (IGI, BVRI2) 1) James Watson, b 27 FEN 1798, West Linton, Peebleshire, SCOT 2) Agnes Watson, c 27 MAR 1808, Carstairs, Lanarkshire, SCOT, &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& John Watson, m 9 JAN 1791, Smailholm, Roxburgh, SCOT, Mary Fairbairn (IGI, BVRI2) 1) James Watson, c 13 NOV 1791, Smailholm, Roxburgh, SCOT 2) Archibald Watson, c 19 SEP 1793, Smailholm, Roxburgh, SCOT 3) John Watson, c 20 SEP 1795, Smailholm, Roxburgh, SCOT 4) Margaret Watson, c 28 AUG 1797, Smailholm, Roxburgh, SCOT 5) William Watson, b 3 AUG 1799; c 17 AUG 1799, Smailholm, Roxburgh, SCOT 6) James Waton, b 24 AUG 1801; c 4 OCT 1801, Smailholm, Roxburgh, SCOT 7) Janet Watson, b 3 JUL 1803; c 7 AUG 1803, Smailholm, Roxburgh, SCOT 8) Isobel Watson, b 11 MAY 1806; c 15 JUN 1806, Smailholm, Roxburgh, SCOT 9) Mary Watson, b 1 APR 1808; c 15 MAY 1808, Smailholm, Roxburgh, SCOT &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Robert Watson, m 12 MAY 1785, Lauder, Berwickshire, SCOT, Janet Melrose (IGI, BVRI2) 1) Janet Watson, b 11 DEC 1791; c 8 JAN 1792, Lauder, Berwickshire, SCOT 2) Janet Watson, c 8 JAN 1792, Lauder, Berwickshire, SCOT 3) James Watson, b 15 JUL 1794; c 20 AUG 1794, Lauder, Berwickshire, SCOT 4) James Watson, b 2 MAR 1796, Lauder, Berwickshire, SCOT 5) Janet Watson, b 20 JUN 1798; c 21 JUL 1798, Stow, Midlothian, SCOT &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& James Watson, m 19 MAR 1778, Westruther, Berwickshire, SCOT, Helen Irvine (IGI, BVRI2) 1) George Watson, b 15 APR 1782; c 5 MAY 1782, Lauder, Berwickshire, SCOT 2) Margaret Watson, b 15 SEP 1789; c 8 OCT 1789, Lauder, Berwickshire, SCOT 3) Jeany Watson, b 24 APR 1793; c 19 MAY 1793, Lauder, Berwickshire, SCOT 4) James Watson, b 6 AUG 1795; c 23 AUG 1795, Lauder, Berwickshire, SCOT 5) William Watson, b 18 JUN 1799; c 30 JUN 1799, Lauder, Berwickshire, SCOT &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

Robert Watson, m Jean Bookless (IGI, BVRI2) 1) James Bookless Watson, b 23 SEP 1798, Coldingham, Berwickshire, SCOT &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& John Watson, m Margaret Gray (BVRI2) 1) Adam Watson, b 13 NOV 1785, Greenlaw, Berwickshire, SCOT 2) John Watson, c 18 JAN 1792, Greenlaw, Berwickshire, SCOT 3) James Watson, b 14 SEP 1799; c 6 OCT 1799, Legerwood, Berwickshire, SCOT WELL THATS ALL THAT I COULD FIND. SOME OF THE FAMILY NAMES IN THESE GROUPINGS WOULD BE CONSISTENT WITH OUR WATSON FAMILY. [Patty] ____________________________________________ Jan 18, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] James Watson's parents

Thanks, Patty. I did a quick tally. I seems to me that those that scored the highest based on congruency of names alone, would be: James Watson and Isobel Watson (2/3) James Watson and Elizabeth Turnbull (2/3) John Watson and Mary Fairbairn (5/8) Robert Watson and Jean Brookless (2/3) As far as the date of birth of James Watson, the ones that came closest to the 1795-1797 date given for our James (based on the 1851 and 1861 censuses) would be: James Watson and Isobel Watson (1795) Henry Watson and Isabel Lees (1795) William Watson and Veronica Brown (1796) Robert Watson and Janet Melrose (1796) James Watson and Helen Irvine (1796) The one family that scored high on both lists would be: James Watson and Isobel Watson This doesn't prove that they are James' parents, but they may well be. I found the family of John Watson and Mary Fairbairn especially interesting because of the larger number of names, so that it provides a more "statistically sound" sample. (i.e. less susceptible to random factors). But a birth date of 1801 seems too late to be our James.



Jan 21, 2004 a stray Buchanan in the 1881 census in Elma Cousins, I was browsing through the LDS online 1881 census for Canada. Just for the heck of it, I did a search on all Buchanans in Elma. I came up with the usual suspects of Buchanans in Elma except for one. There is the following entry, that makes me wonder if perhaps another Buchanan relation from Ireland came over to Elma and settled with the family. James Buchanan, widow, male, irish, age 75, b Ireland He is living in Samuel and Ann Mines residence. Due to his age, he is not likely to be our James Buchanan (son of Andrew and Jane). However, he might well be a uncle to the 7 brothers and 1 sister that came over. Has anyone ever run across this James before. Of course it could all be for naught--perhaps a transcription error, or an unrelated Buchanan, but I thought it was worth asking if anyone has researched this James before. Let me know your thoughts. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ Jan 21, 2004 RE: [andrew-buchanan] a stray Buchanan in the 1881 census in Elma

Yes, I see him in this family in 1881, but I have no knowledge of him. Our James would be about 56 at this time, so I checked to see if it was a transcription error. I checked Don Holmes' transcription of the 1881 census of Elma and found the same thing. Mines Samuel Male 37 Mines Ann Female 31 Buchanan James M

Ontario Methodist Ireland " " 75 Ireland Anglican




This James Buchanan is not in Elma in the 1861 census nor the 1871 census nor the 1891 census. The 1861 census of Elma is the earliest. I also checked the 1871 censuses for Listowel, Mornington and Wallace, which I have from Don Holmes. He is not in any of these. Can anyone else throw some light on this mystery?

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Jan 26, 2004 i'm back!

hi there everyone, I have moved from alberta to bc recently to help take care of my grandmother. But i have finally refound the buchanan mailing list. Hope everyone is doing well =) Val Buchanan ____________________________________________ Jan 27, 2004 stray James Buchanan Cousins, Since no one has come up with any theories about the stray James Buchanan in the 1881 census for Elma, I thought I would do a bit more digging on the Mines family. I was thinking that perhaps James Buchanan was Ann Mines father. Anyway, I checked the 1861 census for Elma, and there is no Mines family in Elma. Does anyone have access to 1871? If so, could you check and see if there is a Samuel and Ann Mines? Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ Jan 27, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] stray James Buchanan There is no Mines (with any spelling) family in the 1871 census of Elma. They are in the 1891 census of Elma, however. But the James Buchanan is no longer with them. Mines Samuel Male 44 Married Head Ont Ire Ire Bap Farmer Mines Ann Female 44 Married Wife Ire " " " Mines Susan F 17 S Niece Ont " " " They are not in the 1901 census of Elma.

Bill ____________________________________________ Jan 27, 2004 stray James Buchanan Re: [andrew-buchanan] stray James Buchanan I had the same thought - that Ann Mines was James Buchanan's daughter. And since she was born in Ireland, they must have come to Canada after 1850 (she is 31 on the 1881 census). There is another Samuel Mines in the 1881 census, about the same age, but living in Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario. He is also Irish, but not Baptist.

Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Jan 28, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] stray James Buchanan Barry, I have begun to rethink how likely it would be that there would have been a relative (brother to Andrew?) come to Elma and there not be any family legends or rumors surviving. I think that I am on the right track in think Ann was James' daughter. But I am beginning to think we would have heard something about another relative that would have come over. I will pursue this lot a bit further. I think I will look Samuel Mines up in the 1871 online index and see where he was. Perhaps James was living with the family then and I can related that location to a different bunch of Buchanans. I do have info on several other Buchanan lines in Canada, so I might be able to link him up. Any ideas and input is welcome! Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ Jan 28, 2004 Following up on old family stories from Ireland The most recent thing I found from the Irish end of the puzzle was the statement that most northern Irish families left from Londonderry rather than Liverpool, as it was cheaper. (from the PRONI website) This helped me understand the statement made to me 40 years ago by Samuel's son William Henry Buchanan that his father "had often walked the walls of Derry". I thought he meant that Sam had lived in Londonderry, and that didn't fit with the information that had them living around Omagh. More likely it was just while waiting for their ship to depart in the first place and then again while it was being refitted after the storm. It would likely be then as well, that someone (a friend or relative?) showed John an enormous fish that he had caught in the sea. The statement that "They lived on the coast and often caught fish in the sea." would likely come from this brief time period as well. The trouble with old stories like that (and the one about Andrew's father living to be over 90 years old), is that they are relayed by the generation after the original immigrants, and they might refer to the other side of the family, and not the Buchanans at all. In some cases they might even be confused with stories told by friends and neighbors. I am still curious about the statement made by my father that "they lived at [near?] Strabane" (which he pronounced Strah-BANN). I have seen no evidence of this, although Strabane seems to have covered a large area of Tyrone, and not just the town itself. It is the only one of the old stories that seems to have been definitely disproven, although he was quite certain of it. Dad was especially close to his father, as his mother died while he was a teenager. When I was little, "Pa" lived in a small shack on my uncle Jack's

farm which touched the SE corner of Dad's farm west of Breton, Alberta. So maybe I shouldn't discount it completely yet, even if it seems improbable. Unlike references to age or fishing, references to Strabane couldn't apply to the Watson/Welsh side of Dad's family, since they were not from Ireland. I am sorry to ramble on like this, but I am trying to puzzle things out. The other pieces seem to fit, but so far Strabane looks like it belongs to a different puzzle.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Jan 28, 2004 Re: stray James Buchanan There were other Buchanan families in Perth County, although most of them seem to have been in the southern part rather than in Elma. I've run across the occasional one or two, and probably dismissed them with the usual "not ours" that genealogists say when they come across something odd. Suzanne ____________________________________________

Jan 28, 2004 Old family stories from Ireland? Patty Hopkinson wrote: "Perhaps we could put a call out on the Andrew-Buchanan list for stories regarding Ireland? " Please, if you have heard any old stories about our family in Ireland, please share them. One of them may provide a necessary clue that will allow us to find the missing link in Ireland that will lead us back to Scotland. So far the stories that I am aware of are: 1. "They came from Omagh, County Tyrone" - multiple sources, supported by John's death certificate and Jane's tombstone 2. "Andrew Buchanan, came to Canada from Armagh, Ireland in 1847 by sailboat" - "Pioneers of Perth, quoting Jane Buchanan Terry - An easy mistake for Omagh 3. "The family lived at Strabane, County Tyrone" - WGB (which he pronounced Strah-BANN). I have seen no evidence of this, although Strabane seems to have covered a large area of Tyrone, and not just the town itself. 4. "My father (Samuel) told me that he had often walked the walls of

Derry". - WHB Probably while waiting for their ship to depart in the first place and then again while it was being refitted after the storm. 5. "The family had lived near Londonderry right on the coast and often caught fish in the sea" would likely come from this brief time period as well. It would likely be then as well, that someone showed John an enormous fish that he had caught in the sea. - WGB 6. "John's grand father died in Ireland at over 90 years of age - he slept more and more, and finally he never woke up" - WGB 7. "Also ask about another Jane Buchanan. Grandma [Ann Thompson Buchanan] used to tell us Andrew Buchanan and Jane McNeilens took a baby Jane (when the baby's mother died) and raised her. I never heard if she was brought to Canada or left in Ireland. She was called 'Little Jane' to avoid confusing her with the daughter Jane." - Annie Brae Buchanan McMane [This may be the Jane Buchanan who married David Watson] 8. "They lived on the dividing line between the Protestants and the Catholics. The line ran right down the middle of the town." - [I have heard this from various sources.] ... "Grandmother [Ann Thompson Buchanan] told us that when the children walked to Sunday School or church, that members of the Roman Catholic families would wait in hiding to catch them and take their Bibles from them because they (the R.C.s) had been taught to believe that those books were a curse, and well, they wanted to put them in the pig trough, because the more they cursed the pigs, the better they would grow. - Annie B McMane [I have seen other references to this strange belief that cursing pigs made them grow faster.] 9. "They lived in Omagh, County of Tyrone, Ireland and knew they were of Scotch origin. The Buchanans had left Scotland during a rebellion." - Belle Hunter 10. "The family paid its way out despite the fact that the government was bringing people out. Thus their money was all gone before they settled." "... although they could have come out on government emigrant money, preferred to pay their own passage. Oh, the pride of the Irish! Although they perhaps hadn't enough to buy their next meal, they were above accepting what they thought charity, and as long as grandmother [Ann Thompson Buchanan] lived, she spoke with considerable pride that they didn't come out on government money." - Elizabeth Buchanan Hardie

Put on your thinking caps. Even if you only have some minor additions or variations of the stories above, please share them with us.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Jan 28, 2004 stray James Buchanan in Elma-mystery solved (I hope) Cousins, I did some more digging and thanks to some look ups from you and the Perth County list, I think I have solved where the Mystery James came from. There is a James Buchanan, farmer, in Grey Twp. Huron Co. in both the 1861 and 1871 census. He has 3 daughters listed in the 1861 census, Ann being one of them. The ages are off by a couple of years between 1861, 1871, 1881 and 1891. But they are off by a consistent amount between all members of the household. So I think that this James in Grey is the James who came to live with his daughter Ann who married Samuel Mines. According to the 1861 census, the last child Margaret was born in Ontario circa 1848, the child before Ann was born circa 1845 in Ireland. So this family migrated about the same time as ours. But other than that, likely not strong connections to our family. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________

Jan 30, 2004 Do you live near Melfort, SK? As of a few months ago, there were three surviving grandchildren of John and Isabel Buchanan. They may be the last of that generation. They are the youngest daughters of Daniel McGIllivray and Annie Elizabeth Buchanan. Glenn Thorpe told me that they all live in a nursing home in Melfort, Saskatchewan. Mary is especially sharp. Their names are: Mary Cottrill (95 years old) Edith Abernethy (90 years old) (She may go by "Lillian") Elma Porterfield ( 87 years old) If you live near Melfort, maybe you could visit them and ask them what they know about when the Buchanans lived in Ireland, and other old family stories? This is a long-shot, but I think it is the last opportunity of its type.

Bill ____________________________________________ Jan 30, 2004 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Do you live near Melfort, SK? Bill…I visit Melfort at least once a year (usually in the summer) because some of my husband’s family is there. If I get a chance next summer, I could give it a try. Hopefully that won’t be too late!

That’s ironic…some of “Long John” Buchanan’s children (my grandmother and two of her sisters) ALSO lived in Melfort and district for years (Georgina, Myrtle and Lizzie Buchanan). I wonder if they were aware of each other? I never heard them speak of these ladies. Donna Phillips ____________________________________________

Feb 1, 2004 notes and thoughts Buchanans and areas in Co Tyrone. Cousins, I have been pondering the Ireland connection with our family again (thanks to some emails with Bill). I have dug up a new resource that has some pertinent information regarding the geography of the area where Andrew and Jane Buchanan came from. I thought I would share the notes with everyone and see if anything rings a bell with the old family stories. Urney parish is broken into 2 parts. The upper and lower portions are separated by a portion of County Donegal. Ardstraw is one very large continuous parish. The south western portion of Ardstraw parish has a leg that dips into Longfield West parish. This leg and the lower part of Urney parish are referred to as "Parish of Skirts of Urney and Ardstraw, Co Tryone" in the book called "Ordinance Survey Memoirs of Ireland: Parishes of County Tyrone I 1821, 1823, 1831-36 North West and South Tyrone" (S1273). The lower part Urney parish contains both Learmore and Castlederg and Binnawooda is in the leg of Ardstraw parish. No evidence exists to show that Andrew Buchanan and Jane Long ever left this area. There were in Learmore in Urney parish in 1815, 1817 and 1824 (In the Urney (Derg) parish records). They were in Binnawooda in 1843 and 1846. There was a William Buchanan who married Mary Scott in 1839 of "The Binn". That would indicated there were likely related Buchanans in Binnawooda as early as 1839. Both Learmore and Binnawoods are in the portion referred to as Parish of Skirts of Urney and Ardstraw, Co. Tyrone". A further quote from this source, p 136, "The northern and southern parts of the parish are of mountain character. The later is most elevated, the principal points being the Bin, 1097 feet, and Scraghy, 1117 feet above the sea." The source futher states "The country rises rapidly on the southern side of the Bin and Scraghy mountains…" It futher states "The Fairy water rises in the south west of the parish in a townland of Binnawooda, flows east and joins the south east boundary, along which it runs for 2 and a half miles." On pg 138, there is reference to a mill, "Binnawooda, corn mill, 12 feet by 2 feet, undershot". On page 139 there is reference again to the Bin, "The mass of ground called Bin Rock, which forms the southern boundary of the parish is a huge black looking frowning wall of barren ground. At the very summit of it is a large lake of singularly wild appearance." The source on page 141 has this to say regarding emigration "Emigration prevails to a small extent. The spring is the favourite time. They mostly take shipping in Londonderry for America and for Belfast Van Dieman's Land. There are several men in the parish who have returned from America, not from any dislike to it but that they thought long for Old Ireland. Those emigrants who stay in America send encouraging letters to their friends in this parish to go out as soon as possible." This would also support the departure from Londonderry to Canada when Andrew and Jane Buchanan left.

I have made 2 visits to the area. On both occasions I was able to visit Binnawooda. Since I did not have the information regarding Learmore for my first trip, I was only able to visit it on my second trip. The feature called "The Binn" is rocky mountain. There is a gentleman who lives in "Binn Lodge" who is very helpful and on both trips he gave me a great deal of his time and a tour of the land known as Binnawooda. Binn Lodge is what he called the former landlords home. It is a very nice 2 story structure that he purchase about 15 years ago. If you look to the south you can see "The Binn". It is a rocky mountain (although to me it looked more like a hill) that is a unique feature to the landscape. It truly is as described in the quote above. There is a stream called "Binn River" that runs directly behind the house and is quite picturesque. The source of the stream seems to be from the mountains where "The Binn" is. There is a road that runs south from Castlederg. Castlederg is also called Derg, as is Urney parish sometimes referred to as Derg. The road existed at the time our ancestors were there. About 2 miles south on this road from Castlederg is Learmore. It is open farmland. The road name actually changes name to Learmore Rd at this section. About 2 miles futher south on this road is the turn off for Binnawooda. There were Buchanans in Castlederg, Learmore (us) and Binnawooda (us and other Buchanans, probably related) and Buchanans in Drumquin. The Buchanans in Castlederg seem to tie into Drumquin Buchanans (which is south of Binnawooda). My guess is that the Buchanans of Castlederg, Binnawooda (and Leamore) and Drumquin are really all probably from the same Scottish immigrant ancestor, who of course remains elusive. All of these locations are several miles east of Omagh. Binnawooda is west (about 10 miles) from Omagh. However, there are no roads that go direct from this area to Omagh. There is a road from Castlederg that goes east and you get a connecting road south to Omagh. There is another road from Drumquin to Omagh. But again it is several miles from Binnawooda and Learmore. There were Buchanans in the Eastern parishes (Pomeroy, Termommaguirk, etc) of Co Tyrone (east of Omagh) as well. Buchanans of Killyclogher, Deroran, Pomeroy and Strathroy to name a few. The immigrant ancestor is known for these lines. These lines are fairly well researched and only one of them has any possibility of being related to ours (and I suspect is not). There are also Buchanans in the southern parishes (Dromore, Drumragh and Donacavey-formerly Fintona parish). Some of these families are Buchanans of Tattykeel and Buchanans of Fintona. But again those are well researched lines and not likely related to ours. There were also Buchanans in Omagh itself. These are mostly off of some of the lines in the Eastern parishes of Co. Tyrone. So the pocket of Buchanans that were in Castlederg, Binnawooda, Learmore, and Drumquin seem to be unconnected to the other lines. Perhaps there is a common immigrant ancestor. Anyone have any other info to add? Comments? Please speak up. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ Feb 1, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] notes and thoughts Buchanans and areas in Co Tyrone. excellent info Patty. Thanks for sharing it. Denny Buchanan


Feb 13, 2004 Watson Mystery Revisited Hi Darlene, You certainly DID a wonderful job in those 3 days. I think we will keep referring back to those records for a long time. Barry Snider is working on the 1901 census and we were trying to determine whether or not a certain individual was David Watson, brother to James Watson junior. The cemetery record and the Manitoba Vital Statistics record make it very probable, although his birth date on the 1901 census seems to be off by 2 years compared to most other sources. The Margaret Isabella Watson you refer to isn't their daughter. Their daughter Margaret married her cousin Robert Watson, and they were the parents of Jean Victoria Watson of Dauphin, whom I used to write 30 years ago. David's wife, Jane Buchanan is the one I find REALLY interesting. She has been a puzzle to me for years. I just came across a note from your great-aunt Bella Hunter that seems to shed some light on the mystery. "Davy Watson married Old William's daughter, whose mother died on shipboard." Another source said: "Andrew Buchanan and son William's wife died and were buried at sea. Her daughter, Little Jane, born in shipboard married Old David Watson, who was on the California gold rush." [Lizzie Hardie and Annie B. McMane also referred to "Little Jane" being mentioned by their grandmother Ann Thompson Buchanan, but seemed to remember very little.] This seems like a possible explanation. Firstly, we know that William married Ann Thompson on 24 March 1846, and Ann died 6 Nov 1911, over 60 years later! If Jane's mother died on shipboard and she was subsequently raised by William and Ann Buchanan, this would make her the "Little Jane Buchanan" referred to by some people. William and Ann had just lost their own little daughter, so maybe they did adopt "Little Jane" (about 6 years old at the time), whose mother had also died. This would also explain the mistaken notion that William had a previous wife who died on the ship. [i.e. his (adopted) daughter's mother had died on the ship] But why would William and Ann name one of their own daughters Jane (born in 1853), if this were the case? Actually, I think I will post this message to the listserv. It might be of wide enough interest. I invite any additional information on Jane Buchanan, wife of David Watson.

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: "Darlene Perrett" To: "Bill Buchanan" Sent: February 13, 2004 4:28 PM Subject: Re: Rosedale cemetery map Hi Bill Ok this took me a minute to get a handle on this. I checked the Langford history book and there is no write up on him(them). Finally found the notebook that I got that information from. It is from the Neepawa Town Office Big Cemetery Book for Riverside Cemetery Dated June 1899 - June 1915 Looking through this info again I found Mrs. Jane Watson - Neepawa died 21 Aug 1899 Bu. 23 Aug 1899 58yrs Lot 77 Blk D That is the same as his. Probably his wife. Also a Margaret Isabella Watson wife of Menno Holman Neepawa - Carpenter Died 2 July 1900 Bu. 3 July 1900 S.E. 1/4 55 Blk D 28 yrs. 5 mo. 3 days. Maybe their Daughter??? Checked through the rest but I have already marked that I sent you those pages of Births, Deaths and Marriages. Refer to the page for marriages for the town (Black Book) 1892 to 1912. etc. Note says I sent them in Feb 01. I might add that I would love to read through these books again but at the time 3 years ago I did not have the wealth of names in my head that I now know are connected to us but I did a pretty good job for the 3 days I had. Darlene ----- Original Message ----From: "Bill Buchanan"
Bill ____________________________________________

Feb 26, 2004 Re: Family history Hi Everyone, I just received this interesting message from Janice Ward, daughter of Samuel Elwood Acheson. Together with a little sleuthing in the censuses, I think it explains the story of the Buchanans and Achesons living under the same roof in Ireland. I think the story actually refers to the Achesons living with the Buchanans AFTER the Achesons arrived in Canada. They may have been friends back in Ireland, too. William Buchanan's James' Annie May married Norman Acheson. One of the Achesons said that the Buchanans and Achesons were friends back in Ireland and at one time they lived under the same roof. Here they are in the censuses of Canada. 1871 census of Elma, Perth, Ontario Atcheson Joseph L 35 C 9 Farmer Ire Irish Pres 55 Married Male Atcheson Isabella " " " 50 Married Female Atcheson Alexander " " " 22 S M Atcheson Weir " " " 20 S M Atcheson Samuel " " " 14 S M Atcheson Anabelle " " " 13 S F Interesting: in the 1861 census the William Buchanan family lived on part of Lot 35 Concession 9. Maybe it wasn't in Ireland that they lived under the same roof as the Buchanans! If Anabelle was born in Ireland, they didn't come to Canada until 1858 or later - at least 11 years after the Buchanans! 1881 census of Elma, Perth, Ontario Acheson Joseph Male 60 Ireland Presbyterian Irish Farmer Acheson Isabella Female 55 " " " Acheson Samuel M 22 " " " Farmer Acheson Isabella F 21 " " " [She was Anabelle in the previous census] 1891 census of Elma Acheson Samuel Male 34 Married Head Ire Ire Ire Pres Farmer Acheson Ellen E. Female 27 Married Wife US Eng Eng " Acheson Samuel G. M 6 S Son Ont Ire US " Acheson Lucy A. F 3 S Daughter " " " " Acheson Wm. J. M 11 mos. S Son " " " " Acheson Joseph M 70 Widowed Father Ire Ire Ire " -

Acheson John Male 26 Married Head Ont Ire Ire Pres Farmer Acheson Sarah Female 22 Married Wife " " " " 1901 census of Elma, Perth, ON has Norman, his parents and grandfather! Atcheson James M Head Married 09 Aug 1853 45 Ire Irish 1860 Atcheson Ellen E. F Wife Married 21 May 1862 38 US Eng 1882 Atcheson George M Son S 11 Jul 1884 16 " Irish Atcheson Norman M Son S 16 Apr 1888 12 " " Atcheson Joseph M Son S 16 Jan 1890 10 " " Atcheson Weir M Son S 31 May 1895 5 " " Atcheson Winnie F Dau S 26 May 1897 3 " " Atcheson Joseph M Father Widowed 10 nov 1815 85 Ire Irish 1860 (Norman is the one who married Annie May Buchanan in 1911.)

Bill Buchanan --- On Tue 02/24, Janice Ward wrote: From: Janice Ward Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 21:42:12 -0500 Subject: Re: Family history Hi Bill , It's Janice again. I am referring to a family history of the Achesons, Webbers, Henrys and Millers, called Who's That Sitting in our Family Tree, Published in 1988. Sighting #1 of the Achesons was in 1848 in New York- Joseph and Isabella - then returned to Ireland and did not return, this time to Canada until after the birth of their youngest child Arabella in 1857. It also states that 2 sons were born while in New York, Alexander and Weir. The Achesons came to Canada in 1863. For the first winter in Canada, the Achesons lived with the Buchanans at Donegal Ontario. Tombstones in Donegal cemetery, one of which is my Grandma and Grandpa Acheson's - Norman and Annie May show inter-marriages between these two prominent Ontario families. ----- Original Message ----From: Bill Buchanan Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 9:09 PM Subject: RE: Family history Hi Janice, It is nice to hear from you. Congratulations to you and Bruce on becoming grandparents! When I update the website next time (probably in June), Clarissa will be officially listed as a member of the family. I have an old note that says: "The Achesons were friends of the Buchanans in Ireland, according to Emily (Acheson) Hoffman." One of the Achesons told me a long time ago that in Ireland the Achesons lived under the same roof as the Buchanans. It seems to me there should be a story behind that statement, but I have never heard the story, have you? When did the Achesons come to Canada? ... Bill Buchanan


Feb 27, 2004 Re: Family history - Acheson [CORRECTION] Barry points out a mistake in my previous message. See my comments below. ----- Original Message ----From: Barry Snider To: Bill Buchanan Sent: February 26, 2004 7:28 PM Subject: Re: [andrew-buchanan] Re: Family history - Acheson Bill, just a couple of questions: 1. The Annie May Buchanan in my records, married to Norman Alexander Acheson, is a daughter of Alexander Buchanan and Emily Breay Scott. Is this the same one you are referring to, as you mention James as the father??? If so, I have no information on Norman's parents. RIGHT! Annie May's father was Alexander Buchanan (not her uncle James Buchanan)! 2. The 1871 census data you forwarded appears to be incomplete. How does this family tie into Norman, if it does? For some reason, most of the information in my message was missing to Barry (ending in the middle of a word), and perhaps some others may have received this incomplete version. The tie-in is in the 1901 census, which includes Norman, his parents and his grandfather. Then we can easily follow the Achesons back to 1891, 1881, and 1871. Janice Ward's part of the message takes them back as far as 1848. William Buchanan's Alexander's Annie May married Norman Acheson. One of the Achesons said that the Buchanans and Achesons were friends back in Ireland and at one time they lived under the same roof. Here they are in the censuses of Canada. 1871 census of Elma, Perth, Ontario Atcheson Joseph L 35 C 9 Farmer Ire Irish Pres 55 Married Male Atcheson Isabella " " " 50 Married Female Atcheson Alexander " " " 22 S M Atcheson Weir " " " 20 S M Atcheson Samuel " " " 14 S M Atcheson Anabelle " " " 13 S F [Arabella] Interesting: In the 1861 census the William Buchanan family lived on part of Lot 35 Concession 9. Maybe it wasn't in Ireland that they lived under the same roof as the Buchanans! If Arabella was born in Ireland, they didn't come to Canada until 1858 or later - at least 11 years after the Buchanans!

1881 census of Elma, Perth, Ontario Acheson Joseph Male 60 Ireland Presbyterian Irish Farmer Acheson Isabella Female 55 " " " Acheson Samuel M 22 " " " Farmer Acheson Isabella F 21 " " " [Arabella] 1891 census of Elma Acheson Samuel Male 34 Married Head Ire Ire Ire Pres Farmer Acheson Ellen E. Female 27 Married Wife US Eng Eng " Acheson Samuel G. M 6 S Son Ont Ire US " Acheson Lucy A. F 3 S Daughter " " " " Acheson Wm. J. M 11 mos. S Son " " " " Acheson Joseph M 70 Widowed Father Ire Ire Ire " Acheson John Male 26 Married Head Ont Ire Ire Pres Farmer Acheson Sarah Female 22 Married Wife " " " " 1901 census of Elma, Perth, ON has Norman, his parents and grandfather! Atcheson James M Head Married 09 Aug 1853 45 Ire Irish 1860 Atcheson Ellen E. F Wife Married 21 May 1862 38 US Eng 1882 Atcheson George M Son S 11 Jul 1884 16 " Irish Atcheson Norman M Son S 16 Apr 1888 12 " " Atcheson Joseph M Son S 16 Jan 1890 10 " " Atcheson Weir M Son S 31 May 1895 5 " " Atcheson Winnie F Dau S 26 May 1897 3 " " Atcheson Joseph M Father Widowed 10 nov 1815 85 Ire Irish 1860 (Norman is the one who married Annie May Buchanan in 1911.)

Bill Buchanan Thanks. Barry Snider ____________________________________________

Feb 27, 2004 some baptisms for Buchanans in Elma Cousins, I dont know if this will be new information to you or not (it was to me). I found a website (through a link on the Huron Co. GENWEB site), that contains Wesleyan Methodist baptisms for what appears to be the entire province of Ontario. I have managed to find several birth/baptism dates that I did not have for my Buchanans as well as my Ash line. The link is: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~wjmartin/wesleyan.htm I will summarize the Buchanans that are relevant to our line here:

You might want to note that Charles Buchanan and Ann Porter/Cooper and William Buchanan and Ann Thompson were in Mornington in 1848. I had never known that the Buchanans settled anywhere in Perth Co. but in Elma. Apparently they were in Mornington for at least a brief time. Read my note regarding the child of William and Ann regarding her birthplace and claim to be the first white child born in Elma. Child: Andrew Buchanan Parents: Charles and Ann Buchanan Residence: Mornington Birthplace: Mornington Birthdate: 10 NOV 1848 Baptism Date: 30 MAR 1849 Baptism place: Mornington My notes-I had no record of this Andrew. I do have an Andrew as a child of this couple, but with a birth estimate of 1862. Perhaps it is the same Andrew. Its still not clear to me if the Ann referred to is his first was Fanny Porter or his second wife Nancy Cooper. I suspect his second. -------------------------------------Child: Andrew Buchanan Parents: William and Ann Buchanan Residence: Elma Birthplace: Elma Birthdate: 9 JUL 1850 Baptism Date: 3 OCT 1850 Baptism place: My notes-The parents are William Buchanan and Ann Thompson ------------------------------------Child: Andrew Buchanan Parents: William and Ann Buchanan Residence: Elma Birthplace: Elma Birthdate: 9 JUL 1850 Baptism Date: 3 OCT 1850 Baptism place: Elma My notes-The parents are William Buchanan and Ann Thompson -----------------------------------Child: Andrew Buchanan Parents: Samuel and Mary Buchanan Residence: Elma Birthplace: Elma Birthdate: 17 MAY 1859 Baptism Date: 10 JAN 1862 Baptism place: Elma My notes-The parents are Samuel Buchanan and Mary Watson -----------------------------------Child: Annie Bray Buchanan Parents: James and Annie Buchanan Residence: Elma Birthplace: Elma Birthdate: 10 NOV 1889 Baptism Date: 1 JUN 1890 Baptism place: Elma

My notes-James was the son of William Buchanan and Ann Thompson -----------------------------------Child: Elizabeth Buchanan Parents: Robert and Margaret Buchanan Residence: Elma Birthplace: Elma Birthdate: 13 APR 1851 Baptism Date: 14 MAY 1851 Baptism place: Elma My notes-Parents are Robert Buchanan and Margaret Booth -----------------------------------Child: Elizabeth Buchanan Parents: William and Ann Buchanan Residence: Elma Birthplace: Elma Birthdate: 28 JAN 1856 Baptism Date: 22 SEP 1856 Baptism place: Elma My notes-The parents are William Buchanan and Ann Thompson -----------------------------------Child: Grace Buchanan Parents: Charles and Ann Buchanan Residence: Elma Birthplace: Elma Birthdate: 8 JUL 1860 Baptism Date: 1 MAy 1862 Baptism place: Elma My notes-Parents are Charles Buchanan and Ann Porter/Cooper. -----------------------------------Child: James Buchanan Parents: William and Ann Buchanan Residence: Elma Birthplace: Elma Birthdate: 18 JAN 1852 Baptism Date: 1 MAR 1852 Baptism place: Elma My notes-The parents are William Buchanan and Ann Thompson -----------------------------------Child: Jennie Berthal Buchanan Parents: Robert and Elizabeth Buchanan Residence: Elma Birthplace: Elma Birthdate: 26 NOV 1887 Baptism Date: 7 MAR 1890 Baptism place: Elma My notes-this is the child that was in my records as Annie Bertha Buchanan, daughter of Robert Buchanan and Lizzie Watson. Robert being the son of William Buchanan and Ann Thompson. -----------------------------------Child:Margaret Buchanan Parents: William and Ann Buchanan Residence: Mornington

Birthplace: Mornington Birthdate: 21 JUL 1848 Baptism Date: 1 FEB 1849 Baptism place: Mornington My notes-The parents are William Buchanan and Ann Thompson. This is the Margaret that family legend claimed was the first white child born in Elma. This records clearly indicates she was not born in Elma, but in Mornington. So I guess we lose one of the families claims to fame...... -----------------------------------Child: Mary Elizabeth Buchanan Parents: Andrew and Eliza Buchanan Residence: Elma Birthplace: Elma Birthdate: 25 JAN 1877 Baptism Date: 16 SEP 1877 Baptism place: Elma My notes-The parents here are Andrew Buchanan and Eliza Jane Burke. Andrew was the son of William Buchanan and Ann Thompson -----------------------------------Child: Mary Jane Parents: Andrew and Frances Buchanan Residence: Elma Birthplace: Elma Birthdate: 8 OCT 1891 Baptism Date: 25 FEB 1892 Baptism place: Elma My notes-The parents are Andrew Buchanan and Frances Minnie Coxon. Andrew was the son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth. -----------------------------------Child: Mary Jane Buchanan Parents: William S. and Margaret Buchanan Residence: Elma Birthplace: Elma Birthdate: 25 JAN 1887 Baptism Date: 24 JUL 1890 Baptism place: Elma My notes-I had her in my records as just Mary Buchanan. Her parents were William Samuel Buchanan and Margaret Burke. William Samuel was the son of William and Ann Thompson. -----------------------------------Child: Robert Buchanan Parents: Robert and Margaret Buchanan Residence: Elma Birthplace: Elma Birthdate: 21 JUL 1861 Baptism Date: 10 JAN 1862 Baptism place: Elma My notes-The parents were Robert Buchanan and Margaret Booth. -----------------------------------Child: Thomas Buchanan Parents: Charles and Ann Buchanan Residence: Elma

Birthplace: Elma Birthdate: 15 MAR 1851 Baptism Date: 14 MAY 1851 Baptism place: Elma My notes-The parents were Charles Buchanan and Ann Porter/Cooper. -----------------------------------Child:William Andrew Buchanan Parents: James and Mary Buchanan Residence: Elma Birthplace: Elma Birthdate: 10 MAR 1878 Baptism Date: 14 APR 1878 Baptism place: Elma My notes-The parents are James A. Buchanan and Mary Elizabeth Shewin/Sherwin. James was the son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth. -----------------------------------Child:William Earnest Buchanan Parents: Robert and Elizabeth Buchanan Residence: Elma Birthplace: Elma Birthdate: 20 SEP 1889 Baptism Date: 7 MAR 1890 Baptism place: Elma My notes-Parents were Robert Buchanan and Lizzie Watson. Robert was the son of William Buchanan and Ann Thompson Well, that is what I found. If this is helpful to someone, let me know. I have the printout for the Watsons, but have not gone through them all yet to pull the relevant ones (if any). Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ Feb 27, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] some baptisms for Buchanans in Elma Hi Patty, Nice work. Where they settled was later referred to as "near the Elma-Mornington Line", and Elma township wasn't organized until 1853, so technically Margaret Buchanan was the first white child born in the area that would LATER become Elma Township. At the time that she was born, the area may have been considered an unorganized part of Mornington. According to my understanding the family hadn't moved, but the political organization of that part of Perth County had changed. I was told by various people that William's first homestead remained his home for the rest of his life, although I believe he lived in three different houses on that property. None of the Buchanans appear in the 1851 census of Mornington, so obviously the enumerators didn't bother with the people "squatting" on the crown land that would soon become Elma township. I have Andrew Buchanan born 10 Nov 1848, from this same source. In the 1861 census his age is given as 11, which would be off by a year or two. He disappears after the 1861 census, so maybe he died in 1862 or maybe by the 1871 census he had left home.

1861 Census of Elma, Perth, Ontario - Transcript from Don Holmes, (now available on the Internet) Buchanan Charles Farmer Ireland Ch. of Scotland Elma 43 Married Male Buchanan Ann Ireland Ch. of Scotland Elma 40 Married Male [Female] Buchanan Mary Ireland Ch. of Scotland Elma 15 Single Female Buchanan Andrew Upper Canada Ch. of Scotland Elma 11 Single Male Buchanan Thomas Upper Canada Ch. of Scotland Elma 8 Single Male Buchanan William Upper Canada Ch. of Scotland Elma 7 Single Male Buchanan Jane Upper Canada Ch. of Scotland Elma 5 Single Female Buchanan John Upper Canada Ch. of Scotland Elma 3 Single Male Buchanan Grace Upper Canada Ch. of Scotland Elma 1 Single Female What other online resources are SOME people using that OTHERS are waiting to discover? These are the ones that I tend to use, what do you use? BC Vital Statistics http://www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca/textual/governmt/vstats/v_events.htm Manitoba Vital Statistics http://web2.gov.mb.ca/cca/vital/Query.php Government of Canada - 1901 (and 1906 western Canada) censuses, 1871 census index for Ontario, http://www.archives.ca/02/0201_e.html 1901 and 1906 are unindexed photographs of the original census - Tedious to seach with high speed Internet, impractical to attempt on a dial-up connection. LDS Family History Library System (1880/1881 censuses, IGI, SSDI, etc) http://www.familysearch.org/ Wesleyan Methodist Baptismal Register for Ontario http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~wjmartin/wm-index.htm Don Holmes' Perth County Census Transcripts http://www.censusonline.com/links/Canada/ON/Perth/ 1901 census of England and Wales http://www.census.pro.gov.uk/ British Free Births Marriages and Deaths index http://freebmd.rootsweb.com/cgi/search.pl I also use Ancestry.com PAID databases for FREE at the LDS Family History Centres. I have found the 1891 census of England useful and the various USA censuses. I have just scratched the surface of the 1901 Canada census there. The FHC is too far from home to be really convenient for me, but a trip there is nearly always worth the effort. I haven't had a lot of succes with Ancestry's FREE databases, but you might. http://www.ancestry.com/trees/awt/main.htm RootsWeb has free databases, I found an uncle's ancestry there. http://www.rootsweb.com Special thanks to Barry Snider who has suggested some of these to me over the past while. There is a new free census site that Barry is using, too. Maybe he can tell us more about it. See my other comments below.

Bill I missed this one somehow, and he hasn't been mentioned by Clifford C. Buchanan III nor the more recent person I have been in contact from that family (Susan Buchanan (Nicol) ). Maybe he died young. Mary or "Minnie" Elizabeth's last name was either Shewin or Shewan according to her descendants. [Clifford and Susan respectively] Minnie was born 29 Jul 1856 and died 2 Jul 1892 Lopez Island, San Juan, Washington, USA. -----------------------------------Child:William Earnest Buchanan Parents: Robert and Elizabeth Buchanan Residence: Elma Birthplace: Elma Birthdate: 20 SEP 1889 Baptism Date: 7 MAR 1890 Baptism place: Elma My notes-Parents were Robert Buchanan and Lizzie Watson. Robert was the son of William Buchanan and Ann Thompson [I had missed this one in the WMBR, although I had Suzanne's info on him.] Well, that is what I found. If this is helpful to someone, let me know. I have the printout for the Watsons, but have not gone through them all yet to pull the relevant ones (if any). Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________

Feb 28, 2004 Index to 1901 and 1906 Census The website Bill referred to is http://www.automatedgenealogy.com/index.html It is not complete, but is being added to regularly as the transcriptions are completed. You can access an index to both the 1901 Canada census, and the 1906 Western Canada census. It is only as accurate as the transcriptions, but it is quite useful to narrow down a name you are searching for. Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Feb 28, 2004 Francis Minnie Coxon Regarding this entry sent by Patty Hopkinson: Child: Mary Jane Parents: Andrew and Frances Buchanan

Residence: Elma Birthplace: Elma Birthdate: 8 OCT 1891 Baptism Date: 25 FEB 1892 Baptism place: Elma My notes-The parents are Andrew Buchanan and Frances Minnie Coxon. Andrew was the son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth. I did find the Coxon/Coxson family on the 1881 census: Household Record 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion William COXSON M Male English 43 O Farmer C. Methodist Nora COXSON M Female English 32 England C. Methodist Jane E COXSON Female English 15 O C. Methodist Frances M COXSON Female English 10 O C. Methodist John E COXSON Male English 8 O C. Methodist Elenor COXSON Female English 6 O C. Methodist Thos William COXSON Male English 5 O C. Methodist George COXSON Male English <1 Born: Jan; 10/12 O C. Methodist Thomas BELL Male Scottish 30 O Farmer Source Information: Census Place Elma, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375907, NA Film Number C-13271 District 172, Sub-district E, Division 3, Page Number 51, Household Number 218 [Note - we may be spelling it wrong] Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Feb 28, 2004 more Wesleyan Methodist extracts-Watson Cousins, I was less sucessful in finding Watsons that related to us in the Wesleyan Methodist transcript. However, I did find one entry. NAME: Margaret Watson PARENTS: David and Jane Watson RESIDENCE: Elma BIRTH PLACE: Elma DATE OF BIRTH: 14 SEP 1871 BAPTISM DATE: 31 DEC 1871 MY NOTES: The parents were David Watson and Jane Scott. David was the son of James Watson and Elizabeth Linnen. I will keep digging through the Watsons, maybe another relative will turn up. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________

Feb 29, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Francis Minnie Coxon The Coxon family also appears in these censuses (transcriptions by Don Holmes): Frances Mary (Minnie) appears as a child in the 1871 census of Elma, Perth, Ontario Coxon William L28 C16 Farmer Ont Eng Meth 32 Married Male Coxon Honora Eng " " 23 Married Female Coxon Elizabeth Ont " " 6 S F Coxon Frances Mary " " 6 mos. S F 1891 census of Elma Cockson William Male 52 Married Head Ont Eng Eng Meth Farmer Cockson Honora Female 45 Married Wife Eng " " " Cockson John M 18 S Son Ont Ont " " Cockson Henry M 16 S Son " " " " Cockson Thomas M 14 S Son " " " " Cockson Roy M 10 S Son " " " " Cockson Norene F 6 S Daughter " " " " [Now Frances Minnie appears as Andrew Buchanan's wife:] 1891 census of Elma, Perth, Ontario Buchanan Andrew Male 25 Married Head Ont Ire IreMeth Farmer Buchanan Frances Female 21 Married Wife " Ont Eng " Also: Full record for Coxson, William Last Name Coxson First Name William Post Office Milverton Township Elma County Perth Atlas Date 1879 Concession and Lot Lot size XVI, 28 100; XVI, 29 63; XIV, 26 62 Bill ____________________________________________ Mar 1, 2004 Virus warning I downloaded 17 emails this morning, and 4 of them were caught by my virus checker. Several were through the andrew-buchanan group, with the subject Fake, and the message What does it mean?. Please check that your computer hasn't caught a virus, and is forwarding it to everyone in our group. Thanks. Barry Snider ____________________________________________

Mar 1, 2004 11 Re: [andrew-buchanan] more Wesleyan Methodist extracts-Watson Patty, I have this same ancestor born in 1861. Could there be two David Watson's, both married to a Jane, and both with a daughter Margaret, but ten years apart? See my references below: Info from The Buchanan Story supplied by Mel Watson of Abbotsford, B.C. on Aug 11, 1987. Margaret was a cousin of her husband, Robert Watson. According to the 1891 census she was 24 years old, so born about 1866. 1901 census of Manitoba gives DOB 14 Sept 1865. another source said 1861 However, 1871 census says age 10 And 1881 census says age 18. So born about 1862 I have assumed that 1865 is a transcription error, and should be 1862 The Herald Thur 29 Dec 1892 - Neepawa Local News - Robert Watson of Neepawa and Mrs. Maggie Watson have been joined in the holy bonds of wedlock . They have taken up their residence in our midst. [If this is the same couple, this would place their marriage in 1892 and suggests Maggie was previously married. - Bill Buchanan] From http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~wjmartin/wm-w_34.htm 2 403 Perth Co. Elma Twp. Margaret Watson David Jane Elma Elma 1861-09-14 1862-01-10 Elma Crane, Rev. Isaac Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Mar 1, 2004 more re: virus The email address on the virus postings, which went to everyone on the mailing list, is buchanan@... . Bill, isn't that you? This may or may not mean that Bill has a virus (some have the ability to send emails so that it appears to come from someone else's email address). Everyone please scan your computers, and Barry, thanks for pointing this out - I didn't get the messages at all, the server must have caught them before they got to me. If you still have the messages sitting on your computer, delete them and make sure that the attachment is also deleted. Do NOT open the attachment. Sue

____________________________________________ Mar 1, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Virus warning Hi Everyone, I found the same thing as Barry. My Norton antivirus has been catching a flood of virus-laden email messages over the past day. All of my in-coming and out-going emails are automatically checked for viruses. Still, I just finished a full system scan of my computer just to be doubly sure. I was relieved that my computer received a clean bill of health. If you don't have antivirus software, for a start, do a full system scan for free using HouseCall http://housecall.trendmicro.com/. It is excellent at cleaning up any viruses on your system, but HouseCall will not block viruses from coming into your computer after the scanning/cleaning operation is finished. There are free antivirus programs that will do that. If you have the time to read it, there is an article on the subject at: http://reviews-zdnet.com.com/AnchorDesk/4520-7297_16-5123825.html?tag=adss and follow some of the comments in the threaded discussion of this topic. These three free full-featured anti-virus products are recommended in the threaded discussion: Avast! can be found at http://www.avast.com/ H+BEDV can be found at www.free-av.com/ AVG Antivirus http://www.grisoft.com When my subscription to Norton antivirus expires, I am tempted to try one of the free products. Remember that good antivirus software will protect your computer from viruses, trojans and worms ALMOST 100% of the time. Other computer problems can result in the loss of everything stored on your computer or it can be lost if your house burns down, or gets swept away by a flood or tornado. (A computer virus doesn't look quite so bad in comparison now, does it?) If you have a CD-writer, use it to save a copy of your important information and give a copy to a friend or relative to look after, or keep it in a desk drawer at work. And learn to use a CD-RW (CD rewriter) to save a copy of your important information once a week or so. Then when your hard disk crashes, you only lose the information you haven't backed up. And be cautious. Don't open the attachments of any suspicious-looking email messages even if you recognize the sender's name. If you think the message may be genuine, send the person an email asking about their suspicious-looking message. Keep safe.


____________________________________________ Re: [andrew-buchanan] more Wesleyan Methodist extracts-Watson I copied and pasted Margaret's record from the Wesleyan Methodist Baptismal Register site and my copy is identical to Barry's, i.e. 1861. And she is 10 years old (on her next birthday) in the 1871 census. I find only one David Watson. He was living in Elma with his wife Jane in the 1861 and 1871 censuses. From other sources, we know he was the son of James Watson and Elizabeth Linnen, but Scott is only one of 4 maiden names that have been reported for his wife. Some well-informed relatives (including Mabel Henry) have said that she was the adopted daughter of William Buchanan or his parents. Her death registration gives her name as Jane Buchanan Watson, but I have discussed that previously. 1861 census of Elma (Margaret wasn't born until later in the year.) 35 302 Watson David L 28 C 8 Farmer Ontario Pres 28 Married Male 35 302 Jane Jane " " 20 Married Female [The second Jane seems to be a transcription error, as a different transcription gives her surname as Watson.] 1871 census of Elma [Watson was mis-transcribed as Wilson. I had to use the reference in the 1871 census index to find them. They are living on the same Lot and Concession as his sister Isabella Watson Buchanan's family. The two families remained very close to each other and to the families of Sam and Mary Buchanan, and James and Jane Watson.] [District: PERTH NORTH ( 030 ) Sub-district: Elma ( E ) Division: 3 Page: 28] Watson David L30 C8 Farmer Ont Scot Pres 34 Married Male Watson Jane Ire Irish Pres 25 Married Female Watson Margaret Ont Scot " 10 S F Watson Mary " " " 8 S F Watson Elizabeth Jane " " " 6 S F Watson Robert " " " 1 mo S M [This would make David's birth year about 1837 and Jane's about 1848 - they seem to bounce all over! At least Margaret is consistent at this point. James is said to be 20 on his next birthday in the 1851 census below, so he should be about 40 in 1871.] National Archives film C-11724 1851 Census of (Ontario) Grenville county, Edwardsburg township part 1, page 81 Name Occupation Birth place Religion Age next Sex Marital House James Wadson Stone Mason Scotland G.Presby 55 M M 1-story stone house Elizabeth " U. Canada " 25 F S Robert " " " 23 M S David " " " 20 M S John " " " 19 M S Isabella " " " 15 F S Mary " " " 12 F S George " " " 10 M S William " " " 8 M S

I find David and Jane's an interesting family. He was one who worked as a miner at Gold Hill Nevada along with John and Sam Buchanan, his brothers-in-law in the 1860s.

Bill ____________________________________________ Mar 4, 2004 Buchanan-Watson ladies reunion in Chilliwack, BC I am passing this invitation along. I don't have Valerie's current email address, but she immediately came to mind as someone who might want to go. If you are interested, please contact me and I will forward your message to Sally Bill "On March 20 2004, we Watson girls are having a get together at ... Chilliwack ... We'll be catching up on family stories and if you'd like I'll collect information about offspring and spouses for your web site. Are there any Buchanan women who might be interested in coming out for this event? ... sorry women only. Let me know and anyone interested will get an invitation, with luck the family will unite on a level that works. ... Sincerely Sally Watson" (Sally < George < Charles "Allan" < James Watson & Jane Buchanan) ____________________________________________ Mar 4, 2004 Re: Family history - Acheson connection Janice (Acheson) Ward sent me a bunch of Acheson information that will appear on the next update of the website. I found it fascinating that Joseph Acheson was born in Lower Longfield, Tyrone, Ireland in 1815. This is the same parish where William Buchanan and Ann Thompson were married in 1846. This would make Joseph Acheson about 9 years older than William Buchanan. Four of Joseph's children were also born in Lower Longfield. It lends a strong support to the old family story about the Acheson and Buchanans being friends in Ireland and living under the same roof there. I finally found my original note containing this story, and discovered that it was passed down on the Buchanan side of the family (not the Acheson side as I had told some people). Emily Elizabeth Acheson was the daughter of Norman Acheson and Annie May Buchanan, so she was the grand daughter of Alexander Buchanan, the son of William And Ann Buchanan. My notes regarding Emily say: "Milverton, Ont. - She gave me the stories written by David [David James] Watson and Lizzie Hardie. Of David Watson she says. "He sure could tell you a lot of stories. We all loved to see him come."

"Her grandfather Alexander Buchanan told her that his mother [Ann Thompson Buchanan] said that back in Ireland the houses were built in long rows under one roof. The Acheson home was under the same roof as the (William?) Buchanans." Ann Thompson Buchanan was the source of a lot of the best oral tradition we have in the family. Truly, she was a "keeper of the flame" of family history.

Bill ____________________________________________ Mar 4, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Re: Family history - Acheson connection Hello cousins, Just a note on the geography of Lower (West) Longfield (Langfield) in relation to where the Buchanans were. The portion of Ardstraw parish that is known as "The Binn" (the townland of Binnawooda) is in is actually a thin leg of the parish that is on the border of Longfield West parish (both immediately south and east of the leg of Ardstraw parish is Longfield West parish). To the immediate west of Binnawoods is Urney parish. To the immediate north of Binnawooda is the remainder of the large parish of Ardstraw. Although the Buchanans were in Ardstraw parish, they were actually closer to the heart of both Urney parish (Castlederg area) and the heart of West Longfield parish (Drumquin). So marriage and friendships amongst Urney, West Longfield and this part of Ardstraw parish would have not been at all surpising. I find the family stories of the families having known each quite consisent to what I have gleaned ont he geography of the area from my trips there. I hope this helps. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________

Mar 7, 2004 Fw: Rescue at Sea Our photographer cousin, Clifford C. Buchanan III of Miami Beach, Florida, and two friends were rescued when their boat got into trouble. He sent me this link to the video, but on my slow dial-up connection I can't watch it. Maybe you can watch it.

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: C. C. BUCHANAN III To: Bill Buchanan Sent: March 4, 2004 6:05 PM Subject: Rescue at Sea Bill,

My site for the video http://homepage.mac.com/cliffoto/ Go to RESCUE AT SEA Thank You, Cliff ____________________________________________ Mar 15, 2004 Re: fake Hi Barry, I had the same identical experience. I received that message pretending to be from me, and Norton antivirus detected that it had a virus attached and disinfected it. There must be an infected computer out there that has both your email address and mine.

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: Barry Snider To: Bill Buchanan Sent: March 15, 2004 3:25 PM Subject: Re: [andrew-buchanan] fake Bill, this email came through with an attachment, and my antivirus picked it up as a baddie. I am getting inundated with virus attachments, but most of them I can't identify a sender. If this didn't come from your computer, then it must be someone with both our email addresses, and probably a member of the andrew-buchanan list as well. Barry Snider ____________________________________________ Mar 16, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] fake Barry, Bill and others, I too have been getting viruses from the list. Fortunately I have good virus protection software as well and my systems remains clean. My ip provider did sent out an email to users saying there was a virus that took names from address books and then sent viruses to people in the address book using addresses from the book to SEND them from. Thus it appears that someone who does not have the virus is sending it. Anyway, I seem to be getting more viruses on all accounts. There just seems to be an influx of them lately. Patty ____________________________________________

Mar 16, 2004 I have temporarily changed the settings of the mailing list to *disallow*

attachments. This means that at this time no one can send any attachments to the mailing list. Good news: no more viruses to the list. The viruses are contained within attachments. (I see that we had another one yesterday.) Bad news: no genealogy files can be attached to messages. Once we get the virus situation under control, I'll change the settings back to allow attachments. But for now I think it better to have the virus-carrying attachments stripped out. This is a temporary measure - let's see how it works!! :-) suzanne ____________________________________________

Mar 23, 2004 Fw: Family History Hi Everyone, I just received this from Don Holmes. It is to Don that we are indebted for putting the censuses online for Elma Township and the surrounding area, aided by our very own Suzanne Schaller. Don, my long-term email address is bill.buchanan@... but it doesn't handle large attachments well. The ocii email address will be good until September, when I will be faced with the decision of whether to switch to a different ISP.

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: Don Holmes To: Bill Buchanan Sent: March 23, 2004 8:11 AM Subject: Family History Bill: I came across this obituary yesterday in going through the old Milverton Sun microfilms and I thought you might be interested in it. I have both the Buchanan and the Jones family on my database so I found it especially interesting. Don H. PS: which of your addresses should I be using? [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

____________________________________________ Mar 23, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Fw: Family History Bill, Was there suppose to be an attachment (the obit?)? I know the list doesnt currently allow attachments due to virus problem of late. Can you share the text of it? Patty ____________________________________________ Mar 23, 2004 The Obituary of Elizabeth Jane (Buchanan) Jones Sorry, I forgot about attachments not being available for now. Here is the text of the obit provided by Don Holmes. - Bill From The Milverton Sun of May 14th 1931 MRS. THOMAS O. JONES The community was greatly shocked on Thursday morning last on receipt of the sad intelligence that Elizabeth Jane Buchanan beloved wife of Mr. Thomas Oliver Jones, had died suddenly at her home at 718 Hillman Ave., Ferndale, a suburb of Detroit on Wednesday evening. For sometime previously she had been complaining of a pain in the head believed to have been due to the result of a double mastoid which afflicted her and for which she was operated on eight years ago. She was, however, in her usual health on Wednesday and visited her brother in Ferndale in the afternoon, returning in time to get supper for the family. After supper, after putting things in order, her husband was engaged in the garden when she gave him a distress call. He immediately came in and found her on the floor and removed her to a couch where she expired without saying a word. Mrs. Jones was the daughter of the late James Buchanan and Mrs. Buchanan of Milverton and was born nearly 38 years ago on the 9th of Elma where she grew up and attended the Donegal School and the Donegal Methodist Church. She was married on January 12, 1912 and removed to the old Oliver Jones farm on the 11th of Mornington where they resided for four years afterwards removing to Listowel where they resided for a time before removing to Ferndale, near Detroit, where Mr. Jones has been employed since. Besides her sorrowing husband she is survived by a family of small children in need of a mother's tender care; James, 17; William Earl, 14; Della May, 12 and Leona, 6. She is also survived by her aged mother, five brothers and one sister, namely; William A., Milverton; John Edwin; Unity Saskatchewan; Stanley and Bert of Donegal, Elma; George P. of Ferndale Michigan, and Mrs. Roy McMane of Elma, near Atwood. The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon from the undertaking parlours of ' Spalding and Steinberg', Ferndale, at 2.30 p.m.

Services being conducted by Reverend William O. Moulton, pastor of First Methodist Episcopal Church, Ferndale, burial taking place at Royal Oak Cemetery. The pallbearers being four brothers, William A., Stanley and Bert and George and brother-in-law Albert Jones and cousin Herb Scott. Mr. Jones fellow workers attended the funeral in a body and instead of sending flowers presented him with a substantial purse. Among those from Milverton and Elma attending the funeral were Mrs. James Buchanan, Mr. W. A. Buchanan, Milverton; Messrs. Stanley and Bert Buchanan and Mr. Herb Scott, Donegal and Mrs. Roy McMane, Atwood. Her floral tributes of affection were many and beautiful showing the high esteem in which the deceased woman was held in the community and consisted of a beautiful blanket from husband and children, Mother, brothers and sisters; a wreath from Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Martin; a wreath from Boys and Girls' Taft School, Ferndale; a wreath from Royal Oak friends; sprays Mrs. Moore, Nina Horn, and Verna Hartsell. ____________________________________________ Mar 23, 2004 New old pictures I have just finished uploading the pictures Barry Snider sent me: James Snider family James and Elizabeth Snider about 1910 Lizzie, Annie and Isabella Watson about 1910 These have been added to Jane Buchanan and James Watson's page http://billbuchanan.bravepages.com/Jane%20Buchanan%20and%20James%20Watson%20Fami\ ly.htm I have also uploaded the pictures Susan Buchanan Nichol sent me. James H. Buchanan Corrine Andrew (Norman) Buchanan These have been added to the Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth page. http://billbuchanan.bravepages.com/AndrewBuchananFamily/andrew.htm You can copy them and print them, but remember to use the large sized version, not the "thumbnail" sized version for best results.

Bill ____________________________________________ Apr 1, 2004 gertie scott / buchanan Just wanted everyone to know that my grandmother Gertrude Buchanan died on January 26, 2004 of natural causes. [val buchanan]


Apr 2, 2004 fwd: Hi Forwarded message: Hello everyone, i am a cousin,and am just new to this room, could you please tell me when you meet to chat, i would really like to meet,everyone thank-you hope to hear from you soon Arienna (Buchanan) Tatton End forwarded message. Arienna, welcome to the group. To post to the list, send it to [email protected] - don't send it to my personal address. This group does not meet to chat, it is a mailing list. Feel free to send an email letting everyone know how you fit in to the family! :-) Are you doing genealogy research? If so, tell us about it! Suzanne ____________________________________________ Apr 7, 2004 Obit of William Buchanan - son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Boo Hi Don, Thanks for sending this to me. Yes, please send me the other obits you mentioned, as I don't have them. This one is wonderful. I knew that his brother James A. had gone to Lopez Island, and recently received pictures of James A. and some of his family members from Susan (Buchanan) Nichol that I plan to put on my old photos web site. But I didn't know that William had gone there too. Bill

Bill: Following is an example of how to write an obituary. Wm. Buchanan's wife was Margaret Ann Morrison and I have her on my database as the daughter of William Morrison and Ann McCrumb; her sister Elizabeth married my Dad's cousin. I also have briefer obituaries for his brother Andrew & his wife Frances Coxon and for his brother Robert; I do not know if I have sent them to you or not nor if you even want them. Don _____________________________________________________________ From The Milverton Sun of 12th of April 1928

FORMER MILVERTON AND ELMA MAN PASSES The following obituary notice was taken from The Friday Harbor Journal, Wash., and will be of interest to readers of this paper as the deceased, Mr. Wm. Buchanan is a former Atwood resident. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The community was shocked on Thursday morning of last week to learn that William Buchanan Sr., had passed away during the night a victim of a heart attack. Mr. Buchanan the day previous to his death had occupied his time in working about the house and on retiring for the night appeared tob in his usual good health. Death apparently came without a struggle. Funeral service was conducted by Rev. Hitchcock from the Valley Presbyterian Church on Sunday afternoon, interment in The Valley Cemetery. The services were largely attended by friends and relatives and varied and beautiful offerings which decked the casket. William Buchanan was born in Perth County, Ontario Canada on January 16 1861 and passed away March 22nd 1928 at the age of 66 years, 2 months and 10 days. He was married Seotember 4th 1883 to Miss Anna Morrison who preceded him to the grave on August 14 1917. To this union were born 5 children: William Jr. and Miss Jane Buchanan of Friday Harbor; Mrs. Ben Aldrich of Port Townsend and Alex and Sam Buchanan of Curry Alaska. He also leaves 4 brothers, James, Lopez; Andrew of Friday Harbor; Charles of Rosedale Manitoba and Robert of Aberdeen North Dakota; also 2 sisters, Mrs. William Hemphill of Friday Harbor and Mrs. L. A. Hodges of Turlock California. Mr. Buchanan and family left their Canadian home in the spring of 1905 for San Juan Island, since which time, (with the exception of a short residence in California) he was actively engaged in farming in this community. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Note: From the editor of The Milverton Sun. Mr. Buchanan was for some years engaged in the implement business in Milverton, in the employ of Mr. David Smith now of Calgary. ____________________________________________ Re: Obit of William Buchanan - son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Thanks for the additional information, Don. I really appreciate it. I am sending it on to others who will be interested. I remember visiting with Nellie and Harry Asselstine in High River, Alberta in the 1960s. His name was actually "William Harrison Asselstine", not "Henry Asselstine", but since he went by "Harry" it is a very understandable mistake for the writer of the obituary.

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: "Don Holmes" To: "Bill Buchanan" Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 2:52 PM Subject: Re: Obit of William Buchanan - son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth From the Anglican Registers: Andrew, son of Andrew and Mary Jane Buchanan, farmer, Elma born 19th of June 1868 Bapt 8th of October 1868 ************************************************ From the Milverton Sun of 11 January 1940 Tom Coxon received word that Andrew Buchanan of Friday Harbor, Washington State passed away on 22 December 1939 - born near Donegal 73 years ago on farm now owned by Wm. Atkins son of the late Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth -farmed on 16th of Elma and resided in Milverton where he worked for an implement dealer -25 years ago he went to Washingron where he has lived since -42 years ago he married Frances Coxon, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. William Coxon of Elma - Frances predeceased him 7 years ago - survived by one son Gordon, with whom he was residing and -5 daughters: Mary Jane (Mrs. Geo. Wilson); Nora (Mrs. Peter Hansen); Nellie (Mrs. Henry Asseltine), Ethel (Mrs. Wes. McQuarrie and Minnie -1 brother Robert residing in the US survives ********************************* From the Parish Registers of the Anglican Church of Millbank and Elma Robert, son of Andrew and Mary Jane Buchanan, farmer, Elma, born 25 May 1869 baptized 18 Aug 1869 ************************************************* From the Milverton Sun of 8th of January 1942 Robert Buchanan of Nampa Idaho passed away Saturday 27th of December 1941 at the home of his son John from word received by W. S. Buchanan. He had been hit by a car and complications resulted in death. He was born 75 years ago at Donegal, the 3rd son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth - 45 years ago he married Margaret Anderson of Peffers who passed away 3 years ago -41 years ago they moved to Nampa Idaho - survived by three sons - last of his family -funeral on 31st of December 1941 This is what I have on this family Don


Apr 15, 2004 Early family marriages I found some GREAT information on this site Barry suggested: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~maryc/thisisit.htm #009844-93 (Perth Co): Robert Leslie HYMER, 24, farmer, Wallace, Mornington, s/o John HYMER & Eliza Jane FARRELL, married Mary Elizabeth BUCHANAN, 16, Elma, same, d/o Andrew BUCHANAN & Eliza Jane CURKE [BURKE], witn: David HYMER & Sarah FEWINGS, both of Mornington, 27 Sept 1893 at Mornington #009703-93 (Perth Co): Robert John YOUNG, 23, farmer, Elma, same, s/o John YOUNG & Margaret BUCHANAN, married Elizabeth HAMMOND, 27, Elma twp., Sturne?, d/o George HAMMOND & Jane KEATING, witn: James & Sarah Jane HAMMOND of Elma, 3 Aug 1893 at Sturne?, Elma twp Vol 9, pg 100 - Alexander LONG, 38, farmer, Tyrone Ireland, Elma, s/o Robert LONG & Elizabeth SANDERSON, married Margaret BUCHANAN, 37, Tyrone Ireland, Elma, d/o John BOOTHE & Lucy McFARLANE, witn: George HAMMOND & James WATSON, both of Elma, 9 Feb 1870 at Elma [This is the remarriage of Robert Buchanan's widow. It gives the parentage of Margaret Booth! I didn't have that information previously. This will be of Interest to any of Robert and Margaret's descendants. Note that the witnesses are both relatives.] Vol 9, pg 70 - Malcolm McDONALD, 21, laborer, Scotland, Stratford, s/o Murdoch & Ann, married Phoebe WATSON, 28, widow, Canada, Mornington twp., d/o Edward BARRETT & Jemima, witn: J. WATT & Mary PRATT, both of Stratford, 13 Sept 1870 at Stratford [And look at his one! Phoebe Barrett remarried after John Watson's 1866 death. It gives her parents' names too, but not where they lived. I couldn't find John and Phoebe (or her parents) in the 1851 and 1861 censuses of Elma and Mornington.] #009990-87 (Perth Co): Robert BUCHANAN, 21, farmer, Elma twp., same, s/o Andrew BUCHANAN & Mary Jane BOO(off page)[BOOTH], married Margaret ANDERSON, 20, Mornington twp., same, d/o Andrew ANDERSON & Sophia GALLOWAY, witn: Sophia ANDERSON & Andrew BUCHANAN, 23 Nov 1887 at Mornington

Bill ____________________________________________

Apr 16, 2004

attachments It has now been a month since a virus was sent to the list. I think they have stopped (whatever the problem was, it doesn't seem to exist anymore.) Therefore I'm re-enabling attachments to the list. Suzanne list admin ____________________________________________

Apr 16, 2004 Re: William Buchanan Bill, I found some further information on these families. You will already have some of this, but others may not. Household Record 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion John HYMER M Male English 45 England Farmer C. Methodist Eliza Jane HYMER M Female English 44 Ireland C. Methodist [nee Eliza Jane Farrell] Thomas Jos HYMER Male English 21 England C. Methodist William HYMER Male English 19 England C. Methodist Mary Jane HYMER Female English 16 Ontario C. Methodist John Joseph HYMER Male English 14 Ontario C. Methodist Robert Leslie HYMER Male English 12 Ontario C. Methodist David Farrell HYMER Male English 10 Ontario C. Methodist Samuel HYMER Male English 6 Ontario C. Methodist Source Information: Census Place Mornington, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375908, NA Film Number C-13272 District 172, Sub-district F, Division 2, Page Number 35, Household Number 160 [Does anyone know if the correct spelling is Hymer or Hymers?] [I am wondering if there is some connection between Eliza Jane Farrell, b. abt 1836, Ireland, and John Farrell, b. abt 1833, Ireland???] [2 possibilities from the 1881 census] Household Record 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion George HAMMOND M Male English 51 England Farmer Methodist Jane HAMMOND M Female English 45 O Methodist Elizabeth HAMMOND Female English 18 O Methodist George HAMMOND Male English 13 O Methodist John HAMMOND Male English 8 O Source Information: Census Place Yarmouth, Elgin East, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375901, NA Film Number C-13265

District 163, Sub-district A, Division 2, Page Number 22, Household Number 120 Household Record 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion George HAMMOND M Male Irish 48 Scotland Farmer Baptist Jenit HAMMOND M Female Irish 39 Scotland Baptist Elizebeth HAMMOND Female Irish 17 O Baptist Jenit HAMMOND Female Irish 15 O Baptist James HAMMOND Male Irish 13 O Baptist Source Information: Census Place Elma, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375907, NA Film Number C-13271 District 172, Sub-district E, Division 2, Page Number 4, Household Number 17 Household Record 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion John YOUNG M Male Scottish 40 Scotland Farmer C. Methodist Marget YOUNG M Female Canadian 34 O C. Methodist [nee Margaret Buchanan] Robt John YOUNG Male Scottish 10 O C. Methodist W. Nixon YOUNG Male Scottish 8 O C. Methodist Angelina YOUNG Female Scottish 7 O C. Methodist A Jane YOUNG Female Scottish 5 O C. Methodist Source Information: Census Place Elma, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375907, NA Film Number C-13271 District 172, Sub-district E, Division 2, Page Number 4, Household Number 15 From http://www.automatedgenealogy.com/index.html Page Information District: MB MACDONALD (#8) Subdistrict: Westbourne n-12, Page 4, Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6433 Transcriber: Elaine Rutherford 17 28 Young George M Head M Mar 18 1864 36 18 28 Young Annie F Wife M Apr 14 1880 20 [nee Eliza Ann Watson] Household Record 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion Alex. LONG M Male Irish 50 Ireland Farmer Presbyterian Marg. LONG M Female Irish 49 Ireland Presbyterian [nee Margaret Boothe, 1st marriage to Robert Buchanan] A. BUCHANAN Male Irish 28 O Farmer Presbyterian [Andrew] Robt. BUCHANAN Male Irish 19 O Farmer Son Presbyterian J.J. BUCHANAN Male Irish 18 O Farmer Son Presbyterian [John James] M.J. LONG Female Irish 5 O Presbyterian [Margaret]

Source Information: Census Place Little Saskatchewan, Western Extension, Extension, Manitoba Family History Library Film 1375920, NA Film Number C-13284 District 186, Sub-district E, Division 6, Page Number 46, Household Number 309 Household Record 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion Malcolm MCDONALD M Male Scottish 36 Scotland Teamster C. Presbyterian Phoebe MCDONALD M Female Scottish 43 O C. Presbyterian John MCDONALD Male Scottish 15 O C. Presbyterian Robert MCDONALD Male Scottish 10 O C. Presbyterian Annie MCDONALD Female Scottish 7 O C. Presbyterian Emma MCDONALD Female Scottish 4 O C. Presbyterian Phoebe MCDONALD Female Scottish 3 O C. Presbyterian Source Information: Census Place Stratford, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375907, NA Film Number C-13271 District 172, Sub-district C, Division 1, Page Number 30, Household Number 143 [This looks like a good possibility. Can anyone confirm this is them?] [If so, I show children Elizabeth, Mary, John and Ruth from her first marriage. Would she have two John's???. If not, the oldest child, John, may be from her first marriage. If so, he changed his surname.] Barry Snider ____________________________________________

Apr 16, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Re: William Buchanan 1881 Canadian Census - This is may be John Watson's son John, as his mother and stepfather lived in Stratford. Or he may have changed his name to McDonald and appear in the Malcolm McDonald household. I am tempted to spend some time at the archives and search the 1871 census of Stratford. It should give the ages of the children and possibly additional information. Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion James WEIR M Male Scottish 50 Scotland Manufacturer Baptist Frances WEIR M Female English 45 England Baptist Agnes L WEIR Female Scottish 26 O Baptist Thos R WEIR Male Scottish 24 O Manufacturer Baptist Jennie WEIR Female Scottish 15 O Baptist Minnie WEIR Female Scottish 13 O Baptist

John WATSON Male Scottish 20 O Tailor Baptist ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Census Place Stratford, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375907 NA Film Number C-13271 District 172 Sub-district C Division 4 Page Number 31 Household Number 143 This is the only Mary Watson of the right age found in Stratford in 1881. 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion Jas. PROCTOR M Male English 30 USA Hotel Keeper Congregational Abby PROCTOR M Female Scottish 32 O Congregational Elizabeth PROCTOR Female English 4 O Congregational D. B. FRAZER Male Scottish 35 O M D Presbyterian Richd ARMSTRONE Male English 21 O Student Church of England David COLLINS Male English 20 O Tailor Church of England Thos QUIRK Male Irish 35 O Merchant Roman Catholic Wm MCCANN Male Irish 27 O Clerk Roman Catholic A. C. FREDERICK M Male Irish 32 USA Agr Church of England B. A. MAITLAND M Male Irish 26 USA Agr Church of England T.A. MONTGOMERY Male English 25 O Agr C. Methodist I. B. MOON Male Irish 24 O Agr Roman Catholic John BROWN M Male English 28 O Clerk Church of England Mary MCPHEE Female Scottish 26 O Servant Roman Catholic Bridget DILLON Female Irish 18 O Roman Catholic Mary WATSON Female Scottish 20 O Presbyterian Annie MCFEE Female Scottish 28 O Roman Catholic Car DENSTEAD Female German 22 O Lutheran C. P. MOORE M Male Irish 45 O Clerk Roman Catholic ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Census Place Stratford, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375907 NA Film Number C-13271 District 172 Sub-district C Division 4 Page Number 3 Household Number 11 Barry sent this to me some months ago. "Bill, I can only find one Ruth Watson in the 1881 Canadian Census who is the approximate age of the daughter of John Watson and Phoebe Barrett. And she is living as a servant in Perth North. Which would make sense if her father died in 1866. I can't find Phoebe either under Watson or Barrett. So she may have remarried or died before the 1881 census. Household: Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion Lee LONG M Male English 41 England Farmer C. Methodist Mary LONG M Female English 36 O C. Methodist Gemima A LONG Female English 15 O C. Methodist Mary Jane LONG Female English 13 O C. Methodist Frederic W LONG Male English 10 O C. Methodist Sarah M LONG Female English 8 O C. Methodist Enoch E LONG Male English 3 O C. Methodist

Ada M E LONG Female English 1 O C. Methodist Ruth WATSON Female English 19 O Servent C. Methodist ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Census Place Mornington, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375907 NA Film Number C-13271 District 172 Sub-district F Division 1 Page Number 39 Household Number 172" [Bill Buchanan] ____________________________________________ Apr 23, 2004 Samuel and Mary Buchanan in 1901 Some of you have this information, but some of you may not have it. I just found it yesterday. automatedgenealogy.com District: MB MACDONALD (#8) Subdistrict: Neepawa (Town/Ville) g-1 Page 4 34 28 Buchannin? Saml M Head M Mar 28 1832 69 35 28 Buchannin? Mary F Wife M Nov 15 1840 60 36 28 Mc?inghtan Annie F Domestic S Aug 23 1892 8 Note that in m-1 through m-3 of this transcription, Buchanan is currently mis-transcribed as Buckman. But this resource is getting progressively better.

Bill ____________________________________________

Apr 23, 2004 Re: Obit of William Buchanan - son of AndrewBuchanan and Mary Jane Barry and all, My responses to Barry's questions are in blue. [In this monochrome version, Barry's questions are in square brakets and my replies are in braces { }]

Bill To: Bill Buchanan billbuchanan@... Subject: Re: [andrew-buchanan] Re: Obit of William Buchanan - son of AndrewBuchanan and Mary Jane Booth Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 11:32:59 -0700

Bill, some of this information doesn't compute. See my questions below in red. I am wondering if all the information relates to the same person or not??? Barry Snider ************************************************ From the Milverton Sun of 11 January 1940 -Tom Coxon received word that Andrew Buchanan of Friday Harbor, Washington State passed away -on 22 December 1939 - born near Donegal 73 years ago on farm now owned by 73 years ago would be 1866, not 1868???] {The 1901 census says Andrew was born born 10 June 1868, and the baptismal record says 19 June 1868. I think June 1868 is pretty solid.} Wm. Atkins -son of the late Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth -farmed on 16th of Elma and resided in Milverton where he worked for an implement dealer -25 years ago he went to Washingron where he has lived since > -42 years ago he married Frances Coxon, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. William Coxon [42 years ago would be 1897. I have their marriage date as 3 Dec 1890, which agrees to 1891 census. So that would be 49 years ago.] {I have the same date as you do for the marriage.} of Elma - Frances predeceased him 7 years ago [so maybe they were married 42 years, rather than married 42 years ago] {That may be the case.} - survived by one son Gordon, with whom he was residing and -5 daughters: Mary Jane (Mrs. Geo. Wilson); Nora (Mrs. Peter Hansen); Nellie (Mrs. Henry Asseltine) - Ethel (Mrs. Wes. McQuarrie [I show McCreary???] Me too. and Minnie -1 brother Robert residing in the US survives ********************************* From the Parish Registers of the Anglican Church of Millbank and Elma Robert, son of Andrew and Mary Jane Buchanan, farmer, Elma, born 25 May 1869 baptized 18 Aug 1869 [Robert is older than Andrew (b. 1868), and age 6 on 1871 census, age 16 on 1881 census. So 1869 could not be his birth year. Could 1864 have been transcribed incorrectly as 1869?] {I have accepted the date of 20 May 1865, from the 1901 census of Listowel.} ************************************************* From the Milverton Sun of 8th of January 1942 Robert Buchanan of Nampa Idaho passed away Saturday 27th of December 1941 at the home of his son John from word received by W. S. Buchanan. He had been hit by a car and complications resulted in death. He was born 75 years ago [so about 1866?] The 1901 census says 20 May 1865. at Donegal, the 3rd son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth - 45 years [married Nov 1887, so 54 years ago - 51 years married - 45 years doesn't work for either]

#{009990-87 (Perth Co): Robert BUCHANAN, 21, farmer, Elma twp., same, s/o Andrew BUCHANAN & Mary Jane BOO(off page), married Margaret ANDERSON, 20, Mornington twp., same, d/o Andrew ANDERSON & Sophia GALLOWAY, witn: Sophia ANDERSON & Andrew BUCHANAN, 23 Nov 1887 at Mornington [from Ontario Marriages Registrations at http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~maryc/thisisit.htm ]} ago he married Margaret Anderson of Peffers who passed away 3 years ago -41 years ago they moved to Nampa Idaho - survived by three sons [I showed Edward died 1920 have changed it to aft 1941] {Me too. - last of his family} {Note that the 1901 census gives Edward's DOB as 1 June 1893, but the official registration of birth says 1 June 1894. I have accepted the official registration of birth as correct but include the other in the notes for Edward. We depend on transcriptions, but they aren't perfect.} -funeral on 31st of December 1941 This is what I have on this family Don ____________________________________________

Apr 23, 2004 Buchanan relation when i was about 8 yrs old my grandfather passed away (William Russel Buchanan) 1888-1957. My father(Arnold) and mom went to Neepawa and while going there we went down in the USA and visited with a lady who helped raise or look after my father after my dad's mother and father separated. Her name was Bella, i was just wondering if someone could tell me how she is related to me,or if she is a relation. Thank-you Arienna Tatton ____________________________________________ Apr 23, 2004 Re: Obit of William Buchanan - son of AndrewBuchanan and Mary Jane Booth Bill, Barry and list, I have some info on this line from a descendant (Linda Rose-nee Graham) who is a descendant of the William who went to Lopez Island. Would you be interested in the info or do you already have details on most of these descendants? Not sure I can help with Barry's questions or not, but I will check this weekend. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________

Apr 23, 2004

Re: [andrew-buchanan] Re: Obit of William Buchanan - son of AndrewBuchanan and Mary Jane Booth Yes Patty, I am interested. Bill ____________________________________________ Apr 23, 2004 Missing children of John Watson & Phoebe Barrett I have been trying to find out what happened to the family of John Watson (brother of James, Isabel, Mary, George and William James) after he died in 1866. Last week I found the remarriage of Phoebe to Malcolm McDonald of Stratford, Ontario. Wednesday I searched the 1871 census microfilm of Stratford and found only Malcolm and Phoebe - no children. North Perth c-1 Stratford Town 16 16 McDonald, Malcolm M 22 Scotland C. Presby Scotch Labourer M McDonald, Phoebe F 28 Ontario C. Presby English M Today I searched for the children aas strays in the 1871 census index and found the following: 1871 census of Mornington, Perth North 5 17 58 Barrett Edward L 3 C 7 Farmer England English Anglican 82 Married Male 5 17 58 Barrett Jemima " " " 71 Married Female 5 17 58 Barrett John " " " 35 Married Male 5 17 58 Barrett Grace Scotland Scottish Presbyterian 24Married F 5 17 58 Barrett Charles Ontario English Anglican 2 mo. S M 5 17 58 Barrett Robert " " " 30 S M 5 17 58-S Watson Mary " " " 8 S F [So Mary was looked after by Grandma and Grandpa Barrett and an uncle and aunt. In 1871 she is not with her mother and stepfather. The only stray Ruth Watson about the right age is this one in Mornington, Perth, where Phoebe's parents lived: 3 7 23 Long Thomas L 2 C 5 Farmer England English Methodist 31 Married Male 3 7 23 Long Mary Ontario " " 27 Married Female 3 7 23 Long Jemima " " " 5 S F 3 7 23 Long Mary Jane " " " 3 S F 3 7 23 Long Frederick R. " " " 9 mo. S M 3 7 23-S Watson Ruth " Scottish " 10 S F I still haven't found the other two children, John and Elizabeth. They aren't on the list of heads of house and strays. (If they were living with Watson

relatives they would not appear as "strays" since they would have the same surname as the head of house.) They do not appear in the 1871 census of Mornington township. [Bill Buchanan] ____________________________________________ Apr 23, 2004 Russ' second marriage Hi Bill, As far as i know Russ never remarried nor had any other children. I could phone my aunt Audrey (Dads sister). She is very knowledgeable about her side of the Buchanans I do have some old pictures, not a whole lot but some, i will get my neighbour to scan them and send for me, i am not that good on a computer. Yes i had one sister Cheryl Buchanan 1954-1995. (Suicide) My father Arnold Gilbert Buchanan 19231975.(Suicide) I was born in July 1948. I married in 1974,in Port Alberni on Vancouver Island, BC. I have two children James Arnold Tatton Born October 2 1977 and a daughter Dana Kathleen Tatton Born August 7 1979. I will ask my Aunt about Miss McGuffin, if she knew of anyone by that name, and get back to you. Yes i believe her name was Bella Hunter, i remember being at her house and dad had bought her a floor polisher, it is funny how such things stay in your mind isn't it. Thanks again and will get those pics and ask audrey about miss McGuffin Arienna ____________________________________________ Apr 24, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Russ' second marriage Thanks Arienna, I look forward to any information on Russ and anything else you can tell me about the family. I hope you will take the time to read some of the old family stories on my website. The older generations also had their challenges, and overcame them. Bella Hunter was a peacemaker in the family. Her mother, Margaret Matilda Buchanan was quite a character. Maggie could be one very tough lady, but she claimed that she and Red Bob had raised 18 (or was it 16) children, only 8 of whom were their own. I think Bella would follow in that tradition, but with a gentler touch. I look forward to seeing the pictures. If the person scanning them could

scan them at 300 dpi (dots per inch) and save them in JPEG format, the digital images could be printed full sized at close to the original quality. I will post them on my photos website so that other members of our huge extended family can enjoy them. I look forward to hearing from you again. By the way, what is your husband's first name(s)?

Your cousin, Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Apr 25, 2004 The Campbell connection Three of the Neepawa Buchanans married Campbells: Elizabeth Buchanan (daughter of Robert) married Robert "Big Bob" Campbell John James Buchanan (son of Robert) married Isabella "Bella" Campbell Andrew Buchanan (son of Robert) married Sarah Letitia "Tish" Campbell Were the three Campbells brother and sisters? I have conflicting information in that regard. I have been going through my blue 1960s binder of family group sheets. I find a note on Letitia's page that says "sister of Big Bob and Bella" In my database itself, I showed Letitia's father as Richard Campbell, but in my database Notes it says "daughter of Tom and Margaret". Confused? I am! I have deleted Richard as Letitia's father for now. Letitia's obit says "The deceased woman was in her 69th year, her birthplace Molesworth, Ontario and her maiden name Sarah Letitia Campbell, a sister of Mr. Rich Campbell of this town. She came to Manitoba in 1880 with her sister, Mrs. John H. Mckee with whom she lived until marriage" - no mention of any connection to Big Bob or Bella! [I finally found Letitia listed in the 1881 census as S.L. Campbell age 23, living with the family of Jno. and Charlotte McKay. So her sister's name was Charlotte.] In my database I show no parents for Big Bob Campbell. Isabella's marriage registration says she was born in Ireland to Richard Campbell and Catheran Wiseman. So at least her parentage is documented. If you know the parents of Big Bob Campbell and Sarah Letitia Campbell, I would appreciate the information. In the meantime I am not considering them to be siblings, although their spouses are. [Bill Buchanan]

____________________________________________ Fw: Early family marriages [This is a repetition of an April 15, 2004 posting]

____________________________________________ Apr 29, 2004 Re: Robert Leslie Hymer family [duplicates an earlier posting] [Barry Snider] ____________________________________________ Apr 29, 2004 Re: Robert John Young [duplicates an earlier posting] [Barry Snider] ____________________________________________ Apr 29, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Fw: Early family marriages [duplicates an earlier posting] [Barry Snider] ____________________________________________

Apr 29, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Re: Malcolm McDonald As they had only been married for 10 years, I assume the oldest boy (John, age 15) is from her 1st marriage to John Watson. Of the other three children of her 1st marriage, Elizabeth was already married to Gad Curtis (see below), Mary or May appears to disappear, and Ruth may be living in the home of Lee and Mary Long on the 1881 census (see below), and later marries George Ford about 1890. Does anyone have anything further on this family? Barry Snider Household Record 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion Malcolm MCDONALD M Male Scottish 36 Scotland Teamster C. Presbyterian Phoebe MCDONALD M Female Scottish 43 O C. Presbyterian John MCDONALD Male Scottish 15 O C. Presbyterian Robert MCDONALD Male Scottish 10 O C. Presbyterian Annie MCDONALD Female Scottish 7 O C. Presbyterian Emma MCDONALD Female Scottish 4 O C. Presbyterian Phoebe MCDONALD Female Scottish 3 O C. Presbyterian Source Information: Census Place Stratford, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375907, NA Film Number C-13271

District 172, Sub-district C, Division 1, Page Number 30, Household Number 143 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion Gad CURTIS M Male American 23 O Teamster Church of England Elizabeth CURTIS M Female English 22 O Church of England Robert J. CURTIS Male English 2 O Church of England Ann CURTIS W Female Scottish 52 Scotland C. Presbyterian Moses CURTIS Male English 16 O Teamster Church of England Source Information: Census Place Stratford, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375907, NA Film # C-13271 District 172, Sub-district C, Division 1, Page Number 21, Household Number 98 1881 Canadian Census, living in home of Lee and Mary Long: Ruth WATSON Female English 19 O Servent C. Methodist Source Information: Census Place Mornington, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375907, NA Film # C-13271 District 172, Sub-district F, Division 1, Page Number 39, Household Number 172 [Barry Snider] ____________________________________________ Apr 30, 2004 "Grannie Long" Yes, this is "Grannie Long" who delivered many dozens of babies and never lost one! An enviable record even now, and especially impressive in pioneer times. A long time ago someone gave me a write-up on "Grannie Long". Would any of you still have it? It may be from the "Elmanac" or from "Reveries of a Pioneer", but in any case I seem to have lost it. If you can't find it quickly, please don't spend a lot of time looking for it. I just thought it would be of general interest.

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: Barry Snider To: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 5:16 PM Subject: Re: [andrew-buchanan] Fw: Early family marriages This would be the Grandma Long who delivered all the babies! Barry Snider Household Record 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion Alex. LONG M Male Irish 50 Ireland Farmer Presbyterian Marg. LONG M Female Irish 49 Ireland Presbyterian A. BUCHANAN Male Irish 28 O Farmer Presbyterian

Robt. BUCHANAN Male Irish 19 O Farmer Son Presbyterian J.J. BUCHANAN Male Irish 18 O Farmer Son Presbyterian M.J. LONG Female Irish 5 O Presbyterian Source Information: Census Place Little Saskatchewan, Western Extension, Extension, Manitoba Family History Library Film 1375920, NA Film Number C-13284 District 186, Sub-district E, Division 6, Page Number 46, Household Number 309 ____________________________________________ May 5, 2004 Old Photos of the Family of Andrew Buchanan & Mary Jane Booth Hi Everyone, I finally got the photos from Susan Buchanan Nichol put online. They can be viewed in the usual way or click this link to go directly to the page. http://billbuchanan.bravepages.com/AndrewBuchananFamily/andrew.htm Some of them were scanned at a low resolution and are good to view on the computer, although they may not print well. Others are great for printing as well as viewing. They are amazing photos - the greatest find in some time! Thanks Susan! Now, if we had a few pictures from Charles Buchanan's descendants ... maybe Bill Hamilton would know who has some.

Bill ____________________________________________ May 11, 2004 Old obits from Neepawa sent by Darlene Perrett Well, Darlene has done it again! She has found a treasure trove of old newspaper clippings, funeral cards, photos, and so forth. She found these items in the possession of Jean Hunter of Neepawa, a daughter of Hazel Griffith and granddaughter of Isabella Buchanan Hunter. Most of this part of the treasure relates to the family of Isabella's parents Robert John "Red Bob" Buchanan and Margaret Matilda Buchanan, but also some other members of the family. She also includes some interesting census records that seem to include the daughters of James Buchanan and Elizabeth Glenn. The second part consists of pages from a local history of the Gladstone area. This has family histories of some of the Ash families, and the family of Thomas Eldon Buchanan and Lillian Bales. The attachment is an RTF file which can be opened in all word processors. The photos will eventually find their way to the website. The photo of the family of William John Ash and Mary Buchanan is a special treasure. Thank you Darlene, for your tireless efforts to find genealogy information to share with us.

Bill Attachment(not stored) From Darlene Perrett - May 2004.rtf ____________________________________________ May 23, 2004 Buchanan DNA study Cousins, I have been in contact with a gentleman in New Zealand who is heading up a Buchanan DNA study. I told him I would try and recruit a couple of members from our line. This study is similar to the study done on the MacGregors (which you can find out about by doing an internet search on MacGregor DNA). Right now the Buchanan study is just getting underway. It is a Y-DNA study so, therefore to participate you must be a male with the surname Buchanan. For more details, contact Alex Buchanan at: abuchanan@... Patty ____________________________________________ May 23, 2004 Re: Buchanan/Copeland Hi Diane, I am including a CC: to the Andrew Buchanan descendants, as I found some new material today that will be of interest to some of them. Elizabeth Buchanan was the daughter of Robert Buchanan and Margaret Booth. For more on them, see my website at http://members.tripod.com/bill_buchanan Here is a record of Elizabeth Buchanan's birth and baptism: Methodist baptisms Name: Elizabeth Parents: Buchanan, Robt & Margt Residence: Elma Born: Elma, 13 Apl 1851 Baptised: 14 May 1851, Elma by Rev. Geo Case After Robert Buchanan died at the age of 53 in Elma township, Perth county, Ontario, Margaret married Alex Long. Vol 9, pg 100 - Alexander LONG, 38, farmer, Tyrone Ireland, Elma, s/o Robert LONG & Elizabeth SANDERSON, married Margaret BUCHANAN, 37, Tyrone Ireland, Elma, d/o John BOOTHE & Lucy McFARLANE, witn: George HAMMOND & James WATSON, both of Elma, 9 Feb 1870 at Elma Here is Alex, still living with his parents in 1861 1861 census of Perth County Ontario Long Robert Sr. Farmer Ireland Ch. of Scotland Elma 55 Married Male L 28 C 7 Long Elizabeth Ireland Ch. of Scotland Elma 60 Married Female Long George Ireland Ch. of Scotland Elma 27 Single Male L 28 C 7 Long Alex'r Ireland Ch. of Scotland Elma 30 Single Male L 29 C 7

Long Robert Jr. Ireland Ch. of Scotland Elma 28 Married Male Long Margret Ireland Ch. of Scotland Elma 28 Married Female Long Elizabeth Ireland Ch. of Scotland Elma 5 Single Female Long Sarah Upper Canada Ch. of Scotland Elma 3 Single Female Long William Upper Canada Ch. of Scotland Elma 1 Single Male All 1881 censuses are from http://www.familysearch.org 1881 census of Manitoba has the family of Margaret Booth and Alex Long, but Elizabeth is now married to Robert Campbell, so she is no longer living with them. Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion Alex. LONG M Male Irish 50 Ireland Farmer Presbyterian Marg. LONG M Female Irish 49 Ireland Presbyterian A. BUCHANAN Male Irish 28 O Farmer Presbyterian [Alexander] Robt. BUCHANAN Male Irish 19 O Farmer Son Presbyterian J.J. BUCHANAN Male Irish 18 O Farmer Son Presbyterian M.J. LONG Female Irish 5 O Presbyterian [Margaret or "Meg"] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Census Place Little Saskatchewan, Western Extension, Extension, Manitoba Family History Library Film 1375920 NA Film Number C-13284 District 186 Sub-district E Division 6 Page Number 46 Household Number 309 Elizabeth Buchanan married Robert "Big Bob" Campbell and they moved to Manitoba by April 1879, as their son Peter was born then in Manitoba. I just found them in the 1881 census! "E.E." I believe to be Mary, since she was born 1 April 1881 and "E.E." was born in April 1881. I can find no official registration of her birth in 1881 under either name. 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion R. CAMPBELL M Male Irish 33 Q Farmer Presbyterian [Robert] E. CAMPBELL M Female Irish 29 O Presbyterian [Elizabeth] M.J. CAMPBELL Female Irish 12 O Presbyterian [Jane] Jno. CAMPBELL Male Irish 10 O Presbyterian [John] Andrew CAMPBELL Male Irish 8 USA Presbyterian G.A. CAMPBELL Female Irish 7 USA Presbyterian [Grace Ann md. Charles Buchanan] R. CAMPBELL Male Irish 6 USA Presbyterian [Robert] Peter CAMPBELL Male Irish 2 Northwest Territories Presbyterian E.E. CAMPBELL Female Irish --- Born: Apr; 0 Northwest Territories Presbyterian [Mary] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Census Place Little Saskatchewan, Western Extension, Extension, Manitoba Family History Library Film 1375920 NA Film Number C-13284 District 186 Sub-district E Division 6 Page Number 13 Household Number 83 This is Robert Campbell's family in 1901. The names Thomas and James are there. A stepdaughter suggests a remarriage on the part of one parent, to someone who already had a child.

If Elizabeth Buchanan had died and Robert Campbell had remarried, it could be a child of his new wife. 1901 census of Canada automatedgenealogy.com District: MB MACDONALD (#8) Subdistrict: Westbourne n-11 Page 2 16 14 Campbell Robert M Head M Sep 10 1848 52 17 14 Campbell Elizabeth F Wife M Jul 20 1860 40 18 14 Campbell William M Son S Mar 13 1883 18 19 14 Campbell Thomas M Son S May 27 1893 7 20 14 Campbell James M Son S Dec 4 1896 4 21 14 Paul Aggie F Step Daughter S Apr 29 1884 16 Here are the birth registrations of two of their children. It specifies that the mother's name is Eliza Buchanan. Manitoba vital statistics are from http://web2.gov.mb.ca/cca/vital/Query.php LAST NAME: CAMPBELL FIRST NAME: PETER DATE OF BIRTH: 04/07/1879 PLACE OF BIRTH: R.M. OF LANSDOWNE SEX: M REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1879,1627536 REGISTRATION DATE: 02/27/1948 MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: BUCHANAN Given Names: ELIZABETH LAST NAME: CAMPBELL FIRST NAME: WILLIAM ALEXANDER DATE OF BIRTH: 03/13/1883 PLACE OF BIRTH: BEAUTIFUL PLAINS SEX: M REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1883,001527 MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: BUCHANAN Given Names: ELIZA BINGO!!!!! LAST NAME: CAMPBELL FIRST NAME: THOMAS EDWIN DATE OF BIRTH: 05/27/1893 PLACE OF BIRTH: R.M. OF LANSDOWNE SEX: M REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1893,1069673 REGISTRATION DATE: 10/06/1925 MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: COPELAND Given Names: ELIZABETH LAST NAME: CAMPBELL FIRST NAME: JAMES HARVEY DATE OF BIRTH: 12/04/1897 [disagrees with 1901 census by 1 year] PLACE OF BIRTH: R.M. OF WESTBOURNE SEX: M REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1897,10710480 REGISTRATION DATE: 04/21/1926 MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: COPELAND Given Names: ELIZABETH J LAST NAME: CAMPBELL

FIRST NAME: LILA ELIZABETH DATE OF BIRTH: 04/01/1902 PLACE OF BIRTH: R.M. OF WESTBOURNE SEX: F REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1902,1069674 REGISTRATION DATE: 10/06/1925 MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: COPELAND Given Names: ELIZABETH I can't find the birth of Ivan Campbell, but maybe his birth is less than 100 years ago. I think this is Robert and Elizabeth (Buchanan)'s son Robert's marriage. Notice that he married a MARGARET Copeland. GROOM'S LAST NAME: CAMPBELL GROOM'S GIVEN NAMES: ROBERT BRIDE'S LAST NAME: COPELAND BRIDE'S GIVEN NAMES: WILHELMINA MARGARET DATE OF MARRIAGE: 12/10/1902 PLACE OF MARRIAGE: WESTBOURNE REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1902,001599 Here is Margaret Copeland's birth: LAST NAME: COPELAND FIRST NAME: WILHELMINA MARG DATE OF BIRTH: 06/20/1879 PLACE OF BIRTH: GLADSTONE SEX: F REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1879,13120675 REGISTRATION DATE: 10/02/1937 MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: SHIELLS Given Names: AGNES JANE

Another BIG one!!!! GROOM'S LAST NAME: CAMPBELL GROOM'S GIVEN NAMES: ROBERT BRIDE'S LAST NAME: PAUL BRIDE'S GIVEN NAMES: ELIZABETH JANE DATE OF MARRIAGE: 08/04/1892 PLACE OF MARRIAGE: NEEPAWA REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1892,001461 [Remember that his stepdaughter's surname was Paul, so this was Elizabeth Copeland's previous MARRIED name.] Now, maybe you can help me out. What do you know about Robert "Big Bob" Campbell and his parents and brothers and sisters? Someone once told me that his sisters-in-law Sarah Letitia (Campbell) Buchanan and Isabela (Campbell) Buchanan were also his sisters. Do you know if this is true? I have atached a gedcom file of the information I have on his family. If you need help in importing it, please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you. By the way, how did you find me? How are you connected to Big Bob Campbell?

Bill Buchanan ----- Original Message ----From: diane salmond To: buchanan@... Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2004 2:52 PM Subject: Buchanan/copeland Hi iIm trying to trace Elizabeth/margret buchanan who married Robert Campbell sr. She died Feb 3, 1885 in Neepawa. 2nd marriage to either Elizabeth or margret copeland. Children from 2nd family thoma, ivan, james, lelia. Diane (Campbell) Salmond ____________________________________________

May 24, 2004 Robert and Alex Long Hi group, I was looking through the last email Bill sent out on the Buchanan/Copeland stuff. One thing that struck me was the Margaret Booth married Alex Long. Alex was the son of Robert Long and Elizabeth Sanderson. According to the 1861 census, Robert was born circa 1806 in Ireland. My question is this---has anyone ever looked into the possibility that Robert was a brother or other relation to Jane Long (m Andrew Buchanan)? I have been curious about the Long connection with the Buchanans in Elma, but have not explored it myself. I was wondering if anyone else has already tried to connect the Longs up or not. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ May 24, 2004 Robert and Alex Long Re: [andrew-buchanan] Robert and Alex Long Below is a possibility for Elizabeth Sanderson in the 1881 census. I don't have Jane Long in my records, unless you mean Jane McNeilands. If so, I have this note in my records: Her name appears as Jane Long in Barry Snider's submission to Ancestral File, and as Jane Young in the death certificate of her daughter Jane. Family historian Annie Brae McMane insists that the son-in-law made a mistake when he provided information for the death certificate. "Please note that the name of Andrew Senior's wife was McNeiland.", Annie Brae wrote 15 Feb 1982 at age 92. She said that the name "Long" came from confusion with Mrs. Alex Long, widow of Robert Buchanan, i.e. Jane's daughter-in-law. If you mean a different Jane Long, I would appreciate if you could forward what you have. Thanks.

Barry Snider Possibility from 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion George LONG M Male Irish 46 Ireland Farmer C. Methodist Elizabeth LONG W Female Irish 80 Ireland C. Methodist Annie LONG Female Irish 18 O C. Methodist Source Information: Census Place Elma, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375907, NA Film Number C-13271 District 172, Sub-district E, Division 2, Page Number 5, Household Number 20 ____________________________________________ May 24, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Robert and Alex Long Yes that is the Jane Long I refer to. I am not convinced as to what her last name really was. I have seen her referred to by all 3 surnames. On my visits to Ireland, I did find many with the surname Young in Urney parish records as in cemeteries. Note-Urney is where Andrew and Jane started out their married life. I dont recall any McNeilands, but that doesnt she couldn't have been McNeilands. Long was a common surname through Co. Tyrone, including Urney parish. Patty ____________________________________________

May 24, 2004 Our Buchanans in the 1920 and 1930 censuses of Washington state I found the following on Ancestry.com on Wed 19 May 2004 I found none of our Buchanans in the 1910 census, and most indicated that they came to Washington in 1916 or 1917. William, son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth 1920 census of Washington, County of San Juan, District #2, Friday Harbor 8 Jan 1920 Surname Name Role Sex Age Marital status Birthplace Father Mother Buchanan William head M 53 W Canada Ireland Ireland Buchanan Jane dau. F 25 S _______ Canada Canada Buchanan Samuel son M 21 S _______ Canada Canada Andrew, son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Surname Name Role Sex Age Marital status Birthplace Buchanan Andrew head M 51 M Canada Ireland Canada Buchanan Frances Wife F 49 M Canada Canada England Buchanan Ethel E. dau. F 17 S Canada Canada Canada Buchanan Gordon W. son M 15 S Canada Canada Canada Buchanan Frances dau. F 13 S Canada Canada Canada William, son of William Buchanan and Margaret Ann Morrison Surname Name Role Sex Age Marital status Birthplace





Buchanan William head M 34 M Canada Canada Canada Buchanan Annie O. wife F 32 M Washington ______ California Buchanan Marguerite M. dau. F 8 S Washington Canada Washington Buchanan Agnes J. dau. F 7 S Washington Canada Washington Edwin, son of James A. Buchanan and Mary E. Shewan [In 1930 his name is given as Edwin] Surname Name Role Sex Age Marital status Birthplace Father Mother Buchanan Edward head M 33 M Washington Canada Pennsylvania Buchanan Clara M. wife M 34 M Canada Canada Canada Simpson Minerva sr-in-law F 31 M Canada Canada Canada Simpson Vera niece F 2-1/2 S Canada Canada Canada James A., son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Surname Name Role Sex Age Marital status Birthplace Father Mother Buchanan James A. head M 68 D ______ Ireland Scotland Buchanan Charles son M 38 M Nevada Canada Pennsylvania Buchanan May A… d-in-law F 28 M Washington California Sweden Buchanan Charles E. g-son M 7 S Washington California Washington Buchanan M.? D. g-son M 3/12 S Washington California Washington [error showing birthplaces of Charles. In 1930 he says he was born in California, agreeing with his children.] 1930 Daughter of William Buchanan and Margaret Ann Morrison 1930 census of Port Townsend, Jefferson county, Washington state Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Aldridge Benjamin head M 30 25 Washington Maine Canada Margaret E. wife F 29 24 Canada Canada Canada [Note: the spelling might be Aldrich, as the end of the name is scribbled] 1930 census of Washington, San Juan, Lopez Precinct No. 1 James A., son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Occupation Buchanan James A. head M 78 21 Canada Buchanan Nellie wife F 50 30 Oregon Barber, Ellen m-in-law F 78 17 Missouri [must be Barlow, not Barber]




Ireland Ireland farmer Kentucky Missouri Indiana Indiana

1930 census of Washington, San Juan, Lopez Precinct No. 1 Andrew, son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Buchanan Andrew head M 62 22 Canada N. Ireland N. Ireland Frances wife F 59 20 Canada Canada England 1930 census of Washington, San Juan, Lopez Precinct No. 1 Gordon, son of Andrew Buchanan and Frances Coxon Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Buchanan Gordon H. head M 25 S Canada Canada Canada [Gordon W. not Gordon H.]



1930 census of Washington, San Juan, Lopez Precinct No. 1 Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Edwin, son of James A Buchanan and Mary Shewan Buchanan Edwin D. head M 42 29 Washington Canada US Buchanan Mildred wife F 42 29 Canada Canada Canada


Charles, son of James A Buchanan and Mary Shewan 1930 census of Washington, San Juan, Lopez Precinct No. 1 Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Buchanan Charles R. head M 49 37 California Canada Virginia Buchanan May A. wife F 37 19 Washington California Sweden Buchanan Charles E. son M 17 S Washington California Washington Buchanan Erving D. son M 11 S Washington California Washington [or Ernest – the writing on this census return is poor]



This looks like Clifford C. Buchanan, son of James A. Buchanan and Jennie Annie Hodgson. It is the only Clifford Buchanan in Washington of the right age. But his parents birthplaces are reversed, and I don’t have a record of this marriage. 1930 census of Washington Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Perry David head M 73 28 Canada Ireland Canada Perry Anna wife F 60 15 Wisconsin Denmark Denmark Perry Lawrence son M 26 D Wisconsin Canada Wisconsin Perry Clifford son M 17 S Washington Canada Wisconsin Buchanan Clifford s-in-law M 23 23 Washington Michigan Canada Buchanan Pearl dau. F 21 21 Washington Michigan Canada [I suspect I may have mis-transcribed the birthplaces for Pearl.] James H. is the son of James A. Buchanan and Mary Shewan. We are indebted to this family for the great pictures provided by Susan Buchanan Nichol. 1930 census of Washington, San Juan, Lopez Precinct No. 2 Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Buchanan James H. head M 36 M Nevada Canada Pennsylvania Buchanan Grace wife F 37 M Minnesota Wash? Ohio Buchanan Virgil W. son M 9 S Washington Canada Minnesota In case your email messes up the formatting too badly, I am also attaching it as a word processor file. Bill Attachment(not stored) Our Buchanans in 1920-1930 censuses of Washington.rtf ____________________________________________ May 24, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Our Buchanans in the 1920 and 1930 censuses of Washington state Bill, Great job with the WA stuff! THANKS! [Patty Hopkinson]


May 26, 2004 Re: Genealogy Hi Susan, Yes, I received the clipping and used it to try to sort out the family relationships. I found James A. and Mary's family in the 1880 census of California, just minutes ago. I didn't think they were there this early, but I was re-thinking some of the information from the census. This other family on the same page of the census is probably Mary's mother and sister. The fact that Annie was born in Nevada makes the connection with Randolph more likely than ever, as Nevada was part of Utah in 1861, when Randolph was born; but was a separate state in 1869, when Annie was born. The baby daughter likely died young. I would be nice to know her name. 1880 United States Census Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace James BUCHANAN Self M Male W 26 CAN Millhand IRE IRE Mary E. BUCHANAN Wife M Female W 24 PA Keeping House ENG ENG Will BUCHANAN Son S Male W 2 CAN CAN PA BUCHANAN Dau S Female W 1M CA CAN PA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Census Place Bodie, Mono, California Family History Library Film 1254069 NA Film Number T9-0069 Page Number 107B 1880 United States Census Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Mary SHEWAN Self M Female W 52 ENG ENG ENG Annie SHEWAN Other S Female W 11 NV ENG ENG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Census Place Bodie, Mono, California Family History Library Film 1254069 NA Film Number T9-0069 Page Number 107B This seems to be a coincidence. He is the only other Shewan listed in California and he is working in the same place, but notice that his parents are not from England. 1880 United States Census (Employees of Alfred PEARSON) Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace

William SHEWAN Other S Male W 34 IL Laborer IL KY (Continued) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Census Place Bodie, Mono, California Family History Library Film 1254069 NA Film Number T9-0069 Page Number 72B ----- Original Message ----From: "Darrell J Nichol" <[email protected]:
Buchanan, Ethel Jane 1901-1974.......................................................................68 Buchanan, Hibbert B 1897 - 1978.....................................................................69 Buchanan, John Ernest 1929 -1956....................................................................95 Buchanan, Margaret A. 1902 - wife of Samuel...................................................57 Buchanan, Mary Ellen (McLaughlin) 1888-1981....................................................98 Buchanan, Percy Douglas 1897 - 1960................................................................75 Buchanan, Richard McKee died 1956 aged 62......................................................93 Buchanan, Robert died 1953 aged 67...................................................................24 Buchanan, Robert Edward 1903 - 1960.................................................................74 Buchanan, Samuel 1902 -1980.............................................................................57 Buchanan, Sanford George 901 - 1983..................................................................69 Buchanan, Sarah L. nee Campbell died 1923 aged 68.............................................6 Buchanan, Sarah nee Jackson died 1946 aged 57................................................24 Buchanan, Weldon Ray 1904 - 1980....................................................................68 Buchanan, William George 1908 - 1969.................................................................65 Buchanan, William Thomas 1933 - 1977................................................................56 Buchanan, Willie B. Feb 1896 - March 1896.......................................................... 6 ____________________________________________

May 28, 2004 Re: Shewin Genealogy Bill, this would appear to be the Will, age 2, that appears as the oldest child on the 1880 census record: From http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~wjmartin/wm-b_143.htm 4 111 Perth Elma Twp. William Andrew Buchanan James Mary Elma Elma 1878-03-10 1878-0414 Elma Deacon, Rev. J. Also note that the unnamed daughter is one month old, born Canada. So they must have moved to the US right after her birth, and just before the census was taken. I did find Randolph, living in Nevada. See below: Household Record 1880 United States Census Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Randolph SHEWAN Self S Male W 19 UT Laborer ENG ENG Thomas NOLAND Other M Male W 36 IRE Laborer IRE IRE Source Information: Census Place Carson City, Ormsby, Nevada Family History Library Film 1254759, NA Film Number T9-0759, Page Number 84D Barry Snider ____________________________________________

May 28, 2004 Neepawa Cemetery

Hi Patty and all, I will have to study it to see what information I am missing. I notice that the burial of Wilbert V. Buchanan is missing. I remember seeing his grave there when Darlene Perrett took us on a tour of the Neepawa cemetery. It struck me as ironic at the time. "After a lifetime of looking after the Buchanan / Rosedale cemetery, they buried him in Riverside!" I remembered visiting "Bert" back in 1962 and how he allowed me to copy the map of the Rosedale cemetery and helped me to fill in a few additional details. (I notice that the most recent date is 1982, and Bert died in 1989, so I guess he died after the list was produced.) This cemetery is well known as the site of the Stone Angel that inspired the title of the book by that name written by Neepawa native Margaret Laurence. Interestingly, the Stone Angel marks the site of the grave of John Davidson and his wife Sophia Hamilton (sister-in-law to Jane Buchanan Hamilton). The family's Neepawa connections are many.

Bill ____________________________________________

May 28, 2004 More of our Buchanans in the 1910-1930 censuses Message List Reply | Forward Message #404 of 1058 < Prev | Next > Hi All, I spent some more time on the US censuses looking for the descendants of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth. I wish we had the same access to the Canadian censuses. In any case, I have attached my finding in a formatted word processor file as well as pasting it in to the message, so use whichever is most convenient for you. (I REALLY need to take back some of my grumbling about Ancestry.com, their work on the censuses has been wonderful.)


The following were found on Ancestry.com on Tues 1 June 2004 I believe this to be Robert, son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth (I know he lived in SD before ID.) 1910 census South Dakota, Brown county, Aberdeen WD-1 Part 1 page 22B 22 April 1910 Buchanan, Robert age 44 b. 1865 [I found him in the index, but not on page 22B. Finding him will require a page by page search of the census images, which my time did not allow.] NOTE: None of our Buchanans are listed in the 1920 census for SD.

1920 Idaho, Canyon county, Nampa City, First Precinct, 23 January 1920 Robert, son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth (immigrated to USA in 1900) Surname Name Role Sex Age Marital status Birthplace Father Mother Buchanan Robert A. head M 53 M Canada Ireland Ireland (car repairer) Buchanan Maggie wife F 51 M Canada Scotland Scotland Buchanan Edward A. son M 27 S Canada Canada Canada (plumber) Buchanan William S. son M 22 S Canada Canada Canada (chauffeur, private car)

1930 census Idaho, Canyon, Nampa City, Old Nampa Precinct, April 8, 1930 John Andrew, Son of Robert, son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Buchanan John E. head M 39 23 Canada Canada Canada Buchanan Clara G. wife F 34 18 S. Dakota Germany Germany Buchanan Jean E. dau. F 5 S S. Dakota Canada S. Dakota 1930 census Idaho, Canyon, Nampa City, Old Nampa Precinct, April 8, 1930 William, Son of Robert, son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Buchanan William head M 33 32 Canada Canada Canada Buchanan Nadine wife F 20 19 Missouri Kentucky Virginia Buchanan Shirley dau. F 1/12? S Idaho Canada Idaho 1930 census Idaho, Canyon, Nampa City, Old Nampa Precinct, April 8, 1930 Robert, son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Buchanan Robert head M 63 21 Canada Ireland Ireland (car carpenter-RR) Buchanan Maggie wife F 61 19 Canada Scotland Scotland 1930 census Idaho, Canyon, Nampa City, Old Nampa Precinct, April 8, 1930 Edward, son of Robert, son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Buchanan Edward A. head M 36 29 Canada Canada Canada Buchanan Ruth wife F 31 24 Missouri Kentucky Kentucky Buchanan Sylvia dau. F 4 S Idaho Canada Missouri Buchanan Donna L. dau. F ¼ S Idaho Canada Missouri NOTE: None of our Buchanans are listed in the 1930 census for SD. 1930 census Washington, King county, Seattle, April 24, 1930 Carl, son of James A., son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Buchanan Carl head M 25 18 Washington N. Ireland Canada (auto mechanic) Buchanan Ercy wife F 25 18 Washington Wisconsin Minnesota Buchanan Donald E. son M 5 S Washington Washington Washington Buchanan Nadine E. dau. F 1m S Washington Washington Washington Buchanan Everett J.B. bro. M 19 S Washington N. Ireland Canada (auto mechanic) [The wife’s name may be Eray. Carl and Everett’s father was born in Ontario, but the grandfather was born in Northern Ireland]

I believe this to be the family of Everett’s sister “Carrol”, as he appears to be enumerated there, too. 1930 census Washington, King county, Seattle, April 24, 1930 Cora Ellen or “Carrol”, daughter of James A., son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Taine John head M 30 27 Washington Italy Iowa Taine Carrol wife F 29 27 Washington Canada Canada Buchanan Everett br-in-law M 19 S Washington Canada Canada [The surname may be spelled Tann or Taini, it’s hard to tell.] 1930 census Washington, San Juan county, Lopez This may be the family of “Lottie”, daughter of James A., son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Higgins Owen J. head M 34 28 Washington Wales Wales Higgins Erli? wife F 26 20 Canada Canada New Jersey Higgins George U. son M 2m S Washington Washington Canada [This Owen Higgins family lives where Lottie grew up. Or it may be a different Owen Higgins family] The only other Owen Higgins/Higgens family I found in Washington might be a better prospect: 1930 census Washington, Spokane county, City of Spokane Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Higgins Owen . head M 36 W? 24 Washington US US Higgins George son M 12 S Washington Washington US [I show Lottie as born in Washington, which matches George’s mother] 1930 census Washington, Clallum county, Clallum Bay Corrine Norman, son of James A., son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Buchanan Corrine N. head M 32? 25 Washington N. Ireland Canada Buchanan Daphne I. Wife F 27 19 Washington Illinois Kansas Buchanan Garth N. son M 5 S Washington Washington Kansas ____________________________________________

Jun 2, 2004 More of our Buchanans in the 1910-1930 censuses Hi All, I spent some more time on the US censuses looking for the descendants of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth. I wish we had the same access to the Canadian censuses. In any case, I have attached my finding in a formatted word processor file as well as pasting it in to the message, so use whichever is most convenient for you. (I REALLY need to take back some of my grumbling about Ancestry.com, their work on the censuses has been wonderful.) Bill

The following were found on Ancestry.com on Tues 1 June 2004 I believe this to be Robert, son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth (I know he lived in SD before ID.) 1910 census South Dakota, Brown county, Aberdeen WD-1 Part 1 page 22B 22 April 1910 Buchanan, Robert age 44 b. 1865 [I found him in the index, but not on page 22B. Finding him will require a page by page search of the census images, which my time did not allow.] NOTE: None of our Buchanans are listed in the 1920 census for SD. 1920 Idaho, Canyon county, Nampa City, First Precinct, 23 January 1920 Robert, son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth (immigrated to USA in 1900) Surname Name Role Sex Age Marital status Birthplace Father Mother Buchanan Robert A. head M 53 M Canada Ireland Ireland (car repairer) Buchanan Maggie wife F 51 M Canada Scotland Scotland Buchanan Edward A. son M 27 S Canada Canada Canada (plumber) Buchanan William S. son M 22 S Canada Canada Canada (chauffeur, private car) 1930 census Idaho, Canyon, Nampa City, Old Nampa Precinct, April 8, 1930 John Andrew, Son of Robert, son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Buchanan John E. head M 39 23 Canada Canada Canada Buchanan Clara G. wife F 34 18 S. Dakota Germany Germany Buchanan Jean E. dau. F 5 S S. Dakota Canada S. Dakota 1930 census Idaho, Canyon, Nampa City, Old Nampa Precinct, April 8, 1930 William, Son of Robert, son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Buchanan William head M 33 32 Canada Canada Canada Buchanan Nadine wife F 20 19 Missouri Kentucky Virginia Buchanan Shirley dau. F 1/12? S Idaho Canada Idaho 1930 census Idaho, Canyon, Nampa City, Old Nampa Precinct, April 8, 1930 Robert, son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Buchanan Robert head M 63 21 Canada Ireland Ireland (car carpenter-RR) Buchanan Maggie wife F 61 19 Canada Scotland Scotland 1930 census Idaho, Canyon, Nampa City, Old Nampa Precinct, April 8, 1930 Edward, son of Robert, son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Buchanan Edward A. head M 36 29 Canada Canada Canada Buchanan Ruth wife F 31 24 Missouri Kentucky Kentucky Buchanan Sylvia dau. F 4 S Idaho Canada Missouri Buchanan Donna L. dau. F ¼ S Idaho Canada Missouri NOTE: None of our Buchanans are listed in the 1930 census for SD. 1930 census Washington, King county, Seattle, April 24, 1930

Carl, son of James A., son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Buchanan Carl head M 25 18 Washington N. Ireland Canada (auto mechanic) Buchanan Ercy wife F 25 18 Washington Wisconsin Minnesota Buchanan Donald E. son M 5 S Washington Washington Washington Buchanan Nadine E. dau. F 1m S Washington Washington Washington Buchanan Everett J.B. bro. M 19 S Washington N. Ireland Canada (auto mechanic) [The wife’s name may be Eray. Carl and Everett’s father was born in Ontario, but the grandfather was born in Northern Ireland] I believe this to be the family of Everett’s sister “Carrol”, as he appears to be enumerated there, too. 1930 census Washington, King county, Seattle, April 24, 1930 Cora Ellen or “Carrol”, daughter of James A., son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Taine John head M 30 27 Washington Italy Iowa Taine Carrol wife F 29 27 Washington Canada Canada Buchanan Everett br-in-law M 19 S Washington Canada Canada [The surname may be spelled Tann or Taini, it’s hard to tell.] 1930 census Washington, San Juan county, Lopez This may be the family of “Lottie”, daughter of James A., son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Higgins Owen J. head M 34 28 Washington Wales Wales Higgins Erli? wife F 26 20 Canada Canada New Jersey Higgins George U. son M 2m S Washington Washington Canada [This Owen Higgins family lives where Lottie grew up. Or it may be a different Owen Higgins family] The only other Owen Higgins/Higgens family I found in Washington might be a better prospect: 1930 census Washington, Spokane county, City of Spokane Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Higgins Owen . head M 36 W? 24 Washington US US Higgins George son M 12 S Washington Washington US [I show Lottie as born in Washington, which matches George’s mother] 1930 census Washington, Clallum county, Clallum Bay Corrine Norman, son of James A., son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Buchanan Corrine N. head M 32? 25 Washington N. Ireland Canada Buchanan Daphne I. Wife F 27 19 Washington Illinois Kansas Buchanan Garth N. son M 5 S Washington Washington Kansas

Bill Buchanan Attachment(not stored) More Buchanans in 1910-1930 censuses.rtf ____________________________________________

Jun 6, 2004 Re: Olive Maude Henton Buchanan Hi Barry, I am including a cc: to the Buchanan list in case this is of more general interest. The first time I called Lorne's tonight I got his wife Doris. She explained that Lorne had gone to church (their son is a minister) but she is too badly crippled to negotiate the church stairs. I called back 2 hours later and had a half-hour conversation with Lorne (Lawrence) himself. His personal library includes the Buchanan Family Tree book (which he and Doris edited) and the Henton Family book and the Campbell Family book. So I suggest that you telephone him yourself if you want further information on these Campbells or the Hentons. He lives at Ninette, Manitoba. The parents of Lorne's grandmother Sarah Letitia Campbell are (according to the Campbell book) John Campbell and Margaret McCallum. John had been previously married to an Elliott (first name unknown). Margaret's mother was a Jackson. This also agrees with the census and shows that my note "daughter of Tom and Margaret Campbell" was probably the result of hearing "John" as "Tom". I am now convinced that my 1960s-era note saying that Big Bob Campbell, Sarah Letitia Campbell, and Isabella Campbell were brothers and sisters is totally incorrect. They were brother-in-law and sisters-in-law (since they married children of Robert Buchanan and Margaret Booth) but that seems to be their only relationship. Lorne has no record of his father Hibbert Booth Buchanan having a brother William Boote Buchanan, but says "Boote" might be "Booth" mispelled. Manitoba vital stats show William as living just a few weeks, so apparently he was lost from the family story like so many others who died in infancy. Lorne's mother Olive Maude Henton spelled Maude with an "e". Her parents were Mark Henton and Amy Olivia Lawrence. Mark's parents were Aaron Henton and Elizabeth Wilson. (So the local history book is wrong, giving the names of the grandparents instead of the parents.) After Amy's death, Mark moved back to England and married Amy's sister Emma Alice Lawrence, and they moved to Manitoba. They had a son Walter. After Mark died in the Spanish flu pandemic, Emma moved back to England with their son Walter, leaving the older children behind. Contact with Walter continued until WWII, when his house in England was destroyed by a bomb, and it is unknown if Walter's family survived. If you want more information on the Hentons, Lorne suggested contacting Frederick Ivan Henton (last known address) Nanaimo, BC. Bill ----- Original Message ----From: "Barry Snider"

To: "Bill Buchanan" Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2004 4:34 PM Subject: Olive Maud(e) Henton Bill, your notes on Olive's parents and siblings disagree: Her parents were Aaron Henton & Elizabeth Wilson of Hill Farm, Radcliff Culey, Leicesterhire, England. She had 10 brothers and one sister. See East of the Mountains pp. 136-139 Maude was born in Swedlincote, Trent, Leistershire, England, April 5, 1905, to Mark and Amy Olivia Henton. Maude was predeceased by her husband of 55 years and seven months, Hibbert Booth "Bert" Buchanan, on August 8, 1978; her sisters, Fanny (George) Shatford, and Ada (Richard) Raine; her brothers, William (Hazel), Harold (Hazel), and Albert (Margaret). [So, two sisters and three brothers] I did find the following death records which tend to confirm Mark and Amy Olivia: From Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED DEATH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1919-024242, DECEASED DETAILS, Last Name: HENTON, Given Names: MARK, Sex: M, Date of Death: 04/06/1919, Place of Death: ROSEDALE, Age At Death: 45, Units of age: YEARS From Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED DEATH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1913-032362, DECEASED DETAILS, Last Name: HENTON, Given Names: AMY OLLURA [Amy Olivia per daughter's obituary], Sex: F, Date of Death: 06/06/1913, Place of Death: ROSEDALE, Age At Death: 40, Units of age: YEARS Barry Snider P.S. Bill, further to above, it would appear Aaron and Elizabeth were her grandparents: Household Record 1881 British Census Name Relation Marital Status Gender Age Birthplace Occupation Disability Aaron HENTON Head M Male 48 Sibson, Leicester, England Farmer Of 100 Acres Wk By Family Elizabeth HENTON Wife M Female 49 Wilnecote, Warwick, England James HENTON Son U Male 20 Sibson, Leicester, England Farmers Son Albert HENTON Son U Male 13 Sibson, Leicester, England Farmers Son (AL) Alfred HENTON Son Male 12 Sibson, Leicester, England Farmers Son (Ag Lab) John H. HENTON Son Male 8 Sibson, Leicester, England Scholar Mark HENTON Son Male 7 Sibson, Leicester, England Scholar Joseph HENTON Son Male 4 Sibson, Leicester, England Scholar Source Information: Census Place Ratcliffe Culey, Leicester, England Family History Library Film 1341730, Public Records Office Reference RG11 Piece / Folio 3057 / 89, Page Number 13 ____________________________________________

Jun 7, 2004 Website Updated Hi Everyone, I have now updated the Buchanan and Watson area of my website with the new material found since September 2003. I am still behind on the photos site, but hopefully by October ... Use either http://members.tripod.com/bill_buchanan or the shorter form that causes problems for some DSL users http://bill_buchanan.tripod.com

Bill ____________________________________________ Jun 22, 2004 MY WEBSITE Cousins, A few have asked where my website disappeared to. The provider that was giving me the webspace for free and took it off without any notice. So I scrambled to find some other free space. I have transfered most of the data that was on my site to the new site. For those interested, the new web address is: http://www.geocities.com/[email protected]/index.html Most of the Buchanan stuff is up and running. A few of the databases have not converted and I will manually have to redo those pages, so they will follow as soon as I get the chance. The Buchanans in Co. Tyrone database is one of those I will have to redo. I have also not added working links to all of the external web sites yet either. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________

Jun 22, 2004 url for Buchanan sites Cousins, I know there are several of you who have sites that include info on Andrew Buchanan and Jane Long/Young/MccNeilans. ALL of those links have been lost from my site during the conversion to the new site. Please email me or the list with those links so I can include them on my site. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________

Jun 23, 2004

Re: [andrew-buchanan] url for Buchanan sites Hi Patty, The safest form for the URL of my website is http://members.tripod.com/bill_buchanan The short form works fine for most people, but DSL users in particular have trouble with addresses that contain an underscore in the "domain name" portion of the URL. The version of the URL as given above eliminates this problem. I have updated the link to your website, so that it works with your new URL. I have Suzanne Schaller's URL as http://www.thetoybox.org/~eeyore/ I am not aware of any other websites specifically for our family. Kelly Mitchell's current website has no Buchanan information yet, but she intends to add information. http://www.rootsweb.com/%7Eskstjose/kelly/homepage/index-frame.html Kelly, would you mind adding links to Patty, Sue and I on your Links Page? Sue: http://www.thetoybox.org/~eeyore/ Bill: http://members.tripod.com/bill_buchanan Patty: http://geocities.com/genealogist@.../ Thanks,

Bill ____________________________________________

Jun 24, 2004 McNeilands? While looking for other things, I did a search for Buchanans in Strabane (where my father said the family came from) and found this one and a McNeilands (M'Neilance). I thought it was an interesting combination. My grandfather Buchanan was a blacksmith by trade but he repaired shoes as a sideline. Again, it is probably coincidence, but do you know if any others who were shoemakers/cordwainers? I am not aware of any. Trade Directory for Strabane 1839 Information transcribed by Faye Logue 1839 Directory for STRABANE, Co. Tyrone. BOOT and SHOEMAKERS Blair, Andrew, Main-street. Blair, Samuel, Bridge-street. Buchanan, John, Back-street.

Dunbar, Joseph, Back-street. Floyd, Thomas, Bridge-street. Jones, John, Lifford. Knox, George, Castle-street. Knox, George, Patrick-street. M'Neilance, Thomas, Back-street. Mellon, Charles, Lifford. Snodgrass, John, Main-street. ... MISCELLANEOUS Buchanan, Alexander, Dyer and Calico Printer, Main-street There is a Neilands website at http://www.mccaskie.org.uk/Neilands.htm It shows the existence of the name in the area of Ardstraw and Castlederg in County Tyrone, but it offers no tangible connection to our Jane McNeilands/Young/Long.

Bill ____________________________________________

Jun 24, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] McNeilands? Bill and others, I have seen this trade directory before as well. I have pretty conclusive proof that the Buchanans were in Binnawoods in the 1843-6, and Learmore 1815-1824. Binnawooda/Learmore is a bit closer to Strabane than Omagh, but Omagh was a much larger city. Castlederg is actually the largest town of any significance to Binnawooda/Learmore and that is where they would likely have gone for supplies, etc. In fact the church in Urney Co was in Sion Mills, which is also very close to Castlederg. Strabane is actually north of Castlederg another mile or so. Hope this helps. Patty ____________________________________________

Jun 25, 2004 Free Historical Maps of Ireland, etc I found some excellent historical and demographic maps of Ireland and Irish historical information. History: http://www.irelandstory.com Maps: http://www.wesleyjohnston.com/users/ireland/map_index.html [Bill Buchanan] ____________________________________________

Jul 3, 2004 info on Ann Thompson Cousins, Someone cut and pasted part of a posting that pertained to Ann Thompson's family. I dont know who made the original posting. It contains some details regarding Ann's siblings. The father and location listed are also consistent with William's marriage registration in 1846. I thought I would share it with you. Note the posting states William was born in Binnawooda and that is likely incorrect. He was christened in Urney parish and the residence at that time was listed as Learmore. Patty Hopkinson 1 James Thompson Occupation: Farmer Born: in Collow ........ 2 Thomas Thompson ............ +? Mason Born: in Collow ........ 2 William Thompson ............ +Jane Speer ................... 3 Robert Thompson Born: 1838 in Cooel, Longfield West, Tyrone +Sarah Ann Murphy ................... 3 Alexander Thompson Born: in Ardstraw ....................... +Eliza Speer ........ 2 Ann Thompson Born: 10 June 1824 Died: 6 November 1911 +William Buchanan Born: 20 September 1824 in Binnawooda, Died: 8 October 1885 ................... 3 ? Buchanan Born: 1847 Died: 1847 ____________________________________________ Jul 3, 2004 more on the Thompsons Cousins, I found a website that has quite a lot on Annie Thompson's family. The link is: http://community.netidea.com/tspencer/FamilyHistory.html Patty ____________________________________________

Jul 4, 2004 RE: [andrew-buchanan] more on the Thompsons Thanks Patty, I have emailed a request for additional information to Tim Spencer. His Thompsons seem to be fairly recent immigrants, but I thought I could ask if he knew about any brothers of Anne Thompson immigrating to Canada.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Jul 4, 2004 RE: [andrew-buchanan] more on the Thompsons Bill, I emailed them as well, but have not heard from them. I also asked about any relations coming to Canada, since there are Thompsons in and around the Buchanans early on. I will let you know if I hear anything. Patty ____________________________________________

Jul 5, 2004 Re: Thompsons THanks for posting this info, Patty, as well as the link. This does look like the right line of Thompsons. Somewhere I got the name of Anne's mother as Jane. It may have been on her death registration from 1911. Wait, I will go check... Oh yes. I was suspicious of this, because I thought that perhaps they got Anne's mother's name mixed up with William's mother's name. So I'm not convinced that this is correct. Death 024848-1911 Ann Buchanan, Nov 6, 1911, age 87y 4m 28d born June 9, 1824; of lot 33, con 9, Elma township; d/o James Thompson and Jane Long, both of Ireland. Ill four days - died of old age & heart failure. That's all I have to add... Sue ____________________________________________

Jul 11, 2004 The Beginnings of my Buchanan Site Hi All; Ok, now there isnt much here, but I am working on it. There are some pictures...some you will find on Bill's site as well. Please give me time, I am right now working on where I got much of my information so that I can document it properly and give credit where credit is due. Huggs to All Kelly :o) Kelly Mitchell Calgary AB Canada Homepage ~ New Stuff!! ~

~Updated Jacob, Josephine and Adam Miller Pages ~Add St. Mary's Cemetery - Calgary, Alberta ~Changed access to the Article Site ~Added St. Columbia Anglican Cemetery - Buffalo Pound, SK ~Added Mitchell Family Pages ~Added Buchanan Family Pages http://www.rootsweb.com/~skstjose/kelly/homepage/ Email: ketchup@... ____________________________________________

Jul 17, 2004 Additional Hamilton information I found additional information on the ancestry of John James Hamilton, husband of Jane Buchanan (the daughter of John Buchanan and Isabel Watson). See this page. It seems to particularly good on the family of James Busby and Sophia Waddell, the parents of John James Hamilton's mother, Mary Busby. http://home.ican.net/~jenseng/dat83.htm

Bill ____________________________________________

Jul 17, 2004 Watt" Hunter, husband of (Red Bob's) Bella Buchanan I found a great website that gives the genealogy of Walter Hunter, back for 3 generations on the Sangster line, and 1 on the Hunter line. I thought I recognized the name Sangster, but couldn't find it in my database. I went to the page anyway and searched for Buchanan - BINGO! http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~hollyweb/sangster.htm It was interesting to see how young Private Graham who is buried in the Rosedale/Buchanan Cemetery is connected to the Hunters as is Ross Howatt who married Watt and Bella's daughter Lillian Hunter. I hoped to find my deceased friend Francis Hunter listed in this family, but drew a blank there. Maybe he is from an unrelated Hunter family from Neepawa.

Bill ____________________________________________

Jul 18, 2004

1854 Elma township assessment rolls Apparently the Assessment Rolls for Elma Township for 1854-1976 can be seen in Listowel. Has anyone checked out any references to family members in 1854? http://www.stratfordpertharchives.on.ca/resources.htm#Local

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Jul 18, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] 1854 Elma township assessment rolls Cousins, I copied the Buchanans and Watsons in Elma in 1854, 1855, 1858 and 1859 Elma Tax Assessment Rolls. If the list is interested I could post the info to the list. Let me know if it would help. Patty ____________________________________________ Jul 19, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] 1854 Elma township assessment rolls Hi Patty, I would be interested in seeing it.

Bill ____________________________________________

Jul 19, 2004 1906 census of the Prairie Provinces I have had an interesting time searching at http://www.afhs.ab.ca/data/census/1906/ 1906 Census of Canada for Alberta District #21 (Strathcona) Subdistrict #36 Pg Hse Row Surname Name Rel Sex MStatus Age B Place Immig Year Post Office Sec /WardTwp /StreetRge /No. Mer 37 273 40 Watson George H M M 64 ON Millet 2 48 26 4 38 1 Watson Jane W F M 64 ON Millet [Jane Welsh] 38 2 Watson Richard S M S 28 ON Calgary [My Watson great grandparents, and "Uncle Dick".] -

[George "Allan" and Carrie] 48 381 10 Watson George A H M M 35 ON Millet 34 47 26 4 48 11 Watson Carrie W F M 30 ON Millet 48 12 Watson Mirten S M S 3 ON Millet 48 13 Watson Carrie D F S 1 AB Millet ["Uncle Allan's" family] This document is a treasure trove!!! I have probably missed lots of relatives while going through it, but look what I found. mb_17_17_all_campbell_kinnear.PDF www.afhs.ab.ca 1906 Census of Canada for Manitoba District #6 (Portage la Prairie) Subdistrict #17 [Their oldest daughter, Annie, was already married to Robert G. Buchanan at this time.] [William Cook Coulter and Isabella Stinson] 3 22 12 Coulter William H M M 49 IRL 1882 Neepawa 31 15 15 W 3 13 Coulter Nell J W F M 49 IRL 1882 [Bella Jane] 3 14 Coulter Robert J S M S 21 MB 15 15 15 W 3 15 Coulter Jennie U R D F S 19 MB 3 16 Coulter Flossia M D F S 17 MB 3 17 Coulter Edgar W S M S 15 MB 3 18 Coulter Fred S S M S 12 MB 3 19 Coulter Lucy C D F S 10 MB 3 20 Coulter Carroll S M S 5 MB [Carl] 3 21 Coulter Cassie D F S 11 MB 3 22 Coulter Florence E D F S 2 MB [Big Bob - Son of Robert Buchanan and Margaret Booth] 3 26 35 Buchanan Robert H M M 44 ON Neepawa 20 15 15 W 3 36 Buchanan Lizzie W F M 41 ON 3 37 Buchanan Ida D F S 21 MB 3 38 Buchanan Annie D F S 20 MB 3 39 Buchanan Mary E D F S 18 MB 3 40 Buchanan Robert S M S 15 MB 4 26 1 Buchanan Lucy D F S 14 MB 4 2 Buchanan Beatrice D F S 12 MB 4 3 Buchanan Sanford S M S 5 MB 4 4 Buchanan Weldon S M S 2 MB [Son of Samuel and Mary] 4 32 32 Buchanan James H M M 42 ON 2 15 15 W 4 33 Buchanan Hana W F M 33 ON [Huena] 4 34 Buchanan Eva L D F S 13 MB 4 35 Buchanan Clara M D F S 10 MB 4 36 Buchanan Ethel H D F S 7 MB 4 37 Buchanan Corla J D F S 5 MB [Coral Jane] [Red Bob and Maggie Matilda][Son of John and daughter of James] 5 34 6 Buchanan Robert J H M M 44 ON Neepawa 10 15 15 W 5 7 Buchanan Margaret W F M 43 ON 5 8 Buchanan John J S M S 21 MB

5 9 Buchanan Isabell D F S 20 MB 5 10 Buchanan Russell S S M S 17 MB 5 11 Buchanan Lizzie J D F S 13 MB 5 12 Buchanan Dougal S M S 9 MB 5 13 Buchanan Stanley S M S 7 MB 5 14 Buchanan Hazel S D F S 5 MB 5 15 Buchanan Eddy S M S 3 MB [Arthur married Margaret Hester "Essie" Buchanan] 5 35 16 Smith George H M W 69 ON Neeepawa 10 15 15 W 5 17 Smith William S S M S 28 ON 34 15 15 W 5 18 Smith Arthur S M S 22 ON [Robert George Buchanan, son of Samuel and Mary] 5 36 22 Buchanan Robert S H M M 30 ON Neepawa 25 15 15 W 5 23 Buchanan Annie M W F M 25 ON [ I show Annie Coulter born in PA] 5 24 Buchanan Gerty D F S 5 MB 5 25 Buchanan Samuel S M S 3 MB [James is father-in-law of James Alfred Willerton] 5 37 28 Coulter James H M W 61 ON Neepawa 22 15 15 W 5 29 Coulter John S M S 28 MB [Brother-in-law to Anne Elizabeth Buchanan] 8 62 37 McGillvary Hugh H M M 26 ON Neepawa 15 16 W 8 38 McGillvary Annie W F M 24 MB 8 39 McGillvary Alfred S M S 2 MB 8 40 McGillvary Gerty M D F S 1 MB [Son of Samuel and Mary] 75 24 Buchanan Samuel H M M 36 ON Neepawa 22 15 15 W 10 25 Buchanan Bella W F M 29 ON [Isabella E. Coulter] 10 26 Buchanan May A D F S 12 MB [Mary Alice] 10 27 Buchanan Arthur S M S 10 MB [Archie] 10 28 Buchanan Andy S M S 8 MB 10 29 Buchanan Jennie D F S 5 MB 10 30 Buchanan Angus S M S 3 MB [Brother-in-law to Margaret Watson Willerton] 10 78 39 Willerton George H M M 58 ENG Neepawa 19 15 15 W1 10 40 blank 11 1 Willerton Elizabeth W F M 40 ON [Elizabeth Pfaff] 11 2 Willerton Tom S M S 19 MB 11 3 Willerton Hattie L S M S 16 MB 11 4 Willerton Bart D S M S 14 MB [Bertie] [Brother-in-law to Margaret Watson Willerton] 13 95 15 Willerton Alfred H M M 50 ENG 1876 Neepawa Unable to read 13 16 Willerton Lucinda R W F M 42 ON 13 17 Willerton John F S M S 12 MB 13 18 Willerton Wilford E S M S 12 MB [Wilfed]

13 19 Willerton Perly L D F S 9 MB [Pearle Anne] 13 96 20 Willerton Thomas H M W 71 ENG NG [Margaret Watson's father-in-law] [I believe George is the husband of Jennie Gertude Buchanan] 21 169 18 Wilson Robert H M M 43 SCT 1881 Franklin 21 19 Wilson Margaret W F M 44 SCT 1881 21 20 Wilson John S M S 21 MB 21 21 Wilson David S M S 20 MB 21 22 Wilson Minnie D F S 19 MB 21 23 Wilson Robert S M S 16 MB 21 24 Wilson James S M S 13 MB 21 25 Wilson George S M S 11 MB 21 26 Wilson Margaret D F S 9 MB 21 27 Wilson Thomas S M S 7 MB [James is the son of John and Isabel Watson Buchanan, Sarah is the daughter of William James Watson] 22 172 14 Buchanan James H M M 41 ON 22 15 Buchanan Sarah S W F M 24 ON 22 16 Buchanan Lotta M D F S 2 MB 22 17 Buchanan Earnest J S M S May 28 MB [Mary is the daughter of John and Isabel Watson Buchanan.] 22 173 19 Ash William H M M 41 ON Neepawa 1 15 16 W1 22 20 Ash Mary W F M 38 ON 22 21 Ash Charley S M S 16 MB 22 22 Ash Nelly D F S 13 MB 22 23 Ash May D F S 11 MB 22 24 Ash Jessie D F S 9 MB 22 25 Ash Margaret D F S 7 MB 22 26 Ash Myrtle D F S 5 MB 22 27 Ash Allas D F S 2 MB [Alice is Sharon Chimney's mother] 22 28 Ash Ada D F S Oct 8 MB You might want to download: mb_17_17_all_campbell_kinnear.PDF from the afhs website. It was the most productive file I found on their site. The process of transcription is still incomplete, as I was unable to find many other people who I am sure were living in the prairie provinces in 1906 - like my grandparents! I hope you are having a nice summer, with good weather.

Bill ____________________________________________

Jul 21, 2004 Elma Tax Assessment lists Cousins,

I have attached an excel spreadsheet that has what I copied from the Elma Tax Assessment Rolls for the years 1854, 1855, 1856, and 1858 (I'm not sure why I skipped 1857). I copied these pages over 10 years ago, but to the best of my knowledge I extracted all the Buchanans, and when I ran across a Watson I copied that as well (although I was not looking for Watsons so they were not copied as diligently and consistently). I think I was pretty complete on the Buchanans, but it is possible I missed a couple. I made a note that the film I was looking was not a great copy on certain years and the writing at times was very light. I also have 1859, 1860 and 1861 and will include those at a later date. A few comments on the transcription. Many of the fields were left completely blank in some years, and in others were filled in. A good example of that is age. In 1854 and 1855, the field was blank, but in 1856 it was filled in. Also when the name of the occupant is blank, it is a continuation of the person in the field above. So if one person had more than one lot, then there name was listed once, and another line was used for the second lot. The last few fields including No of Days, Persons from 21 to 60 years were under a heading called statute labor. I dont understand what No of Days is referring to, so perhaps someone else knows what that means. The ages that were provided are not always completely consistent with the known ages of the people as well. I havent figured that one out yet.... I hope this is helpful to some. Patty Attachment(not stored) Elmataxassess.xls ____________________________________________ Jul 26, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] 1906 census of the Prairie Provinces Bill, the ages don't fit on this one. I have James b. May 1846, which would make him abt 69 or 70. And John was born June 1883, which would make him 22 or 23. Barry Snider Ad Consultant Adbartergroup Inc. http://www.securedsuccess.net/content/resources/sizzlescript.swf [James is father-in-law of James Alfred Willerton] 5 37 28 Coulter James H M W 61 ON Neepawa 22 15 15 W 5 29 Coulter John S M S 28 MB ____________________________________________ Jul 27, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] 1906 census of the Prairie Provinces Hi Barry,

Yes, the ages are not quite right, but in both cases we have a John Coulter living with his widowed father James at about the right location (i.e. section 20 or 22-15-15-W1). I suspect they are the same people. 1901 census of Rosedale MB 24 4 Coulter James M Head W May 1 1846 54 25 4 Coulter John M Son S Jun 3 1883 17 26 4 Coulter Margret F Daughter S Sep 23 1884 16 1906 census 5 37 28 Coulter James H M W 61 ON Neepawa 22-15-15 W 5 29 Coulter John S M S 28 MB Died - McElveney At the residence of his son-in-law Mr. James Coulter Section 20 township 15 range 15 Rosedale on Friday March 29th, 1901. James McElveney aged 68 years

Bill ____________________________________________

Jul 27, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] 1906 census of the Prairie Provinces Hi Barry, I am certain that "Annie" is a mis-transcription of "Essie", the nickname of "Margaret Hester". When handwriting is unclear, we tend to choose the most obvious interpretation, but it isn't always the right interpretation. The age is right (i.e. one year younger than Ida).

Bill ____________________________________________

Jul 27, 2004 Re: Thompsons and Buchanans Hi Tim, It looks like we both are missing some interesting information. I have no direct knowledge of the names of Ann Thompson's brothers who came to Canada with her in 1847, but the 1861 census of Elma Township, Perth County, Ontario there are several Thompson families from Ireland: 10 98 Thompson David Farmer Ireland Wes. Meth Elma 29 Single Male 19 163 Thompson John Farmer Ireland Presbyterian Elma 50 Married Male L 21 C 4

19 19 19 19 19

163 163 163 163 163

Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson

Elizabeth Ireland Presbyterian Elma 48 Married Female William Farmer Ireland Presbyterian Elma 22 Single Male Robert Labourer Ireland Presbyterian Elma 19 Single Male John Labourer Canada Presbyterian Elma 14 Single Male Alex Labourer Canada Presbyterian Elma 5 Single Male

37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37

320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320

Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson

William Farmer Ireland Free Church Elma 44 Married Male L 3 C 17 Margaret Ireland Free Church Elma 42 Married Female Matilda Canada Free Church Elma 15 Single Female Eliza Canada Free Church Elma 13 Single Female Margaret Canada Free Church Elma 11 Single Female William Canada Free Church Elma 8 Single Male Rebecca Canada Free Church Elma 5 Single Female James Canada Free Church Elma 16 Single Male Sarah Canada Free Church Elma 20 Single Female

44 386 C 12 44 386 44 386 44 386 44 386 44 386 44 386 44 386 44 386

Thompson William Labourer Ireland Ch. of England Elma 38 Married Male L 33 Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson

Jane Ireland Ch. of England Elma 30 Married Female Margeret Upper Canada Ch. of England Elma 13 Single Female James Upper Canada Ch. of England Elma 11 Single Male Ann Upper Canada Ch. of England Elma 9 Single Female Jane Upper Canada Ch. of England Elma 7 Single Female Wm Upper Canada Ch. of England Elma 5 Single Male Robert Upper Canada Ch. of England Elma 3 Single Male John Upper Canada Ch. of England Elma 1 Single Male

29 10 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29

250 Thompston Robert Farmer Ireland Ch. of England Elma 40 Married Male L 34 C 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250

Thompston Thompston Thompston Thompston Thompston Thompston Thompston Thompston Thompston

26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226

Buchanan Buchanan Buchanan Buchanan Buchanan Buchanan Buchanan Buchanan Buchanan

Ann Ireland Ch. of England Elma 40 Married Female James Upper Canada Ch. of England Elma 17 Single Male John Upper Canada Ch. of England Elma 15 Single Male Robert Upper Canada Ch. of England Elma 13 Single Male William Upper Canada Ch. of England Elma 11 Single Male Alex'r Upper Canada Ch. of England Elma 7 Single Male Jered Upper Canada Ch. of England Elma 7 Single Male Mary Upper Canada Ch. of England Elma 5 Single Female Ann Upper Canada Ch. of England Elma 3 Single Female

William Farmer Ireland F. C. Pres. Elma 35 Married Male L 35 C 8 Ann Ireland Eng. Elma 35 Married Female [Thompson] Margret Upper Canada F. C. Pres. Elma 12 Single Female Andrew Upper Canada F. C. Pres. Elma 11 Single Male James Upper Canada F. C. Pres. Elma 9 Single Male Jane Upper Canada F. C. Pres. Elma 7 Single Female Elizabeth Upper Canada F. C. Pres. Elma 5 Single Female Robert Upper Canada F. C. Pres. Elma 3 Single Male William Upper Canada F. C. Pres. Elma 1 Single Male

Note that the one surname is spelled Thompston rather than Thompson, but this is possibly an error.

The 1861 census was the first census of Elma township, Perth county, Ontario. I find it somewhat disconcerting that three of the possibilities all have the name "William". In the 1871 census I found these Irish Thompsons: 1 21 62 Thompson John L 21 C 4 Farmer Ire Irish Ang 60 Married Male 1 21 62 Thompson Elizabeth " " " 58 Married Female 1 21 62 Thompson Robert " " " 22 S M in California 1 21 62 Thompson John Ont " " 28 S M 1 21 62 Thompson Alexander " " " 15 S M 1 21 62-S Donaghu Elizabeth " " " 19 S F 1 21 62 Thompson James " " " 10 S M 1 21 62-S Donaghu Ann " " " 1 S F 1 22 65 Thompson Thomas L 23 C 4 Farmer Ont Irish Meth 30 Married Male 1 22 65 Thompson Elisa " " " 26 Married Female 1 22 65 Thompson Alexander " " " 1 S M 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

9 9 9 9 9 9 9

35 35 35 35 35 35 35

Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson

Henry L 11 C 8 Farmer Ont Irish Ang 43 Married Male Jane Ire " Meth 46 Married Female John Ont " " 21 S M Mary Ann Alice " " " 18 S F Alfred " " " 15 S M Charles " " " 7 S M Robert Teacher Scot " Pres 21 S M

3 19 71-S Thompson Susan

Ire Irish " 22 S F

4 Deaths Thompson James Died - Sep Farmer Ire Irish Ang 31 Married Male Burst Blood Vessel And of course, Ann Thompson and William Buchanan's family again. 4 16 43 Buchanan Wm. L 33 C 9 Farmer Ire Irish Meth 43 Married Male 4 16 43 Buchanan Ann " " " 43 Married Female 4 16 43 Buchanan Margaret Ont " " 22 S F 4 16 43 Buchanan Andrew " " " 20 S M 4 16 43 Buchanan James " " " 18 S M 4 16 43 Buchanan Jane " " " 16 S F 4 16 43 Buchanan Elizabeth " " " 14 S F 4 16 43 Buchanan William S. " " " 10 S M 4 16 43 Buchanan John Charles " " " 8 S M 4 16 43 Buchanan Angelena " " " 6 S F 4 16 43 Buchanan Alex " " " 4 S M 4 16 43 Buchanan Robert " " " 12 S M This time there are no William Thompsons at all! Listowel had these Irish Thompsons: 11 39 Thompson William Labourer Ireland Irish W. Methodist Listowel 29 Male M 11 39 Thompson Rachael Ontario " " " 23 Female M 11 39 Thompson Elizabeth " " " " 4 Female S 11 39 Thompson William " " " " 2 Female S

34 123 Thompson Daniel W. Preacher Ontario Irish W. Methodist Listowel 26 Male S Adjacent Mornington township had this one: 5 31 104-S Thompson Mary Ann Ireland " " 82 Widowed Female Wallace township has: 4 27 90 Thompson William L 19 C 11 Farmer Ireland Irish W. Methodist 33 Married Male 4 27 90 Thompson Margaret Ontario " " 20 Married Female 4 27 90 Thompson Sarah J. " " " 1 S F 4 27 90 Thompson Eliza Edna " " " 6 mo. S F Born - October 1870 4 27 90 Thompson Sarah Ireland " " 69 Widowed F Death

Thompson James Farmer Died Dec Ireland Methodist 69 Married Male Cancer

The 1881 census is available online at http://www.familysearch.org Let me know if you find anything more on Ann Thompson's brothers.

Bill Buchanan ----- Original Message ----From: Tim Spencer To: Bill Buchanan Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 11:46 AM Subject: Re: Thompsons and Buchanans BillThanks for your email regarding my 2g grand-aunt, Anne Thompson (and William Buchanan) who emigrated to Canada c. 1847 I'm very interested in the Thompson brothers that came with them, and where those families are today. Do you know of anyone with information on them and their descendants? I know very little about the Thompson family prior to my grandfather. For example, I know nothing about any Michigan Thompsons, nor about the origins of the Thompsons in Northern Ireland. I was born in London in 1946 and raised in Sussex. My Dad, Henry Lee Spencer, was a true Londoner and my Mum, Kathleen Thompson (there to train as a nurse) was as Northern Irish as could be. What a combination, eh? We emigrated to British Columbia in 1957 where Dad was a school principal and Mum a nurse. They were both committed Christians, who served overseas around the world after their retirement until their health gave out. No man could have finer parents. I''m a teacher in Nelson in the mountains of SE British Columbia. We have three married children scattered through western Canada and six grandkids. I became interested in our family history after a trip to the UK in 1984, and have plugged away at it since. It takes lots of time, and I haven't done much recently. I hope to devote lots of time to it when I retire in a couple of years. At present I'm changing internet service providers and my web pages are down, except for an older version at http://members.shaw.ca/sussexspencers My email address has changed (it was tspencer@...) to tspencer@...

I'm intersted in the Buchanan name; as I recall, a Buchanan was the best man at the wedding of one of my Mum's brothers or sisters. I'll dig around in my notes when the opportunity arises. Wouldn't it be interesting if it was a relative of yours! I'll not be home for much of the summer, so you may have to wait a bit if you email me. Cheers. Tim & Louise Spencer Nelson, BC ----- Original Message ----From: Bill Buchanan To: tspencer@... Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 2:07 PM Subject: Thompsons and Buchanans Your website was referred to me by Patricia Hopkinson, a cousin and fellow researcher on the Buchanans and related families. I found your information very interesting, as Anne Thompson married William Buchanan in 1846 in Lower Longfield Parish, Tyrone, Ireland. The following year, they emigrated to Canada along with William Buchanan's parents, sibings and their families. Who else accompanied them is not known, but I was told that the group included two of Ann's brothers. "Our grandparents, William Buchanan and Ann Thompson grew up and were married in County Tyrone, in the North of Ireland, and had one child, a girl, when they decided to come to Canada, about the year 1846 or 48. His father and mother, 7 brothers, and 1 sister, and also 2 Thompson brothers came at the same time. A number were married, so there would have been quite a company." Annie B. McMane wrote me in 1964 "By the way, I am invited to visit with some of the Thompsons in Michigan and hope to go, so may hear some news of the past." but I never heard whether she went or what she might have found out, or names or addresses of the people she planned to visit. She was Anne's granddaughter and remembered her well, and had lots of stories about old times. I am guessing that you don't know anything about Anne having two brothers who came to Canada? Did any of your Thompsons live in Michigan? I see that one of the children of William Thompson and Janet Speer is shown as born in 1874, I wondered if the number should be 1847, more in line with the births of other children in the family? There are several historical accounts of the family of William Buchanan and Anne Thompson on my website, including pictures. You may be especially interested in the picture of Anne and their children (believed to have been taken at the time of William's funeral). There is also a picture of a house they had built on their farm at Donegal, Perth, Ontario. http://members.tripod.com/bill_buchanan I would love to hear from you,

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Jul 30, 2004 some Buchanan obits Cousins, I dont know if these obits have ever been posted before or not, but I found them amongst some clippings sent to a few months back. Neepawa Free Press 3 FEB 1942 Former Neepawa Resident Buried Here Saturday Funeral Service was held from White's Funeral Home Saturday afternoon for the late James Buchanan, ages 77 years, who passed away January 29m in the Victoria Hospital, Winnipeg. Pallbearers were: Robert Hurrell, Alex. Graham, Samuel Holmes, Jack Lindsay, Walter Hunter and Dave Watson. The Rev. Cordex, of the Lutheran church, Winnipeg, conducted the service and interment wa made in Riverside Cemetery. Surviving are his widow, five daughters: Mr. G. Turncliff, Eleanor Buchanan, Edit Buchanan and Dorothy, all of Winnipeg and Mrs. B. Mustoe, of Sherridon. One son Allan, of the R.C.A.F. Rivers, Man. He is also survived by one brother William, of Edmonton, two sisters Mrs. M. Keating, of Edmonton and Mrs M. Ash, of Edrans. The deceased was born in the County of Perth, Ont. in 1865. He was caretaker of the Neepawa Public School for many years and having completed his duties as such, left to reside in the city. [This was my grandfather-James Buchanan who married Sarah Elizabeth Watson. He was son of John Buchanan and Isabel Watson, grandson of Andrew Buchanan and Jane Long/Young/McNeilands] Neepawa Press 16 FEB 1909 (page 4) John Buchanan, one of the early settlers here, and brother of Samuel Buchanan of town, died yesterday at the residence of son in law, Da. McGillivray, on the correction line. Deceased was 68 years of age and came from Elma, county of Perth, Ont. He is survived by 7 children-Mrs. J. Hamilton, Mrs. Caithness, Mrs. W. Ash, Mrs. Dan McGillivray, Robert, James and William. The funeral will take place to Riverside cemetery at 1:39 pm on Wednesday afternoon. [This was my great grandfather John Buchanan who married Isabel Watson. He was the son of Andrew Buchanan and Jane Long/Young/McNeilands] Neepawa Free Press 3 MAR 1859 (page 13) Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Buchanan, 77, of 14 ARnold Ave, died Monday at her home. She was the widow of James Buchanan. Surviving are two sons, Allan Edgar and Douglas Keith; five daughters, Mrs. George Turncliff, Mrs. Hilton Ferguson, Mrs. Marjorie Mustoe, Mrs. Horace Hopkinson and Edith; 15 grandchildren; four brothers and four sisters. Funeral service will be at 1:15 p.m. Thursday in Mordue Brothers Funeral Home, Reb. Douglas Lauchlan officiating. Burial will be in Chapel Lawn Memoria Gardens. [This is Sarah Elizabeth Watson, who married James Buchanan-see his obit above.Sarah was the daughter of William Watson and Eliza Ash, granddaughter of James Watson and Elizabeth Linnen] Patty Hopkinson


Jul 30, 2004 Re: Obits from Patty Thanks, Patty. I didn't have Jim's or Sarah's obit. Note these corrections made by Darlene to John's obit: The Neepawa Press, page 4, Tuesday Feb 16, 1909 John Buchanan, one of the early settlers here, and a brother of Samuel Buchanan of town, died yesterday at the residence of his son-in-law Dan McGillivray, on the correction line. Deceased was 68 (78 - DP) years of age and came from Elma, County of Perth, Ont. He is survived by 7 children - Mrs. J Hamilton; Mrs. Caithness (Keating -DP); Mrs. W. Ash; Mrs. Dan McGillivray; Robert; James, & William. The funeral will take place to Riverside Cemetery at 1:30 pm on Wednesday afternoon. (This is incorrect - the stone for John & Isabella is in Rosedale Cemetery (Buchanan Cemetery, R.M. of Rosedale) - DP) (Headstone at Rosedale Cemetery states: Died Feb 15 1909 / Aged 78 years Died "aged 78" according to death certificate.) Jim's obit says "The deceased was born in the County of Perth, Ont. in 1865." I had 10 March 1864 as his date of birth, from the 1901 census. Can anyone tell me which is correct? Jim was my grandfather's older brother.

Bill ____________________________________________

Jul 30, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] RE: Obits from Patty James' DOB was 10 MAR 1864. The obit was incorrect....It was also incorrect on John's age (as Darlene pointed out). Patty ____________________________________________

Aug 10, 2004 Mary Elizabeth Buchanan obit I just received this from Don Holmes, and I have used it to update my information on this family. Bill

From The Milverton Sun of 7 August 1958 MRS. ROBERT HYMERS Mrs. Robert Hymers, a former well known Elma resident, died on Thursday July 31st, in Detroit Michigan where she has made her home for the past 35 or so years. She was 81. She had been ill for some time. She was the former Mary Elizabeth Buchanan and was born in Elma Township, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Buchanan. In 1893 she married Robert Hymers, who died in 1937. Mr. and Mrs. Hymers first farmed in Elma Township, later moving to Newton. They moved to Detroit about 35 years ago. She is survived by three daughters and three sons, Mrs. Hazel McDonald, Cleveland Ohio; Mrs. Ed (Jean) Martin, Detroit; Mrs. Cecil (Pearl) Tibbitts, Marshallville Ohio; Ulmont, Earl and Andrew, all of Detroit; 10 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. The body arrived at the Peebles Funeral Home, Atwood, Ontario on Sunday at 2 pm. The funeral was conducted at the funeral home on Monday, at 3.30 pm. Burial was in Fairview Cemetery, Listowel Ontario. ____________________________________________

Aug 22, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Mary Elizabeth Buchanan obit Thanks Bill. I did find a little more on the Hymers family. The various spellings make them somewhat difficult to locate. Interesting that there is another Tibbetts in the family. Any chance he is related to the Harvey Tibbetts who married Margaret Matilda Buchanan? Household Record 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion John HYMER M Male English 45 England Farmer C. Methodist Eliza Jane HYMER M Female English 44 Ireland C. Methodist [Eliza Jane Farrell] Thomas Jos HYMER Male English 21 England C. Methodist William HYMER Male English 19 England C. Methodist Mary Jane HYMER Female English 16 Ontario C. Methodist John Joseph HYMER Male English 14 Ontario C. Methodist Robert Leslie HYMER Male English 12 Ontario C. Methodist David Farrell HYMER Male English 10 Ontario C. Methodist Samuel HYMER Male English 6 Ontario C. Methodist Source Information: Census Place Mornington, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375908, NA Film Number C-13272 District 172, Sub-district F, Division 2, Page Number 35, Household Number 160 From http://www.automatedgenealogy.com/index.html Aug 2004: Page Information District: ON PERTH (North/Nord) (#104) Subdistrict: Mornington f-3 Page 1 Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6490 Transcriber: James Gibson 38 10 Hymers John M Head W Aug 14 1836 64 39 10 Hymers Samuel M Son S Dec 24 1874 26 From http://www.automatedgenealogy.com/index.html Aug 2004: Page Information District: ON PERTH (North/Nord) (#104) Subdistrict: Mornington f-3 Page 1 Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6490 Transcriber: James Gibson

40 11 Hymer William M Head M Jul 16 1862 38 41 11 Hymer Alice F Wife M Dec 24 1878 22 42 11 Hymer Oscar N M Son S Jul 17 1900 8/12 From http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~maryc/perth82.htm Aug 2004: 9809-83 Joseph McCRACKEN, 26, farmer, Ireland, Elma, s/o John & Mary Ann, married Mary Jane HYMERS, 20, Canada, Mornington, d/o John & Eliza Jane, witn: Thomas HYMERS of Mornington & Mary MADILL of Stratford, 27 Dec 1882 at Stratford From http://www.automatedgenealogy.com/index.html Aug 2004: Page Information District: ON PERTH (North/Nord) (#104) Subdistrict: Mornington f-3 Page 1 Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6490 Transcriber: James Gibson 26 8 Hymore Robert M Head M Aug 12 1869 31 27 8 Hymore Mary F Wife M Jul 25 1877 24 [Mary Elizabeth Buchanan] 28 8 Hymore Anne H F Daughter S Jun 18 1896 5 29 8 Hymore Eliza J F Daughter S Jun 7 1898 3 30 8 Hymore Pearl F Daughter S Aug 27 1900 7/12

Barry Snider Ad Consultant Adbartergroup Inc. http://tinyurl.com/5qwf2 ____________________________________________

Aug 22, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Mary Elizabeth Buchanan obit Hi Barry, Nice detective work. Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Aug 24, 2004 Death of Richard James McCallum About an hour ago I received a telephone call from my first cousin Beverley Ann (McCallum) Aubichon. She said that her brother Jimmy passed away on Monday (August 22) at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton, where he had been for the past 4 weeks. He had had a series of strokes, which left him on life support. A hospital board finally had to make the decision to remove him from life support, at which time he died. Bev said that Jim's long-time companion, Joan Laird is from Riding Mountain, Manitoba and knew many of the Buchanans from there. Joan mentioned that she and Jim had many good times together, and made several trips together. Some were short trips to Jim's home town of Sylvan

Lake, Alberta; but others were longer trips including a memorable one to Esquimalt, BC, where Jim had served in the Navy as a young man. Jim has asked to be cremated and that his ashes be scattered at Sylvan Lake. This will be done. The funeral will be at Foster & McGarvey Funeral Chapel in Edmonton on Friday August 27th at 1:00 PM. Richard James McCallum was born 4 Aug 1931 at Stettler, Alberta, Canada, the son of Berwin Leslie McCallum and Margaret Isobel Buchanan. "Maggie" was the daughter of William Andrew Buchanan and Elizabeth Jane Watson. W.A. Buchanan was a well-known blacksmith in Neepawa, Birnie and Riding Mountain, Manitoba. He was the son of John Buchanan and Isabel Watson, Elizabeth was the daughter of George Watson and Jane Welsh. Jim was a somewhat reclusive fellow, especially after his divorce from Stephanie Spicer. He worked in security in the Provincial Law Courts Building in Edmonton until his retirement. He was in good health until recently. I plan to attend the funeral.

[Bill Buchanan] ____________________________________________

Aug 26, 2004 Carman Watson Buchanan and Watson cousins, I think we can finally delete "Carman Watson" from the family database. The inclusion of this name on page 8-17 of the Buchanan Family Tree Book seems to be an error. If anyone has evidence to the contrary, please let me know now. Over a year ago Darlene wrote: I was to the church yesterday and picked up the pictures of Lawrence Buchanan; Joseph Willerton and Carman Gardiner. It is that I want to mention----Please look at page 8- 16 & 8 - 17. I changed my book along time ago because it was Carman Gardiner that died in WW1 not Carman Watson as the book says at the top of page 8- 17. Can you agree with me on this?. I am going to send these pictures to you just as soon as I write what is written about them in this war book that the town put out about all the service men from Neepawa and area that lost there lives serving in both wars. There is no Carman Watson mentioned just Carman Gardiner. Joseph and Carman are first cousins. See what you think. Darlene No Carman Watson is listed in the Manitoba online vital statistics, as born before 1903. And this is the clincher, in my opinion, an email today from a niece of the non-existent Carman Watson: Hello Bill, ... I am Elinor Carol Watson Daniels....daughter of David Roy Watson and Phyllis Marion Foster Watson, granddaughter of David James Watson. I hope you don't mind if I make 1 correction and add one new member to our family ....

David James, my grandfather only had 3 children....Joseph Albert, David Roy, and Mable Claire. Who Carman is ,we have no idea but he was not their brother. [personal information deleted] We would very much appreciate it if you could add this information to our "family tree", and perhaps find our which branch "Carman" belongs to. Thank you once again for all your devoted work, and would love to have an e-mail note from you if you could find the time. E.C.Daniels, My conclusion is that there was no Carman Watson in this family, and the reference to him is probably a mistaken reference to Carman Gardiner, son of David James Watson's sister Annie and her husband . LAST NAME: GARDINER FIRST NAME: CARMAN HENRY DATE OF BIRTH: 05/19/1898 PLACE OF BIRTH: R.M. OF ROSEDALE SEX: M REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1898,003261 MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: WATSON Given Names: ANNIE Notes from Teresa Fouillard: Tombstone reads: #718673 / Pte. Carman Henry / GARDINER / 16th Can. Scottish / C.E.F. /Born May 19, 1898 / Killed at Vimy Ridge / Apr 28, 1917 Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED BIRTH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1898-003261 So I am deleting "Carman Watson" from my database. This change will appear on the website about October. I hope you are having a wonderful summer. I have tried to reach Mary McGillivray Cottrill by telephone. The phone rings but I can never get an answer. If anyone else is in the area of Melfort, Sask, please try to look her up and ask her for any family stories she can remember.

Bill ____________________________________________

Aug 27, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Carman Watson Below are my notes on Carman Watson. I also have not been able to connect him to the Dave Watson/Minnie Snider family. But obviously a C Watson did exist, and died in WW1. The death date is the same month and year, but a different day, from Carman Henry Gardiner. Barry Snider Wise Financial Services Inc.

Accounting and income tax services Single. Killed in W.W. I, no date given. Debt of Honour Register - In Memory of C WATSON, Private, 438345, 52nd Bn., Canadian Infantry (Manitoba Regt.), who died on Monday 3 September 1917. Cemetery - VIMY MEMORIAL, Pas de Calais, France [This was the only C. Watson I could find with the Manitoba Regiment] Could not find the birth registered in the Manitoba Archives on-line Does not show up with family in 1901 census [Barry Snider] ____________________________________________

Aug 27, 2004 Funeral of Richard James McCallum Hi Everyone, Today I attended the funeral service for Jim McCallum. I requested a copy of the biographical part of his funeral address, which the pastor kindly consented to. This is what he said: Jim was born Richard James McCallum in Stettler, Alberta on August 4, 1931. His parents were Ber and Maggie McCallum. Maggie was a Buchanan. Jim had a brother Lloyd. Jim's mother died when Jim was little and Ber married Maggie's sister Inez, who became Jim's mother, and a sister Beverly was born. They lived on the farm with Grandma and Grandpa [McCallum]. Jim went to the one room school house nearby. They moved into town and lived above McTaggert's garage and then when Jim was 13 the family moved to Sylvan Lake where Jim attended high school. Jim joined the navy when he was 18. He traveled all over the world. He served in the Korean War, and was part of the Navy contingent that was at the Queen's coronation in 1953. He played hockey in the Navy. Jim was a radio operator and one time when he was working, a stranger walked into the radio room and Jim without looking up, told the man that this was off limits. The stranger said that it would be okay and when Jim looked up he realized it was Prince Philip, who assured Jim that Jim said the right thing. Jim was seven years in the navy. After the navy, Jim directed tugboats in the Northwest Territories and following that he moved to Alberta and was a salesman for a number of different companies including: Dominion Wire and Rope, Ralph, Wilson, Motorola, B.R.E. Electric and Gough (Goff) Electric. In 1988 Jim joined the Corps of Commissionaires and worked with AGT, the Red Cross, and the Law Courts until his retirement a couple of years ago.

His health really deteriorated over the last couple of years. Jim loved to read. His place was full of books. He loved stuff about war, and history. He liked mysteries and puzzles. He was very well read and knew all kinds of trivia about all kinds of stuff. And he loved to challenged with a trivia question or a puzzle. He was very interested in politics and had an opinion about everything which he didn't mind sharing. He was an Edmonton Eskimo fanatic and loved all kinds of sports including hockey and baseball. He liked the outdoors and hunting. He enjoyed music, especially Jazz and Blues and he had a hankering for Willie Nelson's music. He also had a soft spot for animals. One of the first things he did as an adult was to buy a husky dog. Jim was proud of his Scottish heritage as a McCallum and a Buchanan. As a younger man he was remembered by his sister as very caring and loving of his family. He was a big brother, a hero and a protector to his little sister. Jim enjoyed being with people and enjoyed a little being the centre of attention with people. He could converse on just about any subject and could be quite charming when he wanted to be. At the same time, Jim was ready to get into it with anyone who wanted to get into an argument. In later years he could show a little temper or hot-headedness in his debates. Jim grew up with a zest for life and living. He was strong-willed and had a lively and free spirit. He was always ready for an adventure and ready to go. He had quite a kind streak, but that seemed later in life to be hidden by a tougher exterior. As a child he attended a little Sunday School. And in the eighties he was a frequent attendee at First Baptist Church. … from the funeral address by Rev. Harry Currie, of First Presbyterian Church, Edmonton [Bill Buchanan] ____________________________________________

Sep 3, 2004 Watson history Hi Everyone, I am receiving some fascinating Watson history from Barry Snider and Elinor (Watson) Daniels.

The Watson diaries from Barry have been run through my OCR program, but I am waiting until Elinor has a chance to read it before posting it here. I found this interesting in the family group chart for James Watson senior and Elizabeth Linnen: "4. David - no dates, married Jane (little Jane) Buchanan. I believe that their daughter Margaret, married Dad's oldest brother Robert. Parents of Jenny (Jean) who lives at Dauphin, Manitoba." and "8. George - no dates, married Jane Welsh." I believe this family group chart was prepared by James Arthur Watson about 1990. Barry may have more information on it. Since "Little Jane" Buchanan has been the subject of a lot of curiosity, I found it interesting that she is listed (as such) on this family group sheet. And it is good to see another reference to my sometimes elusive great grandparents George Watson and Jane Welsh. I will keep you informed. Bill ____________________________________________ Sep 7, 2004 Minnie Maud's Wedding Ring Dear Cousins, I just received this from Elinor Carol Watson Fields [oops! Daniels], the daughter of David Roy Watson, who was the son of David James Watson and Minnie Maud Snider. David James Watson was the son of James Watson and Jane Buchanan. I wanted to share this story with you. I am including a BCC: to Elinor. She has the original manuscripts of some of the old family stories recorded by David James Watson, inclucing his account of the move to Manitoba, which you are familiar with. I will be sharing the stories with you soon. - Bill ______________________________________________________________ Aunt Mabel [Henry] very generously, gave me my grandmother's wedding ring. There is a story to it which I will relate. Grandmother [Minnie Maud] lost her ring and I am not sure if she knew where or when. One day, 30 years later, (so I was told by Aunt Mabel), a man came to her door and asked her if the ring he had was hers. It was indeed, and she asked who he was and how it had come to be in his possession. He said he now owned the farm that had been my grandparents at the time of her loss, (and I think Mabel said it had been sold twice), and he had been out plowing one day and noticed something shiny. He got off his tractor and low and behold, "THE RING"!. It is a wide 18 K gold band. It was not inscribed, but the gentleman took the time to look Minnie Maud up to see if it was hers. Nice man!!! True story. Sadly I did not have a daughter to pass it on to, but finally, when I turned 64, God blessed us with a granddaughter, our Abby. Interestingly, I did not know that Mabel's middle name was Claire, and she, (our granddaughter) was named Abby Clair!!

Mabel would have liked that, and that she will inherit her great great grandmother's wedding ring, and the story that goes with it. It makes me smile to think of how pleased she would be. I like to think that she does know! Sorry, this is becoming a novel. I tend to get carried away. Nice corresponding with you. Elinor ____________________________________________ Sep 7, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Minnie Maud's Wedding Ring

Great story Bill. Thanks for sharing. In your source notes, please note it is Elinor Carol Watson Daniels - don't know where you got Fields. - Barry I don't know where I got Fields either - well actually I do, but it is definitely NOT the name of Elinor Carol Watson DANIELS. I need to set the record straight. Sorry Elinor!!! Bill

____________________________________________ Sep 10, 2004 Watson Diaries Dear Cousins, I am attaching the Watson stories compiled by James Arthur Watson (which I received from Barry Snider) and those received from Elinor Carol Watson Daniels. I have combined them into one document (with credits noted). It includes: 1. stories of Jane Buchanan and James Watson junior (including an interesting reference to his father) 2. family history stories recorded by David James Watson and transmitted by James Arthur Watson and Elinor Carol Watson Daniels 3. family history written by James Arthur Watson, son of Charles Allan Watson 4. personal history of James Arthur Watson 5. family group charts of the Harvie and Watson families Elinor Carol Watson Daniels has some of David James Watson’s original manuscripts, including a diary that she was unable to scan on her scanner.

Just a word about David James Watson: He was keenly interested in the Buchanan-Watson family. His father was James Watson and his mother was Jane Buchanan. His sister Elizabeth Watson married her cousin Robert Buchanan, and he had three sets of uncles and aunts who were Buchanan-Watson couples (John & Isabel, Sam & Mary, David & Jane). David loved to visit the relatives. He called it "cousining". He also liked to record births, marriages, and deaths, and stories. One elderly relative recalled "We loved to have Uncle Dave Watson visit! He had the BEST stories!!!" I hope you enjoy the stories attached. I encourage you to copy this (and any of the material on the website) to share with your family and anyone else who is interested. If you know of additional Buchanan or Watson family stories, please share them with me.

Bill Attachment(not stored) TheWatsonDiaries3.rtf ____________________________________________ Sep 17, 2004 Sniders and Watson connections Cousins, I've been going through my PAF file and trying to clean it up a bit. I noticed sevearl Watson/Snider marriages. I was wonder if Barry or anyone knew how all the Sniders were related. Were they all siblings? 1) I have David Andrew Snider, married Annie Watson and Belle Watson (both d/o James Watson and Jane Buchanan). I have a list of children (no birthdates), but I dont know which Watson spouse they go to. Does anyone have a complete list? 2) John Snider m Jean Watson (d/o James Watson and Jane Buchanan) 3) Minnie Maud Snider m David James Watson (s/o James Watson and Jane Buchanan) Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________

Sep 17, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Sniders and Watson connections I have attached a gedcom on the James Snider family, whose children intermarried with the Watson clan. Barry Snider Attachment(not stored) JamesSniderfamily.ged


Sep 17, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Sniders and Watson connections Thanks Barry. I am sure this will clear it up for me. Patty ____________________________________________

Sep 17, 2004 Linnens... For those with Watson connections.... One Linnen (George, son of Adam) that was in Edwardsburgh was a master mason and built the Pres. church in Edwardsburgh. It now seems that George came from long line of them. I have actually gone through the films of the parish registers for Greenlaw, Berwickshire, and Stitchel, Roxburgh Scotland and copied the relevant entries for Linnens. One thing that becomes apparent is that they were mostly masons (stone). The earliest ancestor of the Linnens that I find a mason is William Linnen (m Isabel Home). Most or all of his sons were as well. Adam was his grandson and he may also have been one given his son George was. Patty ____________________________________________

Sep 17, 2004 andrewmbuchanan-funeralcard.doc Hi All; Guess who found some treasures while on holidays. Sorry, its all in text, if I would have known what I was going to find I would have brought my scanner. The following emails have information in them regarding Wm. Samuel and Margaret Burke Buchanan’s children. It was with my grandmother’s papers, Margaret Edna Buchanan is still living in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan, but has moved to an ass’t living apartments. So I had the opportunity to type out all of the information to share with all of you. Take Care Kelly :o) IN MEMORIAM IN LOVING MEMORY: Andrew Milton Buchanan

Unity, Saskatchewan Age 73 PASSED AWAY: July 31, 1983 THE FUNERAL: Unity United Church, Unity, Saskatchewan, on Thursday, August 4, 1983; at 2:00pm Officiants: Rev. Harold Black, Ms. Debbie Deavu Organist: Irene Thiessen Choir: Unity United Church Choir ACTIVE PALLBEARS Barry Robertson Bert Buckley Stewart Hamilton Wayne Robertson Les Alexandar Donald Scheidt Memorial Book Attendant: Jody Robertson Tributes: Saskatchewan Heart Foundation Interment: Pleasantview Cemetery Arrangements: Unity Funeral Home Basil Forsberg and Lloyd Gilles THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA THE UNITY UNITED CHURCH August 4, 1983 2pm Rev. Harold Black/Ms. Debbie Deavu Interment will follow in Pleasantview Cemetery Following the interment a lunch will be served by the UCW in the lower CE Hall. Organist: Irene Thiessen Senior Choir in attendence JANUARY 1910 ANDREW MILTON BUCHANAN AUGUST 1983 Andrew Milton Buchanan known as Milt, was born at Sedley, Saskatchewan on January 26th, 1910. He moved with his family to a farm north of Donegal, Saskatchewan when he was a few months old. He took his schooling n the Donegal school, helping out on the farm. He later took up carpentry until he retired. Milt was well known for his beautiful house planets and vegetable garden. He was predeceased by two brothers. Bill passed away in 1941 and Earle in 1968. He is survived by three brothers – Ewood (Elwood) of Baldur, Man., James of Listowel, Ont., and Charles of Mississauga, Ont., and three sisters – Margaret Mitchell of Moose Jaw, Sask., Muriel Robertson of Lacombe, Alta., Mary Robertson of Unity, Sask., and several nieces and nephews. ____________________________________________

Sep 17, 2004 andrewrbuchanan-funeralcard-obits.doc

FUNERAL SERVICES FOR THE LATE ANDREW RICHARD BUCHANAN Age 92 Of Unity, Saskatchewan Will be held on Wednesday, July 24th, 1974 at 2pm in the Unity United Church Rev. JoAnne McIvor officiating Burial will be in Salvador Cemetery Unity Funeral Home in Charge of arrangments. OBITUARY Andrew Richard Buchanan of Unity passed away in Unity Union Hospital on July 22 after a short illness of 10 days. He was 92 years of age at the of death. Andrew was born in Perth County Ontario. Andrew was a farmer until 1955 when he retired. Andrew belonged to the Orange Lodge. Predeceased by his wife, Maude Danbrook in 1942, a son William in 1941 and a son Earl in 1968. Surviving members of his family are one sister, Mary Jane, Mrs. Fordon of Regina and four sons; Elwood of Listowel, Ontario; Milt of Unity, Sask,. Jim of Listowel, Ontario; Charlie of Mona Hills, Ontario. Three daughters, Margaret, Mrs. Thomas Mitchell, Unity, Sask., Muriel, Mrs. Murray Robertson, Lacombe, Alberta; Mary, Mrs. Harvey Robertson, Unity, Sask. Funeral was held from the United Church, Unity on July 24th, 1974 with Clergyman Miss Johanne McIver. Unity Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements. Interment was in Salvador Cemetery. Pallbearers being Bill Warnock Jr.; Les Alexander, Abrey May, Pete Kirchgesner, Donald Scheidt, and Frank Ganzer. [Kelly Mitchell] ____________________________________________

Sep 17, 2004 ELWOOD GEORGE BUCHANAN LAID TO FINAL REST.doc ELWOOD GEORGE BUCHANAN LAID TO FINAL REST We announce with sadness the passing of Elwood George Buchanan on August 19, 1993 at the Baldur Hospital, Baldur, Man., at the age of 88 years. Besides his beloved wife on 66 years, Muriel, he leaves to cherish his memory four daughters and four son-in-law: Dorothy and George Scheidt, Davidson, Sask; Margaret and Donald Scheidt, Luseland, Sask., Lois and Bill Hutchinson, Calgary, Alberta; Sharon and Ralph Bannerman, Baldur, Man. There are 12 grandchildren, 19 great grandchildren and one great-great grandchildren.

Elwood is also survived by three sisters and one brother, Margaret Mitchell of Moose Jaw, Sask., Muriel Robertson, Lacombe, Alberta, Mary Robertson, Unity, Sask., Charlie Buchanan, Mississauga, Ontario and by many cousins, nieces and nephews and friends. Funeral services were held August 21, 1993 at Baldur United Church with Rev. Lexie Chamberlain and grandson Rev. Stephen Scheidt of Watrous Sask. Officiating. [Kelly Mitchell] ____________________________________________

Sep 17, 2004 leliambuchanan-funeralcard-obits.doc PASSED AWAY At the Listowel Memorial Hospital on Friday, April 13, 1984 LELIA MONIRA BUCHANAN Beloved wife of James H. Buchanan In her 71st year THE FUNERAL Rested at the Robert Trench Funeral Home, Listowel, where the funeral service was held on Saturday, April 14, 1984, at 3:00pm conducted by Rev. Tom Fleetham Interment, Hillside Cemetery, Fonthill. Long-time resident of Listowel Lelia M. Buchanan, a resident of Listowel and area for many years, died April 13 in Listowel Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Buchanan was 70 years of age. Born February 20, 1914, at Wellandport, she was the daughter of the late James and Minnie (Misener) Hill. Mrs. Buchanan was a member of the United Church. She is survived by her husband James H. Buchanan; three brothers, Murray Hill of Wellandport, Murray Hill of Wellandport as well as several nieces and nephews. Mrs. Buchanan was predeceased by a sister. Rev. Tom Fleetham conducted the funeral service, which was held at 3pm, Saturday, April 14 at the Robert Trench Funeral Home, Listowel. Interment was at Hillside Cemetery, Fonthill. [Kelly Mitchell]


Sep 17, 2004 margaretbuchanan-funeralcard.doc IN MEMORIAM DIED

BUCHANAN – At Guelph General Hospital, on Friday, March 3rd, 1911, Margaret , beloved wife of W. S. Buchanan, Asor, Saskatchewan, age 49 years, 1 month. Funeral will be held in Donegal, from the residence of her brother, Mr. R. Burke, on Monday, March 6th, at 2 o’clock. [Kelly Mitchell] ____________________________________________

Sep 17, 2004 murraymatthewsrobertson-funeralcard.doc -Muriel Buchanan Robertson’s Husband. Muriel is the daughter of Wm. Samuel and Margaret Buchanan. IN LOVING MEMORY OF MURRAY MATTHEWS ROBERTSON BORN June 20, 1910 DIED October 8, 1982 HONORARY PALLBEARERS Maurice Harden Ken Robertson Guy Randall Delbert Gillespie Norris Flewelling Jack Jeffery ACTIVE PALLBEARERS Lyndley Robertson Cliff Robertson Roger Boys Barry Robertson Ralph Carr Bud Mitchell You are invited by the family to a time of refreshment in the Kozy Korner after the Interment Services. SERVICES St. Andrew’s United Church Tuesday, October 12, 1982 1:30pm OFFICIATING Rev. Dr. B. H. Thackeray HYMNS The Lord’s My Shephard………………..131

Abide With Me…………………………..180 INTERMENT Lacombe Fairview Cemetery FUNERAL DIRECTORS Bruce Wilson Randy Pross Steve Maetche Wilson’s Funeral Chapel Lacombe/Rimbey [Kelly Mitchell] ____________________________________________

Sep 17, 2004 Mitchell.doc This information comes out of the funeral package. My Uncle Ted James wrote in the information give to him by my grandmother Margaret Buchanan Mitchell VITAL STATISTIC & DATA Full Name: Margaret Edna Mitchell Birthplace: Perth County, Ontario Birthdate: March 24, 1907 Husband: Thomas George Mitchell Father’s Name: Andrew Richard Buchanan Father’s Birthplace: Perth County, Ontario Mother Maiden Name: Maude Danbrook Mother’s Birthplace: Perth County, Ontario -Moved west at 2 months old to Sedley, Saskatchewan -Moved to Salvador district -Attended Donegal school near Reward, Saskatchewan. -Attended Benson School in Regina, Saskatchewan -Married Thomas George Mitchell on November 28th, 1928 at the home of her father Andrew Buchanan (wife Annie Maude) of Reward, Saskatchewan. -Moved to Moose Jaw fall of 1949. Six Children: 1. Shirley Margaret James (died 1999) 2. W.R. (Bud) Mitchell (Calgary) 3. Mildred R. Boys (Calgary) 4. Lorraine L. Boys (Byron) (Moose Jaw) 5. Wyman R. Mitchell (died 1997) 6. James T. Mitchell (Sheridan) (Calgary) 16 grandchildren

37 great grandchildren 9 great great grandchildren Predeceased by Thomas 1959 Cemetery: Rosedale Cemetery City: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Grave No. 3 & 4 Plot 130 Section 22 FUNERAL SERVICES FOR T.G. MITCHELL Funeral services for Thomas G. Mitchell, 52, of 933 Athabasca street east, were held Monday in the Alliance Tabernacle. Mr. Mitchell died at his home on Friday. Rev. R.G. Simpson, conducted the services. Miss Louella Branstrom soloist sang “Under His Wings.” Hymns were “Safe in the Arms of Jesus” and “Abide With Me.” Albert Quiring was the organist. Burial was in Rosedale cemetery. Pallbearers were Wes Ankerman, Dale Ankerman, Bert Backlind, Sam Downing, Frank Carline and Walter Kopeck. [Kelly Mitchell] ____________________________________________

Sep 18, 2004 Re: Identifying James H. Buchanan According to my information, James Harold Buchanan was the son of Andrew Richard Buchanan and Annie Maude Danbrook. (Annie is the daughter of James Danbrook and Margaret Melrose.) Andrew Richard Buchanan is the son of William Samuel Buchanan and Margaret Burke. William Sam is the son of William Buchanan and Ann Thompson. So James Harold Buchanan is a great uncle to Kelly Mitchell and he is a cousin to Suzanne Schaller on both the Buchanan and the Danbrook lines. Am I right on that Kelly? Sue?

Bill ____________________________________________

Sep 18, 2004 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Re: Identifying James H. Buchanan Hi All; Yes, Bill you are right. Sorry, I should have answered this last night but at that time I couldnt figure out who she belonged to either. I might have a picture of her somewhere but I am not sure whether that was with my stuff or Grandma's stuff when we moved her. Will let you all know, :)

Bill I have a few new pictures for you, they have been labelled. Are you still collecting? I will be updating my Buchanan site (that has nothing on it, yet) but I will let you all know when I get it done. Huggs to All; Kelly :o) ____________________________________________ Sep 18, 2004 Re: Identifying James H. Buchanan A BIG thank you to Kelly for all the great information she has shared with us. I am pasting all obits, censuses and other information into the Notes in the gedcom file and database on the website. I expect to update the website next in October or November. If any of you have obits that are not yet on the website and have not been posted to the andrewbuchanan group, please share them with us. They are a source of excellent family info and the best of them also give a brief life story of the deceased person. As most of you have Watson ancestry, I hope you have enjoyed the Watson Diaries that Barry and Elinor have allowed me to pass along to you. Yes, I am still looking for pictures. So far the BravePages site has been allowing me to stretch the storage limit. If they tell me to "pare things down", I will move some of the folders to an additional free website.

Bill ____________________________________________

Sep 19, 2004 Buchanan Pages Updated Hi All; Ok, Finally had a little time to work on the Buchanan site. Mostly just the obituaries that I sent out the other day. But I had included some of my census findings as well. I will be adding some new pictures as soon as I get them scanned. Let me know if you find any broken links etc. I am working on a source list as well and will be posting that information too. Huggs to All; Kelly http://www.rootsweb.com/~skstjose/kelly/homepage/buchananfamily/buchanan-index.htm Kelly Mitchell


Sep 21, 2004 Re: James Buchanan b. 1806 Ireland Hi Barry, I have wondered the same thing. He only appears on the 1881 census. So he seems to be someone who moved to the area after 1871 and either moved away or died before 1891. The fact that he is from Ireland, makes him especially interesting. He might be the father of Ann Mines, but that name doesn't help me either. There is no Mines family in the 1871 census of Elma. In 1891, Samuel and Ann Mines are living in Elma with his niece, but this James Buchanan is no longer with them. Maybe someone else in the group may know something about them. I am also including a BCC: to Don Holmes, who transcribed the censuses of Elma Township and has a wealth of knowledge about people who lived there. Bill ----- Original Message ----From: "Barry Snider" To: "Bill Buchanan" Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 12:16 AM Subject: James Buchanan b. 1806 Ireland Bill, do you have any idea who this is? Samuel MINES M Male Irish 31 O Labor C. Methodist Ann MINES M Female Irish 31 Ireland C. Methodist James BUCHANAN W Male Irish 75 Ireland Church of England -------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Census Place Elma, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375907 NA Film Number C-13271 District 172 Sub-district E Division 2 Page Number 34 Household Number 141 ____________________________________________

Sep 21, 2004 [andrew-buchanan] Re: James Buchanan b. 1806 Ireland I actually figured this guy out at one point. He was from another Buchanan family. I forget what town he was in in 1871 (I think he was in Huron Co. prior). Ann was his daughter and he lived with her and husband in 1881. I will see if I can dig up my notes on who he was and where he was from. Patty

____________________________________________ Sep 21, 2004 RE: [andrew-buchanan] leliambuchanan-funeralcard-obits.doc Hi Barry & Group; Sorry about that, I have fixed the mistake, the name should be "LEILIA" Buchanan. As for the Murray Hill...that is a typo and unfortunately I dont have the originals to check that. Hope this helps some. I am looking into getting the obituaries for myself, if I do I will pass on the information to all. Take Care Kelly :o) Kelly Mitchell ____________________________________________

Sep 22, 2004 Rosedale Cemetery Cousins, I dont know if anyone on the list was aware or not, but a Rosedale Cemetery transcription is online. The link is: http://www.westmanitoba.com/cemetery/rosedale.htm Of course there are many Buchanans, including my grandfather (James George Buchanan who married Sarah Elizabeth Watson) my great grandfather (and I think Bill's too) (John Buchanan who married Isobel Watson). Some Watson, Snider, Grahams and other allied families buried there. Note one of the transcribers was a Kilburn. Kilburns married into Buchanans, but I dont know if the transcriber is one of the descendants or not. Here is a cut and paste of some the Buchanans and Watsons: ROSEDALE CEMETERY ... Credit and notes for the Rosedale Cemetery transcription is as follows: By Nell Potter and Mildred Kilburn The land for the Rosedale Cemetery was donated by R.G. Buchanan. The first burial was Mrs. John S. Buchanan of Riding Mountain. When the road allowance was built, the grave had to be moved further north in the cemetery. R.G. Buchanan's first wife, Anna Marie Coulter, was buried there in 1911. This little cemetery on SE 25-15-15 has been in use since 1882, and is now maintained by Rosedale Municipality, although many of the graves are kept up by the families of the deceased. Many of the names found in the cemetery have long since disappeared, as far as the district is concerned.

Since there is not and never has been a cemetery at Eden, some residents were buried there also. Rosedale Cemetery is located four miles (6.5 km) north of Neepawa on the old #5 highway. Rosedale Municipality have had a sign made to mark the location. Extracted from book "Rosedale Remembers" ROSEDALE CEMETERY 13 -- BUCHANAN Elsie -- 1908-1911 23 -- BUCHANAN Margaret -- Died 1882 24 -- BUCHANAN Elsie -- died 1911 Elizabeth -- died 1911 John -- died 1931 25 -- BUCHANAN Flossie -- died 1897 William -- died 1911 Robert -- died 1927 Elizabeth -- died 1927 26 -- BUCHANAN John -- died 1908 John (Son) -- died 1882 Isobel -- died 1921 James -- died 1942 34 -- BUCHANAN Elizabeth -- died 1918 J.J. -- died 1918 Margaret -- died 1927 Robert -- died 1927 Stanley -- died 1951 William -- died 1957 43 -- WATSON James -- died 1904 Jane -- died 1917 53 -- BUCHANAN James -- died 1931 Huena -- died 1947 Clara -- died 1908 Gordon -- died 1917 Leslie -- died 1919 54 -- BUCHANAN Flossie -- died 1904 Annie -- died 1911 Robert -- died 1951

Norman -- died 1930 Catherine -- died 1974 55 -- WATSON Bertha -- died 1907 Flossie -- died 1888 James -- died 1902 Evelyn -- died 1907 58 -- BUCHANAN Samuel -- died 1912 Mary -- died 1922 William -- died 1963 61 -- WATSON Baby -- died 1909 65 -- WATSON Solomon -- died 1927 [Patty Hopkinson] ____________________________________________

Sep 23, 2004 Rosedale Cemetery I have my own transcription of the Rosedale Cemetery online as well, and mine contains birth information, where it is given on the tombstone. I have found an error in both. (I know that I have repeated a birthdate found elsewhere on the same tombstone, and the westmanitoba transcription shows two of the Watson children in the wrong grave - and therefore ascribed to the wrong parents.) The two transcriptions are also based on different maps of the cemetery. Theirs has the graves numbered sequentially, mine follows the coordinate system used in the official survey map of the cemetery. There are also minor differences in the plot locations of unmarked graves. This is at least partially because the up-to-date map of the cemetery was destroyed in a house fire in 1952. My transcription was made in 1962 with the help of Wilbert V. Buchanan, who was then the custodian of the cemetery, and was based on the official cemetery map as it existed then. I don't know the history of the westmanitoba map. Recently Elinor Watson Daniels emailed me several pages of the cemetery map that was apparently used in the westmanitoba transcription. My transcription has been available online for several years but it may not be easily found. The link is http://bill_buchanan.tripod.com/cemeterytranscriptions.html The link is found at the bottom of the Old Stories page. If you use DSL internet access you will probably need to use this version of the link http://members.tripod.com/bill_buchanan/cemeterytranscriptions.html Bill ____________________________________________

Sep 24, 2004 Solution to pasting clean text I finally found a solution to the problem of pasting the results of census searches (etc.) into the Notes of my genealogy program as clean text without needing to paste it into Windows Notepad to clean it, first. A tiny free program called Pure Text http://www.stevemiller.net/puretext/ allows me to use Windows-key+v to remove the formatting codes (i.e "garbage") and paste the clipboard contents into the database Notes. So now I can select what I want on the webpage, copy (ctrl+c), then use Windows-key+v to paste clean text directly into the database Notes. It's wonderful!

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Oct 4, 2004 Fw: Obituary of Thomas Buchanan Another obit from Don Holmes ... From The Atwood Bee of Thursday 17th of December 1925 FORMER ELMA TOWNSHIP RESIDENT DIES Mr. Thomas Buchanan dies at home in Rossburn Manitoba following illness of few months The following is the account of the death of the late Thomas Buchanan, of Rossburn, Manitoba, taken from the Manitoba Free Press. Mr. Buchanan was born in Elma Township on the 8th concession, and will be remembered by a large circle of friends in Atwood and vicinity. *************************************************** One of the pioneer citizens of this district passed away on Thursday afternoon, on December 3rd 1925, when Thomas Buchanan died at his home, Rossburn Manitoba. His death was not altogether unexpected for he had been in poor health for several months The late Mr. Buchanan was born in the Township of Elma, Ontario, where he lived on the farm of his parents until his marriage. At Christmas 1875, he married Miss Ellen Cochrane, and they settled in Atwood a nearby village. In the spring of 1880 Mr, Buchanan came to the west and was followed in the autumn by his wife and family. At that time the western railway terminus was at St. Boniface, and the journey from there was made with a team of oxen and a wagon. Mr. Buchanan first settled on a farm ten miles north of Rossburn, in what is now known as Glen Elmo (sic). After four years there he moved to the old farm, 2 1/2 miles northwest of the village where he resided until ten years ago when he moved into town. Mr. Buchanan never took any very active part in municipal affairs by way of seeking office, but he always was ready to take his stand on the right side of any question for the common good. He

was a loyal and enthusiastic member of the Orange Lodge, and for a number of years took a very active part in the affairs of the local Agricultural Society, having been a director at the time of his death. He leaves to mourn his loss his widow, three sons, two daughters, three brothers and one sister. The sons are Charles R. and Stanley of Rossburn, and William of Jackson Michigan. The daughters are: Mrs. John Cumming and Miss Jessie, both of Rossburn. The brothers are: John of Michigan, William of Toronto, Charles of Atwood and the sister, Mrs. George Smith (Grace) of Atwood. Two sisters and one brother predeceased him: Mrs. William Blair (Jane) of Atwood; Mrs. John Henry (Mary) and Mr. Andrew Buchanan. The funeral services were conducted on Saturday afternoon December 5th by Rev. M. E. Nixon A service was held in the church, after which interment was made in Rossburn Cemetery. At the graveside the members of the local L.O. L., who had attended in a body took a part in the service. The pallbearers were: J. J. Stitt, Peter Black, G. W. Williamson, T. C. Martin, Alex Simpson and John Broadfoot. [Bill Buchanan] ____________________________________________

Oct 18, 2004 Re: Christy Ann and relatives Hi Barry, I am sure the transcription should say Robert Cathers, as the other transcription says. I asked Darlene some time ago. She replied "It is Cathers for a fact. Robert Cather's grave is in Rosedale cemetery and I know an old gentleman that is out of this line of people. - Darlene" Re: Christy Ann: The note scribbled in pencil on my cemetery map was probably made as I was asking Wilbert Buchanan about the various graves on the map I had just copied. OK ... I think I see the mistake. He meant that Alex Graham adopted Merle Buchanan, his niece. Elizabeth Shields Graham Buchanan died after giving birth to Alex and Merle Buchanan. Compare the references in the two obits to Mrs. G. Hillis. Christy Ann would have been a daughter of Alex and Sarah Graham, as the tombstone says. (I don't see her in the Manitoba vital statistics.) ALEX GRAHAM, PIONEER, PASSES NOVEMBER 17 Neepawa and district lost another of its early pioneers with the passing, November 17, of Alexander Graham, one of the first settlers in the area. Largely attended funeral services were held Saturday, Nov. 19 from Neepawa United Church, with the Rev. W.A. Osborne officiating, assisted by the Rev. D.L. Holtzman. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery. Pallbearers were William Clyde, Robert Graham, John Graham, Walter Graham, Francis Bremner and Alex Warnock. The story of Alex Graham's life could almost be the story of Neepawa itself, both having grown up together. born in county Huron, Ont., August 31, 1863, Mr. Graham came with his family to this district in 1877. He was

14 years old at the time. Mr. Graham's parents, brothers and three others formed the party that boarded a ship at Kincardine, Ont., to begin the journey westward. Included in the party were his grandparents. He was 102, she 98. The party, with horses and equipment, crossed Lake Huron disembarking at Duluth. From there they drove in wagons to Winnipeg, where they stayed a few days in the Immigration shed. Arriving there July 12, they hoisted their Orange flag over the Immigration Shed. By August, the party had reached Neepawa, and had the distinction of being the first settlers here. A large number of homesteaders had reached Gladstone, but none had come so far west before. Three covered wagons served as living quarters while the men got out logs for the home. As time passed, the claim was registered, and the first house erected. With a thatched roof and dirt floors, the house measured 15 by 20 feet. Mrs. Graham, the former Sara Ellen Cathers, came west in 1885 and they were married at Minnedosa in 1888. She died in April, 1947. Their first farm was located in the Dumfries district. In the spring of 1892 they moved to a farm north of town, where they resided until 1896, moving to another farm east of Rosedale church. In 1919 they moved to Pleasantdale, SK, returning to a farm in the Union district in 1935. They retired to live in Neepawa in 1939. Mr. Graham was a charter member of the black Perceptory of the Orange Lodge, and a Past Master, and served as a councillor for Rosedale Municipality for 14 years. He was a staunch member of the United Church. Surviving in the family are two sons, John of Pleasantdale and Archie of Neepawa; two daughters, Mrs. James Warnock, Pleasantdale and Mrs. P.H. Richardson, Neepawa. An adopted daughter, Mrs. G. Hillis, resides in Yorkton, SK. There are eight grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. JOHN BUCHANAN IS DEAD, 74TH YEAR Settled at Neepawa, Man in 1879, Later resided at Pleasantdale John Buchanan, 74, pioneer settler of Neepawa, Man died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. G.H. Smith, 322 Twenty-second Street, East early Sunday morning. Although only seriously ill for one week, death was not unexpected. Mr. Buchanan came west from Ontario in 1879 to settle at Neepawa. He then moved to Pleasantdale, SK where he lived for 13 years, coming to Saskatoon two years ago. He served in the NorthWest Rebellion, being one of the guests at the Saskatoon exhibition when the board invited all survivors of the rebellion to the fair here. An expert shot, Mr. Buchanan was exceptionally fond of hunting. Only last year he took an active interest and while hunting ducks caught a severe chill which resulted in his first becoming ill. Mr. Buchanan is survived by seven daughters, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. J.H. Kennedy of Saskatoon, Mrs. C.W. McArthur, Mrs. G. Leverington, Mrs. C.H. Harris and Mrs. George Hillis, all of Pleasantdale; Mrs. M.S. Rupert, Melfort; and three sons, Andrew, Saskatoon; Samuel John, Melfort; and Alex, Abbotsford, B.C. Four brothers and one sister, all in Canada, also survive. His wife predeceased him 21 years ago.

----- Original Message ----From: "Barry Snider" To: "Bill Buchanan" Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 3:28 PM Subject: Christy Ann and relatives Bill, can you clarify this entry? 3. ALEX GRAHAM Robert Gathers d. May 29, 1908 aged 79 years Christy Ann dau. of Alexander and Sarah Ellen Graham d. Apr. 2, 1900 aged 2 yrs 9 mos. [Alex Graham was no relative, but adopted Merle Buchanan's Christy Ann] The only Merle Buchanan I show was b. 1911, and is married to George Hillis. Christy Ann is b. abt 1897, and d. 1900. I do show one adopted child for Alexander Graham and Sarah Ellen Cathers but the first name is blank, and I show her m. to G. Hillis??? Is this the same George Hillis who is married to Merle? Also, is the Robert Gathers father to Sarah Ellen Cathers? The death year is the same - just the spelling of name differs. [Barry Snider] ____________________________________________

Oct 18, 2004 Elizabeth / Pearl Willerton If any of you are interested in the question of whether Pearl Ann Willerton and Eliza Ann Willerton are the same person, I think the following census entries prove it. Note that Alfred's wife Margaret Farrell died 2 March 1903, and he had married Lucinda Rebecca Parker on 22 March 1904. 1901 census of McDonald Rosedale m-3 p4 automated genealogy 3 31 Willerton Alfred M Head M Apr 22 1859 41 4 31 Willerton Margaret F Wife M Nov 12 1870 31 5 31 Willerton John T. M Son S Feb 22 1894 7 6 31 Willerton Wilfred Earl M Son S Oct 27 1896 5 7 31 Willerton Elizabeth A. F Daughter S Nov 25 1898 3 8 31 Willerton Thomas M Father W Jul 20 1835 66 1906 Census of Canada for Manitoba www.afhs.ab.ca District #6 (Portage la Prairie) Subdistrict #17 Pg Hse Row Surname Name Rel Sex MStatus Age B Place ImmigYear Post Office Sec /WardTwp /StreetRge /No. Mer 13 95 15 Willerton Alfred H M M 50 ENG 1876 Neepawa Unable to read

13 16 Willerton Lucinda R W F M 42 ON 13 17 Willerton John F S M S 12 MB 13 18 Willerton Wilford E S M S 12 MB 13 19 Willerton Perly L D F S 9 MB 13 96 20 Willerton Thomas H M W 71 ENG NG Bill ____________________________________________

Oct 25, 2004 Buchanan Site Update Hi All; How is everyone? How many of you got snow last week...I did!!! But its all melting away today...so I can live with that. I have been working on my Buchanan site and have added some new stuff and updated others. Take a peek when you get a minute, also if I am missing your website address please let me know so I can add it. http://www.rootsweb.com/~skstjose/kelly/homepage/buchananfamily/buchanan-index.htm Huggss to all Kelly :o) Kelly Mitchell ____________________________________________ Oct 25, 2004 Westward Ho! I just received this precious document from Don Holmes. I wanted to share it with you immediately. Eventually I will post it on my website, too. This includes an advertisement for a special "through" (express) train excursion available from Listowel, Ontario to Manitoba in 1878 for those seeking farms in the new lands that had recently become part of Canada and were now surveyed for settlement. It also includes newspaper articles about the move west, census records on the John Buchanan family, and additional information. The Irishman quoted is not identified, but might possibly have been one of the Buchanans. In any case, it evokes an interesting picture. I found it interesting to see the name of John Buchanan mentioned in the newspaper article as well as the names Warnock and Cathers -- known from the Neepawa area. The train route mentioned is also of interest. Most of us would otherwise assume that their train followed the present route of the CPR main line to Winnipeg. I think Jean must be mistaken about Robert, if she means one of the seven brothers, as he died 10 years previously. But his family settled in Manitoba. It is very possible that Alex Long, his children's stepfather, came with John and Samuel Buchanan and James Watson. Robert's son

Robert M. (Big Bob) Buchanan would have been 16 (almost 17) years old at the time. Maybe Jean was referring to him, but I thought you had to be older to claim a homestead. Also 2 months by express train seems like 6 or 7 weeks too much time. Oh well, we find the information firstly, then we evaluate it ... "From the Neepawa History book: The Andrew Buchanan family by Mrs. Jean Hunter On May 29th 1878, Robert, John, Samuel and Jane's husband [James Watson jr.] came west to make homestead claims, arriving in late July. Each laid claim and returned to Perth County for their wives and families." Fascinating stuff! I am sure you will love reading it. Also check out Kelly Mitchell's website, if you haven't already done so. I enjoyed how easy it is to find things on it. http://www.rootsweb.com/~skstjose/kelly/homepage/buchananfamily/buchanan-index.htm

Bill Attachment(not stored) Manitoba Excursion.rtf ____________________________________________

Oct 26, 2004 Brisbin - car accident Katelyn Brisbin, 17 years old of Gowanstown, Ontario, died in a car accident Friday evening. She was a neice of Perry Brisbin, with whom I've corresponded about Buchanan and Young genealogy, and she was the granddaughter of Robert Wesley Brisbin. Robert in turn is descended from my line, William Buchanan and Ann Thompson. I will try to get the obit from the Stratford or Listowel paper and send it to the list. I don't think Perry is on this mailing list. This must be very upsetting for the family and, according to the news, the entire community of Gowanstown and Listowel (both small towns) are upset. There were five teenagers in the car; three survived and two were killed. You can read about it by going to www.stratfordbeaconherald.com . Suzanne


Oct 26, 2004 Re: Robert Campbell and Elizabeth Buchanan family

Hi Barry. This is definitely them. I have additional census and BMD records that confirm it. This means you HAVE found Robert "Big Bob" Campbell's father. This is Robert with his first wife, Elizabeth Buchanan in the 1881 census. I believe "E.E." to be Mary Elizabeth, since she was born 1 April 1881 and "E.E." was born in April 1881. Neither name is registered as born in Manitoba in 1881, of course NWT included present day Saskatchewan and Alberta. 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion R. CAMPBELL M Male Irish 33 Q Farmer Presbyterian E. CAMPBELL M Female Irish 29 O Presbyterian M.J. CAMPBELL Female Irish 12 O Presbyterian Jno. CAMPBELL Male Irish 10 O Presbyterian Andrew CAMPBELL Male Irish 8 USA Presbyterian G.A. CAMPBELL Female Irish 7 USA Presbyterian R. CAMPBELL Male Irish 6 USA Presbyterian Peter CAMPBELL Male Irish 2 Northwest Territories Presbyterian E.E. CAMPBELL Female Irish --- Born: Apr; 0 Northwest Territories Presbyterian ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Census Place Little Saskatchewan, Western Extension, Extension, Manitoba Family History Library Film 1375920 NA Film Number C-13284 District 186 Sub-district E Division 6 Page Number 13 Household Number 83 This is Robert and his second wife, Elizabeth Copeland and their children. 1901 census of Canada automatedgenealogy.com District: MB MACDONALD (#8) Subdistrict: Westbourne n-11 Page 2 16 14 Campbell Robert M Head M Sep 10 1848 52 17 14 Campbell Elizabeth F Wife M Jul 20 1860 40 18 14 Campbell William M Son S Mar 13 1883 18 19 14 Campbell Thomas M Son S May 27 1893 7 20 14 Campbell James M Son S Dec 4 1896 4 21 14 Paul Aggie F Step Daughter S Apr 29 1884 16 [Elizabeth Copeland must have been previously married to a Mr. Paul.] Here is the birth of Mary Agnes Paul, whose mother is Elizabeth Jane Copeland. LAST NAME: PAUL FIRST NAME: MARY AGNES DATE OF BIRTH: 04/29/1884 PLACE OF BIRTH: R.M. OF WESTBOURNE SEX: F REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1884,003509 MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: COPELAND Given Names: ELIZABETH JANE

Also of interest to me (Peter Campbell's wife). Note the mother's name: LAST NAME: COPELAND FIRST NAME: BESSIE HUNNA [probably Bessie Hannah] DATE OF BIRTH: 06/28/1884 PLACE OF BIRTH: R.M. OF WESTBOURNE SEX: F REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1884,001489 MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: SHIELDS Given Names: AGNES My notes for Margaret say "She had a brother Edwin Copeland." LAST NAME: COPELAND FIRST NAME: EDWIN DATE OF BIRTH: 01/31/1889 PLACE OF BIRTH: R.M. OF WESTBOURNE SEX: M REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1890,001192 MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: STRIELD Given Names: AGNES [Shield] LAST NAME: COPELAND FIRST NAME: JOHN HENRY DATE OF BIRTH: 05/20/1887 PLACE OF BIRTH: R.M. OF WESTBOURNE SEX: M REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1887,002109 MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: SHIELD Given Names: AGNES I had Margaret's registration from you previously: Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED BIRTH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1879-13120675, CHILD'S DETAILS Last Name: COPELAND, Given Names: WILHELMINA MARG, Sex: F, Date of Birth: 06/20/1879, Place of Birth: GLADSTONE, Birth Weight: grams Parents Married: U Mother's Marital Status: UNKNOWN, MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: SHIELLS Given Names: AGNES JANE Date of Registration: 10/02/1937 1861 census of Mornington, Perth, Ontario This might be Robert in his parents' family. The age for the father (John) is right, and it would explain how Robert met and married Elizabeth Buchanan, but his age should be about 13 if he was born 10 Sep 1848. Possibly I have the wrong birthdate. Of course the name John Campbell is very common. Campbell John L 16 C 9 Farmer Scotland Free Church 42 Married Male Campbell Catherine Wife " " 44 Married Female Campbell William Son " " 19 S M Campbell Margaret Daughter " " 16 S F Campbell Neil Scotland " 14 S M Campbell John " " 12 S M Campbell James " " 10 S M Campbell Alex " " 9 S M Campbell Robt. " " 21 S M Campbell Jane " " 17 S F


----- Original Message ----From: "Barry Snider" To: "Bill Buchanan" Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 3:34 AM Subject: Robert Campbell and Elizabeth Buchanan family Bill, I have not been able to find this family on the 1881 nor the 1901 census. But I am wondering if these are their children, found in Lansdowne, Manitoba. Some of the birthdates agree, but they are in an entirely different order than I have them listed. For instance, John is the oldest here, but I have him listed as #7. If it is them, it includes the grandfather John, which would be Robert's father, a new find for me. I have still not located Robert and Elizabeth. Several of the family married Copeland's, and I found them living in Westbourne. See what you think, and let me know. Thanks, Barry From http://www.automatedgenealogy.com/index.html Oct 2004: Page Information District: MB MACDONALD (#8) Subdistrict: Lansdowne f-6 Page 2 Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6433 Transcriber: Krystal Tait 23 21 Campbell John M Head S Mar 30 1871 30 24 22 Campbell Robert M Brother S Aug 27 1875 26 25 22 Campbell Mary F Sister S Apr 1 1851 20 26 22 Campbell Peter M Brother S Apr 7 1879 22 27 22 Campbell John M grand father W Aug 17 1819 81 From http://www.automatedgenealogy.com/index.html Oct 2004: Page Information District: MB MACDONALD (#8) Subdistrict: Westbourne n-12 Page 3 Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6433 Transcriber: Elaine Rutherford 40 24 Copeland William M Head M Apr 1835 65 41 24 Copeland Agnes J. F Wife M Oct 23 1843 57 [Agnes Jane Shields] 42 24 Copeland Thomas N. M Son S Aug 24 1877 23 43 24 Copeland Mary E. F Daughter S Mar 16 1882 19 44 24 Copeland Bessie F Daughter S Jun 28 1884 16 45 24 Copeland John N. M Son S May 20 1887 13 [John Henry] 46 24 Copeland Edwin M Son S Jan 31 1889 12 From http://www.automatedgenealogy.com/index.html Oct 2004: Page Information District: MB MACDONALD (#8) Subdistrict: Westbourne n-11 Page 3 Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6433 Transcriber: Elaine Rutherford 26 26 Copeland Maggie F Domestic S Jun 20 1880 21 [1879 per birth registration] Living with Herron family [Barry Snider]


Oct 27, 2004 Brisbin obituary Katelyn Brisbin's obituary from today's Listowel Banner Katelyn Anne Brisbin 10/27/2004 Miss Katelyn Brisbin of RR 1, Gowanstown, passed away suddenly on Friday, Oct. 22, 2004. She was 17. She was the beloved daughter of Doug and Brenda (Bender) Brisbin; the dear sister of Alyssa, Sarah, and Kailey; the granddaughter of Gertrude Brisbin and Carol Gilmore, both of Gowanstown; the niece of Perry Brisbin of Gowanstown, Judy and Reg Thompson of Ilderton, Joyce and Paul Johnston of Bluevale, and David and Sandra Bender of Palmerston. She also is survived by her cousins, Jordan, Reid, and Becky Thompson, Jill and Thomas Johnston, and Jillian and Blair Bender. She was the special friend of Ryan Somerville of Listowel. She was predeceased by her grandfathers, Bob Brisbin, Glen Bender, and Bill Gilmore. Visitation was held at Robert Trench Funeral Home, Listowel, on Monday, Oct. 25, from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. The funeral service was held at Zion United Church, Wallace Ward, on Tuesday, Oct. 26, at 11 a.m. Rev. George Russell officiated. Interment was in Zion United Cemetery, Wallace Ward. Memorial donations to the MS Society or the Children's Wish Foundation would be appreciated as expressions of sympathy. Online condolences may be left at www.roberttrenchfuneralhome.com. [Suzanne Schaller] ____________________________________________ Oct 28, 2004 Train photo Hi Everyone, I found a picture of the first train on the Wellington Grey and Bruce Railway (click to view the full-sized photo, then right-click on the photo to save it). This is either the same engine that carried the Buchanans and Watsons west or one like it. Actually there would have been more than one trip involved, but this small railway company probably didn't have a lot of engines to choose from. The WGB was amalgamated with the Grand Trunk Ry. Co., in 1893. In 1879 it seemed to be associated with the Great Western Railway.

http://imagescn.technomuses.ca/railways/index_choice.cfm?id=46&photoid=80243888 The scene shown in this photo is very much like the one described in the newspaper article from Don Holmes. (Obviously the date and location are different.)

Bill ____________________________________________

Oct 28, 2004 More Railway info For more information on the WGB, GWR and associated rail lines of the 1860s-1880s see: http://home.primus.ca/~robkath/railgwr.htm Apparently the WGB was a subsidiary of the GWR, as GWR purchased it in 1869 and the first train on the WGB wasn't until a year later.

Bill ____________________________________________ Oct 29, 2004 The Queen's Bush I found a nice history of the area of Elma Township, Perth county at this site. It gives the historical context for the settlement of the area. http://www.visitperth.ca/dev/history.html

Bill ____________________________________________

Oct 29, 2004 1881 Letter from Alex Long, step father of Robert Buchanan's children Don Holmes has found us another treasure! It gives no family information, but gives Alex Long's preceptions of the new town of Neepawa, Manitoba. Bill The Listowel Standard was in competition with the Listowel Banner from about 1878 for about twenty years when it was swallowed up by the Banner, which is still in business. The Standard tended to have more stories about local events and people while the Banner was more apt to have stories quoting the politicians speeches of that time, which as you are aware, is always exciting

reading. Spending some time going through the old Standard microfilm, which is generally very poor quality, seems to be more productive of family history than reading the Banner of that time. From the Listowel Standard of the 28th of October 1881 LETTER FROM THE NORTHWEST A New Town on the Prairie – Bright Prospects for the Settlers - An Excellent Farming Country – Good and Fine Harvest Mr. Editor: I hope you will be so kind as to insert a few lines in your valuable paper about a new town that has been started in our midst. ‘Neepawa’ is the name that has been given to this new place. We will shortly be provided with convenient mail facilities, as arrangements have been made for mail service twice a week! Messrs. Davidson and Hamilton, who have opened a large general store, will have charge of the Post Office. A telegraph office will also be opened in the store in a very short time; the line is now being put up. A blacksmith shop has been started by Allen McLean, formerly a citizen of Molesworth. He appears to be doing a thriving business, as he is hammering away from morning till night. A large grist mill, with four run of stones, is in course of erection; it is to be finished by the 1st of December; there are about 20 men working at it at the present time. Three dwelling houses have been put up here within a week. There is some talk of the Portage Western and Northwestern Railway coming within a half a mile of Neepawa. If that should be true, our town is destined to become a business place of considerable importance. This is going to be a fine farming country. For about 30 miles around the new town there is very little land that is not capable of raising good crops. The threshing machine is very busy in the neighbourhood at present, but can make little more than half time on account of the wet weather. It has rained every other day on an average during the past two weeks and as the grain is all in stacks, it makes the threshing very tough. Mr. Thomas Graham and James Graham sons of Mr. John Graham, formerly of Molesworth, are running a threshing machine in this neighbourhood. They say that wheat is turning out from 25 to 30 and 35 and some as high as 40 bushels to the acre; average about 35 bushels per acre. Oats yield about 50 bushels. If it were not for the blackbirds oats would go 60 bushels to the acre; the birds in some places have taken one third of the crop. Potatoes are a good crop here this year, some of them as large as a man’s foot. The new town of Neepawa is only a mile and a half from my place, so I shall not have to go as far with a grist as when living in Elma. I remain an old friend and subscriber, Alexander Long Neepawa, Oct 7th 1881 ____________________________________________

Oct 29, 2004 Robert Buchanan This might be the death of Alexander Long. Alex is missing from the 1891 census. Does anyone know if he died while visiting out east? Neepawa, March 14, 1884 Mr. Robert Buchanan returned from the east on Friday bringing his mother with him. He was called east by his father’s death. [stepfather's? Alex Long died 5 Feb 1884 in Elma twp, Perth, Ontario] [Which Robert? Robert John (Red Bob) Buchanan is the only other Robert Buchanan in Manitoba in 1881, and his father died in 1909.] You searched for: Robert Buchanan Census: 1881 Canadian Census Census Locality: Manitoba 1881 Canadian Census - 2 Select records to download - (50 maximum) 1. Robt. BUCHANAN - 1881 Canadian Census / Manitoba Gender: Male Birth: <1861> O [Red Bob] 2. Robt. BUCHANAN - 1881 Canadian Census / Manitoba Gender: Male Birth: <1862> O [Big Bob] ____________________________________________ Oct 30, 2004 A Buchanan website A Buchanan family website I just found has more information on the (Archie and Doris) Buchanan family and their marriages to the James Herbert McLaughlin family. Lots of new info (or at least new to me). http://home.westman.wave.ca/~walkerd/dat14.html#11 Ouch, I need my sleep, but this was too absorbing to give up on.

Bill ____________________________________________ Oct 31, 2004 Fw: Long/Buchanan Hi Everyone,

For any of you who have been following the Robert Buchanan family, here is additional information on the death of Alexander Long, who married Robert's widow, Margaret Booth. This proves that the "Robert Buchanan" (referred to in the newspaper article) who went east to bring his mother home after his father's death was indeed, Big Bob Buchanan, going to bring his mother Margaret home after the death of his stepfather, Alex Long. It is interesting that in the 1871 census (a year after Alex's marriage) the Buchanan children are listed as Longs. By 1881, Alex had become an "adopted Buchanan" and his stepchildren are listed as Buchanans. His only known child, Margaret Long, married William Robert McBride, and lived in Neepawa. This information was sent to me and to Nancy Buchanan Mills by Don Holmes. Nancy was the one who introduced me to Don Holmes, who is her husband's step father (and an avid genealogist and historian). Nancy's brother lives on part of William and Ann Buchanan's original farm in Donegal, Ontario.

Bill ----- Original Message ----Bill and Nancy: The Cemetery transcriptions of Trinity Anglican Church shows Loose Stone # 29 Alex Long/ died Feb 5 1884/ aged 54 years 10 mo & 23 dys. Below is the 1871 census of Elma 1871 census of Elma Long Alexander Farmer Ire Irish Pres 41 Married Male Long Margaret " " " 39 Married Female Long Andrew Ont " " 18 S M Long Robert " " " 10 S M Long John James " " " 8 S M Living at lot 29 concession 7 ***************************************** 1861 census of Elma Long Robert Sr. L 28 C 7 Farmer Ireland Pres 55 Married Male Long Elizabeth " " 60 Married Female Long George L 28 C 7 " " 27 S M Long Alex " " 30 S M Long Robert J. L 29 C 7 " " 28 Married Male Long Margaret " " 28 Married Female Long Elizabeth " " 5 S F Long Sarah Ontario " 3 S F Long William " " 1 S M See if this helps you in any way to sort out your Long fellows.

Don Holmes ____________________________________________ Nov 1, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Fw: Long/Buchanan This would appear to be the rest of the Long family in the 1881 census. Although Alex and Margaret have moved to Manitoba, his brothers, George and Robert are still in Elma. Robert Sr has died, and Elizabeth is living with her son George and grandaughter Annie. George is listed as married, but no wife is shown. Household Record 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion Robert LONG M Male Irish 49 Ireland Farmer Presbyterian Marget LONG M Female Irish 46 Ireland Presbyterian Lizzie LONG Female Irish 23 O Presbyterian S Jane LONG Female Irish 21 O Presbyterian William LONG Male Irish 20 O S Presbyterian Robert J LONG Male Irish 14 O Presbyterian Source Information: Census Place Elma, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375907, NA Film Number C-13271 District 172, Sub-district E, Division 2, Page Number 6, Household Number 24 Household Record 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion George LONG M Male Irish 46 Ireland Farmer C. Methodist Elizabeth LONG W Female Irish 80 Ireland C. Methodist Annie LONG Female Irish 18 O C. Methodist Source Information: Census Place Elma, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375907, NA Film Number C-13271 District 172, Sub-district E, Division 2, Page Number 5, Household Number 20 [Barry Snider] ____________________________________________

Nov 1, 2004 Fw: Long/Buchanan Hi Everyone, Don Holmes' wife Marilyn has found this additional article about Alexander Long. Despite Alex's glowing report on Neepawa in 1881, he moved back to Elma, possibly because of his failing health. After his death, his wife and daughter moved back to Neepawa, where they lived for the rest of their lives. Bill

----- Original Message ----From: Don Holmes To: Bill Buchanan Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 3:38 PM Subject: Re: Long/Buchanan Bill: Another piece of news about your friend Alex Long. Nancy forwarded your kind mention to us and while I certainly appreciate being given accolades for anything like this you should really be crediting my wife Marilyn as well,as she is the one who has been doing the research on the old Listowel papers. We like to think we work like a team on our common hobby but she really deserves the credit for this. Don From the Listowel Banner of the 8th of February 1884 ELMA: We regret to have to chronicle the death of Alexander Long, which occurred on Tuesday the 5th inst. He had been ill for some time with heart disease, which with other complaints have terminated fatally. Deceased was a native of Tyrone Ireland and came to this country on 1853 with his brother, Mr. George Long. They settled in Elma, and have been residing in this township ever since, with the exception of about two which Alexander spent in the North West. The deceased was highly respected for his upright and kindly disposition. He was a thorough Protestant, and in politics a staunch Conservative. His death will be much regretted by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. The remains will be interred in Trinity Church burying ground, 12th concession, on Friday.

Nov 1, 2004 More Long info from Elma, Perth County I found the following in the WMBR at http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~wjmartin/wml_60.htm Alex' daughter Maggie (I didn't have her full name and date of birth previously): Vol Pg# Dist./Co. Area Given-name Surname Father Mother Residence Birthplace Birthdate Bapt-date Bapt-place Minister 4 107 Perth Elma Twp. Margaret Jane Long Alexander Margaret Elma Elma 1875-09-21 1876-01-22 Elma Deacon, Rev. J. This is Alex' niece, Lizzie: 2 210 Perth Co. Mornington Twp. Elizabeth Long Robert Margaret Elma Elma 1856-07-04 185607-27 Mornington Clarke. Rev. J.M.

This Elijah and Lee may also be related to Alex in some undetermined way, but I have no intention of pursuing this. Long seems to be a very common name. Vol Pg# Dist./Co. Area Given-name Surname Father Mother Residence Birthplace Birthdate Bapt-date Bapt-place Minister 4 175 Perth Mornington Twp. Enoch Edmond Long Lee Mary Mornington Mornington 1877-1006 1878-04-15 Mornington Phillips, Rev. R. 2 403 Perth Co. Elma Twp. Jane Anne Long Elijah Catharine A. Elma Elma 1861-05-18 186109-15 Elma Crane, Rev. Isaac In the 1861 census Elijah's family are listed immediately before Alex's parents (Robert sr. and Elizabeth), but are shown as Wesleyan Methodists born in Upper Canada, whereas Alex's family are members of the Church of Scotland and are born in Ireland. Listed immediately after Robert and Elizabeth is a Robert and Grace Long who were born in Scotland, so obviously not connected. In the 1871 census, Alex and Margaret are immediately preceded by his brother Robert's family whoare preceded by his brother George and widowed mother Elizabeth. Alex and Margaret are immediately followed by Samuel and Mary Buchanan's family. The Robert and Grace Long family are listed much later and the Elijah and Catherin Long family are gone from Elma. From the information in Alex's obit, his family came from Tyrone, Ireland in 1853, but birthplaces in the 1861 census indicate that his brother Robert's family came to Canada from Ireland about 1856.

A long time ago I learned that the Township of Elma had not yet been organized when the Buchanans moved there in 1848, but I was somewhat surprised to discover that the County of Perth didn't exist yet either. It was organized from part of the old "Huron Tract" in 1849. The "Queen's Bush" was the actual name given to a large part of Upper Canada that includes present day County of Perth. I am not sure how its boundaries correspond to the Huron District/Huron Tract. Do any of you know the answer? Bill ____________________________________________ Nov 2, 2004 Longs, Huron Tract, and Queen's Bush Hi Everyone, This message from Don Homes helps to sort out some of the Longs, and provides a clear distinction between the Huron Tract and the Queen's Bush, a point where I was confused. Bill ____________________________________________________________________________ To begin with the Edmund Enoch Long referred to here is the husband of Maggie Allison and son of Lee Thomas Northwood Long who lived at lot 2 concession 5 of Mornington. He

was from Shropshire England and married Mary Barrett who was also English. Their history has been well documented. They had seven children who mainly stayed in the area and some of their descendants are still around here. It is exteremely unlikely that there is any connection between these 2 Long families. The Canada Company which would now be considered one of the biggest land grabs in history was a group of financiers from England who were fronted by John Galt who gave his name to a town which is now part of the City of Cambridge. The original base of the C.C was Guelph but Galt moved his operations further south and from Galt drove a road to Goderich on Lake Huron which basically follows the present Provincial Hwy. # 8. The Huron Tract as the Canada Company [land] was known, incorporated the present townships of North Easthope, Ellice, Logan, (in what is now Perth County) McKillop, Hullett and Colborne on the northern boundary. Downie, Blanshard, Fullarton and Hibbert are also now included in Perth County. the other townships were Biddulph, Usborne, Tuckersmith, Goderich, Stanley, Hay, Stephen, McGillivray,Williams and Bosanquet. These names all belonged to governors and directors of the Canada Company. This area encompasses part of the present day townships of Perth (Stratford), Huron, (Goderich), Middlesex (London) and Lambton (Sarnia). The term Queen's Bush is mainly a generic name for the country lying immediately north of the Huron Tract and was often referred to as the North West long before anyone knew anything of Western Canada. Certainly, Wellesley. Mornington, Elma, Grey, Moriss, Howick, Wallace, Minto etc were considered part of the Queen's Bush. These townships were mainly opened up by squatters who moved onto free land wherever they felt like it. Their reason for avoiding the Canada Co, was that they [C.C.] had not fulfilled their obligations to build roads and the infrastructure necessary in their area and these settlers felt they might as well have free land which was in about the same condition as paying for the C.C. Land. As early as 1835 people were settling on the lake ports such as Kincardine and they had driven a road from there (now # 4) through to Walkerton, Hanover and Durham where it connected with the Garafraxa Road (now # 6) from Guelph to Owen Sound and Collingwood and Penetanguishene which were all ports on Georgian Bay. The area north of the Durham Road was generally referred to as Indian Country. The counties as would be recognizable to-day came into being about 1852 and it took some more time before the townships were organized due to the problem with the surveyors and the general inertia of the government. I have come across a document, in which, my gr-grandfather, Oliver Mayberry and his neighbour William Chalmers, who settled on the Mornington -Wellesley boundary both paid $100.00 to the Widow Howden for her to sign a quit claim giving up her right to land which must have been close to, and probably lying across, the two new claims. A commission was set up to hear claims of the various land locations claimed by squatters and they make intriguing reading in the Township papers.



Nov 4, 2004 gedcom files Here is a handy free program for viewing gedcom files graphically and reading the notes. It is called Gedcom Viewer. It is strictly a viewer, it can't be used to change data. If your genealogy software can view gedcoms without having to import them this will be of no interest, but the rest of you may find it useful. Bill ----- Original Message ----From: "Barry Snider" To: "Bill Buchanan" Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 6:05 PM Subject: William Breay Scott Bill, I found this on Family Search. Information was submitted by Don Holmes. Barry Attachment(not stored) gedv102.zip ____________________________________________ Nov 6, 2004 study Cousins, I will make another plea.....I am involved as Clan Buchanan Society, Genealogist with the YDNA study that is being conducted on the surname Buchanan. I had hoped to get someone from our family to test to see how we "genetically" tie into other Buchanans. This could help us out genealogically enormously. It could helps us eliminate potential lines and also help us include others. I am compiling all of the Genealogy for the various individuals who participate. No one from "our" line (descendants of Andrew and Jane) has participated. I know is it costly (about $229 US). However, I would be willing to help out with the cost of the testing if we can find someone willing to participate. The testee must be a male with the surname Buchanan (the YDNA study tests the direct male line). Other than that, the testing can be anonymous if that is what the person wants, or you can share the results. If you want to keep it anonymous, please let me know and I can explain how this works. So ladies, just because we cant test, doesnt mean we cant find fathers, brothers, cousins etc who can. This could be very important for us in obtaining some answers on Andrew's parentage. It would be great if we could get 2 participants, who both descend from different sons of Andrew and Jane. There is a website that can answer some common questions about the testing: http://www.ftdna.com/faq.html

Please email me direct if you have questions or want to discuss off list any issues. Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________

Nov 10, 2004 Fw: ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO in DANGER!!! Received this from Ruth Burkholder. Any of you involved in family history research in Ontario should be concerned about this. Please pass this along to anyone you know involved in family history research. Thanks, Barry A few weeks ago there was an article in the Toronto Star regarding the present provincial government's decision to stop the move of the Archives of Ontario to a new location. This was very short sighted on their part, as events are now showing. A recent engineering study has indicated that the weight load on some of the floors makes them in danger of collapse. The need for humidity to keep the old paper and records in the right atmosphere has damaged the outer shell of the 1960s office building and there is extensive work going on through out the building. They have built false walls within the building so that they can deal with the growth and other damage to the outer walls of the building. I am sending this 'group letter' to you because you have all benefitted from the accessibility of the records of the Province of Ontario. There is a real danger that the Archives may be closed to the public .... and that means anyone who goes into the reading room to do research, or borrows film from the Archives of Ontario through their interloan system. WHAT CAN YOU DO? Write a letter to the people responsible within the government of Ontario. Let the officials know that we want the Archives to have a new building that is accessible and where we can do our research under proper conditions. Please do not bash the government officials, from my work as a volunteer in the heritage community I have learned that you need to let officials know we are aware of the situation and we will work with them but we want action. Below are the people to contact: Even if you contact them by email, make sure your postal address is included. The minister responsible and the person we really have to get our message to is Hon. Gerry Phillips. He is the member for Scarborough – Agincourt and the Chair of Management Board of Cabinet. The Archives of Ontario is part of Management Board. His contact information is gphillips.mpp@... Send mail to him at Management Board Secretariat, 77 Wellesley St W, 12th Flr, Ferguson Block, Toronto ON M7A 1N3 His constituency office is at 204 - 4002 Sheppard Ave E., Scarborough ON M1S 4R5

A letter should also go to Premier Dalton McGuinty. You can go to http://www.premier.gov.on.ca/english/contact/ to send an email directly to the premier’s office or email him at his constituency office in Ottawa at dmcguinty.mpp.co@... His contact information is Queen's Park, Rm 281, Main Legislative Building, Toronto ON M7A 1A4 If you live in Ontario you should also contact your local MPP -- for their contact information go to http://olaap.ontla.on.ca/laompp/daCurMbr.do?locale=en Your emails or letters need to emphasis your use of the Archives its importance to the province of Ontario that users have put up with the poor working conditions and health hazards at the Grenville St site because we understood the Archives was moving to a new location that are pleased that the new offsite storage building is being built but these are our records and it is our right to have access to them under proper conditions and without fear of injury to our health If you are contacting these people by email, I would appreciate being sent a copy of your email ... just include me in the BCC, or forward your letter to me. Thanks .... [If you want to read the Toronto Star article, let me know, and I will forward it to you] ============================================ Ruth Burkholder of RMB Genealogical Services 103-12140 Ninth Line Stouffville ON Canada L4A 1L2 phone: 905-640-7391 fax: 905-640-9359 email: ruth.burk@... No job too big or too small to tackle together!! ____________________________________________ Nov 16, 2004 David McLarty Family story Here is an account of the family of David McLarty and Mary Watson. Mary's mother was Jane Buchanan. In it Olive refers to her uncle David James Watson making his emergency ride to Neepawa on horseback in a terrible thunderstorm to fetch medicine for her. [Elinor and Darlene, if you are subscribed to the Andrew-Buchanan list, you will receive two copies of this, but I didn't want you to miss it.] http://ahdp.lib.ucalgary.ca/roots/lxq/lxqb0245..ipg David McLarty by Olive James (nee Olive McLarty) My Father, David McLarty was born in Ontario in I864. and in 1890 came to Manitoba. He lodged with Grandfather till he found a farm that he wanted to homestead, which is the farm Roskeen School is built on.

He married Mary Watson, daughter of James and Jane Watson, who came from Ontario in 1878 and lived on the farm now owned by Milton Kitson, later living a mile east of Roskeen School. Grandpa Watson built some very good log buildings. Two of them will be seen in pictures and are still standing. In the McLarty family were May, Olive and Mabel, all born on the Roskeen farm, then we vent back to Ontario for a year or two and my brother Ivan was born there. We then came back to the homestead, where Jean and Violet were born. My father was not a farmer but a carpenter by trade, and built Riding Mountain School which is now the Legion Hall. About 1901 we moved to Neepawa, where my brothers Clifford and Elgin were born (Elgin died at three months). From there we moved to Riding Mountain and some of us went to school at Tobamare until the Riding Mountain school was built. Father being a carpenter, he followed new districts, and in 1911 he went to Prince George, B,C. Mother waited till the following year as the railroad had not gone in there yet. I do not know where Father got that material for our house, but it was made of logs, and built before he married in 1892. The house had an upstairs and one of my earliest recollections is of our organ which had a lot of use. My father's youngest sister lived with us and she and her boy friends (Eden boys) along with my parents all loved music. Another one of Dad's sisters was Mrs. Alex Allen. We had a very happy home life. We had lots of books, as my parents were great readers and on Sundays (the only time for reading) we always had Bible reading, and they took turns reading good stories to us children. Our heat was from wood stoves and light from coal oil lamps. One time my brother wanted to show an Aunt what he got for Christmas. He pulled out the dresser drawer and knocked the lamp to the floor. My Aunt got excited and ran downstairs, grabbed the swill pail and threw the contents on the fire, I don't think my mother ever forgave her. We took wheat to a local grist mill to have it ground; I loved the fresh ground wheat porridge, We did not go away from home much, but Mother was a good dressmaker and Dad tanned hides, and mother made buckskin coats, mitts, and moccasins. Our bedding was blankets and homemade quilts. There was a family and neighbor party once in a while, and as children, we played such games as Flinch and Authors, Snap. Father worked hard, but he was never too tired to play indoors or out. We had a big deer horn set, with 14 points on each side. It was mounted and the top was used for Dad’s guns, and we children all skinned the cat on the bottom horns. The wall had a hole worn in by our feet. We had our own Bible study and there were two circuit riders who came through once in a while, on foot or horseback. We never attended church as such, till we went to Neepawa. In Riding Mountain we attended the Church of Christ for Bible School and morning Church. We went to evening service in the Methodist Church, The preacher came from Portage and stayed at our place

or Tylers. We had Christmas concerts, C.W.T.U. … Y.P. and we went to some church activities in Kelwood, in winter, by sleigh. We loved to go on foot to hunt the first Crocus, Lady Slippers and wild Roses. Also Orchids which we found in the swamp north of Riding Mountain. I had a ride in the first car I ever saw. Tom Kitson came up in a Ford in 1910. It was the nicest ride I ever had. I also stopped the first train I remember seeing. The first time the train ran from McCreary to Neepawa, some of the officials came through on a hard-car the day before, and stopped at our place on the farm at Roskeen to see if they could get some buttermilk. Mother said "You should have come tomorrow, I am churning in the morning". They asked if I would take some out to the train. I told them they would not stop, and they said, if I would wave a red handkerchief they would stop. So, I did, and they stopped and took the buttermilk on the train and on the trip back they threw the pail off with a dollar in it (my first dollar). My father was very good when we were sick. We never had a children's disease go through the family. When we got sick he gave us all a laxative and blew sulphur in our throats. I had Tyrhoid Fever when I was about seven. They took me to Neepawa by buggy, 15 miles away, and later we ran out of medicine and Uncle Dave Watson rode horseback to Neepawa, and rode home in the worst thunderstorm we had ever seen. He could only tell when he was on the road when the lightning flashed. They say he saved my life. Father died in Vancouver in 1930, Mother died in 1947. May lives in Vancouver; Mabel lives at Vancouver, Ivan and Violet live at Prince George. Jean is a retired teacher. She taught in Peace River for 35 years. After the war broke out I gave up my homestead to attend Bible College in the States. I graduated from St. Paul's Hospital in 1922; married in 1922. I have two girls. We have spent most, of our married life in Church work, in Vancouver and Ontario. We retired ten years ago and live at Black Pool, B.C. and have had Church and Bible School in our home ever since. I do not think you can retire from the Lord's work. _____________________________________________________________________________ The whole book Kelwood Bridges the Years 1890 - 1967 can be accessed online at: http://www.ourroots.ca/e/toc.asp?id=2621 [Bill Buchanan] ____________________________________________

Nov 16, 2004 Donegal Cemetery Hi All; Ok, thought I would pass this on and let you all know I am willing to do look ups in Donegal Cemetery. I have borrowed the film from the archives. I have already looked at it but I am going today to read check my notes…I found a few boo-boo’s from the first time I looked at the film.

I will be going back down to the library sometime this week again and probably next Tuesday. I have the film until December 1. Ok, also I need to pick your brains. J Effie Elizabeth Buchanan, daughter of William Sam Buchanan and Margaret Burke, died in 1918 and is buried in Toronto. Does anyone have any further information. Exact date, what cemetery she is buried in…anything you are willing to share. Thank you all Huggs Kelly ☺ ____________________________________________

Nov 16, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Donegal Cemetery Hi Kelly, Here are my notes (probably from Suzanne) Births County of Perth, Division of Elma 027691 No 37 Date of birth: April 14th, 1884 Name: Effie Elizabeth Buchanan Sex: F Father: William S. Buchanan Mother: Margaret Buchanan Mother's maiden name: M N Burke Profession of Father : Blacksmith Signature and residence: Wm S. Buchanan, Blacksmith, Elma When registered: may 22, 1884 Name of accoucheur: Mrs. Buchanan Signature of registrar: Thos. Fullarton Ontario Vital Statistics, birth 027691-84 . Ontario Vital Statistics, death 006983-18 . Ontario Vital Statistics, marriage 016990-07

Bill ____________________________________________

Nov 16, 2004 Re: Donegal Cemetery I can't remember offhand what source I got it from, but Effie Slaughter was

buried in Prospect Cemetery, Toronto. It has not been transcribed. If you want, I can check my notes when I get home this evening. Which Donegal is this? Donegal Ontario or Donegal Saskatchewan? I think you must mean Donegal Sask, right? Suzanne ____________________________________________

Nov 16, 2004 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Re: Donegal Cemetery Ontario - Sorry :) Hi Suzanne and Group; Sorry I didn’t specify very well. Its Donegal Cemetery, Elma Twp Ontario and there is also Trinity Anglican Cemetery on this film as well. So if any one needs a look up please let me know ok J Suzanne; I would love whatever you might have on Effie. I am guessing she probably died of the Flu, considering her death date was in 1918. (but of course that is only a guess J) Thank you Suzanne J Huggs to All Kelly ☺ ____________________________________________

Nov 17, 2004 Robert Buchanan Hi All; I know you all were talking about this man in recent weeks so I thought I would pass this on. I am guessing many you may already have this information but thought I would share just in case. Trinity Anglican Cemetery Elma Twp – Perth County Con 12 – Lot 35 Transcribed 1986 Row G Robert Buchanan Died May 22, 1868 Aged 53 years Take Care All Kelly :o)


Nov 17, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] A Buchanan website Yes, sad to say. Some of their relatives objected to having their names listed, so the information is gone. I am glad to say that I have only had one request to remove a name and he was someone who had married a family member, and there were no children, so I was able to conveniently delete his name. On the other hand several people have contacted me asking to add the names of their family members. By listing the names of living people but not the dates or places of events, I think I have the proper balance of information and privacy for living people. At least I hope so. The information that was on that website will appear on mine - or my new one if my problem with Tripod can't be resolved. They have been great for me overall, and I would recommend them to anyone wanting free hosting for a website. They don't complain about large gedcom files or the hundreds of small files on my website, both of which are anathema to most free web hosts. Our difference is over bandwidth. My site is currently having too many downloads. ... but providing information is the reason for its existence ... In the meantime, here is a gedcom file of the intermarried Buchanan-McLaughlin families.

Bill Attachment(not stored) Buchanan-McLaughlin.ged ____________________________________________ Nov 17, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Second Post - Robert Buchanan - Sorry if this repeats Thanks Kelly, I was uncertain whether he died on the 22 or the 24. Now I will go with the 22. Bill ____________________________________________

Nov 19, 2004 New Website with up-dated info on Buchanan, Watsons, etc. Hi Everyone,

I am unable to update the content on my website at http://members.tripod.com/bill_buchanan ( http://bill_buchanan.tripod.com/ ) because I have no bandwidth allocation left. Therefore I have put the new information on another website http://billbuchanan.clawz.com/ I have added space at the top of the main pages so that the content is not covered by the advertising banner. (Most free web hosts move your content down the screen to make space for their banners, but this one does not. Apparently the banner disappears from the page after a while.) Besides the most up-to-date version of my Buchanan and Watson database, I have also included the most recently received old stories and other documents. If I am missing something you have seen recently, let me know and I will add it. The links to the Ing and Teale families take you to my site on Tripod. I think everything is functional - always an interesting comment to make ;-) Since I don't know who subscribes to the Andrew-Buchanan listserv, I have searched through my address books for anyone interested in family history on these lines. Undoubtedly many of the email addresses are no longer valid, so if you know someone who might be interested in the old family stories, forward this email to them.

Bill ____________________________________________

Nov 22, 2004 Website updates Hi Everyone, I have now added Barry's Snider family, who intermarried with the family of James Watson and Jane Buchanan. I have also moved Darlene's newspaper archives to this server. Sorry - I thought I had done this but, but the folder containing them was accidentally left on the old server. The website search engine should be functional on this site as soon as PicoSearch indexes the site - probably by Nov 25.

Bill ____________________________________________

Nov 26, 2004 Fw: Watson Genealogy Question - Solved Hi Everyone,

I was fortunate to find Norma Chantler, who was able to clear up the question of whether Kathy Hay's (North Dakota) Watsons are decended from Robert Watson, the son of James Watson sr. and Elizabeth Linnen. Norma has been researching this Watson family, and they are descended from a James Watson from Ireland and his wife Elizabeth Raycroft who was born in Kingston, Ontario. So they might be really nice people, but they are not descendants of our James Watson sr. and Elizabeth Linnen, both of whom came from Scotland. I have attached one of the pages she sent me. I would have sent the other two pages, but I know that may email accounts will refuse messages larger than 1 MB. So, I will delete this line from my database. Until I learn differently, I will accept that Robert died unmarried, probably in August 1854.

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: Norma Chantler To: Bill Buchanan Sent: Friday, November 26, 2004 11:07 AM Subject: Re: Watson Genealogy Question Hello Bill Welcome to the Club. I too have been in contact with Kathy Hays who seems to have dropped off the globe. In any event, I too found her on world family tree. Some of our information matched while some didn't. What didn't match was that Henry S. Watson, s/o James Watson of Ireland & Elizabeth Raycroft of Kingston were his parents. He had two brothers who also left Ireland. Henry Watson's siblings were Mary J. Watson, Robert Watson, John Watson & Elizabeth Watson. At some point after their marriage James Watson & his wife Elizabeth Raycroft came to the Sandwich South Essex County Ontario area of Canada. This is where I differ from Kathy who thought her family was descended from James Watson & Elizabeth Linnen. It is regretable that her information is believed by others mentioned in your e-mail. In any event, what did agree was that Henry S. Watson & his wife Ellen (Mary) Hurst had four children here in Essex County: James Bird (Bert) Watson who married Clara Louise Keller (Cathy's husband's ancestors); Robert Lockwood Watson, George Nicholas Watson and Elizabeth May Watson. George died one month post birth. I have been unable to verify Ellen's death but it was post 1881 Census, and by the 1900 Census he was living with his family in Ellendale, Dickey, North Dakota. I have been able to document Henry S. Watson & his family here in Canada and Dakotah. One of the most interesting documentations is from the 1908 Commemorative Biographical Record, which has a short biography on the Watson family which I have scanned for you and will be attaching for your information. This biographical information contained within was usually submitted by family members who would, as far as I am concerned, have the most accurate information available as to Henry's

parentage, for they would probably had first-hand knowledge of their grandparents. The Essex Co. Comm. Bio. Record is considered a bible of the who's who in Essex County, published by Beer's. Hopefully, this will shed some light for you. Blessings Norma Chantler ----- Original Message ----From: Bill Buchanan To: norma.chantler@... Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 3:53 PM Subject: Watson Genealogy Question Greetings, About 2 years ago I found a genealogy of Henry S. Watson on world family trees, suggesting that he was the son of Robert Watson of Edwardsburg township, Grenville county, Ontario. This genealogy was posted by Kathy Hay, but I have been unable to make contact with her. I added this information to my family tree, but the more I look at it, the more doubtful I become. I hope you can provide an additional detail or two that will let me decide. On 1 October 2004 I wrote to my email list: That information is from Kathy Hay's submission to world family trees. My attempts to contact Kathy have failed. I have doubts whether her connecting of her line to our Robert Watson is correct. The facts that I presently have tend to contradict the Robert Watson family connected to James Watson and Elizabeth Linnen by Brian Nick, Kathy Hay, and others. Brian Nick got his information from Kathy Hay. Is our Robert Watson the one who died in Aug 1854? Possibly. But not if he married Ann in 1855, as Kathy says. The birth of Henry Watson is in 1848, but OUR Robert Watson was still single and living at home in 1851. The birth of Henry Watson in 1848 also seems inconsistent with a marriage in 1855. In the 1881 census Kathy's Robert Watson's family were living in Sandwich East, Essex, Ontario and he gives his origin as Irish. Our were in Grenville and the North Huron-North Perth area. The Methodist Baptismal Register lists this other Watson family from Sandwich, Essex, Ontario, who may be connected to Kathy's Robert Watson. The names definitely don't connect to ours: 2 227 Essex Co. Sandwich Twp. Sarah Edwina Watson Edwin Sarah Windsor Windsor 1862-05-06 1862-09-05 Windsor Tucker, Rev. S. The more I look at this connection, the less probable it seems. -

I tend to think that our Robert Watson is the one who died in 1854, and that Kathy Hay's ancestor was a different Robert Watson who was born in Ontario. I invite your input on this matter. Bill I received no input. I hope you can clear this up for me. Do you know the parents and grandparents of Henry S. Watson on his Watson line? My information can be found at http://billbuchanan.clawz.com or http://members.tripod.com/bill_buchanan I look forward to hearing from you.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Nov 26, 2004 Donegal Cemetery - Ontario Hi All; I have attached Donegal Cemetery listings. If anyone has problems opening the file please let me know. Will find another way of sending J Take Care Kelly :o) Attachment(not stored) Archives of Ontario.doc ____________________________________________

Nov 30, 2004 Robert Watson Genealogy Question - Solved [mostly a duplicate] Hi Everyone, I was fortunate to find Norma Chantler, who was able to clear up the question of whether Kathy Hay's (North Dakota) Watsons are decended from Robert Watson, the son of James Watson sr. and Elizabeth Linnen. Norma has been researching this Watson family, and they are descended from a James Watson from Ireland and his wife Elizabeth Raycroft who was born in Kingston, Ontario. So they might be really nice people, but they are not part of the family of our James Watson sr. and Elizabeth Linnen, both of whom came from Scotland. So, I will delete this line from my database. Until I learn differently, I will accept that our Robert Watson died unmarried, probably in August 1854. I attached one of the pages she sent me, but it made the message too big, so it bounced. So I am sending it again

The search engine on the website is now working. And I added a link to the October 2004 genealogy conference held in Edmonton. (I found that the Adobe PDF documents are not very readable, but the rest were OK and included useful information on doing research, especially in the UK.)



Dec 5, 2004 FW: Janet (Spiers) Hunter Hi Everyone, I have just received this from Frederick Hunter. I know some of you are of Watson-Linnen descent and may have an interest in your Hunter-Linnen kin. My own database seems to be free from this particular error. You might want to take a moment to check your own.

Bill Buchanan Subject: Janet (Spiers) Hunter Dear Bill, I write to clarify an apparent anomaly which has lately arisen. It seems that somehow, I know not how, there has been released and introduced into general circulation a fallacious notion that the name of Andrew Hunter's wife may have been Margaret rather than Janet. I am aware of no original primary source whatever to substantiate this claim. Indeed every extant record makes abundantly clear that she was Janet. The marriage entry at Old Cumnock shows her as Janet. The christening record of every one of her eight children identifies her as Janet. And the will of her husband Andrew in Upper Canada further refers to her as Janet. There was never any mention of her being anything other than Janet. Family tradition also holds and asserts that the emigrants ancestors were Andrew and Janet. Inasmuch as this was my great-great-great-great-grandmother, I should like to nip in the bud any further propagation of this erroneous rumour. Thank you for your attention and help.

Frederick ____________________________________________

Dec 5, 2004 RE: [andrew-buchanan] FW: Janet (Spiers) Hunter Hi Everyone, I see a line in my notes for Janet Spiers in my database that says "or Margaret Spiers", so if you have a copy of my database, plese delete that line from Jane Spier's notes. At some time I must have come across her name as Margaret, but felt it was less reliable than the information saying that her name was Janet. I have deleted that line now from my notes. Please do the same, if you have it.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Dec 6, 2004 Re: [andrew-buchanan] FW: Janet (Spiers) Hunter I have her listed as Janet or Jennet Speirs. The name reference is from http://freepages.misc.rootsweb.com/~database/HUNTER.htm "young Andrew met and eventually married, on 21 September 1792, his wife of more than 40 years, Janet Spiers, or Speirs" Margaret is their daughter, b. 25 Nov 1801 (same reference). A further reference from http://freepages.misc.rootsweb.com/~database/HUNTER.htm "His wife Janet (or Jennet) Spiers (or Speirs)" [Barry Snider] ____________________________________________

Dec 7, 2004 Re: Buchanan Lumber Hi Barry, Yes, they are definitely ours. I met Gordon in 1977, and he had a copy of the Buchanan Family Tree Book - the first I knew of it. His father, Hugh Arnold Buchanan was the son of John Charles Buchanan and Jennie Freeborn.

I have added the history info to my notes for Arnold.

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: "Barry Snider" To: "Bill Buchanan" Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 4:17 PM Subject: Buchanan Lumber Bill, are these our Buchanan's? I can find an Arnold who moved to Alberta. And a brother Gordon. But no Greg. Unless it is the Hugh Arnold Buchanan, with son Gordon and grandson Greg. If so, he is the father of Verna Buchanan Wilson of Edmonton. http://www.telusplanet.net/public/blumber/history.htm -------------------------------------------------------------------------When a tree falls in the forest, Buchanan Lumber hears -Trade and Commerce Magazine, 1995 Buchanan Lumber owes its beginnings to Arnold Buchanan who, in 1929, started a sawmilling operation in McCreary, Manitoba. From 1946 to 1956, Arnold operated a custom cutting mill in northern Manitoba. It was in 1956 that Arnold scouted out Alberta for new opportunities and found that High Prairie was located near good timber and available resources. Arnold, with Gordon, moved the sawmill operations from Manitoba to a location near Valleyview. A contract for custom operating of a planer mill in High Prairie was made and within two years the Buchanan's purchased the planer mill. It was also at this time that the Buchanan's began to acquire their own cutting rights. When Arnold passed away Gordon incorporated Buchanan Enterprises. In 1965 all Buchanan Lumber operations were relocated to High Prairie. Gordon Buchanan has built Buchanan Enterprises into a large and ever expanding family business. Today his son, Greg Buchanan, Vice President of Buchanan Lumber, manages the High Prairie operation. Like his father, Greg continues to make the company a competitive and expanding operation. ____________________________________________

Dec 14, 2004

History of Beautiful Plains Hi Everyone, There is a good history of the Neepawa/Rosedale area of Manitoba. It parallels the story of our own Buchanans and Watsons although they are not mentioned in the article. http://www.mhs.mb.ca/docs/transactions/3/beautifulplains.shtml As usual, I found it while looking for something else (my son-in-law's Cree and Metis ancestry, in this case). If anyone else is researching Metis families the Metis Scrip archives are a good source of free records. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/archivianet/02010507_e.html



Jan 19, 2005 Re: John Arthur McKenzie Thanks Barry, It is definitely him. The name and date of birth match, so does his mother's name. Manitoba Archives: http://web2.gov.mb.ca/cca/vital/Query.php GROOM'S LAST NAME: MCKENZIE GROOM'S GIVEN NAMES: JOHN ARTHUR BRIDE'S LAST NAME: BUCHANAN BRIDE'S GIVEN NAMES: MYRTLE DATE OF MARRIAGE: 02/06/1922 PLACE OF MARRIAGE: WPG REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1922,006061 LAST NAME: BUCHANAN FIRST NAME: MYRTLE DATE OF BIRTH: 01/08/1900 PLACE OF BIRTH: PLUMAS SEX: F REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1900,23923169 REGISTRATION DATE: 04/11/1967 MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: MILLS Given Names: MARY ELLEN Seeing the name of "Mary Ellen Mills" on Myrtle Buchanan's birth registration, I was reminded of the old stories about "Big Sam" Buchanan. The Andrew-Buchanan listserv has been too quiet lately, so I will share this information with everyone.

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: "Barry Snider" To: "Bill Buchanan" Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 5:10 PM Subject: John Arthur McKenzie Bill, could this be the John Arthur Mckenzie who married Myrtle Buchanan? I found him on the same page as a Hall relative. From http://www.automatedgenealogy.com/index.html Jan 2005: Page Information District: MB MACDONALD (#8) Subdistrict: Rosedale m-7 Page 6 Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6433 Transcriber: Elaine Rutherford 10 66 McKenzie John M Head M Apr 16 1850 50 Scotland Emmig 1850 Scotland Presbyterian Farmer 11 66 McKenzie Mary F Wife M Dec 14 1855 45 Ont Scotch Presbyterian 12 66 McKenzie Maggie F Daughter S Nov 20 1884 16 Ont 13 66 McKenzie James A. M Son S Jan 6 1886 15 Ont 14 66 McKenzie William L. M Son S Jun 16 1888 12 Ont 15 66 McKenzie Mabel A. F Daughter S Oct 11 1890 10 Man 16 66 McKenzie Robert M Son S Apr 10 1893 7 Man 17 66 McKenzie John A. M Son S Dec 17 1895 5 Man Manitoba Archives on-line Jan 2005: DETAILED BIRTH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1896-005661, CHILD'S DETAILS: Last Name: MCKENZIE, Given Names: JOHN ARTHUR, Sex: M, Date of Birth: 12/17/1895, Place of Birth: R.M. OF ROSEDALE, Parents Married: Y, Mother's Marital Status: MARRIED, MOTHER'S DETAILS: Maiden Last Name: MCFARLANE, Given Names: MARY

Jan 19, 2005 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Re: John Arthur McKenzie What stories about “Big Sam” Buchanan? Donna ____________________________________________

Jan 19, 2005 Re: Big Sam Buchanan

Maybe one of you can offer some further clarification. I remember being told in the 1960s that Big Sam and his brothers were in a brawl, and one of their opponents died of his injuries. The Buchanan brothers were charged with murder. Their defence was that the deceased person had agreed to the fight and it was a fair fight, and no one had any intent of killing anyone. They felt that the death should have been ruled as accidental and appealed the case to a higher level, and I think it went all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada. The Supreme Court upheld the murder conviction and it remained a legal precedent that was used for a long time. (On the Internet in the early 1990s I found a reference to this case being used as a precedent for another case where someone had been killed in a fight. My attempts today to find any reference to the Buchanan case on the Internet were unsuccessful.) On the other hand, I don't think that Big Sam or his brothers spent much time in jail. His brothers emigrated to the Bellingham area of Washington state as free men, so there are aspects of the story that don't quite mesh. Here is Big Sam's family in the 1901 census. 1901 census District: MB MACDONALD (#8) Subdistrict: Westbourne n-11 Page 9 1 86 Buchanan Samuel M Head M Mar 26 1872 29 2 86 Buchanan Mary F Wife M Jun 26 1877 23 3 86 Buchanan Laura M. F Daughter S May 21 1893 7 4 86 Buchanan Edith E. F Daughter S Feb 20 1895 6 5 86 Buchanan Victor M Son S Apr 15 1896 4 6 86 Buchanan Myrtle F Daughter S Jan 8 1900 1

Bill ____________________________________________ Jan 20, 2005 Re: Big Sam Buchanan My grandfather (Weldon Buchanan) used to tell a similar story, but the man involved was an Andrew Buchanan who, for the accidental murder of a man, earned the nickname "Devil Andy." He didn't know how this Devil Andy fit into the family tree, but I think he was one of the group that moved to the Washington area. Suzanne ____________________________________________ Jan 20, 2005 Re: Devil Andy Yes, I have heard the name "Devil Andy" associated with Andrew's family. "Devil Andy" was likely Big Sam's brother Andrew, who would have been in the same fight that I mentioned. This would be the Andrew Buchanan who married

Frances Minnie Coxon and moved to Friday Harbor, Washington. (A nickname like that would be a good reason to move to the other end of the continent.) The law did not seem to be applied equally. My great uncle Richard James Watson (son of George Watson and Jane Welsh) also killed a man in a fight, yet he was never charged. "Dick" was warned that an enemy bragged that he was going to pick a fight with him in an isolated place and kill him. Dick said that if the man wanted to fight him, it would have to be a fair fight, in a public place, in the presence of witnesses. His opponent accepted these terms and died from injuries sustained in the fight. It was probably because of the testimony of the witnesses that Dick was never charged. Still, the circumstances in both cases seem to be quite similar.

Bill ____________________________________________

Jan 20, 2005 Big Sam Buchanan In a nutshell: In the summer of 1906 Big Sam Buchanan was falsely accused of arson of Nelson Ireland's stable by a Hubert Hale so that he (Hale) would not go to jail with the rest of the "Bad Birnie Bunch." He recanted his story after Sam Buchanan was sent to the penitentiary for 7 years. There are huge newspaper articles of the time and I am condensing them for you. When he was released he and his family moved from Birnie to Riding Mountain and then finally to McCreary. When mention of his death in the Neepawa Press of Tues. March 14, 1916 by the editor of the newspaper - it is a sad tale that he tells. I would be glad to send it to anyone by regular e-mail. His family did not put a death notice in the paper and I checked the Manitoba Death Reg. and it is not there either that I could find so I guess they didn't even reg his death. Very poignant what the editor wrote mentioning the stigma attached to he and his family for the rest of their lives for a crime he did not commit.

[Darlene Perrett] ____________________________________________ Jan 20, 2005 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Big Sam Buchanan Interesting story. I have one son in my records, Borden, born in 1910. How would that work if he was in prison for 7 years, starting after 1906?

Donna ____________________________________________ Jan 21, 2005 Re: Big Sam Buchanan i'd be interested in a copy of that article darlene, if its not ot much trouble. Val ____________________________________________

Jan 25, 2005 Samuel McCauley and Jane Buchanan Hi Everyone, I just received this exciting message, and am sending this reply. I will keep you informed of any new information. It is always a thrill to receive messages like this. We have very little information on this family just the names of the children and who they married. It will be nice to fill in some of the gaps. I am slowly working my way through my blue ledger book of long family group sheets that I had assembled in the 1960s. I went through it previously when I was putting the Buchanan Family Tree book on computer, to fill in gaps and corroborate information in the BFT. Now I am going through it again to see if I missed anything. I hope you are all surviving this crazy weather. I had a half inch of ice covering my car as a result of an ice storm last Thursday, and the ditches seemed to be filled with vehicles, but it is nothing compared to what I see on the news from the Maritimes. Take care.

Bill Rob, This is wonderful. I have so little information on their descendants. Please send me this information, so I can include it in the family history. If you are attaching documents (such as Word, Excel, Jpeg, or Gedcom), please use this email address for me: buchanan@... The most up-to-date version of my website can be found at http://billbuchanan,clawz.com I look forward to your information. Thanks so much for contacting me.

Bill Buchanan --- On Tue 01/25, Robert McCauley wrote: To: Bill Buchanan

Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 06:21:23 +0000 Subject: Genelogy (McCauley) Bill, My name is Robert McCauley. I am the great great great grandson of Jane Buchanan and Samuel McCauley. I have a lot of information on Jane's decendents. I also have one or two pictures of Jane and Samuel and several pictures of their kids. Thanks for putting together your website it is great. If you are intrested in any of my information please reply. Thanks Rob McCauley ____________________________________________

Jan 26, 2005 Everalls In my blue ledger, the family group sheet for Ben Everall and Mary Watson has a note handwritten in very tiny letters that appears to say Bob Watson married Margaret Everall (Ben's sister) at Dauphin - Jennie [Jean Victoria Watson] I suspect this is her birth registration (I show Ben's mother's name as Ann with no last name), but I can't find Robert and Margaret's marriage registration. And I can't find them in my database. LAST NAME: EVERALL FIRST NAME: MARGARET GERTRUDE DATE OF BIRTH: 07/27/1888 PLACE OF BIRTH: OSPREY SEX: F REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1888,001927 MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: DAWSON Given Names: ANN JANE In Ben and Margaret's family, I see that Dolly May Everall and Anna J. Everall and Anne May Everall are all the same person (married James Russel Smith). I was questioning whether Kathleen Everall exists, (I can't find her anywhere else) but my informant was Jean Victoria Watson who also lived in Dauphin and knew the family well. In the 1960s the Everall family lived in Fort William (now part of Thunder Bay, ON.) If anyone can shed light on the Robert Watson who married Margaret Everall, I would really appreciate it. Bill ____________________________________________

Feb 2, 2005 Coulters and Buchanans I found this posting that provides information on the William Cook Coulter family of Neepawa. http://boards.ancestry.com/mbexec/message/an/localities.northam.canada.manitoba.general/251.2 52.253.1512.1685

Note that the second one clarifies the fact that the name of Roy Buchan is indeed "Buchan" and not "Buchanan". Author: Bette Kosmolak Date: 14 Oct 2000 12:00 PM GMT Surnames: Coulter, Buchanan, Stinson, McCauley, McFadyen, Clyde, Urquart, Buchan, Munstein, Hamilton Classification: Query In Reply to: Buchans & Govenlocks by: Nancy Brandli From Neepawa Land of Plenty 1883-1893: The Coulters My father William C. Coulter and mother Isabella Stinson were both born in Ireland seventy five miles from Belfast near Armagh in the county Tyrone. My parents never met in Ireland but they both had relatives in the United States and it was there they met in Philadelphia while visiting their relatives. Our parents were married in 1888 [s/b 1878?]. Some years after their marriage our parents decided they wanted to come to Canada. William and Isabella along with Annie the oldest of our family came to Neepawa along with our grandparents. Cold weather and little money made conditions most unbearable but our folks decided if other settlers could survive the hardships they could do likewise. When our family arrived in Winnipeg it was a city of tents. Upon coming to Neepawa our parents settled on Sec. 21-15-15 in the municipality of Rosedale. This farm was where the rest of our family was born. I had 3 sisters and 4 brothers. Our education was obtained at Mountain View school. Our father was a plasterer by trade and he was able to secure work in the small towns plastering the houses that grew like mushrooms. We had a good bringing up and were all happy and healthy. Annie married R.G. Buchanan [son of Samuel and Mary], Rob married Cassie McCauley, Jean married Jack McFadyen. Flossie married Roy Clyde. Ed married Lucie Buchanan [daughter of Robert M. "Big Bob" Buchanan]. Fred married Belle Urquart. Lu married Roy Buchan and Carl married Evalena Munstein. The Coulter clan were all deceased except, Lu, Rob's second wife Ruby Hamilton, Fred's wife Belle and Carl's wife Evalena. Our families are widely scattered over Western Canada and the United States (contributed by Lu Buchan, Winnipeg, Manitoba). Buchans & Govenlocks Author: Nancy Brandli Date: 19 Aug 2000 12:00 PM GMT Surnames: Buchans, Newton Classification: Query In Reply to: Surnames by: Karen Buchanan I am searching for members of family of Charles Harris Buchan (6/26/1854-21/31/1909, buried in Henderson, NC, USA)and Elizabeth Olive Newton (5/26/1860-5/8/1931)buried in Neepawa,Manitoba, Canada. They were married 10/4/1882, unknown. She was raised by John Govenlock died 3/4/1881 and Agnes Maria Patterson died 12/1/1890. Charles & Elizabeth had the following children, most of whom family legend has that they lived in Manitoba. John Thomas Buchan b 7 5 1883 m Gertrude Susan Best 12 12 1906 Agnes Buchan abt 1885, died in Alabama 1935 Janet Ellen b 9 3 1887, m Elmer Brandli in Warroad, Mn 6 17 1909, died 3 8 1951 Mary Ann b 2 4 1890, m 12 1920 to Frank Len Davis William C b 2 3 1892, m 10 1 1915 to Grace Baggut, died 1944 Elizabeth Olive b 4 11 1894 m 12 6 1916 to Thomas K Johnstone Robert Roy b 5 11 1896, m 8 2 1922 to Lula Coulter & d 1854 [1954?] Maplet Newton (a twin?)b 9 6 1899, m 8 15 1925 Lawson Scott Henry Tucker b 4 16 1903, m 3 2 1936 Violette Hutchinson can't find any of these people!!!!!!!

[Bill Buchanan] ____________________________________________ Feb 7, 2005 Fw: 1904 data FYI ----- Original Message ----From: "Payette, Doreen (CCA)" To: Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 8:38 AM Subject: FW: 1904 data Unfortunately we are experiencing technical problems. Hopefully it won't be too long before the database is updated. The changes are not made in this office. The work is contracted to the Government wide computer services therefore we have to wait our turn. Doreen Payette Customer Service Representative/Service à la clientèle Vital Statistics Agency/Bureau de l'état civil Check our Web site http://web2.gov.mb.ca/cca/ Visitez notre site Web http://web2.gov.mb.ca/cca/vital/index.fr.html -----Original Message----Subject: FW: 1904 data -----Original Message----From: Barry Snider [mailto:barrysnider@...] Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 2:49 AM To: vitalstats@... Subject: 1904 data Can you tell me when the 1904 birth data will be added to the database? Thanks. ____________________________________________

Feb 9, 2005 Family of Samuel McCauley and Jane Buchanan This is among the descendants of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth that are in Washington State. This information is from Rob McCauley, a graduate student at Washington State U.

Bill Buchanan Attachment(not stored) Samuel McCauley and Jane Buchanan.ged

____________________________________________ Feb 14, 2005 Thomas McCauley family Hi Rob, I found a great write-up and photo of the family of William "Tom" McCauley's family http://www.rockisland.com/~lopezmuseum/homes/mccauley.html William "Tom" McCauley home Like so many early island families, the Scots-Irish McCauleys arrived in the US via Ontario, Canada. They came to Lopez at the invitation of Jim [James A. Buchanan, son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth] Buchanan, a relative who had moved here after his claim in the California gold fields played out. Sam and Jane Buchanan McCauley and six of their seven sons moved first to Friday Harbor. The boys, however, didn't like it, so they moved over to Lopez, where Tom met and married Ellie McNallie. Tom and Ellie moved on to the farm and took up residence in an existing log house. They raised a variety of crops, including hay, oats, wheat, barley, peas, pigs and cows. Some were for family and local consumption, and some were exported down-Sound on the steamer fleet. etc. Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________ Feb 14, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Thomas McCauley family Edward and Beatrice McCauley are also in the family lists. Harry Towell Home Harry Towell was an Englishman who emigrated to the United States in 1882. He settled in Minnesota, married May Stevens, and began farming around Madison Lake. In 1898, the Towells and some 40 other neighbors and friends hired a Northern Pacific sleeper car and set out for Washington State. The Towells homesteaded 80 acres in "Center Valley". The farm produced hay, grain, and dairy cattle. When telephone service was introduced to the island, the Towell place hosted the longdistance switchboard. (The "local" switchboard was located near the Kring farm at the intersection of Kjargaard and Richardson roads.) May and Harry Towell

Not much more is known about the Towells. Exactly when or why the they left the island in uncertain. They apparently sold out to E. A. Leithead, who auctioned off most of the animals and machinery in the 1920s, "on account of help leaving." The farm was subsequently sold to Eddie and Beatrice McCauley, who worked it until the late 1940s, when Eddie left the island. Beatrice and her son, Garner, continued to farm the place until the late 1960s. It was subsequently sold to Bill Riker, who used it as a rental. Ron and Sheila Metcalf bought it in 1989. The house was slightly remodeled in the early 1990s. Restoration of the outbuildings is ongoing. [Barry Snider] ____________________________________________ Feb 14, 2005 Tom McCauley Tom McCauley is also mentioned here. http://www.rockisland.com/~lopezmuseum/homes/cousins.html

Bill ____________________________________________

Feb 14, 2005 More on the Washington Buchanans I found the obits William Andrew Buchanan (son of Andrew and Mary Jane Booth Buchanan) and also his brother James A. and James A's sons Edwin "Edward" and Edwin's wife Mildred, and Corrine "Norman" at this site. Also a bunch of other Buchanans who may be related to them, but that I can't connect. http://www.rootsweb.com/~wawhatco/wgs/deathsbu.htm

Bill ____________________________________________ Feb 15, 2005 Buchanans in William Graham Family History If you do a search on the name Buchanan, you will find the families of Cora Ellen (Carroll) Buchanan and of Mary Jane Buchanan, and genealogies of their husbands. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/8143/genealogy/graham.txt Again, these are Andrew and Mary Jane's descendants in Washington.

Bill ____________________________________________

Feb 15, 2005 Buchanans in the Hodgson Family History I came across this one again. It includes the family of James A. Buchanan whose second wife was Jennie Annie Hodgson, so there are various connections to Andrew and Mary Jane Buchanan's family. I had gone through this once before, but still found a few things. An excellent source. You might even want to save a copy of this file. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/8143/genealogy/hodgson.txt

Bill ____________________________________________ Feb 15, 2005 obit of Mary Margaret Buchanan Sahlin [granddaughter of William Buchanan and Margaret Ann Morrison, so g-g-daughter of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth] http://www.westfordfuneralhome.com/obituary_info.asp?ObituaryID=61 Birthplace: San Jaun Island, WA USA Last Resided in: Bellevue, WA USA Obituary Mary Margaret (Buchanan) Sahlin, age 90 of Bellevue, WA, passed away June 11, 2002. She was born Oct. 5, 1911 on San Juan Island to William and Annie (Madden) Buchanan. She was a graduate of Friday Harbor High School and married Carl V. Sahlin June 15, 1930. She was a member of Chapter A.P. of P.E.O, a lifetime member of the Bellingham Yacht Club (First Mates) and The Aftermath Club. She enjoyed her family, fishing and boating with her husband. Preceded in death by her husband Carl. She is survived by her son C. Roger Sahlin and wife GerryAnne of Bow, WA; daughter Karen and husband William Buchan of Medina, WA; seven grandchildren, Heather Ann Sahlin, Carl Roger “Skip” Sahlin Jr. and wife Linda, Sigrid Ann Sahlin, Christopher Lane Sahlin, Carl Buchan and wife Carol, Mara Bohman and husband Brian, Jennifer Ledbetter and husband Brian; and six great-grandchildren. Marg was her husband Carl’s beautiful companion during their many years together and was admired by all for her beauty and grace. Memorials may be made to the Alzheimer’s Society of WA or a favorite charity.

[Bill Buchanan]


Feb 15, 2005 Lopez Island Buchanans

All of the great info Bill has found on the Lopez Island branch of the Buchanans inspired me to go through my files and see what I had on them. Most of what I have came from Linda Joy Graham (who married Kenneth Rose) and last I heard she lives on Lopez Island. I unfortunately do not have a working scanner and can't scan info in, but I will pull out the relevant info. Note I do not always present the info in the same order as it appears on the certificate or document, but rather I group relevant info together (e.g., birth date and place). 1) A copy of birth certificate for a male child (son of James A. Buchanan and Jennie Hodgson). James A. was married a total of 3 times, Jennie Hodgson was his second wife. The child is unnamed, but was obviously one of the boys (Carl, Clifford, Robert, or Everett). NOTE: The certificate was later certified to be the birth certificate of Cora Ellen Buchahan, but that was clearly a mistake. Cora was a female born 16 AUG 1899. The certificate states: male child was born 10 APR 1907 in Richardson, WA. This was the 7th child Jennie had. Jennie was 27 at the time of birth, James A. was 53. James A. was a farmer born in Elma, Canada. The birth was recorded in San Juan Co., WA on 10 ARP 1907 2) A copy of a death certificate for Jennie Ann (Buchanan) Stanley. Jennie Hodgson and James A. Buchanan divorced. Apparently she remarred a man named Stanley. Her daughter Cora Ellen was often referred to as Carrol (who married a Legg). The certificate states: Jennie Anne (Buchanan) Stanley died Seattle, King Co., WA and had resided there for 23 years. Death was 3 DEC 1953, at 11:50 PM. She was female, white, widowed, b 12 AUG 1879 Ann Arbor, MI. Age at last birthday was 74. Usual occupation was a cook, retired 1948. Her mothers maiden name was Elizabeth Bates.The informant was her daughter Carrol Legg. Cause of death was listed as a) cerebral hemorrage that had onset of 5 days b) essential hypertension for 20 years. She was buried 7 DEC 1953 at Evergreen Cemetery, Seattle, King Co., WA. Funeral home was Columbia Funeral Home. 3) Death certificate for James A. Buchanan. James was the son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth, grandson of Andrew Buchanan and Jane Long (Young or McNeilands). His 3rd and final wife was Nellie Barlow. NOTE: The DOB appears to be March 1st 1851 (hard to make out), which is a bit different that what I have (15 MAR 1851). The certificate states: He died 16 JAN 1935, Lopez, San Juan County, WA where he resided for 50 years. He was male, white, married to Nellie L. Buchanan. He was born Mar 1st, 1851, Donegal, Canada. He died at age 83, 10 months, 11 days. He was a farmer, last working as a farmer 6 years, 3 months ago. Father's name Andrew Buchanan, b Ireland, mother's name Mary Jane Booth, b Ireland. Informant was Nellie L. Buchanan. Undertake ws Harry E. King (last name not real clear) of Friday Harbor. He died of advancedd age, and brights Disease and general weakness. No suspicious circumstances. Had been slowly dying for months. No autopsy was performed. 4) 1900 census. Lopez Presinct No. 2, San Juan Co., WA. This seems to show James A.'s first wife (Mamie Shewin) was born in California, wife #2 Jennie in Canada. The family jumped around a lot it seems, one child being born in CA, another in UT, and others in WA. I know this will look confusing, so I put in order of appearance the column title in all CAPS. Each new person I started with an asterick (*) to make it more salient when the next person starts. -- means it was blank.

NAME, RELATION, SEX, BIRTH MO & YR, AGE, MAR STAT, YRS MAR, MOTHER OF HOW MANY CHILDREN, HOW MANY LIVING, PLACE OF BIRTH, POB FATHER, POB MOTHER, YR OF IMMIGRATION, # YRS IN U.S., NATURALIZED, OCCUPATION, READ, WRITE, SPEAK ENGLISH *Buchanan, James A (appears to be Andrew), head, M, MAR 18??, 45, M, 5, --, --, Canada, Ireland, Scotland, 1884, 18, Na, farmer, yes, yes, yes *Buchanan, Jennie, wife, F, AUG 1878, 21, M, 5, 3, 2, Canada, Canada, Canada, 1888, 12, --, yes, yes yes *Buchanan, Charly, son, M, JUN 1874, 26(?), S, --,--,--, California, Canada, California, --, --, --, at school, yes, yes, yes *Buchanan, James Hamilton, son, NOV (?) 1883, 16, S, --,--,--, Utah, Canada, California, --, --, -, at school, yes, yes, yes *Buchanan, Eddie, son, MAY 1887, 12, S, --,--,--, Washington, Canada, California, --, --, --, at school, yes, yes, yes *Buchanan, Corrine Andrew, son, JAN 1897, 3, S, --,--,--, Washington, Canada, Canada, --, --, --, --, yes, yes, yes *Buchanan, Cora Ellen, dau, AUG 1899, 9/12, S, --,--,--, Washington, Canada, Canada, --, --, --, -, yes, yes, yes I still have more, but am tired of typing. MORE TO FOLLOW.... Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________ Feb 15, 2005 more Lopez Island Buchanan info 5) Obituary of Gordon Buchanan. This is WIlfred Gordon Buchanan, son of Andrew Buchanan and Minnie Coxon. This was a copy of a clipping, the date and newpaper it appeared in was not on the copy I received. It reads: "Gordon Buchanan, one of San Juan Island's most renowned old-timers, passed away Jan 9, 1995 at the home of his son Frank, no far from the far in San Juan Valley where he lived for nearly 50 years. He had be visiting with his granddaughter and his great-grandsons, and was just waiting to "catch a ride," as he used to say, when he succumbed to a heart attack. Born July 21, 1904, Elma Township, Ontario, he celbrated his 90th birthday last July with his 92-year old couisn, Edna Hamphill Nash, and a huge crowd. Gordon was preceded in death by his five sisters, his wife Lorena, and his daughter Judy. He is survived by his son Frank Gordon Buchanan of Friday Harbor; his grandchildren Julie Buchanan Johnson, Wenatchee; Frank Ashley Buchanan, Burlington; Susan Buchanan Risenhoover, Camano Island; six great-grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews and relatives scattered throughout the islands, Washington and Canada. Gordon and his family came to San Juan Isalnds in 1916 to join their McCauley relatives on Lopez Island. IN 1919 they moved to San Juan Island where another branch of the family--the Hemphills--had settled. He was married to Evelyn Bailer for nearly ten years, their son Frank born in 1940 and daughter, Judy, in 1944. He and Lorena Boyce Roberts were married in 1951, with Ernie and Minnie Sundstrom standing up for them.

Gordon lived in a small house on the corner of Linder Street in Friday Harbor where for 30 years he played host to a steady stream of visitors. A memorial Service will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday at the Presbyterian Chruch, Friday Harbor, followed by a potluck reception at the church." 6) Death certificate of Carroll Ellen Legg (Cora Ellen Buchanan). Died 15 JUL 1966, Seattle, King Co., WA, age 66 years. Resided there 30 years. Female, white, married. Date of birth 16 AUG 1899, Lopez Island, Washington. Usual occupation was a cook in a restaurant. Father's name James Buchanan. Mother's name Jennie Hodgson. Social Security Number 532-05-9619. Information Robert Legg. Cause of Death a) myocardial infarction, immediate onset b) arteriosclerotic heart disease, years. Significant condition that contributed to death: hypertnesion. No autopsy performed. Buried Evergreen Cemetery, Seattle, WA. 7) Death certificate of Clifford I. Graham. He was the son of Cora Ellen Buchanan and Lyle Graham. After his parents divorced, they stayed with their father. After his death, Clifford and his sister were put in an orphanage. His sister was adopted out to a good family and the family moved to FL. Clifford stayed in the orphanage until age 18. Date of death 2 JUN 1971, Seattle, King Co., WA, at age 54. Born 4 AUG 1916. Married to Hazel Nielson. Social Security Number: 532-22-9823. Usual occupation: Truck driver. Resided at 10027 3rd Ave. S.W., Seattle, WA. Father Lyle Graham. Mother Carol Buchanan. Informant was Mrs. Hazel Graham (wife). Cause of death: a) Hepatic failure b) cirrhosis of liver c) alcoholism by history. Buried Evergreen Cemetery, Seattle, WA. 8) Certificate of birth for Clifford Ivan Graham. He was the son of Cora Ellen Buchanan and Lyle Graham. b 4 AUG 1916, Everson, Whatcom Co., WA. Male child, birst born, legitimate birth. Father Lyall Graham, Lopez Island, age 24, farmer. Mother Cora Buchanan, Lopez Island, age 18, housewife. Number of children this mother: 1, number of children this mother now living: 1. STILL MORE TO COME..... Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________

Feb 15, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Lopez Island Buchanans Thanks, Patty. I have a few things to add, shown in blue below. [IN SQUARE BRACKETS] 1) A copy of birth certificate for a male child (son of James A. Buchanan and Jennie Hodgson). James A. was married a total of 3 times, Jennie Hodgson was his second wife. The child is unnamed, but was obviously one of the boys (Carl, Clifford, Robert, or Everett). NOTE: The certificate was later certified to be the birth certificate of Cora Ellen Buchahan, but that was clearly a mistake. Cora was a female born 16 AUG 1899.

The certificate states: male child was born 10 APR 1907 in Richardson, WA. This was the 7th child Jennie had. Jennie was 27 at the time of birth, James A. was 53. James A. was a farmer born in Elma, Canada. The birth was recorded in San Juan Co., WA on 10 ARP 1907 [I show Clifford as her 6th child, but born on that date. Maybe I am missing a child. ***** 156 ***** Clifford C. BUCHANAN, son of James Alexander BUCHANAN and Jennie Annie HODGSON, was born 10 Apr 1907 in Lopez Island, San Juan County, Washington, died 28 Oct 1937 in Kodiak, Alaska. Married about 1932 to Phoebe LARSON born about 1910 in Washington(?). http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/8143/genealogy/hodgson.txt] 2) A copy of a death certificate for Jennie Ann (Buchanan) Stanley. Jennie Hodgson and James A. Buchanan divorced. Apparently she remarred a man named Stanley. Her daughter Cora Ellen was often referred to as Carrol (who married a Legg). The certificate states: Jennie Anne (Buchanan) Stanley died Seattle, King Co., WA and had resided there for 23 years. Death was 3 DEC 1953, at 11:50 PM. She was female, white, widowed, b 12 AUG 1879 Ann Arbor, MI. Age at last birthday was 74. Usual occupation was a cook, retired 1948. Her mothers maiden name was Elizabeth Bates.The informant was her daughter Carrol Legg. Cause of death was listed as a) cerebral hemorrage that had onset of 5 days b) essential hypertension for 20 years. She was buried 7 DEC 1953 at Evergreen Cemetery, Seattle, King Co., WA. Funeral home was Columbia Funeral Home. 3) Death certificate for James A. Buchanan. James was the son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth, grandson of Andrew Buchanan and Jane Long (Young or McNeilands). His 3rd and final wife was Nellie Barlow. NOTE: The DOB appears to be March 1st 1851 (hard to make out), which is a bit different that what I have (15 MAR 1851). The certificate states: He died 16 JAN 1935, Lopez, San Juan County, WA where he resided for 50 years. He was male, white, married to Nellie L. Buchanan. He was born Mar 1st, 1851, Donegal, Canada. He died at age 83, 10 months, 11 days. He was a farmer, last working as a farmer 6 years, 3 months ago. Father's name Andrew Buchanan, b Ireland, mother's name Mary Jane Booth, b Ireland. Informant was Nellie L. Buchanan. Undertake ws Harry E. King (last name not real clear) of Friday Harbor. He died of advancedd age, and brights Disease and general weakness. No suspicious circumstances. Had been slowly dying for months. No autopsy was performed. [Other censuses I have found him in: 1880 United States Census [with his first wife Mary Elizabeth Shewan who died 2 Jul 1892] Most of the Shewan information I have comes from Susan (Buchanan) Nichol and the censuses. Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace James BUCHANAN Self M Male W 26 CAN Millhand IRE IRE Mary E. BUCHANAN Wife M Female W 24 PA Keeping House ENG ENG Will BUCHANAN Son S Male W 2 CAN CAN PA BUCHANAN Dau S Female W 1M CA CAN PA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Census Place Bodie, Mono, California Family History Library Film 1254069 NA Film Number T9-0069 Page Number 107B 1920 census of Washington, County of San Juan, District #2, Friday Harbor 8 Jan 1920 James A., son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth [divorced from Jennie Annie Hodgson]

Surname Name Role Sex Age Buchanan James A. head M 68 Buchanan Charles son M 38 Buchanan May A… d-in-law F 28 Buchanan Charles E. g-son M 7 Buchanan M.? D. g-son M 3/12

Marital status Birthplace Father Mother D ______ Ireland Scotland M Nevada Canada Pennsylvania M Washington California Sweden S Washington California Washington S Washington California Washington

1930 census of Washington, San Juan, Lopez Precinct No. 1 James A., son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth [married to Nellie Lane Barlow, 28 years younger than him] Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Occupation Buchanan James A. head M 78 21 Canada Ireland Ireland farmer Buchanan Nellie wife F 50 30 Oregon Kentucky Missouri Barber Ellen m-in-law F 78 17 Missouri Indiana Indiana [should be Barlow, not Barber] James was a gold miner in California and came to Washington after his claim failed, according to the McCauley info that I sent yesterday. Of course, back in the 1800's the term "Upper California" sometimes also referred to Utah and Nevada, and other parts of the former Mexican territory. James seems to have been the first of Andrew's family to come west, but eventually all the others except for Big Sam and Charles came to Washington state.]

Bill ____________________________________________

Feb 15, 2005 Obit of Charles Hemphill http://www.soundpublishing.com/sites/sanjuanjournal/archives/0124/lookback/ The Journal of the San Juan Islands 90 Years Ago June 15, 1911 Former island man summoned by death The sudden passing of Charles Hemphill, near Ferndale, Whatcom County, Friday morning of last week, came as a shock to Friday Harbor relatives and friends. The body was brought to Friday Harbor by H. E. King where the funeral services were held June 11, in the Presbyterian Church, at 1 p.m., with Rev. Robert Postma reading the service. Mr. Cecil Carter sang, "The Old Rugged Cross," and "In the Garden," accompanied by Mrs. E. A. Geneste at the organ. Charles Hemphill was born Aug. 27, 1892 in Ontario, Canada, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. [Margaret Buchanan]Hemphill. He came to San Juan with his parents in 1905, where he grew to manhood. He was a veteran of World War I, serving with the 346 F.A., 91st Division, from 1917-19, with overseas duty in France.

He leaves to mourn his passing two sisters, Mrs. J. K. McKenzie and Mrs. John K. Nash, of Friday Harbor; five brothers, Tom, residing in Listowel, Canada; Melville and Wallace of Bremerton, and Sam and Bruce of Friday Harbor.



Feb 15, 2005 More Hemphill stuff www.rootsweb.com/~waskagit/ww1sanjuan.html [temporarily not available, so I used Google's cached copy.] Charles D. Hemphill, Picture 4 Private, 346th F. A.; born in Ontario Can., 1892; son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hemphill, Friday Harbor WA; entered service at Yakima WA, 21 Sep 1917; mustered out 7 Feb 1919. James W. Hemphill, Picture 3 Electrician, 1st Class, U.S.S. Cincinnati and U.S.S. Cheyenne; born in Ontario Can., 12 Nov 1894; son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hemphill, Friday Harbor WA; entered service at Seattle WA, 1 Nov 1917; discharged in Philadelphia PA, 30 Oct 1919. Melville B. Hemphill, Picture 5 Fireman, 1st Class, U.S.N. born in Ontario Can., 12 Nov 1894; son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hemphill, Friday Harbor WA; entered service at Seattle WA, 19 Nov 1917; transferred from U.S.S. Kearsarge to U.S.S. Western Light, to U.S.S. Plattsburg; discharged at Bremerton WA, 17 Oct 1919 [That's his brother James' birthdate. I have his as 25 Aug 1896.]

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Feb 15, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Lopez Island Buchanans Bill, I also show Clifford as the 6th child. Perhaps there was a stillborn or a child that died very young that missed census etc. Or perhaps Jennie even had a child (non Buchanan) before she married James? Just some possibilities. Thanks for the additional census data.


____________________________________________ Feb 16, 2005 San Juan Islander supplement - Friday Harbor, Washington, 1901 I just received a scanned image of this page from Rob McCauley, which I have converted to text. Charles Hodgson was Jennie's uncle, and was the father of Norman Peter Hodgson. A much more interesting writeup on Norman can be found in the Hodgson history. J.A. Buchanan was James, the son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth. J.T. Wright was a business partner of James.

Bill [Charles Hodgson] He is at present the school director in this district. We married Miss Mary Wilson of Canada in 1873 and has a family of five children that now living. He is one of the esteemed residents of this country. His ranch now embraces 484 acres of the best kind of farming land and he raises hay, grain and country produce and has a drove of 300 fine sheep and his name is closely allied with the growth of this place and all efforts to promote the growth and prosperity of Lopez Island and San Juan County receives his hearty support. N. P. [Norman Peter] Hodgson [a first cousin to Jennie] Dealer in General Merchandise The progress of the various parts of this country is evident by the trading posts located therein. A mercantile establishment than which there is no more comprehensive in this county is that operated by Mr. N P Hodgson at Richardson. Here is carried a large and well assorted stock of dry goods and notions, boots and shoes, ladies and gents furnishings, tinware, glassware, all kinds of domestic articles of household utility, fancy and staple groceries, provisions, flour, food, fruit, candies, tobacco, cigars, etc. And all goods of a general nature. Especial attention is paid to catering to the wants of the people living in the vicinity. The highest prices are paid for wool, butter, eggs, country produce and fruit. Mr. Hobson established himself here in 1899. He is a native Canada and came to United States in 1869. He first located in Iowa and came to Lopez Island 23 years ago. The married Miss Charlotte Schmaling of San Francisco in 1894, and has a family of two children. His long residence in this vicinity has gained for Mr. Hodgson a host of friends which accounts in a measure for his marked success. J.A. Buchanan Another resident of the Island Center Valley is Mr. J. A. Buchanan who lives near and Mr. Towell and who is recognized as a leading rancher in this island. He is not only engaged in farming, but also keeps some very finest stallions renowned for superior excellence, and in partnership with Mr. J T Wright operates a steam traction engine and thresher. His ranch embraces 160 acres of most excellent land of which 55 aces are under a high state of cultivation. He raises hay, grain and all kinds of country produce. We present a view of one of his hayfields. [the picture is very poor quality] In his barn he keeps some of the finest pedigreed horses in the northwest. "Captain" is a 4 year old Clyde. "Dipple" a magnificent Clyde stallion, and "Pride" a two-year old Belgian. All of these horses are full-blooded and have reputations throughout this

entire district as first-class colt-getters and superior stock. In his threshing business he has built up a large range of business and travels to all the larger islands of this county. Mr. Wright owns and operates a thresher which is a G I Case improved separator and can be used in threshing wheat, oats, peas, flax and all kinds of grain, while Mr. Buchanan owns and operates the steam traction engine a 10-horse power Massilin traction engine. We present a view of the outfit at work threshing peas at the home of Chris Johnson. [the picture is very poor quality] Mr. Buchanan is a native of Canada and came to this country in 1867, where he located in California. Seventeen years ago he came to Lopez Island. He was first married in 1875 to Miss Mary Shewan of Nevada, who died in 1883. [1892] His present wife was Miss Jennie Hudson [Hodgson] of Canada, whom he married in 1885. [1895] He has a family of six children, three [still living] by his first wife and three by his second. His address is Richardson J. T. Wright The subject of this article is a native of Canada and came to this country twenty years ago. He has lived in San Juan County for the past 10 years and on this island at seven years. He engages in logging and teaming and owns the only steam thresher on this island in partnership with Mr. James Buchanan. ____________________________________________

Feb 17, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] San Juan Islander supplement - Friday Harbor, Washington, 1901 Hi Barry, Oops! I missed the death date of Charles Hodgson. I didn't enter him in my database. The first article (with the first part missing) must refer to William Graham. That would also explain the large discrepancy in the year he married Mary Wilson. The Hodson history says "BIOGRAPHY: Norman Peter HODGSON was born September 28, 1867 in Shelburne, Dufferin County, Ontario, son of Charles HODGSON and Mary WILSON. His father died when he was one years old, and at the age of 2 he moved with his mother to Estherville, Emmett County, Iowa. There, in 1872 his mother married William GRAHAM. At the age of 10 years, in March 1877 his family left Iowa, and moved to Lopez Island, San Juan County, Washington, arriving there about June 10, 1877." Bill ----- Original Message ----From: Barry Snider To: Bill Buchanan Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 12:29 AM Subject: Re: [andrew-buchanan] San Juan Islander supplement - Friday Harbor, Washington, 1901 Thanks Bill. There were a few inaccuracies in the article that you didn't correct. See items in red.

Miss Mary Shewan of Nevada [of Pennsylvania], who died in 1883. [1892] His present wife was Miss Jennie Hudson [Hodgson] of Canada [of Michigan], whom he married in 1885. [1895] He has a family of six children, three [still living] by his first wife and three by his second. His address is Richardson Charles Hodgson] [Didn't Charles die in 1868 in Ontario? And there were only two children. Mary remarried to William Graham in 1872, and had five more children.] He is at present the school director in this district. We married Miss Mary Wilson of Canada in 1873 [1864] ____________________________________________ Feb 18, 2005 Family of Isaac Hodges and Mary Buchanan I spent a productive 2 hours yesterday on Ancestry.com at the Edmonton Bonnie Doon Family History Centre. Mary was the daughter of Andrew and Mary Jane Booth Buchanan. I counted them in with the Washington Buchanans, but they actually lived in California. I can't find them in the 1880-1881 census online for Canada and USA. The 1890 US census was lost in a fire. Mary's brother William's obit places them in Turlock, California in 1928 but refers to Isaac as L.A. Hodges, apparently a misprint for I. A. Hodges. 1900 census Fresno Ward 2 Fresno, California, USA Surname Name Role Sex Birth Age Marr. BirthPl. Father's Mother's Occupation Hodges Isaac Ltle? head M May 1856 44 M22 Canada England England Mining Engineer Hodges Mary E. wife F Mar 1959 40 M22 Canada Scotland Scotland Hodges George A. son M Oct 1880 19 S California Canada Canada At school Hodges Della M. dau F Feb 1882 17 S California Canada Canada Book keeper Hodges Corrinne son M Jan 1891 9 S California Canada Canada At school [Mary Buchanan's parents' birthplace should be Ireland, not Scotland] 1920 census of Turlock, Stanislaus, California, USA Hodges Isaac A. head M 67 M Nov 1876 Nov 1880 England England England Hodges Mary E. wife F 59 M Nov 1876 Nov 1880 Canada Ireland Ireland Rice Cora B. dau F 38 W California England Canada Hodges George A. son M 37 S California England Canada Hodges Corrinne son M 28 S California England Canada Hodges Virgil gr.son M 21 S California California California [Isaac Hodges now says he was born in England. Who are Virgil's parents? I show a Virgil Gibbs, son of Cora and a Mr. Gibbs. I assume it is the same person.] 1930 census of Turlock, Stanislaus, California, USA Hodges George A. head M 49 S Hodges Mary E. mother F 72 W

California England Canada N. Ireland

Canada N. Ireland

[Isaac's birthplace is again given as England. Another Hodges family in Turlock in 1930 seems unrelated.]

(Susan, this is the George A. Hodges whose photo you sent me. Have you been getting the postings to the Andrew-Buchanan list regarding our recent findings on the descendants of Andrew and Mary Jane Booth Buchanan?)

Bill ____________________________________________

Feb 20, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] More on the Washington Buchanans You are right!! That is who I meant. "BUCHANAN, William A., age 78, Friday Harbor, passed away in a local hospital Tuesday, Dec. 4, (1962). Mr. Buchanan was a 57-year resident of Friday Harbor, and was a retired farmer. Survivors are his widow, Annie, at home; two daughters, Mrs. Carl V. Sahlin, city, Mrs. Victor Herdt, Mount Vernon; four grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; one brother, Sam Buchanan, city, and one sister, Mrs. Ben Aldrich of Port Townsend. Rosary will be recited at the Chapman Funeral Home in Friday Harbor on Friday, Dec. 7, at 7:30 p. m. Services will be conducted at the Catholic Church by Rev. Eugene Healy, S. J., Saturday, Dec. 8, at 12:45, followed by burial in St. Francis Catholic Cemetery."

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: Donna Phillips To: buchanan@... Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2005 10:47 PM Subject: RE: [andrew-buchanan] More on the Washington Buchanans Bill….below you say that William Andrew Buchanan is the son of Andrew & Mary Jane Booth Buchanan. I have him listed as their GRANDSON, son of William Buchanan and Margaret Morrison??

Donna ____________________________________________

Feb 21, 2005 McNeelands/Watson connections Cousins,

I found a woman looking for info on Watsons and McNeelands in Elma twp. The details were a bit sketchy, but I have written her for more information. But it has gotten me thinking. There has been some question as to Andrew Buchanan's wifes name over the years. Some insist Long, some McNeilands, and even Young. I have never made up my mind on which one I think it is, because I have just never found enough data one way or the other. But, it seems that there was a McNeeland family from Ireland that migrated in 1848 to Elma. That may strictly be a coincidence, but if Jane was McNeilands, then perhaps part of her family came to Elma as well. I find some McNeelands listed in the Elmanac, but have never researched them in census etc. Has anyone ever researched the McNeilands in Elma? If you have, what did you find? I do not have the Watson the woman is searching for in my database, but they were in Elma and of Scottish origin (I know there was a Watson family of Irish origin that shows up too, but she seems certain that they were Scots). In any event, she shows a William Henry Watson, bc 1856, Ontario, who married a Catherine McNeelands (b 1858, Ontario). They had several children, but the only one she shows is Samuel J. Watson, b 18 NOV 1882. Does anyone have WIlliam Henry or Samuel J. in their database? The McNeeland and Watson families migrated (not sure when) to Shell River, MB. I am not sure where that is. Does anyone know? Close to Neepawa/Riding Mountain? Based on the known marriages and children of James Watson and Elizabeth Linnen that would have been having children in the 1850's seem to be James (m Jane Buchanan) and Robert. I have no descendant information on Robert (bc 1827). But I show he died in 1854.Does anyone else have anything to add about Robert. I do not show James Watson and Jane Buchanan having any children that would match with William Henry. Anyone have any ideas? I will post more on the McNeelands/Watsons as I get it in from the woman. Patty Hopkinson 5. Catherine McNeelands, b. Abt 1858 ON + Wiliam Henry WATSON, b. Abt 1856 ON 5a) Samuel J. Watson, b. 18 Nov 1882 ON (but where?), d. 1909 MB 5B) other children born in MB ____________________________________________

Feb 21, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] McNeelands/Watson connections Hi Patty, Have you added my great grandfather George Watson's family to your copy of the family tree yet? (I recently came across someone quoting you as their source who left George out of the family.) Besides a mountain of family tradition, I have proven that in the 1851 census George is a member of the family. And I have other supporting evidence such as the 1861 census (George and his brother William living on the same farm as their widowed father James Watson sr.). So, please confirm for me that George Watson is a member of the family in your current database. (I kind of feel a need to stick up for the old fellow.) Anyhow, back to the subject of McNeilands ...

I have the 1861 census of Elma, with this group of 3 families next door to each other. In the John Buchanan familiy the names of Isabella and Elizabeth are reversed. In the David Watson family, Jane's given name is also given as her family name, which is also an error. Here we see Catherine McNeilands as a baby. McNeelands James Labourer Ireland Ang 32 Married Male McNeelands Margaret " " 30 Married Female McNeelands Jane " " 12 S F McNeelands William Ontario " 9 S M McNeelands James " " 6 S M McNeelands Elizabeth " " 4 S M McNeelands Catherine " " 1 S F Buchanan John L 30 C 8 Farmer Ireland Pres 28 Married Male Buchanan Elizabeth Ontario " 25 Married Female Buchanan Isabella " " 4 S F Buchanan Jane " " 2 S F Watson David L 28 C 8 Farmer Ontario Pres 28 Married Male Jane Jane " " 20 Married Female And who lives next door on the other side of David and Jane Watson? Three families of Longs! In 1871 census of Elma the McNeiland family has moved to a different farm, where they don't have Buchanan & Watsons next door, but this time their next door neighbors are English relatives of my mother by some bizarre coincidence. McNeiland James L12 C11 Farmer Ire Irish Ang 30 Married Male McNeiland Margaret " " " 30 Married Female McNeiland William Ont " " 18 S M McNeiland James " " " 14 S M McNeiland Eliz. " " " 12 S F McNeiland Catherine " " " 9 S F McNeiland Mary " " " 7 S F 1881 census of Elma McNeland James Male 50 Ireland Anglican Irish Labourer Married McNeland Margaret Female 50 " " " Married McNeland William M 28 Ontario " " Not given S McNeland James M 24 " " " S McNeland Elizabeth F 21 " " " S McNeland Catherine F 19 " " " S McNeland Mary F 17 " " " S 1891 census of Elma - By now Catherine is gone from her parents' home and her brother William is married. McNeelands Wm. Male 36 Married Head Ont Ont Ont Ang Labourer McNeelands Grace Female 28 Married Wife " " " " McNeelands Wm. James M 3 S Son " " " " McNeelands Mgt. A. F 7 mos. S Daughter " " " " McNelands James Male 65 Married Head Ire Ire Ire Ang Farmer McNelands Margaret Female 60 Married Wife " " " " McNelands Mary F 20 S Daughter Ont " " "

What does all this mean? I don't know. James McNeilands would be about the age of some of Andrew and Jane Buchanan's children. He and his wife might have been part of the group on their ship, but they might be total strangers. The only real McNeilands link I am aware of was family historian Annie Brae Buchanan McMane's adamant insistance that Jane's maiden name was McNeilands. Annie Brae learned her family history from her grandmother, Ann Thompson Buchanan (Jane's daughter-in-law). But a son-in-law (James Watson jr.) gave Jane's maiden name as something different. I don't know which one was right. James Watson jr's granddaughter Mabel Henry helped me to fill in a family group sheet that shows Jane's maiden name as "McNielens?" A later addition says "Long? - Mrs. Sinclair" (Apparently no one I interviewed in Manitoba in 1962 suggested the name of Young.) I have no record of a William Henry Watson, born about 1856. I haven't found a William and Catherine Watson in Elma (or anywhere else in Perth) in the 1881 census. Manitoba vital statistics can be looked up at http://web2.gov.mb.ca/cca/vital/ListView.php You asked "Based on the known marriages and children of James Watson and Elizabeth Linnen that would have been having children in the 1850's seem to be James (m Jane Buchanan) and Robert. I have no descendant information on Robert (bc 1827). But I show he died in 1854. Does anyone else have anything to add about Robert. I do not show James Watson and Jane Buchanan having any children that would match with William Henry. Anyone have any ideas?" In 2003, I came across some genealogy posted on World Family Tree by a Kathy Hay, which showed a family descending from our Robert Watson. I added them to my family tree. But some things did not add-up. The nationality of that family is given in the census as Irish rather than Scottish. She showed him as married with at least one child by 1851 whereas the 1851 census showed our Robert as single living at home with his parents. ... and so forth. I sent Kathy Hay several email messages that never bounced but were never answered. I kept looking for answers and last year I found someone who had an excellent knowledge of that family and had traced them to a different Robert Watson living in Canada. Here is a message I received from her. (I received other information from Norma Chantler as well, but this message sums up the important points.) From: Norma Chantler To: Bill Buchanan Sent: Friday, November 26, 2004 11:07 AM Subject: Re: Watson Genealogy Question Hello Bill Welcome to the Club. I too have been in contact with Kathy Hays who seems to have dropped off the globe. In any event, I too found her on world family tree. Some of our information matched while some didn't. What didn't match was that Henry S. Watson, (s/o James Watson of Ireland) & Elizabeth Raycroft of Kingston were his parents. He had two brothers who also left Ireland. Henry Watson's siblings were Mary J. Watson, Robert Watson, John Watson & Elizabeth Watson. At some point after their marriage James Watson & his wife Elizabeth Raycroft came to the Sandwich South Essex County Ontario area of Canada. This is where I differ from Kathy who thought her family was descended from James Watson & Elizabeth Linnen. It is regretable that her information is believed by others mentioned in your e-mail.

In any event, what did agree was that Henry S. Watson & his wife Ellen (Mary) Hurst had four children here in Essex County: James Bird (Bert) Watson who married Clara Louise Keller (Cathy's husband's ancestors); Robert Lockwood Watson, George Nicholas Watson and Elizabeth May Watson. George died one month post birth. I have been unable to verify Ellen's death but it was post 1881 Census, and by the 1900 Census he was living with his family in Ellendale, Dickey, North Dakota. I have been able to document Henry S. Watson & his family here in Canada and Dakota. One of the most interesting documentations is from the 1908 Commemorative Biographical Record, which has a short biography on the Watson family which I have scanned for you and will be attaching for your information. This biographical information contained within was usually submitted by family members who would, as far as I am concerned, have the most accurate information available as to Henry's parentage, for they would probably had first-hand knowledge of their grandparents. The Essex Co. Comm. Bio. Record is considered a bible of the who's who in Essex County, published by Beer's. Hopefully, this will shed some light for you. Blessings Norma Chantler So I presently believe that our Robert Watson is the one who died in 1854 and was probably still single. I show him that way on the http://billbuchanan.clawz.com website, but my Tripod site still has the incorrect information.

Bill ____________________________________________

Feb 21, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] McNeelands/Watson connections Bill, I do have George in my database on my computer, but I have probably not updated the Watson webpage in a long time and it may not be on there yet. I have the McNeelands on census from 1861, 1871, 1881 and 1901 (in MB). I do see they were living next to Buchanans and Watsons in 1861. Catherine (who married a Watson) had moved to MB and can be found in the online 1901 census there (along with some other McNeelands). In 1881 Catherine McNeelands and William Henry were not yet married. She is still listed with her parents in Elma in 1881. They must have married shortley thereafter as (NOV 1882) they had their first child. I have found several of the Watson/McNeeland births in the MB vital records database etc. If there is interest (since we dont know for sure this is a related line or not I dont want to post if there is no interest) I can post all the data I am compiling. Patty


Feb 21, 2005 Ackley family website Info on Robert Henry Ackley who married Mary Jane Hemphill can be found here http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=ackley&id=I9734 There is also a related Ackley website but I can't seem to get into it. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/4437/

Bill ____________________________________________

Feb 22, 2005 Buchan and Sahlin families, McGillivray photo I just received this from Barry, and read the article on the sailboats designed, built and raced by William Buchan senior and his son John of the Seattle area. I found it a fascinating read. These are the father and brother of William Buchan who married Karen Sahlin, daughter of Carl V. Sahlin and Mary Margaret Buchanan, who was the daughter of William Andrew Buchanan and Annie O. Madden. One of these boats was named Mara after Bill and Karen's daughter. Today, in the mail, I received a photo of the family of Dan & Elizabeth Buchanan McGillivray from Norma Kabanuck of Beaverlodge, Alberta (88 years young). I have scanned it and sent it to Brenda McDonald to see if she can identify which McGillivray child is which. Then I can email it to the group. If Brenda can't identify them, I will try other McGillivray relatives.

Bill ____________________________________________ Bill, I got the following hits on a search for Carl Sahlin: From http://www.westfordfuneralhome.com/obituary_info.asp?ObituaryID=61 Feb 2005: Obituary - Mary Margaret (Buchanan) Sahlin, age 90 of Bellevue, WA, passed away June 11, 2002. She was born Oct. 5, 1911 on San Juan Island to William and Annie (Madden) Buchanan. She was a graduate of Friday Harbor High School and married Carl V. Sahlin June 15, 1930. She was a member of Chapter A.P. of P.E.O, a lifetime member of the Bellingham Yacht Club (First Mates) and The Aftermath Club. She enjoyed her family, fishing and boating with her husband. Preceded in death by her husband Carl. She is survived by her son C. Roger Sahlin and wife GerryAnne of Bow, WA; daughter Karen and husband William Buchan of Medina, WA; seven grandchildren, Heather Ann Sahlin, Carl

Roger "Skip" Sahlin Jr. and wife Linda, Sigrid Ann Sahlin, Christopher Lane Sahlin, Carl Buchan and wife Carol, Mara Bohman and husband Brian, Jennifer Ledbetter and husband Brian; and six great-grandchildren. Marg was her husband Carl's beautiful companion during their many years together and was admired by all for her beauty and grace. Memorials may be made to the Alzheimer's Society of WA or a favorite charity. Possibility from FamilySearchT U.S. Social Security Death Index 30 September 2000 Feb 2005: Carl SAHLIN Birth Date: 19 Jan 1905 Death Date: Jun 1974 Social Security Number: 533-07-6182 State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Washington Death Residence Localities ZIP Code: 98225 Localities: Bellingham, Whatcom, Washington Chuckanut, Whatcom, Washington Edgemoor, Whatcom, Washington Fairhaven, Whatcom, Washington Marietta, Whatcom, Washington From http://www.48north.com/jul2001/buchan37_1.htm Feb 2005: An article on Bill Buchan Sr by Lon Robinson - Bill Sr. was always economical with his materials and one to save a little where possible. During the late 1950's, he received a beautiful Alaska yellow cedar log from his son Bill Jr.'s, father-in-law Carl Sahlin. [Barry Snider] ____________________________________________

Feb 22, 2005 Bill Buchan junior, husband of Karen Sahlin I found this interesting. Apparently Bill Buchan junior was not only NOT a partner with his father and brother John in Buchan Boat Company, but he designed and built sailboats in competition with them. (Compare it to the other article.)

Bill http://www.starclass.org/history/star_boat_design_development.htm BUCHAN BOATS - from a conversation with Bill Buchan [junior] The Buchan family business in Scotland was tied to boats and fishing. In the early 1920’s they immigrated to the Pacific Northwest where they felt that they could continue their trade. Bill's father, while owning and operating a retail fish market in downtown Seattle, built a variety of sailboats boats for himself in his spare time during the late 1930’s and into the 1940’s. Thus, when Bill saw the Stars gather in Seattle for the North American Championship in 1948 and decided, at the age of 13, that he wanted one of those boats it was natural for his father to suggest that they should build one themselves. A major factor in the decision was that at the N.A.'s there were other sailors who were not all that much older than Bill was. Lowell North and Bill Ficker for instance, who were both in their teens, were there and instantly became his heroes. It happened at this time near Bill's house in the Seattle neighborhood of Madison Park that there was a garage full of Stars, some 20 in all. It was the winter storage place for the Puget Sound Star Fleet. While he and his father got the plans to build a Star from the Class, they found it easier to go to the garage and measure the Stars that were there as well as to pick up on ideas for the

construction of the boat. Somehow, the resulting boat was able to measure in as a legal Star. The boat was named "Torrid", # 2830, which was completed and registered in 1949. The Buchans, father as crew and son, now 14, as skipper, started to race with the Puget Sound Fleet. The fleet was fairly active, with 20 or more boats turning out for the important races such as the Fleet Championship or what was then called the Pacific International Yachting Association Regatta where the Puget Sound Fleet would mix it up with the Canadians from the Vancouver area. After a couple of years of sailing "Torrid", Bill became more acquainted with the finer points of boat construction in terms of taking advantage of the various tolerances which were allowed in hull construction and design. The Class was abuzz with what Skip Etchells was doing with his O.G.'s (from Old Greenwich Boat Co.). As a point of interest, Skip and his friend Bill Kelley actually built the first Etchells Star in the same Madison Park garage while they were employed in the Seattle shipbuilding industry during the war. Bill and his father then set about building a new boat which took advantage of some of these "builders tolerances". The resulting boat was "Bydand". # 3213, built and registered in 1952. Bill went to Newport Harbor for the Christmas Regatta that winter to crew with another Seattle Star sailor where he saw George Fleitz, who was amazingly fast in his O.G. Wench IV, Star # 2951. Fleitz had synthetic sails made by Kenny Watts which Bill had no idea even existed. Bill wanted to order a suit of these sails, but Watts didn't want to sell sails to someone who might make his sails look bad. That summer, John Cram and his brother Wally showed up in Seattle with O.G. # 3298, "Scram", and showed awesome speed in their O.G. as well, interestingly enough with cotton sails, also made by Watts. It was obvious to Bill that it was the O.G. boat and not necessarily the synthetic sails that were responsible for generating such performance. After looking at Cram’s boat Bill came to realize that there was more wiggle room in the hull tolerances than he thought possible. This was accomplished by utilizing what the Class called the "moving baseline". By doing so, a boat could be flatter by 2" from the original plans instead of the 1" that he thought was the maximum and still measure in. That was enough to prompt Bill to build yet another boat, #3382, the first "Frolic", in that same summer of 1953. One of the other hallmarks of the O.G.'s, which wasn’t discovered until a couple of years later, was the wide bow. Skip had opened up the half beam measurement at station 1, a measurement that at that time wasn’t recorded on the certificate, making the stem more plumb which had the effect of increasing the sailing length of the Star. Realizing that, Bill performed major surgery on the "Frolic" the winter of 1956. With the building of "Frolic" Bill became a builder of record in the Star Class Log, and Buchan Boats under the symbol BUC was listed in the 1954 Log. Unfortunately, "Frolic" did not receive her measurement certificate by the time the North American Silver Star series of 1953 took place, and he and his father had to take "Bydand" to Milwaukee. They finished in the lower third of the fleet. Since Bill couldn't get Watts to sell him sails he had a local sailmaker build him a suit from Dacron in 1954. He and his father participated in the 1954 N.A.'s, this time held at Rockport, MA. With the new boat and sails they were now whistling another tune and finished 15th out of 37. About this time Murphy and Nye began to make synthetic sails out of a fabric called Orlon, which were very successful so Bill began to buy sails from them in 1955.

After a few years of sailing the "Frolic" #3382 successfully in the 6th District and doing somewhat better at the 1958 and 1959 World's (9th and 10th) Bill decided to build a new "Frolic", #4260, during the winter of 1959/1960 in the garage of his new home on Mercer Island. With this "Frolic" Bill won the 1961 World's with Doug Knight crewing. The next year they went to the World’s at Cascais where they finished 4th. (Star #4260 stayed in Portugal and is presently being refinished by its owner Mario Guedes de Sampaio.) In 1963 Bill built Star #4660, also named "Frolic". The main characteristic of #4660 was that it was narrow at the chine and wide at the sheer with minimum freeboard, as compared to 4260, which was a very narrow shape. Bill felt that this design might have better speed in strong wind conditions. With this boat Bill was 5th at the 1963 World's at Chicago. This was also the boat that he sailed at the 1964 Olympic Trials, held in Chicago too. Although the boat certainly performed well in the breezy races, Chicago, as we now know, isn’t really the "Windy City" that Bill thought it was. Not being satisfied with that boat, he then built Star #4913 in the fall of 1964 and finished 3rd at the 1965 World's at Newport Harbor. This was followed by Star #5260, built in 1968, which was raced in the 1968 Olympic Trials in San Diego. In 1968, because of a housing slowdown in the Seattle area, Bill's construction business tapered off. That, and the advent of fiberglass made it apparent that Bill might want to build Stars for a living. Fiberglass boats had become allowed by the Class by this time. A plug was built in Bill’s shop based on the lines of 4260, which seemed to him as the most well- rounded of all the boats he had built in the interim. The work of building the molds as well as the hulls themselves was done by the Clark Boat Co. in Kent, Washington. Bill brought the unfinished hulls back to his garage/workshop and finished them off there, working mostly on nights and weekends. At first a very low-density foam core was used but that proved to be unsatisfactory. These boats started with #5333, which Bill sailed in the 1978 Worlds. He remembers Lowell North, Pete Bennett and Barton Beek also sailed his boats at that regatta. By the next year he switched to balsa core in the high load areas of the boats. Bill won the World's at Marstrand with #5460 which was built utilizing the new lay up. One of the early problems, which Bill encountered with the fiberglass boats was that there was a surprising amount of shrinkage. The molds had to exceed maximum length by a slight amount, for example, in order for the boats to measure in properly. New molds were built in 1971 for the 5600 series boats, many of which were delivered to their owners at the Seattle World’s Championship that summer. In 1973 Bill built a second boat for Lowell North, Star #5662. This boat won the 1973 World's for Lowell and then won the 1974 World's with Tom Blackaller at the helm. The 5600 series molds were sent to Ron Anderson and Larry Whipple after the 1974 World’s so that the boats could be built someplace else since Bill’s construction business was now taking all of his spare time. Sometime later the molds were brought back to Seattle and were eventually sold to a group of people in Brazil. With his son Carl’s good friend Chris Mass doing most of the work, Bill then built a split mold in the hope that the boats would be easier to assemble, by someone other than himself hopefully. One interesting phenomenon is that boats built in a split mold cure to be a flatter shape athwartships and boats built in a one piece mold wind up being of a rounder shape. The flatter

boats out of this mold were not especially good in light air whereas the rounder ones, for example those molded by Miller, out of a still later mold proved to be good light air boats. At about this time both Howard Lippincott and Bill Gerard asked Bill if they could use 5600 series boats, which they had at their disposal, to build molds for their own use. In both cases Bill said it would be fine and as a result, several boats were built by both of their companies over the next several years, one of them being the boats with which Buddy Melges won the 1978 and 1979 World’s. Mader was also interested in utilizing the Buchan design so Bill sent over to them a hull from which they built a mold. Mader, working with the MacCauslands, have continued to use basically the same Buchan hull shape to this day. ____________________________________________

Feb 22, 2005 Re: McGillivray photo? No! McGillivray photo? I was just going through stuff I had received previously, and Darlene gave me a photocopy of a page with the same photo, but identified as the family of William and Mary Buchanan Ash, with all of the names. And checking the McGillivray family, I find the demographics are wrong to be the people in the photo. Sorry. Bill Today, in the mail, I received a photo of the family of Dan & Elizabeth Buchanan McGillivray from Norma Kabanuck of Beaverlodge, Alberta (88 years young). I have scanned it and sent it to Brenda McDonald to see if she can identify which McGillivray child is which. Then I can email it to the group. If Brenda can't identify them, I will try other McGillivray relatives.

Bill ____________________________________________

Feb 23, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Ackley family website Following are some records for the father and grandfather of Mary Jane Hemphill. It would appear that this was not the first marriage for Andrew (he is listed as widower). But I have no information on a previous marriage or children other than William. From http://websites.epidirect.com/~chateauguay/results.asp?ID=14554 Feb 2005: Source: 3.2130 Year of b. m. or d.: 1854

Event: Marriage Surname: Hemphill Given: Andrew, widower Spouse: Leggat, Ann Father: Occupation: farmer Residence: Township Clark, Canada West Mother: Bride's Residence: Ormstown Birth date: Baptism date: Marriage date: 1854-09-25 Death date: Burial date: Witnesses: Hemphill, Andrew; Ligget, Ann; Mc+U2865Cogland, James; Dunsmore, John; Notes: Church: Huntingdon and St. Michaels Church in connection with the Church of Scotland Minister: Alexander Wallace. From http://websites.epidirect.com/~chateauguay/results.asp?ID=14555 Feb 2005: Source: 1.1282 Year of b. m. or d.: 1858 Event: Baptism Surname: Hemphill Given: William Spouse: Father: Andrew Occupation: farmer Residence: Ormstown, County of Chateauguay Mother: Hemphill, Ann Bride's Residence: Birth date: 1858-05-13 Baptism date: 1858-09-24 Marriage date: Death date: Burial date: Witnesses: Hemphill, Andrew; Hemphill, Ann; Anderson, James, Jr. Notes: Church: Presbyterian Church of Ormstown in Connection with the Church of Scotland Minister: James Anderson [Barry Snider]

____________________________________________ Feb 23, 2005 William Hemphill's brother James Hi Barry, Thanks for the additional information.

Here is William as a child in the 1871 census of Elma, Perth, Ontario, with a brother James. 4 19 54 Hemphill Andrew L30 C10 Farmer Ire Irish Pres 52 Married Male 4 19 54 Hemphill Ann " " " 53 Married Female 4 19 54 Hemphill James Que " " 14 S M 4 19 54 Hemphill William " " " 12 S M Here is William in the 1881 census of Elma, Perth, Ontario Hemphill Andrew Male 62 Ireland Anglican Irish Farmer Married Hemphill Ann Female 63 " " " Married Hemphill William M 23 Ontario " " Farmer S Here is James in the 1881 Canadian Census, married and with a family. Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion James HEMPHILL M Male Irish 24 Q Farmer Church of England Issabellah HEMPHILL M Female English 24 O Church of England Mary Ann HEMPHILL1 Female English --- Born: 1/4 O Church of England Note: 1 born Jan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Census Place Elma, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375907 NA Film Number C-13271 District 172 Subdistrict E Division 2 Page Number 8 Household Number 29 I can't find him in the 1901 census. Perhaps James is the progenitor of the "other" Hemphills of San Juan county, Washington. The name Hemphill seems to be quite prominent there.

Bill ____________________________________________ Feb 23, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] William Hemphill's brother James Interesting! When I found them in the 1881 census, they were Church of England, not Anglican. Household Record 1881 Canadian Census Feb 2005: Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion Andrew HEMPHILL M Male Irish 62 Ireland Farmer Church of England Ann HEMPHILL M Female Irish 63 Ireland Church of England William HEMPHILL Male Irish 23 Q Farmer Church of England Source Information: Census Place Elma, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375907, NA Film Number C-13271 District 172, Sub-district E, Division 2, Page Number 55, Household Number 251 [Barry Snider] ____________________________________________

Feb 23, 2005

Washington Buchanans in the 1910 census I found the 1910 census on a rather confusing site. I think I have them sorted out based on page and line numbers. 1910 census http://www.rootsweb.com/~wagenweb/1910/b252earl.txt Sname Gname Age Bp County Precinct ED Page Li ----------------------------------- ------ ----- -------------- ------------------- ----- ------ -Buchanan James H 26 UT San Juan Lopez P2 239 6B 69 Buchanan Grace M 27 MN San Juan Lopez P2 239 6B 70 Buchanan Virgil 1 mo WA San Juan Lopez P2 239 6B 71 [so obviously the estimated birth year I had for Virgil was off by 10 years!] Buchanan Eddie 23 WA San Juan Lopez P2 239 6B 72 Buchanan Mary J 18 CAN San Juan Lopez P2 239 6B 73 Buchanan James A 57 CAN San Juan Lopez P2 239 6B 81 Buchanan Jennie 29 CAN San Juan Lopez P2 239 6B 82 Buchanan Chasley 29 UT San Juan Lopez P2 239 6B 83 Buchanan Corrinne N 13 WA San Juan Lopez P2 239 6B 84 Buchanan Cora E 11 WA San Juan Lopez P2 239 6B 85 Buchanan Lottie M 8 WA San Juan Lopez P2 239 6B 86 Buchanan Mary M 7 WA San Juan Lopez P2 239 6B 87 Buchanan Carl M 4 WA San Juan Lopez P2 239 6B 88 Buchanan Clifford C 3 WA San Juan Lopez P2 239 6B 89 Buchanan Robert S 1 WA San Juan Lopez P2 239 6B 90 Buchanon William 24 CAN San Juan San Juan Island 241 34B 55 Buchanan William 46 CAN San Juan San Juan Island 241 36A 2 Buchanan Margret 47 CAN San Juan San Juan Island 241 36A 3 Buchanan Jane 19 CAN San Juan San Juan Island 241 36A 4 Buchanan Samuel J 11 CAN San Juan San Juan Island 241 36A 5 Buchanan Maggie 9 CAN San Juan San Juan Island 241 36A 6 Buchanon Anna 23 WA San Juan San Juan Island 241 34B 56 [Bill] ____________________________________________

Feb 25, 2005 McCauley, Hemphill, Aldrich, etc. Hi Everyone, I had a very productive day of research yesterday on Andrew and Mary Jane Booth Buchanan's descendants. Much of it is from the free Washington state site, and most of the rest was from Ancestry.com Bill

From the 1910 census of Washington McCauley Samuel 58 CAN San Juan Lopez P2 239 7A 40 McCauley Jane 58 CAN San Juan Lopez P2 239 7A 41 McCauley Thomas 24 CAN San Juan Lopez P2 239 7A 42 McCauley Geordie 17 CAN San Juan Lopez P2 239 7A 43 McCauley Eddie 17 CAN San Juan Lopez P2 239 7A 44 McCauley Robert 20 CAN San Juan Lopez P2 239 7B 61 McCauley Sarah M 20 CAN San Juan Lopez P2 239 7B 62 McCauley Myrtle G 1 WA San Juan Lopez P2 239 7B 63 McCauley James 30 CAN San Juan Lopez P2 239 10A 30 McCauley Barbary 30 CAN San Juan Lopez P2 239 10A 31 McCauley Samuel 1 CAN San Juan Lopez P2 239 10A 32 McCauley Charles W 22 CAN San Juan Lopez P1 239 14B 51 McCauley Nellie M 19 CAN San Juan Lopez P1 239 14B 52 I didn't find them in the 1920 and 1930 censuses of Washington, but maybe the transcriptions on Ancestry.com are not yet complete. Ancestry's transcription for 1910 certainly seems incomplete after all the additional info I found on the free Washington State census site for this, and other, Washington branches of the Andrew Buchanan family. The Hemphills in 1910 census of Washington state Hemphill William 52 PA San Juan San Juan Island 241 35B 87 Hemphill Margaret 50 CAN San Juan San Juan Island 241 35B 88 Hemphill Myrtle 20 CAN San Juan San Juan Island 241 35B 89 Hemphill Samuel 18 CAN San Juan San Juan Island 241 35B 90 Hemphill Charles 16 CAN San Juan San Juan Island 241 35B 91 Hemphill Wallase 14 CAN San Juan San Juan Island 241 35B 92 Hemphill Melvile 12 CAN San Juan San Juan Island 241 35B 93 Hemphill Bruce 9 CAN San Juan San Juan Island 241 35B 94 Hemphill Edna 7 CAN San Juan San Juan Island 241 35B 95 Aldrich - Port Townsend 1910 census of Washington (I can't find Ben unless he is "Arthur A.", but the rest of his parent's family is there.) Aldrich Clarke 48 MA Jefferson Port Townsend 104 134A 19 Aldrich Edith M 48 AUT Jefferson Port Townsend 104 134A 20 Aldrich Leonora A 23 WA Jefferson Port Townsend 104 134A 21 Aldrich Frederick 16 WA Jefferson Port Townsend 104 134A 22 Aldrich Clarke A 12 WA Jefferson Port Townsend 104 134A 23 Aldrich Arthur A 10 WA Jefferson Port Townsend 104 134A 24 [Ben??] [Possibly a younger brother of Clarke sr.?] Aldrich Ralph M 30 MA Jefferson Port Townsend 107 176B 54 [I can't find Ben in 1920 either. Maybe I should have tried the spelling "Aldridge", but never thought of it. Or maybe I needed to search Alaska for him. Or maybe search for "Arthur".]

1930 Census Port Townsend, Jefferson, Washington, USA Aldrich Edith M. Head F 58 Wid M20 Australia N. Ire. Scot. Aldrich Clarke E Son M 31 S Wa. Mass. Australia Aldrich Fredrich C. Head M 37 M29 Wa. Mass. Australia Aldrich Hanna C. Wife F 39 M19 Wa. Norway Norway [evidently a second marriage for Hanna] Aldrich Benjamin Head M 30 M25 Wa. Maine Canada [differs from his brothers] Aldrich Margaret E. Wife F 29 M 24 Canada Canada Canada [Aldrich looks almost like Aldridge on the census page and was interpreted as such by the transcribers. I knew Ben was there from the historical article, but had a terrible time finding him. I finally searched for all Benjamins (any surname) in Jefferson county, and found him!] I found this using Google. http://www.aldrichs.com/history.html This site has some good pictures. Aldrich's Store was the oldest grocery store in continuous operation in the state when it burned down in 2003. The text of the article follows. It mentions Ben quite extensively. It gives his daughter Peggy's married name and the fact that she had two grown children as of 1983. There is a good chance thiat this might be one of them: David Marriott, (36... ,, Port Townsend, WA 98368 Aldrich's Grocery 940 Lawrence Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 Aldrich's History The following text is from On The Hill, A History of the Uptown Business District 1995 by Pam McCollum Clise Aldrich's Market first opened in 1895 when Clark Aldrich purchased a variety store from Robert Gray and operated it on the southwest corner of Lawrence and Tyler streets. In those early years it was known best for selling school books and stationary, but also had confectionery, fruits, vegetables, and tobacco. In 1900 a fire swept through much of the Uptown Business District and destroyed many businesses, including Aldrich's. As a result, Aldrich's moved across the street to the DennisHalterman building. In 1901 Clark Aldrich Sr. moved his store into George Starrett's new building (current location of the Printery) on Tyler Street. The Aldrich family continued to operate there until 1927 when it moved to the I.O.G.T. building across the street at 940 Lawrence St. When in 1922, Clark Aldrich Sr. had heart problems, his son Ben, just 22 years old at the time, took over the Aldrich's store. Ben had been working as a machinist in Seattle and Alaska when he got the call from his family about his fathers' health. Although he returned to run the business, he maintained a love of the machinist trade. He kept equipment to work on projects at home, in his spare time, throughout his life. When Ben took over the family business, brother Fred worked for C.H. Olberg until coming into the family business about 1930. Clark Jr., the third brother, was working in a bank in 1926 when he negotiated the purchase of the 940 Lawrence Street building. Willis Clark owned the (then) empty building when he died. The building passed on to his sons. His two sons had more need of

money than an empty building, an decided to sell it to Clark Aldrich Jr. for his family's store. Clark Jr. joined brother Ben in the store by 1929. Lenora, the only girl in the family, had died giving birth to her daughter in 1915. Her daughter, Edith ("Dode"), luckily survived and was raised by various members of the Aldrich family. Clark Aldrich Sr. did little in the way of advertising over the years, except for ads for toys each Christmas, until he began advertising Glendale Ice Cream in 1908. When Ben took over from his father in 1922, he began expanding the store's line of goods and was offering more grocery items by 1926. The new store on Lawrence Street actually had their grand opening on April 9th 1927, calling it: "THE MOST MODERN, UP TO DATE STORE ON THE OLYMPIC PENINSULA", featuring Happy Home, highest grade canned goods, Gold Shield coffee and Gold Shield tea. At the time of the move Aldrich's expanded into a full line of groceries, plumbing and electrical goods. Before opening the new site, the family remodeled the main floor by: lowering the high ceiling; installing safety trusses for the hallway; raising the old floor level with the new hardwood floors; equipping the store with modern display cases; and installing new lighting. The store front, with 44 feet of modern plate glass and copper frame frontage, held displays of all sorts that were revealed when the "mystery" fence was taken down on opening day. On December 10, 1936 the store took out a full page ad, announcing: "Aldrich's store adds complete line of Meats." Lon Brighton was manager of the new department. It was the start of a long line of memorable butchers such as Bill Saunders, Bill Bennedetto, and Harry McCool, among others. Louie Sofie drove the delivery truck for some time and remembers that when the store had Friday and Saturday specials, he would be making what seemed like continuous deliveries. Clark Jr. did most of the remodeling of the building in the late 1930's-early 1940's. At that time, the roof was taken off "to make it look more reasonable." The elevator installed in January 1940 came from the Pope & Talbot Lumber Mill in Port Ludlow. It was one of only two in Port Townsend at that time. During World War II Aldrich's bought truck loads of goods at a time. Rolling ladders were still used along the east wall to get good off the high shelves. Gussie Aldrich Lester talks about how soldiers and their families would come into the store for just about everything: radio tubes, silk stockings, paint, cosmetics, dishes, frying pans, whatever they needed, it always seems to have been found in some nook or cranny in the backroom or the basement or on the main floor. The Aldrichs bought in large quantities and had things stored all over the building. The Aldrich's carried many customers' accounts on the book during the depression, and continued this practice throughout the years. People have told stories of being offered no down, no interest, easy payments on furniture they needed. The Aldrich brothers apparently collected on some of these accounts and lost on others. Fred, who was the only brother left working the store in 1983, claims that he ended up writing off about $25,000 worth of old accounts when the store was sold to John Clise. Aldrich's had been operating for 88 years and was declining when John Clise purchased the business in 1983. Fred, Ben's daughter Peggy Marriott, and two of Peggy's grown children were still working in the store. Fred, last of the original brothers to run the store, is remembered by

many people to this day. Many remember that he often sat in his office looking out over the store, being the banker for just about everyone, cashing their checks upstairs from piles of money he kept stacked there, his desk piled high with papers from ages past. Many remember as children he and Ben leaning over them with hands behind their backs checking on possible shoplifting activities. When John Clise bought the business he went back in time a few steps, painting the walls a dark green, tearing out metal shelves and putting in wood ones, taking down fluorescent lighting and hanging 1920's vintage school lights, expanding the produce area, getting a meat market back in, and adding a deli with fresh made goodies. These steps "backward" helped develop a strong market that took off and became an institution in its own right, by building on the rich history the store had already developed over its many years of serving the community. After 13 years, John Clise sold the business to David Hamilton in 1996. Hamilton sought to expand the business base of Aldrich's by continuing to expand the produce and deli areas, lowering the retail prices to make the store more competitive with the major grocery chains in town, and adding a few "high tech" gizmo's such as credit card processing and scanning to better serve customers and control costs. Hamilton took in an old friend, Jonathan Ryweck, as a business partner in 2002 and at that time they also purchased the building from John Clise. Ryweck brought considerable expertise to the wine department in particular and helped to build the store sales even further. On August 4, 2003 Aldrich's caught fire and was totally destroyed. Many in the community grieved the loss of the oldest grocery store in Washington State and a hub of the uptown business community. Hamilton and Ryweck have vowed to rebuild the store as soon as possible. Many thanks to Pam Clise for her historical research on Aldrich's. ©2005 Ham & Rye, LLC - Web Development: Wind's Eye Design, Inc. (Another) History of Aldrich's Store http://www.jchsmuseum.org/aldrichs.html ____________________________________________

Feb 26, 2005 James A. Buchanan's middle name Further to our current research into the family of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth, there had been some uncertainty as to the middle name of James A. Buchanan, who was married three times and had a very large family. I stumbled across the answer at: http://www.secstate.wa.gov/history/search_detail.aspx?r=37&id=282 (a wonderful site for Washington research) Naturalization - San Juan County Last Name Buchanan First Name James Middle Name Alexander

Document Type Declaration of Intention Document Date 03 MAY 1932 Volume 2 Document Number 45 County San Juan This would have been about two years prior to his death in San Juan County.

Bill ____________________________________________

Feb 26, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] James A. Buchanan's middle name I have also seen documents that show his name as Alexander. I can't recall offhand what they were. I rememeber being suprised, as I assumed it would be Andrew.... Patty ____________________________________________ Feb 26, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] James A. Buchanan's middle name See below. However there is also a note that the middle name may have been Andrew????? http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/8143/genealogy/hodgson.txt ***** 65 ***** Jennie Annie HODGSON, daughter of William James (James) HODGSON and Emma BATES, was born 13 Aug 1879 in Michigan. Jennie married (1) 28 Jul 1895 in Lopez Island, San Juan County, Washington to James Alexander BUCHANAN born 5 Mar 1851 in Donegal, Ontario, died 16 Jan 1935 in Lopez Island, San Juan County, Washington. Jennie married (2) about 1910/1940 in Washington to _____ STANLEY born about 1875 in Michigan(?).

Barry Snider ____________________________________________

Feb 27, 2005 some date corrections Cousins, I have been wading through the 1901 Candian census (through a great site Automated Genealogy). One of the nice things about the 1901 census is that it provides exact birthdays. I was browsing through some of the Buchanans and realized that it provided some exact birthdates for some of the original 8 siblings that came from Ireland. The census provided:

Jane (m James Watson) b 27 FEB 1836. This was the same date that I had in my records. Charles b 14 JUN 1815 Samuel's b 28 MAR 1832. John b 10 AUG 1829 William dead before 1901; christening shown to be 28 MAR 1824 Robert dead before 1901 James-I show he was born 1823 Andrew-I could not find him in the 1901 census, although in my records I show he was alive until 1903. My records show he was born 1826. He was a long time widow by 1901 and he may have been living with one of his children by this time (most had moved to WA). Any thoughts anyone? Patty Hopkinson If these dates are correct, this changes birth order a bit. I had always had that Samuel was older than John and it looks as if John is the older one. Also Charles was christened in 1817, but born in 1815. It might means that Robert is actually the second child rather than the first (he died bef the 1901 census so I dont have an exact birth date for him). Otherwise that leaves a large gap between Charles (1815) and James (who I have as being born 1823). Robert would fit nicely into that. Any thoughts anyone? Patty Hopkinson ____________________________________________

Feb 27, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] some date corrections The 1901 census gives Andrew's birth as 1814. He was living with his son Charles' family in Manitoba. District: MB MACDONALD (#8) Subdistrict: Lansdowne f-2 Page 3 43 32 Buchanan Charles M Head M Feb 17 1871 30 44 32 Buchanan Grace A F Wife M Jul 11 1874 27 45 32 Buchanan Mary F Daughter S Jul 5 1895 5 46 32 Buchanan Carmon M Son S Apr 7 1898 3 47 32 Buchanan Eliza J F Daughter S Dec 28 1899 1 48 32 Buchanan Andrew M Father S 1814 87 Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Feb 27, 2005 Re: Andrew Buchanan in the censuses Actually, Andrew's age bounces around from census to census.

1861 census of Elma says born about 1831 Buchanan Andrew L 31 C 9 Farmer Ireland Pres 30 Married Male Buchanan Mary Jane " " 25 Married Female Buchanan James Ontario " 8 S M Buchanan Jane " " 6 S F Buchanan Mary Ann " " 4 S F Buchanan Margaret " " 2 S F 1871 census of Elma gives his birth year as about 1826 Buchanan Andrew L 31 C9 Farmer Ire Irish Ang 45 Married Male Buchanan Mary Jane " " " 36 Married Female Buchanan James Ont " " 18 S M Buchanan Jane " " " 16 S F Buchanan Mary " " " 14 S F Buchanan Margaret " " " 11 S F Buchanan William " " " 9 S M Buchanan Robert " " " 6 S M Buchanan Andrew " " " 3 S M Buchanan Charles " " " 1 S M Buchanan John " " " 1 mo. S M 1881 census of Elma says he was born about 1831 Buchanan Andrew Male 50 Ireland Anglican Irish Farmer Widowed Buchanan Maggie F 21 Ontario " " S Buchanan Willie M 19 " " " Farmer S Buchanan Robert M 16 " " " Farmer S Buchanan Andrew M 13 " " " S Buchanan Charlie M 11 " " " S Buchanan Samuel M 10 " " " S 1891 census of Elma - From this he was born in 1827 Anderson James E. Male 34 Married Head Ont Scot Scot Pres Merchant Anderson Agnes Female 30 Married Wife " " " " Anderson Wm. M 4 S Son " Ont Ont " Anderson Adam E. M 3 S Son " " " " Buchanan Andrew M 64 Widowed Lodger Ire Ire Ire Meth Mail Carrier (He was well known as the mail carrier for the Elma area. - Bill) 1901 census shows him born abt 1814. [This seems out of line with the other censuses, but it is definitely him because he is described as Charles' father. I wonder if Grace provided the information, and just guessed?] District: MB MACDONALD (#8) Subdistrict: Lansdowne f-2 Page 3 43 32 Buchanan Charles M Head M Feb 17 1871 30 44 32 Buchanan Grace A F Wife M Jul 11 1874 27 45 32 Buchanan Mary F Daughter S Jul 5 1895 5 46 32 Buchanan Carmon M Son S Apr 7 1898 3 47 32 Buchanan Eliza J F Daughter S Dec 28 1899 1 48 32 Buchanan Andrew M Father S 1814 87

From Marriage Notices of Ontario, by Reid: P. 439, Christian Guardian, Toronto, 24 March 1852: March 1st, Andrew Buchanan to Mary Jane Booth, both of Elma. (Rev. Geo. Case) Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma Vera Ernst McNichol, Dixon Press Limited, Kitchener, Ontario, 1966. p. 150 In 1881 Bob Martin carried the mail from Listowel to Britton on horseback. George Melrose spoke about the lovely bay horse he rode. Previous to this Margaret Hammond (Mrs. George Keith) used to drive a team on front bob of sleigh to Donegal to pick up the mail for Hammond Post Office. Black Andy Buchanan hauled it from Newry to Donegal. He wore no socks in his long leather boots, yet did not complain of cold feet. The Neepawa Press Fri. Feb 13, 1903 News of Neepawa: The hands of death was laid on the senior member of the Buchanan family on Wed night (Feb 11). Deceased was Andrew Buchanan, who succumbed to that dire disease, pleurisy, after a short illness. He leaves several children behind him. His home was three miles north east of town. The Neepawa Press Tuesday February 17, 1903 News of Neepawa: Samuel (Big Sam) and James (A.) Buchanan left on Saturday for Ontario with the remains of their father for interment. David James Watson's list has a death date for an Andrew Buchanan of 12 Feb 1903

I hope this is of interest. Bill ____________________________________________

Mar 7, 2005 Patrick genealogy Hi John, I have been searching the censuses for the family of Jacob Henry Patrick and Elizabeth Buchanan, and while doing a general search on Google, I found your website. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/1167/patrickrep.htm You have done a wonderful job on the Patricks in general, including Jacob's ancestry. My data on this family doesn't agree entirely with yours, but they are definitely the same family. See my site for information on Elizabeth's Buchanans and their kin. http://billbuchanan.clawz.com or http://members.tripod.com/bill_buchanan I have genealogy and old family stories and old family pictures, including one of Elizabeth's mother and brothers and sisters. (We assume that it was taken at the time of her father's funeral.) The stories include a newspaper interview with her sister Jane Terry, the story of her little nephew being taken by the Indians, and the story of her brother Robert's elopement. I show Jacob and Elizabeth having the following children, all born in Michigan. Helena Myrtle b. 10 Oct 1881 Jennie Ethelyn (Ethel) b. 14 Feb 1883

Annie Berthal b. 26 Nov 1885 Hazel Bernice b. 31 Jul 1887 an infant son b. 23 Mar 1890 Elizabeth Gladys (Gladys) b. 27 Jan 1892 William Milton (Milton) b. 22 Mar 1894 Our Patricks in 1900 US Federal Census Jacob H Patrick North Branch, Lapeer, Michigan abt 1857 Canada English White Head Elizabeth Patrick North Branch, Lapeer, Michigan abt 1855 Canada English White Wife Alena M Patrick North Branch, Lapeer, Michigan abt 1882 Michigan White Daughter [Helena] Jennie E Patrick North Branch, Lapeer, Michigan abt 1883 Michigan White Daughter [Ethel] Anna B Patrick North Branch, Lapeer, Michigan abt 1885 Michigan White Daughter Hazel B Patrick North Branch, Lapeer, Michigan abt 1888 Michigan White Daughter Elizabeth G Patrick North Branch, Lapeer, Michigan abt 1893 Michigan White Daughter [Gladys] Wm Patrick Lapeer, Lapeer, Michigan abt 1895 Michigan White Son [Milton] 1910 census MI LAPEER NORTH BRANCH TWP Patrick, Jacob H H M 52 M Canada Scotland Canada Patrick, Elizabeth B W F 53 M Canada Ireland Ireland Patrick, Gladys D F 18 S Michigan Canada Canada Patrick, Milton W. S M 16 S Michigan Canada Canada Jacob H Patrick Age in 1910: 52 Estimated birth year: 1857 Home in 1910: NORTH BRANCH TWP, Lapeer, Michigan Race: White Gender: Male Series: T624 Roll: 659 Part: 2 Page: 252B Year: 1910 1920 United States Federal Census North Branch, Lapeer, Michigan Name Birthplace Father Mother Patrick, Jacob H H M 62 M Canada Scotland Canada Patrick, Elizabeth W F 63 M Canada Ireland Ireland You show a Stanley Patrick that I haven't found in the census or other records. I show a William Milton Patrick that you don't have. I wonder if they are the same person, although we show different wives and children. I am including a CC: to the Andrew-Buchanan group so that they will know where to find your website.

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Mar 7, 2005 Re: Patrick genealogy Hi All, I have to leave for Edmonton, but wanted to pass what I just found in the WMBR (Weslyan Methodist Baptismal Register for Ontario) This includes the birth of Jacob Henry Patrick and

brother Andrew and two of his sisters. Note that it includes full date of birth and a middle name for Jeannette/Jennet. Vol Pg# Dist./Co. Area Given-name Surname Father Mother Residence Birthplace Birthdate Bapt-date Bapt-place Minister 3 151 Oxford Co. Oxford Twp. E.,N. & W. Elizabeth F. Patrick William Susanna E.Oxford E.Oxford 1853-11-16 1854-01-29 Oxford E. Shepherd, Rev. E. 1 160 Brock/London East Oxford Twp. Jacob Henry Patrick William Susannah East Oxford East Oxford 1857-05-21 1858-12-07 East Oxford Hurlburt, Rev. A. 2 800 Grenville Co. Oxford Twp. Jennet Anne Patrick William Susanna East Oxford Oxford 1855-08-19 1856-06-01 Kemptville Shaw, Rev. J. 3 151 Oxford Co. Oxford Twp. E.,N. & W. Andrew Patrick William Susan E.Oxford E.Oxford 1852-03-13 1852-07-18 Oxford Shepherd, Rev. E.

Bill ____________________________________________

Mar 10, 2005 Thanks Don, It is always a treat to receive email from you. I hope you are having a great week. Bill ----- Original Message ----From: Don Holmes To: Bill Buchanan Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 6:57 AM Subject: Obit Obituaries - Mar. 10, 2005 Kitchener-Waterloo Record COXON, Mae - At Listowel Memorial Hospital, on Wednesday, March 9, 2005. Mrs. Emily Mae (Broughton) Coxon, of Listowel, in her 88th year. Wife of the late Alex Buchanan and the late Maurice Coxon. Mother of Mervyn and Gwen Buchanan of Listowel. Grandmother of David Buchanan of Vancouver, B.C. and Cindy and Larry Brunkard of Drayton. Great-grandmother of two. Sister of Mildred Elder of Stratford, Lottie Hinks, and Georgina and Bob Hennick, all of Mitchell, and Pearl Youngblut, and Helen Henry, both of Monkton. Sister-in-law of Florence Broughton of Listowel, and mother-in-law of Leonard Dietrich of Drayton. Predeceased by her daughter, Verna Dietrich. A private family memorial service will be held at Robert Trench Funeral Home, Listowel on Friday, March 11, 2005. Reverend Steven Cox officiating. Following cremation, interment in Donegal Cemetery. Memorial donations to a charity of your choice would be appreciated. Online condolences may be left at www.roberttrenchfuneralhome.com

We thought you might be interested in this obituary. This lady's first husband, Alexander Buchanan was born 11th January 1898 24th September 1973, the son of Robert Buchanan and Elizabeth Watson.

Don Holmes ____________________________________________

Mar 11, 2005 Formula for determining a birthdate I found this on the website of the Prince Albert Branch of the SGS. I thought it might be of interest. http://www.sasktelwebsite.net/carsn/GENE/e18201.htm Bill Formula for Aging Do you know the “8870 Formula”? Using the 8870 formula to ascertain a birthdate can be a tremendous help in checking tombstones dates. If a tombstone reveals that the deceased died May 6, 1889 and was 71 years 7 months and 9 days old, but gives no date of birth, you can correctly arrive at the exact birth date by using this 8870 formula. died 1889 May 6--> 18890506 subtract (age 71 yrs. 7 mos. 9 days)--> -710709 answer--> 18179797 subtract constant--> -8870 birthdate is 1817 Sep 27 or 18170927 ____________________________________________

Mar 11, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Formula for determining a birthdate Thanksdid you know today is my B-Day? -Cliff Buchanan [C. C. BUCHANAN III] http://homepage.mac.com/cliffoto/ cliffoto@... -NOT a PAPARAZZO____________________________________________

Mar 31, 2005 Tales and Trails of Millet, Alberta; v.1 and v.2 I found several references to the families of George Watson and William Andrew Buchanan in these two local histories. I thought they might be of interest to some of you. “Tales and Trails of Millet”, v.1 1925 W. A. Buchanan, widower with a family, was blacksmithing in the former Menard [Alex and Alice Coté Menard] shop. [in Millet] [page 23]

June [1949] Mr. Wm A. Buchanan of Breton has passed away. He operated a blacksmith shop in Millet in 1911. [page 43] References to the families of William Buchanan and George Watson in “Tales and Trails of Millet”, v.2 Porto Bello School Division 3146; Tales and Trails of Millet, p.507 The 10 Mile Corner is 10 miles west of Millet. Buchanan's "Blacksmith Shop/Shoe Repair Shop" was on the NE corner (SW35-47-R25-W4) (bought from Carl Sheffield), Pydde's "Farmers Trading Store" was on the SE corner (NW26-47-R26-W4), Cameron's dairy was on the NW corner and Millet Seventh Day Adventist Church was on the SW corner. (NE27-47-R26-W4) Porto Bello School was on NE22-47-R26-W4. St. Peters Lutheran School was on SW27-47-R26-W4. Wm. Buchanan farm was on NE34-47-25-W4 Neighbors across the road: "Frederik and Louise Pydde and their six children Elilie, Rudolf, Adolf, Olga, Robert and Natalia came from Kominske, Poland in June, 1928. ... In 1937, Rudolf Pydde and Robert Kuutzner built a store on the NW corner of the Pydde farm." p.544 Tales and Trails of Millet, v.2, page 556 The Watson Family Mr. and Mrs. George Allan Watson [George Watson] , his two sons. Dick and Allan [George Allan Watson], and two daughters, came to the Porto Bello and Telford districts to homestead, in the early 1900's. The mother [Jane Welsh] enjoyed smoking a corn cob pipe, Daughter Margret moved to Michigan as a young girl and married Arthur Sheffield, and in 1911 moved back to Millet. They had two children, one son, Carl, who married Leona Hagen, and one daughter, Emila [Emily], who married Shorty Burns. Arthur passed away in 1923 and Margret in 1941. The second daughter married Bill Buchanan, the blacksmith. They had four children: George, Jack, Maggie and Inez. Inez is the only surviving member of that family. Allan married and had seven children. [Counting the three adopted Steel children - his nephew and nieces.] Brother Dick was a bachelor and he and his nephew Ralph retired and lived in Millet. Tales and Trails of Millet, v.2 Telford School District 1355 (west of Millet, Alberta) SE2-48-26 R.J. Watson bought this farm from C. Brinker NE2-48-26 bought by SW & RJ Watson from K&D Sidor [Who is S.W. Watson?] -p.620 Telford District... On Section 2 there was the Watson family: Dick, George and Allan and their sister Mrs. E. Sheffield, with her children Carl and Emily, as well as her nephews, Jack and George Buchanan, and niece Inez. p. 622 Telford School ... On Section 2 there was the Watson family: Dick, George and Allan and their sister, Mrs. E. Sheffield, with her children, Carl and Emily, as well as her nephews, Jack and George Buchanan, and niece, Inez. ...Telford boasted a baseball team for many years with Ray and John Brennan; Ben and Edward Glassman; Joe and Fred Coles; Bud Scott; Bill, Bob and Benny Arnholtz; Henry and Jim Deans; Norval Atkinson; Jack Buchanan; Carl Sheffield; Joe Benedetto, as some of the players. The girl's

softball team was coached by Mr. Howard Fulcher (now retired in Millet). It comprised of Tracy (Krossa) Hougestol; Frances (Benedetto) Meaver; Jean (Benedetto) Cassidy; Kay Fulcher; Nora (Fulcher) Hall; Mary (Halat) Coles; Linda (Glassman) Heine; Pat Brennan; Jessie (Jackson) Rath; Irene (Jackson) Soper; and Inez Buchanan. - p.622 Shorty Burns [Arthur Morton Burns] had a butcher shop on Main street [of Millet about 1913]p.656 Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Apr 25, 2005 Annie B. McMane's letters to Forrest and Arvilla Buchanan of Salt Lake City These arrived from Joseph Buchanan of University of Utah. I was a little disappointed that Annie didn't mention the family's life in Ireland or the voyage to Canada, but that was a long-shot at best. Still, reading her letters was like a welcome visit with an old friend. I plan to send the original letters to her grand-daughter Barbara Blain at Niagara-on-the-Lake. I think Barbara will enjoy them. Annie is assuming that they are distant cousins of ours, but no connection has been shown between Forrest's ancestors and ours, other than the fact that both were Buchanans who came from Ireland. Joseph Buchanan's website is http://aeb.buchananspot.com

Bill ____________________________________________ Mrs. R. A. McMane 1 Erie St., Apt. 34 Stratford Ontario November 23, 1973 Dear Distant Cousins, I've just received your letter Arvilla, and I am always glad to hear from you. As I am writing short letters to send with Christmas cards I will answer tonight. I'm staying up until midnight as I must have many ready for post on Monday morning. We have no mail delivery on Saturdays. And I am late starting, as I’ve had cousins visiting for two weeks from Winnipeg, Manitoba. They left yesterday and would fly home so would arrive yesterday evening bag. I enjoyed having them, especially as they were happy in my small apartment although they have a lovely big home. I've been there at two summers. And I had my grand-daughter Barbara and husband Garry Blain and wee baby last Saturday. They came from St. Catherine's maybe 140 mi., it let Grandma see their baby boy born September 27th. He is a healthy lovely baby named Jeffery.

I also had visitors from Toronto for two weekends. When I have company I have to let letters wait, so can't hurry to do so much each day as I once could. But oh how we thanked Our Heavenly Father and Our Saviour that we had parents who worshipped and kept the Gospel taught to us. And we have needed it all and a strong faith this year, as some of our families had been bereaved. Bert, my last brother, died suddenly at Easter and his son at age 50, suddenly in September. Then two weeks later cousin Alex and four weeks later a cousin, Mary Buchanan. I write to many who live in western Canada and have visited several times out there and always enjoy a visit from them. Perhaps I love the Buchanans over much, but it is because they like knowing the Scriptures. Father’s and Mother’s big Bible had been passed from one brother to another but now I gave it to Bert’s sons, to keep it in the family, and they wanted it and treasure it although it's more convenient to lift and read it from smaller ones. Glenn age 50 was helping a neighbor put a new roof on it and fell. A heavy plank fell also and the end struck Glen’s head and crushed the brain. He was a big happy chap, and had seven sons. We are so glad now that their mother has these sons. I am considering my years, and pray I can live to meet you in June 1974. I was 84 on November 10th so am slowed down rather much. My oldest grand-daughter Lee Ann with 28 on November 15th and her husband John Pearson was 30 on November 8th and their baby boy was two years on November 8th also. So we have a rush of birthdays and small gifts that one week. But its fund. I'm so glad you wrote, Arvilla and know Forrest is often too busy. But you too have been very busy with the care of both your parents as extra. And what a grand reunion will have when the Saviour calls. I have no fear or worry of death and feel sure of the Holy Love and Mercy that will resurrect all of us who truly believe. We're not worthy but that's why the Saviour came to earth that he can now cleanse us. One little child said once, “Heaven is very lovely up there for see how lovely this underside where we are is made.” When I read your letters, I think of you and of Proverbs 31: 26 –31. I am so glad you sent the photos and I will know you when we meet. My daughter Gladys and Ken have got tickets for them and for me to fly to Sault Ste. Marie, Christmas week. That's where Lee Ann and John live. He is a doctor. It is on the east of Lake Superior. Did you get the map of Canada? If not, remember to tell me and I'll send another. If your son goes on mission work in 1974, will he perhaps come to Canada? If he is sent to Ontario tell him to come here. If I go to see Lee Ann at Christmas, I hope to get pictures of our four generations and so hope there will be good and I can send some to you. I have a letter from Mrs. Lena Smith during summer and wrote to her, so hope to hear from her again after the holiday rush. And I will watch after New Year for the Buchanan Family Book. Some of us are hoping we can soon start on a later edition and hope to include pictures in it. Now it's late and I should say goodnight and may our Lord watch between me and thee wile we are absent one from the other. With love from Annie


Stratford March 30, 1979 Dear Distant Cousins, I hope you're ready for a surprise, but not the scary kind. I want to write asking about everyone that is of a family of Buchanans. It’s so long since hearing from you. I wrote some time ago but mail in Canada is like the snow, it just disappears. I hope but wonder if you are both living? The last I heard your mother and father were living (Forrest’s). Joseph had returned home and I forget what his brother was doing. I got a sudden urge that I must write, so hope is a good omen. I have been housecleaning a few boxes that have been old gifts and old books and old letters as I am in the 90th year, and should clear out much that has collected. A cousin here died lately and her family now have so much to sort, even all bills etc. of many years. And I suppose I also get a need to houseclean in the spring. I am in good health except not much strength and pep. I’m just living in the apartment you visited but not out often, as my legs get so tired and weak, and then ache and cramp. I also tire the heart easily, and have to rest so much. Good friends bring groceries, etc. for I can eat well and sleep well. And can read a short spells, although not much night reading now. My hearing is failed more, but still enjoy visiting and my hands work good I've no arthritis and steps here are no trouble except I get tired and have to go slower. Gladys phones every Sunday and comes once in two weeks. She and Ken are very thoughtful and he comes often to see his mother who is past 90. They had to buy a new car and a new roof on their house. Both seem well and Ken is promoted to president of the company is with. They came for me a week before Christmas and went by plane to Sault Ste. Marie for three days. They now have four grandchildren there now, nine years to two. Also Barbara has two wee lads and live at St. Catherine's. That is near Niagara. Gladys has been busy for two months doing voluntary welfare tax reports three days each week in Toronto. Now I pray you both are real well and I will be so happy to hear from you if some time you will write. I did so enjoy your one visit and so glad to know you and to hear from you, if only once a year. I really did appreciate your friendship and will be looking forward joyously and seriously to meeting you again here or hereafter. I have prepared a small book of addresses of past and present friends who I write to, asking Gladys to send a card of notice after take the long sleep. And in Faith I believe I will awake when He calls to worship Him and then to greet the many dear ones whom I’ve loved. Now may our Lord watch between thee and me while we are absent one from the other. Keep a strong faith with much love from Annie. Mrs. A. B. McMane 34 - 1 Erie St. Stratford, Ontario, Canada

N5A 2M3 __________________________________________________________

March 10th, 1982 Dear Distant Cousins, Don't be too surprised but here I am again, still living but not quite as active as when I met you a few years ago. I hope you are both real well and enjoying your garden. You probably have space of flowers too and surely we enjoy them more because it’s just the summer season, and not all year, the same as we here in Ontario. We have received an extra amount of snow this winter. The early fall months of September and October was much cold or just chilly rains. Then November and December was much mild sunshine weather and on to Christmas and through the holiday week until January 4th. I never remember as nice and pleasant New Year's day before. It seemed to shorten the winter but then the storms and heavy snows started with full force. I am in Toronto, but letters from Stratford and weather reports from all that Western Ontario province was that roads were closed and snow so deep it was a problem. And warning that no snow must be put near the rivers as towns further must guard against spring floods. Schools closed and often business. This has continued for two months with severe cold. But this week is becoming milder. Report is that Canadians have flocked to Florida until there is no place for accommodation for them. I remained in the apartment in Stratford until April 2, 1981, last spring. I had good health until about five years ago when I had light heart attacks. Since then I've had to go careful, and occasionally been in hospital for cardiograms and heart rests. Until a year ago, after my 91st birthday year, I became very tired and weaker. Gladys said I could not stay alone and must go with her. We called my older daughter and husband, Annie and Jack Ingram, and granddaughter Barbara and Garry Blain from Niagara to meet us at the Stratford apartment April 1, 1918, Easter Saturday. We divided all of furniture, dishes, books etc. and I have been with Gladys and Ken almost the year. They had earlier sold the house where you met them and bought a bigger, so I have a lovely big room with a bright big window to the south. I, of course, had to have a different doctor and I am now very glad as I had got so weak and always very dizzy, so that I could not walk alone and expecting the “last day” at any time. But this doctor found “serious red blood cell deficiency”. Said my weakness was in the circulation more than the heart. This Buchanan heart was, as you might expect, still willing to work if given anything to work with. I've never met a lazy Buchanan, so love them all. Now I will be pleased to hear of you again and of your families. And of you and your sister, Mrs. Smith. Now I must tell you of a big letter I received two weeks ago. In a letter from another Mr. Bill Buchanan at Spruce Grove north of Edmonton in Alberta wanting more history or information about our Buchanan pioneers. He sent a cassette tape of two hours. I pondered a few days and then wrote a long letter telling that I had not talked about those memories for some time and decided I cannot now recall enough and at 92 the memories are not acute. I given much of the help you sent to me to a niece who had been searching and now wrote to her asking her to help Mr. Bill Buchanan. I also sent in the letter to him, the address of several who have made research and gave your address also. I have mailed to him the “Family Tree” book and hoping he receives it as our Canadian mail service is not very dependable. I returned his cassette tape unused and his

money for postage as I'm not helping much. But you may hear from him and I hope you receive this in good time. Tell me how far you are now living from the Temple Square in Salt Lake City and which direction. I like seeking for places on the map now, since I can no longer travel. At what age do you retire in Utah? Also I hope food and homes are not as expensive as they are here in Toronto and Ontario. To me it seems money is God to many, and greed has blinded the eyes especially of those who are leaders. Some older people here pray for more guidance for your president as he seems anxious for your nation and people, but our leader is very much in support of a social and communist rule and is in support of military control of Poland. We're very thankful to Our Divine Father and to His Son for the knowledge of his promises and guidance. Yet a continued prayer for all who must yet come to know Our Saviour. Now my prayer is you keep well and keep a strong faith. With loving friendship from Annie

Mrs. Annie B. McMane C/o Mrs. Ken Cornish 1 Darlingbrook Crescent Islington, Ontario, Canada M9A 3H4 __________________________________________________________

Apr 25, 2005 James A. Buchanan This arrived from Susan Buchanan Nichol: The mix up on James A Buchanan, I really don't know. I have a 1945 censes paper that is listed as Andrew. We have had the warmest winter in Spokane history, this year. We left the Seattle area in 1999, and I don't regret missing the rain at all. Both children live here also, so it makes it real nice. Do you know anyone in Fairbanks, named Bill Buchanan? We are going to do the Alaska trip again this summer. I'm doing real well now. It wasn't my hands bothering me, My head got a real shake up, and it took a while to get things back to normal. I'm just fine now, it just takes me a little longer to type. Hope you and your family are well Susan

Bill Buchanan ____________________________________________

Apr 25, 2005 genealogy on Joseph's website.

Listers, I find the letters themselves quite interesting. As far as I can tell, there is no relationship between Joseph's family and ours. I popped in on Joseph's site and I want to caution that some of the links list on his genealogy are probably inaccurate. This is a fairly common error published without any data (that I have been ever able to find) to support it. It is probable the links are part of the problem with the Buchanan Estate Scam that happened in the 30's. One of the relatives of this line wrote a book in the 30's that directly speaks of the "Estate." On his pedigree chart, the link to (30) John Buchanan and Jane Russell is the problem connection. There was a son John of this couple, but there are many candidate Johns that have been proposed. Some parts of the book are accurate and others not. This line might well be a distant cousin line to ours, but not closely related (perhaps the closest the connection would have occurred is about 9 generations or father back from those of us alive today. Patty Hopkinson __________________________________________________________ Apr 26, 2005 Death of Alma Irene Dafoe Buchanan I show Joyce as the child of a previous marriage to Earl Crandell, which is not mentioned in the obit. Does anyone know whether that is the case? Bill

Alma Irene Buchanan On Saturday, April 2, 2005, at the Douglas Campbell Lodge, Alma Irene Buchanan, of Portage la Prairie, widow of the late Howard Buchanan passed away at the age of 91 years. Funeral Service will be held in the Chapel of the Omega Funeral Home on Thursday, April 7, 2005 at 1:30PM with Reverend Julie Baker officiating. Interment will follow in Hillside Cemetery. Alma was born on February 7, 1914 daughter of Ellis and Margaret Dafoe at Rosedale, Manitoba. She was raised and received her education at Riding Mountain. She was then employed as a housekeeper on several farms and as custodian of the Riding Mountain School. In 1952 she married Howard [Andrew Howard] Buchanan and they resided at Riding Mountain until 1958 when they moved to reside at Portage where her husband was employed with the Department of Highways. Alma was a member of the Herman Prior Centre. She loved to travel in their camper and motor home, and enjoyed the summers at Delta and Riding Mountain, and the winters in Mesa Arizona. Alma loved to cook and care for her family and friends. Her special times were spent with her family and many happy memories with her grandchildren. Predeceased by her husband Howard, two brothers Gordon and Arthur, she leaves to mourn her passing her daughter Joyce (Cy) Painter of Portage, grandchildren Dan Painter of Winnipeg, Debbie (Orvel) Currie and Great Grandson Brandon of Winnipeg, two sisters-in-law Viola Dafoe of Riding Mountain, Manitoba, Ilene Buchanan of Abbottsford BC, two brothers-in-law Raymond of Stainer, Ontario, Arnold (Wilma) of High River, Alberta and several nieces and nephews.

Should friends so desire memorial donations may be made to the Lung Association, 629 McDermot Ave., Winnipeg, MB. R3A 1P6 or the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Manitoba, Catherine Newham-Portage Office, 103 Wilkinson Crescent, Portage la Prairie, MB. R1N 1A7 Friends may leave a message of sympathy on our web site www.omegafuneralhome.com “Dedicated to those we serve”. __________________________________________________________

Apr 26, 2005 More Obits I never met Merle, but we visited her sister Lucy in 2002. Bill --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------from http://www.portagedailygraphic.com/obituaries.php?id=18394 Merle Archer 26 December 1921 - 21 January 2004 It is with great sadness that the family announces the passing of Merle on 21 January 2004 after a short stay in the Royal Alexandria Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta. Merle was born on boxing Day 1921 in Riding Mountain Manitoba to Robert and Sarah Buchanan. She spent her early years on family farms in the Neepawa area with her four sisters and two brothers. In 1945 Merle married Gordon Kitson who was tragically taken from her six weeks later. In 1948 she married George Archer with whom she had three children. Merle resided in Portage until 1966 then the family moved to Churchill, where she resided until 1976. Her and George then moved to North Battleford Saskatchewan. George passed away in 1981 and Merle remained in North Battleford until 1993 when she moved to Redwater Alberta to be closer to family. In 2002 Merle moved to Gibbons, Alberta then in 2003 she became a resident of the Dickensfield Care facility in Edmonton where she remained until her passing. Everywhere Merle lived she quickly became part of the community as being around friends gave her the greatest joy. Merle was predeceased by her parents Robert and Sarah, her first husband Gordon, her second husband George, sisters Freda and Laura and her brother Wibb. She is survived by son Robert (Susan) of St. Albert, Alberta, son Kenneth (Lynda) of Port Alice, B.C., daughter Debra (Neil) Henderson of Prince George, B.C., sister Ruby Cathcart of Plumas, Manitoba, sister Lucy Bare of Neepawa, Manitoba, brother Robert Buchanan of Winnipeg, Manitoba, very special niece Donna (Hugh) Boyd of Ponoka, Alberta, grandchildren Andrew, Kelly, Leann, and Derek and many more nieces and nephews. A memorial service for Merle was held January 26 in Edmonton and a service will be held in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba at a date to be announced later. The family would like to thank the staff of the Dickensfield Care Facility and the Royal Alexandria Hospital for the care she received in her final days. If you desire donations may be made in memory of Merle to the Lung Association, 629 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg, MB. R3A 1P6.

Forever in our thoughts. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Sister to Rosella Denton the wife of Robert Charles Buchanan] Kathleen (Kay) Susan Leader (Nee Denton) Following a lengthy illness, on Tuesday, July 1, 2003, at the Portage District General Hospital, Kathleen (Kay) Leader, of the Lions Prairie Manor, beloved wife of 53 years of the late Jack Leader, passed away at the age of 85 years. Funeral service will be held in the chapel of the Omega Funeral Home on Friday, July 4, 2003 at 3:00 p.m. with the Reverend Margaret Scott officiating. Interment will follow in Hillside Cemetery. Kay, born on May 24, 1918, was the sixth child of Jess and Anna Denton of Elm River District. She was educated at Elm River School and Oakville High School. She then attended Normal School in Winnipeg. After graduating, Kay taught at St Marks and Poplar Bluff Schools. As a child and young woman Kay enjoyed sports, especially softball. She was a star pitcher. In later years, she bowled in a league in Portage. Also, Kay always enjoyed dances and get togethers with family and friends. Kay and Jack were married on December 27, 1943. They farmed in the Poplar Bluff District. During these years they raised their family. Kay participated in community activities and was a 4H Leader. At the age of 58, Kay suffered her first stroke. She was able to meet the challenge of disabilities caused by strokes with a positive attitude. Kay always enjoyed visits with her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and friends. She knew how to enjoy life. Predeceased by her parents Jess and Anna Denton, her husband Jack, 2 brothers; Les of California, Ralph of Winnipeg, 4 sisters: Anna (Ann) (Bob) Webster of Milwaukee, WI, Margaret (Marj) Harold Vint of Oakville, Rosella (Bob) Buchanan of Winnipeg, Jean (Rusty) Limback of St Paul, Minn., one sister-in-law Grace Denton of Oakville, She leaves to mourn her passing her son John and daughter-in-law Norma of Medicine Hat, Alberta, daughter Barbara Everett and son-in-law George Roberts of Toronto, Ontario, 3 grandchildren: Matthew (Anais) Ferguson, Jennifer (Gregory) Pederson, Jeffrey (Alison) Leader, and one great grandchild Abrianna Pedersen. Also surviving is one brother Art Denton of Oakville, and many nieces and nephews. She was dearly loved and will be sadly missed by her family and friends. Should friends so desire, memorial donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Manitoba, Catherine Newham - Portage Office, 103 Wilkinson Crescent, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 1A7. Friends may leave a message and sign the register at our web site www.omegafuneralhome.com "Where life stories live on". --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Husband of Alma Dafoe (sent previously). I already had this one, so you may already have it too.] Andrew Howard Buchanan On Saturday, May 25th, 2002 at the Douglas Campbell Lodge, Howard Buchanan a resident of the Douglas Campbell Lodge, beloved husband of Alma Buchanan passed away at the age of 81 years. Funeral service will be held in the Chapel of the Omega Funeral Home on Wednesday, May 29th at 1:30 p.m. with Sargent Major Bob Oldford officiating. Interment will follow in the family plot at Hillside Cemetery.

Howard was born on March 11, 1921 son of John and Florence Buchanan at Birnie, Manitoba where he was raised and attended the Oak Leaf school. He then helped out on the home farm and was employed as farm labourer. In May of 1940 he joined the Canadian Army and served in Canada, Sicily, Italy and was wounded at Ortona, Italy. His recovery took a year and he was discharged on the 17th of July, 1944. He then resided at Riding Mountain and was a truck driver for J.L. Henry, working for the Department of Highways. In 1952 he married Alma Dafoe and they continued to reside at Riding Mountain until 1958 when they moved to Portage. Here he was employed with Baskier Construction. In 1959 he started his employment with the planning division of the Manitoba Department of Highways where he was employed until his retirement in 1979. Howard was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #65 and also a member of the Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry Club in Winnipeg. Howard had a keen interest in horses and ponies. In 1985 he and his wife drove Bill and Heather Dafoe's ponies in the 100 years celebration parade at Riding Mountain. They enjoyed camping and traveling in the camper and later in their motor home until 1997. Their favorite campsite was at Sharon Davies place at Riding Mountain and they also spent ten winters in Mesa, Arizona. Predeceased by his three sisters; Viola Boyd, Olive Bristow, Irene Moore and twin brother; Gordon, he leaves to mourn his passing his wife Alma, daughter; Joyce (Cy) Painter of Portage, granddaughter Debbie (Orvel) Currie, grandson Danny and great grandson Brandon, two brothers; Raymond of Stainer, Ontario, Arnold (Wilma) of High River, Alberta, sister in law Ilene of Abbottsford, B.C. and several nieces and nephews. Friends may call at the funeral home for visitation on Tuesday, May 28th from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Should friends so desire memorial donations may be made to the, Manitoba Lung Association, 629 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3A 1P6. Omega Funeral Home in care of the arrangements. Friends may leave a message and sign the register book at our web site www.legacy.com "Where life stories live on". --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Would her sister Lillian Buchanan be one of ours?] Jean Ann Mazurat On Friday, April 26, 2002 at the Portage District General Hospital, Jean Ann Mazurat, beloved wife of the late Joe Mazurat, passed away at the age of 77 years. Jean was predeceased by her husband Joe; parents George and Priscilla Aymont; son Dale Mazurat and grandson Kurt Favel. She is also predeceased by her brother and all of her sisters except her sister Lillian Buchanan of Portage la Prairie who is left to cherish her memory. She will be lovingly remembered by her children Simone (Syd) Robinson of Edmonton; Gerry (Lois) Favel of Edmonton, Alberta; George (Diane) Favel of Calgary, Alberta; Richard (Lesley) Mazurat of Portage la Prairie; Maurice (Anne Marie) Mazurat of Ponoka, Alberta; Albert Mazurat of Portage la Prairie; Desire Mazurat of Toronto, Ontario; and her adoptive son Gordon Swain of Portage la Prairie; along with her 14 grandchildren, 8 great grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. Jean was a true farmer's wife. She worked right along with her husband and children in Hood District doing chores and working in her vegetable and flower gardens. She enjoyed life and was very dedicated to her family. Prayers will be held 8:00 p.m. at Good Shepherd Roman Catholic Church on Tuesday evening, April 30, 2002. Funeral Mass will take place at Good Shepherd Roman Catholic Church on Wednesday morning, 10:30 a.m., May 1, 2002 with celebrant Father Wayne Morrissey. Interment is to follow in the family plot at Hillside Cemetery.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Murray Richard Curtis It is with great sadness we announce the death of Murray Richard Curtis, our dear son, brother, uncle and friend on Tuesday, October 16, 2001. Murray was a resident of the Manitoba Developmental Centre for the past 36 years. He was born March 31, 1950 to Mr. and Mrs. James Curtis of Neepawa, Manitoba. The first 15 years of Murray's life were spent in the loving care of his family. He is predeceased by his father James Curtis of Neepawa, grandparents Richard and Elizabeth Buchanan of Riding Mountain and Arthur and Charlotte Curtis of Neepawa. Left to cherish his memory are his mother Eileen of Neepawa, brothers Donald (Dawn) of Brandon and Gordon (Wreatha) of Esterhazy, Saskatchewan, sisters Shannon of Neepawa and Tannis (Rob) of The Pas and their families as well as numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. In 1965 Murray came to reside at M.D.C. where he made many friends. He will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by his family, the residents and staff of M.D.C. whose lives he touched. Memorial Service will be held in Murray's remembrance on Monday, October 22, 2001 at 1:30 p.m. in the Aspen Worship Centre at the Manitoba Developmental Centre, Portage la Prairie. A private family interment is to follow at Riverside Cemetery in Neepawa, Manitoba. Your memory is our keepsake With which we'll never part God has you in His keeping We have you in our hearts. As expressions of sympathy, if family and friends so wish, donations may be made in Murray's memory to the Residents Benefit Fund, Manitoba Development Centre, P.O. Box 1190, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C6. A tree will be planted and cared for in memory of Murray by McKenzies Portage Funeral Chapel who are entrusted with the arrangements. 857-4021. www.portagelaprairiedailygraphic.com __________________________________________________________

Apr 26, 2005 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Death of Alma Irene Dafoe Buchanan Yes, Joyce is the daughter of Earl Crandell (1908-1972) and Alma Dafoe. Alma married Howard in 1952.

Donna __________________________________________________________

Apr 26, 2005 Watson obits from Portage la Prairie Glen, Phebe and Alwyn were children of William James Watson and Mary Mabel Grant, good friends of my grandfather. I have a picture of William and Mary with Phebe and Alwyn as children. Bill __________________________________________________________

[His mother was Margaret Isabella Willerton] Roy Henry Watson On Tuesday, December 9, 2003, at the Portage District General Hospital, Roy Henry Watson, age 88, of Portage la Prairie, slipped away peacefully to join his beloved wife, the late Winnifred Watson. Roy was born October 17, 1915, son of John and Margaret Watson in the Tupper School District where he was raised and started his education, moving to Portage where he completed his education. On October 10, 1936, he married Winnifred Theobald. Roy enlisted with the Canadian Army, where he served in Canada as an instructor at C.F.B. Portage and C.F.B. Shilo. After a short time with the C.N.R. he started his employment as a firefighter with the Portage Fire Department, retiring in 1978 as Deputy Fire Chief. Roy was a member of the First Presbyterian Church. He was a member of the Army, Navy & Air Force Veterans Association Unit #13, the Royal Canadian Legion Brach #65, a devoted member of the Masonic Lodge, a member of the Order of Oddfellows Lodge #3, the Ruth Rebekah Lodge #3, and the Herman Prior Senior Service Centre where he also served on the Board of Directors. Roy was an active worker at Bingo’s at the Legion, Army Navy, and at the Oddfellows. Roy enjoyed woodworking, and visiting his many acquaintances over a cup of coffee. Predeceased by his parents, his wife Winnifred in 1992, brothers Raymond and Floyd, sister Florence, he leaves to cherish his memory his children: Opal (Tony) Marcoff of Winnipeg, Harvey (Ruth) of Kamloops, BC, Warren (Sandra) of Edmonton, AB., ten grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. Also surviving is one brother Joe of Malartic, Quebec, and several nieces and nephews. His many friends in Portage will sadly miss him. A Family graveside service will take place in the spring of 2004. Should friends so desire, memorial donations may be made to the Heart and Stoke Foundation, or the Canadian Cancer Society. Friends may leave a message and sign the register at our web site www.omegafunralhome.com “Where life stories live on”. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[This also mentions the names of two children and his wife's maiden surname that I didn't have.] Glen Watson Peacefully, with family at his side, on Saturday, November 30, 2002, at the Portage District General Hospital, Glen Watson of Portage la Prairie, passed away at the age of 84 years. Funeral Service will be held in the Chapel of the Omega Funeral Home on Friday December 6, 2002, at 1:30 p.m. Interment will follow in Evergreen Memorial Gardens. Glen was born on January 2, 1918, son of James and Mary Watson at Tupper, Manitoba. When Glen was 12, the family moved to MacDonald, Manitoba where he was raised and received his education and then farmed with his parents. In 1941 he enlisted with the Canadian Air Force and served in Canada until the end of the war. He then returned to MacDonald to farm. In 1946 he married Lottie Hewitt and they farmed at MacDonald until 1963 when they moved to Portage. He was then employed at CFB Southport until his retirement in 1978. Glen enjoyed the great outdoors, hunting and fishing. In his earlier years he was an avid curler and enjoyed the sport for over 40 years. He also enjoyed playing crib with his friends, playing in many tournaments. He was a member of the Army & Navy, Portage Branch and the Langruth Legion. Predeceased by his parents, his wife Lottie on November 1, 2002, and Infant daughter, Joy, two brothers: Alwyn, Arnold, two sisters: Edna Watson, Phebe Watson he leaves to mourn his passing, one daughter Cheryl of Neepawa, brother Vern of Abbottsford, BC, sister: Ada (Sam)

Williams of Carberry, sister-in-law: Anne, special nephew: Phil (Patti) of High Bluff, and several other nieces and nephews. He will be sadly missed by his dear friends: Doug Ward, Jim Beckett, Levi & Miriam Maendel, Elsie Loewen, Jane Tully, and his pet dog Sandy. Should friends so desire, memorial donations may be made to the Wildlife Federation. The Omega Funeral Home in care of the arrangements. Friends may leave a message and sign the register at our web site www.omegafuneralhome.com "Where life stories live on". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[More on Lottie] Lottie Evelyn Watson Peacefully on Friday, November 1, 2002, at the Portage and District General Hospital, Lottie Evelyn Watson of Portage la Prairie passed away at the age of 88 years. Funeral service will be held in the chapel of the Omega Funeral Home on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 at 1:30 p.m. with Captain Pam Goodyear officiating. Interment will follow at Evergreen Memorial Gardens. Lottie was born on March 5, 1914, daughter of the late Milton and Myrtle Hewitt at Rolling Dam, New Brunswick where she was raised and received her education. During World War 2, she enlisted with the R.C.A.F. Women's Division, and served overseas and in Canada. While serving in British Columbia, she met Glen Watson and in 1946 they were married at Portage la Prairie. They farmed at Macdonald for a number of years. In 1964 they moved into Portage where she was employed as a Corrections Officer at the Women's Correctional Centre, until her retirement. Lottie was a member of the Rebekah's lodge #3 Portage, O.O.R.P. #66, Portage, ANAF Veterans Unit #13 Ladies Auxiliary and the Royal Canadian Legion #162 Langruth. She was an active member of the Association of Community Living. Lottie enjoyed working with her hands doing crocheting and knitting. This provided her many hours of pleasure, and provided many a warm sweater, blanket or mitts for others. Predeceased by a daughter Joy in 1957, one sister Audrey Hewitt in 1991, she leaves to mourn her passing her husband Glen, Cheryl, Jane and Family. Also surviving are sister-in-law Ada (Sam), Anne, brother-in-law Vernon, several nieces and nephews and many, many friends who knew her as "Aunt Lottie". Friends may call at the Omega Funeral Home for Visitation this evening, Monday, November 4, from 7-8:00 p.m. Should friends so desire, memorial donations may be made to the Portage Association for Community Living, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. The Omega Funeral Home in care of the arrangements. Friends may leave a message and sign the register at our web site www.omegafuneralhome.com "Where life stories live on." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Clarence Alwyn Watson Peacefully in his sleep on January 22, 2002 at the Lions Prairie Manor, Clarence Alwyn (Al) Watson of the Lions Prairie Manor, formerly of Macdonald, widower of the late Verna passed away at the age of 93 years. Funeral service will be held in the Chapel of the Omega Funeral Home on Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 11:00 a.m. with David Vanstone officiating. Interment will follow in the Evergreen Memorial Gardens.

Al was born on June 5, 1908 at Plumas, Manitoba where he was raised and received his education. In July of 1930 the family moved to the Macdonald district. On April 5, 1950 Al married Verna Smith, and together they raised three children, and farmed in the Macdonald District until their retirement in 1979 when they moved to Portage la Prairie. Al accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour as a young man and for many years met with the Christians at the Gospel Hall. Predeceased by his wife Verna in 1984, his parents James and Mary Watson, siblings, Edna, Arnold and Phebe. He is survived by his son Philip (Patti), daughters: Janice (Jim) Carefoot, Helen (Len) Roy, grandsons Daniel (Elaine), Michael and David Roy, sister Ada (Sam) Williams, brothers; Glen (Lottie) and Vernon (Cec), sister in law, Anne Watson, special nephews, Basil and Craig Moore, many nieces and nephews and numerous relatives on the Smith side. Friends may call at the funeral home for visitation on Friday evening from 7-8 p.m. Should friends so desire, memorial donations may be made to the Lions Prairie Manor Foundation in Al's memory. Omega Funeral Home in care of the arrangements. Friends may leave a message and sign the register book at our web site www.legacy.com "Where life stories live on". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phebe Louise Watson On December 16, 2000, at the Lions Manor, Phebe Watson, of Portage la Prairie, passed peacefully into the presence of her Lord at the age of 94 years. Funeral service will be held in the Chapel of the Omega Funeral Home on Wednesday, December 20th at 1:30 p.m. Interment will follow at Evergreen Memorial Gardens. Phebe was born June 12, 1906, at Plumas, Manitoba and received her education in the Tupper School District. She moved to Portage in 1950 where she and her sister Edna practiced reflexology. Phebe accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour in November, 1927 and for many years met with the Christians at the Gospel Hall, where she was loved and appreciated. Predeceased by her parents, her sister Edna and her brother Arnold, she is survived by her brother Clarence in the Lions Manor, Ada (Sam) Williams of Austin, Manitoba, Clen (Lottie) of Portage la Prairie, Vernon (Cec) of Abbotsford, British Columbia, as well as a number of nieces and nephews. The family would like to express their appreciation to the staff of the Lions Manor for their kind and dedicated care during the time Phebe was with them. Friends may call at the funeral home for visitation on Tuesday, December 19th from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The Omega Funeral Home is in care of the arrangements. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hazel Christina Allan (nee Lamb) 1916 – 2004 It is with profound sadness that the family of Hazel Christina Allan announce her passing on Sunday, August 15, 2004 in the Portage District General Hospital at the age of 87 years. A lifelong resident of MacGregor, she was residing in the Care Home at the time of her death. She was predeceased by her parents Tom and Mabel Lamb; husband Walter [David Walter Allan] in 1965; son Perry in 2000; sister Dorothy Jones; and brothers-in-law Iolo Jones and Frank Hay. Hazel and Walter raised five children: Roberta (Lyall) Stone, Beverly (Margaret), Perry (Patty), Nancy (Neil) and Robin (Maria). She was Grandmother to Timothy and Heather; Brent and

Debra; Todd, Lori and Jacqueline; Joel and Jessie; Stefani, Gregory and Evan. She leaves as well to mourn her passing twelve great grandchildren, numerous nieces and nephews, and her sister Mildred Hay. Hazel’s strength of character and her resiliency stood her in good stead throughout her long life. She was a pioneer in the world of business at a time when women were expected to fulfill more traditional roles. She and her sisters owned and managed the Tivoli Theatre in MacGregor. Later she ran a dress shop. She did the books for Allan’s Transfer for many years, and after she was widowed, she and her eldest son Beverley carried on the family trucking business while she continued to raise her two youngest children. In later years she served as a Justice of the Peace. She was passionate about social issues and paved the way for women to run in politics by making forays into the political arena when she ran as the CCF candidate in the Lakeside Constituency in 1953 and 1959 against then Premier Douglas Campbell. A member of the MacGregor United Church, Hazel served on Presbytery and taught Sunday School for over 40 years. Hazel loved to write. If it wasn’t correspondence with family and past residents of MacGregor, then it was in the MacGregor Herald where for 25 years she wrote the column Village Tapestries. She had a great love of drama and theatre and directed numerous plays, musicals and shows throughout her lifetime. The town of MacGregor benefited greatly from Hazel’s sense of civic duty and her desire to contribute to her community. She was by all accounts a woman ahead of her time and a woman for her time, a loving mother, and a caring grandmother. Sincere thanks are extended to the staff of the Personal Care Home, as we know mom really felt at home there and was well cared for. Funeral Service will be held at the MacGregor United Church on Thursday, August 19, 2004 at 2:00 pm with Rev. Quentin Robinson officiating. Interment is to follow at the MacGregor Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Hazel’s memory to the Perry Allan Scholarship Fund at Red River Community College, 2055 Notre Dame, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0J9 or the MacGregor Care Home or MacGregor United Church, General Delivery MacGregor, Manitoba R0H 0R0 or a charity of your choice. A tree will be planted and cared for in memory of Hazel by McKenzies Portage Funeral Chapel who are in care of arrangements. 857-4021 www.mckenziesportagefuneralchapel.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I will be looking for others tomorrow. Bill __________________________________________________________

Apr 27, 2005 I find this one confusing as far as surnames are concerned. I have also looked through the obits on the Winnipeg Free Press, but found nothing else. Bill [son of Larry Mynott and Ella Evaline Allan (the daughter of Ada May Willerton and David Calvin Allan)]

2001-10-05 - Lawrence (Allan) Mynott of Portage la Prairie Lawrence (Allan) Mynott Allan Mynott passed away at the age of 46 on Friday, October 5, 2001, at the Grey Nuns Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta, with his family by his side. Allan was born in Mossbank, Saskatchewan on October 18, 1954. At the age of six, he moved to the Macdonald area with his family. He attended school in Macdonald, Manitoba, Yellowquill School in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba and finished high school in Yorkton, Saskatchewan. After high school, Allan worked in various locations in Alberta, finally settling in Edmonton where he resided for over 20 years. He leaves to cherish his memory, loving partner Mary-Ann Kooznetsoff and their children David (Riistro) Stewart, Derrek Havisto (Tina), Darcey Kooznetsoff (Cindy), Melissa Kooznetsoff (Kevin), and children Jordan and Jada all of Edmonton, Alberta. He is also survived by his sister Linda and husband Georges Ronceray and children Chantal, Daniel and Sharalyn of Sommerset, Manitoba, and his brother Marlo and wife Joanne and children Braydan, Jace and Ryley of Macdonald, Manitoba. Allan was predeceased by his father Lawrence Mynott, his mother Ella and stepfather Cliff Bray. A celebration of Allan's life will be held on Wednesday October 10, 2001, at 10:00 a.m. at the Millwood First United Church in Edmonton, Alberta. __________________________________________________________ Apr 29, 2005 Riding Mountain & Neepawa church histories From time to time I come across little reminders of the role our forebears played in building their communities. Here are two of them. Bill ______________________________________________________________________________ This passage in a history of the Church of Christ (Disciples) refers to several family members who were leaders in establishing their Riding Mountain congregation. I am presuming that the E. Defoe would be E.A. "Ted" Dafoe (husband of Margaret Buchanan), JJ Willerton would be Joseph Johnston Willerton (husband of Margaret Watson), George Foulston would be the husband or son of Mary Irene Willerton, Alex Allan was a brother-in-law to Ada Willerton, Ethel Gardiner married a Howard Kitson. The 1901 census lists a Howard Kitson as a brother-in-law of Duane Tyler, which seems to tie this group together. http://www.mun.ca/rels/restmov/texts/rbutchart/dcc/DCC26.HTM Riding Mountain, Manitoba "In this village in the Neepawa district was born the hope of a church in which to glorify the Lord of life. The hope was sustained by an unassuming brother named D. C. Tyler, at a time when the community had no religious privileges. In 1902, in co-operation with a Methodist student preacher, he began a union Sunday School in a schoolhouse two miles south of the present site. By 1905 the school required a hall to serve it, and in August a building lot was purchased, and some faithful brethren, who had been 'gathered', went to the Mountain for lumber. In March, 1905, after an evangelistic meeting conducted by E. Defoe, a church group was organized in the greater brotherhood of the Churches of Christ (Disciples). There were appointments of elder, E. Defoe; Geo. Foulston, clerk; deacons, D. C. Tyler and J. J. Willerton. By the spring of 1906 a

house, 24 x 26 feet, [618] began to grow, and was used for public worship in the fall, being dedicated Nov. 27, 1907, by missionary pastor, M. P. Hayden and E. Defoe. Then began a serious attempt to carry out the Great Commission of the Church's founder by those who realized its urgency. In 1910 Alex. Allan was elected clerk and L. Kitson, deacon. In 1914 D. C. Tyler became elder, and A. Allan, H. Kitson and L. Kitson, deacons. The church continued its advocacy of scriptural standards, making some headway in the community. ..." ______________________________________________________________________________ Earlier today I came across the history of the "Little Church" (claimed to be the first Methodist church in the area) John Buchanan, Dave Watson and Wm Ash (husband of Mary Buchanan) are mentioned among the builders. http://www.town.neepawa.mb.ca/museum/united.htm "Believed to be the first church built west of Winnipeg, the 'little church' was situated on the correction line 2 1/2 miles west of Neepawa. Built in 1882, it was opened on Christmas Day that year. Everyone brought lunch and, the church being crowded and the day mild, some ate outdoors. "Those who helped build the church, who helped haul the logs with their ox teams, and then hewed them and built the pews included: John and Sam McKee, John Buchanan, Wesley Petch, Wm. Connell, Mat Kilpatrick, Charles Cameron, Dave Watson, John Howe and Wm. Ash."



May 24, 2005 Buchanans Hi Everyone, I just received a nice letter from Annie Bray Buchanan McMane's daughter Gladys Cornish. In it she mentioned that Edwin and Mary Buchanan's son Leonard died in Battleford, Saskatchewan at age 85 on 8 April 2005. I will transcribe the letter and post it later. While looking for Leonard's obit, I found the following writeup on his parents, John Edwin (Ed) Buchanan and his wife Mary Pinder. (Ed was the son of James Buchanan and Julia Annie Scott.) It can be found at: http://www.rootsweb.com/~skstjose/stjosephs/peoplesection/biographies/edmarybuchanan.html Ed and Mary Buchanan By Ken Buchanan Grassland to Grainland Ed and Mary were from Listowell, Ont. They met at Luseland, Saskatchewan, where they married and started their homestead. Their first child, Evelyn was born there in 1917. They moved to the Queenston district in 1918. They farmed there and raised eight children Evelyn of Unity, Ken of Winnipeg, Len of Battleford, Delia of Florida, Roy of California, Marion

of Hudson Bay, Jim of Claresholm, and Doris of Bellevue, Ont. Seven are still living, Evelyn passed away October 1980. All of Ed and Mary's children went to Queenston School. Ed Buchanan owned a steam threshing outfit, for his own use and custom work. They had their own portable bunkhouse and cookhouse. As they were threshing, they would move from one farm to another. Of the crew - one many hauled water steady from sloughs to supply the steam engine; one man hauled straw or whatever could be found for fuel; the steam engineer, who was Ed, operated the engine. Also, a separator man who operated the threshing machine. They had ten teamsters and spike pitchers to unload racks; field pitchers to load racks in the field, with wages so low you could afford the man power. Later on the crops were cut by headers and barges, the large stacks hauled into the machine and then fed in by hand which did away with binders and stooking. All these were the forerunners of swathers and combines. Ed and Mary farmed until 1947, when they retired and moved to Victoria BC. A few years later they moved to Red Deer, Alta. They also purchased a cabin at Sylvan Lake where Ed and Mary spent many hours putting their skills to work. Ed built his own boathouse and boats and motors. Ed and Mary were very proud to have three sons and one daughter in the Armed Forces during World War II. They were Delia, Ken and Roy. Ed and Mary were blessed with 38 grandchildren and 23 great grandchildren. Ed passed away 1971 at the age of 84 and Mary in 1976 at the age of 80.

I have spent hours looking for Leonard's obituary. If someone finds it, I would appreciate a copy. Bill __________________________________________________________ May 24, 2005 Re: Buchanans This is Kelly Mitchell's site. Kelly, you still there? Suzanne Bill Buchanan writes: http://www.rootsweb.com/~skstjose/stjosephs/peoplesection/biographies/edmarybuchanan.html __________________________________________________________

May 25, 2005 Letter from Gladys Cornish Hi Everyone,

I plan on writing to Gladys again. Do any of you have specific questions you would like me to ask? (As mentioned previously, there is no known connection between Joseph Buchanan's family and ours.)

Bill ___________________________________________________________________________ Gladys M. Cornish 443 Nassau Street #25 S.S.1 Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario L0S 1J0 May 16, 2005 Mr. Bill Buchanan, You are very kind to have sent my mother’s hand-written letters to me, by way of Barbara and Garry Blain. We all live in Niagara-on-the-Lake, 10 km from Niagara Falls. I live in my own home, in good health and I am 83 years of age. Sounds like Annie Brae already, doesn’t it? Garry is a very helpful and willing handyman for me, and Barbara is a very loving daughter. My older daughter lives in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario. So we have to be satisfied with a couple visits each year. We use the telephone frequently. The trip by sailboat from Ireland was a sad one for many families. I believe was mother’s (Annie Brae’s) great grandparents who arrived in Kingston in 1847 and the family was quarantined on the boat during the great “flu” epidemic. The father of this Buchanan family died and was buried at Kingston. And now I am the great grandparent with four great-granddaughter’s ages 8, 8, 6, and 3 years old, all living in Sault Ste Marie. Our surnames have all changed with each generation from my grandfather, James Buchanan, who passed away in 1923 when I was oneand-a-half years old. Here are the name changes : Annie Brae Buchanan to AB McMane Gladys Cornish Lee Ann Pearson Jennifer Bzezinski (How did that Polish element get in there? We are Irish with a Scottish background, (ha! ha!) Paula eight years old We’re also proud of the male cousins named Buchanan, because the name has spread worldwide, some famous, some nondescriptive (quite natural) – but Buchanans! I wish to express many thanks to you for sending Mom’s letters to us. I was so pleased and surprised when I saw her handwriting on the envelopes. It also stirred up my interest in http://aeb.buchananspot.com. Garry will work on this for me, to find Joseph Buchanan’s stories about ancestors. Did you ever hear that Mother, Annie Brae, lived to be 101 years, 1 month old. She had lost her hearing and most of her sight, but not her friendliness or ability to think. At the end she just slept

away for about two weeks, very peaceably, in December 1990. I have since lost my husband, and my sister, Annie. To keep busy, I volunteer two days per week at a food bank, play bridge two times a week, attend United Church, and just socialize. I’ve just received word that Leonard Buchanan, 85, of Battleford, Saskatchewan passed away April 8, 05. He was the second son of Uncle Edwin. I started this out as a thank-you note, but just kept talking as Annie Brae would do. I close now was Sincere Friendship and Best Wishes. Gladys Cornish __________________________________________________________

May 25, 2005 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Re: Buchanans Hi All; Yes, I am still here…little slow but always read and keep the emails from this group…always good stuff. I will dig this book out and see if there is anything else. I have a feeling there was a picture or two with the write up but will have to look Not sure what all is in the book, but you never know right Something of Interest: The only libraries that own these titles are the Saskatchewan Archives and they charge for lending. It will cost $16.00 for 3 microfilm. So if you plan on ordering microfilm from Saskatchewan be prepared to pay. L Hi Suzanne!!! Its been ages, how are you J Huuggggss To All Kelly :o) ~Updated: Mitchell Family Pages ~Updated: Internet Obituaries Section ~New: Wilkie Press Obituaries 2005 (Excel Format) ~New: Information Added Regarding Grant/McRitchie ~New: Book Indexes Added Kelly Mitchell Calgary Alberta Canada http://www.rootsweb.com/~skstjose/kelly/homepage/ ketchup@...


May 30, 2005 Letter to Gladys Cornish

Later today I will be writing to Gladys Cornish, the daughter of Annie Brea Buchanan McMane. I intend to ask her what she knows about: 1. The two brothers of Anne Thompson Buchanan who came to Elma 2. Thompson relatives in Michigan (probably descendants of the above) 3. The Jones family in Michigan 4. Life in Ireland and the ocean crossing. Annie Brea got much of her information directly from Anne Thompson Buchanan, who was her grandmother. I am hoping that she told all of the old stories to her daughters. Her daughter Annie is dead, but Gladys is still alive and seems to be willing to share her knowledge. Is there anything else I should be asking about?

Bill __________________________________________________________ Jun 20, 2005 Fw: Buchanan genealogy As I have looked at this further, it doesn't seem very credible. Why would Andrew's father have died in Pennsylvania? Why are there no events in Tyrone? It looks like someone is confusing our Andrew with some other Andrew Buchanan born in Ireland about the same time. (As happened previously in the case of Robert Watson, son of James Watson sr. and Elizabeth Linnen.) Bill ----- Original Message ----From: Bill Buchanan To: pifox@... Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 9:44 AM Subject: Buchanan genealogy This is exciting. On WorldConnect, I see the pedigree of my great-great grandfather Andrew Buchanan of County Tyrone, Ireland traced back to the 12th Laird of Buchanan. http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=PED&db=fox2&id=I072839 Family tradition places Andrew and Jane's family in the Strabane and Omagh regions prior to their immigration to Ontario, Canada in 1847. A few actual documents place Andrew and Jane and their family in Binnawooda, Tyrone in 1846, and in Learmore, Tyrone for some years previously. I had not been able to find his parents. I was wondering what information you have on them. I look forward to hearing from you. Bill Buchanan


Jun 20, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Fw: Buchanan genealogy Hi all, The person who posted this is confused. Our Andrew could not have possibly been the son of William Buchanan (of Tyrone as he is referred) and Jean. William Buchanan of Tyrone, was the son of George Buchanan and Elizabeth Mayne. That William died in 1725 and our Andrew was not born till approximately 1787. I have suspected that our Andrew is a descendant of George and Elizabeth Mayne for some years, but have not been able to find anything other than guesses. I have been able to rule out many of the descendant branches of this George and Elizabeth Mayne, but just can't find the right branch to tack our Andrew on. Patty __________________________________________________________

Jun 23, 2005 a cemetery with some Buchanans in Ireland Cousins, Just FYI. Below is a link to a site with a cemetery in Castlederg, which is essentially VERY close (a couple of miles) from where Learmore and Binnawooda is located. There are 5 Buchanans listed. The cemetery covers 1931-1959, so any direct connection is not in there, but possibly more distant cousins. There is also an older cemetery with some Buchanans in it too that I visited on my last trip, but that one is not yet posted. I know John (plot B68) was the father of Albert George (plot B66). I have been in touch with one of John's children (who was alive still in 2002 when I went there). He could not get me farther back than his dad. I have a stong inkling what family the other 3 belong to. I suspect that all 5 are related to us distantly. The Drumquin Buchanans listed on this site are one of the families I have strong suspicion we are related to as well as the Drumclamph person. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/%7Ecotyroneireland/burial/castlederg.html Patty __________________________________________________________

Jun 23, 2005 another link

Also a link to a letter written to relatives in Co. Tyrone by an immigrant to Canada. Talks about life in Canada in the 1840's. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/%7Ecotyroneireland/letter/tyrone-in-canada.html Patty __________________________________________________________

Jun 26, 2005 Buchanans in Co. Tyrone FYI. I have updated my website and have included a few (in no way all) of the families from Co. Tyrone, Ireland that I am unable to connect. The families are segregated by parish and sorted into family groupings. Formost families there is only 1 or 2 generations of information. I suspect that most of the families on these pages are related, but as of now I do not know how. Feel free to contact me regarding these families. Urney and Ardstraw are at: http://www.geocities.com/genealogist@.../buchurneyardstraw.html Lonfield West is at: http://www.geocities.com/genealogist@.../buchlongfieldwest.html Patty Hopkinson Clan Buchanan Society International, Genealogist __________________________________________________________

Jun 26, 2005 Buchanans in Co. Tyrone Re: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanans in Co. Tyrone

This morning I was talking on the telephone to Darren Hiebert, whose mother is descended from a John and Dorcas Buchanan m. about 1808 of Annaghilla, Tyrone, Ireland. (Through their grandson James Irwin Buchanan, who immigrated to Canada in the 1880s.) It was an interesting conversation and he sent me a file of his genealogy, but I can find no connection. Tomorrow Darren is leaving for County Tyrone for a Buchanan reunion in Omagh. I asked him to keep his eyes and ears open for any references to Buchanans from around Castlederg specifically from Learmore and Binnawooda. I will talk to him when he returns in about a week. I don't expect any new information, but it could happen. If I learn anything that might be interesting, I will let you know.

Bill __________________________________________________________

Jun 26, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanans in Co. Tyrone Bill, I actually have some genealogy on the Annaghilla Buchanans. It is actually geographically quite a ways from Castlederg area. If you send me his genealogy, I'd love to add it to my database. The Annaghilla line I have goes back to: William Buchanan, bc 1740 who had a son John, b 1782; d 1855. John m Dorcas and had 7 children. I have some info on some of these descendants. I have a note that James Irwin left for canada in the 1880's, but have no descendants for him. I have some suspicions that this is a descedant line from John Buchanan (oldest of George Buchanan and Elizabeth Mayne's children) and Catherine Black. I have been in contact with a Malcolm Buchanan who comes through this line through John and Dorcas' child James Henry. Patty __________________________________________________________ Tue Jun 28, 2005 Death of Theodore Marr I was just notified of the death of Ted Marr, husband of Margaret Helen MacCartney. Margaret was the daughter of William John "Mac" MacCartney and Lillian "Birdie" Keating. Birdie was the daughter of John Andrew Keating and Margaret Buchanan. Margaret was the daughter of John Buchanan and Isabel Watson. So Ted is one of our "lost" Keating cousins, who were found again about 3 years ago. Ted was about 88 years old and was in quite good health until his sudden death. Ottawa Citizen; 2005-04-29 and 2005-04-30 MARR, Theodore Long Time Employee Bell Canada It is with deep regret we announce the passing of Theodore Marr on Monday, April 25, 2005. Husband of the late Margaret. Loving father of Robert (Bob) Marr. Friends are invited to attend a Graveside Inurnment of Urn at the Pinecrest Cemetery, 2500 Baseline Road on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 at 1:00 PM. Memorial donations may be made to the Ottawa Heart Institute. Condolences/Donation/Tributes at mcGarryfamily.ca 728-1761 [There is no longer any information on him on their website. The obituary was sent to me by George Johnson.]

Bill __________________________________________________________

Jun 28, 2005 Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County I was wondering if any of you had checked out this document. I seem to remember seeing a map that placed some of the Watsons and Linnens in the Spencerville area. They lived in Edwardsburgh during the same time period as John Millar, so there is a good chance that they might have been mentioned in his papers. Bill http://www.archivescanada.ca/english/search/ItemDisplay.asp?sessionKey=1120838335058_206 _191_57_199&l=0&v=0&lvl=1&coll=1&rt=1&itm=182780&rsn=S_WWWlcaEuLbcn&all=1&d t=AW+"Edwardsburgh"+AND+"Grenville"&spi=CAIN No. 182780 TITLE: John Millar and family collection [textual record] PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 5.3 cm of textual records : some transcripts. DATES: 1811, 1834-1857. ADMINISTRATIVE HISTORY/BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH: John Millar (1781-1859) was a native of Dalton Parish, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. In 1811, he married Mary Irvine, the widow of David Johnstone. After his wife's death in 1834, John Millar immigrated to Upper Canada with his children, John Jr. (1812-1891), Margaret (1814-1881), David (1816-1891), Janet (1819-1888), and James (1821-1890), and step-children George and Christopher Johnstone. John Millar settled in the 7th concession of Edwardsburgh, Grenville Co., near Spencerville, where other Dumfriesshire emigrants had already settled. Millar bought a farm but also operated a blacksmith's shop in Spencerville with his sons James and John Jr. The Millars were wellknown for their work as smiths and were also successful merchants. SCOPE AND CONTENT: Fonds consists of correspondence and estate inventory, 1811, 1834-1854, original, 46 pages and typescript, 54 pages; and correspondence, n.d., 1834-1857, original, 90 pages and typescript, 71 pages. REPOSITORY: National Archives of Canada RESTRICTIONS ON ACCESS: Textual Records Open

FINDING AID AVAILABLE: No finding aid ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The collection formerly located here, Upper Canada, Bytown has been transferred to MG 24, B 55. Received in 1984 from Mr. Kenneth McKenzie Wright of Vancouver, B.C.; in 1986 from Professor George Millar of Saskatoon, Sask., and Perry Millar of Vancouver, B.C. PROVENANCE: Millar, John, , 1781-1859 (family) SUBJECTS: Millar family, 1811-1854 Grenville County (U.C.), 1811-1854 Inheritance and successions - Upper Canada, 1834-1854 Dumfries (Scotland), 1834-1854 Grenville County (U.C.) - Blacksmiths, 1834-1854 David Johnstone, 1811 Grenville County (U.C.) - Farmers, 1834-1854 Mary Irvin, 1811 Dumfries (Scotland) - Economy, 1834-1854 Dumfries (Scotland) - Social life and customs, 1834-1854 Grenville County (U.C.) - Religion, 1834-1854

Attachment(not stored) OCNOON_logo.gif __________________________________________________________

Jul 8, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County Bill, I have never checked this out. I agree that it might have some potential. Several Linnen & Watsons were in the Spencerville area of Edwardsburgh. Patty __________________________________________________________

Jul 8, 2005 The Family & In-laws of Florence Eileen Buchanan I dream of finding sites like this one!!!

This is on James Robert CURTIS, the husband of Florence "Eileen" Buchanan (daughter of Richard McKee Buchanan and Mary Alice "Elizabeth" Birch) from Robert Buchanan's line. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~crabbe/TreesAll/TreesTMG/102.htm Arthur George CURTIS (1020063); b. 17 Jun 1887 in Cardiff, GLA, WLS; m. Charlotte Maria White (1020067) 14 Jan 1915 in R M of Rosedale, MAN, CAN; d. 10 Jul 1970 in Brandon, MAN, CAN, at age 83. Charlotte Maria WHITE (1020067) was born on 9 Apr 1897 in R M of Rosedale, MAN, CAN. She died on 20 Feb 1969 in Brandon, MAN, CAN, at age 71. Children of Arthur George Curtis (1020063) and Charlotte Maria White (1020067) were as follows: + 480 i. William Glen CURTIS (1020068), b. 15 Aug 1915 in R M of Langford, MAN, CAN; m. Ruth Sophia Seekings (1020444). + 481 ii. John Arthur CURTIS (1020447) is still living. + 482 iii. James Robert CURTIS (1020457), b. 23 Apr 1920 in R M of Langford, MAN, CAN; m. Florence Eileen Buchanan (1020458). + 483 iv. Audrey Charlotte CURTIS (1020479) is still living. + 484 v. Evelyn Alma CURTIS (1020493) is still living. + 485 vi. Norma Ellen CURTIS (1020499) is still living. + 486 vii. Joanne Christine Jessie CURTIS (1020503) is still living. 482. James Robert CURTIS (1020457); b. 23 Apr 1920 in R M of Langford, MAN, CAN; m. Florence Eileen Buchanan (1020458) 26 Dec 1944 in Riding Mountain, MAN, CAN; d. 3 Nov 1971 in Makaroff, SAS, CAN, at age 51. Florence Eileen BUCHANAN (1020458) is still living. Children of James Robert Curtis (1020457) and Florence Eileen Buchanan (1020458) were as follows: + 648 i. Donald James CURTIS (1020459) is still living. + 649 ii. Gordon Arthur CURTIS (1020463) is still living. 650 iii. Murray Richard CURTIS (1020467); b. 31 Mar 1950 in Winnipeg, MAN, CAN. + 651 iv. Tanis Eileen CURTIS (1020468) is still living. + 652 v. Shanon Marie CURTIS (1020475) is still living. [Click links on site for additional info on the spouses and children of these.] The same info is provided in descendancy chart form at http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~crabbe/TreesAll/ChartsTMG/Dc102.htm Bill Buchanan


Jul 9, 2005 Alden Govenlock and Mary Ash Scroll down about 9/10 of the way down this page. It even includes a photo of Mabel Govenlock and Ernest Terry. http://users.legacyfamilytree.com/Dunn-Terry/f36.htm#f1955 Links lead to further info. Vera, Sharon and any other Ash's please help me!!!

This info shows Alden and his wife Mary/May?? having just two children and one of them I don't have listed! (Stuart William Govenlock) It also doesn't list Douglas Terry as a child of Mabel Govenlock and Ernest Terry. This site gives good detailed information, but I worry about incongruities with information I already have. I would like to clear them up.

Bill __________________________________________________________

Jul 10, 2005 ASH family Cousins, I'm in the midst of some ASH research (tracing them a bit farther and more detailed in England) and I know at least some of you are have some ASH connections. If anyone is interested in what I find, drop me an email and I will send you what I find. I will do it off list as i suspect it does not related to most of the list... Patty Hopkinson __________________________________________________________

Jul 10, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] ASH family Hi Patty, I would like a copy of your Ash info. Bill


Jul 10, 2005 Letter from Gladys Cornish I just received this from Gladys May (McMane) Cornish. It had nothing about the early generations, but lists her descendants and her sister's. I thought this might be of interest. Bill ______________________________________________________________________________

Gladys M. Cornish SS 1 25-443 Nassau St. Niagara on the Lake Ontario L0S 1J0 Written June 25, 26, 27, 28 – 05 Mr. Bill Buchanan, I'm sorry to be late in answering your very informative and lengthy letter. The page entitled “Descendants of Gladys May McMane” is quite correct. I will add little bit of info just make it interesting. Yes, my dear husband was baptized Robert Kenneth but I called him Ken, as everyone else did – except when I had to stamp my foot and call him “KENNETH.” Lee Ann’s husband is a medical doctor in Sault St. Marie. Their son in law, Bob Bob Bzezinski died instantly in an industrial accident at the Algoma Steel plant in the “Soo”, April 26th 04. So, list #4 is their daughter, Paula Bzezinski, [personal information deleted] 4. daughter of John R. K. Pearson and Alison Pearson [personal information deleted] 4. Elizabeth Ann Pearson [personal information deleted] 4. Heather May Pearson [personal information deleted] 4. Emma Lee Pearson [personal information deleted] This list of girls’ names are my great granddaughters and I'm very proud of them. We do not have great grandchildren for list #4 with the name Blain – yet! Maybe we can get a boy or more. Dr. Allison Marie Blain has two more years of study to be a specialist in anesthesiology. Allison [personal information deleted] #3 Michael Scott Blain has a new address [personal information deleted]. Spouse is Kelly Barney – how did the Irish in there? Both are teachers P.S. John Robert Kenneth Pearson's spouse is Alison Smithers Jeffrey Gordon Blain's spouse Allison Marie Hall.

Mysteries And many of your questions are mysteries to me. I have to be honest and tell you that Annie Brae (my mother) tried to get me interested in family trees, especially the Buchanan tree. But there were too many families such as Thompson, Scott, McMane, Morrison, Cornish, Thistle, the Tanners and Mckays. But I had to work hard to graduate from Secondary school and then University. Now I’m 83 years old and am really interested in your efforts and work it takes to be successful at it. Question 1 I know nothing about two brothers of Anne Thompson Buchanan and never heard of Thompson relatives in Michigan. Sorry!

Question 2 My father was known locally as Roy A. McMane, although very likely baptized as Allan Roy McMane. But to eliminate confusion with his uncle Allan McLean, Dad was called Roy. Please note that I've changed Allen to Allan. I don't know which is right or wrong. Question 4 James Buchanan married Julia Ann Scott, my grandparents. The brother of James Buchanan, Alex Buchanan married Emily Scott. I think Buchanans are still marrying Scotts, but otherwise are not in the same family tree. Each year, at the end of June. there is a memorial service at Donegal Cemetery. My daughter, Barbara and I, had just returned from attending this year's service. It was a to a two and a halfhour drive each way. The weather was fine, the cemetery was beautiful with bouquets of flowers brought in by sorrowing relatives. My dear Dad, Roy A. McMane, my mom (Annie Brae), and my sister Annie Gertrude are all together with so many relatives in Donegal Cemetery. I saw the granite stones of Charles Henry Buchanan and wife Clara Danbrook, also Robert Buchanan and wife Eliz. Watson, and many others. Question 5 Elizabeth Jane Buchanan who married Tom Jones, was Annie Brae’s younger sister. As a child, nine years of age, I well remember the day that my mother received word that her sister had died. My first experience with true sadness. Yes, Ferndale, a part of Detroit, or a suburb of Detroit, would be a correct address of that time. They had four children: James, Earl, Della, and Leona. Here's the info about the four children of Tom and Elizabeth Jones, just mentioned. Tom Jones married Elizabeth Generation 2 James Edwin Jones born seventh day/5/1914 spouse Verna Hartsell. Jim Jones passed away this recent spring, age 91. He was still taking long walks and swimming 2 or three times a week. Generation 3 Sally Jane Jones born [personal information deleted] spouse Charles Shillen Patsy Ann Jones [personal information deleted] spouse George Corbin [personal information deleted] Robert Thomas Jones [personal information deleted] spouse unknown - marriage and a quick divorce Generation 2 William Earl Jones 17/03/17 spouse Alice Scott 31/07/1915 both deceased, no family Della May 17/01/1919 spouse Raymond Bradley 02/04/1915 Generation 3 Patricia Ann [personal information deleted] spouse Jack Warren Virginia [personal information deleted] spouse Ronald Blanton [personal information deleted] Elana [personal information deleted] spouse Charles LeBeau [personal information deleted]

Shirley [personal information deleted] spouse Robert Short [personal information deleted] Thomas [personal information deleted] spouse Jacquelyn

Generation 2 Annie Leona Jones [personal information deleted] spouse Earl Witham 05/02/1915 deceased

Generation 3 Gloria Witham [personal information deleted] stepdaughter, spouse Richard Sherman Carol Ann [personal information deleted] Sandra June [personal information deleted] Earl William [personal information deleted] Most of these people lived in or near suburbs of Detroit or Florida or Texas etc. My last address that I have of Della Bradley is 400 East Main Street Apt 338 Midland, Michigan 48640 Or Mrs. Pat Corbin daughter of Jim Jones 57587 Copperfield Shelby Township, Michigan 48316

It would be certainly possible to write a more correct and organized letter but my letter writing is somewhat the same as my talking – “speak first and think later”. Sorry about that! I enjoyed the letter written by Lizzie Jane Hardie. She visited frequently for a week or two at Roy and Annie Brae McMane’s. She was not my aunt and we called her “Aunt Lizzie”. If you visit could visit Ontario you'd be very welcome and we could talk for several days and Niagara-on-the-Lake is a very nice little village. Sincerely Gladys Cornish

If you aren’t completely confused by now – I am! Question one. Which gentleman of the seven is your ancestor? I can't find info about you in the great book called the Buchanan Family Tree. Did Mom (Annie Brae) not send you one? So I keep saying to myself what page is Bill on? Gladys __________________________________________________________

Jul 10, 2005 Watson of Perth County Pioneers

Hi All; I came across the following information and was wondering if they belong to us. Perth County Pioneer – 10th Anniversary Perth County Branch OGS The James Watson Family by Cheryl Dunbar Kahlke James Watson (c. 1777 – 1863) born in County Tyrone Ireland Married secondly to Sarah Gibboney Children: Margaret Watson married Robert Braden Isobel Watson married James Boyd James Watson Jr. married Sarah Simpson William Watson married Mary Taft Alexander Watson married Elizabeth Wilson Joseph Watson married Isabella Timmin Julia Watson married John Sutton John Watson married Mary W. Robb Ann Elizabeth Watson married John Dunbar There is a good little article here about a page and a half if anyone would like the info let me know. Take care, Kelly

Jul 10, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Watson of Perth County Pioneers I am aware of anohter James Watson family in Perth. It does not seem to be related to ours. They were out of Ireland and I have never been able to make any connection. Patty __________________________________________________________

Jul 12, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] ASH family Good evening

Yes Patty, I would like to receive your extra info on the Ash's. Actually, I'm off to a "Luau" (hope that I am spelling it right) at Mary Buchanan Ash's granddaughters (Vera Ash) in Winnipeg on Sunday. Should be a fun time with all the Ash relatives that will be there. Darlene __________________________________________________________

Jul 12, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] ASH family Darlene, I'd be happy to pass on the info. Patty __________________________________________________________

Jul 13, 2005 Yet another Watson of Perth County This message reminded me of a John Watson family I had come across in Mornington twp, Perth, Ontario. Because Mornington is adjacent to Elma twp, I thought it might be one of ours. I asked for a lookup, and when the information came, it was obviously not one of our Watsons, but is from the same town in Ireland as my wife's Watsons. But unfortunately I can't connect them with her Watsons yet either. Our Watsons, of course, came from Scotland. So if you come across these other people in your research, they are not part of our Watson family, even if they did bring honor to the name of Watson. JOHN WATSON "John Watson, the late clerk of Mornington, first saw the light under Irish skies, having been born at the town of Newton-Stewart, County Tyrone, on the 16th day of March, 1827. When twenty years of age he left the parental roof and old home town, where he had received an intellectual and good moral training, which coupled with good natural ability, made him successful in business and a man of great worth. Setting sail alone in 1846 he arrived in Canada and resided for a short time at Trafalgar and North Easthope. When the township of Mornington, which was then a portion of the "Queen's Bush" was being surveyed in 1850, he came in and assisted with the survey and after the township had been laid out he settled on the two hundred-acre farm, lot 7, con.11, where he lived until his death in 1910. Like all backwoodsmen, Mr. Watson had to endure hardships, encounter innumerable difficulties and live the strenuous life ere he reached the object of his ambition--a comfortable home and an ample competence. Early in life he took an active part in church work and in the educational and municipal affairs of the township. In politics he was an ardent supporter of the Conservative party, always fighting in the front battle line, but always standing for clean politics. But it was as a municipal officer

that John Watson served with distinction, having been councillor, deputy-reeve and reeve for eight years consecutively. He was township clerk from 1874 to 1907, covering a period of thirty-three years. In his official position he attained efficient knowledge in all municipal law and by his courteous manner and never-failing execution of his public duties left a memory not soon to be forgotten. Mr. Watson's partner in life was Mary Dowd, a native of Erin's Isle, whose prudence, energy and Christian graces went far to make his home left attractive. Mr. Watson is buried in the family plot at North Mornington Presbyterian Chruch of which church he was a long and valued member. Like trees marked for the falling, the pioneers have almost passed on and the remaining stand as sentinels to guard the glory of past achievements which seem destined to be devoured by that relentless foe--oblivion." 1881 Census of Canada Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion John WATSON M Male Irish 54 Ireland Farmer Mary WATSON M Female Irish 50 Ireland James WATSON Male Irish 25 O Student John WATSON Male Irish 25 O Robert WATSON Male Irish 20 O Samuel WATSON Male Irish 17 O William M. WATSON Male Irish 12 O ---------------------------------------------------------------------So u rce Information: Census Place Mornington, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375908 NA Film Number C-13272 District 172 Sub-district F Division 3 Page Number 18 Household Number 73 1901 Census of Canada 3 46 31 Watson John M Head W Mar 16 1827 74 3 47 31 Watson Samuel M Son M Oct 22 1863 37 3 48 31 Watson Ellen F Daughter in Law M Oct 19 1868 33 3 49 31 Watson Mary I F Granddaughter S Aug 5 1891 10 3 50 31 Watson Sara F E F Granddaughter S Apr 9 1894 7 Source Information: 1901 Census of Canada Subdistrict: Mornington, PERTH (North/Nord), ONTARIO District Number: 104 Subdistrict Number: f-4 Archives Microfilm: T-6490 Bill Buchanan __________________________________________________________

Jul 22, 2005 1911 census of Canada Hi all, The 1911 census of Canada is finally available to be searched online.

The link is: http://www.collectionscanada.ca/archivianet/1911/006003-100.01-e.html There is no surname index, so, just as with the 1901 census, you need to know the location where the person you lived was. I have not yet had time to look at Elma township, Perth County, but that will be the first one I'll look at! Suzanne


Jul 22, 2005 1911 census - Riding Mtn page 5 Here is my father and his parents from page 5. 1911 census Riding Mountain, Manitoba Buchanan William M Head M Oct 36 Ont Buchanan Lilliz F Wife M Dec 30 Ont [Lizzie] Buchanan William George M Son S May 5 Man Buchanan Margret F Dau S Mar 2 Man Buchanan John M Son S May 1 Man [Almost illegible. If Scouten wasn't a better blacksmith than he was an enumerator, he wouldn't have been much competition for my grandfather!] Also on page 5 1911 census Riding Mountain, Manitoba Watson William M Head M April 38 Ont Watson Sophia F Wife M Jan 35 USA 1888 Watson Flora F Dau S July 18 Man Watson Clara F Dau S Dec 15 Man Watson Arthur M Son S Jan 12 Man Watson Gertie F Dau S Sept 7 Man Watson Norman M Son S Nov 5 Man [hard to read] This gives me an approximate date of birth for Norman. and ... 1911 census Riding Mountain, Manitoba Watson David J. M Head M April 42 Ont Watson Minnie F Wife M Jan 29 Man Watson Bert M Son S May 4 Man Watson Roy M Son S July 3 Man Darn! Laura Ritchie is also on that page and the server apparently went offline before I copied her entry. (I was using Mr. Sid. If I had been using Acrobat, it would have still been on my screen. But on my slow phone line, the Acrobat images take forwever to appear.) Laura is the daughter of Joshua Ritche and Elizabeth Jane Watson. I saw that Laura's age was 20 and checked

it against my database but when I tried to pan the image to check her month of birth and birthplace in Mr. Sid, the server was no longer responding. I would appreciate it if you would share your transcriptions with the rest of us, too. Thanks for letting us know, Sue. I hadn't heard that the 1911 was going to made available. I am glad they changed their minds.

Bill __________________________________________________________

Jul 22, 2005 Re: 1911 census - Riding Mtn page 5 Bill, thanks for posting the Watson data. I was about to look up the page you couldn't get, but now the database isn't working at all. Perhaps it's just overloaded with users eager to use it, because it's new. The government certainly has not made a big deal out of the fact that this database is available. If it weren't for Sherri of Ontario GenWeb, I wouldn't know either. Statistics Canada didn't want this data released at all... and it should have been released in 2002. When it comes back online, I plan to spend some time with the Elma township section. Sue

__________________________________________________________ Jul 23, 2005 1911 census site Hi everyone, I've received news that the 1911 census site, the url of which I posted yesterday, will apparently be offline all weekend. The story I heard is that they're doing work on the electrical system in the building where the server is kept, and the power has been shut off for the weekend. Just thought you might like to know, in case you've been trying to use the site. I'm wondering if the census will be coming on microfilm to public libraries, and if I have time will ask at the local history room downtown today. I find it much easier to read it on microfilm when I can - it's much easier on the eyes! Suzanne


Jul 26, 2005 George Watson family in the 1911 census George Watson was the second youngest child of James Watson and Elizabeth Linnen. Fifth Census of Canada 1911 page 11 Alberta District of Strathcona T48 R26 W4 Watson George M Head M March 1841 69 Ontario 1903? Scotch Canadian Presbyterian Farmer Watson Jane F Wife M May 1842 69 Ontario 1903? Scotch Canadian Presbyterian Watson Richard J M Son S October 1878 33 Ontario 1903? Scotch Canadian Presbyterian [The year arrived in Alberta is hard to read. But George's month of birth is definitely shown as March 1841, which agrees with the gravestone, but the earliest record of his birth is the 1852 ("1851") census which indicates born in 1842 (1852-10=1842). So in my database I am keeping his DOB as 26 March 1842.] Their son George Allan Watson and wife Carrie Schuster's family Fifth Census of Canada 1911 page 16 Alberta District of Strathcona T47 R26 W4 George A. Watson M Head M March 1871 40 Ontario 1903 Scotch Canadian Presbyterian Farmer Carrie Watson F Wife M October 1870 39 Ontario 1905 Scotch Canadian Presbyterian Merton A Watson M Son M Dec 1902 8 Alta [Ohio] Scotch Canadian Prots Catherine Watson F Dau F March 1906 5 Alta Scotch Canadian Catholic (sic) Ralph P. Watson M Son M May 1908 3 Alta Scotch [I was glad to find Ralph listed. I had estimated his birth as 1911. Now I have revised my estimate of his sister June's birth as 1912.] But no sign of daughter Mary "Minnie" and husband Frank Steel and family, nor of daughter Margaret and husband Arthur Sheffield and family. I expected to find the Sheffields and hoped for the Steels as a possible bonus. I may have to wait until this census is transcribed before I can find them.

Bill __________________________________________________________

Jul 29, 2005 THE BUCHANANS Hi All; Received this from a cousin that lives in Wellesly. She went in to the Archives there for me and went out to Donegal as well and took tonnes of pictures of the cemetery and the surrounding area.

Below is a little article about the Buchanans she found. And I thought I would pass it on to all of you. Sorry, I don’t know the source yet..I have email my cousin to see if she wrote it down. She a new to genealogy, so you all know what that is like, always excited about finding new things…and forget about writing down the sources heheh J Hope all of you are having a good summer. I found my Buchanan’s in the 1911 census at Salvador, will post them soon J Huggs Kelly THE BUCHANAN’S Bert Buchanan, now of Newton told me that his grandfather, William married Anne Thompson in Ireland. They set out for America, but were forced to return. In 1847, they got as far as Kingston, but were quarantined there due to a fever that broke out in the boat. Mrs. Andy Buchanan Sr. and a grandchild died and were buried in Kingston. Andrew Buchanan with his seven sons, William, Charles, Andrew, Robert, Sam, John and James and one daughter Jane came to Donegal. To make transportation easier and to solve their need for water they built close to the creek, running between eighth and ninth line of Elma, just north of Donegal. William chose lot 33, which ran from one line to the other. When the land was surveyed he found he had lot 33 on 8th, since he was north of the dividing line. He wanted lot 33 fronting the ninth line, so bought it later on. At one time there were so many Buchanans name Andrew, they used this method to tell them apart, “Black Andy”, “Devil Andy”, “Fat Andy”. In the beginning Donegal was called “Buchananville”. __________________________________________________________

Jul 29, 2005 1 more WILLIAM BUCHANAN FARMS IN THE SAME NAME WILLIAM BUCHANAN William Buchanan was one of the first settlers in Elma. In 1848, he purchased lot 33, concession 8 and lot 33, concession 9 from the Crown. Later he sold north half of lot 33, con. 8. His son Alexander purchased west half of the farm in 1888. Alex sold it to his son in 1922, and it was taken over by Delmar, Jimmie’s son in 1955. Delmar’s son Calvin is the fifth generation growing up on this farm. The east half of lot 33 on ninth line passed from William Buchanan to this son James. Bert Buchanan, his son got it next and took 52 crops off of it. He has the Crown deed in his possession still. His son Andy owns it now.


Jul 29, 2005 Re: THE BUCHANANS Isn't this from the intro to the 1970 Buchanan Family Tree? Suzanne __________________________________________________________

Jul 29, 2005 Re: 1 more WILLIAM BUCHANAN This is from either Vera McNichol's book or one of the Johnston Perth County history books. I can't tell you immediately which one, but I know I've read it before. Give me a few minutes and maybe I can tell you. I wish people would attach citations to things. Suzanne __________________________________________________________

Jul 29, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] 1 more WILLIAM BUCHANAN When we visited Andy in 2002, he had had sold his half of the farm and retired from farming. But the other half of the farm was still inhabited by Gary David Buchanan, Delmer's son. Unfortunately I hadn't realized that there was a second set of buildings (they are a long way back from the road) and that Gary was living there, or we would have visited him while we were visiting other Buchanans in the area. William's old barn had been torn down by the new owners, although the high foundation was still there.

Gladys Cornish wrote about a month ago "Each year, at the end of June. there is a memorial service at Donegal Cemetery. My daughter, Barbara and I, had just returned from attending this year's service." So if you are planning on visiting Donegal, that would be an ideal time, as you would be able to visit relatives who were visiting for the occasion. We actually visited Donegal twice on our trip there. The first time was on the Saturday, and we could find no one to visit, although the cemetery was wonderful! (Only a genealogist would speak that way about a cemetery ...) I photographed lots of tombstones, and the house on Andy's half of William's farm, and drove on to Cambridge, where we spent the night. After church the next day, I telephoned Andy again, and this time he was home. He said that the family were having a big 80th birthday party for Muriel Petrie at the Attwood Community Centre, and invited us to come. It was

wonderful! During the party and afterwards we visited with lots of Buchanans. Maybe by going to the memorial service, you would experience something similar. For those who haven't visited Donegal, it is very small - just a few buildings along the highway. The Donegal Cemetery (in Donegal) was beautifully laid out - with row on row of familiar names on the tombstones. The Trinity Anglican Cemetery, a mile or so from Donegal was another matter entirely. All the tombstones had been removed from the graves and piled together. I hope they have spruced things up since then. Many of our Buchanans are buried there. Other family members are buried in Elma Centre Cemetery in Atwood, but we didn't manage a visit there.

Bill __________________________________________________________

Jul 29, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Re: THE BUCHANANS I just checked and it is not in my copy of the Buchanan Family Tree. The article is mistaken, of course, in saying the Mrs. Andrew Buchanan died in Kingston and that he and his children settled at Donegal. It was Andrew who died at Kingston, and Jane and their children settled at Donegal. Bill __________________________________________________________

Jul 29, 2005 Re: THE BUCHANANS I know I've read it somewhere... it might also be from Vera McNichol's book. I can't find my copy, so I can't check right now. Suzanne __________________________________________________________

Jul 29, 2005 RE: [andrew-buchanan] THE BUCHANANS Hi All; Ok, I am starting to get some source information now on the two articles I sent this morning. I am sorry I didn’t include this when I sent out the info but I didn’t have it yet. Both articles come from “Vera McNichols” book – “Reveries of a Pioneer”.

And I also received a copy of the article written for Neepawa 1883-1983, which is about 4-5 pages. I have all of these in pdf, if anyone would like copies please let me know J Huggs to all Kelly :o)


Jul 31, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] 1 more WILLIAM BUCHANAN Bill its to bad you didn't realize we lived back here,we would have enjoyed meeting you. Yes I still live on the family farm,along with my children Matthew, Nicole, Alexander, Ryan, and William but he goes by his middle name Tyler and of course my wife Darlene. By the way I find this discussion group very interesting. Gary Buchanan __________________________________________________________

Jul 31, 2005 Buchanans in Neepawa History I did OCR on the pages Kelly Mitchell gave me, so I could paste them into my Notes. Does anyone know the name of the history book? "Neepawa, Land of Plenty" or something else? Thanks Kelly. Bill ______________________________________________________________________________ BUCHANANS by Mervyn R. Buchanan Our branch of the Buchanan clan came to Canada in the fall of 1847. In this particular era of history a number of families immigrated from Ireland due to a potato famine. A large number of people immigrated to Canada and the United States. My great-great-grandfather, Andrew Buchanan and his wife, whose maiden name was [may have been] Jane Long, carne from Armagh [Omagh], County Tyrone in Ireland to Canada. My great-grandfather Samuel Buchanan was [perhaps] seventeen years old at this time and one of seven brothers and one sister who came with their parents to this country. Our forefathers were seven weeks on a sailing ship before landing at Kingston, Ontario. They were quarantined on board ship for another three weeks due to a fever epidemic among the passengers and crew. After landing at Kingston our family settled in Perth County in the Elma township of Ontario. My great-grand father Samuel Buchanan married Mary Watson in Ontario and they, along with, their family came to Neepawa area in the year 1878. [Samuel yes, but the family was in Ontario

in the 1881 census.] They came by rail to St. Boniface and then by ox cart and wagons to Neepawa. There were eight sons and one daughter born in this family. My grandfather Robert George Buchanan was born September 28, 1875, the second youngest of nine children, When my great-grand father came to Neepawa district he homesteaded the east half section of 28-15-15 in Rosedale municipality which has now been in our family for four generations and is presently farmed by my brother Gerald. The west half section of 28-15-15 was homesteaded by my grandfather's oldest [older] brother John Buchanan. Our great uncle John fought in the Riel Rebellion in 1885. Other than a period of 10 or 11 years through the 1920's when this half Section belonged to the Jim Connell family, this farm has belonged to our family and is the farm where my brothers and I grew up. Our early school days were spent at Mountain View School which was situated one mile south of our farm on Section 21-15-15. My grandfather R. G. Buchanan married Annie Coulter on February 14, 1900. There were two children born to this, couple.The oldest child, Gertrude, was born in May, 1901 and my father, Samuel was born in Oc-tober, 1902. My grandmother died when my Dad and aunt were very young and both of these children spent a lot of their early childhood with their grandparents the Coulters who also farmed in the Mountain View district prior to and after the turn of the century. Grandpa remarried Katie Watson and to this marriage three children were born. The oldest son, Norman, was accidentally killed in a fire in 1931. The second son, Bert, farmed the east half of the section prior to he and his wife, the former Betty Howard, retiring to Neepawa, where they still reside. The youngest was Anne, who married Charles Bradshaw and are presently living in Riding Mountain, Manitoba. Family born to R.G. Buchanan's children are: Gertrude married George Wilson and they live in Maple Ridge, BC. Their only daughter June married Bill McCracken, presently living in Port Moody, B.C, June and Bill have two children, Scott and Laurie. Scott and his wife Karen live in Port Moody and Laurie is working in Winnipeg. Sam married Margaret Jackson in 1927 and had a family of four boys. The eldest son, Deryle, died in in-fancy. Their second son, Mervyn, married Mary May McCracken, presently living in Moose Jaw, Sask. Their family consists of twin daughters, Judy and Joanne, and one son, Howard. Judy married At Frankowski and they have two sons, Christopher and Derek, who live in Regina. Joanne married Randy Kuharski and they also have two sons, Kyle and Myles. Joanne and her husband, who is a member of the R.C.M.P., are currently stationed at Hay River, N.W.T. Howie and his wife Janice (nee Chodakowski) are presently stationed in Toronto with the R.C.M.P. Third son, Gerald, married Marilyn Wood and they have a family of three boys. Their oldest son Robbie and wife Susan (nee Huxley) live in Swan River where Rob is teaching school. Scott is employed in Winnipeg and Byron is completing high school in Neepawa. Gerald is farming the original section of land homesteaded by our great-grandfather and great--uncle. Ron, the youngest son, and his wife, the former Donna Pacquette, have a daughter Catherine and a son Kevin. Ron and his family presently reside in Winnipeg. Anne and Charlie Bradshaw have a family of two daughters. Their oldest daughter Sharon is married to Eric Davies and they have two daughters. Tammy and Shaunna. Sharon and her family are living in Riding Mountain. Their younger daughter, Marjorie, is married to David Morden and they have two sons, Christopher and Ryan. Marjorie and her family live in Brandon. This is a short family history from the time our family came to Canada nearly 140 years ago. ______________________________________________________________________________

ANDREW BUCHANAN FAMILY by Mrs. Jean Hunter The potato famine of 1845 in Ireland was the cause of a great exodus of many Irishmen from their homeland. The Buchanans of County Tyrone were among those going their different ways to Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Canada. In 1847, after an arduous sea voyage of nine weeks, Andrew Buchanan, his wife Jane (Long) and their seven sons; Robert 1815-1868, his wife Margaret (Booth); Charles 1817-1905, his wife Nancy (Porter); James 1821; William 1824; Andrew 1826; Samuel 1830, John 1831; and Jane 1836, arrived in Canada, Fever had raged on board and the passengers were quarantined for three weeks in harbor. Here Andrew died of fever, Jane and her children settled in Perth County, Ontario. On May 20tb 1878, Robert [Robert’s widow’s new husband Alex Long], John, Samuel, and Jane's husband James Watson came west to make homestead claims, arriving in late July. Each laid claim and returned to Perth County for their wives and families. In 1879 John Buchanan, his wife Isabell Watson settled with their children: Jane married John Hamilton, Margaret married John Keating; Mary married Wm. Ash; James married Sarah Watson, Robert (Red Bob) married Margaret Buchanan Tibbetts; Elizabeth married Daniel McGillivray; William married Elizabeth Watson, on their homestead SW 6-15-15. Their son, Robert (Red Bob) married Margaret Buchanan Tibbetts and they homesteaded SW 1015-16 in 1880, raising all their family: John James married Eva Puff [Pfaff]; Isabell married Walter Hunter; Russell married Gertrude Barnhart; Elizabeth married Wilbert Livingstone; Douglas married Grace Birch; Stanley married Hazel Birch; Hazel Margaret married William James Griffith; Edward married Elizabeth Birch. Their son John James (deceased in 1918) married Eva Puff [Pfaff], They raised 2 children: Elmer Melvin (Sonny) married Rita Bud. They have 3 children: Darlene married Leonard Perrett and they have 2 children, Mitchell Scott and Lindsay Jannelle; Wayne Melvin. Bonnie-Lou married William Gagawchuch and have one daughter, Darcie Lea. Edna married William L. Jasper. They have 5 children: Wilma married Arnold Buchanan, and their children are: Kenneth married Sylvia Wabick, they have 2 children, Wm. John and Tracy Lynn. Deborah married Don Norris. They have one daughter, Michelle Mary; Brian married Judy Roland, they have 2 daughters, Jodi and Jacquie Dawn. Roy married Sheila Goss, they have one son Wm. Leslie. Keith married Doris Staggs, they have 2 children, Timothy Wayne and Wanda Gail. William married Lorna Crandall, they have 2 children, Richard William and Karen Rose. Wendy married Wayne Henuset, they have 2 children, Shane Dennis and Tera Lee. Their daughter Isabell married Walter Hunter in 1907. They resided in the Neepawa area during their lifetime and raised nine children: Gordon married Kate Shaw. They have 2 children: Delmar married Linda Atchim, they have 3 children, Scott, Alana, and Nickole. Herald married Donelda Redaway, they have 2 children, Dale and Adam. George had no family. Vernon married Beatrice Liecks. They have 3 children: Beverley married Alph Young, they have 3 children, Greg, Carla, and Scott; Marie married Wayne Friesen, they have 2 children, Tyler and Collon. Violet married Jesse Rogers. They have 2 children: Viola married Danny Lewis, they have 2 children, Tammy and Walter. Isabell married Bill Robinson, they have one daughter Heather. Lillian (deceased) married Ross Howatt. They have 4 children: Josie married Harvie Hill, they have 4 children, Greg, Heather, David, and Denis; George married Dorne Stone; David; Ritchard married Jann

McDonald. Bessie married Jack Arnold. They have 2 cbildren. James married Christen Oakly, they have 2 children Robyn and Catherine; Donna married Charles Snezyk, they have 3 children, Karl, Teresa, and Jamie. Wellington married Marge Stockley. They have 4 children: Cheryl; Linda married David Ducharme; Garry; Kim. Jack J. was awarded the Military Medal for bravery at Dieppe in August 1942, where he lost his life. Glen was accidentally killed in October, 1958. Their son Russell (deceased) married Gertrude Bar-nhart. They had 2 children: Audrey married Ernest Wilkie, they have 3 children, Trever, Lynne, April; Arnold (deceased) Their daughter Elizabeth (deceased 1918) married Bert Livingstone, They had one daughter: Margaret (Peggy) married Williarn S. Birch.They have 4 children: Murray married Mavis, they have 3 children. Garry married Donnelle Busch, they have 2 children Kelly and Deborah, and reside in Missouri; Lynne married Lanny Lillibridge, they have 2 children Matt and Heather, and reside in Colorado; Jo-Anne married Roland Lovely, they reside in California. Their son Douglas (deceased) married Grace Birch. They have 3 children. William (deceased) married Phyllis Rodgers Buchanan. They have 2 daughters. Kimberly and Colleen; Murray married Lorraine Francis. Their children are Randy and Deborah; Marie married Lorne McKinnon, their 4 childien are, Douglas, Dale, Denise, Darren. Their son Stanley (deceased) married Hazel Birch, They had 2 sons: John (Jack) (dec.) married Phyllis Rodgers. They had one son David married Diane Jordon, Their 3 children are Cristine, David and Jordon. Glen married Ada Brooks. Their 3 children are Glenda married Wilf Goodburn, they have one girl Sheryl Lynn; Allen; Jacquie. Their daughter, Hazel Margaret and her husband William James Griffith, spent their life together in the Neepawa, Arden, and Keyes areas, raising a family of six: Margaret Edna (deceased) married Stuart Milne of Keyes, Their only daughter, Karen Hazel married Keith Lambert of Westbourne. They have 2 children, Charles Joseph and Holly-Lee Margaret. John Douglas married Jean Watson of Arden. They have 6 children: Beverley Shannon married Charles Lee; Richard John; Robyn Douglas; Timothy Lawrence; Bonnie Jean; Daniel William. All reside in the Stonewall area, Willard Jean married Peter John Hunter of Arden. They have 5 children Joseph Garth married Darlene Simon, they have one daughter, Christina Lynn; Peter Brent; Tannis Jean married James Brown, they have 2 children, Tannis Lynn and Michael James; Stephen Wade; Alayne Faye. All reside in the Neepawa area. Althia Berniece married Wilmer Andrew Smith of Gladstone, They have 5 children: Valerie Diane married William Ward. They have 3 children: Shelly Diane, William Kyle, and Scott Andrew, they reside at Wanless, Manitoba; Reginald William; Vicki Jean of Leduc, Alberta; Wilmer Ross married Barbara Laner, they had a daughter, Kristi-Rai Martina (deceased) and one son Jory Joseph Andrew; home base is Winnipeg. Joyce Isabell married Lionel Welhourne of Newdale, They have 3 children. Shannon Joyce; Lyle Dwayne, James Evan. All reside in the Souris area. Joan Elizabeth married George Douglas Kitson of Franklin. Their 4 children are: Heather Joyce married Peter Behrens; Brian Douglas; Kevin William; Trevor John. Their son Edward (deceased) married Elizabeth Birch, They had 2 children. Robert (Danny) married Mavis Johnson, They have 4 children: Bruce; Kelly married Brian Derkson, they have one daughter, Amanda Lee; Rodrick; Lisa; Bernice (deceased) married Frances Turner. One story of amusing interest told about the Buchanan and Watson families’ journey from the east in 1879, worth retelling; They came by train as far as St. Boniface. The livestock in one boxcar, equipment that they owned in another, and all the family members in another. There was no dining-car so the womenfolk had to provide meals for their men and children in very trying

and crowded conditions. They brought their own provisions and relied on "Old Bossy" to supply fresh milk. So when it came near milking time, one of the men would take up a milk pail and wait until the train stopped at a station, or for some other reason, and would jump off and run alongside the train to the livestock car, where he would do the milking. He would then have to wait, patiently or im-patiently, until another stop was made so he could jump off and make the return dash with his donation for the meal. ______________________________________________________________________________

GLADYS AND WELDON BUCHANAN by The Family Weldon Buchanan was born on January 8th 1904 in the Rosedale Municipality the seventh child and youngest son in a family of ten children born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan met and married in the district after immigrating from Ontario, and took up farming as early pioneers in the Mountain View School District. Weldon attended this school, and farmed 16-15-15 until his retirement to 235 Boundary Street in Neepawa in October of' 1970. He was keenly interested in sports and was a faithful supporter of the Cubs and Farmers Baseball teams, and an active curler. In 1942, Weldon married Gladys McGhie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter McGhie of Arden. The McGhies had immigrated from Scotiand and became acquainted with each other at Arden, where they married and settled down to farm. Gladys and Weldon had one son "Terry Weldon." Terry married Sharon Leigh Johnson and have two children Tara Lee and Bryce Weldon, and this family lives in Minnedosa Man. where Terry works for the Department of Highways. On March 5th. Weldon passed away and Gladys had to make a new life for herself. Prior to her marriage she taught school for ten years at Salisbury School and boarded with Miss Sarah Millar. She was often spoken of as “the other Millar girl” as she became part of the family life and social events, She was an active com-munity worker and led the United Church Women’s group for 5 years on the farm and continued in this capacity for 2 years after moving to Neepawa. For seven years she kept the girls together, but involvement in town activities proved a problem so the group disbanded. Gladys was an avid curler and played lead on the rink that won the Sr's playdowns in 1972 with Agnes Mc-Dougall as skip, Edith McCracken third and Olga Wolko second. Since becoming a widow Gladys has set a standard for herself of doing one good deed each day, unknown to the recipient, and "living for others". _____________________________________________________________________________

LAWRENCE C. AND DORIS BUCHANAN By Lawrence Buchanan I came to Neepawa in 1943 with my parents, Bert and Maud Buchanan. At this time my father was employed at the Neepawa Airport. I worked at the Neepawa Co-Op for a short time, then began work at the Airport. When the Neepawa Airport closed, I went to the Portage Airport until 1945.

I then returned to Neepawa and was employed with Walter Mathews as a plumber and tinsmith. This is when I took my training as a sheet metal worker. In August of 1951, I began working in the Neepawa Post Office. In January, 19521 met Doris Sneesby, the third eldest daughter of Albert and Jean Sneesby of Woodside, Manitoba. At this time she was, living with her grand-mother, Mrs. Charles Patterson, and working at the Neepawa Co-op. We were married at her parent's home at Woodside in March, 1953 and lived in Neepawa until September, 1980 when the Post Office transferred us to Altona, Manitoba. Doris continued working at the Co-Op until 1959 when our first, child arrived, Brent Lawrence was born in July, 1959. He took all his schooling in the Neepawa school and graduated from Grade XII in 1977. He managed the Port West Music Store until it closed. In 1980 he went to Portage where he began his training as an undertaker with the Omega Funeral Home. In 1981 he went to work and continued his training with Brockie-Donavon Fun-eraI Home in Brandon. Brian Mark was born in July, 1960 in Neepawa. He took all his schooling in Neepawa and graduated from the Neepawa Collegiate in 1978. He attended Central Pentecostal College for one year. He moved to California in 1979 where he managed a Happy Steak Restaurant until he moved to Flagstaff, Arizona to work as a painter's apprentice. In 1980 he married Deborah Plett. They have one son, Micah James. Sharon Doris was born in November, 1961 in Neepawa. She attended school in Neepawa until 1980 when she moved with her parents to Altona, Manitoba where she took her Grade XI and XII at the, W. C. Miller Collegiate and graduated in 1982 with it business education diploma. In 1960, Ronald and Gordon Davis came to make their home with us. Ronald Cameron was born in 1954. He started his schooling in Winnipeg in 1959, then came to Neepawa where he graduated from Grade XII in 1972. He attended Central Pentecostal College in Saskatoon for three years. He then went to Laval University for one year where he studied French. In 1976, he married Holly Stephenson of Saskatoon. They went to serve as missionaries in Sept Isle, Quebec, for two years. He attended Brandon University where in 1980 he received his Bachelor of Arts degree, in 1981 he received his Master of Divinity from the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Saskatoon. In 1981 he began serving as Assistant Pastor at Elim Tabernacle at Saskatoon, and in, 1982 he received his certificate of ordination to the ministry. Gordon Russell was born in 1955. He began schooling in Neepawa in 1960 and graduated in 1973. He later attended the University of Manitoba for two years. He obtained work with Household Finance where he managed his own office until he moved to Calgary, Alberta. In 1977 he married Vicki-Lou Cameron. They lived in Winnipeg until 1981 when they moved to Calgary. Gordon is now employed with Revenue Canada. _____________________________________________________________________________

ROBERT M. BUCHANAN by K. M. Buchanan

Robert M. Buchanan was born at Donegal, Ontario in 1861, the second son of Robert and Margaret Buchanan. Following the death of her husband, Margaret married a Mr. Long and they came West to Neepawa with her three sons, Andrew, Robert and John. Elizabeth Bell was born at Newboro, Ontario in 1863. She came West with the William Millar family in 1877. The Millars operated a Post Office and Store, known as the "Half-Way House", located half way between Gladstone and Minnedosa. Elizabeth worked there and met "Big Bob" as he was known. There were several Robert Buchanans there. Having no second name, Big Bob's mother was Margaret, so it was decided to take M. for his initial and save confusion. Robert M. and Elizabeth were married in Minnedosa in December 1882, and lived in Rosedale Municipality. Three sons and eight daughters were born to them. Robert, known as "Wee Robbie" born in 1889, whose death occurred in 1911; Sanford married Katherine M. Averill, they farmed in Rosedale, and retired to Neepawa in 1968; Weldon Roy, who married Gladys A. McGhie, they farmed in Rosedale, retiring to Neepawa. Weldon died in 1980; Ida Elizabeth, who married Thomas Holmes, and lived in Neepawa. Following the death of her husband, Ida was the first guest admitted to East View Lodge where she resided until her death in 1972, Margaret Hester married Arthur A. Smith, and they farmed in Rosedale; Mary Ellen married James V. McLaughlin, they also farmed in Rosedale. She died in 1981; Lucie Stella married William Edgar Coulter. They lived in a number of towns in Saskatchewan where he was a grain buyer. She died in 1965; Beatrice Mildred married Bert Fenwick. They farmed at Hayfield, Manitoba. She died in 1957; Flossie died in infancy; Florence Bell married Maurice Habkirk, they farmed in Langford, later retired to Neepawa; Flossie May married Allan Scott, They lived in Neepawa. She died in 1971. Robert M. Buchanan was a member of the Loyal Orange Lodge and for some time was a member of I.O.O.F. until his death. He died in 1927, following a long illness. Elizabeth Buchanan died in 1937. They are buried in Rosedale Cemetery. __________________________________________________________

Jul 31, 2005 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanans in Neepawa History Hi Bill and All; Sorry, I forgot to include this. The name of the book is “Heritage – A History of the Town of Neepawa – 1883-1983” I have this written on my copy but forgot to include it with what I sent. Take Care Kelly :o) __________________________________________________________

Aug 3, 2005 Bus Buchanan

Hi Group; Thought I would pass this on…it’s not much for information wise, but reflects what kind of man Bus Buchanan was. Bus (Earle P. Buchanan) son of Andrew Buchanan and Annie Maud Danbrook. Burial took place at Donegal Cemetery, Donegal Ontario. Hope this works to the list. I will have a better picture later. Take care, Kelly :o) __________________________________________________________

Aug 3, 2005 Re: Bus Buchanan Sorry Kelly, this doesn't seem to have come through properly. All I got was a list of page numbers. What were you trying to send? Can you try again, please, or provide a link so that we can try it ourselves? THanks! Suzanne __________________________________________________________

Re: [andrew-buchanan] Re: Bus Buchanan I received it OK, but for Suzanne and anyone else who couldn't see the page. Use this link to the bio. http://www.ourroots.ca/e/viewpage.asp?ID=516883&size=2&x=31&y=8 I can't find Kelly's message any more, but the other photo was of Bus' gravestone, Earle P. Buchanan 1908-1968 Bill __________________________________________________________

Aug 4, 2005 McGillivray I found a treasure trove of family history on the family of John and Isabella's daughter Annie Elizabeth Buchanan and her family. I have to go to Edmonton now, but in the next day or so, I will send you their stories in text form. In the meantime if you have a high speed connection, or lots of

patience, use this link and then search for: McGillivray and click the links. It even includes pictures of some of our McGillivray cousins. You can also search for their in-laws the Porterfield, Thorpe, Abernethy/Abernathy, Gaudreau, Henderson and other families. Good stuff! Gleanings Along the Way : A History of Naicam, Lac Vert and Surrounding Districts Town of Naicam 1980 http://www.ourroots.ca/e/toc.asp?id=3640 Enjoy! Bill __________________________________________________________

Aug 4, 2005 Re: Bus Buchanan (text) Here is a text copy of the articles about Earle Percival "Bus" Buchanan, so that you can paste it into your genealogy software, database or whatever you use to keep your genealogy organized. Thanks Kelly. Bill

Lashburn and District History : a history of Lashburn and district 1906-1983, page 307 BUS BUCHANAN as told by Grace Hemsley Commonly called Bus, I hardly knew his real name, came to Lashburn and district via my grandfather’s farm, namely Mr. Charlie Perry. My aunt, the former Ruth Perry, was a teacher and during the dirty thirties, was teaching at a country school south of Unity called Salvador. She boarded with Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan. All the farms in the area were completely denuded by the dust and wind. There was nothing for the young men to do. We, north of the Battle River, were better off, so Bus and his brother, Jim came to help my grandfather with his harvesting. Bus did anything for anyone, just as long as he could keep body and soul together. Because of his extremely good nature, he was well liked and worked around the area until he became employed by the hospital sometime before 1943. He took X-rays and did orderly work, fixing things, settling disputes, and as I remember, was a genuinely trustworthy handyman. He was like a big brother to the nurses and staff. He never took sides, always a good listener, a real nice guy. After I left Lashburn, I only saw him once in 1967, at the Morrison’s in Kelowna. I hope someone will be able to fill in the missing end of my story about Bus as he deserves to be remembered. EARL BUCHANAN by Laurel Morrison (Davey), 1941

Commonly known as Bus, was janitor orderly of the Lashburn Union Hospital when I arrived on Sept. l1th, 1941. He was big brother to all the nurses, very shy and very formal, always Miss Davey, Miss Hiltz until we were married and then it was a first name basis. Bus was so good natured. He used to run errands for the girls, day and night. Some of them really did abuse his good nature. He was still at the hospital in 1944 when Dave and I moved to Marshall. Bus eventually worked as a carpenter. We kept in touch for many years, but I cannot remember the year of his death. __________________________________________________________

Aug 4, 2005 Bus's headstone Hi All; I am sorry this didn’t work the way I thought it would. You all have now received the information from the local history book that Bill scanned for everyone…Thank you so much Bill I appreciate that J I was talking to my dad, and he said that Bus was the nicest person that one could ever meet J I have attached his headstone for everyone…it is the better version. If you all give me some time, I have rec’d several headstone shots that I hope to put up on my site soon J Please let me know if this works for everyone J Huggs to All; Kelly :o) Attachment(not stored) buchananearlepgravestone.JPG __________________________________________________________

Aug 4, 2005 Buchanans of Salvador, Saskatchewan - 1911 Census BUCHANAN – Andrew Richard – SE ¼-23-38-25-W3rd – Male – Head – Married - February 1882 – age 29 – Ontario – Irish – Canadian – Methodist – Farmer BUCHANAN – Annie Maud – Female – Wife – Married – December 1881 – age 29 – Ontario – Irish – Canadian – Methodist BUCHANAN – George Ellwood – Male – Son – Single – June 1905 – age 5 – Ontario – Irish – Canadian – Methodist BUCHANAN – Edna Margaret – Female – Daughter – Single – March 1908 – Ontario – Irish – Canadian – Methodist

BUCHANAN – Earle Percival – Male – Son – Single – September 1909 – age 1 – Saskatchewan – Irish – Canadian – Methodist BUCHANAN – Andrew Milton – Male – Son – Single – January 1910 – age 1 – Saskatchewan – Irish – Canadian – Methodist (?? Birth month hard to read) BUCHANAN – William Samuel - SW ¼-25-38-25-W3rd – Male – Head – Widowed – December 1860 – age 51 – Ontario – Irish – Canadian – Methodist All could read, write, and speak English. Take care, Kelly :o) __________________________________________________________

Aug 5, 2005 Keating marriage I found this marriage interesting. Mary Burke's sister Eliza Jane married Andrew W. Buchanan and her sister Margaret married William Samuel Buchanan (sons of William Buchanan and Ann Thompson) James Keating's first cousins (sons of his uncle John) married Buchanans (John Keating married John Buchanan's daughter Margaret, and James Keating married James Buchanan's daughter Mary Jane). #009681-90 (Perth Co) James M. KEATING, 32, farmer, Elma, same, s/o William KEATING & Mary Jane MAYHERY? (Maybery?) [Mayberry], married Mary BURKE, 28, Mornington, Elma, d/o William BURKE & Annie McMULLEN, witnesses were Thomas MAYHERY? [Mayberry] of Mornington & Maria. W. HENDERSON of illegible, Feb. 5, 1890 at Elma I didn't find the marriages of the other Burk(e) children listed on the Ontario marriages site.

Bill __________________________________________________________

Aug 5, 2005 McGillivrays Here is the text of the two bios. Bill

Gleanings Along the Way : A History of Naicam, Lac Vert and Surrounding Districts Town of Naicam, 1980, pages 447-450 See other references to them and their in-laws by searching http://www.ourroots.ca/e/toc.asp?ID=3640 THE MCGILLIVRAYS By Lillian Abernathy Dan and Elizabeth McGillivray moved into the Home School District from Naisberry, were they had lived for two years. Previously did spent many years at Neepawa, Manitoba. Elizabeth was born at Listowel, Ontario. Her parents moved to Neepawa when she was 3 years old. Dan was born at Orillia, Ontario. As a young man the West appealed to him and leaving his family home he came to the Neepawa area, where he found work, and married Elizabeth. They made their home on a farm where they raised two sons and five daughters. Dan again had the urge to move west into Saskatchewan. Many of his friends had bought land in the Melfort area. He sold, and in the spring of 1920 he and his family moved south of Naisberry into the Central Park School District. Dan, his sons Earle and Carl filed on homesteads east of Lac Vert - Dan the SW section 6-41-16, Earle the SW section of 28-40-16 and Carl the NW section of 31-41-16. In 1922 the family moved to the Charles Brigham farm in the Home School District closer to their homesteads, so they could make improvements and comply with necessary homestead regulations. The people of the district were mostly of Scandinavian descent and noted for their generous hospitality. We found this equally true, neighbors showed their kindness in many ways. This was to be our home for many years. The schoolhouse was very often the center for entertainment, with dances, pie and box socials as a fund-raising project for the Christmas concert. Each child in the district received a gift. The house parties were popular. Our home hosted many of these parties as did many others. There was no lack of music with many violin and guitar players in the district. We went in sleigh loads with the men taking turns driving. Naicam and Lac Vert had skating rinks and good competitive hockey, but in the country the lakes and sloughs were cleared and provided ice for skiing. A few sticks and pucks were seen about. Dan and the boys went logging. We were fortunate in having a sawmill. Abner Guinnell operated this mill and huge logs were cut into many feet of lumber to be used in various ways. Dad had a log house built on a homestead with the help of his neighbors. The winter’s wood was cut and a bee was held to saw it into stove lengths. The summers were equally busy with a clearing and breaking land, and building roads. A man with a team was hired by the councillor of their particular district.

There were sports days and school picnics. Ball games – especially hard ball, would draw some good crowds. The children were eager to race, for though the prizes were small, provided treats at the booths. Lac Vert held a Fair each year, giving the ladies a chance to compete in baking. There were vegetables, grains and children schoolbooks judged as were posters of weed collecting. Silver Beach was a popular resort. The beach was good for swimming and the dance pavilion brought people from miles around. In 1930 we experienced a very sad loss. Elizabeth, our mother, passed away – so gentle and lovable, the center of our home. And in 1932 Dad contracted pneumonia and our loss was equally great. Both are buried in the Pleasantdale Cemetery. The family now scattered by this time. The eldest daughter Annie Bell, and her husband Howard Nichol farmed in the Naisberry district. Now residing at Prince Albert. Earle bought grain at Pontrilas. His wife Winnie (Henderson) taught school the same area. They returned to their farm and are now semi-retired. Their son Dan that now farms this oncehomestead land. Carl and his wife Yvonne (Gaudreau) farmed in the Home School District for many years. They operated a café in Lac Vert and later Carl had the Billiard Room in Naicam, where they retired. Carl passed away in September, 1979. Ida and her husband Vern Thorpe also farmed after their marriage. Vern later bought grain for the Pioneer elevator in Lac Vert. Now retired in Vancouver, British Columbia. Mary, (Mrs. Eldredge, Cottriel) and her husband farmed at Silver Park, later lived on the ‘Cottriel’ homestead, second generation. Eldredge passed away in September 1978. Their son Harvey now forms this land. Lillian and her husband made their first home at the Bisset, Manitoba. John then joined the Air Force and they lived in the east, later returning to farm at Silver Park. John succumbed in 1962. Lillian makes her home in Melfort. Elma, the youngest daughter and her husband Cecil Porterfield spent their married life on their farm east of Lac Vert. Now retired their son Lorne farms to land.

LIFE HISTORY OF THE FAMILY OF CARL MCGILLIVRAY Submitted by Yvonne McGillivray Carl’s parents, Dan and Elizabeth McGillvray, came from Ontario in the early days and settled in the Neepawa, Manitoba district where the farmed many years before coming to the Melfort District. The lived in the Melfort District from 1920 to 1923 when they took homesteads in the Lac Vert district. Carl had five sisters and one brother. The brother is Earle of Lac Vert. The sisters are Mrs. Howard Nichol (known as Dot) of Prince Albert, Mrs. Vern Thorpe (Ida) of Vancouver, British Columbia, Mrs. Mary Coterill of Resource, Mrs. Lillian Abernethy of Melfort and Mrs. Cecil Porterfield (Elma) of Lac Vert.

Carl bought the farm of Matt and John Gross, and his parents lived there for a few years, until Carl married Yvonne Gaudreau of Lac Vert in 1930. The resided 4 mi. east and 1 mi. south of Lac Vert. In the early days we had no power or running water. Our means of transportation was horses, wagons and buggies. Our closest doctor was Dr. Stewart of Naicam. Our hospital would be either Watson or Melfort. In 1942 Carl moved his family to Sheriddon, Manitoba, were he worked in the mine for three and a half years, returning to the farm in 1945. He bought grain after that for the Lake of the Woods in Lac Vert for three years. In 1947 Carl bought the farm of Charlie Brigham and lived there until he retired to Naicam. When Carl was farming, he was known for his horse trading. He also had a threshing outfit and threshed for many neighbors in the surrounding district. After Carl and Yvonne sold their land in 1957 they worked for Ramsey and Bird Construction for the summer months. They then purchased the house of Charlie Brigham in Naicam (now the Vernon Kellington home). Carl did a lot of plumbing when the sewer and water came in Naicam. In 1962 he worked for the Department of Highways near Saskatoon while Yvonne cooked for the Saskatchewan Power near Squaw Rapids. In the fall of 1962 Carl and Yvonne took a job up north, at Sandy Bay, Saskatchewan, where Carl was maintenance man and Yvonne housekeeper. They stayed there until the fall of 1965 when they returned to Naicam. They then sold their house to Olaf Olson and purchased the house of Mildred Roth, now the Ernie Norton home. They lived there a year before going to work in 1967 for Botkins Construction of Regina, where Carl and Yvonne cooked for the next six years, spending their winters in Naicam. In 1971 they sold their house to Mr. And Mrs. Norton and lived in Hillcrest for the winter until we bought the Martin Ness house in 1970, where Yvonne still lives. Carl passed away in September, 1979 The family consists of the four children. Ken McGillivray is District Operator for the Saskatchewan Power at Churchbridge, Saskatchewan. He married Elsie Hart to of Endeavour. They have five children. Lorraine works at the University Hospital as a ward clerk. She married Mike Kowblick (mail carrier) of Saskatoon. They have five children. Lorne is a Probation Officer No. 4 at Kamloops, British Columbia. Lorne married Arlene Maidu of Christina Lake, British Columbia. They have two children. Don is Administrator at Regina Legislative Queen's Printers Office in Regina. He married and Penella Litz of Saint James. They have two children. __________________________________________________________

Aug 5, 2005 Elma McGillivray and Cecil Porterfield family

Gleanings Along the Way : A History of Naicam, Lac Vert and Surrounding Districts Town of Naicam, 1980, pages 527-528 See other references to them and their in-laws by searching http://www.ourroots.ca/e/toc.asp?ID=3640 The Cecil Porterfields by Cecil and Elma Porterfield Cecil and Elma came with their families, the Porterfields to the Lac Vert district and the McGillivrays to the Home School District. Cecil was born in Star City and came as an infant to Lac Vert. Elma was 7 years old when she came with her parents. They were married in 1936 had three children. Barbara, who married Don Wallace and now lives east of Naicam and Lorne married Valerie McFarlane. Lorne and Valerie moved back from Calgary in 1972 and took over the family farm east of Lac Vert. One daughter died in infancy. We have four grandchildren, Dolores and Lyle Wallace and Joanne and Janice Porterfield. Most of us who remember growing up in the thirties. Although money was scarce, people were on the same level and could have a good time at house parties, picnics, etc. Neighbors seemed help each other more readily and never thought of charging each other. When we were first married we did not own a car or radio. Cecil cut a carload of cordwood to buy our first radio, which needless to say, we enjoyed very much. In January, 1943 the weather was extremely cold and we lost our home by fire. It's times like this when you realize how important friends and neighbors really are. The next summer we rebuild our present home. Neighbors were plentiful as there was someone living on nearly every quarter section and a number of young people of the district. Another year we will remember was 1959 when were completely hailed out. And since we're retired we can take life a little easier and do some traveling. We still enjoy living on the farm where we have lived for all for married lives.


Aug 5, 2005 Donald Keating obit Donald Keating's battle with cancer has come to an end. Don was the son of William Andrew Keating and Helen Batter. His grandparents were John Andrew Keating and Margaret Buchanan. He was a great grandson of John and Isabella Watson Buchanan. His obit was sent to me by his brother-in-law, George Johnson.

Bill Donald Keating KEATING, Donald October 8, 1928 - August 1, 2005 Don passed away peacefully at home with his family at his side after a long and courageous battle with cancer. He will be sadly missed by his wife, Marge; son, Doug; daughters, Lynn and Nikki (Jim); granddaughters, Leah (Dale), Carissa and Kelsey; his brother, Bill (Sam), sister, Helen (George) and several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his brother, Ken (Joanne). Don was born and grew up in Edmonton. Much of his early career was spent in Alberta and B.C. in road and mining construction. In 1970 his work brought him to Pender Island where he fell in love with the Island lifestyle. To enable him to stay on Pender Island, Don changed careers and worked in real estate for many years. Along with his family he spent the last 35 years enjoying being part of the Island community. Don retired 12 years ago and did extensive travelling which included many winters in Arizona. Don was an avid golfer and fisherman and enjoyed his annual hunting trips. Throughout the years he showed his unconditional love for his children and grandchildren. Don told many stories that ended with punch lines brilliantly delivered. His wit and way with words will be forever remembered in our hearts and minds. Nothing loved is ever lost and he was loved so much. A Memorial will be held at 1:00 p.m. on August 8, on Pender Island at Clam Bay Retreat. Private family service at Pender Island Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, a donation may be made in his memory to the B.C. Cancer Foundation. 125665 Published in the Victoria Times-Colonist on 8/4/2005. Guest Book


Aug 5, 2005 Re: Donald Keating obit Hi Barry and anyone else using my information on the Keatings, Yes, please change George's name to George William Robert Johnson, born [personal information deleted]. Married Helen Elaine Keating [personal information deleted] Their children's surnames are Johnson, of course. Bill ----- Original Message ----From: "Barry Snider" To: "Bill Buchanan" Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 5:15 PM Subject: Donald Keating obit Thanks Bill. Don't know why, but the message disappears when I hit the reply button. And I can't type in the body of the message. So I created a new message to send this. You mention a brother-in-law, George Johnson. The only sister I show is Helen Elaine, and I have her married to George Gladstone, with three children, all surname Gladstone.

Should I change this to Johnson? I appreciate you keeping us abreast of these happenings. Here it was in the local paper, and I missed it!

__________________________________________________________ Aug 7, 2005 William Watson family I just received a large package of Darlene Perrett's research. Here is the first installment. This excerpt is from "Browsing Through the Years", Plumas and District 1876 - 1976. It is the history of the family of William and Elizabeth Ash. William was a brother to James Watson who married Jane Buchanan, and Elizabeth was a first cousin to William John Ash who married Mary Buchanan (daughter of John and Isabella Watson Buchanan). William Watson was also a brother to David, Isabella, Mary and George. (Terry and Lorraine, William was the younger brother of our ancestor, George Watson.) Just as an aside - The reference to Wm. J. (Jim) reminds me of the photo that I inherited of his family. I have attached a Word file that contains the text and photos. I tried saving it in RTF format but lost the photos. If you don't have Word, I am including the text below. Thanks Darlene. Gathering all this info must have taken forever. Bill ______________________________________________________________________________ WM. WATSON The William Watson family came from Ontario to the Neepawa area in 1882, and moved in 1892 to the Tupper district, homesteading the S.E. 14-17-12. They had a family of twelve: Wm. J. (Jim) married Mary Grant. They lived in the Tupper district until the late 1920's when they moved to the Portage area. They had a family of seven children. Mary Jane married George Bilow; Annie married George Young. They farmed the N.E. 10-17-12 until Mr. Young's death. They had one daughter Margaret who married Ralph Anderson. Margaret died in 1926 leaving five pre-school children, one an infant. Mrs. Young raised her grandchildren until they were able to fend for themselves. The grandchildren George, Norman, Ross (deceased), Marguerite (Mrs. M. McDonald) of Sarnia, Ontario and William in Wyoming, U.S.A. got their schooling in Plumas. Mrs. Young died in 1973 at the age of 93 years. Sarah married Jas. Buchanan of Neepawa. They had a family of seven. 288 George homesteaded the S. 1/2 of 24-17-12. He married Mary O'Donnell of Tenby in 1915. They had three children, Daniel born in 1917, is now married and lives in Oakville, where he has a T.V. and repair shop. Margaret (Mrs. P.Bennett) of Mill Bay, British Columbia born in 1919, and Betty (Mrs. B. Campbell) of Qualicurn Beach, British Columbia, born in 1923. Mrs. Watson died

in 1927. George's second wife was Dorothy Kidds of Katrime. They had two children: Harry of Neepawa, born in 193 1, and Joyce, who was born in 1936, died in 1939. George was one of the instigators of the moving of the school from West Tupper (where there were two schools built) to East Tupper. He served as trustee for many years. Dan Watson recalls the story his father told of his Grandfather breaking the land by oxen. At noon they went for dinner leaving the oxen to graze on the green grass, still hitched to the plough. When Dad and Grandfather returned, they found a trace unhooked, so Grandfather reached down to hook up the trace just as the ox coughed, getting Grandfather right in the face, beard and all! Grandfather was a man never known to swear. His only statement was "Hang It All". Ellen married Ernie Payne. They farmed N.W. 13-17-12 (present Hubeli farm) for a time, later moving to Plumas, where Ernie was a grain buyer. They had four sons. John married Maggie Willerton of Kelwood. They also farmed the Hubeli farm for a time, later moving to Plumas where John worked on the railway section. They later moved to Portage la Prairie. They had a family of five. Catherine (Kate) married Robert Buchanan of Neepawa. They had a family of three. Evelyn was a seamstress. She worked in Portage la Prairie for several years. She now resides in Vancouver, British Columbia. David married Dora Graham. They farmed the family farm until they retired and moved to Portage la Prairie. Lucille married Dan Potts. Elgin married Margaret Allan of Glenella. Elgin worked on the railway section in several places, and is now retired and living in Portage la Prairie. They have a son Melvin and a daughter Joyce. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watson Sr. retired to live on Burrows Ave. in Plumas where Mr. Watson died at the age of 82 years in 1926. Mrs. Watson lived with her son Dave and his wife, where she died on August 11, 1935, at the age of 77. Evelyn, Lucy and Elgin are the only remaining members of the family. 290 Attachment(not stored) William Watson history.doc __________________________________________________________

Aug 7, 2005 Bilow and Potts More from Darlene from the same book ...

GEORGE BILOW George Bilow married Mary Jane Watson on October 19, 1897. They farmed the S.W. 13-17-12 for twelve years. Mr. Billow then work-ed for farmers for 20 years. They moved to Plumas in 1929. Mr. Bilow born in 189 1, died in 1933. Mrs. Bilow born in 1878, died in 1947. Their children were: Lucy - married Tom Kern of Ochre River. They had three children. Lucy, now a widow, lives at Russell, Manitoba.

Eliza - (now deceased) married Stanley Cunningham of Ochre River. They had a family of five. Katie - married George Thomson. Tressey - married Russell Ronald. They had a family of eight. Tressey, now a widow, lives in Brandon. Alvey - married Agnes Hanke. They had one son. Agnes died at an early age. Alvey later married Hazel Grant. They had a family of three. Mariam - married Sid Baker. The Bakers lived in Plumas for some years where their three children Leo, Phyllis and Ivy got their schooling. Leo is now at Quesnel, British Columbia, Phyllis (Mrs. Hooper) lives in Gladstone, and Ivy in Regina, Saskatchewan. Myrtle - (Mrs. George Parsons) lives in Boyle, Alberta. They have three children.

JOHN POTTS John Potts was born in Lodington, Bedfordshire, England in 1852 and came to Canada about 1870. He was a blacksmith by trade. He married Maria Smith in 1881. The Smiths were early pioneers of what is now known as Sanford, Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. Potts lived at Sanford where all the children were born - five sons and two daughters. George died as a young man. Margaret married Robert McDougall. They farmed the N.W. 22-17-12 in the Tupper district until his death in 1917, when Mrs. McDougall and their three children, George, Thelma and Robert Jr. moved to Plumas. There the children received their education. George farms the family farm in the Tupper district. Thelma (Mrs. Murray McConnell) lives in Gladstone; Robert lives in Winnipeg and works for the C.N.R., is married, and has two sons. William worked for the C.N.R. and lived in Plumas until his death in 1941. Jack married Alice Ludman of Glenella. They had a family of seven - Grace (Mrs. Norman Simpson) of Melita; Iris (Mrs. A. Green); and Gladys (Mrs. Williams) of Winnipeg; Webster, on the home place; Stewart and Clifford of Toronto; Ross and Kenneth of Winnipeg; Jack Potts passed away in 1943. His widow lives on the home farm. Mary married Charles Patterson (see Patterson history). Dan married Lucy Watson of the Tupper district. They farmed in the Maitland district when first married. Later Dan worked for the C.N.R. at various points in Western Canada. When they retired they were living in Vancouver. Dan passed away in 1974. His widow resides in Vancouver. Dan and Lucy had five children: Violet (Mrs. Sid Agema), Edam, Saskatchewan; Harvey, married, lives at Kipling, Saskatchewan; Mervin, married, of Neepawa, Manitoba; Vera (Mrs. Skinner) and Verle (Mrs. Rion) both of Vancouver, British Columbia. 210


Aug 8, 2005 Re: William Watson family And more information from "Browsing Through the Years" - Plumas and District 1876-1976, mostly regarding the family of William Wason and Elizabeth Ash. Bill

GEORGE W. THOMSON George W. Thomson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Thomson was born in the Tupper district. On March 2, 1916 he enlisted in the 184th Battalion and left Plumas with 24 other men. He was transferred to the 78th Battalion with which he served in France. He received his discharge in June 1919, returned home and farmed the N.E. 16-17-12 from 1920 to 1929. He married Kate Bilow June 27, 1924 and to this union there were born nine children. Leonard - married Marie Borhn of Ivanoe district. They had four children. Leonard died in a plane crash in 1971. Clayton married Helen Hanke of Plumas. They have three children: Brian, Dennis and Brenda. Brian married Valerie Bohn of Waldersee and they live on the farm formerly owned by his father. Den-nis married Darlene Denbow of Tenby -They live at Arborg. Gerald, of Sudbury, Ontario, married Mildred Gardiner of Glenella. They have three children. Moffat (Red) of Winnipeg married Mary Dayholas of Glenella. They have four children. Kathleen married Vince MacIntyre. They live at Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, and have two daughters. Mary married Marcel Guertz of Plumas. They live at Atikokan, On-tario, and have eight children. Marjorie (Mrs. Bob Briggs) lives in Winnipeg. They have two daughters. Gordon of Thompson, Manitoba married Elsie Schilling of David-son, Saskatchewan. They have two daughters. Margaret (Mrs. Olie Lynum) is at McKenzie, British Columbia. They have three children. During the second world war Leonard; Clayton, Moffat, Kathleen, Marjorie and Margaret served in the Armed Forces. In 1929 the Thomsons moved to the Gladstone district where they farmed until 1936. They moved to Pense, Saskatchewan for one and one-half years, then returned to Plumas. In 1939 they bought the home on McKenzie Avenue, where Mrs. Thomson still resides, from Joe Grantham. George worked for Joe Irwin in the gas filling station and later for Chas Schettler. He

was caretaker of the United Church for several years. He belonged to the Royal Canadian Legion, worked with the Sports Committee, and was a director of the Agricultural Society until the time of his death in July 1974.

[Son of John Henry Watson and Margaret Isabella Willerton] JOE WATSON Joe Watson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Watson worked as a farm labourer in the Tupper district, and then moved to Quebec. Joe married Helen Kreutzer at Malartic, Quebec in April 1940, and they have lived there all their married life. Joe is employed at mining. Three daughters were born to this union. Sharon married Jim Mingo; Catherine married Jacques Veillette; and Margaret (Peggie) married Philip Thiberge.

[While not one of our Watsons, his daughter Alice married a Poole-Willerton connection and granddaughter Jean Elizabeth married John Douglas Griffith (a grandson of Red Bob and Margaret Matilda Buchanan)] THOMAS WATSON FAMILY The T. O. Watsons came out from England in 1882. They homesteaded in the Winchester district on N.W. 24-15-13. They were interested in education and Thomas was the first secretarytreasurer and a trustee when the school opened in 1893. They had a family of six: Richard; George; Lottie (Mrs. Harry Kerr); Alice (Mrs. A. J. M. Poole); Tom; and Sam,who married Mary Anderson and settled in the area on 15-15-13. They were interested in community affairs. They had a family of three: George, Irma and Jean. Mr. Watson died in 1926 and Mrs. Watson in 1936.

Other George Thomson family info, in case anyone is interested: DETAILED BIRTH INFORMATION REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1898-001686 CHILD'S DETAILS Last Name: THOMSON Given Names: GEORGE WILLIAM Sex: M Date of Birth: 07/20/1898 Place of Birth: R.M. OF WESTBOURNE MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: AITCHINSON Given Names: JANET [another source said 29 July 1898, but I am using the date from his birth registration and confirmed by the 1901 census] George William Thomson Entered into rest Saturday, July 20th, 1974, at Brandon at the age of 76 years. Born July 20th, 1898 in the Tupper District, Mr. Thomson farmed in the Tupper area for a number of years before farming at Ogilvie for four years. Later he worked at Pence, Saskatchewan for a short period of time and has resided since then in the Plumas district. During World War I, Mr. Thomson served overseas. On June 27th, 1924 at Plumas he married Katie Bilow. Left to mourn his passing are his loving wife Katie, of Plumas; four daughters Mrs. V. I (Kathaline) McIntyre of Chatham, New Brunswick, Mrs. M. (Mary) Geurts of Atikokan, Ontario, Mrs. R (Marjorie) Briggs of

Winnipeg, Mrs. E. (Margaret) Lynum of Mackenzie, B.C.; four sons Clayton of Plumas, and Gerald of Sudbury, Moffat of Winnipeg, Gordon of Thompson; two sisters Mrs. William Lawson of Portage la Prairie, Mrs. Bessie Coutts of Plumas, one brother Cecil Thomson of Medicine Hat, Alberta; 31 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren He was predeceased by one son, Leonard. Mr. Thomson was a member of the Plumas Legion, took an active interest in community affairs, and in earlier years took an active interest in sports. Funeral services were held Wednesday, July 24th, 1974, at 2:00 p.m. in the Plumas United Church with Rev. John Nesbitt officiating. Interment followed in the Tupper cemetery. Legion members acting as Pallbearers were S. Fischer, C. Heintz, B. Mauthe, B. Watson, J. Keyser, B. Saunders. Legion members acting as flower bearers were L. Wyatt and F. Belton. The Legion held a graveside service. The Legion Auxiliary and the Rebekahs attended as a body and formed a guard of honor. Hammonds Funeral Service of Gladstone was in care of the arrangements. 1901 Census of Canada 3 50 26 Thomson John W. M Head M Oct 18 1861 39 [Ont-r] 4 1 26 Thomson Janet F Wife M Nov 17 1867 33 [Ont-r] 4 2 26 Thomson Mary F Daughter S Sep 8 1892 8 [Man-r] 4 3 26 Thomson James A. M Son S Jul 4 94 6 [Man-r] 4 4 26 Thomson Elizabeth F Daughter S Jun 5 96 4 [Man-r] 4 5 26 Thomson George W. M Son S Jul 20 98 2 [Man-r] 4 6 26 Thomson Margaret B. F Daughter S Apr 16 1900 11 mo. [Man-r] Source Information: 1901 Census of Canada Subdistrict: Westbourne, MACDONALD, MANITOBA District Number: 8 Subdistrict Number: n-12 Archives Microfilm: T-6433 __________________________________________________________

Aug 8, 2005 Pioneers of the Beautiful Plains This biography is of a son of John Charles Buchanan and Jennie Freeborn See if you can spot the missing item. (see end)

Pioneers of the Beautiful Plains 109th in a series by Len Wenham John William Buchanan John William Buchanan has always been interested in horses, and has raised and raced trotters for 25 to 30 years. He does not do much training or any racing now, but he still has three lovely Standard Breds and sells the colts. He sold one colt to a chap in the States a few years ago, which has already won $100,000 on the race track . He is very proud of it. John Buchanan was born in the Plumas district in 1895. His parents came to the Bird Tail district, then moved to Neepawa for a little while, and then rented a farm in the Tupper district in 1890, then to Plumas where they farmed until 1910. At first they lived in a log shanty, but later built a frame house. Their farm had plenty of bush on it, which had to be cleared by hand and broken with three horses on a breaking plow.

He went to school at Plumas. He remembers that his first teacher in that one-room schoolhouse was George Craig. He was a goodteacher and rather strict. He didn't let you get away with any foolishness. The family moved to McCreary in 1910. His dad sold the farm at Plumas and bought a half section south west of McCreary. It was a bush quarter, with about 30 or 40 acres cultivated on if. There were a lot of wild animals in the bush; moose, elk, deer and bear, as well as smaller animals. One of the neighbours to the south used to go up into the hills to hunt bear every spring. He stayed at the Buchanans, both when he was going in and when he was coming out. He usually brought a couple of bear hides out with him. John went to school at McCreary for a while, but had to spend most of his time helping on the farm. They raised about 60 head of cattle, mostly beef cattle, and some milk cows. They kept the cream in a cream can hung in the well until they had enough to ship. Then they took it to the station and shipped it on the train to Neepawa. At McCreary they had a cream separator, but he remembers his mother putting the fresh milk in bowls at Plumas and when the cream came to the top she skimmed it off. That is the way they separated. Some families owned special cans that drained the milk off the bottom after it had settled to the bottom of the can. They fed the skim milk to the calves. By the way, have you ever tried to teach a young, sucking calf to drink out of a pail? Sometimes it is a frustrating experience, requiring a lot of patience. Many a calf has received a milk dousing on the outside instead of a supply on the inside where it would do some good. They lived in a log house, and raised most of the domesticated animals; pigs, chickens, ducks, etc. There were no graded roads at that time so they travelled trails through the bush. They moved off the farm in 1927, to three quarter sections along the highway, where things were much better. Of course, it was not a highway then, but they had a frame house. His mother had already died in 1919, when his oldest brother was overseas. John, his dad and a younger brother (who did all the cooking) batched on the farm. They rented the farm until his father's death in 1935, when John bought it. He sold half a section and kept the other quarter for awhile. He had another peice of land four miles further down the highway. After his brother left, John batched for a number of years. John was married in 1948. They lived with his wife's mother in McCreary and he, ran the farm from town. They continued to live in the same house on Burrows Avenue after his mother-in-law died, where they still reside. He retired from the farm in 1963, but kept his horses. He continued to raise horses, especially Standard Breds, for a living. Now it is mostly a hobby. He had eight to ten race horses at one time, and raced for four or five years on the local circuit. He doesn't train his horses any more, but does take care of them. He keeps them in the livery barn, close to the track, and spends a lot of time with them. John is a real horseman and he thinks the world of them. His father raised Percheons on the farm. He had from 25 to 30 head most of the time. He likes his Thoroughbreds. He says they are a

nervous breed of horse and have to be treated gently. They will respond to kindness, but often become nervous of strangers. I had a difficult time finding Mr. Buchanan, because there was no one home when I went to his house on two occasions. Then someone suggested that he might be at the barn. He was, and we had an interesting chat sitting in the car. Perhaps the most meaningful picture of him is this picture on the race track with one of his favorite horses.

The missing item? What is his wife's name? Attached is a picture of John and one of his horses. Attachment(not stored) John William Buchanan and race horse.jpg __________________________________________________________

Aug 8, 2005 Neepawa Land of Plenty This is mostly about Rosedale Rural Municipality, but with some on the adjoining municipalities of Langford and Lansdowne. You will recognize some of the surnames. I think this account can help us to better understand our ancestors and their families. Bill

Page 106 NEEPAWA, Land of Plenty Richard Campbell came out in ‘78, farmed southwest of Neepawa, later developing the southwest section of the town, but not living long enough to see it filled with houses. Some of his neighbors included the McNabs and the Johnsons. Mrs. Mary Cameron is registered as having arrived in ‘69, while Charles A. Cameron's introduction to the district was 1878. Two Cameron grandsons still farm west of Neepawa. With Wm. Connell there was Robert Burns; the Kellingtons, George and William; The Pattisons, Robert Dunsmore, Harry Mathews; George Little, later an M. L. A.; the Sangsters, the Siretts, Robert Habkirk, Joseph Laidler, W. A. McLaughlin, the Grassies, Wm. Willoughby, the Taits, George Woods, Donald Carmichael, the Hockins, the Draysons, the Curtis family; Marcus and Robert Chisholm, the former a secretary-treasurer of Langford for years; W. J. and Jas. W. Stewart; Steve Benson, from Cavan Township; Jim Hill and John Hill; W. D. Dunsmore; George, J. W. and Walter Adams; H. M. Hutchison, Wilfred Le Boutillier; W. B. Robertson, the Arbuckles, Willertons and Stonehouses. Mat Kilpatrick was also an arrival of ‘78, and was one of the first to build a brick house, one of three in the district, a half mile north of Stoney Creek School. This school was then a log structure and among its first teachers were Miss McIntosh, later Mrs. J. H. Howden, and Addie McFadden, daughter of Moses McFadden, whose name appears on one of the first maps of the town. Contempories of Mr. Kilpatrick were George Graham, Andrew Park, Walter Card, Frank Hockin, John and Sam McKee, R. Halpenny, John Buchanan, Duncan McGregor, W. Petch, the Montagues and Dave Watson, among others.

William Connell was another Ontario-born man who came west in ‘78, part of the journey on foot, with a bread and cheese diet. He settled a short distance from the Stoney Creek school, and the next year married his school-girl sweetheart, Agnes McMurchy, thus joining two families which were to be well-known in this part of Manitoba. Their same little log house was the birthplace of their first five children. Later, in 1888, they moved into their new brick house, which, along with that of Matt Kilpatrick and another in Neepawa, were the first brick homes in the district. Mr. Connell and Richard Halpenny purchased the first self-tying binder west of Neepawa, and threshing was the problem. Before the advent of the steam engine, motive power was supplied by horses walking in a circle, a slow process. Many more names could be mentioned, and good stories told of those early settlers of the various districts which became the Municipality of Langford. Some day, it is hoped, the history will be made more complete; but again, for the purpose of is book, to name all who should be included is impossible. Old Timers of Langford, their descendants and their friends may well look back on their achievements despite the many obstacles which had to be overcome. And the people of that fine district today may look steadfast to the future, secure in the knowledge that their forefathers built wisely and well. THE MUNICIPALITY OF ROSEDALE Like every early settlement Rosedale has its stories of pioneer men and women who faced heat cold, mud, drought and mosquitoes to made homes in Manitoba. Lying on the eastern slope of Riding Mountain, the Rural Municipality of Rosedale lends itself to a south-easterly exposure overlooking its sister municipalities, Lansdowne to the east, and Langford to the south. The numerous streams flowing from mountain springs, and its rich black loam have made the area one of the most fertile in the province. In the early days of settlement the various townships in Rosedale were more difficult of cultivation for the reason that there was more scrub and forest land. From a distance the Riding Mountains presented a seemingly solid [p.108] wall of forest. But as the years passed, more settlers arrived and the work progressed, the landscape rapidly took on a different appearance. Today, many of the bluffs, and the muskegs have disappeared, and on a clear day, the countryside is a kaleidoscope of color, with its fine farms, good roads and rippling streams. In the autumn, when the grain is ripening, what once looked like a solid green mass on the slope of the mountains, is now a checkerboard of green and yellow fields. Following the arrival of the first settlers in the Arden area, the gradual influx moved slowly north and west until Eden became a focal point. As in many other parts of Manitoba, buffalo bones were in evidence, and it was a common sight to come across wallows where these monarchs of the plains had taken their mud baths. The Honeymans were among the first to arrive, Tom and Jim. They took up land just east of where Eden now stands. The story is told that when these men were building their shack they saw what they thought was a figure approaching in the distance. One of them said it looked like a woman, but his brother demanded, "What would a woman be doing on the prairie, all alone?" But

woman it was, and when she got close enough for recognition it proved to be Mrs. Robert McCracken. They were camped in a tent farther west. Mr. McCracken had gone back to Portage for supplies but had been delayed, and the family was running short. Of course, there is a sequel to the story. At a meeting of the settlers held some time later, Mrs. McCracken, who was the first woman to arrive in the settlement, suggested "Eden" as the name of the district. The name struck a responsive chord, and Eden it has been ever since. Harry Honeyman arrived the following year, and soon afterwards there was a considerable rush of new settlers into the district. Among them were the McFadyens, the Walkers and the Elliotts; Smiths, Jacksons, MeCrackens, Frasers, Chatwins, Sutherlands, Harrisons, and Warrens. These people rapidly became a part of the [Page 109] new west, braving the hardships and surmounting the obstacles. Meanwhile, many more homesteads were taken up in the area between Eden and Neepawa. Such names as Watson, Buchanan, Blough, Stewart, Coulter, Warnock, Graham, Hutton, McKee, Cathers, Baker and McLaughlin became well known as community builders. Farther west the Springhill district has Miller, Potter, Willerton, Clark, Fletcher, Bonney, Newell Harris, Still, Rowe, Ward, Kolesar, Poole and Baker; around Acton, the McMurrays, Dobles and Kilburns. Around Franklin there were the McMartins, Murdocks, Campbells; (Robert Campbell was postmaster at Bridge Creek for many years.) the Kerrs, Orrs, Gallaghers, Csverskos, Brodies, Nicholsons, Kitsons, Leas, Whites, and Lefroys. Here again, as in most other districts, the same names are still prominent, and descendents of the first settlers carry on. Among the new arrivals pushing north from the Eden district records show the names of Bonney, Grover, Currie, McIntyre, Denoon, Coad, Birnie and Bare. Pushing yet farther north were the Hentons, Scoutens, McKees, Foulstons, Furbers, Smiths, Mableys, Glovers, Gilmours, McLaughlins and the McNarlands. With the infiltration proceeding northward, some of the problems increased. Timber had to be cleared out, and swamp land had to be drained. Hard work and initiative prevailed however, until today that part of the province is a garden spot and one of the fine agricultural areas. Although the Manitoba and North West Railway (CPR) had built through Neepawa, from east to west, there was no rail communication from Neepawa north until after the turn of the century. With the building of the C. N. R. through Neepawa north to Dauphin, several villages sprang up. North of Eden there were Birnie, Riding Mountain, Kelwood and McCreary, the latter village being included within the first boundaries of Rosedale. With the passing of the Municipal Boundaries Act, McCreary was not included in the municipality. The north end was cut off and [Page 110] the boundary ran through the middle of Township Nineteen.

The first reeve was James Watson and the first council meeting was held in Acton School. Later meetings were held in the old Simpson House in Neepawa’s North End. Since that time, for upwards of forty years, the business of Rosedale has been carried on at its office in the Municipal Building, Hamilton Street, Neepawa. Among the earlier reeves of Rosedale, following James Watson, were John Crawford, Robert Campbell,. George Edwards, Jas. McCallum, Sam Currie, Howard McCracken, Angus Campbell, George Baker, J. T Davies and G. H. Kilburn.

George Kerr came from Ontario in 1873 and settled in the area where the village of Franklin was to be located. In fact, it was Mrs. Kerr who supplied the name for the Place. Two were submitted and the name "Franklin” was accepted in honor of the Franklin Expedition. George Kerr was joined by brothers James, 'Robert and John, and their cousin, John Begley- The Kerrs were progressive people and. In addition to their farming activities they operated a lumber mill at Kerr's Lake, a body of water in northwest Rosedale, named after them. George Kerr owned one of the earliest threshing machines in the district, but awoke one morning to find it was in ruins, the work of a fire-bug. He gathered up the metal parts and built a new separator. Stanley, the oldest one of this family was at the age of sixteen was an outstanding shot with a rifle, and he was presented with a trophy in the old Walker Theatre in Winnipeg. He missed, by one point, in making the Bisley team. The Springhill area has been called the "Garden of Manitoba”. It was said to have received its name by William Pockett. There was a small hill on the road which ran Past his farm, and a spring at the foot of the hill. One day he said, "Let's call our district ‘Springbill’”. And so It was named. Mrs. Isaac Yerex, of the Springhill district, tells an amusing story of the early days. One woman was telling of her first attempt at baking bread. It just wouldn't rise, so her husband said, "Well, dearie, we will just bury the dough and forget about it. In a day or so they found that it had been dug up. The dough was gone, and SO was their dog. He was never seen or heard of again. The late Davie Watson, whose father, James Watson, came to the same district in ‘78, had many tales to tell of the early days. One of them concerned his mother-in-law. The Indians used to come into the house without rapping. One day Mrs. Snider was cooking a meal for the men, with a few Indians sitting on the floor against one wall, expectantly waiting for a hand-out. The lady sliced some pork, and being a bit nervous, she spilled some pepper on the hot stove. She gave a violent sneeze and her upper denture landed on the floor. The Indians made a hurried exit on hands and knees. They had never heard of all one's teeth coming out in one piece. The Red River cart was a common sight along the trails in those days. It was also a common sound. A replica of the wooden cart of Scotland, it. was a high, two wheeled vehicle, completely constructed of wood. It could thus move across marsh and plain, and would serve as a raft in crossing streams. Apparently, axle grease never used, with the result that the shriek of dry wooden wheels revolving on dry axles was more ear piercing than the howl of a wolf or the wail of a banshee. The first settlers of European origin settled in the northwest corner of Rosedale. A Hungarian nobleman, living in New York, named Count d'Esterhazy, was distressed by the plight of a large number of his countrymen who had been induced to come to America, chiefly to work in Pennsylvania coal mines. His plan to settle these people on farms in the States didn't materialize; so he visited Canada and conferred with C. P. R. and Dominion Department of Agriculture officials. A plan was formulated, and the first group of these settlers, under the supervision of Geza St. de Dory, a Hungarian agriculture expert, arrived in 1885 at a spot north of Franklin. It was a district where the terrain was similar to their [Page 112] native land, rolling land, covered by brush and timber. Stoney Creek ran through a deep ravine. It received the name, "Hun’s Valley but in later years the spot was re-named "Polonia”.

It proved an ideal spot, with plenty of water, hay and grazing land. The immigrants were hardworking people, and frugal. They helped to eke out an existence in the early days by cutting wood into cordwood lengths hauling it to Franklin or Neepawa, often by ox-team, and selling it for $1.50 a cord. They gradually cleared the land, planted vegetables and began to grow grain. By dint of hard, back-breaking work, they made progress. They were a religious people with the determination to acquire the security which had been denied them in their native land. Descendents of many of those hardy settlers are prominent in business, the trades and the professions today. In the districts north and northeast of the future town of Neepawa, the influx of settlers was rapid. For the most part, the first who came to the district, had spent a few years in Ontario. They knew something about farming and they were familiar with fruit. They saw no evidence of the latter; but one day, as Miss Grover tells it, "Mr. Grover came upon a patch of raspberries, all hanging ripe and ready to fall.” From that time on raspberries sprang up everywhere, and people came from Arden, Salisbury, Glenholm, Molesworth, Neepawa, Springhill and Eden to pick them. They became an important addition to the living of the settlers, where raw vegetables and fruit were not yet plentiful. In those days, too the new farmers cut timber indiscriminately. There was not yet any slogan “Conserve Our Forest Reserves”. This situation soon came to an end as a tax was placed on timber cut on Crown lands. The settlers weren’t too happy about the ruling but had to abide by it. Most of the settlers in those days were thrifty people, careful with their money. The burdens and hardships of the Prairies were shared by all. The better-off settlers were always most generous in helping others [Page 113] whose families happened to be in need. The hardships were mingled with humor and mirth, and with dance and song whenever possible. As soon as settlers obtained a patent, they might obtain a cash loan to improve their position and to purchase essentials. Poorer settlers erected sod houses; some, even for a time, lived in dugouts. They made their own soap, axe handles and sleigh runners out of oak. There were drought years during the early ‘80s. There were early frosts, with low yields. In 1884 there was a wet fall which prevented the grain from ripening properly. In 1885, the Rebellion took much of the manpower; but in that year, too, there occurred a most important event, the discovery for Western Canada of summer-fallowing. It helped greatly in reviving agriculture and the hope of profitable production for all the settlers. In 1888, the system of Dominion Experimental Farms was established, and in the following year this report was made: "Our season points to only one way in which we can in all years expect to reap something. It is quite within the bounds of probabilities that some other and perhaps more successful method may be found, but at present I submit that fallowing the land is the best preparation to ensure a crop.” So the people of Rosedale had their hopes and their vicissitudes, their pleasures and their discomforts, the ebb and flow of their fortunes, the same as settlers in other parts of the postagestamp province. They merely continued to persevere, confident of the ultimate outcome; and much of the success, or hope of success, was woven around their staple product, wheat. The most important types were Red Fife, introduced about 1870; Marquis, in 1911; and Thatcher, in 1935. There were many others like Blue Stem, Federation, Hard Red Calcutta, Prelude, Preston, White Fife, Red Bobs, Garnet, Reward, Renown and Redman, to name only a few. Experiments were made and still are being made to introduce an early variety to beat the frost; a 'variety to beat rust; a variety to withstand dry years, and so on. The search will never end. As a disease or a rish [risk?] comes to [Page 114] light, a cure or an antidote must be found.

And so, down the years the people of Rosedale have pitted their wits and their strength against the vagaries of nature. Mother Nature can be cruel at times; but she can also be kind. Attainment always has more value when it is accompanied by obstacles and hardships. And there were many. In her very descriptive manner, Miss Grover tells of some of those obstacles. "Most all cooking pots,- she writes, "were of iron. The water pails were wooden, also the tubs and barrels. There was no galvanized-ware; no enamel or aluminum ware, and no granite. Washing was done with a tub and washboard, unless the clothes were tramped in the creek, which was often the case. "For the table the farm women formed the butter pats or pound prints. The half-pound prints were often works of art. Our first mould was home-carved by my grandfather and depicted a wreath of leaves on top of the pat.” Don't ever feel sorry for those people. They would resent it. Those were the days of satisfaction in achievement and happiness in achieving. Rosedale residents over the past 75 years have every reason to be proud of the many districts which comprise their municipality. Out of the wilderness of forest, brush and muskeg they carved a garden of fine farms, and a number of small but thriving villages. The descendents, owe much to those early settlers. --- “Falling in thev beat for us, with the Western movement beat, Holding single or together, steady moving to the front, all for us." LANSDOWNE MUNICIPALITY The municipality of Lansdowne was organized in 1884 and its territory comprised Townships 14 to 22, Range 13 and Townships 15 to 22, Range 14. Later, when Glendale and Osprey merged to become the Municipality [Page 115] of Langford, Township 13, Range 13, was added to Lansdowne. With the formation of McCreary, the northern limit of Lansdowne was set at the middle of Township 19; and in 1920, when Glenella was set up, Lansdowne handed over everything north of Townships 17, leaving Lansdowne with no territory under the Drainage Act. Among the early Reeves of the municipality are included John McGregor, Gregor S. McGregor, T. R. Tomes, Robert A. VanBlaricom, Wm. Montgomery, David Wilson, Wm. L. McNair, and John Foster. Mr. M. E.. Boughton, in his brief memoirs written in 1933, had this to say: "If I began to praise famous men by name, I should be certain to, miss some of the most honored. But it is the simple truth that the early settlers were, as a body, men and women with definite objectives.” Lansdowne, like all other sections of the country, had to face many problems. Drainage was one. An effective system was worked out, but in later years, with more and more of the forest land to the northwest being denuded, excess water from the Riding Mountain watershed created a problem at certain seasons of the year. Another early problem was the bridging of the White Mud River and its tributary streams. As time went on. this matter was also effectively dealt with.

Considerable thought and effort was also required to deal with the 32-mile road along the Arden Ridge, that remnant of Old Lake Agassiz. For many years the Ridge Road has had outlets to three highways; by Edrans to No. 1, by Birnie to No. 5, and to No. 4 about midway between the first two named. For many years the village of Arden has been the chief trading centre of the municipality, supplemented by smaller centres at Keyes, Tenby and HeIston. Besides being a busy trading centre for a prosperous farming area. Arden was the municipal centre and was noted for its wide … __________________________________________________________

Aug 8, 2005 Roskeen School Scroll Whew! A formatted Word version is also attached. There are many familiar names, especially connected to the Watsons. I haven't taken the time to check them against my database. I just wanted to finish the list tonight. Like a fellow who described the telephone directory after reading it, "It has an amazing cast of characters, but the plot is rather thin." Tomorrow is another day.

Bill Roskeen School Scroll, Aug. 4. 1985 Any errors or omissions in the scroll are an oversight, and not intentional on the part of the committee. [Likewise for errors in this transcription. – WR Buchanan] President, Sydney Wrightson Secretary, Muriel Watt Treasurer, Polly Jackson

Pupils and residents of Roskeen School District No. 1058 from the late 1880s to 1957. Allan (Allie) Alexander Laura (Snider) Alexander Robert (Bob) Alexander David Anderson Norman Andrew Kevin (Andrew) Millar Angus Andrew Elmer (Bob) Andrew Wilbert Andrew Fanny Andrew Hattie (Willerton) Andrew

John (Jack) Andrew Ewart Armstrong Marion Armstrong Mrs Iona Armstrong Jack Armstrong Irvine Baker Lillian (Baker) Ritchie Cecil Baker Allison Baker George Baker Nellie (Baker) Potter Evelyn (Baker) Potter Mary Jane (Hicks) Baker Stanley Baker Callie (Barber) (Morrison) McKinney Lucy (Bolton) Barber John G. Barber Edith (Bare) Newell Mina (Bare) McCallum Archie Bare Fred Bare -James(Jim) Bare Mabel Barker Maggie Barker Christian Bay Nelson Bay Jans Bay Neilsina (Sorenson) Bay Mads Bay Lewis Bays Dorothy (Bays)(Szyjak) Rachinski Donald Bays Henry Bays Sadie Bilow Madeline (Birch) Bishop Betty Birch Margaret (Birch) Pierce Phyllis (Birch) Vidonski Etta (Kingdon) Birch Sydney Birch Pearl Birchell Wilbur Birchell Mabbl (Bonney) Tyler Tena (Bonney) Ford Olive (Bonney) Wrightson Elizabeth (McRae) Bonney Aaron Bonney Ray Bonney Ruby Bonney Robert (Bob) Bonney Viola (Slinn) Bonney

Dorothy (Bradshaw) Dafoe Violet (Bradshaw) Betteridge Robert (Bob) Bradshaw Charlie Bradshaw Georgina (Bradshaw) Carter Beatrice (Bradshaw) Renwick Kathleen (Bradshaw) Fraser John Bradshaw Blanche (Shaw) Bradshaw George Bradshaw Bonnie Bradshaw James Brodie Grace (Brook) Brodie Elizabeth Brodie Archie Brodie Agnes (Brown) Gladden Gordon Brown James Brown Marion (Brown) Whitelock Isabelle (Brown) Neill John (Jack) Brown Agnes (Lees) Brown Alexander Brown Annie (Van Hale) Brown Mrs Margaret Brown Mrs Daisy Brown Douglas Brown Georgina Buchanan Earl Buchanan John Buchanan Willie Buchanan Wilmer Buchanan Burnell Buchanan Johnnie Buchanan Delmar Buchanan Arnold Buchanan Norman Buchanan Colin Buchanan Robert, Buchanan Jennie Buchanan Seldon Buchanan Jennie (Freeborn) Buchanan John C. Buchanan Lorella Budd Zetta (Budd) Conley Clara (Hosler) Budd Matilda (Trixie Bywater) Morley Florence (Bywater) Parks Cissie (Joyce Bywater) Todd Harry Bywater Morfydd (Bywater) Smith

Shirley (Bywater) Hollyoake Caroline (Brider)( Bywater) Bolton William (Billy) Bywater Linda (Bywater) Ferguson Patricia (Bywater) Mills Annie (Wilson) Bywater Brenda (Campbell) Wheeler Lori Cambell Eugene Campbell Lockwood Canfield Terrence Carter Lynne Carter Judy (Carter) Yerex James (Jim) Carter Roseanne (Carter) Smith Bert Carter Audrey (Carter) Smith Lorne Carter Dorene (Carter) Melnychuk Dorothy (Kingdon)(Carter) Clark John Carter Jean Carter William (Bill) Cawston Clifford Conley James (Jim) Conley Bernice (Conley) Raymer Stanley Conley Margaret (Conley) Fedak Murray Conley Irene (Conley) Kitson Bertha (Carson) Conley John (Jack) Conley Dorothy (Cook) Wood William (Bill) Cook Benjamin Cook Stanley Cook Harold Cook Edith (Adams) Cook William Jefferson Cook Marvel (Bracken) Cottier Ernest Cottier Norman Cottam Mrs. T. Cottam Thomas Cottam R. Coulter Gordon Cripps Nellie (Curle) Bristow Hilliard Curle Arthur Curle Roy Curlc Zetta Curle

Lois Curle Angus Doan Mrs Allen Doan Allen (Cal) Doan Carol Dobson Gloria Dobson Hazel Dobson Robert Dobson Percy Dolan William (Bill) Dolan Bennie Dunlop Nellie Dunlop Mrs A Dunlop Alexander Dunlop Betty Dunning Mabel Dunning Beatrice Eden Thomas Eden Georqe Eden Cecil Emmons Mrs G Emmons George Emmons Anne Everall Mrs R Farley Robert Farley Mrs Farley Mr Farley John Farrell W. R. Farrell Eileen (Ferris) Levandoski Ethel (Ferris) Harris William (Bill) Fleming Dennis Fitzpatrick Sylvia Flook Rev. Dorrie (Flook) Archibald Connie (Flook) Black Mrs Alice Flook Josenh Flook Molly Foster Annie Foster Byron Foster George Foulston Mary (Fos) Muir Roy Fox Annie (Fox) Konopski Alma (Fox) Bays Edwin Fox Hazel (Scott) Fox Clifford Fox Fanny (Dark) Fox Charlie Fox Fred Funk

Harry Funk Lawrence Gabler August Gabler Jr Ben Gabler Ernest Gabler Annie (Gabler) Bays Dorothy (Gabler) DalgIeish Edward Gabler Ethel (Sloane) Gabler August Gabler Sr Fred Gabler Helen (Gabler) Laing Melvin Gabler Betty (Gabler) Levandoski Clarice (Dalgleish) Gabler Joyce (Gabler) Strohman Doreen (Gabler) Levandoski Eleanor (Gabler) Drake Lois (Gabler) Dundas Darryl Gabler Bessie Dalgleish) Gabler Richard (Dick) Galvin Dave Galvin Mamie (Bramwell) Galvin Alfred Galvin Ronald Galvin Carman Gardiner Harold Gardiner James (Jim) Gardiner Roy Gardiner Mrs Weldon Gardiner Weldon Gardiner Mrs Al Gardiner Allan Gardiner Randy Gardiner Morris Gerrie Tommy (Gerrie) Gilmore Mrs Carrie Gerrie Harry Gladden James (Jim) Gladden Agnes (Gladden) Rassmussen Vincent Gladden Raymond Gladden Eileen (Gladden) Saunders Frank Gladden Ronald Gladden Linda (Gladden) Mulligan Gail (Gladden) Denny Eric Gladden Emma (Scott) Gladden Roy Graham

Vincent Grainger Ignace (Angus) Grudeski James (Jim) Grudeski Isaac Grudeski Nettie (Grudeski) Neilles Barbara (Grudeski) Yanszewski HeIen (Grudeski) Kolesar Carl Grudeski Bennie Grudeski Maureen (Grudeski) Kuyp Apolania (Prawdzik) Grudeski Thomas Grudeski Leonard Grudeski John Grudeski Anna (Witkoski) Grudeski Genevieve (Grudeski) Majcher Arnold Grudeski Stella (Malazdrewicz) Grudeski Sally Grudeski Clara Gork Merle (Guy) Baker Gwen Hall Gordon Hall Jeanette Hall Stanley Hall Ardith Hall Beverley Hall Alice Hall Vivian Hall Thelma (Cropley) Hall Charlie Hall Philip Harding Alice (Harding) McCaw Mrs A Harding Archie Harding Robert (Bob) Harris Lewis Harris Jr Margaret (Mitchelle) Harris Lewis Harris Sr Margaret (Peggy Jackson) Harris Mrs Cap Harrison Capt. Harrison Fred Harvey Jack Harvie Susan (Harvie) Watts Winnifred Harvie -Norman Harvie Ernest Harvie -Henry Harvie Melba (Harvie) Brukosky Andrew Harvie

Violet (Harvie) Wery Alice Mae (Harvie) Fischer Benjamin Harvie -Cora (Harvie) Hosler Matilda (Stinson) Harvie William Harvie Ernest Heley Mrs McNaughton) Henks Delbert Henks Lydia (Henderson) (McAllister) Birch James (Jim) Henderson John Henderson May (Henderson) (Anderson) Bell Flo (Curry) Henderson Thomas Henderson Mabel (Henry) Tolley Elsie (Henry) Dann Vivian (Henry) Law Joan (Henry) Schoeman Wanda (Henry) Levandoski Jane (Henry) Levandoski Herbert Henry Thelma (Ames) Henry William (Bill) Henry Harriet (Honour) Kuyp Philip Honour Mary Honour Kathleen (Honour) Grantham Margaret Honour Mary (Bourton) Honour John Honour Robert Hummerston Donald Jackson Wm Cecil Jackson Emma (Jackson) McDonald Lillian Jackson John L Jackson John Jamison George Jelks Mrs H Jelks Mr H Jelks Romeo Joanisse Thomas Johnson Alice (Howard) Johnson Allan Jonston Beatrice Jordon Ronald Jordon Jack Kasprick Henry Kendrick Charlie Keyes Bernard Kirk Roy Kirk

Mrs Alice Kirk Ben Kirk William, (Bill) Kirk Lizzie (Kitson) Sissons Ethel Kitson Olive Kitson Earl Kitson Anne Kitson Mrs Kitson Wren Kitson Florence Kwait Porter Lee Wilfred Leech Loyd Leech Olive (Leech) Gork Hazel (Smith) Leech Fredrick Leech Clinton Laffler Rovenah (Mackie) Munro Violet (Mackie) Wiens Grace (Mackie) Parker Rosalie (Gower) MackieMurray Mackie William Majcher Charles Manners May (Mason) McFadyen Annie (Mason) McClay Copeland Mason Victor Mason Alice Mason Violet Mason Alice (Stinson) Mason James (Jim) Mason Pearl McClay Mary (McClay) Spedding Hector McClay Flora (McClay) Wallace John James McClay George McClay Lillian (McClay) Smith Flo (McFadyen) McClay George McClay Sr Charolette (Thorington) McClay Robert McClay Viola McClement Lillian (McCutcheon) McClement Stewart McClement Bertha McClung John A McClung David McCracken Patricia McCracken

Rowena (Stewart) McCracken Wilbert (Wib) McCracken Jessie (Richardson) McCracken Boyd McCracken John McCutcheon Christine McCutcheon Willie McCutcheon Doreen (McCutcheon) Carter Grace McCutcheon Irene (McCutcheon) McClay Donald McCutcheon Mary (Hamilton) McCutcheon Richard (Dick) McCutcheon Frank McDonald Hugh McDonald Havelock McFadyen Alicie McFadyen James McFadyen Archie McFadyen Elizabeth McGillivary John McGillivary Alouise McIntyre Vernon McIntyre Spencer McIntyre Mae (McNarland) McIntyre William (Billy) McIntyre? George McKelvie Willie McKenzie Jack McKenzie George McKenzie Angus McKenzie Mrs A McKenzie Alexander McKenzie Phyllis (McKinley) Borrowman Violet McLarty David McLarty Irwin McLaughlin Robert McLaughlin Roy McLaughlin Millie McLaughlin Billie Mclaughlin Annie Mclaughlin Mervin Mclaughlin Calvin Mclaughlin William (Bill) Mclaughlin Jenny (Chisholm) Mclaughlin James (Jim) Mclaughlin William McNarland Mrs McNaughton Earl Mills Mrs Annie Mills

Thomas Mills Audrey (Morley) Hopkins Violet (Morley) Criswell Loretta (George) Morley Calvin Morley Carolyn (Morley) McKean Kathryn (Morley) Perrault Mervyn Morley Hilda (Morley) Perry Mabel (Morley) McConnell Adeline (Morley) Sitter Samuel Morley -Nora (Morley) Bradshaw Grace (Morley) Saunders Geneva (Morley) Ackerman Murray Morley Betty Lou (Morley) Levandoski Pearl (Mills) Morley Henry Morley Joan (Morley) Kaiser Joyce (Morley) Sobry Gwen Morley Joan (Bowbrick) Morley Opal (Boyce) Montgomery Norman Montgomery Mrs Mary Moon George Moon Marjory Murray Ivy Murray Archie Murray Effie Murray Wilbert Murray Madge Murray Joseph Murray Ruby Mudd Jack Mudd Mrs S Mudd Stanley Mudd J A Munro George Munson Willie Nice Joe O'Brian Joy Orr Ivy Orr Millie Orr Allan Orr Cassie Orr Florence (McGuire) Orr Duncan Orr Lou Partaker George Philpot

Irma Pockett Elva Pockett Billy Pockett Allan Pockett Dolly Pockett James (Jim) Pockett Dan Pollex Mark Pollex Margaret Pollex Antonotte Pollex Albert Pollex Henry Poole Jessie Poole Clara Poole Emily (Malazdrewicz) Prawdzik Norman Prawdzik Brenda (Richardson) BuntingPamela Richardson' Mrs Gladys Richardson Ben Richardson Mrs Reece Mr Reece Elsie Ritchie Jennie Ritchie Georgina (Jack) Rogers Madeline (Polly Rouse) Jackson Avis (Rouse) Thomson Adda (Rogers) Rouse Charles Rouse John C Rouse Mrs Salsbury Jerry Saunders Alfred Shaw George Schierlok Leslie Schierlok Mrs Schierlok Mr Schierlok Maeford (Smith) Grant Walter Smith Allan Smith Elsie (Smith) (Mason) Smith Myrtle (Orr) Smith Joseph Smith Adeline Smith Pearl Smith Wilfred Smith Walter Smith Fred Smith Buelah (Smith) Davidson Beaterice (Smith) Tibble Edith (Smith) Bishop

Gordon Smith Edgar Smith David Smith Edna (Smith) Olson Grace (Aldridge) Smith Austin Smith Andrew Snider John Snider Reginald Steel-e Gordon Steel-e Norman Steele Eileen (Steele) Woloshen Hazel (Steele) Woloshen Merle (Steele) Wastle Reta (Steele ) Green Levina (Hosler) Steele John Steele Hugh Stephenson James Stocks Beverely (Suski) Kulbacki Anne (Suski) Kulbacki Leona (Suski) Smithson Katherine Suski Valerie Suski Eileen (Baranuik) Suski Alexander Suski Bertha Tait Wilmont Tait Annie Thomas Daisy Thomas William (Bill) Thomas Mrs A. Thompson Archie Thompson Louisa Thorpe Shirley (Tokarek) Hiebert Avis (Tokarek) Moran Margaret (Peggy Tokarek) Jackson Evelyn (Tokarek) Lupier Ethel (Bonney) Tokarek Louie Tokarek Linda (Tolley) Moscrip Ralph Tolley Roy Tolley Mae (Trickett) (Denoon) McCracken Frances (Trickett) McCracken MurieI (Trickett) Jehle William (Bill) Trickett Annie (Trickett) Baxter Thomas Trickett Annie (Howard)(Dolan) Trickett Albert Trickett

Florence (Tyler) McDonald Gladys (Tyler) Parker Viola (Tyler) Boyd Verna (Tyler) Davis Floyd Tyler Allan Watson Jennie Watson Robert Watson Samuel Watson Enid (Watt) Graham Leo Watt Delmar Watts Charlie Webb William Weedmark Mrs Weedmark Jenny (Wood) Weston Sydney Weston Annie (Wetherill) Shanks Arnold Wetherill Leila (Wetherill) Poole Alfreda (Wetherill) Cripps Douglas Wetherill Muriel (Wetherill) Watt Edwin Wetherill Ellis Wetherill Winnifred (Galvin) Wetherill Alfred Wetherill Charlie Wetherill Lorraine (Wetherill) Campbell James (Jim) Wetherill Douglas Wetherill Jr Brian Wetherill Ilene (Watt) Wetherill Jean (Cawston) Wetherill Ruby (Whatley) Sidorko Rennie Whatley Ronald Whatley Ruth Whatley Edress Whatley Mary (Leffler) Whatley George Whatley Isaac White James Willerton Ada (Willerton) Allan Jennie (Willerton) Martin Irene (Willerton) Foulston Allan Willerton Jessie (Willerton) (Hamilton) Mansion Josephine (Willerton) (Nice) Lindsay Ruth (Willerton)(Nice) McCalIum Joseph Willerton Jr

Margaret (Willerton) Watson Thomas Willerton Caroline Willerton Margaret (Watson) Willerton Joseph Willerton Sr Edward Willerton Mary (Coulter) Willerton Marjory Williams Charlie Williams Vernon Williams Homer Williams Eileen Williams Mrs Annie Williams Charles Williams Hilda Wilson Charlie Wilson Evangeline Wilson Linda (Wilson) (Dickson) Wilson Johnny Wilson Mrs Christine Wilson William (Bill) Wilson Arthur Wrightson Sydney Wrightson Dennis Wrightson Margaret Wrightson J. Harry Wrightson Margaret (Young) Salaway Velma Young Mrs F Young Fredrick Young

Roskeen Teachers to 1964 John McClung Anna Parker Bertha Cohen Catherine McRea Ella Webster Louise Inkster S.V. Worthington Lenore Donaldson (McConnell) Eva Roden Frances Jones Rae Stephens (Armstrong) SteIla McDonald James Bradshaw Hilda Sykes George Stephens J.H. Turner Myrtle Graham (Gilmore)

Eileen McLeod Greta McGorman (Cook) Ruth Leask Pepgy Osman Myrtle Townsend Marguerite Ashe -Wanda Neill (Tolboom) Mrs Iola Armstrong Daisy McIntyre (Newton) Shirley Ray Mrs Janet Morrison William Majeski Genevieve Grudeski (Majcher) Mrs Eileen Lupier Cyril Howard Mrs Alice Puddicombe Elsie Carton Mrs Margaret Graves Mrs Elizabeth Dunning

Trustees over the years James Watson Thomas Eden David McLarty James Stocks George Foulston John McGillivary John G Barber Alexander Dunlop Isaac White George Moon Thomas Johnson Robert Watson Joseph Murray Wm Jeff Cook Stanley Baker Charles Rouse Alfred Wetherill Percy Dolan Frank Gladden Wm G Bywater Isaac Grudeski Albert Pollex Raymond Gladden Arnold Wethrill Wilbert McCracken J Harry Wrightson Harry Bywater Leo Watt

James Carter Roy Tolley John Bradshaw Wm Cecil Jackson

Secretary Treasurers David McLarty John G Barber John McClung Vincent Grainger Stanley Baker Percy Dolan J Harry Wrightson Muriel Watt

Attachment(not stored) Roskeen School Scroll.doc __________________________________________________________

Aug 9, 2005 Rosedale Histories I am attaching some histories of Rosedale Rural Municipality. There is also a history of Roskeen School that basically duplicates part of the larger document. I am also including the text of the larger document below, in case your word processor cannot open Word files. Let me know if you would like JPG files of the photos from these pages. Darlene, do you remember the name of the book this came from? I enjoyed the story of how Roy Buchanan fell asleep in class and the teacher changed the time on the clock at recess and sent him home with the impression that he had slept throughout the school day. Again, you will see some familiar names. Bill

ROSKEEN ROSKEEN SCHOOL #1058 By Sydney Wrightson, Muriel Watt and Polly Jackson Early settlers responsible for the formation of Roskeen School District were such people as: Joseph Willerton James Watson, John McGillivary, Thos. Eden, David McLarty, John Barber, Samuel Watson, John McClung, Andrew Snider, Isaac White, James Stocks, John Farrell, and Alex Dunlop.

The first meeting to form a school district was held at Alex Dunlop's home, NE 1/4 28-18-15 (Wrightson's), in August, 1900. On December 3,1900 it was decided to build a school 18' x 26'. It wasn't until February, 1902 that a site was picked, that being on the SWI/4 34-18-15. The land was purchased for $20 from David MeLarty. The name of Roskeen was derived from the Canadian Northern Railway which had a water station at the bridge on section 34-18-15, known as "Rosskeen" (also Roskeen), midway between Riding Mountain and Kelwood. This information courtesy of the 1903 "Map of Manitoba" in the Provincial Archives, and the Department of Interior Section Map #122, "Manitoba House 1909 Edition". In June, 1902 a by-law was passed for the district to borrow a debenture, five hundred dollars, for the purpose of building a school. The first elected school board consisted of James Stocks as Chairman, J. G. Barber as SecretaryTreasurer, and James Watson. The foundation for the school was of stone. Rough lumber was used for the joist, studding and sheathing, purchased at sixteen dollars a thousand. Three windows for each side were purchased for $1.70 each. The doors cost $2.30 each. Nails were 59 a pound, and cedar shingles were U a bundle. The cost of labor was $100. Total cost of the school was $500.83. The school was heated by wood, supplied by one of the farmers at 851 a cord. One of the pupils did the caretaking for 101t a day. The secretary-treasurer, J. G. Barber's salary was $11 a year. The usual pay for cleaning the school at Christmas and summer holidays was $3. George Moon served as school board chairman from 1906-1930. Percy Dolan was secretarytreasurer from 1925-1952, and never missed a meeting. There was always a picnic on closing day in June. Children from other schools were invited to play ball, three-legged and wheelbarrow races. This was followed by a Picnic supper and ice cream, often homemade. During the summer evenings everyone came to the school grounds twice a week to practise ball. From these practises Roskeen girls had a real good ball team. At Neepawa, about 1933 or 34 on July 1st, they won the girl's tournament. In the thirties dances, box and pie socials were held in the school to raise money to buy Christmas gifts for the children. Every year there was a Christmas concert with a Packed house. Thomas Johnson was the regular Santa Claus for years. He didn't require padding and the beard was natural. The pupils took turns putting up and taking down the flag each day. At noon hour the boys and girls took turns going to the creek under the C.N.R. bridge to swim. In the winter they went to slide down the snowbanks. In 1957 a 4-H sewing club under the name Roskeen Fancy Stitchers was organized with Mrs. A. Puddicombe as first leader. Two boys, Dennis Wrightson and Mark Pollex were persuaded to join in order to form a club. Girls were: Linda Gladden, Lynne Carter, Betty Morley, Enid Watt, Linda Bywater and Gail Gladden. The club continued for about six years with others joining in the meantime. In 1902 the school opened with John McClung as the first teacher, with a salary of $40 a month. The next three years his salary dropped to $35 and then was raised again in April, 1906 to $40. He continued to teach until February, 1913 and had an average attendance of 22 pupils. During the lifespan of Roskeen, the district experienced times of too many teachers, and then by the fifties, difficulty in obtaining teachers to come to small country schools. Salaries varied from $40 a month when school opened, to over $100 a month by the 1920's. In the early 20's the salary was paid once every 3 months, and at times the teacher was paid only part of their salary when the school was short of funds, receiving the rest of it at a later date. By the time school closed, the salary had steadily increased to $300.

Salary Year Teacher Per Month 1913-14 Anna Parker $43.75 1914-16 Bertha Cohen $85.65 1916-17 Catherine McRae $90.00 1917-19 Ella Webster $90.00 1919-21 Louise Inkster $70.00 1921-22 S. V. Worthington $110.00 1922 Lenore Donaldson $95.00 (Sept.-Mar.) 1923- Eva Rodin $206.00 (Apr.-June) 1923-24 Frances Jones $95.00 1925-26 L. R. Stephens $80.00 1925-26 Stella McDonald $80.00 1926-27 James Bradshaw $79.20 1927- Hilda Sykes $74.25 1928-29 George Stephens $91.60 1929-30 J. H. Turner $84.15 1930-36 Myrtle Graham $50.00 1937-38 Eileen McLeod $49.00 1938-39 Greta McGorman $49.00 1939-40 Ruth Leask $48.00 1940-41 Peggy Osman $52.80 1941-43 Myrtle Townsend $62.40 1943-44 Marguerite Ash $62.00 1944-46 Wanda Neill $ 81.05 1946-47 Iola Armstrong $115.20 1947-49 Daisy McIntyre $114.50 1949-50 Shirley Ray $104.00 1950-51 Janet Morrison $147.00 1951-52 Genevieve Grudeski $163.80 1953-55 Eileen Lupier $213.44 1955-56 Cyril Howard $231.50 1956-58 Alice Puddicombe $218.40 1958-59 Elsie Garton $190.00 1959-63 Margaret Graves $281.57 1963-64 Elizabeth Dunning $300.00 On different occasions, the Canadian Sunday School Mission held services in the school during the last class of the day, and also held Vacation Bible School during the summer holidays. In June of 1964, enrollment had dropped to ten, making it impossible to operate. Plans were made to operate as a "Closed School" and the remaining pupils were transported to Kelwood by van, operated by Rod Coutts. This took place until June, 1966 when the school was officially closed. In November the school was sold for $71 to Ed Hiller of Glenella. The piano was sold for $50 and the teacher's desk for $5. The land was sold back to the adjacent farm owned by Mr. Alex Suski at the time. Thus the end of a learning experience, a lot of good times, fond memories, treasured friendships, trying times and another era as history has been made.

REMINESCENCES OF TEACHING DAYS IN ROSEDALE MUNICIPALITY By Eileen Lupier It was in 1953 that I began to teach at the Roskeen School in Rosedale Municipality. I already had had teaching experience in other parts of Manitoba and British Columbia. Manitoba had weathered the depression years and the economy of the farm communities was gradually improving. But when I first began my teaching career some eighteen years previously in the McCreary Municipality, the municipality which borders Rosedale on the north, the depression had affected all aspects of community life in Manitoba, and none more than that of the schools. The times were hard; it made little difference in which municipality the school was located. Many school districts had been in financial trouble and had been taken over by the Department of Education. The other districts continued to operate with their own school boards. In those districts under the administration of the Official Trustee, the school year was eight months instead of the usual ten months. School life was pared to the essentials, and there was only the barest of necessities to work with - the text books, a few library books, a roll-up map, a globe, the desks, the blackboards, a pointer, a bell, a clock, a stove, a flag, a few school supplies, a wash basin and a pail. The Department of Education provided some drawing paper, and parents bought the scribblers, pencils and crayons needed by the children. A child was fortunate if he had a box of eight crayons. So much depended on the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the teacher, and the great amount of work that the teacher would prepare after school hours and put on the blackboard for the next day. Fortunately for the teachers, the majority of the pupils were eager to learn; they had an insatiable curiosity. They walked to school summer and winter, some coming distances of three and a half to four miles. They did not miss any school days except for illness. They brought their lunch to school in tin pails, usually a Roger's syrup pail. At this time in Manitoba (1935) there were over a thousand teachers out of work. School boards were able to hire teachers who had experience. Some of the teachers graduating from Normal School worked in out-of-the-way places for little more than their board to gain that first year's experience. By the time I returned to teaching in Manitoba (1953) the economy was on the upswing. Money was still scarce and school boards had to carefully plan their expenditures, but improvements were gradually being made. At the Roskeen School, the school had been wired for electricity so that there were electric lights when they were needed. The children walked to school, but in very wet or cold weather their parents would drive them to school in a car or truck. The school was still dependent, however, on one of the older boys to light the fire in the stove each morning. On cold winter mornings the pupils near the stove were very hot; those away from the stove did not get warmed up until later in the morning. This also included the teacher whose desk was away from the stove. Snow which had tracked into the room on the floor near the blackboard would still be there until late morning. In spite of the cold, classes proceeded as usual except for a few of the very coldest mornings. In the winter time the school provided tins of canned soup, which the teacher heated on the stove, so that the children could have something hot with their sandwiches at noon. The children enjoyed the different varieties of soup, but there was one exception - they did not like cream of mushroom soup. Water was always a necessity and children took turns in getting it from a neighboring farmer's well.

As in most rural districts the outdoor toilets were the only facilities available. In the cold weather the teacher did not have to worry about a pupil loitering outside on the way to or from an outhouse building. [p.42] The teacher still had to spend a considerable amount of time putting work on the blackboards for the next day, but by this time there were excellent workbooks to accompany the readers, and these were a great help to the student and the teacher. As well, the Department of Education was broadcasting special programs geared to the needs of pupils in rural schools. The Roskeen School Board purchased a very good radio and once or twice a week the children were able to take advantage of these broadcasts. Reference materials and science equipment were required for the pupils taking the grades 7, 8 and 9 courses, and the Board was beginning to make purchases in these areas so that the pupils could carry out the experiments called for in the textbooks. The school was the centre for social activities as well. Each family, the father, mother and children would wholeheartedly join in the fun of a Hallowe'en party or a box social. And the Christmas concert with plays, recitations, and songs was the highlight of the year. One happening at the Roskeen School always remains clearly with me - the polio epidemic, which, if I remember correctly, was in the fall of 1954. Each day the radio was reporting more and more cases of the disease, and on one particular morning the incidence of polio had risen greatly. All went well at school that day until the bell rang at one o'clock. One of the older boys did not come in, and the children said that the boy was sick and sitting on the steps. I found that he was running a temperature and took him home. His parents got him to a doctor that afternoon. It was indeed polio! Fortunately, there were no further cases in our school. And, oh yes, while I was away one of the younger boys had been ringing the bell! From the Roskeen School I went to teach in the town schools - Riding Mountain (1955), Kelwood Consolidated (1960), and Kelwood High School and Collegiate (1960-1962). This was quite a change - the larger buildings with caretakers hired to look after heating, cleaning, and water supplies. There were fewer grades, but the enrollments at all schools was quite heavy. The Riding Mountain School was a fine, modern building in a beautiful setting. There were two classrooms, with grades from one to six in the junior room, and grades seven to eleven in the senior department The students in the higher grades were a very industrious group. They were accustomed to a number of other grades in the room and they were good at working independently when the teacher was busy with other pupils. Although an older building, the Kelwood School was a well-maintained school. It served both elementary and high school pupils and had heavy enrollments in both departments. The grades seven and eight room had a group of lively, bright students, and the teacher was indeed fortunate if she could stay one jump ahead of them. In the Fall Term of that year I began teaching in the School Division in the high school grades. This was a most interesting experience. The lively grade eight students were now in grade nine, and their capacity for getting into mischief was somewhat dampened by the influence of the older girls and boys. I also had pupils that I had taught at the Roskeen and Riding Mountain schools, as well as students from other surrounding districts -Turtle Plains, Norgate, Glencairn, Glenella and Oak Leaf. During the late 1950's there had been a heavy increase in the enrollments in Manitoba high schools. Many students from the rural school districts who wished to continue with a high school education were having trouble in gaining admittance to a high school. In 1959 the Department of Education divided the province into a number of larger areas. Each area was called a school division, and the Division School Board became responsible for all secondary education within its boundaries. The area in this part of Manitoba, extending from the Glenavon School District in the north to the Oak Leaf and Grassy River School Districts in the south, was named the Turtle River School Division.

As soon as the Division Board took office, it was confronted with the shortage of classroom space in all the larger centres of the division. In the early months of 1961 tenders were called for the building of seven high schools (Ste. Rose du Lac, McCreary, Kelwood, Glenella, Alonsa and Amaranth). The Collegiates were ready for the Fall Term and teachers and students moved into the new buildings. The Kelwood Collegiate was a very well-planned building with good size classrooms, good lighting, electric heat, waterworks, washrooms, gymnasium, science and laboratory room combined, a teacher's room, and a small kitchen. The physical environment was as close to perfection as one could wish. How proud the teachers and students were of the fine surroundings and excellent equipment! What of the students who had come from the rural districts? There were many adjustments to be made. They were brought to school in buses, and for the boys and girls from the further-away districts, they spent a considerable amount of time travelling to and from school. They were the first to get on the bus in the morning and the last to get off in the late afternoon. The pupil now had four teachers instead of one, and he moved from classroom to classroom, wherever the subject that he needed was being taught. He was in high school and he was expected to do a great deal more for himself. especially in the way of looking up reference materials. Often he had a good deal of homework to do in the evening. And for a student who had been alone or in a small class, he felt as though he had been "swallowed" up in the large Grade IX classes at the Collegiate. Some of the students dropped out of school at the end of the year, but the majority were able to take it in their stride and become very capable students. There was plenty of good high spirits and exuberance in the hallways and classrooms of the Collegiate. It wasn't long until the boys learned to use the see-through glass in the classrooom door to distract the attention of another student in the classroom across the hallway with a similar door. The pupil would push up a sign on his desk which would say HIT ME, or something else equally laughable. Of course, he was likely to get caught by the teacher in either classroom, but that was all the more reason for trying to get away with it. When the Collegiate was officially opened October 6, 1961, the brochure given to those attending stated that the Division Board looked forward to a school which would last forty or fifty years. It seemed indestructible. It was unbelievable that it could be destroyed by fire. Yet, [p.43] that was what happened some eighteen years later in January,1979. In my years as a teacher, I saw the changes which came to the school districts, the schools, the curriculum, and the methods of teaching. In the affluence of these later years, we of the present generation forget our roots and how deeply they were entrenched in those rural years of early settlement and depressions times. It took the work and perseverance of countless trustees and teachers to see that the pupils were given an education - the best that could be obtained at that stage in the development of the community. In more recent times, the introduction of 4-H Club work in Manitoba had done much to complement the work of the school in developing the talents and abilities of the young people in rural towns and districts. There were many fine, capable young men and women who graduated from the Kelwood High School and Collegiate in the early years of the School Division. Only a small percentage of the graduates were absorbed into the agricultural community, the others had to seek work elsewhere. Whether in the home community or in the larger community, these young people have given leadership. Some have risen to positions of responsibility and are to be found in varied fields of endeavor and in almost every facet of Canadian life. May that heritage live on! ROSKEEN SCHOOL REGISTER January, 1906 - Teacher, M. McClung

Grade I - Copeland Mason, Victor Mason, Maggie Williarton, Edward Williarton, Joseph Williarton, Thomas Williarton. Grade III - Anne Mason, Ruth Willerton. Grade IV - Willie Dolans, Mary Mason, Muriel Trickett. Grade VI - Percy Dolan, Willie Trickett, Jno. A. McClung. Grade VIII - Bertha McClung.

ROSKEEN POST OFFICE By Sydney Wrightson, Muriel Watt and Polly Jackson An application for a post office for the Roskeen district was made as early as August 2, 1893. The proposed site was Townsville on Section 34-18-15, which was the Jim Brodie farm, now owned by Syd Wrightson. The Townsville application was turned down in favor of Roskeen, which was more central. In January of 1901, Roskeen was established as a post office on the NE 1/4 of 28-18-15, electoral county of MacDonald, with Mr. M. Alex Dunlop as postmaster, serving 15 to 20 families. Alex Dunlop operated the post office from within his house. When Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Bonney took over the farm they lived in the house that was used as the post office. Since the Bonneys took over in 1919, a new house has been built, and is now owned by Syd Wrightson. On October 28, 1901 a petition was sent in wanting to change the name of Roskeen to "Violet Grove", because Roskeen mail was getting mixed with the Ross postoffice. A reply was returned from Ottawa not allowing the change as the majority of Roskeen people were satisfied, and the neighboring postmasters felt it was not necessary. Mail was delivered weekly with Glencairn and Norgate or the Allanlea and Glenella mail services. Estimated cost of the services were $52 per year. Probable revenue was $15 to $20 per year. Alex Dunlop was the only postmaster of Roskeen until it was closed on March 31, 1912.

RIDING MOUNTAIN SCHOOLS The early students of the Riding Mountain area attended Tobarmore School #616 which was located 2 miles south of the present day village (SW 3-18-15). On January 1, 1907 Mrs. Blanche Palmiter arrived in Riding Mountain to teach, and classes were started in Mrs. Ivey's Hall. In 1907 the School District of Kenilworth #1439 was formed by Bylaw #237 of the council of R.M. of Rosedale. In 1914 the name was changed to Riding Mountain School District. In 1908 a school was built with a seating capacity of 36. The building, which was 26' x 36', was built by David McLarty. The basement walls were cement (7 ft. 6 in. high by I ft. thick). The building had a pitch roof with a belfry. This building is now part of our Legion Hall. In 1948 a new two room school was built as it was too crowded in the old one. The new building was 30' x 60' with a chemistry lab, two cloakrooms and vestibule. [p.44] There was a full size basement with septic toilets and a force-air heating plant. The building was electrically lighted and complete with hardwood floors. The outside was stucco. The school here was closed in June, 1972, and later on the building and land were purchased by the curling club. The building was later sold to Gordon Levandoski and is now located on his farm north west of the village. The first trustees of the school were D. J. Watson, D. C. Tyler and S. J. Watson. The first inspector was A. B. Fallis who held that position for 23 years. In 1910 there were 23 students and 5 taking entrance classes. By 1943 there were 55 students, and 59 in 1967. Students could not take Grade XII here, so had to go elsewhere to finish school. In 1960 the Grade IX and up students were bussed to Kelwood and in 1967, Grades VII and VIII

were also moved to Kelwood. By the 1971-72 term, only Grades I to IV were taught here and in 1972 the school was completely closed. The school records are not complete and therefore not all teacher's salaries are known, but in 1913 the salary was $625 per year. Salaries rose to about $1,500 in the late 20's and back down to $700 in the late 30's and early 40's. They began to rise again, and the 1959-60 total salary was $4,900. By 1966-67 the total salaries were $7,900. Teachers Mrs. Blanche Palmiter 1907-1912 Mr. Fred Palmiter 1913-1914 Mr. H. H. McKeen (Aug.-Dec.) 1914-1915 Mr. Angus McGregor (Jan.-June) 1914-1915 Miss Margaret Gee 1915-1918 Miss Alma Stinson (Aug.-Feb.) 1918-1919 Mr. M. Easterling (March) 1918-1919 Miss Maimie Allan (Apr.-June) 1918-1919 Miss Maimie Allan (Aug.-Dec.) 1919-1920 Miss J- Lees (Jan.-June) 1919-1920 Mr. Ed Jarvis 1920-1927 Mr. Ivan J. Hamilton 1927-1930 Mr. S. C. Henderson 1930-1932 Mr. Clarence Bailey 1932-1940 Mr. Wrn. Cooper 1940-1941 Mr. Joseph Holob 1941-1942 Mrs- Vera Birnie 1942-1945 Mr- Lorne A. Miller 1945-1947 Mr. John Oberton 1947-1948 Miss Grace Oliver 1947-1948 Miss Catherine Vincent (Aug.-Dec.) 1948-1949 Mr. R. B. Kuran (Jan.-June) 1948-1949 Miss Grace Oliver 1948-1949 Miss Florence Chappell 1949-1950 Miss Grace Oliver 1949-1950 Mr. Andy Legebokoff 1950-1951 Miss Grace Oliver 1950-1951 Mr. Andy Legebokoff 1951-1952 Miss Charlotte Cooper 1951-1952 Mr. Keith Boughton 1952-1953 Miss Alice Kolesar 1952-1953 Mr. Keith Boughton 1953-1955 Mrs. Karen Boughton 1953-1955 Mr. Orville Weselowski 1955-1956 Mrs. M. E. Lupier (Aug.-Dec.) 1955-1956 Mrs. Grace Smith (Jan.-June) 1955-1956 Mr. Vincent Laughlin 1956-1958 Mr. Orville Weselowski 1956-1958 Mr. Leon Molgat 1958-1959 Miss Teenie Yurey 1958-1959 Mrs. Grace Smith 1959-1960 Miss Shirley Henderson 1959-1960 Mrs. Grace Smith 1960-1962

Miss Donalda Keyes 1960-1962 Mrs. Grace Smith 1962-1964 Miss Margaret Fleger 1962-1964 Mrs. Grace Smith 1964-1965 Mrs. A. Niven 1964-1965 Mrs. Grace Smith 1965-1966 Mrs. Lois Graham 1965-1966 Mrs. Lois Graham 1966-1967 Mrs. Anna Connell 1966-1967 Mrs. Grace Smith 1967-1971 Mrs. Lois Graham 1967-1971 Mrs. Lois Evenson 1971-1972 RIDING MOUNTAIN S.D. 1932-40 By C. T. G. Bailey In August, 1932, I was hired to teach at Riding Mountain Village School. There were over sixty pupils on the roll that year and an average attendance of over forty pupils with all grades from one to eight. The trustees were Joe Green, D. C. Tyler and D. J. Watson. I boarded with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Thurston. Lizzie, their daughter (Mrs. J. McCrae), and her mother were [p.45] excellent cooks and meals were exceptional. It was the only time I had pie served at breakfast. That year I bought an old Model T Ford for $25 to enable me to commute to Neepawa to visit my Grandmother and special friends. A highlight of that first year was the first school Christmas concert with the help of Helen Thorpe (Mrs. R. Weare), and the able concert night supervision by Elsie and Greta Buchanan. This supervision was necessitated by a gift from Tony Zagula to Reg Weare, which he shared with me. In 1933 1 was re-hired and on July 5th was married to Nina Davidson of Neepawa. No reduction in pupil load, but new pupils and the addition of Correspondence courses for grades nine and ten, kept pressure on. This year's activities included a Christmas concert and the beginning of Field Days in Kelwood. Riding Mountain won the parade trophy and the softball tournament. Problems were shortages of texts and library facilities, also cold days when we stood on the hot air register with our coats and mittens on. A perpetual task was turning the school bell right side down. In the ensuing years 1934-40 many incidents are recalled: the new pupil who took the school strap off the window sill and hid it in the old organ – we found it after three days of lost recesses and shortened noon hours; the day Roy Buchanan fell asleep and because I sent the students outside guiltily at recess, then turned the clock ahead to twelve and put on my coat and hat before waking him. He went straight to his home nearby. He returned shortly looking perplexed because everything was back to normal, I never knew until years later what had happened - his mother had sent him to bed at eight o'clock for a week. I never had to speak about sleeping to Roy again; Bobby Hobbs didn't like school the first year and once went home at recess, but his mother and I persuaded him to return; Cyril Howard loved horses and when he didn't return to class, could be found in the school barn watching the pony; Muriel Buchanan was always a help to me. Her assignments appeared on my desk, on schedule, and reminded me to ask the others. Sometimes I had forgotten them myself; Muriel Howard (Lindsay) never created a disturbance, but had difficulty in keeping quiet. Sometimes I forgot her isolation in the front hall. Christmas concerts were annual affairs with every pupil taking part in the program. Every field day brought parade honors and the softball trophy. Our annual Father and student softball game resulted in a win through the strategy of walking Calvin Morley and fanning the non-hitters. Practises for field days were art exercises and group competitions with senior students as leaders.

Students who completed their work early were given the opportunity to help junior classes. In History and Geography classes, reading assignments were tested by having each student make up ten questions to ask the others. Sometimes the discussions became heated over interruptions of answers. Even the Inspectors entry was unnoticed for his first hour. Our personal recollections of Riding Mountain include: The hockey games with Birnie, Glenella and Justice teams. We generally had ice before Christmas and sometimes even into February. The scarcity of housing necessitated moving five times during the seven years. Where else would one return from Summer School to find our household effects moved to a new location. We decided to build our own cabin on D. J. Watson's land. After two years we moved into the Christ Church Manse before our son was born. Another time, Harold Cleland, Reg Weare and myself shovelled the street from Harold's home to the highway so we could attend a playoff hockey game in Brandon. Another time, an unforgettable experience was spending an Easter holiday in the wood camp of Roy and Phyllis Watson. I even cut three cords of wood, broke a saw blade and nearly lost my watch. I paid $1.75 for wood in my yard. Those three cords cost $3.75 each. We remember the eight mile walk to Riding Mountain Monday morning before 8 am, all down hill. An upsetting incident was when I was summoned to appear before the Board because I was seen at a hockey game with a cigarette in my hand. I was hired as a non-smoker. Later, we were refused permission to bring a radio into the school so we could hear the new Provincial School Broadcast. The radio was donated and the student council (an experiment) had raised money for the batteries through a school dance. "We hired a teacher to teach, not to use a radio," I was told. One unexplainable event was how we transferred a softball team of ten members and coach in a Model T coupe with a homemade rumble seat. The economic marvel was the salary of $700 a year for eight years. We received no cheques in July and August and even attended summer school for five summers. Entertainment and social functions were limited. One was skating on the open air rink and walks in the total darkness of a village before the advent of electricity. Flashlights and lanterns were often a necessary item. Friday night dances at the school and sometimes a progressive whist drive made up social functions. Then there were the hockey playoffs - Hockey Night with Foster Hewitt. We enjoyed weekly choir practices and lunches at the homes of H. W. Cleland and Joe Flook. They had a piano. Then came 1940. We were expecting our first child. Our senior hockey and softball teams were disbanded because of enlistments. I had obtained my First Class Principals Certificate and was hired by Lyleton School Board. However, I enlisted in the R.C.A.F. We left Riding Mountain in July, with good memories and gifts of a camera and silver tea service, and many friendships that have lasted through the years. RIDING MOUNTAIN SCHOOL REGISTER August, 1947 - Teacher, Grace V. Oliver Grade I - Gerald Henry, Donny Allan, Wilbert McCallum, June Scott, Billy Dafoe, Carol Morley, Kenneth Pelk, Darlene Barnhart, Sandria Gifford. Grade II - Katherine Howard, Elinore Robinson, Lorne Carmichael, Eldon Kelm, George Dalgleisch, Gerald Campbell, Marie Henderson, Betty McCallum, Dorothy [p.46] Bays, Clarence Kitson, Marion Ackerman, Ronald Macloed. Grade III - Douglas Dann, Gladys Dann, Joyce Pelk, Lloyd Bare, Bobby Dafoe, Muriel Henderson, Margaret Allan, Billy Kidds, Kenneth Dann, Elwyn Steele, Illa Leland, Lewis Bays, Forest Barnhart. Grade IV - Lois Barnhart, Urna Henry, Myrna Allan, George Farrell. Grade V Joyce Crandall, Eileen Reed, Edward Bamlett, Eleanor Pelk, Dale Millar, Marie Dafoe, Audrey Steele, Iris Kidds, Henry Zagula.

RIDING MOUNTAIN It was originally intended that the village would be established two miles south of the present day site. The first Tobarmore School was built on SW 3-18-15 in 1890. The first post office was located on SE 4-18-15, and a store operated by Frank Foulston on 34-17-15. From information we have been given, the village was named by Mr. A. H. Scouten, who was the first postmaster. However, when the railway went through in 1903, the siding was built on land owned by "Long Johnny" Buchanan, two miles north of these buildings, and that is where the town grew up on 1018-15 and 9-18-15. By 1904 the town was an established fact with three general stores, drugstore, doctor, veterinary surgeon, two blacksmith shops, two saw mills, one planer, law office, nursery, and three threshing outfits. In 1905 Mr. Scouten moved the post office to the village and also built a CN Hotel. Some of the early storekeepers in the village were: Harry Diamond, Mr. Siegal. Mr. Kopegan, Rapkin Bros., Sam Campbell and Alvin Canfield. Through the years there have been many merchants in the village and to name a few: Win. Bywater, Wm. Bolton, A. A. "Dick" Thurston, Walter Waters, Archie Buchanan, D. Hollyoake, M. Sawchuk and Roy Buchanan. To mention a few of the other business people who have passed through: Wes Boyd, Lloyd Baskier, Frank Clarke, Jake Fleming, J. L, Henry, Jim Nichol, Jim Campbell, A. Bergeron, J. Coutts, Rod Coutts and G. Henry. Some of the other early business men in the village were: Bill Buchanan, Cy Campbell, Jim McLaughlin, Joe Therian, Ed Zimmezinski, Thompson and Rasmasson. In early days the folks skated on the creek which runs through the village. According to old timers, H. Cleland had a skating rink at the east end of the village, and later on Archie Buchanan had one where Ken Swanson's garage is now located. In 1945, when the first curling rink was built, a skating rink was set up beside it. Skaters and curlers shared the same waiting room. The lumber for the curling rink came from the Central Church (SE 17-18-14) as it was no longer in use. In 1950 the stable from the old school was purchased for a skating rink waiting room. Neither of these buildings are in used today and are in the process of being torn down. We do not have a skating rink in the village now. The curling club had a steel building [p.47] erected in 1980 and curling is now the main winter sport in the village. Through the years there have been a number of organizations and clubs in the village which are no longer in existence: 4-H (Garden and Sewing), Trail Rangers, Boy Scouts, Red Cross Society, Tennis Club, Hockey Club, W.A., W.M.S., Explorers, C.G.I.T., Tyros, Messengers, Mission Band, Baby Band. There is not enough room to tell of all the changes down through the years, but the current businesses which we have in our village are: General Store, Geo. and Dennis Dinsdale; Shell Service and Cafe, Ken Swanson; Beauty Salon, Teena Kaye; Texaco Service and Cafe, Dennis and Nona Lenius; Dann's Auto Body; two Corral Cleaning outfits, Walter Zechowski and David Mutch; and a trucking business owned by Eric Davies. In 1910 it was stated that the population of the village was about 100. Today our population is a little over 200. Although the village is small in population, it is certainly an 'active one. We have a very active Church Board, U.C.W., Youth Club, Senior's "Doers" Club, curling club, Royal Canadian Legion Branch #202, and Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion. The Royal Canadian Legion Branch was granted their charter on January 27, 1947 and the first officers were: President, Calvin McLaughlin; Secretary, Lloyd Baskier; Treasurer, Stan Howard. The 1983 officers are: President, Wm. Stanley; 1st Vice, Fred Sissons; 2nd Vice, Archie Doan; Secretary-Treasurer and Service Officer, Robert Arbuckle; Sargent-at-Arms, Murray Mills; Trustee Board, Fred Sissons and R. Buchanan.

The Legion bought the school built in 1908 when the new school was built in 1948, and this today (with additions) serves as our hall. In 1971 they purchased the Tobarmore School and had it moved to town. In 1980 they donated this to the Senior's Club with a 99-year lease. The Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion #202 was granted its charter in April, 1948 and their first officers were: President, Mrs. Joe Green; 1st Vice, Miss Audrey Barclay; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Archie Buchanan; Secretary, Mrs. Jim Coutts; Treasurer, Mrs. John McRae; Warden, Mrs. Ed Kelm. The 1983 officers are: President, Mrs. Trixie Morley; 1st Vice, Mrs. Bernice Irwin; 2nd, Mrs. Lorna Jasper; Secretary, Mrs. Joyce Kohinski; Treasurer, Mrs. Ida Arbuckle; Warden, Mrs. Ann Nichol. The village is very proud of the men and women who served our country in W.W. I and W.W. II. The Honor Roll which hangs in our Legion Hall shows 42 names for W.W. I and 95 for W.W. II. To these men and women who served so faithfully and loyally, we give our humble thanks. Telephone Riding Mountain was included under the Kelwood exchange with the first phone being installed in 1907 at A. H. Scouten's. There was a Toll Office here from 1907-1923. By 1930 there were 84 phones in the exchange and over 300 by 1970. Scouten Restaurant and Store A. H. Scouteninfrontof store. The tallgirl is his granddaughter Hilda, boy with hand on post is grandson James, children of James Scouten. Both are now living in B.C. [p.48] Hydro The village of Riding Mountain first received electrical ,service from the Manitoba Power Commission in 1941. By 1954 about 75% of all Manitoba farms had service. In 1949 Riding Mountain was created as an operating district with Logi Johnson as first Hydro Supervisor. The district office was closed around 1972 as a result of major changes in Manitoba Hydro's district operating system. The electrical needs of the community are now maintained from Hydro's Neepawa office.

Cemetery The Riding Mountain Cemetery is located on 16-18-15. From the records of the municipality, we gather that in 1913 it was decided to survey a cemetery at Riding Mountain, and the copy of the first map shows that it was surveyed in November, 1915. Mr. D. J. Watson was the first caretaker. The record shows that the first burial is that of Herbert Scouten on May 29, 1917. The cemetery is maintained by the R.M. of Rosedale. Post Office The first Riding Mountain post office was at Mr. A. H. Scouten's place on 4-18-15, and was opened November 1, 1892 with Mr. Scouten as the first postmaster. This was for a service between Riding Mountain and Eden once a week. After the railway went through and the village sprung up two miles north of that, Mr. Scouten moved to the village and remained postmaster until December, 1911. Postmasters since then have been: Harry Sucharoff, 1912-1913; Robert Campbell, 1913-1918; Alfred Thurston, 1918-1944; Muriel Buchanan, 1944-1945: Calvin McLaughlin, 1946-1950; Herbert Howard, 1950-1951; Stephen Emery, 1951-1955; Agnus Ackerman. 1955-1977; Patricia Dinsdale, 1977-present.

United Grain Growers The railways from Rossburn Junction to McCreary was built in 1902-1903 by Canadian Northern Railways. The first elevator in Riding Mountain was built in 1911 by the Manitoba government and was leased to Grain Growers in 1913. Grain Grower Company (UGG) operated under lease till August, 1924 when it was purchased by the company. The elevator burned on October 31, 1936 and was rebuilt the following July. It was not a large delivery point and with increasing costs of operating, it was closed July, 1972 and dismantled in 1973. The list of managers: Charles Fox, 1912-1917; W. J. Longhurst, 1917-1918; W. Wakes, 19181921; S. R. Campbell, 1921-1922; W. Waters, 1922-1923; N. F. Basler, 1923-1924: W. E. Trickett, 1924-1926; R. F. Linton, 1926-1927; J. A. Scott, 1927-1928; Ralph Chisholm, 19281929; John Paterson, 1929-1930; J. C. Fraser, 1931-1932; J. H. Spiers, 1932-1936; Harold Irwin, [p. 49] 1937-1939; Ralph Chisholm, 1939-1957: Harold Irwin, 1957-1963; Harry Hnatiuk, 19631966; Terry Holowachuk, 1966-1967; Milton Howard, 1967-1971; E. Mark Robinson, 19711972. Local Board of UGG #255 Riding Mountain and Kelwood shareholders were combined in a local organized August 23, 1950. Prior to then, the members had been attached to the Neepawa Local. In 1980 the Local was disbanded and attached to McCreary. Gilbert (Bert) Allan of Riding Mountain was appointed Secretary when the Local was organized, and held that position till the Local disbanded. Tom Spafford, also of Riding Mountain, was chairman for a number of years. SAW MILL AND LUMBER INDUSTRY IN RIDING MOUNTAIN In the early 1900's a few saw mills were located in the Riding Mountain area. Being close to the mountains, there was a good supply of timber suitable for saw logs. Trees were cut down and cut into logs with two-man cross cut saws, skidded out of the bush onto skidways, then loaded onto sleighs and hauled to the mill by horses. One of the first mills in the district was owned and operated by George Hammersley in a valley west of Tobarmore School. It was powered by a steam engine, which was the only source of power at that time. White poplar was the main source of timber. About the same time, D. C. Tyler operated a mill on the bank of the McClung creek, NW 19-1815, sawing mostly poplar logs. During the early 1920's he got permission to move the mill into the park west of Kelwood. Spruce and jack pine were the main source of timber. In 1914 Robert Henry bought the George Hammersley mill, moving it to Birnie where he sawed lumber till about 1927. Then in 1928 he moved the mill to the village of Riding Mountain, where he continued to custom saw until 1947. In 1948 his son Bill moved it to his farm west of Riding Mountain, and sawed for several years. Then in the early 20's, Bert Walker and Howard McCracken obtained the right to operate a mill in the Park at Rat Lake. The timber sawed was mostly jack pine, of which a lot of logs were sawed into railroad ties. These were then hauled by team and sleigh to Riding Mountain. Allen Brother's had the contract of peeling and loading them into boxcars. Sometimes, due to the large volume of logs to saw, the mill would run day and night. In the spring of 1936 Walker moved the mill out of the Park to the banks of the McClung creek, upstream several hundred yards from the old D. C. Tyler mill site, where he sawed for several years. Later Norman Tyler moved the mill to the Duck Mountain Forest Reserve to saw for the Continental Lumber Company. In 1938 Gabler Brothers bought a mill and sawed for several years. Poplar was the main source of timber.

In 1941 E. Dalgleish bought and built a mill and began custom logging and sawing. It was located on the Dalgleish homestead, NW of 18-18-15. In 1953 the mill was moved to the village of Riding Mountain, where it continues to operate several times a year. These mills were an asset to the community and surrounding area in that they provided some employment for men during the winter months and gave the farmers the opportunity to obtain lumber at a reasonable rate. Many of the houses, barns and grain bins as far away as Neepawa, Plumas, Amaranth, and McCreary were built from locally produced lumber. Riding Mountain was known as the cordwood town during the dirty thirties, because cordwood was one of the main sources of income. During the early 20's most of the wood cut was white poplar. It was cut into four foot lengths with an axe. At the start of the 30's the cross cut saw was used, but shortly afterwards the swede saw was used extensively. The main species cut was white birch with a small amount of white poplar. This was cut into four foot lengths and split. It took a good man to cut, split and pile 1 1/2 to 2 cords per day. Then it was hauled out of the mountain by team and sleigh. It was a common sight to see from five to ten loads of wood on a mile stretch of road. Sometimes the whole side track would be full of box cars being loaded with cordwood, most of it being shipped to Winnipeg. Dick Thurston and Walter Waters would take wood on grocery bills. This was certainly a great help to many in the district. The price per cord for birch wood would run from $3.50 to $4 per cord loaded on the car. During that time the topic for conservation was "how much wood one could cut in one day". This usually took place in the stores Saturday evening. Incidently, Dick Thurston said jokingly, "There was more wood cut in his store than there was in the bush!" SPAFFORD SEED CLEANING PLANT IN RIDING MOUNTAIN By G. V. Spafford Tom Spafford began his registered seed growing career in 1934 growing Marquis wheat. At the beginning the seed was cleaned at home on the farm using a small airway cleaner (fanning mill) and carter disc. Around 1950, the building in Riding Mountain which housed the Church of Christ became available for purchase and the cleaning plant was relocated to that site. A larger fanning mill, driven by a water cooled engine, was installed. Selkirk wheat was now in vogue because of its large kernels, easy to thresh, and rust resistance. Tom shipped [p.50] boxcars of this cleaned variety to many countries such as Switzerland and Egypt under the Marshall Plan. Later in the 1950's the Rosedale Church east of Mountain View School was put up for tender and this too was purchased. Britski & Co. from Ste. Rose moved this building from its original location to Riding Mountain where it became the western extension to the seed plant. Many varieties of grain have passed through the hands of T. W. Spafford - Pembina, Manitou and Neepawa wheat; Ajax and Rodney oats. The seed plant is still being used by son Gordon, who is carrying on the trade of growing registered grain, and supplying both bulk and pedigreed seed. His more recent varieties are Sinton, Benito, Columbus and Katepwa wheat, Dumont oats, and Norbert barley. A more modern seed cleaner, the "Harvey Gjesdal 5-in-l", has replaced previous equipment. After a record of growing registered seed for over forty years, Mr. Spafford, at the age of ninetyfive, has retired from active farming and still resides in Riding Mountain. W.M.S., W.A. AND U.C.W. OF RIDING MOUNTAIN By Mrs. Gordon Spafford The W.M.S. and W.A. records of Riding Mountain United Church date back to the years 19521962. These records are living proof of the active missionary role filled by the ladies of that

congregation and the dedication of the W.A.'s to support their church and community's activities. They understood the value of having a church which was active and participating. Smaller groups such as Baby Band, Mission Band, Explorers and C.G.I.T. were under the auspices of the W.M.S. Their reverent and inspirational devotional periods at each meeting, as well as the social aspect of gathering in one another's homes, to discuss and arrange for spiritual and financial support of people at home and abroad who were less fortunate. These meetings played an integral part in the daily lives of these women, most of whom were members of both groups. Study books brought all into a better understanding -of far away Korea, Africa, India, China, as well as their homeland. Support through money raised by teas and bazaars, quiltings, bake sales, catering to bonspiels and weddings, brought out their best in culinary and fancy work. Yearly rallies and presbytery meetings kept them in touch with groups in neighboring churches and they all worked towards the goal of filling the need for sound Christian principles around the world. The U.C.W. came into being in 1962 - an amalgamation of W.M.S. and W.A. Worship, business, study books and church oriented topics are upheld under the U.C.W. purpose which states, "To unite all women of the congregation, for the total mission of the church, and to provide a medium through which they may express their loyalty to Jesus Christ in Christian witness, study, fellowship and service." Members, past and present, who names are recorded are: Mesdames Rogers, Rouse, Chisholm, Coutts, Robinson, Kitson, Green, Cunningham, Allan, Millar, Bayes, Waters, Henry, Blowers, McCracken, Spafford, Irwin, Parrish, Hague, Carmichael, Bamlett, Bays, Thorpe, Poole, Archibald, Flook, Hutton and Cartwright. To those who have passed on - well done, good and faithful servants. To those of use left to hold the reins -grant us faith, strength and courage in our committments. CHURCHES Church of Christ In 1902 a Union Sunday School was organized in the school house two miles south (Tobarmore School). D. C. Tyler was the first Superintendent. Later, E. Dafoe held a meeting, and the Church of Christ was started. A lot was then purchased in the village in 1905 on which the church was built. The first services were held November 24, 1906. The first officer were D. C. Tyler and J. J. Willerton as Deacons, and George Foulston as Clerk. Some of the early ministers were: Roy Ogletree, Wm, Anderson, Lorne Connor, M. P. Hayden, M. L Easterling, W. G. Carter, A. A. Stott, A. F. Canfield. When left without a leader, about 1937, the church disbanded and the building was sold to Thomas Spafford. Today, this building, along with the Rosedale Church which was later moved to the village, is known as the seed house and owned by Thomas Spafford. Pentecostal "Full Gospel Mission" Prior to 1932, Victor Tyler held meetings in the homes of people of his faith, and in 1932 John Frood built the log church. To name a few of the Deacons and Deaconesses: Victor Tyler, Wilfred Tyler, Miss Olfrey, Cliff Mitchell, Ed Weatherail. Miss Williams. Our records are not complete, but we know that several years later Bert Dann bought the property. [p.51] Methodist Church (now United) The first Methodist charge in this area was made up of Glensmith, Glenallan, Glencairn and Roskeen districts. In 1905 Glencairn was dropped and Riding Mountain taken on with the church here being built in 1906.

On June 14, 1925 the Methodist Churches and parts of Presbyterian and Congregational Churches formed the United Church of Canada. The Board Members at that time were: Mrs. Watson, Mr. T. Williams, Mr. L. Rogers, Mrs. Thurston, Mrs. M. E. Rogers, Mr. J. H. Rogers. In 1952, rearrangements were made and a field of Eden, Birnie, Riding Mountain and Glenella were placed under the Eden Pastoral Charge. The last meeting of this charge was held on May 12, 1971 with Glenella. being placed in with Plumas Lakeshore Charge and the others joining the Neepawa and Area Larger Parish, of which we are still a part. The United Church, although small in the village, is very active. The 1983 Board Members are: Mrs. Sharon Davies, Chairperson; Mr. Glen Nichol, Treasurer; Mrs. Karen Ponscak, Secretary; Mr. Gary Ponesak, Mrs. Elsie Henderson, Mr. Gordon Levandoski, Mrs. Doris Kohinski, and Mr. Don Allan. Mrs. Diane Allan is the Larger Parish Representative. The ministers serving our church today are: Rev. Earl Gould, Ferne Graham and Barbara Jardine (Edwards). BIRNIE FORMER TEACHER AT BIRNIE By Doris Griffiths (formerly Doris Griffith) In September, 1949 I arrived in Birnie to take up my teaching duties. I was to board with a very fine lady, Mrs. Murdoch. I had Gr. I-VI in the brick school at the east end of town. It was a very old school and in need of much repair. However, thanks to the work of Mr. H. Moore, custodian, our school was clean and warm - but that took a lot of shoveling coal! Also Mr. Moore always seemed to be waging a war on mice in that building. They certainly seemed anxious to further their education (or find a cosy spot for winter). There were forty children in my class with six grades. I thoroughly enjoyed working with them, but it certainly kept me busy. There were no xerox machines, audio-visual equipment, no volunteer help in the classroom, nor anyone hired to take the music or Phys. Ed. classes. There was no such thing as a "spare" period for the teacher. However, we seemed to cover the required academic subjects, as well as have a few extra activities. The Christmas Concert was always a big event with such items as the Rose Drill, McNamara's band with the [p.52] … Attachment(not stored) Rosedale Histories.doc Attachment(not stored) Schools - Roskeen School.doc __________________________________________________________

Aug 9, 2005 Wedding announcements in Mitchell Advocate (from Darlene) Mitchell Advocate, 14 Jan, 1876 Married: Buchanan - Cochrane: At the Manse Elma 24th Dec 1875 by Rev. R. Renwick Thos. Buchanan to Helen Cochrane All of Elma

Mitchell Advocate 6 Oct 1876 Married: WATSON - ASH At the Manse, Elma 22 Sept 1876 by Rev. R. Renwick Mr. Wm. Watson of Elma Twp to Eliza Ash of Wallace Twp. __________________________________________________________

Aug 9, 2005 Graham Hunter obit He is a nephew of Walter "Watt" Hunter and Bella Buchanan. He is also a great nephew to Big Jim Graham and Mary Buchanan on his mother (Elizabeth Graham's) side. Bill

W. GRAHAM HUNTER APRIL 22, 1925 - APRIL 1, 2005 Our loving husband, dad, grandpa, and great-grandpa passed away peacefully at home with his beloved wife, May at his side. Left with cherished memories are May (nee Walker) his wife of 58 years and children, Lynn, Val (Bob), Nancy (Larry), Ginny (Brent), Graham (Lori) and Mardelle (Steve). He was grandpa to Scott, Andrea (Harry), Rob, Chase, Lane, Ty, Michelle, Kevin, Sarah, Kaethel and Ben. Papa to Ainslee and Brett. Uncle Graham to numerous nieces and nephews, as well as honorary uncle to many neighborhood kids. His quiet sense of humor will be missed by his brothers and sisters-in-law, cousins, friends and neighbors. Predeceased by his father George; mothers, Elizabeth (nee Graham) and Belle (Laidler); brother Murray, Aunt Annie Mills; in-laws, Tom and Emily Walker and granddaughter Jennifer. Born and raised, in Neepawa and after completing RCAF training at the end of the war; he and May lived in Winnipeg from 1947-1963 where life time friendships were created in their River Heights neighborhood and through his employment with Howard F Powell Ltd. They then returned to farm in Neepawa. For Graham it was not just a return to farming, it was the realization of his childhood dream. The farm with Graham and May as the most welcoming hosts, has always drawn family and friends from near and far. As well as farming, Graham worked for Foley's and Lee's in the poultry/egg business and the Canadian Postal Service as a driver for the rural route. He knew the folks on his route by their P. 0. Box number, as well as their names, always ready with a friendly smile and wave. Before and after retirement Graham spent countless hours fulfilling his love of farming working for friends, neighbors and family. Graham’s "master" carpentry skills were put to good use assisting and supervising many family projects; Lynn's deck, Nancy's kitchen, and Ginny's renovations to name a few. Using his personally designed scaffolding, he took on one of his greatest challenges – in his 70's - the two-year scraping, and painting of the entire house, which completed, pretty much single-handedly.

Bowling was a favorite winter pastime, where over the years Graham served as treasurer of the Wednesday Night District League. Graham's love of local history led to his involvement with the Beautiful Plains Museum Board as past president. In his later years, Graham was easily recognized by young and old with his platinum gray hair, and sparkling blue eyes; he loved to be in real conversation with the people he met, particularly children. The humor and wit that defined him, is alive and well. His greatest lesson to us was to recognize the power of enjoying life's simple pleasures. His memorial service was held in Knox Presbyterian Church in Neepawa on Wednesday, April 6, 2005 with Rev. James Bardsley officiating. Burial took place in the Graham family homestead, now the Neepawa Riverside Cemetery. Donations in Graham’s memory may be made Neepawa Memorial Hospital, Neepawa, Manitoba ROJ 1H0 or charity of your choice. Arrangements were entrusted to Whit… Funeral Home, Neepawa, Manitoba.


Aug 9, 2005 Dafoe Obits The Neepawa Thursday April 3rd, 1947 T. Dafoe Passes The death occured in St. Rose Hospital early Wednesday morning March 26th, 1947 of Theodore Dafoe, following a lingering illness. Mr. Dafoe was born in Bellhaven, [York county,] Ontario 73 years ago. He came to Brandon 44 years ago and two years later to Riding Mountain where he resided until his recent illness. In 1910 married Miss Margaret Buchanan [daughter of John S Buchanan and Elizabeth S. Graham] who predeceased to him in 1919. He leaves to mourn his loss, one son Gordon and one daughter Elma [Alma] (Mrs. Earle Crandell) both of Riding Mountain. Funeral services were held in Riding Mountain United Church on Saturday March 29th, 1947 at 2:30. H. W. Seward, A. [Archie?] Buchanan, William McCallum Joe Greene, W. Large and C.D. Rouse were pallbearers. Interment was in Riding Mountain Cemetery. The many beautiful floral tributes testified to the high esteem in which Mr. Dafoe was held in town and community. [His actual name was Ellis Albert Dafoe, but he was known as "Ted", hence the mix-up about his name. Obviously the author thought that if he was known as Ted, his name must be Theodore, but not so.] Alma Irene Buchanan On Saturday, April 2, 2005, at the Douglas Campbell Lodge, Alma Irene Buchanan, of Portage la Prairie, widow of the late [Andrew] Howard Buchanan passed away at the age of 91 years. Funeral Service will be held in the Chapel of the Omega Funeral Home on Thursday, April 7, 2005 at 1:30PM with Reverend Julie Baker officiating. Interment will follow in Hillside Cemetery. Alma was born on February 7, 1914 daughter of Ellis and Margaret Dafoe at Rosedale, Manitoba. She was raised and received her education at Riding Mountain. She was then employed as a housekeeper on several farms and as custodian of the Riding Mountain School. In 1952 she

married Howard Buchanan and they resided at Riding Mountain until 1958 when they moved to reside at Portage where her husband was employed with the Department of Highways. Alma was a member of the Herman Prior Centre. She loved to travel in their camper and motor home, and enjoyed the summers at Delta and Riding Mountain, and the winters in Mesa Arizona. Alma loved to cook and care for her family and friends. Her special times were spent with her family and many happy memories with her grandchildren. Predeceased by her husband Howard, two brothers Gordon and Arthur, she leaves to mourn her passing her daughter Joyce (Cy) Painter of Portage, grandchildren Dan Painter of Winnipeg, Debbie (Orvel) Currie and Great Grandson Brandon of Winnipeg, two sisters-in-law Viola Dafoe of Riding Mountain, Manitoba, Ilene Buchanan of Abbottsford BC, two brothers-in-law Raymond of Stainer, Ontario, Arnold (Wilma) of High River, Alberta and several nieces and nephews. Should friends so desire memorial donations may be made to the Lung Association, 629 McDermot Ave., Winnipeg, MB. R3A 1P6 or the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Manitoba, Catherine Newham-Portage Office, 103 Wilkinson Crescent, Portage la Prairie, MB. R1N 1A7 Friends may leave a message of sympathy on our web site www.omegafuneralhome.com “Dedicated to those we serve”. __________________________________________________________

Aug 9, 2005 Allans in The Neepawa Press 1911-1912 [Nellie J Dempsey Allan] The Neepawa Press, Friday December 22nd, 1911 News of Neepawa Mrs. G. F. Allan of Allanlea left on Wednesday for the paternal home at Centralia, Ontario. Mrs. McGuire Allan of Glenella took passage here on Wednesday for Moorefield, Ontario [Does anyone known the name of the wife of Thomas McGuire Allan?] [James Drysdale Allan] The Neepawa Press, Friday January 19th, 1912 News of Neepawa J. H. Allan of Winnipeg arrived to visit his father J. D. Allan The Neepawa Press, Friday February 2nd, 1912 The news of Neepawa James Christie has purchased the residence he occupies from Alex Allan The Neepawa Press, Tuesday March 5th, 1912 At news of Neepawa Mrs. Gilbert F. Allan and two children returned on Friday from a visit with her father John Dempsey at Centralia, Ontario. Her husband came down from Camperdown to take them home The Neepawa Press, Friday March 8th, 1912 Glenella Gleanings Word was received here last night of the serious illness of Mrs. James Murray of Moorefield, Ontario. She has many friends in the district as she is the former Ida Allan and the sister of D.C. Allan of the Albion Hotel.

The Neepawa Press, Tuesday April 9th, 1912 News of Neepawa Perth (Ontario) Courier of March 22nd, recorded the death of Robert Allan aged 80, brother of Alex and James Allan of Neepawa. Deceased had visited his brothers here a few years ago and had spent his whole life on the farm where he was born. [son of Alex Allan and Mary Tomlinson] The Neepawa Press, Friday May 8th 3, 1912 Riding Mountain Isaac Allan has purchased a gas tractor and is tearing up sod and disking summer fallow in fine style. While filling his engine near the barn by the light of a lantern he had the misfortune to catch a light and Mr. Allan was in flames in a moment. He ran and jumped down the well to put out the flames on his clothes and then went to his engine and backed it out of the flames but the barn was burned. __________________________________________________________

Aug 9, 2005 Edna Freeland Adamson We wish to thank the Neepawa Hospital staff and doctors for the care and support they provided during Aunt Edna's recent illness and death. Thanks to palliative care people Arlene Guilbert and Olive Elliott; also Kay Schetter for their many acts of kindness; to home care workers for their care of the last several years; Whites Funeral Home, Rev. Ankenmann, pallbearers, United Church ladies for lunch, to all who sent flowers, food, cards etc.; To the people who visited her and supported us at the time. Gar and Eleanor Scott and families. Obituary Edna Freeland Adamson 1917-2004 Edna Freeland Adamson was born October 19th, 1917 to Robert and Georgina Adamson of Spring Hill district. She received her education at Spring Hill school. During her early years she resided in Neepawa and worked at various jobs, mostly in the food-service areas. Several summers were spent working at Clear Lake Golf Course. In 1953 she moved to Portage and started working at the R. C. A. F. station at McDonald until it closed and then transferred to South Port officers' mess at Portage. She worked there until her retirement in 1977. Upon retirement she bought a house in Neepawa and lived there until moving to Kinsman Kourts the fall of 2000. The last six weeks were spent in the Neepawa Hospital. Her three brothers Roy, Henry, Calvin and one sister Emma predeceased her. Edna enjoyed life to the fullest, spending three days week at adult day care, played cards nearly every night at the Kourts, enjoyed doing puzzles, and reading was another favorite pastime. She also enjoyed traveling in earlier years. Funeral services were held on September 25, 2004 from White's Funeral Home with Rev. Ankenmann officiating. Pallbearers were her nephews and interment was in Riverside Cemetery, Neepawa. Edna will be missed by all knew and loved her. __________________________________________________________

Aug 10, 2005

Births and Deaths [A granddaughter of Red Bob and Maggie Matilda Buchanan] Bill

Berniece Althea Smith nee Griffith With saddened hearts we announce the death of Berniece Althea Smith. Beloved by all knew her, Beashie passed away on May 2, 2005 in Abbotford, BC. Born on April 23rd, 1930 near Neepawa, Manitoba, she spent her life in Gladstone, Winnipeg and Neepawa. Morning her is her loving family, daughter Valerie and husband Bill Ward of the Pas; daughter Vicki and husband Paul Nelin of Mission; son Randy of Vancouver; Reg of Neepawa; and Ross and family of Winnipeg; daughter in law Barb of Winnipeg. She leaves to mourn grandchildren Shelley, Kyle, Scott, Jory, and great grand daughter Lexa-Rai. Berniece is also survived by her sisters, a brother, and their families, as well as many friends. Beashie was predeceased by her husband Wib, granddaughter Kristy Rae, her parents Hazel and Bill Griffith, sister Margaret, and in laws Elizabeth and Bill Smith. She has touched many lives and will be missed by many. She will be lovingly remembered as a kind and caring mother, grandmother, sister, and friend. A service to celebrate her life will be held on Friday, June 10th, 11:00 a.m., at United Church in Neepawa. In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to the Canadian Cancer Society, Manitoba Division, 193 Sherbrook Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 2B7, or the Heart and Stroke Foundation, 222 Queen Street Suite 1402, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5V9.

[A Coulter and Graham connection - If you are interested.] FORM 1 – SLIP FOR REGISTRATION OF A BIRTH December 29/84 BIRTHS SCHEDULE A Municipality of Lansdowne When born May 4, 1883 Name William Sex male or female Male Name and Surname of Father Robert Coulter Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Grace Clyde Rank or Profession of Father Farmer Signature, Description and Residence of Informant R Coulter his mark X Name of Doctor in Attendance or of Midwife if no Doctor Dr. McFadden [A Graham connection - If you are interested.] FORM 1 – SLIP FOR REGISTRATION OF A BIRTH June 27/1885 BIRTHS SCHEDULE A Municipality of Lansdowne When born June 16, 1885 Name William John Sex male or female Male

Name and Surname of Father Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Rank or Profession of Father Signature, Description and Residence of Informant Name of Doctor in Attendance or of Midwife if no Doctor

John Qua Walker Catherine Graham Farmer John Q Walker , Salisbury PO JJ McFadden MD


Aug 10, 2005 Re: Thomas McGuire Allan Barry, I may have an error here in my database. I have no documented reason for having him as Thomas McGuire Allan. There is a Thomas Allan listed in the family in the 1881 census as 10 years old but no McGuire Allan. Then in 1901 there is a McGuire Allan listed with his brother as born Oct 20 1872 but no Thomas living with the family (hardly surprising at age 30). There is a Thomas Allen working for George Leslie as a Domestic in Brandon born Jan 21 1871, but he immigrated from England in 1881 so he is not the Thomas Allen from the 1881 census. In the Allan's home base of Maryborough twp, Wellington, ON there is a better prospect. 1901 Census of Canada 5 47 49 Allan Thomas H M Head M Jan 18 1867 34 5 48 49 Allan Eliza J F Wife M Jul 11 1867 34 5 49 49 Allan George W M Son S May 1890 11 5 50 49 Allan Clarence M Son S Jul 12 1897 3 Source Information: 1901 Census of Canada Subdistrict: Maryborough, WELLINGTON (Centre), ONTARIO District Number: 124 Subdistrict Number: f-4 Archives Microfilm: T-6504 But he seems 3-4 years too old, if he was 10 in 1881. More likely he is a nephew to Alex. I tried to check the family origin, to make sure he wasn't one of the Irish Allens in Maryborough but the link to the census image didn't work. I also cannot find my reason for including these individuals in the family of Alexander Allan and Mary Tomlinson. I must have gotten the information from somewhere, but I don't know where. Isabella born about 1857 Jane born about 1858 Mary E. born 10 Mar 1858 Emma born about 1864

Can anyone help with this? Bill Bill, I have a Thomas Allan, and a McGuire Allan, both sons of Alexander Allan and Mary Tomlinson. But I don't have a Thomas McGuire Allan????? Barry __________________________________________________________

Aug 10, 2005 Fw: William Samuel Buchanan Bill: I do not know if you have this or not; if you have just ignore this message. Don Holmes

From the Milverton Sun of 14th of Dec 1944 William Samuel Buchanan One of Milverton's oldest and most highly respected men of this community, William Samuel Buchanan passed away at his home on Saturday morning at one o'clock. He had been in poor health for the past year, but was only confined to his bed for about two weeks. In his 85th year, he was born on Dec 28th, 1859, the fourth son of the late William Buchanan and Ann Thompson on the 10th concession of Elma Township on the Buchanan homestead now owned by James A. Buchanan. At an early age, being of an ambitious nature, and full of strength and vigour, he chose to be a blacksmith and in the spring of 1875 he started as an apprentice with James Terry at Donegal. In 1877 he went to Listowel to work for William Walker, who was blacksmith in Milverton for many years. He was in Michigan for a summer to work in the harvest where he followed one of the best cradlers in Michigan. In the year 1882 he started in business for himself as blacksmith in Donegal. In the same year he married a school mate, Miss Margaret Burke, who predeceased him in 1911. In 1909 he moved to the West where he farmed for a number of years. Mr. Buchanan was married to Margaret J. Cuthbertson, youngest daughter of the late James Cuthbertson and Mary Reid, about 20 years ago. He was an adherent of Burns Presbyterian Church, staunch Conservative and a member of the LOL # 78, Donegal. Being an ardent Orangeman, he carried the drum for Donegal Lodge for thirty years and was presented with the honourary member's certificate in 1938. He was also a member of the COF # 502, Donegal. Even in his weakened condition he attended the celebration at Listowel last year. He is survived by his sorrowing wife, also one daughter and one son by his first marriage; Mrs. T. Jordan (Mary) Regina Sask. and Andrew R. Buchanan of northern Saskatchewan. One daughter, Mrs. E. Slaughter ( Effie Elizabeth) predeceased him in 1918. He is also survived by twelve grandchildren and eleven great grandchildren, one sister, Mrs. Jacob Patrick (Elizabeth)

Royal Oak Michigan; one brother Alexander of Donegal. Two sisters, Mrs. Richard Terry (Jane) and Mrs. John Young (Margaret) and four brothers, Andrew, James, Robert and John Charles pedeceased him. A private funeral service was held from his late residence on Wednesday afternoon. This was followed with a public service in Burns Presbyterian Church, Milverton. Rev Donald MacInnes, Pastor of the Church officiated at the service. Entombment was made in the mausoleum in Greenwood Cemetery, and interment will be made at Donegal at a later date. The funeral was under the auspices of LOL # 78 Donegal. __________________________________________________________

Aug 10, 2005 Robert Allan Uncle to David Calvin Allan who married Ada Mary Willerton. I mistook Perth for the county, but this is the Perth district in Lanark County. The Neepawa Press, Tuesday April 9th, 1912 News of Neepawa Perth (City of Perth Ontario) Courier of March 22nd, recorded the death of Robert Allan aged 80, brother of Alex and James Allan of Neepawa. Deceased had visited his brothers here a few years ago and had spent his whole life on the farm where he was born. [The Perth Courier began in 1834 under the banner The Bathurst Courier and Ottawa Gazette and the strong hand of John Cameron, a highly respected local doctor. http://www.perthcourier.com/our_history.htm ] 1901 Census of Canada 16 42 147 Allan Robert M Head M Sep 19 1835 65 [Ont-r Scotch Presp Farmer] 16 43 147 Allan Christina F Wife M May 17 1838 62 [Ont-r] 16 44 147 Allan Lixxie F Daughter S Mar 11 1876 24 [Ont-r] 16 45 147 Allan Mary F Daughter S Apr 10 1880 20 [Ont-r] 16 46 147 Allan Mack M Son S Jul 5 1875 25 [Ont-r] 16 47 147 Allan Robert M Son S Sep 3 1878 22 [Ont-r] 16 48 147 Allan Archie M Son S Jan 1 1886 14 [Ont-r] Source Information: 1901 Census of Canada Subdistrict: Burgess (North/Nord), LANARK (South/Sud), ONTARIO District Number: 81 Subdistrict Number: c Archives Microfilm: T-6478 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion Robert ALLAN M Male Scottish 45 O Farmer C. Presbyterian Christina ALLAN M Female Scottish 41 O C. Presbyterian James ALLAN Male Scottish 22 O Blacksmith C. Presbyterian Frances ALLEN Male Scottish 20 O Farmer C. Presbyterian Margt ALLAM Female Scottish 16 O C. Presbyterian Jane ALLAN Female Scottish 14 O C. Presbyterian Alex. ALLAN Male Scottish 12 O C. Presbyterian Christina ALLAN Female Scottish 11 O C. Presbyterian Annie ALLAN Female Scottish 9 O C. Presbyterian Malcholm ALLAN Male Scottish 5 O C. Presbyterian

Eliz. ALLAN Female Scottish 3 O C. Presbyterian Robt ALLAN Male Scottish 2 O C. Presbyterian -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Census Place Burgess North, Lanark South, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375869 NA Film Number C-13233 District 111 Sub-district F Page Number 40 Household Number 176 __________________________________________________________

Aug 12, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Robert Allan Robert's wife's name is Christina Ferrier: From http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~maryc/lanark92.htm Aug 2005: Lanark Co., 1892 6773-92 Francis ALLAN, 31, farmer, Burgess North, same, s/o Robert ALLAN & Christena FERRIER, married Rebecca OLIVER, 22, Burgess North, same, d/o Robert OLIVER & Sarah MOODIE, witn: Alexander ALLEN & Susanna MOODIE, both of Burgess, 31 March 1892 at Burgess North [Barry] __________________________________________________________

Aug 12, 2005 More births These are Buchanan descendants: VITAL STATISTICS, MANITOBA SCHEDULE A. -- For registration of a Birth by Parents, Guardians, Occupants, Medical Practitioners Municipality of Lansdowne When born Sept 29 1903 Where Born Lansdowne Name Robert Melvin Allan Sex male or female Male Name and Surname of Father David C Allan Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Ada May Willerton Rank or Profession of Father Farmer Name of Doctor in Attendance or of Midwife if no Doctor Mrs. L. Guest Signature, Description and Residence of Informant D C Allan, 20-18-14, Father When Registered Nov 5th 1903 Name of Clerk MEB

Remarks VITAL STATISTICS, MANITOBA SCHEDULE A. -- For registration of a Birth by Parents, Guardians, Occupants, Medical Practitioners Municipality of Lansdowne When born ninth Feb/05 Where Born Lansdowne Name Egna [sic] May Allan Sex male or female Female Name and Surname of Father David C Allan Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Ada May Willerton Rank or Profession of Father Farmer Name of Doctor in Attendance or of Midwife if no Doctor Mrs. Willerton Signature, Description and Residence of Informant D C Allan, Sec 18-18-14 w When Registered March 29th/05 Name of Clerk MEB Remarks VITAL STATISTICS, MANITOBA SCHEDULE A. -- For registration of a Birth by Parents, Guardians, Occupants, Medical Practitioners Municipality of Lansdowne When born February 12th 1905 Where Born Plumas Name Lydia Leonora Sex male or female Female Name and Surname of Father Robert Campbell Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Wilhelmina Margaret Copeland Rank or Profession of Father Farmer Name of Doctor in Attendance or of Midwife if no Doctor Dr. Gahan Signature, Description and Residence of Informant Robt Campbell, three miles west of Plumas When Registered April 14th Name of Clerk ME Boughton MEB -------------------------------------------------------------------------------None of these are Buchanan descendants, but belong to families that have married into the Buchanan-Watson clan. VITAL STATISTICS, MANITOBA SCHEDULE A. -- For registration of a Birth by Parents, Guardians, Occupants, Medical Practitioners

Municipality of Lansdowne When born April 29, 1892 Where Born 18-15-14 Name Mary Jane Sex male or female Female Name and Surname of Father John Qua Walker Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Catherine Graham Rank or Profession of Father Farmer Name of Doctor in Attendance or of Midwife if no Doctor Mrs. Magoffin Signature, Description and Residence of Informant John Walker When Registered May 28/92 Name of Clerk [sister to David McLarty married to a son of Alexander Allan and Mary Tomlinson VITAL STATISTICS, MANITOBA SCHEDULE A. -- For registration of a Birth by Parents, Guardians, Occupants, Medical Practitioners Municipality of Lansdowne When born Oct 16, 1895 Where Born Sec 20 Tp 18 Rg 14 Name William Cecil Sex male or female Male Name and Surname of Father Alexander William Allan Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Isabella Thomson McLarty Rank or Profession of Father Farmer Name of Doctor in Attendance or of Midwife if no Doctor Mrs. Snider Signature, Description and Residence of Informant A W Allan, Father When Registered Mch 18-1897 Name of Clerk MEB VITAL STATISTICS, MANITOBA SCHEDULE A. -- For registration of a Birth by Parents, Guardians, Occupants, Medical Practitioners Municipality of Lansdowne When born Feby 20th 1897 Where Born Sec 20 Tp 18 Rg 14 Name Mary Elizabeth Sex male or female Female Name and Surname of Father Alexander William Allan Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Isabella Thomson McLarty Rank or Profession of Father Farmer

Name of Doctor in Attendance or of Midwife if no Doctor Mrs. Snider Signature, Description and Residence of Informant A W Allan, Father When Registered Mch 18-1897 Name of Clerk MEB [If anyone is collecting Coulter info. Also with Graham and Alexander connections.] VITAL STATISTICS, MANITOBA SCHEDULE A. -- For registration of a Birth by Parents, Guardians, Occupants, Medical Practitioners Municipality of Lansdowne When born April 5, 1900 Where Born At home Name Annie Sex male or female Female Name and Surname of Father Theo Wilson Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Elixabeth Ann Wilson X Rank or Profession of Father Farmer Name of Doctor in Attendance or of Midwife if no Doctor Dr. Stewart, Plumas Signature, Description and Residence of Informant Theo Wilson, Father, Glenella When Registered May 5/1900 Name of Clerk B Remarks X Coulter VITAL STATISTICS, MANITOBA SCHEDULE A. -- For registration of a Birth by Parents, Guardians, Occupants, Medical Practitioners Municipality of Lansdowne When born Dec 19, 1895 Where Born Sec 6-8-14 Name Elsie Rose Chandler Sex male or female Female Name and Surname of Father Alick E. Chandler Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Christina Chandler (Warnock) Rank or Profession of Father Farmer Name of Doctor in Attendance or of Midwife if no Doctor Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Hargrave Signature, Description and Residence of Informant Alick E Chandler, Orange Ridge When Registered Jan 6/96 Name of Clerk MEB 1901 Census of Canada 8 33 80 Chandler Alick E. M Head M Dec 26 1868 32 [England]

8 34 80 Chandler Christina F Wife S Aug 28 1875 25 [Ontario] 8 35 80 Chandler Elsie R. F Daughter S Dec 19 1895 5 [Manitoba] 8 36 80 Chandler Eric C. M Son S Apr 1 1897 3 [Manitoba] 8 37 80 Chandler Norman M Son S Jan 13 1900 1 [Manitoba] Source Information: 1901 Census of Canada Subdistrict: Westbourne, MACDONALD, MANITOBA District Number: 8 Subdistrict Number: n-11 Archives Microfilm: T-6433 VITAL STATISTICS, MANITOBA SCHEDULE A. -- For registration of a Birth by Parents, Guardians, Occupants, Medical Practitioners Municipality of Lansdowne When born April 2st 1898 Where Born Oakleaf Name Eric Chester Chandler Sex male or female Male Name and Surname of Father Alick E. Chandler Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Christina Chandler (Warnock) Rank or Profession of Father Farmer Name of Doctor in Attendance or of Midwife if no Doctor Mrs. Snider Signature, Description and Residence of Informant Alick E Chandler, Orange Ridge When Registered May 26/98 Name of Clerk MEB VITAL STATISTICS, MANITOBA SCHEDULE A. -- For registration of a Birth by Parents, Guardians, Occupants, Medical Practitioners Municipality of Lansdowne When born Jan 11, 1900 Where Born Lansdowne Name John Graham Sex male or female Male Name and Surname of Father Peter J. Graham Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Jenny Hunter Rank or Profession of Father Farmer Name of Doctor in Attendance or of Midwife if no Doctor Dr. McRae Signature, Description and Residence of Informant Peter J. Graham, Father, Lansdowne When Registered June 30/1901 Name of Clerk VITAL STATISTICS, MANITOBA SCHEDULE A. -- For registration of a Birth by Parents, Guardians, Occupants, Medical Practitioners

Municipality of Lansdowne When born 19 March 1901 Where Born Lansdowne Name Walter Graham Sex male or female Male Name and Surname of Father Peter J. Graham Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Jennie Hunter Rank or Profession of Father Farmer Name of Doctor in Attendance or of Midwife if no Doctor Dr. McRae Signature, Description and Residence of Informant Peter J. Graham, Father, Lansdowne When Registered Name of Clerk Remarks __________________________________________________________

Sep 6, 2005 Fw: Buchanan/Long I thought I would pass this along. Bill ----- Original Message ----From: Long, Charles To: Bill Buchanan Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 11:19 AM Subject: RE: Buchanan/Long Hello Bill: This is very interesting. The John Long and Jane Buchanan I mentioned below had 8 sons and one daughter. Many of the children eventually settled in the Goderich/ Benmiller area. On the ships list from Ireland, the couple and their youngest children said they came from Castlederg Ireland. This is near Omagh, Tyrone. We do feel there is a connection with the families somewhere. We will review your information and let you know. Thank you for sending it. Charlie Long Victoria B C -----Original Message----From: Bill Buchanan [mailto:buchanan@...] Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 4:17 PM To: Long, Charles Subject: Buchanan/Long

My name is Bill Buchanan, My great-great grandfather is Andrew Buchanan, and his wife Jane's surname may have been Long. They came to Canada in 1847 during the great Irish famine, and their family settled in Elma Township, Perth County, Ontario. For more information on this family see http://billbuchanan.clawz.com Let me know if there is a connection. Bill Name: Charles Long Date: 2004-05-27 Surname(s) in Co Tyrone long/buchanan Looking for g. g. grandparents John and Jane Long from Tyrone. Both born around 1795. Known children Samuel Buchanan Long and James Long. Moved to Canada 1850-60's. __________________________________________________________

Sep 6, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Fw: Buchanan/Long Bill & others, I have attached of file on the Long/Buchanan connection that you mentioned. I don't have a lot, but a couple of generations worth of info. My records also indicate they were from the Castlederg area. I suspect that Jane is related to us, but not sure how. Patty Attachment(not stored) buchlongcastelderg.doc


Sep 19, 2005 Re: Big Bob Campbell and Elizabeth Buchanan and Elizabeth Jane Cope Hi Diane, I found Big Bob Campbell's family in the 1906 census. He consistently says he is born in Quebec. Note that this census gives Ivan's date of birth as 6 Feb (1906), but gives Thomas' name as Horace and changes James' middle initial from H. to S. Lila is now spelled Liela. Info is from http://www.afhs.ab.ca/data/census/1906/manitoba/2/mb_02_07_all_parent.pdf When this info appears on automatedgenealogy.com we will be able to examine an image of the actual census page.

I am including a CC: to the descendants of Andrew and Jane Buchanan, as this will be of interest to some of them - both because of Elizabeth's family, other Buchanan connections, and the Watsons. 1906 Census of Canada for Manitoba District #2 (Dauphin) Subdistrict #7 11 88 33 Campbell Robert H M M 57 QC Plumas [Big Bob] 11 34 Campbell Elizabeth W F M 45 ON Plumas [Elizabeth Jane Copeland Paul] 11 35 Campbell Horace E S M S 13 MB Plumas 11 36 Campbell James S M S 9 MB Plumas 11 37 Campbell Ivan S M S Feb 6 MB Plumas 11 38 Campbell Liela E D F S 4 MB Plumas [Elizabeth Copeland's parents and youngest brother.] 1906 Census of Canada for Manitoba District #2 (Dauphin) Subdistrict #7 17 129 6 Copeland William H M M 70 IRL 1853 Plumas 3 17 12 w 17 7 Copeland Agnes J W F M 66 ON Plumas 17 8 Copeland Edwin S M S 17 MB Plumas [married Mary Jane Buchanan] [Son of Robert Campbell and first wife, Elizabeth Buchanan] 1906 Census of Canada for Manitoba District #2 (Dauphin) Subdistrict #7 19 151 40 Campbell Peter H M M 26 MB Plumas 21 17 12 w 20 1 Campbell Bessie H W F M 21 MB Plumas 20 2 Campbell Melville A S M S Mar 31 MB Plumas [Son of Robert Campbell and first wife, Elizabeth Buchanan] 20 152 3 Campbell John H M M 35 ON Plumas 21 17 12 w 20 4 Campbell Agnes E W F M 32 ON Plumas 20 5 Campbell Edna D F S 2 MB Plumas 20 6 Campbell Florence D F S Mar 26 MB Plumas [William James Watson - son of William Watson and Elizabeth Ash] 1906 Census of Canada for Manitoba District #2 (Dauphin) Subdistrict #7 20 155 19 Watson William J H M M 28 ON Plumas 23 17 12 w 20 20 Watson Mary M W F M 23 MB Plumas [Mary Mabel Grant, daughter of Peter and Mary] 20 21 Watson Phoebe L D F S Jun 12 MB Plumas 20 22 Bilon Mary J Serv F S 19 ON Plumas 20 23 West Charles H Hir M S 27 SCT 1888 Plumas 20 156 24 Payne Ernest E H M M 26 ON Plumas 24 17 12 w [Wally Payne's grandfather] 20 25 Payne Martha E W F M 20 MB Plumas [daughter of William Watson and Elizabeth Ash] 20 26 Jyset Robert Hir M S 22 IRL 1904 Plumas 20 27 Hamilton Charles E Hir M S 27 ON Plumas [The parents of William James and Martha Ellen] 20 157 28 Watson William H M M 62 ON Plumas 14 17 12 w 20 29 Watson Eliza W F M 49 ON Plumas 20 30 Watson George A S M S 22 MB Plumas [Robert George] 20 31 Watson John H S M S 20 MB Plumas 20 32 Watson Catherine J D F S 18 MB Plumas [Married Robert George Buchanan] 20 33 Watson Eveline D F S 15 MB Plumas 20 34 Watson David C S M S 13 MB Plumas

20 35 Watson Lucy D F S 9 MB Plumas 20 36 Watson Elgin S M S 2 MB Plumas 20 37 Johnson Hannah Mo -iL F W 73 ON Plumas What is the name of the Plumas history book that mentions the Copelands? It would probably make reference to some of these other families too. Bill __________________________________________________________

Sep 24, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Re: Big Bob Campbell and Elizabeth Buchanan and Elizabeth Jane Copeland Hi bill, The name of the Plumas history book is "Browsing through the Years - Plumas and District - 1876 - 1976. When I visited Plumas there were no copies available. I would be greatly indebted to anyone who could get me a copy. Wally Payne __________________________________________________________ Sep 26, 2005 Buchanan Hi Everyone, I am trying to determine whether John Charles Buchanan and Jane Freeborn had a daughter Violet who died as an infant. She appears in my database without any explanatory notes, but her birthdate overlaps Delmer's and there is no mention of her on the Manitoba VS site. I have labeled her parentage as "Challenged" for now. Name: Violet Buchanan Birth: 7 Jan 1896, Plumas, Manitoba, Canada Death: 13 Jun 1896, Plumas, Manitoba, Canada I know there were two families of unrelated Buchanans (from Quebec) also living in the PlumasWestbourne area. I am starting to wonder if she is one of theirs. If anyone has access to "McCreary: Milestones and Memories, 1987" please see if page 237 mentions Violet. If you have access to ""Browsing through the Years - Plumas and District - 1876 - 1976", please check got a Violet Buchanan. Any information will be most welcome.

Bill __________________________________________________________

Sep 26, 2005 Re: Violet Buchanan I have got 1898 for Violet in my notes, not 1896. That's for the birth and death year. Unfortunately I have no footnotes whatsoever, which leads me to believe that I probably extracted the data from the 1970 "Buchanan Family Tree" by Lorne and Doris Buchanan. I'd also be interested to hear if anyone can confirm or deny this. Sue __________________________________________________________ Sep 26, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Re: Violet Buchanan Thanks Sue, I found Violet listed on page 4-13 of the Buchanan Family Tree book, with the 1898 dates. I have changed the information in my database and have changed her parentage back to "biological" unless someone has additional information to the contrary. Bill __________________________________________________________

Sep 28, 2005 Re: Jane Buchanan Watson Hi Barry, She is David Watson's wife and that is about all I know for sure. I believe she is the "Little Jane Buchanan" who was referred to by Annie B. McMane and a few other old timers. But her own granddaughter Jean Victoria Watson asked me 40 years ago if I knew the maiden name of her grandmother Watson. Neepawa Town Office Big Cemetery Book for Riverside Cemetery Dated June 1899 - June 1915 Mrs. Jane Watson - Neepawa died 21 Aug 1899 Bu. 23 Aug 1899

58 yrs Lot 77 Blk D That is the same as his [David Watson's]. Probably his wife. - DP Also found by Darlene: The Neepawa Register - Wed Aug 23, 1899 Died: Watson - In Neepawa on August 21, 1899, Jane, beloved wife of David Watson, aged 58 years, 2 months. Funeral from the residence of her nephew Robert Watson, North End, at 2 p.m. today. If only we could find their marriage record from Ontario! The Buchanans and their neighbors were missed in the 1851 census, so looking for a Jane Scott/Buchanan/Avison/McCracken from Elma aged about 10 in 1851 census is probably not going to help. Unless she was from Edwardsburgh, where David was living in 1851 ... But by 1861 they were married and living in Elma. 1861 census of Elma, Perth, Ontario (From Don Holmes) Watson David L 28 C 8 Farmer Ontario Pres 28 Married Male Jane " " 20 Married Female James Watson's first wife (Caroline A. Dodge) died in Edwardsburgh in 1854 and he married Jane Buchanan in 1856 in Elma, so the Watsons' move to Elma can be placed about 1855. From the age of David's Jane in the 1861 census and the lack of children, I would guess that they were married less than 2 years at the time of the census. This suggests that David was married in Elma and his future bride was likely living nearby. But we are talking in terms of probabilities not certainties. At least the death certificate confirms that she WAS born in Ireland. Bill ----- Original Message ----From: "Barry Snider" To: "Bill Buchanan" Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 12:32 AM Subject: Jane Buchanan Watson Bill, I believe I mentioned to you I was sending for a death certificate. Well, I got the information back, and now I can't tie it into any one in my data base. It says - Jane Buchanan Watson, d. 21 Aug 1899, Neepawa, female, 58 years, Presbyterian, b. Ireland. Do you know who this would be? __________________________________________________________

Sep 28, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Re: Jane Buchanan Watson

Thanks Bill. I have her listed as Jane Scott, so no wonder I couldn't find her. And the death record doesn't list parents or spouse. So no help there. The transcriber recorded the name as Jane Buchanan Watson. But the original looks like Jane C Buchanan Watson. For occupation, it looks like married woman. But part of that is crossed out, so it is hard to read. I have her born about June 1841 in Ireland. And the death certificate says age 58 years, born Ireland. So that at least agrees. She died of liver trouble, 6 mos. There is a Dr name, a minister name, and a clerk name. But like I said, no spouse or parents name. So kind of feel it was a waste of time. But, you pays your money and takes your chances, as they say. Thanks for the help.


Fw: Buchanan Family Tree A few corrections in an email from Lorne Robins.

Hi Lorne, Thanks for the information. Now I can place you as Leola Faye Jones' husband, and I can correct the spelling of Robins. And thanks to you, I can also correct the name of Miles Murphy (and the other Murphys) whom I had recorded as "Murray or Murphy". The name is given as "Murray" in the Buchanan Family Tree book (page 1-3) compiled by Lorne and Doris Buchanan about 1970, but obviously someone had suggested to me that the name was "Murphy" or I wouldn't have changed it to "James Murray or Murphy". Now thanks to you, I should have it right. ... Bill __________________________________________________________

Sep 28, 2005 Fw: Buchanan Family Tree A few corrections in an email from Lorne Robins. Hi Lorne,

Thanks for the information. Now I can place you as Leola Faye Jones' husband, and I can correct the spelling of Robins. And thanks to you, I can also correct the name of Miles Murphy (and the other Murphys) whom I had recorded as "Murray or Murphy". The name is given as "Murray" in the Buchanan Family Tree book (page 1-3) compiled by Lorne and Doris Buchanan about 1970, but obviously someone had suggested to me that the name was "Murphy" or I wouldn't have changed it to "James Murray or Murphy". Now thanks to you, I should have it right. ... Bill __________________________________________________________

Oct 8, 2005 another appeal For some time now I have been trying to recruit a male from our family with the surname Buchanan to participate in the YDNA study for the Buchanan surname. I think it could be enormously helpful in trying to link our line up to the main line. There are several participants whose genealogy I have connected to the main line. If we could compare our lines, it might be able to tells us which cadet branch we came off of. The participant must be male with the surname Buchanan. Do you know of anyone? a brother? father? cousin? yourself? If you want to more information and to see the results that we already have, you can go to: http://www.familytreedna.com/public/Buchanan/ I will attempt to answer any questions. My role in the project is that of assisting people with their genealogy, in my role as Clan Buchanan Society International, Genealogist. But I really think we should get someone from our line. If nothing else it could eliminate certain branches as being the ones we descend from. Patty Hopkinson Your cousin and Clan Buchanan Society International, Genealogist __________________________________________________________

Oct 9, 2005 another appeal I haven't seen my uncle recently to ask him if he'd be willing to do this. Before I do, can you tell us more about the actual procedure? Would the person have to travel someplace to have the test done? In other words, does it matter where the participant lives? Sue

__________________________________________________________ Oct 9, 2005 Re: another appeal Er, also it says on the website (http://www.ftdna.com/faq.html) that whoever is tested has to pay $159 US? Is this correct? If it is, I don't feel comfortable asking any of my relatives. :-( Or is it paid for by the Clan Buchanan Society? Do you know, Patty? Sue __________________________________________________________

Oct 9, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Re: another appeal Sue, It is paid for by the individual, not the clan society. If you don't feel comfortable that is ok. I have considered offering to pay half if someone wants to do it... Patty __________________________________________________________

Oct 9, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Re: another appeal Sue, No one has to travel anywhere. You order the test kit and it comes to the house. My understanding is that it is a simple cheek swab and you mail it back. The participant can live anywhere. Patty


Oct 12, 2005 Effie Elizabeth Buchanan Slaughter Hi All; I tried sending this the other day and then realized that I sent found the wrong address.

I received the following information regarding Effie Elizabeth Buchanan Slaughter, the daughter of William Samuel Buchanan and Margaret Burke. Prospect Cemetery - Toronto Ontario SLAUGHTER In Loving Memory Of Effie Elisabeth Buchanan Beloved Wife of Edward Slaughter April 14, 1884 - October 19, 1918 "Until The Day Break" Edward Slaughter May 30, 1879 - July 22, 1950 Ft. Lieut. Mervyn Edward Slaughter - RCAF November 6, 1913 - June 12, 1944 Killed In Action During Invasion of Normandy So, here is a little information regarding Effie. Will work on getting informaiton out to you as soon as I can :) Huggs to All; Kelly :o) __________________________________________________________

Oct 15, 2005 Website updated Hi Everyone, This is to let you know that I finally got my website updated at www.billbuchanan.clawz.com Note particularly the recent information from Ken Campbell regarding the descendants of his grandparents Andrew James Campbell and Martha Violet Winter. Andrew James Campbell is the son of Robert "Big Bob" Campbell and Elizabeth Buchanan (daughter of Robert Buchanan and Margaret Booth). Bill ____________________________________________

Oct 17, 2005 Birth Registration-AndrewBuchanan-1882 Hi All;

Thought I would pass some of the information I recently found on to all of you. I realize that many of you might have this info but I thought just in case you don’t. Huggs to All; Kelly :o) County of Perth Division of Elma Ontario, Canada Registration Number: 026585 Birth: February 22, 1882 Name: Andrew Buchanan Sex: Male Father’s Name: William Samuel Buchanan Mother’s Maiden Name: Margaret nee Burke Occupation: Blacksmith Signature, Description and Residence of Information: Wm. Saml. Buchanan, Farmer, Elma. When Registered: April 24, 1882 Name of Accoucheur: Wm. Buchanan Signature of Registrar: Ths. Fullailou [That would be Thomas Fullerton, the registrar] Ontario Births – 1882 #18873 to 26588 Film # 1845581 ____________________________________________

Oct 17, 2005 Birth Registration-MargaretEdnaBuchanan-1907 County of Perth Division of Elma Ontario Canada Reg. #036402 Name: Buchanan, Edna Margaret Sex: Female Date of Birth: March 24, 1907 Father’s Name: Andrew Richard Buchanan Mother’s Maiden Name: Annie Maud Danbrook Residence of Father: Lot-30, Con-9 – Elma Occupation of Father: Farmer Name of Physician: Dr. Murray Name of Person Making Return: A.R. Buchanan Address of Person making Return: Donegal Date of Registration: March 27, 1907 Film # Ontario Births 1907 - #35124-44066 #2378865

This is my grandmother, Margaret Edna (Buchanan) Mitchell. This family came to Saskatchewan in June/July of 1907. Below is the house where she was born. This house is located beside Donegal Cemetery, Donegal, Ontario. ____________________________________________

Oct 17, 2005 Birth Registration-EffieElizabethBuchanan-1884 County of Perth Division of Elma Reg. #27691 Date of Birth: April 14, 1884 Name: Effie Elizabeth Buchanan Sex: Female Name of Father: William S. Buchanan Mother’s Maiden Name: Margaret Buchanan (M.H. Burke) Occupation or Profession of Father: Blacksmith Signature, Description and Residence of Father: Wm. S. Buchanan – Blacksmith – Elma When Registered: May 22, 1884 Name of Accoucheur: Mrs. Buchanan Signature of Registrar: Thos. Buchanan Ontario Birth: 1884 #27309-35099 Film: 1845870 ____________________________________________

Oct 17, 2005 Birth Registration-MaryBuchanan-1887 County of Perth Division of Elma Ontario Canada Reg. #28010 Sex: Female Name: Mary Buchanan Birth: January 23, 1887 Father’s Name: Wm. Saml. Buchanan Mother’s Maiden Name: Margaret Buchanan (M.N. Burke) Rank or Profession of Father: Blacksmith Signature, Description and Residence: Wm. Saml. Buchanan – Blacksmith – Elma When Registered: April 12, 1887

Name of Accoucheur: Mrs. Buchanan Signature of Registrar: Thos. Fullanheiu Ontario Births – 1887 #26223-33886 ____________________________________________

Oct 17, 2005 Death Registration-EffieElizabethSlaughter-1918 Deaths 1918 - #5343-9703 Film #1862695 Deaths – County of York – Division of Toronto #006983 Slaughter, Effie Elizabeth Female Age 35 years Martial Status: Married Father: Wm. S. Buchanan Mother: Margaret Burke Cause of Death: Pneumonia Name of Physician attended the Deceased: W. Caswell Name of Informant: G.W.C. Graham Date of Return: October 21, 1918 Address: 715 Dovercourt Rd Physician’s Return of Death Surname of Deceased: Slaughter Christian Name: Effie Elizabeth Date of Death: October 19, 1918 Disease Causing Death: Pneumonia Duration: 4 days Immediate Cause of Death: Heart Failure Duration: 24 hours Physician’s Name: W.O. Caswell Address: 862 Dovercourt Rd Date of Return: October 21, 1918 ____________________________________________

Oct 17, 2005 MarriageRegistration-AndrewBuchanan_AnnieDanbrook-1904 Ontario Marriages – 1904 #12056-16378 Film # 1871527 County of Perth Division of Elma

Ontario Canada Names of Parties Groom: Buchanan, Andrew Richard Age: 22 years Place of Birth: Elma Residence When Married: Donegal, Elma (was very hard to read so Donegal is a guess) Bachelor Farmer Parents: Wm. Saml. Buchanan and Margaret Burke Bride: Danbrook, Annie Maud Age: 22 years Place of Birth: Elma Residence when Married: Elma Spinster No Occupation Parents: James T. Danbrook and Margaret Melrose Witness: Chas. A. Buchanan and Clara V. Danbrook, both of Donegal, Elma Twp. Marriage Date and Place: September 7, 1904 – Elma Religion: Methodist Married by Whom: Rev. Wm. Penhole License Date of Registration: September 14, 1904 ____________________________________________

Oct 22, 2005 Website When I checked yesterday my website on clawz.com had disappeared. I will wait a couple of days in case they are just having problems with a server. If for some reason they have decided to delete it, I will need to find a new (free) webhost. I need a place that supports FTP, a maximum file size of at least 1 MB, at least 1000 files, (and probably a bandwidth of 1 GB/month, since that is Tripod's beef about my site there.) Any suggestions? I currently have websites with Tripod/Lycos, Bravepages/Bravenet, and FortuneCity, so I would not be eligible to have another one with them. It is too bad that a lot of nice-sounding sites are limited to a 200 KB file size and/or 50 files and/or no FTP access.

Bill ____________________________________________

Oct 24, 2005 Website Hi Everyone,

I have had no contact from clawz.com saying that they were removing my website or any explanation. It is possible that they are experiencing server problems, or maybe they are terminating the service. In the meantime, I am putting a copy of the website online at www.billbuchanan.0catch.com I have the Buchanan stuff functioning there already (although the back-links at the bottom of the pages still point to clawz.com) and I intend to upload the rest of it in the next two days. This site has a huge advertizing banner, but it is generous with webspace, file size, and bandwidth and it supports FTP, so it has the basic things I need ... if only the advertizing banner was about 1/5 that size. If my site on Clawz.com reappears, I will let you know. Bill ____________________________________________

Oct 24, 2005 Website sort of ... Hi Everyone, When I checked my homepage at billbuchanan.0catch.com there now is a huge pop-up window covering half of the screen that I haven't found a way to close. I may need to keep looking for a new home for my website. Bill ____________________________________________

Oct 24, 2005 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Website sort of ... Hi Bill; Have you thought of using Rootsweb? Thats where all my stuff is and I have tonnes of information, pictures, and even small videos (and they take up a bunch of room)? Its just a thought and then only thing they ask is that you use their logo on your pages and that you stick to genealogy related information. Hope this helps Kelly :o) ____________________________________________

Oct 24, 2005 The Passing of Muriel Maude Robertson nee Buchanan Hello all;

I wanted to pass this on to all of you for your records. My great aunt Muriel Robertson, the daughter of Andrew Richard Buchanan and Annie Maude Danbrook, passed away last night, October 23, 2005 at 8pm in Lacombe, Alberta. She had been sick for a while now and her suffering is now over and has gone home. I have checked for an obituary but none has been posted yet. I will see what I can find and will pass it on to the rest of you as soon as I find it. The funeral will be on Friday, October 28, 2005. Sorry to have to pass on sad news. Take Care Kelly :o) Descendants of Murrary Matthews Robertson Generation No. 1 1. MURRARY MATTHEWS1 ROBERTSON was born June 20, 19101, and died October 08, 1982 in Lacombe, Alberta, Canada1,2. He married MURIEL MAUDE BUCHANAN April 10, 1940, daughter of ANDREW BUCHANAN and ANNIE DANBROOK. She was born December 19, 1914, and died October 23, 2005 in Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. More About MURRARY MATTHEWS ROBERTSON: Burial: October 12, 1982, Lacombe Fairview Cemetery, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada3 Record Change: December 27, 2004 More About MURRARY ROBERTSON and MURIEL BUCHANAN: Marriage: April 10, 1940 Children of MURRARY ROBERTSON and MURIEL BUCHANAN are: i. MORRIS EARL2 ROBERTSON4. More About MORRIS EARL ROBERTSON: Record Change: December 27, 2004 ii. DONALD DAVID ROBERTSON4. More About DONALD DAVID ROBERTSON: Record Change: December 27, 2004 iii. WARREN ANDREW ROBERTSON4. More About WARREN ANDREW ROBERTSON: Record Change: December 27, 2004 iv. WAYNE MURRAY ROBERTSON4. More About WAYNE MURRAY ROBERTSON: Record Change: December 27, 2004 Endnotes 1. Murray Matthews Robertson - Funeral Card. 2. Fairview Cemetery Record - Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. 3. Murray Matthews Robertson - Funeral Card. 4. Bill Buchanan Web Site. ____________________________________________

Oct 25, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] another appeal Good Morning Patty I have talked to my brother Wayne Buchanan. He would gladly consent to the YDNA test. He is actually a "DOUBLE" Buchanan. Of the 7 sons of Andrew and Jane Buchanan we descend from James AND John as their children Maragret Matilda and Robert "Red Bob" married in 1883. I do not know if that would make a stronger YDNA case or not. However, Wayne is not in a position to pay for the other half of this test. Your offer to pay for half of this YDNA test is most generous. I will contribute $10.00 to you and should the other "cousins" reading this list -serve decide to help you out in this, hopefully a break through back to Ireland, Wayne will be happy to assist all of you should you want to choose him. Yours in genealogy, Darlene Perrett ____________________________________________

Oct 25, 2005 Website is Back Hi Everyone, I checked this morning and my website is back at http://billbuchanan.clawz.com Again, there was no explanation, it just happened. I suspect it was a problem with their servers. When I checked the Guest Book I found this recent entry: Kathy Grey October 22nd 2005 How did you find this website? I searched for Buchanan name Where are you from? Tiverton Ontario How are you connected to the family? I am related on Terry side {my mother is Jane & Richards niece) I have Jane Buchanan's obituary card. She died at Milverton on Friday October 1st,1943. I am trying to find info on the Terry family. If any of you have information on the Terry family, please let me know and I will forward it to Kathy. Bill ____________________________________________

Oct 25, 2005 Re: Donations to pay for the Y-DNA Test Hi Darlene,

I am willing to contribute $20 to the cause. Would you be willing to post your mailing address to the list, so that you can serve as a collection point for the donations? Hopefully we can get enough donation in the next few days to finance the project. Thanks, Bill ____________________________________________ Oct 25, 2005 Muriel's Obituary Hi All; Here is the obituary for Muriel Robertson. Huggss to all; Kelly ROBERTSON Muriel Maude Robertson (nee Buchanan) passed away peacefully on October 23, 2005 at the Lacombe Extended Care Centre, at the age of 90 years. Born December 19, 1914 near Salvador, SK, she married Murray Matthews Robertson in 1940. They farmed there for some time before moving to Ponoka in 1946, then Alix, Tees, Mirror and finally moving to Lacombe in 1963. Muriel was a devoted and loving wife, mother, and grandmother, enjoying children of all ages. She was an excellent housekeeper, cook, and family caregiver. Muriel was a charter member of Kozy Korner, especially enjoying her membership in the chorus. She was also an active member of St. Andrew’s United Church. She enjoyed her many years of babysitting, in addition to baking, sewing, knitting, and many handicrafts. Muriel was predeceased by her husband, Murray, in 1982. She is survived by her four sons, Morris (Merry Dawn) of High River, Donald (Janet) of High River, Warren of Calgary, Wayne of Lacombe, five grandchildren, and six great grandchildren, numerous nieces and nephews, as well as her sisters Margaret Mitchell of Moose Jaw and Mary Robertson of Camrose. The family wishes to express their heartfelt thanks to the staff of the Lacombe Extended Care Centre for their loving care over the last five years. Special thanks to Margo Bengtson for her devoted support and care for our mother. Funeral services will be held on Friday, October 28, 2005 at St. Andrew’s United Church, 5226-51 Ave., Lacombe at 2:00 PM, followed by tea to be served at the Kozy Korner. If friends so desire, donations may be made to the Lacombe Community Health Care Centre Extended Care, 5430-47 Ave., Lacombe, AB. T4L 1G8. WILSON’S FUNERAL CHAPEL serving Central Alberta with locations in Lacombe and Rimbey in charge of the arrangements. 403-782-3366 403-843-3388 "A Caring Family, Caring For Families" Red Deer Advocate October 25, 2005 Red Deer, Alberta, Canada http://web.bcnewsgroup.com/reddeer_class/classifieds/classified.php?pid=10000&cid=24 ____________________________________________

Oct 25, 2005 Re: Muriel's Obituary Thanks for posting this to the list, Kelly. Suzanne ____________________________________________

Oct 26, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Re: Donations to pay for the Y-DNA Test Cousins, I am so please to see the interest. I am suggesting that we get the 25 or 37 marker kit. Most all Buchanans match on the 12 marker kit, and it really won't tell us much (other than we are part of Buchanan clan). A 12 marker kit is $99 (US). A 25 marker kit is $169 (US). The 37 marker kit is $219. If we get the 25 marker kit, we can always upgrade later to the 37 if we need to. I am willing to kick in half of the kit cost: $110 for the 37 marker kit, $85 for the 25 marker kit, $50 to the 12 marker kit. If Bill kicks in $20 and Darlene $10, we are almost there. Patty ____________________________________________

Oct 27, 2005 Muriel's Obituary Buchanan Connections Kelly….I was interested to read in the obituary of Muriel Buchanan Robertson that her sister Mary Buchanan Robertson lives in Camrose. So do I. It’s a small world when we would have to go back many generations to our common ancestor of Andrew Buchanan and yet we live in the same small community. Especially when my ancestors were amongst those who moved to Riding Mountain/Neepawa area, and hers moved to Salvador, Saskatchewan. I gather we would be 3rd cousins once removed. She would be my Mom’s 3rd cousin. GG Grandparents were Andrew Buchanan and Jane Long G Grandparents were William Buchanan and Ann Thompson Grandparents were William Samuel Buchanan and Margaret Burke Parents were Andrew Richard Buchanan and Annie Maude Danbrooke Mary Madeline Buchanan ____________________________________________

Oct 27, 2005 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanan Connections Hi Donna; Yes, the world is getting smaller and smaller everyday :) My Great Uncle Elwood Buchanan, brother to Muriel and Mary, moved out to Manitoba as well. I believe he was at Baldur, i think :) Aunt Mary has been at Camrose, only for about 5 years, she moved from Unity, Saskatchewan to be near her sons. GG Grandparents were Andrew Buchanan and Jane Long G Grandparents were William Buchanan and Ann Thompson Grandparents were William Samuel Buchanan and Margaret Burke Parents were Andrew Richard Buchanan and Annie Maude Danbrook Mary Madeline Buchanan Margaret Edna Buchanan married to Thomas G. Mitchell (My Grandparents) Jim T. Mitchell married Sheridan L. Miller (My Parents) Kelly M. Mitchell (Me) Muriel M. Buchanan I am sorry this is kind of a short. I hope to hear from you again. Take Care; Kelly Mitchell :o) ____________________________________________

Oct 28, 2005 George Watson Family I sent this previously to a few of the Watson descendants, but thought it might be of interest to others on this list. I apologize if you get it twice. I found these on Wednesday. They are all members of the family of George Watson and Jane Welsh. George was the second youngest son of James Watson and Elizabeth Linnen, so he was a brother of James Watson who married Jane Buchanan, and to Mary Watson Buchanan and Isabella Watson Buchanan. I discovered that my father and his brother and sister were mistaken about the parents of Nathan (Nate). I as told that Nate was the son of Mary (Minnie) Watson and Frank Steel, and was adopted by George Allan Watson and Caroline Schuster after Minnie and Frank died. Not so ... as the parish register plainly shows! (Of course Dad and his father's family had no contact with Nate after about 1920, and I have personal experience that memories can become foggy with time.) Bill ________________________________________________________________________ Province of Alberta - Register of Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths and Funerals Millet Methodist/United Church

Provincial Archives of Alberta, Acc. 83.285 Item 569 Box O.S. Baptisms: Feb 7, 1916 - Sept 8, 1963 Marriages: Jan 10, 1917 - June 15, 1963 Funerals: Feb 12, 1917 - Dec 5, 1963 Person Baptized: Nathan Charles Sex: M Father: George A. Watson Farmer Mother: Caroline Schuster Birth: Millet, Alta July 8, 1915 Date Baptized: Oct 1, 1916 Officiating Clergyman: V. M. Gilbert Person Baptized: Helen June Sex: F Father: Geo. A. Watson Farmer Mother: Caroline Schuster Birth: Millet, Alta June 7/17 Date Baptized: July 15/18 Officiating Clergyman: J. W. Taylor Groom: Arthur Carl Sheffield Bride: Leona Hagen Date of Marriage: April 6, 1934 Place: Manse [in Millet] Clergyman: Harry E. Parker Witnesses: Mr. R. M. Hagen, Mrs. H. E. Parker Remarks: 38298 Groom: Norman Olaf Fiveland Bride: Dorothy Mae Burns Date of Marriage: Jan 14/42 Place: Manse Millet Clergyman: Morse A. Johnson Witnesses: Beatrice Hougestal, Charles Koenen Remarks: Name of Deceased: Mrs. Geo. Watson [nee Agnes Jane Welsh] Sex: F Place of Death: Millet, Alta Date of Death: Feb 20/17 Date of Birth: May 26 '42 Interment: Millet Feb 27. 17 Cause of Death: Heart Failure Clergyman: V. M. Gilbert Remarks: Name of Deceased: Mr. Geo. Watson Sex: M Place of Death: Millet, Alta Date of Death: Apr 24/23

Date of Birth: 81 years Interment: Millet Apr 27/23 Cause of Death: Paralysis Clergyman: M. Hingham Remarks: Name of Deceased: George Allan Watson Sex: M Place of Death: Wetaskiwin Date of Death: Jan 8/41 Date of Birth: Age 69 Interment: Millet Cem. Jan 10/41 Cause of Death: Stroke Clergyman: M. A. Johnson Remarks: Millet since 1903 Name of Deceased: Margaret Ann Sheffield Sex: F Place of Death: Edmonton Date of Death: Apr 6/41 Date of Birth: Feb 14/1876 Interment: Millet Cemetery Apr 9/41 Cause of Death: Congestion of lungs Clergyman: M. A. Johnson Remarks: Sister to Allan and Dick Watson Name of Deceased: Richard James Watson Sex: M Place of Death: Millet Date of Death: June 22/57 Date of Birth: 79 [yrs.] Interment: Millet June 26/57 Cause of Death: Heart Clergyman: C.B. Hickman Remarks: ____________________________________________

Oct 28, 2005 I Got a Treasure!!! Hi All; I hope this all works for you :) After the funeral for Aunt Muriel there was a luncheon and they had a display with some of the things that Aunt Muriel had had made as well as some old pictures. And I found the following, I hope this works for everyone it not I will be posting it to my website soon :) Huggs to All; Kelly :o)

Attachment(not stored) williamsamuelbuchanan1a.JPG ____________________________________________

Oct 28, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] I Got a Treasure!!! Wow! Kelly, it is beautiful! Bill ____________________________________________

Oct 28, 2005 Re: I Got a Treasure!!! This photo is very similar to the one that we have of the family grouping of Ann (Thompson) Buchanan and all her children. (A poor copy is located at http://www.toybox.ca/~eeyore/genealogy/wmbuchan.jpg ). William Sam is one of the men in that photo, and now I can determine specifically which one he is. It's too late tonight, but tomorrow I will dig that photo out and compare the background and William Sam's clothes to what is shown in Kelly's "treasure", and see if both photos might have been taken at the same time. I think it may have been, William Sam's clothes look very similar and he doesn't look any older. Even his hair looks the same. What do the rest of you think? Thank you Kelly!! Suzanne ____________________________________________

Oct 29, 2005 Another Pic :) Hi All; Hope you all dont mine me sharing these. I was so excited in getting them :) This one is a little burry. Kelly :o) ____________________________________________

Nov 1, 2005 YDNA study Cousins, I have been asked to coordinate the collections of donations to get Wayne tested. I am happy to do so. I am going to kick in half and a few others have offered contributions. You can send your checks to me at: Patty Hopkinson [personal information deleted] I am so pleased to see interested from our family on this. Your cousin, Patty ____________________________________________

Nov 1, 2005 [andrew-buchanan] YDNA study Patty, I am also willing to do the DNA test. What do you need from me? -Clifford C Buchanan III http://homepage.mac.com/cliffoto/ cliffoto@... -NOT a PAPARAZZO____________________________________________

Nov 1, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] YDNA study Thanks for doing this Patty, My $20 will be in the mail today. I encourage everyone on the list to contribute their $10 or $20. Hey .. it's only the cost of a downpayment on a tank of gasoline. It is nice that Patty is willing to pay half, but if we all contribute our little bit, maybe she will only have to contribute $10 or $20 too.



Nov 1, 2005 RE: [andrew-buchanan] YDNA study To whom do we make out the cheques? In Canadian or US funds?

Donna ____________________________________________

Nov 1, 2005 RE: [andrew-buchanan] YDNA study Cousins, Make the check out to me (Patty Hopkinson). I will put my share and all the contributions together and charge it on my credit card to get Wayne's test. US funds would be best since that is where I am and the test is charged in US dollars as well. Patty ____________________________________________

Re: [andrew-buchanan] YDNA study Cliff, The easiest thing to do is go through Alex and let him know you want to test. If you want me to pay half the cost, go ahead and let him know and they can invoice each of us for half the kit (25 or 37 marker test is recommended). By way of cc'ing him a copy of this email, I will let him know I will pay half of your test kit. Our cousin Wayne is also going to test and some cousins are chipping in on his test as he is 19 and has little financial resources at this point. Patty ____________________________________________

Nov 2, 2005 Trying to fill in some Blanks :) Hi All; Here is some new information for all of you. I dont know this information but some of you might but thought I would share just incase :)

JAMES HAROLD5 BUCHANAN (ANDREW RICHARD4, WILLIAM SAMUEL3, WILLIAM2, ANDREW1) was born May 21, 1913 in Salvador, Saskatchewan, Canada, and died October 30, 1991 in Fonthill, Ontario. He married LEILIA MONIRA HILL1 May 21, 1948 in Salvador, Saskatchewan, Canada1. She was born February 20, 1914 in Wellandport, Ontario, Canada2, and died April 13, 1984 in Listowel, Ontario2. More About JAMES HAROLD BUCHANAN: Burial: November 02, 1991, Hillside Cemetery, Fonthill, Ontario, Canada More About LEILIA MONIRA HILL: Burial: April 13, 1984, Hillside Cemetery, Fonthill, Ontario, Canada (Yes, I know that dates are not quite right. But will be re-checking things) More About JAMES BUCHANAN and LEILIA HILL: Marriage: May 21, 1948, Salvador, Saskatchewan, Canada3 Huggs Kelly :o) PS: does anyone want a copy of Muriel (Buchanan) Robertson funeral card? ____________________________________________

Nov 3, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] YDNA study Good Morning Patty I am off to town this morning. Please look for my cheque for $20.00 to be paid in US funds to arrive shortly. Yours in Genealogy, Darlene ____________________________________________

Nov 3, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] YDNA study Thanks Darlene. I am very excited to get participants in the study from our family. See you on the list. Patty


Nov 4, 2005 CENTURY FARM

Hi All; Thought I would pass this on to all of you :o) I picked up this book when I was in Stratford last month. I work on sending out more stories from this book. Let me know if there are other names in here that I should be looking into. Huggs To All; Kelly :o) CENTURY FARM William Buchanan had this farm before the Crown deed was issued, getting the patent to the south part. The story starts before Elma was surveyed. Andrew and Jane Buchanan came to Canada from County of Tyrone, Ireland, in 1847, at the height of the potato famine. They set sail with their seven sons and one daughter. They were nine weeks sailing and before they landed a fever broke out and many died. When they reached Kingston they were quarantined in the harbour for three weeks. Here Andrew Buchanan died of the fever and was buried. Jane and her eight children continued on to Elma. Her son William and his wife Annie settled in C8L33. On July 21, 1848, their daughter Margaret was born. Their third child, James, was once kidnapped by Indians and found by a scouting party of settlers near Brussels and returned home in eight days. William received the patent for C9L33. The southern portion of the property has remained in the Buchanan name and has been farmed as part of C9L33. C8L33N returned to the Buchanan name 1967. James Buchanan bought this property from his Uncle Delmer in 1978. He cashed cropped it for five years. In 1982, he married Nancy Chamney of Wallace and now lives on C8L33N. James and Nancy have three children, Cody (1986), Elisha (1988), and Brady (1992). They go to ETPS and play baseball and hockey. James also plays hockey and baseball and helps the children with these sports. Nancy likes gardening, baking and watching the children play sports. Nancy and James both work off the farm and rent the land out, except for the small evergreen bush which they have lent to the Atwood Ventures for their base camp. The Elmanac The History of Elma Township 1857-1997 Page 468 ____________________________________________

Nov 5, 2005 Buchanan names I was thinking again of the tendency of the Scots and Ulster Scots to name their children after their parents and siblings. Our family after they immigrated to Canada, did so, but didn't follow

the traditional naming pattern slavishly. Even so, Andrew's father was probably named (in approximate order of probability) Robert, Charles, James, William, John or Samuel. But what of Andrew's mother? Might there be clues to her name? His only daughter was named Jane, probably after her mother who we know was named Jane. (This doesn't exclude the possibility that Andrew or Jane's mother may have also been named Jane.) Now let's look for the most frequent occurrence of names among the grand daughters: Ann (2), Elizabeth (5), Grace (1), Isabella (1), Jane (6), Margaret (5), Mary (6), Matilda (1), Sarah (1) So, I think there is a good possibility that Andrew Buchanan's mother may have been named Mary, Jane, Elizabeth or Margaret. Two of the Elizabeths are known to be grandchildren of Elizabeth Linnen Watson, and all of the Janes are granddaughters of Andrew Buchanan's wife Jane. I have no explanation for the frequent occurrence of the names Mary and Margaret. Even considering the sisters and sisters-in-law, the names Mary and Margaret seem to be very frequently used, compared with Isabella for example. And why would Robert Buchanan and Margaret Booth name their only daughter Elizabeth, when Robert has no sister by that name and neither Robert's nor Margaret's mother was named Elizabeth? Maybe it is coincidence or maybe one of them is the name of Andrew's mother. ____________________________________________

Nov 5, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanan names Of course, there is an equal probability that one of these is Jane's mother's name. Bill ____________________________________________

Nov 6, 2005 YDNA study Bill, I got your check in the mail on Saturday for Wayne's kit. Thanks for the quick response! Patty ____________________________________________

Nov 6, 2005

DNA and genealogy Cousins, By the way, what is Wayne's descent from Andrew & Jane. I have 4 Wayne's in my PAF file, and 2 seem too old. The other 2 I have no birthdays for. If someone could provide the direct line from Andrew, it would help me a lot. Patty ____________________________________________

Nov 6, 2005 Mona Hills Ontario?? Hi All; I am curious, where is Mona Hills, Ontario?? What county etc? Where is the next biggest centre? Any Ideas or suggestion? Will be much appreciated Huggs too All; Kelly :o) ____________________________________________

Nov 7, 2005 Mona Hills Ontario?? Hi All; I am curious, where is Mona Hills, Ontario?? What county etc? Where is the next biggest centre? Any Ideas or suggestion? Will be much appreciated Huggs too All; Kelly :o)


Nov 7, 2005 Mona Hills Ontario?? Re: [andrew-buchanan] Mona Hills Ontario??

Try Mona Mills, Dufferin County, Ontario A search on Google found it listed on this website: http://www.cstone.net/~clugston/clug0004/html/d0001/g0000057.htm



Nov 7, 2005 CENTURY FARM RE: [andrew-buchanan] CENTURY FARM

Which James is married to Nancy? My guess is James (b. Sept 1956), son of James Elgin Buchanan?

Donna ____________________________________________

Nov 7, 2005 Mona Hills Ontario?? Re: [andrew-buchanan] Mona Hills Ontario?? I also searched on mapquest.com, as Kenora seems a long way from Dufferin county. I could find no place named Mona Hills in the location shown on mapquest.com (on the north shore of Malachi Lake) So I tried a search on multimap.com - the other big online mapping site. A search on multimap.com found no place by that name: "Searching for Mona Hills found no exact matches. Searching for anything that sounds like Mona Hills found 19 places" [Basically every place with Hills in the name] I did some more searching in the County of Dufferin and found the Mono Hills just east of Orangeville. I have sent an email to the museum there, to see if they were formerly known as Mona Hills. If they reply, I will let you know. A lot of places have vanished from the map in the past 150 years and many others have changed names, making it difficult to identify where events happened. A lot of rural districts that are still known locally by the old names, don't appear on the maps.

Bill ____________________________________________

Nov 7, 2005

Re: [andrew-buchanan] CENTURY FARM Hi Donna, Yes, that is the right one. I will be getting a copy of The Elmanac for Christmas, (mostly for the family stories).

Bill ____________________________________________

Nov 7, 2005 Saskatchewan Vital Records Online Saskatchewan now has its birth index online. Marriages and deaths will follow shortly. http://vsgs.health.gov.sk.ca/vsgs_srch.aspx I like the fact that the mother's name is given up-front, whereas Manitoba requires you to click a link to see it. I am still lobbying the Alberta government to put the Alberta Vital Records Index online. Barry Haugrud (Alberta Vital Statistics) says that it is their plan once the necessary legislation is passed in early 2006. Barry.Haugrud@...

Bill ____________________________________________

Nov 8, 2005 YDNA project Darlene, I got your check today. THANKS. That makes Bill and Darelene's received. Can people please refresh my memory on who else was going to pitch in? I recalled a few people, but can't remember the individuals (the memory is going in my old age I guess). Patty ____________________________________________

Nov 8, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] DNA and genealogy Good Evening Patty Sorry for the tardiness, I do not read my e-mails everyday. My brother Wayne Melvin Buchanan b. 9 Sept 1951 is descended from Andrew and Jane by way of: their sons 1. James who married Bessie Glen AND 2. John who married Isabella Watson. James & Bessie Glen Buchanan's youngest daughter Margaret Matilda (Maggie) married her first cousin Robert (Red Bob), the oldest son of John and Isabella Watson Buchanan. Maggie Matilda and Red Bob's oldest son was John James (Johnny) Buchanan who married Eva Maud Pfaff. Their only son Melvin Elmer (Sonny) Buchanan married Rita Pearl Budd and their only son is my brother Wayne. He is a bachelor. Yours in Genealogy,

Darlene Buchanan Perrett


Nov 9, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] DNA and genealogy Darlene, Thanks for filling me in. We are 2nd cousins once removed, we have John Buchanan and Isobella Watson as common ancestors. I descend from the Watson through 2 of James and Elizabeth's children (Isobella and William) and you descend from Buchanans through 2 of the Buchanan children. That makes us cousins several different ways!

Patty ____________________________________________

Nov 10, 2005 Re: I Got a Treasure!!! Hi Kelly and everyone else, I've had a closer look at the picture of William Sam and family, and compared it with the group photo I have of Ann (Thompson) Buchanan and her family. It's hard to tell from the poor scan that I have online at http://www.toybox.ca/~eeyore/genealogy/wmbuchan.jpg so I dug out my copy of the original. I will try to find some way to make a better scan, but I don't have a scanner so I'm not sure when I can do that. Anyway, if you compare the two, they seem to have been taken on the same day

and in the same studio. The background is the same (there's a post of some kind on the background and the curve of the curtain next to it is the same, and I believe the design of the curtain is the same). Also, William Sam's hair and clothes are the same. That could be co-incidence if he only had one good suit, but the shirt he's wearing under the suit looks like the same one. It makes me wonder what other photos were taken that day. Hmm. It also means that I can identify the people in the group photo as: back: William Sam, Alex, John Charles, James middle: either Elizabeth Patrick or Jane Terry, Ann (Thompson) Buchanan, Margaret Young front: either Elizabeth or Jane Now perhaps we can speculate from the children's ages in Kelly's photo to figure out when these were taken. The group photo was marked 1885, and I had speculated that it might have been taken when the family gathered for William's funeral, but that would make Andrew (1882) only three. So it can't be 1885. Andrew looks about mid- to late-teens in the photo. I'm confused about the identification of Mary Jane, since she was the youngest (1887), three years younger than Effie (1884). If the blond girl is Mary Jane and the older girl Effie, then I would date these photos around 1897-8. Anyone else have any thoughts? Sue ____________________________________________ Nov 10, 2005 James Buchanan Hi All; I received this today and thought I would share with all of you today. Son of Andrew Buchanan and Annie Maude Danbrook Hillside Cemetery Fonthill, Ontario Kelly :o) ____________________________________________

Nov 19, 2005 Edna (Buchanan) Laurie Just found this obit online for Edna Laurie, who died at age 87. http://www.stratfordbeaconherald.com/classifieds/areadeaths/monday/obit6.htm l

William Buchanan and Ann Thompson -James Buchanan and Julia Ann Scott --Robert Livingston Buchanan and Margaret Broughton ---Edna (Buchanan) Laurie Sue ____________________________________________

Nov 19, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Edna (Buchanan) Laurie Good info Sue. I found that the link didn't work. I had to go to http://www.stratfordbeaconherald.com/ Then click the link to Area Deaths to view the obit. But if you hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have known to look for it. I didn't realize that she was Andy and Jimmy's sister until I read the obit. I met them in 2002. The obit also mentioned other deaths and two births that I wasn't aware of. Thanks again. Bill Edna Laurie Passed away on Sunday, November 13, 2005 at her residence Huronlea Home for the Aged, Brussels. Edna was formerly of Milverton and was born 87 years ago in Elma Township. A daughter of the late Bert and Margaret (Broughton) Buchanan. Edna was a member of Burns Presbyterian Church, Milverton and loved knitting and gardening. Beloved wife of the late James Laurie who predeceased her December 3, 1980. Loving mother of Robert and wife Ann Laurie of Millbank, Joseph and wife Willi Laurie of Varna, Donald and wife Linda Laurie of Millbank and Isabell and husband Jim Prior of Brussels. Sadly missed by her grandchildren Ryan Laurie, Heather and Steven Dawe, Valerie Laurie, Andrew Laurie, Graham Laurie, Cameron Laurie, Melissa and Peter Doef, Jennifer Laurie, Kathy Laurie, Laurie Prior, step-grand- children Tim and Donna Prior, Debbie and Steven Rathwell and great-grandchildren Joshua and Kaitlyn Doef and step-great- grandchildren Nathan, Taylor and Emily Prior, Kelsey and Cody Rathwell. Missed by her sisters and brothers Nina Cummings of Listowel, Jim and wife Eva Buchanan of Atwood, Andy and wife Delores Buchanan of Listowel and sisters-in-law and brother-in-law Shirley Buchanan, Jessie Buchanan, Howard Darroch, all of Atwood and cousin Velma Elligson of Newton. Edna was predeceased by her brothers and sisters Olive and husband Laird Cummings, Glen Buchanan, Alex Buchanan, Myrta Darroch, Gladys and husband Ross Scott and in infancy Lorenzo Buchanan, Emily Buchanan, Ross Buchanan. Also brother-in-law Nelson Cummings. Family and friends may call at the Mark Jutzi Funeral Home, 7 Spencer Street, Milverton on Tuesday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. The funeral service will take place on Wednesday, November 16, 2005 at the funeral home at 2 p.m. with Pastor Bev Williams officiating. Interment in Greenwood Cemetery, Milverton. As expressions of sympathy, donations may be made to

Burns Presbyterian Church, Canadian Cancer Society or the Huronlea Memory Garden. Mark Jutzi Funeral Home 7 Spencer Street Milverton 595-8203


Nov 24, 2005 Hi All; Just wanted to let you all know that I have updated a little on my website. Its not alot yet, I have a few more obituaries that need to be added but I will let you all know when i do that. http://www.rootsweb.com/~skstjose/kelly/homepage/buchananfamily/buchanan-index.htm Check out the picture page, have got some neat photos that you all might like. Huggs to All; Kelly :o) ____________________________________________

Nov 27, 2005 Jane Buchanan Terry Funeral Card just received from Kathy Grey. Bill

Hello Bill : Sorry it took so long but as I promised here is Jane's Funeral Card. Any information you have on the Terry Family would be appreciated. I am at a loss at to the family history. Kathy Grey On the beautiful shores of Lake Huron in Tiverton Ontario DIED At Milverton, on Friday October 1st, 1943 JANE BUCHANAN Widow of the late Richard Terry IN HER 91st YEAR The Funeral Will take place from the residence of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Buchanan, on Monday, October 4th at 2:45 o'clock for Exeter Cemetery for burial. A Private Service will be held at the home commencing at 2 o'clock. Until the day break and the shadows flee away. ____________________________________________

Dec 1, 2005 Re: Family Tree Info Hi Jennie, It was wonderful to hear from you! My website is not just the result of my own work, of course. It represents a repository of information on our family that has been built up by many of our cousins. I encourage you to join the Andrew Buchanan family list (there is a link to it on my website) or send an email to Suzanne Schaller at suzannes@... It doesn't get much traffic, but most new findings are posted there by family members. I will use your information to update my database now, and the next time I update the website it will appear there. That will probably be in January or February unless I get a lot of extra time before then. :-) The biggest thing the family is doing right now is a Y-DNA study to determine which of the Buchanan families in Northern Ireland (and hopefully Scotland) we are descended from. If this interests you, send $10 to: Patty Hopkinson [PERSONAL INFORMATION DELETED] Either way, welcome! And thanks for the information you have contributed.

Bill Buchanan _____________________________________________________ --- On Thu 12/01, Jenn Higgins < jennpiano@... > wrote: From: Jenn Higgins [mailto: jennpiano@...] To: Bill.Buchanan@... Date: Thu, 01 Dec 2005 08:42:36 -0700 Subject: Family Tree Info Dear Bill, I'm a distanct relative of yours. I am on your site. I was amazed to see that you had me on your sight, and my husband and my son . My name is Jennie Gwen Duncan, my mother is Lydia Faithe Buchanan, my Grandfather was Seldon Buchanan and my Great Grandparents were John Charles and Jennie Buchanan. There are some things on your sight that are incorrect with my side of the family, some of my cousins. Under my Aunt Gloria Buchanan (now Thulien), my cousin's name is spelled wrong. It should be Carla Lynn, not Calra. Carla also has three children. Drew, Charity and Meridy (I'm not sure if I am spelling that right.) I do however have my Aunt Gloria's email. You may get the correct info from her... getup@... Also, Derek and Kris have 2 children now...

My Uncle Allan Buchanan's daughter, Jackie also has a daughter, Ella and is married to Darius Wilson. My Uncle Ken Buchanan's daughter, Kristi is also married to Carter Romo. As well, my Uncle Ken and Aunt Miriam are from Fosston, Minnesota, not from Torst. Also my cousin James Aaron Seeman is married to Melissa West, as of June 22, 2000. No children as of yet. All of my own family (Vern and Lydia Duncan) is correct. Thank you for all of the info on your site. I've learned so much in the last couple of days. I was very surprised that you even knew of my son who has passed away. Your info is amazingly accurate. Your distant relative, Jennie Gwen Higgins (used to be Duncan, and when I was little, used to be Buchanan) Adamo Piano Studio Teacher: Mrs. Jenn Address: 10 Dalgetty Pl NW Phone: (403) 668-1221 Email: Jenn@... Website: adamo.ca (under construction) The Anchor "Now we have this hope as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul it cannot slip and it cannot break down under whoever steps out upon it--a hope that reaches farther and enters into the very certainty of the Presence within the veil" Hebrews 6:19 ____________________________________________ Dec 2, 2005 Letters from the Past 1 Some time ago Darlene borrowed a folder of letters from Lorne Buchanan. These were letters that people wrote to Lorne and Doris when they were working on the Buchanan Family Tree book. Darlene photocopied them and sent the photocopies to me. I have started transcribing them, and here is the first group. _____________________________________________________ Neepawa, Manitoba March 29, 1968.

Dear Buchanans:

We are extending a cordial invitation to you and your family to come and join with us in our third "Buchanan Reunion" on July 7th., to commence at 1 P.M. at Riverbend Park in Neepawa. There will be a sports program for the young folks. For the older people, the plans are to visit, followed by a "Basket Picnic" supper. We would ask each family to bring their own basket supper. In case of inclement weather, arrangements will be made to meet indoors. Should anyone arrive Saturday, you could get in contact with Lorne Buchanan - Phone 476-5275. A special thanks is extended to Lorne and Doris Buchanan for their untiring efforts in planning and working out the family tree. Doris and Lorne extend their thanks to each and everyone of you, who have so kindly forwarded information regarding the family tree. We are looking forward to seeing you on the 7th of July.

Pres: Mr. M.R. Buchanan Sec: Mrs. J. L. Henry, Box 748, Riding Mountain, Man. Neepawa, Manitoba [Mervyn Buchanan] [Mabel Claire Watson Henry] _____________________________________________________ High River, May 13th /68

Dear cousins, Your letter and invitation came this morning. So while things are fresh in my mind I'll try and answer. I was surprised to hear that Annie B. McMane had failed to send in our history, as we have written it up for her while she was here last year after the reunion. But no doubt she has mislaid it. And she is such a busy person too. However I'll do my best on this line. My father, Andrew Buchanan, was born June 10th 1868, At Donegal, Ontario. And he married Frances Minnie Coxon on December 3rd, 1890. And to this union the following children were born. Mary Jane, now Mrs. George E. Wilson, Oak Harbor, Washington. Nora Irene, now Mrs. Peter Hansen, Friday Harbor, Washington. Eleanor May, now Mrs. Harrison Asselstine, High River, Alberta. William John, deceased at 19 months. Elizabeth Ethel, now Mrs. Armand Hansen, Tacoma, Washington. Wilfred Gordon, Friday Harbor, Washington Frances Minnie, now Mrs. John French, Friday Harbor, Washington. I, Eleanor May Buchanan, married William Harrison Asselstine October 31st, 1916. And we homesteaded in the Lomond, Alberta district. And lived there ‘till we retired in 1953 and moved to High River. We have one daughter, Frances Lorraine, who trained for public health nurse and still works for the Calgary City Health Dept. She was born October 5th 1918 and married Lorne H McInnis, a school teacher in 1948. They have two boys, Alexander Grant, born March 7th 1950

and Greg Harrison, born May 4th 1957. They lived in Calgary. My mother died June 9th 1933. And my father December 23rd 1939 at their home in Friday Harbor, Washington. Now I do hope this will help out with the book and I'm sure my sisters will send theirs in soon. Our weather is cool and cloudy today with the odd rain and snow shower. I still have some garden to seed yet. We put the potatoes in last week. I was in hopes my brother would drive up this year then go east to Ontario, but so far we haven't heard what his plans are. Wishing you folks every success. Sincerely Eleanor M. Asselstine (Nellie for short) Mrs. W. H. Harry Asselstine Box 392 High, Alberta Victor Buchanan from McCreary, Manitoba and I are first cousins. His father Sam was my father’s brother. _____________________________________________________ 6724 Bowness Road Calgary 45, Alberta April 8/69 Dear Bert, I received a letter from Eva Plaskett asking me to send my Dad's history for the history book. I'm sorry she did not explain what history you wanted, whether it is my Dad's brothers and sisters or his family (my brothers and sisters). My Dad’s history is the same as Nellie Asselstine’s Dad. She said she and sent it into you. My Dad was younger than Nellie’s Dad (Uncle Andy) and Uncle Sam was the youngest of the family, next to my Dad (Charles Buchanan). I don't know whether my Dad was one for two years younger than Uncle Andy, and Uncle Sam next. As for my own Brothers, and I was the oldest, born July 5th [year is cut off in the photocopy] Carman was born April 7th 1898, died May 1931 then there was three children died with Diphtheria in 1903. (My two brothers and a sister) next to Carman, and Wilmer died at September 11, 1958. Earl Vernon was born in 1906 and lived at Parkerville, British Columbia. John Alwyn, born October 5th 1908, East Braintree. William Andrew, born McCreary 1910, lives Portage la Prairie Robert Charles, born McCreary 1913, died April 16th, 1960 to Ruby Merle born McCreary 1917 lives in Brandon, Manitoba. If there is any other information needed please write me. Mrs. Mary Jane Copeland

Mrs. W. H. Hawes “Bill” 6724 Bowness Road

Calgary 45, Alberta [Oops! I had his name as "Dawes", but I suppose his wife would know for sure!] _____________________________________________________ [At the top of the page it says this, but the letter is obviously written by Marion.] From: Mel Watson 34743 S Fraser Way Abbotsford, B.C. Buchanan's Travel and Insurance Agencies Ltd. Phone Office 853-1762 Res. 853-1807 Abbotsford, B.C. Marion Buchanan Pres.-Mgr. Abbotsford, B.C. July 25/6 7 Dear Doris and Lorne Thanks so much again for the nice breakfast. It was so nice if you both to take the trouble to invite Rose, Bill and I. And we enjoyed meeting so many people we never even knew existed. I hope I can get more information on that family tree. It will take a little time, but will keep trying. It certainly gives us lots to talk about. We had a quiet trip home. Left Neepawa Sunday morning, and home Monday night. Sincerely Marion _____________________________________________________ 466 Superior St. Victoria, B.C., June 17, 1968 Dear Sir: I received an invitation to your reunion for the Clan some time ago but did not reply at that time. I am very sorry to say that I will not be able to be there, for I feel sure I would meet some of my oldest friends who I have not seen for many, many years. The younger people I would not know, for I moved from Neepawa to Ochre River in March 1913. Now I believe you are a son of Andy Buchanan, who played the fiddle and a fife and that you had a dray business in Neepawa about 30 years ago. Am I right? I will enjoy a seeing the old Stoney Creek schoolhouse as I was a pupil in the old log school at the time that one was built. I think it was 1896. At that time Andy Buchanan lived 1 mi. further

west on Dick Campbell's farm and John, and Maggie, Bob, Howard and Nels went to school there. Miss Eva Leach was our teacher and she rode sidesaddle on a black pony in the summer. The pony was tied to a fence post all day long. I wonder how many are left of that gang of about 40 kids who went to school there at that time. Your letter speaks of a Lorne Buchanan. That must be the boy who lived with Mrs. McBride down in the Union district. I think there is a lot of credit do you people for the work and trouble you had and I believe it is for a worthwhile undertaking. Thank you all. A Mr. Roy Clark lives down the street from here at 423 Superior St. and his mother was a Buchanan, but don't know which family, as I have not met her yet. He says his grandfather's name was John but that is not a very definite clue but I will learn more later. He is about 6 ft. 3 or 4 and drives the bus between here and Vancouver. Thank you for the invitation and for the work you are doing, and give my best regards to any of the clan who would remember me and especially Mrs. Ida Holmes, as I believe she is the senior member. Sincerely yours J. Chas. Ash _____________________________________________________ OK, question time: Who is Eva Plaskett? Any connection to Carman Weldon Buchanan? "I received a letter from Eva Plaskett asking me to send my Dad's history ..." I hope someone can answer this question. Best wishes, Bill ____________________________________________ Dec 2, 2005 Letters from the Past, Part 2 ____________________________________________ September 21/70 140 Marks Avenue Parksville, B.C. Mr. Lorne Buchanan, Neepawa Dear Sir: Please find 5.00 enclosed for one of the books of family history. I'm not quite sure of your box number as I have lost your address. Have met a Watson from Courtenay but can't seem to locate

him. Would you know his location or address. Thanking you kindly and wishing you all the best. Earl Buchanan Vancouver Island B.C. _________________________________________________________________ 22320 Selkirk Avenue Maple Ridge, B.C. August 9/70 Please note the change of name of our town Dear cousins, At least chips off the old block! We received your letter letting us know that the family tree book was off the press and knowing we would be in Neepawa before long, did not answer. But had Merv pick my book up for me while we were there. And when I look over that book and see the amount of work it entailed it makes me wonder how you ever did it. We were sorry not to get to Neepawa in time for the reunion. We're like the squirrels and have to take care our black currants, red currant and early transparent apples. Which all have to be taken care of in early July. Thanks again for all your work. Yours truly Gertrude Wilson _________________________________________________________________ [page 1 from Edna Pearl Hemphill Nash] Mother's brother William was married to Maggie Margaret Morrison. They had three boys and two girls: Alex Buchanan (deceased) married to May Labar William (deceased) married Annie Madden Samuel married Doris (?) Jane single, passed on Margaret married Ben Aldridge Mother's sister Mary was married to Isaac Hodges, and they lived in Turlock California. They had two boys and two girls: George, single Corrin was married Della married to ? Paine Cora was married

I don't know if George, Corrin or Della are alive yet, but I know Cora passed away. Hope this will help you some. I'm sorry I don't know more about dates and such. But I made another one out of my mothers and dad's family and do hope it's a little better. Sincerely Edna Nash Mrs. John Nash Friday Harbor, Washington USA 98250 [page 2 from Edna Pearl Hemphill Nash] Margaret Buchanan, born Donegal, Ontario, 1859 Passed away 1929 Married to William Hemphill, born in Donegal, Ontario, 1859 Married January 4th, 1882 at Donegal (passed away in 1931) Children: Mary Jane Hemphill born January 83 at Donegal (deceased) Married Robert Ackley (deceased) born at Friday Harbor, Washington Elwin Ackley born Friday Harbor, Washington married Betty Morrill Bruce Ackley (deceased) born Friday Harbor, Washington. Married Florence Suntron Alex Ackley (deceased) born Friday Harbor, married Marie Hollingsworth Annie Mae Hemphill (deceased) born at Donegal, Ontario, February 1885 Married John McKenzie born Donegal, Ontario (deceased) Kenneth McKenzie born Donegal, Ontario (deceased) married Margaret Westerman Bruce McKenzie born in Friday Harbor (deceased) married Mary McCall Florence McKenzie born in Friday Harbor, Washington married Lyman Phifer Andrew Thomas Hemphill (deceased) born March 15th 1887 at Donegal, Ontario married Cora Chamney Gordon Hemphill born in Bellingham Washington (deceased 1966) married Madge ? Margaret Myrtle Hemphill born May 1st, 1889 in Donegal, Ontario (deceased) Married Roy Guard (deceased) born in Friday Harbor, Washington Paul Guard born Friday Harbor married Vivian Margaret Guard born Friday Harbor married to Victor Reynolds Edythe Guard born Friday Harbor married to Larry Crawford Ruth Guard born Friday Harbor married Clyde Sundstrum Frank Guard born Friday Harbor married Lynette King William Samuel Hemphill born April 26th 1891 at Donegal, Ontario married Verna Rattery born in Edmonton, Canada Bruce Hemphill born in Friday Harbor married Cleo McCutcheon Elizabeth Hemphill born Friday Harbor married Joe Sandwith Charles Daisley Hemphill, single, born August 27th 1892 Donegal, Ontario deceased 1951 [page 3 from Edna Pearl Hemphill Nash] James Wallace Hemphill born November 12th, 1884 at Donegal, Ontario passed away January 1963 married Leila Neville Kendall married Rachel

Betty married Don Cole Melville Booth Hemphill born August 25th, 1896 at Donegal, Ontario married Lillian Kelly Gerald Hemphill born in Friday Harbor married Helen Palson James Hemphill born in Friday Harbor Robert Bruce Hemphill born June 17th, 1900 at Donegal, Ontario married Frances Jansen Edna Merle Hemphill born July 20th, 1902 at Donegal, Ontario married June 10, 1926 to John Nash (deceased March 9, 1966) Patricia Nash, single born October 16th, 1927 in Friday Harbor, Washington William John Nash born November 26th, 1930 passed away September 1937 Richard Nash (deceased 1963) born March 23rd, 1933, married Shirley Morgan Nancy Nash born April 16, 1934, married Raymond Hansen Robert Nash born November 9th, 1939, married Elaine Branowicz _________________________________________________________________ [a separate document from Edna Pearl Hemphill Nash] William Hemphill and Maggie Buchanan were married at Donegal January 4th,1882. The children were: Mary Jane born January 28th, 1883 Annie Mae born February 21st, 1885 Andrew Thomas born March 15th, 1887 Maggie Myrtle, born May 1st, 1889 William Samuel born April 26th, 1891 Charles Daisley born on August 27th, 1892 James Wallace born November 12th, 1894 Melville Booth born August 25th, 1896 Robert Bruce born June 17th, 1900 Edna Pearl born July 20th, 1902 Mary Jane married Robert Ackley. Children were: Elywin Ackley, Bruce Ackley, and Alex Ackley. All are deceased but Elywin Ackley. Annie Mae married John McKenzie. Children were Kenneth McKenzie Bruce McKenzie and Florence McKenzie. All deceased but Florence (McKenzie) Phifer. Andrew Thomas married Cora Chamney. One child Gordon Hemphill. All deceased bt wife Cora. Maggie Myrtle married Roy Guard. Children Paul Guard, Margaret (Guard) Reynolds, Edythe Guard Crawford. Ruth (Guard) [on next page] Sundstrum and Frank Guard. Maggie Myrtle and husband Roy Guard both deceased. William Samuel married Verna Rattrey. Children are Bruce Hemphill and Elizabeth (Hemphill) Sandwith, all living. Charles Hemphill, unmarried and deceased

James Wallace, married Leila Neville, Two adopted children, Kendall Neville and Betty (Cole) Neville. Wallace deceased. Melville Booth married Lillian Kelly. Children are Gerald Hemphill and James Hemphill, all living. Robert Bruce married Frances Jensen, no children Edna Pearl married John Nash. Children were Patricia Nash, William John Nash, Richard Nash, Nancy (Hansen) Nash and Robert Nash. Deceased are John Nash and two sons William John and Richard Nash Hope this will be of some help to you. I am the youngest and really don't know the dates and etc. Sincerely, Mrs. John Nash Edna Hemphill Friday Harbor, Washington 98250 USA


Dec 2, 2005 Obituary of Nancy Nash's husband This obit gives additional information on their family: Bill _________________________________________________________________ Raymond Leon Hansen Raymond Leon Hansen, who served in the U.S. Coast Guard in Friday Harbor and married into San Juan Island’s Nash family, died April 28, 2001 at his home in Maple Valley, Wash. He was 70 and had battled cancer for four years. The sixth of seven children born to Hans and Zilla Hansen, Ray was born on June 5, 1930 in Valier, Mont. His family moved frequently during the Depression and World War II before settling in Darby, Mont. It was there that he attended high school and set the state record for the 880-yard dash before graduating in 1949. Ray joined the Coast Guard because he wanted to see Alaska. Instead, he was stationed in Friday Harbor, where he met Nancy Nash, daughter of the late John and Edna Nash. Ray and Nancy were married in 1954 at San Juan Valley Church. Ray worked briefly for Friday Harbor Creamery and Bill Savage’s seaplane charter before he and Nancy moved to Seattle. He was hired as a model maker at the Boeing wind tunnel in 1957.

They moved from Seattle in 1970 to the house in Maple Valley that Ray and Nancy built with the help of their sons and friends. Carpentry came naturally to Ray, who had previously built several wooden boats, including a 14foot runabout that the family — and later Nancy’s aunt, Martha Gubelman — used for fishing in Puget Sound. They visited the island frequently, staying in the Nash family home, watching Martha’s plays, fishing for salmon, and hunting deer and ducks. John Nash and Ray made annual trips to eastern Washington to hunt geese, and sometimes hunted elk at Mount St. Helens with other members of the Nash family. After his retirement in 1992, Ray and Nancy traveled extensively, to Europe and Asia, Central America, and throughout the United States. He was an officer in the Boeing Employees Travel Club, and often organized club trips. He finally made his first trip to Alaska in 1984, returning several times with his sons to fish for salmon and halibut. Ray is survived by Nancy; four sons and their wives, John and LaDonna of Maple Valley, Keith and Chris of Maple Valley, Dan and Pam of Spokane, and Rod and Dawn of Pasco, Wash.; two sisters, June Abbey of Billings, Mont., and Beth Nerger of Spokane; sister-in-law Pat Nash of Friday Harbor; brother-in-law Robert Nash of Colorado; nine grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. Services are planned at First Baptist Church of Maple Valley. A graveside service is planned in Spokane, where Ray will rest near his parents, his three brothers and a sister. Service dates and times have not been set. — Submitted by the Raymond Leon Hansen family.


Dec 3, 2005 Hemphills Pictures and WWI service info on three of the Hemphill boys (from Andrew's branch of the Buchanan family) Charles D. Hemphill, Picture 4 Private, 346th F. A.; born in Ontario Can., 1892; son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hemphill, Friday Harbor WA; entered service at Yakima WA, 21 Sep 1917; mustered out 7 Feb 1919. James W. Hemphill, Picture 3 Electrician, 1st Class, U.S.S. Cincinnati and U.S.S. Cheyenne;

born in Ontario Can., 12 Nov 1894; son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hemphill, Friday Harbor WA; entered service at Seattle WA, 1 Nov 1917; discharged in Philadelphia PA, 30 Oct 1919. Melville B. Hemphill, Picture 5 Fireman, 1st Class, U.S.N. born in Ontario Can., 12 Nov 1894; son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hemphill, Friday Harbor WA; entered service at Seattle WA, 19 Nov 1917; transferred from U.S.S. Kearsarge to U.S.S. Western Light, to U.S.S. Plattsburg; discharged at Bremerton WA, 17 Oct 1919 http://www.rootsweb.com/~waskagit/ww1sanjuan.html


Dec 4, 2005 Re: Drumelzier: Watson-Brown Jim, Thanks for contacting me. I am trying to find the parents of my gg-grandfather, James Watson. If you have read through my notes on him, you will see that he was born in "Tweed", Scotland about 1796, and came to Canada as a stone mason about 1820. In the 1851 census, he was living in Edwardsburgh township, Grenville county, Ontario. One challenge for me is that "Tweed" is not the name of a city or county on the current map of Scotland. However, there are four counties along the river Tweed, and Peebleshire was formerly known as Tweeddale or Tweedside. And there is Berwick-upon-Tweed just across the border in England. William Watson and Veronica Brown have a son James Watson born about the right time and place to be my ancestor (one of a handful of possibilities). Do you know if their son James became a stone mason or if he emigrated to the Canadian colonies? If so, it becomes very likely that he is my ancestor. I look forward to hearing from you.

Bill Buchanan Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2005 14:15:24 -0500 From: James Forrest To: Subject: Drumelzier: Watson-Brown Dear Mr. Buchanan,

Google led me serendipitously to the following information posted on your website. William Watson, m 26 JAN 1781, Drumelzier, Peebleshire, SCOT, Veronica Brown (IGI, BVRI2) 1) George Watson, c 29 SEP 1783, Drumelzier, Peebleshire, SCOT 2) Caroline Watson, c 27 APR 1786, Drumelzier, Peebleshire, SCOT. She m 1815, William White 3) George Watson, c 12 JAN 1789, Drumelzier, Peebleshire, SCOT 4) Walter Hunter Watson, c 24 MAR 1791, Drumelzier, Peebleshire, SCOT 5) James Watson, c 4 JAN 1796, Drumelzier, Peebleshire, SCOT This exactly matched a family group in my own ancestry, but with my own link missing. Preceding George the First was Robert Watson, baptized on August 29, 1781 in Drumelzier. I obtained this, along with the marriage and the rest of the births from the Old Parish Records (OPR) through the General Register Office, Scotland. My research indicates (notice I avoid claiming proof) that--William was the son of Robert Watson (b Aug 29, 1716) and Jean Tait (b.abt 1720). Robert was the son of James Watson (b. abt 1691) and Marion Black (b. 1692-1698); they were married Aug 6, 1714 in Drumelzier (OPR). Veronica was the daughter of George Brown and Janet Thomson, but I am having trouble with George. I have found OPR records pointing to his parents being James Brown and Helen Hunter (which ties in with George and Veronica' son Walter's middle name). I have a possible birth record for George in Dalkeith on June 15, 1717 but find a marriage record in Newbattle for James and Helen on August 23, 1717. Moving down from Robert Watson (1781), he married Christina Wilson on May 24, 1807 (OPR) in West Linton, Peebleshire. Their daughter, Christina, married Robert Forrest, my 3rd great grandfather. It is interesting that my father hated his full name, Robert Watson Forrest III; he never gave me clue of it's source; I only learned it in the last few years (after his death). I'm interested in establishing any connections with other researchers in this Watson line that could be mutually beneficial. I look forward to hearing from you. Jim Forrest Kalamazoo, Michigan ____________________________________________

Dec 4, 2005

Letters from the past, part 3 Hi Everyone, I apologize for any typos on my part. I have tried to be careful, but some errors are inevitable. If you see anything that looks questionable let me know and I will check the original page.

Bill ____________________________________________________________ Part 3 [new page] Mrs. Albert Zobell Raymond, Alberta Family tree [This address seems to have no connection with a letter that occupies the rest in of the page.]

October 10, 1970 Victoria, B.C. Dear SirWould you be kind enough to send me the Buchanan tree book. I'm enclosing five dollars, which I learned from my cousin in Parksville, Earl Buchanan, that is the fee. I'm the sister of Victor Buchanan, McCreary, Manitoba. We hope to be able to make it to the reunion next year. Thanking you kindly. Mrs. H. R. Hanley Nee Mary Jane (Jean) Buchanan 1648 Garnet Road Victoria, B.C. [new page] Friday Harbor, Washington September 29 – 67 Dear Lorne: I'm sending my history along with that of my sisters and brother. My name is Frances Minnie (Buchanan) French. I have one daughter by a former marriage Nelda June Sundstrum Sutherland. Nelda has two children, Maureen and Kevin McKnight (also by a former marriage). Nelda's husband - Dr. Wallace Sutherland.

1. Nora Irene (Buchanan) Hansen. Husband Peter Hansen. They have two sons and one daughter. Oldest son Andrew Hanson married Mercedes Arocha. They have five children two sons and three daughters: Mark, Carl, Lynn, Terry, and Lori Hansen. 2. John Hansen married Gloria Davis. They have five children, two sons and three daughters: John Jr., Joseph, twin girls Joan and Judy and Joyce Hansen. 3. Winona Hansen Cork. Has one daughter by a former marriage. Noreen Richardson. Winona is now married to Harry Cork.

Wilfred Gordon Buchanan married to Lorena Roberts. Gordon had two children by a former marriage. Francis Gordon and Judith Ann, who died at age 18. Francis is married to Cecilia Groll and has three children: one son, two daughters. Frank, Susan, and Judy Ann Buchanan. I'm not sure if this is all the information you want. If this is not complete, please drop me a line and out line just what you need for your book. As some of these former marriages mentioned ended in death others divorce. Nora, Gordon, and myself are all children of the late Andrew Buchanan and Frances Minnie Coxon. I've been wondering if you are a cousin, as two of my father's brothers I do not remember, nor know any of their families. I hope I have been or can be of some help to you. Sincerely Mrs. John (Minnie) French Park and Hillcrest Pl. Friday Harbor, Washington 98250 PS – Both our parents died here at Friday Harbor, Washington [This is very faint at the bottom of th page and doesn’t seem to connect with the rest of the page.] … know names of any of your father's brothers and sisters. We have Andrew, James, Jane, Mary, Margaret, William, Robert, Charles, Andrew M., Mary Jane Booth

[new page] Children of Andrew Buchanan and Frances and Coxon Nora Irene married September 18th, 1919 Peter Hansen: Andrew Hansen July 8th, 1920 married Mercedes Arocha 1941 Lori 1945 Mark 1947 Teri 1949 Lynn 1951 Carl 1952

John Maynard Hansen born May 28th, 1920 married Gloria Davis 1946 John M. Jr. 1946 Twins Joan and Judy 1951 Joseph 1962 Joyce 1965 Frances Winona Hansen, born March 7th, 1920 married Roy Richardson 1st (divorced) 2nd married Harry Cork April 4th, 1953 Noreen Richardson born March 23rd, 1947

Frances Minnie July 12th, 1906 married Ernst Sundstrum 1st, died 1952 married James R. Branch 2nd, died 1964 married John L. French, December 30, 1965 Nelda June Sundstrum, October 3rd, 1926, married Morris McKnight 1st (divorced) Married Dr. W. F. Sutherland April 16th, 1965 Maureen McKnight April 1st, 1949 Kevin Ernst McKnight February 1956

Wilfred Gordon Buchanan married Evelyn Bailer, first married Lorena Boyce Roberts, second Francis Gordon born 1939, married Cecilia Groll Three children Julie Ann Susan Frank They don't seem to know dates of children's births. Judith and Buchanan born May 1943, died 1961

[new page]

Dear Lorne and Doris, What a delightful surprise to hear from you yesterday. I'd only be too glad to give you any information I can on the Clan. When I sent mine in, I was that my sister’s in High River, Alberta, and of course they were all talking and perhaps it wasn't too clearly done. Ha! My brother Gordon and Sister Mary Wilson went with me. And being the first time Gordon had been back in Canada since he left Ontario in 1916, there is quite a lot of catching-up to do for him. He was so fascinated by the Prairie, and all the vast land. He is still talking about it and may go back in June and buy some. Ha! He lives in San Juan Island, Friday Harbor is his address. It is a beautiful place and a wonderful Island. But small. Our snow was all gone today, so Santa Claus can't use his sleigh this year. We had it for nearly a week, and the grandchildren were so happy. They don't see it too often. But guess I'm an old Ontarian at heart. I love it too. I remember when we couldn’t see out the windows for a month at a time in Ontario. But those were the old days. Believe me! I didn't get

to go to Ontario for the Centennial. I was so disappointed. They closed so many of the schools and had the big celebrations, and all the old teachers attended etc. I’d sure have loved to be there. They consolidated the country schools and now have the one big school in town. And of course each school had a big day when they closed. We're going to my daughter's for Christmas. There will be about 35 of us. She has the large house now and a place for the children to play. I hope you wonderful holiday and many blessings in the New Year. I’d love to hear from you again. I don't know any of my cousins in Manitoba. In fact none of Uncle Charles or Sam’s family or Bob's in Idaho either. Just the Hemphillss, McCauleys and Uncle Jim and Bill’s families. It's a shame too we didn't be in touch while Dad and his brothers were alive. Thanks for listening. Lovingly Ethel Elizabeth Ethel Hansen 3402 Crystal Springs Road W. Tacoma, Washington 97466 [new page] Mary Jane married George Wilson Elmer William George Francis Wilfred Allen Vivian Ethel Eleanor May married Harry Asselstine Nora Irene married Peter Hansen, September 18th, 1920 Andrew Lawrence, July 8th, 1921 John Maynard, May 28th, 1924 Frances Winona, March 10th, 1927 Frances Minnie married John French Nelda Jane, October 6th, 1926 Wilfred Gordon married to Lorena Roberts Francis Gordon Judith Ann, deceased Elizabeth Ethel May 26th, 1902 born at Milverton, Ontario, 1. married March 28th, 1925, Wesley A. McCrary. deceased 1962 Velna Agnes, July 7th, 1927 married September 15th, 1945 Simms Hicks Donna Lynne, July 13th, 1946 married Richard Benson Tonya Jo, May 25th, 1967 Janelle Rae, October 23rd - 49 Velna Rhenae, January 1st, 1957 Lorna Jean, Aug 25th, 1932, married June 26th, 1954, Robert Morris Sipes Robert Morris, June 6th, 1955 Alexander, May 31st, 1957

Theresa Elizabeth, July 4th, 1958 Charles Martin, March 29th, 1961 Jeffrey Clark, April 13th, 1963 [new page] 3402 Crystal Springs Road W Tacoma, Washington 98466 September 10 - 70 Dear Lorne: I received the two Family trees, and thank you so much for all your trouble. My sister came to see me Tuesday and she would like to have one too. Her name is Mrs. Peter Hansen 17827-43rd Avenue South Seattle, Washington 98188 Thank you. Lovingly Eliz Ethel Hansen P.S. I guess I should of ordered them by the dozen? Ha! Ha! [new page] Dear Lorne, I'm a daughter of Andrew and Frances Coxon Buchanan of Friday Harbor, Washington. I am Elizabeth Ethel, born in Milverton, Ontario, May 26th, 1902. I married Wesley A. McCrary, March 25th, 1925. We had two daughters. Velna Agnes, born July 7th, 1927. Norma Jean born August 25th, 1932. Wesley passed away in 1962. Velna married Simms W. Hicks, September 15th, 1945. She has three daughters. Lynne D. now Mrs. Richard Benson. Janelle Hicks and Rhenae Hicks. Now I have the great granddaughter Tonya Jo Benson, born May 25, 1967. [new page] My daughter Lorna Jean married Robert Morris Sipes, June 26th, 1954. She has five children. Robert Morris born June 6th, 1955. Ron Alexander, born May 31st, 1957. Theresa Elizabeth, July 4th 1958. Charles Martin, March 29th, 1961 Jeffrey Clark, born April13th, 1963. This is my family history. You can write it as you wish. Thank you so much. I hope to be at the Buchanan reunion next year.

Sincerely Elizabeth E. Hansen 3402 Crystal Springs Road W. Tacoma, Washington 98466 I'm a sister of: Mary Jane Wilson Eleanor Asselstine Nora Irene Hansen Wilfred Gordon Buchanan Frances Minnie French [new page] 3402 Crystal Springs Road W Tacoma, Washington 98466 May 16 - 68 My Dear Doris Thank you so very much for the beautiful letter and the information. You sure must be a busy couple, getting all this data together takes a lot of your time, I know. And I appreciate it so much. God bless you both. I will be unable to attend as I see its July 7th. July is full for me, which makes me very sad too, as I did plan on coming if of all possible. My granddaughter Lynne will be here for two weeks in July while her husband is in training at Fort Lewis. I'm sending the information on to the other sisters and my brother so I do hope some of them will go. Gordon did talk about it last fall. He was falling to Eleanor's in High River, Alberta. Then on to the reunion. His wife would go too. They have nothing to stay home for [new page] and it would be wonderful trip for him. He may go on to Ontario then too. I went to Ontario in 57. I'm so delighted that I did, as so many had passed away since I was so happy to see them. It had been 41 years since I was there at that time. We had such a wonderful time and visit. I'd sure like to attend this reunion and meet the cousins I never knew. I never saw Uncle Sam or Charlie or their families, so it would be so nice to meet them. I’ll enclose Uncle Bill’s history best I can. Thank you so much for everything Hope to meet you all some day. Lovingly E Ethel Hansen

[new page Uncle “Bill” William Buchanan was older than Dad, “Andrew”. How much I don't know. All his children were born in Ontario - Donegal no doubt. He married Margaret Morrison in West Moulston, Ontario, I believe it was. Their children, 2 girls, 3 boys William Andrew, deceased, married Annie Madden, Friday Harbor, Washington Their children, two girls. Margarite Salin Agnes Herdt Alexander Morrison, deceased, married Mae LaBar. One son William One girl Florence, deceased Mary Jane, deceased, never married Samuel John married Doris Snyder. Lives in Bellingham. No children. Margaret Elizabeth married Ben Aldrich. Lives in Port Townsend, Washington. One girl Peggy.

[new page] [Note I find the handwriting very confusing, as it seems to run every which way. – Bill] Oldest son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth His father Andrew 1st came to Canada in 1847 from Ireland. James A. Buchanan born March 7, 1853 married in Nebraska, USA died on Lopez Island 1934 Mary Elizabeth Shewin in Hicker shire, England,1856 married in Nebraska, died on Lopez Island 1934 July 2nd, 1892 Had four children 1. Willie Buchanan born 1878. Scalded, fell in pan of boiling water about 1 year old. 2. Charles Buchanan born June 7th 1880 married May Erickson 1914 two sons 3. James H. Buchanan November 9th 1883 Grace Kennan, one son Virgil 4. Edward Buchanan May 11th 1886 Clara Hodgson 1916 has three children married In 1895 James A. remarried Jennie Hodgson Nine more children born 1. Corrine Buchanan January 1896 2. Cora Buchanan April 1898 married Lyle Graham deceased. Had one boy Clifford. one girl Pearl now Mrs. Legg 3. Lottie Gertrude Buchanan April 16th, 1901, Owen Higgins daughter Gertrude married James Hill other 4. Mary Buchanan August 1902 Mrs. Simpson two children babies adopted. 1st Newlean [newborn?] O’hora, Gary Joseph 1935, Pearl 1937 5. Carl Buchanan, May 1904 6. Clifford Buchanan, April 10th, 1907 married Phoebe Larsen, had two boys one girl

7. Robert Buchanan, June 1908. Drowned in Alaska, left one child 8. Everett Buchanan, June 1911. Married. One child girl Darlene 9. Florence Buchanan, September 23rd, 1913 married November 1937 Herman Lorentz. Divorced. In 2 years. about 1940 married Mr.Ossorio in wealthy Philippine islands. Have two sons. Florence hurt during Japanese invasion confined to a wheel chair. Back injury. Returned to USA and lived in Massachusetts. Everett only son living today and all the girls alive. I haven't been in direct touch in many years since Eddie died in 1950. In fact the second family never came to the father’s funeral. Uncle Jim came to Washington in Territorydays, his name is listed on some historical developments in San Juan County, Wash. He farmed also done carpentry and served in County Office [new page] Name Birth Place Birth Date Marriage Death Father Andrew Buchanan Perth County, Donegal Elma Township Ontario June 10, 1869 Dec 3, 1890 Dec 23, 1939 Mother Frances Minnie Coxon Elma Township, Milverton Sept 24th 1870 Dec 3, 1890 June 9th, 1933 Daughter of above parents Mary Jane Buchanan Oct 8 1891 Feb 24, 1915 George Edward Wilson Sherman County, Harbor Beach, Mich. July 18, 1883 Feb 24, 1915 Apr 25, 1957 Family of four children Elmer George Wilson Richardson, Washington Jan 18, 1917 Single, farmer, boat engineer & carpenter Wilfred Allan Wilson Friday Harbor, Wash. May 15, 1918 Dec 1, 1951 Verna Mae McDonald wife Feb 22, 1951* Dec 1, 1951 *[sic] Five children David Allen Wilson Mount Vernon, Wash Feb 24, 1954 Cathy Ann Wilson Mount Vernon, Wash July 11,19544 Sally Jane Wilson Mount Vernon, Wash Sept 26, 1957 John Edward Wilson Mount Vernon, Wash June 13, 1960 James Andrew Wilson Mount Vernon, Wash Nov 3, 1961 Vivian Ethel Wilson Dean Goodwin Anderson DAughters Mayree Dean Anderson David Albert Milanoski at Cape Kennedy, Florida 2 children Laurie Susane Milanoski John Thomas Milanoski

Sept 14, 1919 Sept 13, 1942 Beauty shop operator Nov 30, 1918 Sept 13, 1942 Farmer and businessman

Bonnie Rae Anderson Robert Lee Newkirk Inf, 3bde, 4th In. Division

June 21, 1946 July 24, 1965 May 12, 1946 July 24, 1965 1st Ltd USA army, 2nd 12th

June 19, 1943 Dec 3,1963 Secretary March 3, 1940 Dec 3,1963 Electric and atomic engineer

March 31,1964 May 26, 1967

No family, he just returned from one year in Vietnam and will be stationed at Fort Knox Kentucky by November 1st 1967 Marilyn Violet Wilson

Oct 9, 1921 Passed away March 15, 1936

[new page ] I noticed my father Andrew Buchanan and their great grandfather and his father were all Andrew. Mary Jane Buchanan Wilson Route 3 #214 Oak Harbor, Washington, 98277 “Whitby Island” ____________________________________________

Dec 5, 2005 Letters from the Past, part 4 This part is made up of letters written to Lorne and Doris Buchanan by Annie Brae McMane. I have a special place in my heart for her. She was so generous and kind. She gave me most of the earliest information about our family. Then she sent me her own copy of the Buchanan Family Tree book when she heard that I was unable to get a copy. I made 10 photocopies and sent one of them to her, knowing what it meant to her. As I read these letters, I am reminded how dear to her heart this book was. And of her love for our family. Darlene will enjoy the references to James Buchanan. Lorne and Doris are special people who have contributed more to our family than words can express. As I read these old letters (or TRY to read them in some cases) I am more and more impressed by the mammoth job they took on, and completed successfully without having the technology that we take for granted. You too, are a "keeper of the flame" (to use Darlene's term) who are helping to "rescue our ancestors from obscurity" (to borrow a term from Suzanne). You are a special person. Have a great week.

Bill ______________________________________________________________ Part 4

Dear friends I'm sorry that I am late in answering. Have been away and when I arrived home, a pile of mail was waiting.

I'm going to make an effort to go to Neepawa first week in July, and if that is possible I may be able to see you. I have been unable to find much about the family of Charles Buchanan Sr., as their family Bible was lost in the fire of a Buchanan home years ago. I'm enclosing birth of some children etc. to add to history received. Hoping to see you, I remain your distant cousin Annie McMane RR 1, Aylmer, Ontario [new page] Charles Buchanan Senior son Charles Buchanan, grandson Charles Harvey Buchanan. Charles Buchanan second daughter Audrey Elizabeth recently married Gerald Marshall (no birthdates given) William Buchanan Senior second son is James Buchanan Daughter of James, Annie Brae McMane daughter of Annie Buchanan is Gladys Cornish Gladys’ daughter Lee Anne Pearson November 15th 194[5?] married to John Charles Pearson birth November 8th, 1944 Their child Jennifer Louise Pearson born May 10th, 1970 Second daughter of Gladys is Barbara Louise birth July 30th, 1947 Married to Garry Gordon Blain born September 24th, 1946 Also second son of James Buchanan is Jane Stanley Buchanan Son of Stanley is Walter Buchanan. Son of Walter is Donald married Audrey Louise Hanna Buchanan born February 1948 Also 4th son of James Buchanan is Robert Livingston Buchanan His son is Andy Buchanan wife Dolores Buchanan Two children Faye Agnes Buchanan, May 17th, 1965 Stephen Andrew Buchanan, January 20th, 1969 [New page] Also Robert Livingston Buchanan’s second son Glenn Buchanan. Also Glenn has seven sons the youngest Kevin Earl January 3rd, 1967 Glenn’s son Kenneth Wife Shirley Marie Pike birth June 15th, 1946 Two children Jeffrey David Buchanan born May 3rd, 1966 Gregory Kenneth Buchanan, April 8th, 1970 Robert Livingston Buchanan Second daughter

Olive Cummings, husband Laird Cummings Their daughters 1st Margaret Susanna born June 16th, 1946 married to Harry Lenord Anger born August 26th, 1950 2nd daughter Dorothy Gertrude born Feb 21, 1949 Married James Floyd Anger, birth June 27th, 1947 1 child Mary Louise, birth May 7th, 1970 Also Robert Livingston Buchanan Third daughter Nina Cummings, husband Nelson Cummings Their son Murray Gordon Cummings born May 10th, 1947 Married Lois Doreen Gable, born October 5th, 1948

[New page ] [New document] May 28th, 1968 Dear Distant Cousins I received your letter of May 8th and parcel of invitation sheets. I now have most of them mailed to Buchanan family in Ontario. To Margaret Young’s families, Uncle Robert’s families. To Michigan, Cleveland, Detroit, Jackson Michigan. Andrew Buchanan’s grand children in Minnesota. Pearl Buchanan and Mrs. Hall and Jane Tomlinson in or near Toronto. And to several others, so hope a few are planning a holiday trip to Manitoba. I've written a game to granddaughters of Andrew and Eliza Buchanan asking that more dates of birth e sent to Neepawa, especially their young families. I am so sorry that my questions put you all the trouble of copying and sending the family lists, and I do thank you and will now be more careful. About the James Buchanan and Julia Ann Scott list. There are five sons and two daughters. I have a grand daughter Lee Ann Cornish married last August to John Charles Pearson. Now may I ask if you will check the name of Old Uncle Charles’ wife. Please don't think a want to interfere, this is just to say that Uncle Bob Buchanan always said Charles wife was Nancy Porter.

[New page ] And as my mother's aunt was Julia Porter, I had also heard mention of Uncle Charles’ wife as Aunt (Nancy Porter) Buchanan.

This seems clear in my memory, so maybe I should mention it to you, but not wanting to be troublesome and no need to write me about it. I will patiently wait for the book of the family tree. I have been to the cemeteries and was so pleased to find a small white stone clearly engraved Robert Buchanan born 1815 died May 22nd, 1968. I think this is your (Lorne) great grandfather. Had he visited to Buchanan cemetery in north of Neepawa on Bert Buchanan’s farm? I was there last summer so I have been to all the graves except old Uncle James for whom my dad was named. We were always very proud of our Dad and therefore proud to be Buchanans. If I ever go to Neepawa again I want to go to the Neepawa cemetery for perhaps someone can tell me where Uncle James is buried. But I am sorry I won’t be there this year. Willie Buchanan and Alice think they may go by train. Oh about Uncle Charles family there were eight. Mrs. Dewar has listed one family Jane Blair or Bill Pearl Buchanan listed one family, her father was William Mrs. Howard Acheson listed one, her father was Charlie These people and help with others of the eight. [New page ] I thank you again for your nice long letter and the trouble you had and hope some time we may meet again. With affection from Annie Mrs. Annie McMane RR 1, Aylmer, Ontario At the bottom of the page there is a photocopy of a note that says “From tombstones Robert Buchanan Died May 22, 1868 Aged 53 years Robert born 1815 Charles born 1817 James William 1824 Andrew 1826 Samuel 1830 John 1831 Jane Watson 1836” [new page ] November, 1968 Dear Friends

Hope all our well there, as most of the friends are here. I'm asking if you have closed the books or record of the Buchanans, or more names should be added. I could tell you of the death of Earl Buchanan November 21st, 1968 aged 60 years, son of Andrew, grandson of William Samuel great-grandson of William [Buchanan] and Ann Thompson Also death of Reuben Buchanan Feb. 10, 1968, aged 74 years, son of Robert Buchanan, grandson of William Buchanan and Ann Thompson Glad to hear from you any time your distant cousin Annie Brae McMane [New page ] The marriage of Lee Ann Cornish to John Charles Pearson born November 8th, 1944. Lee Ann is granddaughter of Annie Brae Buchanan McMane, a great-great granddaughter of William Buchanan and Ann Thompson. Marriage of Linda Gail Sage to James Melvin Willis born June 23rd, 1948. Linda is granddaughter of Charles Henry Buchanan son of Robert Buchanan son of William Buchanan and Ann Thompson I'm sending (soon) a picture of the tombstone of Robert Buchanan, oldest brother of the original family who came to Canada 1847. (if the picture turns out good) This is your great grandfather I think, Lorne [New page ] [New document] January 18th, 1969 Dear Distant Cousins Finally we have the picture of what we believe is the oldest mark left of the original Buchanan family who came to Canada in 1847. I will send this in care of Mr. Lorne Buchanan and hope you like it and are as interested as I am. I have been to cemeteries and got dates of birth and death of all brothers and their sister except Uncle James (buried in Rosedale cemetery) [Note: The parentheses indicate this was written-in later. Actually James was buried in Riverside.] As my dad was named after Uncle James, I would be so glad to have help finding where he is buried. And I so hope I've been in time to have this picture entered in the Buchanan book or booklet. I can send the negative if needed. [New page] I enclose a stamp for reply. Please let me know if you receive this, and of course I will be pleased to have your opinion of it.

I understand the Anglican Church can give some record of this burial ground. [Trinity Anglican cemetery] Robert Buchanan with the first white man to own, or live on this farm or crown land, and gave the plot for the cemetery. You will notice the date is 100 years old from last May 1968. When I first saw it the ground was soft and I lifted out and read a verse on the lower part, but when the snap [snapshot] was taken the ground was frozen. The picture is taken by Mabel Buchanan now Mrs. Sage of RR 2, Atwood. [New page ] I think the verse is: In peace let me resign my breath And my salvation see, My sins deserve death But Jesus died for me. Next spring when ground is thawed, we hope to go again for one more picture. The verse was clear to read even after 100 years. Please answer with my thanks to you from another Buchanan. Mrs. Annie McMane RR 1, Aylmer, Ontario [new page ] Dear Cousins I'm sending this picture so that you understand why Buchanans of Ontario didn’t go to Neepawa this summer. But several were interested that the reunion will be again next July. Could you show or send this picture to others? preferably Mabel Henry and Burnell Buchanan Annie McMane [New page ] It was no dream went to Neepawa I did go Where I had come from, they all wanted to know. From Ontario says I; then many did stare And made me welcome, the first one from there. (Keep for book ) By Annie Brae McMane [New page]

Aylmer, Ontario Feb 18th, 1969 Dear Cousins Can you imagine how glad I am to hear from you with information of our Uncle James, brother of our respective grandfathers. That completes the list, I believe of names and birth dates of our Buchanan grandparents. I have copied the date given on the card and am enclosing it with this letter. I will also write Mrs. Hazel Griffith to thank her. I was to the Buchanan cemetery with Mr. Bert Buchanan by whose farm I think the cemetery is, we looked for tombstones or markers. I would like to go once more to the reunion but can't yet make plans for July. But perhaps more western relatives can come to Ontario. I spent two months last summer in Red Deer, Alberta with a brother (Elwin) who had had a heavy [New page ] Heart attack. He has rallied and so I don't expect to go there this year. I'm so confused about William Buchanan (61) son of James or Jimmie who died this winter. I me a William (Bill) from Abbotsford and understood he was son of David and grandson of John. Now I will wait to learn more of Jimmie and which branch he belongs to. Oh, I’ll have the time of my life if we ever get the family tree. Maybe some form of leaflets or manuscript eh? I will tell as many as possible of the reunion for the first Sunday in July. Somehow got the impression while in Manitoba that Lorne and Doris are the kind who are always finding so much to do for others and so can understand why [New page] they're always so busy. Oh yes one letter last year from Doris gave a list of the first Buchanan brothers and their wives. It listed Charles Buchanan and wife was given as Nancy Cooper with a question mark. Now Cooper is a mistake as Charles’ was wife with Nancy Porter. She was a sister-in-law to my mother's aunt Julia Porter. This does not affect or interest Buchanans, only as information that I knew of the Porters, and knew Charles Buchanan married Nancy Porter. And I thank you again for your letter and the trouble you were put to sending information about Uncle James, and wishing you both good health. Your distant cousin Annie McMane [New page ]

I had taken the birth dates from tombstones of all the other Buchanan brothers and their sister Jane Watson, so I could put their names in order of family birth. Last year sent the list to Lorne and Doris, minus Uncle James. Four brothers are in Elma Township in Perth County, Ontario. Three brothers and sister in Rosedale cemetery north of Neepawa. I will be glad to hear from you at any time. Annie ____________________________________________

Dec 5, 2005 Watson-Snider History I just received this from John Pyper, who received it from Lorna Henry McDougall. I assume that Lorna is the author. (A closet genealogist?) I scanned it and converted it to a text file. I have also attached it as a word processor document. Bill _____________________________________________________________________ [WATSON AND SNIDER FAMILY HISTORY] [Lorna Ruth Henry McDougall] JANE BUCHANAN Born: February 26, 1836 Northern Ireland Married: James Watson Sept. 26,1856 Died: May 24, 1917 In 1845 during the potato famine in Northern Ireland, Andrew and Jane Buchanan (McNeilans) immigrated to Canada. They left the town of Omagh in the county Tyrone, (Parish of Ardstraw) arriving several weeks later in Kingston, Ont. harbor. There were eight children: Robert -1815, Charles -1817, James -1825, William - 1824, Andrew -1826, Samuel -1830 John - 1831, Jane (Our Grandmother) - 1836 While in quarantine in Kingston harbor, Andrew (father) and the little daughter of Andrew [William] (son) and his wife Ann (Thompson) died of ship’s fever. They are buried in the Pioneer Cemetery in Kingston. Jane and her family moved west in Ontario and settled on crown land that three years later was surveyed as Elma Township in Perth County. William’s daughter Margaret was the first white baby born in Elma Township (July 21, 1846). Robert was a weaver and from his loom came much of the cloth and blankets used by the settlers. Robert donated the land for the Trinity Anglican Cemetery in Elma. James seemed to have a

sense of adventure … As a young adult he rode horseback through the Rockies to the west coast and back to Ontario. Jane was nine years old when she came to Canada. When she was twenty (1856) she married James Watson. JAMES WATSON Born: July 3, 1825 Prescott, Ont. Married: Jane Buchanan Sept. 22, 1856 Died: 1904 I have no Watson history before James Watsons birth in 1856 [1825], but Bill Buchanan does his Email address is – bill.buchanan@... They had thirteen children: Robert -1857, Maggie (Willerton) -1859, Elizabeth (Robert Buchanan) -1860, Adam -1862, Jane (Jack Snider) -1864, Solomon -1865, Annie(Dave Gardiner/Andy Snider) - 1867, David (Our Grandfather) -1869, Mary (D.McLarty) -1871, William -1873, Samuel -1875, Isabelle (Andy Snider) -1877, Charles Allan -1880. James and Jane Watson brought their family west to Manitoba in 1879. They settled on a homestead north of Neepawa, Manitoba. My Grandfather David Watson was ten years old when they made this journey. He told great stories of the trip. They came on an immigrant train to St. Boniface. He said the kids had a great time playing in Fort Garry, looking through the Peepholes for Indians. They came from Winnipeg to Neepawa (over 100 miles) by Ox Cart and Covered Wagon. The men and boys walked and the women, children, and supplies rode in the wagon. Grandpa said that the Ox Carts got stuck in the Red River Gumbo (mud) on what is now Portage Avenue. In later years Grandpa Dave made several trips by air. That is a lot of changes in one lifetime. In 1885 James and Jane moved to Riding Mountain. They opened the first farm in the area (S.E. quarter 16-18-15), and James became the first Reeve of Rosedale Municipality. DAVID JAMES WATSON Born: April 22. 1869 (Perth County) Married: Minnie Snider - 1899 Died: Feb. 18, 1958 MINNIE MAUD SNIDER Born: June 18,1881 Married: David Watson -1899 Died: Jan. 19, 1935 David and Minnie farmed east of Riding Mountain, the first farm east of the railroad on the north side. They are buried in the Riding Mountain Cemetery. SNIDERS The Sniders came from the U.S.A. they are what was known as Pennsylvania Dutch (German probably). There a lot of Snider relatives in the Swan River area. I do not have much Snider

history but I understand that Barry Snider is doing a Snider history, his email address is barrysnider@... A snip of Elizabeths Wedding Dress. JAMES SNIDER(Grandad) Born: Nov.5, 1838 Married: Elizabeth Ann Hutchinson Dec. 25, 1863 Died: Mar. 17, 1930 ELIZABETH SNIDER (Hutchinson) Born: Feb. 19, 1845 Died: Mar. 14, 1910 They had a triple wedding with Elizabeth’s brother and cousin on Christmas day 1863. They had eleven children - Hannah Sophia, Nov 11, 1864, Annie Maria, Dec. 12, 1865, Mary Anne, June 7 1867 (died Oct. 17 1867), David Andrew, July 18, 1868, John Allan, Jul. 5, 1870, Joseph Henry, Dec.29, 1872, Hestor Florence, June 20,1874, James Edward, Jun 27, 1876 (died May 11, 1877), Laura Elizabeth, Apr.6, 1878, Minnie Maud, (Our Grandmother) June 18, 1881, James William, Dec.6, 1882 Mom (Mable) liked to rattle off the names of her aunts. After Elizabeth’s death in 1910, Grandad Snider lived with Min and Dave until his death in 1930. Mom loved him with all her heart. Mom was going to high school in Neepawa on March 17, 1930 she was getting ready for school and for no apparent reason she was crying, she felt Grandads arms around her and he said "Don't cry Dearie it will be O.K." Later that day Uncle Roy came to the school to tell Mom that Grandad had died that morning. Grandad Snider was a fiddle player, seems one night Nels Buchanan and Jack Majury lost their violin out of the sleigh on the way to a party and decided to ask "Dad" Snider for his. Min wrote this poem about that event. Their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren JOSEPH ALBERT WATSON Born: May 16,1902 Married: Bessie McKone in 1932 Died: April 27, 1979 They have one son Ronald (Ron) born April 8, 1937. Ron and June have two children, Shayna and Cameron, and five in Burlington, Ont. Bert worked for John Deere. He started in collections in Saskatchewan in the 1930s and finished his career as General Manager for eastern Canada in Burlington, Ont

DAVID (ROY) WATSON Born: July 4,1907 Married: Phylis Foster in 1932

Died: Sept. 9, 1984 They have two daughters, Shirley (Doug Pyper) they have two children Beth and John. Elinor (Rich Daniels) they have four sons, David, Brad, Scott, and Stephen. They live in St Catherines,Ont. Roy and Phylis lived in Welland Ont. most of their years. Roy worked for Atlas Steel in Welland. After Roy died in 1984, Phylis moved to St. Catherines, she lived there until her death in 2001.

MABLE CLAIRE WATSON Born: May 21, 1913 Married: James Henry Oct. 16, 1937 Died: Sept 17, 1983 JAMES LAURENCE HENRY Born: June 16,1911 Married: Mabel Watson Oct 16, 1937 Died: Feb. 10, 1991 MARY ELIZABETH PYPER (BETH) Born: March 29, 1964 JOHN STUART PYPER Born: [personal information deleted] Married: Kathryn Shaw on [personal information deleted] John and Kathryn have a baby girl named Madeleine Claire Born [personal information deleted] John is a Chef and Kathryn is a Teacher and they live in Niagara Falls. Ontario.

MABEL and JIM HENRY Mom and Dad were married in 1937 and lived in Riding Mountain for the next 44 years, they were an integral part of the community doing what ever needed doing. Mom decorated the church and sang at every wedding or funeral for years. Dad and my brothers were pretty good curlers once upon a time, Jerry still is. Dad and Grandpa (Bob Henry) had a sawmill for many years. In fact they sawed the trees from the Riding Mountains into the lumber that Dad used to build our new house in 1948. He built several other houses in the area also. Our old house was small and in the same yard. Jerry and I cried when we had to leave it. That was the only home we had known and we liked it. But big or small old or new our home always had lots of people and fun. Mom said "Where there is heart room there is house "room and so there was. Their door was always open. They believed that friends double your joys and divide your sorrows and they could have a house party at the drop of a hat (or a banjo). In the 1940s Dad had a trucking business, a lot of the "Boys" who returned from WW2 drove trucks for him. They closed down the sawmill and renovated it into a garage, and built a service

station/hardware/farm supply. Their home and business was situated on #5 highway so anyone who had trouble on the road ended up with us, Dad could fix anything and Mom always had the kettle on. In 1979 they sold it all and retired to Neepawa. In September 1983 they were visiting friends in the Interlake and were involved in a traffic accident. Mom died at the scene and Dad had serious head injuries from which he did recover. Dad had macular degeneration so he couldn't cope on his own, so he spent 7 years at East View Lodge. We visited often so he stayed connected and interested with the rest of the world. He died of cancer in February, 1991. When our parents died we received letters from all over the country, many from people we didn't know, telling us how they had shown them one kindness or another and enriched their lives They left us a lot of great memories and a hard act to follow. We miss them! Mabel and Jim are buried in the Riding Mountain Cemetery. The children, grandchidren and great grandchildren of Mabel and Jim Henry LORNA RUTH HENRY Born: [personal information deleted] Married: John (Jack) McDougall [personal information deleted] Lorna and Jack had a Barber Shop and Laundromat in Glenboro MB. for 20 years, later opening a Dry Cleaning business in Neepawa, MB. Bradley John McDougall Born [personal information deleted] Married: Lisa Osborne [personal information deleted] Megan Elizabeth McDougall Born [personal information deleted] Evan Bradley McDougall Born [personal information deleted] Brad is a chartered accountant, he is a partner at PriceWaterhouseCoopers, in Vancouver. Bryce Allan McDougall Born [personal information deleted] Married: Susan Clement [personal information deleted] Erin Nicole McDougall Born [personal information deleted] Riley Andrew McDougall Born [personal information deleted] Maddison Jayne McDougall Born [personal information deleted] Bryce is a Periodontist in [personal information deleted]. Colleen Louise McDougall Born [personal information deleted] Married: Bruce Taylor [personal information deleted] Hannah Catherine Taylor Born [personal information deleted] Gabriella Grace Taylor Born [personal information deleted] Colleen is a nurse in [personal information deleted] Catherine (Kate) Joan McDougall Born [personal information deleted]

Married: Garfield Thompson [personal information deleted] Jaylynn Claire Thompson Born [personal information deleted] Kate is Human Resource/Payroll specialist in [personal information deleted]. GERALD ROSS HENRY Born: [personal information deleted] Married: Patricia (Pat) Scott [personal information deleted] Jerry and Pat had an Electrical Contracting Business in Gladstone MB, Birch Hills and Whitewood Sask, before retiring to Neepawa, MB. Sheila Dawne Henry Born [personal information deleted] Married: Craig Douglas [personal information deleted] Katelyn Dawne Douglas Born [personal information deleted] Tyler Jared Douglas Born [personal information deleted] Sheila is a Medical Records Librarian in [personal information deleted] Darren James Henry Born [personal information deleted] Partner: Winnie Eldridge,[personal information deleted] Darren is an Orthopedic shoemaker, he also has an upholstery business in [personal information deleted].

RAYMOND JAMES HENRY Born: [personal information deleted] Married: Wilma Clarke [personal information deleted] Married: Geri Gelsinger [personal information deleted] Ray worked for Manitoba Hydro and B.C. Hydro before starting his own hydro, construction company, Haida Installations. Corinne Rae Henry Born [personal information deleted] Married: Dennis Wideen [personal information deleted] Deserae Wideen Born [personal information deleted] Kayla Wideen Born [personal information deleted] Corrine is a Head Trauma Therapist in [personal information deleted] Ashley Michael Henry Born: [personal information deleted]

Married: Sharelyn Ganson [personal information deleted] Kegan Henry Born [personal information deleted] Kimberly Henry Born [personal information deleted] Ashley is an Electrician in [personal information deleted]

Dad’s old fiddle Last night Dave was busily reading the news And he said "I am sleepy, I'll go take a snooze." He’d been sleeping some hours – t’was midnight or more When there came such a terrible bang at the door. The bangs were repeated again and again. We thought surely someone must be in great pain. Dave jumped out of bed and make tracks for the door And when he got there – well no wonder he swore. There stood two lads singing "High diddle diddle", Saying "Davie we’ve come to borrow Dad's fiddle. They’re anxious to dance – so they all say, And we lost our own fiddle some where on the way. We knew there was no other one to be had So they send us along for to try and get Dad’s." The night being so cold, and Dave scantily dressed, He hustled upstairs where Dad was at rest. Said he, "Come Dad wake up and help solve this riddle There’s two lads downstairs want to borrow your fiddle." Well, you may be sure Dad bristled at once. Said "They must think I am either a fool or a dunce. Where that fiddle goes old Snider goes too. So go back and tell them just what they can do. Let them dance ‘round the room or swing in the middle. Or go to Sam Hill, but they’ll not get my fiddle." Dave delivered the message – the boys gave a start, Said "They sent us to ask – we've now done our part. Then Dave went shivering back to his bed. While Dad fussed around in the room overhead. And the boys went away, and I knew they were mad, Saying "If we want the blamed fiddle, we’ll have to take Dad." Minnie Watson

[It also has four pages of photos. Unfortunately, my experience with scanning photocopies of photos is not highly successful. – Bill] Attachment(not stored) Watson History from Lorna Henry McDougall.rtf ____________________________________________

Dec 6, 2005 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Watson-Snider History I have 2 additional children listed for Lorna …. sons Jerry and Ray McDougall. Do you know why she didn’t list them? Or are they NOT her children? Donna Phillips ____________________________________________

Dec 6, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Watson-Snider History Hi Donna, Jerry and Ray are Lorna's brothers (Gerald Ross Henry and Raymond James Henry). She has write-ups on them in her history.

Bill ____________________________________________

Dec 7, 2005 Famous Relatives Hi Everyone, I am working on part 5 of the Letters from the Past. As I read this, I thought of sending it as a separate note. "I visited George McCauley recently, he had several strokes. Only three of them alive: him, Eddie and Tom, George told me the girl on the Sun Maid raisin package was posed by Della Hodges Payne, he was in the raisin business, Roy Payne. She was a beautiful woman when I met her in 1937. Mary J. Wilson" [written about 1968] Then when I checked my email, I had this message about another famous relative, Lorna's granddaughter. Thanks Gloria.

----- Original Message ----From: Gloria Harvie To: Bill Buchanan Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 11:33 PM Subject: Re: Watson-Snider History Thanks for sending this to me, Bill. I was able to fill in quite a few things on my tree. Did you know that the Hannah Catherine Taylor (daughter of Colleen McDougall & Bruce Taylor) is a famous little girl. She is the one that started the Ladybug Foundation in Manitoba to benefit the homeless. You can check it out at : www.ladybugfoundation.ca I hope you enjoy this, and that your weather is warmer than ours. The "letters from the past" are letters that were sent to Lorne and Doris Buchanan in 1967-1970 providing information on the descendants of Andrew & Jane Buchanan, who came to Canada from County Tyrone, Ireland in 1847. If you didn't get the previous installments and are interested, please let me know. I also sent a Watson-Snider history to most of you (family of David James Watson and Minnie Maud Snider). If you didn't get it and would like it, let me know. Bill ____________________________________________

Dec 8, 2005 Letters from the Past, part 5 Hi Everyone, Here is part 5. Lots of info on the family of Charles Buchanan and Nancy Porter (Blairs etc.) But no mention of the adopted daughter Ann Jane (Thompson) Buchanan who married James Hamilton. Bill _____________________________________________

[Part 5] Titusville, Florida May 28th Dear Cousin Doris, You'll note by this I'm down in Florida. I came May 21st by 727 jet, left Seattle at 12:31 PM on the 21st and arrived at Orlando and at 10:31 a.m. My granddaughter and one year old son met me and had over a 40 mile drive through the tree-lined swamps, some lovely homes, lots of different kinds of flowering shrubs, even weeds new to me. The soil is pure sand. All have to use peat moss and fertilizer and water to keep things growing. Very few have any vegetables or small

fruits. It costs so much to grow. Everything is shipped in. I was surprised, as I had thought in a hot swampy climate there is nothing they couldn’t grow. Everyone has an air conditioner and then you feel very warm and skin feels sticky most of the time. Long gray moss hangs from tall trees and a musty smell is in the air. Lots of gardenias in bloom, the perfume is overpowering, especially in the evening. Sunday we drove the St. Agustine, the oldest fort in the USA, a museum now. Old Spanish and English cannons all around the upper walls, a moat around all, with lawn and another white stone wall around that, and the rooms where prisoners lived were terrible places. No windows and this hot humid , one wonders how long they lived. I received your letter a few days before left, which was earlier than I planned, so had no time to do anything about contacting Uncle Bill’s family. I sent some of the invitations to Friday Harbor, hoping my sister or brother would pass the word along about July 7th. I hope to return home about June 20th and maybe some of us can take that in. I would love to meet you all. Summer is a busy time out west and we do welcome company any time. We’re never so busy we can't show them around. My son Elmer will be taking the fish buyer’s boat or tender out June 15th and pick up salmon from the gill and reef nets. Two or three days per week, and then home. In between they keep up a little 24 acre farm. [New page] One of my cousins, now employed in Vancouver, BC (mother's family) visited us over the weekend and left the day I did for here. She is coming back when I get home and we're going to the San Juans Islands], wants to visit my two sisters and brother whom she has never met. He is 28 years old. I went East when she was 3 months old and I've seen her four or five times since. My granddaughter here is Maggie, Mrs. David Milanoski. They lost little Laurie on January 18th with the worst kind of leukemia, and she would have been three March 31st. She has John at one year on May 26th. That's why the family urged me to come now. She has gone through so much in the past year and was near the breaking point. The family are all at the Coast except her sister who just left Fort Knox Kentucky to be at Fort Benning, Georgia. She phoned last evening. She will be there one month, then in North Carolina till October, then we expect Bob to return to Vietnam for a second time. Bonnie will be coming back to the coast while he is overseas, as the furniture has been shipped now. We may go to see her, it takes all day to drive there, I'm told. I'm sitting writing this on my lap. David has left for Cape Kennedy. He is one of the key men at the missile base there and the rest are sleeping. Never a dull moment once Little John is up, but he is a darling. What a pretty birds to watch and a bunch of ducks on the pond out back, and lots of children. This is a new area – all young folks and each planting more trees every day. We bought 3 yesterday, a gum tree and two maples of different kinds, fine leaf and beautiful. Last week we planted several others. Apples or cherries don’t do good. No bulbs or dahlias. Peonies and such seem to rot in the hot sandy soil. They are for best bet at home. I’ll close this and copy. How our family line up, and Uncle Bill’s. I haven’t all the dates. I’m sorry. Best to all Mary J Wilson [New page ] Parents and children of Andrew and Frances Minnie Coxon

1. Mary Jane October 8th, 1891 2. Nora Ireene, January 27th, 1893 3. Eleanor May, June 23rd, 1896 4. John Andrew April 27th, 1899. Died May 1900, one year and 16 days old 5. Elizabeth Ethel May 26th 1902 6. Wilfred Gordon, July 21st, 1904 7 Frances Minnie, July 12th, 1906 – Orangeman Day I hope each sent their marriage dates and families. If not, I can help once I return home. I wish to place my name on the list for a book once it is printed, Mary J. Wilson. I’ll list of all Bill’s family in case you don't hear direct from the only two alive now. William Buchanan married Margaret (Maggie) Morrison Moved to San Juan Islands around 1904 William Andrew born about 1883, died in the 1960's married Annie Madden, had two daughters. Alexander born about 1895 died in 1960s, married May Labar, one son Bill, one girl Florence died 1941 Jane a dwarf born about 1897, died 1958 Samuel James born about 1899 – on a trip around the world now Margaret M. born about 1902 - Lives in Port Townsend [Washington], one daughter. Husband Ben Aldrich, a hardware merchant. W.A. was a farmer Alex was a wireless operator also in the Navy for while Samuel with a comptometer and bookkeeper at Western State College in Bellingham until he retired last spring and taking the trip. Is to be back soon. I hear he's got a home on Lummy Island. Has no family of his own, adopted one of his wife's sisters I haven't names or dates. [New page ] Our grandfather's brother Charles Charles Buchanan married Nancy Porter I know one daughter Grace, this is Mrs. George Smith, and had one daughter Vinie Smith. She married Harry Copeland and have one son. They divorced after being out to the coast. She didn't like it and returned to Atwood, Ontario. Grace had a sister Mrs. Blair and one brother Charles. Had several more brothers, I don’t know the names as I was only about 12 when we lived near them, but know that Charles lived at Grace’s. I bought one of the books wrote by Vera Ernst Nichols about Elma Township pioneers, but it did not mention many of the family who still live there. I believe her mother's parents were Freeborns from Britton, Ontario. I was wishing I had been there when she was getting a copy so no doubt she is connected with John Charles who once had a store at Britton and married a Freeborn and later went west to Manitoba. I thought I had brought some notes. I see I forgot to, but hope this will be some help. I'll do my best to trace down Uncle Bob's family. I wrote the Hodges once but no answer. Now they moved to Fresno, California from Turlock. I don't have an address. I inquired for one when coming through Turlock and that was the first I knew they had left the old home and a new highway went through it. I visited George McCauley recently, he had several strokes. Only three of them alive, him, Eddie and Tom, George told me the girl on the Sun Maid raisin package was posed by Della Hodges Payne. He was in the raisin business, Roy Payne. She was a beautiful woman when I met her in 1937.

Mary J. Wilson [New page] [New document ]

July 17th, 1968 Dear Folks I suppose you're wondering if we got home safe. We did on Wednesday. Got to Le center at 6:00 p.m. We had a wonderful trip, and something we did not expect. I still cannot believe I was there. I only wish we could have had a longer time to visit with you folks, and think of many things now I could have asked about. I still do not know just how close related we would be Lorne. Would the Annie McMane in Ontario be a sister to Lorne's grandfather Buchanan or to his father? [Neither] What a lot of work you both have put in on the family tree. It was such a thrill to see it. We enjoyed the drive up around Riding Mountain and we stopped in at Buchanan’s store [New page] on the way. I was so surprised to see it. Roy Buchanan said he had run been at the picnic on Sunday. We bought a pretty china cup and saucer there for ourselves and our sister at home. We were really disappointed that all the stores in Neepawa were closed on Monday. We probably would have bought something there before we left town. I was real tired after I got home and I was mowing lawns today and trying to work in the garden and pick berries but the mosquitoes are just terrible here. We have had so much rain at since last Friday night, we got 4 inches in two nights. We went to the peace garden. It was a beautiful place but it's too early for a lot of the flowers. We like North Dakota very much and Manitoba is much like northern Minnesota. I never dreamed I would ever see it. And so glad we did. [New page ] I like to see the country away from home. But don't care too much about seeing big cities. We have some pretty country here in Minnesota too. It's very pretty up the north shore line from Duluth, Minnesota. I've been up quite a way on that along Lake Superior. My husband's brother and wife lived in Superior, Wisconsin many years and we were up there many times for a few days. Usually it’s cool around Duluth. I just thought now we met and talked with Norman Buchanan of McCreary, and he said he was a first cousin to our mother, that her father was James Buchanan, my mother's uncle. Now we think this Mrs. Annie McMane would be her sister because her father was James also and we're quite sure we have [New page ] a picture of our own of our mother, James Buchanan and wife and a little girl who think could be her. But think my sister Esther at home wrote her about it. [a different James Buchanan, actually]

Well you'll be tired of all my questions etc. so will close now and hope you had a nice trip. I don't know how many children you had. I only have my son Wayne and three little grandson: Dale five years, Douglas 4 years, David one-and-a-half years old. They live 10 miles from me in Montgomery, Minnesota. They moved in April. I was just sick when they moved because they had lived here in my yard in a mobile home for six years and I was with them so much and they were here with me so much, if I was not working. But they needed a house and Wayne works in there, [New page ] he works for Green Giant canning company. They can peas and sweet corn. He has been with them for a year now. He is a mechanic out in the field all summer and in the shop over winter. I think they have some plants in Canada somewhere now. Before that he drove a semi truck and went coast-to-coast for three years for a refrigerator plant from Montgomery. They build walk-in freezers and haul them knocked-down. They set them up. They have so many that were great big buildings, he hauled them for three years but was gone from home too much for the family. Write when you can and tell me about your family. We sure enjoyed our day there Sunday and hope you can come to Minnesota some time. [New page] It was about 730 miles from Farribault to Neepawa. We had done close to 1,700 miles when we got home. No trouble –only lost two gas tank caps and George bought one new one. After that was also he quit. He just stuffed an old rag in the hole and did not lose that. Bye now Mrs Leela F. Johnston 257 W. Minnesota Le Center, Minnesota, USA 56057 Was this Wilbert Buchanan Lorne’s father’s brother? He said he was Lorne’s Uncle when I called your house. You'll be tired of all my asking questions. I cannot get everyone out of my mind. My sister Irene's address Mr. & Mrs. George McConkey 721 Franklin Avenue Faribault, Minnesota 55021 When I mailed this letter, it came back to me so will send it again. I will write later. It has been terrible hot over 90 degrees and so much rain. Cool last two days down to 50 degrees. One brother and sister, Glen & Esther Macmillan RR 2, Le Center, Minnesota 56057 [New page] [New document] My Grandfather's family was as follows James Charles born May 1st, 1876, called James, died of diphtheria January 17th, at 1881

Mary Jane, my mother, born June 9, 1878 Within Thomas born July 1st, 1880 Plot may born June 17th 82 James Charles called Charlie January 30th, 85 Arthur John and born February 14th, at 87 called Art Albert Edward born to them for 16th, 1890 called Bert Percy Melvyn March 8th, 1895, died June 4th 1911 My mother Mary Jane, Called Minnie, married Charles Ducklow on Feb 25, 1904. I was born Jennie Theora Dec 9, 1904. Edward Blair born Jan 9, 1911 Edward Blair my brother never married, so no family. Mother died on November 28th, 1958. Dad, Charles Ducklow, died April 19, 1958. [New page ] My grandmother was Jane Buchanan and was born in September 1857. She was the daughter of Charles Buchanan and Nancy Porter. Charles Buchanan my great grandfather died on January 13th, 1905 but have never found any information concerning my great grandmother. He was 88 years old so he must have been born in 1817. He had three daughters Jane, Grace who married George Smith, she had two daughters and one grandson but they all died years ago. Grace died September 18th 1937, after 77 years old. She would be born in 1860. Grandma had brothers but don't know about them. One was Tom, and Charlie, Bill of Toronto, Jack and I thought I heard her speak of Andy. I never saw any of these only Bill of Toronto and Charlie. I'm not sure if this is all of them. Mary who died many years ago had married John Henry. I though Mother told me of two boys, one of whom she called little Charlie but can't fill in any of this. [New page ] Arthur John Blair was born February 14, 1887 He married Pearl Riddell in October 1910 Their family was as follows Kenneth Ulmont [Wilmont?] born March 3rd, 1911 Arthur Melvin born January 29th, 1913 John Beverly born June 8th, 1920 Kenneth Ulmont [Wilmont?] never married and died February 19, 1953. Arthur Melvin died November 11th, 1913. Their infant son Arthur John Blair died October 5th 1934 Pearl Blair died January 25th, 1950 [New page ]

I was married to Roy K Dewar on August 17, 1927. Roy, my husband died on June 25th, 1965. Our family is Donald Charles Dewar April 27th, 1931 Mary Phyllis born June 24th, 1938 Kenneth Jye Born December 21st, 1941 Donald married Ruth Daer on July 9th, 1960 Their children Keith Donald born November 13th, 1962 Carol Ann born September 2nd, 1964 Karen Elizabeth born March 4th, 1967 [New page ] This is Uncle Will Blair’s family, eldest son of William Blair and Jane Buchanan. William Thomas Blair born July 1, 1880, died October 24th, 1965 His wife Marion Evelina Jane Hamilton, born August 17th, 1881. Died January 25, 1955 W T Blair and M E J Hamilton were married June 26th, 1907. Their children William Robert (Nelson) Blair, born March 22nd, 1915 (Marion) Agnes Ruth Blair, born July 17th, 1925. William Robert Nelson where it married Audrey Florence Cook, June 8th 1942 Audrey Florence Cook was born May 8th, 1915. Children of Nelson Audrey Blair are Robert George born March 13th, 1944 (Bob) Richard Nelson born February 8th, 1948 (Dick) John Kenneth born August 10th, 1952 (John) [New page ] Albert Edward Blair born November 16th, 1890 Married Margaret Horne Vallance April 4th, 1917 Their family Margaret Helen born April 29th, 1918 died April 15th, 1935 Isabel Jane born November 11th, 1919 John Bryce born January 12th, 1922, and died April 16th, 1935 The children died of diphtheria. Dorothy Phyllis born January 15th, 1921 Bruce Duncan born February 2nd, 1944 died April 1st, 1924 Their daughter Isabel Jane married Robert Juffs, January 6th, 1945 Isabel and Robert Juff’s family Margaret Gail born September 25th, 1946 Joan Phyllis born May 3rd, 1955 John Blair their son born May 13th, 1957 [New page ]

This is my great uncle Charlie Buchanan's family Charlie died Feb 18th, 1943 He married an English girl, Janet Anderson in December 1918 – not too sure of the date Their children Edna Mae born May 1st, 1920 died June 8th, 1920 Isabel Jane born March 31st, 1921 Charles Harvey born March 30th, 1923 Andrew Ray August 24th, 1925 Isabel married Howard Acheson April 9th, 1938 Their family, one daughter Annie Jane born April 11th, 1938. Annie married Glen Small about 1957 or 1958 Their children Brian was born July 15th, 1960 Brenda was born June 6th, 1962 Allen was born August 19th, 1964 [New page ] Marion Agnes Ruth Blair married Norman Leonard Baiers Oct 5th, 1946 Norman Leonard Baiers was born December 13th, 1923 Their children are William Leslie born February 4th, 1949 (Bill) Bruce Norman born December 19th, 1951 Brian Allan born August 5th, 1958 [New page ] Uncle Charlie Blair's second daughter hasn't sent me any information of her family dates. I will send what I can tell you and if she sends it soon, I will send it along. She is Jane Eliza Blair born October 13th, 1913. She married Roy Peter Jacobs on June 1st, 1935. There family Kenneth Roy Jacobs born November 30th, 1935 Frank Malcolm born September 7th, 1937 Donna Jane Jacobs, born July 17th, 1939 Kenneth Jacobs married Audrey Debus. They had two daughters last I heard it, Cindy and Janet. Malcolm is married and I have no information on his wife or family. Donna married Michael Murphy and they had one son Kevin, when I last heard of her. [New page ] This is Uncle Charlie Blair’s youngest daughter Nora’s background. Nora Lorraine Blair was born December 22nd, 1918 died March 31st, 1958. July 1st 1938, she married H. Clifford Kelley, born April 25th, 1904 and died Feb 29, 1964

Daughter Lorna Lorraine Kelly born August 20, 1940 Married Bruce Albert Heinbuch, born March 16th, 1938 Their children Thomas Albert born October 9th, 1960 Christine Norah born April 27th, 1963 Kathleen Norah born Feb 22nd, 1965 [New page ] Charles Harvey [Buchanan] married in England. His wife's name is Phyllis Their children Sandra October 1st, 1943 Andrea born September 29th, 1940 Harvey born at the November 26, 1954 Michelle August 13th, 1962 Sandra is married to Mr. Wreford Their children are – Harvey’s for the grandchildren Dwayne, April 2nd, 1962 Tara, March 8th, 1966 Andrew Ray, Charlie's youngest son married Jean Broughton January 13th, 1950 Their children Barry born April 19th, 1952 Wayne August 21st, 1954 Donald October 7th, 1955 Andrea was married October 11th, 1967 to a Mr. Marshall – she's Harvey's daughter [New page ] Jane Eliza Blair born October 13th, 1914 married Roy Peter Jacobs June 1st, 1935. Roy died January 28th, 1961 Their children Roy Kenneth born November 30th, 1935 Frank Malcolm September 7th, 1937 Donna Jane Ann July 17th, 1939 Kenneth Jacobs married Audrey Debus born December 16th, 1938 married in 1957 Their children Janet Lee Jacobs born September 11, 1960 Cindy born March 23rd, 1962 Malcolm married Joan Castator June 30th, 1962. She was born February 1st, 1936 Their children Roy born January 1st, 1964 Waneta Joan born September 7th, 1966 Donna married Michael Paul Murphy in 1961, born October 13th, 1938

Their children Kevin Michael born August 26th, 1964 Brian Patrick born June 20th, 1967 [New page ] William Charles Blair, a son of Charlie and Mary Blair was born on July 2nd, 1911. He married Violet Haehnel but I have no date. They had four children Elizabeth Anne born in August 1937 Mona Violet born Feb 25th, 1939 Luella Catherine born in September, 1940 William Charles born May 1st, 1943 These folks all have a family and I have written to the widow to send the information, with no answer. “Bill” as Charlie’s son was known died June 22nd 1949. [New page ] [This changes the surname from Van Horne] Rose Ellen Berneice Blair, Uncle Charlie Blair’s eldest daughter, born February 3rd, 1908, died January 29th, 1944 Married Joseph Van Bradley Horn on October 5th, 1929. Van died in September 1949 Her family Joseph Van born October 3rd, 1930 Marion Lorraine, her daughter, born April 13th, 1933 died April 21st, 1933 Samuel John was born March 26th, 1936 Rose's son Joseph Van married Mary Marion McCracken of September 29th, 1954 (he is called Joe) Joseph Van’s family Deborah Rose born October 29th, 1955 Marion Joan born December 21st, 1957 Joseph Bradley October 7th, 1960 Lis Lavonne May, 1966 Sam Horn Barry flows to fit April 26th, 1958 Their children Laurie and Lorraine October 7th, 1959 Stephen William September 28th, 1963 [New page ] Maud Mae Blair was born June 17th, 1882 Married Harvey Dillahoy in April I think in 1919. She had no family and died on June 17th, 1952 William Charles Blair married Mary Henry in July 1902. William Charles died 5 October 2nd, 1950 Mary Ann his wife died April 25th, 1961 Their family Rose Ellen Berneice born February 3rd, 1908

William Charles July 2nd, 1911 Jane Eliza born October 13th, 1915 Nora Lorraine born December 22nd, 1918 Rose Ellen Bernice died January 29th, 1944 William Charles died June 22nd, 1949 Norah Lorraine died March 30th, 1958 [New page ] Dorothy Phyllis married James McDaid April 8th 1942 (Bert Blair’s youngest daughter) Their children Larry James born July 19th, 1946 Linda Sharon born April 17, 1948 Mark Wayne born December 17, 1954 Wendy Carol May 26th, 1957 Ronald Kevin December 7th, 1958 Kenneth Stuart January 31st, 1962 All in an envelope from : Mrs. Roy A. Dewar West Monkton, Ontario ____________________________________________

Dec 8, 2005 John Buchanan Family - From Marg Abernethy Carlson Dear Bill, This is in reply to your message. I now have my own e-mail. My mom, Lillian Abernethy, did indeed know her grandparents as they lived with Lizzie and Dan McGillivray in Neepawa until they died. My aunt Mary Cottrill is 97 and she remembers being scared skinny to go upstairs into the grandma's room because she was sure she was dead. Mom says that Uncle Carl was always the favourite grandchild and that grandma always had a candy in her pocket for him and not the others. She remembers them as being very old with her grandma in long dresses. Aunt Mary is very great at telling stories and if you visited her in Melfort I'm sure you would have a few more stories. But hurry...she is 97! Sincerely, Marg Carlson ____________________________________________

Dec 8, 2005 Puzzle Who are these people??? Can you help me to identify them?

Andy might be Lorne's brother, but who is Ivan Cumming who is a cripple and has a family Bible? And who is Mrs. Harvey Scott? And for that matter, who is Harvey Scott? And who is Helen? (perhaps a wife or daughter of Andy) Bud might be Nels' son, or Darlene's father, or someone else.

Bill _______________________________________________________________ June 1st, 1968 Dear Lorne and Doris Got home at midnight safe and sound. Helen beat me to the farm. I phoned Ivan Cumming and the information you have is correct, also Mrs. Harvey Scott. She is cousin of Ivan Cumming. Cumming can't come, as he is a cripple. But he has a family Bible with all the information in and, and I asked him if he would mind if we had a look at, and he said he would only be too happy to show it to us. So I think you and Dad better come in and see him. Also Mrs. Scott and she has three brothers in here. She was born at Rossburn. I'm off for the afternoon of June 12th, until the night of 15, so if you can make it in then, I would not mind going with you. We could maybe run out to Miami at the same time. If you can't make it write and let me know what information you want, and I phoned Bud and he said he would go with me. Hoping to hear from you. Andy


Dec 8, 2005 Letters from the Past, Part 6 [Part 6] June 4th, 1968 Dear Buchanan Cousins I received a cordial invitation from you all to meet with you at Neepawa July 7th for the Buchanan reunion. I should like very much to be with you but it looks like a big undertaking for old lady like me. I am 86 and still quite active though slowing up. The winters keep me in and the summers perk me up, as I can get out in the garden for short times. I try to keep ahead of the weeds. This year my daughter Mary has been teaching full time and is up to me to prepare the dinner but this is the last week of school.

New page ] Mary (Mrs. Guile) will be home to take over. The third girl Jeanne will be home this weekend from East Lansing Wisconsin. He has one more year. Young Mary Marsha Guile may stay in California with her sister Joanne Chapman. She was in high school there, to finish for spring term and may stay for her final year. She is 17 and will graduate next year. Their father had been mentally ill for the past two years and his doctor has not yet given his consent to go back to practicing medicine. He seems OK but requires a lot of rest. Well if I had the grit that Annie Brae has I might do a little traveling. She is a brick and I like her a lot. She told me of the many friendly people she met last year. Yours Helena Marshall [New page ] In Memoriam Milton W. Patrick 1894 – 1966 Services Saturday 1:00 p.m. August 27th, 1966 Pierce Mortuary Officiating Rev. W. Brewster Willcox Bostwick Lake Congregational Church Bearers John Davenport Edward Graham Don Richardson Jack Richardson Don Spykerman Richard Stout Interment Rockford Cemetery Instead of Don Spykerman, William Davenport was here in time to be a bearer. Then all were nephews. William and family are in Boston visiting his wife's people. [New page ] [New document ] Box 272

McCreary, Manitoba January 9th, 1969 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan Would like to get a copy of the Buchanan Clan if there is to be one published. We forgot to put our name on the list at the last summer's reunion. Also we have a new addition to our family. We would like his name added. Malcolm Todd Buchanan born on October 27th, 1968. We hope it is not too late to have his name in the book. Thank you for all your trouble. Sincerely, Milton and Jean Buchanan [New page ] [New document ] Oranole, Manitoba June 27th, 1967 Hi Everyone If you aren't biting your fingernails by this time, it's a wonder. I rushed out the invitations also wrote to quite a few just leaving them to fill in dates and names, and to date I've received one answer from Doris (Harold Buchanan's wife). He sent all she could which I'm enclosing. Harold would not cooperate so she was unable to let us know any data on his first wife and other three children. She sent his daughter my address but I've not heard yet. Alf Laurence acknowledged the invitation but I had not asked him for info. After you left I couldn't remember if you have got all you asked for, so will send this in. Tom's mother, Mrs. Isabella Campbell Buchanan passed away August 14th, 1948 I'm hoping some have sent direct to Neepawa as they would get the address with the invitation. We hope you folks are all well and getting along all right with the family tree. I will send any information I get as it arrives. Yours sincerely, Lillian Buchanan Box 17 Oranole, Manitoba [New page ] Beverly Bernard born February 22nd, 1927 died September 3rd, 1951 Doris Bowering born October 21st, 1908 married to Harold March 8th, 1948.

[New page ] July 5th, 1967 903 Bruce Street Port Alberni B.C. Dear Mrs. T. E. Buchanan Thank-you for at the invitation to the family reunion. Sorry that we cannot attend it, but our holidays do not coincide. However I'm proud to be part of the Buchanan Family tree. I'm the youngest daughter of Harold Buchanan. The names and birth dates of my family are: William Nicholas Hucul born July 17th, 1927 Joyce Isabella Hucul born December 10th, 1931 Donna Gladys Hucul born January 18th, 1951 Dan William Hucul born June 1st, 1955 Yours truly Mrs. William Hucul

I did not get this until after the reunion – Lillian Buchanan [New page] [New document ] [author unidentified] Sanford George Buchanan 28 March 1901 Kathryn Margaret Averill 18 October 1901 Married 16 April 1926 Glen Kenneth, 12 July 1926 Elizabeth Katherine, 15 November 1929 Macklin Laurence, 16 October 1932 Nancy Louise, 6 February 1942 Glen married 1 November 1948 Helen Petrynko born August 4th 1927 Linda Margaret, 27 June 1949 Kenneth James, 23 April 1957 Linda married October 14, 1966 Danville Shane Trim Stewart Lee born April 5, 1967 Elizabeth married 11 February 1951 Alexander William Cass April 6th, 1928 Bonnie Catherine 13 September 1928 Sandra Jean 13 December 1959 [1929]

Macklin married Irene Pearl Kaspick, 16 March 1930 Kerry Leigh, 8 November 1956 Myles Sanford 4 October 1957 Randy Lawrence October 16, 1959 Gregory Franklin 4 September 1960 to Neal Macklin 12 September 12, 1966 [New page ] Weldon Roy Buchanan, 8 December 1904 Gladys Mcghie, 17 September 1912 Married 2 April 1942 Terry Weldon 25 February 1944

[New page ] [New document] Marjorie Mustoe 14 Arnold Avenue Winnipeg 13, Manitoba Mrs. J. L. Henry Riding Mountain Manitoba Dear Mrs. Henry, I was asked to make a list of our branch of the Buchanans and forward that to a son of Alex Buchanan of Birnie, but I have been on able to find him in the phone book here. Maybe you would be so kind as to send this to his father at Birnie and if it is not complete please let me know, and I'll do my best to fill in any additional information needed. With thanks Marjorie Mustoe My phone is globe 2 3124 [New page ] Son of John Buchanan James Buchanan married Sarah Watson, three sons, five daughters Children Lottie May married Georgia Turncliff One daughter Mrs. E. Clark Ernest George, deceased 1923

Eleanor Ruth married H. J. Ferguson, one son James Ferguson Annie Marjorie married W. H. Mustoe, no children Allan Edgar married Margaret Kelly, three sons, two daughters Robert Buchanan Ronald Buchanan Richard Buchanan Margo Buchanan Shirley Buchanan Dorothy Mildred married H. Hopkinson, three sons, two daughters Allan Hopkinson Bill Hopkinson Jim Hopkinson Judith Hopkinson Patricia Hopkinson Edith Muriel Buchanan [New page ] D. Keith Buchanan married Jacqueline Overwater, four sons, two daughters Ernest Buchanan Gerard Buchanan Gordon Buchanan Neil Buchanan at Cheryl Buchanan Marlene Buchanan [New page ] [New document] [Who are these people???] June 1st, 1968 Dear Lorne and Doris Got home at midnight safe and sound. Helen beat me to the farm. I phoned Ivan Cumming and the information you have is correct, also Mrs. Harvey Scott. She is cousin of Ivan Cumming. Cumming can't come, as he is a cripple. But he has a family Bible with all the information in and, and I asked him if he would mind if we had a look at, and he said he would only be too happy to show it to us. So I think you and Dad better come in and see him. Also Mrs. Scott and she has three brothers in here. She was born at Rossburn. I'm off for the afternoon of June 12th, until the night of 15, so if you can make it in then, I would not mind going with you. We could maybe run out to Miami at the same time. If you can't make it write and let me know what information you want, and I phoned Bud and he said he would go with me.

Hoping to hear from you. Andy [New page ] [New document] McCreary Dear Doris and Lorne Just a note in great haste. A relative arrived from Ontario today and brought some more information. She is a wealth of information herself. Some of this you have, so hope you can sort it out. This cousin who has come, Annie Brae McMane, is staying with Mabel Henry if you happen to be going there you can ask her, or on Saturday. Sincerely Leona Murphy [McCreary, MB –dp] [New page ] From Pearl Buchanan 1545 Bathurst Street apartment 308 Toronto 10, Ontario Granddaughter of Charles Buchanan and wife Nancy Porter Charles born 1817, died January 13, 1905 Family William Jack Charlie Tom Andy Grace Jane Mrs. John Henry name not known on the list I gave you last night. In William's family, wife Mary Maggie Myrtle born 1885 and died April 27th, 1888 Luella Vance born 1893 died October 28th, 1894 Charles Alexander born 1884 died January 1929 William Howard born 1889 died October 14th, 1953 Libby Pearl born 1890 On the family of James P. James Buchanan and Ann Scott, we still do not have all of the grandchildren etc. for John Edwin, but the rest are here and Robert and Margaret are already complete

[New page ] Andrew Buchanan and wife Jane McNielens arrived in Canada 1847. Andrew died in 1847 and buried in Kingston Pioneer Cemetery. Sons John, Isabel Watson William, Ann Thompson Charles, Nancy Porter James, Bessie Booth, later Bessie Glen Andrew, Mary Jane Booth Samuel, Mary Watson Robert, Margaret, (Robert died young and left two sons Andy and Bob, wife later married Mr. Long) Daughter Jane, James Watson Came from close by the town of Londonderry County Tyrone province of Donegal, Ireland. Had been in Ireland about two generations. Came from Kingston to Western Ontario in 1848. Settled in the bush. Survey made three years later, and became Elma township. ____________________________________________

Dec 8, 2005 Re: Some corrections and additions..... Hi Everyone, Thanks Elinor, Elinor has expanded the history and put the Pyper's info back in sequence. I have also made a few minor changes and additions. When editing, it is hard to know where to stop. (For example, I deleted the reference to William Buchanan's wife's name in one paragraph when I realized that the wording could leave the impression that she had died along with her baby.) Any further corrections and additions would be welcome. Many of the stories recorded by David James Watson can be found on my website, thanks to Elinor Daniels, Barry Snider, and Mabel Henry. http://billbuchanan.clawz.com or http://billbuchanan.zidev.com/ ZIDEV seem to be working on their servers and can't decide which name to use. (Neither was working when I tried just now.) Patience is not one of my greatest strengths, but I guess this is an opportunity to develop some more of it. :-) Have a great day!


____________________________________________________________________________ WATSON AND SNIDER FAMILY HISTORY [Written by Lorna Ruth Henry McDougall in 2005] [Additions by Elinor Carol Watson Daniels, and William Richard Buchanan] JANE BUCHANAN Born: February 26, 1836 Northern Ireland Married: James Watson Sept. 26,1856 Died: May 24, 1917 In 1847 during the potato famine in Northern Ireland, Andrew and Jane Buchanan (McNeilans) immigrated to Canada. They left the town of Omagh in the county Tyrone, (Parish of Ardstraw) arriving several weeks later in Kingston, Ontario harbor. There were eight children: Robert (Margaret Booth) -1815, Charles (Nancy Porter) -1817, James (Bessie Glen) -1825, William (Ann Thompson) - 1824, Andrew (Mary Jane Booth) -1826, Samuel (Mary Watson) -1830, John (Isabel Watson) - 1831, Jane (Our Grandmother) (James Watson) -1836 [The 1901 census gives these birthdates for John and Samuel: Buchanan John M Head M Aug 10 1829 71 [Ireland 1847] Buchannan Saml M Head M Mar 28 1832 69] While in quarantine in Kingston harbor, Andrew (father) and the little daughter of William died of ship's fever. They are buried in a Pioneer Cemetery in Kingston. Jane and her family moved west in Ontario and settled on crown land that three years later was surveyed as Elma Township in Perth County. William's daughter Margaret was the first white baby born in Elma Township (July 21, 1848). Robert was a weaver and from his loom came much of the cloth and blankets used by the settlers. Robert donated the land for the Trinity Anglican Cemetery in Elma. James had owned a sawmill in Ontario, but seemed to have a sense of adventure. He was a gold miner in the Cariboo and rode horseback through the Rockies to the west coast and back. John and Samuel spent a short time working in California, and in Gold Hill, Nevada in the huge underground mines of the famous Comstock Lode. Samuel could entertain the children for hours with his stories of bandits and vigilantes. William, Charles, and Andrew were pioneer farmers in Elma township, and Andrew came to Manitoba after he was widowed. Jane was eleven years old when she came to Canada. When she was twenty (1856) she married James Watson. JAMES WATSON Born: July 3, 1825 Prescott, Ont. Married: Jane Buchanan Sept. 22, 1856 Died: 1904 James Watson's father, also named James, was a stone mason from the Tweedside area of southeastern Scotland. He was one of the Scottish stone masons brought to Canada by the

government to build strategic structures that probably included the Rideau canal.

Jane and James had thirteen children: Robert (Margaret Watson) -1857, Maggie (Joseph Willerton) -1859, Elizabeth (Robert Buchanan) -1860, Adam (Christena Adamson/Mary Anne Fouston) -1862, Jane (Jack Snider) -1864, Solomon (Blanche Matthews) -1865, Annie (Dave Gardiner/Andy Snider) - 1867, David (Our Grandfather, married Minnie Snider) -1869, Mary (David McLarty) -1871, William (Sophia Monroe) -1873, Samuel (drowned) -1875, Isabelle (Andy Snider) -1877, Charles Allan (Kate Harvie) -1880. James and Jane Watson brought their family west to Manitoba in 1879. They settled on a homestead north of Neepawa, Manitoba. My Grandfather David Watson was ten years old when they made this journey. He told great stories of the trip. They came on an immigrant train to St. Boniface. He said the kids had a great time playing in Fort Garry, looking through the Peepholes for Indians. They came from Winnipeg to Neepawa (over 100 miles) by Ox Cart and Covered Wagon. The men and boys walked and the women, children, and supplies rode in the wagon. Grandpa said that the Ox Carts got stuck in the Red River Gumbo (mud) on what is now Portage Avenue. In later years Grandpa Dave made several trips by air. That is a lot of changes in one lifetime. In 1885 James and Jane moved to Riding Mountain. They opened the first farm in the area (S.E. quarter 16-18-15), and James became the first Reeve of Rosedale Municipality.

DAVID JAMES WATSON Born: April 22. 1869 (Perth County) Married: Minnie Snider - 1899 Died: Feb. 18, 1958 MINNIE MAUD SNIDER Born: June 18,1881 Married: David Watson -1899 Died: Jan. 19, 1935 David and Minnie farmed east of Riding Mountain, the first farm east of the railroad on the north side. They are buried in the Riding Mountain Cemetery.

SNIDERS The Sniders came from the U.S.A. they are what was known as Pennsylvania Dutch (German probably). There were a lot of Snider relatives in the Swan River area. I do not have much Snider history but I understand that Barry Snider is doing a Snider history, his email address is barrysnider@... JAMES SNIDER (Grandad) Born: Nov.5, 1838 Married: Elizabeth Ann Hutchinson Dec. 25, 1863 Died: Mar. 17, 1930

ELIZABETH SNIDER (Hutchinson) Born: Feb. 19, 1845 Died: Mar. 14, 1910 They had a triple wedding with Elizabeth's brother and cousin on Christmas day 1863. They had eleven children - Hannah Sophia, Nov 11, 1864, Annie Maria, Dec. 12, 1865, Mary Anne, June 7 1867 (died Oct. 17 1867), David Andrew, July 18, 1868, John Allan, July 5, 1870, Joseph Henry, Dec.29, 1872, Hestor Florence, June 20,1874, James Edward, Jun 27, 1876 (died May 11, 1877), Laura Elizabeth, April 6, 1878, Minnie Maud, (Our Grandmother) June 18, 1881, James William, Dec.6, 1882 Mom (Mable) liked to rattle off the names of her aunts. After Elizabeth's death in 1910, Grandad Snider lived with Min and Dave until his death in 1930. Mom loved him with all her heart. Mom was going to high school in Neepawa on March 17, 1930 she was getting ready for school and for no apparent reason she was crying, she felt Grandad's arms around her and he said "Don't cry Dearie it will be O.K." Later that day Uncle Roy came to the school to tell Mom that Grandad had died that morning. Grandad Snider was a fiddle player, seems one night Nels Buchanan and Jack Majury lost their violin out of the sleigh on the way to a party and decided to ask "Dad" Snider for his. Min wrote this poem about that event. Their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren JOSEPH ALBERT WATSON Born: May 16,1902 Married: Bessie McKone in 1932 Died: April 27, 1979 They have one son Ronald Blake (Ron) born [personal information deleted]. Ron and June have two children, Shayna and Cameron, and live in [personal information deleted] Bert worked for John Deere. He started in collections in Saskatchewan in the 1930s and finished his career as General Manager for eastern Canada in Burlington, Ontario.

DAVID (ROY) WATSON Born: July 4,1907 Died Sept 9 1984 Married: Phyllis Marian Foster in 1932. Born May 19th 1908....Died Oct. 13 2001 They have two daughters, Shirley (Doug Pyper) and Elinor (Richard Daniels). Shirley and Doug Pyper have two children Beth and John. Mary Elizabeth Pyper (Beth) Born: [personal information deleted] John Stuart Pyper Born: [personal information deleted]

Married: Kathryn Shaw on [personal information deleted] John and Kathryn have a baby girl named Madeleine Claire Born [personal information deleted] John is a Chef and Kathryn is a Teacher and they live in Niagara Falls. Ontario. Roy and Phyllis lived in Welland Ont. most of their years. Roy had returned to Ontario at the tail end of the depression. His first stay (looking for employment) was in Hamilton with Crawford and Jennie Nixon who were very good to our little family. He had many interesting tales to tell of the hard times he had before finding a job at the Atlas Steel Plant in Welland and being able to bring his family from Riding Mountain to Welland to be with him. They bought a "wartime " house, with only 2 bedrooms, but it was open to all who came from Manitoba (and more). After Mum got the company to bed with them wondering where we were going to sleep, Mum would push chairs together for makeshift beds and she always made sure we were up and all back in place by the time the company got up. I, (Elinor) remember coming home from school to find Ed Scott there many times and well remember the whisker rubs he loved to give me!!! "Uncle" Johnny McRae always came to get his new Ford cars at Mississagua, and have a very welcome visit. I remember him telling about how the police stopped and questioned him because they couldn't believe that a man would be traveling alone with his baby daughter!!! Toots Hunter lived with us for a few years too, and of course we were always happy to have Grandpa "Dave" stay with us. I used to have "croup" as a child and he would always tell Mum to go back to bed as he would take care of me ... and he always did. We even had "Buttons", Uncle Bert and Aunt Bessie's little Boston Bull Terrier live with us until they could settle in Burlington and find a home there. We had her for quite a while and it was hard to give her up when the time came. Dad worked for Atlas Steel in Welland. After Dad died in 1984, Mum moved to Port Dalhousie (Ont.) where she lived until her death in 2001 at 93 years of age.

Elinor and her husband (Richard Daniels) have four sons, David, Brad, Scott, and Stephen. Richard and Elinor live in [personal information deleted] from April to October and in [personal information deleted] from October to April. Richard worked for General Motors in St. Catharines until his retirement in 1991. Elinor had a Beauty Shop in Fonthill where they lived and raised their sons. Richard was very active in introducing and coaching Lacrosse in Fonthill, having himself played for the Mann Cup in Vancouver twice, (never winning though!!). David lives in B.C. Brad and his wife Margaret live in [personal information deleted]. Brad had his own construction business and Margaret is a project manager for the Royal Bank of Canada. Scott and his wife Allyson live in [personal information deleted]. After teaching Chemistry at Acadia University, and the University of Regina, Scott and Allyson settled in [personal information deleted] where Scott opted for the private sector and is in charge of analyzing the ore [personal information deleted]. Allyson is teaching at [personal information deleted]. Stephen and his wife Cathy live in [personal information deleted] Stephen is an urban planner for the city, and Cathy is a Nurse Practioner at [personal information deleted]. They have Richard and Elinor's only Grandchild. Abby Clair Kleibour Daniels, born [personal information deleted].

MABEL CLAIRE WATSON Born: May 21, 1913 Married: James Henry Oct. 16, 1937 Died: Sept 17, 1983 JAMES LAURENCE HENRY Born: June 16,1911 Married: Mabel Watson Oct 16, 1937 Died: Feb. 10, 1991 MABEL and JIM HENRY Mom and Dad were married in 1937 and lived in Riding Mountain for the next 44 years, they were an integral part of the community doing what ever needed doing. Mom decorated the church and sang at every wedding or funeral for years. Dad and my brothers were pretty good curlers once upon a time, Jerry still is. Dad and Grandpa (Bob Henry) had a sawmill for many years. In fact they sawed the trees from the Riding Mountains into the lumber that Dad used to build our new house in 1948. He built several other houses in the area also. Our old house was small and in the same yard. Jerry and I cried when we had to leave it. That was the only home we had known and we liked it. But big or small old or new our home always had lots of people and fun. Mom said "Where there is heart room there is house room" and so there was. Their door was always open. They believed that friends double your joys and divide your sorrows and they could have a house party at the drop of a hat (or a banjo). In the 1940s Dad had a trucking business, a lot of the "Boys" who returned from WW2 drove trucks for him. They closed down the sawmill and renovated it into a garage, and built a service station/hardware/farm supply. Their home and business was situated on #5 highway so anyone who had trouble on the road ended up with us, Dad could fix anything and Mom always had the kettle on. In 1979 they sold it all and retired to Neepawa. In September 1983 they were visiting friends in the Interlake and were involved in a traffic accident. Mom died at the scene and Dad had serious head injuries from which he did recover. Dad had macular degeneration so he couldn't cope on his own, so he spent 7 years at East View Lodge. We visited often so he stayed connected and interested with the rest of the world. He died of cancer in February, 1991. When our parents died we received letters from all over the country, many from people we didn't know, telling us how they had shown them one kindness or another and enriched their lives They left us a lot of great memories and a hard act to follow. We miss them! Mabel and Jim are buried in the Riding Mountain Cemetery. The children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of Mabel and Jim Henry:

LORNA RUTH HENRY Born: [personal information deleted]

Married: John (Jack) McDougall [personal information deleted]. Lorna and Jack had a Barber Shop and Laundromat in Glenboro MB. for 20 years, later opening a Dry Cleaning business in [personal information deleted]. Bradley John McDougall Born [personal information deleted] Married: Lisa Osborne [personal information deleted] Megan Elizabeth McDougall Born [personal information deleted] Evan Bradley McDougall Born [personal information deleted] Brad is a chartered accountant, he is a partner at PriceWaterhouseCoopers, in Vancouver. Bryce Allan McDougall Born [personal information deleted] Married: Susan Clement [personal information deleted] Erin Nicole McDougall Born [personal information deleted] Riley Andrew McDougall Born [personal information deleted] Maddison Jayne McDougall Born [personal information deleted] Bryce is a Periodontist in [personal information deleted]. Colleen Louise McDougall Born [personal information deleted] Married: Bruce Taylor [personal information deleted] Hannah Catherine Taylor Born [personal information deleted] Gabriella Grace Taylor Born [personal information deleted] Colleen is a nurse in [personal information deleted]. Catherine (Kate) Joan McDougall Born [personal information deleted] Married: Garfield Thompson, [personal information deleted] Jaylynn Claire Thompson Born [personal information deleted] Kate is Human Resource/Payroll specialist in [personal information deleted].

GERALD ROSS HENRY Born: [personal information deleted] Married: Patricia (Pat) Scott [personal information deleted] Jerry and Pat had an Electrical Contracting Business in Gladstone MB, Birch Hills and Whitewood, Saskatchewan, before retiring to [personal information deleted]. Sheila Dawne Henry Born [personal information deleted] Married: Craig Douglas [personal information deleted] Katelyn Dawne Douglas Born [personal information deleted] Tyler Jared Douglas Born [personal information deleted] Sheila is a Medical Records Librarian in [personal information deleted].

Darren James Henry Born [personal information deleted] Partner: Winnie Eldridge [personal information deleted] Darren is an Orthopedic shoemaker, he also has an upholstery business in [personal information deleted]. RAYMOND JAMES HENRY Born: [personal information deleted] Married: Wilma Clarke [personal information deleted] Married: Geri Gelsinger [personal information deleted] Ray worked for Manitoba Hydro and B.C. Hydro before starting his own hydro, construction company, Haida Installations. Corinne Rae Henry Born [personal information deleted] Married: Dennis Wideen [personal information deleted] Deserae Wideen Born [personal information deleted] Kayla Wideen Born [personal information deleted] Corrine is a Head Trauma Therapist in [personal information deleted] Ashley Miahael Henry Born: [personal information deleted] Married: Sharelyn Ganson [personal information deleted] Kegan Henry born [personal information deleted] Kimberly Henry born [personal information deleted] Ashley is an Electrician in [personal information deleted]

Dad's old fiddle Last night Dave was busily reading the news And he said "I am sleepy, I'll go take a snooze." He'd been sleeping some hours, t'was midnight or more When there came such a terrible bang at the door. The bangs were repeated again and again. We thought surely someone must be in great pain. Dave jumped out of bed and make tracks for the door And when he got there, well no wonder he swore. There stood two lads singing "High diddle diddle", Saying "Davie we've come to borrow Dad's fiddle. They're anxious to dance, so they all say, And we lost our own fiddle some where on the way. We knew there was no other one to be had

So they send us along for to try and get Dad's." The night being so cold, and Dave scantily dressed, He hustled upstairs where Dad was at rest. Said he, "Come Dad wake up and help solve this riddle There's two lads downstairs want to borrow your fiddle." Well, you may be sure Dad bristled at once. Said "They must think I am either a fool or a dunce. Where that fiddle goes old Snider goes too. So go back and tell them just what they can do. Let them dance 'round the room or swing in the middle. Or go to Sam Hill, but they'll not get my fiddle." Dave delivered the message, the boys gave a start, Said "They sent us to ask, we've now done our part. Then Dave went shivering back to his bed. While Dad fussed around in the room overhead. And the boys went away, and I knew they were mad, Saying "If we want the blamed fiddle, we'll have to take Dad." Minnie Watson [It also has four pages of photos. Unfortunately, my experience with scanning photocopies of photos is not highly successful. - Bill] ----- Original Message ----From: Elinor To: Bill Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 2:26 AM Subject: Some corrections and additions..... Dear Bill, I have taken the liberty to edit and add to the following part that pertains to our part of the family. I hope you will approve of the changes and additions. Somehow John and Beth Pyper were included in Aunt Mabels family and not in with Dad's (ROY)s. If it meets your approval please let me know.....Elinor. Attachment(not stored) WATSON AND SNIDER FAMILY HISTORY.rtf ____________________________________________

Dec 9, 2005 Letters from the Past, Part 7 Well, these letters help to fill in some gaps, and answer some of my previous questions. Bill

_______________________________________________________________ [Part 7] [New page] [New document] Eyebrow, Saskatchewan July 19th, 1969 Mr. Buchanan Dear Friends We sure planned on being with you and mother being a Willerton-Foulson, and may have been able receive the prize for the oldest at 85. But you see she came from Vancouver for a grandsons wedding the same week our camp meeting started and we had planned to leave from there if she stood up well. So on phoning Thomas [or Janis] Willerton, someone answered the phone after several attempts to get them and said he could be in BC. And as I left your phone [number] at home, I tried to phone Walter Mills, as I sent your phone to them, and could not get them. So our doubts of mother being up to the trip and day, we will plan on next year, as I gave a very good report of last year. And a good job you girls did of the names. I did hope to be able to get the books, so if you have books [New page ] let us know if the price and how things went, who came to the furthest, the oldest etc., and if Tom and Ruby were there not. Seen Florence Mills, heard they were in the midst of packing, yet they would make no trip till after. When no sure answer on the phone, we missed it all. So if mother goes back and she feels good, we may just drive down me and see some of you. Mrs. Henry sure looks and acts as my sister Vera. If possible, may bring her and Florence along. See how Annie Mills being 88 feels. She should not take such a trip. We're having quite a crop come but if the harvest clears up good we should see you. But let us know of it all. I thank you. Your cousin Angus Foulston [George Angus Foulston] Let us know if George Watson was from BC [New page] [New document ] RR 1, Aylmer, Ontario September 1st, 1967 Dear Cousins, Maybe I should let you know that I arrived home to Ontario safely after seven weeks.

I think my daughters gave a sigh of relief, but I had to tell them that I enjoyed every day and was thankful for good health each day, also no serious car trouble. I arrived here the evening of August 14th. Then was so busy that week I sometimes wondered why I came back. I had to be home for the wedding of my granddaughter on that week, August 17th. I have just two granddaughters age 22 and 20, and no sons or grandson. Since then I've been busy with the garden and drove to a few towns hoping to find Buchanan tartan cups and saucers. Dave Bradshaw is a wholesale dealer who goes to Europe to buy dishes and told me the manufacturers in England have quit making the tartan dishes. So I'm going to have to keep asking in smaller stores. I also have been to three cemeteries to check dates of our grandparents. And in one I saw a small white stone with Robert Buchanan clearly on that. [New page] The stone was short (or low) and might have been set down into the base when the cemetery with cleaned and put in better order to some years ago, but it is quite clear to read. Robert Buchanan died May 22nd, 1868 aged 53 years Bert could this be your grandfather? Robert was a weaver. He donated the ground for this cemetery, an Anglican cemetery on the 12th concession of Elma. His mother was one of the first burials. I am enclosing a page I have copied from clippings kept here by a cousin, (a granddaughter of Alexander), William Buchanan's youngest son. I have some information for Lawrence but not all completed and I hope to be sending it in two or three weeks. Bert should I ask you to give this letter to Mr. Lorne Buchanan as I am over running my space. I will write on back of page 1. And now I want to tell you again how much I enjoyed meeting yourself and your wife and so many others, and to wish you continued good health, a strong faith in our Lord and that we may some time meet again. With love from Annie Mrs. A. McMane, RR 1, Aylmer, Ontario In what order of age were our grandparents? I think William was the oldest. Where did Robert come in the family? [New page] September 1st, 1967

Dear cousins The descendants of William Buchanan is not complete yet and I have some names with dates but not all. James's son Edwin had eight, four sons and four daughters but I have written to each for names of their families, more than 30. I hope to send to you some time in September. Also Uncle Andrew’s family. I hope to have answers from them soon. Then one if the original seven sons was Charles who had four sons and two daughters. Several of their families were not listed July 8th, I understood Leona Murphy to say. I remember years gone by that Tom Buchanan and his wife Helen Cochrane visited part of a winter with my father. Tom was the son of Charles and so was the first cousin of my father. They came from Manitoba and I think it was Rossburn. Were there any Buchanans from Russell? I think the towns are out west toward the Saskatchewan boundary. Also relatives here claim that our grandparents William and Ann were very emphatic about saying that they left Armagh, Ireland and also that no Buchanans were buried at sea. Sorry to be so abrupt. Will write again this fall and hope to take more time. Love Annie [New page] [New document] February 14th, 1968 West Monkton Mr. Lorne Buchanan Dear Cousin I promised to send more information for your book. Did Jane Blair who is Charles Blair's only surviving child send the data on her own family? I should have sent this sooner, but illness in my own family held me up. Don's wife and children had all been sick. Karen, the baby, was in the hospital for almost a month. She is home now and Bert Buchanan’s daughter Myrta Darroch is caring for her. Don's wife had a mental collapse early in January, and so at present is [New page] In Ontario Hospital at Goderich, Ontario. She is improving but those things take some time to cure. I have two grandchildren with me, Keith 5 and Carol 3, so can see I don't run out of work. I guess I’m slower than I used to be too. Just growing older. Reuben Buchanan was buried Monday. He was one of Robert and Lizzie’s cripples. They're all gone now. Lived in Donegal, Ontario. Willie and Alex are all that are left now. Not I will send Jane’s family. Never did hear from Mrs. William Blair at Stratford.

Hope this is not too late to be a help you. Sincerely Theora Dewar [New page] Jane has married her name is Mrs. W. A. Tomlinson 59 Bellacaine Drive Toronto 18, Ontario Harbour Park Sites [New page] [New document] West Moncton, Ontario December 2nd, 1967 Mr. Lorne Buchanan Neepawa, Manitoba Dear Sir, I have been helping Annie McMane to gather information of our relatives. I'm so sorry that this was left until now, for my mother, also Uncle Will Blair who died in 1965 could help me with a lot of it. I have most of our living ones and a lot of the older folks deaths. I am Minnie Blair’s daughter. Mary Jane was her name but Minnie she was called. There's only Uncle Bert in Penn, Saskatchewan left of all the family. I am the eldest grandchild. And of course now I am one [New page] of the grandmas myself. Now I hope I have been a little help and when and if the book gets published I am sure a lot of the Ontario friends would like to know about it. You'll see I have no response from two members of the gang, but if they send me any information I will send it later. I will close for now and wish you all the best in your venture. Theora Dewar [New page] Just little note to say Charlie Buchanan's wife Janet Anderson left him when his family was little. She left with another man to England. Word came this summer in August or September that she had died. She would have been about 70 years old. Many years younger than Charlie. All in all it was not a very happy marriage due to the great difference in their ages.

Theora Dewar [New page] [New document] Hertz System Firth Car Rentals Company 240 West Trail St. Jackson, Michigan Code 517 Phone 784-2905 May 18th, 1968 Mr. Lorne Buchanan: I am so sorry to have taken so long in getting this information to you. My time is not my own and the find it very difficult in getting anything done but renting cars and checking them in. It would be very nice to meet all our relatives. I believe we have some I didn't know we had. If any of you are near Jackson, Michigan we certainly would like to see you. Looking forward to hearing more about the Buchanan Family Tree. Most sincerely Irene I Firth Home address 635 Loomis St. Jackson, Michigan [New page] You can contact Mrs. Mabel Sinclair 879-4th Avenue Kenora Ontario For information on Charles Robert Buchanan family that Stan was unable to supply. Send invitation to her [New page] Hertz System Firth Car Rentals Company 240 West Trail St. Jackson, Michigan Code 517 Phone 784-2905

Family of Thomas Buchanan Thomas Buchanan born March 15th, 1852 Death December 3rd, 1925 Ellen Cochrane Buchanan born March 20th, 1855 Death April 16, 1930 Children of Thomas and Ellen Charles Robert Buchanan born September 10, 1877 Death 1952 Mary Eva Ellen Buchanan born Feb 21, 1885, in a rest home in Winnipeg Jessie Buchanan born July 14th, 1886 Death November 15th, 1962 William Thomas Buchanan born April 19th, 1889 death July 10th, 1963 Jane Stanley St. Clair Buchanan born October 3rd, 1891 death September 15th, 1949 Children of Charles Robert Buchanan Helen Taylor Carl Buchanan Mabel Sinclair Margaret Wallace Winona Ernest Buchanan Dorothy Coops Dorcas Ruth Stanley Buchanan Contact Mrs. George Coops, 215 North Halifax, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada Mary Eva Ellen Cumming Earl Cumming Lois Cumming Chapman Ivan Cumming Stuart Cumming Contact Mr. Ivan Cumming 409 Brandon Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada James Stanley Buchanan Audrey Scott Archie Buchanan Contact Mrs. Harvey Scott, 520 Montague, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada William Thomas Buchanan Children living in Jackson, Mich. Mae F. Buchanan Wilmoth – one child Phyllis Mae Donley Irene I Firth – home address: 635 Loomis street, Jackson, Mich. Charles Robert Buchanan Two children Sandra L. Buchanan Skinner Diana L. Buchanan [New page]

Family of Mary Eva Allan Cumming Married John Cumming March 15th, 1905 Earl Cumming born May 9th, 1906 Married 1948 Gladys Cowie, no family Lois Cumming Chapman born May 9th, 1911 Married James Chapman, James died 1946 One son Kenneth, wife Anita Baxter Two children Roberta and James Ivan Cumming born July 29th, 1913 Married Jane Knowles in 1944 Two children James Roy Cumming born June 30th, 1946 Jo-ann Lynn born July 5th, 1952 Stuart Cumming born October 14th, 1927 Married Marion Anderson in 1943 Five children Lynda Lee married Richard Butler October 16th, 1965 – son James born September 18th, 1967 Robert Bruce born Feb 12, 1947 Larry John born July 24th, 1948 married Leslie Carlyan McLean Randy Stuart born November 6th, 1953 John David born September 10th, 1957 [New page] Charles Robert Buchanan born September 10th, 1877 died 1952 married Luella Reilly Helen died 1964 married Tom Taylor, no children Mabel married Stan Sinclair Carl died 1955. daughter Carol living in in Regina married Margaret married James Wallace, son James married with three children Ellice died 1960 married Rene Johnson, three children Stanley born December 31st, 1911 married Jennie Simpson in 1938 Children Charles Neil November 28th, 1940 married Fern Jefferies Lynn Ellen, January 28th, 1947 Robert Jay, July 2nd, 1949 Winona died 1965, married Dave McEachern, five children Dorcas married George Dan Desemple, two adopted children Dorothy married George Coops, two adopted children, Gail and Randy

Ruth married George Blanche, no children Ernest not married, no children [New page] James Stanley Buchanan family Married Catherine Isabel McNeal Thomas Archibald Buchanan born September 20th, 1918 married Edith Spicer 1945, 1 child Mary-Ann, born 1946 Audrey Ellen Anna Buchanan born March 24th, 1920 Married Harvey Archibald Scott December 15th, 1939 Five children Elizabeth Ann born May 22nd, 1941 married George Gordon Stewart April 27th, 1963 Children Dawn Lee born February 2nd, 1966 Timothy George born June 7th, 1967 John Gordon born 1942 married Barbara Hayward August 3rd, 1961 children Patricia Dawn, deceased Kimberly Barbara born March 31, 1961 Kenneth born March 15th, 1964 Gwen Marie born January 18th, 1946 married Lorne Sawchuk August 12th, 1967, no family Terry Mitchell born May 20th, 1951 James Harvey born October 24th, 1956 [New page] [New document] 10006 Monica Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48304 7-14-68 Mr. Mrs. Lorne C. Buchanan Dear cousins First will introduce myself. I am the daughter of Mary Elizabeth Hymer. You likely we heard of her, so I'm Jean. Annie Brae wrote me about our family and also my grandfather's so I will send in as much as I know about them. We were unable to get to the Buchanan reunion as my husband over a year ago lost fluid out of his equilibrium and has been dizzy and off-balance ever since. So till he is better he’s unable to drive much. Do hope everyone had a good time, maybe some time in the

[New page] future will be able to go. Guess I would meet a lot of relatives I never knew. I really don't know hope you belong to a less Andrew, but if you're ever this way we would love for you to visit us. With love Jean Martin P.S. sending you the list. That I hope I have made it clear enough for you. (Ed and I have no family) [New page] Thomas Earl Hymers Family June Hymers born August 23rd, 1929 Married Tony Andrews Thomas Edward Hymers 17 September 1939 June Hymers Andrews family Mary Beth born February 26th, 1954 Joan Margaret December 6th, 1957 Melissa Ann 1962 My second oldest brother's family [New page] Pearl Tibbitts family Blanch Tibbitts born March 27th, 1923 married Ed Morley born March 6th, 1921 Hazel Tibbitts March 25th, 1931 Married Bud Rhyne born July 7th, 1924 Robert Tibbitts March 18th, 1928 married Junita Lester born March 25th, 1931 Blanch Morly family Ed Jr. born May 23rd, 1945 Debbie born April 22nd, 1954 Ed Jr. family Married Maxine One child Annett Morley Robert Tibbitts family David Tibbitts born June 11th, 1958 Kenneth Tibbitts born March 28th, 1961 My second sister and her family

[New page] Hazel Hymers McDonald Family Marion Jean McDonald born September 30th, 1935 Married Harold School born May 3rd, 1929 Harold Jr. Born September 8th, 1948 Robert born September 6th, 1951 Terry born August 8th, 1956 My oldest sister’s daughter’s family [New page] Andrew Alexandre Hymers family Judy Lee Hymers born December 19th, 1937 Married Robert O'Connor born November 14th, 1938 Alyce Kay Hymers born May 5th, 1940 Married Johnny Hopeck born April 11th, 1941 Judy Lee O'Connor family Robin Kay born September 2nd, 1965 Kelly Lee born February 11th, 1968 Alyce Kay Hopeck family Tracy Lee born January 16th, 1964 My youngest brothers family [New page] Buchanans W. Andrew’s Andrew W. born July 9th, 1850 died February 15th, 1912 Wife Eliza Jane Burke born 1869 died March 31st, 1912 Family Mary Elizabeth born Feb 25, 1877 died July 31st, 1958 Married Robert Hymers born August 20th, 1869, died April 12th 1937 Annie Buchanan March 27th, 1879 died Feb 25, 1955 Married William McMillan born January 30th, 1863 died March 22nd, 1943 William S. Buchanan born 1880 married Mary Frazer Margaret Adeline November 9th, 1881 died January 5th, 1955 Married John W. Snelling born May 18th, 1882 died May 30th, 1962 John J. Buchanan born 1884 died 1933 Married Marie Chapman, still living Joe Buchanan born 1892 died 1941

Married Eva, I don't know her last name Andrew A.Buchanan – My grandfather's family [New page] Robert Ulmont Hymers family Andrew Burnell Hymers born March 16th, 1926, died August 5th, 1967 Married Lois Doom born December 30th 1928 Delmar Buddington Hymers born August 6th, 1927 Andrew Burnell Hymers Family Wendy born Feb 10, 1949 Paulina born December 6th, 1952 Patrick born August 12th, 1956 My oldest brother's family also his oldest son’s family [New page] Robert Hymers and Mary Elizabeth Buchanan Family Annie Hazel born January 15th, 1896 Married Gordon McDonald born 1896 Eliza Jane (Jean) born January 7th 1898 Married Edward R. Martin born July 18th, 1894 Pearl Adeline born August 28th, 1900 Married Cecil F. Tibbitts born February 28, 1901 Robert Ulmont born August 25th, 1902 Married Mable Barton born December 5th, 1906 Thomas Earl born September 6th, 1904 died November 9th, 1958 Married Rheubena Bennett born 1902 Blanch Loretta born April 30th, 1906 died April 7th, 1928 Andrew A. born September 3rd, 1912 Married Margrie Warfield born June 25th, 1913

This is my or our family [New page] [New document] Mr. Ivan Cumming, 409 Brandon, Winnipeg 453-4273 Son of Mary Eva Cumming, grandson of Thomas and Ellen Buchanan Mrs. Harvey Scott, 520 Montague, Winnipeg, 452-5756

Daughter of James Stan Buchanan, and granddaughter of Thomas and Ellen Buchanan We heard about these from Mrs. Irene I Firth, 635 Loomis Street, in Jackson, Mich. Who runs a car renting Ivan Cumming has a family Bible with all information. Dad go to see him. Mrs. Harvey Scott came from Rossburn. Dad go see her brothers in here. Stan Buchanan 875 Campbell St. 489-9660 [New page ] [New document] Family Tree of Jacob Henry Patrick Born at East Oxford Ontario May 21st, 1857 and died in Royal Oak, Mich. May 12th, 1950 Maple Grove cemetery, North Branch Married June 13th, 1881 to Elizabeth Buchanan born at Donegal, Perth County Ontario January 28th, 1856 died royal Oak Michigan November 22, 1948 Children of Jacob and Elizabeth Patrick Helena Myrtle born on farm in North Branch October 10th, 1881 Jennie Ethelyn born on farm in North Branch February 14th, 1883 married Richard Elliott December 25th, 1916 Annie Berthal born on farm in North Branch November 26th, 1885 died March 12th, 1937 Hazel Bernice born on farm in North Branch July 31st, 1887 Infant son born on farm in North Branch March 23rd, 1890 lived 10 days Elizabeth Gladys born on farm in North Branch January 27, 1892 William Milton born on farm in North Branch March 22nd, 1894 died August 24, 1966 buried in Rockford Michigan cemetery Children of Helena Myrtle and John Alexander Marshall DDS born August 16th, 1879 died February 4th, 1942 Mary Helena Marshall born September 15th, 1911 in town of North Branch Michigan, (only child) married Gurdon Sanford Guile, MD born June 13, 1906 Children of Mary and Gurdon Guile Nancy Susan born October 30th, 1942 in Flint, Mich. Married to Douglas Matthew Spence September 18th, 1965 Joanne born May 11th, 1944 married to David Chapman March 18th, 1967 Jeanne Stuart born March 2nd, 1947 Mary Marsha born April 24th, 1951

[New page] Jennie Ethelyn and Richard Elliott had no children, Royal Oak Michigan Children of Annie Berthal and William Edward Graham born September 23rd, 1885 married November 26th, 1907

Elizabeth Genevieve born August 17th, 1908 in Detroit married Edward O. Spencer William Edward born February 4th, 1917 Kenneth Albert born June 16th, 1920 Children of Elizabeth Genevieve and Edward Oliver Spence – live in Detroit Robert Edward born October 19th, 1938 Donald Clark born May 18th, 1944 Children of William Edward and Eunice Werfell – live in Detroit Dennis Edward born December 28th, 1941 Kenneth (Kit) William born May 28th, 1944, a daughter Kim Louise William Edward III born November 7th, 1945 Elizabeth Anna December 15th, 1952 Children of Kenneth Albert and Pauline Ross of Florida, live in Birmingham, Michigan Kenneth born December 26th, 1947 Christine born June 2nd, 1959 [New page] Children of Elizabeth Gladys and Leo Preston Richardson John Preston Richardson (Jack ) born November 16th, 1914, in Detroit Marian Elizabeth born December 17th, 1916 Donald Leo born April 20th, 1920 Children of John Preston and Edna Mary Jacobson of Grand Hanan, Mich. living in Birmingham, Mich. John Preston born November 25th, 1947 Mary Mantell born May 1st, 1950 Julie. Elizabeth born April 1st, 1954 Children of Marian Elizabeth and Howard Lawrence Linder, of Manistic, Mich. of Fort Monmouth, Red Bank, New Jersey Laurie Louise Linder born April 14th, 1942 married Tom Ryan, Detroit, June 1965 Jane Elizabeth Kinder born August 27th, 1947, in Detroit Howard Lawrence Linder April 8th, 1949, in Detroit Children of Donald Leo Richardson and Patricia Joan Walker of San Francisco California Living in Birmingham Patrick Preston born August 22nd, 1946 Donna Marguerite born August April 24th, 1948 William Milton Patrick and Helen Cota of Belding Michigan Home in Rockford Michigan Infant son died at birth [New page] Children of Hazel Bernice and William Bertrand Davenport born January 3rd, 1880 married December 1913 William Jacob born October 22nd, 1914

Robert Royal born February 8th, 1917 died 1929 Margaret Louise born April 18th 1919 died May 2nd, 1920, died infant Tomas Gordon December 3rd, 1922 John Alexander born April 25th, 1928 Children of William Jacob and Priscilla Rice of Massachusetts Living in Detroit Robert James born November 23rd, 1949 William Paul born November 22nd, 1952 Bruce Stephen born March 3rd, 1956 Peter born May 3rd, 1960 Children of Tomas Gordon and Sylvia Passerine of New York City Living in New York City Mario William born December 14th, 1954 Margaret Elizabeth born January 28th, 1956 Alice Ann born April 15th, 1958 Children of John and Patricia Pagett of Detroit Living in Detroit Elizabeth Jennifer born September 26th, 1954 Martha Louise for November 7th, 1956 Tomas Alexander born April 14th, 1959 John Patrick born September 19th, 1961

[New page] [New document] Royal Oak May 13th, 68 Dear cousins We received the invitations and will try to deliver them to those who will be most interested. I do not know if you also sent some to Ontario or not. Our families here are all so busy either with small families and after all it is a long way to Neepawa. If we were only young again, it would be such a pleasure to meet with all the families and our cousins. I had my 85th birthday in the hospital in February for a skin graft operation on a bad ankle and lower leg. I'm sure you would you have worked hard and long on getting the reunion going with all the planning it entailed. I failed to write in the children of Robert and Jackie Bracken Spence. They are Laurie born December 11th, 1960 Michael born November 16th, 1962 Patrick born Febraury 5, 1965 From Evelyn Patrick Elliott 226 East La Salle Royal Oak, Mich. 48073

[New page] [New document] Elizabeth Jane Buchanan Married Robert Campbell Margaret Jane Campbell Married Delucious A. Yorkton George Abel Yorkton Married Pearl Holmes Elizabeth Edith Elizabeth Yorkton Married Robert Ferris Robert A. Ferris Married Donna Van Horn Patricia Lee Ferris Samuel B. Ferris Married Irma J. Smith Beulah Jane Ferris Married William Allen Joanne Jane Allen Married George Creager Tammy Creager Married Charles McBride Kathy McBride Christine McBride Leigh Ann McBride Barbara Ann Allen Married Allan Wolf Married Clyde Jones Allan Ferris Jones William Samuel Allen Nicki Lynn Allen Ronald I. Ferris Married Betty Dunbar Michael Ronald Ferris Susan Kaye Ferris Married Irma J. Ferris Rhonda Jean Ferris Grace Alice Ferris Married James Marshall Gloria Jayne Marshall

Married Charles Szeidel Cari Lyn Szeidel Nancy Sue Marshall Married Rodney Edwards Kathy Marie Marshall James Samuel Marshall [New page] Marion David Ferris Married Bertha Harris Married Georgia Evans David Dallas Ferris Married Raymonde Bernard Carol Marie Ferris Ora Emma Yorton Married Claude Springsteen Max Springsteen Married Betty Root Judith Kaye Springsteen Married James Johnson Debra Springsteen Diane Springsteen Rebecca Jo Springsteen Randall Claude Springsteen Scott Glynn Springsteen Terry David Springsteen Edward Springsteen Married Norma Holmgren Linda Sue Springsteen Mark Springsteen Claudia Springsteen Dana Lynn Springsteen Wayne P. Springsteen Married Edith Vickers Gary W. Springsteen James L. Springsteen Vickie L. Springsteen Connie Sue Springsteen Daniel J Springsteen Sally Ann Springsteen Gregory A. Springsteen

Geoffrey T. Springsteen Dale Dean Springsteen June Jeanette Springsteen Married Henry Serges Rhonda Sue Serges David H. Serges [New page] Merritt Edward Yorkton Married Dorothy Jackson Mary Jane Yorkton Married William Griffin Paul Griffin Ann Griffin Married Mildred Teachout Robert Lee Yorkton Married Janice Crow Married Rose Taylor Robert Delucious Yorkton Married Gladys Campbell Lloyd Clare Yorkton Duane R. Yorkton Married Erva J. Root Darwin D. Horton Michael J. Yorkton Brenda Lee Yorton Lee Otis Yorkton Married Pearl Beebe Hugh Garvin Yorkton Married Paula Brown Tara Jane Yorkton Karmolee Esther Yorkton Married Fred Hinze Garth Mosher Yorkton Married Judy Campbell Trenda Michele Yorton Tanya Jo Yorton Lee Bruce Yorkton Married Jamie Darnell Tavia D. Yorkton

[New page] Descendants of Jane Campbell Yorkton daughter of Elizabeth Jane Buchanan married to Robert Campbell Part 8 ____________________________________________

Dec 10, 2005 Oops Yorton-Campbell Sorry to add to the confusion. It is the family of Delucious Alphonso (Barney) Yorton and Mary Jane Campbell (daughter of Big Big Campbell and Elizabeth Buchanan) in the gedcom file. Bill


Dec 10, 2005 Buchanan-Cochrane and Yorton-Buchanan families The letters in Part 7 give much more complete information on these two families. I am attaching gedcom files on these families to compare with your existing information. In the case of the Yortons I almost had to start over, my previous information was such a mess. The info on the other family merely filled in a bunch of blank spots (Cummings, etc.). I hope you are having a wonderful week. We got basically "chinook" weather yesterday, which seldom happens this far north. Strong warm winds blew throughout the day, removing nearly all of the snow.

Bill Attachment(not stored) Yorton.ged


Dec 10, 2005 Possible ancestry of James Watson

I forwarded this message as an attachement, but on the copy I received the attachment was missing. I have no idea where it went. This is scary when you think that people sometimes come to me for computer help! Bill Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 11:18:01 -0500 From: James Forrest To: bill.buchanan@... Subject: Re: Drumelzier: Watson-Brown Dear Bill, Thanks for writing back. At this point, I don't have anything to offer you regarding James. We're both laboring under the burden of chasing "Smiths" around Scotland. Watson, like Forrest, is one of the more common names. As to occupation, the farther back one goes, especially before 1855, the less chance there is to ascertain that. As far as James Watson is concerned, I haven't pursued many folk not in my direct line. My best connection is via the wonderful Statutory Registrations in GROS. It is there that I was able to conclusively establish the Watson connection through the death record of Christina Watson, who married Robert Forrest. Her parents are given as Robert Watson, Farmer, and Christina Wilson. You, on the other hand, have to deal with emigration that took place before statutory registration. In the U.S., we are missing the 1890 census due to its loss in a fire. What is the state of Canadian census records? I don't have to worry about it, since the Muirs my paternal grandmother's family, didn't come over until after WW I. They settled in Toronto, and I have a cousin in Vancouver Island who was able to supply all the details. Mid-nineteenth century death records in the U.S. are problematic and often non-existent. Scotland was way ahead of us. Do you have the death record for James Watson? The only "early" arrivals in my family, on my mother's side, came over from England in 1850-53 to Illinois. The records I have been able to obtain have often been inconclusive because of limited information and a lot of blanks filled in with "unknown" or generalities such as "England." One bright spot was an uncle's death certificate which actually listed his birthplace in detail (though poorly spelled, it was clear to me) as "Hilgay Fen Norfolk Co Eng." Regretably, his wife and parents' names were not part of the information; at the time I was struggling to find the mother's name. At any rate, if you can establish the connection to William and Veronica, I will be happy to share with you. Here is what I have, so far, for James Watson (b.1796). The information was all derived from the index of Old Parish Records in Scotland's People. Though it is technically circumstantial, the name combinations that occur in the records and in the location give me a very high level of confidence. Jim

Ancestors of James Watson Generation No. 1 1. James Watson, born January 04, 1796 in Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland; died November 07, 1871 in Turnberry Twp., Huron County, Ontario, Canada. He was the son of 2. William Watson and 3. Veronica Brown. Generation No. 2 2. William Watson, born October 30, 1757 in Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland. He was the son of 4. Robert Watson and 5. Jean Tait. He married 3. Veronica Brown January 26, 1781 in Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland. 3. Veronica Brown, born January 19, 1758 in Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland. She was the daughter of 6. George Brown and 7. Janet Thomson. Children of William Watson and Veronica Brown are: i. Robert Watson, born August 29, 1781 in Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland; died Bef. 1891 in Scotland; married Christina Wilson May 24, 1807 in West Linton, Peebles, Scotland; born Abt 1790 in Scotland; died Bef. 1891. ii. George Watson, born September 29, 1783 in Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland. iii. Carolina Watson, born April 27, 1786 in Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland. iv. George Watson, born January 12, 1789 in Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland. v. Walter Hunter Watson, born March 24, 1791 in Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland. 1 vi. James Watson, born January 04, 1796 in Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland; died November 07, 1871 in Turnberry Twp., Huron County, Ontario, Canada. Generation No. 3 4. Robert Watson, born August 29, 1716 in Drumelzeir, Peebles, Scotland. He was the son of 8. James Watson and 9. Marion Black. He married 5. Jean Tait Abt 1740 in Scotland. 5. Jean Tait, born Abt 1720 in Scotland. Children of Robert Watson and Jean Tait are: i. Marion Watson, born October 04, 1741 in Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland. ii. Janet Watson, born December 22, 1743 in Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland. iii. James Watson, born January 19, 1745/46. iv. Thomas Watson, born October 30, 1748. v. Jean Watson, born September 15, 1751. vi. John Watson, born August 22, 1754. 2 vii. William Watson, born October 30, 1757 in Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland; married Veronica Brown January 26, 1781 in Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland. 6. George Brown, born June 15, 1717 in Dalkeith, Scotland. He was the son of 12. James Brown and 13. Helen Hunter. He married 7. Janet Thomson July 11, 1746 in Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland. 7. Janet Thomson, born Bet. 1710 - 1720. Children of George Brown and Janet Thomson are: i. George Brown, born February 19, 1754. 3 ii. Veronica Brown, born January 19, 1758 in Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland; married William Watson January 26, 1781 in Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland.

Generation No. 4 8. James Watson, born Abt 1691 in Scotland. He married 9. Marion Black August 06, 1714 in Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland. 9. Marion Black, born Bet. 1692 - 1698 in Scotland. Children of James Watson and Marion Black are: 4 i. Robert Watson, born August 29, 1716 in Drumelzeir, Peebles, Scotland; married Jean Tait Abt 1740 in Scotland. ii. Thomas Watson, born March 19, 1722/23 in Drumelzeir, Peebles, Scotland. iii. Marion Watson, born July 24, 1724 in Drumelzeir, Peebles, Scotland.

12. James Brown, born Abt 1690 in Scotland. He married 13. Helen Hunter August 23, 1717 in Newbattle, Scotland. 13. Helen Hunter, born Abt 1690 in Scotland. Child of James Brown and Helen Hunter is: 6 i. George Brown, born June 15, 1717 in Dalkeith, Scotland; married Janet Thomson July 11, 1746 in Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland. ____________________________________________

Dec 13, 2005 Letters from the Past, Part 8 Hi Everyone, This group of letters has less "new" material than the previous one. I did note that there is another reference to Jane Buchanan's maiden name as "McNeilen", and so far no reference to "Young" or "Long", but that will probably somewhere in the letters I haven't read yet. This also has the second reference to Armagh and Donegal in Ireland, although all of the "hard evidence" still points to the Omagh area of County Tyrone (the gravestone of Jane Buchanan Watson says she was born there; the marriage of William Buchanan and Ann Thomson; parish registers having christenings and the marriage of Charles Buchanan and Ann Porter). Still, I try to keep an open mind. All the best. Bill _____________________________________________________________ [Part 8] [New document] 236 Woodlawn Street Winnipeg 12, Manitoba April 10, 1968

Mr. Lorne Buchanan Neepawa, Manitoba Dear Lorne I'm sorry it is taken me so long to get these added names complete, but hope they will be of help to you and your good wife Doris in compiling the family tree. As you will note these additions pertain to the descendants of Elizabeth Jane Buchanan who married Robert Campbell. I noticed last summer that their family was not complete and have obtained details from our relatives in the United States as per list attached, and descendants of the Bob's oldest daughter Jane Campbell married Delucious Yorton I have also added names of my oldest brother and sister which if I remember correctly were not complete. We were the family of Mary Elizabeth Campbell who married William Chambers. I hope these are clear to you. You surely tackled a gigantic job, what a thrill of pride you have given to our wonderful family. Hoping to see you July 7th with great anticipation, I am Very sincerely yours Muriel (Chambers) Irving Mrs. F. Irving [New page ] Descendants of Elizabeth Jane Buchanan married Robert Campbell Mary Elizabeth Campbell married William Chambers Muriel Chambers Married Frank Irving Frances M. Irving married Trevor Mason Daniel F. Mason Robert D. Mason Wendy Lynn Mason William R. Mason Nancy Ann Mason Arzina M. Chambers Married Olive Baldwinson Beverly Chambers Married Charles Berda Kim Berda Robert M. Chambers

Married Judy ... Michael Chambers Linda Chambers Graham Chambers Married Lucille Williams Audrey M. Chambers Married Eric Peterson Tammy Lynn Peterson

[New page ] Verl Chambers Married John Anderson Willa Anderson Married Robert Vryenhoek Daren Vryenhoek Laurie Vryenhoek Terri Vryenhoek Sharon Vryenhoek Gary J. Anderson Married Marilyn Livingston Michael Anderson Richard Anderson Sherrill Anderson Penny Anderson Married Douglas Fox Jill Fox Corinne Fox Married William Jenkin James Jenkin Gerald Jenkin Raymond C. Chambers deceased Una Chambers Married Clifford Stevenson Allan Stevenson Married Dorothy Bretsen Roy Stevenson Murray Stephenson Shelley Stevenson

[New page ] [New document ] James Buchanan born 1862 died in 1931 Huena McClay born 1872 died 1949 Eva Elizabeth Buchanan born 1893 Married Albert W. Smith died 1955 Clara Mary Buchanan born 1896 died 1908 Ethel Hester Buchanan born 1899 married Wilfred Kilborn Coral Jane Buchanan born 1901 married Ulrich E. Norris born 1894 died 1966 Effie Huena Buchanan born 1904 deceased William George Buchanan born 1908 married A. Leona Murdoch born 1909 Robert Alexander Buchanan born 1910 married Gertrude M. Scott born 1913 [New page ] Gordon Wesley Buchanan born 1916 deceased as infant Leslie James Buchanan born 1918 deceased as infant

Eva Elizabeth Buchanan married Albert W. Smith Georgina E. Smith married Gordon Armstrong deceased Patricia Armstrong Douglas Albert Smith married Peggy Bredin Duncan Smith David Smith Bruce Smith Gordon Smith Ethel Hester Buchanan married Wilfred Kilburn Gerald Ross Kilburn married Evelyn Hermanson Darlene Kilburn ... Kilburn [New page ] Harold James Smith married Anne ... Shelley Smith Douglas Smith

Gwendolyn Huena Smith married John Maguire two daughters Bruce McKay Smith married Gladi Klaus Robert Smith Barbara Smith Doreen Smith married Roger Perron Roger Perron Jr. James Perron Maureen Perron Kathy Perron [New page ] James Kilburn married Thelma Leanne Kilburn Glen Kilburn son Kilburn [New page ]

William George Buchanan married and Annie Leona Murdoch Donald Alexander Buchanan married Ruth Boquist Shannon Dawn Buchanan Trent Darrell Buchanan Marlene Jane Buchanan married William T. Campbell Lindsay William Campbell Kelly Blaine Campbell Leah-Anne Marie Campbell Robert Alexander Buchanan married Gertrude Mary Scott Bruce Barrymore Buchanan married Patricia ... two children [New page] [New document] [I can't find any connection between this Arthur Buchanan's family and our Buchanans.] H. Arthur Buchanan Box 171 Alsask, Saskatchewan August 29th, 1967 Dear Buchanans (President M.R.) Your April 30th letter caught me after we had left Pangman but I must say I am pleased to hear of the reunion.

We have known very few of the Buchanan Clan and none of my mother's people. I'd like to know more about the Buchanans, as I meet one once in awhile in my travels. I didn't meet Seldon personally, my wife met him in Weyburn and she doesn't know very much about our family. Dad and Mother have both passed away and so I will have little source of information. [New page ] There were five of us boys: Percy the oldest died about six years ago; Henry, the next is in South Haven, Michigan. I am the third or middle, the only one to get an education; Harvey, no. 4 was killed in his car out in BC a number of years ago. And Bill, the youngest is living in Caroline, Alberta. Harvey has three boys who carry the name in the Vancouver area. Our oldest boy lives in Los Angeles. Our youngest is still at home, 12 years old. All the others had families of girls. Dad's name was Andrew, his brother, older, was Bill. He, Bill was drowned in the Missouri River, putting the first bridge across at Fort Benton. Grandpa's name was Joseph. He had brothers and sisters in Manitoba [New page ] So far as I know Grandpa's brother Jim never married. He visited us of Lethbridge when I was a kid. I've seen Uncle Johnny but I was so small but I can't remember anything much about him. I believe Grandpa's sister Maggie was killed with a train in Winnipeg. Aunt Lizzie, Dad's cousin, married a Ferris; her daughter married a Dan Kelly. They lived in Lethbridge for a while. Grandpa left Winnipeg for Montana about 1887. My sister Laura, my brother Henry, and I were born in Manitoba in 1901, 1903, 1905. I was born near Rossendale. It seemed to me that Dad claimed Charlie Rod, Staceys, and others as cousins. Grandpa's second wife Mary was raised in Manitoba. Her father with a Curtis, her stepfather was a Gilbert [New page ] [This page is a note written on the back of one of the pages of Arthur Buchanan’s letter, apparently by Merv Buchanan, since Gertie Buchanan Wilson was his aunt.] Aunt Gert Wilson remembered that a Bessie Gilberts used to visit her grandmother. Also thought that this woman was Mrs. Red Bob's mother or some connection anyway. Bessie Gilbert originally called Bessie Glen, and was married to a [James] Buchanan.

[New page ]

There was an A. Buchanan here in the Alsask telephone book before we arrived; Allan, I believe. He is related to a Buchanan in Westward Ho, Alberta, near our home at Sundre. The banker here said there is an E. Buchanan on a farm near here. There was an Ed Buchanan with the Regina Roughriders last year. Well, as you see my knowledge of Buchanan is very limited, perhaps fortunately or otherwise. Drop me a line some time and let me know more of the clan or tribe. Will be waiting to hear more. Perhaps someday we can come back to Manitoba and see some of the others. Bye for now, Arthur Buchanan [New page ] 3402 Crystal Springs Road West Tacoma, Washington 98466 August 5th, 1970 Dear Lorne I received my Family Tree and must say I was so thrilled with it. It has so much more than I thought it would have. I would like to order 2 more if you have any to spare. My daughter and granddaughter wish to have one. They were so thrilled and delighted with mine. My daughter Lorna has had twin boys since I sent in our history. If she had known our name was Kyan she would have named them Kyan and Kane she said. Instead they are Mark and Matthew. I also have had a great grandchild since then too. Mildred McGregor Snelling lives not too far from the. I was telling [New page ] her about Mary McGregor being Mrs. William Buchanan. She said she is her aunt, and she has their picture. So I'm anxious to see them when I go to visit her. Thank you again for all of your trouble and efforts in making this book such a wonderful success. I appreciate it so very much. Believe me! Lovingly, Elizabeth E. Hansen 3402 Crystal Springs Road West Tacoma, Washington 98466 You may mail the books to me! [New page] [New document ]

Oak Harbor, Washington July 20th, 1970 Dear Cousin Lorne After many delays I've got around to order 2 Buchanan tree books. Gordon my brother came over Saturday and said for me to send in for his. If more convenient to mail in one package OK. Not knowing size or if each is in its own wrapper, etc. ready to send separately, if so his could be sent direct to Friday Harbor but he said just mail it to me as he will be over soon again. In fact he and Nora and Ethel were all here on the 12th, my nephew, wife and family from Newburg, New York. Of his children, Nora H. daughter and husband and her daughter from Seattle. Nora is their mother. Ethel and granddaughter and her two little tots from Tacoma and Chehalis, Washington were here 4 days. To my daughter and husband and my two sons all here, 18 in all, took a lot of colored pictures. All ended too soon. Haven't seen John in five years. His dad Peter Hansen is ill hospital gradually getting weaker, has cancer. No hope, is over 80 years [New page ] so John and family made a rush trip left for New York, day after here. Minnie my youngest sister and husband left June 27th for a 66 day Mediterranean trip on Orena would dock at Southampton, England 19th, one day in London and then fly to Sweden and then Cherbourg, and Germany for a trip on the Rhine. Then touch at France and to London one week before sailing home from Southampton and the Bahamas and Miami, Florida, several days back through Panama Canal with several days in California cities and home. I did want to take in the reunion and go to Ontario but had phlebitis in the right leg for four-five weeks. After OK, had garden to plant and could only do a little each day then rest and keep foot elevated so thought better of taking the trip, now berries are to be picked. Soon as I can I intend going to Alberta. My two sons are out with the salmon fleet three days per week now, but may have an extra day soon. Fish were running better too than last week. I hear them on short wave marine set. Elmer is skipper on the Primo fish buyer from gill netters and beach seines. [New page ] He brought two lovely springs in last Wednesday. We need rain badly. It keeps me busy moving sprinklers. He has irrigation running on fields now night and day, I don't go near it. He can come home through the week and change to new spots. We get lots of wind, so certainly dries things fast on upper ground as it's quite rocky and sand and gravel. Sunday Vivian and I took in the Lopez Island annual picnic held in Cornwall Park, Bellingham. This was 40th year. Saw several old-time friends of 60 years ago when I first came west and lived on Lopez Island. Surely enjoyed the day. Saw Eddie McCauley also Charles and Geordie's widows. Tom and Ed are only ones living and Tom is in a rest home now. The McCauleys are Aunt Jane's sons. A few weeks ago my brother Gordon and sister Minnie and Nora's daughter and husband spent the weekend in Victoria and while there called on Uncle Sam Buchanan's daughter and had a wonderful time. Said they were full of fun. Years ago I used to write to Myrtle. I think it was one of the girls was in Vancouver with her husband ill in hospital, Gordon said. [New page ]

I hope to meet them some time too. I should of typed this, perhaps you could read it easier. My hands are knotted with arthritis and seem like all thumbs at times. Seems like every one of my sisters have it also. I will be looking forward to receiving the history. I have one about Elma Township where we lived in Ontario. Wish it had been more complete. It could have, if more of the people would have cooperated. Many we knew were not mentioned. Must call this quits. Best wishes to you all, With love Mary Jane Buchanan Wilson Mrs. George E. Wilson Route 1 Box 283 Oak Harbor, Washington 98277 USA [New page ] Oak Harbor, Washington June 27th, 1969 Dear Cousins For some time I'd been going to write and ask what day the reunion will be this year. Also if the history of the clan has been printed, price of same and so forth. I wish to get one, and can send money as soon as I know. I've tried to get my brother Gordon interested in taking a trip with me to Manitoba and Ontario. He is over timid at driving a car on the mainland very far. Has lived on the island too long I guess. I've never learned to drive. My son-in-law Dean said just last night they would be interested in the trip if the date wasn't too soon. They just left this morning for 9 or 10 days in Honolulu with daughter Bonnie and little 5 month old son to meet her husband, Captain Robert Newkirk, on his leave from Vietnam. He will see his son for the first time, a real healthy little chap. [New page ] Dean and Vivian have just bought a house trailer fully complete and are anxious to try it out and would take me along and take in the reunion. And of course I would be very happy at the chance and have or accommodations. We've gone in a smaller one. My son had a camper type one, accommodates three persons. He would like to take the trip but his job starts now. He is in Seattle now equipping the cannery tender. Boat “Primo” ready for the salmon season to open soon. This will be his third year captain of it, of picking up fish over all around San Juan and Lopez islands. We're having some rain and cooler weather. Hope it doesn't stunt the garden. We had a couple of weeks of hot up to 80 now it's in the 50s and cloudy. Weather's been rather off the usual and so many places, even snow and hail in the warmer states. Some weathermen say we're starting back to the ice age and sometimes they think they're right. [New page ]

Many people blame all the Rockets and Apollos. Who knows? What is to be will, I suppose. My granddaughter invited me to Florida to see the last Apollo sent up. Her husband works at Cape Kennedy and rides on the rig taking them to launch pad, a ticklish job. If it ever tipped, they are so huge and tall, I saw two of them in the making last year and witnessed one of the Titans No. 5 from 5 miles distance - a streak of flame. For my part, I wish all of that was spent on them was used on earth and make it a better place. Things are getting pretty rough. Strikes, killings, bunches even taking over places and a large gang will move in and will burn you out if you try to stop them. Dope is at the bottom of a lot that happens and how to stop it is the big question. You'll think my head rattles. Ha! Ha! Mail is due now. Best to all. Mary Jane Wilson Mrs. George E. Wilson Route 1 Box 283 Oak Harbor, Washington 98277 My hands are in knots with arthritis. Pain a lot lately, fine otherwise. [New page ] One of the Hemphill boys passed away recently. Bruce and Sam and Edna of Aunt Maggie's family of 10. [New page ] [New document ] September 26th, 1967 Oak Harbor, Washington 98277 Dear Cousin Lorne: Annie Brae Buchanan McMane, Ontario, has sent me your address and requested what I have on the Buchanan history. I will mail some copy of its early beginning. Sorry I had no chance to get it typed, all very busy who could, and at the moment I do not have a machine and not good at it anyway. (a one finger operator more or less). We have had lots of company all year or no doubt I would have gone to the reunion. I hope to next year. My granddaughter is here now with two great-grandchildren and the oldest 2-1/2 has leukemia, a rare kind and only given a year at the most. Takes treatments, a rough ordeal. We enjoy her so much, will return to Florida in October. I will send history of myself and family in a short time. This envelope is full. I'm trying to get Uncle Jim Buchanan's, I do know the names of all 12 children plus two marriages but not the dates etc. I've tried to contact the grandson here in Mount Vernon and see if he will loan me a copy of the family tree I was helping his mother prepare in 1963. She passed away suddenly soon after I sent her some names and all the sons and daughters have scattered over the country and often don't answer the letters. And not sure any of Uncle Bob and Aunt Maggie Anderson Buchanan's family are still in Idaho. And do you have the family history of Aunt Mary Hodges in California? I called to see George, the dentist, when passing through the old home town Turlock, California three years ago and found he had retired and moved back to Fresno, a town we had

come through hours before. He never married. Two sisters Della, Mrs. Payne and Cora, Mrs. Gibbs still live in California. [New page ] We have been very hot and dry weather for the Coast area ever since June, only two little showers, so real fire hazard still exists. I'm planning a trip to High River, Alberta in October if the weather don't turn too cold up there, delayed a dozen times. In summer I have arthritis in my figures but I hope you can read what I wrote and I will try and finish the rest I'm working on real soon, and that the book will be a big success. Best to all. I wonder which family you belong to. We surely knew a lot in Ontario who have scattered to the four corners. I came to Lopez Island in January 1910, at this and San Juan seven years later and in 1947 to Whidby Island for all my children now are, except two granddaughters one in Florida and 2nd to be transferred to Fort Knox, Kentucky. Her husband is a first lieutenant in the army, he has just returned from a year in Vietnam. He is only 21. Will make Captain soon. Best ever Mary Wilson Route 3 #214 Oak Harbor Washington 98277 [New page ] November 6th, 1967 Temperature 45F 9:30 a.m. Dear cousin, Sorry I've been so long getting the history of Uncle Jim and of Robert and Mary Hodges. Perhaps if I could have gone to visit some of them I'd have got the dates etc. Is been a busy year here, lots of company in the and delays. Then my brother Gordon and sister Ethel and I went on a 10 day trip to see Nellie at High River, Alberta, left on the October 9th back on the 19th. We had a very dry three months. Fire hazards - were afraid to go away in case of fires, kids roaming around in vacation. Had several good rains in late October. A niece and family from Michigan came in July for two weeks, then granddaughters and two children from Florida here one month. The other was with her two and half months helping care for that two and a half year-old girl with leukemia. Now Bonnie's husband is home from Vietnam, a first lieutenant in the army 21 years old, has been transferred to Fort Knox, Kentucky. Lots of excitement most of the summer. Now the family are all gone hunting east of mountains. I'm holding fort alone. I was 76 on October 8th. Don't feel that old though. Stamp left over from Canada. I'll be interested in hearing when the book is printed. I know it involves a lot of [New page ] time and research.

Uncle Jim's grandson Virgil sent me a copy his mother was working on when she passed away at 83 years. I had helped her with some of the history. All of my grandfather Andy and Mary Jane Booth's children. Very best to you and yours. Mary Jane B. Wilson [New page] Dear Cousin: I enclose part of a Whidby Island folder so you can have a better idea where we live. The largest air base on the coast is here and one of the line fences runs by my 24 acres. Planes come and go night and day, a lot get used to the noise, a busy place, lot of traffic on Highway too. Plenty activity on the water. Salmon fishing season ends end of October. My two sons are on a buyer the "Primo" for Far West Cannery. Elmer is skipper but Bud (Wilfred) cook and deck hands, they brought home plenty so I have canned, kipper and smoked them also froze in water fresh. If you get fish hungry, come and visit us. Ha ha! The area in the San Juan Islands familiar places as both were born over there. Mary Jane McNeilen and Andrew Buchanan Town of Londonderry County Tyrone Province of Donegal - migrated Canada ____________________________________________

Dec 13, 2005 Letters from the Past, Part 9 Hi Everyone, I found the letter from Zelda interesting. She is from a Buchanan line not mentioned in the family tree book or the letters (at least so far) on the family of Charles. Her mother Ann Jane Buchanan is the adopted daughter of Charles and Nancy Porter. It's too bad she didn't provide any additional information. Bill ________________________________________________________ [Part 9] [This was written beside a photocopy of an article on US President James Buchanan.] Is there any record of when our ancestors settled in Ireland? Which of the Manitoba Buchanans look like the President? Eh? Also I would like to ask if you know where the first Uncle James Buchanan is buried. I have been to graves of the other brothers and their sister Mrs. Watson but don't know where James died. Was it in Manitoba? Annie

Annie B. McMane [New page ] [New document ] Stratford, June 10th, 1960 Dear Distant Cousins, Hope you both are well and all the relatives. May I especially ask for Bert and Maud. And are you preparing for a reunion picnic this year? Please let me know the date. I am not sure of any who can go but have been asked the date by some cousins. Also do you yet have any books of the Buchanan Family Tree? I'm enclosing $5 and hope you can supply one. Please send this to this address Mr. Elgin Buchanan RR 1, Atwood, Ontario [New page ] I've been talking to my daughter of going. She teaches and for other home reasons could only take one week and asks what hotel or motel accommodation is in Neepawa. Nothing definite planned yet but just talking and wishing. Now the Lord watch between me and thee while we are absent one from the other. And love to all Buchanans from Annie Brae McMane Mrs. McMane 34 apartment, 1 Erie St., Stratford, Ontario [New page ] John Campbell married? Near malls were and list the wall Married Margaret McCallum, Sister Jane McCallum Annie Brae McMane [New page ] [New document ] September 14th, 1972 Dear Lorne: You're probably wondering who I am. Well I am John Maynard Hansen’s wife. John is the son of Nora Buchanan and Peter Hansen of Friday Harbor.

Aunt Ethel had given me your address and name a few years back while we were visiting out there, in case we were interested in the Buchanan Family Tree book. I was just cleaning out an old wallet and [New page ] came across it. Is it still possible to get one of these books and if so how much will it cost? I would like to give one to John for Christmas if at all possible. Drop me a line and let me know. Sincerely Gloria Mrs. John M. Hanson 19 MT View Avenue Newburgh, New York 12550 [New page ] [New document ] [This is from a daughter of Charles Buchanan’s adopted daughter Ann Jane Thompson Buchanan – who is missing from the book. - Bill] Listowel, March 30th, 1971 Mr. Lorne Buchanan: I'm not sure if you've ever heard of me but some time ago I had a letter from Annie McMane telling me about the book that you folks have been working on. I guess one would call it a family tree and since my mother Mrs. Jim Hamilton was Annie Buchanan we're interested in having a copy of it. I feel that it will be very interesting to read. I was Zelda Hamilton. I had two sisters Ella May and Mildred also six brothers: Stanley, Bob, Clarence, Elwood, Lloyd and Bill. Ella May, Stanley and Elwood are all gone. The rest are all enjoying very good health, only growing older each day. [New page ] I'm enclosing a money order for $5 for a copy of the book. Annie McMane said that covers the cost of mailing also. If he ever come to Ontario for visits I hope that you'll come and see me. We live in Listowel and not hard to find our place, 275 Victoria Street north. I'm looking forward to seeing the book. Sincerely your distant cousin Zelda Mrs. Howard Smith Box 963

Listowel, Ontario [New page ] [New document ] Guelph, Ontario August 17th, 1970 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan, Please find enclosed a money order for $5 for which I would like you to send me a copy of the Buchanan history. My grandparents were the late Alex and Emma Buchanan of Donegal. Beyond that I know very little. Thanking you in advance Yours sincerely Mrs. Edith Chelli 117 Queen Street Guelph [New page ] [New document ] 7/23/70 Dear Lorne I don't believe that I have had the pleasure of meeting you. I've heard my dad speak of someone by the name of Lorne perhaps it was you. I am very pleased that there is a Buchanan Family tree. If you're keeping any sort of record on this family perhaps I should mention the fact that my brother Charles Robert Buchanan son of William Thomas Buchanan passed away July 1969. I'm enclosing $10 for two copies of the Buchanan Family tree. I am also enclosing $1 for postage on these. We'll always be grateful for the people who have taken the time to compile this book. Sincerely Irene I Firth 635 Loomis street Jackson, Mich. [New page ]

[New document] Detroit, Michigan 48221 November 14th, 1970 Mr. Lorne C. Buchanan Dear cousin I'm very much interested in the Buchanan Family Tree. Have been fascinated reading the volume you sent my sister Helena Marshall and I'm enclosing my check for $10 for me and my niece Elizabeth Spence. Please send one book to: Mrs. Edward Spence 17360 Mansfield avenue Detroit, Michigan 48235 And one to me Mrs. Leo P. Richardson 19921 Warrington Drive Detroit, Michigan 48221 We Buchanan relatives appreciate so very much the research and painstaking work that has gone into compiling this book. Sincerely E. Gladys Richardson I was Elizabeth Gladys Patrick [New page ] [New document] Listowel, Box 1161 November 3rd, 1970 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Buchanan I am sending a money order for $25 and would like you to send five books. You can either send them to me or one to each of the following: Mr. Elwood Buchanan Box 311, Listowel, Ontario Mr. James Buchanan Box 311, Listowel, Ontario Mr. Alex Buchanan Box, Listowel Mr. William Brisbin

Wallace Street, Listowel One to us Mr. Herbert Sage Box 1161, Listowel Thank you Mabel Sage

[New page] [New document] RR 2, Moorefield, Ontario July 2, 1971 Mr. Lorne Buchanan Neepawa, Manitoba Dear Distant Cousin Your name was given to us by Annie Brae Buchanan of Aylmer telling us about the book you people have published on the Buchanan Family. We would like a copy. Intended sending for it ages ago so are family could read it and possibly order a copy as well. My Grandmother is the Margaret Buchanan who was the first white child born in Elma township. [New page ] The only western cousins we have met are Hazel and Mrs. A. Dodds of Brandon. Maybe some day we will get out west and meet more of you. We live on a farm of 100 acres, raise fat cattle and registered York pigs. Our family of 2 (son John and daughter Jane) are both married. We feel we are sort of semi retired, yet enjoy farm life with enough work to keep interested. Would enjoy seeing and hearing from you. Am sending a check for $5 and will look forward to having the Buchanan book. Thank you John H. Hardie RR 2, Moorefield, Ontario [New page ] [New document] June 21st, 1970

Mr. M R Buchanan If you're the son of John Charles Buchanan, then I will say Dear Cousin. I received notice of the Buchanan reunion through Annie Brae to be the fifth of July. Perhaps through her you have heard our hearts are saddened by the loss of our dear sister Hazel Davenport. It was a shock to me as I had just learned that she was in hospital and the next day that she had gone. Ethel seem to be waiting to find out what was wrong to tell me and it was a terrible blow to her too. She so depended on Hazel and Bert and was in touch with them every day. It was a hemorrhage first a bad nosebleed and a few days later from the tube leading from the kidney which could be nothing else but fatal. [New page ] I would like nothing better than to be able to come to the reunion but 88 is too old to travel alone. Is there a way I could get the data or write-up you have of the Buchanan families? I have worked on the Patrick and Schell clans but did not have any of my mother's people and I know it is interesting. Do you have it in book form, if so let me know the price, I would be so glad to have it. Now I will close wishing you good weather and a good get together on July 5th. Your cousin Helena Marshall 1621 DuPont, Flint, Michigan 48504 [New page] [New document]

Dec 16, 2005 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Puzzle Hi There "Bud" was the nickname of Mervin Cameron Buchanan - Nels and Mary Buchanan's son. The other info that yu require I do not know. Darlene ----- Original Message ----From: Bill Buchanan To: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 10:23 PM Subject: [andrew-buchanan] Puzzle Who are these people??? Can you help me to identify them?

Andy might be Lorne's brother, but who is Ivan Cumming who is a cripple and has a family Bible? And who is Mrs. Harvey Scott? And for that matter, who is Harvey Scott? And who is Helen? (perhaps a wife or daughter of Andy) Bud might be Nels' son, or Darlene's father, or someone else.

Bill _______________________________________________________________ June 1st, 1968 Dear Lorne and Doris Got home at midnight safe and sound. Helen beat me to the farm. I phoned Ivan Cumming and the information you have is correct, also Mrs. Harvey Scott. She is cousin of Ivan Cumming. Cumming can't come, as he is a cripple. But he has a family Bible with all the information in and, and I asked him if he would mind if we had a look at, and he said he would only be too happy to show it to us. So I think you and Dad better come in and see him. Also Mrs. Scott and she has three brothers in here. She was born at Rossburn. I'm off for the afternoon of June 12th, until the night of 15, so if you can make it in then, I would not mind going with you. We could maybe run out to Miami at the same time. If you can't make it write and let me know what information you want, and I phoned Bud and he said he would go with me. Hoping to hear from you. Andy

Dec 16, 2005 Fw: R. Keith Buchan Can any of you identify the person in this obituary that Barry found? ____________________________________________________ Bill, I found this obituary in the Victoria Times Colonist of Friday Dec 16: Born May 2, 1924 in Kelwood, Manitoba and passed away on December 12, 2005 in Victoria Hospice after a brave fight with kidney cancer. Survived by his loving wife of 59 years, Lila; daughter, Arleen Janet (Buzz) Simmons of Oregon; granddaughter, Tanya (Jose) Lopez of Oregon; grandson, Richard Keith (April) Simmons of California; great-granddaughter, Ryley of California; sister, Gwenn (George) Borsos of Manitoba; as well as many nieces and nephews, in-laws and cousins across the county. Keith served 4 years in the

North Pacific in the Royal Canadian Navy from 1941-45. He then worked 35 years in Banking both in Canada and in the USA. 62 year member of Royal Canadian Legion - Awarded a Life Membership. Served 8 yrs. on Greater Victoria Public Library Board, 2 yrs as Chairman. Started "Friends of the Library", served 4 yrs. as President. Organized and ran "Library Discard Book Sale" for 12 yrs. Keith had served with the Gordon Head Lions Club for the past 23 years receiving numerous awards and holding many offices the highest being District Governor. Memorial Service will be Monday, December 19th, 2005 - 1:00 pm at Gordon Head United Church, 4201 Tyndall Ave. Reception following at - 3:00 pm at the Royal Canadian Legion - Trafalgar/Pro Patria Branch, 411 Gorge Road East. In lieu of flowers or cards - Please send donations to: BC Cancer Foundation V. I. - LIONS TeleCare Program, 2410 Lee Ave. Victoria, British Columbia V8R 6V5. A picture is included, but I can't reproduce it. The obituary doesn't give his parents' names. But the birthplace is Kelwood, so likely to be related. ____________________________________________

Dec 16, 2005 HISTORY OF RIDING MOUNTAIN AND AREA 1885-1984 Hi Everyone, I received a package of photocopied pages from Isabel Lefebvre, who knew I was interested in the Buchanans, Watsons and Sniders. You probably have some of this already, but maybe not all of it. Again we see the hand of Mabel Henry in preserving the histories of some of our families. I have attached it as a word processor file as well as pasting the text below. Some of the pictures may come out reasonably well if I scan them again and use a filter on them. Best wishes. Bill ___________________________________________________________________________ HISTORY OF RIDING MOUNTAIN AND AREA 1885-1984 COMPILED BY RIDING MOUNTAIN AND AREA HISTORY BOOK

COMMITTEE ISBN 0-88633-004-1 Copyright 1984

ARCHIE AND DORIS BUCHANAN by Gretta McLaughlin The families of Archie A. Buchanan and Doris Thurston arrived in the Riding Mountain district early 1900's. Doris from England, and Archie from Mountain View area, north of Neepawa. They attended the school that is now the Legion Hall. Mrs. Palmiter was their teacher for many years. Doris and Archie were married in Ochre River, in 1918 and farmed 1 mile east of Riding Mountain few years. All of the field work was done with horses. Their 1 good crop was destroyed by hail and was plowed down. A year or so later the home was destroyed by fire. Nothing was saved. Their home after that was 2 granaries and by then there were 3 daughters, Elsie, Gretta and Muriel, and baby son, Roy. Doris Violet Buchanan (nee Thurston) and Archibald Buchanan at their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Married on March 5, 1918. In 1926 they left the farm with just a team of horses. In 1928 Archie and the team worked the pile driver for the first cement bridge built over the creek, and that year built the home now owned by Mrs. John McRae. By then another daughter, Melba was born. As soon as there was enough snow each year he and many men went up into the Riding Mountains and cut and sold cordwood all winter. One winter the whole family lived up there, about 2 miles from Rat Lake where there was a sawmill owned by Bert Walker of Eden, Man. who employed a lot of men. A small confectionery store and gas station (at the corner) was bought around 1930 and for the next 10 years, during the depression, there was very little business. Most people had very little money but there was always a good crowd for the dances in the schoolhouse. Admission was: ladies with lunch free, and the men were charged 25 cents. In 1939 came the war and within a year there were very few men left in Riding Mountain. About that time the garage part of the business was sold to Mr. Harold Cleland. In 1940 the Buchanans tore down the old store and built a new grocery store and living quarters. For a few years during the war Archie was employed as a maintenance mechanic at the Elementary Flying Training School (EFTS) at Neepawa. In about 5 years another home was built south of the store, now owned by Blair and Cathy Buchanan. The store was sold to the Hollyoake family, who later sold to Matt Sawchuk. For a few years Archie and Doris lived in Atikokan, Ont., where many of their family were living and working. In 1953 they returned to Riding Mountain and bought the business back from Mr. Sawchuk. Later, son Roy became a partner and in 1959 he bought the business, and for a few years he owned the garage as well. After many years of retirement in Riding Mountain, Archie died in 1975. Doris died in 1980. The store is now owned by George and Dennis Din-sdale.

ART BUCHANAN FAMILY by Art Bucharan. Arthur Buchanan, son of Nels and Mary Buchanan was born in Riding Mountain, sec 15-17-15. I married Agnes MacLean, daughter of Neil and Ethel MacLean of Wynyard, Sask. We were married in Portage la Prairie in 1934 and we have 6 children.

Keith was born in Riding Mountain in 1935 and is married with 3 children: Kelly, Craig and Stacy. They now reside in Coquitlam, B.C. Norris was born in Neepawa Hospital in 1938. He is married and has 3 children; Debora, Darren and Darlene. They now live in Winnipeg. Gail was born in Ridinp Mountain in 1939. She is married and has 1 son, Jayson. They live in Chilliwack, B. C. Patricia was born in Winnipeg in 1944. She is married with 2 children; Marc and Danielle. They now reside in Ottawa, Ont. Randi was born in Winnipeg in 1952. She is married and has 1 son Cordel. They live in Prince George, B.C. Shawn was born in Chilliwack, B.C. in 1960. He is also married and resides in Prince George, B.C. Agnes and I now live in Neepawa, Man. I served in World War II P.P.C.L.I. in Victoria, B.C. and in Windsor and Woodstock.

MR. AND MRS. BERT (HIBBERT) BUCHANAN by Mrs. Bert Buchanan Bert was born in the Neepawa district in 1897, and in 1905 moved to the Oakleaf district with his parents, 7 brothers and 1 sister. In 1922 he married Maude Henton. I was born in England and came to Canada with my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Henton, 3 brothers and 2 sisters in 1905. We lived on the quarter-section where Tobarmore school used to be. After we were married we farmed in the Oakleaf district where our 2 sons were born, Andrew in 1923 and Lawrence in 1927. In 1935 we moved to Riding Mountain. Bert worked at several jobs during the summer and in the winter it was mostly bushwork. He drew ties and cordwood, too. It was at Walter Water's store that we bought our groceries and other essentials. Two winters were spent in Timberton. Bert took his team and did chores around the mill. I did the cooking for the men. Merle Buchanan (Bob Buchanan's daughter), a niece by marriage, was with me the first winter, and the second winter her sister Lucy Buchanan (Mrs. Archie Bare) helped me. We fed from 12 to 20 men at a time. We also had a cousin of mine, Fred Henton, who was Alf Henton's small son, who stayed with us for a time while his mother was in the hospital. Fred is married and has a family of 3 children. They live in Nanaimo, B.C. In 1943 Bert got work at the airport in Neepawa and later at Rivers. When he retired we moved back to Neepawa, where I still live. Bert passed away in 1878. In May of 1940 Andrew joined the army (P.P.C.L.I.). He took his training at Fort Osborne Barracks in Winnipeg. In 1941 he took an instructor’s course and was posted to Fort William, Ont. After a few months there he was returned to Winnipeg and given a medical discharge. A year later he joined the army again in Winnipeg. After a short time he was posted to Camp Shilo. While there he took an instructor's course again and was shipped to Long Branch, Ont. for a “chemical warfare course” which lasted 6 weeks. He finally left Camp Shilo and after 2 month's posting to Debert, N.B. he arrived at Aldershot, England. Soon he was posted top the “Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada” and stationed at Worthing, England. He spent several months there and was transferred to the "Regina Rifle” where he joined them in France. In July of 1944 he was wounded and sent back to England, where he spent 6 months in the 13th Canadian General Hospital. After being discharged he had a month's leave and spent it visiting Leicester, England where I was born.

After his return to Canada, he was posted to Brandon R.C.A.S.C. After 6 months he received his discharge at Winnipeg in 1945. In 1946 Andrew married Grace Thomson and they lived in Neepawa, Winnipeg, Thompson, and now reside in Red Deer, Alta. They have 4 children: Donna, Blair, Ronald and Deborah. When we came to Neepawa Lawrence worked at Neepawa Co-op for a short time. Then he worked at the Neepawa Airport till it closed and he went to Portage Airport till 1945. He took his training as a sheet metal worker and worked as a plumber and tinsmith for Walter Mathews. In August, 1951 he began working in Neepawa Post Office. He worked there for 30 years, and is now assistant postmaster at Altona. Lawrence married Doris Sneesby of Woodside, Man. in 1953. They have 3 children: Brent Lawrence born in July 1959, Brian Mark born July 1960, and Sharon Doris born November 1964. In 1960 Ronald and Gordon Davis came to make their -home with them.

HOWARD AND ALMA BUCHANAN By Alma (Dafoe) Buchanan Howard, son of John and Florence Louise (Walker) Buchanan was born and raised in the Birnie area. His parents came to this farm in 1908 and farmed there until they retired to the village of Birnie in 1952. They had 7 children: Viola, Olive, Irene, Gordon, Howard, Raymond and Arnold. When World War II broke out, Howard enlisted and served with the P.P.C.L.I. in Sicily and Italy. After being severely wounded he returned to Riding Mountain in 1945. Howard and I (Alma) were married on July 18th, 1952. I am the daughter of Teddy and Margaret Dafoe. I was born and raised at Riding Mountain. By a previous marriage to Earl Crandell, I had a daughter Joyce. Joyce married Cyril Painter of Birnie and they reside in Portage la Prairie. They have two children were warned: Debbie, who is nursing at Portage la Prairie and Danny, who is attending the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. Howard, for many years hauled cordwood from the mountains with his great team and he still thinks that they were the best team ever hold would into Riding Mountain. He also worked for Jim Henry and then drove a truck for the Department highways. Howard and I were both caretakers of the Riding Mountain School until we moved to Portage la Prairie in 1958. Howard, for many years, hauled cordwood from the mountains with his grey team and he still thinks that they were the best team that ever hauled wood into Riding Mountain. He also worked for Jim Henry and then drove a truck for the Dept. of Highways. Howard and I were both caretakers of the Riding Mountain school until we moved to Portage la Prairie in 1958. Howard was an active member of the Riding Mountain Legion. We both supported the curling rink and other community activities. Howard says that he really had a good curling teacher -Polly Jackson. We now reside in Portage la Prairie, Man. but enjoy visiting our friends and relatives in the Riding Mountain area.

"LONG" JOHNNY BUCHANAN Because of a potato famine in Ireland, there was a mass migration of people to Canada and the U.S.A. In 1845 [sic 1847] Andrew Buchanan and his wife, Jane Long [McNeilands?] of Tyrone of northern Ireland came by ship with their 7 sons and 1 daughter to Kingston, Ont. After 9 weeks on board ship a fever broke out, so when they landed, they were quarantined in the harbor of

Kingston, Ont. for 3 weeks. Here Andrew died, so the mother, Jane, and 8 children settled in Perth, Ont. The names of these children were: Robert, James, Charles, William, Andrew, Samuel, John and Jane. "Long" Johnny was the son of Samuel and Mary (Watson) Buchanan. He had 5 [7?] brothers and 1 sister. His 2 older [?] brothers died in infancy. He came to the plains in 1879 with his parents. He was a member of the battalion raised by the famous Col. Thomas Scott M.P. for Winnipeg at the time of the 1885 Rebellion. He married Lizzie Graham and they had a family of 12 [13?] children: Mary Jane married George Smith, Cassey married George Liverington, Margaret married Ted Dafoe, Lizzie married Charles McArthur, Andrew (Andy) married Letitia, Samuel John (Sammy) remained a bachelor, Myrtle married Stan Rupert, Georgina married Bert Harris, Lydenia married Gordon Magee, Katie married Hugh Kennedy, Alexander (Alex) was a bachelor [?] and a twin to Merle who married George Hillis. [Daughter Elsie is omitted.] It is mainly through the efforts of "Long" Johnny that the village of Riding Mountain is situated where it is. It had been originally planned that the village of Riding Mountain would be located 2 miles south of the present site. However, when the C.N. Railway went through in 1903, there was a misunderstanding between Frank Foulston and the railway company and a siding could not be built 2 miles south. "Long" Johnny, who owned N.W. 10-18-15 made a deal with the railway company and a siding was built and the present village of Riding Mountain was started. Around 1918 "Long" Johnny moved to Pleasantdale, Sask. When he died he was buried beside his wife, Lizzie in Rosedale Cemetery (north of Neepawa).

NELS BUCHANAN FAMILY by Art Buchanan Nels Buchanan was the son of Andy and Letitia Buchanan. He was born in Neepawa at Stoney Creek, May 8, 1890. He married Mary Alice Buchanan, the daughter of Samuel and Isabel [Coulter] Buchanan of Birnie in 1910. They had 6 children: Gertrude, born in Birnie in 1911. She is married and has 3 children; Faye, Gloria and Gordon. She now resides with her daughter Faye in Winnipeg. Arthur, was born in Riding Mountain in 1912. He is married and has 6 children; Keith, Norris, Gail, Patricia, Randi and Shawn. They now reside in Neepawa. Delbert was born in Riding Mountain in 1915. He is married with 2 children; Joan and Garv. He now lives in Winnipeg. Mervin (Bud), was born at Pleasandale, Sask. in 1922. He is married and has 4 sons; Gerald, I)aniel, Ross aud Terry. He now lives in St. James. Jean was born at Pleasandale, Sisk. iii 1924 and is married with 1 daughter Mariam. Jean is now deceased. Jessie was born at Pleasandale, Sask. in 1924 (twin). She is deceased also. Nels and Mary are also both deceased. Nels served in Winnipeg Grenadiers and 226th Bat-talion in World War I, and served in Europe at Vimy Ridge, Ypres and Somme. In World War II he served in the Home Guard at Red Rock and Nanaimo.

MR. AND MRS. RICHARD BUCHANAN by Elizabeth(Buchanan) Blunt Richard Buchanan married me, [Mary Alice] Elizabeth Birch, in 1920 at the home of my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Birch Sr. of Birnie, Man.

After living on farms in the Oakleaf district, we moved to N.W. 4-18-15, known as the Sam Smith farm in the Tobarmore school district. Our family includes 1 son and 6 daughters. Clarence married Hazel Anderson at Decker, Man. in 1948. They have 5 children: Barbara, Richard, Daryl, Robert and Bruce. After a lengthy illness, Clarence died in 1982. Violet married Ray Dunsmore at her parents' home in 1941. They have 4 sons: Robert, David, Kenneth and Brent. Violet divorced Ray and later on married Willis Murray. They reside in Neepawa. Eileen married Jim Curtis at Riding Mountain in 1944. Their family includes Donald, Gordon, Murray, Tanis and Sharon. They farmed in the Makaroff area for a number of years, until Jim's death in 1971. Eileen now resides in Neepawa. Evelyn married Henry Kaspick at Riding Mountain in 1947. Their family includes Brenda, Bryan and Arleigh. Evelyn and Henry lived in Brandon prior to moving to Neepawa 15 years ago where they now operate White Farm Equipment. Betty married Clifford Moore at Riding Mountain in 1950. They have resided in several locations across Canada, as Clifford was employed in the Armed Forces. They have 3 sons and 2 daughters: Gregory, Garnet, Curtis, Karen and Marlene. They were divorced and Betty now lives in Winnipeg. Audrey married George Simon at Riding Mountain in 1952. Audrey, having no children, has devoted her life teaching other people's children in the Beautiful Plains School Division. Audrey and George farm west Neepawa, where they have won "The Best Rural Home and Grounds Award" on various occasions. Marie married Murray Kolesar at Riding Mountain 1958. Their family includes 1 daughter, Lori, and 1 son Richard. Marie taught school for 1 year at Big Valley Then she decided to become a comptometer operator where she worked at Great-West-Life Insurance Company. Murray and Marie make their home in Winnipeg. Dick and I were always active in community affairs. Dick served on the Tobarmore school board and was instrumental in having the new school built. This building was later moved to Riding Mountain and is now part the Senior Citizen's Centre. He was also chairman of the sports committee. Each autumn found him threshing for his neighbors with the outfit he took over from Harold Cleland. For several years, Dick and I took my young nephew Murray Ennis into our family following the death of mother, Mrs. Jack Ennis (Violet Birch). In addition my many duties as a farm wife and mother, I still found time and energy to assist with the community and United Church at Riding Mountain where Eileen, Evelyn, Betty, Audrey and Marie were married. Dick passed away suddenly in 1956 but I, Lizzy remained on the farm until 1961. I moved, at that time to Neepawa and worked for Mr. and Mrs. Ed Salway 3 1/2 years. In 1963, I married Nels Buchanan, a brother of Dick. Prior to our marriage, Nels lived in William's Lake, BC. After a lengthy illness, he passed away in 1969. He left 3 sons and 1 daughter: Arthur, Delbert, Bud (Mervyn) and Gertie. Frank Blunt and I were married on June 2nd, 1979 we reside in Neepawa. Frank has 2 daughters: Eve (Mrs. Archie Griffith), lives at Rocky Mountain House, Alta. She has 2 of a family: Yvonne and Mitch. Sharon is a nurse in Edmonton, Alta. Frank and I farm in the Clanwilliam district where he keeps a few cattle. He also has a wonderful dog named Tootsie to keep him company whenever I am not there.


Robert Buchanan married Sarah Agnes Jackson on June 28, 1911. They lived east of the Oakleaf school. I think the farm was just rented. Freda Margaret was born July 28, 1913, Lucy Letetia was born Dec.25, 1914, and Ruby Agnes was born July 7, 1917.1 think it was either the fall of 1917 or the spring of 1918, 1 can just remember going in the buggy, when we moved to the Hamilton McDonald place, the N.E. 1-1815. It was 2 1/2 miles southeast of Riding Mountain, and 2 1/2 miles northwest of Oakleaf school. Here Laura Jane was born Feb.25, 1919, and Myrtle Merle was born Dec.26, 1921. We 4 oldest girls started to Oakleaf school. We had a pony we drove in the summer, but we couldn't drive her in the winter because she would run away if she was hooked single in the cutter. She was afraid of it hitting her heels. Freda, Ruby and I (Lucy) went to Sunday School at the Riding Mountain United Church. Mrs. Levi Rogers was one of our teachers and Jack Waters was superintendent. Mother used to sell butter to Dick Thurston's store and Mr. Simmons, (He worked on the C.N.R. track) would buy a gallon crock full at a time. Tom Henderson also bought some. Mother used to drive about 7 miles with the horse and buggy to Birnie and sold butter to Servante's store and other people. I was usually the one who went with her as I liked driving the horses. We moved in the spring of 1927 to S.E. 13-17-15, the Birch place. Uncle Art had died and father rented the place from Aunt Eva Birch. Alvin Birch lives there now. Wilbert Roy was born there on May20, 1927. Father got a job with the Good Roads grading the highway, 4 horses on the grader. We moved to Eden in the spring of 1929. In the fall of 1930 the Good Roads took some of the grader men off and father was one of them. We moved out to the Old Reilly place, northeast of Eden for the winter. In the spring of 1931 we moved north of Birnie to the Nicholson farm. Father rented it for a year then we moved to the Snider place, northeast of Riding Mountain. Cecil Andrew Robert was born there Oct. 3, 1932. We moved to the Buchanan home, N.W. 20-17-14. It was rented from a mortgage company. We were there about 2 years then the farm was sold and we moved to the N.E. quarter of the same section. We were there for about a year, then the Oakleaf place, where father and mother first lived, was for sale for taxes so father bought it. Then he bought the Gilroy place on the same section, about 1942 or 43. They moved there about 1944. Mother died on Mar.21, 1946. Father lived there with Wilbert and Bobby. Merle came home for a while and stayed with them. Then Vivian Jones (Johnstone) kept house for him and Wilbert. Bobby had gone out working. Father sold the S.W. quarter to Richard Johnston and rented the other quarter. He bought a house from Walter Kidd and moved it into Riding Mountain. He and Wilbert lived there till he died Oct.28, 1953. Wilbert is not married. Freda Margaret married David T. Reed Nov. 5, 1932. They went to Fun Flon where Dave worked in the mine. Their 3 children were born there. Gordon David born Sept.23, 1933. Gordon married Verla Mae Allan Aug. 6, 1955. Gordon worked for the Hydro for a while. Then he did electrical wiring, as he was an electrician. Now he and Verla have the store at Langruth, Man. They have 2 boys: Gorden Brent born Mar. 4, 1956 and Wayne Allan born April 17, 1957. Albert Murray was born Jan. 3, 1935. Murray married Ada Ursia Evens Nov.19, 1955. Murray and Ada lived in Winnipeg for a time. Then they moved to Calgary. Murray is a semi-truck driver. They have 3 boys: Brian Murray born Nov.13, 1956, Barry Dale born Oct. 12, 1958 and Bruce Robert born Nov. 22, 1961. Eileen Margaret was born Dec. 14, 1936. Eileen married Calvin Earl Whelpton Feb. 19,1955. They live on a farm in the Mentmore district. They have 4 children: Reid Calvin born Aug.16, 1959, Beverly Lynne born Sept. 2, 1960, Darlene Mae born Nov. 7, 1961 and Neil Earl born Dec. 7, 1968. Freda Reed and the children moved from Flin Flon when Eileen was a baby. They lived at Ochre River for a time then moved to Riding Mountain to the Frood house, where Dann's Body Shop is

now. They also lived in the Morley house and the Ralph Chisholm house. Then they lived in the Wes Ducklow place until about 1960 when Freda moved to Neepawa. She now lives in the Yellow Head Manor. Lucy Letetia Buchanan married James Archie Bare Mar.21, 1943. Ruby Agnes Buchanan married Calvert David Cathcart, Feb.1938. Calvert was an engineer on the C.N. construction gang. They lived on a farm at Keyes, Man., then moved to Neepawa. Then they moved to Winnipeg for a time, then back to a farm northwest of Neepawa. They bought a house in Franklin and lived there until Calvert's death in Oct. 1979. They had 5 of a family: Flora Donna born Sept. 27, 1938. She married Hugh Boyd July 5, 1958. They have 3 of a family: Jamie, Kathy, and Patti Jo. They lived in Winnipeg for a number of years. They now live in Alberta. Donna is a teacher. Ruby Elaine married Ronald Lougheed Mar. 24, 1962. Ron worked for an oil company and they lived in Plumas, Gladstone and now in Grand View. They have 3 of a family: Sheila Elaine, Calvin Grant, and Bruce. Elaine is a nurse. Lawrence Robert married Donna Gail Montgomery May 19, 1962. They live on the farm S.W. 9-15-15, where the family lived when they moved back from Winnipeg. They have 4 boys: Scott Cathart borrn Nov. 15, 1962, Kevin Lawrence born Nov. 17, 1964, James Derek born Nov. 25, 1966, Myles Bradley born May 5, 1971. Sandra Dianne married James Pow. Thev are divorced and she has remarried. She has 1 son, Cameron David Pow born Nov. 22, 1970. Barbara Denise born Nov. 14, 1958, married Arnold Hugh Coutts Aug. 14, 1982. They live at Plumas on a farm. Laura Jane Buchanan was born Feb. 25, 1919, and married Irvin Fleger Jan. 1942. They lived on the farm where he had lived with his mother. Margaret Ann was born Aug. 17, 1942. Harvey Irvin born Sept.22, 1943. They then bought the Jackson farm from our grand-father, Thomas Jackson, S.W. 8-17-14, east of Birnie. Grace Evelyn was born Jan. 19, 1945; Marie Ruth was born Feb. 3, 1946; Dorothy Jean born Sept. 9, 1949 and Shirley Lorraine born May 28, 1956. Margaret Ann married Arnall Andrew Aug. 17, 1963. They lived on a farm northeast of Kelwood. Margaret taught school for a year at Riding Mountain. They have 2 boys, Arnall Bruce born May 14, 1969; Brian John born Oct. 10, 1970. They moved to the homeplace last fall, 1982. Harvey Irvin married Linda Gail Scott April 26,1975. They lived for a while in the big house on the farm, Irvin and Laura bought a trailer and moved it on the farm. Harvey got a job with the Coop in Neepawa and they moved to Neepawa. He got a job as Weed Inspector at Pierson and they have been there since. They have 3 boys: Dean, Michael, and Vaughn. Grace Evelyn is unmarried. She works for Household Finance and lives in Winnipeg. Marie Ruth married Steve Fedorowich Feb.22, 1969. Marie is a nurse. They lived in Winnipeg, Steve worked with the C.N.1.B. and he was transferred to Brandon, so they moved there. They have I daughter, Katheryn Gail, born Aug. 15, 1971. Dorothy Jean married Mervyn Myers Brewer Nov. 15, 1969. They live at Erickson on a farm. They have I boy, Bradley Kevin, born Jan. 17, 1974. Shirley Lorraine married Montgomery Scott (Buzz) Andrews of Calgary. They live in Calgary. They have no family. Myrtle Merle Buchanan married Gordon Kitson July 1945. Gordon was killed in an accident about 6 weeks after they were married. Merle married George Archer about 1948. They lived at Portage Ia Prairie, where George worked at the airport. They have 3 of a family: Robert George born July 30, 1949; Kenneth Wayne born July 3, 1953; Debra Jean born Aug. 18,1956. They were at Fort Churchill and moved to North Battleford. George died in 1981. Merle still lives at North Battleford. Cecil Andrew Robert Buchanan married Norma McKee, April 1951. They have 6 of a family: Wayne Robert, born Feb.16, 1953; Kenneth Andrew, born Jan. 16, 1955; Darlene Lynne, Jan.13, 1957; Linda Lee, born Nov.25, 1959; Donald Murray, born Mar.26, 1963 and Neil William born July 24, 1970. Robert (Bob) started as a fireman on the old steam engine on the C.N.R. He was engineer when they took the steam engine off and put on the diesel engines. He has been engineer on the diesel since. They lived in Biggar, Sask. for a few years then moved to Winnipeg. Their 3 oldest boys

all work for Safeway Stores in Winnipeg. The 2 oldest boys and the oldest girl are married. Wayne Robert married Evelyn Shirley Fargher Sept. 16, 1972. They have 2 boys. Kenneth Andrew married Patricia Jane Bingeman May 24, 1975. They have no family. Darlene Lynn married Jay Bruce Erlandson May 8, 1982. Wilbert Roy, when father died came up to our place on the farm for a while, then he went downtown to Freda's. Ruby and Freda took him to Portage la Prairie to the home for boys. He was there for 4 or 5 years, then the home put him out on farms where the people he was living with looked after him. He was with a family at Alonsa for a while. Then he was up near Shoal Lake. Now he is at Erickson at Beatty's.

ROY AND BETTY BUCHANAN FAMILY by Roy and Betty Buchanan I, Roy, the son of Archie and Doris (Thurston) Buchanan was born in 1925.1 received my education at the Riding Mountain School. After leaving school I worked on farms and at logging. enlisted in the army, in the Service Corps, in 1943. I went overseas and served in France and Germany. I didn't return home until 1946 as I spent 9 months in the army of occupation in Germany. On my return home I began driving a transfer for Jim Henry. Then I drove a transfer for Bert McKay on construction until 1952 when I went to work in the mine at Atikokan, Ont. I was there until the fall of 1954. I, Betty am the daughter of James and Jennie (Chisholm) McLaughlin. I was born in 1932 at Riding Mountain. I, too, received my education at the local school. I belonged to the first Garden Club with Mark Robinson as our leader. Before I was married I worked in Neepawa. Betty and I were married on April 14, 1954. We made our home in Atikokan, Ont. until October of 1954 when we moved back to Riding Mountain. At this time we went into business with Archie and Doris Buchanan. In 1962 we took over the store on our own. In 1974 we sold the tore to George and Dennis Dinsdale. I, Roy, at this time went to work as a Correctional Officer at Spruce Woods Rehabilitation Camp where I was employed until January of 1983 when I retired. We have 3 sons: Blair, Lyle and Dean. Blair Alexander was born in May of 1955. He attended Riding Mountain and Kelwood schools. After school he was employed as a dragline operator for Mervin Morley For 2 years. Then he went to work for M.T.S. as a cat operator. On May 15, 1982 he married Cathy Baker of Brandon. They reside in Riding Mountain and have a daughter, Tara Lee Elizabeth born Nov.20, 1983. Blair is now a semi-truck driver for the M.T.S. Lyle Ross was born in September of 1957 in Neepawa. He received his education in Riding Mountain and Kelwood. He worked for the C.N.R. until this line was abandoned. He then took an apprenticeship in brick laying but chose to work for the M.T.S. in 1980 where he is still employed. In November of 1983 he married Kimberly Boyd, daughter of Elbourne and Faye Boyd of Riding Mountain. They now reside in Brandon, Man. William Dean was born in October of 1960. He too received his education in Riding Mountain and Kelwood schools. In 1979 he began to work with the M.T.S. as a coin collector. He is engaged to Nola Jean Zboril of Kelwood and they are to be married on April 28, 1984. They reside in Brandon. I, Roy have always enjoyed curling. I am an active member of the Royal Canadian Legion Br. 202 of Riding Mountain. All 3 sons are ardent curlers and are also members of the local Legion.


Samuel, son of Samuel and Mary (Watson) Buchanan, was born at Donegal, Ont. in 1869. He came with his parents to Manitoba in the 1870's and settled in the Neepawa area. He had 5 [7?] brothers: "Long" Johnny, Jim, Bill, Robert and David, and a sister, Mary. In 1891, Samuel married Isabel (Bella) Coulter of Mountain View. They farmed for a few years in the Neepawa and Mountain View district before moving to a farm in the Birnie area (later known as the Jim Birnie farm) and then to a Riding Mountain farm (later known as the Norman Tyler farm). About 1915 he purchased the "Alex Allan" house from Bill Watson and moved his family to town. He joined the army and went overseas in 1916. When he returned, they moved to Pleasantdale, Sask. where he farmed for a number of years. They later moved to the Chilliwack, B.C. area where they lived until their passing. They are both buried in the Legion cemetery in Chilliwack, B.C. Sam and Bella had a family of 7, all born in the Neepawa and Birnie districts. Mary Alice, born in 1894, married Nels Buchanan of Riding Mountain. Archie Alexander, born in 1895, married Doris Thurston of Riding Mountain. Andrew William, born in 1898, married Beatrice Harris of Neepawa. Jean Alma, born in 1901, married Pete Ducklow of Riding Mountain. Angus, born in 1905, married Ann Zart of Chilliwack, B.C. Jessie, born in 1907, deceased at childbirth [tombstone at Riding Mountain says she lived for 2 weeks]. Leola, born in 1909, married Carter Toop of Chilliwack, B.C. and still resides there.

THE ANDREW SNIDER FAMILY by Mabel Henry Andrew, son of James and Elizabeth Snider married Isabel Watson, daughter of James and Jane. They had two children: James, who married Thelma Stewart, a Kelwood girl and Elizabeth (Ella) who married Walter Clark. After the death of Isabel, and he married her sister Annie, widow of David Gardiner. They farmed land that is now part of Parkview Colony. Mr. and Mrs. Snider retired and moved Abbotsford B.C. In 1928. After Mr. Snider died there, Mrs. Snider returned to Riding Mountain. She made her home with her brother Dave Watson, until her death in 1939. James served in the Army during World War II. He and Thelma farmed Inglis, Manitoba and later moved to Haney, B.C., where James was tragically killed when struck by a car in front of their home. James and Thelma had two sons: Barry and Donald. Ella and Walter Clark farmed at Birtle, Manitoba until Walter joined the Army during World War II. They later moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba were Charles resides. Ella passed away in 1968. They had a son, Carman and two daughters, Dorothy and Lillian.

THE JAMES SNIDER FAMILY by Mabel Henry James Snider and Elizabeth Hutchinson were married near Brantford, Ontario on Christmas Day, 1863, a triple wedding when Mrs. Snider 's brother and cousin also "took unto themselves a comely bride". The Sniders moved with several other migrating families to Shoal Lake, Manitoba, where James worked at the creamery and Elizabeth boarded the staff. About 1890 the moved to Riding Mountain and homesteaded the farm that was later owned by William Cation and later still by Jim Grudeski and is now part of Parkview Colony.

There were 5 sons and five daughters in the family. Andrew and James Jr. also homesteaded farms that are incorporated into the Parkview Colony. Sons Frank and Jack moved to Bowsman with their parents to homestead about 1905. Son Joseph went to Outlook, Saskatchewan. The daughters were: Sophia (Mrs. Matt Wells), Annie (Mrs. Robert Hainstock), Hester (Mrs. Allan Eby), Laura (Mrs. Robert Alexander), and Minnie (Mrs. Dave Watson). Following Mrs. Snider 's death in 1910, Mr. Snider, "Dad" as he was known by everybody, came back to Riding Riding Mountain and made his home with the Watsons until he died in 1930. He and his wife are both buried at Shoal Lake where they made their first home in Manitoba. Mr. Snider was a fine old time fiddler and was always happy to entertain his many friends. He was a living example of a Christian man. He not only attended church regularly, but never went to bed now matter how late without reading from his well-worn Bible and kneeling in prayer. Once his son Joe came to visit unexpectedly and grandpa didn't recognize him at first. Joe said "Well I called you Dad" to which he replied "Shucks everyone calls me Dad", a sign of how dearly he was loved by all who knew him. Mrs. Snider a very industrious lady, in addition to the duties of raising a large family was midwife to her neighbors and assisted many new little citizens into the world.

THE DAVE WATSON FAMILY by Mabel Henry Dave Watson and Minnie Snider were married May 31st, 1899 and homesteaded the quarter section 1 mi. east of the present town of Riding Mountain. Later they farmed closer to town. There were among the first members of the Methodist (later United) Church, which Mr. Watson helped to build. Mrs. Watson was active in church work for many years. Dave was a member of the school board for 27 consecutive years. He with Walter Waters and George Sissons formed the first park board, when land was purchased from the CNR to form a memorial park. Here many picnic and ball games have taken place over the years. The eldest son, Bert married Bessie McKone of Kelwood. They lived in Winnipeg and Yorkton, Saskatchewan when he was with the John Deere Company. They retired to Burlington, Ontario where Bert died in 1979. They had one son Ron and two grandchildren. Roy married Phyllis Foster and after living in town several years moved to Welland, Ontario where Roy was employed with Atlas Steel Company until his retirement. They have two daughters, Shirley (Mrs. Doug Pyper) and Eleanor (Mrs. Richard) Daniels and six grandchildren. Their daughter Mabel married Jim Henry and they were in business in town until they retired and moved to Neepawa in 1979. They had one daughter Lorna McDougal and two sons Jerry and Ray and eight grandchildren. Mrs. Watson died in 1935 and Dave in 1958.

JAMES AND JANE BUCHANAN by Mabel Henry My grandparents James Watson and Jane Buchanan were married in the township of Elma in Perth County, Ontario on September 22nd, 1858. They raised a family of 13: Adam, Elizabeth, Samuel, Robert, David, Margaret, Annie, Solomon, William, at Isabel, and Jean, Allen and Mary. In 1885 James Watson homesteaded the first farm in the Riding Mountain district, S.E. 16-18-15. During the summer, he and his sons lived in a tent and cut logs for the building and grew a crop of potatoes for winter.

In 1886 they built their log house and barn and moved from Spring Hill where they had homesteaded land in 1879. While there James Watson was elected as the first Reeve when Rosedale municipality was formed. He helped to survey road a road to Dauphin and later their home was the "stopping house" where travelers on the stage between Neepawa and Dauphin could have a meal and change horses for the next segment of the trip. On return trip, horses were again changed. Mrs. Watson, a very resourceful woman, acted as nurse many times when the pioneers suffered injuries in the wood cutting operations. When the Watson came to this district, their nearest neighbors were Mr. and Mrs. Bare who lived at Tobermore. Grain had to be hauled to Portage la Prairie to be ground into flour. On one trip, Mr. Watson was detained by a blizzard and the family lived on boiled wheat for three days until he could get home with the flour. They retired and sold the farm to their son, Solomon, who in turn sold ir to Daniel Kitson. His son Milton and his wife Irene, still live there.

THE WILLIAM WATSON FAMILY by Mabel Henry William Watson son of James and Jane married Sophia Monroe. They farmed on the land later owned by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tyler At one time "Bill" owned the pool room on the front street of Riding Mountain. The lived in the house that was later owned by Mamie Allan and which was destroyed by fire. Their family was: Flo (Mrs. Fred Graham), Clara (Mrs. John Alexander), Gertie (Mrs. Hunter Putnam), Rhea (Mrs. Lyle Baker), Arthur and Norman. They all attended the first school in Riding Mountain. About 1912 the family moved to Bowsman, Manitoba.

Attachment(not stored) History of Riding Mountain and Area 1885-1984.rtf

Dec 17, 2005 FW: The Canadian County Atlas Digital Project - About the County At I just received this from Isabel Lefebvre. It looks interesting.

Bill Buchanan Attachment(not stored)

Dec 18, 2005 Letters from the Past, Part 10

Hi Everyone, This first letter seems very personal. I am tempted to edit out some parts. Obviously Theora and her family have experienced a lot of problems. [Since this info was provided for printing in the 1970 Buchanan Family Tree book I have not deleted personal information.] Bill _____________________________________________________________________ [Part 10] [New page] [New document] West Moncton, Ontario April 25th Dear Cousins I am late in acknowledging your gift of the Buchanan book. I received it in good condition and many thanks to you folks. We're enjoying a snowstorm right now. Our old winter snow is getting away, the weather is cool. Some have seed again, we have not yet but did expect to work at it yesterday, weather permitting. With the equipment nowadays seeeding does not take long. We have a hundred acres but must [New page] work at rotations as Ken has just dairy cows and heifers. He used to have a lot of pigs and sows, selling the little pigs, but sold out everything last fall. Pigs [prices] in Ontario are flat now and grain expensive to buy. He had to put up a milk house and install a bulk tank and all the rest of it. We used to drop our own milk cans to Newry, but the Milk Board closed a very fine factory, and Ken had to drive each day to Listowel 13 miles distant. [New page ] He found that it was too much work and a long trip every day. You see the Milk Board is forcing out all can milk and it is only a short time now until everyone is forced to do just as they wish. Our milk goes now to Mitchell or wherever they need extra milk. We could do better at Toronto, but we still have a row of stanchions to install before the stable will meet the regulation requirements. [New page ] It seems like farming today is a lot of headaches. Ken likes the farm and of course has not an education to go out and get a decent job. He is not married and if I and my daughter Phyllis were not here to keep house, he could not carry on alone.

Phyllis had a serious illness and ended up with a mastoid at 5 months old, an operation in that time, as it was 1939, no antibiotics available for local doctors. She was deaf for over a year [New page ] Did not walk for two years and could not talk until she was 6. She recovered her hearing, learned to walk and later when Ken came along she also learned to talk. She did not get too much schooling, for when 2 years old took like a stroke that set her back and left her with epilepsy. At four years she had another on the other side, but with help and lots of care and worry we see her now able to do a lot, we at one time never hoped for. It left her a bit [New page ] retarded, so has not been able to go out in the world on her own. She is able to get help by disabled pension. We had no schools for the retarded a few years ago like now. I'm glad to say she is able to go out with the family, and church and television opened the whole new world for her. I have arthritis very bad and have been quite crippled up this winter. Warm weather sometimes helps a bit, but not always. All pills I was able to get, proved allergic [New page ] so can't get too much to help, only one thing of the cortisone products, but doctors don't prescribe too much, just enough to ease the pain a bit. My eldest son lives in Atwood and works at Arbor Acres plant. He has a birthday on the 27th which makes him 40 this year. He has three children, Keith 8 Carol 6, Karen 4. A wife who has been in mental institutions twice in three years at Goderich. I had two of the children for six months the first time. [New page ] And this past fall we had all three for 13 weeks. I feel sorry for the little ones but felt it just too much to cope with this last time. I am 66 and when one gets older, the noise is too much. I do hope she will stay better but has been a long time improving. Mental things are hard to understand and I find it so hard to have conversations with her. It now seems like I've written a long letter all about myself. Write me some time and tell me [New page ] about you folks. Do have a family? See I haven't my book studied out yet. I did hear Annie McMane is living in Stratford but did not hear from her. She had a car accident in the fall. She hit Mrs. Ray Buchanan of Moncton, Ontario behind at a stop sign in Listowel. I understand it is not settled up yet. She is a wild driver for an elderly lady. Theora Dewar [New page ]

[New document ] Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth's Daughter Jane Buchanan married Samuel McCauley had seven sons John Andrew married Maggie O'Grady James married Barbara Forest Thomas William married Ellie McNally Charles married Nellie Blake Robert married Sarah McNally Twins Edward Matthew [married?] Sadie Gallanger one son, [married?] Beatrice Anderson - one son, one girl George Anderson born 1892 married Ruth Van Bogart 1916, eight children I do not have birth dates. Have tried to reach some and they all seem interested enough to answer. I'll list Uncle Bob Buchanan's in case no one has sent it. I lack dates at least I know names as I knew them when all children in Ontario [New page ] The Hodges Aunt Mary Buchanan Hodges married Isaac Hodge [sic] Four children Della Payne 2 girls Marion and Dorothy, live in California Cora, Gibbs, one son Virgil, live in California George, single over 80 years, lives in California Corrinne married [New page ] This page belongs to the line of Andrew Buchanan but should have been sent direct to you from High River, Alberta. Andrew had a son Andrew (known as Devil Andy) Family Mary Jane Buchanan Wilson Nora Irene Hansen Eleanor May married William Harrison Asselstine born Apr 8, 1890 William John Elizabeth Ethel Wilfred Gordon Frances Minnie Eleanor May born June 23rd, 1896 married William Harrison Asselstine born April 8th, 1890 Daughter Frances Lorraine born October 5th, 1918 husband Lorne McInnis born March 15th, 1912 Sons Alexander born May 7th, 1951 Gregory born May 4th, 1957

I've written asking that they send in the other information to Mr. Lorne Buchanan, Neepawa, Manitoba.

Robert Buchanan, born Ontario, Canada 1863 died Dec. 1941 Married Maggie Anderson cousin to Samuel McCauley - Robert's sister Jane's husband Children John Andrew born about 1890 Twins Ethel, Ethel died in about the 1920's William Sam Lived at Nampa, Idaho Uncle died December 1941 [New page ] [New document ] [NOTE: This document appears to be BFT's ONLY source of the information on the descendants of David Buchanan and Jennie Magoffin. It has EXACTLY this information.] Sam and Mary Watson David Buchanan born August 17th, 1877 died August 16th, 1960, Stratford Ontario married July 21, 1903 Jane (Jennie) Elizabeth Magoffin born June 3rd, 1881 died July 9th, 1946, Listowel, Ontario Edna May born July 5th, 1904, Neepawa, Manitoba Married Samuel McNeilly Ramsey in 1924 deceased October 25th McNeilly Alexander James - two children (twin died) boy married Samuel Roderick (Second marriage) John Pernoski Edna May Marion Gladys single born August 1st, 1905, at Neepawa, Manitoba William Samuel born August 20th, 1906, Nepawa, Manitoba Married September 21st, 1933 Ella Margaret Fraser July 28th, 1906 Deceased July 30th, 1946 William Fraser April 2nd, 1938, Sumas, Washington Barbara E. Maddalozzo October 17, 1937 married May 10th 1958

Barbara Ellen born May 3rd, 1959 at Abbotsford B.C. Robert Lee born October 17th, 1961 Barry David born May 4th 1940 Sumas, Washington married to March 10, 2007 Heather Pastro born July 1942 Brian Lee May 3rd, 1942 Abbotsford, B.C. [New page ] Children of David and Jennie Buchanan Edith Cavell Buchanan born March 10th, 1916, Abbotsford, B.C. Married Pat Reid at Abbotsford, B.C. Children David Buchanan Reid born Abbotsford, B.C. Married Lorna Letkeman Dixie are read Born December 14th, 1945, Abbotsford, B.C. married Robert Brennan, at Salmon arm, B.C. Rose Buchanan born December 23rd, 1918, Abbotsford, B.C. It married Albert Louis Masson August 8th, 1945, Abbotsford, B.C. Children Marni L. Masson born December 13th, 1946, Abbotsford, B.C. Graeme R. Masson, November 23rd, 1948, Abbotsford, B.C. Juni Anne Mason, June 29th, 1953, Abbotsford, B.C. Maxie Buchanan born May 19th, 1921, Abbotsford, B.C. Married Dorothy Danny, October 1945 Children Stuart Buchanan born April 1947, Abbotsford, B.C. Randee Buchanan born Abbotsford, B.C. [New page ] Norma L. Buchanan born June 23rd, 1923, Abbotsford, B.C. Married July 1944 Arnold H. Hauser, died June 22nd, 1967 Children Roderick, born October 28th, 1945, Neudorf, Saskatchewan James, born July 1947, Neudorf, Saskatchewan Edward, born Mission City Patrick, born May 10, Mission City Ankus born August 2, Mission City Caroline, born December 1962, Salmon Arm B.C.

Desmond H. Buchanan, born December 8th, 1925, Abbotsford, B.C. Married Irma Zurowski, Chilliwack, B.C. Children Daryl Buchanan, born Abbotsford, B.C. Laverne Buchanan born Abbotsford, B.C. [New page ] [Reid children] Joane, born Salmon Arm, B.C. Colleen, born Salmon Arm, BC [Brennan child] Robert Patrick [New page ] James Daniel [Buchanan] born August 19th, 1908, Neepawa, Manitoba Married Juanita Forrest Children Marjorie, born Abbotsford, B.C. married Jago (separated) Barbara E born at the Ford married Ted Jago Norman Buchanan born Abbotsford, B.C. Karen Buchanan born at Abbotsford, B.C. married Steve Martini Norman Buchanan born Abbotsford B.C. married Patricia, once child Shawn Sharon born Abbotsford, B.C. married Gale Dowd David Tyrone, born Abbotsford B.C., single Jane Elizabeth born September 9th, 1944, Abbotsford B.C. married George Donatelli Duncan born Mission City Allister born Mission City


Dec 19, 2005 Letters from the Past, Part 11 Hi Everyone, Here is the next part. I can't guarantee that the names and dates are transcribed perfectly. If you come across anything that disagrees with your records, please ask me to check the photocopy of the original. Bill ___________________________________________________________

[New page ] [Part 11] [New document]

Family of Andrew Buchanan and Liza Burke Andrew born July 1850 died February 12th, 1912 Liza born October 1853 died March 31st, 1912 Mary Elizabeth born in Elma February 25, 1877 died July 31st, 1958 married Robert Hymers Hazel born January 1896 in Elma married Gordon McDonald daughter Mary Jenny born 1898 at Elma married Ed Martin, no family Pearl married Cecil F. Tibbitts five children Blanche Hazel Olmont married Mary Barton, two boys Burnell and Delmar Earl deceased, married Robenia [Children ] June Eddie Blanche deceased at 21 years Andrew, married Marjorie [Children ] Judy Alice

Annie born March 27th, 1879 died February 25th, 1955 Married William F. McMillan born January 30th, 1863 died May 22nd, 1943 one son Glen Lula Jane born September 25th, 1903 married Clyde M. Johnston born January 25th, 1899 died April 27, 1962 [Child] Wayne Clyde born September 20th, 1936 married Rita Marie Schleis born May 3rd, 1936 Dale Francis born March 10th, 1963 Douglas Wayne born April 23rd, 1964 David Edward born January 27, 1967 Glen Milton born November 22nd, 1905, [married] Esther Mary McMillan born September 18th, 1915 Eileen Margaret born August 29th, 1911 married George McConkey born December 18th, 1903 [Children] Marilyn Ruth born August 16th, 1932 married Richard Kalow [Children ] Ruth Marie Kalow born December 29th, 1952 Thomas John Kalow born December 17th, 1955

Jane Ann Kalow born October 26th, 1963 Carol Lee born December 1st, 1936 married Ronald Marshing [children ] Debbie Lee Marshing born April 11th, 1955 Linda Louise born August 10th, 1956 Catherine Ann born June 24th, 1959 Brenda Kay born February 4th, 1963 William S. Married Bertha Slaughter one girl Mrs. Helen Noon John J. Married Marie no family Addie born November 9th, 1881 that died in June 5th, 1955 Married Wesley Snelling no family Joseph L. Married Mary White no family This is all the information I have on this family. [New page ] Eldest son of William Buchanan and Ann Thompson was Andrew Buchanan born July 1850 died 12 February 1912 Married Eliza Jane Burke born October 1853 died 31 March 1912 their family Mary Elizabeth born 25 February 1877 died 31 July, 1958 Married Robert Hymers Annie Jane Buchanan born March 27, 1879 died 25 February 1933 [oe 1953] Married William F. McMillen born January 30, 1963 died 22 May 1943 William S. Buchanan Married Bertha Slaughter one daughter, Mrs. Helen Noon John Buchanan Wife not know no family Addie Buchanan born 9 November 1881 died 5 June 1935 married Wesley Snelling

no family Joseph Buchanan wife not known no family Please turn over this page for grandchildren etc.. I'm enclosing a stamp if you care to reply. This information has been sent me from the USA. Do you wish me to write for more complete dates of birth etc. Your distant cousin Annie B. McMane Rural Route 1, Aylmer, Ontario [New page ] The family of Mary Elizabeth Buchanan and Robert Hymers Hazel married Gordon McDonald, one daughter living Jane married Ed Martin, no family Pearl married Cecil Tibbitts: Blanche, Hazel, Bob Ulmont Hymers married Mary Barton: Burnell, Delmar Earl Hymers married Robenia: June, Eddie Blanch Hymers died aged 21 years Andrew Hymers married Marjorie: Judy and Alice Family of Annie Jane born March 27, 1879 died February 27, 1953 and William F. McMillen born 30 January 1863 died 22 May 1943 Lula Jane McMillen born 27 September 1903 married Clyde M. Johnston born January 25, 1899 died April 27, 1963 their son Wayne Clyde Johnston born September 20th 1936 married Rita Marie Schleis born May 3, 1936 children Dale Frances Johnston born March 10, 1963 Douglas Wayne Johnston born April 25, 1964 David Edward Johnston born 27 January, 1967 Over [New page ] Glen Milton McMillen born 22 November, 1905 Esther May McMillen born September 18, 1915 Irene Margaret McMillan born 29 August, 1911 Married George McConkey born 18 December, 1903 Family Marilyn Ruth born 16 August 1932 Carol Lee born 1 December 1936 Family of Marilyn Ruth McConkey born 16 August 1930

Married Richard Kalow children Ruth Marie Kalow born 29 December 1952 Thomas John Kalow born 17 December 1955 Jane Ann Kalow born October 26, 1963 Family of Carol Le McConkey born 1 December 1936 married Ronald Marshing children Debbie Lee Marshing born April 11th 1955 Linda Louise Marshing born 10 August 1956 Catherine Ann Marshing born 24 June 1959 Brenda Kay Marshing born 4 February 1963 [New page ] [New document ] Family of Lizzie Buchanan and Jake Patrick Helena married Leonard Marshall Ethel married Richard Elliott Annie married Ed Graham Hazel married W. B. Devonport Gladys married Leo Richardson Milton died August 1966 has two girls Not complete, will try to get more information [New page ] [New document ] Family of James Buchanan and Annie Scott James born January 19th, 1852 in Elma died October 23rd, 1923 Annie born November 10th, 1954 in East Zorra Township died July 15th, 1935 married June 25th, 1879 William A. born January 23rd, 1882 Donegal Ontario died March 2nd, 1963 married Helen McLean on December 19th, 1923 Eva B. born August 25th, 1936 Emily Jane born October 12th, 1883 died September 15th, 1890 in Mornington [twp] J. Stanley born April 13th, 1885, at Donegal died December 24th, 1965 Married Bella Anderson 1 August 1914 Walter born July 6th, 1918 married Marion Henderson children Donald born August 19th, 1947 Anne born March 15th, 1952 John Edwin born May 28th, 1887 in Donegal married Mary Pinder July 7th, 1915 children

Evelyn born June 1917 married Arnold Dancer born February 9th, 1916 Kenneth born June 18th, 1918 Leonard born August 19th, 1919 Marion born September 15th, 1921 Della born March 11th, 1925 Jim born January 13th, 1928 Marion born February 17, 1935 Doris born February 13, 1930 8 Annie Breay born November 10th, 1889 in Donegal married Roy McMane March 12th, 1912 Annie G. born April 23rd, 1916 married Jack Ingram Gladys May married Kenneth Cornish: Lee Ann born November 1945, Barbara born July 29th, 1947 Elizabeth J. born August 20th, 1893 in Donegal died April 29th, 1931 married Ollie Jones January 22nd, 1912 Children James at Earl Della Leona

[New page ] James Buchanan Family Tree Robert L. (Bert) born September 10th, 1895 married Margaret Broughton on October 17th, 1917 born July 16th, 1895 died September 6th, 1966 Edna L. born March 29th, 1918 in Donegal married James Laurie April 22nd, 1942 children Robert born November 3rd, 1942 Joseph born June 26th, 1945 Donald born March 10th, 1947 Isabell born February 3rd, 1953 Olive G. born March 18th, 1919 in Donegal Married Laird Cummings September 27th, 1944 Children Norman born May 10th, 1945 Margaret born June 16, 1946 Dorothy born February 21st, 1948 Beverley born April 3rd, 1951 Thelma born June 7th, 1953 Nina I. born November 30th, 1920 in Donegal Married Nelson Cummings July 31st, 1945 Children Marie born May 10th, 1947 Dale born July 22nd, 1949

James born December 1st, 1951 Eva born April 5th, 1953 John born April 23rd, 1955 Earl born December 11th, 1960

James born May 1st, 1923 married Eva Stone on April 21st, 1954 Children Lyle born August 19th, 1958 Mary Pat born September 23rd, 1964 Glen born November 27th, 1922 married Shirley Dewar March 20th, 1946 Children Keneth born June 30th, 1946 married Shirley Pike, son Jeffrey born May 3rd, 1966 Larry born June 6th, 1949 Marie born April 19th, 1950 Ronald born Jan 5, 1954 Brian born November 23rd, 1957 Bradley born November 11th, 1962 Kevin born January 3rd, 1967 Alex born January 10th 1925 married Jessie Dewar on the May 24th, 1954 children Pauline born April 28th, 1954 Cheryl born March 19th, 1958 Le Ann born September 4th, 1964 Myrta born July 4th, 1927 married Howard Darroch on August 2nd, 1952 Children Robert born January 24th, 1953 Dianne born June 20th, 1956 Michael born July 28th, 1964

Gladys born October 2nd, 1930 married Ross Scott on October 14th, 1949 Children Earl born July January 26th, 1950 Douglas born June 20th, 1952 died June 5th, 1962 Donald born October 26th, 1955 Andrew born September 8th, 1936 married Delores Pestell on June 29th, 1963, daughter Faye born May 17th, 1965 [New page ] George R. born June 25th, 1898 died December 2nd, 1955 married Annie Stewart on May 28th, 1924 Bernice married William Turner Julia married George M. [New page ]

James Buchanan third son Edwin born May 29th, 1887 married Mary Pinder Edwin's family Evelyn, Keneth, Leonard, Roy Norman, Della, James, Marian, and Doris Evelyn, born June 5, 1917 married Arnold Dancer born Fenruary 9, 1916 their family Ronald Dancer born May 13th, 1938 married Muriel born January 1st, 1942 children Susanna born November 30th, 1964 Timothy born February 2nd, 1966 Robert Dancer born November 25th, 1939 married Betty McLean: Dwayne born November 25th, 1962 Shirley Dancer born December 18th, 1941 married Robert Bell children Sheila born June 15th, 1962 Sharon born July 13th, 1963 Marilyn Dancer born November 30th, 1946 Audrey Dancer born May 31st, 1948 married Don Solberg Debbie Dancer born September 19th, 1955 Noreen Dancer born January 18th, 1959 Cindy Dancer born October 23rd, 1961

Kenneth E. Buchanan born 18 June 1918 Married Elizabeth Chickey born 28 September 1919 Daughter Linda Margaret born 3 June 1942 Married Robert McFee born 3 May 1939 Mary born 10 March 1946 married Huey Mayo born 11 January 1943 child Beryl Mayo born January 12, 1965 Elaine Elizabeth born 3 December 1947 married Charles Bell born 23 December 1946 Robert Alvin Buchanan born 7 September 1949 Married Patricia Wilsher born 28 November 1947 John Edwin Buchanan born 7 October 1950

[New page ] Leonard Earl Buchanan born August 19th, 1919 married Helen born October 26th, 1928 family Judy May born June 4th, 1950 Donna Ellen born April 9th, 1952 Peggy born March 14th, 1953 Richard Glenn born March 1st, 1955 Roy Norman born September 15th, 1921 married Joan Marian Clausen March 4th, 1924 Family Marion Joyce Buchanan born July 10th, 1955 Catherine Buchanan born February 7, 1957 Blair Ramsey Buchanan born April 18th, 1959 Della born November 1st, 1926 Married Harry Outrim from born March 11th, 1925 but family Diana Outrim born May 19th, 1948 Robert Outrim born October 29th, 1949 Dawn Outrim born February 8th, 1958 James Buchanan born January 13th, 1928 Married Loretta Grace Barry born January 24th, 1939 Family Robert Barry Buchanan born January 1st, 1960 Holly Grace Buchanan born January 29th, 1961 Pamela Jane Buchanan born September 26th, 1962 Petrina Mary Buchanan born June 5th, 1964 Marion Ann born February 17, 1935 married Edward Zagiel born March 17th, 1928 Family Larry Edward born September 9th, 1957 Lynda Marion born October August 19th, 1959 Vera Ann born May 30th, 1961 Sandra Mary born July 8th, 1962 Anthony Andrew born October 18th, 1963 Trina June born June 5th, 1965 Sherry Lynn born June 27th, 1966 Doris Allen born February 13th, 1938 married Benny Arthur Goodman born January 5th, 1938 Family Dana Lorraine Goodman born February 6th, 1965 [New page ] [New document ]

Family of James and Julia Ann Scott Buchanan James born January 24, 1954 died October 23rd, 1923 married Julia Ann Scott born November 9th, 1857 died July 15th, 1935 William Alexander born January 19th, 1882 married Helen McLean in December 1923, daughter Eva Julia born August 25th, 1936 married Morley Turner Emily Jane born October 18th, 1883 died September 6th, 1890 James Stanley born April 13th, 1885 died December 24th, 1965 married Isabel Anderson born October 20th, 1889 Son Walter born July 6th, 1918 married Marion Henderson born November 20th, 1918 children Donald born August 7th, 1946 Anne born March 15th, 1952 John Edwin married Mary Pinder Annie Brae born November 10, 1889 married Roy McMane born August 10th, 1887 died August 15th, 1955 Daughters Annie Gertrude born April 23rd, 1916 married John W. Ingram born September 21st, 1910 Gladys May born March 26th, 1922 married Kenneth Cornish born August 30th, 1920 Daughters Lee Ann Cornish born November 15th, 1945 At Barbara Louise born July 30th, 1947 Elizabeth Jane born August 10th, 1893 died April 29th, 1931 Married Thomas Jones born February 20, 1890 died December 27th, 1947 their son James Edwin born May 7th, 1914 Married Verna Hartsell born June 7th, 1915 children Daughter Sally Jane born September 28th, 1933 married Charles Shillen born December 31st, 1929 children Robert James born June 24th, 1951 Charles Thomas born July 6th, 1952 Susan Jane born December 18th, 1957 Patsy Ann born February 17, 1935 married George Corbin born June 7th, 1933 Children Gary Douglas born October 7th, 1957 Roy Robert born July 18th, 1959 Lisa Marie born August 1st, 1961 Robert Thomas born December 25th, 1936 his daughter Carolyn born January 1st, 1957

William Earl born March 17th, 1917 married Alice Scott born July 31st, 15 died January 19th, 1966 No children [New page ] Ely Jane's family continued Daughter Della May born January 17th, 1919 Married Raymond Bradley born April 2nd, 1915 children Patricia born September 23rd, 1939 Married Jack Warren born November 10, 1936 child Jackie born January 28, 1958 Virginia born February 20, 1942 Married Ronald Blanton born November 26th, 1940 child Deborah born January 18th, 1966 Della born March 5th, 1943 married Charles LeBeau born May 18th, 1943 children Christine born July 29th, 1963 Bret born February 9th, 1965 Shirley born February 13, 1945 married Robert Short born November 18th, 1944 Thomas born March 21st, 1946 Annie Leona born September 15th, 1925 Married Earl Witham born February 5, 1915 children Gloria born April 12th, 1941 Married Richard Sherman born April 22nd, 1938 son Chris born October 29th, 1963 Carol Ann born July 31st, 1946 Sandra Jane born September 15th, 1947 married Richard ---- born August 1948 Earl William born April 17th, 1958

Robert Livingston George R. Buchanan born June 25th, 1898 died December 2nd Married Annie Stewart born February 4, 1909 Daughter Bernice born July 10th, 1926 Married William Kerner born July 31st, 1924 children

Kathi born January 15th, 1956 Kevin born June 11, 1959 Julia born April 30th, 1930 married George Mihalick June 6th, 1928 Children Robert born May 15th, 1961 Lori born December 21st, 1963


Dec 20, 2005 Letters from the Past, Part 12 Hi Everyone, This is the last group of letters. They were generally much easier to follow than some of the previous ones. All that remains in the folder now are the guest lists from the Buchanan reunions in Neepawa. I will do them one at a time. Anyhow, the number 12 is a good number for Christmas. (12 Days etc.) I will work on the guest lists as time allows. I expect it to be slow-going (the dictation software has a poor success rate with names). Have a wonderful day! Bill ________________________________________________________________ [Part 12] Emily Bray Scott Died 1951, Province of Ontario Caroline Sophie Buchanan born Elma Township and county of Perth Ontario 1893/9/03 died 1947 Married Maurice John Dick born Elma Township County of Perth, Ont 1893/9 died 1936-12-28 Annie May born 1912/10 married John Sproule 1. Eva Isabella Married Robert Farrish children Constance Farrish Nancy Farrish Debbie Farrish Barbara Farrish Laurie Farrish Robert Farrish

2. Della Elizabeth married Alex McLaren Child Danny McLaren 3. Harry Wellington married Dorothy Davidson children Linda Sproule Cathy Sproule Cindy Sproule 4. Margaret Anna married Eric Johnson Effie Elizabeth born 1914/7 Married Allan Fleet 1. Joyce Fleet married Kenneth Telford children David Telford Lynda Telford Barbara Telford Grace Telford 2. Emily Fleet married Walter Siler children Albert Siler Alice Siler 3. Ricky Fleet Viola Emily born in 1917/6 married Everett Wilson Joe and wife and son Jean Robert Donald Brenda Barrie Seven more children Will try to get more on this. Dorothy Mary born 1924/2/26 Married Joseph Stephein Children Lorraine Dorothy Stephein Ronald Joseph Stephein

Terry Michael Stephein Alexander born 1921 died 1964 Married Helen Lambeer 1. John Morris Dick married Marion Smith, one son at Michael 2. Donna Marie Dick 3. Joan Frances Dick married Claire Dietrich 4. Mary Karen Dick 5. Shleley Anne Dick 6. James William Dick 7. Roland Alexander Dick 8. Barbara Elizabeth Dick 9. Kenneth Douglas Dick 10. Sharon Louise Dick 11. Dorothy Diane Dick 12. Deborah Darlene Dick 13. Carrol Dick 14. John Alexander Dick Edith Victoria born at 1929/8/27 married Leno Chelli Paul Leno Chelli Christopher John Chelli Timothy Armando Chelli Donald Bernard Chelli Mervyn born 1929 [New page ] [Presumably: Name, Birthplace, Age, Birthdate] Emily Viola Dick Wilson, Britton, 49, July 4,1917 Joseph Evart Wilson, Listowel, July 1, 1906 Family Joseph Donald Wilson, Listowel, 25, July 2nd, 1941 Jane Eleanor Wilson, Listowel, 24, April 1st, 1943 Robert Morris Wilson, Listowel, 23, April 3rd, 1944 Don Alexander Wilson, Listowel, 21, July 9th, 1945 Brenda Lorraine Wilson, Listowel, 20, May 9th, 1947 Kenneth Barry Wilson, Listowel, 20, May 9th, 1947 Earl Douglas Wilson, Listowel, 18, October 6th, 1948 James Frank Wilson, Listowel, 15, August 9th, 1951 David Michael Wilson, Listowel, 12, December 7th, 1954 Catherine Bernice Wilson, Listowel, 10, August 24th, 1956 John Charles Wilson, Listowel, 9, January 20th, 1958 Mary Louise Wilson, Listowel, 7, November 9th, 1959 Grandchild William Joseph Wilson Hanover, 2, October 30th, 1964 Father Joseph Donald

Mother Karen E., 21 [22?], January 15th, 1945 [year has been changed to 1945] [New page ] Born at Mornington township, County of Perth Ontario 1865/10/08, died 1939 James Alexander Buchanan born 1900/3/12, Elma Township County of Perth, Ont died 1955/8/8 Married Gladys Holmes born 1919/3 Fern Elizabeth Buchanan Married Harold Johnston 1. Eleanor Johnston married Jim Edwards, a child Laurie Edwards 2. Marion Johnston married Robert Long, children Cindy Long and Dwayne Long 3. Murray Johnston 4. Kenneth Johnston 5. Rate Johnston 6. Joan Elizabeth Johnston James Elgin Buchanan born 1921/11 married Dorothy Alexander Children Darlene Buchanan Douglas Buchanan Marlene Buchanan James Buchanan at Jeffrey Buchanan Delmer Frederick Buchanan born 1925/8 Married Marie Eckmeir Children 1. Calvin Buchanan 2. Nancy Buchanan 3. Gary Buchanan [New page ] [New document ] Alexander Buchanan born Elma Township, County of Perth 18 64/11/10 Annie May Buchanan born Elma Township, County of Perth Ontario 1888/5/29 died 1958 Married Norman Alexander Acheson born Elma Township, County of Perth, Ont 1888/4/16 died 1959 Emily Elizabeth Acheson born in Elma 1912/5/29 married Norman Hoffman Child Arnold Hoffman born 1939/8/18 1939/9/18 married Joyce Smith, one child Haley Elizabeth Hoffman born 1964/8/21 Samuel Elwood Alexander Acheson born in Elma 1918/6/1 married Ruby Dallner children Janice Anne Acheson born 1947/8/31

Ruth Emily Acheson born in 1950/7/27 Cheryl Ruby Acheson born 1952/11/28 James Seldon Acheson born in Elma 1919/11/23 married Grace Whitney children Virginia Elizabeth Acheson born 1950/9/6 James Alexander Acheson born 1961/8/23 Dorothy May Acheson born 1927/5/8 died 1927/12/24 [New page ] William Buchanan – Ann Thompson family in order Margaret maried John Young Andrew married Eliza Burke James married Annie Scott Jane married Richard Terry, no family Robert married Lizzie Watson William Samuel married Maggie Burke Lizzie married Jake Patrick – we have addresses John Charles married Jennie Freeborn Alexander married Emily Scott [New page ] [New document ] Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth’s daughter Jane Buchanan married Samuel McCauley ... I recognize this document. It's already been done. Also the reverse side. [New page ] [New document ] Family of Margaret Buchanan and John Young Margaret Buchanan, first white child born in Elma Township July 21st, 1848 died September 14th, 1927 On March 25th, 1869 she married John Young born January 1st, 1840 died August 9th, 1912 Family of three sons and three daughters Robert John William Dixon Angelina Elizabeth Myrtle M. James Thompson

Robert John Young born 1870 died March 17th, 1937 married Elizabeth Hammond Family of one son and two daughters Hazel married W. Hargrave Reta Donald [New page] Family of Robert T. and Susan Young Robert Thompson Born July 31st, 1904 married Susan Stricker on December 22nd, 1926 Family of three sons and three daughters Hazel E. born January 2nd, 1928 Gordon T. born April 1st, 1929 James Alexander born June 16th, 1931 died September 16th, [cut off by page margin] John Edward born June 11th, 1932 Ethel S. born March 3rd, 1940 Eileen S. born June 14th, 1943 Marriages Hazel E. married Arnold Edward Ward on December 18th, 1946 Family Douglas L. adopted born January 2nd, 1953 Neil Arnold born March 25th, 1954 Brenda T.M. adopted born September 3rd, 1954 Gordon T. married Phyllis J. Osborn on April 7th, 1951 family Linda M. born June 12th, 1954 Debra A. born January 15th, 1957 Ronald G. born February 11th, 1962 John E. married Evelyn Pearl Bailey on September 18th, 1954 Ronda Pearl born April 6th, 1956 Jo Ann Marie born January 8th, 1958 William Dixon Young born May 26th, 1872 died April 14th, 1937 Married December 26th 1900 to Elizabeth Jane Hammond born September 2nd, 1871 died December 4th, 1935 Family of three sons and one daughter Alexander William born February 23rd, 1902 Robert Thompson Born January 31st, 1904 James Edwin born July 30th, 1906 died November 22nd, [cut off] Margaret Jane born July 18th, 1910 Marriages Alexander W. married Elizabeth Ford January 26, 1935 Robert T. married Susan Strickert December 22nd, 1926 Margaret J. married Oliver Elliott July 4th, 1931 Alexander and Elizabeth, no family [New page ]

Family of Margaret Jane Young and Oliver Elliott Margaret Jane born July 18th, 1910 married on July 4th, 1931 to Oliver Franklin Elliott born September 21st, 1900 died December 24th, 1966 Family of one son and four daughters William Delmer born October 14th, 1931 Marjorie Eleanor born September 27th, 1934 Marlene Olive Jane born April 26th, 1937 Bernice Ruth born January 23rd, 1945 Audrey Ann born August 14th, 1946 Marriages William D. married Betty Hamilton June 26 [25?]th, 1953 Family Brenda Jean born June 29th, 1954 Bonnie Lynn born September 21st, 1958 [or 1956?] Beverly Dianne born December 31st, 1960 Marjorie E married Donald J. Gabel on October 20th, 1956 family Brian Donald born July 22nd, 1957 Janet Margaret born December 17th, 1961 Barry James born March 7th, 1965 Marlene O.J. married Robert Gilmore March 17th, 1956 Angelina Young Angelina Young born 18 before died August 9th, 1954 Married James W. Douglas born 1905 died January 26th, 1954 Family of one son and one daughter Leslie born 1909 married Margaret Wight Family of one daughter Ann of Wroxeter, Ontario [New page ] The family of Elizabeth Young Hardie James married Lawsie Sanderson on September 2nd, 1925 family of one son and one daughter Lawson Eileen married Clive Morrison Family of one son and two daughters Julie born 1955 David born 1957 Lisa born 1960 Jack married Isabel Murphy in 1923 family of one son and one daughter Jane born 1935 married Walter Whale in July 1956 family of three daughters

Ronda born 1959 Carol born 1961 Pauline born 1963 Elizabeth Young Elizabeth Young born September 8th, 1876 Married James O. Hardie on December 23rd, 1896, James died February 20th, 1939 Family of three sons and one adopted daughter James R. Thomas C. Jack born April 19th, 1910 Mary born December 10th, 1918 James married Lawsie Sanderson on September, 1925 Thomas C. died in infancy Jack married Isabel Murphy in 1933 Mary married Jack Growshaw [New page ] Family of Elizabeth Young Hardie continued Jack continued son John married Betty Johnson in 1960 Family of one son one daughter Sandra born 1963 Stephen born 1964 Mary married John Groshaw died April 14th, 1961 Family one daughter and two sons Shirley married Leonard Goodwin John died Douglas Myrtle M. Young Myrtle M. Young born August 26th, 85 died May 31st, 1965 Married Perry T. Brisbane May 25th, 1908 family of six sons and two daughters John Shannon Brisbane born March 6th, 1910 William Perry born October 20th, 1911 Margaret Elizabeth born May 17th, 1912 James Douglas Born August 19th Robert Wesley born March 3rd, 1916 Edward Nelson born June 3rd, 1917 Alexander Young born April 29th, 1919 Annie Ellen born June 17th, 1921 [New page ] Brisbane family marriages

John Shannon born March 6th, 1910 and died September 3rd, 1961 Married Betty Connor in September 1947 no family William Perry born October 20th, 1911 married Jean Stewart October 25th, 1943 Family of one daughter and one son Margaret Ann born July 11th, 1946 Donald born September 26th, 1947

Brisbane family marriages continued Margaret Elizabeth born May 17th, 1912 married Harry Bowman on October 8th, 1947 no family James Douglas born August 1914 Married Rita Morrison on June 5th, 1948 no family Robert Wesley born March 3rd, 1916 Married Gertrude Wolfe on June 14th, 1953 Family Perry Alexander born August 25th, 1957 Douglas born November 4th, 1958 Judy Ann born January 13th, 1961 Joyce Elizabeth born May 14th, 1963 [New page ] Brisbane family marriages continued Edward Nelson born June 3rd, 1917, not married Alexander Young and born April 29th, 1919 married Olice Heibein June 25th, 1947 Family Karen born September 1950 Kathy born August 1953 Paul born March 1964 Annie Ellen born June 17th, 1921 married Jack Henderson July 23rd, 1948 Family by adoption Peter Charles born June and 54 Jane Yvonne born August 9th, 1955 Alexander Ralph born May 11th, 1960 Linda Ann born July 11th, 1961

James Thompson Young born 1889 died April 3rd, 1950 Married Lottie Holmes on March 25th, 1913 died August 30th, 1960 Family one daughter Ethel born August 30th, 1914 Ethel married Gilbert Huddleston on July 23rd, 1966


Dec 20, 2005 Jane Buchanan and James Watson Here are photos of Jane Buchanan and her husband James Watson. They are from a photocopy of a page in the Riding Mountain history, so the quality is not great. Still, it is quite a nice picture of Jane. Do any of you have an actual photo of her (rather than a photocopy)?

Bill Attachment(not stored) James and Jane Buchanan Watson.JPG ________________________________________________________________

Dec 21, 2005 1966 Buchanan Reunion Hi Everyone, This will look best in a monospaced font such as Courier or Courier New. Bill __________________________________________________ Riverbend Park Neepawa July 19th, 1966 Margaret Walker Freda Reed Bill Buchanan Alvin Buchanan Min Buchanan W. E. Buchanan Alice Buchanan Gertie Christmas Flossie (Buchanan) Scott Nellie Buchanan McLaughlin James V. McLaughlin Gladys and Weldon Buchanan Wilbert M. Buchanan Nelson and Lizzie Buchanan Marie, Lori Dawn and Richard Kolesar Leona Buchanan

Riding Mountain Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Birnie Welland, Ontario Welland, Ontario Donegal, Ontario Donegal, Ontario Portage la Prairie Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa North Kamloops, B.C. Neepawa Winnipeg Birnie

Bert and Maude Buchanan Neepawa Evelyn, Henry, Brenda, Bryan, and Arleigh Kaspick Brandon Betty, Gregory, Garnet, Karen, Marlene, Curtis Moore Gimli Joan, Doug, Heather, Brian Kitson Franklin Bernice, Wib, Valerie, Reg, Vicki, Ross and Randy Smith Winnipeg Bill and Hazel Griffith Keyes, Manitoba Joyce Downing and Shannon Keyes, Manitoba Lucy Bare Riding Mountain Myrtle and Jim Smith Riding Mountain Laura and Irvin Fleger (Buchanan) Birnie Margaret, Karen and Stuart Milne Keyes Mabel Henry Riding Mountain Doris Buchanan Riding Mountain Elsie Kelm Riding Mountain Ed Kelm Riding Mountain Sanford and Avy Buchanan Neepawa A.D. Scott Rick Buchanan Neepawa A.A. Buchanan Riding Mountain Miss Ruby Bare Riding Mountain Miss Grace Fleger Birnie, Manitoba Miss Dorothy Fleger Birnie, Manitoba Harvey Fleger Birnie, Manitoba Marie Fleger Birnie, Manitoba Shirley Fleger Birnie George and Audrey Simon Neepawa, Manitoba Sharon Bare Dawn Kelly Buchanan Reunion Visitors Kathy Franklin Norm Lansing D. M. Parvin Lionel Meunier Giselle Dabel Gordon Davis Ron Davis Dawn Kelly Bonny Warner Brent Buchanan Wade Hunter

1842 Assiniboine Avenue, Winnipeg 224 Colony street, Winnipeg Silver Park CFIS Shiloh 24 Leisure Bay, Winnipeg Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Neepawa Brandon

[Newspaper article] Buchanan Family Holds Reunion On Tuesday July 19th, members of the Buchanan family held a reunion and picnic supper at Riverbend Park, Neepawa. The were 74 signatures in the guest book, with relatives attending from Kamloops B.C., Welland and Donegal in Ontario, Winnipeg, Portage la Prairie, Keyes, Neepawa, Franklin, Birnie, Riding Mountain, Gimli and Brandon.

The eldest member present was Mrs. Margaret Walker of Riding Mountain and the youngest was Master Richard Kolesar son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Kolesar of Winnipeg. Many old friendships were renewed and new acquaintances made, and all enjoyed the sumptuous supper and the ball game which followed. Plans are underway to make this an annual event.


Dec 23, 2005 Buchanan Reunion in Neepawa Hi Everyone, Here is the guest list for the 1967 Buchanan reunion in Neepawa. I have also attched this list and the 1966 list as word processor files. Bill _______________________________________________________________________ 1967 Reunion [Newspaper Article] 361 Attend Buchanan Reunion Registration of 361 members of the Buchanan Family and eight visitors was a feature of the first annual Buchanan reunion, held last Saturday, July 8th at Riverbend Park, Neepawa. Of major interest at the large gathering was a display of the Buchanan Family Tree, now being compiled. It traces the family history from the time Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Buchanan, their seven sons and one daughter, left County Tyrone in Donegal, Ireland, in the 1840's and came to Canada in a sailing vessel. They first settled in Perth County Ontario, where some members remained while others moved west to settle in Manitoba President Merv Buchanan of Neepawa served as Master of Ceremonies for the presentation of mementos of the occasion. The oldest member present was Mrs. Ida Holmes, 83, of Neepawa. The youngest was Tannis Drysdale infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Drysdale of Brandon. Attending from the greatest distance were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Buchanan of Prince Rupert, B.C.. Special mention was made of the fact that Mrs. Annie McMane of Aylmer, Ontario who is 77 years of age had driven the 1,497 mi. alone to attend the reunion. A gift of a “Buchanan tartan” china cup and saucer was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Buchanan in appreciation of their time and effort in the compilation of the history and family tree. While the older members family enjoyed visiting, the younger members spent the afternoon in the water. After supper, a sports program of races, softball and tug-o-war rounded out the program. No date has been set for the next for next year's reunion but it was definitely decided to make it an annual event. [New page ] Buchanan Reunion July 8th, 1967 Colin James Buchanan

1850 Assiniboine Avenue, Winnipeg

Victor and Annette Campbell Allan E. Buchanan Margaret Buchanan Margo Buchanan Shirley Buchanan Ronald Buchanan Richard Buchanan Robert and Carol Buchanan Edith Buchanan Marjorie Mustoe Gordon Buchanan Mabel Henry Muriel Irving Frances Mason Trevor Mason Bobby Mason Wendy Mason Billy Mason Nancy Mason Gordon Alexander Alma Alexander Penny Alexander Alex Buchanan Gladi and Bruce Smith Billy Smith Bill Buchanan Andy and Grace Buchanan Donna and Debbie Buchanan Blair and Bonnie Buchanan Bill Ash Ken Klump Clifford Klump Kathryn Klump Eva Smith Mrs. Doreen, Maureen and Kathy Perron Mrs. Coral Norris

157 Riverbend Crescent, Winnipeg 12 404 Oak Hill Drive, Winnipeg 20 404 Oak Hill Drive, Winnipeg 20 404 Oak Hill Drive, Winnipeg 20 404 Oak Hill Drive, Winnipeg 20 404 Oak Hill Drive, Winnipeg 20 404 Oak Hill Drive, Winnipeg 20 595 Honey street, Winnipeg 20 14 Arnold Avenue, Winnipeg 13 14 Arnold Avenue, Winnipeg 13 39 Morley Avenue, Winnipeg 13 Riding Mountain 236 Woodlawn Street, Winnipeg 12. 281 Strathmillen Road, Winnipeg 12 281 Strathmillen Road, Winnipeg 12 281 Strathmillen Road, Winnipeg 12 281 Strathmillen Road, Winnipeg 12 281 Strathmillen Road, Winnipeg 12 281 Strathmillen Road, Winnipeg 12 Swan River, Manitoba Swan River, Manitoba Swan River, Manitoba Harris Boulevard, Winnipeg 76 - 3rd Avenue North, Yorkton, Saskatchewan 76 - 3rd Avenue North, Yorkton, Birnie, Manitoba Cavalier drive, Winnipeg 724 Cavalier drive, Winnipeg 724 Cavalier drive, Winnipeg 269 Lindon Avenue, Winnipeg 15 182 Winston Road, Winnipeg 12 182 Winston Road, Winnipeg 12 182 Winston Road, Winnipeg 12 Yorkton, Saskatchewan Mission, B.C. Yorkton, Saskatchewan

[New page ] Leah Anne Campbell Lindsay Campbell Kelly Campbell Marlene Campbell Bill Campbell Leona Buchanan Lydia Buchanan Victor Buchanan Murray Buchanan Carolle Buchanan Rhonda Buchanan Deane Buchanan

Brandon Brandon Brandon Brandon Brandon Birnie McCreary McCreary New Westminster, B.C. New Westminster, B.C. New Westminster, B.C. New Westminster, B.C.

Hazel Griffith Bill Griffith Dott Nichols Howard Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Bert (H. B.) Buchanan Mary May Buchanan Merv Buchanan Judy Buchanan Joanne Buchanan Howie Buchanan Avy Buchanan Nancy Buchanan Kenneth Buchanan Helen Buchanan Sanford Buchanan Glenn Buchanan Any Buchanan Bonnie Buchanan Flossie Scott Leona Scott Derek Scott Karen Scott Allan Scott Bev Watson Doreen Buchanan Wanda Buchanan

Keyes, Manitoba Keyes, Manitoba Lac La Ronge, Saskatchewan Lac La Ronge, Saskatchewan Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Winnipeg Prince Rupert, BC Prince Rupert, BC Neepawa Prince Rupert, B.C. Sweet 47-6 Balmoral, when I take 242 collegiate Street, Winnipeg Neepawa 3508 Lakeside Crescent, Calgary 3508 Lakeside Crescent, Calgary 3508 Lakeside Crescent, Calgary 3508 Lakeside Crescent, Calgary 63-19 Street SW, Mission City, B.C. Portage la Prairie, Manitoba High Prairie Alberta

[New page ] Annie Buchanan McMane Sharon Lamont Heather Lamont Betty Pidluberg Jane Watson (Jennie) Doug Griffith Jean Griffith Beverly Griffith Richard Griffith Beverly Griffith Robin Griffith Timothy Griffith Bonnie Griffith Danny Griffith James Arthur Watson Neva Watson Ruby Willerton Tom Willerton Fern Thexton Dorothy Campbell Merv Campbell Donna Benson

Aylmer, Ontario Bagot, Manitoba Bagot, Manitoba 63-19 St SW, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba Dauphin, Manitoba Box 8, Stonewall, Manitoba

RR 2, Courtney, Van Is, B.C. RR 2, Courtney, Van Is, B.C. 598 Arlington Street, Winnipeg 598 Arlington Street, Winnipeg 860 Winnipeg Ave, Winnipeg 134-4th Avenue North, Yorkton, Saskatchewan 1020 Ashburn Street, Winnipeg

Arthur Benson Betty Habkirk Lois Belton Lori L. Belton Brent Belton Florence Habkirk Maurice Habkirk Ronald Habkirk Helen Habkirk Colleen Habkirk Al Willerton Rita Buchanan Mel Buchanan Lydia Buchanan Earl McGillivray Earl Buchanan Dora Buchanan

1020 Ashburn Street, Winnipeg 788 Ashburn Street, Winnipeg 788 Ashburn Street, Winnipeg 788 Ashburn Street, Winnipeg 788 Ashburn Street, Winnipeg Neepawa Neepawa 1157 Sanmerville St., Winnipeg 19 1157 Sanmerville St., Winnipeg 19 1157 Sanmerville St., Winnipeg 19 Neepawa 242 Collegiate Street, Winnipeg 242 Collegiate Street, Winnipeg Goodwater, Saskatchewan Lac Vert, Saskatchewan Vancouver Island, Parksville, B.C. Goodwater, Saskatchewan

[New page ] Ethel Buchanan Kenny Buchanan Lizzie Buchanan Ada Reed 5 Eileen Whelpton Brian Reed Barry Reed Marie Reed Calvin Whelpton Reid Whelpton Beverly Whelpton Darlene Whelpton Leann Murphy Can't Murphy Elaine Lougheed Ron Lougheed Bruce Lougheed Sheila Lougheed Jean Buchanan Milton Buchanan Brenda Buchanan Wendy Buchanan Ruby Cathcart Calvert Cathcart Barbara Cathcart Pat Graham Mrs. A. Willerton Ricky Willerton Jeff Modjeski Bob Modjeski Joyce Willerton

McCreary Goodwater, Saskatchewan Neepawa, Manitoba 916 Buckthorn Road NW, Calgary Neepawa, Manitoba 5916 Buckthorn Road NW, Calgary 5916 Buckthorn Road NW, Calgary 5916 Buckthorn Road NW, Calgary Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba McCreary McCreary Plumas Plumas Plumas Plumas McCreary McCreary McCreary McCreary 265 Baltimore Road, Winnipeg 265 Baltimore Road, Winnipeg 265 Baltimore Road, Winnipeg Minnedosa, Manitoba Neepawa Winnipeg, 249 Simcoe Winnipeg Winnipeg 35 Larkhill Avenue, Shilo

Bob Willerton Murray Madjeski Barbara Willerton Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Hunter Irene Buchanan Norman Buchanan Mina Buchanan

35 Larkhill Avenue, Shilo Winnipeg Shilo Neepawa, Manitoba McCreary /10224-70 Street, Edmonton McCreary McCreary

[New page ] Raymond Buchanan Doreen Buchanan Allan Buchanan Terry Willerton Randy Buchanan Kerry Buchanan Myles Buchanan Neal Buchanan Greg Buchanan Irene Buchanan Mac Buchanan Dan Buchanan Seldon Buchanan Rose (Buchanan) Masson Colleen Modjeski Mrs. Dorothy Modjeski James Modjeski Marion Buchanan Bill Buchanan Margaret Buchanan Derrenda Buchanan Howard Buchanan Elma Buchanan Mrs. John C. Buchanan Debbie Painter Katherine Moore Irene Moore Avis Moore Elgin Moore Margaret Moore Debbie and Dawn Moore Bessie Arnold Wib Smith Bernice Smith Randy Smith. Beatrice Hunter Vern Hunter Watt Hunter [New page ]

Reeve, Manitoba Goodwater, Saskatchewan Goodwater, Saskatchewan Winnipeg, Manitoba Shoal Lake, Manitoba Shoal Lake, Manitoba Shoal Lake, Manitoba Shoal Lake, Manitoba Shoal Lake, Manitoba Shoal Lake, Manitoba Shoal Lake, Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Goodwater, Saskatchewan Abbotsford, B.C. Winnipeg, Manitoba 71 Arden Ave Winnipeg 8, Manitoba 71 Arden Ave Winnipeg 8, Manitoba Abbotsford, B.C. Abbotsford, B.C. Abbotsford, B.C. North Surrey, B.C. Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie Bernie Portage la Prairie Kenora, Ontario Kenora, Ontario Kenora, Ontario Kenora, Ontario Kenora, Ontario Kenora, Ontario Neepawa 698 Parkdale Street, Winnipeg 22

Pambrun, Saskatchewan Pambrun, Saskatchewan Neepawa

Reg Smith Blair McLaughlin Larry Buchanan Gertie Christmas Forest Christmas Blanche Taylor Bill Taylor Terry Taylor H. Y. Walker Nancy Walker Shirley Walker Myrtle Smith Jim Smith Margaret Walker Lorne Drysdale Barrie Drysdale Weldon Buchanan Bob McLaughlin Ruth Buchanan Bud Buchanan Elizabeth Buchanan (Mrs. N.R.) Nelson Buchanan Edith Buchanan Minnie Smith Lucy Bare Ruby Bare Sharon Bare Gordon Reed Verla Reed Brent Reed Wayne Reed Gladys McLaughlin Mel Watson Ollie Watson Don Watson Joyce Downing Shannon Downing Jack Arnold

Winnipeg Neepawa Neepawa Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie RR2, Box 28, Calgary, Alberta RR2, Box 28, Calgary, Alberta RR2, Box 28, Calgary, Alberta 64 Clonard Avenue, Winnipeg 64 Clonard Avenue, Winnipeg 64 Clonard Avenue, Winnipeg Riding Mountain Riding Mountain St. Vital Brandon Brandon Neepawa Neepawa 405 Ferry Rd. 405 Ferry Rd. Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Amaranth, Manitoba Amaranth, Manitoba Amaranth, Manitoba Amaranth, Manitoba Neepawa Box 616 Mission City, B.C. Box 616 Mission City, B.C. Box 616 Mission City, B.C. Keyes, Manitoba Keyes, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba

[New page] Marie Hunter George McLaughlin Terry Buchanan Darryl Buchanan Lori Dawn Kolesar Marie Kolesar Fred Reed Brent Dunsmore Audrey Simon George Simon

Pambrun, Saskatchewan Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba 102 Balluster Cr, Winnipeg 22, Manitoba 102 Balluster Cr, Winnipeg 22, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba

Jim McLaughlin Valerie Smith Donald Pellow Viola Boyd Ross Howatt Richard Howatt Beverly Griffith Howard Hunter Vicki Smith Delmar Hunter Art McLaughlin Joy Painter Cy Painter Mary McLaughlin Danny Painter Doug Kitson Joan Kitson Heather Kitson Brien Kitson Ida Holmes Nellie McLaughlin Jim McLaughlin Tom Buchanan Lena McLaughlin Harold Laughlin Elsie Bare Diane Bare Donna Bare Lloyd Bare

Neepawa, Manitoba Winnipeg Charleswood Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Winnipeg Neepawa Neepawa Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie Neepawa, Manitoba Portage la Prairie Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Crawford Park Calgary, Alberta Calgary, Alberta Douglas, Manitoba Douglas, Manitoba Douglas, Manitoba Douglas, Manitoba

[New page ] Karen Milne George Hunter Ross Smith Brent Hunter Violet Dunsmore Hazel Buchanan Robert Buchanan Bruce Buchanan Evelyn Kaspick Arleigh Kaspick Stuart Milne Garth Hunter Peter Hunter Gladys Buchanan Murray Copeland Doreen Copeland Bryan Copeland Lynda Copeland Kenny Copeland

Keyes, Manitoba Neepawa Winnipeg Arden Ninette Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Brandon Brandon Keyes Arden Arden Neepawa Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie

Susan Copeland Cheryl Copeland Darryl Copeland Hazel Clancy Garnet Clancy Sandra Clancy Bill Aspinall Donna Aspinall Shauna Aspinall Laurel Aspinall Ron Buchanan Sam Buchanan Margaret Buchanan Harold and Olive Bristow Roger Bristow Robert Buchanan Don Kelly Scott Buchanan Byron Buchanan

Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa 179 Croften Bay, Winnipeg 179 Croften Bay, Winnipeg 179 Croften Bay, Winnipeg 179 Croften Bay, Winnipeg Ottawa, Ontario Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Winnipeg Manitoba Winnipeg Manitoba Neepawa Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton

[New page ] Marilyn Buchanan Lorne Buchanan Doris Buchanan Laura Fleger Marie Fleger Irvin Fleger Wayne Buchanan Betty Buchanan Bert Buchanan Allan D. Scott Gerald Buchanan Trent Buchanan Brian Buchanan Sharon Buchanan Lois Buchanan Henry Kaspick Bryan Kaspick Debbie Buchanan Lorraine Buchanan Lillian Buchanan Kenneth Buchanan Bill Buchanan Clarence Buchanan Murray Kolesar Richard Kolesar Tannis Hunter Alayne Hunter Wade Hunter Jean Hunter

Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Birnie Birnie Birnie Saint James Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa High Prairie, Alberta Brandon, Manitoba Brandon, Manitoba Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie Neepawa Winnipeg Winnipeg Arden Arden Arden Arden

Irene Smith Leonard Smith Marjorie Bradshaw Edwin Rose Johnson [sic.] Katie Buchanan Ann Bradshaw Charlie Bradshaw Sharon Bradshaw Alex Burnell Buchanan Edith G Buchanan

Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain McCreary McCreary

[New page] Harvey Fleger Margaret Andrew (Fleger) Grace Fleger Dorothy Fleger Shirley Fleger Doreen Bare

Birnie Glencairn Portage Birnie Birnie Brandon, Manitoba

361 + eight visitors Richard Buchanan Neepawa Manitoba Barbara Buchanan Neepawa Manitoba Ida Ash (Mrs. Bill) Tannis Drysdale (infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Drysdale, Brandon) John Graham Neepawa Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coad Winnipeg Mrs. Rena Graham Neepawa Mr. & Mrs. John Buchanan McCreary Attachment(not stored) 1966 Buchanan Reunion in Neepawa.rtf Attachment(not stored) 1967 Buchanan Reunion in Neepawa.rtf ________________________________________________________________ Jan 1, 2006 Genealogical Humor A friend gave me a copy of this document, which explains many genealogical mysteries. :-) Happy ancestor-hunting in 2006.


It is New Year's Eve 1852 and Henry (or Harry) HYDENWELL (or HAYNWALL or HEINEL) sits at his desk by candlelight. He dips his quill pen in ink and begins to write his New Year's resolutions, 1. No man is truly well-educated unless he learns to spell his name at least three different ways within the same document. I resolve to give the appearance of being extremely well-educated in the coming year. 2. I resolve to see to it that all of my children will have the same names that my ancestors have used for six generations in a row. 3. My age is no one's business but my own. I hereby resolve to never list the same age or birth year twice on any document. 4. I resolve to have each of my children baptized in a different church -- either in a different faith or in a different parish. Every third child will not be baptized at all or will be baptized by an itinerant minister who keeps no records. 5. I resolve to move to a new town, new county, or new state at least once every 10 years -- just before those pesky enumerators come around asking silly questions. 6. I will make every attempt to reside in counties and towns where no vital records are maintained or where the courthouse burns down every few years. 7. I resolve to join an obscure religious group that does not believe in record keeping or in participating in military service. 8. When the tax collector comes to my door, I'll loan him my pen, which has been dipped in rapidly fading blue ink. 9. I resolve that if my beloved wife Mary should die, I will marry another Mary. 10. I resolve not to make a will. Who needs to spend money on a lawyer?

________________________________________________________________ Jan 4, 2006 1968 Buchanan Reunion in Neepawa I have just finished inputting the lists for the 1968 reunion. I had these people's name listed in my database as "Johnston", but they signed as "Johnson". Eileen Johnson Charlie Johnson Redg Johnson

Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain

Edwin Johnson Emily Johnson

Riding Mountain Riding Mountain

Daune Johnson Gerald Johnson Myrna Johnson

Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain

Bill ___________________________________________________________________________ 300 attend re-union for Buchanan family The second annual Buchanan family re-union was held at Riverbend Park,in Neepawa, Sunday, July 7, when a feature of the afternoon was music played on the bagpipes by Blair Buchanan, who is a member of the Boy Scout Pipe Band in Winnipeg. He favored with many request numbers which were greeted with rounds of applause. The "family tree" was again a centre of interest. Plans are underway to have it compiled in book form, and anyone wishing further information may contact Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Buchanan in Neepawa, who have done much work in its preparation. Also on display was a small wooden, hand-crafted chest that was brought from Ireland by Mrs. Andrew Buchanan in 1845, and which has been pas-sed through five generations of the family. It is now the treasured possession of nine- year-old Bradley McDougall of Glenboro. President Merv Buchanan expressed appreciation to all committee members who had worked to make the event a success. He was also emcee for the presentation of gifts -to the oldest member of the Buchanan clan, Mrs. Ida Holmes monitoring , 84, of East View Lodge, Neepawa, to the youngest member, Myrna Johnson, one-month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson of Riding Mountain; and to those attending from the greatest distance, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Buchanan of Atwood, Ont. Bill Buchanan of Birnie was winner of the pool. His guess of the number attending was 267, and at the time of the presentation the attendance stood at 268. Later registrations brought the total to more than 300. There were also 12 guests. A few showers late in the day failed to dampen the en-thusiasm, as everyone con-tinued to eat their supper and visit. There were also races and swimming for the younger members. It was decided to hold the next reunion at Riverbend Park the first Sunday in July next year, the date being July 6, 1969.

Buchanan Reunion 1968 George A. Watson Kathleen M. Watson Ruby Willerton Tom Willerton Una Stevensons Roy Stevenson Shelley Stevenson Hazel and Bill Griffith Clifford J. Martin Joyce and Michele Wazny Bill and Margaret Larson Dennis and Shirl Larson Ann Martin Allan Martin

1340 Whatcom Road, RR2, Abbotsford, B.C. RR2 Abbotsford, B.C. 598 Arlington Street, Winnipeg 598 Arlington Street, Winnipeg 1058 Sherburn St., Winnipeg 3 1058 Sherburn St., Winnipeg 3 1058 Sherburn St., Winnipeg 3 209-1st Avenue,Neepawa Lac Du Bonet 1913 Ross Avenue, Winnipeg 23 1842 Ballantane Avenue, Winnipeg 23 Apartment 5, 18 Roman Avenue Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba

Mary Bredesen Hakon Bredesen Mrs. Mabel Bruneau Beverly Nowicki Dave and Ivy Cardinal Bonnie Cardinal Kevin Cardinal Don Cardinal Curtis Cardinal Mr. and Mrs. A. Willerton Ricky Willerton Vic Buchanan Lydia Buchanan Norman Buchanan Donald Buchanan Linda Buchanan Darlene Buchanan Robert Buchanan Wayne Buchanan Kenneth Buchanan Jarb Mcbee Angus Foulston Doug Griffith Jean Griffith Beverly Griffith Ricky Griffith Robyn Griffith Tim Griffith Bonnie Griffith Danny Griffith Joyce Downing Shannon Downing Bonnie Buchanan Dan Buchanan Sylvia Buchanan Debbie Buchanan Darren Buchanan Darlene Buchanan Alex Buchanan well-paid, Mrs. George McConkey (Irene) Mr. George McConkey Mrs. Leela Johnston Mr. Basil Ritchey Dixie Ritchey Robyn Ritchey Donald Ritchey Byron Ritchey Mark Ritchey Patricia Ritchey Kathleen Ritchey Bert Buchanan

Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1820 Alexander Ave 1820 Alexander Ave , Winnipeg, Manitoba Great Falls, Manitoba 1916 William, Winnipeg, Manitoba 722 Ross Ave, Winnipeg 3, Manitoba 722 Ross Ave, Winnipeg 3, Manitoba 722 Ross Ave, Winnipeg 3, Manitoba 722 Ross Ave, Winnipeg 3, Manitoba 722 Ross Ave, Winnipeg 3, Manitoba Neepawa Winnipeg

977 Hector Avenue, Winnipeg 977 Hector Avenue, Winnipeg 977 Hector Avenue, Winnipeg 977 Hector Avenue, Winnipeg 977 Hector Avenue, Winnipeg 977 Hector Avenue, Winnipeg 977 Hector Avenue, Winnipeg Neepawa, Manitoba Eyebrow, Saskatchewan Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Winnipeg 21-1119 Grant Ave, Winnipeg 9 Winnipeg, Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba 190 Harris Avenue, Winnipeg 721 Franklin, Farrbault, Minnesota 721 Franklin, Farrbault, Minnesota 257 North Miner, Le Center, Minnesota CFB Southport, Manitoba CFB Southport, Manitoba CFB Southport, Manitoba CFB Southport, Manitoba CFB Southport, Manitoba CFB Southport, Manitoba CFB Southport, Manitoba CFB Southport, Manitoba Neepawa

Maude Buchanan Wilbert M. Buchanan Clara Buchanan Bill Ash Muriel Irving Frances Mason Trevor Mason Dan Mason Bob Mason Wendy Mason Billy Mason Nancy Mason Muriel Watson Ray Watson Bernice Smith Wib Smith Doreen Smith Reg Smith Vicki Smith Ross Smith Randy Smith Flossie Scott Allan Scott Edna Smith Frances Allan M. Mustoe (Marjorie) Ida Ash Shirley Walker Jeanette Walker Elizabeth Walker Bert Walker Mrs. Margaret Walker Nancy Walker Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hunter Garth Hunter Brent Hunter Tannis Hunter Wade Hunter Alayne Hunter Allan Willerton Brent Buchanan Brian Buchanan Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Buchanan Sharon Buchanan Mrs. Ruth Buchanan Randy Buchanan Myles Buchanan Kerry Buchanan Greg Buchanan Neal Buchanan Irene Buchanan

Neepawa Kamloops, B.C. Kamloops, B.C. 269 Linden Avenue, Winnipeg 15 236 Woodlawn Street, Winnipeg 12 281 Strathmillen road, Winnipeg 281 Strathmillen road, Winnipeg 281 Strathmillen road, Winnipeg 281 Strathmillen road, Winnipeg 281 Strathmillen road, Winnipeg 281 Strathmillen road, Winnipeg 281 Strathmillen road, Winnipeg Vancouver, BC Vancouver, BC Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Neepawa Neepawa Portage la Prairie, Manitoba Edwin, Manitoba Winnipeg 269 Linden Avenue 64 Clonard Avenue, Winnipeg 8 64 Clonard Avenue, Winnipeg 8 64 Clonard Avenue, Winnipeg 8 64 Clonard Avenue, Winnipeg 8 64 Clonard Avenue, Winnipeg 8 64 Clonard Avenue, Winnipeg 8 Arden, Manitoba Arden, Manitoba Arden, Manitoba Arden, Manitoba Arden, Manitoba Arden, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba

Neepawa 403 Ferry Road, St. James 12 Shoal Lake, Manitoba Shoal Lake, Manitoba Shoal Lake, Manitoba Shoal Lake, Manitoba Shoal Lake, Manitoba Shoal Lake, Manitoba

Mac Buchanan Leona Buchanan Jim McLaughlin W. Fardoe Nellie McLaughlin Donelda Crawley Annie E. Keating Lyl J. Keating Arleigh Kaspick Marlene Moore Glen Crawly Ida Holmes Freda Reed Ruby Cathcart Bruce Crawley David Keating H. Buchanan Alma Buchanan Avy Buchanan Joyce Painter Debbie Painter Danny Painter Sanford Buchanan Ritch Crawley Elgin Buchanan Mrs. Elgin Buchanan Karen Milne I. Painter Doris Buchanan Archie Buchanan Harold Buchanan Tom Buchanan Lizzie Buchanan Margaret Buchanan Lorna McDougall Jack McDougall Brad McDougall Bryce McDougall Colleen McDougall Garnet Moore Evelyn Kaspick Henry Kaspick Greg Moore Dick Buchanan Audrey Simon George Simon W. Campbell Marlene Campbell Lindsay Campbell Kelly Campbell Leah Anne Campbell

Shoal Lake, Manitoba Birnie Neepawa 136 Riverside, Flin Flon Neepawa Clanwilliam Silverton Silverton Neepawa Camp Borden, Ontario Clanwilliam, Manitoba Neepawa Neepawa Winnipeg, Manitoba Clanwilliam, Manitoba Silverton, Manitoba Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie Neepawa Portage Portage Portage Neepawa Clanwilliam Atwood, Ontario (Donegal) Atwood, Ontario (Donegal) Gladstone, Manitoba Portage Port Moody, B.C. Elphinstone, Manitoba Port Moody, B.C. Onanole, Manitoba Neepawa Neepawa Glenboro Glenboro Glenboro Glenboro Glenboro Camp Borden, Ontario Neepawa Neepawa Camp Borden, Ontario Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba 1061-2nd Street, Brandon 1061-2nd Street, Brandon 1061-2nd Street, Brandon 1061-2nd Street, Brandon 1061-2nd Street, Brandon

Violet M. Dunsmore Murray Kolesar Marie Kolesar Lori Dawn Kolesar Richard Kolesar Clarence Buchanan Hazel Buchanan Robbie Buchanan Bruce Buchanan Daryl Buchanan Mrs. Archie Buchanan Mr. Archie Buchanan Donna Kelm Violet (Gardiner) Spencer Albert E. Spencer Gertrude Wilson George Wilson Kelly McLaughlin Muriel McLaughlin Colleen McLaughlin James McLaughlin Leah McLaughlin Joanne Buchanan Judy Buchanan Robbie Buchanan Sam Buchanan Norman Buchanan Raymond Buchanan Melba McLaughlin Noreen McLaughlin Mina Buchanan Marlene Kelm Doreen Buchanan Elsie Kelm Ed Kelm Betty Pidlaberg Stuart Milne Jean Buchanan Wendy Buchanan Brenda Buchanan Milton Buchanan Eldon Kelm Shirley Kelm Lori Anne Kelm Greta McLaughlin Mervyn McLaughlin Cameron McLaughlin Graham McLaughlin Bradley McLaughlin Denise McLaughlin Gladys Buchanan

Ninette, Manitoba 102 Bella Vista Crescent, Winnipeg 102 Bella Vista Crescent, Winnipeg 102 Bella Vista Crescent, Winnipeg 102 Bella Vista Crescent, Winnipeg Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Birnie, Manitoba Birnie, Manitoba Haney, B.C. Haney, B.C. Regina, Saskatchewan Regina, Saskatchewan Regina, Saskatchewan Regina, Saskatchewan Regina, Saskatchewan Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Riding Mountain Riding Mountain McCreary Riding Mountain Portage la Prairie Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Portage Gladstone McCreary McCreary McCreary McCreary Brookdale Brookdale Brookdale Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Neepawa

Weldon Buchanan Laura Fleger Andy Buchanan Grace Buchanan Donna Buchanan Blair Buchanan Ronald Buchanan Debbie Buchanan Irvin Fleger Horace Christmas Gertie Christmas Tannis Hunter Gary McLaughlin Blair Buchanan Harvey Fleger Grace Fleger Shirley Fleger Dorothy Fleger Marie Fleger Betty Buchanan Roy Buchanan Harold Bristow Olive Bristow Roger Bristow Viola Boyd Gordon Hunter Kay Hunter Bob Buchanan Mavis Buchanan Bruce Buchanan Kelly Buchanan Roderic Buchanan Bernice Buchanan Wilma Buchanan Arnold Buchanan Dawn Buchanan Daryl Buchanan Mary McLaughlin Art McLaughlin Blair McLaughlin Bill Buchanan Norris Buchanan Eileen Johnson Charlie Johnson Redg Johnson Cliff Moore Betty Moore Karen Moore Curtis Moore W. V. Buchanan Betty Buchanan

Neepawa Birnie Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Birnie 71-12 St. NW, Portage la Prairie 71-12 St. NW, Portage la Prairie Arden Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Birnie Portage Birnie Brandon Portage Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Neepawa Calgary Calgary Calgary Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Birnie Winnipeg Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Camp Borden, Ontario Camp Borden, Ontario Camp Borden, Ontario Camp Borden, Ontario Neepawa Neepawa

Gerald Buchanan Marilyn Buchanan Byron Buchanan Edwin Johnson Emily Johnson Daune Johnson Gerald Johnson Myrna Johnson Myrtle Smith Jim Smith Dawn Kelly Scot Buchanan Mrs. Lucy Bare Mr. Archie Bare Mr. Lloyd Bare Mrs. Elsie Bare Donna Bare Diane Bare Sharon Bare Ruby Woloski Bill Woloski George Woloski Brenda Kaspick Marge Bradshaw Charles Bradshaw Ann Bradshaw Katie Buchanan Bud Buchanan Mrs. Ron Lougheed Bruce Lougheed Sheila Lougheed Barbara Cathcart Jean Watson Donalda Blackburn Lori Clark Mabel Henry Guests 1968 Diane McLenehan Gordon Davis Ronald Davis Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Petrie Kim Maruschak Charles Larson Murray Mills Jo-Ann Maruschak Helen and Reg Weau Barry Simpson

Attachment(not stored)

Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Winnipeg Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Riding Mountain Eden Eden Eden Neepawa Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain 403 Terry Road, St. James Plumas Plumas Plumas Winnipeg, Manitoba Dauphin, Manitoba Neepawa, Neepawa Riding Mountain

Gladstone Neepawa Neepawa Atwood, Ontario Winnipeg Winnipeg Kelwood Winnipeg St Vital, Winnipeg 8 Riding Mountain

1968 Buchanan Reunion.doc ________________________________________________________________

Jan 5, 2006 1969 Buchanan reunion in Neepawa - Bill

Buchanan Reunion July 6th, 1969 (Rifle range building) rained Brent Hunter Tannis Hunter Beverly Griffith Timmy Griffith Tom Buchanan Ricky Griffith Robyn Griffith Jean Griffith Bonnie Griffith Danny Griffith Doug Griffith Joyce Downing Shannon Downing Grace Buchanan Donna Buchanan Blair Buchanan Ron Buchanan Debbie Buchanan Betty Buchanan Lydia Buchanan Vic Buchanan Bert Walker Nancy Walker Margaret Walker Betty Walker Mr.and Mrs. Allan Willerton Joe Willerton Shirley Walker Evelyn Kaspick Mrs. Nels Buchanan Milton Buchanan Jean Buchanan Wendy Buchanan Brenda Buchanan Todd Buchanan Roy Buchanan Garth Willerton

Arden Manitoba Arden Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Crawford Park Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg McCreary McCreary Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Box 1976, Drumheller, Alberta Winnipeg Neepawa Neepawa McCreary McCreary McCreary McCreary McCreary Reeve Drumheller, Alberta

Clarence Buchanan Hazel Buchanan Dick Buchanan Daryl Buchanan Robert Buchanan Bruce Buchanan Barbara Buchanan Terry Willerton Mrs. Freda Reed Mrs. J. Smith Mr. J Smith Henry Kaspick Arleigh Kaspick Joan Kitson Doug Kitson Brian Kitson Heather Kitson Mrs. Hazel Griffith Mrs. Bernice Smith Mr. Wilmer Smith Valerie Smith Reg Smith Vicki Smith Ross Smith Randy Smith Mrs. Archie Bare Leona Buchanan Don Buchanan Shannon Buchanan Trent Buchanan Eileen Whelpton Calvin Whelpton Reid Whelpton Beverly Whelpton Darlene Whelpton Neil Whelpton Howard Buchanan Rita Buchanan Melvin E. Buchanan Lorne Buchanan Doris Buchanan Brent Buchanan Brian Buchanan Sharon Buchanan Bert Buchanan Maude Buchanan Irene Smith Leonard Smith Margaret Smith Norma Jean Smith Elizabeth Jones

Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa 249 Simcoe Street, Winnipeg Neepawa Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Neepawa Neepawa Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Neepawa Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Riding Mountain Neepawa North Battleford, Saskatchewan North Battleford, Saskatchewan North Battleford, Saskatchewan Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa 200 Saskatchewan Avenue East, Portage 242 collegiate Street, St James 242 collegiate Street, St James Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa

Kathy Jones Peter Hunter Norman Buchanan Gertie Christmas Horace Christmas Ann Bradshaw Charlie Bradshaw Katie Buchanan Weldon and Gladys Buchanan Terry and Sharon Buchanan Laura Fleger Irvin Fleger Wilbert Buchanan Mina Buchanan Jean Hunter Alayne Hunter Wade Hunter Ruby Woloski Sharon Bare Georgie Woloski Garth Hunter Garry Krure Audrey Simon George Simon Grace Fleger Shirley Fleger Laurie Dawn Kolesar Richard Kolesar Murray Kolesar Marie Kolesar Stuart Milne Tom Buchanan Karen Milne Emily Johnson Myrna Johnson Archie Bare Murray Bare Mrs. Charles Johnson B. Woloski Don Johnson Gerald Johnson Sam Buchanan Margaret Buchanan Lloyd Bare Elsie Bare Donna Bare Diane Bare Debra Bare Joanne Buchanan Judy Buchanan Elma Buchanan

Arden Reeve ortage la Prairie Portage la Prairie Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Neepawa Minnedosa Birnie Birnie Alonsa, Manitoba Reeve Arden Arden Arden Eden Riding Mountain Eden Arden Winipeg Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Portage Birnie Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Gladstone Crawford Park Gladstone Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Arden Riding Mountain Eden Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Neepawa Neepawa Shilo Shilo Shilo Shilo Shilo Neepawa Neepawa Portage la Prairie

Joyce Painter Barry Painter Ida Holmes


Guests 1969 Garry Harpman Lionel Welbourne Brian Broughton

Winnipeg Rackham Arden

Attachment(not stored) 1969 Buchanan Reunion.doc

Re: [andrew-buchanan] Letters from the Past, Part 10 Hi Donna, I checked the original, and you are right. It should read: Anabel Oct 10, 1910 Neepawa married James S. Reid [Children] Sharon born Abbotsford, B.C. married Gale Dowd David Tyrone, born Abbotsford B.C., single Jane Elizabeth born September 9th, 1944, Abbotsford, B.C. married George Donatelli Duncan born Mission City Allister born Mission City Also note that in the family of Norma L. Buchanan, the name Ankus should read Angus. Bill ----- Original Message ----From: Donna Phillips To: 'Bill Buchanan' Sent: Monday, January 02, 2006 6:08 PM Subject: RE: [andrew-buchanan] Letters from the Past, Part 10 Bill….the last five people listed in the message below: Sharon, David Tyrone, Jane Elizabeth, Duncan and Allister….are they children of James Daniel Buchanan? I have them listed as children of Anabel Buchanan and James S. Reid (that would make them nieces/nephews to James Daniel)??

Donna ________________________________________________________________

Jan 5, 2006

RE: [andrew-buchanan] 1968 Buchanan Reunion in Neepawa Bill; Thank-you for sending this. As I was scrolling down I realized that was the year that Uncle Elgin (Dad's brother) and Aunt Dorothy went out from Donegal with another couple (the Petries) that were friends of theirs. I couldn't remember what the year was before. Nancy (Buchanan) Mills


1970 Buchanan Reunion Buchanan Reunion July 5th, 1970 Wilbert M. Buchanan Brent Buchanan Brian Buchanan Sharon Buchanan Lorne Buchanan Doris Buchanan Hazel Griffith Neva Watson James A. Watson Mrs. Freda Reed Jean Watson Flossie Scott Allan Scott Marlene Scott Brian Scott Melbourne Watson Mabel Henry Thelma Watson Charles Watson Alvin Buchanan Minnie Buchanan Darlene Buchanan Mrs. Eva Plaskett Miss Lois Buchanan Mrs. Irene Buchanan Mrs. Annie McMane Doug Griffith Jean Griffith Beverly Griffith Rick Griffin Robyn Griffith Tim Griffith

Kamloops, B.C. 12 Commerce Street, Neepawa 12 Commerce Street, Neepawa 12 Commerce Street, Neepawa 12 Commerce Street, Neepawa 290-1st Avenue, Neepawa RR2, Courtney, B.C. RR2, Courtney, B.C. Neepawa Suite 4-2 05 Main Street North, Dauphin Neepawa Neepawa Winnipeg Winnipeg Abbotsford B.C., 34743 South Fraser Way Riding Mountain 3680 St. Anne Street, Port Coquitlam, B.C. 3680 St. Anne Street, Port Coquitlam, B.C. Fonthill, Ontario Fonthill, Ontario Portage la Prairie, 63-19th SW Portage la Prairie, 63-19th SW High Prairie, Alberta, Box 38 Edmonton, Alberta Aylmer, Ontario Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba

Bonnie Griffith Danny Griffith Joyce Welbourne Lionel Welbourne Shannon Welbourne Clara Buchanan Bert Buchanan Maude Buchanan Ida Ash William Ash John Alexander Clara Alexander Bert Fenwick Winie Fenwick Bert Walker Shirley Walker Elizabeth Walker Margaret Walker Milton Buchanan Jean Buchanan Wendy Buchanan Brenda Buchanan Todd Buchanan Rita Buchanan Mel (Sonny) Buchanan Roy Buchanan Leonard I. Smith Irene A. Smith Margaret Smith Norma Smith Eva Plaskett Mina Buchanan Norman Buchanan Lydia Buchanan Victor Buchanan Gordon Hunter Kay Hunter Pat Huntingford Lock Huntingford Ronnie Huntingford Greg Huntingford Edith Graham John Graham Tom Willerton Ruby Willerton Elaine Lougheed Bruce Lougheed Sheila Lougheed Grant Lougheed Ruby Cathcart Barbara Cathcart

Stonewall, Manitoba Rackham Manitoba Rackham Manitoba Rackham Manitoba Kamloops, B.C. Neepawa Neepawa Winnipeg 269 Lindon Avenue, Winnipeg 15 156 Cathedral Avenue, Winnipeg 156 Cathedral Avenue, Winnipeg 417 Victoria Ave., Brandon 417 Victoria Ave., Brandon 64 Clonard Avenue, Winnipeg 8 64 Clonard Avenue, Winnipeg 8 64 Clonard Avenue, Winnipeg 8 64 Clonard Avenue, Winnipeg 8 McCreary McCreary McCreary McCreary McCreary 242 Collegiate Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Reeve, Manitoba Riding Mountain, Manitoba Riding Mountain, Manitoba Riding Mountain, Manitoba Riding Mountain, Manitoba 63-19 Street SW, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba Reeve, Manitoba Reeve, Manitoba McCreary McCreary Neepawa Neepawa Cold Lake, Alberta Cold Lake, Alberta Cold Lake, Alberta Cold Lake, Alberta Neepawa Neepawa 5 Arlington Street, Winnipeg 5 Arlington Street, Winnipeg Plumas, Manitoba Plumas, Manitoba Plumas, Manitoba Plumas, Manitoba 265 Baltimore Road, Winnipeg 265 Baltimore Road, Winnipeg

Al Willerton Nellie Willerton Everett Barrons Joyce Painter Debbie Painter Danny Painter Alma Buchanan Beth (Lizzie) Buchanan H. Buchanan Doris V. Buchanan Marlene Kelm Elsie Kelm Ed Kelm Marjorie Mustoe Archie A. Buchanan Jacqueline J. Buchanan Cheryl A. Buchanan Marlene Buchanan Ernest Buchanan Gerard Buchanan Gordon Buchanan Neil Buchanan Ethel Buchanan John W. Buchanan Jim McLaughlin Melba McLaughlin Ida Holmes Tom Buchanan Art McLaughlin Mary McLaughlin Leona Buchanan Art Buchanan Shirley L. Fleger Grace E. Felger Mr. Alen Makarchuk Joyce Makarchuk Leigh Ann Makarchuk Marcia Makarchuk Greg Makarchuk Mitchell Makarchuk Howie Buchanan Wilbert Buchanan Irvin Fleger Laura Fleger Scot Buchanan Ken Buchanan Thomas Gordon Buchanan Sanford Buchanan Myrtle Smith Jim Smith Emily Johnson

Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie Neepawa Portage Riding Mountain, Manitoba Riding Mountain, Manitoba Riding Mountain, Manitoba Riding Mountain, Manitoba 14 Arnold Avenue, Winnipeg Riding Mountain Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg McCreary, Manitoba McCreary, Manitoba Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Crawford Park Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Agassiz, B.C. Birnie, Manitoba 540 Pacific Avenue, Selkirk RR3 Box 90, Portage la Prairie RR3 Box 90, Portage la Prairie RR3 Box 90, Portage la Prairie RR3 Box 90, Portage la Prairie RR3 Box 90, Portage la Prairie RR3 Box 90, Portage la Prairie Neepawa Sandy Lake Birnie, Manitoba Birnie, Manitoba Prince Rupert, B.C. 11347 Glen Avon Drive, Surrey Neepawa Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain

Avy Buchanan Alice Donnelly Gordon Curtis Audrey Simon George Simon Branda Pope Arleigh Kaspick Karen Moore Tannis Curtis Laurie Kolesar Curtis Moore Evelyn Kaspick Henry Kaspick Rob Buchanan Marion Buchanan Robbie Buchanan Bruce Buchanan Marlene Moore Marion Buchanan Margaret Buchanan Bill Buchanan Daryl Alexander Alma Alexander Gordon Alexander Allan Buchanan Margaret Buchanan Lucy Bare Sharon Bare Archie Bare Clarence Buchanan Murray Kolesar Richard John Kolesar Marie Kolesar Garnet Moore Betty Moore Mrs. Loyd Bare Lloyd Bare Bill Woloski Ruby Woloski Georgie Woloski Darlene Woloski Donna Bare Diane Bare Debbie Bare Dwayne Bare Earl McGillivray Dick Buchanan Betty Bare Murray Bare Sam Buchanan Doreen Kolesar

Neepawa Helston Brandon Neepawa Brandon Brandon Neepawa Obado Makaroff Winnipeg Rivers Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Rivers, Manitoba Abbotsford, B.C. Neepawa Abbotsford, B.C. Rivers Rivers Rivers Montreal Montreal Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Neepawa, Manitoba Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Rivers Obodo Shoal Lake Shoal Lake Eden Eden Eden Eden Shoal Lake Shoal Lake Shoal Lake Shoal Lake Lac vert, Saskatchewan Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa 77 Davis Bay, Thompson

Arlene Kolesar Russell Ross McGillivray Gladys McLaughlin Bob McLaughlin Margo Trimble John Trimble Jim Curtis Jim Curtis Shannon Curtis Harold Bristow Olive Bristow Rick Buchanan Viola Boyd Norma Pellow Albert Pellow Don Pellow Brenda Pellow Stuart Milne Wib Smith Bernice Smith Vicki Smith Ross Smith Randy Smith Doug Kitson Joan Kitson Heather Kitson Bryon Kitson Kevin Kitson Cliff Moore Hazel Buchanan Clarence Buchanan Violet Dunsmore Brent Dunsmore Kenneth Dunsmore Lynne Dunsmore Carie Lynne Dunsmore Michelle Lee Dunsmore Mrs. Nelson Buchanan (Lizzie) Bryan Campbell Art Buchanan Shawn Buchanan Karen Milne Trent Belton Morrie Habkirk Lyall W. Stone Roberta Lee Stone Timothy Scott Stone Heather Lorraine Stone Rick Dixon Nancy Dixon Peggy Buchanan

77 Davis Bay, Thompson Wainwright, Alberta Neepawa Neepawa 595 Honey, Winnipeg 595 Honey, Winnipeg Makaroff, Manitoba Makaroff, Manitoba Makaroff, Manitoba 483 Linden Avenue East, Kildonan 483 Linden Avenue East, Kildonan Montreal Neepawa 3604 Cuthbertson Avenue, Winnipeg 20 3604 Cuthbertson Avenue, Winnipeg 20 3604 Cuthbertson Avenue, Winnipeg 20 3604 Cuthbertson Avenue, Winnipeg 20 Gladstone 759 Knox Street, Assiniboia 759 Knox Street, Assiniboia 759 Knox Street, Assiniboia 759 Knox Street, Assiniboia 759 Knox Street, Assiniboia Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Obodo, Manitoba Neepawa Neepawa Ninette, Manitoba Ninette, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Agassiz, B.C. Agassiz, B.C. Gladstone, Manitoba 788 Ashburn Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba Neepawa Beaver, Manitoba Beaver, Manitoba Beaver, Manitoba Beaver, Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Fort Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan

Annie B. McMane Gertrude Chrismas Horace Chrismas Betty Buchanan Bert Buchanan Greg Moore Peter Hunter Jean Hunter Brent Hunter Wade Hunter Tannis Hunter Alayne Hunter Steve Fedorowich Jr. Marie Fedorowich Harvey Fleger Daryl Buchanan Brian Boughton Barbara Buchanan Garth Hunter

Guests Jean McKee Jack McKee Mr.& Mrs. Sam Brown Fannie Shatford Everett Barron Mrs. Anna Williams Mr. & Mrs. Francis Thwaites Rollie Higgins Cecil Bailey Vera Allan Elizabeth Davidson

RR1, Aylmer, Ontario Portage, Manitoba Portage, Manitoba Neepawa Wheatland Arden Arden Arden Arden Arden Arden Neepawa Neepawa Birnie Arden, Manitoba Neepawa Arden

Abbotsford, B.C. Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa East View Lodge, Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa

Jan 6, 2006 1970 Buchanan Reunion - Bill

Buchanan Reunion July 5th, 1970 Wilbert M. Buchanan Brent Buchanan Brian Buchanan Sharon Buchanan Lorne Buchanan Doris Buchanan Hazel Griffith Neva Watson

Kamloops, B.C. 12 Commerce Street, Neepawa 12 Commerce Street, Neepawa 12 Commerce Street, Neepawa 12 Commerce Street, Neepawa 290-1st Avenue, Neepawa RR2, Courtney, B.C.

James A. Watson Mrs. Freda Reed Jean Watson Flossie Scott Allan Scott Marlene Scott Brian Scott Melbourne Watson Mabel Henry Thelma Watson Charles Watson Alvin Buchanan Minnie Buchanan Darlene Buchanan Mrs. Eva Plaskett Miss Lois Buchanan Mrs. Irene Buchanan Mrs. Annie McMane Doug Griffith Jean Griffith Beverly Griffith Rick Griffin Robyn Griffith Tim Griffith Bonnie Griffith Danny Griffith Joyce Welbourne Lionel Welbourne Shannon Welbourne Clara Buchanan Bert Buchanan Maude Buchanan Ida Ash William Ash John Alexander Clara Alexander Bert Fenwick Winie Fenwick Bert Walker Shirley Walker Elizabeth Walker Margaret Walker Milton Buchanan Jean Buchanan Wendy Buchanan Brnda Buchanan Todd Buchanan Rita Buchanan Mel (Sonny) Buchanan Roy Buchanan Leonard I. Smith

RR2, Courtney, B.C. Neepawa Suite 4-2 05 Main Street North, Dauphin Neepawa Neepawa Winnipeg Winnipeg Abbotsford B.C., 34743 South Fraser Way Riding Mountain 3680 St. Anne Street, Port Coquitlam, B.C. 3680 St. Anne Street, Port Coquitlam, B.C. Fonthill, Ontario Fonthill, Ontario Portage la Prairie, 63-19th SW Portage la Prairie, 63-19th SW High Prairie, Alberta, Box 38 Edmonton, Alberta Aylmer, Ontario Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Rackham Manitoba Rackham Manitoba Rackham Manitoba Kamloops, B.C. Neepawa Neepawa Winnipeg 269 Lindon Avenue, Winnipeg 15 156 Cathedral Avenue, Winnipeg 156 Cathedral Avenue, Winnipeg 417 Victoria Ave., Brandon 417 Victoria Ave., Brandon 64 Clonard Avenue, Winnipeg 8 64 Clonard Avenue, Winnipeg 8 64 Clonard Avenue, Winnipeg 8 64 Clonard Avenue, Winnipeg 8 McCreary McCreary McCreary McCreary McCreary 242 Collegiate Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Reeve, Manitoba Riding Mountain, Manitoba

Irene A. Smith Margaret Smith Norma Smith Eva Plaskett Mina Buchanan Norman Buchanan Lydia Buchanan Victor Buchanan Gordon Hunter Kay Hunter Pat Huntingford Lock Huntingford Ronnie Huntingford Greg Huntingford Edith Graham John Graham Tom Willerton Ruby Willerton Elaine Lougheed Bruce Lougheed Sheila Lougheed Grant Lougheed Ruby Cathcart Barbara Cathcart Al Willerton Nellie Willerton Everett Barrons Joyce Painter Debbie Painter Danny Painter Alma Buchanan Beth (Lizzie) Buchanan H. Buchanan Doris V. Buchanan Marlene Kelm Elsie Kelm Ed Kelm Marjorie Mustoe Archie A. Buchanan Jacqueline J. Buchanan Cheryl A. Buchanan Marlene Buchanan Ernest Buchanan Gerard Buchanan Gordon Buchanan Neil Buchanan Ethel Buchanan John W. Buchanan Jim McLaughlin Melba McLaughlin Ida Holmes

Riding Mountain, Manitoba Riding Mountain, Manitoba Riding Mountain, Manitoba 63-19 Street SW, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba Reeve, Manitoba Reeve, Manitoba McCreary McCreary Neepawa Neepawa Cold Lake, Alberta Cold Lake, Alberta Cold Lake, Alberta Cold Lake, Alberta Neepawa Neepawa 5 Arlington Street, Winnipeg 5 Arlington Street, Winnipeg Plumas, Manitoba Plumas, Manitoba Plumas, Manitoba Plumas, Manitoba 265 Baltimore Road, Winnipeg 265 Baltimore Road, Winnipeg Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie Neepawa Portage Riding Mountain, Manitoba Riding Mountain, Manitoba Riding Mountain, Manitoba Riding Mountain, Manitoba 14 Arnold Avenue, Winnipeg Riding Mountain Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg McCreary, Manitoba McCreary, Manitoba Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa

Tom Buchanan Art McLaughlin Mary McLaughlin Leona Buchanan Art Buchanan Shirley L. Fleger Grace E. Felger Mr. Alen Makarchuk Joyce Makarchuk Leigh Ann Makarchuk Marcia Makarchuk Greg Makarchuk Mitchell Makarchuk Howie Buchanan Wilbert Buchanan Irvin Fleger Laura Fleger Scot Buchanan Ken Buchanan Thomas Gordon Buchanan Sanford Buchanan Myrtle Smith Jim Smith Emily Johnson Avy Buchanan Alice Donnelly Gordon Curtis Audrey Simon George Simon Branda Pope Arleigh Kaspick Karen Moore Tannis Curtis Laurie Kolesar Curtis Moore Evelyn Kaspick Henry Kaspick Rob Buchanan Marion Buchanan Robbie Buchanan Bruce Buchanan Marlene Moore Marion Buchanan Margaret Buchanan Bill Buchanan Daryl Alexander Alma Alexander Gordon Alexander Allan Buchanan Margaret Buchanan Lucy Bare

Crawford Park Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Agassiz, B.C. Birnie, Manitoba 540 Pacific Avenue, Selkirk RR3 Box 90, Portage la Prairie RR3 Box 90, Portage la Prairie RR3 Box 90, Portage la Prairie RR3 Box 90, Portage la Prairie RR3 Box 90, Portage la Prairie RR3 Box 90, Portage la Prairie Neepawa Sandy Lake Birnie, Manitoba Birnie, Manitoba Prince Rupert, B.C. 11347 Glen Avon Drive, Surrey Neepawa Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Neepawa Helston Brandon Neepawa Brandon Brandon Neepawa Obado Makaroff Winnipeg Rivers Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Rivers, Manitoba Abbotsford, B.C. Neepawa Abbotsford, B.C. Rivers Rivers Rivers Montreal Montreal Riding Mountain

Sharon Bare Archie Bare Clarence Buchanan Murray Kolesar Richard John Kolesar Marie Kolesar Garnet Moore Betty Moore Mrs. Loyd Bare Lloyd Bare Bill Woloski Ruby Woloski Georgie Woloski Darlene Woloski Donna Bare Diane Bare Debbie Bare Dwayne Bare Earl McGillivray Dick Buchanan Betty Bare Murray Bare Sam Buchanan Doreen Kolesar Arlene Kolesar Russell Ross McGillivray Gladys McLaughlin Bob McLaughlin Margo Trimble John Trimble Jim Curtis Jim Curtis Shannon Curtis Harold Bristow Olive Bristow Rick Buchanan Viola Boyd Norma Pellow Albert Pellow Don Pellow Brenda Pellow Stuart Milne Wib Smith Bernice Smith Vicki Smith Ross Smith Randy Smith Doug Kitson Joan Kitson Heather Kitson Brton Kitson

Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Neepawa, Manitoba Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Rivers Obodo Shoal Lake Shoal Lake Eden Eden Eden Eden Shoal Lake Shoal Lake Shoal Lake Shoal Lake Lac vert, Saskatchewan Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa 77 Davis Bay, Thompson 77 Davis Bay, Thompson Wainwright, Alberta Neepawa Neepawa 595 Honey, Winnipeg 595 Honey, Winnipeg Makaroff, Manitoba Makaroff, Manitoba Makaroff, Manitoba 483 Linden Avenue East, Kildonan 483 Linden Avenue East, Kildonan Montreal Neepawa 3604 Cuthbertson Avenue, Winnipeg 20 3604 Cuthbertson Avenue, Winnipeg 20 3604 Cuthbertson Avenue, Winnipeg 20 3604 Cuthbertson Avenue, Winnipeg 20 Gladstone 759 Knox Street, Assiniboia 759 Knox Street, Assiniboia 759 Knox Street, Assiniboia 759 Knox Street, Assiniboia 759 Knox Street, Assiniboia Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin

Kevin Kitson CliffMoore Hazel Buchanan Clarence Buchanan Violet Dunsmore Brent Dunsmore Kenneth Dunsmore Lynne Dunsmore Carie Lynne Dunsmore Michelle Lee Dunsmore Mrs. Nelson Buchanan (Lizzie) Bryan Campbell Art Buchanan Shawn Buchanan Karen Milne Trent Belton Morrie Habkirk Lyall W. Stone Roberta Lee Stone Timothy Scott Stone Heather Lorraine Stone Rick Dixon Nancy Dixon Peggy Buchanan Annie B. McMane Gertrude Chrismas Horace Chrismas Betty Buchanan Bert Buchanan Greg Moore Peter Hunter Jean Hunter Brent Hunter Wade Hunter Tannis Hunter Alayne Hunter Steve Fedorowich Jr. Marie Fedorowich Harvey Fleger Daryl Buchanan Brian Boughton Barbara Buchanan Garth Hunter

Guests Jean McKee Jack McKee Mr.& Mrs. Sam Brown Fannie Shatford Everett Barron

Franklin Obodo, Manitoba Neepawa Neepawa Ninette, Manitoba Ninette, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa, Manitoba Agassiz, B.C. Agassiz, B.C. Gladstone, Manitoba 788 Ashburn Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba Neepawa Beaver, Manitoba Beaver, Manitoba Beaver, Manitoba Beaver, Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Fort Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan RR1, Aylmer, Ontario Portage, Manitoba Portage, Manitoba Neepawa Wheatland Arden Arden Arden Arden Arden Arden Neepawa Neepawa Birnie Arden, Manitoba Neepawa Arden

Abbotsford, B.C. Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa East View Lodge, Neepawa

Mrs. Anna Williams Mr. & Mrs. Francis Thwaites Rollie Higgins Cecil Bailey Vera Allan Elizabeth Davidson

Neepawa Neepawa, Manitoba Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa

Attachment(not stored) 1970 Buchanan Reunion.doc ________________________________________________________________

Jan 6, 2006 1971 Buchanan Reunion - Bill

Buchanan Reunion 4 July 1971 George Watson Kathleen M. Watson Jean Griffith Bonnie Griffith Bev Griffith Robyn Griffith Danny Griffith Hazel Griffith Tim Griffith Rick Griffith Mabel Henry Leona Buchanan Lydia Buchanan Vic Buchanan Myrtle Gallant Edith Clark Ida Ash Jean (Buchanan) Hanley Judy (Buchanan) Klyne Debby Buchanan Lorraine Buchanan Earl Buchanan Eva Buchanan Doreen Buchanan Betty Pidluberg (Buchanan) Ken Buchanan Sylvia Wabick Gay McLaughlin Ken Petrie Andy Buchanan Ron Buchanan

Abbotsford, B.C. Abbotsford, B.C. Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Neepawa Stonewall, Manitoba Stonewall, Manitoba Riding Mountain Neepawa McCreary Victoria, B.C. Victoria, B.C. Winnipeg, Manitoba 1648 Garnet Road, Victoria, B.C. 423-4 St. NW, Portage, Manitoba 423-4 St. NW, Portage, Manitoba 423-4 St. NW, Portage, Manitoba 140 marks Avenue, Parksville, B.C. 63-19 SW, Portage la Prairie 63-19 SW, Portage la Prairie 63-19 SW, Portage la Prairie 239 Haddon Road SW, Calgary Birnie Riding Mountain 12 Yellowquill drive, Portage, Manitoba Thompson Thompson

Debbie (in a childish scrawl) Darlene Mercier Marie (Buchanan) Blackwell Thomas Blackwell Gordon Reed Verla Reed Brent Reed Wayne Reed Freda Reed Rita Buchanan Wayne Buchanan Brian Buchanan Sharon Buchanan Brent Buchanan Brian Kitson Doris Buchanan Grace Buchanan Donna Buchanan Heather Kitson Kevin Kitson Doug Kitson Joan Kitson Bonnie Lou Buchanan Maude Buchanan Lindsay Campbell Leah-Ann Campbell Nelly Campbell Bill Campbell Marlene Campbell F. Buchanan Lizzie Buchanan (Eddie) Lizzie Buchanan (Dick) Evelyn E. Kaspick Arleigh Kaspick Henry G. Kaspick Daryl Buchanan Garth Moore Dick Buchanan Greg Moore Mrs. Bill Buchanan Hazel Buchanan Bruce Buchanan Robyn Buchanan Barb Buchanan Karen Milne Start Milne Cameron Pou Calvert Cathcart Ruby Cathcart Barbara Cathcart Gail Cathcart

308-108 Chandos, Winnipeg 237 Maple Avenue, Welland, Ontario 237 Maple Avenue, Welland, Ontario Amaranth, Manitoba Amaranth, Manitoba Amaranth, Manitoba Amaranth, Manitoba Amaranth, Manitoba 242 Collegiate, St. James 242 Collegiate, St. James Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Franklin Neepawa Thompson, Manitoba 218-700 Setter Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin 2075 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg Neepawa Brandon Brandon Brandon 4 Fernwood Crescent, Brandon 4 Fernwood Crescent, Brandon Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa North Bay Neepawa Neepawa Portage Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Gladstone Gladstone Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Neepawa

Scott Cathcart Kevin Cathcart Derek Cathcart Myles Cathcart (two months) N James McLaughlin Nellie McLaughlin Ida Holmes Mary McLaughlin Tom Buchanan Art McLaughlin Blair McLaughlin Jim McLaughlin Clarence Buchanan Bert Buchanan Lorne Buchanan Mrs. Irene Smith Margaret Smith Norma Smith Robert Smith Leonard Smith Gertrude Chrismas Lucy Bare Sharon Bare Elsie Bare Donna Bare Dianne Bare Debra Bare Dwayne Bare Robert John Bare Myrtle Smith Jim Smith Marie Kolesar Lori Kolesar Richard Kolesar Karen Moore Jack McKee Jean Watson Clara Alexander Doreen Kolesar Arlene Kolesar Ruby Woloski George Woloski Darlene Woloski David Woloski Harvey Fleger Audrey Simon John Johnson Redg Johnson Irvin Fleger Agnes Buchanan Milton Buchanan

Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa eepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Crawford Park Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Portage la Prairie, Manitoba Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Shoal Lake Shoal Lake Shoal Lake Shoal Lake Shoal Lake Shoal Lake Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg North Bay, Ontario Winnipeg Dauphin Winnipeg Thompson Thompson Eden Eden Eden Eden Birnie Neepawa Riding Mountain Riding Mountain Birnie Agassiz, B.C. McCreary, Manitoba

Jean Buchanan Wendy Buchanan Brenda Buchanan Todd Buchanan Mrs. Mina Buchanan Mrs. Dorothy Brewer Mervyn Brewer Raymond Buchanan Jim Mclaughlin Laura Fleger Shirley Fleger Brent Hunter Wade Hunter Tannis Hunter Alayne Hunter Mr. Art Buchanan Mrs. Arnold Andrew Arnall Andrew Bruce Andrew Bryan Andrew John Alexander Florence Buchanan Peter Hunter Jean Hunter

McCreary, Manitoba McCreary, Manitoba McCreary, Manitoba McCreary, Manitoba McCreary, Manitoba Erickson Erickson McCreary Neepawa Birnie Birnie Arden Arden Arden Arden Agassiz, B.C. Glencairn Glencairn Glencairn Glencairn Winnipeg Neepawa Arden Arden

Guests Mrs. Leslie Swick Mr. Leslie Swick Emily Zihrul Gunda Redgate Jack McKee Sylvia Wabick

Welland, Ontario Welland, Ontario Dauphin Dauphin Neepawa, Manitoba Birnie, Manitoba

Attachment(not stored) 1971 Buchanan Reunion.doc ________________________________________________________________ Jan 6, 2006 Obituary - Effie E. (Buchanan) Slaughter The Toronto Daily Star Tuesday October 22, 1918 Page 8 MRS. EDWARD SLAUGHTER On Saturday at her home, 346 Delaware avenue, the death occurred from influenza and pneumonia, of Effie Buchanan, wife of Edward Slaughter, teacher of natural training at Dewson Street School. She was a member of Centennial Methodist Church. She leaves one son and two daughters.

Hi All; Thought I would pass this on to everyone for your notes. Huugg Kelly :o) ________________________________________________________________

Jan 9, 2006 Buchanan Reunions - 1972, 1973, 1974 Here are the last three Buchanan Reunions at Neepawa and an address list. This completes the bundle of documents that Darlene got from Lorne and Doris this past summer. I am still comparing the information with my database. I discovered that I have Lionel Welbourne and his son Lyle listed twice, so I am not sure who the correct wife/mother is. Can anyone help me on this? Lionel either married Joyce Isabell Griffith or Joyce's daughter Shannon Joyce Downing. I suspect the former is true. Darlene, your Dad was a first cousin to Joyce Griffith, can you set me straight on this one?

Bill Attachment(not stored) 1972 Buchanan Reunion.doc Attachment(not stored) 1973 Buchanan Reunion.doc Attachment(not stored) 1974 Buchanan Reunion.doc Attachment(not stored) Addresses of people contacting Lorne and Doris Buchanan.doc ________________________________________________________________

Jan 9, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanan Reunions - 1972, 1973, 1974

Sure Can Joyce was married to Ralph Downing and had Shannon. She then married Lionel Welbourne and had Lyle. Darlene


Jan 9, 2006 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanan Reunions - 1972, 1973, 1974 Did Joyce and Lionel also have a son James Evan Wellbourne?



Jan 9, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanan Reunions - 1972, 1973, 1974 The 1974 Buchanan Reunion lists these members of the Welbourne family: Joyce Welbourne Souris [Joyce Isabell Griffith] Lionel Welbourne Souris Shannon Welbourne Souris [Shannon Downing] Lyle Welbourne Souris Jamie Welbourne Souris Since Jamie is not listed in 1973, he was probably born after the 1973 reunion and before the 1974 reunion.

Bill ________________________________________________________________

Jan 10, 2006 Lyle James Keating etc. In the Buchanan address list, I see Mr & Mrs. Lyle J. Keating, Silverton, Manitoba I don't have Lyle's wife in my database. Does anyone know who he married? Does anyone know if the Mr & Mrs William Birch of Garden Grove, California are William S. Birch and Margaret Mary or 'Peg' Livingstone? Also does anyone know the first name of Mr. Plaskett who married Carman Weldon Buchanan's widow Eva Butterfield?

In the 1967 reunion list, please change the spelling of the name Clancy to Clancey. Who is "Miss Pearl Buchanan, ... Toronto, Ontario"?

Bill ________________________________________________________________

Jan 10, 2006 Letters from the Past, Part 10 Hi Donna, Sorry for the delay in replying to this one. At first I was trying to finish transcribing the letters, and then the reunion lists, keeping this one in the back of my mind. And my telephone line (and Internet access) was out of order for a week, and various other projects that are on the go. Today I finished comparing the places of residence in the address list with my database. Now I am ready to answer your questions. Thanks so much for taking the time to go over them so carefully. Nina I. born November 30th, 1920 in Donegal Married Nelson Cummings July 31st, 1945 Children Marie born May 10th, 1947 MURRAY? [Yes, Murray. My dictation software was interpreting Murray as Marie.] James born May 1st, 1923 (1921?) married Eva Stone on April 21st, 1954 Yes, 1921 is correct, not 1923 . Larry born June 6th, 1949 (DECEMBER 6, 1949???) [The letter says Jun 6/49 (Possibly Jan 6/49)] Marie born April 19th, 1950 MURRAY? [Yes, Murray.] Mary born 10 March 1946 married Huey Mayo born 11 January 1943 child Beryl Mayo born January 12, 1965 DARREL?? [Yes, Darrel is correct. The software also can't seem to distinguish between Darrel/Daryl amd Beryl, but I didn't discover this problem until I was doing the reunion lists.] Leonard Earl Buchanan born August 19th, 1919 married Helen born October 26th, 1928 family Judy May born June 4th, 1950 1960??? [The letter says 1950 but my database says 4 June 1960. Does anyone know whether Judy was the eldest child or the youngest?] Della born November 1st, 1926 Married Harry Outrim from born March 11th, 1925 but

family Diana Outrim born May 19th, 1948 FEBRUARY?? [My Db gives her birthdate as Feb 19, 1948 but the letter says March. I use Harry's name as Oultrim based on the spelling used by Suzanne Schaller.] Robert Outrim born October 29th, 1949 Dawn Outrim born February 8th, 1958 DONNA? [It should be Donna, not Dawn.] Family of James and Julia Ann Scott Buchanan James born January 24, 1954 (1854??) died October 23rd, 1923 married Julia Ann Scott born [Oops! 1854.] William Alexander born January 19th, 1882 married Helen McLean in December 1923, daughter Eva Julia born August 25th, 1936 married Morley Turner Emily Jane born October 18th, 1883 died September 6th, 1890 (16 September 1890??) [My DB says 16 Sept 1890, the BFT book says 16 Sept 1890. The letter says September 6th, 1890] James Stanley born April 13th, 1885 died December 24th, 1965 married Isabel Anderson born October 20th, 1889 (10 October??) [The letter, DB and BFT all say 20 October.] I invite ALL of you to send in any corrections you have found. There must be a lot of them. Bill ----- Original Message ----From: Donna Phillips To: Bill Buchanan ; 'Bill' Sent: Monday, January 02, 2006 8:54 PM Subject: RE: [andrew-buchanan] Letters from the Past, Part 10 Bill….and few discrepancies from my records…noted below. I don’t know which are correct. Donna ________________________________________________________________

Jan 10, 2006 1966-1974 Buchanan Reunions in Neepawa I have combined the lists into one file to make it easier to search for information. This file is attached. Bill Attachment(not stored) 1966-1974 Buchanan Reunions in Neepawa.rtf


Jan 11, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Lyle James Keating etc. Lyle Keating

B 20 Apr 1923 M 14 Jan 1978 Anne Neufeld B 15 Mar 1927 No family According to the Keating Histories for their Family Reunion about 5 years ago. Also "Peg" is Margaret Livingstone married to Bill Birch - brother of my great aunts Lizzie, Hazel and Grace (3 sisters) who married the 3 brothers Eddie, Stanley and Doug. Buchanan. Peg's mother was the men's sister Elizabeth Buchanan Livngstone. They all never got very far from home to find a mate!.... Darlene ________________________________________________________________ Jan 12, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Lyle James Keating etc. Hi Darlene, Barry, and all. I show Margaret Livingstone's husband as William James Snider, son of Joseph Henry Snider and Mary Ann or "Minnie" McAdam. Did Minnie remarry Joseph Birch and her two Snider sons take the name Birch? Or am I mixing up two different families? Bill

From Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED BIRTH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1901-001560, CHILD'S DETAILS, Last Name: SNIDER, Given Names: WILLIAM JAMES, Sex: M, Date of Birth: 11/03/1901, Place of Birth: R.M. OF MINIOTA, Parents Married: Y, Mother's Marital Status: MARRIED, MOTHER'S DETAILS, Maiden Last Name: MCADAMS, Given Names: MARY ANN Manitoba Archives on-line: DETAILED BIRTH INFORMATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1903-006797 CHILD'S DETAILS, Last Name: SNIDER, Given Names: ALLAN ROY, Sex: M, Date of Birth: 12/08/1902 Place of Birth: R.M. OF MINIOTA, Parents Married: Y, Mother's Marital Status: MARRIED, MOTHER'S DETAILS, Maiden Last Name: MCADAM, Given Names: MARY ANN Also "Peg" is Margaret Livingstone married to Bill Birch - brother of my great aunts Lizzie, Hazel and Grace (3 sisters) who married the 3 brothers Eddie, Stanley and Doug. Buchanan. Peg's mother was the men's sister Elizabeth Buchanan Livngstone. They all never got very far from home to find a mate!....

Darlene ________________________________________________________________

Jan 13, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Lyle James Keating etc. You are getting mixed up, at least where my family is concerned Bill. Please look in the Buchanan Family Tree Book on 7-6. You will see that "Red Bob" and Maggie Matilda's daughter Elizabeth married Wilbert Livingstone. It is their daughter Margaret "Peg" that married William S. "Bill" Birch and they lived in Garden Grove Calif.. "Peg" was only ever married to Bill. Darlene

________________________________________________________________ Jan 15, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Lyle James Keating etc. Thanks Darlene, Fortunately, the mix-up was a recent one, and just affected these two families. I also wondered whether Mary Ann or "Minnie" McAdam had married twice. (to Joseph Snider and then Joseph Birch) The 1906 census indicates no, and helps to sort out the two families. Do you have the names and dates and places of birth of the Birch children? I am missing two of the sons. So far, I have: Mary Ellen "Hazel" b. 22 Jan 1905 Elizabeth b. 22 Feb 1906 Grace Irene b. 25 Jul 1909 May Eva Walter William S. There are supposed to be five girls and four boys, I believe. Do you have any data on Miriam? 1906 census District: MB Dauphin District (#2) Subdistrict: 09 A (Townships 16, 17, 18 in ranges 15, 16 west) Page 23 Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-18354 20 179 Birch Joseph M. Head M M 37 England 21 179 Birch Miriam Wife F M 21 England 22 179 Birch Hazel Daughter F S 1 Manitoba 23 179 Birch Elizabeth Daughter F S 5 Months Manitoba 1906 District: MB Marquette District (#5)

Subdistrict: 05 (Townships 13, 14, 15 in ranges 25, 26 west) Page 10 Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-18355 13 50 Snider Joseph N Head M M 33 Ontario [Joseph Henry Snider] 14 50 Snider A Mary Wife F M 27 Ontario [Mary Ann or "Minnie" McAdam 15 50 Snider R Allen Son M S 3 Manitoba 16 50 Snider P Olive Daughter F S 2 Manitoba [Willam James Snider is not shown.] I look forward to hearing from you. Bill ________________________________________________________________

Jan 15, 2006 Birch family in 1911 Here are the missing two boys. - Bill 1911 census Manitoba / Portage La Prairie / 2 Township 15 in range 15 west of the 1st M except Neepawa Town / page 1 22 5 Berch Joseph M Head M Apr 1869 42 23 5 Berch Marion F Wife M Oct 1884 26 24 5 Berch Sidney M Son S Oct 1907 3 25 5 Berch Joseph M Son S May 1911 ? days 26 5 Berch Hazel F Daughter S Jan 1905 6 27 5 Berch Elizabeth F Daughter S Feb 1906 5 28 5 Berch Grace F Daughter S Jul 1909 1

Red Bob and Maggie Matilda are on the same page 1911 Census Manitoba / Portage La Prairie / 2 Township 15 in range 15 west of the 1st M except Neepawa Town / page 1 32 7 Buchanan Robert Head M Jan 1862 48 33 7 Buchanan Margaret F Wife M Jul 1863 47 34 7 Buchanan William M Son S Jul 1889 22 35 7 Buchanan Douglas M Son S Jun 1896 14 36 7 Buchanan Stanley M Son S Jul 1898 12 37 7 Buchanan Robert M Son S Oct 1903 7 38 7 Buchanan Elizabeth F Daughter S Feb 1893 18 39 7 Buchanan Hazel F Daughter S Sep 1901 10


Jan 16, 2006 Jane's last name

Hi Everyone, I notice that none of the letters to Lorne and Doris Buchanan suggested that Andrew's wife Jane's last name was Long or Young, while two said her last name was McNeiland (but differing spellings if I remember correctly). Bill


Jan 17, 2006 Genealogy I have been contacted by Graham Grimes, who is researching some lines that connect with the Buchanans: Bill "Finally, if you have had any queries concerning the surnames: Farrell, Cathers, McKie, or Cunningham which appear on your website, would you put those people in touch with me. Regards, Graham Grimes" gmgrimes@...


Jan 21, 2006 Our Buchanan DNA Cousins, I thought I would share the information that has been discovered regarding the Buchanan YDNA study. As some of you know, our cousin from FL, Cliff, participated in the study. The full results are in. I will summarize an email from Alex Buchanan, the coordinator of the Buchanan project. Our Buchanan line is of the chiefly line. In fact, it is one of the three individuals who match most closely with "a typical chiefly line Buchanan". Cliff's DNA differed by one degree on one marker. It is a marker that seems to be unique to our family. Our cousin Wayne is also willing to be testing and we have been working on the funds. We are close. Hopefully when we get Wayne tested, it will show whether or not he has the marker as well. If he does, we will then know if it unique to us. This could make it much easier to make links to other lgenealogies and maybe we could get past the brick wall of Andrew and Jane. One other interesting result is that another line from Northern Ireland is also only 1 marker off from the typical chiefly line of Buchanan. It is traced back to Samuel Buchanan who was also

from Co Tyrone. We match 35 out of 37 (differing on the 1 unique marker mentioned in the paragraph above and one other) markers with this Samuel. If you want to check out the results page, look for Cliff's ID number 46368 at: http://www.familytreedna.com/public/Buchanan/ I hope you find these results as interesting as I do. As Clan Buchanan Society, genealogist I have been helping out with the genealogy for testees. If you have any questions on any of the other testees lineages, I probably have something on most of the lines and will share what I can. Patty Hopkinson ________________________________________________________________

Jan 27, 2006 Extracts from Heritage and Rosedale Remembers I have received photocopies of the following material from Iabel Lefebvre. I really appreciate the work she does. Heritage - A history of the Town of Neepawa and District as told and recorded by its people 1883-1983 Rosedale Remembers - 1884-1984 Photos of former Reeves of Rosedale, James Watson junior and "Big Bob" Campbell. Some of you will already have this, but most of you will find something new in it.

Bill Attachment(not stored) Rosedale Remembers - 1884-1984.rtf Type: application/msword Attachment(not stored) Heritage - A History of the Town of Neepawa and District 1983.rtf Type: application/msword Attachment(not stored) James Watson jr.JPG Type: image/jpeg Attachment(not stored) Robert (Big Bob) Campbell.JPG Type: image/jpeg


Jan 27, 2006 Photo Sorry ... I intended to include this photo of James Vines McLaughlin and his wife Mary Ellen (Nellie) Buchanan - Bill Attachment(not stored) James McLaughlin and Mary Ellen Buchanan.JPG


Feb 2, 2006 Ancestry.ca I thought this might be of interest. I will check it out next Wednesday when I am in the Family History Center. Bill _______________________________________________ RootsWeb Review: RootsWeb's Weekly E-zine 1 February 2006, Vol. 9, No. 5 (c) 1998-2006 RootsWeb.com, Inc. http://www.rootsweb.com/ LOST IN CANADA? Now researchers seeking their Canadian roots can search 150 million records covering the years 1592-2002 through Ancestry.ca -a new Canadian site. The new site (http://www.ancestry.ca) is part of the World Deluxe subscriber's package (and also is available through a new Canada Deluxe membership). It includes the following databases: --1911 Canada Census (first and only fully indexed online). This database is an every-name index to individuals enumerated in the 1911 Canada Census, the fifth census of Canada since confederation in 1867. The names of those listed on the population schedule are linked to actual images. This census includes nine provinces -- Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan, and two territories -the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories. --Ontario Birth Index, 1869-1907 --Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 --Ontario Death Index, 1869-1932 --Ontario, Canada Census Index, 1871 --Ontario and Nova Scotia Census Records, 1800-1842 --Canadian Genealogy Index, 1600s-1900s --Canadian Directories (address and phone), 1995-2002


Feb 7, 2006 The Elmanac - Concession 6 Concession 6 of Elma Township, Perth county, Ontario - Bill ______________________________________________________________ A Samuel McCauley is listed as buying Concession 6 Lot 28 of Elma township Perth county, Ontario from Andrew Aitchison in 1891. In 1892 the lot was divided and the north half sold to John Chapman, and in 1899 the south half was sold to William A. Vipond and John J. Hammond. The nickname "Klondike" was always associated with this property. [Elmanac pages 406-407. This is the Samuel McCauley who married Jane Buchanan, daughter of Andrew and Mary Jane Booth Buchanan.] ______________________________________________________________ Concession 6 Lot 29 was purchased by John McCauley in 1871 from John Roth and sold in 1899 to Richard R. Long. 1871 census of Elma includes this household. (also in the 1861 and 1881 censuses) McAuley John L 29 C 5 Farmer Ire Irish Pres 48 Married Male McAuley Catherine Scot Scot " 42 Married Female McAuley Jane Ont Irish " 21 S F McAuley Samuel " " " 19 S M McAuley John " " " 17 S M McAuley William " " " 14 S M McAuley James " " " 12 S M McAuley Thomas " " " 8 S M Seney John Labourer " " Ang 51 S M [So the Samuel McCauley above is the son of John McCauley and John's wife Catherine.] The parent's names coincide with the marriage record for Jane McCauley. #008820-78 (Perth Co): William MATHESON, 27, farmer, Goderich, Elma, s/o William & Isabella, married Jane McCAULEY, 25, Ontario, Elma, d/o John & Catherine, witn: Samuel McCAULEY & Jane MATHESON, both of Elma, 18 July 1877 at Milverton ______________________________________________________________ Concession 6 Lot 33 was first owned by James Keating Jr. in 1854. Then by William Burnett in 1885. [Elmanac page 411.] James Keating jr was the uncle to John Andrew Keating who married Margaret Buchanan (daughter of John and Isabella Watson Buchanan) and uncle to James Keating who married Mary Jane Buchanan, daughter of James and Bessie Glen Buchanan. Concession 6 Lot 36 was acquired by John R Dick in 1862, then John Dick 1865, William Dick 1908, John Dick 1911. Maurice Dick 1912, Samuel Hymers 1927 [brother-in-law to Mary

Elizabeth Buchanan Hymers], George W. Mills 1933 [I can't connect him], Robert Buchanan 1937 [I don't know which one], William D. Hymers 1947 [possibly the son of John Hymers and Eliza Jane Farrell], S. Orwell Hymers (except south part) 1949-1981 (south part) 1949-1981 [Elmanac p. 413] [It appears that this property remained in the hands of Buchanan relatives for nearly 120 years.] Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma Vera Ernst McNichol, Dixon Press Limited, Kitchener, Ontario, 1966. pg 157 John Dick John Dick bought lot 36, concession 6 from the Crown and sold it to his son Maurice, who married Carrie Buchanan. [daughter of Alexander Buchanan and Emily Bray Scott] They had six children, Annie May, Viola, Effie, Dorothy, Alex and Edith. John Dick won a prize for best kept farm. 1871 census of Canada Dick John L36 C6 Farmer Scot Scot Pres 72 Single (?) Male Dick Margaret " " " 59 Single (?) Female Dick John R. " " " 29 S M 1881 census of Canada Dick John R. Male 39 Scotland Presbyterian Scottish Farmer Single Dick John M 83 " " " Labourer Married Dick Margaret F 70 " " " Married Willson Maggie F 21 Ontario " Irish S 1891 census of Elma Dick John R. Male 45 Married Head Scot Scot Scot Pres Farmer Dick Elizabeth Female 35 Married Wife Ont " " " Dick William M 7 S Son " Scot Ont " Dick Margt. L. F 5 S Daughter " " " " Dick John M. M 7 mos. S Son " " " " 1901 census Dick Jno. R. M " Head Married 09 May 1841 59 Scot Scot 1850 Pres Farmer n/g Pt L36 C6 Dick Elisabeth F " Wife Married 28 Nov 1848 47 O-r " " Dick William M " Son S 10 Sep 1883 17 " " " Farmer's son n/g Dick Maggie F " Dau S 28 Sep 1885 15 " " " Dick John M. M " Son S 24 Sep 1890 10 " " "

[Elmanac p. 413-414] John Dick (1799-1886) married Margaret Robertson (1811-1881) and they had one son, James [sic John] Robertson Dick (1841-1919). In 1851, they immigrated to Canada, landing in Quebec after six weeks aboard ship, and then traveled to the Shakespeare area. About four years later, they moved to C6L36. Like most pioneers, they cleared the land and felled the trees to build a log cabin. According to James' daughter Margaret Gildner, they spent the first night in the cabin with nothing but an old blanket for a door. 'Sometime that night my grandmother wakened my father to hear the wolves howling at the back of their house!

Eventually, the Dicks built a stone house, milk house and a smokehouse. A big frame barn was also erected to shelter the dairy herd and some pigs. There were separate wells for the house, barn and milk house, and a large apple orchard was planted close to the house. Each spring the storm windows were removed and fitted on the frames of the front porch, creating a temporary greenhouse for starting plants for the family garden. In the fall the windows went back on the house. The Dicks also made syrup from their large maple bush each spring. [photo of John and Elizabeth Dick farmstead] John Robertson Dick married Elizabeth Glennie (1854-1901) and they raised their three children on this farm. William married Jennie Peffers. Margaret married Ephraim Gildner and John 'Maurice' (1890-1936) married Carolyn Sofia Buchanan (1894-1947). In 1910 Maurice and Carolyn bought the 100 acre farm. They had milking cows and pigs. A silo was built beside the barn to store the com. To make life easier, a tractor, a corn cutter and a car were purchased. A new evaporator was built in the shed to process the yearly crop of maple sap. Maurice and Carolyn had seven children: Annie May, later Sproule; Effie Elizabeth, later Fleet; Emily Viola, later Wilson; John Alexander; Mary Dorothy, later Stepien; Edith Victoria, later Chelli; and Mervyn Richard. The Dick family belonged to North Mornington Church. They worshipped regularly on Sundays and helped to rebuild the church shed after it was gutted by fire. Carolyn's music was welcomed at social events. Maurice belonged to the LOL [Loyal Orange Lodge] and attended meetings at Britton and Donegal. He was a Black Knight in the organization and wore the official sash. On July 12th the family travelled to different communities and participate in the festivities. Carolyn was a dedicated member of the True Blue Lodge. At night the family entertained themselves with music. Maurice played the mouth organ, while Carolyn played piano and the children sang, danced and clapped. Maurice and Carolyn often played for dances held at the Britton hall. As the farm was located three miles from USS#3, Annie, Effie and Viola stayed with their grandparents in the winter, and usually attended school at SS#6. The Dick family retired to Britton. At the end of the 1961 school year, Emerson (1922) and Elizabeth (Frey) Weber (1922) and their children prepared to move from Hawkesville to C61-36. They packed their belongings into two hay rack wagons and hooked them onto the tractor for the twenty mile trek north. Up until the time of the move Emerson had worked in his father's welding shop. When they bought the farm from Orwell Hymers thirteen acres were severed at the south end of the property for a new barn and house for Orwell, leaving 100 acres for the Webers. Orwell, his brother Ben, and their mother Caroline boarded with the Webers until their home was ready. … Orwell Hymers retained thirteen acres when he sold the farm to the Weber family. Orwell was a character who loved to tinker with anything mechanical. He spent a lot of time in Jim Gray's shop pursuing his interests. When he was fourteen he started to collect guns, and he had a rare collection of old firearms, including a derringer, a flintlock rifle, and an ivory handled ladies revolver. Orwell made his own ammunition. Dynamite also interested Orwell. If someone had large stones or stumps to be removed from a field, Orwell could do the job. Orwell's collection ranged from oiling cans used on railway locomotives, to pioneer hand tools, to fine brass candles sticks brought from England by his grandparents. Orwell also enjoyed hunting and fishing. After Orwell's death the thirteen acres was sold to (Glen Storey, and then to Murray and Shirley Martin).


Feb 7, 2006 Elmanac - Concession 7 Another sort-of-famous relative. I remember the female doctor from Bordertown. I hadn't realized that she was related. _____________________________________________________________________________ Concession 7 Lot 14 1918 William and Arthur J. Blair 1919 Arthur J. Blair 1925 William Blair (sold the same year) This is William Blair who married Jane Buchanan (Daughter of Charles and Ann Porter Buchanan) and their son Arthur John Blair. Concession 7 Lot 16 1875 Robert Hamilton 1889 Ellen Hamilton 1891 George C. Coghlin These are the parents of Marion Evelina Jane or "Minnie" Hamilton who married Thomas William or "Will" Blair. George Coghlin is their son-in-law.

Elmanac page 426 Around 1845 James Hamilton and his wife Margaret Hosey (possibly Hossie) came to Canada. They had been linen weavers in Glasgow, Scotland, and settled in Guelph, where they wove woollens. Later they moved to Winterbourne. About 1850 their sons Robert and Tom came into Elma. The brothers were woodcutters who worked for many years taking logs to Trowbridge to sell in order to earn money for land. They were squatters until 1875, when Robert bought C7L16 for $135. Robert met his wife Ellen Robb at a party in Donegal. Ellen was a great walker. She had worked as a maid in Galt and had to walk from there to C[Concession]10 to visit her parents. One day after she was married she was picking grass to feed a pet deer and wandered into the woods and was lost. The family found her in Trowbridge. Robert and Ellen had five girls and three boys. Agnees Findlay married Richard Coghlin; Margaret Dila married George Clay Coghlin; James married Annie Jane [adopted daughter of Charles and Ann Porter Buchanan]; Henrv Wilkinson married Hattie; Robert Benjamin never married: Jessie Beatrice married Henry Pope; Ellen married Albert McBain; Marion Evaline Jane married William Blair [son of William and Jane Buchanan Bair]. Jessie and Ellen, the last surviving members of the family, lived together on Main Street in Atwood in later life. They were jolly, happy old ladies, so everyone liked to visit them. TV Hamiltons were originally Presbyterians, but later became Methodists. The Hamiltons planted a large orchard of sweet apples in hopes of making a good deal of money. Many of the trees were still there when Glynn and Olive Coghlin moved onto the in 1952. Robert Hamilton died in 1883. His wife and family carried on for eight years, then sold the land to George Clay Coghlin, Robert's son-in-law. George built the present house. George and

Margaret's children were Ella, who married Charles Vogan, Everett who married Pearl Hiusser, and Marion, who married Fraser Dewar. In 1905, lightning rods were installed by Hamilton Brothers Manufacturing Company for $56. Two years later, George sold twenty-seven-and one-half acres off the south end. In 1909 he sold the remaining property to William Hume. [photo of Family of Robert and Ellen Hamilton Front Agnes, Nell, Robert A Minnie, mother Ellen, Annie. Back Wilk, George Coghlin, Jessie, Richard Coghlin, Maggie, Jim C7L16Npt] Concession 7 Lot 24 ... 1888 John Young 1896 Margaret Young [until 1901] Concession 7 Lot 25 ... 1882 John Young (Patent) 1896 Margaret Young [until 1901] Concession 7 Lot 27 East 1948 Oliver F. Elliott [husband of Margaret Jane Young] 1950 W James Buchanan [son of Robert Livingston Buchanan and Margaret Hannah Broughton] 1989 Lyle J and Barbara A. Buchanan [Their son and his wife] William James Buchanan purchased the property in 1950. James (1921) married Eva Lyle Stone (1921) of Mornington in 1954, and they spent most of their married life on the property. In 1955 the telephone was installed and a garage built on the north side of the house, where a back kitchen had previously been. In 1956 the original driving shed was torn down and reconstructed on a different site. A sun porch was added to the south side of the house and an oil furnace installed. Over the past several years the farm has undergone changes, including an addition to the east end of the barn and construction of a second silo and two steel granaries. A new implement shed was added to the east side of the other building, the kitchen was remodeled and enlarged, cupboards installed, and a new garage constructed. James and Eva had two children: Lyle (1958) and Mary Pat (1964). Lyle married Barbara Wilson, daughter of George and Irene Wilson of Atwood. Lyle and Barbara (1964), who purchased the farm in 1989, have two children, Bonnie (1988) and Tyler (1992). Mary Pat married Brad Smith; they and their two children live in Goderich. [Elmanac p.436] In 1932 Oliver (1900 -1966) and Margaret Jane (Young) Elliott (1910-1999) started farming C7L28C. Oliver hauled milk to the Donegal Cheese factory as well as doing general farming. The couple belonged to Donegal United Church and were involved in many community activities. They had five children: William Delmer 'Bill' (1931) married Betty Hamilton; Marjorie Eleanor (1934) married Don Gabel and lives in Port Elgin; Marlene Olive Jane (1937) married Bob Gilmore and calls Zurich home; Bernice (1945) married Dr George Magee and lives in BC; and Audrey (1946) married Murray Krotz and lives in Wallace. Bill (1931-1984) and Betty Elliott (1933) purchased the sixty acres in 1953 and had a mixed farming operation. Bill hauled milk to Donegal Cheese Factory. He planted raspberries and established a pick-your-own operation-

Their children are: Brenda (1954), who married Brian Gartley; Bonnie (1956), who married Robert McCourt; Beverley (1960) who lives in Vancouver; and Jim (1968) who married Lori Tagney and lives in Georgetown. Bevedey is involved in music, theatre and an acting career. Sbe has produced CD's and has been in several movies abd television series. The Elliotts were active members of Donegal United Church and Sunday School. Betty was a member of the Donegal WI. Bill loved being involved in different activities in the community. Beverley Elliott Beverley Elliott, the daughter of Bill and Betty Elliott of C-L28. appeared in the role of Faith in Clint Eastwoods Academy Award winning film, Unforgiven. She also appeared in the movies Jitters, The Crush, Bye Bye Blues, and had a lead in Harmony Cats. She appeared as a regular for three years on CTV's Bordertown, and had principal roles in X-files and Highlander She has also done commercials. Beverlev was a finalist in the 1988 Bud Talent contest in Toronto. She then released two singles and played festivals and concerts. She later landed the role in the stage production, Cheatin' Hearts. which enjoyed a lengthy run. Beverley Elliott is currently a singer and songwriter in Vancouver Her music is Folk-pop style with a Celtic influence. Her first CD, Yellow Dress, was released in 1997. [Elmanac pp. 436-437] Concession 7 Lot 29 ... 1929 Charley Danbrook [until 1902] Concession 7 Lot 31 ... 1873 George Danbrook 1903 James J. Danbrook 1906 Thomas J. Hymers [until 1925] ... 1962 J. Elgin Buchanan 1986 Dorothy I Buchanan Part 7341 Perth Road 147 1976 Douglas E and Betty J Buchanan (1.2 acres) [George was the son of James Danbrook jr, and was (I think) a cousin to James Theordore Danbrook] [Thomas Joseph Hymers was a brother to Robert Leslie Hymers who married Mary Elizabeth Buchanan] Elgin (1921- 1986) and his wife Dorothy (Alexander) Buchanan (1928) purchased this 100-acre property from Sherwood Mann in 1962. At that time Elgin quit working for the Campbell Soup Company in Listowel. Their home was at C8L30. The barn was down at the time of purchase. The house had been built in 1885 and the shed in 1934. The land was very stony and wet: the children thought the stones grew bigger every year. The municipal drain was installed in 1968 and twenty acres located beside the Burnett property was drained in 1970. The house is now severed from the farm. Bushes around the old barn provided elderberries for many jars of jam, jelly and for pies. [Elmanac p. 440] Concession 7 Lot 32

1876 William Matheson jr West 1877 Alex Matheson ... East Neil Matheson ... Concession 7 Lot 33 5160 Line 75 1854 James Watson [until 1857] ... 1867 George W Foulston 1925 William Foulston [until 1933] Concession 7 Lot 34 1854 James Watson [until 1857] ... 1894 William Foulston [until 1933] Concession 7 Lot 35 5072 Line 75 1856 James Watson 1863 James Watson (Patent) [until 1872] Concession 7 Lot 35 7346 Road 140 [I don't see anyone I can identify positively as a relative in the list of owners]

Bill ________________________________________________________________

Feb 7, 2006 Elmanac Concession 8 (first part) Concession 8 Lot 9 Part (2 acres) 6357 Line 75 1959 George Wilson (sold in 1995) George Wilson purchased the two acres that Alvin McKee sold from C8L9E in 1959. Later that year he married Irene McNeilly. George worked in the feed mill and drove a truck for Boyd and Doug Hammond of Atwood. He and Irene raised 150 pullets and sold the eggs to Jim Erskine's egg grading station in Atwood. Later, the Wilsons remodelled the barn, put in sows and weaner pigs. George drove a school bus for six years, worked at Brunner making truck caps, then found work in Listwel making walk-in trailers.

The Wilsons have two daughters, Susan (1961) and Barbara (1964). They both attended ETPS, and LDSS. Susan married Douglas Laidlaw and they live on a farm on C6. Barbara married Lyle Buchanan C7L27 and they have two children. Irene and George belong to the Atwood United Church where George was a steward. Irene sings in the choir and is an active member of the UCW. She also enjoys baby-sitting her grandchildren and working for Ruth Long as a caterer. [Elmanac p. 450] Concession 8 Lot 16 1855 William Blair 1873 William Blair (Patent) see Atwood The first William Blair is presumably the father of these Blair children living on this lot in 1871. It looks like a remarriage situation possibly. 1861 census of Elma Coghlan Wm. L 16 C 8 Inn Keeper Ireland Ang 64 Married Male Coghlan Ellen Quebec " 42 Married Female Coghlan Robert Ontario " 21 S M Coghlan Elizabeth " " 19 S F Coghlin Charles " " 17 S M Blair Thomas " " 17 S M Blair John " " 16 S M Blair Mary Ann " " 14 S F Blair Wm " " 13 S M Coghlan Nathaniel " " 5 S M Coghlan Ellen " " 3 S F Coghlan Henry " " 1 S M 1871 census, Elma Blair Thomas L 16 C 8 Farmer Que Irish Ang 25 Single Male Blair John " " " 24 S M Blair William " " " 21 S M Coughlan Ellen " " " 53 Widowed Female Coughlan Nathaniel Ont " " 15 S M Coughlan Ellen " " " 12 S F Coughlan Henry " " " 10 S M William Blair - Elmanac pg. 237 [Jane Buchanan] William Blair with his family erected a log dwelling where James Wilson's residence now stands. At this time, 1854, he also erected a log tavern on premises, later occupied by R Graham's hotel. The Blair family owned the hundred acres upon which the east side of Atwood is situated. The fifty acres nearest the GTR was the property of John Blair, and the other fifty was owned by his brother W M Blair. [My copy of the Elmanac does not have this article on its page 237.]

Concession 8 Lot 28 West 1863 David Watson 1863 David Watson (Patent)

1870 Samuel Buchanan (until 1884) East 1863 Samuel Buchanan 1863 Samuel Buchanan (Patent) (until 1882) All 1918 William N Young 1931 W Alex Young (until 1972) [William Nixon Young is the son of John Young and Margaret Buchanan] [W Alex Young is probably William Alexander Young, son of John N. Young] William Nixon Young and his wife Elizabeth Jane (Hammond) purchased C8L28 in 1918. Their children were Robert, Edwin, Alexander and Margaret. Alexander (1902-1986) married Elizabeth Ford (1895-1980), purchased the farm in 1931 and remained on it until they sold and retired to Atwood in 1972. Neighbours have many pleasant memories of Alex and Lizzie. They were conscientious farmers; Alex was meticulous in his care of his farm buildings, livestock and machinery, workmg long hours cutting weeds with his scythe or pulling wild mustard by hand. Lizzie was always helping with farm chores and caring for her well-kept garden where you could find vegetables, red and black currant bushes, rhubarb, plums and other items. They always welcomed visitors. Lizzie played the piano and Alex his fiddle. When young visitors were leaving, Lizzie went to the pantry to find a cookie for each one. Neighbours joked about Lizzie's many superstitions and remedies but in view of today's herbal medicines, maybe she was not all wrong. Alex had his quirks, too - such as not moving the clocks forward one hour in the spring. His favourite expression in times of trouble or excitement was 'holy boldy'. Alex and Lizzie were members of Donegal United Church. Lizzie was a member of the Wl and Alex a member of the LOL [Loyal Orange Lodge]. [Elmanac pp. 464-465] Concession 8 Lot 29 1905 William Matheson jr. 1913 William Hymers 1922 Walter C. Sage 1924 Charles McNichol 1930 Robert Buchanan 1935 Thomas H Buchanan 1939 Leslie O and Mary Hymers [until 1969] [I am not sure who Thomas H Buchanan is, but Leslie O Hymers seems to be Robert Leslie Hymers who married Mary Buchanan] William Matheson married Jane McCauley [sister of Samuel McCauley who married Jane Buchanan] and owned this farm from 1905-1913. They lived on C8L34. In 1935 Thomas Buchanan sold the house on this property to Alfred Cockwell, who moved it across the road to his farm. One harvest time in the early 40s, when Elwood Danbrook was custom threshing for Leslie Hymers, a ball of fire came out of the straw blower and engulfed the large straw stack and small barn where they were storing the grain. Elwood had removed the front tire of the machine and taken it to Atwood for repairs. In their haste to save the thresher the men attempted to pull it away with the drive belt, but the axle dug into the ground and the machine was burned. Neil Cockwell, who was watching from the gate across the road, saw that the wind had carried burning shingles down the road and set Oliver and Margaret Elliott's barn on fire. He alerted the men, a bucket brigade formed and the barn was saved.

[Elmanac pp 464-465] Concession 8 Lot 30 7190 Line 75 1854 John Buchanan [until 1858] South 7190 Perth Road 147 ... 1880 James Hemphill [until 1889] [brother to William Hemphill who married ANdrew Buchanan's daughter Margaret] ... 1947 James A Buchanan [son of Alex Buchanan and Emilt Bray Scott] 1957 J Elgin Buchanan [son of the above] 1986 Dorothy Isabel Buchanan [Elgin's wife] North Half (49 acres) 1862 John Buchanan West Part of North Half (29 acres) 1875 Thomas Farrell [until 1877] East Part of North Half (20 acres) 1866 David Watson [until 1878] All of North Half 1889 William Burke, Jr ( 49 acres) [brother to Eliza Jane, Mary and Margaret] 1895 Thomas G Ratcliffe 1902 James T Danbrook [James Theodore Danbrook] 1906 Samuel T Rutherford 1907 Robert Burke [brother to Eliza Jane, Mary and Margaret] 1919 Thomas J Hymers [brother to Robert Leslie Hymers] Dorothy Isabel Alexander (1928) and James 'Elgin' Buchanan (1921-1986) were married in 1948 and moved onto the farm at C8L30S owned by Elgin's father, James A Buchanan. Elgin and Dorothy purchased the property in 1957. The buildings on the farm were built around 1890, and there was a log house north of the barn at one time. When Elgin and Dorothy moved in there was no hydro, but there was water in the barn because Harold Johnston, a previous owner, had put in cement stables and water bowls, with a pump in the water well. Dorothy recalls 1951 was a big year, with the installation of hydro and a bathroom, the purchase of a TV and the arrival of a new baby. [photo of Elgin and Dorothy Buchanan farmstead C8L30pt] Elgin and Dorothy made various changes, remodelling the stairs and adding cupboards in the house. The barn was made bigger by adding a free-stall pole barn, milk house and silo. The Buchanans raised six children. Dorene (1949) is married to Jim Goodyer and lives in Mitchell. She is an RNA and has three children. Doug (1951) married to Betty MacDonald and they have two children. Doug works for the City of Guelph. Marlene (1954) is married to Gene Lamarche, and has two children. They live in Kitchener where Marlene works for Home Depot. Jim (1956) married Nancy Chamney. They have three children and live at C9L33. Jim works at the Co-op. Jeff (1964) lives in Kitchener, where he is a municipal employee. Ron (1970) also lives in Kitchener and works at Krug Furniture Factory. The whole family loves all kinds of sports, just like their father who liked hunting, fishing, playing Lost Heir, music, and telling jokes and stories. Dorothy belongs to the Donegal United Church, UCW and the Atwood Lioness Club. Her interests are crafts, travelling and Drayton theatre. [Elmanac pp. 465-466]

Concession 8 Lot 31 7223 Perth Road 147 1854 John Buchanan [until 1857] ... 1868 William Burke 1905 Nancy Burke 1917 Robert Burke 1919 Thomas J Hymers [until 1920] Concession 8 Lot 32 5199 Line 75 1854 Robert Buchanan [until 1857] ... East 1887 William Burke [until 1901] Concession 8 Lot 33 William Buchanan 1854 North 5171 Line 75 1870 William Buchanan [until 1873] ... 1956 Lloyd Hamilton [son of James Hamilton and Ann Jane Buchanan] 1967 Delmer F. and Marie E. Buchanan [son of James Alexander Buchanan and Gladys Holmes] 1978 James A. Buchanan [son of James Elgin Buchanan] 1990 James A. and Nancy D. Buchanan [now includes his wife Nancy Chamney] South 1882 William Buchanan [William kept this half of his farm] 1886 James Buchanan [William's son] West half of south half 1909 Alexander Buchanan [William's son] 1927 James A. Buchanan [son of Alex Buchanan and Emily Bray Scott] 1957 Delmer, Elgin and E Gladys Buchanan [heirs of James] 1957 Delmer Buchanan 1991 Gary D. and Darlene E. M. Buchanan [Delmer's son, Nancy's brother] East half of south half 1917 Robert L. Buchanan [Robert Livingston Buchanan] 1965 J. Andrew and Delores M. Buchanan [sold in 2000] Century Farm William Buchanan had this farm before the Crown deed was issued, getting the patent to the south part. The story starts before Elma was surveyed. Andrew and Jane Buchanan came to Canada from County of Tyrone, Ireland, in 1847, at the height of the potato famine, They set sail with their seven sons and one daughter. They were nine weeks sailing and before they landed a fever broke out and many died. When they reached Kingston they were quarantined in the harbour for three weeks. Here Andrew Buchanan died of the fever and was buried. Jane and her eight children continued on to Elma. Her son William and his wife Annie settled in C81,33. On July 21, 1848, their daughter Margaret was born. Their third child, James, was once kidnapped by Indians and found by a scouting party of settlers near Brussels and returned home in eight days.

William received the patent for C9L33. The southern portion of the property has remained in the Buchanan name and has been farmed as part of C9L33. C8L33N returned to the Buchanan name in 1967. James Buchanan bought this property from his Uncle Delmer in 1978. He cash cropped it for five years. In 1982, he married Nancy Chanmey of Wallace and now lives on C8L33N. James and Nancy have three children, Cody (1986), Elisha (1988) and Brady (1992). They go to ETPS and play baseball and hockey. James also plays hockey and baseball and helps the children with these sports. Nancy likes gardening, baking and watching the children play sports. Nancy and James both work off the farm and rent the land out, except for the small evergreen bush which they have lent to the Atwood Ventures for their base camp. Concession 8 Lot 34 1854 William Buchanan 1856 John S Holmes 1866 John S Holmes (Patent) 1866 William Matheson Jr 1919 William J Matheson [until 1941] [photo Jim and Nancy Buchanan and family Front Brady. Back Cody, Elisha. C8L33] William Matheson Jr (1819) married Isabella Edwards (1827) in 1843 and in 1866, they came to C8L34 from the Embro area. William and Isabella built a log house, a colony house, and barn atthis time. William was a general agent for the John Watson Manufacturing Co of Ayr and sold binders for them. He received the first binder sold in Canada in 1883. William sold binders at $100 each, and for every four sold he received a new one for his own use. William and Isabella had fourteen children. William (1844) married Jane McCauley; Anna (1846) married James Stewart; Mary (1848) married John Porter; Christina, (1850) married William H Pratt; Jane (1852) married William Burke; twins born in 1854 died at birth; Georgina (1855) married James Steven; John (1857) died at fourteen; Alexander (1859) married Emma Snider, then Mary Steven; Jessie (1861) married John Anderson; Neil (1863) married Vera Abramson; Isabella (1865) married John Fewings; Angus (1969) had five wives: Mary McKinley, Minnie Wright, Sarah Louise Motley, Alice SIeeper and Maud Penny. When William Jr married Jane McCauley in 1877, a frame house was built close by. William and Jane raised sheep and people came for miles to buy them for breeding stock. William and Jane raised four children: John Alexander, who married Clara Boult; William James McCauley (1880) who married Emily Ann Scott (1885); Neil, who married Myrtle Alexander; and Katie Belle, who married Leslie O W Flick. William James McCauley Matheson married Emily Ann Scott of Mornington in 1912. They rented the farm from his mother, purchasing it for $6,000 in 1919. In the summer the neighbours had a beef ring. Every week one of the farmers took a turn in supplying an animal; if you donated an animal, you received two roasts plus the heart, liver and other organs. The remainder of the beef was divided up among the other ring members. The Matheson children attended SS#6 which was a mile-and-a-half mile walk. William and Emily Ann had six children Verna (1913) married Russell Hiusser of C5L29; AIvin (1916) married Ferne McNichol of C7L29 and they farmed C10L19E; Rosetta (1918) married Glenday Whyse C10L18W; Angus (1925) farmed at C9L27 and married Dorothy Lake, then Faye Mulcaster; Agnes (1925) married Bruce Jacques; and Laurene (1927) married Walter Gowing. William died of athsma in 1938 and Emily Ann farmed with the help of her children iuntil 1941, when the farm was sold Daniel Brenneman. [Elmanac pp. 468-469]

1871 census [between the families of George W Foulston and Charles Buchanan] Matheson William L 34 C 8 Farmer Scot Scot Pres 52 Married Male Matheson Isabella " " " 44 Married Female Matheson William Ont " " 28 S M Matheson Mary " " " 20 S F Matheson Christena " " " 18 S F Matheson Jane " " " 16 S F Matheson Georgina " " " 14 S F Matheson John " " " 12 S M Matheson Neil " " " 10 S M Matheson Jessie " " " 8 S F Matheson Isabella " " " 6 S F Matheson Angus " " " 3 S M

Please let me know of any errors you find. To be continued ... Bill ________________________________________________________________

Feb 15, 2006 Elmanac - Concessions 8 and 9 An interesting snippet of information on Charles' son Andrew Buchanan. It seems like an amazing coincidence that both Charles and his brother James would lose a son named Andrew while gold mining - one in the Cariboo and one in Nevada. I should send this to Bill Hamilton, who is a descendant of Charles. I am including the names of property owners who have surnames of interest to me, although in most cases I can't yet see a connection. There is not much of interest to me on these pages, but there should be more on the next part. Bill ______________________________________________________ Concession 8 Lot 35 5077 Line 75 1854 Charles Buchanan 1860 Charles Buchanan (Patent) (until 1862) Concession 8 Lot 36 7248 Road 140 1854 Charles Buchanan 1860 Charles Buchanan (Patent) 1892 Thomas J & William Hymers 1896 Thomas J Hymers

1923 Samuel Hymers 1937 Caroline S Hymers 1950 Cecil J Hymers 1962 Joseph H & Catherine Carter This property, consisting of 119 acres, is owned by Joe and Catherine Carter. It was purchased as Crown Land in 1860 by Charles Buchanan, who cleared it, built a log house and a barn with a hewn pine frame, from timber off this property. The barn stood until 1965. Little is known about this family, but some say Charles' first son, Andy was the first white child born here. As a young man, Andy lost his life in the Nevada gold mines. Fire destroyed the first cabin and a second log house was built south-east of the barn, next to a newly dug well. During the 1918 flu epidemic, three members of the McNeilly family died in this house. The well was later drilled deeper and is still in use today. In 1923 Samuel Hymers bought this property. Sam and his wife Caroline had nine children, and to house them they moved a house across the fields from Donegal. It was moved on rollers and pulled by horse and winch, which was a slow process. A new cement wall was poured for the house. When Sam put a plank across it and asked his wife Carrie to be the first to walk across it, she did it! Her youngest son Cecil was born a few months later. The children of Samuel and Caroline were: Benjamin; Orwell; William, who married Elizabeth Weber; Emma who married Tye Posliff; Cora who married William Coxon; Elwood who married Eileen Cresswell; George who married Doris Miller; Bertha, who married Roy Knechtel; Melvin, who married Vida Wesley; and Cecil, who married Dorothy Miller. In 1926 a sawmill was set up in the Hymers' yard. This was owned and operated by Bert Chapman of Trowbridge, who did custom log sawing. At this time the back fourteen acres were cleared. After Sam's death in 1937, two of his sons joined the service, leaving the farm to be worked by Carrie and two younger sons, who also drew milk to Donegal and Britton Cheese Factories. In 1950 Cecil (1923) purchased the farm from Carrie. In 1945 Cecil was married to Dorothy Miller. Cecil and Dorothyhad a family of six. Donna (1947) married Mervyn Bauer, and now lives in Brussels. Dina (1949) who married Gilbert Larson, and later, Ken Patterson, now lives in Listowel. Wendal (1951) married Susan Smith and lives in Listowel. Wilma (1953) married Bev Acheson of Monkton. Walter (1955) married Sandra Cassell and lives in Atwood. John (1957) married Diane Schleuter and lives in Listowel. When Joe and Catherine Carter purchased the property as a second farm, Cecil and Dorothy moved to another farm on C2L28. No one has lived here since. The farmhouse was used for grain storage for several years. In 1965 a windstorm destroyed the barn. The driving shed which stands today was built from the portions of pine frame and weather boards from the barn. Catherine Carter writes, 'We spent many enjoyable working days on this farm with our three sons and two daughters! One of those sons, Ken, now operates the farm with his wife Anita, along with their dairy farm in Mornington. [Elmanac, p. 469-470] [End of Concession 8]

Concession 9 Lot 6 South 1866 Charles Coulter 1869 John Watson 1889 Jane and Jessie Watson (until 1892)

[I am not sure that any of these are related, but the surnames are of interest] Concession 9 Lot 9 6372 Perth Line 72 1854 John Graham 1867 John Graham (patent) (until 1875) [I don't know if he is of the same Graham family as Jim Graham] Concession 9 Lot 10 1873 John Graham and Walter Hamilton South 1877 John Graham (patent) (until 1877) Concession 9 Lot 13 6142 Perth Line 72 1854 Charles Coulter 1861 Charles Coulter (patent) 1876 James Coulter 1919 G. Milton Coulter (until 1969) [I can't connect them with the Manitoba Coulters] Concession 9 Lot 14 6142 Perth Line 72 1854 Charles Coulter 1861 Charles Coulter (patent) North (80 acres) 1878 William Blair (until 1902) ... 1916 Norman Russell McMane (until 1942) [probably related to Roy McMane] Concession 9 Lot 15 1854 William Coulter 1861 Charles Coulter 1862 Charles Coulter (patent) North 1869 John Coulter (20 acres) 1878 William Blair (until 1902) ... 1916 Norman Russell McMane (until 1942) South 354 Main St Newry 1876 James Coulter (80 acres) (until 1916) Plan 258 141 Fisher Ave, Atwood Created in NE corner in 1911 1916 N. Russell McMane (until 1942) Concession 9 Lot 16 281 Main Street 1854 James Coulter 1861 Charles Coulter 1862 Charles Coulter (patent)

1877 Young Coulter 1927 Fred Y Coulter (until 1947 Part 6 acres aeround SW corner 1877 Mary Coulter (subsequently reunited with farm) Lot 2 Plan 465 381 Main Street (from Charles Coulter) 1877 Maggie Alexander 1883 Mary Coulter 1907 Charles H Coulter (until 1960) Concession 9 Lot 17 5908 Perth Line 72 1854 William Young 1856 Moses Harvey 1860 Moses Harvey (patent) 1862 William Young (until 1862) ... 1871 Robert Campbell 1873 William Morrison 1878 Robert Morrison (until 1891) Concession 9 Lot 18 5872 Perth Line 72 1854 William Young 1856 Moses Harvey 1860 Moses Harvey (patent) 1902 Cyrus W Harvey (until 1924) ... 1929 Cyrus W Harvey (until 1930) Concession 9 Lot 19 5792 Perth Line 72 Older House 5798 Perth Line 72 Bungalow 1854 William Morrison 1862 William Morrison (patent) (until 1866) Concession 9 Lot 20 5736 Perth Line 72 5798 Perth Line 72 Bungalow 1854 William Morrison 1862 William Morrison (patent) (until 1866) West 1890 William Morrison East 1890 John A Morrison (until 1892) 1895 William Morrison All 1920 William W Morrison (until 1957) Concession 9 Lot 22

1931 W. Joe Acheson 1949 Samuel M Acheson 1958 Henry R and Elizabeth Danbrook Part 5636 Perth Line 72 (from Henry R and Elizabeth Danbrook) 1972 J Ross Danbrook [At last a familiar name! W J Acheson is the brother of Norman Acheson who married Annie May Buchanan.] In 1930, they sold the farm to Joe and Em Acheson, who had nine children: Wilfred, Winnie, Stanley, Lloyd, Leroy, Sam, Feme, Bernice and Marlene. During the late 1930s Joe built a new silo and raised the bam to put a new main wall under it. In 1946 Joe sold the farm to his son Sam and daughter-in-law Bunny. A new implement shed was built in 1956, The bam burned that same year. Sam and Bunny remained on the farm until 1958 when the farm was bought by Harry and Beth Danbrook. The Achesons moved to Mornington and eventually to a farm on the edge of Monkton, C17L15. They are now retired and living in Listowel. [Elmanac p. 482] Concession 9 Lot 23 1874 William Danbrook Sr. West 1883 George Danbrook 1903 James Danbrook 1913 Henry R Danbrook (W 3/4) 1958 J Ross Danbrook (until 1972) East 1877 William Danbrook Jr. 1913 James Danbrook 1927 Charley E Danbrook (E 1/4) (until 1947) 1965 Gordon Danbrook (until 1973) Page 483 has a writeup on a James Danbrook family but I can't connect them with the the two James Danbrooks in my database. Concession 9 Lot 26 1854 Robert Cathers (until 1856)


Feb 15, 2006 Jennie Bay I have been checking through the 1911 census and found the entry for Robert Buchanan and Elizabeth Watson interesting. Who is the adopted daughter, Jennie Bay? What became of her? 1911 Buchanan Robert Male Head Married Dec 1958 53 Ontario Irish Methodist Farmer Buchanan Elizabeth Female Wife Married May 1860 51 " " "

Buchanan Herbert L. M Son S Dec 1883 27 " " " Farmer Buchanan Annie F Daughter S Nov 1887 23 " "" Buchanan Ruben M Son S Nov 1893 17 " " " Not Given Buchanan Alexander M Son S Jan 1898 13 " " " Bay Jennie F Ad-Dau S Nov 1901 9 " English " ________________________________________________________________ Feb 15, 2006 Census mystery solved Bill There is a reference to a Francis Buchanan who I cannot connect to anyone of your family and I can find no reference to him in the directories although they are very a poor reference source as they do not show anyone who was not a property owner. Have fun Don _________________________________________________ Hi Don, I have figured this one out. Somehow the enumerator made a mistake on the first entry. Frances (Frances Minnie Coxon) was the wife of Andrew Buchanan (10 Jun 1868 - 23 Dec 1939). About this time, Andrew would probably be in Washington state making preparations for the family to move there. Buchanan Francis Male Head Widowed Sep 1870 40 Ontario English Presbyterian Farmer Buchanan Mary J. F Daughter S Oct 1891 19 " " " Buchanan Hanna J. F Daughter S Jun 1893 17 " " " Buchanan Eleanor F Daughter S Jun 1896 14 " " " Buchanan Ethel F Daughter S Jul 1902 9 " " " Buchanan Gordon M Son S Jul 1904 6 " " " Buchanan Frances F Daughter S Jul 1906 4 " " " Here is the 1901 census for comparison 1901 census of Elma, Perth, Ontario Buchanan Andrew M Head Married 10 Jun 1868 32 O-r Irish Buchanan Frances F Wife Married 24 Sep 1870 30 " " Buchanan Mary J. F Dau S 08 Oct 1891 9 " " Buchanan Nora I F Dau S 28 Jun 1893 7 " " Buchanan Ellener F Dau S 23 Jun 1896 5 " " They next appear in the 1920 US Census 1920 census of Washington, County of San Juan, District #2, Friday Harbor 8 Jan 1920 Surname Name Role Sex Age Marital status Birthplace Father Mother Buchanan Andrew head M 51 M Canada Ireland Canada Frances Wife F 49 M Canada Canada England Ethel E. dau. F 17 S Canada Canada Canada

Gordon W. son M 15 S Canada Canada Canada Frances dau. F 13 S Canada Canada Canada Thanks again. Bill


Feb 16, 2006 Another mystery solved Jennie Bay was Eliza Jane Bay, daughter of William and Maria Ames Bay. William Bay (1870-1957) owned a severed portion of the farm now known as 7012 PERTH ROAD 147 from 1900-1913. William emigrated from England, and had lived with John and Catherine McGillawee in Elma. William married Maria (Ames) in 1891 when Maria was eighteen. Their children were: Annie, who married John Aiken; William J; Ethel who married Leonard Stark; Isabella, who married Foster Evans, and Eliza Jane 'Jean', who married Ernie Young. Shortly before the birth of their son Samuel 'Bert', the family moved to Stratford. The trip was wet and cold, too much for Maria, and she died six months after Bert was bom. William returned the children to the Donegal area, where they were taken in by caring families: the Longs, Buchanans, McGillawees and Marks. As the children grew they joined their father and stepmother in the USA. Bert married Grace Arnold in 1927 in Detroit, and they moved back to a frame house on C8L23 owned by Tom Marks. They had two sons: Wayne (1928) and Carl (1927). They moved to the Walkerton area in 1932. [Elmanac p. 490] Since she returned to live with her father, I will include her in my Notes for Robert Buchanan rather than having a separate record for her in my database.

Bill ________________________________________________________________

Feb 16, 2006 Concession 9 including Donegal Concession 9 Lot 26 1854 Robert Cathers (until 1856) West 7021 Road 154 1894 Sarah Petrie [widow of John Petrie] 1904 Charles E Petrie 1936 William Petrie (1952) East Half 1919 Orwell Danbrook

1919 Charley Danbrook 1927 Henry R Danbrook 1958 J Alvin Matheson 1978 Bradley N and Carla Matheson Concession 9 Lot 27 5432 Perth Line 72 1854 Robert Cathers (until 1856) 1855 Angus W Matheson 1980 William A & Michelle L Matheson (until 1994) Part Cemetery 5410 Perth Line 72 1864 Donegal Wesleyan Methodist Church (enlarged 1913) 1928 Donegal Cemetery (enlarged 1976) [If you visit Donegal, plan to spend some time at the cemetery. It is perhaps the best landmark in the community. When we visited it was beautifully tended, and most of the graves seemed to have a family connection. We also enjoyed visiting some of the local cousins. Also visit the old Trinity Anglican cemetery about 2 miles out of Donegal. This cemetery was a shambles when we visited it, with all the gravestones in one big pile. Maybe by now it has improved, does anyone know? And does anyone know how these Petries connect to Jim Petrie who married Muriel Buchanan who grew up at Donegal?] Concession 9 Lot 28 5400 Perth Line 72 1881 John Petrie 1904 John Alexander Petrie (until 1916) Part Cemetery 5410 Perth Line 72 [east half of the cemetery] 1971 Presbyterian Congregation of Elma Centre 1928 Donegal Cemetery In 1871 George McGill deeded a half-acre to the Presbyterian congregation of Elma Centre for five shillings although the sale was not registered until 1915. This plot of land is now the east half of Donegal Cemetery. Sometime during this period a frame barn on posts was built on the property, the first frame barn in the township. George McGill sold to a neighbour, John Petrie, in 1881. Petrie did not live here, and after he died in 1882 his widow Sarah became the owner. In 1904 their son John, a resident of Milverton, bought the farm. He lived here for twelve years, during which time he built the present house (around 1909 or 1910), a machine shed and a chicken house. John also put a stone foundation under the barn. John sold to Thomas Barton, who sold to Draper Battin, who in turn sold to Chester Little in March 1920. [Elmanac p. 487] Concession 9 Lot 29 5340 Perth Line 72 1854 Samuel Buchanan South ... 1912 Samuel Acheson 1916 Norman Acheson (until 1932) North

... 1912 Allan S Petrie 1918 Norman Acheson (until 1932) Concession 9 Lot 30 5294 Perth Line 72 1904 William S Buchanan 1907 Allan S Petrie 1920 Thomas J Hymers 1934 Leslie 0 Hymers 1948 Carl L Hymers (until 1969) [map of Donegal] Donegal Lots 5296 Perth Line 72 (From Samuel McAllister farm) 1913 Donegal Cheese & Butter Manufacturing Co Ltd 1914 Robert Buchanan 1922 Emily B Buchanan 1940 Alexander Buchanan 1949 James A Buchanan 1957 Ethel G Buchanan (until 1973) 5292 Perth Line 72 1914 Robert Buchanan 1922 Emily B Buchanan 1940 Alexander Buchanan (until 1952) 5286 Perth Line 72 (from Allan Briley farm) 1875 James Terry [built a blacksmith shop and house] 1882 Wm Buchanan 1885 Wm S Buchanan 1909 Elizabeth Buchanan 1935 Herbert, Annie & Reuban Buchanan 1968 Alice C Buchanan 1983 Wrn E Buchanan [I think this where his son Earl Buchanan was living when we visited him in 2002.] 5280 Perth Line 72 1875 William Mills (1 acre) 1879 Daniel D Campbell 1879 Wm Aldred 1895 James H Thorndyke 1918 Robert G Thorndyke 1922 Isabella R Scott (until 1952)

Common History of 5276 Perth Line 72 and 7004 and 7008 Perth Road 147

(from Allan Briley farm) ... 1909 David F Hymers (until 1927) 5276 Perth Line 72 (from John M Carson) 1946 Charles H McMane (until 1946) 7004 Perth Road 147 7008 Perth Road 147 7012 Perth Road 147 (from Allan Briley farm) 1875 Wrn Chapman (1/4 acre) 1877 James Buchanan 1878 Andrew W Buchanan 1900 Wm Henry Bay 1913 Robert Buchanan (until 1913) [So Robert claims a Jennie Bay as an adopted daughter in the 1911 census and bought this property from Wm Henry Bay in 1913. Story follows. ]

[aerial photo of Donegal] Hance Cummings settled on C9L30 as early as 1856 but it was not until 1869 that he received the Crown deed. The following year, Cummings sold the farm to Allan Briley. During Briley's time the first lots for the hamlet of Donegal were severed. The first purchaser of a lot was William Chapman, who was a ditcher by trade. In 1876 James Terry purchased a tract of land where he erected a dwelling and blacksmith shop. The house is still standing today, 5286 PERTH LINE 72. In 1876 Briley also leased one acre to William Aldred, former postmaster of Donegal, and sold an acre of land to William Mills, who built a house. The same year, Briley sold the farm to Samuel, John and Thomas McAllister, but reserved three-quarters of an acre where the store was built. According to Andrew Terry of Atwood, a descendant of James Terry, Briley kept the store on the present location for a time after selling the farm. [Elmanac p.489] In 1887 James T Anderson built a business at 7004 PERTH LINE 72 but it is not until 1898 that records show his purchase of the store. At this time John and Thomas McAllister signed quit claim deeds and Samuel McAllister became the sole owner of the 96 acre farm. Around 1883, John Peebles built a cheese factory to replace one which had been at C91,27 and had burned. Peebles operated the second factory for some years. Samuel McAllister built the house which now stands on the farm. William 'Sam' Buchanan bought the land from Samuel McAllister in 1904. Buchanan had previously purchased 5286 Perth Line 72 from James Terry and he continued as a blacksmith while his son Andrew farmed. In 1907 Allan Petrie became the owner of the farm. In 1920 Thomas Hymers Sr [possibly a brother of Robert Leslie Hymers] bought the farm. His son Leslie and daughter-in-law Mary bought the place in 1934 and raised three children: Carl, Marjorie and Gertie. Leslie and Mary also owned C8L29, which was cash cropped or used for grazing cattle. This was included in the operation of the home farm until it was sold to the Zyta family.

Carl and Carol Hymers took over the full operation of the family farm in 1948. They also rented and farmed the Atkin property at C9L3l, and purchased this in 1954. In 1958 they bought C9L30 from Leslie and Mary, who retired to Listowel. During the peak of the farming operation a thriving Holstein dairy herd and a bulk milk contract with Donlands Dairy in Toronto kept Carl, Carol and their children quite busy. Carl and Carol raised five children, Carlyle, Patricia, Jim, Bonnie and Linda none of whom chose a career in farming. Carlyle became a teacher and principal; Patricia studied business; Jim, who graduated from Ridgetown Agricultural College, went into farm equipment and vehicle sales; Bonnie became a registered nurse and Linda a lab technologist. Because of this and Carl's declining health, Carl and Carol sold their property and retired to Listowel in 1966. William Bay (1870-1957) owned a severed portion of the farm now known as 7012 PERTH ROAD 147 from 1900-1913. William emigrated from England, and had lived with John and Catherine McGillawee in Elma. William married Maria (Ames) in 1891 when Maria was eighteen. Their children were: Annie, who married John Aiken; William J; Ethel who married Leonard Stark; Isabella, who married Foster Evans, and Eliza Jane 'Jean', who married Ernie Young. Shortly before the birth of their son Samuel 'Bert', the family moved to Stratford. The trip was wet and cold, too much for Maria, and she died six months after Bert was bom. William returned the children to the Donegal area, where they were taken in by caring families: the Longs, Buchanans, McGillawees and Marks. As the children grew they joined their father and stepmother in the USA. Bert married Grace Arnold in 1927 in Detroit, and they moved back to a frame house on C8L23 owned by Tom Marks. They had two sons: Wayne (1928) and Carl (1927). They moved to the Walkerton area in 1932. [Elmanac p. 490] DONEGAL Although Donegal takes up part of C9L30,31, and CIOL30,31, its community is much larger The following is a general history. Donegal's first settlers came in the 1840s, led by William Thompson who settled near the creek. The Buchanans came next, and the families intermarried. More settlers arrived in the 1850s, and when the Post Office opened on CIOL29 in 1857 the area, which had been called the Buchanan settlement, became known as Donegal, after the place in Ireland. Over the years Donegal had a general store, cheese factory, a blacksmith shop and an egg grading station. The old school was turned into a community hall when the new school was built in 1955. The new school was used as the kindergarten campus for ETPS for some time. The school was purchased by Salem Fellowship Church in 1995 and it is now a parochial school. The church built in 1911 and the garage built in 1958 both remain open. In 1897 Donegal's population was 30; in 1967 it was 45. In 1997 it has a population of 50. There are sixteen dwellings, including the four comer farms. Memories of Donegal in the 1950s revolve around music and the square-dancing of both the Donegal Irishmen Square Dancers and the Donegal Junior Square Dancers. In the 1970s Alex Buchanan opened his home and grounds to friends who loved and played old time music. This continued annually until the event got so big that it had to be moved to the EMCC. The Donegal WI held the Annual Donegal Frolic after first cut hay was in, and the wagons were empty and available to go to Gravelridge for the dance floor. There was Bingo. Prizes for the games of chance were cakes made by members of the Donegal WI.

In the 1990s the Donegal tug-of-war team, with members from their teens to late sixties, has been making itself known at the Listowel Fair. Concession 9 Lot 31 7057 Perth Line 147 1854 Andrew Buchanan 1864 Andrew Buchanan (Patent) (until 1889) 1958 Carl L Hymers (until 1969) Part School 5264 Perth Line 72 1862 SS#6 (enlarged 1874, 1907, 1954) 1995 Salem Fellowship Church (for a school) Garage 5262A Perth Line 72 5262B Perth Line 72 1950 E Alex Buchanan 1978 Jessie A Buchanan (until 1979) Cheese Factory 1913 Donegal Cheese & Butter Manufacturing Co Ltd. (enlarged 1927) 1958 Stacey Brothers Ltd 1966 Larry J Petrie (until 1974) (split in 2 parts) Part 15254 Perth Line 72 Part 2 5258 Perth Line 72 Concession 9 C9L31 is the east part of Donegal, and the farm portion of it has been farmed in conjunction with C9L30, the west part of Donegal for over fifty years. [Elmanac p.491] Concession 9 Lot 32 5216 Perth Line 72 1854 Andrew Buchanan (until 1864) South 1875 Andrew W Buchanan 1878 James Buchanan (until 1881) 1882 Joseph McCracken [married Mary Jane Hymers] North 1875 John McCracken 1894 Joseph McCracken All 1904 William Hymers West 1905 Samuel Hymers (until 1911) East All

Concession 9 Lot 33 1854 James Buchanan 1857 Wm Buchanan

1867 Wm Buchanan (Patent) West 5174 Perth Line 72 1886 James Buchanan 1888 Alexander Buchanan 1927 James A Buchanan 1957 Delmer, Elgin, E Gladys Buchanan 1957 Delmer Buchanan 1991 Gary D & Darlene E M Buchanan East 5170 Perth Line 72 1880 James Buchanan 1917 Robert L Buchanan 1965 J Andrew & Delores Buchanan (until 1999) [Elmanac pp.492-494] [a nice photo of Gary and Darlene Buchanan and family: Matthew, Alexander Nicole] Century Farm Although the farms at C8L33 and C9L33 have been split many ways over the years, they have stayed in the Buchanan family. Some of the story is here; there is more on C8L33. William (1824-1885) and Annie (Thompson) Buchanan (1824-1911) first settled on C8L33 with their first daughter, Margaret, in 1849. When Elma was surveyed in 1857 they settled on C9L33, giving them 200 acres. William and Ann had nine more children: James (1849), Andrew (1851), Jane (1851), Elizabeth (1853), Robert (1855), John Charles (1859), William (1860), Alexander (1864) and Angelina (1865). The family belonged to the Wesleyan Methodist church. The Buchanans first built a cabin on the south end of C8L33, along the creek. After it burned they built on the north end of C9L33. Later, after another fire, they built a house and moved a part of the old barn to where the buildings are today. In 1881, Joseph McMillan, a friend of William came from Ireland and wanted to be near him. The land was all taken up by then, so William sold him the north half of C8L33, leaving the Buchanans with 150 acres. In 1886 William split the 150 acres lengthwise and two of his sons, Alexander and James Buchanan got 75 acres each. Alexander and his wife Emily (Scott) lived on C9L33W. James and his wife Julia (Scott) received the east half of C9L33, and the southeast quarter of C8L33. In 1917 James' son Robert 'Bert' and his wife Margaret (Broughton) purchased C9L33E. They had twelve children. A son, Andy and his wife Delores (Pestell) Buchanan bought the farm in 1965. Andy and Delores have three children. Faye married Jim Brubacher, and they have one child and live in Waterloo; Steven lives in Waterloo. Rhonda is on the farm and is working in Listowel. C9L33W, as noted earlier, was passed down through Alexander. Alexander and Emily (Scott) Buchanan had three children: Caroline, Annie and James (1899). After James took over the farm, Alexander and Emily lived in Donegal, just a few houses from the school. Every day Emily would have a hot lunch prepared for her grandchildren. Emily loved going back to the bush on the farm and making maple syrup. She would walk down to the farm from her house with a big wicker basket over her arm, filled with her lunch and whatever else she thought she might need. Her son James, felt that it was far too much work for his mother, and encouraged her not to bother coming down every day. This only made Emily more determined, and she would take a route that James couldn't see. All Emily had for shelter in the bush was a big crate which was turned according to whichever way the wind was blowing.

Eventually James realized that his mother was not going to stop, and it wasn't long before he built her a proper sugar shack. Emily's grandchildren, Ferne, Elgin and Delmer always had all the twigs and branches gathered up so that she could keep her fire hot and the maple syrup simmering. Emily was often called upon by women to act as their midwife, and she helped to bring many healthy babies into the world. Alexander was quite accurate with a witching stick, often striking water. James and his wife Gladys (Holmes) had three children, Ferne Elizabeth (1920), Elgin James (1921-1986) and Delmer Frederick (1925-1991). The children remembered going to neighboring homes for dances, where the rugs were rolled back and the music turned up, and going out to the barn to swing on an old rope with the other kids. No one can remember a time when there wasn't a big farm dog running around. One big black dog, Lark, stands out in particular. No dog was ever allowed in the house, but one day Gladys made an exception. Lark used to pull a homemade sleigh that the boys could ride on to school. This particular day there was a terrible snowstorm. When Lark didn't return, Gladys went along the dog's route looking for him and found him caught in a fence. The harness from the sleigh had become entangled and the dog was covered with snow. Lark was allowed to spend the remainder of the day thawing out behind the wood stove. James was said to be able to 'charm' a bleeding, probably a good thing since most medical needs, including tooth extractions, were done at home! Gladys often put her sewing skills to work, whether it was taking an old adult's outfit and turning it into a new outfit for a child, or, on occasion, sitting up all night to make a proper burial outfit for a neighbourhood youngster who had passed away. Delmer and Marie (Eckmeier) Buchanan were married in 1950. They had three children: Calvin Delmer (1952), Nancy Marie (1960) and Gary David (1964). When they were first married, Delmer and Marie lived in Donegal. They purchased C9L33W after Delmer's father died. The family often had corn roasts in the back field and skating rinks in the front fields, lit up at night by lanterns or bonfires. Homemade goodies and Delmer's grandfather's gift for music and stepdancing often made the neighbourhood get-togethers complete. Marie was involved in various organizations such as the UCW. She died after a lengthy illness in 1972. Calvin married Jane Porter and lived at C8L33. He died of cancer in 1975. Gary and Darlene (Matthews) Buchanan were married in 1990. They lived in Ilderton until Delmer died in 1991. At that time they bought the family farm and now raise sheep, both for meat and fleece. Gary works in Waterloo as an automotive technician, while Darlene is at home with the children and working on expanding the family's yam and woolen products business. The Buchanan children include Matthew Delmer (1993), Nicole Elizabeth (1995) and Alexander Ronald (1997). Concession 9 Lot 34 1854 John Lamond 1875 John Lamond (Patent) West 1888 Archibald Lamond 1931 Mary E Lamond 1935 Thomas H Hymers 1963 Percy Lannin East 1898 Catherine Lamond 1911 Archibald Lamond (until 1925) All [I included this because of the reference to the Bay family]

John McGillawee, whose surname later changed to Lamond, (c. 1815-1898) was born in Scotland. He was chief shepherd on the Duke of Atholl's estate before immigrating to Canada in 1855. He first settled in North Easthope moving to C9L34 in 1959. John built a log house on the property in 1856. This was replaced by a new house in the spring of 1893. John married Catherine McPhail (1825), a native of Scotland, and they had four children. Margaret (1848-1894) was born in Scotland. She married James Holmes, lived on C9L34 and had eleven children. Christina (1852-1935) was also born in Scotland. She married Alfred Allison of C9L24,25, and had five children. Catherine (1856-1914) was born in Elma. She married James M Gray and had three children. Archibald (1860-1931) married Jessie Gray, and following her death, Mary Kyle. Archibald and his wives had no children, but raised three home boys on the family farm, William Bay, Arthur Miller and William Moore. Concession 9 Lot 35 5096 Perth Line 72 Unit A Unit B 1874 Weir Acheson 1903 Samuel Acheson (until 1925) Concession 9 Lot 36 5020 Line 72A 1854 Joseph Wilson 1856 James Hunter & Alex Walker 1858 James Stewart, Adam Cook & James Hunter (until 1860) 1908 Samuel Acheson 1920 George Acheson 1948 James C Acheson (until 1976)

[Norman Acheson's brother] George (1884-1966) and Bertha (Maddess) Acheson (1886-1975) came from Ireland. Their children were Melvin, Howard, Helen, Annie, and James. James Acheson married Mildred Annett and farmed here until moving to Stratford in 1976. They had three daughters. Elaine (1951) married Kirk Riehl and lives in Stratford. Marilyn (1954) married Paul Clements and lives in Stratford. Jannette (1957) married Warren Morrison and lives in Barrie. [Elmanac p. 495] [End of Concession 9] ________________________________________________________________

Feb 16, 2006 Gold rush reference In the 1871 census John Buchanan is shown as being in California. Family tradition says that Samuel Buchanan, James Watson, David Watson and George Watson were also miners in California and Nevada. Here is a reference to men from Elma who went mining. (I think the California gold rush would have been over by this time.)

"Ellen Vipond lived in the log house from 1865 to 1871 while her husband Samuel and a number of other men went to California in the gold rush." [Elmanac p.517] ________________________________________________________________

Feb 16, 2006 Elmanac - Concession 10, Newry, etc. Here are my gleanings from Concession 10 of Elma. Bill ____________________________________________ Concession 10 Lot 7 6421 Perth Line 72 1854 John Watson 1864 John Watson Jr. (until 1892) ... 1958 R Glen Buchanan [son of Robert L and Margaret H Broughton Buchanan] 1974 Shirley J Buchanan [Glen's wife] 1987 Larry G and Ronald J Buchanan [Glen's sons] I believe it is this Watson family, unrelated to our Watsons. 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion John WATSON M Male Irish 54 Ireland Farmer Mary WATSON M Female Irish 50 Ireland James WATSON Male Irish 25 O Student John WATSON Male Irish 25 O Robert WATSON Male Irish 20 O Samuel WATSON Male Irish 17 O William M. WATSON Male Irish 12 O -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information: Census Place Mornington, Perth North, Ontario Family History Library Film 1375908 NA Film Number C-13272 District 172 Sub-district F Division 3 Page Number 18 Household Number 73 Concession 10 Lot 8 6405 Perth Line 72 1949 David Dewar [probably Shirley's father or brother] 1952 R Glen Buchanan [son of Robert L and Margaret H Broughton Buchanan] 1974 Shirley J Buchanan [Glen's wife] 1987 Larry G and Ronald J Buchanan [Glen's sons] Concession 10 Lots 9 and 10 were claimed by a Francis Graham in 1854 (until 1856) I don't know if he is connected to any of our Grahams. Concession 10 Lot 13

1883 David Dewar (Patent) 1910 Ellen Dewar (until 1921) 1932 Ellen Dewar 1939 David Dewar 1964 Thomas W Dewar 1995 Thomas W & Elaine E Dewar [Elmanac p. 503 has a write-up on this Dewar family, but no mention of Shirley J Dewar.] Severances to create Newry start in 1872 Lots 1 & 2 included with C9L16 Lot 3 Plan 465 (Newry) NW Parts 1 & 2 1882 Margaret Morrison (12 1/2 acres) 1892 David Morrison 1892 John Morrison 1908 Mary & Agnes Morrison (14 acres) (until 1920) 1929 Herbert Ducklow (until 1930) South Part 1 & 2 (2 acres) 1886 David Morrison 1892 John Morrison see above Parts 3 & 4 (house lots) 1879 Wrn McNeelands (1 1/2 acres) (until 1882) Lot 4 & 5 Plan 465 6011 Perth Line 72 1872 John Morrison (Lot 4) 1895 Margaret Morrison 1908 Mary & Agnes Morrison (until 1920) 1929 Herbert Ducklow (until 1930) Lot 5 & 6 Plan 465 6005 Perth Line 72 1884 William Hamilton 1894 Charles H Holmes 1895 Frederick W Holmes (until 1920) Lot 7 Plan 465 6994 Road 164 1888 John Morrison Jr 1920 Young Coulter 1930 Ellen Y Coulter 1930 Walter Bell 1948 Margaret Ann Bell (until 1960) Lot 8 Plan 465 6992 Road 164 1872 John Morrison Sr 1895 Margaret Morrison 1908 Mary & Agnes Morrison (until 1920) 1929 Herbert Ducklow (until 1930) Lot 9 Plan 40 6990 Road 164 (house) 6988 Road 164 (business) 1872 John Morrison Sr

1898 Margaret Morrison 1908 Mary & Arm Morrison (until 1910) Lot 11 Plan 465 6980 Road 164 (from lot 11,12 below) 1985 James L & Mary J Hymers (until 1989) Lot 13,14,15 Plan 465 1882 Jas McNeelands (south 2 acres) All 1946 Charley Danbrook (lots divided) Lot 14 6970 Road- 164 1948 J Elwood Danbrook 1953 Charley Danbrook 1986 Mary Aileen Gillis 1987 Mary Aileen & Kenneth S Gillis (until 1994) Lot 15 6966 Road 164 1947 J Elwood Danbrook 1948 Charley Danbrook 1948 Mary Aileen (Danbrook) Gillis 1953 Charley Danbrook 1953 Leroy W Acheson 1956 Dorothy Acheson (until 1965) [There are numerous write-ups on businesses in Newry on pages 506-511. Early Postmasters were Charles Coulter, and Young Coulter. Coulter's Store belonged to Charles Coulter, Young Coulter, R Alexander, William Hamilton, Charles Holmes, a few other people and then Charles Coulter in 1909-1957. An Isaac Ducklow was the last owner of another store in 1911. Ken Hart purchased land from Albert Ducklow about 1960. Sydney and Kathleen Sharp Morrison had a trucking business. Leroy and Dorothy Acheson were licensed real estate agents.] Concession 10 Lot 16 Part 62.5 Acres 5967 Perth Line 72 1877 Young Coulter (East Halt & Southwest 12-1/2 acres) 1931 William B Coulter 1951 Sadie J Coulter 1952 Charles H Coulter 1967 John J & Mary M Broughton 1988 John R Broughton (until 1988) Part 22.5 Acres 6959 Road 164 1916 Peter Ducklow 1944 Albert W Ducklow 1974 Newry Poultry Growers Ltd. Lots 17 to 25 Plan 465 Store 1883 Thos Fullarton 1911 Isaac Ducklow (until 1915)

1917 Mary I Holmes Lots 21 E, 22 & 23 Plan 465 1872 Agricultural Society of Elma (2 acres) 1895 William Holmes 1910 Mary I Holmes Lots 19, 20, 21W 24 & 25 Plan 465 1895 William Holmes 1910 Mary I Holmes 5991 A Perth Line 72 (House) 5991 B Perth Line 72 (Business) 1946 Sidney C Morrison (north part) 1962 Leroy W & Dorothy C Acheson (north part) 1958 Calvin V Smith (south part) 1963 Leroy W & Dorothy C Acheson (south part) 1969 Dwight J H & Donna L Jackson (all) Lot 215983 Perth Line 72 1958 Calvin V Smith 1966 Dorothy C Acheson (until 1967) Lot 23 5969 Perth Line 72 1958 Calvin V Smith 1963 John J & Mary M Broughton 1988 John R Broughton & Pamela Janice Scheerer (until 1989) Lot 24 6993 Road 164 1952 Calvin V Smith (west part) 1958 Calvin V Smith (rest) 1961 William A & Alice M E Coulter (West part) (until 1971) 1963 William A & Alice M E Coulter (rest) (until 1971) Lot 25 6991 Road 164 Lots 26, 27 North Part 1875 John Morrison Jr (7 1/2 acres) 1908 Agnes Morrison (until 1913) South Part All Lot 28 Plan 465 6965 Road 164 1944 Albert Ducklow (until 1963) Concession 10 Lot 18 1876 Charles McMane Sr West (75 acres) 5839 Perth Line 72 1895 Robert McMane 1902 Charles H McMane

1915 C Harold McMane (until 1946) East (25 acres) 1885 Charles McMane Jr 1911 Norman R & Allan R McMane 1912 Allan R & William L McMane 1914 Charles McMane Jr 1915 A Roy McMane 1944 Frederick R Long 1968 William F & Ruth E Long (until 1997) Charles McMane (1807-1884) and his wife Ellen (Barr) (1818-1898) emigrated from Ireland, in the 1840s. They arrived with their two oldest children, Elizabeth and Sarah. The family first settled close to Smith Falls, where more children were bom: Ellen, Allan, Frances, Anne, Charles Jr, Priscilla, Robert and Rebecca. In the 1870s, the McManes came to ClOL18 and homesteaded for many years. The sons continued the family farming tradition, married and remained in the area. Priscilla (1858-1945) married Richard Attridge (1856-1888) of Momington. Charles Jr (1855-1936) took over the family farm in 1885. His wife, Elizabeth Morrison (18581932) of Fullarton. was a sister of William Morrison, who lived at C9L20. Charles and Elizabeth had five children, Laura, Russell, Roy, Mabel and Lome. Laura married Tom Barton. They had six children: Ken, Lloyd, Janet, Ben, Bob and Mabel. Russell married Annie Hall and had three daughters, Edythe, Dorothy and Lillian. Roy (18871955) married Annie Brae Buchanan (1889-1990); their children were Annie Gertrude (1916) and Gladys May (1922). Mabel married Herbert Peebles. Their three children were Beth, Jack and Peggy. Lorne married Mildred Martin and they lived near Grimsby. Between 1911 and 1915 Roy, Russell and Lorne took turns owning the farm. In 1915 Roy bought the farm from his father, Charles. Roy and Annie's daughters grew up and married. Annie married Jack Ingram (1910-1989) and lived in Ingersoll. Gladys married Robert Kenneth Cornish (19201994) in 1943 and lived in Mississauga. By 1928 Roy and Annie owned 125 acres, comprised of C10L18E,19pt. In 1915 Charles 'Howard' McMane (1885-1948) purchased seventy-five acres located at ClOL18W from Charles McMane. Howard was a nephew of Charles and a son of Robert. He married Elizabeth Seelhoff (1887-1936) ' -They had no children. The farm was sold to Glenday Whyte in 1967. [Elmanac pp. 511-512] Concession 10 Lot 19 1876 William Graham West 1882 Charles McMane Jr. East 1883 Robert McMane (until 1885) 1894 Charles McMane Jr. All 1911 Norman R & A Roy McMane 1912 A Roy & William L McMane 1914 Charles McMane Jr West Part 5813 Perth Line 72 1915 A Roy McMane 1944 Frederick L Long 1968 William F & Ruth E Long (until 1997)

East Part 5771 Perth Line 72 5785 Perth Line 72 1915 William L McMane (62 1/2 acres) 1928 Charles McMane Jr 1928 A Roy McMane 1945 J Alvin Matheson 1971 J Calvin Matheson (until 1983) There is a write-up on Frederick Robert Lee Long (1909-1979) a son of William Long and Mabel Peters. Also Alvin (1916) and Ferne (1920) Matheson. Alvin was the son of William and Emily (Scott) Matheson. Concession 10 Lot 21 5679B Perth Line 72 1894 William J Alexander (until 1900) Concession 10 Lot 22 5643 Perth Line 72 1918 Joseph Acheson 1946 Wilfred Acheson (until 1950) Concession 10 Lot 23 5603 Perth Line 72 1854 Michael Hamilton 1855 Robert Cathers 1857 Richard Bell (until 1862) East Part 1946 Gordon Danbrook 1968 Russell E Danbrook 1978 Russell E and Judith E Danbrook West Part 1946 William J Acheson 1949 Emma Acheson 1950 Wilfred Acheson (until 1951) Concession 10 Lot 24 5569 Perth Line 72 All 1946 Gordon Danbrook 1968 Russell E Danbrook 1978 Russell E and Judith E Danbrook Concession 10 Lot 25 5521 Perth Line 72 South 40 acres 1940 Stanley W Acheson North 60 Acres 1920 William B Petrie 1936 Joseph Acheson 1940 Stanley W Acheson

All 1972 Stanley W & Gertrude Acheson (until 1982) [There is a write-upon Gordon Danbrook, but I am not sure how he fits into the Danbrook family.] [Norman Acheson's brother] Joseph Acheson (1890-1948) was born and raised on C10. He married Emma Danbrook (18901953) from C10 and they had nine children. Stanley Weir Acheson (1918) attended SS#5. In 1939 he married Gertrude Dernmerling (1913) of Fordwich. They started farming the same year at C10L25. Stanley and Gertrude had two children, Karen (1939), later Newbigging, and William (1944), a pharmacist who owns and operates Acheson Pharmacy in Harriston. Concession 10 Lot 26 5479 Perth Line 72 1854 William Little 1863 John Petrie 1864 John Petrie (Patent) 1882 Sarah Petrie 1926 Joseph H Petrie 1942 A Maude Petrie 1943 J James Petrie (until 1978) [John James Petrie married Muriel Alice Buchanan of Donegal.] Joseph Petrie took over the farm in 1915 and worked it until his death in 1940. A year later, his son Jim bought it from his mother. Jim and Muriel Petrie had five children, Donna, Ken, Bill, Maureen and Bob.

1861 census - Elma Petrie John Farmer At Sea W. Presbyterian Elma 28 Married Male L 26 C 10 Petrie Elan Upper Canada U Presbyterian Elma 22 Married Female Petrie Jenet Scotland U Presbyterian Elma 47 Widow Female [Jenet was probably John's mother] 1871 census - Elma Petrie John L26 C10 Farmer at sea Scot " 37 Single Male Petrie Janet Scot " " 56 Widowed Female Petrie Andrew Ont " " 9 S M Petrie Helen " " " 7 S F [Where is Ellen?] 1881 census - Elma Petrie John Male 48 Ontario Presbyterian Scottish Farmer Married Petrie Sarah Female 34 " " Irish Married Petrie Charlie M 8 " " Scottish S Petrie John M 7 " " " S Petrie Allen S. M 5 " " " S Petrie Samuel M 4 " " " S

Petrie Joseph M 2 " " " S 1891 census - Elma Petrie Sarah Female 43 Widowed Head Ont Ire Ire Pres Petrie Chas. E. M 18 S Son Ont Ont Ont " Farmer Petrie John A. M 16 S Son " " " " Petrie Allan S. M 15 S Son " " " " Petrie Samuel M 13 S Son " " " " Petrie Joseph M 12 S Son Ont Ont Ont Pres Petrie Christine F 9 S Daughter " " " "

Concession 10 Lot 29 5335 Perth Line 72 East 1951 Joseph E Petrie 1966 Larry J Petrie (until 1970) Concession 10 Lot 30 5279 Perth Line 72 1857 Andrew Hemphill 1902 William Hemphill (until 1908) 1920 Samuel Hymers 1923 Thomas J Hymers 1946 Thomas H Hymers (until 1963) [A brother to Robert Leslie Hymers] Thomas J Hymers (1859-1944) came to Canada from England when he was three years old. He married Sarah Ann Stephenson (1863-1952) and in 1923 they bought C10L30. Their son, Thomas 'Tommy' (1894-1970), married Ada Illman (1899-1977). In 1946 Thomas and Ada purchased this property. Tommy and Ada were very active in the community and the church at Donegal. Ada was involved with the ladies' groups and taught Sunday School for many years. Tommy served on many of the different board positions in the church. They enjoyed playing cards, but Tommy's favourite pastime was playing the accordion. He entertained many people at social events. Their children were Delford, who served in the Canadian Air Force; Frank; Lome; Isobel; and Glen. The children all attended Sunday School and received their elementary education at SS#6. Frank and his wife Grace joined his parents in the farming operation until the property was sold in 1963. [Elmanac p. 519] Concession 10 Lot 31 5263 Perth Line 72 North 1880 Elizabeth Shatford (Leslie) 1901 William S Buchanan 1902 John J Hymers (until 1927) 1951 Delmer F Buchanan (until 1956) C10L31 was first purchased in 1865 by Isabella and George Law. It stayed as one parcel of land until 1902, when John Hymers bought the north half and Thomas Fullarton the south half.

John built a bam in 1909 after tearing down a shack that had previously served that purpose. The bam burned in the early 1930s. During John Hymers' ownership, land on the northwest comer was sold to the Methodist Congregation for a new church to replace the one built in 1864 to the west, next to the cemetery. [Elmanac p.520] Concession 10 Lot 32 5217 Perth Line 72 All 1968 Larry J Petrie (until 1972) Concession 10 Lot 33 5167 Perth Line 72 All 1926 Allen S Petrie 1947 Joseph E Petrie (until 1971) [I think this Sarah McMane is the daughter of Charles McMane and Ellen Barr.] Allen and Margaret Petrie bought C10L33 from Lorne Henry in 1926. Allen was a native of Elma, the son of John Andrew and Sarah (McMane) Petrie. He married Margaret Ann Henry in 1902. Their five children were Muriel, later Waugh; Marjorie, later Howe; John; Belva, later Barth; and Joseph. All attended SS#6. In 1919, the family moved to Stratford, but returned to Elma with their youngest son Joseph in 1926. Margaret loved the outdoors and also had a green thumb, so the property soon had a row of evergreens along the back of the house. These became Christmas trees for the children of the next generation. Pyramidically trimmed evergreens also set off the spacious lawn. Flower beds for perennials, annuals and shrubs were dug and tenderly cared for. Each spring and fall roots and seeds were traded back and forth among family and friends, and so the plants were often referred to by their origins: Aunt Maggie's June Bride' or 'Hanna Little's Forget-Me-Not'. Bleeding heart, oriental poppy, raspberry and strawberry patches thrived, as did a large vegetable garden. Margaret often repeated, 'I am nearer to God in my garden than anywhere else on earth.' Hydro came down C10 earlier than other roads because of the Donegal cheese factory, and on Thanksgiving Day 1938, Margaret, Allen and Joe proudly turned on the lights in their house and barn. Such was not the case with the telephone. The Bell telephone line came down to Donegal comer and the Milverton municipal line to the Elma-Mornington boundary and lots in between were not serviced until 1943. At that time, while the poles were being placed and work done, the workers stayed overnight and had meals at the Petrie home. It was a delight to be part of the party line, along with another twelve or so families. A couple of years later, the Mornington line came in halfway from the boundary. Joseph (1913-1993) and his wife Beth Hincks (1912) took over the farm from his parents, and when their children were young the three generations lived together on the farm. The Petries named the property Birch Tree Farm and in 1932 planted the first silver birch on the front comer of the lawn. This tree still stands. Four more trees were planted by Joe and Beth Petrie, commemorating the birth of each of their children: Wayne (1940); Larry (1942); Beverley (1943) later Porterfield; and Cheryl (1954) later Dallner. Beth taught at SS#6 before her marriage, and returned in 1948, when she taught her three oldest children. Beth also taught at SS#3 and ETPS. In 1945 a deep well was drilled near the house, replacing the shallower one and underground pipes carried water to the barn. The shallow well at the barn was filled in.

James Barton had built a large barn in 1884 and a straw shed in 1887. In 1962, both were destroyed by fire started by a broken electric wire above the hay mow. The barn had been filled to capacity. Joe replaced the building the following year with a pole barn, loose pen and milking parlour for his herd of Holstein cattle. He sold the farm in 1971 to Carl Diceman and later retired to Listowel. [Elmanac p.521-522] Concession 10 Lot 34 5135 Perth Line 72 1854 Robert Henry 1863 Alexander McGillawee 1864 Alexander McGillawee (Patent) 1872 Robert Henry West 1899 John G Henry 1899 James Buchanan East 1909 James Buchanan All 1911 J Stanley Buchanan 1968 Walter A Buchanan 1985 Birch Lawn Farms Ltd [James Stanley Buchanan (son of James Buchanan and Julia Ann Scott)] Stanley Buchanan built the barn on this property in 1909 and the house in 1915. He and his wife Isabella (Anderson), daughter of Hugh and Margaret Anderson of Atwood, worked the land together. Their son Walter Anderson was born in the house in 1918. Walter worked with his parents while attending SS#6 and LDHS and then went on to Stratford Normal School. In 1946 Walter married Marion Beatrice Henderson of Listowel. They had met in high school and again when Marion was teaching at SS#6 in 1945. For the first year of their marriage they lived in Atwood, in part of the house formerly owned by Walter's maternal grandparents. Next they moved with Marion's younger brother, McKie, to her parents' home farm. During the nine years they lived near Listowel, Walter worked nights at Roe Farms and days on the farm with his father. Walter and Marion had two children, Donald James (1947) and Isobel 'Anne' (1952). In 1955, Stanley and Bella retired to Milverton and Walter, Marion, Donald and Anne moved to the home farm at Donegal. They ran a mixed farming operation with Durham cattle, pigs, sheep, laying hens, and a few ducks and geese. Don's favourite activity was to finish up his chores on Sunday morning by 10:00 am and head off down the back lane with the dog. Sometimes he took a fishing pole, sometimes a homemade bow and arrow. He would explore the bush and fields until 4:00 pm, when it was time for work again. Anne remembers driving the hay wagon pulled by their two horses, Pete and Min, when she was five years old. At that time, they were using a hay loader to load the hay onto the wagons, and the horses would pull the full loads to the barn. They also used the horses to walk down the gangway and raise the hay up to the ridge pole in the barn. It was Anne's job to pull the trip rope that dropped the big bundle of hay into the hay mow. Then Walter would catch it on a long cedar pole to place it in a corner of the mow. In 1958 Marion started teaching at SS#5 and taught there until the opening of ETPS where she taught first grade and special education until her retirement in 1980, In total she taught thirtythree years in Perth County, and all but four years were spent in Elma schools. She had an amazing ability to remember her many students and their ages 'Well, let's see now. She was in

grade two at Donegal School in 1945 so that would make her 59 years old now.' As well as teaching full time, Marion also took an active role in the church and Sunday School at Donegal, cared for a huge garden which fed them through the summer and winter, sewed her family clothes and worked morning and night in the barn. Unfortunately, in 1985 just five years after her retirement, she suffered a serious stroke. At that time, Marion and Walter sold the farm to Nick and Catherine Terpstra, who lived on the farm next door. Walter and Marion continued to live in the house until March 1992, when Walter collapsed at home. He was taken by ambulance to LMH, then to University Hospital in London, where he died of stomach cancer. Marion now lives in Brunner Retirement Home and Nursing Home. [Elmanac p. 523] [End of Concession 10] ________________________________________________________________

Feb 18, 2006 11th Concession of Elma Township When the township of Elma was organized, I notice some people claiming multiple lots, which quickly passed along to other people. These Longs may be related to Alex Long. "Donald [Long]'s family had been in Elma since the 1930s, when his father Frederick Robert Lee Long came from Mornington. He married Margaret Johns of Exeter ..." p.536 Bill ________________________________________________________________

Concession 11 Lot 3 1854 Robert Hamilton ???? Concession 11 Lot 4 1854 Robert Hamilton 1855 John Watson (until 1856) Concession 11 Lot 7 1869 Henry Porterfield 1871 John Porterfield Jr 1873 Henry Porterfield (until 1874) Concession 11 Lot 8 1992 Karen E & Sheri Lynn Buchanan It is now farmed as part of Rolar Farms, which is operated by Ronald and Larry Buchanan, along with C10L7,8. [sons of Glen Buchanan]

Concession 11 Lot 15 1931 James and Bertha L Broughton 1952 William R & Betty Broughton 1986 Richard Wm & Linda D Broughton 1989 Broughton Lea Farms Inc. [Bertha Broughton was a Coulter from Milverton] Concession 11 Lot 16 5992 Line 69 1923 Weir H Acheson 1959 William R Broughton 1979 Richard W Broughton 1979 Richard W & Linda D Broughton 1989 Broughton Lea Farms Inc. Concession 11 Lot 17 1883 Peter Ducklow 1933 Albert W Ducklow 1949 Albert B Ducklow (until 1952) Part 1924 Charles Buchanan 1925 Albert W Ducklow (reunited with farm in 1933) Concession 11 Lot 18 South Half 5864 Line 69 1955 John Broughton 1977 William B Long 1995 W Bruce & Florence G Long 1997 Kenneth Charles & Brenda B Long. Concession 11 Lot 19 East Half 5762 Line 69 1986 Donald R & Wanda P Long ["Donald's family had been in Elma since the 1930s"] West 1905 Charles McMane 1911 Norman R & Allen R McMane [Annie Bray Buchanan's husband and his brother Russell?] 1912 Allen R & Wm L McMane [probably his brother Lorne] 1914 Charles McMane [their father] 1915 Allen R McMane (west half) 1915 Wm L McMane (east half) 1918 Allen R McMane (west half) 1949 Frederick R Long 1968 Wm F & Ruth E Long (until 1997) Concession 11 Lot 20 6880 Road 158 1916 Jeremiah Dewar 1922 R Elgin Dewar 1949 J Alvin Matheson (until 1991)

Concession 11 Lot 21 1963 J Stanley Snider (until 1977) Concession 11 Lot 22 North 25 acres 1963 J Stanley Snider (until 1977) Concession 11 Lot 23 1863 Charles Coulter (until 1875) 1962 Allan Wayne Petrie (until 1971) Concession 11 Lot 24 1938 William Y Gilmer [relatives of Vera Gilmer] 1960 William E Gilmer 1986 Barry Buchanan, Sylvia Kuepfer & Roderick Hood (until 1987) [Barry & Sylvia are Vera's children] There is a write-up on a John & Jane Struthers family. The married name of their daughter Jane was Gardiner. Any connection? Concession 11 Lot 25 5514 Line 69 1854 James Stewart 1857 James Buchanan 1858 James Stewart 1862 James Stewart (Patent) (until 1864) 1868 Charles McMane 1878 Allan McMane 1916 Hugh McTavish 1926 Wrn F & Mabel Long (until 1932) 1940 John J Broughton (until 1963) The Crown deed to C11L25 is dated in Quebec and made out to James Stewart, yeoman, The purchase price was $206. Charles McMane, a native of Ireland, chose a farm along the Rideau Canal, then returned to Ireland and brought out his family. The land proved to be stony and unpromising and while looking for new land Charles heard from distant relatives of the excellent land to be had in the Queen's bush. He made the long journey to Elma. and purchased C11L25, then sent his son, Allan, and two daughters, to take possession. Later Charles, his wife, and other members of the family also settled in Elma. In 1930, while celebrating his eighty-second birthday, Allan McMane described his life as a pioneer. 'If you could have seen what we came to! A tiny log shanty in a small clearing, with bush all around. What hard work followed. By the end of the summer, working every hour of daylight, I had five acres cleared, and at the end of thirteen years the whole 100 acres was cleaned up and another 100 acres purchased across the way.' After seven years Allan returned to Leeds for his bride, Mary Strong. Mary and Allan raised eight children, seven of whom were born in the little log cabin on the family farm. In the meantime, Allan's sisters had married and made homes for themselves. The farm, which had a little creek running through it proved to be wonderfully productive. Mary was particularly skilled in butter-making and raised fowl. Hundreds of ducks, geese and chickens were raised every year, and some ninety pounds of butter churned every week. 'I believe, though I

never asked her, that my wife's end of the farm netted her a thousand dollars a year,'Allan recalled. In 1891 the McManes built a large and comfortable brick home. By this time excellent barns had been built and the land drained and fenced. All the timbers and other lumber were cut and processed at the 'other place', where the McManes operated a sawmill. A flowing well had also been discovered by drilling and water piped to the barns. In 1916, Allan and Mary moved to Milverton after spending nearly fifty years on the farm. Politically, Allan was a Conservative. He was very active in Trinity Anglican Church from its earliest days. He served on all the building committees for both churches and sheds. Allan and Mary's children included: Charles McMane, superintendent of Christie Street Hospital, Toronto; Robert, of Milverton; Mrs John Henry of Ellice; Mrs Donald Smith, Red Deer, Alberta; Mrs J Bannerman, Mitchell; Mrs Roy Hull, Erin; Mrs Albert Coghlin, Atwood, and Mrs Norman Zimmerman, Milverton. [Elmanac p. 538] [Allan and Mary were the uncle and aunt of Allan "Roy" McMane who married Annie Bray Bucahanan. This is the Allen McMane that James Watson Jr intended to buy horses from about 1884 in the story told by David James Watson.] 1901 census of Elma - transcribed by Don Holmes McMain Allen M " Head Married 03 Aug 1848 52 O-r Irish Ang Farmer n/g L24 C12 McMain Mary E. F " Wife Married 27 Jul 1856 44 " " " McMain Charles M " Son S 27 nov 1877 23 " " " Farmer's son n/g MCmain Robert M " Son S 26 Feb 1879 22 " " " Farmer's son n/g McMain Margaret E. F " Dau S 30 Apr 1883 17 " " " McMain Elizabeth F " Dau S 14 Apr 1885 16 " " " McMain Priscilla F " Dau S 09 Dec 1886 14 " " " McMain Jessie E. F " Dau S 20 Jan 1889 12 " " " McMain M. Allice F " Dau S 25 Oct 1890 10 " " " McMain Edda B. F " Dau S 07 Dec 1893 7 " " " Concession 11 Lot 28 North 1875 William Morrison South 1857 William Morrison 1867 William Morrison (Patent) Lot united 1875-1877, then divided West and East West 1877 Alex Morrison 1893 William Morrison East 1877 Archibald Morrison 1885 William Morrison All 1894 Wm Struthers 1925 Robt A Struthers [son of Wm] 1949 C Percy Struthers (until 1979) [nephew to Robt A.]

William Struthers and his wife, the former Annie McMane ... Annie was born in 1852 near Smith Falls and came to Elma in 1872. They were married in Listowel in 1876 and had nine children ... [Elmanac p. 541] [Another aunt and uncle of Allan "Roy" McMane.] [Wm Struthers Jr, another son of Wm Struthers farmed C11L27 from 1902-1968]

Concession 11 Lot 29 East half 1936 Charles H Buchanan [son of Robert Buchanan & Elzabeth Watson] 1942 Carmen & Weldon Buchanan 1951 Carmen Buchanan (until 1967) [Interestingly it is spelled Carmen on this page and Carman on the next page.] Concession 11 Lot 30 6856 Road 147 West Half to Wm Gilmer (1867-1888) 1927 Charles H Buchanan [son of Robert Buchanan & Elzabeth Watson] 1942 Carman & Weldon Buchanan 1951 Carman Buchanan (until 1967)

[Suzanne Schaller's immediate family] Charles Buchanan (1879-1942) was the son of Robert Buchanan and Elizabeth Watson of Elma. He married Clara , d. 1977), daughter of James and Margaret Danbrook, in 1906 and farmed on C13L24,25. During that time marl was taken from this farm by a small railway to the Atwood cement plant. In 1926 Charles and Clara moved to C11L30 and raised four children: Lorraine (1907), who married Dr Belknap and was a technologist in Detroit; Carman (1912) who farmed C11L30; Weldon, who farmed with Carman until 1947; and Mabel 1 1920) who married Herb Sage and lived on C10L27 with their daughters Sharon and Lynda. Sharon married Larry Thompson and Lynda married Jim Willis. Carman married Gladys Richards of Listowel in 1941 and they had four children, Bernice (1942), Bruce (1944), Brenda (1946) and Brian (1948). Weldon farmed in partnership with Carman until 1947, when he left the farm to work as an electrician. He married Eva Chalmers of Listowel in 1939 and they had four children: Arlene, who lives in Chatham and married Fred Schaller in 1962; Robert, who lives in Stratford and married Barbara Mayne; Allen, who lived in Stratford until his death in 1991; and Louise, who married Gary McAsh in 1968 and lives in London. Carman and Weldon bought the first tractor and threshing machine after they took over the farm from their father in 1942. Shortly after, two silos were built. Carman developed a fine herd of Holstein cows and shipped milk to Toronto. [Elmanac p. 543] Concession 11 Lot 32 West 1894 William Morrison (until 1900) Concession 11 Lot 34 5120 Line 69 1854 James Cuthbertson 1865 James Cuthbertson (Patent)

1906 William Cuthbertson (until 1915) [Margaret Jane Cuthbertson (daughter of James & Mary) married William Samuel Buchanan] James and Mary Cuthbertson were natives of England [Scotland according to the censuses] who married in Vaughan Township. James worked in Orangeville as a millwright and many of his tools are still on the farm today. Cheryl (Petrie) Dallner, who is married to James and Mary's great-great-grandson Brian, writes: 'When I watch these fine planes and tools being pulled from the old trunk with such care 130 years later, I conjure up this image of future generation here pulling out the chainsaw or that fine reversible drill we now use and wondering in awe how their ancestors ever coped!!' During 1961, James and his brother John walked from Orangeville to the rich farmland of Elma to claim C11L34. They cleared the land and made a large cabin for James' family of five sons. Mary and the children came later and the family settled into their new home. Five more children were born after the Cuthbertsons settled on C11L34. James and Mary's son William took over the farm after his father's death. James became a foreman in charge of many barn raisings in the area. He was responsible for the building of the first SS#6. The family walked to Donegal for mail and to Newry, where they voted in open poll. The two main parties were Liberal and Conservative. A representative from each party stood separate comers and the counter declared the winner counting the number of hands for each. With this system were many arguments and beard pulling and good fist fights. The six Cuthbertson boys cut the crop with a sickle and when they were finished, worked for the neighbours for 25 cents a day. James Sr built and patented a cradle for swathing which was used by many local farmers. In 1915 Evelyn (Cuthbertson) Scott and her husband took over the farm. They prospered and raised many purebred Hereford cattle. Their daughter Eileen and husband Amil Dallner began fanning here in 1952. Their son Brian Scott Dallner and his wife Cheryl started farming the land in 1972. Cheryl writes 'My family and I cherish the land and the love and toil that each generation has contributed to the farm and look forward to continued success in the future. Brian and Cheryl's children are: Scott (1972), William (1976) and Patricia (1980). Elmanac p.544] Concession 11 Lot 36 1848 John Porter (112 acres) [connected to Ann Porter?] North Part 6940 Road 140 1848 John Porter 185? [sic] James Buchanan (until 1855) ________________________________________________________________

Feb 18, 2006 Concession 12 of Elma There is a write-up on the Gilmers (Earl Buchanan's in-laws), but really not much else. Bill ________________________________________________________________

Concession 12 Lot 3

All 1902 William Blair (until 1902) Concession 12 Lot 7 6454 Line 69 1868 John Porterfield West 1869 James Porterfield (until 1874) Concession 12 Lot 8 1885 Allan McMane (until 1891) Concession 12 Lot 9 6353 Line 69 South 1941 R Elgin Dewar (40 acres) 1962 John E Dewar (until 1996) Concession 12 Lot 12 1953 James L Dewar (until 1996)

Concession 12 Lot 13 6151 Line 69 1891 Jeremiah Dewar 1922 Jessie Dewar 1928 Cecil Dewar 1984 James L Dewar (until 1996) Concession 12 Lot 14 North 6045 Line 69 1931 James and Bertha Lou Broughton 1952 William R & Betty Broughton 1987 Richard W & Linda D Broughton 1989 Broughton Lea Farms Part South 1944 Wm Joe Acheson 1945 W Leroy Acheson 1947 Dorothy Acheson (until 1965) Concession 12 Lot 15 South Quarter 1944 William J Acheson 1945 W LeRoy Acheson 1956 Dorothy C Acheson (until 1965) North Quarter 1931 James and Bertha L Broughton 1952 William R & Betty Broughton 1987 Richard W & Linda D Broughton 1989 Broughton Lea Farms Concession 12 Lot 16

1854 Alex Mitchell 1859 William Mitchell 1861 William Mitchell Sr (Patent) North 1870 William D Mitchell (until 1874) South 1870 William D Mitchell (until 1871) Concession 12 Lot 18 1883 James Porterfield & William Fitzsimmons 1885 James Porterfield (until 1914) Concession 12 Lot 19 1899 Sarah Ann Ducklow West 1905 Charles E Ducklow 1911 Peter Ducklow 1912 Albert W Ducklow (until 1928) East 1925 Albert W Ducklow (until 1928) All 1962 A Wayne Petrie (until 1971) Concession 12 Lot 21 1888 William H Gilmer 1930 William Y Gilmer 1960 William E Gilmer (until 1986) Concession 12 Lot 22 1888 William H Gilmer 1930 William Y Gilmer 1960 William E Gilmer (until 1986) [These are the in-laws of William "Earl" Buchanan of Donegal.] William H Gilmer purchased C12L21,22 in 1888. He immigrated from Ireland at eighteen and settled near Donegal. In 1668 he married Elizabeth Daley of Milverton. William and Elizabeth had seven children: Jane married William Hone, of Listowel; Belle, later Hart of Saskatchewan; Carrie married Horace Williams of Saskatchewan; Lizzie married Samuel Johnston of Atwood; William Y married Alice Burnett; John married Bella Smith of Saskatchewan; and Ernest (d.1916). William and Elizabeth farmed on the C12 until 1915, then moved to Atwood, where they celebrated their sixty-fifth wedding anniversary. William Y bought the farm in 1930. He was known as a fast runner in his younger days and won at several competitions. He raised race horses and had hunting dogs, as he enjoyed hunting. He milked Shorthorn Durham cows and some Jerseys. William Y married Alice Burnett in 1914. Their children were Marjorie, who married Lorne Hood; Vera, who manied Earl Buchanan; Grace, who died in 1949; and William 'Billie'. Alice died of a brain tumor in 1928 at the age of 33, leaving William with four small children. He died in 1959. Billie took over the farm in 1960. He built a beef barn separate from the other barn in 1969 and added a silo in 1970. He stopped milking cows around 1960 and raised all beef from a cow-calf operation. Billie was single all his life. His brother-in-law Earl Buchanan and nephew Barry

helped him during haying and harvest times. After Billie died in 1984 the farm was managed by his nephews and niece, Roderick Hood, Barry Buchanan and Sylvia Kuepfer. [Elmanac pp.558559] Concession 12 Lot 24 1886 Allan McMane 1909 Robert McMane 1914 Allan McMane 1916 Hugh McTavish (until 1926) Concession 12 Lot 25 North 1901 Sarah Petrie 1907 William Struthers 1911 Charles E Struthers South 1887 William S Buchanan 1903 Samuel J McLennan 1908 Charles E Struthers All 1918 William E Buchanan 1926 Alexander Buchanan (until 1960) Concession 12 Lot 26 1935 William Struthers 1940 Elwood Struthers (until 1965) Concession 12 Lot 27 All 1868 Robert Thorndyke (Patent) (until 1869) West Half 1935 William Struthers 1940 Elwood Strruthers (until 1965) East 5403 Line 69 1921 Charles E Struthers 1921 Stanley E Struthers 1962 Kenneth E Snider (from Waterloo County) Concession 12 Lot 28 West 1868 Robert Thorndyke (Patent) (until 1869) 1921 Charles E Struthers 1921 Stanley E Struthers 1962 Kenneth E Snider (from Waterloo County) Concession 12 Lot 31 1854 William Thompson (until 1860) Concession 12 Lot 32 1854 William Thompson (until 1855) East

1897 William Morrison (until 1898) Concession 12 Lot 35 1854 William Thompson 1857 Robert Thompson 1867 William Gardiner (until 1873) Concession 12 Lot 36 1854 Robt Thompson (140 acres) 1855 Robert Buchanan (until 1855) [End of Concession 12 of Elma Township]


Feb 18, 2006 13th Concession of Elma Township Well! I found a surprising amount of Buchanan material, considering that we are getting further from Donegal. There is good material on the Blairs and on the families of William Buchanan's sons. Enjoy! Bill ___________________________________________________________ Concession 13 Lot 2 1902 William Blair 1919 Jane Blair (until 1920) Concession 13 Lot 3 1854 John Hamilton "of Peel County" (until 1859) 1902 William Blair 1919 Jane Blair (until 1920) 1924 William Blair (until 1925) In 1902 William and Jane Blair moved from C9L14pt,15pt to this property with their children. William (1850-1926) was the son of James and Ellen Blair and Jane (1857-1925), was the daughter of Charles and Nancy (Porter) Buchanan of C8L36. They traded their one hundred acre holding for the Fishers two hundred acres, paying a difference of $2,000 for the additional one hundred acres. William and Jane had eight children: James died as a young child; Minnie married Charles Ducklow and resided at C14L5; William married Minnie Hamilton and moved to Saskatchewan before settling in Bolsover, Ontario; Maude married Harvey Delahey and moved to Detroit; Charles married Mary Jane Henry and resided in Milverton; Arthur married Pearl Riddell of C13L4 and moved to Detroit; Bert married Margaret Vallance from C10L14, and settled in

Saskatchewan; Melvin died at age sixteen. The Blair family attended Atwood Anglican Church. [Elmanac p. 572] Concession 13 Lot 4 1854 Robert Rutherford 1864 Robert Rutherford (Patent) 1875 Christpher Wilson (1 acre, later reverted) 1907 Russell Riddell 1948 William Rutherford (until 1949) [In-laws of Arthur John Blair] In the early 1850s Robert Rutherford came to Elma, and er the next two decades received the Crown deed to two lots: C13L4 and C13L5. His residence was on C13L4. Robert's parents were John and Janet (Matthews) Rutherford. Robert had emigrated from Scotland as a young man. The Rutherfords were members of Monkton Presbyterian Church. Robert (1828-1918) and his wife Magdalena (Wilson) 1831-1906) had six children: Mary married Thomas Riddell who was an engineer; Agnes married James Blair and resided at C16L10 prior to moving to Saskatchewan; John married Marion Forbes and farmed at C13L5; Elizabeth married Peter Ross and moved to BC; Thomas died when he was twenty-two ears old; William and his wife Elizabeth Jury lived at C16L9. Robert and Magdalena also raised Russell and Pearl Riddell after their daughter Mary's death in 1887. The white brick house was built in 1881. There were a number of secondary buildings on this property. There was a one acre parcel of land which was sold to Christopher Wilson (1825-1893) in 1875. Christopher was a brother of Magdalena Rutherford. This unit was returned to the farm after his death. C13L5 was sold as a separate unit to William Rutherford in 1893. Russell Riddell inherited his grandfather's farm in 1907. Two years later he married Sarah Buttery of Grey. They had one daughter, Marie, who married Thomas J Hurst Jr and resided at C11L8. [Elmanac p.773] Concession 13 Lot 5 6630 Road 169 1854 Robert Rutherford 18?? George Baynes 1872 Robert Rutherford 1879 Robert Rutherford (Patent) 1893 William R Rutherford 1894 John Rutherford (until 1920) 1974 Harold B & Audrey Rutherford 1974 Murray Rutherford In 1879, Robert Rutherford purchased one hundred acres from the Crown and in 1901. John Rutherford, Robert's son, built a two-storey brick house. After ninety-seven years it is still in existence. A russet apple orchard was planted and two trees remained until 1984. John Rutherford was a member of the Sons of Scotland and also the agricultural board. He was no relation to the present owner, Murray Rutherford. John married Marion Forbes.

[Elmanac p. 573] Concession 13 Lot 5 1962 Sam Acheson (until 1964) Concession 13 Lot 8 6402 Line 66 1854 Christopher Willson 1864 Christopher Willson (Patent) 1875 John Porterfield 1878 William Dewar Jr 1927 Roy K Dewar 1966 Kenneth T Dewar [Theora Ducklow's family (daughter of Mary Jane Blair)] [Shirley Dewar may connect also, but I am not sure how] Century Farm William Dewar Jr was the son of William Stewart and Ellen (Nichol) Dewar of C13L9, and he bought C13L8 in 1878. William Jr's wife was Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Ann Flood. They lived in a log house on the east side of the lane. It was replaced in 1903 for the sum of $2,800. This house is home to William Jr's grandson and his family today. William and Lizzie had a family of five: Armenella 'Ella' 1891-1975) married Ernest Naylor and they farmed on C17; Laura 1902-1985) married George Brown and they made their home on C17 of Grey; Roy Kidd (1893-1965) married Jennie Theora Ducklow (1904-1989) in 1927 and purchased this farm the same year; Waldron served in WWI and was killed in action at age twenty-one; Hazel was raised west of Listowel by Peter and Jane Davidson. Roy and Theora had a family of three. Charles Donald Angus (1931) married Ruth Ann Daer in 1960 and they live in Atwood. Roy and Theora's daughter Mary Phyllis (1938) moved to Listowel in 1991, and their other son, Kenneth Tye (1941) is the third generation of Dewars to farm this land. Kenneth Dewar bought the farm in 1966. His mother, Theora and his sister, Phyllis, lived with him until Theora's death in 1989. During his father's time on the farm, pigs, dairy and poultry were raised. Kenneth remembers taking cans of milk to Newry Cheese Factory until it closed in 1969. Then the farming operation was upgraded to include a bulk milk tank and the milk was picked up by Stacey Brothers from Mitchell. Later milk was shipped by Allan Johnson Milk Transport of Listowel. An implement shed was built in 1969 and a silo was erected in 1976. In 1990 Kenneth married Gayle Louise (Engel) Smith 1947). Gayle had four children: Dean (1968), Kelli (1972) Luke (1973) and Ben (1976). [elmanac pp.574-575] Concession 13 Lot 9 6360 Line 66 1872 William Dewar Sr 1898 David Dewar Sr 1919 Cecil Dewar & David Dewar Jr

1928 R Elgin Dewar 1962 John E Dewar (until 1996) Century Farm William Stewart Dewar of C12L10 bought this farm from John Edgar for $800 in 1872. William and his wife Ellen (Nichol) came from Scotland in the mid-1850s. The family moved here and William and his sons cleared the land. In 1890 a large bank barn with stone stabling was raised. In the same year he bought a purebred yearling Durham bull in Guelph and started a line of cattle that would be continued by his grandson, Elgin. In 1898, following the death of his wife, William sold the farm to his son David. David built the red brick house on the property in 1902. David and his sister Ellen moved to Listowel when he sold the farm in 1919 to his nephews, Cecil and David Jr. Cecil and David Jr tended livestock on the farm but never lived on it. Elgin Dewar, William's grandson, bought the farm from his brothers Cecil and David Jr in 1928. Elgin and his wife, Ina McKay, had been living here since their marriage in 1925. Elgin was born on C12L13 in 1899, the son of Jeremiah and Jessie (Lang) Dewar. Ina was born in 1901 on C12L3 which was rented by her parents, William and Christena McKay, who were both secretaries of Silver Corners Cheese Factory for a number of years. Elgin and Ina had a mixed farming operation, starting with the Durham cattle. Eventually they changed to Holsteins, keeping pigs, Hereford cattle, and chickens as well. There was an old colony house on skids which was moved to different locations. Young chickens were raised here, and later moved to the upstairs of the barn before being out in range coops for the summer. In the fall they were transferred to the original hen house, which had been enlarged to hold 1,000 hens. A small silo was built before 1940 and a driving shed built in 1944. Later a pig shed was added to the west side of the driving shed. The bank barn was jacked up in 1925, a straw shed added, and another floor was cemented over the original. There was a long trough in the stable filled with water which was pumped from the well with a gas engine. In 1939, when hydro was put in, water bowls replaced the trough. The telephone was installed in the early 1930s. Elgin and Ina purchased their first tractor, a W-4 International, during the early years of the war. Gradually the tractor replaced the six horses that they usually kept. In 1922 Elgin bought C11L20 from his father, Jeremiah. It was kept as a grass farm and each spring the whole family chased several head of cattle the four miles to the grass farm. Either Ina or Elgin drove the car to direct the cattle across intersections. This farm had an artesian well operated by a windmill. There was a corral and loading chute for rounding up any cattle to be sold in the summer. The cattle remaining in the fall were driven back home. ... [This article goes on in great detail, but seemed to be of mininal interest to our family] [Elmanac p.575] Concession 13 Lot 13 1927 Charles Buchanan 1942 Howard B Acheson [son-in-law] (until 1959)

In 1927 Charles Buchanan, son of Charles Buchanan and Nancy Porter of C8L36, and his wife Janet Anderson came to this farm with their three children: Isobelle, who married Howard Acheson; Harvey and Ray. This family received their education at SS#8. In 1942, the farm passed to his son-in-law, Howard Acheson and his wife Belle. They farmed here and had a daughter Annie who married Glenn Small. During the late 1940s the house was burned and a small frame two-storey house was erected. [Elmanac p.578] Concession 13 Lot 14 North 40 Acres 1944 William J Acheson 1945 LeRoy W Acheson 1956 Dorothy C Acheson (until 1965) Annie Acheson married Frank Quip and had seven children: Marlene married John Coxon, Patricia married Douglas Porter, Marion married Don Brisbin [a Buchanan], Mary married Rick Passmore, Darlene married David Strachan, Jim married Shirley Coghlin and passed away in 1993, John married Leanne Cossitt [mentioned on p. 579] [She is perhaps the same Annie Acheson who was a daughter of Samuel "George" Acheson and Bertha Maddess.] Concession 13 Lot 18 5860 Line 66 1864 William Horn 1898 Joseph L Horn 1928 Martha C M Horn 1940 J Whitney & Samuel M D Horn 1944 Samuel M D Horn (until 1973) [In-laws and family of of Rose Blair (a Buchanan)] Century Farm William Horn (1824 - 1908) married Jane Balsdon (1834 -1922) in England. William had learned the butchering trade and Jane was a glove-maker. Their first son, John Balsdon (1855--1938), was born in England. Upon immigrating they settled near Stratford. Mr Sebbon, a farmer, gave William his first Canadian employment. In 1864 William purchased C13LI8 from the Crown for $500. The deed for the land was dated in Quebec. The land was mostly pine bush. Prior to the construction of buildings the land had to be cleared. The family got supplies and sold their products in Mitchell. William carried flour and other supplies on his back until a team of oxen was purchased. Many times William encountered bears or deer on his trip through the dense bush. In time some cows were purchased and milked by Jane. John was joined by ten more siblings: William James (1857-1908), Mary Ann (1859-1944), Frederick George (1861-1868), Joseph Lewis (1863-1916), Albert Richard (1365-1949), Selena Jane (1868-1949), Susanna Elizabeth (170-1878),

Daniel George (1872-1952), Emily Grace (1875-1891), and Fanny Fredwilina (1877-1943). The family kept bees and produced honey which provided food as well as an additional income for the large family. They also made maple syrup. The oxen were replaced with horses. The men cut the logs in winter and took them to the mill in Mitchell to be processed. Later a mill was constructed at home. The Horns purchased a drag saw to make railway ties. The Grand Trunk Railroad paid $1 per cord which included hauling the finished product four miles and piling it neatly. Jane was very skilled at making the family clothing. She wove the cloth for blankets and coverlets, often using a butternut dye. Some of William and Jane's children moved far away. Anne moved to North Dakota, Daniel George headed to Alberta, John farmed C13L14 before moving to Logan, William Jr continued to farm his brother John 's farm, Albert lived at C13L20 and Joseph Lewis eventually became owner of the home farm C13L18. William and Jane were devout Methodists with William sometimes serving as a lay preacher. They were God-fearing, honest, kind and gentle folk. In later yews, William and Jane were cared for by their daughter Selena Jane at C13L19. Joseph Lewis (1863-1916) was the fifth child of William and Jane Horn. In 1898 he married Martha Cora Minette (Hiles) (1868-1960) and they took over the family farm from Joseph's parents. William and Jane built a home on adjoining property. Joseph and Minnie pursued mixed farming and also kept bees. Some of the lumber that had been used to build the shed and the barn came from the pine trees that were grown on C13LI8. Joseph and Minnie had a family of six children Wilhelmine Grace (1898-1901); William 'Garfield' Hiles; Clarissa Corinne (1901-1981), Joseph 'Van' (1904-1950); John 'Whitney' (1907-1988) and 'Samuel' Maurice Dalton (1910). The family had a hired lady named Nell. A small home was built for Nell and her husband on the farm. In later years the house was used to store bee-keeping equipment. Joseph was interested in politics and served on the Township Council. When the Maple Leaf Cement Company started a business in Atwood, Joseph purchased $ 10,000 worth of stock. He had a choice between investing in the cement company or the Ford Motor Company but chose the local enterprise thinking it was the safest. Some of the money was borrowed to pay for the stock. Unfortunately the cement company did not become the successful business that was anticipated. Joseph worked very hard to repay those people who had lent him the money. At age fifty-two, Joseph died. His eldest son Garfield was sixteen and Sam, the youngest, was five. Minnie was left with the responsibility of raising a young family. The family worked hard and together they managed to maintain a living on the farm. Minnie had been raised in the city of Hamilton and fanning was new to her, but she took it in her stride. Minnie helped raise her grandsons when Rose, her daughter-in-law, died. Music was a passion for her. She was an accomplished organist and loved to sing to her many grandchildren. In her later years she lived with Sam and his family. She was always very helpful and supportive. Garfield married Louise Ohm. They and their daughters Phyllis, who married Dave Salsman, and Joan, who married Jack Aicken, lived most of their lives

in Atwood. Clarissa married Joe Tarr a fire chief in Stratford. Van married Rose Blair and they farmed across the road on C14 with their two sons: Joe, who married Marion McCracken, and Sam Jr, who married Lois Ludwig. Whitney married Lillian Weir and made their livelihood on the home farm prior to moving to a farm on C15 which was located directly behind his brother Van's farm. They had a family of four: Shirley married Dave Linton; Jack married Eleanor Holman; Betty married George Wolfe; and Corinne married Warren Smith. Sam married Edna Hinks and they resided on the home farm. Sam Horn was the third generation of his family to farm this land. In 1939 he married Edna Marie (1919 - 1997) daughter of Arthur Hinks at Knox Presbyterian Manse, Monkton. They started their married life living in a house Edna owned near the Hinks family farm on C14LI6. They moved to the Horn farm at C13 L18 in 1944. Sam extended the front of the existing barn. ... [Elmanac pp. 580-581] Concession 13 Lot 19 East Half 1870 William Horn 1890 Albert R Horn 1942 W J Earl & A Clarence Horn East Half of West Half 1891 William Horn West Half of West Half 1891 William Horn West Half 1908 Jane Horn 1909 Selina Horn (Gray) 1948 A Clarence Horn Concession 13 Lot 20 1888 William Horn Sr 1906 Albert R Horn 1942 W J Earl & A Clarence Horn (until 1972) [Elmanac p. 583 has another write-up on the Horn family - families of Selena Jane Horn Gray and of Albert Horn, but nothing new regarding our family.] Concession 13 Lot 22 East 1893 Andrew Buchanan Sr 1896 Robert Scott 1898 Frederick W Holmes (until 1907) All 1928 J Van & J Whitney Horn 1931 J Van & J Whitney & Samuel M D Horn 1950 John J Broughton & James Petrie (until 1986) [A one-paragraph write-up on the Horn brothers - Joseph Van & John Whitney & Samuel Maurice Dalton Horn]

Concession 13 Lot 23 1887 William Matheson Jr (until 1898) 1902 John Rowland 1907 Robert Buchanan 1935 Reuben J Buchanan 1968 Earl Buchanan 1979 Barry E & Margaret A Buchanan Robert Buchanan purchased this lot in 1907 and in 1935 sold it to his disabled son Reuben for $1 and natural love and affection. In 1968 this property was inherited by Earl Buchanan, thereby bringing C13L23,24,25Npt together as one parcel of land with an acreage of 282.5 acres. In 1978 C 131-23 was part of the three lots purchased by their son, Barry Earl (1948) and his wife Margaret Anne Leslie. They pasture cattle on the land and use wood from the bush to heat their home. [Elmanac p. 585] Concession 13 Lot 24 1884 Robert Buchanan North 62 1/2 Acres 1916 Charles H Buchanan 1926 William E Buchanan South 37 1/2 Acres 1921 William E Buchanan All 1957 W Earl Buchanan 1979 Barry E & Margaret A Buchanan Concession 13 Lot 25 1884 Robert Buchanan North 62 1/2 Acres 1916 Charles H Buchanan North 82 1/2 Acres 6680 Road 154 1926 William E Buchanan 1957 W Earl Buchanan 1979 Barry E & Margaret A Buchanan South 37 1/2 Acres 1921 Charles H Buchanan (100 acres reunited) South 17 1/2 Acres 1965 Samuel Orwel Hymers (until 1981) [Robert Buchanan and Elizabeth Watson Family] Century Farm This parcel of land has been the home and livelihood of four generations of Buchanans. These 200 acres were purchased in 1884 by Robert Buchanan and his wife Lizzie Watson. By the end of the year, one acre of land had been cleared and built on. Over the next ten years, fifty acres of land were cleared. The timber was sold to the Atwood, Whaley and Gotham sawmills. Robert and Lizzie had seven children: Charles, William, Herbie, Annie, Reuben, and Alex. After farming for thirty-two years, Robert sold to his son Charles, in 1916. Charles and his wife Clara (Danbrook) had four children; Lorraine, later

Belnap, later Stewart, later Coxon; Carmen; Weldon; and Mabel, later Sage. Due to poor health, Charles sold the farm to his brother William in 1926. For twenty-five years, William and his wife, Alice Thorndyke worked this land. They had five children: Marie, later Blackwell; Alvin; Earl; Muriel, later Petrie; and Mary, later Park. William served nine years on Elma Council. He served as deputy reeve from 1952 to 1954 and as reeve from 1955 to 1956. In 1951 their son Earl (1920) and his wife Vera (Gilmer) (1918), took over the farm operation. Earl and Vera had two children: Barry and Sylvia, later Kuepfer. They remained on the farm for twenty-seven years until they sold to their son Barry in 1978. Barry (1948) and his wife, Margaret Anne (Leslie) (1947), and their two children Ryan (1978) and Kara (1981) presently live on the farm. They belong to the Donegal United Church, where Barry serves on the Board of Stewards. Ryan is very interested in sports. He has participated on minor soccer and baseball teams, played recreational hockey, golf and has also been on the high school senior badminton team. As well Kara is a member of the LDSS junior badminton team and enjoys swimming and camping. Over the years some parts of the farm have been sold off. In the early 1900s the marl beds on both C 131,24,25 were sold by Robert Buchanan to the cement company operating the Atwood cement mill. Marl, an ingredient used in making cement, was loaded by a steam shovel onto railway cars which were pulled by a small locomotive. As a young man, William Buchanan served as a fireman on this locomotive which traveled along a five mile track to the cement mill in Atwood. A small section is still embedded in a pasture field on the farm. Frame buildings were erected for the workers and Robert Buchanan used to sell the men their supply of eggs and milk. Later, this land was bought back by Charles and William Buchanan. In 1925 Lavern Zulaf purchased part of C 1 3L25 for trapping muskrat. He stretched and cured his pelts in the loft of the Buchanan driving shed. Customers from Toronto would come to Buchanan's farm to purchase Mr Zulaf's fine muskrat pelts. Today this part remains a separate parcel of land. It is owned by John and Joan Powell as a recreational property. They have three children: Jason (1974), Jonathan (1976), and Jenine (1982). All of the wells drilled on this farm have been artesian wells. The well which provides water to the house and barn is 268 feet deep. In 1909 Robert Buchanan drilled a ninety foot well near the marl beds to provide water for the cement company's steam engines. Today this overflowing well provides a continuous supply of fresh drinking water for the pasture cattle. The first house, a log house, was built by Robert Buchanan in 1884 at the present site. There was a frame kitchen built to the east end of it. The present two storey red double brick house was built by Richard Terry for Charles Buchanan in 1917. The hydro was installed in 1949 and Bell telephone in 1950. Although the house has been well maintained throughout the years, the family did update the country kitchen and bathroom. As well, they refinished all of the original woodwork in the house. Two additions were built: a utility room and second bathroom in 1976 and a family-room and office addition in 1985. The present barn was built in 1896 by Robert Buchanan and brothers Jim and Alex. The frame of the barn was built by Jim Struthers for $100. All of the barn's timbers came from only two acres of bush. William Buchanan used to

proudly point to a seventy foot long beam running the total length of the barn, as he told how his father and uncles had worked throughout the night with a team of horses and oxen to draw this huge log out of the bush before the ice broke up the next morning. He also recalled how that summer his mother had killed 160 snakes in the timber around the yard. In 1912 a straw-shed was built onto the main barn. In 1966 Earl Buchanan added a milk house with a can cooler; in 1969 a bulk cooler was installed. In 1970 a block silo was erected. In 1979 Barry Buchanan had the entire stable remodeled. Two main walls were removed to accommodate the new cow stable; all wooden pens were replaced with cement and steel pens. A stable cleaner and milk pipeline were also installed. Later that year a feed room was built adjacent to the milk house. In 1984 a large new driving shed was constructed to shelter the larger machinery now being purchased for the farm operation. In 1988 a steel granary was erected. A small driving shed which had been built in 1905 was taken down in 1996, and a three bay brick garage was built. Throughout the years crops grown to feed the livestock were flax, wheat, mixed grain, hay, and since 1970, corn. Until the 1940s when William purchased the farm's first tractor, all the field work was done with teams of horses. However William always maintained 'a farmer can't get friendly with a tractor the way he could a horse.' The first generations were involved in mixed farming: Durham cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and a variety of fowl. In the early 1960s, as Barry became more interested in dairy cattle, a few Holstein heifers were purchased, and by 1969 the entire herd consisted of Holstein. Today Barry and Margaret Anne milk thirty-four registered Holstein cows and raise all their replacement heifers. Years ago Robert, Charles and William planted a large number of maple trees around the buildings, and along the nearby fence lines. Now these mature trees help to beautify the farm. Today the Buchanans see and enjoy the many contributions made by previous generations of Buchanan men and women who, like themselves, called this family farm, 'home'. [Elmanac pp. 586-587] Concession 13 Lot 26 West 50 Acres 1894 James Buchanan 1926 J Stanley Buchanan 1968 Walter A Buchanan 1993 Marion B Buchanan 1994 Marion B & I Anne Buchanan [Family of James Buchanan and Julia Ann Scott] Century Farm James Buchanan originally owned this Century farm, which passed through his son, Stanley, to his grandson, Walter, to his great granddaughter, Anne. Marion Buchanan is also a co-owner. She is Walter's widow, and Anne's mother. The farm was used by Walter and Marion as a summer pasture for young cattle, and for firewood for their home on C10L34. It was a five mile walk for the cattle in the spring and fall. On those

early cattle drives Anne would run ahead and keep the animals from wandering into lanes and gardens. The cattle were better behaved in the fall, especially if there was snow. Walter had pet names for the farm. He called it 'The Swamp', for it was soft and damp, and he also called it 'Stony Lonesome'. This name was in reference to the long and solitary hours he spent stumbling over uneven terrain, fixing fence. Marion and Anne helped cut firewood at 'The Swamp' for the wood furnace at the home farm. Walter cut dead and dying trees in the bush into about five foot lengths and the ladies piled them on wagons. The wood was taken home and piled, awaiting a session with the buzz saw. It took a lot of work to provide the fuel that would keep them warm for the winter. [Elmanac p. 587] Concession 13 Lot 26 East 1894 James Buchanan [son of William and Ann] 1926 Robert L Buchanan [his son] 1973 James & R Glen Buchanan [Robert's sons] 1974 James & Shirley J Buchanan [James and Glen's widow] 1987 James, Larry G & Ronald J Buchanan [Glen's sons] 1989 James Buchanan [son of Robert] 1989 James & Eva L Buchanan [son of Robert] Century Farm In 1894 James Buchanan, grandfather of the present owner acquired it for $1,100. Robert 'Bert' Buchanan became the new landowner in 1926 and owned it until his death in 1973. The same year, Bert's sons, James and Glen purchased C13L26E for $20,000. In 1935 a shanty type building was constructed. A shed was built in 1966. A well was drilled in 1971 which proved to be artesian. Years before a lane way had been opened through the bush from the side road. It was graveled in 1973. In 1975 the interior of the shanty was remodeled and the phone was installed four years later. In 1987 Ronald and Larry Buchanan purchased their father's share and two years later, Glen's sons sold their share to their uncle James Buchanan. Over the years the shanty has been a retreat for the family as well as a gathering place for parties, including corn and wiener roasts, and Sunday School picnics. [Elmanac p.588] Concession 13 Lot 27 1887 Andrew Buchanan Sr 1887 Andrew Buchanan Jr (until 1890) All 1947 Robert L Buchanan 1973 James & Glen Buchanan 1974 James & Shirley J Buchanan 1987 James, Larry G & Ronald J Buchanan 1989 James Buchanan 1989 James & Eva L Buchanan

Concession 13 Lot 33 North 1872 Peter Ducklow Sr 1876 Peter Ducklow Sr (Patent) 1877 Peter Ducklow Jr Northeast 1884 Peter Ducklow 1893 William J Ducklow (20 Acres) (until 1895) West 5 Acres of NE 1/4 1885 John Ducklow (until 1899) Southwest (25 Acres) 1884 Samuel Whaley West of SW 1/4 1900 Robert B Morrison (12 1/2 Acres) (until 1918) Concession 13 Lot 36 All 6680 Road 140 1886 Thomas L Long (146 acres) 1911 Mary Long 1919 Bessie P Long (until 1944) [End of the 13th Concession of Elma Township] ________________________________________________________________

Feb 19, 2006 Concession 14 of Elma Quick, before reading any further ... What relatives hung their sheaves of grain on the fence to dry it enough for threshing? OK, now read the following ...

Bill __________________________________________________________ Concession 14 Lot 3 6601 Line 66 1875 Edward Hornibrook & Thomas Matheson 1879 George Rock, Edward Hornibrook & Thos Matheson 1879 George Rock, Richard P & Henry Stephens & Thos Matheson 1885 George K Matheson, Richard P & Henry Stephens & Thos Matheson (estate) 1886 George K Matheson & Thos Matheson (estate) 1889 Robert Rutherford (until 1890) 1908 James C Blair [probably James Charles Blair] 1910 William Blair [his father] 1911 Charles Buchanan [his uncle] 1915 Arthur J Blair [his brother] 1916 Charles Buchanan (until 1921) [his uncle]

In 1915 Arthur and Pearl (Riddell) Blair purchased this property. The harvest season that year was very wet and they had to carry the sheaves out and hang them on the fence to dry. They were very discouraged and moved to C7L14. In 1916 ownership changed to Charles Buchanan. [Elmanac p.596] Concession 14 Lot 5 1855 Joseph Ash (until 1872) 1908 Charles Buchanan [son of Charles Buchanan and Ann Porter] 1911 Charles Ducklow [brother-in-law] 1946 E Blair Ducklow [son of Charles Ducklow and Mary Jane Blair] (until 1961) In 1908 Charles Buchanan bought the farm. He was a brother-in-law of William Blair on C13L2,3, and later owned C14L3. Charles and Minnie (Blair) Ducklow farmed here from 19111946. Their children were Edward Blair and Theora, who married Roy Dewar of C13L8. [Elmanac p.597]

Concession 14 Lot 9 1944 Howard B Acheson (until 1949) After immigrating from Scotland, the Hiles family first settled in the Hamilton area in the 1800s before moving to C14L13. George and Emma had six children: Edna, Norman, Cecil, Lorne, Bernice and Cora. As the family grew up, all moved out of Elma except for Lorne who farmed C12L16 and Norman, who farmed the home place. ... [Elmanac p.602] [Cora was the mother of Joseph "Van" Horn.] Concession 14 Lot 18 1945 J Van B Horn (until 1951) 1933 David Dewar (until 1934) Joseph 'Van' Bradley Home (1904-1950), was a son of Joseph and Minnie Hiles of C13L18. Van purchased this property in 1945. His wife was Rose Ellen Blair (1909-1944). They had three children: Joseph Charles (1930), Marion (1933 -1933) and Samuel John Van (1936). [Elmanac p.606] Concession 14 Lot 19 5809 Line 66 1866 James Bristow (until 1869) Concession 14 Lot 20 1856 John McNab & John Riddell (until 1862) 1866 James Bristow (until 1869) 1905 Albert Quipp 1918 Frank Quipp 1923 John D Quipp 1945 Albert J Quipp 1951 Stuart Hiles 1958 Myrtle E Hiles (until 1994)

This property was purchased by Norman and Myrtle Hiles from the Quipp family. The barn on C14L20 was moved to the Hiles' home farm and the land was used as a pasture farm from 1953 to 1994. During Hurricane Hazel most of the property was under water. [Elmanac p. 607] Concession 14 Lot 21 6565 Road 159 1877 Samuel R Hiles 1899 Samuel E Hiles 1907 William Coxon [father of Frances Mary or "Minnie" Coxon, who married Andrew Buchanan] 1909 Thomas W Coxon [Minnie's brother] 1950 Ida Coxon (until 1952) Concession 14 Lot 22 1957 John J Broughton (until 1991) Jack Broughton was a non-resident owner of the farm from 1957 to 1989. Concession 14 Lot 23 1889 William Buchanan (until 1894) Concession 14 Lot 24 1890 Andrew Buchanan Jr (until 1893) Concession 14 Lot 26 1881 William Coxon [father-in-law of Andrew Buchanan Jr] 1909 George A R Coxon [son of Wm] 1915 Joseph Acheson (until 1918) 1948 John J Broughton Sr & J James Petrie [husband of Muriel Buchanan] 1986 John R Broughton (until 1988) Maurice Coxon of Listowel was born on this farm in 1905. His parents received the property as a wedding gift from his grandfather. [Elmanac p.609] Concession 14 Lot 27 North Part of West Half 1969 John J Broughton & J James Petrie [husband of Muriel Buchanan] 1986 John R Broughton (until 1988) East 1969 John J & Mary M Broughton Concession 14 Lot 28 1887 William Buchanan (until 1889) North 1929 James R Broughton (60 acres) 1960 John J & Mary M Broughton (until 1991) Concession 14 Lot 29 East 1924 Alexander Buchanan

1927 Alexander & Emily Buchanan 1935 James A Buchanan 1957 Delmer & Elgin Buchanan 1972 Elgin Buchanan 1986 Dorothy I Buchanan C14L29E was purchased by Alexander Buchanan in 1924. His wife would take their grandchildren and cross the ditch at the bridge to pick wild raspberries to can for winter. The farm was passed down to his son James in 1935. At one time James broke up eight acres at the front and took a crop home for two years. There was a shed on the property to shelter horses from the sun when the men were there to work. When James died his two sons Delmer and Elgin (19211986) inherited the property. In 1972 Elgin purchased his brothers half. When Elgin died in 1986 his wife Dorothy became the sole owner. The land is still used for pasture. The only supply of water for cattle is the Boyle drain. In 1988 the water was so low that water had to be hauled from the home farm at C8L30. [Elmanac p. 611]

Concession 14 Lot 30 1925 Robert Buchanan [Robert L Buchanan?] 1935 Alexander Buchanan [brother of Robert?] 1946 William Joseph Acheson [brother of Norm Acheson] 1949 Herbert A Sage [married Mabel Fern Buchanan] 1973 J Andrew & Delores M Buchanan [son of Robert L Buchanan] In 1973 Andy and his wife Delores (Pestell) Buchanan leased C14L30 of land from the ARDA program. At the end of the ten year period a choice was provided by the program to purchase the land or provide someone the opportunity to rent or purchase it. The Buchanans legalized the deal in their name in 1973. For the last twenty-three years the land has been used to pasture cattle from C9L33. [Elmanac p. 611]

Concession 14 Lot 31 North 57 Acres 1930 Charles H Buchanan 1942 Carman & Weldon Buchanan (until 1967) Concession 14 Lot 33 South 1943 Robert H Coxon (43 acres) 1960 Lloyd R Coxon 1996 Lloyd R & Evelyn Coxon [a bit of a write-up on recent Coxons]

[end of Concession 14 of Elma] ________________________________________________________________

Feb 19, 2006 Concessions 15 & 16 of Elma Township Not much this time ... except the genteel origin of Frances Minnie Coxon. Bill ________________________________________________________________ Concession 15 Lot 2 1893 John Morrison (until 1911) Concession 15 Lot 3 1893 John Morrison 1894 David Morrison (until 1903) Concession 15 Lot 13 All 1905 William Buchanan (until 1906) Concession 15 Lot 14 1894 James Bristow North 1905 William Buchanan (until 1906) Concession 15 Lot 15 1865 James Bristow (until 1869) Concession 15 Lot 16 1875 James Porterfield (90 acres) (until 1892) Concession 15 Lot 17 1856 John Riddell & John McNabb (until 1862) 1866 James Bristow (until 1869) West 1889 William Broughton 1903 Edward Broughton East 1917 Edward Broughton All 1945 Wilfred Broughton (until 1969) Concession 15 Lot 18 1856 John Riddell & John McNabb (until 1862) 1867 James Bristow (until 1869) Concession 15 Lot 19 1856 John Riddell & John McNabb (until 1862) 1866 James Bristow (until 1869) 1884 George Hamilton 1895 John Hamilton (until 1901) Part 15 Acres

1895 Sarah Hamilton 1898 Mary Ann Hamilton (until 1901) Concession 15 Lot 20 1856 John McNabb & John Riddell (until 1862) 1866 James Bristow (until 1869) Concession 15 Lot 26 1858 Henry Snider (until 1862) 1950 Russell Pestell 1963 Rae D Pestell 1972 Robert W Coxon [End of Concession 15 of Elma Township]

Concession 16 Lot 5 1875 Edward Hornibrook & Thomas Matheson 1879 George Rock, Edward Hornibrook & Thos Matheson 1879 George Rock, Richard P & Henry Stephens & Thos Matheson 1885 George K Matheson, Richard P & Henry Stephens & Thos Matheson (estate) 1886 George K Matheson & Thos Matheson (estate) 1889 Edward Broughton 1903 James & George Broughton 1913 James & Janet Broughton 1941 James E M Broughton (until 1958) Concession 16 Lot 10 1877 Elspet Blair 1880 James Blair 1887 Robert Rutherford 1888 Agnes Blair 1895 James Blair (until 1910) Concession 16 Lot 11 1881 Edward Broughton East 1890 Albert Broughton West 1903 James & George Broughton 1913 James & Janet Broughton All 1938 James E M Broughton (until 1958) Concession 16 Lot 13 1855 William Watson (until 1856) Concession 16 Lot 16 North 1867 Edward Broughton Sr 1903 James & George Broughton

1913 George Broughton 1955 William J Broughton (until 1978) Part House Lot 6387 Road 164 1978 William J Broughton 1986 Florence A Broughton (until 1993) South 6313 Road 164 1867 Charles Broughton Sr (until 1903) [I think that Edward Broughton, the father of Margaret Hannah Broughton is the son of Edward & Hannah Abel Broughton] Century Farm Edward Broughton was born in England in 1831, one of nine children. In 1854 he married Hannah Abel. In the late 1850s, Edward, Hannah and their young son, Charlie, along with Edward's three brothers, Charles, James and George immigrated to Canada. The brothers worked for a time on the railway. A few years later, Edward decided to take up land in the Queen's Bush, on C16LI6N, just north of Monkton. Edward and Hannah cleared the land, and they used the logs to build a home on their fifty acres. Later, they added the barn. They had a family of seven children: Charlie, William, James, Albert, Mary Ann, Edward, and George. In 1903, Edward Sr passed away and James and George took over the farm and decided to build a new house. Part of the old log home was moved up near the new house site and was lived in while the new house was being constructed. It was later used to store wood. The new house was built with white bricks and it stands to this day. In 1913 George, bought the farm and James went out on his own farming. In 1914, George married Lillie Marion Young. They had a family of ten children: Mildred, Mae, Lottie, William James, Pearl, Helen, Georgina, Marion, Alice and Shirley. During this time George was a school trustee for SS#8, and also was the caretaker for a number of years. Living so close to the road, they had a number of peddlers and tramps, wanting a place to stay and something to eat. In 1955, George's wife Lillie passed away. William James bought the farm. In 1958, George died. In October of that year, William married Florence Anna Fischer of Listowel. They farmed and William also worked as a section man on the CPR, and later at the Monkton Poultry Farm. In 1978, William sold the farm to Anthony and Adriana 'Atty' Tollenaar and severed off the house. They lived there until William's death in 1981. Florence moved to Listowel and rented out the house. In 1993, Florence sold the house to Sara and John Reimer. [Elmanac p.643] 1901 census - Elma Broughton William M W Head Married 29 Aug 1859 41 O-r Eng Pres Farmer n/g L17 C15 Broughton Martha F " Wife Married 16 Jan 1860 41 " " " Broughton Edith F " Dau S 26 Mar 1891 10 " " " Broughton James M " Son S 33 Mar 1893 9 " " " Broughton Maggie F " Dau S 12 Jul 1894 6 " " "

Broughton Matilda F " Dau S 21 Sep 1899 1 " " " In 1901 Edward's son William is no longer living with Edward's family. Concession 16 Lot 17 1872 Charles Broughton (until 1903) Concession 16 Lot 20 1890 James H Holmes (E 1/2) 1890 Frederick H Holmes (W 1/2) 1894 James H Holmes (All) (until 1914) Concession 16 Lot 22 West 1894 Margaret Buchanan (until 1901) East 1900 Margaret Buchanan (until 1901) Concession 16 Lot 26 1885 Peter J & Arthur I Watson (until 1888) [not our Watsons] Concession 16 Lot 28 1856 George Coxon North 1881 William Coxon Sr 1909 John E Coxon 1938 William Coxon Jr South 1964 William Coxon All 1975 M Tye Coxon Concession 16 Lot 29 1856 George Coxon 1881 William Coxon (75 acres) 1905 1/4 Acres from SW 1/4 1909 John E Coxon 1938 William Coxon Southwest 1964 William Coxon All 1975 M Tye Coxon Frances Mary "Minnie" Coxon's family] Century Farm The Coxon family story starts in England in 1806, with George Coxson. George worked as a hostler (coachman) for Laverock Hall, home of the Laverock family. George married Lady Elizabeth Laverock (1816), the only known daughter of the Laverock family, about 1833. This caused a great deal of

controversy between the upper and lower classes at that time. George and Elizabeth had the first of their eleven children in 1834. Two years later the new family immigrated to Canada, to try to start a life of their own without the pressures of political discrimination. Around the time George and his family came to Canada the 's' in Coxson was dropped. George and Lady Elizabeth settled on a farm along the Nith River near Plattsville. Over the next twenty years George and Elizabeth raised four girls and seven boys. George purchased C16L28,29 in 1865 for his eldest son, William and his wife, Honora (Ware). He paid $1.50 an acre. William, Honora, and their daughter [Minnie's older sister Elizabeth] moved to C161,28,29 to spend their first winter on the farm in 1865. A squatter had been living on the land before the land was purchased. The log cabin and stable built by the squatter became William and Honora's first house. William was a carpenter, he used his skills to build a one and half storey board and batten house along with a frame barn. The farm was willed to William by his father George in 1874. William and Honora raised five girls and three boys. In 1896 William built a new two storey white brick house at the cost of $800. The old house was left empty until William's eldest son John Ernest was married in 1906 to Katie Maitland Allan. John and Katie lived in the old house behind the barn and raised two girls and one boy. In 1909 John took over the farm from William. In 1917 Katie died of breast cancer and John was left with their three young children: William, Jane and Margaret. Shortly after, John and the children moved out of the old house to live with William in the new house. In 1933 William died, and four years later John died. The Coxon farm was left in the hands of John's only son, William 'Bill' Jr. In 1937 Bill was married to Cora Hymers of Mornington. In 1942, the barn that was built by William Sr was destroyed by fire in a threshing accident. A new barn was built in its place the following spring, and the old house was demolished for building materials. Bill and Cora raised six children: Eva, Arlene, John, Jeanette, Robert and Tye. Bill sold the family farm to his youngest son, Tye Coxon in 1975. In 1976 Tye and Janice Raycraft of Mornington were married. Tye and Janice have three children living on the family farm: Kathy (1979), Kerrilynn (1980) and John (1982). Sometime in the future it is anticipated that John will carry. on the family tradition and take over the farm, but only time will tell. [Elmanac p.652] Concession 16 Lot 32 1871 George Coxon 1874 Aaron Coxon 1894 Margaret Ann Coxon (until 1920) Concession 16 Lot 33 1969 John E & Evelyn P Young 1997 William E & Jeanette L Young Concession 16 Lot 36 1918 Joseph Pfaff (134 Acres) 1918 Louis Pfaff

1958 Leslie W Chambers 1961 George Pfaff 1970 Louis Pfaff (until 1978) [End of Concession 16 of Elma Township] ________________________________________________________________

Feb 20, 2006 Concessions 17 & 18 of Elma Well, I have finished going through my Christmas present, but I am sure I will look at it again many times in the future. This is the last part of the book. It has a write-up on the parents of Delores Pestell, wife of John Andrew "Andy" Buchanan. Bill _____________________________________________ Concession 17 Lot 6 1863 Alexander Campbell West 6215 Road 169 1905 Colin Campbell (until 1938) East 1905 John Campbell (until 1938)Terrance B & Gail E Poole (until 1994) Concession 17 Lot 9 1948 James E M Broughton (until 1956) Concession 17 Lot 15 1958 Samuel M Acheson (97 acres) (until 1995) 6204 Road 164 (SE Corner) 1986 W John & Lillian Pestell Sam Acheson owned C17L15 from 1958-1995. His parents Joe and Emma Acheson [William Joseph Acheson and Emma Danbrook] were born and raised in Elma. Sam married May Hargrave (1928). Their children were Bev (1951), Denise (1958) and Lynda (1967). [Elmanac p.668] Concession 17 Lot 18 1937 Russell Pestell 1972 Rae D & Elaine Pestell (until 1993) [Parents of Dolores Pestell Buchanan] Russell and Elizabeth 'Liz' (Smith) Pestell lived on C 17L 18 from 1937-1972. Liz's parents lived on C15L1. Russell and Liz's children were: Donna, later Nichols; William John; Joe; Donald Rae; Mary, later Strachan; Larry; Lorraine, later Dewar; Delores, later Buchanan; Fay, later Welsh; and Robert. The family was involved in the war effort in Elma. Liz did a great deal of knitting

and crocheting, making socks for soldiers, and bands for babies, and warm quilts to send overseas. She rolled bandages. The older children collected milkweed, understanding that the fuzzy parts were used to stuff vests wom by men in the Air Force. Hydro was installed in 1946-47, and a kitchen was added onto the house. The house was bricked. Liz taught sewing to 4-H girls and the Monkton WI would often sponsor 4-H events. Russ and Liz's son Rae took over in 1972. Rationing During WWII, Liz and Russell Pestell had ten children and since rationing was done on a per person basis they were well provided for. Coupons for sugar were distributed one pound per person. Since the Postells lived an a dairy farm, they made their own butter. They could not buy colouring for it so they would squeeze carrot juice to give it some colour. They couldn't buy cookies or jam in the stores so they made their own. Living on a farm and having a big garden, the Pestell family always had enough. Coffee and tea were rationed but since they didn't drink either, the Pestells gave their coupons away. [Elmanac p. 669]

Concession 17 Lot 20 1929 Frances V Pestell (until 1941)

Concession 17 Lot 30 North 1984 Robert W & Sally A Coxon Concession 17 Lot 31 95 Acres 5238 Line 58 1931 Robert T Young 1950 Gordon T Young (until 1978) North 5 Acres 1944 George Pfaff 1951 John E Pfaff (until 1960) Concession 17 Lot 35 1887 William Holmes 1937 William G Holmes (until 1963) [End of Concession 17 of Elma]

Concession 18 Lot 7 South 1987 Maxine A L (Archer) Watson [no known connection] Concession 18 Lot 8 1963 Charles W & Ruby C Young (until 1968) Concession 18 Lot 14

1973 Beverley J Acheson 1996 Beverley J & Wilma J Acheson (until 1968) Concession 18 Lot 15 Northwest Part 1973 Beverley J Acheson 1996 Beverley J & Wilma J Acheson (until 1968) [Elmanac pp 686-687 has a write-up on Bev (son of Sam and May "Bunny" Acheson) and his family.] Concession 18 Lot 31 1944 Robert T Young 1953 John E Young 1984 John E & Evelyn P Young Concession 18 Lot 32 1964 Gordon T & Phyllis J Young 1995 Ronald G Young [End of Concession 18] [End of Book]


Feb 24, 2006 Early History of Elma Township I would like to call your attention to to the phrase "The names in this group include Joseph Caruth, James and Robert Buchanan, John Porter, David Glen, and Robert Thompson." If two brothers of Ann Thompson Buchanan came to Canada with the family, William and Robert Thompson seem like the most probable candidates. The earliest (1861) census lists these Thompsons: Thompson Henry (b. 1822 Ontario), Thompson John (b. 1810 Ireland, child b. 1842 Ontario), Thompston Robert (b. 1820 Ireland, child b. 1843 Ontario) Thompson William (b. 1816 Ireland, child b. 1845 Ontario), Thompston William (b. 1820 Ireland, child b. 1843 Ontario), Thompson William (b. 1822 Ireland, child b. 1847, Ontario). So of this group only the last William Thompson seems like a possible candidate, if the ages and birthplaces are accurate. Thompson William L 33 C 12 Farmer Ireland Ang 38 Married Male 1822 Thompson Jane " " 30 Married Female 1830 Thompson Margaret Ontario " 13 S F 1847 Thompson James " " 11 S M 1849 Thompson Ann " " 9 S F 1851 Thompson Jane " " 7 S F 1853

Thompson John " " 5 S M 1855 Thompson Joseph " " 3 S M 1857 Thompson ? " " ? S M [The last number is a calculated year of birth, which I have added.] Other accounts have a William Thompson leading the first group of settlers to Elma, but which one of the three? I wondered if John Porter was one of our group, since Charles Buchanan was married to Ann Porter. From the census, it looks possible. Porter John L 35 C 11 Farmer Ireland Meth 32 Married Male 1828 Porter Ann " " 31 Married Female 1829 Porter Robert Ontario " 13 S M 1847 Porter Thomas " " 11 S M 1849 Porter John " " 9 S M 1851 Porter William " " 7 S M 1853 Porter Mary Ann " " 5 S F 1855 Porter Jacob " " 3 S M 1857 Porter M. Jane " " 1 S F 1859 I wondered if David Glenn might be related to Elizabeth Glenn, who married James Buchanan. I see the same pattern of immigration here. But Elizabeth is too old to be the daughter of David's wife Mary. If Mary were his second wife, David might be the father of Elizabeth. Or maybe there is some other connection. Glenn David L 35 C 11 Farmer Ireland Pres 45 Married Male 1815 Glenn Mary " " 33 Married Female 1827 Glenn M. Jane Ontario " 13 S F 1847 Glenn Margaret " " 11 S F 1849 Glenn James " " 9 S M 1851 Glenn Matilda " " 7 S F 1853 Glenn William " " 5 S M 1855 Glenn Sarah " " 1 S F 1859 Buchanan James L 25 C 12 Farmer Ireland Meth 36 Married Male 1824 Buchanan Elizabeth " " 22 Married Female 1838 Glenn Catherine Servant Ontario " 15 S F 1845 Buchanan M. J. " " 2 S F 1858 Buchanan Andrew " " 1 S M 1859 There is also an Alexander Glen aged 40 and a Charles Glenn aged 27 in the 1851 census of Mornington, but no Elizabeth or Catherine. Elizabeth might belong to one of these families.

Bill ____________________________________________________________________________ The surveyor of Elma Township was John Grant.

"On Grant's map of Elma made in [October] 1853 ... The middle road entered Elma near Trinity, later Salem Church, southeast of Donegal. ... There were three concetrated groups of clearances and six isolated properties along this line. ... The first group of eleven clearances lay along Walker's old boundary line on C8L35,36 to C12L35,36. This old town line surveyed in 1843 was wrong and was corrected in 1848 when James Bridgland surveyed the whole of Mornington. The error meant that all or most of lot 36 in every concession and C1L71,72 was thought to lie in Mornington. The fact that all of these clearances lay along the old town line, and not along the corrected one, means that they were settled before 1848 and probably represent the first settlers in Elma. The names in this group include Joseph Caruth, James and Robert Buchanan, John Porter, David Glen, and Robert Thompson. The road seems to have proceeded to Donegal where there were five clearances between the cemetery and the comer. Then it struck out northward across country to Trowbridge. Six clearances on the 1853 map seem to indicate the route. The first was occupied by Robert Bingham C7L22,23 who, according to later tradition, often played host to the new arrivals in the township, apparently also the Code brothers. The others along or near the route were Thomas Large C7L20, William Cochrane C5L21, John Ritchie C4L17, Alex Mitchell C3LI5, a Herring (sic) C2,3L13. At Trowbridge was the large clearance of George and Samuel Code C2L6,7 around the mill site and another in the south end of the town plot belonging to James Code C3L7. To the east of him was Samuel Ritchie C3L8 to the southwest, John and Alex Tughan C4L5,6; and to the west Joseph Caruth C2,3L4. Another road from Trowbridge along the river to Listowel and on to Wallaceville and Maryborough was developed in this early period according to various accounts. Along this route in 1853 were two clusters of clearances. Four clearances were along the river between Trowbridge and Listowel including those of the Twamley and Tackaberry families; and seven clearances at Listowel along the Elma side of the Wawanosh Road or Main Street, including those of the Barber and Tremain families. The rest of Elma was unoccupied in 1853 except for three clearances along the north side of a large marsh at Gotham, and a very isolated clearance in the west of the township belonging to John Tennant. On the map it is shown as C10L6, but in the collector's roll as C8L6. No one else lived in this whole area even in 1854 and it seems likely that the map and the roll are referring to the same property. So, who was the first settler of Elma? It can be stated, as the family has always claimed, that the Code brothers George and Samuel were the first official settlers in the township since they were engaged to start a mill at the site of Trowbridge. It seems fairly well agreed that they arrived in 1848. However, there were at least a few squatters in the township by then, most certainly Mr Tennant who was the Codes' guide, and possibly Mr. Bingham who, according to at least one early Code family account, was already living in Elma as the Codes went by. As noted above, it is also likely that a number of families already lived near the Mornington boundary east of Donegal and in the southeast corner because two roads are clearly shown entering Elma at these points on the Mornington map of 1848. Almost all the large clearances on Grant's map of Elma are in these areas. Related to this issue is the question of who was the first child born

to settlers in Elma. The claim has been put forward for Elizabeth Code, Margaret Buchanan or Andrew Buchanan. A number of Buchanan families lived along the old, erroneous, town line with Mornington before 1848 and were therefore in the township before the Codes arrived. However, the lack of clear records of this period leaves these issues unresolved." [If Elizabeth Code was born in 1853, as the 1861 census indictes, I think we can eliminate her as a candidate. Margaret Buchanan was born in 1848, two Andrew Buchanans were born in 1849.] [The Elmanac, the History of Elma Township 1857 - 1997, pp. 4-5] ________________________________________________________________

Feb 24, 2006 Atwood and the Blair family - Bill Atwood Atwood was the last name chosen for the hamlet located on C8L15,16. Situated close to the centre of the township, strategically on an important road, and also the site of the first train station in the township, the southern part of what we now know as Atwood was once considered a suburb of Newry, and referred to as Newry Station. The north part of the town had been referred to as Tennants Corners, and then as Elma Centre. Some of the first buildings in the township were hotels and taverns where pioneers could find overnight lodging and a meal. In the 1850s Tennants Comers was associated with such an establishment, for after George Blair recorded his claim to C7L15 his step daughter, Margaret C Collins and her husband Jacob Tennant operated a hotel on the property. The name Elma Centre was used by the Presbyterians for the church that they built in 1862, and the name was found elsewhere in the community as well. Another early hotel was located on the southwest comer of C7L16. It was known as Graham's Hotel, built on land George Graham had settled before the Crown deed was given. Blair Tavern was located kitty-comer across the gravel road, on the northeast comer of C8LI5, where the cenotaph now stands. This property was claimed in the name of James Blair, although the first taxable occupant was listed as Ellenor 'Ellen' Blair. The same surname appears on C8L16. The Blair family came from Quebec to Peel Township then to a farm near Trowbridge. In 1854 James Blair died at Trowbridge and his wife, Ellen (Keo), and family moved to C8L16. They built the first log cabin located at 185 Main Street, Atwood. At one time the Blair family owned and operated a wagon shop. In 1873 the railway was staked to run 80 rods east of the gravel road, but in 1877 when the railroad was finally constructed, it was built on the property lines from C2LI6,17 through C7L16,17, before it curved west through C8LI6 towards Henfryn. The Blair family sold some of their land to the railway for the line as well as a railway station, the first in the township. They then sold lots along the Main street, and William, the youngest son, acted as spokesperson for the family. Today many street names in Atwood carry the names of the Blair children. The lots along the west side of Main were laid out in 1878 by Fuller and Watson. Elma Centre was noted on the north side of Atwood and Newry Station on the southern portion of their survey. [David James Watson tells the story of his family getting on the train at Elma Centre about this time, and moving to Manitoba]

Blair Tavern Ellenor Blair, after the death of her second husband, married William Coghlin and operated the Blair Tavern. The next owner of the tavern was John C Henry who sold to Nathaniel Coghlin around 1892. Nathaniel Coghlin operated this hotel until it burned in 1912. He went to Alberta. The ruins of the fire remained on this abandoned until the cenotaph was erected about 1924. [Elmanac pp. 145-146] 1861 census of Canada - Elma Coghlan Wm. L 16 C 8 Inn Keeper Ireland Ang 64 Married Male 1796 Coghlan Ellen Quebec " 42 Married Female 1818 Coghlan Robert Ontario " 21 S M 1839 Coghlan Elizabeth " " 19 S F 1841 Coghlin Charles " " 17 S M 1843 Blair Thomas " " 17 S M 1843 Blair John " " 16 S M 1844 Blair Mary Ann " " 14 S F 1846 Blair Wm " " 13 S M 1847 Coghlan Nathaniel " " 5 S M 1855 Coghlan Ellen " " 3 S F 1857 Coghlan Henry " " 1 S M 1859 [The last number is year of birth calculated from the age] By the 1871 census, Ellen was again a widow, living with her children. Mary Ann is no longer living with her.

Feb 24, 2006 Robert Buchanan & the Cement Co. The following article is mentions Robert Buchanan, son of William & Ann Thompson Buchanan. Bill _____________________________________________________________________________ Western Ontario Portland Cement Company North end of Woodview Drive The last remnants of Atwood Cement Mill were located at the south-east comer of the present Atwood parking lot. The cement walls were buried. About 100 men, some of whom were immigrants were employed when the plant really started rolling July 3, 1906. A small locomotive nicknamed the 'dinky' built in Philadelphia was brought to Atwood to draw carloads of marl from the beds located at C13L24,25. Marl is a necessary ingredient used to make cement. The seventeen acres of marl beds were purchased from Robert Buchanan of C13L,24,25. His son William was later a fireman on the locomotive. The dinky was first driven by William McKenzie with fireman Robert May. M M Hiles was manager of the plant. The mill's chemist was Glen Andrus who was succeeded by Arthur Link. Alex Cameron served as manager of the drying process.

Water seeped into the marl beds stopping production briefly in the winter of 1906-1907. For many years the cement company rented the front portion of the old Atwood Bee office now 213 Main Street. They used the space to handle the paperwork and as headquarters for their business. Later a new addition was added to the mill which was used as a laboratory and office. In addition, a large storehouse was built with a new sectioned smoke stack which was contracted by Hunter Brothers of Kincardine. The cement mill also had its own electric light plant. After the muck was taken off the site, the marl was a white spongy material, three to four feet deep. It was loaded onto the railroad cars by a steam shovel and taken to the Atwood mill. The clay needed for production at that time was taken from Albert Ducklow's farm at C12L19, also on the rail line. For every ten cars of marl, two cars of clay were required. Taking the marl out of the ground became a major operation. The marl was loaded onto the train cars by means of a large steam powered crane. Robert Buchanan dug a well near the bed to supply water for the engines of the machines. In addition, frame buildings were erected for the workers, who were mainly Italian immigrants. Robert sold the men milk and eggs. Accidents occurred at the cement plant. Len Coghlin of Atwood had one of his fingers crushed while coupling the cement cars at the factory. In 1907 Verner Falice met his death while working. He was whirled around a large pulley and instantly killed. In 1908 Sam May, a son of Robert May died in an accident. He had climbed a ladder to reach a scaffold. With a rope in his hands, and just about three feet from the main shaft which ran at 140 RPM, the tip of the rope somehow caught in the shaft. He was fatally injured when he was caught in the rope before the engine could be shut off. An explosion of coal in 1908 caused concern as fire began to rage through the mill. A Barker who was standing close to the origin of the explosion had his hand severely burned. George Brown had his leg broken in 1911 when an engine he was working with left the track. Dr Langrill was president of the company: Dr D A Kidd, secretary-treasurer; Marion Mitchell was the typist and assistant bookkeeper. In 1907 the directors were Dr Langrill, Dr D A Kidd, J A Mitchell, and T G Ballantyne. The Atwood Bee, dated December 1913, recorded that 'The Atwood Cement Company laid off its workers at the end of October 1913. The large crane at the marl beds was dismantled and shipped to Toronto, leaving a large number of people unemployed.' The assessment book of 1909 shows The Maple Leaf Cement Company of Toronto as owners of the property. Mr. Pearson was president of the operation. The mill closed in 1914. The land around the marl beds was purchased by William Buchanan and his brother, Charles, who had taken over their father's farm by this time. One of the outer buildings at the cement plant was moved to Lome McMane's farm and made into a kitchen. Cyrus Harvey purchased the property where the cement mill was located. In 1944 the property was acquired by Russell Campbell, a son-in-law of Cyrus. Robert Spence owned the land for a number of years. Today this property is owned by Don Spence. [Elmanac p. 164] ________________________________________________________________

Feb 24, 2006 Shirley Dewar Buchanan 98 Elma Centre Street Shirley Buchanan moved to Atwood in 1988, purchasing the house from Elmer and Flora Hurst who had resided there since 1967. Glen (1922-1973) and Shirley (1929) farmed at C10L8 until Glen's accidental death from a farm accident. They raised seven boys: Ken (1946), Larry

(1949), Murray (1950), Ron (1954), Brian (1957), Bradley (1962) and Kevin (1967). Shirley has thirteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Shirley is an active member of the Donegal WI, the Atwood and District Lioness Club and the Donegal United Church. [Elmanac p. 166] Glen & Shirley's son Ken: 95 Parkview Crescent In 1966 Ken Buchanan (1946) married Shirley Pike (1946). In 1971 Ken and Shirley purchased a new home from Ozzie Smith, in the Smith subdivision, 95 Parkview Crescent. Ken was raised on CIOL8. He is the eldest of seven boys born to Glen and Shirley Buchanan. He attended SS#7 and LDSS. After completing high school he worked for Alvin Matheson and helped with the construction of Fern-Al apartments north of Atwood. When the building was completed he worked for Calvin Matheson, picking up and delivering pigs, cattle and fertilizer. The Buchanans have raised three boys, Jeff (1966) is office manager at Boyd's Feed Mill in Listowel; Greg (1970) is training to become a corrections officer; and Tim (1973) works for Jack Gabel Electric. Jeff and Greg are both married and each has a son. Ken is an electrical salesman for Ideal Supply Company, Listowel. He is an active member of the Atwood Lions Club, having served as their twenty-fifth president in 1981-82. Shirley is a Literacy and Numeracy instructor working with developmentally challenged adults in Listowel. Shirley served as the first president of the Atwood and District Lioness Club when it was formed in 1981. [Elmanac p. 177] ________________________________________________________________

Feb 24, 2006 More Buchanans living in Atwood [Son of Roy Kidd Dewar and Jennie 'Theora' Ducklow] 167 Queen Street Donald (1931) and Ruth (Daer) (1934) Dewar met at a Canada Day dance, and were married two years later. In 1962 they purchased their home from Oliver Smith. Don grew up on C131,8 on his parents' farm. Ruth, a native of Auburn, came to Atwood in 1957 to teach at SS#10. Don and Ruth have three children: Keith (1962), Carol (1964) and Karen (1967) who is married to David Burke. Keith resides in Toronto and the two girls live in Kitchener area. Don and Ruth are members of the Atwood Presbyterian Church. Ruth has been active in children's work in her church and community. She is a member of the WMS and also the Wl. Don worked at Roe Farms and Arbor Acres before going to Spinrite Yams in Listowel. In 1996 he retired from Spinrite Yarns. [Elmanac p. 178] [Does anyone know how Shirley J Dewar or Elgin and Ina Dewar connect to Roy Kidd Dewar?] [William James Buchanan and Eva Lyle Stone] 247 Woodview Drive This gray brick house was built by Ralph and Jean Porter in 1967. James and Eva Buchanan purchased it from Jean Porter, getting possession in 1995. They moved from C7L27E,28W.

Elmanac p.180] [Mary is the daughter of James & Eva] 287 Woodview Drive On a cold winter day in March 1988 Harold (1933) and Joan (1940) ((Monteith) Smith moved into the village of Atwood. They purchased their home from Frank and Joan Mawer, who in turn moved to western Canada. What a change of lifestyle, after living all their married life on the blind line of Elma! The large farm house there had always housed three generations: so along to town came their two house cats to give their home a bit of activity and life. Harold and Joan have three children: Brad (1961) and his wife Mary (Buchanan) live in Goderich with their two children. He is an electrician with J Mar Electric and Mary works in the medical records office at the Goderich Hospital. Their second son, Scott (1962) and his wife Paula (Runstedler) bought the home farm. They have three daughters Jennifer, Carolyn, Katelyn and son Gregory. Bonnie (1963) is married to a former Listowel resident Rob McLaren, and they have two sons. Bonnie is an RN working in Stratford. Rob works at Westburn Electric. Harold finds time for his vegetable and flower gardens and Joan keeps busy doing Home Support work for the Canadian Red Cross. They are both involved with the Atwood United Church. Harold is on the board of elders, and Joan belongs to the UCW and they both are members of the church choir and fellowship club. They also sing with Donna and Scott Horton in a mixed quartet. [Elmanac p.180] ________________________________________________________________

Feb 24, 2006 Concessions 1 & 2 of Elma I am now going through the first 5 concessions of Elma, which I skipped previously, as I didn't expect to find anything of interest. Bill ___________________________________ Concession 1 North Lots 1 & 2 1905 Margaret Young 1912 James T Young (until 1944) James Young owned C1NL1,2 from 1912 - 1944 and he married Lottie Holmes from Wallace. They had one daughter, Ethel (1914 - 1997), who married Goilnbert Huddleston of Listowel in 1966,\. [Elmanac p. 213] [Son of Perry Turkwin Brisbin and Myrtle Margaret Young. Some details differ from more precise details by Perry Brisbin.] Concession I North Lots 11 & 12 6489 Line 86 1874 James W Brisbin (until 1875) 1948 William P & Jeanette I Brisbin (until 1968)

William 'Bill' Brisbin (1911-1975) had worked for Hydro and enlisted in WWII, planning to go back to his job later. His parents bought C 1 NL 11, 12 from Hugh Walker when it was for sale in 1946. Bill married Jeanette 'Jean' Stewart (1925-1976), who had also been in the armed forces during the war. Through the Veterans Land Act they got a loan to purchase the farm. Bill and Jean Brisbin moved here in the fall of 1947. The house and barn were in poor condition. Before moving in the whole house had to be painted and papered. In 1948 they covered the ouiside of the house with insulbrick. As there was only an old tree stump serving as a step at the front door on the north side of the house, a closed porch was built. In 1950 the hydro was installed in the house and barn. The following year a milking machine was purchased. Hardwood flooring was laid in the living room and tile floor covering was put in the kitchen. The upstairs was remodelled by taking out partitions and making four bedrooms and a bath. In 1958 a furnace was installed and in 1962 an outside chimney was built from the ground because of a chimney fire. Soon afterwards, bathroom fixtures were installed and a litter carrier was put in the barn to make work easier. Bill and Jean had two children. Peggy Elizabeth (1946) married Robert Taylor of Belgrave; Donald Allen (195 1) married Marion Elizabeth Quipp of Monkton and lives in Listowel. Robert and Muriel Hawthorne purchased CINL11,12 from William and Jeanette Brisbin in 1968. [Elmanac p. 217] [Any connection with Elizabeth Glenn?] Thomas [Jackson] and his wife Mary (Glenn) had three children: Dora Elizabeth 'Queenie' (18931985), Gladys Margaret (1896-1975) and George 'Glenn' (1899-1985). ... [Elmanac p. 219]

Concession 1 South Lots 29 & 30 Part 4 Acres SE Corner 1869 James O Hardie (until 1873) [Husband of Elizabeth Jane Young] Concession 1 South Lots 39 & 40 & South 20 acres of Lot 38 1872 James Hardie 1899 James O Hardie (until 1918) James Hardie Jr purchased C1SL38ot 39, 40 in 1899. He and his wife Lizzie [Young] had three children. James married Louise Sanderson, John married Isobelle Murphy and Mary married Jack Groshaw. [Elmanac p. 257] [Elizabeth Keating Mayberry was the aunt of John Andrew Keating and James Keating, whoi married Buchanans.] Concession 2 Lot 32 1854 George Mayberry 1872 George Mayberry (Patent) 1881 James M Keating 1887 James Mayberry (until 1944) Concession 2 Lot 33 1854 George Mayberry 1872 George Mayberry (Patent)

1909 Alexander Maryberry later Matburry 1937 Carl V & Jean B Mayburry (until 1960) The first owner of this property was George Mayberry who came from Ottawa with his wife Elizabeth (Keating). They had a family of ten. Their first home was a log house located by the creek on C3L33. In 1879, he bought C1SL67 and built the house from stones hauled from this farm. Its foundation remains today. The family built a road between the farms on C2 and C3 and named it the Mayberry Blind Line. George's son Alexander took ownership in 1909. Concession 2 Lot 33 1854 George Mayberry 1872 George Mayberry (Patent) 1909 Alexander Maryberry later Matburry 1937 Carl V & Jean B Mayburry (until 1960) Concession 2 Concession 2 Lot 34 5112 Line 82 1854 Thomas Mayberry 18?? James Mayberry 1873 James Mayberry (Patent) 1879 Thomas K Mayberry (later Mayburry) 1911 Gordon C Mayberry 1944 Almer T Mayberry (until 1966) This land was settled by Thomas Mayberry, who lived in a log house north of the present house. The present stone house was built in 1896 from stones found on the farm. A barn was built later. Thomas' son Gordon farmed from 1911 until his death in 1944. He was succeeded by Almer Mayberry, who, with his wife Marguerite, raised ten children. In 1966 the property was owned by Samuel B Johnston. [Elmanac p. 295] Concession 2 Lot 35 5068 Line 82 1854 John Mayberry 1872 John Mayberry (Patent) 1899 Robert Mayberry (until 1938) Century Farm In 1831, Thomas Mayberry emigrated from Tyrone, Ireland, to Carleton County near Ottawa. He then came to Elma, where he cleared C2L35 as well as C2L34,36. Once the clearing was done, Thomas walked back to Ottawa to get his wife, Nancy Kilgore. According to family tradition, his feet were blistered when he arrived and Nancy bathed them. A story lingers about the first winter they lived in the shanty. They did not have any hinges for a door and so they hung a blanket over it. They kept a poker in the fire all night. The hot poker was used to touch the wolves' noses when they stuck them under the blanket. Walking long distances was standard for early pioneers. Nancy Kilgore Mayberry used to get up at the crack of dawn and churn fresh butter. Armed with the butter and a basket of eggs and possibly a bucket of milk, she walked to Listowel, taking a diagonal path through the bush. At Schinbein's store, a stool was provided so

Nancy could rest while she bartered for dry goods. By noon she had returned and prepared dinner for the menfolk. Several buildings were probably built earlier, but in 1870, a large barn was built to accommodate the livestock and crops from 200 acres or more. In 1872, the year that the stone house was built, two of Thomas' sons, George and John, married two sisters, Letitia and Elizabeth Keating, from Carlton. John and Letitia farmed and raised a family on C2L35. They had at least four sons, John James, Andrew William, Thomas, and Robert; and five daughters, Nancy, Letitia, Mary, Margaret and Jane. Robert Mayberry took over the farm in 1899. In 1903, at age twenty-eight, he married twenty-three-year-old Wilhelmina 'Minnie' Stever. Minnie was very shy and quite beautiful. [Elmanac p. 296] Concession 2 Lot 36 5022 Line 82 1854 John Mayberry 1872 John Mayberry (Patent) 1899 Andrew W Mayberry 1899 Robert Mayberry 1904 Thomas K Mayberry 1911 John T K Mayberry 1941 Clifford Mayberry (until 1968) This farm was settled in 1872 by John Mayberry and remained in the Mayberry family until 1968. It was part of the Mayberry Blind Line. At one time, seven of the eight farms on this road were operated by members of the Mayberry family. Clifford Mayberry took over ownership of the farm from his father John Mayberry in 1941. Clifford and his wife Beatrice had a herd of Holstein cows and for many years Clifford hauled milk to the Britton Cheese Factory from farms in this area. He also had a welding and repair shop at the farm, which he expanded when he purchased USS#3 and remodelled it into an up-to-date repair and manufacturing shop. Clifford and Beatrice had two children, Joyce and Elaine. After selling the farm to Jack and Rebecca Schildroth in 1968, Clifford and Beatrice built a new house on C3L31pt. [Elmanac p. 297] Delford Newbigging Remembers My great uncle was Andrew William Mayberry. He lived on the farm to the east of ours. On Jnuary 17, 1904, he took a load of grain by sleigh to have it chopped at the mill in Listowel. On the way home, he ran into a severe snowstorm, He reached the farm behind his, but couldn't see to continue any further He left the sleigh and horses in the neighbour's barn and decided to hike across the fields to his place so his wife would not worry. He didn't make it. When they found him the next day, he was dead and frozen, They believe he had become lost in the blizzard and was walking in circles. It looked like he had been headed towards Concession 13 in Mornington. A woman on the first farm had lit a lamp during the night as she had been ill. Maybe he saw the light and was trying to reach it when he became exhausted and died. He was thirty-four. My grandfather's youngest sister, Mary, was a beauty, and a favourite of the family. As a child, my grandfather saved her when she had fallen down a well. When I was growing up on the farm, she sometimes, came to visit. My brother Clarence was favourite. She taught him to eat sliced tomatoes with sugar on them. She was a nurse and when I got scarlet fever she insisted that I take aspirin to reduce my high fever. I couldn't swallow pills. Aunt Mary wasn't about to put up with

this nonsense. She crushed the aspirin and made me eat them. My fever came down. My admiration for her determination went up and I learned to swallow pills. Our farm had quarantine signs until I got over the scarlet fever. A child living on afarm can be isolated. I spent much time at my Grandma's place, two farms over. She taught me how to make potato chips before you could buy them. We went picking raspberries and I drew and painted endlessly. When I began school I decided it wasn't as much fun as being at Grandma's. One day I walked down the lane up to the end of the farm, along the fence and across behind the barn. I was going to Grandma's and not to school, I knew Grandma would never tell on me. Unfortunately my father had seen me on my little act of truancy and headed me off at the boundary road. I was driven, to school with streaks on my cheeks and red eyes from bawling. I never tried it again. My Dad was very smart. Delford Newbigging [Elmanac p. 297] ________________________________________________________________

Feb 27, 2006 Concession 3, 4 and 5 of Elma Township Concession 3 Lot 8 1854 Samuel Ritchie 1863 Samuel Ritchie (Patent) (until 1875) Concession 3 Lot 9 1854 Samuel Ritchie 1863 James Ritchie 1863 James Ritchie (Patent) East Half 1869 Alexander Ritchie (until 1875) 1882 Andrew Thompson 1897 William J Thompson 1938 Harriet Thompson 1942 William 0 & Harriet Thompson (until 1973) Concession 3 Lot 10 6308 Line 81 1876 Andrew Thompson 1897 William I Thompson 1938 Harriet Thompson 1942 William O & Harriet Thompson (until 1973) Andrew Thompson purchased C31,10 in 1876. He and his wife, Elizabeth (Linton) raised five sons, William, Thomas, George, Alexander, and Robert. William took up the home farm. He married Harrietta Pride. They had six children, Alexander, George, William, Margaret, Clara, and Pearl. Alexander (1893-1955) married Wilhelmina Sangster (1893-1959) in 1915 and settled on C6LI2. Concession 3 Lot 14 1905 James Porterfield

1905 Amos W R Porterfield (until 1909) William 'Hardie' Clelland bought the farm from Amos Porterfield in 1909 when Amos moved West. [Amos, son of James, son of John, may be a nephew of George Porterfield whose son Cecil married Elma Elizabeth May McGillvray, daughter of Annie Elizabeth Buchanan] [Elmanac p.306] Concession 3 Lot 21 5682 Line 81 1937 Cameron R Porterfield (until 1969) Cameron Roy Porterfield (1907) and his wife Edith Grace (Johnston) (1909-1995) moved to C3L21 from Wallace in 1937 ... [So they may not be closely related to Cecil Porterfield] [Elmanac p. 312] This is out of the present context, but appears to be Joseph Johnston Willerton staying with his uncle and his grandparents in Elma in 1871.] 1871 census - Elma, Perth, Ontario Johnston Joseph L9 C12 Farmer Eng Eng Meth 44 Single Male Johnston William " " " 70 Married Male Johnston Elizabeth " " " 70 Married Female Willerton Joseph " " " 17 S M Concession 3 Lot 26 5474 Line 81 1865 James Johnston (until 1893) Concession 3 Lot 27 North 1923 Thomas W Johnston 1949 Maurice G Johnston 1967 M Isabel Johnston 1970 George M Johnston 1992 George m & Marjorie K Johnston (until 1996) Concession 3 Lot 28 North 1923 Thomas W Johnston 1949 Maurice G Johnston 1967 M Isabel Johnston 1970 George M Johnston 1992 George m & Marjorie K Johnston (until 1996) South Half 1878 James Keating (Patent) (until 1883) In 1950 Maurice Johnston opened a gravel pit on C3L27,28N to provide gravel for HWY19 from Milverton to Carthage. In 1964 Isabel inherited the property from her husband Maurice. It was taken

over by George Johnston in 1969. George operated the farm until 1992. In 1996 the property was sold to Doug and Dave Johnston of Maplevue Farms. C3L27S,28S was owned by James Keating in 1879. [Elmanac pp. 316-317] Concession 3 Lot 30 1893 James Johnston 1898 James W Johnston 1945 Maurice G Johnston 1967 M Isabel Johnston 1970 George M Johnston 1992 George m & Marjorie K Johnston Part 7702 Perth Road 147 1901 Robert A Thompson (until 1906) 1927 Maurice Dick [married Caroline Sophia Buchanan] 1938 Caroline S Dick 1952 Maurice G Johnston 1967 M Isabel Johnston (until 1983) [Elmanac p. 319-320 has a lengthy write-up on these Johnstons, but nothing on the Dicks.] Concession 3 Lot 31 7761 Perth Road 147 1893 James Johnston 1898 Samuel B Johnston 1926 Maurice G Johnston 1940 Maurice G & M Isabel Johnston 1960 Samuel B Johnston 7709 Perth Road 147 1884 Thomas Alexander 1887 Mary A Alexander 1900 James Johnston 1907 William G Johnston (until 1909) [Elmanac pp320-321 has a write-up on this Johnston family but indicates that they were from Ireland. William Johnston, the grandfather of Joseph Johston Willerton was from Lincolnshire, England, so there is no connection.] Concession 3 Lot 32 1854 Samuel Mayberry (until 1858) [connected to the Keatings] Concession 3 Lot 33 1872 George Mayberry Sr [married Elizabeth Keating] 1901 George Mayberry Jr (until 1912) George Mayberry, the first owner of C3L33, came from Ottawa with his wife Elizabeth (Keating). They had a family of ten children. He immediately built a log house beside the creek running through the front of the farm. Later he built a stone house on C3L33. The farm was sold to his son George Jr in 1901.

[Elmanac p. 322] Concession 3 Lot 34 1854 Thomas Mayberry (until 1867) [End of Concession 3] Concession 4 Lot 19 1898 David M Park 1940 Robert R Park (until 1951) [I believe the Stephen born in 1926 is the Stephen Park who married Mary Edna Buchanan.] Century Farm C4LI9 belonged to the Park family from 1893 to 1951. C4L19 was homesteaded in 1863 by Peter Crerar, who abandoned it after a few years. Jacob Tennant proved his title in 1869. After twenty-four years he sold the farm to James Brock, who immediately resold it to William and James Cleland. The Clelands rented it for five years to David M Park, who was engaged to their sister Agnes Cleland. David and Agnes were married in 1894 and moved onto the farm the same day. In 1898 they bought the farm, which by then had a large bank barn and a one-and-a-half-storey frame house. The land had been covered by hardwood forest but was almost completely cleared by 1898. The soil was of good quality Harriston loam, and dry. A small creek crossed the property parallel to C4, just south of the buildings, and a smaller creek crossed at the rear of the farm. David maintained a mixed farming operation, specializing in milk production from his Holstein herd. The milk was processed into butter and cheese at the Elmbank cheese factory. In 1905 David who had once worked as a building framer, constructed a two-storey four-bedroom brick house. The old frame house was moved beside it and converted to a summer kitchen. Later, David finished the stable with concrete horse and cow stalls and pig pens. This use of concrete, which was just becoming popular as a building material, was notable; most stables at that time were built of hardwood planks. About the same time, David built a combination milk house and garage. Before the days of milk coolers, the concrete tank in the milk house could hold two thirty-gallon and one eight-gallon milk can, which were cooled by cold well water. The garage had space for one buggy. David (1864-1940) and Agnes (1871-1936) raised five children: John Maxwell (1896-1917); Robert Reid (1899-1990): David Cleland (1904-1979); Mary (1904-1904); Jean Reid (1909-1989) and Adam Drysdale (1913-1973). In 1925 Robert Park married Mary Eunice Richmond (1904-1990). They farmed C9L20 Wallace for a while, and then C3L27. Stephen (1926), Jack (1927) and Dorothea (1928), their three oldest children, attended USS#3. Ralph (1930) and David ( 1932) were preschoolers at that time. During the Great Depression, David M and Robert formed a partnership and combined their farming operations. In 1934 and family moved lock, stock and barrel to the Park farm at C4L19. The three youngest girls, Margery (1937-1991), Mary (1939) and Barbara (1940) were born here. David M and

Rorert continued their mixed farming and milk production business, with milk going to the Britton factory. Farming was done with teams of horses, and all the family had a part in it. Some of the more onerous tasks for the children were stone picking, weed picking, hoeing corn, coiling hay and stooking grain. All water for the house and barn was pumped by hand. The joint operation continued until 1940 when David M died. Robert then bought the farm from the beneficiaries of the estate. Two of David and Agnes' sons, and two of their grandsons went to war: John Maxwell joined the 110th Battalion CEF and was killed at Passchendaele, in 1917; Adam served with the RCA from 1940-1945 in England and Europe; Stephen was in the RCAF from 1943 onwards, and Ralph served with the RCOC and RCA during the Korean War. In 1950 the farmhouse burned to the ground and in 1951 Robert and Eunice sold the farm to Douglas Cleland of C4L20, their next-door neighbour. His son Alan bought it in 1989 and still farms it. Alan's great-grandfather William had been one of the owners who rented the farm to David M Park in 1893. [Elmanac p. 339] Concession 4 Lot 21 7635 Road 158 1854 John Thompson (until 1871) John and Elizabeth (Parker) Thompson of Ireland, settled on C4L21 in 1854. They bought it from the Crown in 1868 for $200. The Thompsons built a house and barn. Their family consisted of Sarah Ann who married Philip Donohue; William, who went to California; John, who went west; Alexander, who homesteaded near Thunder Bay; and Josiah, a schoolteacher. The Thompsons sold the property to Thomas Jickling in 1871. [Elmanac p. 341] Concession 4 Lot 23 5599 Line 81 1856 Robert Thompson 1863 Thomas thompson 1920 W Samuel Thompson 1944 John S Thompson 1953 A McKeever Thompson 1995 A McKeever & Phyllis J Thompson [Elmanac p. 343 has an article about these Thompsons. "Thomas Thompson (1939-1919) rode his favorite horse from the Ottawa valley to Elma ..." so he is probably not connected to Ann Thompson.] [Concession 4 Lot 26 has an Alexander family that seems to have no connection to Robert Alexander who married Laura Snider. Thomas Alexander and Ellen Courtney had a son George who married Isabella Mayburry, daughter of George Mayburry of the Britton blind line, if anyone os following that family. Elmanac pp345-346] Concession 4 Lot 27

5431 Line 81 1854 John Keating (until 1881) [married Lily Ann Mayberry] [They were the parents of James Keating who married Mary Jane Buchanan (daughter of James) and of and John Andrew Keating who married Jane Buchanan (daughter of John)] Concession 4 Lot 28 5431 Line 81 1854 John Keating (until 1881) [married Lily Ann Mayberry] [The Alexander family mentioned above also owned parts of C4L28,29,30 at various times. These lots are part of the community of Britton.] [Elmanac p. 349 has another write-up on the Thompson family mentioned above.] Concession 4 Lot 31 Part 7699 Perth Road 147 1893 Thomas L McCauley (until 1902) [possibly Thomas Mccauley, brother to Samuel McCauley who married Jane Buchanan daughter of Andrew. The Samuel McCauleys moved to Lopez Island, Washington. Rob McCauley who was in touch with me last year is from Sam & Jane's family.] [End of Concession 4] Concession 5 Lot 4 1857 John Ritchie (until 1872) Concession 5 Lot 5 1894 James Porterfield (until 1904) 1908 James Porterfield 1909 James A H M Porterfield (until 1914) Concession 5 Lot 6 1899 Thomas Hunter 1911 Thomas H Hunter (until 1918) Concession 5 Lot 7 1899 Thomas Hunter 1911 Thomas H Hunter (until 1918) South 1911 William J Hunter (until 1921) Concession 5 Lot 14 6100 Line 78 1857 Hugh Porter 1860 Hugh Porter (Patent) 1887 John A Porter 1906 George H Porter 1939 Ralph B Porter (until 1967)

Century Farm George Hamilton Porter (1878-1967) was married to Eleanor Hood Ballantyne (1909-1967). They had two children, Helen Burns (1909-1985) who married George Elliott (1907-1944) and Ralph Ballantyne (1910-1980), who married Jean Kemp Greensides (1918-1995). Ralph and Jean had five children. William George (1940) married Nancy Cowan (1940). Robert Allan (1944) married Hannelore 'Lori' Schliewinski, and following their divorce married Carmen Agius. Ralph Douglas (1946) married Patricia Quipp, John Charles (1947) is a bachelor, and Jane Louise (1954) married Calvin Delmer Buchanan. Following Calvin's death Jane married Joseph Mallet and in 1981 she married George Herbert Allen. Ralph Porter was a director and adjuster for Elma Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and later worked as an agent. [Elmanac p. 368] Concession 5 Lot 16 North Half 1865 John Freeborn (until 1875) Concession 5 Lot 17 1854 Josiah Thompson 1916 Albert B Thompson 1928 Mabel E Thompson (until 1940) Concession 5 Lot 18 1854 John Thompson 1868 Josiah Thompson 1916 David A Thompson (until 1943) Concession 5 Lot 21 South Half 1874 James Porterfield 1885 William Porterfield 1941 A Leslie Porterfield (until 1944) Concession 5 Lot 22 1874 James Porterfield 1880 William Porterfield 1941 A Leslie Porterfield (until 1944) [I can't connect these Porterfields to Cecil, but there is an article on p. 375] "C5L21N was first owned by Sarah Ann (Thompson) Donahue. Her father John Thompson (1807) was born in Ireland and immigrated to Canada with his Irish bride in 1834 and C5L21N became their home." [Elmanac p. 375] [So John Thompson (b. 1807) does not appear to be one of Ann Thompson's brothers.]

Concession 5 Lot 23 1908 John S Thompson 1944 John M Thompson (until 1951) [Article on the John S Thomson family on p. 377] Concession 5 Lot 25 1901 William Alexander (until 1914) Concession 5 Lot 26 90 Acres 1871 Thomas & John Alexander 1881 Thomas Alexander 1900 R Thomas Alexander 10 Acres 1901 William J Alexander 1914 Thomas R Alexander [Elmanac p. 379 has a short article on the Thomas Alexander family] Concession 5 Lot 28 1854 William Keating (until 1882) West 5416 Line 78 1925 Robert T Hardie (until 1948) East half 1936 Joseph Acheson (until 1936) Part Cemetery 1873 William Hammond, John Keating and John Mayberry, trustees for a burying ground [Elmanac p. 380] Concession 5 Lot 29 1854 John McCauley 1898 John McCauley Jr (until 1921) 1922 William L Coulter 1926 John McCauley (until 1928) 1932 John & Mary McCauley (until 1936) 1942 John McCauley (until 1944) Concession 5 Lot 30 1854 John McCauley 1898 Thomas L McCauley Jr (until 1905) Concession 5 Lot 33 1854 James Keating Jr (until 1863) 1875 William Keating [brother to John] 1888 William T Alexander (until 1920) End of the 5th Concession of Elma Township. I have now completed my journey through

"The Elmanac - The History of Elma township 1857-1997" I can't guarantee that I haven't missed deatils that may be of interest, but I have gone from cover to cover. Bill


Mar 6, 2006 Re: campbell clan Hi Everyone, I just received this from Diane (Campbell) Salmond. I am confident that she has identified the birth of Robert (Big Bob) Campbell, who married Robert Buchanan's daughter Elizabeth. Note that the birthdate given has the same day and month (but different year) given for Big Bob in the 1901 cenusus. She has also found the marriage of his parents, and found his parent's family in the 1861 census. Great work Diane!

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: diane salmond To: Bill Buchanan Cc: Ken Campbell Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2006 3:38 PM Subject: campbell clan Hi Bill : I think I may have found robert's birthplace in Quebec. But first I will tell you about John and Jane Grace. The archives clerk in listowel found their marriage in the Bathurst marriage register as following: John Campbell, to Jane GRACE, both of Westmeath. 17 July 1846, Westmeath. Rev. Shaler Wit. A. McDonald and Wm. Spettmood. Next the Upper Ottawa Valley Gen. gave me Robert's birth and baptism info as follows. Campbell, Robert Sept. 10 1846 in Kilbute which is the parents residence. Baptised Aug 18 1847 by Rev. H. Shaler in Westmeath. Same minister. They also told me Kilbute was on the Quebec side of the Ottawa river in Pontiac County called Calbute Locks about 40 miles north of Westmeath. Parents being Methodists would probably have travelled to the nearest Methodist minister and church to be married etc. Then the Listowel archivist sent me an 1861 census for Wallace, showing John born in Ireland and [Jane] Grace in Scotland plus Robert 14 born Upper Can and an 11 year old girl named Mariah or Mary, Margret or maria. transcript was handwritten and hard to see. Her birth could be in the westmeath area Bathurst district 1 same as Robert's. Maybe with your high-speed internet you can take this info and find out more. Talk to you later. Thanks and take care. Diane


Mar 14, 2006 Website updated Hi Everyone, I have updated the databases on the website, adding about 1000 people connected to the family in various ways. I am also experimenting with a Google site search engine, but so far the results are disappointing. (Maybe there is a setting that I need to change.) The PicoSearch engine is still there, but it has its limits too. http://billbuchanan.clawz.com

Bill ________________________________________________________________

Mar 20, 2006 FW: Lois Buchanan Can any of you help David out? Kelly Mitchell is my best source of information on this branch of the family, and she seems to have changed her email address. (at least my latest message bounced)

Bill Buchanan _______________________________________________ Hi Bill, I wonder if you have any additional information about Lois Buchanan, daughter of Elwood and Muriel? My mother tells me that they are attempting to contact her about an upcoming high school reunion in Listowel. Thanks and best wishes ... David -David Buchanan Master of Library and Information Studies School of Library, Archival and Information Studies The University of British Columbia


Mar 20, 2006

RE: [andrew-buchanan] FW: Lois Buchanan Hi David and All; I am still here :) I am not sure where Lois Buchanan is...Her maiden name is now Huchinson, husband's name is William. I had the impression that they were out in Ontario somewhere, but I am not sure where. I will talk to my Aunt and see if she knows and will let you know ok :) She could also be out in Manitoba somewhere as well. It was Muriel and Elwood that moved back to Listowel for a time...sorry I get a little confused on where some of these guys ended up :) But being confused isnt anything new for me ha ha :) Ok, I will get back to you and will let you know :) Huggs Kelly

________________________________________________________________ Apr 4, 2006 Website I have added the Buchanan reunion attendance lists to the website at http://billbuchanan.clawz.com Look under Old Family Stories. Bill


Apr 5, 2006 Wayne's YDNA test kit Hi Cousins, I am going to go ahead and order Wayne's test kit for the YDNA test. Darlene, I'd like to confirm his address if you would not mind sending it to me offlist. THANKS. Patty ________________________________________________________________

Apr 10, 2006 Buchanan References in the Elmanac I have added these to my website http://billbuchanan.clawz.com You will find the link on the Old Stories page. I also added a rough map of Elma (in the form of an html table) showing the Lots and Concessions and the towns.



Apr 10, 2006 Website Updates I have just added the following to the Old Stories page: From History of Riding Mountain and Area 1885-1984 New! From A history of the Town of Neepawa and District - Buchanan stories New! History of Atwood, Ontario - Point of departure for the "The Great Move" to Manitoba in 1879 New!



Apr 10, 2006 Explanation The pages I referred to are "New" to the website, but "Old" to the list. Sorry I didn't indicate this in the previous message. Bill

________________________________________________________________ Apr 11, 2006 Another Website Update I have added the letters sent to Lorne Buchanan in 1965-1970 regarding the Buchanan Family Tree Book project. It can be viewed by clicking the Old Stories link. Bill


Apr 14, 2006 Ontario Marriages

I spent a few hours on Wednesday looking through Ontario marriages, and found some that were of interest to me. I will be looking for some more, but first I need to complete my preparations for the AGS Conference of April 29th. Ontario Marriages 1876 FIlm #1863647 8460-12490 Schedule B Marriages 08724 Husband: William Watson, age 28 years, Residence Elma, Born Edwardsburgh, B [Bachelor, Farmer Parents: James Watson and Isabella [Elizabeth] Watson Wife: Eliza Ash, age 18, Residence: Walace, Born Tp Blenheim, Ont, S [Spinster] Parents:Christopher Ash and Hannah Ash [Christopher is actually her uncle] Witnesses: John Buchanan and Sarah Jane Long of Elma, September 22, 1876, Presbyterian, Presbyterian, Revd. Robert Renwick 08728 Hubnand: Thomas Buchanan, 23 years, Residence: Elma, Born: Township of Elma, Ont, B, Farmer Parents: Charles Buchanan and Nancy Porter Wife: Ellen Cochrane, 20 years, Elma, Elma, S Parents: Robert Cochrane and Janet Newbigging Witnesses: Andrew Buchanan and Eliza Jane Burke of Elma Place: Elma Centre, Dec 24, 1875, Presbyterian, Presbyterian, Revd Robert Renwick 08732 William Struthers, 25 years, Elma, Elma, B, Farmer, Parents: John Struthers and Jane Roxburgh Ann Maria McManes, 23 years, Elma, Burgess, Ont, S, Parents: Charles McManes and Helen Barr 1 Feb 1876, Presbyterian, English Church, Revd Robertt Renwick, Elma 08738 Robert Hamilton, 28 years, Elma, Canada, B, Farmer Parents: Hugh Hamilton and Catherine Hamilton Sarah Ann Hull, 27 years, Elma, Canada, S, Parents: Richard Hull and Catherine Hull. 27 April 1876 08739 Andrew Buchanan, 23 years, Elma, Ont, Elma, Ont, B, Farmer, Parents: William and Ann Buchanan Eliza Jane Burk, 20 years, Elma Ont, Tp of Vaune, S,Parents: William and Ann Burk Witnesses: William Burk and Elizabeth Buchanan both of Elma Trowbridge, April 11th, 1876, Methodist, Methodist, Revd Joseph Deacon, License Possible connections to Bessie Glen(n) 08798 - excerpt Charles Glenn and Isabella Monroe, 12 Jan 1876, Listowell, son of Alex and Jane Glenn

08799 - excerpt Robert McCullough and Sarah ann Glenn born in Mornington, 12 Jan 1876, Listowell, dau. Alex and Jane Glenn. Ontario Marriages 1878 film #1863653 7491-11382 008909 Samuel McCauley, 24 years, Residence Elma Tp, Born: Seneca Tp, B, Farmer Parents: John and Catherine McCauley Jane Buchanan, 22 years, Elma Tp, Elma Tp, S, Parents: Andrew and Mary Jane Buchanan Witnesses: David Swan of Mornington and Maggie Buchanan of Elma Donegal, December 25, 1877, Presbyterian, Methodist, John G. Scott by License 08910 James Danbrook, 22 years, Elma Tp, Blanford, B, Farmer, Parents: George and Margaret Danbrook Margaret Melrose, 27 years, Elma Tp, Elma, S, Parents: Thomas and Agness Melrose Witnesses: Charles Melrose aand Elizabeth Danbrook both of Elma Donegal, December 25th, 1877, Methodist, Presbyterian, by John G. Scott by License 08911 John Howse, 36 years, Elma, Tp of Burgess, W, Farer, Parents: Henry Howse and Margaret Scott Fanny McMane, 26 years, Elma, Elmsley, Co Leeds, S, Parents: Charles McMane and Helen Barr Witnesses: Charles McManes and Priscilla McManes both of Elma Newry, 6 Dec 1877, Episcopal, Episcopal, Revd R. Renwick 08914 Richard Attridge, 21 years, Mornington, Mornington, B, Farmer, Parents: Michael and Catherine Attridge Priscilla McMane, 18 years, Elma, Burgess, S, parents: Charles McMane and Helen Barr Elma, 23 Jan 1878 Ontario Marriages 1879 film #1869505 6655-10481 08803 James Buchanan, 27 years, Elma, Elma, B, Farmer, Parents: William and Ann Buchanan Julian [sic] Scott, 24 years, Elma, Zorra, S, Parents: William and Ann Scott Witnesses: William Scott of Mornington and Elizabeth Buchanan of Elma Trowbridge, June 25, 1879, Methodist, Methodist, Revd J. Stinson 08808 James Keating, 25 years, Elma, Elma, B, Farmer, Parents John and Lydia Keating Mary Jane Buchanan, 21 years, Elma, Elma, S, Parents: James and Bessy

Buchanan Witnesses: William Gray and Ann Keating, Elma, 17 Sept 1879, Presbyterian, Presbyterian, Revd Sinson 08809 - No Connection to our Watsons Clark M Smith, 24 years Belinda Watson, 15 years, Listowel, Canada, Parents: William Watsonand Carolina Bluck 08818 John Campbell Gordon [Gadon?], 28 years, Wallace, Scotland, B, Farmer, Parents: George Gordon and Jane Bannerman Margaret Maybury, 20 years, Elma, Elma, S, Parents: John Maybury and Letiticia Keating Witnesses: Joseph Finneman and Jane L. Maybury, Elma, 23 Dec 1879 08819 Joseph Truman, 27 years, Chatworth, Co Grey, B, SchoolTeacher, Parents: John Truman and Catherine Brun[?] Jane Louisa Maybury, 23 yeqars, Elma, Elma, S, Parents: John Maybury and Letiticia Keating Witnesses: John Campbell of Wallace and Margaret Maybury of Elma, Elma, 23 Dec 1879 [Possibly some connection to Don Holmes?] 98687 William John Holmes, 25 years, Elma, England, B, Yeoman, Parents: William and Mary Holmes Mary Alice Wilson, 22 years, Elma, Canada, S, Parents; John and Agnes Wilson Millbank, 19 March 1879 Ontario Marriages 1881 00947 William S Buchanan, 21 years, Elma Tp, Elma, B, Mechanic, Parents: William and Ann Buchanan Margaret Burke, 20 years, Elma Tp, Mornington, S, Parents: William and Ann Burke Stratford, 19 Oct 1887, Methodist, Presbyterian, Rev B. Clement I hope this allows you to fill in a few details that you may have been missing. Happy Easter, Bill ________________________________________________________________

Apr 14, 2006 Re: Family tree

Hi Don, Emails from me should show the originating email address as buchanan@... or Bill.Buchanan@... They should not say "unspecified". The "Family Tree" file should be an attachment called BFT Book.rtf and about 7.75 MB in size. So it is too large for some small email in-boxes, but I didn't get a "bounce" message saying it was undeliverable. I have never heard what port they left from. Who mentioned that they left from Cork? I look forward to hearing from you.

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: don To: Bill Buchanan Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 10:04 AM Subject: Family tree Bill - thanks for the note - haven't run the picture yet. I got two emails with an envelope only and it says "sender unspecified" so am afraid to open them - could that be the family tree? According to the info we had, when our family left for Kingston, they left from County Cork but I don't know that they lived there at all. rgds Don

Apr 18, 2006 Say Yes to Question 53 on Census Day May 16, 2006 I am forwarding this from Isabel Lefebvre. I was aware of the issue, but the article makes it easier to pass the message along. I will also mention it in one of my presentations at the Alberta Genealogical Society Conference on April 29th.

Bill Buchanan ______________________________________________________________________ There is an excellent article in the April 14th edition of the Globe and Mail written by historian Professor Bill Waiser. It refers to the question being asked of every person in Canada on Census Day whether or not they consent to having their responses made public after 92 years (in 2098). Note: If anyone declines to answer the question the answer will be recorded as a "no". The article is well worth reading. The URL is:

http://web.globeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20060414.wxcocensus0414/BNStory/special Comment/home or you can search online for the title of the article "Say 'yes' for history's sake." Please read it and pass the message on to your friends and relatives. Think about following Gordon Watt's suggestion and adding this paragraph to all your outgoing e-mails from now until May 16. Ensure your place in the history of Canada. On Census Day 16 May 2006, answer YES to allow your information to be made available to your descendants in 2098. Ask everyone you know to do so as well. ________________________________________________________________

Apr 27, 2006 Family of John A Keating & Margaret Buchanan Hi George, On the most recent of my weekly visits to the Alberta Archives, I decided to check out Hendersons Edmonton Directories. Since the Keatings were the only relatives I could think of who lived in Edmonton during most of the 20th century, I decided to look them up. I just chose directories at random. The archives don't have the complete set, in any case. I found it interesting to see how they advanced in their careers over time, especially the two boys employed as trainmen by the CNR and John Alex in the Edmonton city Police. 1949 was just a year before Murray's death in that train accident. Was "Mac" really a fur farmer? I hope you and Helen are well. Bill ________________________________________________________ Keating Family Members in Henderson's Edmonton Directory h appears to mean "home owner" lvs means "lives at" r means "rents" 1910 page 263 Keating, Ida, clk T S Thompson lvs 029 Donald Street Keating, John, tmstr h 029 Donald Street Keating, Lillian B clk lvs 029 Donald Street Keating, Murray clk Ross Bros Ltd. r 029 Donald Street 1912 page 471 Keating, Ida, clk HB Co. lvs r 029 Donald Street Keating, John, tmstr h 029 Donald Street Keating, Murray clk Ross Bros Ltd. r 029 Donald Street Keating, William tinsmith Ross Bros Ltd. r 029 Donald Street

1919 page 377 Keating, Murray fireman CNR r 9731-109 St. Keating, William fireman CNR r 9731-109 St. 1921 page 409 Keating, Alex, automech JRN Cook h 9731-109 St. Keating, John A, lab h 9731-109 St. Keating, M, trainman CNR h 9731-109 St. Keating, WA, trainman CNR r 9727-109 St. [Lillian Macartney and Ida Cochrane not found] 1925 Keating, Alex, mach r 9731-109 St. Keating, John A, emp CNR h 9731-109 St. Keating, Murray, brkman CNR r 9731-109 St. Keating, WA, brkman CNR h 11118-124 St. [Lillian Macartney and Ida Cochrane not found] 1935 page 335 Cochran, Mrs Ida. M, clk Eaton r 11503-123 St. page 456 Keating, Mrs. JA, r 11503-123 St. Keating, John A, const City Police h 7102-111 Ave. Keating, Murray, trainmn CNR h 11503-123 St. Keating, Wm A, trainmn CNR h 14619-103 Ave. [Lillian Macartney not found] 1949 page 515 Keating, John A, sgt City Police r 11114-127 St. Keating, Margt, r 11503-123 St. Keating, Murray, cond CNR h 11503-123 St. Keating, Wm A (Helen), cond CNR h 14619-103 Ave. page 575 Macartney, Wm J, (Lillian), fur farmer h 14706-95 Ave. [Ida Cochrane not found] 1957 page 432 Cochrane, Mrs. Ida, retd h 10241-147 St. page 794 Macartney, Mrs. Olga, wid, M R h 10950-116 St 1958 Keating, A, emp RCMP r 8734 Jasper Ave. 1962 Macartney, Wm J, (Lillian), retd h 14626-95 Ave. [Ida Cochrane not found]

My Dad's brother Jack lived in Edmonton in the 1950s:

1954 page 316 Buchanan, John H, emp Standard Iron, r 12123-97 St [I stayed with them one summer at this address. I think it was my first visit to a city. I was 11 years old and still remember being disappointed that you had to be 12 in order to go on the midway rides at the Edmonton Exhibition. The neighbor boy I played with was named Morley Delbert Pinson. It's funny the things we remember.] 1957 page 379 Buchanan John H (Tina), emp Standard Iron & Engineering h 10401-107 Ave


Apr 28, 2006 Some Ontario Marriages in 1882 I hope to finish this film on Wednesday, but I did find a few marriages that interested me. You may already have some of them. Bill _________________________________________________________ Ontario Marriages 1882 Film #1869760 9298 William Hemphill, 23 years, Elma Ont, Beauharnois Queb, B, Farmer, Andrew Hemphill and Ann Leggatt Margaret Buchanan, 22 years, Elma Ont, Elma, S, Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Witnesses: William Gilchrist and Mary Buchanan - both of Elma January 4th, 1882, Elma, Church of England, Presbyterian, Revd Wm Bell, L 9303 [a sister to Ellen Cochrane who married Thomas Buchanan] Wm Farrell Forrest, 23, Elma, Mornington, son of Robert Forrest and Susan Farrell Elizabeth Cochrane, 17, Howick, Elma, S, Robert Cochrane and Janet Newbigging March 8, 1882 in Howick [I see I left out a few items here] 9305 Wm Buchanan, 27 yrs, Donegal (Elma), Elma, B, Farmer, Charles and Ann Buchanan Mary McGregor, 18 yrs, - , Mornington, S, Joseph and Lydia McGregor Witnesses: Henry McGregor, - Mornington, Grace Buchanan - Elma April 19th, 1882, Atwood, Elma, C of E, C of E. 1910 [Margaret Morrison, one of the witnesses married Andrew's William Buchanan] Alexander Henderson, 29 yrs, Elma, St Marys, B, Yeoman, Wm and Janet Henderson Hannah Barnett, 23 yrs, Elma, - S, John and Ann Barnett Witnesses: Chas McKenzie and Margaret Morrison - both of Elma June 12, 1882 Atwood

Bill Buchanan Genealogy website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com

Ensure your place in the history of Canada. On Census Day 16 May 2006, answer YES to allow your information to be made available to your descendants in 2098. Ask everyone you know to do so as well. ________________________________________________________________

May 5, 2006 Fw: OGSPI Thanks Don, I am passing this along to the Andrew Buchanan group. Bill ----- Original Message ----From: Donald S. Holmes Sent: Friday, May 05, 2006 5:29 AM Subject: OGSPI The Ontario Genealogical Society Provincial Index site can be accessed at: http://www.ogs.on.ca/ogspi/welcome.htm the purpose of this site is to put the Ontario censuses on line and I have submitted all my transcriptions to them. This idea has been tried a number of times and usually ends in bureacratic bungling and mistakes. This site is run by John Allan who appears to be very at home with the internet and seems to know what he is doing. John has had an idea that where possible the wife's nee name should be shown in brackets {} in the surname file which is so simple that it leaves me wondering why I never thought of doing that. This site takes some navigating but is accessible by municipality and alphabetically by surname. Don


May 23, 2006 More Ontario Marriages (in 1882-1883) Hi Everyone, Here are some more Ontario marriage transcriptions. I hope to have some more tomorrow.

9312 William Scott, 26 years, Mornington, Twp of Zorra, Bachelor, Farmer, Wm Scott and Ann Holmes Mary Agnes Little, 20 years, Elma, Elma, S, Wm. Little and Hannah Wilson Witnesses: John Little - Mornington, caroline Scott - Elma, June 13, 1882, Elma 9314 [I am not sure how this connects with our various Hamiltons] Robert Hamilton, 43, Elma, Armagh County Ireland, B, Farmer, George Hamilton and Jane Boyd. Margaret Parks, 40, Elma, Armagh County Ireland, W, William Hamilton and Sally Boyd Witnesses: Georhe Hamilton and Mary Jane Hamilton - Elma, July 18, 1882, Elma FILM 1869763 9611 [Hmm ... I showed them married in Manitoba on Jan 23!] John McKennich, 30, Prov of Manitoba, Blanchard Twp Perth Co, B, Farmer, Andrew McKennich and Hellen Chambers Arabella E Acheson, 23, Elma, Ireland Co Tyrone, S, Joseph Acheson and Isabella McKennich [McKennitt] Witnesses: Samuel Acheson - Elma, Nellie Keith - Mornington, Jan 20, 1883, Elma 9613 [I am not sure how this connects with our Keatings and Hammonds] George Keith, 29, Elma, Aberdeenshire Scotland, B, Farmer, James Keith and Annie Watson Margaret Hammond, 25, Elma, Elma, S, James Hammond and Sarah Keating Witnesses: Francis R Curtis and Annie S Sangster, Elma, Milverton, Nov 20, 1882 9618 William Buchanan, 21, Elma, Elma, B, Farmer, Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Margaret Morrison, 21, Elma, Elma, S, William Morrison and Ann McCrum Witnesses: Robert Buchanan and Mary Morrison - Elma, Milverton, Sept 5, 1883 Found on this film but received previously from Barry Snider. 9809 Joseph McCRACKEN, 26, farmer, Ireland, Elma, s/o John & Mary Ann, married Mary Jane HYMERS, 20, Canada, Mornington, d/o John & Eliza Jane, witn: Thomas HYMERS of Mornington & Mary MADILL of Stratford, 27 Dec 1882 at Stratford 9879 [Does nayone know of a connection to these Ashes?] Michael Sullivan, 52, Stratford, Ireland, W, Labourer, John Sullivan and Ellen Berry Catherine Ash, 35, Stratford, Ont, W, Michael Ash and Mary Mullins, Sept 14, 1883 at Stratford 9914 [I am not sure how this connects to the Danbrooks in my DB] James Hanna, 24, Elma, Elma, B, Yeoman, John and Mary J. Hanna Elizabeth Danbrook, 23, Elma, Blanford Co Oxford, William and Ann Danbrook Witnesses: George Danbrook and Mary Ellen Hana - Elma, Feb 13, 1883, Elma 9919 [Might this be a sister to James Ormiston Hardie who married Elizabeth Jane Young? The Elmanac p. 256 refers to Lizzie's husband as James O. Hardie jr.] William Cleland, 26, Elma, Glasgow Scotland, B, Farmer, Robert Cleland and Jane Reid Eliza Hardie, 23, Elma, Galt Ontario, S, James O Hardie and Jane Cumming Witnesses: Robt Cleland and William Brock - Elma, April 12, 1883 Sure enough! Don Holmes' transcription of the 1881 census.

Hardie James Male 50 Scotland Presbyterian Scottish Farmer Married Hardie Jane Female 52 " " " Married Hardie Thomas M 27 " " " Farmer S Hardie Catherine F 22 Ontario " " S Hardie Eliza F 20 " " " S Hardie James Jr. M 19 " " " Farmer S Don's 1871 census transcription: Hardy James L 30 C 1 Farmer Scot Scot Pres 40 Married Male Hardy Jane " " " 42 Married Female Hardy Thomas " " " 18 S M Hardy Jane " " " 14 S F Hardy Catherine " " " 12 S F Hardy Elisa " " " 11 S F Hardy James " " " 9 S M Hardy William " " " 2 S M 9922 [Note that this family changed their spelling from Mayberry to Maybury] Thos Haddow, 23, Elma, Peel, B, s/o Wm Haddow and Margaret Fowler Nancy Maybury, 23, Elma, Elma, S, d/o John Maybury and Letitia Keating Witnesses: James Maybury and Margaret Haddow - Elma, May 23, 1883, Elma A reminder: Don Holmes' census transcriptions can now be found at http://www.ogs.on.ca/ogspi/welcome.htm I find the Ontario Locator website handy for finding what places are in what counties: http://www.geneofun.on.ca/ontariolocator/

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com


May 25, 2006 Buchanan Marriages Last week in the Family History Centre, one of the patrons showed me how to access the Ontario Birth, Marriages and Death registrations on Ancestry.com. Yesterday I spent some VERY productive time. Whereas I could only get maybe half a dozen records from the microfilms on a good day, yesterday, I found about a hundred in total. There are links to a scanned copy of the original page in every case, so you can easily view the original documents as well as the index and transcription for the full information. Here is the index to Buchanan marriages in Perth County: Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Name Estimated Birth Year Marriage Date Spouse Name Marriage County Alexander Buchanan abt 1866 8 Oct 1887 Emily Scott Perth

Andrew Buchanan abt 1869 3 Dec 1890 Francis M Coxon Perth Andrew Buchanan abt 1853 11 Apr 1876 Eliza Jane Burk Perth [already sent] Andrew Richard Buchanan abt 1882 7 Sep 1904 Annie Maud Danbrook Perth [previously from Kelly] Ann Jane Buchanan abt 1866 23 May 1889 James Hamilton Perth [parents?] Annie Jane Buchanan abt 1878 18 Dec 1900 William McMillen Perth [Sue -check this.] Annie May Buchanan abt 1888 22 Nov 1911 Norman Alexander Acheson Perth Annie May Buchanan 22 Nov 1911 ????Man Alexander Acheson Perth [repeated] Caroline Buchanan abt 1893 6 Mar 1912 Maurice Dick Perth Charles Buchanan abt 1878 6 Dec 1916 Janet Elizabeth Anderson Perth [her parents?] Charles Henry Buchanan abt 1880 21 Feb 1906 Clara Violet Danbrook Perth Effie Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1884 10 Jul 1907 Edward Slaughter Perth [his parents?] Eliza Buchanan 1852 15 Jan 1868 Robert Campbell Perth [his mother?] Eliza Jane Buchanan 1836 27 Oct 1859 Joseph Loney Perth [connection?] Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1858 13 Jan 1881 Jacob Patrick Perth Elizabeth Jane Buchanan abt 1894 22 Jan 1913 Thomas Oliver Jones Perth [his parents?] James Buchanan abt 1852 25 Jun 1879 Julian Scott Perth [already sent] James Alexander Buchanan abt 1899 31 Jul 1918 Ethel Gladys Holmes Perth [her parents?] James Stanley Buchanan abt 1885 1 Aug 1914 Isabella Agnes Anderson Perth [her mother?] Jane Buchanan abt 1856 21 Apr 1874 William Blair Perth [his mother?] Jane Buchanan abt 1856 25 Dec 1878 Samuel McCauly Perth [McCauley] John C Buchanan abt 1863 12 May 1886 Jane Morrison Perth [date?] John Chas Buchanan abt 1863 7 Jan 1891 Jennie Freeborn Perth Margaret Buchanan abt 1860 4 Jan 1882 William Hemphill Perth [already sent] Margaret Buchanan abt 1849 25 Mar 1870 John Young Perth [already sent] Margaret Buchanan 1841 4 Apr 1861 Thomas Dunbar Perth [connection?] Mary Buchanan abt 1857 3 Mar 1873 Isaac Hodges Perth [his parents?] Mary Buchanan 1839 2 Mar 1858 Clark Thomas Perth [connection?] Mary Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1877 27 Sep 1893 Robert Leslie Hymer Perth [already sent] Mary Jane Buchanan abt 1858 17 Sep 1879 James Keating Perth [spelling of Glenn?] Rebecca Buchanan 1840 8 Oct 1860 William Duncan Perth [connection?] Richard John Buchanan abt 1870 30 Nov 1921 Jane Cathleen Wileman Perth [connection?] Robert Buchanan abt 1896 17 Oct 1917 Margaret Hannah Broughton Perth [her mother?] Robert Buchanan abt 1866 23 Nov 1887 Margaret Anderson Perth Thomas Buchanan abt 1852 24 Dec 1875 Ellen Cochrane Perth [already sent] William Buchanan abt 1855 19 Apr 1882 Mary McGregor Perth [already sent] Wm Ernest Buchanan abt 1889 23 Dec 1914 Alice C Thorndyke Perth [her mother?] Wm S Buchanan abt 1860 19 Oct 1881 Margaret Burke Perth [already sent]

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

May 25, 2006 Ontario Marriages - transcriptions Here are the transcriptions for our Buchanan marriages in Perth County:

Name: Alexander Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Tp Perth Co Ont Age: 21 Father Name: William Buchanan Mother Name: Ann Thompson Estimated Birth Year: abt 1866 Spouse Name: Emily Scott Spouse's Age: 21 Spouse Birth Place: Mornington Tp Perth Co Ont Spouse Father Name: William Scott Spouse Mother Name : Ann Holmes Marriage Date: 8 Oct 1887 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Name: Andrew Buchanan Birth Place: Township Elma Co Perth Age: 21 Father Name: Andrew Buchanan Mother Name: Mary Jane Booth Buchanan Estimated Birth Year: abt 1869 Spouse Name: Francis M Coxon Spouse's Age: 20 Spouse Birth Place: Township Elma Co Perth Spouse Father Name: William Coxon Spouse Mother Name : Nora Warr Marriage Date: 3 Dec 1890 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Andrew Buchanan Name: Andrew Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Ont Age: 23 Father Name: William Buchanan Mother Name: Ann Buchanan Estimated Birth Year: abt 1853 Spouse Name: Eliza Jane Burk Spouse's Age: 20 Spouse Birth Place: Vaune Spouse Father Name: William Burk Spouse Mother Name : Ann Burk Marriage Date: 11 Apr 1876 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record

about Andrew Richard Buchanan Name: Andrew Richard Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Age: 22 Father Name: Wm Saml Buchanan Mother Name: Margaret Burke Estimated Birth Year: abt 1882 Spouse Name: Annie Maud Danbrook Spouse's Age: 22 Spouse Birth Place: Elma Spouse Father Name: James T. Danbrook Spouse Mother Name : Margaret Melson [Melrose] Marriage Date: 7 Sep 1904 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Ann Jane Buchanan Name: Ann Jane Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Age: 23 Father Name: Charles Buchanan Mother Name: Jane Buchanan Estimated Birth Year: abt 1866 Spouse Name: James Hamilton Spouse's Age: 29 Spouse Birth Place: Elma Spouse Father Name: Robert Hamilton Spouse Mother Name : Ellen Hamilton Marriage Date: 23 May 1889 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com [Interesting! She appears to give Jane (Thompson) as her mother and Charles Buchanan as her father, just as her descendants claim. But she calls her Jane "Buchanan". Did Jane and Charles ever marry? I have found no evidence of it. I suspect that Jane married a Cooper (probably named Joseph), hence Ann Jane's references to "Granny Cooper" and to a "half sister by the name of Sarah Cooper. I should check on this one.] Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Annie Jane Buchanan Name: Annie Jane Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Age: 22 Father Name: Andrew Buchanan Mother Name: Eliza Jane Burke Buchanan Estimated Birth Year: abt 1878 Spouse Name: William McMillen Spouse's Age: 36 Spouse Birth Place: Mornington

Spouse Father Name: John McMillen Spouse Mother Name : Jane McMillen Marriage Date: 18 Dec 1900 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com

Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Annie May Buchanan Name: Annie May Buchanan Age: 23 Father Name: Alexander Buchanan Mother Name: Emily Bray Scott Buchanan Estimated Birth Year: abt 1888 Spouse Name: Norman Alexander Acheson Spouse's Age: 23 Spouse Father Name: Samuel Acheson Spouse Mother Name : Helen Kent Marriage Date: 22 Nov 1911 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Caroline Buchanan Name: Caroline Buchanan Age: 19 Father Name: Alexander Buchanan Mother Name: Emily Scott Estimated Birth Year: abt 1893 Spouse Name: Maurice Dick Spouse's Age: 21 Spouse Father Name: John Dick Spouse Mother Name : Elizabeth Glennie Marriage Date: 6 Mar 1912 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Charles Buchanan Name: Charles Buchanan Birth Place: Atwood Age: 38 Father Name: Chas Buchanan Mother Name: Ann Porter Estimated Birth Year: abt 1878 Spouse Name: Janet Elizabeth Anderson Spouse's Age: 19 Spouse Birth Place: England

Spouse Father Name: Wm Anderson Spouse Mother Name : Frances Harvey Marriage Date: 6 Dec 1916 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com

Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Charles Henry Buchanan Name: Charles Henry Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Tp Age: 26 Father Name: Robert Buchanan Mother Name: Elizabeth Watson Estimated Birth Year: abt 1880 Spouse Name: Clara Violet Danbrook Spouse's Age: 25 Spouse Birth Place: Elma Tp Spouse Father Name: James Thomas Danbrook [James Theodore Danbrook?] Spouse Mother Name : Margaret Melrose Danbrook Marriage Date: 21 Feb 1906 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com

Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Effie Elizabeth Buchanan Name: Effie Elizabeth Buchanan Birth Place: ON Age: 23 Father Name: William S. Buchanan Mother Name: Margaret Burke Buchanan Estimated Birth Year: abt 1884 Spouse Name: Edward Slaughter Spouse's Age: 28 Spouse Birth Place: Ontario Spouse Father Name: Joseph Slaughter Spouse Mother Name : Elmira Hajle Marriage Date: 10 Jul 1907 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Eliza Buchanan Name: Eliza Buchanan Birth Place: Canada Residence: Elma Township Age: 16

Father Name: Robert Mother Name: Margaret Estimated Birth Year: 1852 Spouse Name: Robert Campbell Spouse's Age: 21 Spouse Birth Place: Canada Spouse Residence: Mornington Township Spouse Estimated Birth Year: 1847 Spouse Father Name: John Spouse Mother Name : Grace Marriage Date: 15 Jan 1868 Marriage County: Perth Family History Library Microfilm: 1030063 Source: Indexed by: Genealogical Research Library Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Elizabeth Buchanan Name: Elizabeth Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Age: 23 Father Name: Wm Buchanan Mother Name: Ann Buchanan Estimated Birth Year: abt 1858 Spouse Name: Jacob Patrick Spouse's Age: 23 Spouse Birth Place: East Oxford Ont Spouse Father Name: Wm Patrick Spouse Mother Name : Susan Patrick Marriage Date: 13 Jan 1881 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com

Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Elizabeth Jane Buchanan Name: Elizabeth Jane Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Age: 19 Father Name: James Buchaman Mother Name: Annie Scott Estimated Birth Year: abt 1894 Spouse Name: Thomas Oliver Jones Spouse's Age: 24 Spouse Birth Place: Mornington Tp Spouse Father Name: oliver Jones Spouse Mother Name : Mary Baty Marriage Date: 22 Jan 1913 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com

Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about James Buchanan Name: James Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Age: 27 Father Name: William Buchanan Mother Name: Ann Buchanan Estimated Birth Year: abt 1852 Spouse Name: Julian Scott Spouse's Age: 24 Spouse Birth Place: Zora Spouse Father Name: William Scott Spouse Mother Name : Ann Scott Marriage Date: 25 Jun 1879 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about James Alexander Buchanan Name: James Alexander Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Township Age: 19 Father Name: Alex Buchanan Mother Name: Emma Scott Estimated Birth Year: abt 1899 Spouse Name: Ethel Gladys Holmes Spouse's Age: 18 Spouse Birth Place: Elma Township Spouse Father Name: Fred Holmes Spouse Mother Name : Ida McCullough Marriage Date: 31 Jul 1918 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about James Stanley Buchanan Name: James Stanley Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Age: 29 Father Name: James Buchanan Mother Name: Annie Scott Estimated Birth Year: abt 1885 Spouse Name: Isabella Agnes Anderson Spouse's Age: 24 Spouse Birth Place: Elma Spouse Father Name: Hugh Anderson Spouse Mother Name : Margaret Hermiston Marriage Date: 1 Aug 1914

Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Jane Buchanan Name: Jane Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Ont Age: 18 Father Name: Charles Buchanan Mother Name: Nancy Buchanan Estimated Birth Year: abt 1856 Spouse Name: William Blair Spouse's Age: 24 Spouse Birth Place: Rodden Quebec Spouse Father Name: James Blair Spouse Mother Name : Ellen Blair Marriage Date: 21 Apr 1874 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Jane Buchanan Name: Jane Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Tp Age: 22 Father Name: Andrew Buchanan Mother Name: Mary Jane Buchanan Estimated Birth Year: abt 1856 Spouse Name: Samuel McCauly [McCauley] Spouse's Age: 24 Spouse Birth Place: Seneca Tp Spouse Father Name: John McCauly Spouse Mother Name : Catherine McCauly Marriage Date: 25 Dec 1878 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about John C Buchanan Name: John C Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Tp Perth Co Ont Age: 23 Father Name: William Buchanan Mother Name: Ann Thompson Estimated Birth Year: abt 1863 Spouse Name: Jane Morrison Spouse's Age: 21 Spouse Birth Place: Elma Tp Perth Co Ont

Spouse Father Name: William Morrison Spouse Mother Name : Ann Mccrumond Marriage Date: 12 May 1886 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about John Chas Buchanan Name: John Chas Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Age: 28 Father Name: Wm Buchanan Mother Name: Ann Buchanan Estimated Birth Year: abt 1863 Spouse Name: Jennie Freeborn Spouse's Age: 22 Spouse Birth Place: Mornington Spouse Father Name: Jane Freeborn [James?] Spouse Mother Name : Nancy Freeborn Marriage Date: 7 Jan 1891 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Margaret Buchanan Name: Margaret Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Age: 22 Father Name: Andrew Buchanan Mother Name: Mary Jane Booth Buchanan Estimated Birth Year: abt 1860 Spouse Name: William Hemphill Spouse's Age: 23 Spouse Birth Place: Beauhornois Queb Spouse Father Name: Andrew Hemphill Spouse Mother Name : Ann Leggett Marriage Date: 4 Jan 1882 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Margaret Buchanan Name: Margaret Buchanan Birth Place: ON Age: 21 Father Name: William Buchanan Mother Name: Ann Buchanan Estimated Birth Year: abt 1849

Spouse Name: John Young Spouse's Age: 28 Spouse Birth Place: Scotland Spouse Father Name: Robert Young Spouse Mother Name : Elizabeth Young Marriage Date: 25 Mar 1870 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com [Another source gave his parents as John Young and Margaret Hamilton.] Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Mary Buchanan Name: Mary Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Age: 16 Father Name: Andrew Buchanan Mother Name: Mary Jane Booth Buchanan Estimated Birth Year: abt 1857 Spouse Name: Isaac Hodges Spouse's Age: 21 Spouse Birth Place: Lincolnshire England Spouse Father Name: Isaac Hodges Spouse Mother Name : Rebecca Burton Marriage Date: 3 Mar 1873 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Mary Elizabeth Buchanan Name: Mary Elizabeth Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Age: 16 Father Name: Andrew Buchanan Mother Name: Eliza Jane Buchanan Estimated Birth Year: abt 1877 Spouse Name: Robert Leslie Hymer Spouse's Age: 24 Spouse Birth Place: Wallace Spouse Father Name: John Hymer Spouse Mother Name : Eliza Jane Farrell Hymer Marriage Date: 27 Sep 1893 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Mary Jane Buchanan Name: Mary Jane Buchanan Birth Place: Elma

Age: 21 Father Name: James Buchanan Mother Name: Bessy Buchanan Estimated Birth Year: abt 1858 Spouse Name: James Keating Spouse's Age: 25 Spouse Birth Place: Elma Spouse Father Name: John Keating Spouse Mother Name : Lydia Keating Marriage Date: 17 Sep 1879 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Robert Buchanan Name: Robert Buchanan Birth Place: Township of Elma County of Perth Age: 21 Father Name: James Buchanan Mother Name: Julia Ann Scott Buchanan Estimated Birth Year: abt 1896 Spouse Name: Margaret Hannah Broughton Spouse's Age: 22 Spouse Birth Place: Monkton Ontario Spouse Father Name: William Broughton Spouse Mother Name : Martha Kanney Marriage Date: 17 Oct 1917 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Robert Buchanan Name: Robert Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Tp Perth Co Age: 21 Father Name: Andrew Buchanan Mother Name: Mary Jane Booth Buchanan Estimated Birth Year: abt 1866 Spouse Name: Margaret Anderson Spouse's Age: 20 Spouse Birth Place: Mornington Tp Perth Co Spouse Father Name: Andrew Anderson Spouse Mother Name : Sophia Galloway Marriage Date: 23 Nov 1887 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record

about Thomas Buchanan Name: Thomas Buchanan Birth Place: Township of Elma Ont Age: 23 Father Name: Charles Buchanan Mother Name: Nancy Porter Estimated Birth Year: abt 1852 Spouse Name: Ellen Cochrane Spouse's Age: 20 Spouse Birth Place: Elma Spouse Father Name: Robert Cochrane Spouse Mother Name : Janet Newbigging Marriage Date: 24 Dec 1875 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about William Buchanan Name: William Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Age: 27 Father Name: Charles Buchanan Mother Name: Ann Buchanan Estimated Birth Year: abt 1855 Spouse Name: Mary McGregor Spouse's Age: 18 Spouse Birth Place: Mornington Spouse Father Name: Joseph McGregor Spouse Mother Name : Lydia McGregor Marriage Date: 19 Apr 1882 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Wm Ernest Buchanan Name: Wm Ernest Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Township Age: 25 Father Name: Robt Buchanan Mother Name: Elizabeth Watson Estimated Birth Year: abt 1889 Spouse Name: Alice C Thorndyke Spouse's Age: 19 Spouse Birth Place: Donegal Elna Tp Spouse Father Name: Jas Thorndyke Spouse Mother Name : Harriet Fleet Marriage Date: 23 Dec 1914 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth

Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Wm S Buchanan Name: Wm S Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Age: 21 Father Name: William Buchanan Mother Name: Ann Buchanan Estimated Birth Year: abt 1860 Spouse Name: Margaret Burke Spouse's Age: 20 Spouse Birth Place: Mornington Spouse Father Name: William Burke Spouse Mother Name : Ann Burke Marriage Date: 19 Oct 1881 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com

This is all of our Buchanan marriages I found in Perth county.

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

May 25, 2006 Some Watson marriage transcriptions [Widow of Robert Buchanan] Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Margaret Buchannan Name: Margaret Buchannan Birth Place: Tyrone Ireland Age: 37 Father Name: John Boothe Mother Name: Lucy McFarlane Estimated Birth Year: abt 1833 Spouse Name: Alexander Long Spouse's Age: 38 Spouse Birth Place: Tyrone Ireland Spouse Father Name: Robert Long Spouse Mother Name : Elizabeth Sanderson Marriage Date: 9 Feb 1870 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com

Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Margaret Adeline Buchannan Name: Margaret Adeline Buchannan Age: 30 Father Name: Andrew Buchannan Mother Name: Eliza Jane Bucke Estimated Birth Year: abt 1882 Spouse Name: John Wesley Snelling [born in Ontario] Spouse's Age: 30 Spouse Father Name: John Snelling Spouse Mother Name : Elizabeth Ann Riddolls Marriage Date: 25 Jun 1912 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record about Elizabeth Watson Name: Elizabeth Watson Birth Place: Canada Age: 19 Father Name: John Watson Mother Name: Phobe Watson Estimated Birth Year: abt 1859 Spouse Name: Gace Curtis [Gad - but sloppily written] Spouse's Age: 21 Spouse Birth Place: Canada Spouse Father Name: Gace Curtis Spouse Mother Name : Ann Curtis Marriage Date: 31 Jul 1878 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com [A member of the elusive John Watson family] Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 Record about Phobe Watson Name: Phobe Watson Birth Place: Canada Age: 28 [Widow] Father Name: Edward Watson [Barrett not Watson] Mother Name: Jemima Watson [Barrett not Watson] Estimated Birth Year: abt 1842 Spouse Name: Malcolm McDonald Spouse's Age: 21 Spouse Birth Place: Scotland Spouse Father Name: Murdock McDonald Spouse Mother Name : Ann McDonald Marriage Date: 13 Sep 1870 Marriage Place: Perth

Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 Record Name: Phoebe Watson Birth Place: Canada Age: 28 Father Name: Edward Jemima Mother Name: Barritt Jamima Estimated Birth Year: abt 1842 Spouse Name: Malcolm McDonald Spouse's Age: 21 Spouse Birth Place: Scotland Spouse Father Name: Murdoch McDonald Spouse Mother Name : Ann McDonald Marriage Date: 13 Sep 1870 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com [Widow of John Watson, mother of the previous] Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 Record Name: William Watson Birth Place: Edwardsburgh Age: 28 Father Name: James Watson Mother Name: Isabella Watson Estimated Birth Year: abt 1848 Spouse Name: Eliza Ash Spouse's Age: 18 Spouse Birth Place: Tp Blenheim Ont Spouse Father Name: Christopher Ash Spouse Mother Name : Hannah Ash Marriage Date: 22 Sep 1876 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com [The only source that says James Watson sr's wife's name was Isabella rather than Elizabeth] Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 Record Name: Jane Welsh Birth Place: Brockville Residence: Brockville Age: 21 Father Name: MR. Welsh Mother Name: MRS. Welsh Estimated Birth Year: 1846 Spouse Name: William Fenly Spouse's Age: 25 Spouse Birth Place: Ireland Spouse Residence: Augusta Township

Spouse Estimated Birth Year: 1842 Spouse Father Name: Alex Fenly Spouse Mother Name : MRS. A. Fenly Marriage Date: 27 Nov 1867 Marriage Place: Brockville Marriage County: Leeds and Grenville Family History Library Microfilm: 1030059 Source: Indexed by: Genealogical Research Library [To complicate my life, here is someone with my great grandmother's name in about the right area marrying someone other than my great grandfather, but she seems to be a few years younger, and this marriage looks to be 2 years previous.]

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com


May 25, 2006 Buchanans in Index of Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Many of these we had already. Note that in some cases the mother's maiden name was shown in parentheses half a line lower. The transcribers sometimes opted to do this as a separate birth entry. (M N = Maiden Name) So my grandfather had a brother John that nobody ever mentioned! He must have died young, as they named a later baby John Charles. There are a few typos. Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 You searched for Buchanan born in Perth Name Birth Date Gender Birth County Father's Name Mother's Name Alexander Buchanan 11 Jan 1898 Male Perth Robert Buchanan Elizabeth Buchanan Alexander Buchanan 11 Jan 1898 Male Perth Robert Buchanan M N Watson Andrew Buchanan 22 Feb 1882 Male Perth William Samuel Buchanan Margaret Buchanan Andrew Buchanan 22 Feb 1882 Male Perth William Samuel Buchanan M N Barke [Burke] Andrew Buchanan 22 Feb 1882 Male Perth William Samuel Buchanan Margaret Buchanan Andrew Buchanan 22 Feb 1882 Male Perth William Samuel Buchanan M N Burke Ann Jane Buchanan 27 Mar 1879 Female Perth Andrew Buchanan Eliza Jane Bours Annie Buchanan 26 Nov 1887 Female Perth Robert Buchanan Elizabeth Buchanan Annie Buchanan 26 Nov 1887 Female Perth Robert Buchanan Elizabeth Watson Annie Bray Buchanan 10 Nov 1889 Female Perth James Buchann Julia Ann Buchanan Annie Loraine Buchanan 18 Aug 1907 Female Perth Charles Henry Buchanan Clara Violet Danbrook Annie May Buchanan 29 May 1888 Female Perth Alexander Buchanan Emily Buchanan Annie May Buchanan 29 May 1888 Female Perth Alexander Buchanan Emily Scott

Caroline Sophia Buchanan 3 Sep 1892 Female Perth Alexander Buchanan Emily Scott Buchanan Charles Buchanan 26 Oct 1879 Male Perth Robert Buchanan Elizabeth Watson Charles Robert Buckanan Buchanan 10 Sep 1877 Male Perth Thomas Buchanan Ellen Cochrane David Buchanan 24 Aug 1877 Male Perth Samuel Buchanan Mary Watson Edna Margaret Buchanan 24 Mar 1907 Female Perth Andrew Richard Buchanan Annie Maud Danbrook Edward Buchanan 1 Jun 1894 Male Perth Robert Buchanan Maggie Anderson Buchanan Elizabeth Ann Bewhanan Buchanan 14 Nov 1876 Female Perth John Buchanan Isabella Watson Elizabeth Ethel Buchanan 6 Jun 1902 Female Perth Andrew Buchanan Frances C?? Elizabeth Jane Buchanan 20 Aug 1893 Female Perth James Buchanan Julia Ann Scott Buchanan Ellenor Buchanan 23 Jun 1896 Female Perth Andrew Buchanan Frances Buchanan Elwood George Buchanan 19 Jun 1905 Male Perth Andrew Richard Buchanan Annie Maud Danbrook Emily Jane Buchanan 12 Oct 1883 Female Perth James Buchanan Annie Scott Ethel Buchanan 1 Jun 1894 Female Perth Robert Buchanan Maggie Anderson Buchanan Frances Minnie Buchanan 12 Jul 1906 Female Perth Andrew Buchanan Frances Minnie Coxon George Russel Buchanan 25 Jun 1898 Male Perth James Buchanan Julia Ann Scott James Alex Buchanan 27 Jun 1886 Male Perth William Buchanan Maggie Morrison Buchanan James Alix Buchanan 12 Mar 1899 Male Perth Alexander Buchanan Smily Scott James Stanley Buchanan 13 Apr 1885 Male Perth James Buchanan Julia Ann Scott Buchanan Jane Buchanan 25 Nov 1888 Female Perth William Buchanan Margaret Buchanan Jane Buchanan 25 Nov 1888 Female Perth William Buchanan Margaret Morrison John Buchanan 16 Nov 1873 Male Perth John Buchanan Isabella Watson John Buchanan 16 Nov 1873 Male Perth John Buchanan Isabella Buchanan [Wow! I didn't have this one!] John James Buchanan 29 May 1884 Male Perth Andrew W Buchanan Eliza Jane Burke Joseph Lwingstone Buchanan 25 Dec 1889 Male Perth Andrew w Buchanan Eliza Jane Buchanan Joseph Lwingstone Buchanan 25 Dec 1889 Male Perth Andrew W Buchanan M W Bourk Maggie Buchanan 21 Apr 1885 Female Perth William Buchanan Mary McGregor Maggy Elena Buchanan 9 Nov 1881 Female Perth Andrew Buchanan Eliza Jane Burk Margriet Elizabeth Buchanan 3 Oct 1901 Female Perth William Buchanan Margaret Morrison Mary Buchanan 23 Jan 1887 Female Perth Wm Saml Buchanan Margaret Buchanan Mary Buchanan 23 Jan 1887 Female Perth Wm Saml Buchanan Margaret Benke Mary Elizabeth Buchanan 25 Jan 1877 Female Perth Andrew W Buchanan Eliza Jane Burke Mary Jane Buchanan 8 Oct 1891 Female Perth Andrew Buchanan Jr Franciss Coxon Buchanan Mgt Sophia Jane Buchanan 17 Jan 1897 Female Perth Robert Buchanan Margaret Anderson Buchanan [I didn't have this one.] Reuben Buchanan 27 Nov 1893 Male Perth Robert Buchanan Elizabeth Watson Buchanan Robt Levingston Buchanan 10 Sep 1895 Male Perth James Buchanan Julia Ann Buchanan Ruby Buchanan 27 Nov 1893 Female Perth Robert Buchanan Elizabeth Watson Buchanan Saml John Buchanan 16 Mar 1899 Male Perth William Buchanan Magaret A Moorman Samuel Buchanan 12 Oct 1875 Male Perth Samuel Buchanan Mary Buchanan Samuel Buchanan 12 Oct 1875 Male Perth Samuel Buchanan Mary Watson [This date seems wrong.] Wilfred Gerdon Buchanan 21 Jul 1904 Male Perth Andrew Buchanan Frances M Coxon William Buchanan 20 Sep 1889 Male Perth Robert Buchanan Elizabeth Buchanan William Buchanan 20 Sep 1889 Male Perth Robert Buchanan Watson William Buchanan 17 Dec 1873 Male Perth Samuel Buchanan Mary Watson

William Buchanan 17 Dec 1873 Male Perth Samuel Buchanan Mary Buchanan William Buchanan 16 Nov 1873 Male Perth John Buchanan Isabella Watson William Buchanan 16 Nov 1873 Male Perth John Buchanan Isabella Buchanan [Interesting! My grandfather always gave his birthdate as Oct 22 1874.] William Alexand?? Buchanan 23 Jan 1882 Male Perth James Buchanan Ann Scott William Andrew Buchanan 20 Jun 1884 Male Perth William Buchanan Margaret Buchanan William Andrew Buchanan 20 Jun 1884 Male Perth William Buchanan M N Morrison William Howard Buchanan 2 Feb 1888 Male Perth William Buchanan Mary McGregor William Saml Buchanan 17 Jan 1897 Male Perth Robert Buchanan Margaret Anderson Buchanan William Samuel Buchanan 12 Sep 1880 Male Perth Andrew Buchanan Eliza Jane Buckanan William Samuel Buchanan 12 Sep 1880 Male Perth Andrew Buchanan M N Burk Wm John Buchanan 27 Apr 1899 Male Perth Andrew Buchanan Frances Coxon

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

May 25, 2006 Watson births and a personal jackpot! Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 You searched for Watson born in Perth Name Birth Date Gender Birth County Father's Name Mother's Name Isabel Watson 4 Feb 1877 Female Perth James Watson Jane Buchanan Mary Watson 7 May 1871 Female Perth James Watson Jane Buchannan Robert Watson 30 Mar 1871 Male Perth David Watson Jane Buchannan Name: Robert Watson Date of Birth: 30 Mar 1871 Gender: Male Birth County: Perth Father's Name: David Watson Mother's Name: Jane Buchannan Roll Number: MS929_5 [Again we see his mother's maiden name as Jane Buchanan. I am removing "or Scott" from my database, but will keep the name Scott in the notes along with the other names that had been suggested. All official sources agree on Buchanan (obituary, death registration, and now her child's birth registration, and others below.] Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 You searched for Watson born in Perth Name Birth Date Gender Birth County Father's Name Mother's Name Samuel George Walson Watson 8 Jun 1875 Male Perth James Watson Jane Buchanan William Andrew Watson 10 Apr 1873 Male Perth James Watson Jane Watson William Andrew Watson 10 Apr 1873 Male Perth James Watson Jane Buchanan Wm Andrew David James Watson 24 Oct 1875 Male Perth David Watson Jane Watson Wm Andrew David James Watson 24 Oct 1875 Male Perth David Watson Jane Buchanan

[I didn't have these last two.] Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 You searched for Watson born in Huron Name Birth Date Gender Birth County Father's Name Mother's Name Mary Jane Watson 7 Dec 1878 Female Huron William Watson Eliza Ashe Mary Jane Watson 7 Dec 1878 Female Huron William Watson Eliza Ashe Sarah Elizabeth Watson 27 Oct 1881 Female Huron William Watson Eliza Ash William James Watson 27 Sep 1877 Male Huron William Watson Eliza Ash Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 You searched for Watson born in Grenville Name Birth Date Gender Birth County Father's Name Mother's Name Margaret Ann Watson 17 Feb 1876 Female Grenville George Watson Jean Walsh Mary Elizabeth Watson 9 Nov 1873 Female Leeds and Grenville George Watson Agnes Jane Welch Residence is given as Richard Welsh, Shoemaker, and the Accoucheur is Mrs. Hunter! [My personal JACKPOT! Margaret Ann and Mary E. are the sisters of my grandmother, Elizabeth Jane Watson. And Mary Elizabeth is born in the home of Richard Welsh in Edwardsburgh. This proves to my satisfaction that Agnes Jane Welsh, wife of George Watson is the daughter of Richard Welsh and Margaret Samson (as I have long suspected). It doesn't prove whether Jane was married prior to her marriage to George Watson.] Jane's tombstone in Millett Cemetery reads: In Memorium Agnes Jane Watson May 26, 1841 Feb 24, 1917 Deeply Mourned and Maggie's reads: Deeply Mourned Margaret Ann Sheffield Born Feb. 14, 1876 Died April 6, 1941

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

May 25, 2006 Ontario Death Index The Death records themselves have very little information beyond this. Ontario, Canada Deaths, 1869-1932

You searched for Buchanan died in Perth Name Estimated Birth Year Death Date Death Location Gender Buchanan Stillborn 1 Oct 1903 Perth Buchanan Stillborn abt 1901 25 Jul 1901 Perth Agnes Buchanan 2 Dec 1909 Perth Female [d/o Charles Buchanan & Clara Danbrook] Andrew Buchanan abt 1860 9 Jun 1877 Perth Male [s/o Andrew Buchanan & Mary Watson] Andrew Buchanan abt 1851 15 Feb 1912 Perth Male [s/o William Buchanan & Ann Thompson] Angelina Buchanan abt 1864 Apr 1873 Perth Female [d/o William Buchanan & Ann Thompson] Ann Buchanan abt 1824 6 or 7 Nov 1911 Perth Female [Ann Thompson] Ann Buchanan abt 1821 18 Nov 1885 Perth Female [connection?] Charles Buchanan abt 1817 Jan 1905 Perth Male Edna May Buchanan abt 1920 6 or 7 Jun 1920 Perth Female [d/o Charles B & Janet Anderson] Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1857 Dec 1873 Perth Female [d/o John B & Isabel Watson] Ellen Buchanan abt 1832 Mar 1904 Perth Female [connection?] Emily Margaret Buchanan abt 1926 Jun 1926 Perth Female [d/o Robert L B. & Marg Broughton] Emma Jane Buchanan abt 1885 16 Sep 1891 Perth Female [d/o James B & Julia Ann Scott] Isaac Buchanan abt 1831 20 Apr 1907 Perth Male [connection?] Jane Buchanan abt 1865 10 Apr 1887 Perth Male [connection?] Lorenzo Roy Buchanan abt 1924 4 Feb 1924 Perth Male [s/o Robert L B. & Marg Broughton] Lorne Ross Buchanan abt 1930 12 Feb 1931 Perth Male Maggie Myrtle Buchanan abt 1885 27 Apr 1888 Perth Female Mary Buchanan abt 1838 15 Dec 1919 Perth Female Name Mary Buchanan abt 1853 20 Mar 1883 Perth Female [connection?] Mary Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1889 26 Oct 1930 Perth Female [connection?] Mary Jane Buchanan abt 1836 20 Oct 1876 Perth Female [connection?] Mary Jane Buchanan abt 1869 17 Jul 1918 Perth Female [connection?] Robert Thomas Buchanan abt 1846 2 Sep 1924 Perth Male [connection?] Ruby Buchanan abt 1894 31 Jan 1894 Perth Female [d/o Robert B & Elizabeth Watson] Stillborn Buchanan 1 Feb 1928 Perth Male William Buchanan abt 1824 3 Oct 1885 Perth Male Wm John Buchanan abt 1883 16 May 1900 Perth Male [connection?] Record Name Estimated Birth Year Death Date Death Location Gender Buchannan abt 1894 8 Nov 1897 Perth Male Samuel Buchannan abt 1866 19 Jul 1869 Perth Male [s/o Samuel B & Mary Watson] Only one seems to be from our Watsons, who left Perth County by 1879. Ontario, Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 You searched for Watson died in Perth

Name Estimated Birth Year Death Date Death Location Gender Watson 28 Oct 1902 Perth Male Andrew Watson abt 1827 27 Mar 1919 Perth Male Annie Watson abt 1850 9 Nov 1898 Perth Female Bertha Jane Watson abt 1907 12 Mar 1907 Perth Female [d/o Adam Watson & Mary Anne Foulston] Betsie Watson abt 1833 21 Sep 1894 Perth Female Douglas Edgar Watson abt 1908 23 Jan 1929 Perth Male Eliza Watson abt 1842 27 May 1877 Perth Female Elizabeth Watson abt 1815 10 Oct 1899 Perth Female Elizabeth Watson abt 1861 4 May 1932 Perth Female Ezra Franklin Watson abt 1870 2 Jun 1899 Perth Male Frederick C Watson abt 1868 19 Oct 1930 Perth Male G?? Watson abt 1842 27 May 1877 Perth Male George Watson abt 1819 15 Sep 1879 Perth Male George A Watson abt 1850 21 Apr 1886 Perth Male George Herbert Watson abt 1877 27 Nov 1877 Perth Male Helen Rae Watson abt 1837 27 Jan 1923 Perth Female Helen Robertson Watson abt 1823 Jan 1910 Perth Henry Watson abt 1844 24 Nov 1909 Perth Male Henry Watson abt 1875 21 Sep 1875 Perth Male Ida May Watson abt 1884 8 Feb 1908 Perth Female James Watson abt 1824 17 Aug 1888 Perth Male James Watson abt 1831 18 Mar 1916 Perth Male James Watson abt 1819 22 Feb 1906 Perth Male James Watson abt 1788 9 Sep 1878 Perth Male [???] James Muir Watson abt 1853 15 Feb 1900 Perth Male Jane Watson abt 1835 3 Mar 1890 Perth Female Jean Shirley Watson abt 1932 7 and 8 Dec 1932 Perth Female Jessie Watson abt 1853 7 and 8 Oct 1930 Perth Female John Watson abt 1835 31 Jan 1900 Perth Male John Watson abt 1800 29 Aug 1887 Perth Male John Watson abt 1825 3 Feb 1897 Perth Male John Watson abt 1829 2 Jun 1897 Perth Male John Watson abt 1827 20 Nov 1910 Perth Male John Watson Sr. abt 1838 28 May 1911 Perth Male John Watson abt 1864 1 Apr 1928 Perth Male John Watson abt 1827 2 Apr 1876 Perth Male John George Watson abt 1895 8 Nov 1922 Perth Male Margaret Watson abt 1832 6 or 7 Mar 1907 Perth Female Margaret Gibson Watson abt 1861 15 Aug 1887 Perth Female Margaret Kate Watson abt 1905 24 Feb 1925 Perth Female Maria Watson abt 1872 11 Aug 1883 Perth Female Maria Watson abt 1872 11 Aug 1883 Perth Female Martha Ann Watson abt 1866 28 Oct 1878 Perth Female Mary Watson abt 1833 17 Apr 1873 Perth Female Mary Watson abt 1831 2 Aug 1899 Perth Female Mary Watson abt 1833 17 Apr 1873 Perth Female Mary Watson abt 1836 17 Nov 1907 Perth Female Mary Ann Watson abt 1859 29 Oct 1909 Perth Female Mary Ann Watson abt 1844 20 Jul 1877 Perth Female

Mary Brown Watson abt 1817 18 Nov 1882 Perth Female Mary Dethousie Watson abt 1821 21 Apr 1874 Perth Male Matilda Watson abt 1860 18 Dec 1876 Perth Female Nellie Watson abt 1868 21 Jul 1906 Perth Female Rachael Watson 23 Mar 1891 Perth Female Rachel Watson abt 1809 30 Jun 1877 Perth Female Rebecca Jane Watson abt 1854 8 Jun 1881 Perth Female Richard Watson abt 1865 29 Jul 1910 Perth Male Richard Watson abt 1832 2 Oct 1914 Perth Male Richard G Watson abt 1853 29 May 1886 Perth Male Robert Watson abt 1842 Jun 1921 Perth Male Robert Watson abt 1855 20 Sep 1925 Perth Male Samuel Watson abt 1826 24 Mar 1902 Perth Male Sarah Watson abt 1914 8 Apr 1931 Perth Female Son Watson abt 1830 11 Oct 1915 Perth Female Stillborn Watson Mar 1922 Perth Female William Watson abt 1848 8 Jun 1888 Perth Male William Watson abt 1827 20 Jun 1914 Perth Male William Watson abt 1814 25 Jun 1894 Perth Male William Arthur Watson abt 1860 1 Oct 1887 Perth Male I checked Huron for James Watsons death and didn't find it unless this is it but the birthdate is about 15 years too young. And Merchant??? No, I think not. Ontario, Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 Record Name: James Watson Death Date: 11 Aug 1881 Death Location: Huron Gender: Male Estimated Birth Year: abt 1811 Birth Location: Scotland [Ch of Eng] [Occupation: Merchant] [Signature Geo A. Watson] None of these are probably ours. Ontario, Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 You searched for Watson died in Grenville Name Estimated Birth Year Death Date Death Location Gender Alexander Watson abt 1852 30 Mar 1932 Grenville Male Bertha L Watson abt 1881 21 Jan 1889 Grenville Female Edith Lillian Watson abt 1888 1 Sep 1888 Grenville Female Elisabeth Watson abt 1862 21 Feb 1886 Grenville Female Ellen Jane Watson abt 1871 4 Apr 1913 Grenville Female Ellen Jane Watson abt 1871 4 Apr 1913 Grenville Female Emaline Watson abt 1842 8 Sep 1929 Grenville Female Geo Henry Watson abt 1822 25 Jun 1900 Grenville Male James Samuel Watson abt 1866 25 Dec 1869 Leeds and Grenville Male Jane Watson abt 1821 19 Nov 1904 Leeds and Grenville Female

John Watson abt 1839 1 Jun 1898 Grenville Male John Watson abt 1839 1 Jun 1898 Grenville Male John Watson abt 1808 4 May 1880 Grenville Male Musetta Watson abt 1883 21 Dec 1888 Grenville Female Sarah Watson abt 1806 31 May 1892 Grenville Female William Watson abt 1872 19 Feb 1899 Grenville Male William Watson abt 1872 19 Feb 1899 Grenville Male William James Watson abt 1851 22 Dec 1920 Grenville Male William W Watson abt 1818 4 Mar 1870 Leeds and Grenville Male Ontario, Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 You searched for Welsh died in Grenville Name Estimated Birth Year Death Date Death Location Gender Allan Welsh abt 1844 22 Aug 1881 Grenville Male [My 2g-uncle.] Deborah Welsh abt 1792 May 1886 Grenville Female Francis Welsh abt 1851 19 Oct 1873 Leeds and Grenville Male Margaret Welsh abt 1859 31 May 1881 Grenville Female [Margaret Hunter, Allan's wife] Marget Welsh abt 1825 10 May 1882 Leeds and Grenville Female Margret Jane Welsh abt 1851 20 Oct 1876 Grenville Female Martha Isabel Welsh abt 1915 10 Oct 1915 Grenville Female Mary Welsh abt 1854 22 Jan 1880 Grenville Female Michael Welsh abt 1851 31 Oct 1883 Grenville Male Philip Welsh abt 1854 9 Oct 1916 Grenville Male Thomas Welsh abt 1835 31 Jul 1900 Grenville Male [None of these seem to be mine] Name Estimated Birth Year Death Date Death Location Gender Ervin Charles Welch abt 1896 3 Feb 1897 Leeds and Grenville Male George Edward Welch abt 1867 7 and 8 Oct 1885 Grenville Male Marguerite Amy Welch abt 1911 17 Jun 1914 Grenville Female [None of these seem to be mine] You searched for Walsh died in Grenville Name Estimated Birth Year Death Date Death Location Gender Walsh 28 Feb 1928 Grenville Female Alice Walsh abt 1870 1 Apr 1908 Grenville Female Annie Walsh abt 1853 15 Nov 1921 Grenville Female Audrey Jane Walsh abt 1849 21 Aug 1928 Grenville Female Dorothy Walsh abt 1878 19 May 1919 Grenville Female Edward Walsh abt 1838 20 Sep 1917 Grenville Male Elizabeth Frances Walsh abt 1814 12 Jun 1887 Grenville Female Ellen Jane Walsh abt 1842 4 Feb 1912 Grenville Female Frederick Walsh abt 1882 2 Mar 1920 Grenville Male Hugh Walsh abt 1869 15 Apr 1886 Leeds and Grenville Male James Walsh abt 1844 15 Jun 1928 Grenville Male John Walsh abt 1880 7 and 8 Jul 1899 Leeds and Grenville Male John Walsh abt 1850 10 Nov 1877 Leeds and Grenville Male

John Walsh abt 1790 4 Mar 1879 Grenville Male John Walsh abt 1878 22 Oct 1880 Leeds and Grenville Male John Francis Walsh abt 1853 25 Jun 1922 Grenville Male John M Walsh abt 1847 27 Aug 1924 Grenville Male Louis Walsh senr abt 1806 30 Apr 1887 Grenville Male Margaret Maria Walsh abt 1851 29 Jul 1915 Grenville Female Mary Walsh abt 1833 6 or 7 Nov 1898 Grenville Female Owen Walsh abt 1829 3 Feb 1903 Grenville Male Patrick Walsh abt 1863 9 Jun 1922 Grenville Male Susan Walsh abt 1859 Jun 1884 Grenville Female Thomas Walsh abt 1813 20 Dec 1887 Grenville Male William Walsh abt 1777 18 Jun 1871 Leeds and Grenville Male Mrs William Walsh abt 1835 25 Apr 1904 Grenville Female William Walsh abt 1818 7 and 8 Jul 1896 Grenville Male William Rae Walsh abt 1837 6 or 7 Dec 1919 Grenville Male

Ontario, Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 You searched for Simons died in Grenville Name Estimated Birth Year Death Date Death Location Gender Catherine Dup Simons abt 1865 23 May 1901 Leeds and Grenville Female Dan Simons abt 1790 11 Apr 1873 Leeds and Grenville Male [Solomon Simon's father] Daniel Simons abt 1876 24 Nov 1921 Grenville Male Maggie Simons abt 1871 Aug 1899 Grenville Female Mary Simons abt 1889 29 Aug 1889 Grenville Female Mary Adeline Simons abt 1898 Aug 1898 Grenville Female Soloman Simons abt 1827 27 Sep 1898 Grenville Male [Elizabeth Watson's husband] Record Name Estimated Birth Year Death Date Death Location Gender George M Simmons abt 1871 17 Oct 1901 Leeds and Grenville Male James Simmons abt 1861 10 Jul 1927 Grenville Male [Jane's son?] James W Simmons abt 1823 Jun 1902 Leeds and Grenville Male John Simmons abt 1839 20 Jun 1872 Leeds and Grenville Male Joseph Simmons abt 1804 8 Oct 1869 Leeds and Grenville Male Louis Simmons abt 1872 Jan 1874 Leeds and Grenville Male Mary Simmons abt 1801 28 Sep 1870 Leeds and Grenville Female Robert Simmons abt 1797 3 Feb 1875 Leeds and Grenville Male Sarah Simmons abt 1836 20 Mar 1896 Grenville Female Record Name Estimated Birth Year Death Date Death Location Gender John Simonds abt 1889 28 Aug 1889 Grenville Male

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com


May 25, 2006 Ontario Records Hi Everyone, If you have a lot of Ontario research to do or live a long way from a FHC, here is an alternative, suggested by Don Holmes. Bill _______________________________________________________________

Bill: I have subscribed the $70.00 per year to Ancestry.ca and I can access the site from home. Don Last week in the Family History Centre, one of the patrons showed me how to access the Ontario Birth, Marriages and Death registrations on Ancestry.com. Yesterday I spent some VERY productive time. Whereas I could only get maybe half a dozen records from the microfilms on a good day, yesterday, I found about a hundred in total. There are links to a scanned copy of the original page in every case, so you can easily view the original documents as well as the index and transcription for the full information. ________________________________________________________________

Jun 1, 2006 Ann Jane Buchanan Hi Everyone, Well, my visit to the Family History Centre on Wednesday did not go quite as planned. The Ancestry.com databases that I had used the previous Wednesday were not accessible. I tried 5 or 6 times, and they were simply not there. But I did have a small measure of success on sorting out the puzzle represented by Ann Jane Buchanan. Ann Jane does not appear in the Buchanan Family Tree book. But about 2003 I received some emails from her grandson, Bill Hamilton.

Hi Bill. My name is Bill Hamilton. I am trying to research my grandmother Annie Jane Buchanan. I believe her parents were Charles and Ann of Elma township. I am having a hard time trying to find out who she really was. I found your web site and have seen research by Patty Hopinson which helps a little. This is what I know of her. She was born in Elma in 1870 or 71. She had a sister or maybe a half sister by the name of Grace who was a child of Charles and Ann. She is not listed in any census that I can find to that family.

Grace Buchanan lived with Ann Jane and my parents in the thirties on the 5th of Elma. Grace told my mother that Ann was the daughter of a Buchanan (Charles) and a girl who worked on their farm (Cooper). and that they brought her up. It gets more confusing when in Patty's notes it says Charles may have married a Cooper. My mother says that Ann Jane always talked about Granny Cooper. In Elma cemetery there is an Ann Buchanan. the tombstone says Buchanan//my wife's grave in memory of Charles Buchanan died may 18 1875. but I find notes on Ann Potter who died on Nov. 1875. As you can see I'm lost. I tried to join a Buchanan club I found on the net ( I think it could have been Patty Hopkinson's site but I was denied. The best date I have on Annie Jane is Jan. 9, 1870 died july 6 1936. Married May 23 1889 at the home of Mr Blair 9th Conn. of Elma. If you have any records of Annie Jane Buchanan I sure could use the help. Thanks Bill Hamilton, Toronto Ontario

I sent him a copy of the 1871 census entry for the Charles Buchanan household. 1871 Census of Elma, Perth, Ontario , transcribed by Don Holmes 3 30 108 Buchanan Charles L38 C 8 Farmer Ire Irish Ang 40 Married Male 3 30 108 Buchanan Ann " " " 38 Married Female 3 30 108 Buchanan Thomas Ont " " 21 S M 3 30 108 Buchanan William " " " 18 S M 3 30 108 Buchanan Jane " " " 15 S F 3 30 108 Buchanan John " " " 14 S M 3 30 108 Buchanan Grace " " " 12 S F 3 30 108 Buchanan Charles " " " 8 S M 3 31 108-S Thompson Jane Servant " " " 17 S F 3 31 108-S Thompson Jane " " " 3 mo. S F

Hi Bill I wish to thank you for the information you sent me. it was yery helpful. My mother did tell me that Annie Buchanan was the daughter of a servant girl and a Buchanan so the info makes sense. I guess I will try to find a birthdate for Jane Thompson and that would confirm the connection. She was a Buchanan because she looked just like her family. Also I will try to find the connection to the Coopers and Charles Buchanan because my mother also told me she had a half sister by the name of Sarah Cooper. It just makes the mystery a little harder to find. It seems every family tree has to have to have a little family mystery to find out. Its funny how they hid the facts so long ago and now we try to find them.My mother thinks that Grace only had 1 daughter Vinie. I also was also admitted to the Buchanan web site. It is very interesting. I also checked out the Methodist Baptismal Register. I did find some of my Hamilton's in there. Thanks Bill Hamilton (Note the name of Joseph Cooper) 1861 Census of Elma Twp Perth Co Ontario transcription from Don Holmes Buchanan Charles Farmer Ireland Ch. of Scotland Elma 43 Married Male Lot 36 Concession 8 Buchanan Ann Ireland Ch. of Scotland Elma 40 Married Male Buchanan Mary Ireland Ch. of Scotland Elma 15 Single Female Buchanan Andrew Upper Canada Ch. of Scotland Elma 11 Single Male Buchanan Thomas Upper Canada Ch. of Scotland Elma 8 Single Male Buchanan William Upper Canada Ch. of Scotland Elma 7 Single Male Buchanan Jane Upper Canada Ch. of Scotland Elma 5 Single Female Buchanan John Upper Canada Ch. of Scotland Elma 3 Single Male Buchanan Grace Upper Canada Ch. of Scotland Elma 1 Single Female Jury John Labourer " Ang 21 S M

Cooper Joseph Labourer " " 20 S M The Joseph Cooper that lived with Charles and Ann Buchanan in 1861 married a Jane about the age of Jane Thompson and had a daughter Sarah Cooper. This would be Ann Janes' half-sister Sarah Cooper. In the 1881 census, I find this Charles and Ann Buchanan with a daughter Ann aged 10 years. Transcription from Don Holmes 40 Buchanan Charlie Male 40 Ireland Anglican Irish Farmer Married 40 Buchanan Ann Female 35 " " " Married 40 Buchanan William M 24 Ontario " " Not given S 40 Buchanan Charlie M 15 " " " S 40-S Hollis Willison M 12 " " " S 40 Buchanan Ann F 10 " " " S The age is fairly close for William and exactly right for Charlie. Note that Ann Buchanan is shown aged 10. So this must be the right family even if the ages of Charles and Ann are transcribed incorrectly. (But then, their ages seem to be more or less frozen for 30 years.) No Coopers are found in the 1871 census of Elma, but there is this family of Coopers there in in 1881. The ages of Joseph and Jane match the ages of the Joseph Cooper and Jane Thompson that were enumerated with the Charles Buchanan family in previous censuses. 1881 transcription from Don Holmes 2 8 33 Cooper Joseph Male 38 Ontario Anglican Irish Farmer Married 2 8 33 Cooper Jane Female 27 " " " Married 2 8 33 Cooper Sarah F 6 " " " S 2 8 33 Cooper Margaret E. F 5 " " " S 2 8 33 Cooper William J. M 4 " " " S 2 9 33 Cooper Robert Male 2 " " " S On her marriage registration, Ann Jane Buchanan gives her parents as Charles Buchanan and Jane Buchanan. So far, all of the pieces fit: 1. Jane Thompson is born to Charles Buchanan and Jane Thompson 2. Jane Thompson (the baby) was adopted by Charles and Ann, becoming Ann Jane Buchanan, and is raised with their daughter Grace, who married George Smith and had a daughter Vinie 3. Jane Thompson (the mother) married Joseph Cooper and had a family, including Sarah Cooper 4. Ann Jane's biological mother is now "Jane Cooper", and Joseph's mother is "Grannie Cooper". 5. The Buchanan relatives who thought that Charles' wife Ann (Nancy)'s maiden name was Cooper had a logical reason for associating the name Cooper with his marriage. But I would like to have found a birth record for Jane Thompson (the baby) to see if Charles Buchanan was listed as her father. ... Maybe next time.

Bill Buchanan

Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com


Jun 2, 2006 Buchanan family Hi Craig, I have tried to answer your questions in a separate message. I would like to encourage you to join our family listserv. The other members of the listserv are family members interested in genealogy. For example Suzanne Schaller is one of your fellow William Buchanan (and Ann Thompson )descendants, and she is very active in Ontario genealogy. Kelly Mitchell is one of your fellow descendants of Andrew Richard Buchanan (and Annie Maud Danbrook) descendants and has a special interest in family members who settled in Saskatchewan. Others of us are from other branches of the Buchanan family, but we all share an interest in OUR Buchanans and their history. And we like to share information with each other. Any new information on our family is usually posted on the listserv. The list belongs to Suzanne Schaller suzannes@... so if you would like to join, please contact her. Your cousin, Bill Buchanan _______________________________________________________

Hi Bill My name is Craig Peterson, I guess one of your relatives. I grew up in Bentley, [Alberta] and now live in Vermilion, where I teach French and computers (not too much in common I guess!) ... I thank you for your info, in regards to the Buchanan family. I am in the process of merging the two files, and making one larger one (I hope you don't mind) ... Also, If you have a folder, or CD of the pictures that you have on your site, that would be wonderful. Thank you Craig Peterson http://www.petersoncafe.com/family/index.htm ________________________________________________________________

Jun 4, 2006 Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma

Hi Everyone, I have been listening to the genealogy podcasts from dearmyrtle.com and genealogyguys.com In one of the genealogyguys podcasts, they suggested two sites for finding used books: bookfinder.com and addall.com I found a used copy of this 1967 book at bookfinder.com and I have ordered it. I hope to find some Buchanan information. I expect it to arrive in about 2 weeks. I will let you know if it has anything of interest.

Bill Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com


Jun 5, 2006 Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma Re: [andrew-buchanan] Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma I have this book and it has quite a bit on the Buchanans and related lines. However, there are also some mistakes. Vera seems to have compiled her information by talking to people, and sometimes her sources have made mistakes with their memories. Nevertheless, an interesting read. There's no name index, so you have to read through it and look for the names. Suzanne ________________________________________________________________

Jun 8, 2006 Changes to Yahoo Groups email Hi Everyone, I am not sure to what extent our group is affected, but these changes have caused major turmoil in other Yahoo Groups I belong to. The following message was sent by a member of one of the other groups, and if you are experiencing problems with our group, read on. Otherwise, just ignore this message. Bill Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com __________________________________________________________ If you don't like the way things look with the changes Yahoo has made, there's good news! You can change your settings back to how they used to be. However, I do want you all to know some of the advantages of the new yahoo mail system. If you look at the bottom of the emails at the

links they have included about the group it gives a wealth of information at the click of a button. You can easily get to the message archives and other important group information like databases, calendar info and the links section from that email alone. If you look past the moderator message there is a link to change your email delivery options without having to go look for how to do it. You can also visit our groups web page from clicking the link " visit your group". You can even unsubscribe from the group if you wish. If you get the digest it is easier to reply to a message by just clicking on the persons name as it opens up a new email window with the subject heading included. The digest is easier to read because you can click on the subject heading of the post you wish to read and it takes you right to the beginning of the post and you do not have to try to guess where one message starts and one ends like before. It even groups them by subject so you can read all the emails in that one string. So I guess what I am getting at isthis: before you throw off the new changes and go back to the old way, just consider some of the benefits it has too. NOTE: I have found one other major problem with this email system that I will share so you all will know. When replying to post in the digest if you click Reply via email.. you will send a message to the group not to the person you are thinking its going too. So please if you want to send a personal message click on the persons name in the actual message. For those of you who still don't care for Yahoo's "new look" on the group messages, here's how to change it back! If you are reading via email: Click "Visit Your Group" on the right sidebard of this message then Once you've signed in, you will see at the top of the page, above the group name, your Yahoo ID, your email address, 'Group Member', and then "Edit Membership". Choose Edit Membership, scroll down to the bottom and then select "Traditional". Click on "Save Changes", and it should be back to the way it used to be within 24 hrs. So far it appears that if you do not have a Yahoo ID, you cannot change this. ... I hope this clears up any confusion that may be running around due to Yahoo's newest upgrades! Alyson Mercer Co-owner, Freecycle-Edmonton http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Freecycle-Edmonton/ ________________________________________________________________

Jun 8, 2006 Ancestry.ca Hi Everyone,

It doesn't look like the Family History Centers have access to the full Ancestry.ca package, allowing access to the Ontario BMD registrations. I think Ancestry.com was just using the FHCs to pilot-test the new service. (At least we have made no changes at the Edmonton Bonnie Doon FHC but we have lost the access we had to Ancestry's Ontario BMD registrations two weeks ago.) You can sign up to ancestry.ca for a free 14 day subscription. You have to give your credit card info, so it automatically becomes a paid $100 subscription if you fail to cancel within the first 12 days. I have signed up for a free trial, so if you have people who were born or married in Ontario that you would like me to look up, please let me know. (I have about 9 days left before I cancel.)

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com


Jun 8, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Ancestry.ca Would appreciate hearing your take on the Ancestry service after your trial period. Our FHC in Duncan can access Ancestry, but it is so much better to do it from home. If you think the service is worthwhile, we will probably sign up also. Regards, Barry

Jun 8, 2006 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Ancestry.ca Hi; I would like to hear what you have to say about Ancestry.ca. $100 canadian doesnt seem to bad for a price for a year. If I write that page right :) I love the fact that I can go to my public library or FHcentre to for this stuff for fun. But I also love the idea of being able to research from home in my PJs if I wanted to :) So Bill, can you give us an idea of what all there is on Ancestry.ca. And whether you think it would be worth it or not? Thank you Kelly :o)

Everyday of you life is a page of your history. Kelly M. Mitchell Email: ketchup@... Calgary Alberta Canada http://www.rootsweb.com/~skstjose/kelly/homepage/ Check out my Photos at the following site: http://photobucket.com/albums/v617/KMitchell30ca/ Check out my Scrapbooking Gallery: http://www.digitalscrapbookplace.com/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=42685 My Blog ?! http://360.yahoo.com/mitchellfamilygenealogy


Jun 9, 2006 Ancestry.ca databases / Stanley Patrick Some of you have asked what is included in the $100 subscription (and free trial) at Ancestry.ca, so I have copied the links from the Search screen for Ontario, exactly as they appear on my computer. If you have "HTML mail" turned off, you will not see the icons for the folders and pages, but the links should appear correctly. If you want to see the links on the search screens for some other province, please let me know. Note that Ancestry.ca does NOT include the US censuses and vital records NOR the UK censuses accessible on Ancestry.com at the FHC. On a different matter. If you have a child named Stanley listed in the family of Jacob Henry Patrick and Elizabeth Buchanan, you can safely delete him. He belongs to a different family. If you would like the proof, please let me know. Bill Ontario Top Databases OneWorldTree 1911 Canada Census - New/Updated Canadian Phone and Address Directories, 1995-2002 Canadian Genealogy Index, 1600s-1900s Canadian Immigrant Records, Part One - New/Updated Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s - New/Updated Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Ontario, Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 Ontario, Canada Census Index, 1871 Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 - New/Updated Ontario Census Records

1911 Canada Census - New/Updated Durham County, Ontario Census, 1861 Wellington County, Ontario Canada 1851 Census - New/Updated Addington County, Ontario Canada 1851 Census - New/Updated Blenheim, Chatham, and Harwich, Kent County, Ontario Census, 1881 - New/Updated view all 30 Ontario Census Records » Ontario Birth, Marriage, & Death Records Ontario, Canada: Civil Marriage Registrations, 1869-73 - New/Updated Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 - New/Updated Canada Parliamentary Marriage and Divorces, 1867-1919 - New/Updated Ontario, Canada: Roman Catholic Marriages, 1827-1870 - New/Updated Woodland Cemetery Records, Kitchener, Ontario view all 10 Ontario Birth, Marriage, & Death Records » Ontario Community & Message Boards OneWorldTree Millennium File Ontario Immigration & Naturalization Records Canadian Immigrant Records, Part One - New/Updated Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s - New/Updated Canadian Immigrant Records, Part Two Ship Passengers Arriving in Canada (Letter A): 1919-1924 - New/Updated Ontario Military Records Loyalists in the American Revolution: Miscellaneous Records - New/Updated War of 1812: Miscellaneous Canadian Records - New/Updated Rebellion of 1837, Upper Canada - New/Updated Ontario Directories & Membership Lists Canadian Phone and Address Directories, 1995-2002 Ontario Family & Local Histories Old United Empire Loyalists List New England Captives' Stories Biographical Dictionary of Canadian Jewry, 1897-1909 Biographical Dictionary of Canadian Jewry, 1909-14 A History of Simcoe County view all 90 Ontario Family & Local Histories » Ontario Periodicals & Newspapers PERiodical Source Index - New/Updated Ontario, Canada Obituaries, 1999-2001: Kitchener Record and Windsor Star - New/Updated

London Free Press (Ontario) Obituaries, 1998-99 - New/Updated Toronto Star Obituaries, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1999 - April 2000, February 2001 New/Updated Canada Obituary Collection - New/Updated view all 6 Ontario Periodicals & Newspapers » Ontario Court, Land, Probate Records Civil Service List of Canada: 1911 - New/Updated Ontario, Canada Land Gazetteer, 1875-81 - New/Updated United Empire Loyalists, Parts I-II - New/Updated Prince Edward Island, Canada Land/Gazetteer Records: 1880 - New/Updated Retired Allowances in the Civil Service of Canada: 1883 - New/Updated Ontario Reference & Finding Aids Canadian Genealogy Index, 1600s-1900s World Foreign Gazetteer, Vol. 1

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com Attachment(not stored) foldero.gif ________________________________________________________________

Jun 11, 2006 Birth of Hughina Ross Mcclay This will be of interest to Val and Don and perhaps a few others. She married Sam's Jimmy Buchanan Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Record Name: Hughina Ross Mcclay Date of Birth: 24 Mar 1872 Gender: Female Birth County: Grey Father's Name: John McClay Mother's Name: Mary McRay Roll Number: MS929_7

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Jun 11, 2006

Ida Gertrude Barnhart This will be of interest to Arienna: Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Record Name: Ida Gertrude Barnhart Date of Birth: 2 Dec 1904 Gender: Female Birth County: Rainy River Father's Name: Benjamin Wesley Barnhart Mother's Name: Mary Emma Schamehorn Roll Number: MS929_175

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com


Jun 11, 2006 Ida's siblings? Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Record Name: Jonas Barnhart Date of Birth: 4 Jun 1897 Gender: Male Birth County: Muskoka Father's Name: Benjamin Barnhart Mother's Name: Mary Emma Schamerhouse Roll Number: MS929_138 A different version of Mary's surname (but same child): Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Record Name: Jonas Barnhart Date of Birth: 4 Jun 1897 Gender: Male Birth County: Muskoka Father's Name: Benjamin W Barnhart Mother's Name: Mary Emma Schamchern Roll Number: MS929_139 Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Record Name: Roy Barnhart Date of Birth: 27 Aug 1893 Gender: Male Birth County: Parry Sound Father's Name: Benjamin Wesley Barnhart Mother's Name: Mary Emma Schamerhorn Roll Number: MS929_116 Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Record

Name: Mary Sophia Barnhart Date of Birth: 3 May 1903 Gender: Female Birth County: Rainy River Father's Name: Benj W Barnhart Mother's Name: Mary Emma Schamchorn Roll Number: MS929_165 Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Record Name: Benjamin Jacob Barnhart Date of Birth: 29 Jan 1902 Gender: Male Birth County: Rainy River Father's Name: Benjamin Wesley Barnhart Mother's Name: Mary Emma Schamerhorn Roll Number: MS933_36 Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com


Jun 11, 2006 Wilbert Livingstone I am sure this is Red Bob's Elizabeth Jane Buchanan's husband, so I know this will be of interest to Darlene. Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Record Name: Clarence Wilbert Livingstone Date of Birth: 21 Jun 1892 Gender: Male Birth County: Lanark Father's Name: William Livingstone Mother's Name: Maggie Richardson Roll Number: MS929_110 Source Information: 1901 Census of Canada 7 37 59 Livingston William M Head M Dec 9 1862 38 [Ont Irish ChEng Farmer] 7 38 59 Livingston Margret E F Wife M Mar 15 1865 35 [Ont] 7 39 59 Livingston Howard W M Son S Jun 9 1889 11 [Ont] 7 40 59 Livingston Clarence W M Son S Jun 21 1891 9 [Ont] [Clarence Wilbert] 7 41 59 Livingston Lillian J F Daughter S Jan 10 1895 6 [Ont] 7 42 59 Livingston Robert M Son S Apr 13 1896 4 [Ont] 7 43 59 Fay John M hired man S Mar 9 1883 18 [Ireland Presb] 7 44 59 Barnett Edith F Domestic S Nov 12 1888 12 [England Presb] Subdistrict: Macdonald, SELKIRK, MANITOBA District Number: 11 Subdistrict Number: f-3 Archives Microfilm: T-6435

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Jun 11, 2006 More Livingstones Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Record Name: Howard William Livingstone Date of Birth: 2 Apr 1890 Gender: Male Birth County: Lanark Father's Name: William Jas Livingstone Mother's Name: Margaret E Richardson Roll Number: MS929_99 Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Record Name: Robert Leslie Livingstone Date of Birth: 13 Apr 1896 Gender: Male Birth County: Lanark Father's Name: William Livingstone Mother's Name: Maggie Richardson Roll Number: MS929_138 Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Record Name: Lillian Issabel Livingstone Date of Birth: 10 Jan 1894 Gender: Female Birth County: Lanark Father's Name: Wm Livingstone Mother's Name: Margaret E Richards Roll Number: MS929_127

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Jun 11, 2006 Florence Burton Possibly John Charles Ash's first wife? Vera and Glen - Do you know for sure? DETAILED BIRTH INFORMATION REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1892-004025 CHILD'S DETAILS Last Name: BURTON

Given Names: FLORENCE LOUISA Sex: F Date of Birth: 04/19/1892 Place of Birth: BRANDON FATHER'S DETAILS Last Name: BURTON Given Names: JOHN MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: LE Given Names: JANE EMILY

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com


Jun 17, 2006 sad news Cousins, It is with great sadness that I convey the news of the loss of my brother. He died of complications from a long battle with lymphoma. Allen Brian Hopkinson b 30 JUN 1943, Winnipeg, MB d 12 JUN 2006, Santa Clara, CA He leaves behind a wife, son, a daughter, and 2 granddaughters. Allen was the son of Horace Hopkinson and Dorothy Mildred Buchanan (Dorothy was the daughter of James George Buchanan and Sarah Elizabeth Watson). Patty

________________________________________________________________ Jun 17, 2006 RE: [andrew-buchanan] sad news Patty; So sorry to hear of your loss. My deepest sympathies to you and your family! Nancy (Buchanan) Mills ________________________________________________________________

Jun 20, 2006 Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma

Actually, it could have been named "Reveries of a Pioneer: Listowel", but other parts of Elma do get mentioned and the general information about pioneer life gives a valuable glimpse into the everyday lives of our ancestors. This poem serves as an overview of Elma's history.

THE TOWNSHIP OF ELMA Elma is the largest township In the prosperous county of Perth. It was named after Lord Elgin's daughter, Who was Lady Elma by birth. Her father was lieutenant-governor Of what at that time was known, As Upper and Lower Canada, So due respect to them was shown. Elma at one time was dense forest, Timbered with oak, ash, elm and pine. It was considered useless swampland, But the soil was found to be fine. This township was surveyed, In eighteen hundred and forty-eight, But the sale of the portions of land, Eighteen fifty-four was the date. Forty thousand acres were surveyed, The remainder was considered Crown land. The settlers faced a lot of hardships, As all of it had to be cleared by hand. Even after the trees were cut down, The land was level, marshy and wet, But lush grasses grew between the stumps To feed a cow, the settlers' pet. Mr. George Code was the first man To apply for a Government grant, But several had squatted there before, Special mention being made of Tennant. Buchanans were among the first settlers, Taking up land encircling Donegal. The Binghams, Gibsons, Hamiltons, Lowrys came, So I cannot begin to name them all. -28The first child to be born in Elma, According to what we have heard, Was Samuel Code's daughter Elizabeth, But we know not when the birth occurred.

-31 If Vera McNichol had had access to Don Holmes' census transcription for 1861, she could have cleared this up very quickly. (The last number is a calculated year of birth.) Code Samuel Sawyer Ontario Meth 32 Married Male 1828 Code Mary Jane Ireland " 25 Married Female 1835 Code Elizabeth Ontario " 7 S M 1853 Code E. Dylan (?) " " 4 S M 1856 Code Sarah Jane " " 2 S F 1858 Buchanan William L 35 C 9 Farmer Ireland Pres 35 Married Male 1825 Buchanan Ann " " 35 Married Female 1825 Buchanan Margaret Ontario " 12 S F 1848 Buchanan Andrew " " 11 S M 1849 Buchanan James " " 9 S M 1851 Buchanan Jane " " 7 S F 1853 Buchanan Elizabeth " " 5 S F 1855 Buchanan Robert " " 3 S M 1857 Buchanan William " " 1 S M 1859 So it appears that Margaret Buchanan was the first white child born in the area that became Elma township. And Elizabeth Code was the first born in Elma after the township was formally organized. I don't know how many other children were born in the five years between Margaret and Elizabeth, but probably quite a few. Claiming Elizabeth as the first reminds me of the commercials that say "... best in its class", but where we are never told the citeria defining the class. i.e She may have been the 27th white child born in the district, but she was the first born after Elma township was organized. (to pick a number at random) In our own research we need to avoid falling into the same trap of making claims that may be true but are misleading.

Early Newspapers: The Listowel Banner - 131866 by Thomas E Hay and Joseph H Hacking The Mitchell Advocate - started before the Banner I don't think the John Watson who had a brewery in Listowel (brewing "gold nugget beer") was related to our Watsons. On page -109[Here is a nice view of pioneer life] DAYS GONE BY Older folks delight to tell, Tales of days they knew so well; How they cleared the forest dense, Two strong arms as their defense. Oxen ploughed this virgin land. Grain was scattered all by hand. When primitive crops were grown,

Mowers and binders were unknown. Scythes and cradles were in use, And the stalks of grain lay loose. These were tied in sheaves by hand, And later on the barn floor fanned. Men had miles to walk for goods And carry food home thro the woods. Bread was baked upon the hearth. Neighboring wives attended birth. Yarn was spun by candle-light In log shanties, clean and bright. These pioneers had pleasure too, In spite of hardships they came thru'. Days were spent at logging bees, Dances followed most of these. People came with ox-drawn sleigh, Or on a wagon strewn with hay. There were reels and waltz quadrills Danced with girls with dainty frills. At box-socials some lads knew A box made by a sweetheart true. Prices rose high; without kidding, When their rival started bidding. Quilting parties were in swing, And taffy-pullings in the spring. -123I will be sending other snippits of this book when I can. Bill Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Jun 20, 2006 John Watson the Brewer 1911 census, Listowel, Ontario Watson John Male Head Married May 1863 48 Ontario Irish Anglican Brewer Watson Elizabeth Ann Female Wife Married Dec 1862 48 " English " Watson John George M Son S Jul 1896 15 " Irish " If he was Irish he wasn't one of our Watsons, since they were Scottish.

Bill Buchanan

Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com


Jun 22, 2006 Genealogy Podcasts Hi Everyone, I have added a page of links to genealogy podcasts. Over the past several weeks I have been getting caught up on earlier podcasts by "Dear Myrtle" and by "the Genealogy Guys". I have picked up tips that have been helpful, including the one that allowed me to buy "Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma". The direct link is: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com/podcasts I have even considered trying my hand at podcasting, but I don't think I could make it interesting enough. A surprise treat for me was the podcast of the interview between musician/composer Steven Kapp Perry and Irene Johnson. Judy and I were friends of Irene's back in Calgary a million years ago. What a small world! One of my current projects is a short book of biographical sketches of my direct Buchanan and Watson lines. I may also be giving a presentation on online research to a small group at Barrhead, Alberta, but the people involved haven't given me a specific date yet. My mother had gall badder surgery last week, and is now out of the hospital. Life is good.

Bill Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com

________________________________________________________________ Jun 30, 2006 more: Reveries of a Pioneeer: Elma Can anyone help me to identify which James Hardie had a sister Margaret. And which John Keating was mauled by a bear? From the info, I think it is Elizabeth's brother, the one who married Lilly Ann Mayberry, but I am not sure. Bill (Elizabeth Keating's husband)

GEORGE MAYBURRY George and John Mayburry in 1857 Came from Ottawa to Elma Township They started to build a log shanty, As soon as they had made the trip. They chose a spot alnong the creek, Which later was Newbigging's farm. Ere George had left Ottawa Valley, He had won Elizabeth Keating's arm. They had ten children, Jane, Thomas James and Ann, but little Ann died. Eliza Margaret was the next child, And then another Ann came to abide. George, Isabel, Alexander and John Happened to be the youngest four. By this time George Mayburry owned. About three hundred acres or more. Tom Preston followed the Mayburrys, And squatted beside them at night. George Mayburry paid them a visit, To make sure they were all right. These families built a given road, And called it Mayburry Blind Line. On both sides lived the Mayburrys, Of other names there wasn't a sign. The south half of lot sixty-seven, In Elma Township, concession one, In the year eighteen seventy-nine. George, Mayburry bought for his son. Roy Mayburry, his grandson recalls, The many stones in the front field. They covered the ground completely, Consequently there was no yield. -142Continued-George Mayburry, The stones from the Mayburry field Were used to build a house of stone On the north side of the Blind Line, Which George Mayburry now did own. They moved from their jog shanty, Into the new home across the way. It was an accomplishment to erect A house such as theirs in that day. When they lived in the log shanty, They made butter with a dog tread. Their big Newfoundland dog Bandy,

Seemed to know whatever was said. As soon as churning was mentioned, He silently sneaked away to hide, And didn't show up again that day, Though they searched far and wide. Covering his land were pine trees, Cut off five feet from the ground. The diameter of them was six feet, And the wood throughout was sound. To pull out a stump of this size, Took at least two team of horses. Animals bad to be used to upset it, Because they had no other forces. George Mayburry's son Tom married Mary Fowler, eighteen eighty-five. They had only seven years together; Mary had but this long to survive. In 1896 Tom married Mira McNichol, And with two boys they were blest. Melville, the younger worked away, While Roy liked the old home best. With his wife and three children, Marlene, Gerald and Norman, Roy Mayburry still lives on lot 67, concession one. -143Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma; Vera Ernest McNichol

BRITTON Britton, at the crossroads of the county road and the third and fourth concessions was established in the early eighteen fifties. Most of the settlers came from Carleton County and entered Elma through the adjoining township of Mornington, where settlement was begun a year or two earlier. Several families from the Ottawa district made the trip in mid-winter by sleigh and the trek took eleven days. This was in the early winter of 1854. Among the families which came in at that early date were the Keatings, Mayburrys; Lowrys; Alexanders, Hammonds; McCauleys; Boyds; Dobsons; Grays; Keiths; Melroses; Rothwells; Sproules and Stevensons. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 144 BRITTON CHEESE FACTORY Most of the settlers wanted the new factory to be built right at Britton because of rail facilities for shipping. A free site was offered by James Alexander, but the Mornington patrons refused to bring milk as far west as Britton. A compromise was made and the factory was built one-half block east

of Britton. Most of the labour was voluntary and much of the timber was donated. It was built in two parts with driveway between cheesemaking and curing rooms. At first it only operated from May 1st until November 31st. The patrons separated milk during the winter and stored the butter they made in huge crocks. Later on the factory made cheese every other day in winter. The new factory was owned co-operatively. The patrons were the shareholders. When the factory opened on November 20th, 1893 the directors were: W. S. Burnett, Robert Woods, Andrew Alexander, Alexander Rae, Sam Burnett, Moses Lang and George Foulston. Nelson Newcombe, who made cheese at Hammond previously was cheesemaker and secretary. Moses Lang was salesman. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma; page 145

BRITTON SCHOOL REGISTER The attendance register for 1891 had these names on it: William Clements, Annie, Mina, Tillie, Thomas R., Robert, and David Alexander, Emerson Boyd, Clara and Jessie Burnett, Nellie, Annie and Sarah Chapman, Rebecca Crawford, William, John and Agnes Corry, Nellie Gray, John, Maggie and Isabella Forman, Maggie Hone, Annie and Lily Johnston, Albert Hammond, Kittie Klapt, Nellie Montgomery, John and Mary Maybury, John and Joseph Forman, Maggie Newcombe, Laura, Kathy, Gertie and Harry Rothwell, Mabel and Lorne Gordon, Agnes Rae, George, William and James Clementshaw, Adeline, Fanny and Howard Stevenson, Mary, Pearl and Wellington Sproule, George, Clara, Maude and Agnes Danbrook, Maggie, Josephine, John and Arthur Teasdale, John, Morton and Mabel Lang, William, Charlie, Eva and Pressy Keith, Willie Dick, George Hone, Andrew Preston, John Haddow, Elizabeth Parker. It also bears the name James Burke. Tucked among its pages was a funeral card with a heavy black border. On it is printed: "Died in Britton on Monday evening November 25th, 1894, James Burke, aged 30 years, one month." George Melrose and Jim Johnston planted trees around Britton school yard. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma; page 149 Continued-Britton Stores The Dick Store was built by James Burke 1893 and his brother Tom kept store, while James taught in the log school. Tom died in 1894 and the store was sold to Sanderson, who sold to a man from Stratford. This man in turn sold to Robert Thompson. John Cain came next and had it for many years. He had every type of merchandise and traded things for eggs, butter and other farm produce. He peddled with horse and covered -wagon, carrying this, that and everything. William Smith from Trowbridge did likewise. His daughter Elvira carried the mail. Maurice Dick, who came in next also had post office. Maurice Johnston bought this property and demolished the building in 1962. JIM HARDIE AND HIS SISTER MARGARET

The Hardies, who had two farms on second of Elma, moved to the old Hone farm. Mr. Hardie invented an outfit to take electricity out of the air, but could not get a bulb that would stand the current. He was an electrician and taught James Gray the trade. He was also a thresher in the era of steam engines. Margaret was a nurse. The Hardies were of Scotch descent. They retired to Britton, to a frame house be-side the Watson store. In this house in early days the Teasdales and Alexanders had resided. Bill Hyrners family lived here and attended Brit-ton school. Hugh Dobson retired here from Glen Allan. He had a son William, whose son Cecil died at the age of thirty and willed the property to his sweetheart, who cared for him during his illness. His fiancee sold to Mrs. Carrie Dick . Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 152 JOHN DICK John Dick bought lot 36, con. 6 from the -own and sold it to his son Maurice, who married Carrie Buchanan. They had six children, Annie May, Viola, Effie, Dorothy, Alex and Edith. John Dick won prize for best kept farm. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 157 JOHN KEATING Who lived in Lower Canada was first lot 33, con. 5. He had been mauled bv a consequently his health was impaired. their children died with T.B. Thomas commonly called "Tommy dang it" farm. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 158 [Wife of John Joseph Hymers whose brother Robert married May Elizabeth Buchanan.] JOHN IRVINE Married Alice Gilchrist and came to lot concession eleven, Elma, where they raised children, Robert, Tom, Charles, John, Ephraim, James, Wright, Hattie (Mrs. William Ames) and Jane (Mrs. John Hymers). A nephew, John Irvine still lives on the farm. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 160

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Jun 30, 2006 Melrose family With six pages to themselves, they seem to be a focal point of Reveries of a

Pioneer: Elma If anyone is interested, here they are: - Bill

Continued -Hammond, Now Gotham Tom Melrose, a Scotchman had built A shanty part way in on sideroad. He bought lot thirty, concession six, To the southwest of Hammond abode. His son George built the saw-mill, On southeast side of this hamlet. William Donley used to draw logs, And kept the sawyer busy, you bet. George Melrose and his brother Tom, Built the frame house all by hand. Three elm trees close to the lane, As big, noble, sentinels stand. Charles McNichol bought Melrose out, And Charles Jr. came to live here. The older man lived on concession 8, Having come up from Shakespeare. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 163

MR. AND MRS. GEORGE MELROSE George Melrose became interested in the lumber trade first of all. He operated a sawmill at Hammond, And for timber received much call. When trees became less plentiful, He averted his attention to wells. He has to his credit in Perth Co., Nigh three hundred Artesian wells. In year nineteen hundred and six, George Melrose married Helen Gray. They set January the twenty-fifth, To be their blissful wedding day. Five children came to their union, Three sons, Graydon, Tom and James, Two little girls brought added joy, Margaret and Jean are their names. George Melrose understood engines, And many Diesels used to install. Upon different types of machinery,

He worked from spring until fall. He purchased Hay Brothers' Foundry, A year previous to nineteen nine. Here he commenced to manufacture, Drilling devices of his own design. These well-drilling machines went All across Ontario; even out West. Thev went as far as South Africa, As their workmanship was the best. Mr. Melrose bought a chopping mill, When he decided to leave Listowel. From then until books were closed, In Milverton he continued to dwell. George Melrose drilled well at Mooney biscuit Factory in Stratford. It supplied twelve thousand gallons of water an hour. -165-

FROM THE SCRIBBLER OF GEORGE MELROSE The parents of George Melrose, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Melrose came from Scotland in 1850 to settle in the Galt district. In 1855 they moved to the bush lot 30, concession 6, Elma, consisting of one hundred acres. They bought this land from the Crown for two hundred dollars, but had no money to pay down. They borrowed the money at 13%, but couldn't pay the interest when it came due, so Mr. Melrose decided to go out to work. Considerable land had been cleared in the Galt area, so he returned there, walking a distance of forty-four miles to earn a dollar a day binding grain by hand. He worked two weeks and returned home with twelve dollars in his pocket. He did not see so much ready cash in the next twelve months. A neighbour got him to dig a well twelve feet deep and only paid him fifty cents. Often he worked ten hours for fifty cents. The Melroses stayed at a neighbour's until thev got their shanty built. Near their shanty they had a small building in which they kept a cow, and next to this was an enclosure in which they had a pig about three months old. They were raising this pig to have their own meat. One night in November, 1855, they had just gone to bed when they heard this pig squealing_. Mr. Melrose ran out in his bare feet and night attire, just in time to see a bear disappearing into the woods. -166Continued-From the Scribbler of George Melrose The next morning he and Mr. Jim Hammond, a neighbour, found what was left

of the pig, but the bear was gone. Mr. Hammond had a bear trap, so they hung the carcass of the pig up on a branch about five feet off the ground and set the trap right below it. They fastened the chain of the trap to a twelve foot pole. Animals caught in a trap would often chew their own foot off to get free. This is why they tied the trap to a long pole, but next morning when they went back pole and all was gone. They could easily follow the trail in the snow. They found the bear about half a mile away where the pole had become stuck behind a fallen log. Mr. Hammond had a gun along, so he shot the bear. Mr. Melrose kept a herd of sheep and sent the wool to Hespeler to be carded. Mrs. Melrose spun this wool into yarn then took it to a neighbour's who had a loom to have it woven into full cloth. This material was made into clothes for the whole family. These woollen garments were worn all year round. Socks and stockings were hand knit from the yarn. They made maple syrup and Mrs. Melrose carried forty pounds of syrup ten miles to trade it for goods she needed. She received four cents a pound for it. All the Melrose family, six boys and four girls were born without the aid of a 6octor, since there wasn't a doctor for miles around. One neighbour lady acted as mid-wife for another. Three boys were born before Tom Melrose moved into Elma. Their oldest girl was born in Elma bushland. One day Mrs. Melrose took this -167-

Continued-From the Scribbler of George Melrose baby girl to visit Mrs. Hammond, her nearest neighbour. She left her three boys at home. It had rained that morning and there were puddles of water about to the delight of the little boys. For a while they played with a half-grown pig and decided to take it into the shanty. Before leaving that morning Mrs. Melrose had set a batch of bread in a wooden trough, which she had put near the stove to let the dough rise. The pig at once smelled the dough, so upset it on the floor and commenced to eat it, to the consternation of the boys looking on. The pig was hurriedly put outside, but this did not solve the problem of the dough. The seven year old lad, took over. He scooped up the dough and took it out to a puddle hole, washed it off and put it back into the bake trough. I wonder what happened afterwards? When Tom Melrose first came to this country his relatives in Scotland addressed a letter to him in 1862 in this manner: Mr. Thomas Melrose, Hammond Post Office, Township of Elma, County of Perth, North America, Canada West, Farmer near Donegal


Population about forty had George Keith as postmaster; W. D. Gray blacksmith; W. Dunn. sawmill and Gotham Cheese & Butter Company. -168-

THE MELROSES, ESPECIALLY GEORGE George, the son of Thomas Melrose, Was youngest of the family of ten. To relate tales of the early days, This man had vivid memory and yen. He was born on sixth line of Elma, On January tenth eighteen seventy, And lived beyond ninety-four years, In Elma and Mornington community. This man had five older brothers, Tom, Jim, Charles, Robert and John; Sisters Jane, Margaret, Sarah, Agnes, All of whom before him passed on. In the days when George was a boy, To attend Sunday School was a must. In summer he walked there and back, Leaving his footprints in the dust. The Melroses attended North Church, About three and a half miles away. They had to walk to both services, A total of fourteen miles in a day. They grew to be fine men and women, These children of Thomas Melrose. They left behind a record of good, When their lives came to a close. George outlived his family group, And claimed his longevity was due, To his positive philosophy of life, Which is bound to take you through. He faced all manner of adversity, With a stiff upper lip and a grin, Stating that many a battle is won, With a smile and an uplifted chin. -169Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Jul 1, 2006 Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma (DONEGAL This is the part of the book that has the most information about our Buchanans.

[Samuel McCauley married Jane Buchanan, daughter of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth] [According to my information, this is missing a son William, born about 1857 who probably died young.] JOHN McCAULEY John McCauley bought lot 29, con. 6 in 1864 for six hundred dollars. He married Catharine Anderson and had four sons and one daughter, Sam, Jim, Tom, John Jr. and Jane. In 1898 John Jr. took over and married Mary Riddell. The bush was cleared from part of lot 28 and a little cemetery was marked off on the top of the sixth line hill, The Keatings, Hammonds, and Mayburrys of Lower Canada 1854 were buried here. No burials have been in this plot of ground in many years. Some of their descendants care for the cemetery. The Keatings cleared the bush directly behind this. The first known owners of the next farm in 1860 were the Hones, Who had eight children. They gathered the stones off the fields to give the Hamilton stone masons to build a house and later a bank barn. Pages 177-178

DONEGAL The first man to break into the unbroken forest in search of a home was William Thompson, who settled on the bank of the creek which crosses the tenth concession. In the fall of 1847 came the Buchanans, a family of seven brothers, all hardy, active men, who commenced at once to hew their way into the wilderness. The Buchanan name spread far and wide. Andrew Buchanan became a mail carrier. After the survey of the township of Elma in the fifties, settlers came in rapidly . the Littles, the Masons, the Wilsons, the Harveys, the Hemphills and the Irwins. In 1856 a post office was granted . . . the first in Elma, and was situated on lot 29, con. 10. John R. Foster was the first post master and the mail came in by way of Milverton. The route was extended to Trowbridge. The office was later moved about half a mile east of its original location. The first school - house was erected on the present site in the early fifties and Miss Doxtater was the teacher. She was succeeded by William Rothwell, then William Hammond took over for seven years, followed by George McGill who taught for two years.

During the seven years that Thomas Fullarton taught the log school became too small, so a new building was erected in 1875. George Poole, D. D. Ellis, W. Knox, John Waugh and A. Graham are among the names of the early teachers. The first blacksmith shop was erected in 1874, and the Cheese Factory in 1875. -179DONEGAL, continued The early meetings of the religious denominations were held in the old school-house. The Methodist Church was built in 1864, and shortly afterwards The Anglican Church on the Twelfth of Elma. This building was moved across the road in 19 and now serves as a Community Hall. Population about forty, named by John Foster. who came from Donegal, Ireland. He was the first postmaster in 1856 and this was the first post office opened in Elma. J. T. Anderson was postmaster and had store here in 1894. W. S. Buchanan was blacksmith and S. McAlister was cheese maker.

THE HUNTING OF DEER A doe was brought in to Robert Wolfe, By William Struthers of Donegal. It dressed nearly two hundred pounds, And had been shot in the 1885 fall.

DONEGAL ORANGE HALL No one seems to know how long the building has been a landmark, but the lodge itself was formed in 1847, and was Lodge No. 78.

THE BUCHANANS Bert Buchanan, now of Newton told me that his grandfather, William Buchanan married Anne Thompson in Ireland. They set out for America, but were forced to return. In 1847 they got as far as Kingston, but were quarantined there due to a fever that broke out in the boat. Mrs. Andy Buchanan Sr, and a grandchild died and were buried in Kingston. Andrew Buchanan with his seven sons, William, Charles, Andrew, Robert, John and James and one daughter Jane came to Donegal. To make transportation easier and to solve their need for water they built close to the creek, running between eighth and ninth line of Elma, just north of Donegal. William chose lot 33, which ran from one line to the other. When the land was suryed he found he had lot 33 on 8th, since he was north of the dividing line. He wanted lot 33 fronting the ninth line, so

bought it later on. Sam, Robert and John also lived on the eighth between Donegal sideroad and the creek. Charles Buchanan lived on lot 35, con. 8 on boundary, where Cecil Hymers lived recently. Andrew had the Darcy Atkin farm and James had a sawmill on the back end of lot 25, con. 11, the Allan McMane farm. When Charlie Henry and Ab. Petrie worked on the Gilkinson drain they tore up the oak timber, that was the foundation of James Buchanan's sawmill. Jane Buchanan married James Watson and went to the States to live. At one time there were so many Buchanans named Andrew, they used this method to tell them apart, "Black Andy", "Devil Andy", Fat Andy". In the beginning Donegal was called "Buchananville". Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 180-181

THE ABDUCTION OF JAMES BUCHANAN The first log shanty William Buchanan erected on north bank of creek burned down. While he was rebuilding, it was necessary for the family to live in a tent, which was crowded with just a stove and a bed. It was in this tent that James Buchanan, the third child of Mrs. Wm. Buchanan was born on January 19th, 1852. The child's mother lifted the flap of the tent to fill a basin with snow. This she melted on a stove to bath her baby. Little wonder he grew up to be rugged. He must have thought he had landed in a cold old world! This lad grew up to be Bert Buchanan's father, but the story might have been different. Indians roamed along the creek in the hunting and fishing seasons. They spied little Jimmy playing outside and nabbed him. A search party set out to find the child, as soon as Margaret, his sister reported it. Jimmy was found farther down the creek in the Indian encampment. The Chief begged to be allowed to keep the white boy, promising to make him their chief when he grew up. The Buchanans refused, and from then on had to keep a close watch on Jimmy, that the Indians could not recapture him. As a boy, James did not close doors behind him, but his parents said he had a good excuse since be was born in a tent. His sister Margaret was four years old and his brother Andrew was two years old when he was born. Six more children were born in Wm. Buchanan's family, Robert, John, William Sam, Jane, Elizabeth and Alex. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 185


Teacher Mr. J. E. Belfry John Hone, Elgin Vipond, D'Arcy Atkin, Ernie Wilson, Teddy Burnett, Menno Steckley, Bob Thorndike, Roy Anderson, George Buchanan, Vernal Scott, William Hone, Marjorie Petrie, Dorothy Little, Lena Steckley, Florence Cockwell, Lizzit Cowan, Bertie Roe, Ruby Sweitzer, Isabella Barton, Lizzie Thorndike, Rosetta Little, Hannah Scott, Nettie Henry, Bella Jane Scott, Selma Barton, Grace Cowan, Mary Cowan, Mary Barton, Carey Hone Ina McCourt, Mildred Seeloff, Edna Burnett, Hannah Little, Alice Thorndike, Belle Wilson, Winnifred Acheson, G. Burk, Alex Buchanan, Bert Buchanan, Muriel Petrie, Weir Acheson, Rus Wilson, Harvey Leslie, Elgin Johnston, Dickson Scott, Jimmy Buchanan, Stanley Cooper, J. H. Hymers, Jenny Wilson, Blanche Petrie and Pearl Barton. Gone is the old log school house, That upon the corner stood, Gone is the pot-bellied stove, That swallowed a block of wood.

THE DONEGAL UNITED CHURCH The congregation was originally the Listowel Wesleyan Methodist Church. During conference in,1863 it was set apart as a separate teaching appointment of the Elma mission and was known at [sic] the Foster's congregation. The first members of this congregation were Moses Harvey, Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Poole, John Young, Jane Young, John Nixon, Mr. and Mrs. Vipond, Andrew Wilson, F. Harvey, C. Mason, Sophia Scott. In 1864 a church building was erected on the corner of the late Samuel Vipond's farm, (now owned by Angus Matheson). On March 5th, 1865, Rev. Asahel Hurlburt, who at that time was chairman of the Goderich district of the Methodist Church. On Monday evening the congregation had a get together and there was so much food left over they met again on Friday evening. The first building was frame and cost six hundred and fifty dollars. This building still may be seen on the farm of George Scott as an implement shed. It was bought by James Scott, George's father, when a new church was erected in 1912, on land donated by John Hymers. In the early days the late Mrs. James Barton was leader of the congregational singing as was John Hymers, who was a well-known precento. Later on an organ was placed in the church. Mrs. Jackson was the organist in 1911. The new building was dedicated in February 1912 by Rev. Jas. Livingston, who was president of the London conference. Rev. J. C. Reid was first minister in the new church. The first ministers to preach in Donegal were Rev. John Sanderson, Nelson Brown, William Tucker, Nathaniel Smith, John Hough, Joseph Deracon, Joe Stinson, Henry Berry, Joe Pring, Joe Ferguson, David Rogers, John S. Fisher, John Ball, and E. A. Fear. Some of the familiar names in the congregation were, The Fewings, Hymers, Viponds, Buchanans, Scotts, Bartons, Irvins, Petries, Cockwells etc.

THE ANGLICAN CHURCH ON 12TH ELMA The first Trinity Anglican Church situated on the twelfth of Elma was erected in 1869. The area at that time was heavily wooded with stately pine, which proved an asset in building the church. Those who helped with the work were John, Samuel and Alexander Roe, John and Samuel McCourt, Tom and Andrew Knox, William Gilmore, James Nixon, John and Charles Irvine, Charles Barr, William Hetherington, Andrew Hemphill, and from Mornington came James Carson, John and Robert McKinley, Robert Barrett, George Hurst, William Ellingham, and son John Henry Matchett was a skilled carpenter so made the seats, the pulpit and the desks. In later years these families were joined by the Martins, the Seelhoofs, the Holmes', the Struthers, Smiths, McManes and McFarlanes. The second church was built of brick in 1898. James Wood, Mrs. W. Irvine's father, a carpenter from Carthage made the communion table, prayer desk, and the two chairs for the chancel. The first rector Rev. Logan, who preached also at Millbank and Crosshill, generally made his trips on horseback. Previous to the building of the church on the twelfth line, services were held in Donegal Methodist church. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma; pp. 185-188

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Jul 1, 2006 Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma - another part SETTLERS TO NEWRY STATION ... This was eighteen fifty-four, And J.H. Thompson came the same date. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 203

[This appears to be the father of Margaret Morrison who married William Buchanan, son of Andrew. The other Morrisons on this page are the family of John Morrison of the Newry cheese factory, apparently no relation.] William Morrison was one of the Councillors in 1857 when Elma assumed separated township government. With him were: Joseph Lennon, Donald Gordon, Alex Mitchell and Robert Bingham. John Grant was Reeve; Cornelius Cozens, Assessor; Wm. Fennell, Collector, and Arthur Gordon was Clerk and Treasurer.

Through the influence of Wm. Morrison the gravel road between Monkton and Elma Centre was constructed, bringing to a close the contention that existed regarding it. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 205

CHARLES DUCKLOW Charles Ducklow, son of Peter Ducklow was born at Donegal and moved to twelfth concession of Elma. He married Mary Jane Blair, daughter of William Blair of Atwood. Blair Ducklow is on the home farm. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 212

JAMES DANBROOK James Danbrook settled on comer farm of 8th line and county road one and a quarter miles north of Donegal. They had two boys, Charles of Clear Lake, California and Percy of Unity, Sask. and four girls: Mrs. Ruth Hetherington, Mrs. Mabel Challis, Mrs. Clara Buchanan and Miss -Vargaret Danbrook Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 213

FARMS IN THE SAME NAME WILLIAM BUCHANAN William Buchanan was one of the first settlers in Elma. In 1848 he purchased lot 33, concession 8, and lot 33, concession 9 from the Crown. Later he sold north half of lot 33, con. 8. His son Alexander purchased the west half of the farm in 1888. Alex sold it to his son in 1922, and it was taken over by Delmar, Jimmie's son in 1955 Delmar's son Calvin is the fifth generation growing up on this farm. The east half of lot 33 on ninth line passed from William Buchanan to his son James. Buchanan, his son got it next and took fifty-two crops off it. He has the Crown deed in his possession still. His son Andy owns it now. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 224

[Ellen Robb and Robert Hamilton were the parents of James Hamilton, who married Ann Jane Buchanan, adopted daughter of Charles Buchanan and Porter.] THE ROBBS In 1854 James Robb bought two hundred acres in Elma, lots 21 and 22, concession 2 from the Crown for three hundred dollars. This farm was all bush except for a beaver meadow. In the winter he cut down trees and in summer he worked in harvest fields near Galt, where he worked in paper mill for two years on landing in Canada. They had six of a family, at that time the youngest was born on the trip over from Ayrshire, Scotland. His sister Janet came with them and two years later his parents and sister Ellen came to live with him. Janet married James Gray, and Ellen, Robert Hamilton.

The members of the Robb family are James, Agnes, Jessie, William, Andrew, Martha, Margaret, Marion and Arthur. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 225 [William Coxon is the father of Frances Mary "Minnie" Coxon who married Andrew Buchanan, son of Andrew] THE COXON FARM, was bought from the Crown by George Coxon in 1865 and passed to William Coxon Sr. in 1881, then to John Coxon and to William Coxon Jr. who still Ives on the farm. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 227

ATWOOD Atwood was first named Newry Station, which was changed to Atwood at a public meeting. In 1876 Donald Gordon was postmaster. Its population in 1884 was 600 and it had these businesses: R. Anderson, D. D. Campbell, grain merchants, Flax Mill; Atwood Cheese and Butter with J. A. Gray as cheese maker; R. Ballantyne was tailor; J. Ferguson, shoemaker; A. Campbell, harness maker; William Dunn, W. F. Forrest, sawmill; Michael Corrie, flour mill; R. B. Hamilton, baker; Henry Hoar, Donald Murray, blacksmiths; Wiliam Hawkshaw, livery; R. S. Pelton, printer; William Moran, carriage maker; George Thompson, wagon maker; J. L. Mader, general store; James Hanna, carpenter; V. Joerger, hotelkeeper; J. Johnston, jeweller; L. Pelton made pumps; Dr. Cowan was physician; M. E. Neads, druggist; Jacob Klump, butcher; and Tom McAulley sold confectionery. Ellen Street was named after Mrs. Robert Anedrson [sic], the former Ellen Johnston of Donegal. Blair Street was named after the Blair family, who in 1854 bought the hundred acres of land upon which the east side of Atwood stands. The fifty acres nearest the station was owned by John Blair, the other fifty by W. H. Blair. Rev. A. Tolmie of Innerkip appeared with the first buggy that came into Elma Township, August 21st. 1858, when organization of Elma Centre Mission took place at the home of John Large. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 229

ATWOOD BUSINESSES Robinson Hamilton erected an hotel in 1860. It stood on the property of William Stevens and was destroyed by fire in 1885. It was replaced by R. Graham. Corrie's brick hotel was erected in 1878. Donald Gordon, postmaster; Robert Knox, G.T.R. Agent; Robert Anderson, grain buyer; William Dunn, saw and planing mills; William Corrie, roller mills; R. S. Pelton, Editor of the Bee; Lemuel Pelton, pump works; James Ferguson, shoemaker; William Marshall, Excelsior painting; William Moran, Carriage shop; John Fox, shoemaker; D. Murray, blacksmith shop; Miss Donaldson, dressmaker; Mrs. Johnson, fancy goods store; A. Campbell, harness shop; J. Johnson, watchmaker and jeweller; Thos. Fullarton, clerk of Elma, Issuer of marriage licenses; William Forrester, undertaker and furniture dealer; Stark & Wherry, tea merchants; James Wilson, Justice of Peace; S. H. Harding, Principal of Public School; William Thistle, livery stable; R. Brooks, hardware; Samuel Forrest, drayman; Robert Brown, drayman; Joseph McKoy, stage driver; John B. Hamilton, president, John Morrison, secretary of Elma Agricultural Society; William Lochear, secretary and Robert Morrison,

President, Flax Co.; V. loerger, Elma House; J. Klump, butcher; J. L. Mader, store; James Irwin, store; R. Graham, Pacific hotel; Henry Hoar, blacksmith; E. Hill, butcher; Mrs. M. Harvey, store; R. B. Hamilton, baker; J. R. Hamilton, M.D.; R. M. Ballantyne, tailor shop; J. A. Roe, veterinarian; A. Campbell, harness shop; Miss Hunt, dressmaker; R. May, repair shop; J. S. Hamilton, grocer; M. E. Neads, drugstore; William Hainshaw, butcher. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 231

I will finish the last little bit another day. Happy Canada Day.

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com


Jul 2, 2006 Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma - end NEW BUILDINGS OF ATWOOD IN 1890 ... Brick dwelling was built by R. Stevens, by George Danbrook and by George Pelton. William Danbrook built a cottage on John Street. Frame buildings were put up by William H. Wilson. James Stewart, William McNeeland. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 236

THE ATWOOD BEE The first newspaper printed in Atwood was in 1890. R. S. Pelton founded The Atwood Bee, and issued the first copy on January 17th, 1890, the subscription price being one dollar a year. He continued until 1902, when Grant Anderson, principal of the public school took over. He edited the paper for five years, and sold it to Ernie Swing in 1907. Mr. Swing was editor until 1926, when it was amalgamated with the Listowel Banner. Mr. Swing became a job Printer and held his stand on Main Street in Atwood the longest of any business man. He printed the financial statements for the township of Elma for fifty-one years. The name Atwood Bee was given to this village newspaper that it might cause a hum in the community. [Husband of Jane Buchanan, daughter of Charles] WILLIAM BLAIR William Blair with his family erected a log dwelling where James Wilson's residence now stands. At this time 1854 he also erected a log tavern on premises, later occupied by R. Graham's hotel. The Blair family owned the hundred acres upon which the east side of Atwood is situated. The fifty

acres nearest the G.T.R. was the property of John Blair, and the other fifty was owned by his brother W. M. Blair. At this time the toll-gate system was in full swing, one being erected near James Ferguson's shoe shop. In fact, his home was the old toll-house remodelled. In 1873 the toll-gate was con-sidered a nuisance and was abolished. From then on, the necessary funds required to keep the roads in repair were raised by means of direct taxation. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, pages 237-238 [the grandfather of Vera Gilmer who married William E Buchanan] WILLIAM H. GILMER William Gilmer came from Ireland to Elma in 1863, when eighteen years old. Six years later he married Miss Elizabeth Daley. They had two sons; William, who took over the home farm on Twelfth of Elma and John who went to Saskatche-wan. There four daughters were, Mrs. Jane Hone, Mrs. Sam Johnston, Mrs. Ray Hart and Mrs. Horace Williams. Mr. Wilmer [sic Gilmer] was Master of Donegal Orange Lodge 78 for several years, a staunch Conservative and a prominent member of Atwood Bowling Club. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 238 [somewhat garbled] JOHN SCOTT John Scott came to the Elma and Mornington boundary, where Herbert Scott lives now. He had two sons, William and James, and five girls, Jane (Mrs Ben Maddess), Annie (Mrs James Buchanan), Elizabeth (Mrs Barton), Emma [Emily](Mrs Alex Buchanan), Carrie (Mrs Fred Balls). [there must be some mistake here. Annie (Julia Ann)'s obit, and Emily's as well, say their father's name was William Scott, not John Scott.] George Scott, son of James Scott, remembers when he accompanied his father to the huckleberry marsh in Ellice to help him draw out ties, when he was a small boy. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 240

JOHN YOUNG On March 25th, 1869 John Young married Margaret Buchanan, and in two years took up lot 25, con. 7, Elma. The Youngs had six children: William, Robert, James, Angeline (Mrs. J. Douglas), Myrtle (Mrs. Percy Brisbin), Elizabeth (Mrs. J. Hardie). Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 241

MR. BLAIR AND THE COW The village streets were not safe, Before Atwood installed the lights. The mud path was so hard to follow, Few people ventured out at nights.

Only the lamps, in the tiny windows, Broke the black monotony of night. You could burnp into a weird object, That would benumb YOU with fright. Upon an evening just such as this, Mr. Blair stepped out for a walk. He came UP against something solid, Which he soon found couldn't talk. To his polite, "I beg your pardon," The "co-bossy" softly answered, "moo". If a hole had been in the ground, Mr. Blair would have fallen thro'. Farther on, the same thing happened, And by this time he was disgusted. He felt like punching this animal, Although his fist might be busted. Little wonder be felt embarrassed, When he spoke in heated wrath, "Get out of my road, you silly fool", And lo! a woman stood in his path. He was more than surprised to hear, "Mr. Blair, what did I hear you say?" This story is told about Mr. Blair, Down the years to the present day. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 258

THE PIONEER PRESBYTERIANS The first families to locate in 1854 were John Hamilton, John Vallance, William Dunn, Joseph Hastings, James Watson and Samuel Keating. Next year came George Hamilton, R. Turnbull, Patterson, J. Shearer, Newbigging, Cochrane, John Inglis, Thomas Melrose, David Sanderson, James Sloan, James Hammond, Robert Wilson, John Hanna, William Allan, William Spence, John Watson, John Connell, Andrew Paton, James Robb, James Duncan, James Cuthbertson, Robert Lang, John McKenzie, Mrs. Peebles, Richard and John Gray. Between 1855 and 58 were: Robert Cleland, George Hume, James Brock, William Lochead, Walter Weir, David Hall, John Petrie, Alan Briley, Alex Cruden, David Nichol, Alex Angus, the Moores, William Lawson, William, Andrew and Elizabeth Little. These settlers, mostly Scotch, were banded together for worship even before the formation of a mission. In 1856 meetings were held in Hamilton's shanty, Switzer's barn, Cosford's sawmill, Graham's school, Large's house and the ministers were Beatty, Tolmie, Findlay and Anderson. Rev. Tolmie came from Innerkip in the first buggy that came into the township. The next day he and Lamuel Pelton and David Graham sr. went fishing at the back of lot 4. con. 7, and caught about a hundred weight of speckled trout, which was given to the minister. The organization of Elma Centre into a mission was in the last week in August 1858, at the home of John Large. Rev. William McMullen (then of Millbank) went on a tour of Elma and Wallace.

He held communion at Large's school and preached in the home of Mr. Little near Mapleton. That same year the missions of Moore and Buchanan (now Atwood and Donegal) were organized by Revs. Beatty and Tolmie. West Monkton joined Elma Centre and was presided over by Rev. Renwick, who also had charge of Molesworth and Listowel, for a period of over twenty years. This man, who had graduated from university in Hamilton, Scotland came as a missionary to Canada as a young man. He did not marry. He was assisted in his work by Rev. William Dunn. Rev. Peter Doak came to dispense the Lord's Supper at Switzer's barn in 1860. On account of the condition of the roads, the ministers who travelled through the bushland are to be given credit for their bravery. Among these were Dr. Cavan of St. Marys, Dr. Hamilton, Peter Scott, Fotheringham, Hall, Beatty, Findlay, McPherson and Anderson. George Hamilton, Tom Melrose, James Watson, Robert Turnbull, William Little and George Hume were on the first advisory board. George Hume acted as convenor for fifty years. On October 3rd, 1862 a quarter acre of land was purchased from Alex Middleton for five shillings. Mr. John Henry presented a strip of ground along eastern boundary to enlarge the grounds for the church, which had been erected in 1858. In 1869 four acres more were bought from Alex Middleton for manse and glebe. One hundred and eight dollars was paid for it. The timber was taken from lot 17 con. 8 by a bee, the contract was given to John Dunn. George Hamilton carried refreshments to the workers. Lamuel Pelton did the plastering and was sent to Dublin for the lime. He was assisted by Andrew Peebles and David McDonald. Andrew Peebles built the first church shed. Moses McFadden had the contract to build the manse in 1870, and provided all the material for eleven hundred dollars. At the opening of the new church 1862, a Social Tea was held. George Hamilton and Andrew Peebles endeavoured to take their sweethearts to the tea-meeting on a jumper drawn by two young steers owned by Lamuel Pelton. On reaching Coulter's hill the steers became unmanageable and the girls were obliged to walk, much to their humiliation. However, the evening proved to be an enjoyable one. A paper bag was given to each one attending. In it was candy, cookies and an orange. Music was supplied by James Wilson, a tanner from Mitchell; Alex Mathieson, later of the Stratford Beacon office; B. B. Sarvis of Listowel. For a year the congregation sat on planks supported by blocks of wood. William Woods sr. fitted the church with new seats and a pulpit was built by John Hyslop. Sabbath School was begun in Large's and Graham's school house. The teachers were William Lawson, Alex Angus and Joe Hastings, with Andrew Wilson as superintendent. After the building of the first church William Dunn became superintendent and held this position for thirty-four years, assisted by Robert Anderson. The Sunday school was held only during the summer months. Among early teachers we find William Hammond, George Hume, Fanny and Mrs. Curtis, John Bell, William Woods and Tom Smith. At Brock's school on 4th concession Robert Cleland organized a Sunday School, of which he was superintendent. Alex Simpson, Mrs. McKeever, Mrs. Gray, Mary Cleland and Mrs. William Cleland were teachers. On the fourteenth concession Sunday school was organized by Mr. McVicar. Tom McCourt was superintendent assisted by T. E. Hammond, Mrs. J. Raich and Ella Dewar.

In 1877 a new church was erected in Atwood on same site. The contract was awarded to Angus McLellan, under supervision of Robert Dunn. At the opening Rev. Lang of Dundas preached the morning service from Exodus 25th chapter, twenty-second verse, 'And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat". In the afternoon service Rev. Musgrove of Milverton preached from Ephesians 2, verse 20. "built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief comer stone." Dr. Lang preached again in the evening, taking for his text John 12, 32, "And if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me". Rev. A. Henderson M.A. was introduced into this church on September 25th, 1882. He served here and in West Monkton for fourteen years. During his pastorate, the church almost doubled in membership. Bibles in the early days were very scarce, as is borne out by an incident related by Rev. Renwick. He was making a pastoral visit near Molesworth, and after enquiring about the cows, hens and making general remarks he asked for a Bible. The lady made a diligent search of the house and informed him, none could be found. To the minister's surprise she asked him if the Globe would do. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, pages 259-263

That's it. I hope you enjoyed it.

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Jul 3, 2006 Accuracy of "Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma" I recently received another word of caution about the accuracy of "Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma" "... Mrs. McNichol's inaccuracies. Her contemporaries, e.g. my Dad, thought she should have been committed and no one ever paid any attention to her prattle. It is only since her demise that people have started to consider her [as] gospel. "Of course, many people think all genealogists should be committed." So, quote from it cautiously. Remember that it is hard to verify the accuracy of most old stories.

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Jul 3, 2006 : [andrew-buchanan] Accuracy of "Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma" I get the impression too that her stories must be taken with a grain of salt. My mom knew her (although not well) and says that she was considered a bit strange, partly because she read people's fortunes and was into that sort of thing. I get the impression that most of the information for the Reveries series was compiled orally from talking to people, and I don't think she did any actual research. Her books are interesting as a sort of "folk history" for Perth County. :-) Suzanne ________________________________________________________________

Jul 8, 2006 Report on Ancestry.ca Hi Everyone, Just a report on my experience with Ancestry.ca I cancelled my trial subscription to Ancestry.ca and the person I spoke to was very pleasant. Continuing the Canadian Deluxe account would have cost me $100, but I see that they have a promotional price of $79. If you have a lot of Ontario research and want access to the primary records, this could be a very good deal. Surprisingly, during this time period one of Judy's relatives in Idaho wrote me to say how pleased she is with her Ancestry.ca account. In the past I was very critical of ALL paid genealogy subscription services because I felt that you got very poor value for your money. In the past two years I have had to revise my thinking in the case of Ancestry. Most of the breakthoughs I have made in my English genealogy have been because of the English censuses at Ancestry.com. My biggest recent breakthough in Ontario genealogy has come through Ancestry.ca. The English and Welsh censuses are accessible for free on Ancestry.com at any Family History Center, so there is no need to subscribe personally to have access to these records. Most Canadian resources are available for free elsewhere, but the Ontario BMD records are only available through a subscription to Ancestry.ca I just checked their website and I see that they offer a variety of different plans. They seem to be more flexible than they used to be. This is a good thing. I might be tempted to sign up for a month at $15, from time to time. Anyhow, for those who are interested, this is my report. I include a copy of their Sign-up page below so you can see what they are offering.

Bill Here are the plans available: Canada Deluxe Membership

12 months for only CDN $79.95 20% Introductory Discount - less than CDN $7 a month 1 month for only CDN $14.95 World Deluxe Membership 12 months for only CDN $359.95 Less than CDN $30 a month 1 month for only CDN $49.95 ________________________________________________________________ Jul 9, 2006 another piece of data from Ireland Cousins, I have run across a marriage record that might pertain to our Buchanans in Ireland. If you will recall, our Buchanans were from Learmore, Urney parish. They then moved down the road to Binnawooda, Ardstraw parish sometime between 1824 when William was christened and 1843 when Charles married. I suspect it was closer to 1824 since the family drops of the Urney parish records after William's christening. In Binnawooda is a large rock formation that was known as "the Binn." In William and Anne Thompson's marriage record, William's residence was "Binnwoods." I found another marriage entry for a William Buchanan of "Binn" who married Mary Scott on 13 SEP 1839, Killeter Presbyterian Church, Termonamongan parish. This is the same church where Charles married Fanny Porter. At first I thought this might be an early marriage for William who married Anne Thompson. However after looking at William and Anne Thompsons marriage registration, it clearly shows him as a bachelor. He would also have only been about age 15 and I think this was much too young. So, what does this marriage entry for William and Mary Scott mean? My current thought is that is might be a relation of our Buchanans. Perhaps a cousin, an uncle, etc. Let me know any thoughts you have. Patty ________________________________________________________________

Jul 20, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] sad news Patty, I know that it's late, but I just recently got around to catching up on some of the messages. I am sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. However, it was not until I read your obituary that I realized how closely related we actually are. Your mother and my father, Murray Payne, were first cousins. Wally Payne ________________________________________________________________

Jul 21, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] sad news Wally, Thank you so much for the kind words. I checked my database to see our relationship and I don't seem to have your branch of the family completely updated. I see that the Paynes married into the Watson/Ash line. I have an Ernest Payne marrying an Ellen Watson. This couple had 4 children and that is where my data ends. Is your dad Harold, Gordon or Murray? Can you fill in a bit of the data for the Payne's I don't have any birthdates or marriage info for the children of Ernest and Ellen. Can you fit yourself into the picture for me. My mother was raised in Neepawa and lived in Winnipeg later. I wonder if your dad and my mom knew each other? If I recollect correctly, my grandparents James George Buchanan and Sarah Elizabeth Watson's marriage was witnessed by her sister Ellen Watson. So you grandmother was the witness to my grandparents marriage. My brother who just died was born in Winnipeg and talked a lot about all the cousins that were everywhere there. Its possible he knew your father too. He was about 10 when my parents moved to California. In many ways I think he wished my parents had not left MB-he really loved the extended family up there. My mother was big into genealogy and had quite a lot on the Watsons, so I am sure she knew about the Paynes. Patty ________________________________________________________________

Jul 21, 2006 list member introductions Hi everyone, I've been meaning to post for a while announcing that we have over thirty Buchanan and Watson cousins on this list. It occurs to me that it's entirely possible that not everyone knows who else is "here." I'd like to suggest that each person on the list take a few moments to post a brief introduction, giving your relation to Andrew and Jane Buchanan. You never know -- it might help us gather more information if we know more about each other! And to be honest, even I, the list administrator, don't remember how everyone is related, even though each of you must have told me when you signed up! (Sorry for the rambling paragraph. It's early in the morning here.) Here's my intro. I'm Suzanne, your list admin. I haven't been doing much in the way of genealogy lately, and it's been making me sad that I haven't had time. I'm hoping to change that. In the meantime I have been doing university studies and am now embroiled in that elusive search for the job that comes after finishing university. Once life settles down a bit, I hope to get back to doing some research.

I am descended from Andrew and Jane twice over: One: Andrew and Jane Buchanan William Buchanan and Ann Thompson Robert Buchanan and Elizabeth Watson (first cousins) Charles Buchanan and Clara Danbrook Robert "Weldon" Buchanan and Eva Chalmers (my grandparents) Two: Andrew and Jane Buchanan Jane Buchanan and James Watson Elizabeth Watson and Robert Buchanan (first cousins) (see above) I live in Ontario, Canada. (Currently [personal information deleted].) In addition to the Buchanans, I have done quite a bit of research on the Danbrook family. Other surnames include Farncomb, Bettinson, Chalmers, Melrose and Lamont/Lyman, all in or around Perth and Oxford Counties, Ontario. I'd be interested to see other "introductory" posts from other members. Please feel free to remind the list of who you are and what you're up to. I dont' think we've ever tried a mass introductory session like this, and I hope that it's a good idea. Thanks! Suzanne ________________________________________________________________

Jul 21, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] list member introductions Hi list, I am Patty Hopkinson. I have been a genealogist for many years and conducted research on both my mother (Buchanan) and father's side. I am one of the Clan Buchanan Society International genealogists, so I do Buchanan research on lines other than my own. I descend from Andrew and Jane in the following way: 1. Andrew Buchanan and Jane Long/McNeilands 2. John Buchanan and Isabella Watson 3. James George Buchanan and Sarah Elizabeth Watson 4. Dorothy Mildren Buchanan and Horace Hopkinso 5. Patricia Leslie Hopkinson (ME) is: I descend from the Watsons in 2 ways: 1. James Watson and Elizabeth Linnen 2. Isabella Watson and John Buchanan

3. James George Buchanan and Sarah Elizabeth Watson 4. Dorothy Mildren Buchanan and Horace Hopkinso 5. Patricia Leslie Hopkinson (ME) The other way I descend from the Watsons 1. James Watson and Elizabeth Linnen 2 William Watson and Eliza Ash 3 Sarah Elizabeth Watson and James George Buchanan 4. Dorothy Mildren Buchanan and Horace Hopkinso 5. Patricia Leslie Hopkinson (ME) I look forward to the rest of my cousins intros. Patty Hopkinson ________________________________________________________________

Jul 21, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] list member introductions Hi Everyone, I am Bill (William Richard) Buchanan, son of William "George" Buchanan, son of William Andrew Buchanan and Elizabeth Jane Watson. William Andrew Buchanan was a son of John Buchanan and Isabel Watson; Elizabeth Jane Watson was a daughter of George Watson and Agnes "Jane" Welsh, so they were first cousins on the Watson side. Basically, I think you all know who I am, but I look forward to getting to know who else is on the list. I know that Sue, Darlene, Barry, Donna, and Patty are there. But there are few other postings. Come on folks, don't be shy. I am sure you have interests and genealogy projects of your own. I am especially interested in old family stories, but any scraps of genealogy are welcome. Biographical info: I am a retired online school teacher who spends most days doing genealogy research for myself or for other people. I spend one day a week serving in the Edmonton Bonnie Doon Family History Centre. My wife Judy and I live in a 3-bedroom home we built ourselves about 30 years ago. We live in the trees on 9 acres of bush (and some muskeg) near [personal information deleted]. I have been interested in genealogy since I was a young child and Dad told how his great grandfather's family had come from Ireland in a sailing ship that nearly sank in a storm. In the late 1970s I got a copy of the Buchanan Family Tree Book edited by Lorne and Doris Buchanan. Later, I added the information from the book to what I had collected in the 1960s, and I input it into my computer. Ever since then, I have been eagerly using the computer and the internet to share family history information.

Some of you may have visited my website to see what information I have (or don't have) on your branches of the family. If you haven't visited it in recent months, there will be things that weren't there previously. I always reply to genealogy messages I receive. If any of you is interested in creating a personal website for free, I can probably help you. My site has a lot of links to free sites you can use in your own research. (Click the links to the presentations I gave at the AGS conference). I am also somewhat long winded ...

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Jul 21, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] list member introductions Hi everyone, I am Wally Payne, son of Murray Edwin Payne and Dorothy Jean Embury. My father was the youngest son of Ernest Edwin Payne and Martha "Ellen" Watson. Ellen, as she was known was a daughter of William Watson and Eliza Ash. I do, as a matter of fact, feel very privileged to be a member of this list. As far as I can tell I am not a direct descendant of Andrew and Jane but nevertheless am a cousin, sometimes in more than one way, to all the people on the list that I've met so far. I live in [personal information deleted]. I was born in [personal information deleted]. I returned to [personal information deleted] to find a wife and to meet my family. That's when I became interested in family history. My wife, Carol, did most of the research and, but I was like my grandpa Ernie; I dearly loved to visit with relatives. I called cousins all over Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Right after I met Mervyn Potts, one of the sons of Dan Potts and Lucy Watson, Mervyn made a trip over to Riding Mountain to the home of Charlie Bradshaw and the late Ann Buchanan to retieve my grandma Ellen's family Bible. I hadn't known when he left that that was where he was going, but five days later he showed up back at our house in Virden, MB and presented me with this Bible. My dad was absolutely beside himself when I showed him his mother's Bible. He took it and hung onto it like treasure for several years. Yes, I too can be long winded. But just one more short story, because I never know when I'll get a chance to write again It was a Saturday night in August of 1989 and my wife and I rolled into Portage-La-Prairie on the way home from a trip to Winnipeg and got us a motel room. The plan was to call some of Dad's cousins that we'd never met and maybe even his Uncle Elgin, the last living sibling of my grandmother, Martha Ellen Payne. (I always referred to her as Martha becaused I'd only ever known her by the name that was on her gravestone. She died a year before I was born.) Well, I called Uncle Elgin and when he answered the phoned I asked him if he'd ever known Martha Ellen Payne. Almost immediately he replied with a no, then he thought for a bit and said "Hold on". The line was dead for about ninety seconds. It seemed like a long time. Then he

came back on the line and said "I think she was my sister". When I explained who I was, he queried about where I was right then. He could not understand why I was staying in a hotel when I could have (should have) been staying a his large house. Such a trusting individual, he hadn't even met me in person. I just found the friendliness and compassion of the people I met from those generations waws phenominal. We came back to Alberta in 1998 for the boom. We don't get much chance to do geneological work lately; too busy working. But we work at it when we can. We have two computers now, but in the beginning we wrote everything down and stored it all in three ring binders. We read through volumes and volumes of local history books. I'm still looking for a Neepawa history book. I believe it was printed in 1982. If anyone knows where there might be one for sale, we'd appreciate hearing about it. We still like to visit when we get a chance. We had Bill and Judy over a couple of years ago and exchanged information. I guess I should have made this introduction a couple of months ago. I spent four evenings in early June alone in my hotel room in London ON while I was there for an annual meeting. Beautiful little city. Next weekend we're heading out to Manitoba for a quick visit and hopefully getting to a family reunion in Saskatchewan on the way back. Someday I'd like to get to visit Hastings County in Ontario. Thank-you all for allowing me to be on your list. Wally Payne ________________________________________________________________

Jul 23, 2006 RE: [andrew-buchanan] list member introductions Hello everyone… My name is Donna Phillips. I descend as below from the Buchanan side. Also from the Watson side through Mary Watson. GGGGrandparents were Andrew Buchanan and Jane ?? GGGrandparents: Samuel Buchanan (1832-1912) and Mary Watson (1840-1922) GGrandparents: "Long" Johnny Buchanan (1857-1932) and Elizabeth Graham (1869-1911) Grandparents: Elizabeth Buchanan (1893-1988) and Charles MacArthur (1884-1952) Parents: Willena "Billie" MacArthur and William Fardoe (1925-2005) Donna Fardoe married to Warren Phillips I have been bitten by the genealogy “bug” for about 12 years. However, most of my effort has gone into my mother’s MAC ARTHUR (first family member came to PEI in 1770) and my father’s FARDOE (first family member came to Manitoba in late 1800’s) families. I must admit that I rely on the excellent research from Bill and Patty and the others to complete much of my Buchanan information.

Although I was born and grew up in Manitoba, and went to university in Saskatchewan, I have lived in Alberta for 30 years. I have worked at a number of occupations – I was a high school teacher, health promoter, public librarian, management consultant/researcher and also administrator of a employment skills program. At present I do a contract here and there, but am mostly retired. We spend much of the summer at our cottage at Emma Lake in Saskatchewan. My husband is a school superintendant and almost ready to retire. We have one son who works in Edmonton. My father was always interested in family history – both his and my Mom’s….and probably did a better job of keeping track of people in his head than I do on my computer! My parents attended one or two of the Buchanan reunions at Neepawa/Riding Mountain and I remember seeing the Buchanan Family Tree book being consulted many times to figure out how someone was connected with the family. My maternal grandmother had many siblings and they used to get together regularly, so I grew up knowing my Buchanan great aunts and uncles well. Many of them, the women in particular, lived to their mid-90’s and had many stories to tell about growing up in Riding Mountain district. Donna


Jul 25, 2006 Finding out-of-print books; Territorial Evolution of Canada Someone mentioned looking for out-of-print books. I have tried these sites: http://www.addall.com/ http://www.bookfinder.com/ There is also a wonderful series of historic maps of changes in the borders of Canada and its provinces. ... well worth looking at. I found the 1880 map to be rather strange. I never suspected that the Territory of Keewatin had separated Ontario and Manitoba. The Atlas of Canada - Territorial Evolution http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/maps/historical/territorialevolution/1867-1999

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com


Jul 26, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Finding out-of-print books; Territorial Evolution of Canada Thanks Bill,

I will try those sites. I am going to Manitoba on Thursday. Maybe I can dig something up when I'm there, although geneology wasn't initially the reason for the trip. Wally Payne ________________________________________________________________

Nov 1, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] list member introductions Hi Suzanne and everyone still monitoring this list, It seems as yahoo found our group and all it's archives. We are still listed as having 30 plus members. On the new list that Suzanne was able to set up we have now six members. Perhaps we could continue with the group introductions that Suzanne initiated back in July. I don't mean to downplay the effort that Suzanne has put in in order to set up a new list. In fact, I applaud her for her efforts, but it just seems like there were so many more members here. I wonder how many are active. Wally ________________________________________________________________

Nov 1, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] list member introductions Hi Wally and Everyone, I guess I wasn't on the new list. I sure did miss the old one. If I can, I will continue to use it. Best wishes. Bill Buchanan ________________________________________________________________

Nov 1, 2006 the list is active again We seem to be back! For those of you not aware, we had no mailing list for three months. In the meantime, I set up a replacement list at Topica but was unable to retreive everyone's email address (I lost the list of subscribers when the yahoogroups list went down). Bill, I sent you two invitations to join the Topica list. Perhaps they were filtered as junk mail.

Let's stick with the yahoogroups list since Yahoo seems to have found the information. I have no idea why it disappeared for three months. (I am really not pleased about that. I think it was a problem with my own yahoo account, since my other subscriptions were messed up as well, and now they are fixed.) I will delete the Topica mailing list in a few days. There's at least one person subscribed at Topica who isn't here at yahoogroups yet, so I'll invite her to join us here. I will also start transferring the list archive to my hard drive so that if Yahoogroups "loses" our list again, at least we'll still have the message history and all the data that has been traded. I have started archiving messages on my website, at http://www.toybox.ca/~eeyore/genealogy/andrewbuchanan . However, it's going to take me a long time to upload them all. Sue ________________________________________________________________

Nov 1, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] the list is active again Hi Suzanne:It's been so long that I have used the Yahoo Group I forgot my password, however Will pass on my connection to the Buchanans Andrew & Jane Buchanan Robert & Margaret Buchanan Elizabeth Buchanan (My great Grandmother) Regards Ken Campbell kwayne1@... ________________________________________________________________

Nov 1, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] the list is active again Hello cousins, I am glad to hear that the yahoo groups is back up and running. Of course it is just in time for me to be off for a 3 week vacation (I will be back in touch when I get back on the 19th). Before I go, I wanted to share that I was recently in Winnipeg for the funeral of my uncle. It was great to get up and visit Winnipeg again and visit with my cousins. I wanted to try and make it out to Neepawa to see my mother's birthplace, but there just wasn't time. Maybe next trip.

Here is the vitals on my uncle: Douglas Keith Buchanan, b 27 AUG 1929, d 29 SEP 2006. He left 6 children and numerous grandchildren. Patty Hopkinson


Nov 2, 2006 Re: Douglas Keith Buchanan Hi Patty, Would you have a copy of Keiths' obit?



Nov 2, 2006 Obituary of Douglas Keith Buchanan I found Keith's obit and photo online. He was my second cousin. It is at http://www.passagesmb.com/obituary_details.cfm?ObitID=112711 If you want a copy, save it now, as obits tend to disappear after a while. To save the photo, right-click on it. [Obituary D. KEITH BUCHANAN (published on October 03, 2006) D. KEITH BUCHANAN On September 29, 2006 Keith Buchanan passed away suddenly at his summer residence in the Whiteshell at Barrier Bay. Keith was predeceased by his parents Sarah and James, siblings Lottie, Ernest, Eleanor, Marjorie, Allan, Dorothy, Edith and daughter-in-law Jo-Anne. He is survived by his wife of 53 years, Jacqueline (nee Overwater), sons Ernest (Darlene), Gerard (Grace), Gordon, Neil (Dawnie), daughters Cheryl (Blair) DuGray, Marlene (Mike) Waite, grandchildren Maegan, Jaime and Erin Buchanan, Troy and Reid Buchanan, Cassie and Kristy DuGray, Tamara, Jennifer, Chad and Jessica Waite. Dad was born on August 27, 1929 and attended Lord Roberts then Kelvin High School as well as the Radio College of Canada. He worked at Falcon Hardware and Linde Air before a career as a Wire Chief at CN Telecommunications which he retired from in 1987. Dad met Mom in 1952 and they married in August 1953. They raised their family in Fort Rouge where Dad grew up. The retirement years were spent living in the Whiteshell at a cottage built by the Buchanan clan when the park opened in the early 1950s. They wintered in Apache Junction, Arizona until the late 1990s. Dad had wonderful artistic talents yet he seldom displayed them. He was a great artist and played several instruments including the accordion and organ. He also was an exceptional handyman taking on several construction challenges during his life including additions to his house in Fort Rouge and the cottage in the Whiteshell. He was always willing to lend a hand to those who needed help. Dad, you will be greatly missed by your friends and family. Prayers will be held on Wednesday,

October 4, at 7:00 p.m. and a Memorial Mass on Thursday October 5, at 1:00 p.m. both taking place at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 4588 Roblin Blvd. In lieu of flowers donations may be sent to the Heart and Stroke Foundation or Canadian Breast Cancer Society.]

Bill Buchanan


Nov 2, 2006 Obit of Jo-Anne Buchanan Here is the link to the obit for Jo-Anne Buchanan, Gordon's wife http://www.passagesmb.com/obituary_details.cfm?ObitID=77425 [Obituary JO-ANNE BUCHANAN (published on May 01, 2003) JO-ANNE GAIL BUCHANAN (nee CLAKE) February 14, 1958 - April 28, 2003 With her family by her side, Jo-Anne passed away peacefully on Monday, April 28, 2003 after a brief and vigorous struggle with cancer. Everyone who met Jo-Anne will remember her quick smile, infectious laugh, sense of humour and caring manner. Jo-Anne will be deeply missed by her devoted and loving husband Gordon; sons, Troy and Reid; mother and father Roberta and John Clake; brother Bryan Clake and his wife Catherine and their children, Danielle and David; her parents-in-law Jacqueline and Keith Buchanan; brothers-in-law, Ernie (Darlene), Gerard (Grace), Neil (Dawnie) Buchanan; sisters-in-law, Cheryl (Blair) Dugray, Marlene (Michael) Waite and their children; Aunt Ruth and Uncle Ian Lillie, Uncle Jack Sukava, Uncle Frank Williams, Aunt Maureen Clake and many cousins, nieces and nephews. She will also be missed by the family pet Bailey. Jo-Anne was born in Winnipeg and had a happy childhood with loving and supportive parents. She enjoyed a very close and special bond with her mother. Jo-Anne spent every summer at Victoria Beach with her large extended family and many special friends. She attended Grant Park High School, the University of Winnipeg and went on to complete her Bachelor of Interior Design at the University of Manitoba in 1981. Jo-Anne and Gord met while in university and laughed, loved and enjoyed many sports together, including curling and golfing. During her university years and upon graduation, Jo-Anne was employed as a designer progressing to project manager with the Hudsons Bay House, later the Northwest Stores. She was also a manufacture representative for Vic Store Fixtures. Her sons, Troy and Reid, were born in 1989 and 1992 and were a source of great pride and joy. Jo-Anne chose to stay home with the boys during their early years, starting up her own business, J. B. Design. Recently she began working on a part-time basis at the University of Manitoba. In her loving way, she nurtured her sons to fully experience life, to do their best at everything they tried, and to continually emphasize respect for others. JoAnne took great comfort from the knowledge that the boys have a very large and caring extended family from both the Buchanan and Glover sides. Jo-Anne was incredibly well loved and looked after by her husband Gord throughout her illness. The family greatly appreciated the tremendous support that was received from relatives and friends during Jo-Annes illness, including numerous visits from her brother Bryan from Calgary. Cremation has taken place and a memorial service will be held on Friday, May 2 at 1:00 p.m. in the Westworth United Church, 1750 Grosvenor at Lanark Street, Winnipeg. The memorial service will be conducted by the Rev. Carol Fletcher, a childhood friend and by Rev. Canon Arthur Thompson, a longtime friend who was present with

the family at Jo-Annes passing. If friends so desire, a donation in memory of Jo-Anne can be directed to CancerCare Manitoba/Breast Cancer Centre of Hope, 691 Wolseley Ave., Winnipeg, MBR3G 1C3. The Coutu family in care of arrangements: EDWARD J. COUTU LTD. 680 Archibald Street 253-5086\

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Nov 4, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Obit of Jo-Anne Buchanan Thanks for the information and the link, Bill. Keith was my dad's first cousin. That generation seems to be quickly fading away. Although my grandfather Ernie Payne liked to visit and probably knew Keith, my dad just wasn't much interested in family. Wally Payne


Nov 7, 2006 My Blog I have started a genealogy blog, which can be viewed at http://billbuchanan.blogspot.com/

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com

________________________________________________________________ Nov 11, 2006 Information about Martha (Ellen) Payne, nee:Watson Hello Everyone, I am looking for information about the cause of death of Ellen Payne. She was my grandmother and I know that she died in 1949 of cancer. I really would like to find out what kind of cancer that was to see if possibly there could be a genetic link to a younger generation. Maybe someone has an obit or some notes that might be of help. Wally Payne

________________________________________________________________ Nov 11, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Information about Martha (Ellen) Payne, nee:Watson Hi Wally, Sorry, but you provided all the best info I have about her. I wonder if her death certtificate or hospital records would have that information. Bill ________________________________________________________________

Nov 12, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Information about Martha (Ellen) Payne, nee:Watson Thanks Bill, I heard today from my mother that Mrs. Payne was suffering from some form of cancer that left her with a very poor ability to to breathe. She had to keep a nearby window open and was required to sleep in the living room chair so that she could breathe. This could have been lung or throat cancer. And it could also have been metastisized from a different area in the body. I will look further into getting hospital records or try getting a death certificate. Also, I think that I still have soime living relatives in Manitoba that I could talk to. Wally ________________________________________________________________

Nov 21, 2006 Bill's Book Hi Everyone, I have written a short (97 page ) book containing the stories of my lines of the Buchanans and Watsons, including parents and siblings. It is available for free as an electronic PDF file. If you would like a copy, let me know and I will email it to you. This has been one of my projects over the past few months. I intend to give a printed copy (with maps and pictures) to my children for Christmas. However, that version was over 50MB in size, so emailing it over my slow and unreliable telephone line would be impossible. The 200KB size is handy for emailing and contains the full text. It is free if you want it, and I hope you will pass it along to others who may be interested.

Staples/Business Depot has packages of 5 "Poly Report Covers" for about $2.50. They seem to be sturdy and are transparent, allowing the cover page to be viewed. I bought some for the copies I will be giving out. Anyhow, if you are interested, just send me an email message. I will also be contacting some people individually, so it's possible you may get this message twice. (I don't know who is on this list. I keep suggesting to people that they join, but I don't think I have any way of knowing who does.)

Bill Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com


Nov 21, 2006 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Bill's Book I’d be interested Bill. Thanks and good work!



Nov 21, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Bill's Book Hi Bill; I would love a copy, Please :) Thank you Kelly :o) ________________________________________________________________

Nov 29, 2006 FW: Genealogy I just received this from one of the Acheson family. (Annie May BUCHANAN was born on 29 May 1888 in Elma Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. She died on 6 Aug 1958. She was buried in Donegal, Ontario, Canada. She married Norman Alexander ACHESON on 22 Nov 1911.)

Bill Buchanan I stumbled across your very informative family history site this afternoon. The book you mention, "Who's that Sitting in our Family Tree", was written by my very dear aunt Gert, still alive in Pat Bay on Vancouver Island. I have a copy. You might be interested in my own family research website on the Achesons at: http://www.genealowiki.com/bin/view.cgi/Acheson/WebHome. Please forward this to Janice Ward for me, as she also knows my aunt, either directly or through the book. Cheers, Jim Benedict Calgary, Alberta ________________________________________________________________

Dec 2, 2006 Website Updated / Immigration Records Hi Everyone, I have updated the Buchanan area of the website http://billbuchanan.clawz.com (I had previously updated the other databases, but they are much smaller.) Access to the Ontario vital records on Ancestry.ca has allowed me to document some people better than formerly, so the Notes are increasingly valuable. If you are interested in checking the immigration records at Ancestry.com, access is free until the end of December. These links should work (I think). Canadian Immigration Records http://www.ancestry.ca/search/rectype/default.aspx?rt=40&o_iid=27273&o_lid=27273&o_it=27 273 US Immigration Records http://landing.ancestry.ca/immigration/main/?o_iid=27273&o_lid=27273&o_it=27273 German Databases http://www.ancestry.ca/search/locality/dbpage.aspx?tp=3253&o_iid=27273&o_lid=27273&o_it= 27273 Some of the German records are free and some are not. I found the Canadian records spotty. I remember hearing of a fire in Halifax that destroyed many of them, but you may find what you need. Best Wishes, Bill Buchanan Visit my Blog http://billbuchanan.blogspot.com


Dec 12, 2006 Our cousin in the news - Hannah Taylor I see our little cousin, Hannah Taylor on TV tonight promoting aid for the homeless. It is great to see what this little girl is accomplishing. www.ladybugfoundation.ca Hannah Taylor < Colleen McDougall < Lorna Henry < Mabel Claire Watson < David James Watson < Jane Buchanan

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Dec 12, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Our cousin in the news - Hannah Taylor Wow, that's great! Thanks for the link! Sue ________________________________________________________________

Dec 12, 2006 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Our cousin in the news - Hannah Taylor What a coincidence! We are considering her as a speaker for our 2008 Rotary District Conference….and I didn’t know she was a distant cousin!



Dec 14, 2006 Irish Surname Project Hi Everyone, I received a gedcom file from the Irish Surname Project. I need to merge a bunch of duplicates before sending it on. I will probably wait until the new year when time is a bit more available.

The file gives the ancestry of Anselan "Buey" (i.e. "the fair") O'Kyan, or in the Irish "Annselan O' Cahan" back for 100 generations (mostly on one line). It accompanied this message: "Annselan O' Cahan is the ancestor of the Buchanan line and you do traverse through the Irish Kings. Please note that though we have included names that predate 200 A.D. they have only been included for your amusement as they are not proven lines. There is a team of researchers who are slowly documenting portions of the early lines, but we know that they are missing many generations and that there will be errors to correct. The lines after 200 A.D. are more reliable and are much better documented. As we reconstruct the lines using literally thousands of documents and annals they will eventually be considered proven by professional standards. We are still early in the project but are providing what information has been reconstructed so far.

"My kindest regards, "Mary Slawson"

So our challenge remains to trace our connection back to the chiefs of Clan Buchanan. From there, it has been traced back to Anselan. And the Irish Surname Project is tracing Anselan's ancestry as part of their research. Best Wishes,

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Dec 14, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Irish Surname Project Bill and others, I have the early genealogy that you talk about (pre Anselan). I will be interested in comparing it to my database. My coauthor and I have gone back to "Adam" from Anselan. Of course we have the same caveat. The genealogies pre 200-300 are not proven and mainly are for amusement. Our puzzle remains...linking Andrew to the main line. I suspect another 1 or 2 generations will do it.

Patty ________________________________________________________________

Dec 18, 2006 Buchanans mentioned on Acheson website Hi Everyone, Jim Benedict has put some more of his Acheson research on his website, including references to Buchanans. http://www.genealowiki.com/bin/view.cgi/Acheson/JosephAcheson1815 From the documentation, his research looks very good. I am wondering if I should order the microfilm for Drumquin Presbyterian Church (Longfield West or Lower). It may have some Buchanan info.

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Dec 18, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanans mentioned on Acheson website Bill, I think I went through and pulled all the Buchanans from the Drumquin Presbyterian Church film when I was in Belfast at PRONI. So it will likely be duplicated work, although it never hurts to have work checked by someone else. I do think the links between the 2 families are substantial and the links possibly go back to Ireland. I think townland connections are worth checking out. Patty ________________________________________________________________

Dec 18, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanans mentioned on Acheson website

Hi Patty, If you have already checked it out the Drumquin Church records, I maybe will work on other things.

Many years ago, Arnold Hoffman told me that the Buchanans and Achesons knew each other back in Ireland. He said they lived under the same roof. But after finding both families (Joseph Acheson and William Buchanan) living on the same property at Donegal, Ontario, I have believed that he had that part of the story garbled. But maybe not. Do any of you know Arnold? When I was in touch with him he was managing a grocery store in Stratford. He would be about 66 years old now, so he may have retired. He may remember other old stories his grandparents (Norman Acheson and Annie May Buchanan) told him.

Bill ________________________________________________________________

Dec 18, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanans mentioned on Acheson website Bill, I went through my records to determine if I looked at Drumquin Pres. Church. I did go through the entire roll of film. There are many Buchanans in there. Most are related to the Buchanans of Cooel, and Buchanans of Kirlish (Drumquin). On the discouraging side, I have tried and tried to find a connection to the Buchanans of Drumquin to our line. There are similar names, but I can't find anything concrete to connect the lines. It sort of makes some sense that the Achesons and Buchanans knew each other. Lower Langfield is where William Buchanan and Anne Thompson married. It is just south of Binnawooda (it borders on Lower Langfield parish). Patty ________________________________________________________________

Dec 19, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanans mentioned on Acheson website Hi Bill; Arnold Hoffman did live in Milverton. No phone listing there anymore.(although there are still Hoffmans listed) There is a listing for an A Hofman in Stratford though.

Yes, my family knows his family, but haven't seen them for years. My Aunt & his mother were friends before Emily passed away. I will see what I can find out. Nancy (Buchanan) Mills ________________________________________________________________

Dec 19, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanans mentioned on Acheson website Hi Nancy, The last I heard of Arnold, he was living in Stratford, where he was managing a grocery store.

Bill ________________________________________________________________

Dec 19, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanans mentioned on Acheson website Hi Bill; I'll see what I can find out and let you know. Nancy ________________________________________________________________

Dec 20, 2006 FW: Genealogy Hi Everyone, I just received this information from Jill Houston. Bill Buchanan

Date: Tue Dec 19 19:27:37 2006 To: Subject: Genealogy What a wonderful site !! I google searched "Buchanan" as thats my Grandmothers

maiden name (Muriel Petrie). Just like to give you a little updated info. My name is Jill Houston, daughter of Maureen (Petrie) and James Houston. I am now married to Christopher Cooper. Also a correction to Kenneth & Deanna Petrie. They had 3 boys (you have 2 listed). Their sons are Kyle, Richard & Scott. Scott has 2 boys Noah & Caleb Petrie. Richard has 2 daughters Emilee & Amanda Petrie. And Kyle has 2 sons Benjamin & Jacob Petrie. Just thought I would pass on the correct info. Thanks Jill Houston ________________________________________________________________

Dec 20, 2006 Donegal Cemetery This is an alphabetical index to people found in the censuses of Perth County a good resource. I suspect that Don Holmes has had a hand in this, and maybe Suzanne Schaller. http://ontariocensus.rootsweb.com/Perth.txt This one looked promising, but seems to require an Ancestry subscription to do anything. http://ancestorsatrest.com/perth_county_ontario/dongeal_cemetery_elma_perth_coun\ ty.shtml

Bill Buchanan


Dec 20, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Donegal Cemetery I'm a volunteer with the Ontario GenWeb census project, but it is Don Holmes who has been doing most of the transcribing for Perth County. I do own the transcription for Donegel Cemetery. I bought it from the Perth County branch OGS. Most of the Buchanans buried there are my line (descendents of William and Ann). I'd be willing to type up anything that anyone wants from this cemetery. Suzanne


Dec 20, 2006 Donegal Cemetery - Ontario Hi All; How is everyone...are you all ready for Christmas??!! I think I am...and if not ohh well, I am not setting foot in a Mall now until sometime in January!!! hahah :) Now, I want to write and tell all of you 2 things. First, Grandma Mitchell - Margaret Edna Buchanan - will be turning 100years old in March. And I am curious, could she now be one of the oldest living Buchanan's left? Secondly, I have uploaded several pics from Donegal Cemetery. Which are located on my Blog page: http://360.yahoo.com/mitchellfamilygenealogy There is a Photo section with a pull down menu, just click on the one that says Donegal Cemetery I will try to get up some of the others that I have as soon as I can. I will have a little time after Christmas and I will do my best to do so :) Let me know if you have any problems accessing the photos. :) Huggs to All; Merry Christmas; Kelly :o) Kelly M. Mitchell Email: ketchup@... Calgary Alberta Canada http://www.rootsweb.com/~skstjose/kelly/homepage/ Check out my Photos at the following site: http://photobucket.com/albums/v617/KMitchell30ca/ Check out my Scrapbooking Gallery: http://www.digitalscrapbookplace.com/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=42685 My Blog ?! http://360.yahoo.com/mitchellfamilygenealogy Flickr !? http://www.flickr.com/photos/kellym32ca/ ________________________________________________________________

Dec 20, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Donegal Cemetery - Ontario Kelly! Your photos of Donegal Cemetery are beautiful and amazing. Northern Perth County is such a beautiful place, and I think our ancestors must have loved living there. My grandparents loved living there too. The cemetery is out in the country, in the middle of farmland. When were

you there, or if you didn't take the photos yourself, who took them? I haven't been there since we buried my grandfather (Weldon Buchanan) over five years ago, and I still haven't seen the stone that was put up for him. If anyone has a photo of his stone, I would hug you. Even my own relatives have never thought to take a photo of his stone for me, the family historian. There is a photo of the back of my great-grandparents' stone (I'm pretty sure it is the dark granite one in #11) and I've been told that my grandfather's stone is now next to it. Whoever took the photos was there before his stone was put up. Suzanne ________________________________________________________________

Dec 20, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Donegal Cemetery - Ontario Hi Suzanne; Attached is Robert Weldon Buchanan's headstone. The photos so far I took, last fall when I went down to Ontario. I stayed with my cousin Vonnie and she lives in Wellesley which is about 30mins away from Donegal. When I get time I am going to put up some of the other photos that I took from Donegal. There is a big red brick house right beside the cemetery and that is were my Grandma was born, so we went and knocked on the door and they let us in and took us on the tour ... thought that was so cool!! Let me know if you have any problems with the photo ok. This one I didnt take, Vonnie did. Merry Christmas; Kelly :o)

________________________________________________________________ Dec 21, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Donegal Cemetery - Ontario Hi Sue, That brings back memories of our trip there in 2002. As you know, there are two cemeteries at Donegal. The Donegal Cemetery is on the highway - the main (and only) street of Donegal. Donegal itself is maybe a quarter-mile of highway surrounded by farms. The other cemetery there is the Trinity Anglican Cemetery out in the country a mile or two from Donegal. Donegal Cemetery is beautifully organized and well maintained. It is a place of beauty. Trinity Cemetery on the other hand was a real mess when we visited it. All of the grave stones were piled in a heap in the middle of the cemetery. I remember one of the Buchanan relatives saying that he had seen "Weldon's granddaughter climbing over the heap looking at the gravestones". At the time, I thought "That would be Suzanne Schaller". Sorry we missed meeting you. We took a lot of photos of family graves in Donegal Cemetery, and Don Holmes has photographed all of the graves there. I wonder if anything has been done with Trinity Cemetery.

Some of our Buchanans are buried there, including Andrew's wife Jane, our earliest known female Buchanan ancestor. I have attached photos of Donegal and the grave stones in Trinity Cemetery. Best wishes, Bill Attachment(not stored) Donegal-lookingSouthDownTheHighway-July 2002.jpg Attachment(not stored) TombstonesPiledUpInTrinityAnglicanCemetery-July 2002.jpg


Dec 21, 2006 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Donegal Cemetery Hello; Don just finished re-taking taking pictures of all the memorial stones in the cemetery as well. Nancy (Buchanan)Mills ________________________________________________________________

Dec 21, 2006 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Donegal Cemetery - Ontario Kelly sent me a lovely photo of my grandfather's stone in Donegal. I am very grateful as I've never actually seen the stone. It wasn't put up until almost two years after he died. And yes, I did once climb all over Trinity Anglican, although I don't remember actually climbing on top of the stones! :-) Mom and I looked at all the stones looking for Buchanans. I wasn't able to find a stone for Jane Buchanan, but we did find Robert's stone. It was sometime in the midnineties that I was there. Suzanne ________________________________________________________________

Dec 22, 2006 3 Days free access to Ancestry.ca I just received a notice saying that Ancestry.ca is providing 3 days of free access

to their ancestry.ca databases. (Actually Dec 26-29 is a period of 4 days by my count.) But even 3 days of free access is a wonderful thing. (birth and marriage registrations especially - download images of the originals for your records) "Dec 26-29 Mark your calendars and remember to visit us for 3 days of full and unlimited access to all Ancestry.ca records." Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas, and may 2007 be filled with success in your research and your other family history projects.

Bill Buchanan Main Genealogy Website: http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Dec 22, 2006 Irish records Cousins, Unfortunately for us on this side of the pond, the Church of Ireland, Presbyterian and Methodists records for almost all parishes are only available through the archives in Belfast. I have found a genealogist in Belfast who will look through the remaining parish records that I have not had an opportunity to do on my visits to the archives. After the New Year, I am going to have him extract all Buchanan entries in the parishes our Buchanans were in, as well as the surrounding parishes. I am also having the genealogist see if he can find any further trace of Andrew Buchanan, of Cooel, who is mentioned in 1826 in the Tithe Applotment Records. I have never been able to connect this Andrew up with any other Buchanan family (or ours). It has always bothered me that I could not rule this Andrew out as being our Andrew. I am hoping the genealogist can get some further information on the Cooel Andrew and we can find out one way or the other. I hope to have information to share with you all soon. Merry Christmas. Patty Hopkinson ________________________________________________________________

Dec 23, 2006 2 upload - Donegal Cemetery Merry Christmas All; Just wanted to let all of you know that I have put up another batch of Donegal Cemetery photos for you. I have some shots of the town/village/stop along the road too that I will put up as well and i will post a quick note

here on the list to let you know. Photos: http://360.yahoo.com/mitchellfamilygenealogy Look under Donegal Cemetery - Ontario in the Yahoo Album. Now, so that you kinda understand...the new photos were sent to me by my cousin Vonnie Haner, she lives about 20-30mins away from Donegal in Wellesley. Now, Vonnie (at this time) has no connection to Buchanan or Danbrook or any of the other names. Vonnie is actually connected to my Mom's side of the family. And her and I have become great friends and i stayed with her last October 2005 and she drove me all over the place...went into Stratford to the archives, and over to Oxford to the library and and and!!! It was a great time. I have some great photos from that trip which I will get up soon so that you all can see them :) Huggs to All; Have a Very Merry Christmas Love Kelly :o) Kelly M. Mitchell Email: ketchup@... Calgary Alberta Canada http://www.rootsweb.com/~skstjose/kelly/homepage/ Check out my Photos at the following site: http://photobucket.com/albums/v617/KMitchell30ca/ Check out my Scrapbooking Gallery: http://www.digitalscrapbookplace.com/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=4268\ 5 My Blog ?! http://360.yahoo.com/mitchellfamilygenealogy Flickr !? http://www.flickr.com/photos/kellym32ca/ ________________________________________________________________

Dec 28, 2006 Re: Isaac Clifton Buchanan Hi Barry, Bertha May McGhie was the daughter of James I McGhie and Sarah Eliza Ritchie. They are maternal ancestors of Donald Alexander Buchanan, but I am not aware of other connections they may have to our family. Maybe Don would know. I could not find Isaac Clifton Buchanan in the 1901 and 1906 censuses of

Canada, but this might be him in the 1911. This Clifton Buchanan is about the right age. 1911 census Manitoba / Portage La Prairie / 6 Townships 14 / page 1 42 10 Buchanan James M Head M Apr 1846 65 43 10 Buchanan Sarha F Wife M Jan 1861 49 44 10 Buchanan Wilson M Son S Jun 1886 25 45 10 Buchanan Albert M Son S Oct 1889 21 46 10 Buchanan May F Daughter S Mar 1891 20 47 10 Buchanan Clifton M Son S Dec 1895 15 The original census page indicates that the children were born in the USA and the parents were born in Ireland. If I am interpreting the form correctly they say that they first came to Canada in 1905 and returned in 1908. Does anyone know anything about this Buchanan family? Bill ________________________________________________________________

Dec 31, 2006 Fw: Genealogy - Adam Marshall Smith ----- Original Message ----From: "Bill Buchanan" To: Cc: Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2006 10:50 PM Subject: RE: Genealogy - Adam Marshall Smith Hi Doug, I don't have much information on Adam "Marshall" Smith, who married Edna May Allan, a cousin of mine. Most of it is in my notes. The Manitoba Vital Records site is: http://web2.gov.mb.ca/cca/vital/Query.php Censuses (You have probably already done your census searches there.): automatedgenealogy.com Here is the excerpt of his birth record from Manitoba Vital Records. (You need to order the record for $12CDN to get the father's name and other info.) DETAILED BIRTH INFORMATION REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1887-19814979 CHILD'S DETAILS Last Name: SMITH Given Names: ADAM MARSHALL Sex: M Date of Birth: 03/23/1887 Place of Birth: PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: HUNT Given Names: SARAH JANE

A sister: DETAILED BIRTH INFORMATION REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1891-20015249 CHILD'S DETAILS Last Name: SMITH Given Names: MARGARET GWENDO Sex: F Date of Birth: 03/03/1891 MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: HUNT Given Names: SARAH JANE A brother: DETAILED BIRTH INFORMATION REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1884-002788 CHILD'S DETAILS Last Name: SMITH Given Names: JOHN RUSSELL Sex: M Date of Birth: 11/19/1880 Place of Birth: R.M. OF PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE MOTHER'S DETAILS Maiden Last Name: HUNT Given Names: SARAH JANE Source Information: 1901 Census of Canada Subdistrict: Norfolk (North/Nord), MACDONALD, MANITOBA District Number: 8 Subdistrict Number: h-8 Archives Microfilm: T-6433 1 44 10 Smith Sarah E F Head W Dec 24 1854 46 [born Ontario rural, Irish Presbyterian Farmer] 1 45 10 Smith Russle M Son S Nov 19 1880 20 1 46 10 Smith Elizabeth F Daughter S Jan 4 1881 19 1 47 10 Smith Janet F Daughter S Jul 29 1883 17 1 48 10 Smith Fannie F Daughter S Jul 20 1884 16 1 49 10 Smith James M Son S Aug 6 1885 15 1 50 10 Smith Marshall M Son S Mar 1887 14 2 1 10 Smith Margret F Daughter S Mar 3 1891 10 2 2 10 Smith Sarah F Daughter S Jun 16 1896 4 2 3 10 Ryerdie Robt M Domestic S Nov 8 1879 21 [The children are shown as born in Rural Manitoba, and as Scotch, so this would be their father's ethnic origin] I couldn't find the family in Manitoba in the 1881 census from http://www.familysearch.org/ GROOM'S LAST NAME: SMITH GROOM'S GIVEN NAMES: MARSHALL ADAM BRIDE'S LAST NAME: ALLAN BRIDE'S GIVEN NAMES: EDNA MAY DATE OF MARRIAGE: 12/03/1924 PLACE OF MARRIAGE: PLAP REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1924,047339 My notes on Edna May Allan: VITAL STATISTICS, MANITOBA SCHEDULE A. -- For registration of a Birth by Parents, Guardians, Occupants, Medical Practitioners Municipality of Lansdowne When born ninth Feb/05

Where Born Lansdowne Name Egna May Allan [sic] Sex male or female Female Name and Surname of Father David C Allan Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Ada May Willerton Rank or Profession of Father Farmer Name of Doctor in Attendance or of Midwife if no Doctor Mrs. Willerton Signature, Description and Residence of Informant D C Allan, Sec 18-18-14 w When Registered March 29th/05 Name of Clerk MEB Remarks EDNA MAY SMITH (Daughter of Ada Willerton) Peacefully with family at her side, passed to rest on Wednesday, February 23, 2000 at her residence, the Douglas Campbell Lodge, Portage la Prairie, MB, Edna May Smith, age 95 years, beloved wife of the late (Marsh) Adam Marshall Smith. Friends may pay their last respects at McKenzies Portage Funeral Chapel, on Friday, February 25, from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. In fulfillment of Edna's wishes, friends are invited to join family for a time of visitation at McKenzies Portage Fu-neral Chapel prior to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 26, at which time the Funeral Cortege will proceed to Evergreen Memorial Gardens, Port-age la Prairie where a graveside service will be conducted by The Rev. Jean Bryden. Edna was born on February 9, 1905, daughter to Ada and David Allan at Riding Mountain, MB. She was raised in the Glenella District and attended school there. In December, 1924 she married Marsh Smith and together they farmed the Smith family farm until 1943, when Edna and Marsh moved to White Rock, BC where they operated a 17 acre fruit farm along with a golf course. In 1958 they sold and returned to Portage, residing here until their passing. Edna was a member of the First Presbyterian Church. She enjoyed dancing and old time music especially when her husband Marsh played with his brothers and sisters. Edna was also a sports enthusiast who took great interest in hockey and base-ball, knowing most of the players right up to a few years ago. Edna was predeceased by her parents, David and Ada Allan; her husband Marsh Smith; three brothers, Walter, Melvin and Francis, two sisters, Ella Bray and Margaret Watson. She leaves to cherish her memory and to mourn her passing, her two sisters, Birdie (John) Demeris of Westbank BC and Irene Lawson of Winnipeg, MB; sister-in-law Hazel Allan of MacGregor, MB and a host of nephews and nieces, one being Pat Pilkington and her family who dearly treasure the time and love they shared with Aunt Edna. As expressions of sympathy, if friends so wish, donations may be made in Edna's memory to the Memorial Fund at the Douglas Campbell Lodge, care of Portage District General Hospi-tal, 524 Fifth St., S.E., Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3AS. A tree will he planted in memory of Edna at Evergreen Memorial Gardens by

McKenzies Portage Funeral Chapel who are entrusted with the arrangements. My notes on Adam Marshall Smith: Marsh Smith - d. April 10, 1983 @ Portage la Prairie @ 96 years. Edna b. Feb. 9, 1905 Presume Portage la Prairie ?? d. Feb. 23, 2000 @ Portage la Prairie Were m. Dec. 3, 1924 @ Elsworth Church -- presume P la P - Bernice Bill Buchanan --- On Sat 12/30, Doug Nichols < nichols_doug@... wrote: Date: Sat Dec 30 16:34:43 2006 From: Doug Nichols
Dec 31, 2006 Re: Buchanan Family File

Hi Phyllis, It is wonderful to hear from you, especially when you have family tree information. I am attaching a copy of a Buchanan family history that I wrote this year. It refers to your branch of the family. Some of it may be new information for you. I also have some Hamilton pictures that may be of interest to you. Your cousin, Bill Buchanan --- On Sun 12/31, Glade & Phyllis Penner < gppenner@... > wrote: From: Glade & Phyllis Penner [mailto: gppenner@...] To: Bill.Buchanan@... Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2006 23:24:35 -0600 Subject: Buchanan Family File Hello, I was just checking my name in google and fund an interesting link to my family history under the Buchanan name. There are a couple of errors in the information that I would like to make you aware of: My mother's name was Madeleine Phyllis (Hamilton) Anderson. She was the daughter of Guy Wentworth Hamilton and Ethel Rose King. My Fathers's name was Orvel James Anderson. He was the son of James Ross Anderson and Sarah (Sadie) Ann Lee. His name is listed incorrectly as Oral Anderson. There are some corrections for my siblings and our families as well: Barbara Jean Anderson and Chris Syrett have children Logan and Shannon Syrett and live in [personal information deleted] Phyllis and Glade Penner have children Matthew and Cameron Penner and live [personal information deleted] Marilyn and Leslie Petterson have one child Christoper Anderson (not Petterson) and live [personal information deleted] James and Lorraine (D'Arcy) have children Ross and Olivia Anderson and live in [personal information deleted]. Thanks for updating our information. Phyllis Penner ________________________________________________________________

Jan 4, 2007 FW: Ellen Ash Can any of you help Charlotte? I have almost no information on Ellen Ash. Maybe Wally, Sharon, or Patty can provide some more. Charlotte, have you tried a free 14 subscription to Ancestry.ca? It might allow you to view the registrations of some of the births, marriages and deaths that occurred in Ontario. (Mostly events after 1870.)

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com Date: Thu Jan 4 11:58:26 2007 To: Subject: Ellen Ash Hello Bill, I hope you won't mind the intrusion. My maiden name is Charlotte Ash Johnson. My great grandmother was Ellen Ash. I have been reading with much interest your genealogy on the Ash family and wondered if you have any idea of what became of Ellen? I am a subscriber of Ancestry.com and have been able to fill in a lot of information on the Ash and Johnson families but Ellen remains elusive. I recently found where George, Martha and Mary Ann Ash arrived from Liverpool, England to New York aboard the Napoleon, May 29, 1932 [1832]. I contacted Patricia a few years ago and she did provide some information on the Ash family but I am still struggling to find what may have happened to Ellen. Supposedly, Ellen married a man by the name of Jake Cronk and had two girls. Annie (my grandmother) born August 12 1859 and Ida (a great aunt) born May, 1865. A Family story goes that at some point Jake left the family and the two girls started using the name Ash instead of Cronk. I am mainly interested in being accurate in my data. Annie Ash married Charles Bradshaw on June 1 1880 at Ayr, Canada. She does not list her parents on the marriage record but she does list her place of birth as Bright at Platteville. Family story is that he was a sea captain and was lost at sea after only 9 months of marriage. The marriage record lists him as a laborer and his place of birth was England. I am having a hard time accepting the sea captain story and I cannot find a death record for Charles. I do however have Annie's wedding band with the inscription "CB to AA". It was cut in half. Would there be some meaning to that gesture? On Nov 28, 1883 Annie Bradshaw married my Grandfather, George Johnson in Blenheim, Canada. They were both listed as widowed. Annie lists her place of birth as Ayr and her parents as unknown. George and Annie had two children. Rosanna Pentland in 1888 and Thomas Ward in 1895 (my father). George died Feb 12, 1901 of Pneumonia. In 1903 Annie and her two children came to Bay City, Michigan to live with her sister Ida. Annie died on Sept 14, 1907 of organic heart disease and her death record lists her father as George Ash and her mother

as Ellen. After Annie's death Rosanna Johnson returned to Canada to live with her half brother George William Johnson and Thomas Ward Johnson stayed in Michigan with Ida Ash. Annie and Ida are buried together at Pine Ridge Cemetery. I can find no records of Ida's birth but the 1920 US Census lists her year of immigration as 1878. That would make her 13. She became sort of a business woman. She opened a restaurant (about 1900) called the One Penny or something like that. This was on Water Street and was known as "Hells Half-Mile. in Bay City, Michigan. This was the heart of the lumbering era. Lots of boozing and brawling. About 1907 the place where Ida had her restaurant was razed to make way for our Wenonah Park. Ida moved to Washington street and opened a boarding house. A few years later that house was razed to make way for the Davidson Building. Ida moved 3 more times but stayed in the boarding house business until her death in 1927. She was also the cook for the Bay County Jail. All of her boarding houses were in close proximity of the jail. She adopted two little orphan girls about 1917. I have not verified this but I think they may have been on the Orphan train that came through here. They were Matilda and Catherine, ages 3 and 5 and were originally from New York. If you can provide any clues or information on what may have happened to Ellen , Jake Cronk or Charles Bradshaw I would be very grateful. Sincerely, Charlotte A. Schulz ________________________________________________________________

Jan 4, 2007 Re: [andrew-buchanan] FW: Ellen Ash I cannot add anything to what Charlotte has. My focus on the Ashs of late has been in getting back successive generations in Lincolnshsire, England. Charlotte in fact, added some detail to what I had. I don't know what happened to Ellen but I will do some checking with some source I have and will see if I can find anything else. Patty. ________________________________________________________________

Jan 8, 2007 Anselan O'Kyan (Annselan O'Cahan) Ancestry Hi Everyone,

I finally got the merges done, so I have attached the gedcom file. Import it into a newly-created database file in your genealogy software. I suggest that you call the file "Annselan O'Cahan Ancestry" (without the quotes), so that it doesn't replace any of your existing databases. Before you get too excited seeing kings and pharoahs, Zeus, Adam & Eve in your family tree, take a moment to read the message that accompanied the gedcom file. Remember that legendary genealogies were often invented to flatter the rich and the powerful in various ages. (Research standards are much higher now.) Before any of the data in this file can be firmly attached to our family tree, we need to trace our Buchanans back to Scotland and then to the chiefs of Clan Buchanan. Still, it is interesting, isn't it? Enjoy! Bill

"Annselan O' Cahan is the ancestor of the Buchanan line and you do traverse through the Irish Kings. Please note that though we have included names that predate 200 A.D. they have only been included for your amusement as they are not proven lines. there is a team of researchers who are slowly documenting portions of the early lines, but we know that they are missing many generations and that there will be errors to correct. The lines after 200 A.D. are more reliable and are much better documented. As we reconstruct the lines using literally thousands of documents and annals they will eventually be considered proven by professional standards. We are still early in the project but are providing what information has been reconstructed so far.

"My kindest regards, "Mary Slawson From: "Jackie McKay" <jmckay@...> To: "Bill Buchanan" buchanan@... Subject: RE: Irish Surname Project Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2006 13:33:10 -0700 Attachment(not stored) Annselan OCahan Ancestry.ged ________________________________________________________________

Jan 8, 2007 James Watson Sr. - Death Hi Everyone, I found a family tree on awt [Ancestry World Trees] that incorrectly identified the death of our James Watson sr. as this one:

James Watson died 17 Aug 1888 Listowel, Perth, Ontario, Canada During the 3 days of free access to Ancestry.ca I checked into it, and this James Wason is no relation to our Watsons. This James Watson was born in Ireland (ours was born in Scotland). This one was a 64-year old Methodist. Ours was a Presbyterian and would have been about 90 years old if he had lived until 1888. County of Perth, North Easthope James Watson died 17 Aug 1888 Male 64 years old Farmer Born in Ireland Cause consumption - one year Physician: Dr Thompson Residence of informant: Listowel Registered Dec 28, 88 Religion Methodist 014487 This one looked a little more probable, but is probably too old. County of Perth, Fullarton James Watson died Sept 9, 1878 Male 90 years old Farmer Born in Scotland Cause Extreme old age Physician: None Residence of informant: Rev Robt Hamilton Registered Sept 24, 1878 Religion Presbyterian 011687 And this one is much too young. County of Huron, Stanley Jas Watson died March 17th, 1887 Male 12 days old Carpenter's child Born in Stanley Tp. Cause Weakness Physician: Dr Woods Residence of informant: Robt Watson Registered March 29, 1887 Religion 007673 In my database I still have his death as 7 Nov 1871 in Turnberry Twp, Huron, Ontario, Canada But I have no source listed. And I can't find him in Turnberry in the 1871 census. But he was living there in 1861, and his sons George and William were living there in 1881. (I figure that the census taker must have missed them 1871, as I can't find them anywhere.) My great uncle Richard James Watson was born there in 1878 and Grandma (Elizabeth Jane Watson) was born there in 1880. Her older sisters were born in Edwardsburgh, Grenville, Ontario in 1873 and 1876. This makes me wonder whether James died in Huron county or Grenville county or Perth county. But searching the records on Ancestry.ca for these places brought no suitable evidence. I may have to spend a few hours on the microfilm of the 1871 census of Edwardsburgh, to see if they were there but were mis-indexed. If anyone has further evidence, please share it with us.

Bill ________________________________________________________________

Jan 8, 2007 John Watson family Here are transcriptions of Ruth and Elizabeth's marriages. (I also have the images.) I could find nothing relating to the other children (Mary and John). I even looked under the name McDonald/Macdonald in case they had adopted their stepfather's surname - but found nothing.

Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 Name: Ruth Watson Birth Place: Mornington Age: 32 Father Name: John Watson Mother Name: Phoebe Watson Estimated birth year: abt 1862 Spouse Name: George Fonl [Ford] Spouse's Age: 28 Spouse Birth Place: Perth Spouse Father Name: Charles Fonl [Ford] Spouse Mother Name : Sarah Fonl [Ford] Marriage Date: 31 Jan 1894 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 Name: Elizabeth Watson Birth Place: Canada Age: 19 Father Name: John Watson Mother Name: Phobe Watson Estimated birth year: abt 1859 Spouse Name: Gace [Gad] Curtis Spouse's Age: 21 Spouse Birth Place: Canada Spouse Father Name: [Gad] Curtis Spouse Mother Name : Ann Curtis Marriage Date: 31 Jul 1878 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com

Bill ________________________________________________________________

Jan 11, 2007 Ash family members married in Ontario I have marked the ones that I recognized as ours. I will try to download the registrations on Wednesday. Some of the info contradicts other sources, but in most cases this will be definitive. (I will make an exception in the case of the marriage of William Watson and Eliza Ash, which has known errors.) (Perth county) Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 Name Estimated birth year Marriage Date Spouse Name Marriage County

Aason Wesley Ash abt 1879 12 Jun 1906 Leona Low Kastner Perth Alberta Jane Ash abt 1890 3 Mar 1920 Albert Goodyer Perth *** ours *** Catherine Ash 1842 15 Jul 1861 William Bremon Perth Catherine Ash abt 1848 16 Sep 1883 Michael Sullivan Perth David Ash 1840 23 May 1866 Ellen Anderson Lanark Edith Helena Ash abt 1869 8 Sep 1891 James Ellis Adkins Perth Eliza Ash abt 1858 22 Sep 1876 William Watson Perth 3 Mar 1920 *** ours *** George Henry Ash abt 1866 25 Dec 1895 Mary Jane Barnett Perth *** ours *** Gladys Ash abt 1902 9 Mar 1921 David William Johnston Perth Jacob Ash abt 1876 1 Jan 1904 Ella Victor Perth Jane Ash 1848 13 Jul 1865 Maurice Otwell Perth Margaret Sarah Ash abt 1898 3 Oct 1917 Roy Sanderson Perth Maria Ash 1839 2 Aug 1860 Abraham Sheffer Perth Mary Ann Milinia Ash abt 1881 29 Apr 1908 John Henry Tyndell Perth *** ours *** Mary Jane Ash abt 1900 16 Mar 1920 John Emmerson Nicholson Perth Maud Martha Ash abt 1882 30 Oct 1901 Henry Thedorff Perth *** ours *** Michael Ash abt 1855 29 Dec 1885 Mary Walsh Perth Michael Ash abt 1843 25 Feb 1871 Catherine Jacob Perth Sarah Eleanor Ash abt 1878 2 Dec 1896 James Campbell Harkess Perth *** ours *** William Ash 1843 30 Oct 1867 Margaret Gourley Perth Enjoy! Bill ________________________________________________________________

Jan 11, 2007 Ash Oops! I missed this one. Daughter of Ellen Ash (and Jake Cronk?). Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 Name: Annie Ash Spouse Name: Charles Bradshaw Marriage Date: 1 Jun 1880 Marriage Place: Ayr [Ayr, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada] Delay Year: 1881 Registration Number: 37369 Archives of Ontario Microfilm: 38 Source: Indexed by: Genealogical Research Library ________________________________________________________________

Jan 18, 2007 Ash marriages Here are the transcripts:

Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 Name: Mary Ann Milinia Ash Birth Place: Wallace Tp Age: 27 Father Name: Christophen Ash Mother Name: Sarah Mary Hott Ash Estimated birth year: abt 1881 Spouse Name: John Henry Tyndell Spouse's Age: 29 Spouse Birth Place: Maryborough Tp Spouse Father Name: Anthony Tyndell Spouse Mother Name : Rebecca Watcham Marriage Date: 29 Apr 1908 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 Name: Margaret Sarah Ash Birth Place: Wallace Age: 19 Father Name: George H Ash Mother Name: Mary Jane Barnett Ash Estimated birth year: abt 1898 Spouse Name: Roy Sanderson Spouse's Age: 21 Spouse Birth Place: Howick Spouse Father Name: Mathew Sanderson Spouse Mother Name : Mary McKercher Marriage Date: 3 Oct 1917 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 Name: George Henry Ash Birth Place: Wallace Age: 29 Father Name: Chis Ash Mother Name: Sarah M Hott Ash Estimated birth year: abt 1866 Spouse Name: Mary Jane Barnett Spouse's Age: 22 Spouse Birth Place: Wallace Spouse Father Name: William Barnett Spouse Mother Name : Margaret Martin Marriage Date: 25 Dec 1895 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com

Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 Name: Alberta Jane Ash Birth Place: Wallace Age: 30 Father Name: Christopher Ash Mother Name: Sarah Mary Holl Ash Estimated birth year: abt 1890 Spouse Name: Albert Goodyer Spouse's Age: 31 Spouse Birth Place: Berkshire England Spouse Father Name: John Goodyer Spouse Mother Name : Helen P Smith Goodyer Marriage Date: 3 Mar 1920 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 Name: Sarah Eleanor Ash Birth Place: Tp Wallace Age: 18 Father Name: Christopher Ash Mother Name: Sarah Mary Ash Estimated birth year: abt 1878 Spouse Name: James Campbell Harkess Spouse's Age: 22 Spouse Birth Place: Scotland Spouse Father Name: George Harkess Spouse Mother Name : Alison Harkess Marriage Date: 2 Dec 1896 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 Name: Maud Martha Ash Birth Place: Mallace Tp Age: 19 Father Name: Christopher Ash Mother Name: Sarah Mary Holt Ash Estimated birth year: abt 1882 Spouse Name: Henry Thedorff Spouse's Age: 32 Spouse Birth Place: Bruce CO Spouse Father Name: Charles Thedorff Spouse Mother Name : Wihelmina Galbe [Jalke?] Marriage Date: 30 Oct 1901 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Family History Library Microfilm: MS932_105 Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com

Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 Name: Mary Jane Ash Birth Place: Tp of Wallace Age: 20 Father Name: George Ash Mother Name: Mary Jane Barnett Ash Estimated birth year: abt 1900 Spouse Name: John Emmerson Nicholson Spouse's Age: 23 Spouse Birth Place: Tp of Turnberry Spouse Father Name: James Nicholson Spouse Mother Name : Mary Sherk Marriage Date: 16 Mar 1920 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 Name: Gladys Ash Birth Place: Township Wallace Age: 19 Father Name: George H. Ash Mother Name: Mary Jane Barnett Ash Estimated birth year: abt 1902 Spouse Name: David William Johnston Spouse's Age: 24 Spouse Birth Place: Township Wallace Spouse Father Name: James Johnston Spouse Mother Name : Annie Bochler Marriage Date: 9 Mar 1921 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com ________________________________________________________________

Jan 18, 2007 Re: FAMILY TREE Dennis, My Ann Thompson had a baby daughter (probably born in early 1847) and they emigrated to Canada in 1847, when the Great Famine was at its height. With them on the ship were her in-laws (William Buchanan's brothers and sister and parents. His brother Charles was also married and had a daughter.) According to one of my elderly relatives, a family historian who was Ann's grand daughter) Ann had at least one brother (possibly two) who also emigrated with them. The ship was damaged in a storm and had to return for repairs. On the second

attempt, Ann's baby and her father-in-law died of "immigrant fever" in Kingston, Ontario, where the ship was quarantined. They settled in Elma township, Perth county. Their community was later named Donegal. How does this match up with your family's story?

Bill Buchanan --- On Thu 01/18, Dennis Thompson < dage-thompson@... > wrote: From: Dennis Thompson To: Subject: FAMILY TREE I read your message on the RootsWeb site. I have an Ann Thompson (of Collow) married to William Buchanan (from Ardstraw) on March 24, 1846 in my lineage. Can you provide any additional information that might indicate a connection between us? ________________________________________________________________

Jan 18, 2007 Re: [andrew-buchanan] RE: FAMILY TREE Dennis, Bill and others, The Thompsons were from Collow. Anne was the daughter of James Thompson of Collow. Anne had at least 2 siblings, Thomas and William. William married Jane Speer and had at least 5 children. I hope this helps... Patty ________________________________________________________________

Jan 20, 2007 Re: FAMILY TREE Dennis, Check this webpage. Do you know Tim Spencer, who is apparently its author? Can you add to the information that is here? My website has Ann's descendants and even some photos, including Ann and her children (probably at the time of William's funeral). Bill

http://billbuchanan.clawz.com http://community.netidea.com/tspencer/Thompson/JamesThompson_17XX.html Family Group Sheet for James Thompson of Collow Prepared December 23, 2000 by Tim Spencer 624 7th Street, Nelson, BC , Canada V1L 2Z7 Numbering: modified D'Aboville system with James Thompson of Collow = 1 (underline indicates female eg. 1.7) All places in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland unless otherwise noted -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Husband: James Thompson 1 farmer, of Collow my great great great grandfather -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baptised: X at: X Married: X at: X aged X Buried: X at: X aged X Father: X Mother: X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wife: X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baptised: X at: X Buried: X at: X aged X Father: X Mother: X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Children: Place Data source 1M Thomas Thompson 1.1 Baptised: X at: X Married: 1832 at: X aged X Buried: X at: X aged X Spouse: Mason of Collow Children: Andrew Thompson 1.1.1, Elizabeth Thompson 1.1.2, Anne Thompson 1.1.3 Biddy Thompson 1.1.4, Sarah Thompson 1.1.5, John James Thompson 1.1.6 1.2 William Thompson 1.2 my great great grandfather Baptised: X at: X Married: 1836 at: X aged X Buried: X at: X aged X Spouse: Jane Speer Children: Robert Thompson 1.2.1, Esther Thompson 1.2.2, William Thompson 1.2.3 Alexander Thompson 1.2.4, Jane Thompson 1.2.5 3F Anne Thompson 1.3 Baptised: X at: X Married: 1846 at: X aged X Buried: X at: X aged X Spouse: William Buchanan of Ardstraw Children: X 1, X 1, X 1

X 1, X 1, X 1 Cousins, Someone cut and pasted part of a posting that pertained to Ann Thompson's family. I dont know who made the original posting. It contains some details regarding Ann's siblings. The father and location listed are also consistent with William's marriage registration in 1846. I thought I would share it with you. Note the posting states William was born in Binnawooda and that is likely incorrect. He was christened in Urney parish and the residence at that time was listed as Learmore. Patty Hopkinson 1 James Thompson Occupation: Farmer Born: in Collow ........ 2 Thomas Thompson ............ +? Mason Born: in Collow ........ 2 William Thompson ............ +Jane Speer ................... 3 Robert Thompson Born: 1838 in Cooel, Longfield West, Tyrone +Sarah Ann Murphy ................... 3 Alexander Thompson Born: in Ardstraw ....................... +Eliza Speer ........ 2 Ann Thompson Born: 10 June 1824 Died: 6 November 1911 +William Buchanan Born: 20 September 1824 in Binnawooda, Died: 8 October 1885 ................... 3 ? Buchanan Born: 1847 Died: 1847 1861 census of Wallace twp, Perth, ON This James Thompson could be him. Thompson William L19 C10 Farmer Ireland Anglican 23 Single Male Thompson James " " 60 Married Male Thompson Sarah " " 60 Married Female Page John Servant Ontario " 12 S M Thompson John L20 C10 Farmer Ireland Anglican 28 Married Male Thompson Agnes Ontario " 26 Married Female Thompson William " " 4 S M Thompson Mary " " 2 S F Thompson Thomas " " 1 S M Wilson Alexander " " 12 S M This William Thompson in the 1861 census of Mornington would be Ann's contemporary: Thompson William L 15 C 9 Farmer Ireland Free Church 35 Married Male Married 1853 Thompson Sarah " " 27 Married Female Thompson James Ontario " 8 S M Thompson Francis " " 5 S M Thompson John " " 4 S M Thompson Richard " " 2 S M

SETTLERS TO NEWRY STATION - This J H Thompson came later, in 1854. ... This was eighteen fifty-four, And J.H. Thompson came the same date. Reveries of a Pioneer: Elma, page 203

Bill Buchanan

--- On Sat 01/20, Dennis Thompson < dage-thompson@... > wrote: From: Dennis Thompson [mailto: dage-thompson@...] To: bill.buchanan@... Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2007 10:25:07 -0800 Subject: Re: FAMILY TREE Come to think of it, when I reread your reply, I noticed that you indicated one (or more) of Anne's brothers emigrated at the same time. I presume that was Thomas. I would definitely be interested in any data you can provide regarding that. According to my records, it is unlikely that her other brother William emigrated since most of my father's line continues to reside in Ireland. I haven't yet begun to pursue emigration as a possibility for any relative other than the ones I do know about. ________________________________________________________________

Jan 20, 2007 Re: FAMILY TREE Dennis, I am attaching a Microsoft Word document that contains many old family stories and letters. Much of it comes from Ann Thompson Buchanan. She lived into her late 80s and had a keen memory, and loved to tell family stories to her grandchildren. Two of those grandchildren, Elizabeth Young Hardie and Annie Brae Buchanan McMane, are the source of some of the material in the file. Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com --- On Sat 01/20, Dennis Thompson < dage-thompson@... > wrote: Yes I got your reply. Thanks for the info. The only data I was supplied with were the names No information regarding subsequent family or where they lived (i.e. emigration). I was not on their trail at the time that I became aware of you and your involvement. This has now opened up another avenue. Any data you can provide would be interesting but I am not sure I should venture into that branch just yet. My branch of the Thompsons begins with Anne's brother William. Any background info you can provide on Anne and William Buchanan would be appreciated.

Dennis ________________________________________________________________

Feb 3, 2007 Obit of William Gordon McLeod Note: Gordon was born William Gordon McCann, but after his parents divorce he took his mother's maiden surname. He was the son of Sandra Joyce McLeod (grand daughter of John Charles Buchanan) and her husband Lorne McCann. His aunt Gordenia McLeod Towns informed me of Gordon's passing.

Bill In memory ... William Gordon McLeod William Gordon McLeod Dec 1, 1982 - Aug. 16, 2006 It is with deep sadness that we announce the tragic passing of William Gordon McLeod of Canmore, Alberta. Gordon was born in Winnipeg on December 1, 1982. He attended Winnipeg Mennonite Elementary School, Westgate Mennonite Collegiate and the University of Winnipeg. At age 7, Gordon began to learn to play the bagpipes with the Lord Selkirk Boy Scouts Pipe Band. Piping became a real passion for him. He won many solo competitions and was Manitoba Champion Supreme in 2000. His goal was to become a member of Alberta Caledonia Pipe Band when he returned from the North. Early in his life Gordon became interested in airplanes and aviation. This interest became a career goal that he never wavered from and it led him to join Air Cadets Squadron 177 in Winnipeg and the aviation program at Mount Royal College where he graduated in 2003. In February of 2004 he went north to fly with North Wright Airlines. It was on a flight with North Wright that Gordon's plane crashed on August 16, 2006 in the N.W.T. Gordon will be sadly missed by his mother, Sandra McLeod, as well as his aunts, uncles, cousins, and many friends. We will all remember Gordon's wonderful smile and his great sense of humour. His passion for life and dedication to his goals was an example for all. His passing is truly a loss to humanity. A memorial service will be held for Gordon in Canmore, Alberta, on September 16, 2006, at the Canmore Golf Course (2000 8 Ave) at 1 p.m. There will also be a memorial service in Winnipeg on Sept. 30, 2006. In lieu of flowers, a scholarship fund for young pipers has been established - the Gordon McLeod Memorial Piping Scholarship. Donations may be sent to: The Alberta Society of Pipers and Drummers Attn: Gordon McLeod Memorial Piping Scholarship Box 75065 R.P.O. Cambrian

Calgary, Alberta T2K 6J8

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Feb 5, 2007 Fw: Mary Buchanan Hi Susan, This is Mary M. Buchanan, the daughter of James A Buchanan and Jennie Hodgson. ***** 154 ***** Mary BUCHANAN, daughter of James Alexander BUCHANAN and Jennie Annie HODGSON, was born about 1901 in Lopez Island, San Juan County, Washington. Mary married (1) to _____ NEWLAN born about 1900 in Washington(?). Mary married (2) 1932 in Philippine Isl. to Joseph SAMSONIN born about 1900 in Washington(?). ----- NOTES FOR Mary BUCHANAN: RESIDENCE: (1960) Wicksburg, Arizona. Mrs. Mary Sampson of California Mrs. Mary Sampson, of Wicksburg, Ariz The card shows us that her husband's surname should be spelled Newlean, although this is possibly clipped. Maybe on Wednesday I will be able to find more about him in the 1930 census. I also show her second husband's name as Joseph Samson or Samsonin. Maybe he will be in Washington in the 1930 census too. I hope all is well out your way. Your cousin, Bill Buchanan

Hi Bill, I came across a card that was signed by Mary Buchanan. The name after Buchanan I don't recognize. It is spelled Newlean. Have you got any ideas if this is our Mary Buchanan Your cousin Susan [Nichol]


Feb 8, 2007 Re: Mary Buchanan Newlean Well, yesterday was really busy at the Family History Centre. I spent the first half of my shift helping a man researching his Norwegian ancestors, and he was ecstatic when I found them arriving in Ellis Island. Then I spend the rest of my shift helping a man researching his family in western England, with limited success. This left me only about 15 minutes to do my own research while downloading the lastest podcasts. When my shift ended, I went to the other FHC in Edmonton, where I could relax and do my own stuff for a while. I updated my blog, and I was able to find Mary in three censuses. In 1910 she is a child in her parent's family, in 1920 she is living with her mother and siblings, and in 1930 she is married to John E Newlean and living in San Francisco. Her younger sister Florence is living with them, otherwise I couldn't be sure it was the right family. Lastly, I think I found the birth of her husband listed in the Pedigree Resource Files. 1910 United States Federal Census Name: James A Buchanan [Son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth] Age in 1910: 57 Estimated birth year: abt 1853 Birthplace: Cair [Can] Relation to Head of House: Head Father's Birth Place: Ireland Mother's Birth Place: Ireland Spouse's name: Jennie Home in 1910: Lopez, San Juan, Washington Marital Status: Married Race: White Gender: Male Year of Immigration: 1868 Household Members: Name Age James A Buchanan 57 Jennie Buchanan 29 [Jennie Annie Hodgson] Charley Buchanan 29 Carrinne N Buchanan 13 [Corinne Norman] Cara E Buchanan 11 Lattie M Buchanan 8 Mary M Buchanan 7 Carl M Buchanan 4 Clifford C Buchanan 3 Robert S Buchanan 1 10/12 Lyal Viscar 19 Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Lopez, San Juan, Washington; Roll: T624_1667; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 239; Image: 725. 1920 United States Federal Census [James A and Jennie seem to be living

separately by this time] Name: Jennie Johnstone [Johnstone is written over Buchanan] [I believe the enumerator heard Hodgson as Johnstone] Home in 1920: Ferndale, Whatcom, Washington Age: 34 years Estimated birth year: abt 1886 Birthplace: Canada Relation to Head of House: Head Father's Birth Place: Canada Mother's Birth Place: Canada Marital Status: Married [1891] Race: White Sex: Female Home owned: Rent Year of Immigration: 1891 Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Image: 210 Household Members: Name Age Jennie Johnstone 34 [Head, Married, Canada-English, Canada-English, Canada-English, General Work, Milk Products Co.] Lottie Buchanan 18 [Daughter, Divorced, Washington, Canada-English, Canada-English, Waitress, Restaurant] Mary Buchanan 17 [Daughter, Single, Washington, Canada-English, Canada-English, General Work, Milk Products Co.] Carl Buchanan 14 [Son, Single, Washington, Canada-English, Canada-English, None] Clifford Buchanan 12 [Son, Single, Washington, Canada-English, Canada-English, None] Robert Buchanan 11 [Son, Single, Washington, Canada-English, Canada-English, None] Everett Buchanan 8 [Son, Single, Washington, Canada-English, Canada-English, None] Florence Buchanan 6 [Daughter, Single, Washington, Canada-English, Canada-English, None] Gertrude Higgins 2 6/12 [Grandchild, Single, Washington, Washington, Washington, none] [Daughter of Lottie and Owen Higgins, adopted by Edwin D Buchanan and Mildred Clara Hodgson] [Higgins is written over a horizontal line indicating ditto i.e. Buchanan] Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: Ferndale, Whatcom, Washington; Roll: T625_1944; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 252; Image: 210. 1930 United States Federal Census Name: Mary Newlean Home in 1930: San Francisco, San Francisco, California Age: 27 Estimated birth year: abt 1903 Relation to Head of House: Wife Spouse's name: John E Household Members: Name Age

John E Newlean 31 [Head, married, California, Sweden, Norway, Credit man, Credit House] Mary Newlean 27 [Wife, married, Washington, Canada-English, Canada-English, Office Work, Gas & Electric Co.] Florence Buchanan 16 [Sister, Single, Washington, Canada-English, Canada-English, None] Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: San Francisco, San Francisco, California; Roll: 201; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 186; Image: 486.0. [I believe this is John Newlean's death. i.e. He lived in California and died in Washington, age is right, name is very rare] Social Security Death Index Name: John Newlean SSN: 561-05-3921 Last Residence: 98273 Mount Vernon, Skagit, Washington, United States of America Born: 4 Dec 1897 Died: Oct 1973 State (Year) SSN issued: California (Before 1951 ) Source Citation: Number: 561-05-3921;Issue State: California;Issue Date: Before 1951. [his birth, as the dates are a perfect match] Individual Record FamilySearchT Pedigree Resource File Johan Edward Newlean Compact Disc #100 Pin #851024 Sex: M Birth: 4 Dec 1897 Place: Ferndale, Whatcom Co., WA Death: Oct 1973 Place: Burlington, Skagit Co., WA ---------------------------------------------------------------------Father: Jonas Nilsson Disc #100 Pin #850997 Mother: Ingeborg Maria Johnson Disc #100 Pin #851021 ---------------------------------------------------------------------Spouse: Mary ? Disc #100 Pin #851030 Marriage: Place: ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------Notes and Sources: Notes: None Sources: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------Submitter: Donald HENDRIX 63 Fern Place, Friday Harbor, Washington, 98250, United States of America ---------------------------------------------------------------------Submission Search: 2906898-1110104174804 URL: CD-ROM: Pedigree Resource File - Compact Disc #100 CD-ROM Features: Pedigree View, Family View, Individual View, Reports, Downloadable GEDCOM files, Notes and Sources. Order Pedigree Resource File CD-ROMS ----------------------------------------------------------------------

So that is what I found. I found nothing on her second husband, Joseph Sampson or Samsonin.

Bill ________________________________________________________________

Feb 9, 2007 Re: Mary Buchanan Newlean Susan and all, I received this last night from Donald Hendrix. I thought you might find it interesting. He has more info on the Newlean family. He found John and Mary living in the Seattle, Washington area in 1923. So they must have married between the 1920 census and 1923. His father-in -law knew them. Here is the Newlean (Nilsson) family in the 1910 census of Ferndale, Whatcom, Washington. http://www.rootsweb.com/~wawhatco/census/1910censusfern.htm 1910 Census Extractions for the Town of Ferndale, ED #346, sheets 145-165 Sheet Line Surname, Given Name Age Birthplace ED# County Precinct 159B 57 NEWLEAN, Jonas 60 Sweden 346 Whatcom Ferndale Pct 159B 58 NEWLEAN, Ingeborg M 50 Norway 346 Whatcom Ferndale Pct 159B 59 NEWLEAN, Arthur C 18 NE 346 Whatcom Ferndale Pct 159B 60 NEWLEAN, Ragnhild C 13 NE 346 Whatcom Ferndale Pct 159B 61 NEWLEAN, Edward J 12 NE 346 Whatcom Ferndale Pct [John Edward]

Bill http://billbuchanan.clawz.com

Dear Bill: Yes indeed I can help you with your question! My wife's maiden name was Susan Jane NEWLEAN and her parents, Richard Macarthur NEWLEAN and Emma Louise Lammers are still living, near our home on San Juan Island in the State of Washington (at age 90 and 88, respectively). I just spoke with Dick and asked him about Mary Buchanan and he confirmed that she was married to Johan (John) Edward NEWLEAN. When Dick was fairly young, his parents [Arthur C. (Clarence Emanuel) NEWLEAN and Rannveig Ethel May Thorlakson)] divorced and his mother took Dick and his sister Virginia NEWLEAN to San Francisco to live for a short while with Mary Buchanan NEWLEAN who worked for Western Union. She got young Dick a job delivering messages in that city. John and Mary appear in the Seattle City directory (p. 1097) of 1923 living on the eastern shore of Lake Union. John and Mary eventually did

divorce and from Social Security records I have John dying in Burlington, Skagit co., WA in 0ct 1973. John was not born in either WA or CA. He was born in Oakland, Burt co., Nebraska where his parents Jonas Nilsson (Jonas NEWLEAN in the US) and his wife Ingeborg Maria Johnson were living at the time. I wrote to the Northeastern Nebraska Genealogical Society in 1997 and Maxine A. Sandquist wrote back that the city of Oakland was founded by Swedes (the NEWLEANS came from Sweden) and there were several churches in town. She wrote in the margin of the letter that she received a phone call from the First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Oakland that they had the records of John NEWLEAN's birth: Johanan Edward NEWLEAN, born Dec 4, 1897. I contacted this church and they sent me a Photostat of this entry, which included the interesting observation that John's mother was born in Söndreland parish, Norway. This page also lists John's sister's birth (Ragnhild Christina NEWLEAN) and that of his brother (Clarence Emanuel NEWLEAN). I have worked on this family for many years and still have quite a few questions. However, as you say, this is a truly unusual surname so it really stands out on a printed page. Call or write me if you have any questions. However, I have found a great many incorrect items about this family posted in such places as the LDS website, so you have to be careful to check any postings you locate. Donald L. Hendrix [personal information deleted] ________________________________________________________________

Feb 9, 2007 Simons family of Grenville Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 Name: James Simons [Methodist] Birth Place: Canada Age: 26 Father Name: Soloman Simons Mother Name: Elizabeth Watson Estimated birth year: abt 1861 Spouse Name: Ellen Jane Sweatman [Church of England] Spouse's Age: 26 Spouse Birth Place: Canada Spouse Father Name: Henry Sweatman Spouse Mother Name : Eliza Moore Marriage Date: 6 Apr 1887 Marriage Place: Grenville [Prescott] Marriage County: Grenville Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922

Name: Esther Simons Age: 20 Father Name: James Simons Mother Name: Jane Swetman Estimated birth year: abt 1891 Spouse Name: James E Roddick Spouse's Age: 31 Spouse Father Name: John Roddick Spouse Mother Name : Sarah Roddick Marriage Date: 16 Aug 1911 Marriage Place: Grenville Marriage County: Grenville Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com Here is James Roddick in the 1911 census: 1911 census Ontario / Grenville / 15 Edwardsburg / page 1 14 4 Roddick Sarah F Head W Apr 1847 64 [Ontario, Canadian, Irish, R Catholic, Farmer] 15 4 Roddick James M Son S Jun 1881 30 [Ontario, Canadian, Scotch, R Catholic, None] 16 4 Roddick Margaret F Daughter S Dec 1885 25 [Ontario, Canadian, Scotch, R Catholic, None] 17 4 Roddick Georgina F Sister-in-law S Jul 1848 62 [Ontario, Canadian, Scotch, Presbyterian, None]

Grandchildren of Elizabeth Watson and Solomon Simons: Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Name: Edith Geneva Simons Date of Birth: 29 Aug 1887 Gender: Female Birth County: Grenville Father's name: James Simons [Farmer, Edwardsburgh] Mother's name: Ellen Jane Sweetman Roll Number: MS929_82 Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Name: Ester Ann Simons Date of Birth: 29 Sep 1890 Gender: Female Birth County: Grenville Father's name: James Simons Mother's name: Ellen Jane Sweetman Roll Number: MS929_99 Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Name: Gladies Simons Date of Birth: 27 Dec 1892 Gender: Female Birth County: Grenville Father's name: James Simons Mother's name: Ellin Sweetman Roll Number: MS929_116

************* The rest is of little interest, but if someone can definitley connect some of the following please let me know. Name Birth Date Gender Birth County Father's name Mother's name Edith Geneva Simons 29 Aug 1887 Female Grenville James Simons Ellen Jane Sweetman Ester Ann Simons 29 Sep 1890 Female Grenville James Simons Ellen Jane Sweetman Gladies Simons 27 Dec 1892 Female Grenville James Simons Ellin Sweetman John Simons 10 Aug 1889 Male Grenville Samuel Simons Kate Devereaux Mary Simons 10 Aug 1889 Female Grenville Samuel Simons Lucy Keeper Latetia Simons 14 Feb 1896 Female Grenville Samul Simons Catherine Deveraux Mary Ann Simons 19 Jul 1898 Female Grenville Samuel Simons Katharine Deveraux Milo Simons 9 Dec 1899 Male Grenville Samuel Simons Kate Deveraux Simons 9 Dec 1899 Male Grenville Samuel Simons Katie Deveraux Martha Simons 14 Mar 1901 Female Grenville Samuel Simons Elizabeth Deveraux Ontario, Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 - Leeds & Grenville [Those in Leeds may be unrelated] Name Estimated birth year Death Date Death Location Gender Dan Simons abt 1790 11 Apr 1873 Leeds and Grenville Male [Solomon's father] Dan Simons abt 1793 11 Apr 1873 Leeds and Grenville Male [Solomon's father] Jane Simons abt 1861 2 Nov 1883 Leeds Female Frederick Simons abt 1841 25 Mar 1890 Leeds Male John Simons abt 1824 5 Jan 1898 Leeds Male Mary Adeline Simons abt 1898 Aug 1898 Grenville Female Soloman Simons abt 1827 27 Sep 1898 Grenville Male [Married Elizabeth Watson] Maggie Simons abt 1871 Aug 1899 Grenville Female Mary Simons abt 1889 29 Aug 1889 Grenville Female Catherine Dup Simons abt 1865 23 May 1901 Leeds and Grenville Female Mabel Clare Simons abt 1904 24 Nov 1904 Leeds Female Elizabeth Simons abt 1841 Jun 1917 Leeds Female Daniel Simons abt 1876 24 Nov 1921 Grenville Male Ontario, Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 [Born too late to be Elizabeth Watson Simons] Name: Elizabeth Simons Death Date: Jun 1917 Death Location: Leeds Gender: Female Estimated birth year: abt 1841 Birth Location: ME Ontario, Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 Name: Frederick Simons Death Date: 25 Mar 1890 Death Location: Leeds Gender: Male Estimated birth year: abt 1841 Birth Location: USA

Ontario, Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 Name: Jane Simons Death Date: 2 Nov 1883 Death Location: Leeds Gender: Female Estimated birth year: abt 1861 Birth Location: Brockville Ontario, Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 Name: John Simons Death Date: 5 Jan 1898 Death Location: Leeds Gender: Male Estimated birth year: abt 1824 Birth Location: Ahesdem,Sct [So the Leeds Simons were from Scotland not USA] Ontario, Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 Name: Mabel Clare Simons Death Date: 24 Nov 1904 Death Location: Leeds Gender: Female Estimated birth year: abt 1904 Birth Location: Sherbrooke Brockville

Ontario, Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 Name: Maggie Simons Death Date: Aug 1899 Death Location: Grenville Gender: Female Estimated birth year: abt 1871 Birth Location: Edwardsburgh Ontario, Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 Name: Mary Simons Death Date: 29 Aug 1889 Death Location: Grenville Gender: Female Estimated birth year: abt 1889 Birth Location: Cardeniat Ontario, Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 Name: Mary Adeline Simons Death Date: Aug 1898 Death Location: Grenville Gender: Female Estimated birth year: abt 1898 Birth Location: Edwardsburg Ontario, Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 [Elizabeth's husband] Name: Soloman Simons

Death Date: 27 Sep 1898 Death Location: Grenville Gender: Male Estimated birth year: abt 1827 Birth Location: Canada Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Feb 9, 2007 John Watson's family These are part of John Watson's family. I thought I had lost track of them after the 1881 census, but found them again in 1911. The wife, Elizabeth (Watson) Curtis is not there. It adds 5 Curtises that I didn't have a record of. 1911 census Ontario / Perth North / 38 Stratford / page 8 30 93 Curtis Gad M Head W Feb 1858 52 [Ont Canadian Scotch Presb Labourer in Brewery] 31 93 Curtis Robert John M Son S Jun 1880 31 [Ont Canadian Scotch Presb Boilermaker] 32 93 Curtis Margaret A. F Daughter S Dec 1873 28 [Ont Canadian Scotch Presb None] 33 93 Curtis Herbert James M Son S Nov 1887 24 [Ont Canadian Scotch Presb Book keeper] 34 93 Curtis William Moses M Son S May 1889 21 [Ont Canadian Scotch Presb Printer] 35 93 Curtis Mary May F Daughter S May 1894 17 [Ont Canadian Scotch Presb Printer] 36 93 Curtis Phoebe E. F Daughter S Aug 1899 11 [Ont Canadian Scotch Presb None] So I decided to see if they were there in 1901. After using the search engines at automatedgenealogy.com and one-step with no success, I began a line-by line search of the transcripts for Stratford City G-1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 2, 3, 4. And you were wondering how I had spent the day ... :-) Source Information: 1901 Census of Canada Subdistrict: Stratford (City/Cité), PERTH (North/Nord), ONTARIO District Number: 104 Subdistrict Number: g-4 Archives Microfilm: T-6490 3 45 32 Courtes Gad M Head M Feb 24 1845 45 [Eng Eng Pres] [sic mathematically 1855] [No occupation is given.] 3 46 32 Courtes Elizabeth F Wife M Aug 4 1849 41 [ " Eng Pres] [sic 1859] 3 47 32 Courtes Robert J. M Son S Jun 3 1869 21 [Ont Eng Pres] [sic 1879] 3 48 32 Courtes Margaret E. F Daughter S Dec 11 1872 18 [Ont Eng Pres] [sic 1882] 3 49 32 Courtes Albert J. M Son S Nov 5 1875 15 [Ont Eng Pres] [sic 1885] 3 50 32 Courtes William M. M Son S May 21 1879 11 [Ont Eng Pres] [sic 1889] 4 1 32 Courtes Mary M. F Daughter S May 13 1884 6 [Ont Eng Pres] [sic 1894] 4 2 32 Courtes Fiby E. F Daughter S Aug 8 1889 1 [Ont Eng Pres] [sic 1899] The ages were right but the math was off by 10 years on the birth years according to the other censuses, and Gad and Elizabeth's marriage certicate. As a bonus, I also found Elizabeth's mother Phoebe (John Watson's and Malcolm McDonald's widow) and a stepsister I wasn't aware of (living next door to her sister Ruth).

Source Information: 1901 Census of Canada Subdistrict: Stratford (City/Cité), PERTH (North/Nord), ONTARIO District Number: 104 Subdistrict Number: g-15 Archives Microfilm: T-6491 2 16 14 Ford George M Head M May 3 1868 30 [Ont-r English Meth RR Switchman] 2 17 14 Ford Ruth F Wife M Apr 30 1863 38 [Ont-r Scotch Meth] 2 18 14 Ford Edieth L F Daughter S Sep 3 1898 3 [Ont-r English Meth] 19 15 McDonald Febie F Head W Aug 9 1841 60 [Ont-r Scotch Meth] 20 15 McDonald Kate M F Daughter S May 26 1881 20 [Ont-r Scotch Meth]

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Feb 9, 2007 Territorial Evolution of Canada - animated map I have added a link on the website, I think you will find it interesting.

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Feb 15, 2007 James A Buchanan Family I found these online family trees that include this branch of Andrew and Mary Jane's family: garrymorris93@... http://awtc.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=DESC&db=garyjmorris&id=I176 correlator@... http://awtc.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=ca5784&id=I99 No contact inf, but with a gedcom file http://awtc.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=DESC&db=*v111t0535&id=I0142

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Feb 15, 2007

The Mystery of Gertrude Buchanan Who is Gertrude Buchanan, the daughter of James A Buchanan and Jennie Annie Hodgson? Over the past few days, Susan and I have been trying to figure this out, with help from Donald Hendrix, who is related by marriage to Mary M Buchanan's husband John Edward Newlean. Here is what the current version of my database has regarding James' children of his second marriage: Children of James A. BUCHANAN and Jennie Annie HODGSON 1. Corrine Andrew or "Norman" BUCHANAN (b.1897-Lopez Island,San Juan,Washington,USA;d.1951-Seattle,King,Washington,USA) 2. Cora Ellen or "Carol" BUCHANAN (b.1899-Lopez Island,San Juan,Washington,USA;d.1966Seattle,King,Washington,USA) 3. Lottie M. BUCHANAN (b.1901-Lopez Island,San Juan,Washington,USA) 4. Mary M. BUCHANAN (b.1902-Lopez Island,San Juan,Washington,USA) 5. Robert BUCHANAN (b.1905-Lopez Island,San Juan,Washington,USA) 6. Carl M. BUCHANAN (b.1906-Lopez Island,San Juan,Washington,USA) 6. Clifford C. BUCHANAN (b.1907-Lopez Island,San Juan,Washington,USA;d.1937Kodiak,Alaska,USA) 7. Gertrude BUCHANAN (b.1909-Lopez Island,San Juan,Washington,USA;d.1974) 8. Everett J. B. BUCHANAN (b.1911-Lopez Island,San Juan,Washington,USA;d.1995Juneau,Juneau,Alaska,USA) 9. Florence BUCHANAN (b.1914-Lopez Island,San Juan,Washington,USA;d.1971) Previously, I had Gertrude shown as born about 1901, which led Donald to ask whether she and Gertrude were twins. He was closer than I thought. In the last couple of days, I did some more searching. I found the family in the 1910 and 1920 censuses, but there was no Gertrude. Whether she was born in 1901 or 1909, she should be with the rest of the family in the census! At this point I concluded that she did not exist. One of the three online family trees I found for this family gives what I believe to be the correct answer. It gives Gertrude as a nickname for Lottie M Buchanan. http://awtc.ancestry.com/cgibin/igm.cgi?op=DESC&db=*v111t0535&id=I0142 Yesterday Susan sent me her grandfather's obituary, which may hold the final piece of the puzzle: JAMES BUCHANAN James H. Buchanan, 60, died suddenly at his home in north Riverside Saturday following a heart attack. Although Mr. Buchanan had been in ill health for some time, he had been able to be up and around until the fatal attack Saturday. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'cloclt. in the Aaron Light Funeral home. Born November 9, 1883, in Carson City, Nevada, Mr. Buchanan had been a resident of this community for the past 16 years. Surviving him are his widow, Grace, one son, Virgil W. Buchanan, route 4; two grandchildren; brothers, Charles and Ed Buchanan of Lopez Isaland; Corrine, Deming; Carl and Everett, Sitka, Alaska.; four sisters, Mrs, Cora Graham, Seattle; Gertrude Buchanan, Sitka; Mrs. Mary Sampson, California; Mrs. Florence O'Sorrio, Philippine Islands.

I notice that Gertrude is mentioned, but not Lottie. The evidence seems conclusive to me. If Gertrude is a nickname for one of the other daughters, "Gertrude" is not Cora, nor Mary, nor Florence, so Gertrude is Lottie M Buchanan. If you have any evidence to the contrary, please share it. Otherwise, I will consider that Gertrude is a nickname for Lottie.

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Feb 15, 2007 Re: [andrew-buchanan] The Mystery of Gertrude Buchanan Bill, I am in contact with one of our cousins on Lopez Island (I think a descendant of Cora Graham, sisiter to Gertrude). I will check with her and see what she says. I have invited her, but I don't believe she ever joined the list. Patty ________________________________________________________________

Feb 16, 2007 Fw: You are correct... ----- Original Message ----From: "Donald L. Hendrix" To: "'Bill Buchanan'" Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 1:20 PM Subject: FW: You are correct... Bill: I just received this correction from Linda Rose of Lopez Island regarding the date of marriage between James Alexander Buchanan and his second wife, Jennie Annie Hodgson. It did indeed take place in 1895, not 1897. Note the very young age of the bride compared to that of the groom! Don H. -----Original Message----Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 12:00 PM To: Don Hendrix Subject: You Are Right

I just looked up the Marriage License....James Buchanan and Jennie Ann Hodgson, both of Lopez Island were married on July 28th, 1895. Witness by John A. Word and Nellie Hodgson. James Buchanan was at that time 40 years and Jennie Ann Hodgeson of the age of 16. They were married in Friday Harbor by Rev. L.L. Dyer. Hope this helps, Linda Rose ________________________________________________________________

Feb 16, 2007 Fw: Gertrude Buchanan Hi Susan and all, I would be really confused at this point, but other evidence proves this "Gertrude" is Lottie's daughter, who was born as "Verona May Higgins". Is this confusing or what? Read on ... Washington Births, 1907-1919 Name: Verona May Higgins Birth Date: 1 Jul 1917 LOCATION: Whatcom Sex: Female Race: White Father's name: Owen Higgins Mother's name: Lottie Buchanan Image Filename: 2746 Ancestry.com. Washington Births, 1907-1919 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Original data: [Adopted by Edwin (Edward) and Clara Buchanan as Gertrude Buchanan.] In the 1920 census, Lottie and her daughter are living with Jennie and most of the rest of the family. In that census, the lttle girl is referred to as Gertrude Higgins (the ditto line representing "Buchanan" being there, but over-written by "Higgins"). She is described as a grandchild, aged 2 6/12. 1920 United States Federal Census [James A and Jennie seem to be living separately by this time] Name: Jennie Johnstone [Hodgson?] [Johnstone is written over Buchanan] Home in 1920: Ferndale, Whatcom, Washington Age: 34 years Estimated birth year: abt 1886 Birthplace: Canada Relation to Head of House: Head Father's Birth Place: Canada Mother's Birth Place: Canada Marital Status: Married [1891]

Race: White Sex: Female Home owned: Rent Year of Immigration: 1891 Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Image: 210 Household Members: Name Age Jennie Johnstone 34 [Head, Married, Canada-English, Canada-English, Canada-English, General Work, Milk Products Co.] Lottie Buchanan 18 [Daughter, Divorced, Washington, Canada-English, Canada-English, Waitress, Restaurant] Mary Buchanan 17 [Daughter, Single, Washington, Canada-English, Canada-English, General Work, Milk Products Co.] Carl Buchanan 14 [Son, Single, Washington, Canada-English, Canada-English, None] Clifford Buchanan 12 [Son, Single, Washington, Canada-English, Canada-English, None] Robert Buchanan 11 [Son, Single, Washington, Canada-English, Canada-English, None] Everett Buchanan 8 [Son, Single, Washington, Canada-English, Canada-English, None] Florence Buchanan 6 [Daughter, Single, Washington, Canada-English, Canada-English, None] Gertrude Higgins 2 6/12 [Grand daughter, Single, Washington, Washington, Washington, none] [Higgins is written over a horizontal line indicating ditto i.e. Buchanan] Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: Ferndale, Whatcom, Washington; Roll: T625_1944; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 252; Image: 210. Indexed by Ancestry.com Just received this from Susan: Hi Bill I have 2 Birthdays for you. I don't have the year they were born, but even so it might help. This came from Grandmas Birthday book. Lottie Buchanan April 16 Gertrude Buchanan July 2 From the SSDI we have a perfect match for the birthdate of "Lottie M." Buchanan: Gertrude ENDICOTT Birth Date: 16 Apr 1901 Death Date: Jul 1978 Social Security Number: 574-07-1042 State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Alaska [She lived in Sitka] Death Residence Localities ZIP Code: 98119 Localities: , King, Washington [Seattle] Note that the date is off by one day for her daughter Verona/Gertrude, as the birth registration says July 1. Each new piece of evidence seems to confirm that the older Gertrude

Buchanan, (who later married Jack Endicott and lived at Sitka, Alaska) is Lottie M. Buchanan. But I welcome any new evidence to the contrary. With all of the name changes, this is a challenging but FUN family to sort out.

Bill Hi Bill, I found in this little book, that my grandma had. She wrote down , parties, and picnics etc. Mr & Mrs Ed Buchanan & Gertrude are listed as guests. It was a picnic in 1923. your cousin Susan Attachment(not stored) Gertrude Buchanan.jpg ________________________________________________________________

Feb 16, 2007 Washington State Birth Records Hi Everyone, I had a good day at the Family History Center. Here are some Washington State birth records for the family. Washington Births, 1907-1919 Name: Florenceevelyn Beckman [Florence Evelyn Buchanan] Birth Date: 23 Sep 1913 LOCATION: San Juan Sex: Female Race: White Father's name: James A Buchanan Mother's name: Jennie Hodgson Image Filename: 1053 Washington Births, 1907-1919 Name: John Everett Buchanan [so Everett was his middle name, I never knew that] Birth Date: 4 Jun 1911 LOCATION: San Juan Sex: Male Race: White Father's name: James Buchanan Mother's name: Jennie Hodgson Image Filename: 1053 Washington Births, 1907-1919 Name: James Vergil Buchmann [James Virgil Buchanan] Birth Date: 10 Apr 1910 LOCATION: San Juan Sex: Male

Race: White Father's name: James H Buchanan Mother's name: Grace M Kennen Image Filename: 1053 Source Information: Ancestry.com. Washington Births, 1907-1919 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Original data: Washington Births, 1907-1919 Name: William Nelson Buchanan Birth Date: 2 Jun 1913 LOCATION: San Juan Sex: Male Race: White Father's name: James Alex Buchanan [So Alexander's first name is James, I didn't know that.] Mother's name: May J Sebar [I need to look at the original, if possible] Image Filename: 1053 Ancestry.com. Washington Births, 1907-1919 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Washington Births, 1907-1919 Name: Verona May Higgins [The given names here were a complete surprise!] Birth Date: 1 Jul 1917 LOCATION: Whatcom Sex: Female Race: White Father's name: Owen Higgins Mother's name: Lottie Buchanan Image Filename: 2746 Ancestry.com. Washington Births, 1907-1919 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Original data: [Adopted by Edwin (Edward) and Clara Buchanan as Gertrude Buchanan.] BETTER FORMAT: 1920 United States Federal Census Jennie Johnstone Ferndale, Whatcom, Washington abt 1886 Canada White Head Lottie Buchanan, Jennie Ferndale, Whatcom, Washington abt 1902 Washington White Daughter Mary Buchanan, Jennie Ferndale, Whatcom, Washington abt 1903 Washington White Daughter Carl Buchanan, Jennie Ferndale, Whatcom, Washington abt 1906 Washington White Son Clifford Buchanan, Jennie Ferndale, Whatcom, Washington abt 1908 Washington White Son Robert Buchanan, Jennie Ferndale, Whatcom, Washington abt 1909 Washington White Son Everett Buchanan, Jennie Ferndale, Whatcom, Washington abt 1912 Washington White Son Florence Buchanan, Jennie Ferndale, Whatcom, Washington abt 1914 Washington White Daughter Gertrude Higgins, Ferndale, Whatcom, Washington abt 1917 Washington White Grandchild [Lottie's daughter] I believe this is the death of Lottie/Gertrude Social Security Death Index Name: Gertrude Endicott SSN: 574-07-1042

Last Residence: 98119 Seattle, King, Washington, United States of America Born: 16 Apr 1901 Last Benefit: 98118 Seattle, King, Washington, United States of America Died: Jul 1978 State (Year) SSN issued: Alaska (Before 1951 ) Source Citation: Number: 574-07-1042;Issue State: Alaska;Issue Date: Before 1951. Source Information: Ancestry.com. Social Security Death Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original data: Social Security Administration. Social Security Death Index, Master File. Social Security Administration. In my records I am revising the name of James Alexander Buchanan, as given on the Hodgson website. I am changing it to James Andrew Buchanan as suggested by Susan and the 1900 census. This has been one of my best sources of information on this family, but it has some errors. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/8143/genealogy/hodgson.txt ***** 65 ***** Jennie Annie HODGSON, daughter of William James (James) HODGSON and Emma BATES, was born 13 Aug 1879 in Michigan. Jennie married (1) 28 Jul 1895 in Lopez Island, San Juan County, Washington to James Alexander BUCHANAN born 5 Mar 1851 in Donegal, Ontario, died 16 Jan 1935 in Lopez Island, San Juan County, Washington. Jennie married (2) about 1910/1940 in Washington to _____ STANLEY born about 1875 in Michigan(?). ----- NOTES FOR James Alexander BUCHANAAN: PARENTS: Andrew BUCHANAN and Mary Jane BOOTH. NAME-CONFLICT: Middle name perhaps Andrew instead of Alexander. RESIDENCE: Came to US in 1882 and spent most of his life as a resident of Lopez Island. MARRIAGE: First to Mary E. (Minnie) SHEWAN, who died 2 Jul 1892, and had: Charles, Edwin (married Clara HODGSON), and James; Married third Jul 1924 to Nellie Lane BARLOW. I had accepted the following document as proof of his middle name being Alexander, but it likely refers to James "Alexander" Buchanan, husband of Mae Labarr/May J Sebar. http://www.secstate.wa.gov/history/search_detail.aspx?r=37&id=282 San Juan County - Naturalizations Last Name Buchanan First Name James Middle Name Alexander Alias Name Birthdate Country of Origin Date of Entry into the US Name of Spouse Names of Children Document Type Declaration of Intention Document Date 03 MAY 1932 Volume 2 Document Number 45 Notes County San Juan What do you think? What evidence do you have for James Alexander vs. James Andrew?

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Feb 16, 2007 Re: Summary of a section of the Andrew Buchanan Descendancy... Don, You have done a very nice job of putting things together. I agree that Eddie was born in 1886. I think the 1887 census proves it beyond any doubt, but I had overlooked the inconsistency. http://www.secstate.wa.gov/history/search_results_view.aspx 1887 census San Juan County, Precinct Lopez Island Buchanan, Jas Age 34 M Married farmer Page 17 Line 26 Buchanan, Mary Age 31 F Married Birthplace Pen Page 17 Line 27 Buchanan, Chas Age 7 M S Birthplace Cal Page 17 Line 28 Buchanan, Jas Age 4 M S Birthplace Utah Page 17 Line 29 Buchanan, Edger Age 1 M S Birthplace W T Page 17 Line 30 [Note that Eddie's name keeps changing. Here it is Edger, other places it is Edwin, and in later years it is Edward.] As far as the birthdate of Lottie M (Gertrude), Susan's grandmother giving the birthday as April 16 agrees with the SSDI, so I am sticking with that for now. Official registration papers and local newspapers both can make mistakes. At this point the vote is 2 to 1 in favor of the 16th. I had missed the point about James A. serving 2 terms as a county councilor, a significant achievement. I think that the naturalization application is actually from James Alex Buchanan, his brother William's son. Initially I thought it proved that the "A" in "James A" stood for Alexander. Now I am inclined to believe the 1900 census, where he says it is Andrew, which agrees with what Susan thought. At the time of his marriage to Nellie Lane Barlow (given in the transcription as Nellie J. Schollick), he was 71 and she was only 44. Notice the 1930 census. He is the same age as his mother-in-law! 1930 census of Washington, San Juan, Lopez Precinct No. 1 James A., son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth Surname Name Role Sex Age Married at Age Birthplace Father Mother Occupation Buchanan James A. head M 78 21 Canada Ireland Ireland farmer Buchanan Nellie wife F 50 30 Oregon Kentucky Missouri Barber Ellen m-in-law F 78 17 Missouri Indiana Indiana [must be Barlow, not Barber]

The June 1924 paper announces "The happy couple were united in marriage by Rev. D. C. Cowan at the Presbyterian manse." so I think they were probably married in late June. In July the paper announces that they returned on July 2nd. (His brother William's arrest for moonshining dominated the front page.) Next Wednesday I will be back at the Fmaily History Center. I want to see what marriage and death records ancestry.com has for Washington. It may clear up a few more points.

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: Donald L. Hendrix To: 'Bill Buchanan' ; Susan Nichol Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 5:36 PM Subject: Summary of a section of the Andrew Buchanan Descendancy... Dear Bill and Susan: Here is a summary of what I have cobbled together the part of this ancestry which is of greatest interest to my father-in-law’s ancestry, based largely upon Bill’s work and what I have read in the newspaper transcriptions provided us by Linda Rose of Lopez Island. Note that I have a few things differently than what I have read in recent emails. For instance, I have Gertrude (Lottie M.) Buchanan [we all seem to feel that this is one person] being born 12 Apr 1901 – not the date Susan has from her grandmother’s records. The 12 Apr date comes from the transcribed accounts of the Friday Harbor Journal provided by Linda Rose. Note that this citation does not give a name to the child, simply the date, names of the parents and the sex of the child. However, Lottie seems to be the only child who could fit this citation. Also, the same newspaper records have Edwin D. Buchanan born in May 1886, not 1887 (i.e., look at the citation in the newspaper for the date of his 19th birthday). Also, in several places, people have written somebody living in Wicksburg, AZ. Having lived in AZ for 21 years, I am pretty certain that the name of this town should be spelled Wickenburg. However, it is entirely possible that the spelling of the name of this town has changed over time. If you look carefully at the newspaper abstracts, you will note that the earliest refer to the city of Whatcom, which is now Bellingham… I would appreciate any comments/suggested changes, etc. to the outline below: Don Hendrix Friday Harbor, WA Descendants of Andrew Buchanan Generation No. 1 1. ANDREW1 BUCHANAN was born 1826 in Omagh, Tyrone, Ireland, and died 11 Feb 1903 in Neepawa, Manitoba, Canada. He married MARY JANE BOOTH in 1852. Children of ANDREW BUCHANAN and MARY BOOTH are: 2. i. JAMES ALEXANDER2 BUCHANAN, b. March 05, 1851, Donegal, Perth, Ontario, Canada; d. January 16, 1935, Lopez Island, San Juan co., WA.

ii. JANE BUCHANAN, b. 1855, Donegal, Perth, Ontario, Canada; d. 15 Mar 1922, Lopez Island, San Juan co., WA, m. Samuel McCauley 25 Dec 1876. This couple had seven sons, whom all came to San Juan co., WA. iii. MARY E. BUCHANAN, b. 1857, Ontario, Canada. iv. MARGARET (MAGGIE) BUCHANAN, b. 1859, Donegal, Perth, Ontario, Canada. v. WILLIAM BUCHANAN, b. 1862, Elma twp., Perth, Ontario, Canada; d. 1928, Friday Harbor, San Juan Co., WA. vi. ROBERT BUCHANAN, b. 1865, Elma twp., Perth, Ontario, Canada; d. 1941, Nampa, ID. vii. ANDREW BUCHANAN, b. 1868, Donegal, Perth, Ontario, Canada; d. 1939, Friday Harbor, San Juan co., WA. viii. CHARLES BUCHANAN, b. 1871, Ontario, Canada. ix. SAMUEL J. BUCHANAN, b. 1872, Elma twp., Perth, Ontario, Canada; d. 1916, McCreary, Manitoba, Canada. x. SARAH BUCHANAN, b. 1875, Ontario, Canada; d. 1881. Generation No. 2 2. JAMES ALEXANDER2 BUCHANAN was born March 01, 1851 in Donegal, Perth, Ontario, Canada, and died January 16, 1935 in Lopez Island, San Juan co., WA. He married (1) MARY ELIZABETH (MINNIE) SHEWAN in 1875. He married (2) JENNIE ANNIE HODGSON July 28, 1895 in Lopez Island, San Juan co., WA. Jane was b. 18 Nov 1861 Elma, Ontario, Canada and d. 4 Aug 1917 Friday Harbor, WA. James married (3) NELLIE LANE BARLOW July 01, 1924. James Alexander Buchanan served two terms as a San Juan county commissioner. Note that at the time of his marriage to Jennie Hodgson, he was 40 years old and she was only 16. This marriage was in Friday Harbor, WA and was witnessed by John A. Word and Nellie Hodgson and performed by Rev. L. L. Dyer. James filed a Declaration of Intention for US Citizenship 3 May 1932 in San Juan County Court, Friday Harbor, WA (Vol. 2, p. 45, ID # 19660). Children of JAMES BUCHANAN and MARY SHEWAN are: i. WILLIAM ANDREW3 BUCHANAN, b. 1878, Elma twp., Perth, Ontario, Canada, d. 4 Dec 1962 Friday Harbor, San Juan co., WA. ii. UNKNOWN BUCHANAN, b. 1880, Bodie, Mono co., CA. iii. CHARLES R. BUCHANAN, b. 1882, CA, m. 18 Jan 1911 Mae Fleming. iv. JAMES HAMILTON BUCHANAN, b. 9 Nov 1883, Carson City, Nevada; d. 1944.

v. EDWIN D. BUCHANAN, b. May 1886, Lopez Island, San Juan co., WA; d. 2 Feb 1957, Bellingham, Whatcom co., WA, m. Mildred Clara Hodgston 17 May 1916, who d. 7 Aug 1954 Ferndale, Whatcom, WA. Children of JAMES BUCHANAN and JENNIE HODGSON are: vi. CORRINE ANDREW (NORMAN)3 BUCHANAN, b. 1897, Lopez Island, San Juan co., WA; d. 1951, Seattle, King co., WA. vii. CORRA ELLA (CAROL) BUCHANAN, b. 1899, Lopez Island, San Juan co., WA; d. 1966, Seattle, King co., WA, m. Lyle Graham Oct, 1915, Seattle, WA. viii. GERTRUDE (LOTTIE M. )BUCHANAN, b. 12 Apr 1901, Lopez Island, San Juan co., WA; d. Jul 1978, Seattle, King co., WA, m. (1) Owen Higgins (2) Jack Endicott, b. ca. 1905. ix. MARY M. BUCHANAN, b. 1902, Richardson, Lopez Island, San Juan co., WA; d. Unknown; m. (1) JOHAN EDWARD (JOHN) NEWLEAN, 1922; m. (2) JOSEPH SAMPSON, 1932. x. xi. WA, d. 1947.

x.. ROBERT BUCHANAN, b. 29 May 1905. xi. CARL M. BUCHANAN, b. 1906, Lopez Island, San Juan co.,

xii. xii. CLIFFORD C. BUCHANAN, b. 8 Apr 1907, Lopez Island, San Juan co., WA; d. 1937, Kodiak, Alaska. xii. xiii. EVERETT J. B. BUCHANAN, b. 4 Jun, 1911, Lopez Island, San Juan co., WA; d. January 08, 1995, Juneau, Juneau co., AK. xiv. FLORENCE BUCHANAN, b. 1914, Lopez Island, San Juan co., WA; d. 1971. ________________________________________________________________

Feb 20, 2007 Family HistoryTips Hi Friends, Relatives and Fellow Genealogy Enthusiasts, I received this tip from Grant Nielson: "The current 2007 version of Google Earth can be downloaded free (if you weren't already aware). In this version, you can click on any town which shows at any scale on the maps, and you can obtain, depending on the location, population, local history, a collection of photos of churches, schools, local businesses, etc. Often you can find local folklore and contacts of people who are willing to provide genealogy lookups for you. The detail depends on the place and interests of those who prepared their website." Arlene Eakle's latest blog has an interesting article on Gretna Greens. These were popular sites for elopements and other "no questions asked" marriages.

Gretna Greens attracted couples from out of state (and out of country), so the marriages are not listed in the state or province where you would expect to find them. I noticed that her list included Ogdensburg, NY, where I believe my Ontario great grandparents were married. Read the entire posting at: http://www.arleneeakle.com/wordpress/2007/02/19/have-you-searched-and-searched-for-themarriage-without-finding-it/ UK Outbound Passenger Lists Available from 1890 to 1909 on http://www.ancestorsonboard.com/ Records of 30 million passengers on thousands of ships sailing to destinations worldwide. (This is a paid subscription service, but one that is becoming increasingly valuable.) For unusual names, the free index can be very useful. For example, I found my grandfather's mother and sister listed: Lastname Firstname Age Sex Year of departure DeparturePort DestinationCountry DestinationPort -------------------------------------------------------------------------------ING Ada L 19 F 1907 Liverpool Canada Quebec ING Martha J 59 F 1907 Liverpool Canada Quebec [This answered my question of whether Ada came with her mother or later.]

Andrew-Buchanan list members: If you are interested in receiving future Family History Tips emails from me, please contact me individually. I have no schedule in mind, just as I find things that will be useful in our research. This list will not normally duplicate my postings to the Andrew-Buchanan list. Unless I hear from you, you will not be sent any future Family History Tips postings. Have a great week!

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Feb 20, 2007 Re: William Nelson Buchanan Hi Barry, Here are my notes on Alex. According to the Ontario records he was born in 1886. I originally had the birthdates wrong for some of his siblings too. See the attached family group chart in Word format. I will see if an image is available of William Nelson Buchanan's birth registration. I suspect that the "Sebar" should be "Lebar". Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907

Name Birth Date Gender Birth County Father's Name Mother's Name James Alex Buchanan 27 Jun 1886 Male Perth William Buchanan Maggie Morrison Buchanan San Juan Journal news clippings: (Is this theirs? I couldn't find it in Washington state records.) March 1911 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Buchanan are rejoicing over the arrival of a son in their home, born Monday afternoon. October 1914 LEFT FOR ALASKA Mr. and Mrs. Alec Buchanan and little son, left Wednesday morning, enroute to Ketchikan, Alaska, where they will make their home for the present. Mr. Buchanan has had charge of the Friday Harbor wireless station for the past two years, and goes north to the charge of the company's station at that place, which is one of the largest on the Pacific coast. August 1917 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Buchanan and family returned Friday to their home at Keyport, after spending several days on the island. Mr. Buchanan was called here by the death of his mother, Mrs. Wm. Buchanan, which occurred Aug. 4th. October 1917 Wm. Buchanan returned Monday from a few days spent in Seattle, and at Keyport, where he was a guest of his son Alex, who is a wireless operator in the government service. http://www.secstate.wa.gov/history/search_detail.aspx?r=37&id=282 San Juan County - Naturalizations Last Name Buchanan First Name James Middle Name Alexander Alias Name Birthdate Country of Origin Date of Entry into the US Name of Spouse Names of Children Document Type Declaration of Intention Document Date 03 MAY 1932 Volume 2 Document Number 45 Notes County San Juan

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: "Barry Snider"

To: "Bill Buchanan" Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 11:07 AM Subject: William Nelson Buchanan Bill, which family is this? I have an Alexander Buchanan married to a Mae Labar, with a son William. But Alexander was born abt 1895. So seems quite young to have a child in 1913. Washington Births, 1907-1919 Name: William Nelson Buchanan Birth Date: 2 Jun 1913 LOCATION: San Juan Sex: Male Race: White Father's name: James Alex Buchanan [So Alexander's first name is James, I didn't know that.] Mother's name: May J Sebar [I need to look at the original, if possible] Image Filename: 1053 Ancestry.com. Washington Births, 1907-1919 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Attachment(not stored) Wm & Maggie Morrison Buchanan family.rtf

Feb 21, 2007 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Family HistoryTips Re: Andrew-Buchanan list members: If you are interested in receiving future Family History Tips emails from me, please contact me individually. I haven't engaged too often, but love reading the info as I begin connecting. I'd love to stay on your list. Allan Buchanan ________________________________________________________________

Feb 22, 2007 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Re: William Nelson Buchanan Thanks Bill. I have updated my records to agree with yours. But I am wondering about:

1) Mary Jane - you show her born Milverton, but the birth record says County of Perth, Division of Elma. And no mention of Milverton. 2) Margaret Elizabeth - you show her born 3 Oct 1901. But the 1901 census says 2 Oct 1900. If she wasn't born until Oct 1901, she wouldn't be listed on the 1901 census. At that point they are living in Milverton, which I assume is why you listed the younger children as born Milverton. Regards, Barry ________________________________________________________________

Feb 22, 2007 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Re: William Nelson Buchanan Hi Barry, You have to be right about Margaret Elizabeth. She couldn't be in the 1901 census if she was born in October 1901. This transcription says she was born 2 Oct 1900. I am changing her birthdate to 3 Oct 1900, to agree with the SSDI. The other 3 Oct 1901 date comes from her Ontario birth registration, and must have suffered a transcription error. 1901 census District: ON PERTH (North/Nord) (#104) Subdistrict: Milverton (Village) e Page 12 28 137 Bucanen William M Head M Jan 7 1862 38 29 137 Bucanen Margret F Wife M Sep 18 1862 38 30 137 Bucanen William M Son S Jun 20 1884 17 31 137 Bucanen James M Son S Jun 27 1886 14 32 137 Bucanen Jane F Daughter S Nov 25 1888 12 33 137 Bucanen Samuel M Son S Mar 16 1899 2 34 137 Bucanen Maryen F Daughter S Oct 2 1900 0 Milverton ...I thought it was in Elma, but it might be in North Easthope. Elma is safest, since that is whather birth record says. Thanks Barry, having it reviewed by someone with an observant mind is really helpful to getting it right.

Bill ________________________________________________________________

Feb 22, 2007 Family of William Hemphill and Margaret Buchanan (daughter of Andrew 1910 United States Federal Census Name: William Hemphill

Age in 1910: 52 Estimated birth year: abt 1858 Birthplace: Canada English Relation to Head of House: Head Father's Birth Place: Ireland Mother's Birth Place: Ireland Spouse's name: Margaret Home in 1910: San Juan Precinct 3, San Juan, Washington Marital Status: Married Race: White Gender: Male Year of Immigration: 1905 Neighbors: View others on page Household Members: Name Age William Hemphill 52 Margaret Hemphill 50 Myrtle Hemphill 20 Samuel Hemphill 18 Charles Hemphill 16 Wallace Hemphill 14 Melville Hemphill 12 Brisce Hemphill 9 Edna Hemphill 7 Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: San Juan Precinct 3, San Juan, Washington; Roll: T624_1667; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 241; Image: 783. 1910 United States Federal Census Name Parent or spouse names Home in 1910 (City,County,State) Birth Year Birthplace Relation William Hemphill, Margaret San Juan Precinct 3, San Juan, WA abt 1858 Canada English Head Margaret Hemphill, William San Juan Precinct 3, San Juan, WA abt 1860 Canada English Wife Myrtle Hemphill, William,Margaret San Juan Precinct 3, San Juan, WA abt 1890 Canada English Daughter Samuel Hemphill, William,Margaret San Juan Precinct 3, San Juan, WA abt 1892 Canada English Son Charles Hemphill, William, Margaret San Juan Precinct 3, San Juan, WA abt 1894 Canada English Son Wallace Hemphill, William, Margaret San Juan Precinct 3, San Juan, WA abt 1896 Canada English Son Melville Hemphill, William, Margaret San Juan Precinct 3, San Juan, WA abt 1898 Canada English Son Brisce Hemphill, William, Margaret San Juan Precinct 3, San Juan, WA abt 1901 Canada English Son Edna Hemphill, William, Margaret San Juan Precinct 3, San Juan, WA abt 1903 Canada English Daughter 1920 United States Federal Census Name: William Hemphill Home in 1920: Friday Harbor, San Juan, Washington Age: 61 years Estimated birth year: abt 1859 Birthplace: Canada

Relation to Head of House: Head Spouse's name: Margaret Father's Birth Place: Ireland Mother's Birth Place: Ireland Marital Status: Married Race: White Sex: Male Home owned: Own Year of Immigration: 1905 Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Image: 710 Household Members: Name Age William Hemphill 61 Margaret Hemphill 60 Charles D Hemphill 27 James W Hemphill 25 Melville B Hemphill 23 Robert B Hemphill 19 Edna P Hemphill 17 Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: Friday Harbor, San Juan, Washington; Roll: T625_1934; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 77; 1920 United States Federal Census Name Parent or spouse names Home in 1920 (City,County,State) Estimated Birth Year Birthplace Race Relation William Hemphill, Margaret Friday Harbor, San Juan, Washington abt 1859 Canada White Head Margaret Hemphill William Friday Harbor, San Juan, Washington abt 1860 Canada White Wife Charles D Hemphill, William, Margaret Friday Harbor, San Juan, Washington abt 1893 Canada White Son James W Hemphill, William, Margaret Friday Harbor, San Juan, Washington abt 1895 Canada White Son Melville B Hemphill, William, Margaret Friday Harbor, San Juan, Washington abt 1897 Canada White Son Robert B Hemphill, William, Margaret Friday Harbor, San Juan, Washington abt 1901 Canada White Son Edna P Hemphill, William, Margaret Friday Harbor, San Juan, Washington abt 1903 Canada White Daughter 1930 United States Federal Census Name: William Hemphill Home in 1930: Friday Harbor, San Juan, Washington Age: 71 Estimated birth year: abt 1859 Birthplace: Canada Relation to Head of House: Head Race: White Household Members: Name Age William Hemphill 71 Charles Hemphill 38 Bruce Hemphill 29

John K Nack 29 [Nash] Edna P Nack 27 [Nash] Patricia A Nack 2 6/12 [Nash] Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Friday Harbor, San Juan, Washington; Roll: 2507; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 5; Image: 1015.0. 1930 United States Federal Census Name Parent or spouse names Home in 1930 (City,County,State) Estimated birth year Birthplace Relation William Hemphill Friday Harbor, San Juan, WA abt 1859 Canada Head [Wid 22 Canada English Northern Ireland Northern Ireland 1905 Na Retired] Charles Hemphill William Friday Harbor, San Juan, WA abt 1892 Son [S Canada English Canada English Canada English 1905 Na Laborer General Farm] Bruce Hemphill William Friday Harbor, San Juan, WA abt 1901 Son [S Canada English Canada English Canada English 1905 Na Laborer General Farm] John K Nash Edna P Friday Harbor, San Juan, WA abt 1901 Washington Son-in-law [transcribed as Nack]M 25 Washington Maine Washington Book keeper Creamery] Edna P Nash, John K, William Friday Harbor, San Juan, WA abt 1903 Daughter [M 23 Canada English Canada English Canada English 1905 Na None] Patricia A Nash, John K, Edna P Friday Harbor, San Juan, WA abt 1927 [2 4/12] Granddaughter [S Washington Washington Canadaq English] World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Name: William Samuel Hemphill City: Not Stated County: San Juan State: Washington Birthplace: Ontario;Canada Birth Date: 26 Apr 1891 Race: Caucasian (White) Roll: 1991887

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________ Feb 22, 2007 Family of Samuel & Jane Buchanan McCauley Yesterday at the Family History Center, I found these references to the McCauleys. 1910 United States Federal Census James McCauley, Barbary Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1880 Cair Head Barbary McCauley, James Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1880 Canada Wife Samuel McCauley, James, Barbary Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1908 Washington Son 1930 United States Federal Census Name Parent or spouse names Home in 1930(City,County,State) Estimated birth year Birthplace Relation

Edward M McCaulley, Beatrice Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1898 Canada Head Beatrice McCaulley, Edward M Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1904 Wife Melvin E McCaulley, Edward M, Beatrice Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1918 Son Garner I McCaulley, Edward M, Beatrice Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1924 Son Margarie E McCaulley, Edward M, Beatrice Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1925 Daughter ... Charles R Buchanan, May A Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1883 California Head May A Buchanan, Charles R Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1893 Wife Charles E Buchanan, Charles R, May A Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1913 Son Erving D Buchanan, Charles R,May A Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1920 Son ... George A McCauley, Ruth V Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1892 Canada Head Ruth V McCauley, George A Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1894 Wife Anna J McCauley, George A,Ruth V Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1916 Daughter George E McCauley, George A,Ruth V Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1918 Son John A McCauley, George A,Ruth V Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1923 Son Robert L McCauley, George A,Ruth V Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1926 Son Cecelia D McCauley, George A,Ruth V Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1928 Daughter Lawrence Brenman Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1875 Iowa Lodger ... Samuel McCauley, Emely A Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1852 Canada Head Emely A McCauley, Samuel Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1860 Wife [Apparently Samuel remarried after the death of Jane Buchanan, his first wife] [Samuel "James" McCauley] Washington Death Index, 1940-1996 Name: Samuel J Mccauley Date of Death: 1 Feb 1965 Place of Death: Bellingham Residence: San Juan Gender: Male Certificate: 004094 Source Information: Ancestry.com. Washington Death Index, 1940-1996 [He is one of the "San Juan" McCauleys. He has got to be related to us, but how?] Washington Death Index, 1940-1996 Name: Samuel J Mccauley Date of Death: 2 Jan 1949 Place of Death: San Juan Age: 06 Estimated birth year: abt 1943 Gender: Male Certificate: 1282 Source Information: Ancestry.com. Washington Death Index, 1940-1996 [Any connection?] INFINITE CLOUD MCCAULEY, EDUCATION, Originally from Austin, Texas, Cloud then moved with her family to Bangkok, Thailand, where she began a life-long interest in the theater. Cloud completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Washington and moved to the islands in 2000. She has since been active in starting the San Juan Community Theatre's

Children's Theatre venue and serving on the San Juan County Parks Board. She is married to David McCauley, and is a full-time mother to four wonderful children. [I don't have Edna in my database, but I do have her sister Glee Thursa Gallanger, who married Llewellyn Robert McCauley. I wonder whether Sadie Gallanger who married Matthew "Edmund" (Edward) McCauley is related.] Obituary McCauley, Edna Tuesday, 28 Feb 2006 San Juan Journal Friday Harbor WA Edna McCauley Edna McCauley, an islander for about 46 years, died Feb. 28, 2006 in Enumclaw, Wash. She was 87. She was born on Oct. 12, 1918 on Lopez Island, Wash. She lived on the island for about 46 years and in Enumclaw for about 35 years. She was preceded in death by her husband, Sam McCauley; and her son, Jimmie McCauley. She is survived by her daughter, Linda (Jim) Aumiller of Rock Springs, Wyo.; two grandchildren, Jerad and Staci Aumiller of Rock Springs, Wyo.; sister, Glee McCauley, of Enumclaw, Wash. Funeral is March 6, 2006, 1 p.m., at Lopez Island Center Church with burial at Lopez Island Union Cemetery. Service will be directed by Weeks' Enumclaw Funeral Home. http://www.sanjuanjournal.com/portals-code/obits.cgi [A different Samuel J McCauley] Washington Death Index, 1940-1996 Name: Samuel J Mccauley Date of Death: 23 Aug 1976 Place of Death: San Juan Age: 67 Estimated birth year: abt 1909 Residence: Enumclaw Gender: Male Certificate: 019561 Source Information: Ancestry.com. Washington Death Index, 1940-1996 [NOT the son of Samuel "James" McCauley and Barbara G. Forrest.] Social Security Death Index Name: Samuel McCauley SSN: 537-16-3736 Last Residence: 98022 Enumclaw, King, Washington, United States of America Born: 22 Sep 1908 Died: Aug 1976 State (Year) SSN issued: Washington (Before 1951 ) Source Citation: Number: 537-16-3736;Issue State: Washington;Issue Date: Before 1951. Source Information: Ancestry.com. Social Security Death Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original data: Social Security Administration. Social Security Death Index, Master File. Social Security Administration.

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Feb 22, 2007 More McCauley and Buchanan stuff Matthew "Edmond" McCauley 1930 United States Federal Census Name Parent or spouse names Home in 1930 (City,County,State) Estimated birth year Birthplace Relation Edward M McCaulley, Beatrice Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1898 Canada Head Beatrice McCaulley, Edward M Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1904 Wife Melvin E McCaulley, Edward M, Beatrice Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1918 Son Garner I McCaulley, Edward M, Beatrice Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1924 Son Margarie E McCaulley, Edward M, Beatrice Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1925 Daughter Charles R Buchanan, May A Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1883 California Head May A Buchanan, Charles R Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1893 Wife Charles E Buchanan, Charles R,May A Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1913 Son Erving D Buchanan, Charles R, May A Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1920 Son George A McCauley, Ruth V Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1892 Canada Head Ruth V McCauley, George A Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1894 Wife Anna J McCauley, George A, Ruth V Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1916 Daughter George E McCauley, George A, Ruth V Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1918 Son John A McCauley, George A, Ruth V Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1923 Son Robert L McCauley, George A, Ruth V Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1926 Son Cecelia D McCauley, George A, Ruth V Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1928 Daughter Lawrence Brenman Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1875 Iowa Lodger Samuel McCauley, Emely A Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1852 Canada Head Emely A McCauley, Samuel Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1860 Wife 1910 United States Federal Census Name Parent or spouse names Home in 1910(City,County,State) Birth Year Birthplace Relation James McCauley, Barbary Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1880 Cair Head Barbary McCauley, James Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1880 Canada Wife Samuel McCauley, James, Barbary Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1908 Washington 1910 United States Federal Census Name: Barbary McCauley Age in 1910: 30 Estimated birth year: abt 1880 Birthplace: Canada Relation to Head of House: Wife Father's Birth Place: Scotland Mother's Birth Place: Scotland

Spouse's name: James Home in 1910: Lopez, San Juan, Washington Marital Status: Married Race: White Gender: Female Year of Immigration: 1907 Neighbors: View others on page Household Members: Name Age James McCauley 30 Barbary McCauley 30 Samuel McCauley 1 7/12 [Robert Lowry McCauley and Sarah McNallie] 1910 United States Federal Census Robert McCauley, Sarah M Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1890 Cair Head Sarah M McCauley, Robert Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1890 Canada English Wife Myrtle J McCauley, Robert, Sarah M Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1908 Washington Daughter Edson Weeks Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1864 New York Boarder Rily Hunter Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1856 Pennsylvania Hired Man [Sadie Gallanger married Matthew Edmund (Edward) Buchanan] William W Gallanger Amie E Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1869 Michigan Head Amie E Gallanger, Charles M, William W Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1869 Iowa Wife Walter C Gallanger, William W, Amie E Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1896 Washington Son George R Gallanger, William W, Amie E Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1897 Washington Son Sadie E Gallanger, William W, Amie E Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1898 Washington Daughter Elizabeth G Gallanger, William W, Amie E Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1900 Washington Daughter Mary G Gallanger, William W, Amie E Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1902 Washington Daughter William A Gallanger, William W, Amie E Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1904 Washington Son Lois A Gallanger, William W, Amie E Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1906 Washington Daughter Francis B Gallanger, William W, Amie E Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1908 Washington Son Charles M Bartlett Lopez, San Juan, WA abt 1831 Ohio Father-in-law World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Name: George Anderson McCauley City: Not Stated County: San Juan State: Washington Birthplace: Ontario;Canada Birth Date: 22 Jul 1892 Race: Caucasian (White) Roll: 1991887 World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 about Mathew Edward McCauley Name: Mathew Edward McCauley City: Not Stated County: San Juan State: Washington Birthplace: Ontario;Canada Birth Date: 22 Jul 1892

Race: Caucasian (White) Roll: 1991887 DraftBoard: 0 World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Name: Robert Lowery McCauley City: Not Stated County: San Juan State: Washington Birthplace: Ontario;Canada Birth Date: 13 Jun 1889 Race: Caucasian (White) Roll: 1991887

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Feb 22, 2007 Birth records of Buchanan descendants Message List Reply | Forward Message #950 of 1059 < Prev | Next > Washington Births, 1907-1919 Name Birth Date Gender Birth Location Father's name Mother's name Unnamed Ackley 4 Jan 1910 Female San Juan Robert Ackley Mary Hemphill Ackley Ackley 16 Oct 1913 Male San Juan Robert Henry Ackley Mary Jane Hemphill William Elwin Ackley 6 Jan 1916 Male San Juan Robert Henry Ackley Mary Jane Hemphill Robert Bruce Ackley 26 Oct 1917 Male San Juan Robert Ackley Mary J Hemphill Edythe Bernice Guard 31 Jan 1917 Female San Juan Leroy Paul Guard Margaret M Hemphill Margaret Alice Guard 7 Feb 1915 Female San Juan Leroy Paul Guard Margaret H Hemphill William Paul Guard 0??2713 Male San Juan Leroy Paul Guard Margaret Myrtle Hemphill [I am taking this as 1913] Gordon Charney Hemphill 10 Aug 1919 Male Bellingham Thomas Hemphill Cora Charney [Chamney] Hemphill Hemphill 10 Feb 1917 Female San Juan Wm Samuel Hemphill Verna Rattray Florence Margaret Mc Kenzie 10 Mar 1908 Female San Juan John Kippan Mc Kenzie Annie May Hemphill William Bruce Mc Kenzie 12210 Male San Juan John H Mc Kenzie Annie May Hemphill [I am taking this as 1910] Levinia Jone McCauley 12 Dec 1911 Female San Juan William T McCauley Levinia E McNailie William Thomas McCauley 12 Dec 1918 Male San Juan William T McCauley Lavina E McNally

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Feb 22, 2007 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Re: William Nelson Buchanan Hi Bill; Milverton is in Mornington Township, next door to Elma. Nancy (Buchanan) Mills ________________________________________________________________

Feb 23, 2007 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Re: William Nelson Buchanan Thanks Nancy. Bill ________________________________________________________________

Feb 23, 2007 Washington Births and Deaths Here are some more members of our family, mentioned in the Washington records. Washington Births, 1907-1919 Name Birth Date Gender Birth Location Father's name Mother's name Annie Jane Mc Cauley 15 Mar 1916 Female San Juan Geo Mc Cauley Ruth Vanbogaert Geo E Mc Cauley 6 Aug 1917 Male San Juan Geo A Mc Cauley Ruth Vonbogart Margaret Jane Mc Cauley 16 Oct 1915 Female San Juan Samuel James Mc Cauley Barbara Gilmer Forrest Myrtle Mc Cauley 17 Dec 1908 Female San Juan Robert Mc Cauley Sarah Mc Mollie [This is the Samuel James McCauley from Enumclaw - husband of Edna!] Samuel James Mc Cauley 22 Sep 1908 Male San Juan James Mc Cauley Barbara Gilber [Barbara Gilmer Forrest] Irving Buchanan 23 May 1919 Male San Juan Chas Buchanan May Agnes Fleming John Everett Buchanan 4 Jun 1911 Male San Juan James Buchanan Jennie Hodgson

Unnamed Buchanan 19 May 1912 Male San Juan Chas Erick Buchanan Mary A Fleming [or Erickson] Washington Death Index, 1940-1996 Name Death Date Death Place Age Estimated birth year Residence Social Security Number Lorena I Buchanan 3 Sep 1981 San Juan 69 abt 1912 San Juan 537-20-7235 Wilfred G Buchanan 9 Jan 1995 San Juan 90 abt 1905 San Juan 537-20-8668 Washington Death Index, 1940-1996 Name Death Date Death Place Age Estimated birth year Residence Social Security Number Frances L Hemphill 5 Nov 1974 San Juan San Juan George K Hemphill 26 Apr 1979 Bellingham 73 abt 1906 San Juan 542-52-2566 [Who is George K Hemphill? He is about the right age to be a son of William and Margaret, but I don't have him listed.] Robert B Hemphill 14 Feb 1970 San Juan San Juan Verna B Hemphill 1 Jan 1975 San Juan 80 abt 1895 San Juan William S Hemphill 8 Oct 1971 San Juan San Juan Washington Death Index, 1940-1996 Name Death Date Death Place Age Estimated birth year Residence Social Security Number Michael A Mccauley 9 Nov 1965 Seattle San Juan [Should be related] Samuel J Mccauley 1 Feb 1965 Bellingham San Juan Samuel J Mccauley 23 Aug 1976 San Juan 67 abt 1909 Enumclaw Samuel J Mccauley 2 Jan 1949 San Juan 06 abt 1943 [Should be related]

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Feb 23, 2007 Birthday Request First I have posted this a couple of times without success of it going through. Please forgive me if it ends up repeating. Hi All; How is everyone? I finally have a break to be able to sit down and write to all of you. I have a request or at less a thought. Now I did mention awhile ago that my Grandma Mitchell "Margaret Edna Buchanan" will be 100 this year, actually in one month minus a day, it will be her birthday. There is some plans for a family get together with a walk in tea/coffeE kinda thing. Not for very long. at 100 you do tire easily. So here comes the thought. I wanted to do something a little special but not over board. I thought I would be really neat to see if all of you would send her a birthday card. Put in a little explaination

of who you are and how you connect to her. If you want to be involved please let me know. I will post address later after I see how many of you are interested. And with a few more little details, I am still trying to sort a few things out in my head of how I want to do this...but I will let you know. Many Huggs to All of You; Kelly :o) Kelly M. Mitchell Email: ketchup@... Calgary Alberta Canada http://www.rootsweb.com/~skstjose/kelly/homepage/ Check out my Photos at the following site: http://photobucket.com/albums/v617/KMitchell30ca/ Check out my Scrapbooking Gallery: http://www.digitalscrapbookplace.com/gallery/showgallery.php? cat=500&ppuser=42685 My Blog ?! http://360.yahoo.com/mitchellfamilygenealogy Flickr !? http://www.flickr.com/photos/kellym32ca/ ________________________________________________________________

Feb 27, 2007 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Birthday Request Kelly, I would love to wish your grandma Happy BD. Let me know the details. Patty Hopkinson ________________________________________________________________

Feb 27, 2007 Brithday Details Message List Reply | Forward Message #956 of 1059 < Prev | Next > Hi All; Well, not a lot of details but you do need an address. I have some ideas running through my head ... but because it is going to be a little short get together I am not planning on anything to big. But I

do promise to take as many photos as I can for all of you :) Please just send a card, no flowers or gifts anything like that. Mostly because Grandma doesnt really have any room for things and she is allergic to flowers. Thought is very much appreciated :) Address: Mrs. Margaret Mitchell [personal information deleted] Now, if any of your are planning on being in the area and want to drop by. Let me know I will send you my cell number and so i can meet up with you. Thanks so much all...I think this will be a really neat treat!! And an awesome surprise :) Huggs to All; Kelly ________________________________________________________________

Mar 1, 2007 Buchanan Family Tree Book Hi Everyone, I have completed my project of creating an electronic copy of the Buchanan Family Tree Book compiled by Lorne and Doris Buchanan about 1970. It is in the form of an Adobe PDF file. It is in the 8.5 x 14 (legal) format that was used by the original book. Unfortunately, the only free PDF writer I could find that supports this (seldom used) size of paper adds a watermark to each page. At least it doesn't obscure the contents of the page. You will notice that it now includes the surnames, and the date format has been converted to DD MMM YY. Other than that I have tried to make it identical to the original. If you would like it in Microsoft Word format (without the watermarks) please let me know. If you have a PDF writer that support 8.5X14 (without a watermark) maybe we can create a version without the watermark. Let me know. I have recently been in touch with Garner Buchanan in Alaska, who sent me a photo of his ancestor, James A Buchanan. He will be sending me some additional family history to fill in the gaps regarding the descendants of James A. Garner < Carl < James A < Andrew < Andrew and Jane Your cousin, Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com Attachment(not stored)

Buchanan Family Tree 1970 complete - 8.5x14.pdf ________________________________________________________________

Mar 1, 2007 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanan Family Tree Book Hello, I have Adobe Acrobat pro, I am sure I can convert it for you without the water marks. Just e-mail me the word file, and I should be able to do tht. Craig Peterson ________________________________________________________________

Mar 1, 2007 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanan Family Tree Book I think this is a great project, Bill, and thanks for sharing it with the group! I would just like everyone to keep in mind that Lorne and Doris's book contains a lot of errors (in both names and dates) and spelling mistakes. It is almost inevitable in such a massive project for errors to creep in, and the fact that the book was compiled at all -- in the time before computers and before such sources as census records were available -- is a wonderful thing, and I am not saying that it's not of value. This book is of enormous value and I used it as the starting point in my own research. I just wish that it had been compiled more carefully and that it had been proofread, and that a consistent format had been used throughout. It makes a great starting point for research, but the information in it needs to be verified by other sources that weren't accessible in the sixties. This is what I started doing for my own line (William and Ann) and unfortunately I got off track several years ago and let the project fall by the wayside. It would be great if we could collaborate to produce an updated version, thoroughly researched and footnoted. Suzanne ________________________________________________________________

Mar 1, 2007 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanan Family Tree Book Thanks Craig, I appreciate the offer, but I just got a pdf back from Donna Phillips in Camrose. Do you subscribe to the Andrew Buchanan family email list? (If so, you will have received two copies of the postings with the BFT book attached.)



Mar 1, 2007 Fw: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanan Family Tree Book Hi Everyone, Donna has converted the file to a pdf without the watermarks. Thanks Donna.

Bill Attachment(not stored) Buchanan Family Tree 1970.pdf ----- Original Message ----From: Donna Phillips To: 'Bill Buchanan' Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 4:04 PM Subject: RE: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanan Family Tree Book I didn’t check every page, but it looks to be OK. Donna -----Original Message----From: Bill Buchanan [mailto:buchanan@...] Sent: March 1, 2007 3:54 PM To: Donna Phillips Subject: Re: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanan Family Tree Book Hi Donna, It is only 300KB, so I am sending it as an attachment. Please send me back a copy of the PDF file. I much prefer to have it without the watermark.


From: Donna Phillips To: 'Bill Buchanan' Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 2:17 PM Subject: RE: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanan Family Tree Book

Bill….I have Adobe and can convert into pdf format. How big is the MS Word file? Can you email it?

Donna ________________________________________________________________

Mar 1, 2007 Fw: [CAN-ONT-PERTH] Donegal Cemetery in Elma Township Perth County Not sure if all of you got this or not but thought I would pass it on. Take Care; Kelly :o) ----- Original Message ----From: To: Cc: ; ; ; Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2007 9:42 AM Subject: [CAN-ONT-PERTH] Donegal Cemetery in Elma Township Perth County is going online on Ancestors at rest

Hi all I have started to put Donegal Cemetery in Elma Township, Perth County on line on Ancestors At Rest. Thanks to Don and Marilyn Holmes who spent 3 days shooting in the cemetery we now have photos of all the graves. I have put all the photos online from Day 1. Day 2 and 3 will soon be ready. You can see all the photos from Day 1 at the following http://www.ancestorsatrest.com/perth_county_ontario/ or http://www.ancestorsatrest.com/cemetery_records/

Thanks again Don and Marilyn. ________________________________________________________________________ Check Out the new free AIM(R) Mail -- 2 GB of storage and industry-leading spam and email virus protection. *************** Perth County Death Records at

http://ancestorsatrest.com/perth_county_ont.shtml ------------------------------To unsubscribe from the list, please send an email to CAN-ONT-PERTH-request@... with the word 'unsubscribe' without the quotes in the subject and the body of the message


Mar 1, 2007 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanan Family Tree Book Sue, I think that it would be great to update the book. It is a big project and I am not sure anyone would be up for the project. Patty ________________________________________________________________

Mar 2, 2007 Re: Family tree Hi Everyone, I just received this from Susan. Has anyone else experienced the same problem? Please let me know. Bill

Hi Bill, Theres no icons or anything. just pages of dots. It opened up to the acrobat reader, This is what it says. Unable to extract the embedded font 'LBHDTO+times-Bold' Some Characters may not display or print correctly.

Your cousin Susan

Hi Bill, The family tree that you just sent, all I get is pages of dots. I can't read that, its not my language.

Your cousin Susan


Mar 3, 2007 Re: Family tree 2007 Susan (and anyone else having problems with the previous version), Here is a new copy, created by different software, so the page breaks are at different places. All the genealogy should be there, but the explanatory title page could not be produced from this software. So I have attached it as a separate file. Let me know if this works for you. I also have created a text (.txt) version, but it is much less attractive. (Sort of a "last-ditch" effort at this stage.) Susan, be sure to let me know if this new PDF works on your computer. You may need to download a new copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader from www.adobe.com FoxIt Reader is tiny (at 1.5 MB) but does an excellent job of viewing both the 1970 book and the 2007 book. http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/rd_intro.php The TXT version can be opened in any word processor or text editor.

Bill http://billbuchanan.clawz.com Attachment(not stored) Buchanan Family Tree 2007 printed from PAFWiz.pdf Attachment(not stored) BFT 2007 Title Page.rtf ________________________________________________________________

Mar 3, 2007 Family Tree Project 2007 Hi Everyone, Please check your copy to who is missing from your part of the family, and let me know. Nephews? Nieces? Cousins? Also look for people you know have died, but that I show as living. Also include any corrections to names, etc. (Note that in some cases, official records disagree. e.g. Gertrude Buchanan) I look forward to hearing from each of you. You can send to updates to me directly at buchanan@... or to the list (your choice).

I was just thinking how much some of you have contributed to our family history research. My database would be smaller and poorer without help from Barry, Suzanne, Patty, Darlene, Donna, Val, George, Susan, and a host of others who have all played an important role. Here is your chance to do something that might be quoted a hunded years from now! Let's make this as accurate and complete as possible.

Bill http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Mar 6, 2007 Family Tree PDF Hi All; This is mostly for Bill but thought I would put it out there and then everyone will know :) My family section of the family tree is located on Page 29. How indepth do you want the information. Now i dont have tonnes of information but as also what I have is yours :) Do you wanted posted to the list? or just to you, Bill? With Grandma's Birthday coming up I might be able to fill in a few blanks for all of you or at least I can get some photos anyway :) Kelly :o)


Mar 6, 2007 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Family Tree PDF Hi Kelly, Either way works fine for me. Let's fill in as many of the gaps as we can.



Mar 8, 2007

A Tragedy in 1947 I am becoming better acquainted with the Alaska branch of our family, through a package I received from Garner Buchanan in the mail today. I love stories, even the sad ones. Here is the story of the death of Garner's father, Carl "Buck" Buchanan. "Buck" was a son of James A Buchanan and a grandson of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth. **************************************************** THE TRAGEDY Uncle Buck and Aunt Ercy were still living in Sitka in the fall of 1947. It was trapping season and as a good many Alaskans do, Buck and two friends boarded the "Jerry S" and went out for the season. Buck and friends had come into Sitka for supplies about the end of the first week in December. His daughter, Nadine, and husband had just had their first baby, born on December 3, and he had gotten to see his grandson [Eugene Pasinski]. They went back out to their trap lines, somewhere north of Sitka in Peril Straits. They were never heard from again. Alaska's coast is rugged with many islands, bays and inlets. Everett lived in Juneau at this time and even though the Coast Guard searched the area they were known to be trapping in, he could not be satisfied that they had found nothing. So he went to Sitka and he and Buck's wife Ercy, walked the beaches for weeks. They found nothing. It was not until March that some wreckage was found that was identified as the "Jerry S." Garner was about 16 and Carl about 17 when this happened. Ercy was left with Buck's boat, the "Hula", and with the task of proving Buck was dead. It was a fact that everyone knew but the legal system grinds on in its own way. It was the blackest "hour" for Ercy as it would be seven years before Buck could be declared legally dead. His assets would be tied up for those seven years. **************************************************** I look forward to receiving updates from you regarding your family lines, so that the 2007 version of the Buchanan Family Tree will be a complete as possible.

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com


Mar 10, 2007 10 Death certificate of James A. Buchanan

James A. Buchanan seems to have had a long and interesting history. Among the papers Garner sent me is the death certificate, which I have transcribed below. You will notice that according to James' death certicate, he was buried on 17 Jan 1934, but didn't die until 16 Jan 1935! Washington State Board of Health - Bureau of Vital Statistics Certificate of Death 1. Place of Death: San Juan COunty, City or Town Lopez Registration District No. R3 Length of residence where death occurred: 50 years 2. Full name: James A. Buchanan 3. Male 4. White 5. Married Husband of Nellie L. Buchanan 6. Date of birth: March 5st 1851 [1st?] 7. Age 83 years 10 months 11 days 8. Farmer 9. Industry LC 10. Date last worked at this occupation 6 years 3 months 11. Total time spent in this occupation -- 12. Birthplace: Donegal, Canada Father: 13. Name: Andrew Buchanan 14. Birthplace: Ireland Mother: 15: Name: Mary Jane Booth 16. Birthplace: Ireland 17. Informant: Nellie L. Buchanan, POrt Stanley, Wash. 18. Burial: Place: Lopez Island Date: 1/17/1934 19. Undertaker: Harry E. King, Friday Harbor 20. Filed: Jan 19th [17th?], Laura McNallie, Registrar Medical Certificate of Death 21. Date of death: Jan 16, 1935 22. Principal cause of death: Advanced age and Brights Disease and general weakness. No suspicious circumstances. Had been slowly dying for months. Name of operation: None Was there anautopsy? No. (Signed) Dave R Buck, Coroner, Friday Harbor, Wash.

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Mar 16, 2007 Descendants of James A Buchanan Here is an update on this branch of the family. James A. was the son of Andrew Buchanan and Mary Jane Booth. The updates are from Garner Buchanan of Anchorage Alaska, and mostly involve the descendants of James' second wife, Jennie Annie Hodgson. I have also attached a photo of Jennie from Garner.

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com

Attachment(not stored) James A Buchanan Descendancy revised 16 Mar 2007.pdf Attachment(not stored) Jennie Annie Hodgson - photo from Garner Buchanan.jpg


Mar 16, 2007 Jennie Annie Hodgson Buchanan Garner is a writer and novelist among his many talents. In his autobiography, he writes a delightful portrait of Jennie and her children. "My grandfather, James, was born in Donegal, Ontario, on March 5, 1851. He and his first wife, Minnie, moved from there to California, Utah and then settled in what was to become Washington State. They came to Lopez, Island. In 1892 Minnie died and shortly afterward Andrew arranged a marriage with the cousin of his youngest son’s wife, Clara. Grandfather, James, was approaching middle age and my grandmother, Jennie, was very young, 14 or 15 years old. Other records indicate she could have even been as old as 16. ... Also mentioned was that as of March of 1907 he was still a Canadian citizen. In reading all of the newspaper clippings, I am left with the feeling that my grandfather was a man of many talents, free wheeling and, perhaps a bit larger than life. James was almost 84 years old when he died in 1935. ... When asked about James, aunt Bea [Beatrice Southcott Buchanan] remembered that he treated Jennie kindly at first and even let her grow into a woman before he insisted on having children -nine. ... Sharing little about her childhood, Grandma, none-the-less told one story about about her roots that she firmly believed. Often she would say to us kids, “I am related to the King and Queen of England.” We took her at her word. It was not uncommon for rootless nineteenth century Americans make such connections, be they real or legend. To a people bound in grinding poverty and trapped by class, it gave hope of a way out to a better life. Grandma knew she was special and somehow one of the elite. She gave this strong sense of self worth to her sons and daughters. It was then bestowed upon all of us grandchildren as a family inheritance. No prince, king or public official was better than the least of us and deserved no special adulation. When Grandma left Grandpa James, she eventually settled in Ferndale, Washington, where she and seven of her children (ranging in age from four to fourteen) lived frighteningly close to the poverty line. But she was a hard worker and, as the children grew into young adulthood and could help her financially, the family survived. For Grandma Buchanan, after her tough life with James, all work must have seemed easy. The woman that I knew was the embodiment of work ethic. No job was too menial for her not to give her best effort. She worked into her late sixties, most often as a cook, even when her health was failing and her adult children, especially Mary and Florence would have given her any money she wanted. I think work, for Grandma, represented independence and self-reliance.

All of my father’s brothers and sisters had that same faith in themselves as workers and providers. Their projected confidence always got them jobs and they delivered what they promised. Grandma was proud of her children. All, with the exception of Aunt Gertrude, became solid, responsible citizens, but all also always possessed the same stubborn streak of independence as their mother and father. None of them would have fit well into a routine eight-to-five job. The five boys sought risky careers like fishing or lumber jacking; three died young from accidents. The oldest boy, uncle Corinne, also did not live long. From various lumber-related jobs, his body was bruised and broken and he died in his late middle age. Only the youngest, uncle Everett, who became a commercial fisherman--an often perilous career, lived to become a senior citizen. The girls? The Buchanan women were taller than average, very attractive and also a determined lot. They had a reputation for being speedy workers to the point of making others look as though they were standing still. To witness Aunt Carol in her kitchen, for example, was to see a blur of flying pots and pans, her effort appearing almost slap dash. But the meal would be well cooked and the space cleaned when she was finished. Aunt Carol (nee Cora) became a successful restaurant owner and probably killed herself by overworking. The next oldest, Mary, married a mining engineer and, through the vagaries of the stock market crash of 1929, helped her husband become a millionaire. She and husband, Joe Sampson, boosted themselves socially, enough to help the youngest sister, Florence, marry into a Philippine family of sugar industry millionaires. During World War II, Aunt Florence was trapped in the Philippines, her location unknown. Grandma worried, but there was no way of making contact. By paying a hefty ransom to the Japanese conquerors, Aunt Florence survived and later returned to the United States. ... Gertrude was the wild one and, as is often the case, closest to her mother. Aunt Gert was in and out of trouble most of her life--a drinking problem was interwoven into her story, and knowing Aunt Gert, I was never sure whether it was the cause or result of her basic temperament. Only when advancing age sapped her energy, did she slow her pace and settle down. She could have made her life easy, but didn’t seem to want to. The Aunt Gert that I knew was a lovable brassy blond, looking loosely connected both physically and mentally. One family story related about the time when she was riding in a car and it had a flat tire. The driver (my father?) pulled to the shoulder of the road and made everyone get out. Which Aunt Gert did, and looking down at the ground, spotted a snake ( most likely a harmless garter snake). As the story goes, she then ran into the middle of the highway jumping up and down screaming. Swear words rolled so naturally from Aunt Gert’s mouth that you became accustomed to them. In spite of all her flaws, she, too, was a hard worker and always seemed to find employment. In my formative years in the Seattle area and Sitka the Buchanan extended family who were in close contact with our family were: Uncle Everett and his family, aunt Gert and her latest husband and adopted children and Grandma. We would see aunt Carol when we were in Seattle. For a while Carol’s son, Clifford, his wife Hazel and their family lived in Sitka and became part of the family unit. The two rich aunts, Mary and Florence were citizens of the world, celebrities to us kids, and were represented by treasured Christmas gifts from exotic far reaches of the globe. I remember the bragging rights having one millionaire and one “multi-millionaire” aunt gave us with our peers. Although my father and mother always had paying jobs, even in the lowest point of the great depression, they were often struggling just to make ends meet. Grandma Buchanan, then as yet not remarried (she did marry in the early 1940’s to a fine man, Mr. Stanley, who died a few years later), was the head of the family group which collected around her. In my memory, however, she didn’t seem like the head of anything and had the carefree attitude of one of us kids.

In 1937, Disney’s movie, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, opened in Seattle and became a must-see big hit. Grandma felt we kids shouldn’t be deprived of the pleasure of viewing it--so what if the school day conflicted with the matinees show times. I remember crouching down in the back seat of the family car as we passed our elementary school on the way to the theater, feeling a delicious pleasure at doing something illicit with full permission of an adult. My mother told the story about grandma when she and my mother and dad were living in San Francisco. My brother, Don, was a small child, the rest of us not yet on the scene. The family was flat broke, except Grandma. She had twenty-five cents--which she used to go to the movies. She is reported to have said, “If this is all that’s between us and starvation, it’s not going to make any difference anyhow. Don’t worry, money will come.” And so it did. Grandma Buchanan had a healthy attitude about money, did not strive for it, yet always had enough to provide for her and her loved ones. In the 1940’s a mail-order novelty company, Johnson-Smith, advertised heavily in pulp magazines and comic books. They sold cheap, yet magical, devices touting, “Be a ventriloquist, throw your voice, fool your friends,” or whoopee cushions, or sneeze powder, etc.--all fascinating stuff, especially to preteen boys. Grandma understood our desires fully and often ordered these gadgets to surprise us with. Grandma Buchanan, who had felt pain and rejection, had scrimped to feed a family, had cooked in rough lumber camps, had traveled to the orient, was still a guileless kid at heart." Garner, I thought this was too beautiful to keep to myself. I hope you don't mind.

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Mar 16, 2007 Fw: Names Hi Everyone, Please correct the spelling of Nadene's name in your records. I will correct it in the next version of the 2007 BFT book, and on my next update to the website (expected about June).


Hi Bill, Some partial answers:

My stepfather Wes was Wesley Wallace Wylie. Mary Sampson, my aunt, died in Gold Hill, Oregon. Her husband, my sister isn't sure, but she is contacting Mary's daughter, Joyce. By the way, my sister is Nadene, not Nadine. The correct spelling is important to her. Take care, Garner ________________________________________________________________

Mar 19, 2007 Wreck of the Emigrant Ship John According to this article, the John was repaired in 1847. This would make it a possible candidate for the ship that carried our Buchanan ancestors to Canada. I wonder if it would be possible to find a record of this ship's voyages in 1847. http://www.theshipslist.com/ships/Wrecks/John1855.htm

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Mar 19, 2007 Irish Famine deaths in Kingston Another article about the Irish famine deaths in Kingston http://www.weareirish.ca/pages.php?id=386

Donna ________________________________________________________________

Mar 19, 2007 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Wreck of the Emigrant Ship John I can’t recall if I posted these sources of information previously about the Irish Famine connection with Kingston, Ontario: Kingston Irish Famine Commemoration Association: www.geocities.com/SoHo/Museum/7787 and www.weareirish.ca/dynpage/15 I was in communication with someone from Kingston who sent me some photos of the Celtic Cross Memorial to the Irish famine deaths and newspaper clippings from local newspapers when it was erected. She was certain that the Irish refugees (including our Buchanan ancestors) would

have left their ocean-going ship at Grosse Ile, and after quarantine there, would have traveled to Kingston by barge.

Donna ________________________________________________________________

Mar 19, 2007 Re: FW: [andrew-buchanan] Wreck of the Emigrant Ship John Donna and others, The John left from Plymouth. Our Buchanans more than likely left from Londonderry (that is family legend). So the John is not likely the ship they traveled on. Patty ________________________________________________________________

Mar 19, 2007 Quarantine Hi Donna, Family tradition is that they were quarantined on shipboard at Kingston. But traditions get passed along and interpreted by later generations. Other people's guesses tend to make false assumptions too. I know that one trusted expert had convinced me that the Buchanans would have sailed from Liverpool. But I now favor Londonderry as the point of departure on the first voyage, and very probably on the second one as well.

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com I was in communication with someone from Kingston who sent me some photos of the Celtic Cross Memorial to the Irish famine deaths and newspaper clippings from local newspapers when it was erected. She was certain that the Irish refugees (including our Buchanan ancestors) would have left their ocean-going ship at Grosse Ile, and after quarantine there, would have traveled to Kingston by barge. ________________________________________________________________

Mar 19, 2007 Re: FW: [andrew-buchanan] Wreck of the Emigrant Ship John Patty,

The John sailed from Plymouth on its final voyage in 1855. But I wonder what its ports of call were in 1847, 8 years previously. It tweaked my interest, because the ship the Buchanans traveled on was damaged in a storm and had to return for repairs. Undoubtedly it would not have been the only emigrant ship repaired in 1847, but I assume they would be relatively few in number. I have sometimes wonder if there were British Admiralty records kept of such things.

Bill Buchanan ________________________________________________________________

Mar 19, 2007 Re: FW: [andrew-buchanan] Wreck of the Emigrant Ship John Bill, It is possible. It would be worth further study. Also, the ship of the Buchanans may have started in Londonderry, it is possible it went through Liverpool or Plymouth, or another English port before heading west. Patty ________________________________________________________________

Mar 21, 2007 Birthday Scrapbook page Hi All; I thought I would share this with all of you. Just a little scrapbook page that i created for Grandma's birthday. Very simple but it was requested of me to create one. Let me know if you have any problems with the page. Kelly :o) Kelly M. Mitchell Calgary Alberta Canada My Homepage http://www.rootsweb.com/~skstjose/kelly/homepage/ Check out my Photos at the following site: http://photobucket.com/albums/v617/KMitchell30ca/ Check out my Scrapbooking Gallery: http://www.digitalscrapbookplace.com/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=42685 My Blog ?! http://360.yahoo.com/mitchellfamilygenealogy

Flickr !? http://www.flickr.com/photos/kellym32ca/ ________________________________________________________________

Mar 22, 2007 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Birthday Details Hi Kelly Sorry I haven't been keeping up with Family information for a few months, but I just noticed this old info about the 100th birthday of Margaret Mitchell. Amazing! Congratulations! Has the birthday party happened already? We connected by email a year ago, but never met yet. I live in Moose Jaw. Allan Buchanan ________________________________________________________________

Mar 22, 2007 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Birthday Details Hi Alan and All; The birthday get together is this Saturday. I am leaving tomorrow morning bright and early for Moose Jaw. You are more than welcomed to come up to Chateau St. Michael's on Saturday.

Kelly :o) ________________________________________________________________

Mar 26, 2007 100th Birthday Hi All; The 100th birthday party was a great success!! Lots of Family and many friends were there and I believe Grandma had a really good day :) At a 100 you do wear out quickly but it was still wonderful and she did get to see everyone which is what is important. Left to Right: Mildred (Mitchell) Boys (Oldest Living Daughter), Grandma Mitchell - Margaret Edna (Buchanan), James (Jim) Mitchell (Youngest Living Son) - My Dad.

I will be editing a few more from the party and will post them later and will let you all know. Its now bedtime!!! Always nice to go away for awhile but always nice to get home to your own bed. Huggs To All; Kelly :o) Kelly M. Mitchell ________________________________________________________________

Apr 9, 2007 Edward Buchanan Hi Garner, Here is a photo of my younger brother Edward John Buchanan. I realize that much of his ressemblance to you comes from the beard, but not all of it. Ed and his wife Michelle, live in [personal information deleted]. Ed visited lots of interesting places while he was an airframe technician. Often he was flown into remote places to repair damaged aircraft sufficiently that they could be flown (with him aboard) to some major repair facility where the work could be completed. One year he was in the Canadian high arctic and the jungles of Borneo within the space of a few months. Twice he was in McMurdo in the Antactic patching up planes in which he rode to Sydney, Australia, where he would complete the repairs. You really have to have faith in your workmanship to do that! When he was working in Scotland, he and one of his buddies went looking for Buchanan Castle. They were about to turn around and go back when they spotted a sign that said "Buchanan Castle Golf Club". There they found the castle in ruins. With a grin, he complained to one of the locals, "It sure is disappointing to see what you folks have let happen to the castle while we were away for a few hundred years." Ed developed severe carpal tunnel syndrome, and had surgery which didn't help much. He now manages a shop rebuilding printer cartridges. Michelle has worked in real estate and in telecommunications over the last several years.

We have a little budding musical talent in our immediate family, but yours is exceptionally strong in that area. Music makes life richer and more beautiful. Keep up the good work!

Bill Attachment(not stored) Ed&MichelleBuchananByFireplace.gif ________________________________________________________________

Apr 13, 2007 Contributing to Neepawa and Area History Book The Beautiful Plains Story Welcome from the RM of Langford, RM of Lansdowne, RM of Rosedale, Town of Neepawa and surrounding areas. We encourage you to submit your history to this new area history book. These pages include information and forms regarding Neepawa and Area's 125th Anniversary. If you wish to add your family's write-up to the history book, fill out the form on the History Book Submissions page. Family historys must be submitted prior to April 30th, 2007. If you know of someone who used to live in Neepawa and Area, but no longer does, send us their address using the Addresses for Former Residents page so we can contact them about the history book. Pre-orders for The Beautiful Plains Story are now being accepted in the amount of $60.00. Preorders can be completed by the Neepawa & Area History Book Committee at Access 2 Books (Former Neepawa Co-op Service Station) or by phoning 204-476-5230 (If no answer, please leave a message). Note: This is only a deposit as history book may cost more upon completion. Postage not included. Neepawa & Area History Book The Beautiful Plains Story Box 483 Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 Attachment(not stored) heading.jpg ________________________________________________________________

Apr 15, 2007 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Contributing to Neepawa and Area History Book Hi Donna, Thank you very much for sending the notice about the Beautiful Plains Story. My husband, Ron is the chairman of the committee and I'm also working on the committee. We still need lots of submissions and they can be the complete histories of families from 1883-2008 or just an update from 1983-2008. This book will include the Town of Neepawa, RM of Rosedale, RM of Lansdowne, and the RM of Langford and all of these areas compiled books from approx. 1883 to 1983 previously. So if anybody has a question, etc. please contact us. Also, the deadline may be extended depending on the responses we receive by April 30, 2007. Norma Forsman (My maiden name is Watson and I descend from William & Eliza Watson Family) ________________________________________________________________

Apr 17, 2007 Another Watson Hi Everyone, This is a member of my elusive George Allan Watson and Caroline Schuster family. (G Allan Watson was the son of my great grandparents George Watson and Agnes "Jane" Welsh). So they are not Buchanans, although related to them by marriage in many different ways. My branch of the family lost touch with them in the 1920s when Carrie left Allan and took the kids back to her home area in Ohio. I had contact with Teresa Adams for about a year, then email messages started bouncing. Please consider getting a permanent email address. (e.g. gmail.com, hotmail.com, excite.com) Note that this only remains permanent as long as you keep using it. (If you seldom use it, it may be automatically flagged as "abandonned" and deleted.) "My name is Robert N. Watson II, "Nate" Watson was my grandfather. I have been searching for my family for 8 years now, I just happen to click on the right link this time. If I could get in contact with Teresa Adams, I can add some information. I know a few of my cousins, and as far as I know, everyone else is gone. I know for sure that this Nate is my grandfather, who actually died Jan. 13th, 2001 in Defuniak Springs, Walton Florida. His youngest son Robert was my father. "Robert Watson" I hope Robert will fill in some gaps where Nate's family is concerned. Nate Watson is an interesting fellow, surviving polio as a child, he walked with a limp. Dad was of the opinion that Nate was adopted, but I found his christening, in the Millett Methodist Church register. He was married perhaps 6 times, three times to the same woman, Ruth Smith. People like that have "interesting" lives. Personally, I am willing to settle for "uneventful but happy". Best wishes for a happy week.

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Apr 30, 2007 Mary Robertson (Buchanan) This is just to let everyone know that Mary Robertson, née Buchanan passed away at the age of 90, on April 29, 2007, in Camrose, Alberta. Funeral services will be held in Unity, Sask later this week. I will post other details later. ________________________________________________________________

Apr 30, 2007 Re: Charles Buchanan 1815-1905

Thank you Don, that is wonderful. Thank you (both of you) for sharing this with me. It is the only biography I have seen for Charles. I will definitely share it with the Buchanan group.

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: Donald S. Holmes To: Bill Buchanan Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 7:46 PM Subject: Charles Buchanan 1815-1905 Bill: We came across this obit to-day which was news to us. If you already have this then feel free to delete this one. Don From the Atwood Bee of Friday January 20, 1905 Death of Charles Buchanan; At the good old age of 88 years, the spirit of Charles Buchanan took flight from the frail tenement of clay, on Friday last at 12 o'clock noon, after a somewhat tedious illness caused by the infirmities of old age. The deceased was born in the County of Tyrone, Ireland in 1815. He was married in 1844 to Miss Porter, of the County of Tyrone. In 1846 the young couple emigrated to Canada and settled in the Township of Esquesing, Halton County, where they lived for 1 year, then came to the Queen's Bush settling on Lot 36 concession 8 Elma in 1847. Here they lived until 1883 when they removed to Atwood, living in the house now occupied by George Smith. Mrs Buchanan died in 1885 at the age of 61. Since the death of his wife he made his home with his daughter, Mrs. George Smith, who for twenty years ministered faithfully and unselfishly to his ever want. Five sons and three daughters were born to bless the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan, viz. Andrew, California; Thomas in the West; William in Harriston; John in Michigan and Charles at home. Mrs. Henry (deceased); Mrs. William Blair, Elma and Mrs. George Smith, Atwood. The funeral service was conducted on Monday in St. Alban's Church by Rev. McLeod of Milverton and was largly attended, interment was made in Elma Centre Cemetery. The deceased was a staunch Conservative. During his declining years he bore his suffering with great fortitude and resignation. ________________________________________________________________

May 1, 2007 Re: Ann Jane Buchanan Hi Barry, I found their marriage and the births of some of their children. I suspect that the reason for mis-representing her age at the time of marriage was that she was under age. (We often see this.) Indications are that "Ann Jane Buchanan" was born "Jane Ann Thompson", and was the illegitimate child of Charles and Jane Thompson, a girl who worked for him on the farm, who

subsequently married Joseph Cooper. 1. The word of her grandson William Hamilton "Grace [Charles and Ann Buchanan's daughter] told my mother that Ann was the daughter of a Buchanan (Charles) and a girl who worked on their farm (Cooper), and that they brought her up." 2. Letter from her daughter Zelda indicates she is a member of our Buchanan family. "I had a letter from Annie McMane telling me about the book that you folks have been working on. I guess one would call it a family tree and since my mother Mrs. Jim Hamilton was Annie Buchanan we're interested in having a copy of it. ... Sincerely your distant cousin Zelda, Mrs. Howard Smith" 3. 1871 census shows her and her mother living with Charles and Ann Porter Buchanan Thompson Jane Servant " " " 17 S F Thompson Jane " " " 3 mo. S F 4. 1881 census shows Ann J Buchanan as a member of the household. Ann J BUCHANAN Female Irish 10 O Church of England 5. Ann's marriage lists her parents as Charles and Jane Buchanan. Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Name Estimated Birth Year Marriage Date Spouse Name Marriage County Ann Jane Buchanan abt 1866 23 May 1889 James Hamilton Perth Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 Record Name: Ann Jane Buchanan Birth Place: Elma Age: 23 Father Name: Charles Buchanan Mother Name: Jane Buchanan Estimated Birth Year: abt 1866 Spouse Name: James Hamilton Spouse's Age: 29 Spouse Birth Place: Elma Spouse Father Name: Robert Hamilton Spouse Mother Name : Ellen Hamilton Marriage Date: 23 May 1889 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com 6. Jane Thompson, her mother, married Joseph Cooper, thereby becoming "Granny Cooper" to Ann's children. Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 Record Name: Jane Thompson Birth Place: Elma Age: 20 Father Name: William Thompson Mother Name: Jane Thompson Estimated Birth Year: abt 1854 Spouse Name: Joseph Cooper Spouse's Age: 30 Spouse Birth Place: Ontario Spouse Father Name: John Cooper Spouse Mother Name : Lizzie Cooper Marriage Date: 19 Mar 1874 Marriage Place: Perth Marriage County: Perth Source: Indexed by: Ancestry.com 7. Birth regsitrations of some of her children:

Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Record Name: Ella May Hamilton Date of Birth: 21 Jul 1890 Gender: Female Birth County: Perth Father's Name: James Hayilton Mother's Name: Ann Jane Buchanan Roll Number: MS930_11 Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Record Name: Stanley Ray Hamilton Date of Birth: 5 May 1892 Gender: Male Birth County: Perth Father's Name: James Hamilton Mother's Name: Ann Jane Buchanan Roll Number: MS933_18 Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Record Name: Clarence Wilburt Hamilton Date of Birth: 23 Jun 1901 Gender: Male Birth County: Perth Father's Name: James Hamilton Mother's Name: Any Jane Buchannan Roll Number: MS933_33 Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Record Name: Cecil Elwood Hamilton Date of Birth: 21 Jul 1903 Gender: Male Birth County: Perth Father's Name: James Hamilton Mother's Name: Ann Jane Buchanan Roll Number: MS933_37 Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Record Name: Zelda Lyle Hamilton Date of Birth: 4 Jul 1905 Gender: Female Birth County: Perth Father's Name: James Hamilton Mother's Name: Annie Buchanan Roll Number: MS930_43 ____________________________________________________________________ Listowel, March 30th, 1971 Mr. Lorne Buchanan:

I'm not sure if you've ever heard of me but some time ago I had a letter from Annie McMane telling me about the book that you folks have been working on. I guess one would call it a family tree and since my mother Mrs. Jim Hamilton was Annie Buchanan we're interested in having a copy of it. I feel that it will be very interesting to read. I was Zelda Hamilton. I had two sisters Ella May and Mildred also six brothers: Stanley, Bob, Clarence, Elwood, Lloyd and Bill. Ella May, Stanley and Elwood are all gone. The rest are all enjoying very good health, only growing older each day. [New page ] I'm enclosing a money order for $5 for a copy of the book. Annie McMane said that covers the cost of mailing also. If he ever come to Ontario for visits I hope that you'll come and see me. We live in Listowel and not hard to find our place, 275 Victoria Street north. I'm looking forward to seeing the book. Sincerely your distant cousin Zelda Mrs. Howard Smith Box 963 Listowel, Ontario ____________________________________________________________________ The ages seem to vary somewhat from one event to another, as shown in these censuses. 1891 census Hamilton James Male 30 Married Head Ont Ont Scot Meth Farmer Hamilton Ann J. Female 21 Married Wife " " Ont " Hamilton Elie F 9 mos. S Daughter " " " " McKenzie Hugh M 20 S Lodger " Ire Ire Pres Labourer 1901 census of Canada 4 6 31 Hamilton James M Head M Apr 18 1859 38 [1860?] [Ont-r] [Scotch] [Methodist] 4 7 31 Hamilton Jane L F Wife M Jan 9 1872 29 [1870?] [Ont-r] [Irish] 4 8 31 Hamilton Mary E F Daughter S Jul 20 1890 10 [Ont-r] [May] [Scotch] 4 9 31 Hamilton Stanley R M Son S May 8 1892 8 [Ont-r] [Scotch] 4 10 31 Hamilton Robert J M Son S Apr 10 1896 4 [Ont-r] [Scotch] 4 11 31 Hamilton Mildred I F Daughter S Aug 17 1898 2 [Ont-r] [Scotch] Source Information: 1901 Census of Canada Subdistrict: Elma, PERTH (North/Nord), ONTARIO District Number: 104 Subdistrict Number: b-8 Archives Microfilm: T-6490

I believe that the other wife "Nancy Cooper" never existed, but is a corruption of the names Ann ("Nancy") Porter and Jane (Thompson) Cooper by a member of the family in Manitoba. I have found nothing to indicate that "Nancy Cooper" exists. I hope this clarifies the present state of my research on this family.

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: "Barry Snider" To: "Bill Buchanan" Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 11:40 PM Subject: Ann Jane Buchanan Bill, I just came across this marriage entry to James Hamilton: From http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~maryc/perth89.htm April 2007: Perth Co., 1889 - 009884 -89, (Perth Co.), James HAMILTON, 29, Elma, same, farmer, s/o Robert & Ellen HAMILTON, to Ann Jane BUCHANAN, 23, Elma, same, d/o Charles & Jane BUCHANAN, witn: Henry W. HAMILTON of Elma, Hannah E. GUY of Elma, 23 May 1889 at Atwood The only discrepancy with my records is that I have her born 1870, the youngest of the children. But if she was age 23 in 1889, she would have to be born abt 1865/6. Which would make her about the same age as Charles Jr. Any thoughts? ________________________________________________________________

May 3, 2007 Richard John Buchanan Does anyone know which family this is? I can't place them in our family tree. 1911 Census Ontario / Perth North / 43 Stratford / page 8 8 79 Buchanan Richard John M Head M Dec 1868 42 [Ontario Irish Switchman Railway] 9 79 Buchanan Mary Jane F Wife M Nov 1860 50 10 79 Buchanan Mary Ellen L. F Daughter S Jan 1899

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com


May 3, 2007 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Richard John Buchanan Bill and others: He is likely the Richard J. Buchanan who is the son of Robert and Mary Buchanan, who were in Mono, Cardwell Co., Ontario in 1881. Likely no relation to us. Here is the link to the 1881 census page with their info: http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Search/frameset_search.asp?PAGE=census/search_census.asp Patty ________________________________________________________________

May 4, 2007 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Richard John Buchanan The age difference and age of the child (born 1899) makes me think this might be them: 002708-95 (Dufferin Co.) Richard BUCHANAN, 25, teamster, Mono, Stratford, s/o Robert BUCHANAN & Mary BUCHANAN, married Mary Jane BARNETT, 34, Mono, same, d/o James BARNETT & Helen BARNETT, wtn: John MOFFAT & Susannah NEIL both of Mono, on Nov 27, 1895, at Mono I can't find them in my records either. [Barry] ________________________________________________________________

May 4, 2007 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Richard John Buchanan Barry, I think we are on the same family track. Patty ________________________________________________________________

May 4, 2007 Re: Update Long John Buchanan's line

Thanks Donna, I will add your updates to my database right now. I am sending this out to the others on our list, in case they have the same question. Cousins, I would like to have this project finished in September, so please send me your updates.

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: Donna Phillips To: Bill Buchanan Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 9:28 PM Subject: Update Long John Buchanan's line Bill...Two of my Mom's cousins and I have worked on updating this line for the Buchanan Family Tree book. Anything that is printed in red is an update from the original. If we find out any more information, when is the last date that we can get any new information to you? Thanks for all your work on this. Much appreciated. Donna Phillips ________________________________________________________________

May 4, 2007 Donna's Additions Donna Phillips and her cousins have added an additional 229 descendants of "Long Johnny Buchanan and have added valuable information to many of the people already listed. Thank you Donna.

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

May 6, 2007 Re: Andrew William Buchanan and Beatrice Demaine Harris Barry, Beatrice: Art Harris said Beatrice died 3 JAN 1977, but I will go with the

official record on this. Andrew: I showed him as dead in Neepawa on 20 Jan l963, but his brother Archie's obit in 1975 showed him as still alive! [Art Harris said Andrew William Buchanan b. 1 Mar 1898 Rosedale MB d. Chiliwack BC [no date given] I will change the date to the official date. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: "Barry Snider" To: "Bill Buchanan" Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2007 12:02 AM Subject: Andrew William Buchanan and Beatrice Demaine Harris Bill, we have a difference of opinion on the following place and dates of death: BC Archives on-line: Name: Andrew William Buchanan, Place: Kamloops, Reg. Number: 1978-09-003326, Date: 1978 2 23 (Yr/Mo/Day), Age: 79, Event: Death, Microfilm #: B13584 (GSU # 2051143) BC Archives on-line: Name: Beatrice Demaine Buchanan, Place: Chilliwack, Reg. Number: 1977-09-008580, Date: 1977 6 3 (Yr/Mo/Day), Age: 76, Event: Death, Microfilm #: B13577 (GSU # 2050948) ________________________________________________________________

May 6, 2007 Melbourne Watson Barry informed me of the death of Mel Watson, of Abbotsford, BC. Mel was a child of Charles "Allan" Watson and Kate Harvie, and a grandchild of James Watson and Jane Buchanan. The obit lists a son John that I have no record of. Can anyone fill me in? Who did daughters Mildred and Joan marry?

I found these online: http://www.abbynews.com/portals-code/obits.cgi WATSON, Melbourne Albert Thursday, 07 Dec 2006 Abbotsford News Abbotsford, BC Melbourne Albert Jan. 24, 1917 to Dec. 7, 2006

Lovingly remembered by Jeanie, his wife of 35 years; his children, Millie, Joan, Bev, Don and John; 15 grandchildren; 16 great grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. Mel was predeceased by his former wife Ollie, his four brothers, Jim, Allan (Allie), George and Doug, and his three sisters, Evelyn, Myrtle and Mabel. Mel was a pioneer of Abbotsford, having moved here with his -family from Agassiz in April, 1918. He served in the RCAF, was employed with BC Hydro for 35 years, was an avid beekeeper, and a very active member of many service groups and lodges in Abbotsford and Mission. Mel led a very full and interesting life and will be fondly remembered by many. Mel’s family wish to extend very special thanks to Dr. Parkin, the paramedics, all the staff at MSA Hospital, and his good friends for their wonderful care. No funeral by request. A celebration of life tea will be held starting at 6:00 pm Saturday, December 16 at 32691 Garibaldi Drive (Carriage Lane Rec Hall). http://www.delta-optimist.com/issues05/092105/news/092105nn3.html Airmen recall fits of boredom and fits of fright during Second World War training at Boundary Bay Airport by Dave Willis Frank Hurst was one of the 13 British bomber crew members to visit Boundary Bay Airport, a training site to prepare the airmen for duty in the Second World War, Tuesday. It wasn't the first time he's been back, however. He was in the area visiting friends in 1993 but never made it onto the actual airport grounds. He had his photograph taken with the facility in the background, but that's as close as he got. "I'd have like to got back onto the airport, but it wasn't possible in those days. But now, it's all organized, it's ideal," he said, standing just outside the sole wartime era hangar left standing. The group of veterans received funding from the British national lottery corporation for the visit. "We've been looking forward to this, to come back and see where we actually took off on the old Mitchells," Hurst said, referring to the American-made B25 Mitchell bomber aircraft the English airmen used. Hurst was trained as a navigator at Malton Airport, now known as the Lester B. Pearson International Airport in Ontario, before coming to B.C. The men were crewed up after arriving at Boundary Bay. "Nobody knew anybody until we got here." After training on the Mitchell bombers, Hurst was sent to Abbotsford for a time in the fourengine B24 Liberator aircraft. He and his crew were due to be sent overseas to the Far East for a tour of operations but were sent back to England after the Americans dropped the atom bombs on Japan.

"Everything sort of stopped so we didn't get there," Hurst said. "It was a bit frustrating but it was nice to see the end of the war anyway. We did all the training to get up to scratch to do the job. Unfortunately we didn't get there to do it." Another of the British airmen visiting Tuesday, Ted Bowles, said he enjoyed his time training in B.C. immensely. There were periods of sheer fright interspersed with periods of sheer boredom, he remembered. "One trip we did, we hit tremendous thunderstorm clouds over the mountains and they shot us up to 30,000 feet, where we didn't want to be. So we were very lucky to get out of that." Severe turbulence from thunderstorms can rip airplanes apart. As for the boring bits, waiting out spells of poor weather caused a fair bit of restlessness. "That's when the cards come out," not to mention dirty songs and jokes, Bowles said with a grin. "We were only youngsters then." In his case, 20-years-old. While it was wonderful to come back, the removal of the barracks and sleeping quarters definitely changed the airport's appearance quite a bit. "We can't recognize a thing," he said. "Most of the landmarks that were here that we would have recognized have disappeared. You lot had bloody knocked them down," Bowles said with a hearty chuckle. Melbourne Watson, a Royal Canadian Air Force member during the Second World War, spent time at Boundary Bay before being sent over to Abbotsford along with the B24 Liberators. He said he was friendly with the British airmen back then and by the looks of it, was clearly having a pleasant time chatting Tuesday. "It's good to see them again, but they're a lot older," Watson told the Optimist jokingly. Jack MacLeod, another RCAF veteran, did a tour of operations in 1943. "I was just out of high school when I joined up in 1941 and I finished my training in 1942." The bomber pilot was based in England for the first while then was moved to Tunisia in North Africa. He came to Boundary Bay in March 1945 and was involved in simulated attacks to help the air gunners train. "It was nice to see the RAF fellas come from England. It was great." published on 09/10/2005

Bill Buchanan

http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

May 7, 2007 Re: Viola Henry Hi Barry, This email from Bernice is a bit confusing to me. But when I compared it to my transcription from the Riding Mountain Cemetery, I interpreted it as saying that Jim's parents are William J. Henry and Thelma M. Ames, and William J. Henry's parents are Robert Brooks Henry and Phoebe Ellen Jackson. Tombstone: Riding Mountain Cemetery Robert Campbell 1852-1923 Mother: Thelma M. Henry 1908-1984 [Did Thelma Ames marry William J. Henry?] Father: William J. Henry 1908-1984 [It seems like a major coincidence that these dates would be the same.] Robert B. Henry 1874-1955 Phoebe Ellen Henry 1887-1931

But more recent research forces me to revise my interpretation. If Robert B Henry and and Phoebe Ellen Jackson were married in Manitoba in 1905, they HAVE to be Jim's parents and not his grandparents. GROOM'S LAST NAME: HENRY GROOM'S GIVEN NAMES: ROBERT B BRIDE'S LAST NAME: JACKSON BRIDE'S GIVEN NAMES: P ELLEN [This suggests that she went by the name Ellen (or Helen?)] DATE OF MARRIAGE: 12/06/1905 PLACE OF MARRIAGE: STE ROSE REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1905,001665 1901 must be Robert. Source Information: 1901 Census of Canada Subdistrict: Ochre River, MACDONALD, MANITOBA District Number: 8 Subdistrict Number: j-4 Archives Microfilm: T-6433 2 36 21 Henry Robert M Head S Feb 24 1873 27 [NB Irish Ch of Eng Farmer] And them in 1906 District: MB Dauphin District (#2) Subdistrict: 12 (Townships 21, 22 in ranges 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 west) Page 5 Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-18354 Transcriber: Gord Boitson 1 32 Henry Robert Head M M 29 2 32 Henry Helen Wife F M 29

1911 Census Manitoba / Dauphin / 30 Township 22 in ranges 14 / page 3 15 24 Henry Robert SW¼ 18-22-15 M Head M Feb 1874 36 [New Brunswick Irish Anglican Farmer] 16 24 Henry Helen F Wife M Apr 1887 24 [Ontario Irish Anglican] 17 24 Henry Elsie F Daughter S Sep 1906 4 [Manitoba Irish Anglican] 18 24 Henry William M Son S Jun 1908 2 [Manitoba Irish Anglican] [Compare the tombstone dates.] I now conclude that Thelma Ames was Jim's sister-in-law, not his sister, and definitely not his mother. I really appreciate your ability to spot inconsistencies and resolve them.

Bill __________________________________________________________________ Dear Bill, I had phoned Lorna but never heard back from her - so, I eventually mailed a copy of your e-mail to her and asked her to send you the information if possible. Lorna phoned this evening with the following information. Thelma Ames married William Henry (Thelma a sister of her father, Jim Henry) [More likely a sister-in-law.] Robert Brooks Henry (Grandpa Bob) m. to Phoebe Ellen Jackson (Grandmother of Lorna) Uncle Gordon Ellis Dafoe m. to Viola Henry (Jim's sister) - Viola is the only one on the sheet that is alive. Gordon Dafoe - his mom was a Margaret (Maggie) Buchanan Mary Jane Smith (a Buchanan) of Pleasantdale, Saskatchewan At the top of my list I show a "Robert C" - with no writing after it - and, as I didn't keep a copy of your e-mail, I'm not sure who that was etc. And regarding "Mary Dafoe" -- Lorna doesn't have a clue who hat is. Lorna is having lots of eye problems - doesn't see too well; youngest son, Brad, has been diagnosed with MS. Brad and Jack & Lorna's adopted daughter live in Langley, B.C. Sure hope you can make sense of this. If you want to send correspondence to Lorna, they are still living in Neepawa. Cheers, Bernice __________________________________________________________________

Here is Phoebe's death registration, Jim Henry's grandmother. LAST NAME: HENRY GIVEN NAMES: PHOEBE ELLEN DATE OF DEATH: 12/17/1931 AGE: 44 UNITS OF AGE: YEARS SEX: F PLACE OF DEATH: NEEPAWA REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1931,052286 __________________________________________________________________ ----- Original Message ----From: "Barry Snider" To: "Bill Buchanan" Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2007 2:17 PM Subject: Viola Henry Bill, I have a note in my files that Viola was identified as the sister of Jim Henry by Lorna Henry, daughter of Jim Henry and Mable Watson. (You probably remember Mable, daughter of David James Watson and Minnie Maud Snider, as David and Mable both contributed greatly to the Watson & Buchanan stories.) If so, one of us has the parents wrong. I show Jim and Viola's parents as Robert Brooks Henry and Phoebe Ellen Jackson. You show her parents as William J (or Bob) Henry and Thelma M Ames. You also show her brother, James Laurence, married to Mable Claire Watson. So the only place we differ is the names of their parents, and their siblings. I think the information I have came from Lorna via an email from you. So I don't know how we ended up with different parents, but we did. I did find a possibility of him in the 1881 and 1901 census. But it was before his marriage, so I cannot be sure it is really him. See what you think and let me know. Thanks, Barry Tombstone: Riding Mountain Cemetery Robert B. Henry 1874-1955 Identified as Robert Brooks Henry by Lorna Henry, Granddaughter. This is the only Robert B Henry found in the 1881 census: Household Record 1881 Canadian Census Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion Charles HENRY M Male Scottish 35 Scotland Farmer F C Baptist Margret I HENRY M Female Scottish 42 New Brunswick Baptist Grace C HENRY Female Scottish 11 New Brunswick F C Baptist Robert B HENRY Male Scottish 10 New Brunswick F C Baptist Jane HENRY Female Scottish 8 New Brunswick F C Baptist Duncan HENRY Male Scottish 7 New Brunswick F C Baptist Walter J HENRY Male Scottish 4 New Brunswick F C Baptist Margret A HENRY Female Scottish 2 New Brunswick F C Baptist Source Information: Census Place Salisbury, Westmorland, New Brunswick

Family History Library Film 1375820, NA Film Number C-13184 District 33, Sub-district H, Division 1, Page Number 42, Household Number 182

From http://www.automatedgenealogy.com/index.html Dec 2004: Page Information District: MB MACDONALD (#8) Subdistrict: Ochre River j-4 Page 2 Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6433 Transcriber: Diane Stigen 36 21 Henry Robert M Head S Feb 24 1873 27 New Brunswick, Irish, Church of England, Farmer ________________________________________________________________

May 7, 2007 Re: Carman Watson Hi Barry, I decided that it was an error in the BFT book. CARMAN WATSON The Buchanan Family Tree book lists a fourth child, Carmen Watson, who died in WWI at Vimy Ridge. This seems to be a case of mistaken identity for DJW's nephew Carmen Gardiner. I could not find the birth registered in the Manitoba Archives on-line Nor is his baptism included with the children of DJW. Does not show up with family in 1901 or 1906 or 1911 census. He is not listed in the family by Elinor Watson Daniels (grand daughter of DJW) He was not mentioned by Mabel Claire Watson Henry, who was a keen family historian and would be his sister if he existed. But here is a C. Watson who died at Vimy Ridge, but his regimental number identifies him as Clement Watson. Debt of Honour Register - In Memory of C WATSON, Private, 438345, 52nd Bn., Canadian Infantry (Manitoba Regt.), who died on Monday 3 September 1917. Cemetery - VIMY MEMORIAL, Pas de Calais, France Names: WATSON , CLEMENT Regimental number: 438345 Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 10131 - 42 [Son of Alger Watson, a watchmaker of Port Arthur, Ontario] Adam Watson and Mary Anne Foulston 1911 Census Manitoba / Portage La Prairie / 2 Township 15 in range 15 west of the 1st M except Neepawa Town / page 5 11 41 Watson Adam Mother M Mar 1862 49 12 41 Watson Mary F Wife M Feb 1864 47 13 41 Watson Alma F Daughter S Mar 1893 18 14 41 Watson Ruby F Daughter S Dec 1901 9 [Roxy] 15 41 Haslam Anne F Lodger S Mar 1886 25

16 41 Peith William M Domestic S Mar 1888 23

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: "Barry Snider" To: "Bill Buchanan" Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2007 11:44 PM Subject: Carman Watson Bill, I still show Carman Watson as the first child of David James Watson and Minnie Maud Snider. But you don't. What did we decide about him? I can't find him in the Manitoba birth records. ________________________________________________________________

May 7, 2007 John Charles "Charlie" Buchanan Hi All; I am curious if any of you might have some information on my Charlie Buchanan, son of Andrew and Maude Buchanan. Even if someone can pinpoint his last location so that I can do some digging to find out more. Thanks for your time; Kelly :o) PS: I have the funeral card for Aunt Mary Robertson's (nee Buchanan), if you would like a copy email me and I will send it. ketchup@... Homepage: http://www.rootsweb.com/~skstjose/kelly/homepage/ Scrapbooking Gallery: http://www.digitalscrapbookplace.com/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=42685 My Blog ?! http://360.yahoo.com/mitchellfamilygenealogy Flickr !? http://www.flickr.com/photos/kellym32ca/ My Space: http://www.myspace.com/kellym33ca


May 7, 2007 Re: [andrew-buchanan] John Charles "Charlie" Buchanan There were a couple of changes to the funeral card, I will send you the changes

when I get home Craig Peterson


May 14, 2007 Lopez Island Buchanans Thanks Don & Marilyn. I had the death certificate from Garner Buchanan, but not the article on harvesting. Have a great week.

Bill ----- Original Message ----From: Donald S. Holmes To: Bill Buchanan Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 3:16 PM Bill: Marilyn came across the secondary item here, to-day while scanning the old Atwood papers. She was mystified by what was meant by 'Lopez' until she brought up the old obituary. You probably have this death certificate but the other item helps to flesh out their lives. Don and Marilyn James A Buchanan: Death certificate states: He died 16 JAN 1935, Lopez, San Juan County, WA where he resided for 50 years. He was male, white, married to Nellie L. Buchanan. He was born Mar 1st, 1851, Donegal, Canada. He died at age 83, 10 months, 11 days. He was a farmer, last working as a farmer 6 years, 3 months ago. Father's name Andrew Buchanan, b Ireland, mother's name Mary Jane Booth, b Ireland. Informant was Nellie L. Buchanan. Undertake was Harry E. King (last name not real clear) of Friday Harbor. He died of advanced age, and brights Disease and general weakness. No suspicious circumstances. Had been slowly dying for months. No autopsy was performed. ************************************ From the Atwood Bee of Friday December 1st, 1905 front page James Buchanan brought his separator over from Lopez a few days ago and has been busy this week threshing for his brother, William Buchanan, his brother-in-law William Hemphill and others. He says that Mr. Hemphill's oat crop was the best he has threshed this year. It was very clean and not discoloured by the rains. There is a good sized granery on the place which the former owner found amply large enough to hold the yeild from the same acerage, but it didn't do it this year. That Mr. Hemphill is a fine farmer is evident from the work that he has done during the short time that he has been in the county.He also raised 300 sacks of potatoes off 2 acres. - San Juan Islands


Jun 2, 2007 Nathan Watson Family Robert Watson has a genealogy website. http://tinyurl.com/ytt7am His line is: Robert < Robert < Robert < Nathan < George Allan < George < James Watson and Elizabeth Linnen. So I guess it makes him my second cousin twice removed.

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com


Jun 7, 2007 Buchanan Births in Ontario 1869-1907 Hi Everyone, I spent some time yesterday on Ancestry.ca and found these Buchanan births listed for Ontario. Unfortunately, the County was often missing from the index, and occasionally other info as well. Still, this is the source I used last year to find some of our families' babies that died in infancy. Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to search for children whose surname was not Buchanan, but whose mothers were Buchanans. I don't have a subscription to Ancestry.ca so that project will have to wait for another time. The majority of births listed in the index also have images available. Bill

Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1907 Name

Birth Date


Birth County

Father's name

Mother's name

Jane Buchanan Buchan?? 13 Sep 1886 Female York Robert Buchan?? Mary Blakely Geo Rush Buchan Buchana 26 Aug 1892 Male Essex Geo Buchana Mary Dell Wilso?? John Earnest Buchana 10 Feb 1904 Male Grey Jospeh Buchana Martha Reid Stillborn Buchana 14 Apr 1888 Male York Duncan M Buchana Amanda E Perkins Mary Ann Buchana?? 9 Jan 1888 Female Huron Alexander Buchana?? Isabel Fairbairn

Mary Olive Buchana?? 3 Apr 1886 Female Frontenac George Mabellon Buchana?? Ida Elizabeth Victoria Switzer William Patters?? Buchana?? 18 Oct 1878 Male James Buchana?? Betsey Patterson Buchanan 5 Apr 1888 Male Rainy River Ronard Buchanan Buchana Buchanan 1897 Carleton Alexander Buchanan Margaret Findley Buchanan 2 Dec 1870 Female Oxford John Buchanan Mary Doney Buchanan 15 Feb 1886 Male Northumberland George Buchanan Steele Buchanan 11 Aug 1889 Male Wentworth W G Buchanan Mr. Buchanan Buchanan 24 Dec 1906 Female Middlesex Hugh C Buchanan Catherine Victoria Smith Buchanan Not Named 20 Dec 1898 Male Brant William T Buchanan Emma Goddard Buchanan 4 Oct 1882 Male Simcoe William Joseph Sheppard Ellen Mary Buchanan Buchanan 21 Dec 1900 Female Renfrew James Buchanan Julia Ann Major Buchanan 13 Mar 1905 Male York Margaret Buchanan Buchanan 8 Jul 1901 Male Huron Jas Buchanan Jr. Catherine Mc Donald Buchanan 30 Apr 1907 Male York William Buchanan Margaret E Evans Buchanan 12 Apr 1900 Male York Maggie Buchanan Buchanan 17 Feb 1888 Male Wentworth Saml Buchanan Annie Peacock Ada Buchanan 4 Mar 1888 Female Essex Wm Buchanan Margret A Shanks Addie Alexandria Buchanan 14 Sep 1902 Female Oxford George Buchanan Addie Starr Addie Winnifred Buchanan 6 Oct 1904 Female Essex Geo Buchanan Mary Dell Welson Advic Rea Buchanan 27 Jun 1902 Male Dufferin Thos C Buchanan Agnes Davison Agnes Buchanan 10 Mar 1882 Female York Charles Edward Buchanan Margaret Kelly Agnes Buchanan 16 Feb 1877 Female Grey John Buchanan Agnes Susan Agnes Buchanan 9 Aug 1879 Female Simcoe Robert John Buchanan Agnes Baxter Agnes Buchanan 29 Mar 1885 Female Wellington John Buchanan Agnes Shearer

Agnes Drummond Hunter Buchanan 30 May 1906 Female York Robert Jno Buchanan Margaret Mearns Agnes Jane Buchanan 3 Jul 1894 Female Parry Sound John Buchanan Margaret Jane Leos Agnes Jane Buchanan 4 Jul 1880 Female Oxford James Buchanan Martha J Marshall Agnes Jane Buchanan 4 Jul 1890 Female Renfrew James Buchanan Julia Magor Agnes Margaret Buchanan 5 May 1907 Female Lanark George W Buchanan Luella Barns Amy Ailun Gert Buchanan 29 Nov 1904 Female Carleton Wm Jas Buchanan Margt R Harris Albert Buchanan 21 Jul 1901 Male Dufferin Chas Buchanan Martha Brown Albert Dalton Buchanan 26 Jan 1893 Male Simcoe Robert Buchanan Mary Ann Bishop Albert Edward Buchanan 15 Apr 1901 Male Grey Joseph Buchanan Martha Reid Albert Saml Buchanan 23 Apr 1898 Female Carleton Jno G Buchanan W Addaide Anderson Alex Buchanan 13 May 1903 Male Algoma Alexander Buchanan Margaret A Dodds Alex John Buchanan 3 Sep 1898 Male Grey Duncan Buchanan Maggie McQueen Alex Wm Buchanan 19 Jan 1899 Male Grey Alexander Buchanan Elizabeth Yake Alexander Buchanan 28 Dec 1898 Male Lanark John Buchanan Christina Ritchie Russell Alexander Buchanan 11 Jan 1898 Male Perth Robert Buchanan Elizabeth Buchanan Alexander Buchanan 11 Jan 1898 Male Perth Robert Buchanan M N Watson Alexander Buchanan 6 Mar 1880 Male Huron Benjamin Smillie Jane Buchanan Alexander Buchanan 10 Mar 1872 Male Huron Alexander Buchanan Eliza Ann Neval Alexander Buchanan 19 Feb 1873 Male Lambton Donald Buchanan Mary McPherson Alexander Buchanan 3 Apr 1898 Male Dufferin Charles Buchanan Martha Alexander Buchanan 2 Jul 1872 Male Kent Henry Buchanan Sarah Bentley Alexander Buchanan 19 Feb 1873 Male Lambton Donald Buchanan Mary Mc Pherson Alexander Buchanan 1 Jul 1869 Male Grey Alex Buchanan Jannet McLachlan Alexander Henry Buchanan 12 Mar 1873 Male Bruce James Buchanan Betsey Patterson Alexander Henry Buchanan 12 Mar 1873 Male Carleton James Buchanan Betsy Patterson

Alexander Robert Buchanan 17 Apr 1904 Male Waterloo W Herbert Buchanan Ettie Gill Alfred Edwin Buchanan 1 Dec 1892 Male Huron Andrew Buchanan Elizabeth Carlile Alfred Elgin Buchanan 9 Jan 1873 Male Leeds and Grenville Alexander Buchanan Carline Whitney Alice Matilda Buchanan 23 Apr 1897 Female Grey Robert Buchanan Catherine Langham Alice Maud Buchanan 7 Jun 1877 Male Kent James Buchanan Lilly Cameron Alice May Buchanan 22 Feb 1886 Female York Thomas Buchanan Mary Hagan Allecia Buchanan 5 Jun 1882 Female Stormont Ellison Buchanan Willmina Sledge Alma Jane Buchanan 1 Oct 1896 Female York John Buchanan Annie Maria Jackson Alson Archibald Buchanan 5 Apr 1900 Male Hastings James Buchanan Myra Bogart Amy Buchanan 2 May 1886 Female J B Buchanan Elizabeth Smith Amy Christina Buchanan 29 Aug 1885 Female Lambton Dugald Buchanan Jessie Duncan Amy Gladys Buchanan 26 Jan 1900 Female Lanark Thomas Buchanan Ellen Fleming Anderson Buchanan 26 Jun 1900 Male York James Buchanan Jessie McKander Andrew Buchanan 22 Feb 1882 Male Perth William Samuel Buchanan Margaret Buchanan Andrew Buchanan 22 Feb 1882 Male Perth William Samuel Buchanan M N Barke Andrew Buchanan 22 Feb 1882 Male Perth William Samuel Buchanan Margaret Buchanan Andrew Buchanan 22 Feb 1882 Male Perth William Samuel Buchanan M N Burke Angus Buchanan 30 Sep 1892 Male Wellington Thomas Buchanan Mary Martin Angus James Buchanan 12 May 1879 Male Grey John Buchanan Agnes Shearer Ann Buchanan 1 Sep 1896 Female Grey Duncan Buchanan Maggie McQueen Ann Buchanan 10 Aug 1878 Female Peterborough Robt Buchanan Isabella Buchanan Ann Buchanan 5 Dec 1879 Female Middlesex George Buchanan Susan Wilson Ann Jane Buchanan 27 Mar 1879 Female Perth Andrew Buchanan Eliza Jane Bours Anna Bella Buchanan 18 Sep 1874 Female Bruce Wm Buchanan Mary Ann McDonald Annabella Buchanan 17 May 1902 Female Huron James G Buchanan Katherine Sands

Anne Almira Buchanan 6 Jun 1877 Female Simcoe Malcolm Buchanan Mary Ann Orr Anne Isabella Rose Buchanan 24 Feb 1898 Female Hastings Robert Buchanan Lizzie Kelusky Annetta May Buchanan 21 Nov 1883 Female Huron James Buchanan Jr. Kate McDonald Annie Buchanan 24 Nov 1894 Female Waterloo James Buchanan Jessie McKay Annie Buchanan 29 Dec 1900 Female Dufferin W J Buchanan Ellen Lindsay Annie Buchanan 26 Nov 1887 Female Perth Robert Buchanan Elizabeth Buchanan Annie Buchanan 26 Nov 1887 Female Perth Robert Buchanan Elizabeth Watson Annie Buchanan 4 Jan 1898 Female York Robert Buchanan Catherine Ferris Annie Agnes Buchanan 10 Feb 1902 Female Simcoe Donald Buchanan Mary Ann Greenshields Annie Beatrice Buchanan 17 Nov 1877 Female Lambton John Buchanan Alice J Frick Annie Bray Buchanan 10 Nov 1889 Female Perth James Buchann Julia Ann Buchanan Annie Isabel Buchanan 9 Apr 1897 Female Grey James Buchanan Christina Scott Annie Isabella Buchanan 12 Sep 1880 Female Lambton Daniel Buchanan Louisa Holling Annie Lillian Buchanan 5 Nov 1906 Female Kent John Buchanan Jane Linney Annie Loraine Buchanan 18 Aug 1907 Female Perth Charles Henry Buchanan Clara Violet Danbrook Annie Matilda Buchanan 1 Sep 1892 Female Lanark William George Buchanan Sarah Ann Marks Annie May Buchanan 29 May 1888 Female Perth Alexander Buchanan Emily Buchanan Annie May Buchanan 29 May 1888 Female Perth Alexander Buchanan Emily Scott Annie May Victoria Buchanan 22 May 1893 Female Dufferin Thomas Cooper Buchanan Agnes Davidson Annie Myrtle Buchanan 13 Feb 1904 Female Peterborough David Buchanan Minnie Sedfwick Annie Violet Buchanan 26 Jun 1898 Female Dufferin Fred Buchanan Elizabeth A Little Annie Winnifred Buchanan 6 Oct 1904 Female Essex Geo Buchanan Mary Dell Welson Archibald Buchanan 12 Jan 1878 Male Peterborough Edward Irwin Buchanan Catherine Dack Archibald Buchanan 11 Jan 1879 Male Lambton Saml Buchanan Mary Gray

Arnold Roy Buchanan 16 Jul 1903 Male Essex William Buchanan Maggie May Overholtz Arthur Edgar Buchanan 4 Dec 1876 Male Bruce Frederick Buchanan Agnes Lawrence Arthur Leland Buchanan 21 Jun 1901 Male Essex Sherman Buchanan Lenora Cascadden Arthur Russell Buchanan 13 Jan 1899 Male Parry Sound Wm Buchanan Rachael Bregg Arthur William Buchanan 12 Jun 1907 Male Peterborough William Albert Buchanan Rachel Jane Copp August Hunter Buchanan 1 Jun 1895 Male Grenville Wm H Buchanan Agnes Isabellen Martin Augustus Buchanan 26 Jul 1883 Male Essex Augustus Buchanan Olive Ann Windsor Augustus Buchanan 26 Jul 1873 Male Essex Augustus Buchanan Olive Ann Windsor Austin Buchanan 12 Nov 1903 Male Parry Sound Robert Thos Buchanan Evangaline Whitehead Austin Thomas Irwin Buchanan 11 Jan 1898 Male Dufferin Thos C Buchanan Agnes Davidson Baden Clifford Buchanan 9 Mar 1905 Male Renfrew James Buchanan Julia Ann Major Baker Harold Percy Buchanan 29 Oct 1890 Male Parry Sound Baker Peter Buchanan Catherine Mary Murchison Barbara Louisa Bucker Buchanan 11 Nov 1879 Female Elgin James Buchanan Mary McVane Beatrice Mae Buchanan 30 Mar 1903 Female Kent John Buchanan Jane Linney Benjemin Robert Buchanan 28 Mar 1874 Male Peterborough John Buchanan Elizzen Stewart Berry Isabelle Buchanan 28 Jan 1880 Female Peterborough Andrew Buchanan Annie Buchanan Bertha E Buchanan 29 Mar 1901 Female Dufferin Fred Buchanan Elizabeth A Little Bertha Edna Buchanan 3 Feb 1896 Female William Buchanan Rachel L Bregg Bessie Evelyn Buchanan 5 Aug 1891 Female Waterloo Alexander E Buchanan Nellie Baptie Bessie May Buchanan 10 Aug 1904 Female Lanark Bernard Buchanan Mury McDermat Blanche Buchanan 30 Oct 1889 Female Oxford James A Buchanan Isabel Matheson Blanche Ida Buchanan 8 Jun 1883 Female Lanark George Buchanan Margaret Jane Hannah Blanche Oreannd Buchanan 3 Feb 1890 Female York Duncan M Buchanan Amanda Eliza Perkins Buchanan'S Child Buchanan 7 May 1894 Female Manitoulin Norman Buchanan Catherine Mc Lean

Buchannan Buchanan 5 Jan 1906 Female Frontenac Daniel Buchanan Diana Armstrong Buchannan Mary Catherine Buchanan 25 Jan 1900 Middlesex Hugh C Buchanan Catherins Vistoria Smith Bulah Henena Buchanan 5 Mar 1888 Female Kent Joseph Andrew Buchanan Helen Maria Curry Caroline Sophia Buchanan 3 Sep 1892 Female Perth Alexander Buchanan Emily Scott Buchanan Carry May Buchanan 5 Oct 1888 Female Stormont Ellison Buchanan Mina Sled Catharine May Buchanan 21 Apr 1895 Female Haliburton Edward Buchanan Catharine Dack Catherine Buchanan 10 Mar 1879 Female Simcoe Malcolm Buchanan Mary Jane Orr Catherine Buchanan 15 Aug 1906 Female Huron James J Buchanan Catherine Sands Catherine Ann Buckman Buchanan 5 Jul 1885 Female Donald Buchanan Mary McDougall Catherine Buchana Buchanan 3 Sep 1887 Female Huron Alex Buchanan Mary Stewart Catherine Elizth Buchanan 15 Nov 1899 Female William Buchanan Margaret Evans Catherine Flora Buchanan 12 Apr 1899 Female Manitoulin Norman Buchanan Catherine McLean Cecil Armour Buchanan 19 Jan 1903 Male Lincoln R Neil Buchanan Eleanor E Tenbroeck Cecilia Alberta Buchanan 1 Dec 1875 Female Simcoe Malcolm Buchanan Mary Jane Orr Charles Buchanan 26 Oct 1879 Male Perth Robert Buchanan Elizabeth Watson Charles Buchanan 28 Sep 1887 Male Dufferin Joseph Gillespie Sarah A Buchanan Charles Alex Buchanan 1 Jan 1883 Male Renfrew John Buchanan Catherine Spinks Charles Claude Buchanan 5 Jul 1906 Male Wentworth Edward Buchanan Annie Grundy Charles Davidson Buchanan 20 Mar 1878 Male Simcoe Roland Buchanan Sophia Calbert Charles Edgar Buchanan 19 Mar 1887 Male Dufferin Thomas Buchanan Elizabeth Caranagh Charles Elgin Buchanan 1 Apr 1896 Male Leeds Angus Buchanan Mary Ann Dark Charles Garfield Buchanan 24 Aug 1886 Male Huron Duncan M Buchanan Amanda C Perkins Charles Robert Buckanan Buchanan 10 Sep 1877 Male Perth Thomas Buchanan Ellen Cochrane Charles William Buchanan 17 Dec 1882 Male Oxford James Buchanan Martha Jane Marshall Charles William Buchanan 19 Feb 1883 Male Simcoe C W Buchanan M J Willoughby

Charles William Buchanan 22 Nov 1898 Male Middlesex Archibald George Buchanan Adelisa Starr Chas Earnest Buchan?? Buchanan 24 Nov 1888 Male Kent Charles Buchanan Rebeca Jane Montgomery Christie Ann Buchanan 31 Oct 1905 Female Stormont William Buchanan Sarah Derner Christina Buchanan 8 Dec 1873 Female Oxford Alexander Buchanan Christina McDougal Christina Buchanan 8 Dec 1873 Female Oxford Alexander Buchanan Christina McDougal Clara Edith Elizabeth Buchanan 23 Jun 1884 Female Dufferin James J Buchanan Elizabeth McKitrick Clarence Edwin Buchanan 7 Oct 1907 Male Waterloo Archie Buchanan Cornelia Betzler Claude Buckqwan Buchanan 22 May 1872 Male York Wentworth J Buchanan Agatha Burrowes Clyde Buchanan 6 Mar 1906 Male Lambton Walter Buchanan Ethel May Murray Colin Stewart Buchanan 30 Dec 1889 Male Prince Edward Geo W Buchanan Mary Nease Cora May Buchanan 14 Dec 1890 Female Lanark John Buchanan Sophia Sargent Crawford William Robenia Buchanan 9 Aug 1897 Male Grey Illegitimate Mary Ann Buchanan Daniel Buchanan Aug 1907 Male Lanark Daniel Buchanan Mary Carrvel Daniel Buchanan 5 Dec 1878 Male Elgin Colin Ferguson Mary Buchanan Daniel Buchan?? Buchanan 20 Jun 1877 Male Elgin Neil Buchanan Janet Thompson Daniel Buchan?? Buchanan 20 Jun 1877 Male Elgin Neil Buchanan Janet Buchanan Daniel Neil Buchanan 23 Oct 1873 Male Middlesex Archibald Buchanan Mary Campbell David Buchanan 23 Dec 1895 Male York Robert Buchanan Catharine Farris David Buchanan 24 Aug 1877 Male Perth Samuel Buchanan Mary Watson David Buchanan 29 Jul 1885 Male Renfrew James Buchanan Julia Magor David Ernest Buchanan 25 Jul 1907 Male York George Buchanan Agnes Lowe Diolet Buchanon Buchanan 13 May 1884 Female Bruce Malcolm Buchanan Margaret McColl Donald Buchanan 28 Jun 1870 Male Huron Donald Buchanan Euphemia McDougal Donald Buchanan 5 May 1900 Male Huron Alexander Buchanan Mary Stewart

Donald Alexander Buchanan 30 Apr 1901 Male Muskoka Alexander Buchanan Mary Jane Odricall Donald Keefe Buchanan 17 Jun 1905 Male Peterborough George Buchanan Margaret Gelbert Donald Stewart Buchanan 27 Sep 1900 Male Bruce John J Buchanan Catherine McDougall Dora Beatrice Buchanan 15 Jan 1894 Female Parry Sound William Henry Buchanan Rachel L Bregg Dora Donalda Buchanan 31 Aug 1907 Female Simcoe Donald Buchanan Mary A Greenshields Dorcas Lena Buchanan 14 Mar 1905 Female York John Buchanan Jean Crawford Dorothy Eileen Buchanan 5 Feb 1905 Female York Samuel Buchanan Emily Mare Pratt Duncan Buchanan 17 Aug 1902 Male Grey Duncan Buchanan MA?? McQueen Duncan Buchanan 11 Jun 1894 Male Wellington Thomas Buchanan Mary Martin Duncan George Buchanan 19 Apr 1878 Male Middlesex Duncan Buchanan Annie McConnacher Earl William Buchanan 6 Oct 1896 Male Essex William Oscar Buchanan Maggie May Overholt Earl Wm Buchanan 6 Oct 1896 Male Essex W o Buchanan Maggie M Overholt Earnest Andrew Buchanan 5 Feb 1888 Male Essex Sherman Buchanan Eleanora Cascaden Edgar Buchanan 29 Nov 1906 Male Hastings James Buchanan Myra Bogart Edgar Alexander Buchanan 27 Nov 1871 Male Oxford Alexander Buchanan Christina M Dougall Edith Buchanan 21 Nov 1878 Female Bruce Frederick M Buchanan Hannah M Purdy Edith Caroline Buchman Buchanan 30 Jun 1885 Female Grenville Angus Buchanan Mary Ann Dark Edith Floretta Buchanan 26 Sep 1890 Female Essex Sherman Buchanan Leonora Cascaden Edith May Buchanan 16 Jan 1906 Female Waterloo W F Buchanan Melissa Kummer Edith Willa Buchanan 9 Nov 1898 Female Elgin William Buchanan Elizabeth McGregor Edna Adelia Buchanan 8 Sep 1898 Female Essex Sherman Buchanan Lenora Cascadden Edna Beatrice Buchanan 2 Jul 1892 Female Oxford Hiram Buchanan Della Harris Edna Margaret Buchanan 24 Mar 1907 Female Perth Andrew Richard Buchanan Annie Maud Danbrook

Edward Buchanan 17 Sep 1873 Male Simcoe Christopher Alexander Buchanan Mary Jane Kerr Edward Buchanan 1 Jun 1894 Male Perth Robert Buchanan Maggie Anderson Buchanan Edward Buchanan 27 Mar 1903 Male Middlesex Hugh Buchanan Kate Smith Edward Buchan Buchanan 4 Dec 1886 Male Elgin Neil Buchanan Jessie Thomson Edward George Buchanan 31 Jul 1880 Male Waterloo James Buchanan Jane Oliver Edwd Arthur Buchanan 11 Jun 1901 Male York John Buchanan Annie Mari?? Jackson Edwin Featherstone Buchanan 28 Aug 1884 Male Simcoe John Buchanan Margaret A Thornton Edwin Fetherson Buchanan 28 Aug 1884 Male Simcoe John Buchanan Margaret A Thornton Eleanor Harvie Buchanan 28 Feb 1905 Female Brant Harvie Buchanan Margaret Harper Elfleeda Jannette Buchanan 18 Sep 1883 Female James Buchanan Mary Brown Elise Hellen Buchanan 22 Dec 1905 Female Lanark Andrew Buchanan Minnie Ferguson Elise Somer Buchanan 8 Jul 1897 Female Simcoe Gabriel Thomas Somers Alice Viginia Buchanan Eliza Ellen Buchanan 11 Dec 1884 Female Dundas Ellison Buchanan Mina Sledge Eliza M Buchanan 23 Feb 1903 Female Dufferin R T Buchanan Sarah J Bennington Eliza Maud Buchanan 26 Jan 1893 Female Simcoe Robert Buchanan Mary Ann Bishop Elizabeth Buchanan 23 Jul 1877 Female Renfrew Timothy Buchanan Mary Barr Elizabeth Ann Bewhanan Buchanan 14 Nov 1876 Female Perth John Buchanan Isabella Watson Elizabeth Ethel Buchanan 6 Jun 1902 Female Perth Andrew Buchanan Frances C?? Elizabeth Evelyn Buchanan 13 Jan 1903 Female Grey Alexander Buchanan Elizabeth Marth?? Yake Elizabeth Jane Buchanan 20 Aug 1893 Female Perth James Buchanan Julia Ann Scott Buchanan Elizabeth Jane Buchanan 27 Sep 1870 Female Simcoe Christopher Buchanan Mary Jane Kerr Elizabeth Jean Margaret Buchanan 14 Apr 1907 Female York Frederick H Buchanan Elizabeth Arnot Elizabeth Louisa Buchanan 7 Sep 1885 Female Middlesex George Buchanan Susan Wilson Ella Buchanan 12 Oct 1885 Female Peterborough Andrew Buchanan Susannah Cook

Ellen Manetta Buchanan 4 Oct 1886 Female Simcoe Robert Buchanan Ida Maria Caswell Ellenor Buchanan 23 Jun 1896 Female Perth Andrew Buchanan Frances Buchanan Ellison Harold Buchanan 7 Feb 1900 Male Dundas Ellison Buchanan Maria Laporte Elma Buchanan 31 Jul 1886 Female Essex William Buchanan Margaret A Shanks Elsie Christina Sarah Buchanan 3 Oct 1885 Female Wentworth Samuel Buchanan Ellen Stewart Elwood George Buchanan 19 Jun 1905 Male Perth Andrew Richard Buchanan Annie Maud Danbrook Emily Jane Buchanan 12 Oct 1883 Female Perth James Buchanan Annie Scott Emily Louisa Buchanan 16 Oct 1901 Female Waterloo Wm Herbert Buchanan Ettruff Jane Buchanan Emma Pearl Buchanan 7 Nov 1889 Female Huron Geroge Buchanan Emma Zeller Ernest Buchanan 31 Oct 1885 Male William Bella Buchanan Ernest Scott Buchanan 1 Jun 1878 Male William Buchanan Charlotte Slugg Ernest Scott Buchanan 1 Jun 1878 Male William Buchanan Charlotte Buchanan Ethel Buchanan 1 Jun 1894 Female Perth Robert Buchanan Maggie Anderson Buchanan Ethel Vera Buchanan 10 Apr 1897 Female Lambton Walter B Buchanan Ethel Murray Eva Emma Buchanan 25 Dec 1895 Female Brant William Taylor Buchanan Emma Goddard Evel Alberta Buchanan 5 Dec 1900 Female Dufferin Wm Buchanan Tillie Besley Evelyn Maude Buchanan 22 Jul 1894 Female Brant William Taylor Buchanan Emma Goddard Fitzhubert Buchanan 16 Mar 1874 Male York Wentworth James Buchanan Agatha Burrowes Fleetwood Buchanan 14 Jun 1899 Male Lanark Daniel Buchanan Elizabeth Hennings Flora Buchanan 2 Dec 1878 Female Elgin Neil Buchanan Jesse Thompson Flora Maud Buchanan 12 Dec 1890 Female Simcoe Malcolm Buchanan Mary Jane Orr Florence Buchanan 14 Apr 1901 Female Lambton Walter Buchanan Ethel Murray Florence Alexandra Buchanan 22 Oct 1906 Female Renfrew Norman D Buchanan Mary Florence Serson Florence Isabell Buchanan 15 Nov 1884 Female Huron Mark Buchanan Jane Mc Gill

Florence Rebecca Buchanan 2 Jan 1903 Female Kent Chas Buchanan Rebecca J Montgomery Flossie Merrill Buchanan 12 Oct 1896 Female Essex Sherman Buchanan Lenora Cascadden Floyd Lorne Buchanan 10 Mar 1901 Male Essex Wm Buchanan Maggie M Overholt View Record Frances Margaret Gowan Buchanan 12 Nov 1887 Female Simcoe Charles William Buchanan Margaret Jane Willoughby Frances Minnie Buchanan 12 Jul 1906 Female Perth Andrew Buchanan Frances Minnie Coxon Frances Vira Lena Louisa Will?? Buchanan 3 May 1893 Female Simcoe Thomas Buchanan Elizabeth Cavawarg Francis Albert Dwyer Buchanan 26 Jun 1902 Male Essex Geo Buchanan Mary Wilson Francis J Ohn Buchanan 23 Jul 1888 Male Middlesex Duncan F Buchanan Anne McConnachie Francis John Buchanan 17 Feb 1872 Male Essex Augustus Buchanan Olive Ann Windsor Francis Robinson Buchanan 4 Jan 1876 Male Kent Henry Buchanan Sarah Bentley Francis W Buchanan 14 Dec 1902 Male Hastings Robert Buchanan Elizabeth Kelusky Frank Fraser Buchanan 3 Jul 1894 Male Simcoe Robert Fraser Buchanan Ida Maria Caswell Frank Wesley Buchanan 21 Mar 1896 Male Muskoka Alexander Buchanan Mary Jane Odricall Frank Wm Robinson Buchanan 29 Jan 1871 Male Middlesex George Buchanan Susan Wilson Franklin Buchanan 12 Aug 1893 Male Kent Charles Buchanan Rebecca Jane Montgomery Fred Buchanan 19 Feb 1891 Male Essex Geo Buchanan Polly Wilson Fred Buchanan 2 Mar 1871 Male Brant William Buchanan Adelaide Smith Fred Lanxon Sheppard Buchanan 23 Sep 1884 Male Simcoe Robert Buchanan Ida Maria Caswell Fred Milford Buchanan 23 Sep 1884 Male Simcoe Robert Buchanan Ida Maria Caswell Frederick Buchanan 28 Apr 1907 Male York Robert Buchanan Catherine Ferris Frederick George Buchanan 5 Apr 1904 Male Oxford George Buchanan Addie Star Frederick James Buchanan 22 Dec 1877 Male Oxford James Buchanan Eliza Gordon Frederick Jamison Buchanan 5 Aug 1895 Male Lambton Walter Benson Buchanan Ethel Murray Frederick William Buchanan 29 Mar 1890 Male York William Buchanan Margaret Ellen Evans Geo Anderson Buchanan 16 Nov 1899 Male Carleton John G Buchanan Willa A Anderson

Geo Forrest Buchanan 6 Jan 1887 Male Essex Arthur Buchanan Annie Leslie George Buchanan 7 Apr 1892 Male York William Buchanan Margaret Ellen Evans George Buchanan 17 Feb 1871 Male York Daniel Buchanan Mary Hill George Buchanan 30 Oct 1886 Male Brant William Taylor Buchanan Emma Goddard George Buchanan 3 Dec 1886 Male Peterborough John H Buchanan Mary McAuley George Buchanan 27 Oct 1905 Male Grey Duncan Buchanan Maggie McQueen George Buchanan 7 May 1884 Male Lanark John Buchanan Caroline Stone George Buchanan 18 Feb 1899 Male Lambton Walter Buchanan Ethel Murray George A Buchanan 13 Jul 1883 Male George W Buchanan Mary Nease George Alexander Buchanan 1 Feb 1881 Male Lambton John Buchanan Junr Annie Greenough George Alfred Buchanan 1 May 1884 Male York John Thomas Buchanan Agnes Alexander George Buchman Buchanan 12 Nov 1875 Male Huron George Buchanan Martha Zellar George Elliott Buchanan 1 Sep 1885 Male Huron Kaxander Buchanan Isabella Fairbairn George Frederick Buchanan 21 Mar 1891 Male Grey Duncan Buchanan Martha Angelwood George Frederick Buchanan 11 May 1892 Male Muskoka Alexander Buchanan Mary Jane Driscoll George Henry Eddison Buchanan 18 Jun 1897 Male Kent John Buchanan Jane Linney George Robert Buchanan 4 Dec 1891 Male York Robert Buchanan Catharine Burleigh George Russel Buchanan 25 Jun 1898 Male Perth James Buchanan Julia Ann Scott George Samuel Buchanan 10 Oct 1885 Male Robert Buchanan Mary Anne Bishop George Thomas Buchanan 20 Aug 1877 Male Middlesex George Buchanan Susan Wilson George Wellington Buchanan 24 Jul 1877 Male Peterborough Peter Buchanan Jane Mathison George William Buchanan 6 Jul 1896 Male Lanark D M Buchanan Eliza Amanda Perkins Georgina Buchanan 19 Apr 1880 Female Grey Duncan Buchanan Martha Augel Gerald Angus Buchanan 2 Aug 1881 Male Prince Edward George Buchanan Mary E Kean Geraldine Buchanan 2 Aug 1881 Male Prince Edward George Buchanan Mary E Nease

Geraldine Ruth Buchanan 26 Mar 1899 Female Peterborough Malcolm Buchanan Agnes Sullivan Geroge Buchanan 8 Mar 1880 Male Renfrew James Buchanan Jr. Elizabeth Ann Campbell Geroge Herbert Buchanan 1 Oct 1883 Male Huron Donald Buchanan Elizabeth Fowler Gertrude Mabel Buchanan 6 May 1878 Female Prince Edward George Wilson Buchanan Mary Nease Gertrude Violet Buchanan 10 Aug 1895 Female Lambton Dougal Buchanan Jessie Dougal Gilbert Amos Buchanan 18 Feb 1903 Male Wellington W W Buchanan Elisabeth Amos Gladys May Buchanan 9 May 1883 Female York James Oliver Buchanan Emeline Morrison Gladys Muriel Buchanan 22 Oct 1902 Female Frontenac Daniel F Buchanan Dianah Buchanan Gladys Rose Buchanan 11 Feb 1902 Female Stormont Ellison Buchanan Mina Laporte Golden Randolph Buchanan 27 Apr 1887 Male Essex Alexander Buchanan Sarah Ann Armstrong Gordon Buchanan 30 Jul 1900 Bruce William McKenzie Christina Buchanan Gordon Murray Buchanan 12 May 1904 Male Brant Wm Buchanan Emma Goddard Grace Buchanan 27 Jul 1893 Female Elgin Wm Buchanan Elizabeth McGregor Greeta Viola Buchanan 27 Mar 1900 Female York Samuel Buchanan Emily Maria Pratt Hannah Buchanan 2 Sep 1870 Female Essex Augustus Buchanan Olive Ann Windsor Hannah Maud Buchanan 3 Dec 1883 Female Lambton Dugald Buchanan Jessie Duncan Hannah Maud Buchanan 3 Dec 1883 Female Lambton Lessie Duncan Dugald Buchanan Harold Caroon Buchanan 2 May 1895 Male Waterloo John H Buchanan Minnie A H Welrius Harold Herbert Buchanan 16 Jun 1901 Male York Samuel Buchanan Emily Marie Pratt Harold Smith Buchanan 11 Mar 1905 Male Peterborough Robert A Buchanan Jettie Smith Harriet Jane Buchanan 3 Feb 1880 Female Muskoka Young Buchanan Martha Harris Harry Buchanan 9 Jul 1904 Male Lambton Walter Buchanan Ethel May Murray Harry Buchanan 22 May 1891 Male Peterborough George Henry Buchanan Eliza Steele Harry Fowldes Sharpe Harry Buchanan 15 Oct 1897 Male Huron Jas Buchanan Jr Catharine McDonald

Hattie May Buchanan 5 Nov 1882 Female Simcoe Robert Buchanan Ida Maria Caswell Hazel Buchanan 27 Dec 1890 Female Wentworth Richard James Spratt Matilda Morrow Buchanan Hazel Mc Pharlane Buchanan 12 Mar 1891 Female Essex Daniel Mc Pharlane Margaret Buchanan Helen Maud Buchanan 23 May 1896 Female Kent Saml Buchanan Deborah Ross Hellen Margaret Buchanan 10 Oct 1875 Female Daniel Buchanan Elizabeth Fowler Henrietta Isabella Buchanan 8 Apr 1872 Female Oxford George Buchanan Lydia Currie Henry Angus Buchanan 2 Jan 1883 Male Essex Arthur Buchanan Annie Buchanan Henry Angus Buchanan 2 Jan 1883 Male Essex Arthur Buchanan Annie Leslie Henry Buchanon Buchanan 3 Oct 1870 Male York Ogle Robert Buchanan Sarah Spread Henry Edmund Buchanan 28 Jan 1878 Male Oxford James Buchanan Martha Jane Marthall?? Henry James Buchanan 15 Oct 1897 Male Huron Jas Buchanan Jr Catharine McDonald Henry James Buchanah Buchanan 15 Jul 1876 Male York Thomas Buchanan Rebecca Girvin Henry Joseph Buchanan 4 Jul 1882 Male Simcoe Robert Buchanan Mary Ann Bishop Henry Taylor Buchanan 12 Dec 1890 Male Brant William Taylor Buchanan Emma Goodard Herbert James Buchanan 26 Jan 1888 Male Lanark John Buchanan Mary Lake Hugh Buchanan 26 Dec 1872 Male Lambton John Buchanan Flora McPhedrian Hugh Buchanan 26 Dec 1872 Male Lambton John Buchanan Flora McPhedrian Hugh Graham Buchanan 5 Jul 1886 Male Huron William Buchanan Jr Jane Mc Allister Hugh Herman Buchanan 29 Sep 1897 Male Middlesex Hugh Buchanan Catharine Smith Hugh John Buchanan 5 Aug 1907 Male York John Buchanan Sarah Jane McCutcheon Hugh Mac Connacher Buchanan 19 Aug 1885 Male Lambton Duncan F Buchanan Anne MacConnacher Ida Mary Buchanan 1 Jul 1905 Female Dufferin Robert Thomas Buchanan Sarah Bennington Ida May Buchanan 14 Jun 1901 Female Oxford Archibald G Buchanan Addie Star Infant Buchanan 15 Jan 1903 Dufferin Jeff Buchanan Ellie Lindsay

Infant Buchanan 12 Apr 1906 Female Lambton George Buchanan Jennette Brand Innes Gordon Florence Ogilvy Buchanan 22 Aug 1892 Female Carleton John Ogilvy Nellie Grace Buchanan Iona Corabell Buchanan 6 Aug 1906 Female Essex Wm Oscar Buchanan Maggie May Overholt Irene Grace Buchanan 21 Dec 1900 Female Lincoln John Donald Buchanan Annie Elizabeth Blank Isabella Rachel Mary Buchanan 4 Feb 1891 Female Essex Samuel Buchanan Mary Levingstone Gray Isabelle Elizabeth Buchanan 23 Oct 1902 Female York Robert D Buchanan Mary M Gooderham Isobel Buchanan 11 Dec 1898 Female Dufferin Thomas James Buchanan Annie Patterson Issa Buchanan 12 Dec 1883 Male Huron William Buchanan Jane Mc Allister Iveson Ross Buchanan 2 May 1903 Male Grey Robert Buchanan Catherine Langhird James Buchanan 16 Apr 1876 Male Carleton George Long Mary Ann Buchanan James Buchanan 27 Oct 1883 Male Elgin Neil Buchanan Jessie Thomson James Buchanan 29 Mar 1893 Male Simcoe Donald Buchanan Mary Ann Rusell Grunshield James Adam Buchanan 18 Mar 1894 Male Lanark John Adam Buchanan Christina Ritchie Russell James Alex Buchanan 27 Jun 1886 Male Perth William Buchanan Maggie Morrison Buchanan James Alix Buchanan 12 Mar 1899 Male Perth Alexander Buchanan Smily Scott James Allen Buchanan 16 Feb 1893 Male Oxford James Allen Buchanan Bella Matheson James Archibald Buchanan 9 Nov 1897 Male Middlesex George Archibald Buchanan Addie Stan James Byron Buchanan 7 Jun 1885 Male Ontario James Buchanan Martha Jane Marshall James Carson Buchanan 17 Oct 1895 Male Grey Robert Buchanan Catherine Kaugheed James Earnest Buchanan 31 Dec 1883 Male Grey James C Buchanan Julia Ferris James Edward Buchanan 2 Dec 1873 Male Lanark John Buchanan Caroline Stone James Edward Buchanan 30 Apr 1905 Male Carleton Robert Buchanan Lucy Morris James Edward Buchanan 28 Sep 1902 Male York William Buchanan Margaret E Evans James Evan Buchanan 30 Jun 1907 Male Wellington James Robert Buchanan Evans

James Harvey Buchanan 27 May 1877 Male Simcoe John Buchanan Margaret Ann Thorton James I Buchanan 16 Jun 1886 Male Dufferin James I Buchanan Elizabeth McKitrick James Karey Buchanan 1 Mar 1881 Male Huron Mark Buchanan Jane McGill James Mines Buchanan 16 Apr 1876 Male Huron George Mines Margaret Buchanan James Stanley Buchanan 13 Apr 1885 Male Perth James Buchanan Julia Ann Scott Buchanan James Verne Buchanan 30 Dec 1886 Male Oxford M P Buchanan Ester Paulos James Walles Buchanan 31 Jul 1887 Male Renfrew James Buchanan Julia Meyer Jane Buchanan 27 May 1875 Female Huron William Buchanan Jane McAllister Jane Buchanan 21 Jul 1873 Female Wentworth George Sheriff Agnes Buchanan Jane Buchanan 25 Nov 1888 Female Perth William Buchanan Margaret Buchanan Jane Buchanan 25 Nov 1888 Female Perth William Buchanan Margaret Morrison Jane Catherine Powers Buchanan 7 Jul 1885 Female Waterloo James Buchanan Jane Oliver Jane Herbert Buchanan 2 Apr 1882 Male Elgin James Buchanan Mary McVane Janet Buchanan 10 Dec 1874 Female Grey William C Buchanan Janet Halliday Janet Bucham Buchanan 25 Jan 1884 Female Grey Alex Buchanan Jane E Scott Janet Christine Buchanan 12 Oct 1895 Female Manitoulin Norman Buchanan Catherine McLean Janet Jeffry Buchanan 12 Apr 1890 Female Lanark John Buchanan Christina Ritchie Russell Jannet Edna Buchanan 16 Jun 1904 Female York John Buchanan Sarah Jane McCutchen Jas A W Buchanan 1 Sep 1897 Male Algoma Thomas Buchanan Mary C Dobie Jas Jame Buchanan 6 Sep 1903 Male York Hos Buchanan Jessie Reddell Jean Ross Buchanan 15 Jun 1907 Female Kent Samuel Buchanan Webrah Ross Jennet Buchanan 24 May 1888 Female Grey Walter Buchanan Mary McKinley Jesse Buchanan 4 Dec 1886 Male Elgin Nell Buchanan Jessie Thomson Jessie Buchanan 14 Mar 1886 Female Huron William Buchanan Elizabeth McGregor Jessie Buchanan 30 Oct 1886 Female Brant William Taylor Buchanan Emma Goddard

Jessie Florence Buchanan 25 Feb 1882 Female Lambton Dugald Buchanan Jessie Duncan Jessie Jane Buchanan 25 Jan 1893 Female Huron Alexander Buchanan Isabella Fairbairn Jessie Louisa Buchanan 14 Jun 1871 Female Lambton James Buchanan Maria Nolling Jessie Maude Buchanan 29 Nov 1903 Female Lincoln John Donald Buchanan Anne Elizabeth Blank Jno Ernest Buchanan 1 Jul 1905 Male York John Buchanan Annie Jackson Jno James Buchanan 16 Sep 1903 Male York Thos Buchanan Jessie Riddell John Buchanan 29 Jul 1881 Male York Walter Buchanan Mary McKinley John Buchanan 2 Feb 1881 Male Huron James Buchanan Janet McKay John Buchanan 16 Nov 1873 Male Perth John Buchanan Isabella Watson John Buchanan 23 Dec 1884 Male John Buchanan Elizabeth Stuart John Buchanan 16 Nov 1873 Male Perth John Buchanan Isabella Buchanan John Buchanan 5 Apr 1873 Male Huron William Buchanan Jane McAllister John Buchanan 24 Feb 1877 Male Renfrew Timothy Buchanan Mary Barr John Buchanan 3 Dec 1886 Male Simcoe James Buchanan Elizabeth Colbert John A Buchanan 13 Feb 1897 Male Wellington Thos H Buchanan Mary A Martin John Alex Buchanan 4 Mar 1887 Male Essex George Buchanan Mary Dell Wilson John Alex Floyd Buchanan 27 Jun 1898 Male Kent John Buchanan Jennie Linne John Alexander Buchanan 15 Aug 1881 Male Haliburton Edward Irwin Buchanan Catharine Dack John Alexander Buchan Buchanan 5 Mar 1877 Male Perth Alexander Buchanan Margaret Henderson John Alleta Buchanan 29 Sep 1888 Male John Buchanan Elizabeth Smith John Archibald Buchanan 18 Mar 1894 Male Lanark John Adam Buchanan Christian Ritchie Russell John Charence Buchanan 28 Oct 1892 Male Lambton John Buchanan Annie Greenhough John Clark Buchanan 5 Mar 1897 Male Peterborough Andrew Buchanan Susannah Cook John Donald Buchanan 28 Apr 1906 Male Lincoln Washington Buchanan Edith M Black

John Dougall Buchanan 24 Jan 1891 Male Huron Alex Buchanan Isabella Fairbairn John Edmund Buchanan 25 Sep 1889 Male Dufferin Samuel E Buchanan Letitia John Grange Buchanan 3 Jan 1905 Male Carleton John Grange Buchanan Wilhelmina A Anderson John Hamilton Buchanan 9 Aug 1886 Male Simcoe Malcolm Buchanan Mary Jane Orr John Henry Buchanan 21 Aug 1885 Male Kent Charles Buchanan Rebecca J Montgomery John Herbert Buchanan 19 Nov 1895 Male Lanark James Buchanan Mary A Leach John Herbert Buchanan 27 Mar 1880 Male Northumberland William Buchanan Mary Rebecca Pendry John Howard Buchanan 2 Dec 1895 Male Frontenac John Buchanan Florence Cray John Howard Buchanan 2 Dec 1895 Male Frontenac John Buchanan Florence Craig John James Buchanan 22 May 1898 Male Kent George Buchanan Mary Henry John James Buchanan 22 May 1873 Male Lanark George Buchanan Margaret Jane Buchanan John James Buchanan 2 Oct 1888 Male Lanark John Adam Buchanan Christina Ritchie Russell John James Buchanan 22 May 1873 Male Lanark George Buchanan Margaret Joas John James Buchanan 29 May 1884 Male Perth Andrew W Buchanan Eliza Jane Burke John James Buchanan 31 Jul 1884 Male Dufferin Robert Buchanan Margaret Dunkin John James Alfred Henry Ruchaman Buchanan 27 Feb 1886 Male Lanark William Buchanan Sarah Ann Marks John Reid Buchanan 7 Jul 1898 Male Lanark William Buchanan Lazzie Leid John S G Buchanan 23 Aug 1886 Male Northumberland John Buchanan Mary Susan Grills John Samuel Buchanan 13 May 1899 Male Algoma Thomas Buchanan C Dobie Warg John Sidney Buchanan 8 Jul 1892 Male Huron Robert Buchanan Eliza McCulloch John Thomas Buchanan 1 Jan 1907 Male Dufferin George D Buchanan Elizabeth Hackett John Thomas Buchanan 17 Sep 1887 Male York William Buchanan Margaret Ellen Evan John Thomas Buchanan 24 Mar 1873 Male Middlesex George Buchanan Susan Wilson John Thomas Buchanan 1 Dec 1896 Male Lincoln John D Buchanan Annie Elizabeth Blank

John Thomas Buchanan 24 Mar 1873 Male Middlesex George Buchanan Susan Wilson John Tinley Buchanan 26 Jul 1890 Male Muskoka Alexander Buchanan Mary Jane Driscoll John Tubman Buchanan 8 Aug 1875 Male Ontario William Tubman Jane Buchanan Joseph Lwingstone Buchanan 25 Dec 1889 Male Perth Andrew W Buchanan Eliza Jane Buchanan Joseph Lwingstone Buchanan 25 Dec 1889 Male Perth Andrew W Buchanan M W Bourk Josephine Buchanan 10 Dec 1889 Female Kent Joseph Andrew Buchanan Helen Maria Currie Josephine Harding Buchanan 7 Jan 1890 Female Middlesex James Buchanan Jane E Fitzgerald Julia Etta Mildred Buchanan 30 Jul 1895 Female Grey James C Buchanan Julia Ferris View Record Kate Buchanan 16 Jun 1899 Female Huron James Buchanan Kate Sands Kathleen Buchanan 24 Nov 1906 Female York Robert Buchanan Catherine Ferris Kathleen Buchanan 9 May 1883 Female York James Oliver Buchanan Emeline Morrison Kathlen Buchanan 14 Sep 1902 Female Brant Wm Buchanan Emma Goddard King Loyd Buchanan 27 Aug 1900 Male Oxford James A Buchanan Bella Mathieson Laura Mary Buchanan 1 Dec 1902 Female Wellington James R Buchanan Charlotte Evans Lawrence Buchanan 6 Sep 1889 Male Algoma John Sayers Francis Buchanan Lawrence Buchenau Buchanan 5 Nov 1889 Male Waterloo Alexm Buchanan Nellie E Baptie Lean May Buchanan 27 Aug 1895 Female Kent Charles Buchanan Rebecca Montgomery Lena Elizabeth Buchanan 17 Dec 1893 Female Dufferin William Jeffery Buchanan Elnor Lindsey Lenella Vance Buchanan 16 Sep 1893 Female Wellington William Buchanan Mary McGregor Leroy Buchanan 30 Sep 1884 Male York James Oliver Buchanan Emily Morrison Letitia Elizabeth Hannah Jane Buchanan 15 Mar 1883 Male Edward Buchanan Catharine Dack Lilla May Buchanan 30 Jul 1882 Female Kent Jas Buchanan Lilla Cameron Lillian Alice Buchanan 17 Jan 1897 Female Carleton Robert Buchanan Lilly May Buchanan 30 Jul 1882 Female Kent Jas Buchanan Lilla Cameron Lily Jane Buchanan 8 Mar 1887 Female Peterborough George Buchanan Eliza Steele

Llewellyan Ernest Buchanan 3 Aug 1903 Male Huron Robt Buchanan Eliza McCullion Logan Buchannon Buchanan 30 Apr 1876 Male Grey Archibald Buchanan Catherine Gunn Lonnie Clarke Buchanan 8 Aug 1905 Male Peterborough John Clark Buchanan Almeda Rees Louis Edward Lebrow Buchanan 4 Feb 1894 Male Grey Ann Buchanan Luella Agnes Buchanan 16 Jun 1878 Female Simcoe Robert Buchanan Mary Allen Luella Maude Buchanan 2 Apr 1897 Female Grey Alexander Buchanan Martha Elizabeth Yake Lula May Buchanan 10 Nov 1876 Female Essex Alexander Buchanan Mary Jane Grabb Lulu May Buchanan 5 Jan 1896 Female Dufferin William Buchanan Mina Ann Jordan Lydia Ellen Buchanan 23 Nov 1885 Female Brant John Henry Buchanan Johanna Slatry Mabel Alice Buchanan 7 May 1904 Female Essex George Buchanan Rodue Ann Brown Mabel Amanda Buchanan 16 Dec 1881 Female Huron D Buchanan Amanda Eliza Perkins Mabel Ileene Buchanan 17 Oct 1892 Female Kent Joseph Andrew Buchanan Helen Currie MacEl Gertrude Buchanan 22 Jul 1892 Female Simcoe Robert T Buchanan Ida Caswell Madaline Buchanan 2 Jan 1879 Female York James Oliver Buchanan Emmeline Morrison Maggie Buchanan 21 Apr 1885 Female Perth William Buchanan Mary McGregor Maggie Bell Buchanan 8 Oct 1891 Female Lambton Dougald Buchanan Jessie Duncan Maggie Bower Buchan?? Buchanan 7 Oct 1897 Female York James Buchanan Jessie McKunnin Ander?? Maggie May Buchanan 3 Sep 1900 Female Grey Robert Buchanan Catherine Laughlin Maggy Elena Buchanan 9 Nov 1881 Female Perth Andrew Buchanan Eliza Jane Burk Margaret Buchanan 5 Jun 1871 Female Kent James Buchanan Lilly Cameron Margaret Buchanan 8 Apr 1881 Female York Thomas Buchanan Mary Hogan Margaret Buchanan 30 Jun 1870 Female Simcoe Roland Buchanan Sophia Calbert Margaret Buchanan 20 Jun 1885 Female Huron Alexander Buchanan Mary Stewart Margaret Alice Buchanan 21 Jan 1882 Female Elgin James Buchanan Euphemia McIntyre Margaret Annie Buchanan 10 Mar 1905 Female Manitoulin Norman Buchanan David Knoer

Margaret Catherine Buchanan 14 Sep 1894 Female York William Buchanan Margaret E Ewans Margaret Edith Buchanan 26 Aug 1888 Female Peterborough Andrew M Buchanan Eva Bowen Margaret Edwa Buchanan 17 Nov 1890 Female Huron Andrew Buchanan Elizabeth Carlile Margaret Elizabeth Buchanan 30 Jun 1874 Female Middlesex Duncan Buchanan Annie McConachie Margaret Ellen Buchanan 17 Jan 1884 Female Dufferin Ellen Buchanan Farmer Margaret Francis Buchanan 7 Jan 1885 Female York William George Buchanan Matilda Donohue Margaret Jay Buchanan 31 Dec 1899 Female Wellington Walter W Buchanan Elizabeth Amos Margaret Lilian Buchanan 28 Oct 1896 Female Grey Joseph Buchanan Martha M Reid Margaret Paterson Buchanan 27 Jan 1902 Female Carleton Jno P G Buchanan Wilhelmina A Anderson Margaret Thompson Buchanan 6 Oct 1888 Female Kent Henry Buchanan Mary West Margret Buchanan 18 Nov 1875 Female Wellington James Buchanan Elizebeth Hamilton Margretta Buchanan 3 Feb 1882 Female Northumberland William Buchanan Mary R Pendy Margriet Elizabeth Buchanan 3 Oct 1901 Female Perth William Buchanan Margaret Morrison Margt Elizabeth Buchanan 1 Oct 1883 Female Huron Robt Buchanan Elizabeth Mc Gill Margt M Buchanan 24 Nov 1897 Female Essex Geo Buchanan Mary Dell Wilson Margt Pakeson Buchanan 27 Jan 1902 Female Carleton Jno P G Buchanan Wilhelmina A Anderson Maria Jane Buchanan 3 Nov 1883 Female Peterborough John Harper Buchanan Mary McCauley Marion Alzena Buchanan 29 Aug 1901 Female Parry Sound Angus James Buchanan Mary Ellen Holt Marion Marjorie Buchanan 4 Jun 1905 Female Muskoka William James Buchanan Marion Campbell McLeod Marjorie Hazel Buchanan 13 Jun 1906 Female Lincoln John Donald Buchanan Annie Elizabeth Blank Marjory C Buchanan 21 Sep 1898 Female Wellington Thomas Buchanan Mary Martin Martha Buchanan 22 Jul 1894 Female Brant William Taylor Buchanan Emma Goddard

Martha Buchanan 26 Sep 1878 Female York Thomas Buchanan Mary Estete Hogan Martha Buchanan 23 Feb 1888 Female Lanark George Buchanan Sarah Hughes Martha Buchanan 25 Mar 1887 Female Muskoka Alexander Buchanan Mary Jane Driscoll Martha Jane Buchanan 30 Dec 1885 Female Grey Duncan Buchanan Martha Angel Mary Buchanan 1 Mar 1879 Female Peterborough Peter Buchanan Janett Matheson Mary Buchanan 28 Dec 1881 Female Bruce Alexander Buchanan Jessie Hogg Mary Buchanan 18 Apr 1877 Female Huron James Buchanan Jane Anderson Mary Buchanan 22 Feb 1871 Female Wentworth W G Buchanan A Burrowes Mary Buchanan 9 Aug 1879 Female Simcoe Robert John Buchanan Agnes Baxter Mary Buchanan 15 Sep 1891 Female York Francis Buchanan Mary Jane Westman Mary Buchanan 23 Jan 1887 Female Perth Wm Saml Buchanan Margaret Buchanan Mary Buchanan 23 Jan 1887 Female Perth Wm Saml Buchanan Margaret Benke Mary Buchanan 28 Aug 1891 Female Grey Alexander Buchanan Jane Elisabeth Scott Mary Buchanan 22 Feb 1883 Female York Thomas Buchanan Mary Hogan Mary Buchanan 25 Jan 1901 Female Middlesex Hugh Buchanan Kate Smith Mary Buchanan 7 May 1897 Female Simcoe John Buchanan Mary Douglas Currie Mary A Buchanan 6 Nov 1902 Female Dufferin William Buchanan Martha Besley Mary Adelaide Buchanan 18 Feb 1904 Female Wellington Thomas Buchanan Mary Martin Mary Allene Buchanan 29 Jul 1887 Female Hastings Rev. Wm Buchanan Mary Rebecca Pendry Mary Allice Buchanan 14 Oct 1883 Female Lanark William Buchanan Sarah Ann Marks Mary Anetta Buchanan 7 Oct 1898 Female Waterloo Wm Herbert Buchanan Ettie Jane Gill Mary Angeline Buchanan 24 May 1885 Female Huron Robert Buchanan Elizabeth McGill Mary Ann Buchanan 19 May 1878 Female Grey Duncan Buchanan Martha Angele Mary Christa Buchanan 13 Jul 1906 Female York Robert D Buchanan Mary M Gooderham Mary Debora Buchanan 18 Nov 1877 Female Simcoe John Buchanan Sarah Jane Penalton

Mary Edith Mac Kay Buchanan 9 May 1905 Female Waterloo John Buchanan Mary C B MacKay Mary Elizabet Buchanan 28 Feb 1881 Female Huron Robert Thomas Buchanan Mary Rutherford Mary Elizabeth Buchanan 25 Jan 1877 Female Perth Andrew W Buchanan Eliza Jane Burke Mary Elizabeth Buchanan 13 Nov 1905 Female York Thos Buchanan Jessie Buchanan Mary Elizabeth Buchanan 15 Jun 1889 Female William Buchanan Mary Jane Lapish Mary Elizabeth Buchanan 11 Sep 1881 Female Peterborough Robert Buchanan Isabella Buchanan Mary Ellen Buchanan 30 May 1875 Female Middlesex George Buchanan Susan Wilson Mary Ellenes Buchanan 20 May 1899 Female York John Buchanan Jack?? Mary Ethel Buchanan 22 Nov 1885 Female Essex George Buchanan Mary Duel Nelson Mary Euphemia Buchanan 19 Apr 1875 Female Elgin James Buchanan Euphemia McIntyre Mary Gabel Buchanan 18 Mar 1900 Female Kent John Buchanan Jane Linney Mary Harriett Buchanan 14 Jun 1880 Female Oxford Geo Buchanan Lydia Thompson Mary Hazel Buchanan 26 Jun 1898 Female Dufferin Fred Buchanan Elizabeth A Little Mary Helen Buchanan 17 Aug 1907 Female Manitoulin Norman Buchanan Kate McLean Mary Irene Buchanan 3 Mar 1906 Female Ontario Michael Buchanan Agnes Sullivan Mary Isabele Buchanan 16 Dec 1903 Female Kent Geo Buchanan Mary Henry Mary Jane Buchanan 13 Jan 1884 Female Dufferin James Buchanan Margaret Gracey Mary Jane Buchanan 8 Oct 1891 Female Perth Andrew Buchanan Jr Franciss Coxon Buchanan Mary Jane Buchanan 28 Apr 1879 Female Waterloo Theron Buchanan Jane Hunt Mary Jane Buchanan 4 Dec 1888 Female Simcoe Robert Buchanan Mary Ann Bishop Mary Kathleen Buchanan 13 Aug 1905 Female Parry Sound Arthur Buchanan Agnes Mc Thvain Mary L Buchanan 11 May 1880 Female Lambton James Buchanan Maria Holling Mary Louise Buchanan 31 Oct 1903 Female Stormont William Buchanan Sarah Dewar Mary Louisia Buchanan 6 Mar 1896 Female Dufferin Thomas C Buchanan Agnes Davidson Mary Margaret Buchanan 10 Mar 1905 Female Simcoe Donald Buchanan Mary A Greenshields

Mary Marguerite Buchanan 3 Mar 1907 Female Lambton George A Buchanan Jean Brand Mary Marjorie Buchanan 28 Apr 1907 Female York James Buchanan Jessie Anderson Mary Martha Buchanan 7 Jan 1876 Female Simcoe Robert Buchanan Mary Allen Mary Matilda Buchanan 6 Jun 1881 Female Leeds Wm Buchanan Elizabeth Slater Mary Myrtle Buchanan 14 Apr 1886 Female Lambton John Buchanan Annie Greenhough Mary Pearl Buchanan 30 Oct 1890 Female Oxford Hiram Buchanan Della Harris Mary Ruth Buchanan 23 Jun 1885 Female Wentworth George James Buchanan Evangetine Cartwright Mary Victoria M Buchanan 24 May 1897 Female Peterborough Malcom Buchanan Aggie Sullivan Mary Willard Alice Buchanan 5 Mar 1900 Female Brant Harvie Buchanan Margaret Harper Matilda Ann Buchanan 30 Oct 1872 Female Kent John Buchanan Ellen Amy Goodeve Matilda Ann Buchanan 30 Oct 1872 Female Kent John Buchanan Ellen Amy Gordene Maud Lillian Buchanan 9 Feb 1900 Female Kent Geo Buchanan Mary Henry May Buchanan 26 Feb 1885 Female Peterborough Robert Buchanan Maggie May Brown Mgt Sophia Jane Buchanan 17 Jan 1897 Female Perth Robert Buchanan Margaret Anderson Buchanan Michael Buchanan 10 Dec 1903 Male Lanark Daniel Buchanan Mary McKian Mildred Buchanan 9 Jun 1898 Female Oxford James A Buchanan Bella Matheson Mildred Buchanan May 1907 Female Essex Geo Buchanan Mary D W?? Mildred Gertrude Buchanan 25 Sep 1892 Female Dufferin William Jeffery Buchanan Ellen Lindsay Mildred Irene Buchanan 7 Sep 1904 Female Parry Sound Wm Buchanan Rachael Bregg Milton Buchanan 17 Jul 1878 Male Huron George Buchanan Amelia Zeller Minnie Buchanan 23 Nov 1886 Female Stormont Ellison Buchanan Mina Sledge Mitchell Thos Buchanan 16 Sep 1891 Male Oxford James Allen Buchanan Bella Matheson Mitton Buchanan 8 Mar 1878 Male Peel William Buchanan Jesse MacDonald

Monica Bernice Buchanan 31 Aug 1883 Female Essex Alexander Buchanan Mary Janet Grubb Muriel Sophia Buchanan 13 Apr 1900 Female Dufferin Thos C Buchanan Agnes Davidson Myra Louise Captola Buchanan 21 Nov 1907 Female Oxford George Archibald Buchanan Elizabeth Adelina Starr Myrtle Agnes Buchanan 20 Jun 1898 Female Kent John Buchanan Agnes F Sinda Myrtle Anna Buchanan 14 Aug 1885 Female Lambton James Buchanan Maria Holling Myrtle Eliza Buchanan 8 Mar 1887 Female Peterborough George Henry Buchanan Eliza Steele Myrtle May Buchanan 30 May 1897 Female Lanark Norman D Buchanan Mary Florence Seeson Nancy Jen Buchanan 9 Aug 1905 Female Peterborough David Buchanan Minnie Alice Sedgwick Neil Buchanan 17 Nov 1900 Male Grey Duncan Buchanan Maggie McQuien Nellie Buchanan 5 Mar 1880 Female Simcoe James Buchanan Elizabeth Buchanan Nelson Buchanan 30 Sep 1895 Male Middlesex Hugh Buchanan Catharine Smith Norma Ann Buchanan 15 Jul 1902 Female Renfrew N D Buchanan Mary F Sesson Norman Sharpe Buchanan 31 Aug 1905 Male Huron Walter Alexander Buchanan Mabel Mc Kenzie Olive Hellen Buchman Buchanan 17 Sep 1877 Female Essex Augustus Buchanan Olive Ann Windsor Olive Madeline Buchanan 5 Mar 1897 Female Brant William T Buchanan Emma Goddard Oswald Buchaban Buchanan 18 Oct 1892 Male Lanark Thomas Buchanan Ellen Fleming Percy Ray Buchanan 24 Jun 1904 Male Peterborough Andrew Cornelius Buchanan Estella Mabel Alley Peter Buchanan 21 Mar 1904 Male Grey Duncan Buchanan Maggie McQueen Peter Burns Buchanan 15 Mar 1889 Male Huron William Buchanan Jane McAllister Peter Ed Buchanan 14 Jun 1900 Male Renfrew Norman D Buchanan Mary H Serson Peter Fletcher Buchanan 25 Sep 1879 Male Lambton Duncan Buchanan Annie McConnachie Peter Herbert Buchanan 4 Aug 1892 Male Peterborough Andrew M Buchanan Eva Bowen Buchanan Peter Laures Buchanan 4 Sep 1891 Male Waterloo Jas Buchanan Lissie McKay

Rachael Buchanan 1 Dec 1878 Female Bruce Malcolm Buchanan Margaret Ann McCall Rebecca Margaret Buchanan 9 May 1882 Female Bruce Malcolm Buchanan Margaret McCall Reuben Buchanan 27 Nov 1893 Male Perth Robert Buchanan Elizabeth Watson Buchanan Richard Buchanan 9 Jun 1870 Male Kent Henry Buchanan Sarah Bently Richard Clifford John Buchanan 7 Apr 1897 Male Middlesex William Buchanan Martha England Richard Henry Buchanan 26 Oct 1886 Male Dufferin Richard Henry Buchanan Agnes Davey Richard James Bucharia Buchanan 5 Oct 1892 Male Brant William T Buchanan Emma Goddard Robena Buchanan 26 Sep 1896 Female Lanark John Buchanan Christina Russill Robert Buchanan 30 Dec 1892 Male York Robert Buchanan Catherine Ferris Robert Buchanan 14 May 1878 Male Haliburton William Buchanan Mary R Pendry Robert Buchanan 25 Oct 1907 Male Middlesex Robert Buchanan Jean McMann Robert Buchanan 9 Oct 1904 Male Dufferin Charles Buchanan Martha Brown Robert Buchanan 10 Dec 1883 Male Grey Duncan Buchanan Martha Angel Robert Burnet Buchanan 4 Aug 1881 Male Lambton Duncan F Buchanan Annie McCormachie Robert Clarence Buchanan 28 Nov 1881 Male Lambton Dugald Buchanan Jessie Duncan Robert Dawson Buchanan 26 Dec 1886 Male Kent Henry Buchanan Mary West Robert Donald Buchanan 16 Jan 1891 Male Bruce Malcolm Buchanan Mc Call Robert Donald Buchanan 2 Sep 1905 Male York John Buchanan Sarah Jane McCutcheon Robert Earnest Buchanan 22 Jun 1900 Male Huron Andrew Buchanan Elizabeth Carlysle Robert George Benjamin Buchanan 26 Sep 1886 Male Haliburton Edward Buchanan Catherine Dack Robert Henry Buchanan 18 Dec 1886 Male Peterborough Andrew M Buchanan Eva Bowen Robert Howe Buchanan 3 Jan 1900 Male Oxford Archibald George Buchanan Annie Star Robert Isaac Buchanan 28 Feb 1890 Male Lambton John Buchanan Ellen M Houser Robert James Buchanan 4 Sep 1907 Male Dufferin Robert George Buchanan Mary Melinda Davison Robert James Buchanan 4 Sep 1900 Male Kent Charles Buchanan Rebecca Jane Montgome

Robert John Jordon Buchanan 22 Jan 1905 Male York Robert John Buchanan Margarit Mearns Robert John L Buchanan 4 Apr 1893 Male Grey Robert Buchanan Catherine Lougheed Robert Loyal Buchanan 18 Dec 1898 Male Wellington Walter W Buchanan Elizabeth Amos Robert Mathew Buchanan 26 Apr 1880 Male Lanark William Buchanan Sarah Ann Marks Robert Neil Buchanan 17 Feb 1873 Male Lincoln Thomas Buchanan Catherine Morrison Robert Russell Buchanan 17 Mar 1892 Male Lanark John Buchanan Christina Richie Robert Thomas Buchanan 21 Apr 1878 Male Simcoe Robert Buchanan Sarah Jane Shaw Robert William Buchanan 25 Jul 1878 Male Simcoe Robert Buchanan Ida Maria Caswell Robt Levingston Buchanan 10 Sep 1895 Male Perth James Buchanan Julia Ann Buchanan Rocksie Buchanan 9 Mar 1887 Female Huron William Buchanan Elizabeth McGregor Roderick Roy Buchanan 24 Apr 1887 Male George W Buchanan Mary E Nease Roxy Buchanan 19 Apr 1888 Female Huron John Buchanan Margaret A Dayton Roy Buchanan 5 Apr 1892 Male Wentworth Andrew D Buchanan Louisa Roberior Ruby Buchanan 27 Nov 1893 Female Perth Robert Buchanan Elizabeth Watson Buchanan Ruby Hazel Buchanan 6 Feb 1892 Female Oxford George A Buchanan Ida A Starr Ruby Irene Buchanan 7 Aug 1904 Female Grey Robert Buchanan Catherine Lougheed Russel Buchanan 14 Jan 1898 Male Frontenac Illegitimate Maggie Buchanan Russell Garfield Buchanan 20 Oct 1898 Male Renfrew Norman D Buchanan Mary Florence Searson Ruth Buchanan 6 Sep 1889 Female Simcoe Thomas Buchanan Elizabeth Cavanagh Ruy Francis Buchanan 9 May 1901 Male Kent John Buchanan Jane Linney Saml John Buchanan 16 Mar 1899 Male Perth William Buchanan Magaret A Moorman Samuel Buchanan 12 Oct 1875 Male Perth Samuel Buchanan Mary Buchanan Samuel Buchanan 12 Oct 1875 Male Perth Samuel Buchanan Mary Watson Samuel Buchanan 11 Jan 1874 Male Huron Alexander Buchanan Eliza Ann Newall Samuel John Buchanan 10 Nov 1876 Male Lambton Samuel Buchanan Mary Gray

Shannon Merton Buchanan 7 Jun 1900 Male Lanark David Frances Buchanan Diana Matilda Armstrong Sherwood Lloyd Buchanan 28 Mar 1906 Male Parry Sound Robt Buchanan Edith Healy Simon Buchanan 25 Apr 1871 Male Waterloo Tharon Buchanan Jane Hunt Sophia Elizabeth Pearl Buchanan 23 Mar 1899 Female Hastings Robert Buchanan Elizabeth J Kelusky Stanley Arnold Buchanan 23 Sep 1889 Male Northumberland William Buchanan Mary Rebecca Pendrie Still Born Buchanan 29 Aug 1885 Female Brant William Buchanan Emma Goddard Stillborn Buchanan 14 Apr 1888 Male York Duncan M Buchanan Amanda E Perkins Susan Isabelle Buchanan 10 Jan 1902 Female Elgin John Alexander Buchanan Etta May Julia Wright Theresa Buchanan 17 May 1889 Female Essex Wm Oscard Buchanan Maggie May Overholt Thomas Buchanan 18 Sep 1878 Male Simcoe Thomas Sykes Catherine Buchanan Thomas Buchanan 6 Feb 1882 Male Peterborough Andrew Buchanan Anny Buchanan Thomas Buchanan 17 Aug 1882 Male Illegitimate Ellen Buchanan Thomas Buchanan 12 Jan 1879 Male Peterborough Andrew Buchanan Susanna Cook Thomas Edward Buchanan 22 Apr 1872 Male Brant Alexander Buchanan Margaret Biteman Thomas Lindsey Buchanan 16 Aug 1897 Male Dufferin William Jeffrey Buchanan Ellen Lindsey Thos Carol Buchanan 16 Jan 1902 Male Dufferin James Buchanan Margaret J Gracey Thos J Buchanan 14 Aug 1900 Female Durham Thos James Buchanan Ann E Patterson Thos James Buchanan 27 Feb 1888 Male Lambton John Buchanan Ellen Houser Veda Rosetta Irene Buchanan 15 Nov 1896 Female Elgin John Alexander Buchanan Ettie May Julia Wright Vera Gwendolin Buchanan 7 Sep 1896 Female Waterloo Alexander E Buchanan Nellie Baptie Vera May Buchanan 22 Jan 1903 Female Carleton Wm Jas Buchanan Margt Harris Vernon J H Buchanan 3 Nov 1901 Male Dufferin William Buchanan Matilda Besley Vicotr Mott Buchanan 24 Jan 1899 Male Brant Percy H Buchanan Fanny Bellhouse

Victor Vivian Buchanan 20 May 1897 Female Lambton John Buchanan Ellen M Houser Victoria Buchanan 4 Dec 1886 Female Kent Charles Buchanan Rebecca Jane Buchanan Viola Edith Buchanan 13 Oct 1907 Female Frontenac Andrew Buchanan Minnie Ferguson Violet Buchanan 16 Jan 1901 Female Huron Robt Buchanan Eliza McCulloch Violet Beata Buchanan 22 Oct 1894 Female Kent Samuel Buchanan Deborah Rass Violet Mary Buchanan 26 May 1907 Female Simcoe Walter Buchanan Ada May McMorran Violet Rosamond Buchanan 15 Sep 1901 Female Peterborough David Buchanan Minnie Sedgwick Vula Ann Buchanan 9 Jul 1900 Female Johnston Buchanan Margaret Buker Walter Buchanan 23 Feb 1886 Male Wentworth Walter Anderson Marion Buchanan Walter Buchanan 1 Nov 1874 Male York Daniel Buchanan Mary Hill Walter Buchanan 22 Jan 1886 Male Huron James Buchanan Jr Kate Mc Donald Walter Henry Buchanan 20 Aug 1878 Male James Buchanan Walter Henry Buchanan 20 Aug 1878 Male Jams Buchanan Betsey Patterson Walter Roy Buchanan 27 Jan 1898 Male Grey Walter Buchanan Mary McKinley Walter Wallace Buchanan 25 Oct 1907 Male Wellington W W Buchanan Elizabeth Amos Webster Allen Buchanan 8 Mar 1890 Male Essex Alexander Buchanan Sarah Ann Armstrong Wesley Buchanan 20 Nov 1890 Male Brant Alexander Buchanan Sarah Milroy Wesley Rescival Buchanan 20 Oct 1890 Male Brant Alex Buchanan Sarah Melroy Wilbert Buchanan 16 May 1886 Male Dufferin Robert Buchanan Margaret Duncan Wilford Buchanan 26 Oct 1892 Male Northumberland Samuel Buchanan Nora Jane Grills Wilfred Alexander Buchanan 25 Feb 1891 Male Dufferin Wm Buchanan Mina Jordan Wilfred Gerdon Buchanan 21 Jul 1904 Male Perth Andrew Buchanan Frances M Coxon Wilfred Henry Yordon Buchan?? Buchanan 4 Oct 1896 Male York Francis Buchanan Mary Jane Westman Willard Alexander Buchanan 31 Aug 1896 Male Huron Andrew Buchanan Elizabeth Carlisle

William Buchanan 7 Aug 1879 Male Huron Alexander Buchanan Eliza Ann Newall William Buchanan 15 Dec 1879 Male Bruce Thomas Buchanan Jane Dobbie William Buchanan 18 Jan 1880 Male York Thomas Buchanan Mary Hogan William Buchanan 20 Sep 1889 Male Perth Robert Buchanan Elizabeth Buchanan William Buchanan 20 Sep 1889 Male Perth Robert Buchanan Watson William Buchanan 17 Dec 1873 Male Perth Samuel Buchanan Mary Watson William Buchanan 16 Nov 1873 Male Perth John Buchanan Isabella Watson William Buchanan 28 Nov 1874 Male York Edward F Cave Margaret Buchanan William Buchanan 17 Dec 1873 Male Perth Samuel Buchanan Mary Buchanan William Buchanan 16 Nov 1873 Male Perth John Buchanan Isabella Buchanan William Buchanan 16 Aug 1894 Male York William Wallace Walto?? Ellen Buchanan William Albert Buchanan 25 Nov 1883 Male Dufferin R H Buchanan Amey Emily Buchanan William Alexand?? Buchanan 23 Jan 1882 Male Perth James Buchanan Ann Scott William Alexander Lile Buchanan 31 Jul 1891 Male Grenville William H Buchanan Agnes Isabella Martin William Andrew Buchanan 1 Oct 1894 Male Grey James Buchanan Christina Campbel?? William Andrew Buchanan 20 Jun 1884 Male Perth William Buchanan Margaret Buchanan William Andrew Buchanan 20 Jun 1884 Male Perth William Buchanan M N Morrison William Benjamin Buchanan 12 Jul 1885 Male Grey William Buchanan Rosanna Ferris William Benton Buchanan 3 Feb 1896 Male William Buchanan Rachel L Bregg William Donald Buchanan 20 Oct 1871 Male Bruce Alisa Buchanan Jessie Hogg William Edward Buchanan 4 Dec 1879 Male Haliburton Edward J Buchanan Catherine Dack William Ernest Buchanan Illegitimate 31 Oct 1885 Male Middlesex Isabella Buchanan William Forest Buchanan 13 Feb 1883 Male Lambton Duncan F Buchanan Annie MacCormachie William Frederick Buchanan 16 Aug 1894 Male Dufferin Job Buchanan Margaret Gracy William George Buchanan 23 Nov 1881 Male Lanark William Buchanan Sarah Ann Marks

William Gordon Buchanan 22 Feb 1885 Male Welland John Henry Buchanan Eltie May Grizht William Howard Buchanan 2 Feb 1888 Male Perth William Buchanan Mary McGregor William James Buchanan 30 Jan 1895 Male York John Buchanan Annie M Jackson William James Buchanan 8 Nov 1873 Male Waterloo James Buchanan Jane Oliver William James Buchanan 16 Apr 1882 Male Simcoe James Buchanan Elizabeth Colbert William James Buchanan 29 May 1894 Male York Robert Buchanan Gatherine Ferris William James Buckhanan Buchanan 13 Sep 1896 Male York William Buchanan Margaret Ellen Evans William Jay Buchanan 7 Mar 1894 Male Essex Isaac A Buchanan Christine Ferris William John Buchanan 2 Dec 1881 Male Lambton John Buchanan Ellen M Buchanan William John Buchanan 10 Dec 1883 Male Grey Duncan Buchanan Martha Angel William John Buchanan 6 May 1885 Male Peterborough Andrew M Buchanan Eva Bowen William John Buchanan 31 Aug 1869 Male Northumberland William Buchanan Margaret Mc Mahon William John Buchanan 9 Mar 1894 Male Renfrew James Buchanan Julia Ann Magor William John Buchanan 26 Jan 1877 Male Simcoe Robert Buchanan Mary Ann Bishop William John Buchanan 11 Nov 1877 Male Huron Daniel Buchanan Elizabeth Fowler William John Buchanan 11 Mar 1888 Male Brant William T Buchanan Emma Goddard William John Buchanan 12 Apr 1900 Male Margaret Buchanan William Norman Buchanan 23 Sep 1887 Male Renfrew James Buchanan Susan Moxam William Norman Buchanan 8 May 1876 Male Lanark John Buchanan Caroline Stone William Norton Buchanan 25 Oct 1897 Male Lanark Johnston Buchanan Margaret Buher William Ray Buchanan 5 Dec 1894 Male Oxford James A Buchanan Bell Matheson William Saml Buchanan 17 Jan 1897 Male Perth Robert Buchanan Margaret Anderson Buchanan William Samuel Buchanan 12 Sep 1880 Male Perth Andrew Buchanan Eliza Jane Buckanan William Samuel Buchanan 12 Sep 1880 Male Perth Andrew Buchanan M N Burk William Thomas Buchanan 21 Jun 1895 Male Robert Buchanan Catherine Burliegh

William Thomas Buchanan 17 Feb 1890 Male Wentworth Alexander Buchanan Elizabeth Smith William Thomas M Buchanan 29 May 1899 Male Essex Geo Buchanan Mary Wilson Willington Lewell Buchanan 2 Oct 1884 Male Essex Sherman Buchanan Eleonora Caskaden Willis Buchanan 26 Oct 1892 Male Northumberland Samuel Buchanan Nora Jane Grill?? Willis G Buchanan 28 Nov 1903 Male Dufferin William Buchanan Matilda Besley Winema Marjorie Buchanan 24 Feb 1905 Female Frontenac Johnston Buchanan Marguerit Buker Winnie Irena Buchanan 23 Aug 1886 Female Kent Joseph Andrew Buchanan Helen Maria Currie Winnie M Buchanan 13 Nov 1902 Female Dufferin Thos J Buchanan Annie Patterson Wm Alexander Buchanan 4 Jan 1879 Male Grenville Wm Buchanan Sarah E Slater Wm Austin Buchanan 4 Mar 1900 Male Carleton John Buchanan Florence Cray Wm Carl Buchanan 8 Jul 1907 Male Lanark Daniel J Buchanan Mary Carroll Wm Francis Buchanan 2 Jul 1875 Male Northumberland Revd Wm Buchanan Mary Rebecca Pendry Wm James Buchanan 20 Jul 1873 Male Kent James Buchanan Lily Cameron Wm John Buchanan 27 Apr 1899 Male Perth Andrew Buchanan Frances Coxon Wm Percy Buchanan 12 Jan 1891 Male Huron Robert Buchanan Eliza McCulloch Wm Thos M Buchanan 29 May 1899 Male Essex Geo Buchanan Mary Wilson Ida May Buchanan C 18 Aug 1896 Female Dufferin C Buchanan c Martha Brown George Buchanan Buchanan Campbell 15 Apr 1883 Male Lanark George Buchanan Campbell Mary McKay James Lorne Buchanan Guil?? 2 May 1890 Male Renfrew John Buchanan Guil?? Mary Jane Stirling Norman Duncan Buchanan M D 26 Aug 1880 Male Huron Geneve Buchanan M d Emma Geller William John Buchaman Buchanans 12 May 1876 Male York James Buchanans Jessie Dempster George Gainett Buchane 25 Feb 1891 Male Wentworth W G Buchane Matilda Donahoe Geo O Buchanen 25 Jun 1896 Male Geo Buchanen Elizabeth Buchanen Mary Ellen Buchanen 27 Aug 1896 Female Parry Sound John Buchanen Mary Jane Leason

Pearl Viola Buchanen 3 Jan 1902 Female Parry Sound Robert Buchanen Evangeline Whitehead Annie Bray Buchanan Buchann 10 Nov 1889 Female Perth James Buchann M W Scott Ellen Buchann 15 Mar 1881 Female Grey Wm C Buchann C??T Buchannan Mary Buchann 22 Jan 1886 Female Huron Norman Buchann Sarah McEachen Daniel Buchanna 2 Oct 1877 Male Kent Henry Buchanna Mary West Francis Elenor Buchanna 17 Mar 1886 Male Lambton John Buchanna Ellen M Hanser Buchannan 20 Jan 1894 Female Elgin Duncan Buchannan Sarah Crawford Albert Miles Buchannan 2 Nov 1873 Male Brant Alix Buchannan Margaret Bateman Alexander Buchannan 13 Apr 1882 Male Stormont Robert Buchannan Mary McKinnon Alexander S Buchannan 24 Mar 1905 Male Bruce John Buchannan Catherine Ann McDougal Alice Virginia Buchannan 26 Jun 1876 Female Simcoe Charles W Buchannan Margt Jane Willoughby Ann Eliza Buchannan 3 Dec 1889 Female Grey Robert Buchannan Catherine Laugheed Anna Catharine Louisa Buchannan 24 Mar 1895 Female Lincoln John D Buchannan Annie Elizabeth Blanck Archibald Buchannan 8 Dec 1876 Male William Buchannan Jesse Archie Buchannan 11 Jun 1901 Male Stormont William Buchannan Sarah Dewar Archie W Buchannan 1 Feb 1899 Male Lincoln John D Buchannan Annie E Bank Bertha Maria Buchannan 26 Aug 1883 Female Lambton Daniel Buchannan Louisa Holling Charles Buchannan 24 Jun 1882 Male Kent John Buchannan Helen Emma Goodwi Chas Gordon Buchannan 29 Apr 1907 Male Northumberland John Buchannan Eliza A Finch Daniel Buchannan 14 Apr 1880 Male Jas Buchannan Lilla Cameron Daniel Caloin Buchannan 13 Apr 1903 Male Frontenac Johnston Wellington Buchannan Marguerat Baker Duncan Love Buchannan 29 Oct 1884 Male Kent Henry Buchannan Mary West Eliza Buchannan 22 Dec 1905 Female Lanark Andrew Buchannan Minnie Ferguson Elizabeth Buchannan 13 Oct 1878 Female Grey Alex Buchannan Jane Elizabeth Scott

Elizabeth Jane Buchannan 27 Sep 1895 Female Lanark Johnston Buchannan Margaret Buker Ellen Buchannan 11 Aug 1889 Female Lennox and Addington Allen Buchannan Mary Campbell Elward Earnest Buchannan 18 Nov 1904 Male Frontenac Laniel Buchannan Leanna Armstrong Francis M Gowan Buchannan 26 Jan 1879 Female Simcoe Charles Buchannan Margaret Jane Wolloughber Francis Robinson Buchannan 4 Jan 1876 Male Kent Henry Buchannan Sarah Bently Geo Alfred Buchannan 6 Sep 1906 Male Essex Geo Buchannan Hannah Brown George Buchannan 19 Feb 1879 Male Huron Mark Buchannan Jane Magill George Buchannan 7 May 1878 Male Brant Walter Buchannan Matilda Millard George Edmund Gordon Buchannan 23 Jan 1879 Male Grey Jas C Buchannan Julia Ferris Grace Ann Buchannan 7 Jan 1875 Female Bruce Alex Buchannan Jessie Bruce Hogg Harry Buchannan 6 Oct 1874 Male John Buchannan Ellen Emma Goodroe Hermon Joseph Buchannan 25 Mar 1895 Male Lanark Thomas Buchannan Ellen Flemming Hugh Buchannan 6 Apr 1903 Male Bruce John J Buchannan Catherine A McDougall Huth Buchannan 27 Jun 1893 Female Algoma Thos Buchannan Mary C Dobie Ida Buchannan 26 Jun 1897 Female York Robert Buchannan Bella Isabella Buchannan 12 Aug 1886 Female Grey Wm Chas Buchannan Janet Buchann Isabella Elvira Buchannan 20 Nov 1873 Female Simcoe Charles Wm Buchannan Margt Jane Willoughby James Hamilton Buchannan 16 Oct 1882 Male Henry Buchannan Mary West John Buchannan 26 Oct 1875 Male Ales Buchannan Elisabeth Scott Kenneth N Buchannan 17 Aug 1901 Male Manitoulin Norman Buchannan Kate McLean Larence B Buchannan 9 Nov 1902 Female Lincoln John D Buchannan Annie E Blank Lawrence Buchannan 16 May 1886 Female Renfrew James P Buchannan Jane Losh Lorenes Belle Buchannan 9 Nov 1902 Female Lincoln John D Buchannan Annie E Blank Louisa Jane Buchannan 4 Jun 1894 Female Parry Sound Arthur Buchannan Louisa Jenkin

Lydia Elizabeth Buchannan 2 May 1875 Female Robert Buchannan Mary Ann Bridgen Margaret Buchannan 22 Dec 1872 Female Lambton Hugh Buchannan Mary Mc Phedrain Margaret Buchannan 2 Dec 1872 Female Lambton Hugh Buchannan Mary McPhrdlain Mary Buchannan 12 Jun 1890 Female Grey Duncan Buchannan Christena Campbel Mary Ann Buchannan 1 Mar 1870 Female Stormont Archibald Buchannan Cristiann Grant Mary Diana Buchannan 18 Aug 1885 Female Frontenac George Buchannan Sarah Hughes Matilda Jane Buchannan 20 Apr 1881 Female Grey William Buchannan Rosanna Ferris Minnie Victoria Blanche Buchannan 18 Jul 1897 Female Northumberland John Buchannan Mary S Miles Robert John Buchannan 4 Dec 1885 Male Grey James C Buchannan Julia Ferino Robert Louie Buchannan 7 Jul 1902 Male Parry Sound Robert Buchannan Edith Healy Rosa Agnas Buchannan 7 Nov 1898 Female Algoma William Buchannan Mary Jane Lopish Rose Annie Irene Buchannan 23 Feb 1903 Female Simcoe Thos Buchannan Rose Armstrong Thomas Buchannan 6 Jan 1877 Male Kent John Buchannan Ellen Emma Goodeve Thomas J Bachannan Buchannan 9 Jan 1875 Male Victoria Edward Buchannan Catherine Dack Violet Maud Buchannan 27 Nov 1897 Female Middlesex William Buchannan Matilda Donoghue William Buchannan 15 Dec 1879 Male Bruce Thomas Buchannan Jane Dobbie William Benjamin Buchannan 12 Jul 1885 Male Grey William Buchannan Rosanna Ferris William Samuel Buchannan 27 Jan 1881 Male Kent Henry Buchannan Mary West Wm Arthur Buchannan 27 Oct 1880 Male Arthur Buchannan Annie Leslie Wm Ormond Buchannan 14 Jun 1879 Male Peterborough David Buchannan Margaret Hill McCall, Dorothy Eleanor Buchannan McCall 16 Dec 1906 Female Grey Donald Buchannan McCall Olive Jane Kramer Maggie Belle Buchannen 8 Oct 1892 Female Lambton Dougald Buchannen Jessie Duncan Amelia Buchannon 19 Feb 1880 Female Frontenac George Buchannon Elizabeth Conley Annie Elizabeth Buchannon 3 Jul 1903 Female Parry Sound John Buchannon Alice Jane Healey Edith Olive Buchannon 23 Sep 1890 Female Parry Sound John Buchannon Edith Olive Herley

Ethel Margaret Buchannon 25 Nov 1897 Female Parry Sound John Buchannon Alice Jane Healey George Edward Buchannon 31 Mar 1894 Male Parry Sound John Buchannon Alice Jane Healey Gray Buchannon 25 Feb 1874 Male Grey Archibald Buchannon Catherine Gunn James Alexander Buchannon 4 Sep 1883 Male Alexander Buchannon Mary Campbell John Alexandria Buchannon 2 Nov 1907 Male Frontenac Johnston Buchannon Margaret Buker Lanchlin Buchannon 21 Jul 1887 Male Grey Duncan Buchannon Christian Campbell Mabel Ella Buchannon 12 May 1898 Female Parry Sound George Buchannon Lizzie Healey Qucenie Elizabeth Buchannon 6 Feb 1902 Female Parry Sound George Buchannon Lizzie Healey Robert Buchannon 6 Sep 1874 Male Parry Sound Patrick Buchannon Margaret Kearns Robert Fredric Buchannon 9 Mar 1900 Male Parry Sound John Buchannon Alice Healey Robert John Buchannan Buchannon 13 Jul 1879 Male Peterborough Shutt Buchannon May McAulay Ruby Buchannon 29 Jan 1900 Female Parry Sound George Buchannon Lizzie Healey Victor John Buchannon 10 Jan 1896 Male Parry Sound John Buchannon Alice Jane Healey William David Buchannon 17 Jun 1893 Male Parry Sound John Buchannon Alice Jane Healy William Gorden Buchannon 5 Feb 1904 Male Parry Sound George Buchannon Lizzie Healey William Grant Buchannon 4 Apr 1874 Male Stormont Alchibald Buchannon Christy A Grant Buchannon Euphemia Ettie Buchanon 8 May 1899 Female Elgin J A Buchanon Ettie May Gilbert Buchanon 15 Oct 1889 Male Simcoe John Buchanon Mary Douglas Currie Henry Thomas Buchanon 19 Apr 1891 Male Algoma William Buchanon Mary Jane Lapish Joseph Buchanon 30 Nov 1880 Male Muskoka Roland Buchanon Sophia Calvert Mable Agnes Buchan?? Buchanon 16 Oct 1896 Female Stormont Ellison Buchanon Jemmima Sled Margery Ann Lenora Buchanon 26 Oct 1879 Female Grey A F Buchanon Martha Elizabeth Myles Margt Effie Buchanon 13 Apr 1905 Female Lanark William Buchanon Lizzie Reid

Mark Buchanon 28 Aug 1879 Male Lambton John Buchanon Jr. Annie Guenough Mary Buchanon 17 Aug 1881 Female Frontenac Sarah Buchanon Orpha Margaret Buchanon 1 Mar 1904 Female Parry Sound Robert Buchanon Edith Healy Robert James Buchanon 12 Dec 1891 Male Simcoe John Buchanon Mary Carrie Sameul Buchanon 31 Jan 1892 Male Grey William Buchanon Rosanna Ferrit Sarah Etta Buchanon 2 Jul 1891 Female Stormont Ellison Buchanon Mina Sled Sophia Buchanon 21 May 1883 Female Muskoka Roland Buchanon Sophia Calvert Gracey Buckanan Buchanson 12 Nov 1892 Female Essex Sherman Buchanson Leonora Cascadden Margaret Louisa Buchman [Margaret Louisa Buchanan] 27 Jun 1877 Female Huron Alexander Buchman Eliza Ann Newell George Wellington Buckanan [George Wellington Buchanan] 14 Dec 1894 Male Grey Joseph Buckanan Martha Moore Reid Sarah Jane Buchman Buckman [Sarah Jane Buchanan] 28 Nov 1869 Female Simcoe James Buckman Elizabeth Culbert ??Drew Meldrum Duncan Buchanan 21 Mar 1894 Male Wentworth Duncan Buchanan Roberton Windell Leonard Buchanan Hackett [Windell Leonard Hackett Buchanan] 26 Jun 1892 Male Dufferin George Dale Buchanan Elizabeth Hackett Erle Marriam O Buchanan 14 Oct 1877 Female York James O Buchanan Emmeline Marrison William Reid [William Reid Buchanan] 11 Mar 1893 Male Grey Joseph Buchanan Martha Moore Reid

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Jun 7, 2007 Buchanan Marriages in Ontario I have marked those that I noticed were ours, but I may have missed some.


Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 Name Estimated birth year Marriage Date Spouse Name Marriage County Edward Victor Buchana abt 1887 9 Sep 1920 Faith Chisholm Turnball Middlesex Abbie Buchanan abt 1884 18 Aug 1909 Clayton Richard Smith Northumberland Abbie A. Buchanan 17 Nov 1885 Charles Mosher Ada Buchanan abt 1884 2 Dec 1908 John Arthur Dunlop Simcoe Addie Buchanan abt 1903 18 Jan 1922 William Longworth Oxford Adelia Buchanan abt 1859 16 Oct 1878 William D Wigle Essex Adeline Buchanan abt 1850 20 Nov 1879 Melvia Drummond Essex Aggie Buchanan abt 1855 18 Jul 1883 Isaac Lackey Carleton Agnes Buchanan abt 1877 21 Jan 1903 James H Willows Lanark Agnes Buchanan abt 1885 27 Nov 1915 David Richardson York Agnes Buchanan abt 1854 28 Jul 1875 Thomas Marks Algoma Agnes Buchanan abt 1886 18 Mar 1908 Joseph Jocque Muskoka Agnes Buchanan abt 1866 16 Feb 1893 William Stuckey Dufferin Agnes Buchanan abt 1825 1 Jul 1872 Robert Colquhoun Renfrew Agnes Buchanan abt 1873 30 Dec 1908 David Georgeson Carleton Agnes A Buchanan abt 1866 1 Oct 1889 Charles Albert Almstead (or Olmstead) Carleton Agnes Drummond Hunter Buchanan abt 1865 30 Sep 1908 William Copland York Agnes Emaline Buchanan abt 1877 3 Apr 1912 George Henry Rodgers Peterborough Agnes Evelyn Buchanan abt 1894 22 Jan 1917 David John McGowan Grey Alan Humphrey Buchanan abt 1873 26 Nov 1906 Marion Labelle Carleton Alexander Buchanan abt 1840 10 Jul 1873 Mary Janett Grubb Essex Albert Buchanan abt 1894 10 May 1915 Elsie Mary Addison Middlesex Albert Buchanan abt 1853 10 Oct 1874 Mary Jane Johnston York Albert Dalton Buchanan abt 1893 23 Feb 1914 Annie Lowden Simcoe Alberta Buchanan abt 1875 24 Jun 1903 William C Topham Lambton Alex Buchanan abt 1841 9 Mar 1871 Elizabeth Ann Newell Huron Alex Buchanan abt 1870 22 Sep 1896 Margaret Elizabeth Yake Wellington Alex R Buchanan abt 1867 2 Oct 1901 Margaret A Dodds Dufferin Alexander Buchanan 13 Jun 1889 Martha Ada Simpson Alexander Buchanan 23 Dec 1884 Sarah Ann Armstrong Alexander Buchanan 12 Nov 1884 Isabella Fairbairn Alexander Buchanan 5 Jan 1882 Margaret Harvie Alexander Buchanan 20 Oct 1881 Mary J. O'Driscall Alexander Buchanan 5 Apr 1873 Jane Elizabeth Scott Alexander Buchanan 25 Jul 1883 Mary Stewart Alexander Buchanan 1840 22 Apr 1864 Elizabeth Swift Wentworth Alexander Buchanan 1840 1 May 1866 Christian McDougall Oxford Alexander Buchanan abt 1882 27 Sep 1916 Mary Clarke Elgin Alexander Buchanan abt 1866 8 Oct 1887 Emily Scott Perth [OURS] Alexander Buchanan abt 1864 31 Aug 1912 Sarah Ann Hawkins York Alexander Buchanan abt 1854 20 Oct 1881 Mary J Odriseall Simcoe Alexander Buchanan abt 1895 17 Jan 1919 Agnes Stclair Templeton York Alexander Buchanan abt 1860 13 Jun 1889 Martha Ada Simpson Northumberland Alexander Buchanan abt 1882 1 May 1918 Mary Jane Reid Carleton Alexander Buchanan abt 1856 23 Dec 1884 Sarah Ann Armstrong Essex Alexander Buchanan abt 1858 5 Jan 1882 Margaret Harvie Brant

Alexander Buchanan abt 1854 25 Jul 1883 Mary Stewart Huron Alexander Buchanan abt 1842 12 Nov 1884 Isabella Fairbairn Huron Alexander Buchanan abt 1840 10 Jul 1873 Mary Janett Grubb Essex Alexander Buchanan abt 1849 5 Apr 1873 Jane Elizabeth Scott Grey Alexander E Buchanan abt 1865 13 Mar 1889 Edith Ellen Baptie Brant Alexander Edward Buchanan abt 1890 24 Apr 1912 Kathleen Skinner Brant Alexander Henry Buchanan abt 1884 17 Aug 1910 Blanch Ida Buchanan Lanark Alexander James Buchanan abt 1873 4 Dec 1916 Katie Lawson Lanark Alexander Walter Buchanan abt 1878 29 Jun 1904 Mabel Story McKenzie Huron Alexr Buchanan abt 1883 28 Mar 1911 Caroline Sproule Stormont Alice Buchanan abt 1900 12 Oct 1922 Orline Clements Waterloo Alice Catherine Buchanan abt 1877 15 Jun 1921 John V Pratt Dufferin Alice May Buchanan abt 1885 30 Sep 1913 Thomas McBeath Bruce Aline Fenton Buchanan abt 1890 16 Nov 1910 Hecton Glenet Digley Brown Oxford Alzora J Buchanan abt 1842 3 Dec 1873 Robert Howie Essex Amelia Buchanan abt 1854 14 Feb 1881 Robert Fawcett Wentworth Ami Buchanan abt 1875 16 Dec 1902 Alexander Venn Algoma Andrew Buchanan abt 1860 6 Jun 1888 Elizabeth Carlisle Huron Andrew Buchanan abt 1897 31 Mar 1919 Edith Hopkins York Andrew Buchanan abt 1878 12 Jun 1907 Kate Gillan York Andrew Buchanan abt 1869 3 Dec 1890 Francis M Coxon Perth [OURS] Andrew Buchanan abt 1848 10 Jul 1872 Susan Cook Peterborough Andrew Buchanan abt 1853 11 Apr 1876 Eliza Jane Burk Perth [OURS] Andrew C Buchanan abt 1876 9 Oct 1903 Estalla Mabelle Alley Peterborough Andrew D Buchanan abt 1868 1 Feb 1892 Lonisa Roberion Wentworth Andrew Harris Buchanan 31 Dec 1890 Anna M. Gahan Andrew Harris Buchanan abt 1850 31 Dec 1890 Anna Maria Gahan Kent Andrew M Buchanan abt 1859 25 Jun 1884 Eva Bowen Peterborough Andrew P Buchanan abt 1885 14 Dec 1909 Margueritte Maud Johnston Peterborough Andrew Richard Buchanan abt 1882 7 Sep 1904 Annie Maud Danbrook Perth [OURS] Angus Buchanan 9 Oct 1894 Catharine McTavish Angus Buchanan abt 1878 31 Aug 1903 Abbie A Cambridge Middlesex Angus Buchanan abt 1863 15 Oct 1884 Ann Maxwell Thunder Bay Ann Buchanan 1849 10 Dec 1868 Benjamin Moyer Northumberland Ann Buchanan 1841 3 May 1864 Edward Killins Haldimand Ann Buchanan 1834 10 Apr 1866 Daniel MacDonald Huron Ann Buchanan abt 1847 9 Jul 1880 Daniel Stoddart Wentworth Ann Buchanan abt 1864 23 Nov 1884 Pierre Samuel Cadob Carleton Ann Buchanan abt 1853 1 Nov 1876 Charles Mason Lambton Ann Jane Buchanan abt 1866 23 May 1889 James Hamilton Perth [OURS] Anna Buchanan 1842 12 Oct 1867 Lemuel Cole Lambton Anna Buchanan abt 1849 9 Oct 1869 Hamilton Fowler Huron Anna Amelia Buchanan abt 1879 15 Mar 1898 Benjamin Carlton Fraleigh Northumberland Anna Eloise Buchanan abt 1891 25 Oct 1916 Edward Victor Buchanan Middlesex Annabella Buchanan 22 Apr 1881 Annabella I Buchanan abt 1861 6 Feb 1882 Allan Bauslaugh Waterloo Anne Jane Buchanan abt 1841 17 May 1888 William England Lanark Anne Maria Buchanan abt 1874 24 Jun 1896 John Graham York Annie Buchanan abt 1891 7 Nov 1912 Wm Thos Pearson Muskoka Annie Buchanan abt 1896 29 Dec 1920 Duncan McDougall Grey Annie Buchanan abt 1869 30 May 1899 David W Hallman Waterloo

Annie Buchanan 25 Sep 1888 John Steele Cunningham Annie Buchanan 10 Oct 1881 John R. Grigg Annie Buchanan 11 Oct 1882 Donald McIntyre Annie Buchanan 13 Apr 1886 John Miller Annie Buchanan 5 Jun 1878 Robert Irvine Moon Annie Buchanan 1 Jan 1884 George R. Piece Annie Buchanan 23 Dec 1885 Henry Fowlds Sharpe Annie Buchanan 2 Feb 1876 John Allen Thornton Annie Buchanan abt 1859 25 Sep 1888 John State Cunningham Halton Annie Buchanan abt 1866 4 Jan 1888 Albert Micks (or Meeks) Peterborough Annie Buchanan abt 1862 13 Apr 1886 John Miller Kent Annie Buchanan abt 1894 4 Nov 1918 John James Devine York Annie Buchanan abt 1861 11 Oct 1882 Donald McIntyre Algoma Annie Buchanan abt 1855 10 Oct 1881 John R Grigg Hastings Annie Buchanan abt 1843 5 Jun 1878 Robert Irvine Moon Simcoe Annie Buchanan abt 1856 24 Dec 1884 Robt B. (or Augustus) Hagen Huron Annie Buchanan abt 1858 1 Jan 1884 George W Prisce Northumberland and Durham Annie Buchanan abt 1897 20 Mar 1917 Norman Ellis York Annie Buchanan abt 1867 23 Dec 1885 Henry Fowlds Sharpe Huron Annie Buchanan abt 1852 2 Feb 1876 John Allen Thornton Lambton Annie Almira Buchanan abt 1877 31 Aug 1898 Geo Barr Burnfield Simcoe Annie E Buchanan abt 1890 10 Mar 1909 Robert Kearney Grey Annie Ellen Buchanan abt 1888 5 Sep 1914 James Herman Luder Leeds Annie Isabella Rose Buchanan abt 1898 24 Dec 1919 Jacob Charles Duglas Thompson Northumberland Annie Jane Buchanan abt 1878 18 Dec 1900 William McMillen Perth [OURS] Annie M Buchanan abt 1892 14 Jan 1914 Rend Gilbert A Brunet Lanark Annie Mand Buchanan abt 1884 22 Aug 1905 Wm Harry Bruce Lambton Annie May Buchanan abt 1884 16 Jul 1912 Harry Benson Stowe Wentworth Annie May Buchanan abt 1888 22 Nov 1911 Norman Alexander Acheson Perth [OURS] Annie Rebecca Buchanan abt 1893 29 Sep 1922 Robert Riddell McMath York Annie Theresa Buchanan abt 1872 20 Feb 1904 Frank Herbert Minaker Prince Edward Anthony Buchanan 1839 26 Jun 1866 Mary Venn Haldimand Arabella Buchanan 1840 12 Dec 1861 Dugald McLarty Elgin Archibald Buchanan abt 1875 5 Sep 1906 Cornelia Betzler Waterloo Archibald Buchanan abt 1889 12 Jun 1912 Rose Labelle Stormont Archibald Buchanan abt 1836 29 Dec 1874 Louisa McGillivray Stormont Dundas and Glengarry Arthur Buchanan abt 1858 24 Dec 1879 Annie Leslie Essex Arthur A Buchanan abt 1862 25 Nov 1890 Emily Hawkins Wentworth Arthur A. Buchanan 25 Nov 1890 Emily Hawkins Augus Buchanan abt 1871 9 Oct 1894 Catharine McTavish Glengarry Augusta Speers Buchanan abt 1892 27 Nov 1915 John Gorman York Auguste Buchanan 1845 23 Dec 1868 Olive Ann Windsor Essex Barbara Buchanan 20 Oct 1911 James Agnew York Barbara Buchanan abt 1892 20 Oct 1911 James Agnew York Barbara Catherine Pearl Buchanan abt 1889 22 Feb 1921 Joseph Arthur Staples Middlesex Bella Buchanan abt 1880 10 Aug 1899 Arthur Harran York Bella Buchanan 18 Dec 1889 William Henry Craig Bella Buchanan 26 Feb 1890 Alfred Haines Bella Buchanan 10 Aug 1899 Arthur Harran Bella Buchanan abt 1871 26 Feb 1890 Alfred Haines Middlesex

View Record Bella Buchanan abt 1862 18 Dec 1889 Wm Henry Craig Kent Benjamin Buchanan abt 1875 16 Sep 1914 Clara May Curtis Northumberland Bernard Buchanan abt 1871 27 Oct 1903 Ellen Carroll Lanark Bernard Buchanan abt 1868 5 Nov 1918 Mary Cecilia Sweeney Lanark Bertha Evelyn Buchanan abt 1901 13 Dec 1922 Walter Francis Turner Dufferin Bertrand P Buchanan abt 1876 6 Apr 1904 Henrietta Jane Dunlop Essex Beryle Olive Buchanan abt 1889 9 Sep 1913 John Leys Gooderham York Bessie Buchanan 18 Jun 1884 Andrew J. Colvin Bessie Buchanan abt 1868 3 Nov 1909 John Albert Sixsmith Northumberland Bessie Buchanan abt 1861 18 Jun 1884 Andrew J Colvin Brant Beulah D Buchanan abt 1889 21 Aug 1912 Jas D Wilson Essex Blanch Bee Buchanan 16 Jul 1911 Edgar Moura Parkhurst Essex Blanch Ida Buchanan abt 1884 17 Aug 1910 Alexander Henry Buchanan Lanark Blanche Buchanan abt 1890 22 Oct 1918 Cowan David Walker Oxford Blanche Bee Buchanan abt 1891 16 Aug 1911 Edgar Monroe Parkhurst Essex Blanche E Buchanan abt 1899 11 Jan 1922 Wesley A. Headrick Renfrew Bridget Buchanan 30 Jun 1896 John J. Kelly Bridget Buchanan abt 1864 30 Jun 1896 John Joseph Kelly Leeds Brittannia Buchanan abt 1872 1 Apr 1903 Louis Robillard Wentworth Caroline Buchanan abt 1893 6 Mar 1912 Maurice Dick Perth [OURS] Carrie Buchanan 27 Feb 1889 J. Henry Charlton Carrie Buchanan abt 1868 27 Feb 1889 Joseph Henry Charlton Lanark Carrie May Buchanan abt 1885 15 Nov 1904 William Stanley Myers Stormont Cassie May Buchanan abt 1900 12 Oct 1921 Wather Leslie McInerney Renfrew Catharine Buchanan 1 Aug 1892 Ralph Standing Catharine Buchanan abt 1851 3 Mar 1875 Robt Leach Lanark Catharine A Buchanan abt 1868 12 Apr 1892 Edward Workman Renfrew Catharine V Buchanan abt 1870 16 Aug 1910 Milton M Colvin Middlesex Catherine Buchanan 1847 6 Apr 1864 James Clark Huron Catherine Buchanan 1836 4 Feb 1862 Ephraim Skelding Elgin Catherine Buchanan abt 1864 23 Nov 1904 Alexander Sutherland Oxford Catherine Buchanan abt 1855 25 Nov 1904 Christie McDiarmid Waterloo Catherine Buchanan abt 1879 13 Apr 1909 Robert Yon Simcoe Catherine Buchanan abt 1862 1 Aug 1892 Ralph Standing Grey Catherine Buchanan abt 1842 28 Dec 1871 William Ross Wellington Catherine A Buchanan abt 1875 9 Nov 1898 Frederick Austus Thebo Simcoe Catherine E Buchanan abt 1899 12 Jul 1921 Norman A Duffin York Catherine Glen Buchanan abt 1891 12 Jun 1917 Alfred James Patterson Parry Sound Cathrine Buchanan abt 1853 15 Mar 1876 Thomas Lancaster Northumberland Charles Buchanan 8 Sep 1873 Lydia Jane Bishop Charles Buchanan 25 Feb 1885 Rebecca J. Montgomery Charles Buchanan abt 1878 6 Dec 1916 Janet Elizabeth Anderson Perth [OURS] Charles Buchanan abt 1860 10 Sep 1895 Martha Brown Dufferin Charles Buchanan abt 1849 8 Sep 1873 Lydia Jane Bishop Wentworth Charles A Buchanan abt 1883 8 Apr 1910 Minnie Godfrey York Charles Edward Buchanan 6 Jan 1880 Margaret Kelley Charles Edward Buchanan abt 1859 6 Jan 1880 Margaret Kelley York Charles Garfield Buchanan abt 1886 23 Jun 1909 Eva Ethil Keen Haldimand Charles Henry Buchanan abt 1880 21 Feb 1906 Clara Violet Danbrook Perth [OURS] Charlotte Margorie Buchanan abt 1903 2 Jun 1921 Walter Norris York Chas Buchanan abt 1861 25 Feb 1885 Rebecca J Montgomery Kent

Chas H Buchanan abt 1879 4 Dec 1911 Catherine Elizabeth Messenger Carleton Christena Buchanan abt 1858 13 Jul 1882 John Cowan Huron Christina Buchanan 13 Jul 1882 John Cowan Christina Buchanan 7 Sep 1887 Josiah Bowlby Christina Buchanan abt 1839 7 Sep 1887 Josiah Bowlby Brant Christopher Buchanan 1838 25 Mar 1864 Mary Jane Kerr Simcoe Clara Ethel Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1884 1 Aug 1906 Edward Wm Shareman Dufferin Clara Ethel Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1884 1 Aug 1906 Edward Wm Shareman Dufferin Clarence Malcolm Buchanan abt 1892 18 Jul 1917 Margaret Cross Simcoe Cora Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1872 26 Jun 1910 Chas Walter Maxwell Essex Daisy Buchanan abt 1877 24 May 1901 Charles Herbert Green Wentworth Daisy Edna Buchanan abt 1886 30 Jul 1913 Thomas Ford Dearden York Daniel Buchanan 8 Jan 1896 Henrietta McDonald Daniel Buchanan 30 Apr 1889 Elizabeth Jane Million Daniel Buchanan 1 Sep 1897 Jemima Paul Daniel Buchanan 27 Jun 1872 Elizabeth Bannister Daniel Buchanan 11 Aug 1886 Elcie Johnston Hawkins Daniel Buchanan abt 1869 27 Apr 1911 Martha Josephine Lundy York Daniel Buchanan abt 1860 11 Aug 1886 Elcie Johnston Hawkins Renfrew Daniel Buchanan abt 1878 21 Apr 1909 Elizabeth Ann Hare Kent Daniel Buchanan abt 1880 23 Sep 1909 Mary Eloise Tape Kent Daniel Buchanan abt 1850 30 Apr 1889 Eliza Jane Million Huron Daniel Buchanan abt 1874 11 Nov 1902 Mary Carroll Lanark Daniel Buchanan abt 1851 23 Nov 1887 Betsy Fyfe Bruce Daniel Buchanan 27 Apr 1911 Martha Josephine Lundy York Daniel Buchanan abt 1870 8 Jan 1896 Henrietta McDonald Algoma Daniel Buchanan Mary Elvise Tapa York Daniel Buchanan abt 1840 27 Jun 1872 Lousia Holling Lambton Daniel R Buchanan abt 1864 1 Feb 1893 Jessie Smith Huron Daniel R. Buchanan 1 Feb 1893 Jessie Smith David Buchanan 3 Oct 1898 Nina Gould David Buchanan 30 Nov 1898 Minnie Alice Sedgwick David Buchanan 18 Sep 1878 Margaret Hill David Buchanan abt 1872 18 May 1908 Hattie Harrington Essex David Buchanan abt 1891 6 Oct 1922 Rose Marguerite Ogg York David Buchanan abt 1886 27 Nov 1912 Cordelia Carnegie Renfrew David Buchanan abt 1857 18 Sep 1878 Margaret Hill Peterborough David H. Buchanan 9 Jun 1899 Diana Matilda Armstrong Daviel Buchanan abt 1848 24 Dec 1874 Elezebeth Fowler Huron De E Louther Buchanan abt 1882 25 Jul 1907 Mattee May Wright York Deney Buchanan abt 1871 31 May 1904 Frank George Pokorney Lambton Donald Buchanan 8 Jul 1891 M. Ann R. Greenshields Donald Buchanan abt 1879 3 Jun 1916 Eleanor Lennis Ontario Donald Buchanan abt 1858 8 Jul 1891 Mary Ann Russell Greenshields Simcoe Donald Buchanan abt 1849 31 Jan 1882 Mary McDonald Bruce Dorthy Annie Buchanan abt 1866 16 Feb 1905 Joseph Alexander Brandon Huron Duncan Buchanan 1 Jul 1885 Christina Campbell Duncan Buchanan 2 Mar 1875 Sarah Crawford Duncan Buchanan 13 Apr 1892 Jane Buchanan Duncan Buchanan 23 Oct 1895 Maggie McQueen Duncan Buchanan abt 1851 13 Apr 1892 Jane Buchanan Grey

Duncan Buchanan abt 1869 23 Oct 1895 Maggie McQueen Grey Duncan Buchanan abt 1861 1 Jul 1885 Christina Campell Grey Duncan Buchanan abt 1847 2 Mar 1875 Sarah Crawford Middlesex Duncan Buchanan abt 1831 7 Mar 1871 Jane Robertson Lanark Duncan Geo Buchanan abt 1878 25 Jun 1903 Mary Beatrice Leighton York Earl S. Buchanan 20 Jun 1899 Ada B. Ferguson Ebenezer Buchanan 1842 8 Mar 1865 Amelia Garner Elgin Edgar Charles Buchanan abt 1887 3 Jun 1913 Charlotte Edith Smith Kent Edith Buchanan abt 1891 17 Feb 1920 Harry Ludwig Singer Essex Edith Buchanan abt 1878 17 Jun 1902 Thomas Munroe Lanark Edith Margaret Buchanan abt 1889 22 Jun 1921 James Cowan McMullin Peterborough Edna Buchanan abt 1899 21 Mar 1919 Arloe Edgar Morgan Essex Edna Beatrice Buchanan abt 1891 6 Nov 1912 Alva McKellar Campell Kent Edna Beatrice Buchanan abt 1892 2 Aug 1919 Dr Dr John Chassels York Edna Jennet Buchanan abt 1904 11 Sep 1922 John Franklin Stillman Peterborough Edna W Buchanan abt 1880 10 Jul 1901 Robert R Harvie Simcoe Edward Buchanan 10 Aug 1898 Annie Gundy Edward Buchanan abt 1877 9 Nov 1902 Mary Elderkin Welland Edward Buchanan abt 1885 14 Jan 1914 Sarah Jane Fisher Algoma Edward Victor Buchanan abt 1886 25 Oct 1916 Anna Eloise Buchanan Middlesex Effie Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1884 10 Jul 1907 Edward Slaughter Perth [OURS] Eileen Edna Buchanan abt 1893 9 Jun 1917 John Filden Taylor Hastings Eliza Buchanan 1852 15 Jan 1868 Robert Campbell Perth [OURS] Eliza Buchanan abt 1860 26 Mar 1879 Charles Austen Morehouse Middlesex Eliza Buchanan abt 1854 17 May 1876 Cornelius H Morden Prince Edward Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1859 30 Oct 1878 William Scott Wright Essex Eliza Buchanan abt 1867 28 Nov 1893 Edward Thomas Williamson Lanark Eliza Ann Buchanan abt 1853 18 May 1887 James Peter Lawrence Grenville Eliza Anne Buchanan abt 1850 2 Jun 1875 Robert Johnston Middlesex Eliza Jane Buchanan 1836 27 Oct 1859 Joseph Loney Perth [not ours?] Eliza Jane Buchanan abt 1864 2 Jan 1884 Calvin Yeomans Peterborough Elizabeth Buchanan 1844 12 Jul 1862 William Orr Huron Elizabeth Buchanan 1839 15 Mar 1860 John Carry Wellington Elizabeth Buchanan 1842 2 Jul 1866 George Ebert Carleton Elizabeth Buchanan 27 Feb 1895 Arthur E. Blackwell Elizabeth Buchanan 18 Jan 1888 Archibald Monteith Elizabeth Buchanan 28 Nov 1893 Edward Thomas Williamson Elizabeth Buchanan 24 Aug 1884 George Barnie Elizabeth Buchanan 22 Feb 1870 Charles Hugill Elizabeth Buchanan 16 Jun 1880 Alexander McCullough Elizabeth Buchanan 17 May 1876 Cornelius H. Morden Elizabeth Buchanan 13 Feb 1883 John Rodgers Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1878 10 Oct 1900 James Tribble Grey Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1858 24 Jun 1902 John Pacy Peterborough Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1863 24 Aug 1884 George Barnie Brant Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1857 16 Jun 1880 Alexander McCullough Carleton Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1858 13 Jan 1881 Jacob Patrick Perth [OURS] Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1849 10 Dec 1873 Alexander Davidson Grey Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1863 18 Jan 1888 Archibald Montieth Kent Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1869 27 Feb 1895 Arthur E Blackwell Dufferin Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1888 11 Mar 1908 Ernest Moss Peterborough

Elizabeth (Born Moon) Buchanan abt 1846 12 Aug 1908 Samuel Dixon Lanark Elizabeth A Buchanan abt 1872 6 Jun 1894 Wm N Wrigh Lanark Elizabeth A. Buchanan 6 Jun 1894 William N. Wrigh Elizabeth Ann Buchanan 18 May 1887 James Peter Lawrence Elizabeth Ann Buchanan 26 Jul 1882 Robert Bloomer Elizabeth Ann Buchanan abt 1861 26 Jul 1882 Robert Bloomer Dufferin Elizabeth Anne Buchanan 2 Jun 1875 Robert Johnston Elizabeth Jane Buchanan 18 Feb 1896 Richard T. Taylor Elizabeth Jane Buchanan abt 1894 22 Jan 1913 Thomas Oliver Jones Perth [OURS] Elizabeth Jane Buchanan abt 1874 18 Feb 1896 Richard T Taylor Simcoe Elizabeth Janet Buchanan 1845 28 Nov 1863 Walter Scott Griffin Huron Elizabeth L Buchanan abt 1866 23 Aug 1893 Angus Ego Waterloo Elizabeth L Buchanan abt 1866 23 Aug 1893 Angus Ego Waterloo Elizabeth L. Buchanan 23 Aug 1893 Angus Ego Ella Buchanan abt 1896 24 Jun 1914 Emerson Westlake Dufferin Ella Buchanan abt 1888 22 Apr 1908 Robt Charles Bolton Lennox and Addington Ella Buchanan abt 1888 22 Apr 1908 Robt Charles Bolton Lennox and Addington Ella Buchanan abt 1888 19 Mar 1913 Harry W Gardiner Peterborough Ellen Buchanan abt 1872 16 Apr 1902 Joseph Harper Peterborough Ellen Buchanan abt 1872 16 Apr 1902 Joseph Harper Peterborough Ellen Buchanan 9 Sep 1885 John Buchanan Ellen Buchanan 3 Dec 1883 Allan A. McDonald Ellen Buchanan 2 Apr 1873 Donald McFarlane Ellen Buchanan 12 Apr 1882 Robert Neely Ellen Buchanan 1844 18 Jun 1864 Samuel A. Carson Grey Ellen Buchanan 1846 30 Nov 1868 John J. Way Prince Edward Ellen Buchanan 1846 30 Nov 1868 John Illsay Prince Edward Ellen Buchanan abt 1856 12 Apr 1882 Robert Neely Middlesex Ellen Buchanan abt 1858 3 Dec 1883 Allan A McDonald Glengarry Ellen Buchanan abt 1852 2 Apr 1873 Donald McFarlane Lambton Ellen Buchanan abt 1852 2 Apr 1873 Donald McFarlane Lambton Ellen Agnes Buchanan 15 Nov 1881 Ellen Agnes Buchanan abt 1860 15 Nov 1881 William Wallace York Ellen Jane Buchanan 17 Oct 1885 William Brien Ellen Jane Buchanan abt 1862 17 Oct 1885 William Brien Algoma Ellen M J Buchanan abt 1857 15 Oct 1882 James Smith Welland Ellen M. J. Buchanan 15 Oct 1882 James Smith Ellison Buchanan abt 1854 12 Jul 1881 Mina Sledge Dundas Elma Buchanan abt 1886 10 Nov 1909 William Hillier Essex Elmer Buchanan abt 1889 9 Jan 1913 Nellie Jackson York Elmer Buchanan abt 1886 10 Jun 1922 Ruby Irene McElree Wentworth Emily Buchanan 12 Jul 1870 Jonathan Dains Emily Buchanan abt 1853 12 Jul 1870 John Dains Huron Emma Buchanan 27 Jan 1897 Frederick Pratt Emma Buchanan abt 1877 27 Jan 1897 Frederick Pratt York Emma Buchanan abt 1852 29 Apr 1872 Joseph Jenkinson York Emma Annie Buchanan abt 1862 12 Sep 1896 James Charles Carr Essex Estella Buchanan abt 1877 22 Mar 1905 Edwin Adams Northumberland Esther Buchanan 25 Mar 1890 Robert M. Hamilton Esther Buchanan abt 1865 25 Mar 1890 Robert M Hamilton Brant Esther C Buchanan abt 1831 15 Jan 1889 William Bacon Essex

Esther C. Buchanan 15 Jan 1889 William Bacon Ethel Buchanan abt 1892 27 Sep 1916 Herbert Wrightly Peterborough Ethel Leah Buchanan abt 1886 14 Feb 1910 William Harold Caughy Rainy River Ethel May Buchanan abt 1893 3 Sep 1921 Frank Barton Stearns York Etta B Buchanan abt 1896 10 Dec 1919 Alfred Wm Cook Northumberland Euphemia Buchanan 1 Mar 1877 William Henry Backus Euphemia Buchanan abt 1854 1 Mar 1877 William Henry Backus Elgin Eva Emma Buchanan abt 1896 26 Jun 1917 John Alexander M Parkhill Brant Evela Alberta Buchanan abt 1901 21 Feb 1920 Herbert Earl Turner Dufferin Evela Alberta Alberta Buchanan abt 1901 21 Feb 1920 Herbert Earl Earls Turner Dufferin Fanny Buchanan 10 Dec 1878 William Clark Fanny Buchanan abt 1871 18 Nov 1894 William Henry Reid Hastings Fanny Elizabeth Buchanan 7 Sep 1885 Robert Moore Fanny Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1866 7 Sep 1885 Robert Moore York Finley Buchanan 1830 10 Jan 1860 Agnes Kinnear Brant Fleetwood C Buchanan abt 1899 20 Jul 1922 Elizabeth Badour Lanark Flora May Buchanan abt 1879 16 Jan 1907 Roy Sanders Middlesex Flora May Buchanan abt 1879 16 Jan 1907 Roy Sanders Middlesex Florence Buchanan abt 1893 18 Jan 1913 John Burdette Essex Flossie Muriel Buchanan abt 1897 7 Feb 1917 Elmer Claire Foster Essex Frances Buchanan 17 Apr 1885 Thomas J. C. Minden Frances Jane Buchanan abt 1850 3 Jan 1872 Isaac Rickey Carleton Francis Buchanan 23 Nov 1887 Cyrus Craig Francis Buchanan abt 1887 25 Dec 1911 Harold A. Halbert York Francis Buchanan abt 1850 13 Feb 1871 William Dineen York Francis Buchanan abt 1865 23 Nov 1887 Cyrus Craig Kent Francis Buchanan abt 1851 11 Sep 1879 Mary Jane Westman Huron Francis E Buchanan abt 1876 14 Sep 1895 P G Palmer Hastings Francis E. Buchanan 14 Sep 1895 V. G. Palmer Francis J. Buchanan 3 Jan 1872 Francis Jean Buchanan abt 1868 1 Jun 1904 Channing S Timberlake Oxford Frank Buchanan abt 1888 17 Oct 1913 Mary Scott Paterson Middlesex Frank Buchanan abt 1878 16 Dec 1904 Lilian Morgan Carleton Frank Fraser Buchanan abt 1895 4 Feb 1920 Nora Alice Tipping Simcoe Frank L S Buchanan abt 1885 2 Sep 1916 Eva Elizabeth Main Simcoe Frank Montgomery Buchanan abt 1893 8 Aug 1917 Marie Howes York Franklyn Buchanan 1 Jun 1898 Margaret Allen Franny Buchanan abt 1856 10 Dec 1878 William Clark Lanark Frederick H. Buchanan 16 Aug 1893 Tillie Arnot Frederick Hugh Buchanan abt 1871 16 Aug 1893 Tillie Arnot York Frederick James Buchanan abt 1878 25 Jun 1907 Edythe Winnifred Ross Leeds Frederick Morrey Buchanan 4 Jan 1876 Agnes Lawrence Frederick Morrey Buchanan abt 1844 4 Jan 1876 Agnes Lawrence Oxford Gartrude Buchanan abt 1877 28 Jan 1896 Edward Clarlk Hastings George Buchanan 30 Oct 1878 Sarah Hughes George Buchanan 21 Feb 1883 Elizabeth Steele George Buchanan 25 Dec 1882 Ida A. Switzer George Buchanan 10 Feb 1875 Emeline Zellar George Buchanan 1835 24 Jun 1861 Margaret Jane Hannah Lanark George Buchanan abt 1868 21 Jan 1903 Isabella Creary Dufferin George Buchanan abt 1845 21 Jan 1908 Agnes Margaret Riddell Grey

George Buchanan abt 1858 25 Dec 1882 Ida E Switzer Frontenac George Buchanan abt 1859 21 Feb 1883 Eliza Steele Northumberland George Buchanan abt 1886 31 Dec 1917 Miss Elizabeth Levally York George Buchanan abt 1845 28 Jun 1893 Annie M Raine Carleton George Buchanan abt 1848 10 Feb 1875 Emeline Zellar Huron George Buchanan abt 1853 30 Oct 1878 Sarah Hughes Lanark George Buchanan abt 1859 12 Jun 1901 Mary J Carter Northumberland George A Buchanan abt 1864 5 Aug 1902 Hannah R Goatby Essex George Alex Buchanan abt 1881 13 Sep 1905 Janet Elizabeth Brand Lambton George Alexander Buchanan abt 1881 23 Dec 1918 Edna Violet Lang Wentworth George D Buchanan abt 1859 20 Mar 1889 Elizabeth Hachett Dufferin George D. Buchanan 20 Mar 1889 Elizabeth Hackett George Deforest Buchanan abt 1887 23 Apr 1913 Maud Clara Graves Kent George Edmund Buchanan abt 1875 21 Dec 1916 Elizabeth Frances Clarke Renfrew George Edward Buchanan abt 1890 16 Sep 1915 Beulah May Gardner Peterborough George F Buchanan abt 1890 3 Aug 1910 Mathilde Binkle Grey George Frederick Buchanan abt 1892 27 Oct 1919 Mary Paterson White York George Harper Buchanan abt 1889 4 Jul 1917 Grace Lillian Malley Lincoln George Henry Buchanan abt 1884 29 Jun 1908 Mary Margaret Watchorn Leeds George Henry Buchanan abt 1897 21 Jun 1921 Annie May Oldham Middlesex George Robert Buchanan abt 1892 23 Oct 1913 Elzora Harrison York George W Buchanan abt 1850 7 Jan 1913 Adelaide Harvey Waterloo George W Buchanan abt 1856 21 May 1877 Mary Nease Prince Edward George Wellington Buchanan abt 1895 1 Jun 1922 Julia E Davis Grey George Wilbert Buchanan abt 1880 20 Jun 1906 Annie Luella Barnes Lanark Georgina Buchanan abt 1881 6 Apr 1904 John Bannister Grey Gertrude Buchanan 28 Jan 1896 Edward Clark Gladys Eliza Buchanan abt 1896 23 Feb 1916 Henry Duke Smith Dufferin Gladys May Buchanan abt 1883 14 Sep 1904 Norman Seagram York Godwin Jno Buchanan abt 1878 15 Aug 1906 Pauline Christaforetta Parry Sound Grace Buchanan abt 1896 3 Jun 1912 Frederick Darrah Lennox and Addington Grace Buchanan abt 1893 4 Mar 1915 Harry Earl Leslie Essex Grace Buchanan abt 1849 21 Sep 1877 Lemuel Cole Middlesex Grace Buchanan abt 1866 21 Feb 1888 George Thomas Smith Wellington Grace Marie Buchanan abt 1884 8 Feb 1911 William Guy Harris Lambton Grace S. Buchanan abt 1860 25 Dec 1890 Donald H. McDonald Bruce Gutrude Buchanan abt 1887 15 Jul 1914 Edwin Mitchell Northumberland Hamilton Buchanan abt 1851 30 Mar 1886 Dorotha Annie Wray Huron Hanna Buchanan 1841 19 Sep 1859 Charles Cey Lincoln Hannah Buchanan 11 Jul 1883 Alfred Stevens Brown Hannah Buchanan abt 1862 11 Jul 1883 Alfred Stevens Brown Waterloo Hannah Maria Buchanan abt 1852 4 Mar 1884 Henry Fisher Bruce Harold Francis Buchanan abt 1890 1 Jan 1916 Janet Eva Rush Huron Harriet Isabella Buchanan abt 1866 27 Sep 1886 Samuel Taylor Oxford Harris Buchanan abt 1852 25 Feb 1885 Victoria Cleghorn Wentworth Harry Farr Buchanan abt 1891 11 Jun 1913 Rhea McClellan Perth [not ours?] Harry L Buchanan abt 1890 18 Oct 1916 Agnes Mae McRee Lanark Harvey Buchanan 4 Aug 1898 Maggie E. Harper Helen Buchanan abt 1887 18 Oct 1911 John Armet Collins Kent Helen Buchanan abt 1852 14 Mar 1872 Joseph Hughes Webb Brant Helen Grace Buchanan abt 1885 11 Jul 1913 Archibald Hope Campell York

Helen Maude Buchanan abt 1895 24 Dec 1914 John Kent Coatsworth Kent Henrietta Buchanan 1841 19 Feb 1863 Donald McLeod Bruce Henrietta Buchanan abt 1895 1 Jan 1918 Fred Brighton Nixon York Henry Buchanan 1833 16 Jan 1862 Sarah Beatty Middlesex Henry Buchanan 21 Apr 1875 Henry Buchanan 2 Nov 1869 Sarah Turner Henry Buchanan abt 1845 2 Nov 1869 Sarah Turner Wellington Henry Buchanan abt 1845 21 Apr 1875 Mary West Kent Henry Agustus Buchanan abt 1889 3 Aug 1914 Cecil Sarah Sargent Welland Henry Edmund Buchanan abt 1878 3 Feb 1904 Martha Elizabeth Payne Oxford Henry Taylor Buchanan abt 1891 1 Aug 1916 Gertrude Maria Webber Wentworth Herbert George Buchanan abt 1883 1 Nov 1910 Eliza Baker Simcoe Herbert James Buchanan abt 1888 16 Apr 1913 Winnifred Mary Korry Lanark Herbert Robert Buchanan abt 1888 22 Jun 1910 Annie Louisa Alberta Perkins Lanark Hester Buchanan 1835 14 Feb 1860 Joseph Hall Haldimand Hiram Buchanan 1 Apr 1890 Della Harris Howard John Buchanan abt 1896 12 May 1916 Berthe W German Carleton Hugh Buchanan 9 Nov 1898 Sarah Hanna Hugh Buchanan 1833 4 Jun 1863 Mary McFadden Lambton Hugh Buchanan abt 1865 20 Jan 1904 Clara Maud Patterson Grey Hugh Buchanan abt 1842 15 Oct 1880 Esther Conley Carleton Hugh C Buchanan abt 1872 12 Mar 1895 Catharine V Smith Middlesex Hugh W Buchanan abt 1885 25 Mar 1911 Ethel M Legg Middlesex Hugh W Buchanan abt 1850 21 Nov 1877 Eva Lorette Merrill Elgin Ida Buchanan abt 1867 6 May 1899 John Newman Essex Ida Mary Buchanan abt 1903 7 Jun 1922 Gilbert Arthur Hoare York Ida May Buchanan abt 1878 12 Oct 1898 John Wallace Dodge Lambton Ina Dayton Buchanan abt 1888 30 Jul 1913 William Wiley Schoales York Isaac Buchanan abt 1834 28 Jul 1869 Mary Elizabeth Ford Perth [not ours?] Isaac Frederick Buchanan abt 1884 14 Jun 1909 Katherine Prentice York Isabel Buchanan abt 1891 21 Nov 1914 T L Brandon Simcoe Isabel Elvira Buchanan abt 1874 11 Aug 1900 Frank Erwin Somers Muskoka Isabella Buchanan 3 Aug 1887 Henry E. Pacey Isabella Buchanan 28 Sep 1870 Isabella Buchanan 15 Feb 1877 Charles McHardy Isabella Buchanan 24 Apr 1882 Charles Stewart Isabella Buchanan 21 Jun 1870 William Summerville Isabella Buchanan 1843 27 Jan 1863 John McIntyre Middlesex Isabella Buchanan 1838 7 Jan 1859 James Campbell Wellington Isabella Buchanan abt 1855 3 Aug 1887 Henry E Pacey Northumberland Isabella Buchanan 7 Sep 1869 Walter Thain Hastings Isabella Buchanan abt 1850 Sep 1874 Robert Buchanan Northumberland Isabella Buchanan abt 1852 12 Jun 1871 Wm Fred Robinson Prince Edward Isabella Buchanan abt 1851 15 Feb 1877 Charles McHardy Huron Isabella Buchanan abt 1851 28 Sep 1870 John Josh Wm Stanley Grey Isabella Buchanan abt 1852 21 Jun 1870 William Summerville York Isabella Buchanan abt 1848 24 Apr 1882 Charles Stewart Huron Isabella A Buchanan abt 1848 4 Oct 1892 John McCullough Wellington Isabella Jane Buchanan 29 Oct 1889 James Colgin Isabella Jane Buchanan abt 1871 29 Oct 1889 James Colgin Parry Sound Isabelle Buchanan abt 1902 31 Mar 1920 James Walter Beam Welland

Isadore Buchanan 29 Jun 1883 Annie Langdon Isadore Buchanan abt 1848 29 Jun 1883 Annie Langdon Essex J. Andrew Buchanan 26 Nov 1884 Ellen M. Currie J. Andrew Buchanan 26 Nov 1884 Ellen M. Currie James Buchanan 1 Jun 1881 James Buchanan 20 Sep 1882 James Buchanan 22 Mar 1876 Jessie C. Dempster James Buchanan 14 Mar 1883 Margaret Jane Gracey James Buchanan 1 Oct 1884 Julia Ann Mager James Buchanan 16 Feb 1876 Martha Jane Marshall James Buchanan 18 Feb 1886 Isabella Matheson James Buchanan 22 Apr 1875 Mary McVean James Buchanan 28 Dec 1886 Susan Herton Moxam James Buchanan 1 Jan 1873 Jane Oliver James Buchanan 14 Oct 1884 Margaret Speirs James Buchanan 29 Mar 1883 Lillian Stewart James Buchanan 11 Oct 1898 Myra C. Bogart James Buchanan 28 Mar 1888 M. Ann Leach James Buchanan 16 Jul 1890 Jessie MacKay James Buchanan 5 Dec 1888 Maggie McAlpine James Buchanan 20 Jan 1892 Christina Scott James Buchanan 12 Aug 1899 Jennie Tyre James Buchanan 22 Jan 1896 Marion Venning James Buchanan 1838 7 Mar 1862 Eliza Martin Gordon Oxford James Buchanan 1835 9 Jul 1860 Janet McKay Huron James Buchanan 1840 17 Apr 1866 Euphremia McIntyre Middlesex James Buchanan 1829 22 Dec 1864 Lilly Cameron Middlesex James Buchanan abt 1855 14 Mar 1883 Margaret Jane Gracey Dufferin James Buchanan abt 1857 14 Oct 1884 Margaret Spiers Peterborough James Buchanan abt 1836 1 Oct 1884 Jula Ann Mager Renfrew James Buchanan abt 1862 20 Sep 1882 Cathrine McDonald Huron James Buchanan abt 1831 1881 Mary McTavish Renfrew James Buchanan abt 1852 22 Apr 1875 Mary McVean Elgin James Buchanan abt 1863 20 Jan 1892 Christina Scott Grey James Buchanan abt 1866 22 Jan 1896 Marion Venning Elgin James Buchanan abt 1881 18 Jun 1913 Margaret C Johnson Grey James Buchanan abt 1853 5 Dec 1888 Mazzie McAlpine Elgin James Buchanan abt 1866 16 Jul 1890 Jessie MacKay Wentworth James Buchanan abt 1851 6 Oct 1886 Jane E Fitzgerald Middlesex James Buchanan abt 1856 18 Feb 1886 Isabella Matheson Oxford James Buchanan abt 1832 16 Feb 1876 Martha Jane Marshall Oxford James Buchanan abt 1854 22 Mar 1876 Jessie C Dempster York James Buchanan abt 1852 25 Jun 1879 Julian Scott Perth [OURS] James Buchanan abt 1883 17 Dec 1904 Celia Cronkhite Essex James Buchanan abt 1843 1 Jan 1873 Jane Oliver Waterloo James ????Arson Buchanan abt 1854 2 Sep 1876 Julia Ann Ferris Grey James Adam Buchanan abt 1894 22 May 1918 Myrtle Viola Hanna York James Alex Buchanan abt 1873 24 Sep 1901 Euphemia Morrison York James Alexander Buchanan abt 1889 25 Mar 1914 Lillye May South Dufferin James Alexander Buchanan abt 1899 31 Jul 1918 Ethel Gladys Holmes Perth [OURS] James C Buchanan abt 1880 14 Mar 1917 Maud E Smith Brant

James Carson Buchanan 2 Sep 1876 Julia Ann Ferris James Clark Buchanan 20 Feb 1895 Sophia A. Scott James Clark Buchanan abt 1860 20 Feb 1895 Sophia A Scott Carleton James G Buchanan abt 1856 12 Jul 1888 Maggie Payne Elgin James G. Buchanan 12 Jul 1888 Maggie Payne James Gibb Buchanan 28 Jun 1899 Catherine Isabella Sands James Grant Buchanan abt 1890 11 Mar 1915 Mary Buchanan Sherman Carleton James Hamilton Buchanan abt 1884 30 Apr 1919 Christina Estelle Wall Lambton James Henry Buchanan abt 1865 29 Apr 1922 Louise Cooke Moorehouse Huron James Herbert Buchanan abt 1884 2 Feb 1910 Laura Cameron Peel James Howard Buchanan abt 1894 29 Nov 1920 Elizabeth Brown York James I Buchanan abt 1846 4 Feb 1903 Nellie Tweedy Dufferin James Irving Buchanan 15 Aug 1883 Elizabeth Stothers James Irving Buchanan abt 1844 15 Aug 1883 Elizabeth Strothers York James Jos Buchanan abt 1884 30 Dec 1909 Edith May Smith Peterborough James M Buchanan abt 1889 27 Dec 1912 Phoebe M Bewley York James Park Buchanan abt 1851 12 May 1879 Jennie Toch Renfrew James R Buchanan abt 1873 2 Mar 1901 Charlotte Evans Wellington James R Buchanan abt 1890 12 Jun 1912 Ethel M Bracondale York James Robert Roy Buchanan abt 1891 5 Dec 1917 Elizabeth Falcus Brown York James Roberts Buchanan 23 Dec 1880 Elizabeth McFarlane James Robertson Buchanan abt 1827 23 Dec 1880 Elizabeth McFarlane Huron James S Buchanan abt 1859 12 Apr 1887 Margaret Mabel Wait Northumberland James Stanley Buchanan abt 1885 1 Aug 1914 Isabella Agnes Anderson Perth [OURS] James Starley Buchanan abt 1889 1 Apr 1918 Sarah Jane Craig Wellington James Wallace Buchanan abt 1888 15 Nov 1916 Mary Hazel Carnagie Renfrew Jamieson Verne Buchanan abt 1887 23 Oct 1912 Verna Clarke Oxford Jane Buchanan 13 Apr 1892 Duncan Buchanan Jane Buchanan 10 Jan 1899 James Hope Jane Buchanan 11 Jun 1877 Richard G. Terry [OURS] Jane Buchanan 1848 13 Dec 1867 John McConnell Lanark Jane Buchanan 1845 25 Jan 1866 Jacob James Roblin Prince Edward Jane Buchanan abt 1876 10 Jan 1899 James Hope Huron Jane Buchanan abt 1876 6 Feb 1899 James Hope Huron Jane Buchanan abt 1857 13 Apr 1892 Duncan Buchanan Grey Jane Buchanan abt 1857 28 Apr 1880 Charles E Wyatt Wellington Jane Buchanan abt 1856 25 Dec 1878 Samuel McCauly Perth [OURS] Jane Buchanan abt 1853 8 Sep 1871 William Pankelley Hastings Jane Buchanan abt 1849 4 Jan 1871 Benjamin Smitley Huron Jane Buchanan abt 1853 19 Jan 1876 Robert Little Simcoe Jane Buchanan abt 1849 4 Jan 1871 Benjamin Smitley Huron Jane Buchanan abt 1854 11 Jun 1877 Richard G Jerry Huron Jane Buchanan abt 1856 21 Apr 1874 William Blair Perth [OURS] Jane Buchanan abt 1837 25 Dec 1872 William B Sivyer Elgin Jane Buchanan abt 1849 15 Oct 1872 John Blair York Jane Buchanan abt 1837 25 Dec 1872 William B Sivyer Elgin Jane Ann Buchanan 7 Dec 1892 Robert George Young Jane Ann Buchanan abt 1864 7 Dec 1892 Robt Geo Young Dufferin Jane Ann Buchanan abt 1877 28 Sep 1908 James Milliken Millar York Janet Buchanan 1835 14 Jun 1861 Daniel Melden Hastings Janet Buchanan abt 1886 10 Aug 1908 Frederick Warren Simcoe

Janet Buchanan abt 1843 10 Dec 1869 Joseph Gibson Oxford Janet Robinson Buchanan abt 1892 25 Oct 1921 Alexander McLure Nipissing Janet S Buchanan abt 1858 6 Mar 1891 Aguila Hardy Carleton Janet S. Buchanan 6 Mar 1891 Aquila Hardy Jas Buchanan abt 1857 28 Mar 1888 Mary Ann Leach Lanark Jas H Buchanan abt 1877 11 Sep 1907 May Mills Simcoe Jean Buchanan abt 1891 10 Jun 1919 John McEachern Middlesex Jean Buchanan abt 1896 28 Jun 1922 Harold E A Purvis Manitoulin Jean Buchanan abt 1887 16 Sep 1915 John Nicholson York Jean Mary Frances Buchanan abt 1897 10 Jul 1922 John Joseph Virkus Renfrew Jean Radmore Buchanan abt 1894 31 Jan 1917 Fred Theodore Lasenby Oxford Jean Roberts Buchanan abt 1893 16 Oct 1915 Frank Clarence Johnes Carleton Jean Tweeddale Buchanan 4 Dec 1895 David Brown Jean Tweeddale Buchanan abt 1864 4 Dec 1895 David Brown Carleton Jeanie Smith Buchanan 23 Jul 1913 James Speedy Wentworth Jeanie Smith Buchanan abt 1884 26 Jul 1913 James Speedie Wentworth Jennie Buchanan abt 1889 4 Sep 1922 Ezra Lambert Haldimand Jennie Buchanan abt 1869 20 Apr 1910 William Palmer Jennings Essex Jennie Buchanan abt 1869 13 Sep 1897 Henry Alberry Lanark Jennie Buchanan abt 1882 29 Jan 1907 Joseph Benj Flesher Parry Sound Jennie Buchanan abt 1879 16 Dec 1903 William Henry Oatway Lanark Jennie Buchanan abt 1873 7 Oct 1908 William James Turk Northumberland Jennie Buchanan abt 1869 20 Apr 1910 Willan Parlmer Jennings Essex Jennie Buchanan abt 1882 29 Jan 1907 Joseph Benj Flesher Parry Sound Jennie C Buchanan abt 1881 16 Oct 1907 Marcus A Pymer York Jennie Florence Buchanan abt 1891 23 Jun 1920 James Horne Simcoe Jennie M Buchanan abt 1879 7 Sep 1904 William H Hunter Waterloo Jessie Buchanan abt 1874 18 Feb 1899 Ephraim Hammond Muskoka Jessie Buchanan 1 Feb 1899 Ephraim Hammond Jessie Buchanan 1837 1 Jan 1864 Donald McKay Huron Jessie Buchanan abt 1853 30 Jul 1874 Jobe Parsons Brown Huron Jessie Buchanan abt 1888 15 Sep 1908 William George Marshall Grey Jessie A Buchanan abt 1867 20 Oct 1891 A McDermand Lambton Jessie A. Buchanan 20 Oct 1891 A. McDermand Jessie Annie Buchanan abt 1894 30 Sep 1922 William George Lanson Waterloo Jessie J Buchanan abt 1851 3 Jul 1878 Robert M Cunningham Lambton Jessie J. Buchanan 3 Jul 1878 Robert M. Cunningham Jno Buchanan abt 1882 22 Dec 1909 Mabel Newell Parry Sound Jno Wesley Buchanan abt 1883 19 Jan 1910 Cathrene Welsh Sudbury Joanna Buchanan 29 Apr 1885 Alfred Forbes Joanna Buchanan 21 Oct 1885 Dougald W. McDonald Joanna Buchanan abt 1860 29 Apr 1885 Alfred Forbes Carleton Joanna Buchanan abt 1846 2 Nov 1871 Alexander Dewar Elgin Joanna Buchanan abt 1861 21 Oct 1885 Dougald W McDonald Glengarry Job W Buchanan abt 1891 19 Jul 1912 Gertrude L Bennett Waterloo John Buchanan 25 Jan 1872 John Buchanan 24 Nov 1869 John Buchanan 21 Mar 1877 Helen Andrew John Buchanan 9 Sep 1885 Ellen Buchanan John Buchanan 26 Dec 1883 Margaret Isadore Dayton John Buchanan 11 Apr 1876 Sarah Gilmore

John Buchanan 25 Dec 1878 Ann Greenaugh John Buchanan 25 Dec 1878 Ann Greenaugh John Buchanan 4 Dec 1878 Susan Grills John Buchanan 11 Sep 1877 Ellen Melissa Houser John Buchanan 6 May 1885 Mary Lake John Buchanan 27 Dec 1876 Sarah J. Penelton John Buchanan 27 Dec 1876 Sarah J. Penelton John Buchanan 23 Sep 1885 Sophia Sargent John Buchanan 24 May 1882 Catherine Spinks John Buchanan 28 Dec 1899 John Buchanan 27 Nov 1894 Florence Craig John Buchanan 28 Dec 1899 Jennie Galbraith John Buchanan 25 Jun 1889 Alice Jane Healey John Buchanan 11 Apr 1894 Anne Jackson John Buchanan 16 Mar 1887 Margaret Jane Leeson John Buchanan 26 Feb 1896 Jane Linney John Buchanan 28 Sep 1898 Mary Patterson John Buchanan 31 Dec 1898 Bertha May Treblecock John Buchanan 31 Dec 1898 Bertha May Treblecock John Buchanan 20 Jun 1862 Mary Dunn Wentworth John Buchanan 1837 20 Jan 1864 Marilla Dygart Oxford John Buchanan 1827 19 Nov 1861 Euphemie Reid Simcoe John Buchanan abt 1847 24 May 1882 Catherine Spinks Renfrew John Buchanan abt 1853 15 Apr 1920 Mary Ritchie Peel John Buchanan abt 1868 12 Sep 1921 Hannah Helen Blomely Frontenac John Buchanan abt 1843 24 Nov 1869 Susanah Swartz Haldimand John Buchanan abt 1863 26 Feb 1896 Jano Linney Kent John Buchanan abt 1890 6 Sep 1919 Sarah Ann McNichol York John Buchanan abt 1857 16 Mar 1887 Margaret Jane Leeson Parry Sound John Buchanan abt 1861 27 Nov 1894 Florence Craig Carleton John Buchanan abt 1816 27 Sep 1870 Mary Currie Simcoe John Buchanan abt 1860 23 Sep 1885 Sophia Sargent Lanark John Buchanan abt 1857 6 May 1885 Mary Lake Lanark John Buchanan abt 1862 30 Jun 1889 Alice Jane Healey Parry Sound John Buchanan abt 1859 11 Apr 1894 Anne Maria Jackson York John Buchanan abt 1855 26 Dec 1883 Margaret Asadore Dayton Huron John Buchanan abt 1869 24 Jun 1903 Sarah Jane McCutcheon Peterborough John Buchanan abt 1847 27 Dec 1876 Sarah J Penelton Simcoe John Buchanan abt 1835 21 Mar 1877 Helen Andrew Wentworth John Buchanan abt 1857 4 Dec 1878 Susan Grills Northumberland John Buchanan abt 1849 11 Sep 1877 Ellen Melissa Houser Lambton John Buchanan abt 1829 3 May 1871 Mary Smith Huron John Buchanan abt 1839 18 Aug 1869 Alice Jane Fick Norfolk John Buchanan abt 1852 11 Apr 1876 Sarah Gilmore York John Buchanan abt 1843 24 Nov 1869 Susannah Swartz Haldimand John Buchanan abt 1829 3 May 1871 Mary Smith Huron John Buchanan abt 1830 25 Jan 1872 Flora McPhedren Lambton John A Buchanan abt 1882 28 Sep 1920 Alice M Munroe Stormont John A. Buchanan 30 Aug 1865 Sarah Ann Davis Brant John Albert Buchanan abt 1888 30 Sep 1914 Annie Thixton Durham John Alex Buchanan abt 1857 15 May 1884 Etta May Julia Wright Welland

John Alex Buchanan abt 1850 25 Jun 1878 Susanna Jackson Kent John Alexander Buchanan 25 Jun 1878 Susanna Jackson John Alexander Buchanan 15 May 1884 Etta May Julia Wright John Alexander Buchanan abt 1887 26 Oct 1912 Alma Valetta Douglas Grey John B. Buchanan 17 Dec 1884 Elizabeth Smith John B. Buchanan abt 1851 17 Dec 1884 Elizabeth Smith Peterborough John C Buchanan abt 1863 12 May 1886 Jane Morrison Perth [OURS] John C Buchanan abt 1857 20 Jan 1902 Alameda Rees York John Charles Buchanan abt 1863 7 Jan 1891 Jennie Freeborn Perth [OURS] John Clark Buchanan abt 1890 3 Dec 1913 Annie Maria McConnell York John Donald Buchanan abt 1868 14 Feb 1894 Annie Elizabeth Blank Lincoln John Douglas Buchanan abt 1890 24 Oct 1911 Martha May Ewin Middlesex John Douglas Buchanan 24 Oct 1911 Martha May Ervin Middlesex John Edgworth Buchanan abt 1872 7 Apr 1920 Arwilda MacDougall Hastings John Gaul Buchanan abt 1884 2 Apr 1915 Ada Wilhelmina Boligan Wentworth John H Buchanan abt 1868 16 Jun 1892 Minnie A H Wilkins Waterloo John H Buchanan abt 1835 20 Dec 1878 Mary MacCaulay Peterborough John H. Buchanan 16 Jun 1892 Minnie A. H. Wilkins John H. Buchanan 20 Dec 1878 Mary MacAulay John Henry Buchanan 1 Nov 1911 Lelma Irene Phillips Kent John Henry Buchanan abt 1885 1 Nov 1911 Zelina Irene Phillips Kent John J. Buchanan 4 Oct 1899 Catherine A. McDougall John James Buchanan abt 1884 1 Jun 1908 Marie Chapman York John James Buchanan abt 1881 19 Sep 1906 Harriet F Gardiner Grey John James Buchanan abt 1869 4 Jul 1917 Allice Catherine Johnston Dufferin John Paterson G. Buchanan 9 Jun 1897 Whilhelmina A. Anderson John Paterson Grange Buchanan abt 1871 9 Jun 1897 Whilhelmina Adelaide Anderon York John Reid Reid Buchanan abt 1899 2 Jul 1921 Edith Louise Mazinke Renfrew John Robert Buchanan abt 1881 2 Jun 1908 Katherine May MacPherson Peterborough John Samuel Buchanan abt 1889 24 Apr 1918 Susan Thornhill Northumberland John T Buchanan abt 1850 1 Feb 1893 Jennie Smith Huron John T. Buchanan 1 Feb 1893 Jennie Smith John Thomas Buchanan abt 1876 12 Sep 1916 Jean Caldwell Hicks Bruce John W. Buchanan 1835 5 Oct 1864 Margaret Wood Lanark John Wesley Buchanan abt 1893 13 Jan 1920 Mrs Mrs Minnie Rogers Waterloo Johnston W Buchanan abt 1872 19 Sep 1894 Margaret Beeker Lanark Johnston W. Buchanan 19 Sep 1894 Margaret Buker Jonathan Buchanan 28 Sep 1870 Isabella M. Ireland Joseph Andrew Buchanan abt 1856 26 Nov 1884 Ellen Maria Carrie Ontario Josephine Buchanan abt 1880 31 Jan 1912 Thomas Taylor Strachan Huron Joshua George Buchanan 15 Jan 1880 May Buchanan Joshua George Buchanan abt 1848 15 Jan 1880 May Buchanan Wentworth Julia Buchanan 1836 3 Nov 1859 Thomas Cook Peel Kate Buchanan 1 Jan 1884 Samuel A. Greer Kate Buchanan 1 Feb 1893 John Stephen Clark Kate Buchanan abt 1866 1 Feb 1893 John Stephen Clark Huron Kate Buchanan abt 1849 1 Jan 1884 Samuel A Greer Elgin Katherine Buchanan abt 1879 9 Aug 1921 Wallie Young Peterborough Kenneth Malcolm Buchanan abt 1894 5 Sep 1922 Hannah Roselle Howard York Lavina Buchanan 23 Sep 1885 Stephen Moore Leila Buchanan abt 1899 14 Aug 1920 Leslie Frederick Giles York

Lena May Buchanan abt 1895 30 Sep 1922 Frank S Pike Essex Leon Buchanan abt 1894 18 Aug 1920 Mabel Hounslow Leeds Leona Buchanan 27 May 1891 Charles May Leona Buchanan abt 1872 27 May 1891 Charles May Peterborough Leonard Buchanan 6 Nov 1883 Lizzie Connor Leonard Buchanan abt 1859 6 Nov 1883 Lizzie Connor Middlesex Leslie Buchanan abt 1887 23 Sep 1911 Marie Sternburge Nipissing Leslie Buchanan 23 Sep 1911 Marie Sternberger Nipissing Levina Buchanan 20 Mar 1894 Edward Powell Levina Buchanan abt 1870 20 Mar 1894 Edward Powell Middlesex Lidia Buchanan 15 Mar 1872 Lidney Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1858 29 Jan 1879 Walter Murray Huron Lilias M. Buchanan 26 Jul 1886 Geoffrey Strange Beck Lillias Margaret Buchanan abt 1866 26 Jul 1886 Geoffrey Strange Beck Thunder Bay Lillias Margaret Buchanan 26 Jul 1886 Geoffrey Staenge Beck Thunder Bay Lillie Mabel Buchanan abt 1889 27 Jan 1909 Allan Talford McCormick Wentworth Lillie Mae Buchanan abt 1888 27 Apr 1910 Andrew Burton Cook Simcoe Lillie May Buchanan abt 1882 26 Sep 1901 Ernest George Lusty Kent Lily Buchanan 21 Aug 1888 Adolphe Charron Lily Buchanan abt 1862 21 Aug 1888 Adolphe Charron Carleton Lizzie Buchanan abt 1896 21 Feb 1916 Howard Clark Frontenac Louisa Buchanan 30 Aug 1877 Henry Fields Louisa Buchanan abt 1898 25 Sep 1919 Charles Battman Northumberland Louisa Buchanan abt 1854 30 Aug 1877 Henry Fields York Louisa B F Buchanan abt 1844 28 Feb 1871 Chas G Richards Essex Louise Emily Buchanan abt 1902 1 Sep 1921 Julian G Clement Waterloo Louise Emily Buchanan abt 1902 1 Sep 1921 Julian G Clement Waterloo Luella A J Buchanan abt 1878 21 Jun 1899 William James Maguire Dufferin Luella A. J. Buchanan 21 Jun 1899 William James Maguire Luella A. J. Buchanan 21 Jun 1899 William James McGuire Luke Buchanan abt 1863 10 Jul 1920 Jessie McNicol Waterloo Lulu E Buchanan abt 1879 30 Apr 1902 George G Mitchell York Luta May Buchanan abt 1877 5 Apr 1905 Thomas A Hughson Essex M Buchanan abt 1852 2 Jul 1872 William Buchanan Grey M. Buchanan 1836 6 Sep 1859 John McQuarry Middlesex M. Ada Buchanan 2 Jan 1897 Richard James Marks M. Ann Buchanan 5 Jan 1887 John D. Campbell M. Ann Buchanan 10 Mar 1875 Thomas McCreight M. Elizabeth Buchanan 27 Sep 1893 Robert Leslie Hymer M. Grace Buchanan 7 Dec 1897 John Kelley M. Martha Buchanan 4 Jan 1899 Henry Bailey Thomas Mabel Buchanan abt 1883 28 May 1902 Wm H McDonald Hastings Mabel Buchanan abt 1883 28 May 1902 Wm H McDonald Hastings Mabel Buchanan abt 1882 7 May 1902 Archibald Campell Bruce Mabel Irene Buchanan abt 1884 24 Aug 1904 Frederick Royal Maybee Prince Edward Mabel Irene Buchanan abt 1884 24 Aug 1904 Frederick Royal Maybee Prince Edward Mable Buchanan abt 1891 14 Nov 1912 Charles L Collins Welland Maggie Buchanan 22 Dec 1897 Thomas Johnston Dufferin Maggie Buchanan 22 Dec 1897 Thomas Johnston Maggie Buchanan 11 Apr 1883 Albert Hastings Maggie Buchanan abt 1862 11 Apr 1883 Albert Hastings Ontario

Maggie Alberta Buchanan abt 1881 10 Feb 1909 Joseph Alexander Fowler Simcoe Malcolm Buchanan 10 Mar 1897 Flora Currie Malcome Buchanan 4 Apr 1893 Elizabeth Maloney Mannie Buchanan abt 1892 11 May 1912 Arthur Gladman Essex Marg't Buchanan abt 1869 27 Oct 1897 Patrick Bowes Lanark Margaret Buchanan abt 1871 16 Jun 1897 William J Baily Lanark Margaret Buchanan abt 1881 1 Jun 1914 George Withall May York Margaret Buchanan abt 1849 25 Apr 1898 David Cameron Simcoe Margaret Buchanan abt 1872 16 Feb 1898 Thomas Davies Kent Margaret Buchanan abt 1890 3 Feb 1909 John Wesley Speers Dufferin Margaret Buchanan 27 Jan 1906 Joseph H Chambers Lanark Margaret Buchanan abt 1877 22 Feb 1898 Robert Dickson Lanark Margaret Buchanan abt 1887 27 May 1905 Edward Phillip York Margaret Buchanan 16 Jun 1897 William J. Baily Margaret Buchanan 29 Jan 1890 John Richard Turnbull Margaret Buchanan 4 Jun 1890 Donald McFarlane Margaret Buchanan 22 Feb 1898 Robert Dickson Margaret Buchanan 16 Feb 1898 Thomas Davies Margaret Buchanan 25 Apr 1898 David Cameron Margaret Buchanan 27 Oct 1897 Patrick Bowes Margaret Buchanan 16 Dec 1875 Margaret Buchanan 9 Dec 1875 Margaret Buchanan 12 Jan 1881 Margaret Buchanan 31 Jul 1878 Margaret Buchanan 18 Feb 1876 J. Francis Blatchford Margaret Buchanan 9 Feb 1870 Alexander Long [OURS] Margaret Buchanan 7 Sep 1885 Norman McLeod Margaret Buchanan 4 Oct 1877 Robert Morrison Margaret Buchanan 23 Dec 1885 William Stephens Margaret Buchanan 1851 10 Dec 1866 Lewis Stiller Lanark Margaret Buchanan 1837 8 Jan 1858 Thomas Simes Haldimand Margaret Buchanan 1840 8 Jul 1858 James May Simcoe Margaret Buchanan 1843 18 Jul 1861 John Island Simcoe Margaret Buchanan 1841 4 Apr 1861 Thomas Dunbar Perth [not ours?] Margaret Buchanan 1838 29 Dec 1859 George Daley Haldimand Margaret Buchanan abt 1890 3 Feb 1909 John Wesley Speers Dufferin Margaret Buchanan abt 1864 4 Jun 1890 Donald McFarlane Grey Margaret Buchanan 27 Jan 1906 Joseph H Chambers Lanark Margaret Buchanan abt 1860 29 Jan 1890 John Richard Turnball Grenville Margaret Buchanan abt 1863 7 Sep 1885 Norman McLeod York Margaret Buchanan abt 1860 4 Jan 1882 William Hemphill Perth [OURS] Margaret Buchanan abt 1849 25 Mar 1870 John Young Perth [OURS] Margaret Buchanan abt 1849 10 Sep 1872 Osker Mitchell Oxford Margaret Buchanan abt 1855 4 Oct 1877 Robert Morrison Lanark Margaret Buchanan abt 1851 18 Feb 1876 J Francis Blatchford Huron Margaret Buchanan abt 1851 16 Dec 1875 Robert Charlton Lanark Margaret Buchanan abt 1890 6 Sep 1916 Harvey William Hill Simcoe Margaret Buchanan abt 1825 9 Dec 1875 George Wilkin Wellington Margaret Ann Buchanan abt 1877 20 Apr 1899 Taylor Buker (or Baker) Lanark Margaret C Buchanan abt 1874 9 Nov 1898 Thomas A Sawyer Simcoe Margaret D. Buchanan 29 Sep 1896 Giovanni T. Ribette

Margaret E. Buchanan abt 1849 25 Nov 1874 George O. Merrill York Margaret Eleanor Buchanan abt 1886 4 Nov 1914 William Henry Winthorpe York Margaret F Buchanan abt 1885 2 Jul 1906 Sparling North Wentworth Margaret F. Buchanan 9 Nov 1898 Thomas A. Sawyer Margaret Florence Buchanan abt 1878 18 Jun 1906 James Haskett Middlesex Margaret Hester Buchanan abt 1861 25 Nov 1891 Thomas Allen Dufferin Margaret Jane Buchanan 16 Mar 1887 Charles Shaw Margaret Jane Buchanan abt 1871 16 Mar 1887 Charles Shaw Parry Sound Margaret Jean Buchanan abt 1896 12 Apr 1922 Joseph H Davis York Margaret Sarah Buchanan abt 1891 25 Aug 1909 Arthur Martin Sharpe Essex Margery Buchanan abt 1860 28 Apr 1887 James Dillon Leeds Margt Buchanan 1838 29 Dec 1859 George Daley Haldimand Margt Buchanan abt 1882 4 Jul 1903 Fredk Nell Foster York Margt Douglass Buchanan abt 1850 29 Sep 1896 Grovanni Tomass Ribette Wentworth Maria Buchanan abt 1855 21 Apr 1874 William Denneson Wellington Marion Jane Buchanan 31 Jan 1870 Henry Cook Marion Jane Buchanan abt 1845 31 Jan 1870 Henry Cook Oxford Marion L Buchanan abt 1867 10 Jun 1889 Lewis F Bagart Prince Edward Marion L. Buchanan 10 Jun 1889 Lewis F. Bogart Martha Buchanan 13 Oct 1875 Martha Buchanan 3 May 1870 John Hewitson Martha Buchanan 1834 21 Mar 1859 Walter Hickes Ontario Martha Buchanan abt 1890 20 Dec 1922 Robert John Wood Lanark Martha Buchanan abt 1851 28 Jul 1871 Arah Durham Welland Martha Buchanan abt 1854 13 Oct 1875 Samuel Caswell Simcoe Martha Buchanan abt 1845 3 May 1870 John Hewitson York Marton Buchanan abt 1884 11 Feb 1914 Angus Norris Peel Mary Buchanan abt 1883 16 Jun 1915 Jas Newlands Wentworth Mary Buchanan abt 1881 11 Jan 1905 Thomas Archibald Amey Lennox and Addington Mary Buchanan abt 1902 9 Jun 1921 Kenneth Miller Middlesex Mary Buchanan abt 1885 2 Oct 1912 William H Gardiner Peterborough Mary Buchanan 1 Feb 1911 Harry Boyce Simcoe Mary Buchanan abt 1902 9 Jun 1921 Kenneth Miller Middlesex Mary Buchanan abt 1880 11 Jan 1904 Thomas Archibald Amey Lennox and Addington Mary Buchanan abt 1879 5 Nov 1904 Ora W Drake Essex Mary Buchanan abt 1851 19 Jun 1874 John McKay Welland Mary Buchanan abt 1878 31 Oct 1906 Wm Henry Destine Lambton Mary Buchanan abt 1860 17 Apr 1907 William Morris Elgin Mary Buchanan 1848 14 Feb 1867 Colin Ferguson Elgin Mary Buchanan 1839 2 Mar 1858 Clark Thomas Perth [not ours?] Mary Buchanan 1845 7 Jan 1866 William Creba Peterborough Mary Buchanan 1837 22 Dec 1859 Nathaniel V Fenn Brant Mary Buchanan 1840 17 Nov 1864 Sobiski Fox Prince Edward Mary Buchanan 1838 18 Mar 1862 William McKellar Elgin Mary Buchanan 1828 10 Jan 1861 James McColl Elgin Mary Buchanan 15 Dec 1886 Charles Graham Mary Buchanan 3 Mar 1873 Isaac Hodges [OURS] Mary Buchanan 25 Apr 1877 Foster Johnson Mary Buchanan 7 Mar 1876 Malcolm McFadyen Mary Buchanan 19 Jun 1873 John McKay Mary Buchanan 23 Feb 1870 George Mines

Mary Buchanan 16 Dec 1885 Nathaniel Sproule Mary Buchanan 9 Oct 1888 Horatio Clark Mary Buchanan 20 Dec 1888 Alexander Young Mary Buchanan 7 Jun 1892 James Kielty Mary Buchanan abt 1850 19 Jun 1873 John McKay Welland Mary Buchanan abt 1856 26 Mar 1879 Robert Neil Simcoe Mary Buchanan abt 1855 7 Mar 1876 Malcolm McFadyen Bruce Mary Buchanan abt 1850 2 Jan 1874 Henry Moore Lanark Mary Buchanan abt 1857 3 Mar 1873 Isaac Hodges Perth [OURS] Mary Buchanan abt 1860 20 Dec 1888 Alex Young Huron Mary Buchanan abt 1850 23 Feb 1870 George Mines Huron Mary Buchanan abt 1850 25 Apr 1877 Foster Johnson Middlesex Mary Buchanan abt 1870 5 May 1920 William Gaul Carleton Mary Buchanan abt 1898 30 Nov 1918 Alfred Charles Howes York Mary Buchanan abt 1878 31 Oct 1906 Wm Henry Destine Lambton Mary Buchanan abt 1857 7 Jun 1892 James Kielty Leeds Mary Buchanan abt 1864 9 Oct 1888 Horatio Clark Parry Sound Mary Buchanan abt 1833 16 Dec 1885 Nath Sproule Dufferin Mary Buchanan abt 1866 15 Dec 1886 Charles Graham Peterborough Mary Buchanan abt 1856 6 Sep 1910 John Loughney Lanark Mary Buchanan abt 1879 5 Nov 1904 Ora W Drake Essex Mary Buchanan abt 1883 26 Sep 1907 Harry Mumford York Mary Buchanan abt 1890 14 Feb 1911 Harry Boyce Simcoe Mary Buchanan abt 1860 17 Apr 1907 William Morris Elgin Mary Buchanan abt 1890 5 Apr 1912 William Hamilton York Mary A. Buchanan 1839 26 Dec 1864 Christopher Briggs Lanark Mary Ada Buchanan abt 1871 23 Aug 1910 Francois Oleg Tripet-Skrypitzine York Mary Anderson Buchanan abt 1894 15 Sep 1920 Alexander Grant Robbie Lincoln Mary Ann Buchanan abt 1868 20 Sep 1911 Joseph Woods Simcoe Mary Ann Buchanan abt 1887 14 Aug 1907 William Howard Morrow Lanark Mary Ann Buchanan abt 1868 5 Jan 1887 John D Campell Grey Mary Ann Buchanan abt 1853 27 Apr 1871 Geo. Lang Carleton Mary Ann Buchanan abt 1855 10 Mar 1875 Thomas McCreight Simcoe Mary Ann Buchanan abt 1887 14 Aug 1907 William Howard Morrow Lanark Mary Ann Young Buchanan abt 1867 18 Jan 1888 Percy Richard Hamblin Carleton Mary C Buchanan abt 1872 31 Dec 1891 W L Collard Simcoe Mary Catherine Buchanan abt 1891 14 Dec 1918 George Edwin Ruthven Bruce Mary Dianel Buchanan abt 1885 23 Dec 1908 Thomas Tully Lanark Mary Dianel Buchanan abt 1885 23 Dec 1908 Thomas Tully Lanark Mary E Buchanan abt 1879 11 Mar 1914 Joseph Davis Peel Mary E Buchanan abt 1889 11 Jan 1911 David A Thompson Welland Mary E. Buchanan 31 Dec 1890 Mary E. Buchanan 13 Aug 1885 Alfred H. Elliott Mary E. Buchanan abt 1863 13 Aug 1885 Alferd H. Elliott Lanark Mary Edeth Buchanan abt 1891 15 Sep 1915 Claude Jabey Gregory Huron Mary Eliz Buchanan 1834 25 Apr 1860 Thomas Godsave Middlesex Mary Eliza Buchanan abt 1874 4 Sep 1912 Charles Laggart Turney Northumberland Mary Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1877 27 Sep 1893 Robert Leslie Hymer Perth [OURS] Mary Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1870 17 May 1893 William Howard Reynolds Frontenac Mary Elizabeth Buchanan abt 1851 3 Sep 1908 Elizah Marris York Mary Ethel Buchanan abt 1886 21 Aug 1912 Allison Maitland Powers Essex

Mary Ethel Buchanan abt 1886 21 Aug 1912 Allison Maitland Powers Essex Mary Eupremia Buchanan abt 1875 26 Sep 1900 David Gillbert McPherson Elgin Mary Forbes Buchanan abt 1885 17 Jun 1914 George Robert Laing York Mary Grace Buchanan abt 1878 7 Dec 1897 John Kelley Wellington Mary Isabella Buchanan abt 1877 25 Mar 1903 William Clark Elgin Mary J. Buchanan 1846 26 Jan 1868 Robert Aikens Huron Mary Jane Buchanan abt 1889 12 Jan 1921 Leslie White Dobson Simcoe Mary Jane Buchanan abt 1888 1916 Frederick Oswald Thompson Dufferin Mary Jane Buchanan abt 1886 6 Aug 1910 William Ernest Rowsome York Mary Jane Buchanan abt 1858 17 Sep 1879 James Keating Perth [OURS] Mary Jean Buchanan abt 1851 10 Mar 1910 Phineas W Cleuderman Essex Mary Martha Buchanan abt 1876 4 Jan 1899 Thomas Henry Bailey Dufferin Mary Martha Buchanan abt 1876 4 Jan 1899 Thomas Henry Bailey Dufferin Mary Orr Buchanan abt 1881 16 Oct 1905 Robert Jones Simcoe Mary P Buchanan 11 Jan 1911 David A Thompson Welland Mary Pearl Buchanan abt 1891 25 Oct 1919 William Wallace Field York Matilda Buchanan 4 Nov 1875 Robert Ladely Matilda Buchanan 4 Nov 1875 Robert Ladely Matilda Buchanan abt 1850 4 Nov 1875 Robert Ladely Lanark Matilda Ann Buchanan 13 Sep 1887 Leonard Martin Matilda Ann Buchanan abt 1864 13 Sep 1887 Leonard Martin York Matilda Gwynne Buchanan abt 1887 10 Jun 1908 Chas Edwd Davis Wentworth Matilda Mae Buchanan abt 1880 2 Jun 1920 Frederick William Clarkson Simcoe Matilda Morrow Buchanan 8 May 1888 Richard James Spratt Matilda Morrow Buchanan abt 1865 8 May 1888 Richard James Spratt Carleton Maud Buchanan abt 1889 24 Sep 1913 John Edward Ward York Maud A Buchanan abt 1884 19 Dec 1905 Henry B Harkness Elgin Maud H Buchanan 31 Jul 1911 Edward S Richardson Essex Maude Buchanan abt 1892 1 Dec 1913 George E Fish Parry Sound Maude Adeline Buchanan abt 1884 2 Dec 1908 Lloyd Armstrong Simcoe Maude E Buchanan abt 1894 10 Nov 1920 Lynden C Hone York Maude F Buchanan abt 1891 8 Jan 1913 Claude O T Sheepway York May Buchanan abt 1897 15 Oct 1921 Arthur Thomas Meacock Wentworth May Buchanan 15 Jan 1880 Joshua George Buchanan May Buchanan 4 Aug 1886 George Crawford May Buchanan abt 1843 4 Aug 1886 George Crawford York May Buchanan abt 1856 15 Jan 1880 Joshua George Buchanan Wentworth Mayade Buchanan abt 1880 2 Jan 1897 Richard James Marks Lanark Mildred Buchanan abt 1898 1 Oct 1921 Presley Louis Pound Oxford Miles Buchanan abt 1880 3 Aug 1912 Laura Gill Essex Minnie Buchanan abt 1880 17 Oct 1906 James Alexander McLeish Middlesex Minnie Buchanan abt 1874 27 Jun 1908 Charles Finkler Essex Minnie C. Buchanan 28 Dec 1892 James Hart Graves Bell Minnie Catherine Buchanan abt 1870 28 Dec 1893 James Hart Graves Bell Simcoe Minnie Catherine Buchanan abt 1869 28 Dec 1892 James Hart Graves Bell Simcoe Mirza Buchanan 27 Oct 1886 Eli Lehroy Cook Mirza Buchanan abt 1868 27 Oct 1886 Eli Lehroy Cook Oxford Morjeroy Buchanan 28 Apr 1887 James Dillon Mrs Mrs Martha Buchanan abt 1860 7 Apr 1917 James Charles Armstrong Northumberland Mrs Mrs Maude Buchanan abt 1877 30 May 1916 William Warren Low Wellington Muir Bertha Buchanan abt 1884 17 Jun 1908 Anna Clayton Callender Peterborough

Myrtle Buchanan abt 1887 4 Sep 1912 John Henry Hart Peterborough Myrtle Iva Buchanan abt 1882 19 Mar 1906 Frederick Croft Hastings Myrtle Iva Buchanan abt 1882 19 Mar 1906 Frederick Croft Hastings Nancy Buchanan 1835 30 Dec 1863 Norman McLeod Stormont Nancy Buchanan abt 1848 29 Dec 1869 William Martin Middlesex Neil Buchanan 10 Nov 1897 Sarah McDiarmid Nellie Buchanan abt 1884 30 Nov 1904 Leslie G Courtens Stormont Dundas and Glengarry Nellie Buchanan abt 1881 2 Aug 1905 Walter McCullough Simcoe Nelson Buchanan abt 1896 10 May 1918 Stella Palmby Middlesex Nettie R Buchanan abt 1868 27 Mar 1893 William Boyd Simcoe Nettie R. Buchanan 27 Mar 1893 William Boyd Norman Buchanan 10 Dec 1878 Sarah McEachen Norman Buchanan abt 1890 17 Nov 1920 Maud Barnet Nipissing Norman Buchanan abt 1894 22 Mar 1918 Jennie Conway York Norman Buchanan abt 1848 10 Dec 1878 Sarah McEachern Huron Norman D Buchanan abt 1863 12 Aug 1896 Mary Florence Serson Renfrew Norman D Buchanan abt 1881 24 Mar 1910 Ida McGarvey Waterloo Norman D. Buchanan 12 Aug 1896 M. Florence Serson Ogle Robert Buchanan abt 1845 14 Oct 1869 Sarah Armstrong York Olive May Buchanan abt 1882 8 Apr 1908 Chas Henry Armstrong Huron Olive May Buchanan abt 1882 8 Apr 1908 Chas Henry Armstrong Huron Orpha Buchanan abt 1895 20 Mar 1914 George Herbert Taylor Parry Sound Patrick Buchanan 7 Jun 1898 Sarah Feeney Patrick Buchanan 16 Mar 1883 Adelaide Rembo Patrick Buchanan abt 1858 16 Mar 1883 Adelaide Rombo Grenville Pearl Buchanan abt 1890 10 Dec 1916 Henry Taylor York Pearl Buchanan abt 1890 10 Dec 1916 Henry Taylor York Penelope Buchanan abt 1854 13 Oct 1874 Duncan Cameron Huron Peter Buchanan 24 Apr 1878 Peter Buchanan abt 1888 30 Apr 1914 Adah Ann Foster York Peter Buchanan abt 1859 24 Apr 1878 Agnefs White Northumberland Peter Burns Buchanan abt 1889 28 Jul 1920 Ellen M L Zuefle Huron Peter E Buchanan abt 1877 14 Aug 1902 Mae Lair Essex Peter Francis Buchanan abt 1886 24 Jun 1908 Minnie Algeo Northumberland Peter James Buchanan abt 1891 2 Dec 1916 Reade Barry Innes Essex R H Buchanan abt 1886 14 Jul 1909 Etta Morrison Sudbury R J Buchanan abt 1894 13 Feb 1915 B Chalmers Middlesex Rachael May Buchanan 17 Mar 1911 Reuben Cooper Podesta York Rachel M Buchanan abt 1892 17 Mar 1911 Reuben C Depodesta York Raly Hazel Buchanan abt 1892 23 Aug 1921 Morris Fletcher Allen Oxford Ray Buchanan abt 1892 30 Apr 1919 Mae Thompson York Rebecca Buchanan 1840 8 Oct 1860 William Duncan Perth [not ours?] Rebecca Margaret Buchanan abt 1882 22 Apr 1903 James Baker Bruce Reginald Hebe Buchanan abt 1856 21 Jun 1916 Florence Houston Welland Richard Buchanan 12 Jan 1876 Jessie Love Richard Buchanan 4 May 1880 Elizabeth McCullough Richard Buchanan 24 May 1883 Amy Emily Tedder Richard Buchanan 27 Nov 1895 M. Jane Barnett Richard Buchanan abt 1856 24 May 1883 Amy Emily Tedder York Richard Buchanan abt 1870 27 Nov 1895 Mary Jane Barnett Dufferin Richard Buchanan abt 1852 6 May 1880 Elizabeth McCullough Carleton

Richard Buchanan abt 1850 12 Jan 1876 Pessie Loue Lanark Richard Henry Buchanan abt 1856 16 Dec 1885 Agnes Davey Dufferin Richard John Buchanan abt 1870 30 Nov 1921 Jane Cathleen Wileman Perth [not ours?] Richard John Clifford Buchanan abt 1897 12 May 1920 Alice Myrtle Crowder Middlesex Robert Buchanan 13 Jan 1876 Elizabeth Hayden Robert Buchanan 16 Aug 1870 Flora MacLean Robert Buchanan 20 Jan 1880 Elizabeth Magill Robert Buchanan 16 May 1876 Mary McKinnon Robert Buchanan 12 Jul 1877 Sarah Jane Shaw Robert Buchanan 5 Jun 1884 Elizabeth Smith Robert Buchanan 19 Apr 1876 M. Ann Bishop Robert Buchanan 18 Aug 1884 Mary Blakely Robert Buchanan 11 Nov 1885 Maggie Cook Robert Buchanan 23 Mar 1881 Margaret Duncan Robert Buchanan 15 Sep 1890 Robert Buchanan 23 Nov 1887 Margaret Anderson Robert Buchanan 26 Mar 1890 Bella Catherine Burleigh Robert Buchanan 5 Feb 1896 Minnie Davidson Robert Buchanan 10 Apr 1895 Elizabeth Kelusky Robert Buchanan 26 Feb 1890 Elizabeth McCullough Robert Buchanan 1828 18 Apr 1861 Ann Salt Northumberland and Durham Robert Buchanan 1824 10 Nov 1859 Mary Ann Budgeon Wellington Robert Buchanan abt 1880 13 Aug 1910 Laura Pauline Bagshaw Wentworth Robert Buchanan abt 1893 4 Sep 1920 Murriel Stephens Kent Robert Buchanan abt 1882 30 Sep 1908 Jennie Armstrong Lanark Robert Buchanan abt 1872 5 Feb 1896 Minnie Davidson Dufferin Robert Buchanan abt 1854 11 Nov 1885 Maggie Cook Peterborough Robert Buchanan abt 1862 26 Mar 1890 Bella Catherine Burleigh York Robert Buchanan abt 1866 23 Nov 1887 Margaret Anderson Perth [OURS] Robert Buchanan abt 1847 18 Aug 1884 Mary Blakely York Robert Buchanan abt 1896 17 Oct 1917 Margaret Hannah Broughton Perth [OURS] Robert Buchanan abt 1869 10 Apr 1895 Elizabeth Kelusky Hastings Robert Buchanan abt 1858 15 Sep 1890 Catherine Ferris York Robert Buchanan abt 1857 5 Jun 1884 Elizabeth Smith Renfrew Robert Buchanan abt 1854 23 Mar 1881 Margaret Duncan Dufferin Robert Buchanan 13 Jun 1876 Elizabeth Hayden Huron Robert Buchanan abt 1840 16 Aug 1870 Flora McLean Huron Robert Buchanan abt 1838 Sep 1874 Isabella Buchanan Northumberland Robert Buchanan abt 1840 11 Aug 1870 Kera Machan Huron Robert Buchanan abt 1834 16 May 1876 Mary McKinnon Stormont Dundas and Glengarry Robert Buchanan abt 1852 19 Apr 1876 Mary Ann Bishop Simcoe Robert Buchanan abt 1854 20 Jan 1880 Elizabeth Magill Huron Robert Buchanan abt 1882 30 Sep 1908 Jennie Armstrong Frontenac Robert Buchanan abt 1850 12 Jul 1877 Sarah Jane Shaw Wellington Robert Buchanan abt 1874 29 Oct 1900 Edith Healey Parry Sound Robert C Buchanan abt 1887 30 Mar 1910 Bertha Mabel Jane Wilson Peterborough Robert C Buchanan abt 1881 3 Mar 1912 Violet M Dempster Algoma Robert C Buchanan 3 Mar 1912 Violet M Dempster Algoma Robert Dunn Buchanan abt 1872 1 Jan 1902 Mary Henrietta Gooderham York Robert George Buchanan 30 Dec 1896 Mary R. Henry Robert Henry Buchanan abt 1878 25 Jul 1912 Sarah Jane McCartney Halton

Robert Henry Buchanan abt 1875 26 Feb 1919 Serecta Smith Peterborough Robert Isacc Buchanan abt 1890 21 Jun 1916 Amy Rogerson Huron Robert Jno Buchanan abt 1873 1 Mar 1904 Margaret Abet Mearns York Robert Jno Buchanan abt 1873 1 Mar 1904 Margaret Abet Mearns York Robert John Buchanan abt 1893 5 Jun 1915 Rebecca Petts York Robert Neil Buchanan 24 May 1899 Elenor E. Tenbroeck Robert R Buchanan abt 1879 16 Jun 1917 Louise Stdenis Algoma Robert Russell Buchanan abt 1892 26 Jun 1918 Onadell Belway Leeds Robert S. Buchanan abt 1879 26 Mar 1901 Eva Whitehead Parry Sound Robert Thomas Buchanan 16 Jul 1873 Mary Tebbutt Robert Thomas Buchanan abt 1846 16 Jul 1873 Mary Tebbutt Brant Robert Thomas Buchanan abt 1846 16 Jul 1873 Mary Tebbutt Brant Robert Thos Buchanan abt 1874 10 Jun 1902 Sarah Jane Bennington Dufferin Robt Buchanan abt 1879 9 Mar 1920 Martha Owen York Robt Buchanan abt 1854 26 Feb 1890 Eliza McCullough Huron Robt Alex Buchanan abt 1868 1 Jan 1902 Aletta Smith York Robt. Buchanan abt 1876 7 Mar 1907 Lucy Morris Carleton Roderick Roy Barttell Buchanan abt 1888 4 Jan 1911 Margaret Wilson Simcoe Roland Buchanan abt 1860 19 Sep 1883 Isabella Bloomer Dufferin Roland Alexander Buchanan abt 1895 5 Jan 1921 Myrtle Melitta Foster Hastings Ronald Buchanan abt 1856 13 Feb 1886 Sarah Scott Thunder Bay Ronald Buchanan 13 Feb 1886 Sarah Scott Thunder Bay Rowland Buchanan 1825 25 Dec 1868 Sophia Calvert Wellington Roy Beresford Buchanan abt 1884 24 Oct 1912 Sara Doris Suckling York Royder Keith Buchanan abt 1880 19 Jun 1906 Margaret Wilson Essex Russell Garfield Buchanan abt 1898 22 Nov 1922 Mary Rose Gaetane Gamelin Timiskaming Russell J Buchanan abt 1889 3 Jan 1921 Annie England Essex Ruth Buchanan abt 1890 20 Aug 1919 Thomas Hawey McLachlin York Ruth Ann Buchanan abt 1870 24 Feb 1897 Samuel Jackson Cruikshank Dufferin S J Buchanan abt 1877 29 Jan 1902 Sarah Muir Essex Sam H Buchanan abt 1892 8 Jun 1921 Janet H Sinclair Grey Saml Buchanan abt 1869 25 Nov 1896 Emily Jane Pratt York Samuel Buchanan 23 Dec 1890 Ann Jane Hanson Samuel Buchanan 25 Nov 1896 Emily Jane Pratt Samuel Buchanan 1843 24 May 1862 Mary Grace Nihil Frontenac Samuel Buchanan abt 1855 23 Dec 1890 Ann Jane Hanson Haldimand Samuel Buchanan abt 1894 31 Mar 1915 Mabel Margaret McMillan Grey Samuel Buchanan abt 1852 10 Jun 1874 Jane Grills Hastings Samuel D C Buchanan abt 1882 28 Oct 1915 Harriet M M James York Samuel Edward Buchanan abt 1863 4 Mar 1885 Lelitia Sproule Dufferin Samuel George Buchanan abt 1886 7 Sep 1910 Sarah Elizabeth Peacock Simcoe Samuel Henry Buchanan abt 1864 1 Nov 1893 Deborah Ross Kent Sarah Buchanan 26 Jul 1883 Angus McPhee Sarah Buchanan 29 Aug 1878 William Stollery Sarah Buchanan 25 Jul 1889 James Wyllie Sarah Buchanan 1843 16 Feb 1866 Allan McKenzie Middlesex Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Jul 1, 2007 FW: RE: Lillian Reith Hi Everyone, I received this from Lavaine (Willerton) Lightbown, in answer to my request for clarification on the marriages of Lillian Gertrude Reith.

Bill Buchanan --- On Wed 06/27, Lavaine Lightbown wrote: Hi Bill. no Lillian Gertrude Reith married Mandell Degerness after her divorce from Walter Connell. I'm not sure where they got Maylon Degerness from, but Mandell Degerness (my uncle) is still living and he didn't know of a Maylon Degerness. but I do know that Lillian Gertrude was still married to my uncle when she died in 1996. I ofton wonder how many times I could have been talking to someone and maybe they could have been a relative. My Mom and Dad and 4 brothers have died leaving 4 boys and us 7 girls still living. I feel so blessed to have come from such a large family. we have reunions every couple years. Take Care. Lavaine ________________________________________________________________

Jul 11, 2007 Oral histories Cousins, The Co Tyrone mailing list just posted that the Ulster American Folk Park (near Omagh) is looking for oral histories. I thought maybe Bill or Sue or someone who has the early family stories on our Buchanans migration and early hard times would be interested. Patty cotyroneireland-request@... wrote: From: cotyroneireland-request@... Subject: COTYRONEIRELAND Digest, Vol 2, Issue 147 To: cotyroneireland@... Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 01:03:02 -0600 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to the CoTyroneIreland-D mailing list. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, please follow the instructions on http://lists.rootsweb.com/index/intl/NIR/CoTyroneIreland.html Today's Topics:

1. Ulster American Folk Park- looking for oral histories (Tyrone) ---------------------------------------------------------------------Message: 1 Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 07:25:50 -0700 From: "Tyrone" <4tyrone@...> Subject: [CoTyIre] Ulster American Folk Park- looking for oral histories Hello Folks I thouight I would pass this on to those of you who have emigrated from Northern Ireland. The Center for Migration Studies is seeking oral histories. The project asks..."Let us hear from you" http://www.qub.ac.uk/cms/NIEN/Press_Release06.htm For more info contact Johanne Devlin Trew tel: 028-8225-6315 (from UK);


(from Canada, USA)


Jul 13, 2007 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Oral histories

Thanks, Patty. I have emailed some of the stories of our original Irish immmigrants. I will let you know if I hear anything back.

Bill Buchanan


Jul 25, 2007 Website additions Hi Everyone, Today I added the "1970 Buchanan Family Tree" book and my "Bill's Buchanans and Watsons" to the Buchanan and Watson area or the website. They can be either read online or saved to the viewer's own computer.

I invite you to check it out. Judy and I have signed up for FamilySearch Indexing. If you follow the genealogy news, you know that the LDS ScanStone project has as its goal to digitize the Family History Library's 2,000,000+ microfilms into a series of electronic images, one for each page microfilmed. An average film might have hundreds of these images, and each image may have information on 50 or more people. So it is a huge undertaking. And it has a huge problem. Once the digitization is completed, you as a researcher might have to spend countless hours searching for the right digital image in this mountain of information. Enter the solution: Indexing. Volunteers create an index of each digital image, and the computer can then search the indexes to find the particular image you are searching for in a matter of seconds. Indexing a page typically takes 30-60 minutes. And you can do as much or as little as you want. If you can't finish a page, you can save it and return to it another day. Each page is indexed independently by two volunteers and any discrepancies are reviewed by a third party. So if you make a few mistakes, that's OK. All indexes and page images will be made available for free at www.familysearch.org To sign-up for Indexing, go to www.familysearchindexing.org Downloading the Indexing software takes about 3 hours on dial-up but downloading a page image takes about 5 minutes. On high-speed internet the times are greatly reduced. I hope you will give it a try. Let me know if you do. Your cousin, Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Jul 25, 2007 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Website additions / FamilySearch Indexing Hi Bill, Glad you have gotten involved with the LDS indexing program, I have been on it now for a few months and am finding it VERY rewarding,....as you do individual census sheets, it is almost as if you are getting assistance from these long gone pioneer types, I personally find it very interesting work, and as you said, one can work at their own pace

also, thank you very much for the facebook idea, I have signed up and it looks like a great tool for staying in touch with family and friends best regards Jerry Chimney


Oct 16, 2007 Website Hi Everyone, After a few technical problems, I have uploaded the current version of my database to the website.

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Nov 4, 2007 Griffith's Valuation of Ireland (starting in 1848) Our Buchanans left Ireland before this tax assessment took place. So they will not be found in it. Still, they undoubtedly left relatives behind. Some of these would have the Buchanan surname. So I thought it was interesting to look at the Buchanans listed for County Tyrone, especially in the localities that have been identified with our family. This is available at various sites online. One of the best is http://failteromhat.com/griffiths.htm Binnawooda doesn't appear on the list, but Lismore and Longfield West do appear. Some Buchanans in Longfield West (a.k.a. Lower Langfield) have some familiar names: John, William and Samuel. It would sure be nice to have more information. The list for Tyrone follows. I hope you are all doing well. Bill

Surname First Name Townland Parish County Buchanan John Drumclamph Ardstraw Tyrone Buchanan Andrew Glebe Ballyclog Tyrone Buchanan Joseph Town Parks of Strabane Camus Tyrone Buchanan George Town Parks of Strabane Camus Tyrone Buchanan Catherine Town Parks of Strabane Camus Tyrone

Buchanan John Baronagh Cappagh Tyrone Buchanan John B. Creevenagh Cappagh Tyrone Buchanan Daniel Glennan Cappagh Tyrone Buchanan John Lisboy Cappagh Tyrone Buchanan Daniel Mullawinny Cappagh Tyrone Buchanan William Mullawinny Cappagh Tyrone Buchanan John Ballynapottoge Carnteel Tyrone Buchanan John Cavan Oneill Carnteel Tyrone Buchanan Anne Derrycush. Town of Aughnacloy Carnteel Tyrone Buchanan John Drumaslaghy Carnteel Tyrone Buchanan Thomas Ardunshin Clogher Tyrone Buchanan David, Jr. Claremore Clogher Tyrone Buchanan David, Sr. Claremore Clogher Tyrone Buchanan Thomas Corcreevy Clogher Tyrone Buchanan John Corcreevy Demesne Clogher Tyrone Buchanan William Corcreevy Demesne Clogher Tyrone Buchanan Andrew Glennnoo Clogher Tyrone Buchanan William Glennnoo Clogher Tyrone Buchanan Thomas Main Street,Town of Fivemiletown Clogher Tyrone Buchanan George Mullaghtinny Clogher Tyrone Buchanan William The Commons,Town of Augher Clogher Tyrone Buchanan George Tullybroom Clogher Tyrone Buchanan David, Sr. Tullyvernan Clogher Tyrone Buchanan David, Jr. Tullyvernan Clogher Tyrone Buchanan John B. Dunamony Clonfeacle Tyrone Buchanan Andrew Gortalowry Derryloran Tyrone Buchanan John Drumballyhugh Desertcreat Tyrone Buchanan Andrew Drumballyhugh Desertcreat Tyrone Buchanan James Annaghbo Donacavey Tyrone Buchanan Jas. Castletown Donacavey Tyrone Buchanan Jas. Castletown Donacavey Tyrone Buchanan George Castletown Donacavey Tyrone Buchanan William Kilcootry Donacavey Tyrone Buchanan Sybil Lisnacreeve Donacavey Tyrone Buchanan George Lisnagardy Donacavey Tyrone Buchanan John Mullanboy Donacavey Tyrone Buchanan Anne Mullanboy Donacavey Tyrone Buchanan William Rathfraggan Donacavey Tyrone Buchanan Jas. Town of Fintona Donacavey Tyrone Buchanan Jas. Town of Fintona Donacavey Tyrone Buchanan Jas. Town of Fintona Donacavey Tyrone Buchanan Jas. Town of Fintona Donacavey Tyrone Buchanan Mary Town of Fintona Donacavey Tyrone Buchanan Anna Town of Fintona Donacavey Tyrone Buchanan James Town of Fintona Donacavey Tyrone Buchanan George Town of Fintona Donacavey Tyrone Buchanan Alexander Church Hill Donaghedy Tyrone Buchanan John Drain Donaghedy Tyrone Buchanan Joseph Killyclooney Donaghedy Tyrone Buchanan John Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Buchanan Rebecca Aghadulla (Harper) Dromore Tyrone

Buchanan John Church Street Dromore Tyrone Buchanan Andrew Corrasheskin Dromore Tyrone Buchanan William Shannaragh Dromore Tyrone Buchanan John Killyclogher Drumragh Tyrone Buchanan Jno., Jr. Killyclogher Drumragh Tyrone Buchanan Rev. John Kiltamnagh Drumragh Tyrone Buchanan George Lisanelly Drumragh Tyrone Buchanan George Lisnamallard Drumragh Tyrone Buchanan John B. Lisnamallard Drumragh Tyrone Buchanan James Maine Drumragh Tyrone Buchanan John B. Omagh (Town of Omagh) Drumragh Tyrone Buchanan George Straughroy Drumragh Tyrone Buchanan John Straughroy Drumragh Tyrone Buchanan George Tattykeel (Buchannan) Drumragh Tyrone Buchanan William Tattynagole Drumragh Tyrone Buchanan Thomas Tully Drumragh Tyrone Buchanan James H. Annaghilla Errigal Keerogue Tyrone Buchanan William Annaghilla Errigal Keerogue Tyrone Buchanan Patrick Lismore Errigal Keerogue Tyrone Buchanan William Keenaghan Leckpatrick Tyrone Buchanan Eliza Segully Longfield East Tyrone Buchanan Eliza Segully Longfield East Tyrone Buchanan Olivia Town of Drumquin Longfield East Tyrone Buchanan John Town of Drumquin Longfield East Tyrone Buchanan Olivia Town of Drumquin Longfield East Tyrone Buchanan John Town of Drumquin Longfield East Tyrone Buchanan Samuel Coolavannagh Longfield West Tyrone Buchanan John Coolavannagh Longfield West Tyrone Buchanan Patrick Drumowen Longfield West Tyrone Buchanan William Kirlish Longfield West Tyrone Buchanan John Lackagh Longfield West Tyrone Buchanan Joshua Corkhill Pomeroy Tyrone Buchanan William Deroran Termonmaguirk Tyrone Buchanan Hugh Sixmilecross Town of Sixmilecross Termonmaguirk Tyrone Buchanan William Ballycolman Urney Tyrone Buchanan William Berrysfort Urney Tyrone

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Nov 15, 2007 Cousin in the news On CBC radio yesterday they reported the visit of Hannah Taylor to an Edmonton Elementary school. Hannah is 11 years old, and when she was 7 she started a foundation to help

homeless people. (See the foundation website below.) The Ladybug Foundation My name is Hannah Taylor. I am 11 years old and I have started the Ladybug Foundation to help the homeless. Ladybugs are good luck and they are my mascot. ... http://www.ladybugfoundation.ca/ The name of Hannah's great grandmother, Mabel Henry, will be familar to most of you. Mabel was one of my early role models in genealogy. Hannah's 2g grandfather was David James Watson, who wrote a lot of family stories, including the only surviving account of the big move of the Buchanan and Watson families from Elma township in Ontario to Manitoba in 1879. I don't know whether Hannah is interested in family history, but she is making history herself!

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Nov 15, 2007 Buchanan Family Tree Book - 2007 Hi Everyone, I encourage you to take a look at this. It doesn't have a cover, but it is easy to find yourself (and other family members) in the index at the end. Copy and paste this link into the Address window of your browser and press the Enter key. http://genealogistbuchanan.googlepages.com/buchananfamilytree-november2007 (Some of you may get this message twice, once directly and once through the andrew-buchanan group.) Despite the birthdates in the 1901 census, I have placed Samuel ahead of John in birth order, to correspond with the 1970 book. Descendancy charts can be hard to follow, but this one is quite nice, as it gives a tiny pedigree at the top of the page, and the children are numbered consecutively. With the addition of the index, I think you will like it. Print your own copy if you want. (227 pages, I believe

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Nov 15, 2007

RE: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanan Family Tree Book - 2007 Bill….this is AMAZING. Thank you so much for all your work in putting this together. Many thanks on behalf of my branch of the family!

Donna ________________________________________________________________

Nov 16, 2007 RE: [andrew-buchanan] Buchanan Family Tree Book - 2007 Thanks Donna, It couldn't be done without the contributions of many people, including yourself. It needs a cover and preface, I may create one as a separate PDF document.

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Nov 16, 2007 Re: Cousin in the News Hi Everyone Another cousin is in the news. I converted the long URL into a short one by using the handy site tinyurl.com The short version is http://tinyurl.com/243844 Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com --- On Fri 11/16, CLIFFOTO < cliffoto@... > wrote: Hey Bill, Cliff here. Check out this photo of me fishing . . . http://fe5.news.re3.yahoo.com/photo/071031/photos_wl_afp/25b234c82c0b40199da 620109e4d7a3b;_ylt=A0WTcURPuj1HMzMA2AGROrgF If the link doesn't work, google cliff buchanan, all the stories about the storm, Noel, my photo is there.

Take care. Always enjoy your emails. Cliff ________________________________________________________________

Nov 17, 2007 BFT 2007 Book Hi Everyone, I have uploaded a version of the book that includes a cover and a preface. It can be downloaded from: http://genealogistbuchanan.googlepages.com/buchananfamilytree-november2007 or http://tinyurl.com/2g54ty I think you will find the cover and preface add a nice finishing touch to the book.

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________ Watson Family Tree 2007 book Nov 22, 2007 Hi Everyone, I have added a Watson Family Tree 2007 book, patterned after the Buchanan Family Tree 2007 book. The link can be found at http://billbuchanan.clawz.com/buchanan/index.htm (Or click the Buchanan family link on http://billbuchanan.clawz.com to reach this page.) I see I still show Elizabeth Watson having been married to a Dan Linen. I as told this in 1962, but I have found no evidence of his existence. Family history is always a work in progress. Enjoy. Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Nov 22, 2007 Addition to website Hi Everyone, I have added this as a PDF file. Recollections of the Watson Family (Stories by David James Watson and James Arthur Watson in PDF format) Ironically, US Thanksgiving has given me some free time to work on these.

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com


Jan 10, 2008 I noticed this in the paper BUCHANAN, Donna Red Deer Advocate Red Deer, Alberta Donna Buchanan passed away on December 30, 2007 at the age of 58 years. She was born on July 13, 1949 at Neepawa, Manitoba. Donna is survived by her daughter Tanus (Peter) Smith; her parents Grace and Andy Buchanan; her grandchildren Ashleigh, Joshua, Brandon and Sylis; brothers Blair (Jackie) Buchanan and Ron (Darcy) Buchanan; sister Debbie (Wes) Neal as well as 4 nephews and 3 nieces. A Graveside Service will be held at the Alto-Reste Cemetery, Red Deer, on January 8, 2008 at 12:30 P.M. A time of Remembrance and Fellowship will follow at St. Mary's Catholic Church, 6 McMillian Avenue, Red Deer, from 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. SYLVAN LAKE AND ROCKY FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORIUM, your Golden Rule Funeral Homes, entrusted with the arrangements. 403-887-2151 ________________________________________________________________

Feb 12, 2008 History of the County of Perth from 1825 - 1902 Hello cousins: I have been voraciously trolling through the Google Books project and downloading dozens of genealogy titles. For those who don't know, Google has been digitizing public domain (and other) books for all to access. I recently found "The History of the County of Perth from 1825-1902" by William Johnson. I had looked at this book in the library years ago. You can download the entire book in pdf

format for free! There is a chapter on Elma, and the Buchanans are mentioned in passing and in a list or two. But it is an interest look at the county for those who are interested. Here is the link: http://books.google.com/books?id=u9AOAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA548&dq=buchanan+% 2B+perth+county+ontario&lr=#PPP1,M1 There is a link in the upper right to download the document. I have had great luck with some of my Hopkinson research in England on Google Books. Patty ________________________________________________________________

Feb 13, 2008 RE: [andrew-buchanan] History of the County of Perth from 1825 - 1902 Thanks Patty It looks interesting, but I can't access it beyond two "snippet" views, although I added it to my "library". If you can find a way to view more, please let me know. Bill http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Feb 15, 2008 Newly Found Cousin Hi Everyone, I had a very intersting phone call on Saturday. The speaker asked if I knew anything of a William Buchanan, who was a blacksmith at Millet, Alberta. I said "Yes, he was my grandfather!" Velda Brown recently was able to obtain a copy her adoption papers, which had previously been sealed. All she had known was that her parents Owen Elam Lee and Emily Charlotte Rowley had adopted her in Lethbridge in 1929 at the age of 3 months, and her birth date. The adoption papers identified her father as Jack Buchanan, aged 19, born in the USA and employed by a creamery. Her mother was Margaret Haines, aged 17 of Millet. Her birth name was Hazel Haines and she was born in the Beulah Home in Edmonton. Dad's brother John Henry (Jack) Buchanan, was born in 1910 and worked in a

creamery. He was actually born in Manitoba, but moved to Millet from Tacoma, Washington. I am sure he has to be Velda's father. There were no other Buchanans in the Millet district at that time, or I would have found them. So rather than saying that my uncle died childless, I am now saying that he had a daughter who was given up for adoption. Velda will be coming to Edmonton in April and I plan to visit with her then. In the mentime we are exchanging family info. The late husband of Velda Hazel Lee was Jack Owen Brown, and they have a son Gordon and a daughter Doreen.

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Apr 16, 2008 Death of Morris Wilson I just received an email from Barry, saying that Morris Wilson, husband of Laverna (Verna) Buchanan passed away. I am including the obituary notice: WILSON, Morris Ryan September 11th, 1922 - April 11th, 2008 Morris passed away suddenly but peacefully with his wife and family at his bedside. He will always be loved and ever remembered by Verna; his wife, best friend and soul mate of sixty-eight years; his daughters, Donna and Diane (Allan) Frado; grandchildren, Jeffry Ryan (Lisa) Frado and Jodi (Kevin) Boldt; great-grandson, Dean Ryan Boldt and another great-grandson, arriving on April 18th. Morris is also survived by his brother-in-law, Gordon (Diane) Buchanan. He is predeceased by his parents, as well as his siblings, Roxie, Ethyl and Fawcett. The most important things in Morris' life were family and friends. He played a very important role in the lives of many people; especially his nieces, nephews and Jeanne and her family; all of whom loved him dearly. That love was returned unconditionally. Morris was born in Kelwood, Manitoba and moved to Edmonton with Verna and the girls in 1956. He was employed for many years at Gateway Building Supplies and was a member of the Retail Lumberman's Association. He was the recipient of an Award of excellence, honouring his pioneering role in the history of the Association and the lumber industry in northern Alberta. He was also a member of the Edmonton Probus Club and a long-time member of St. Augustine's Anglican Church, where he was very active. He served on Vestry, was People's Warden, Rector's Warden and was the Treasurer for many years. Morris and Verna moved to Sherwood Park in 2001. He looked forward to his daily visits from his "buddy"; neighbour, Al Morrison. The family would like to thank Al for all of his help; Karin Nicks, who is always available to lend assistance; and the many wonderful friends and neighbours for their gifts of food and kind words of support. Morris' family also sincerely thanks his home care workers, Reverend Bob Peel, Dr. Fisher, Primary Care Network and

the staff at the Grey Nuns and Royal Alexandra Hospitals for their excellent care. Private Committal and Cremation has taken place. A Celebration of Morris' Life will be held on Friday, April 25th, 2008 at 11:00 a.m. at St. Augustine's Anglican Church, 6110 Fulton Road, with Reverend Bob Peel officiating. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The Youth Emergency Shelter, Al Shamal Shriners - Scoliosis or a charity of one's choice. To sign the book of condolences visit: www.glenwoodmemorial.com GLENWOOD 467-3337 Funeral Home, Cemetery, Cremation Ctr. Serving Edmonton - Sherwood Park & Area Verna's line is: Laverna < Hugh "Arnold" < John Charles < William Buchanan and Ann Thompson Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com


Apr 21, 2008 Death of Frank Steele - 2 June 1918 If you are following the genealogy of the Watsons as well as the Buchanans, this may be of interest to you. Frank Steele was the husband of Mary Elizabeth Watson, daughter of George Watson and Agnes "Jane" Welsh. I have been tracking down this little-known family for 44 years. Sunday, April 20, 2008 Last night I had a pleasant surprise in my email. Donna White, a volunteer in Michigan, found the actual newspaper account of my great uncle's death in a mill explosion, and she transcribed it for me. It is hard to find a nicer, more generous group of people than genealogists. _______________________________________ Anyway, I have the writeup on Frank Steele's death, which I retyped due to the darkness and blurring of the copy. Also, I went to the City Clerk's office yesterday, and found listings for both Frank and Mary at Riverside. I had done the transcription on the particular area, they are buried in and did not find stones for either of them. When I get back to the cemetery, I will ask the man in charge to point out which graves should be theirs. Perhaps there was a flat stone which has sunk. They are in the Protestant side of the cemetery in Block A1. Frank is listed as 2-9 and Mary as 13-10. I didn't ask which was the lot number and which was the grave number, but will find that out later. By the way their burial records stated that Mary died in childbirth, but no child was listed with her. Donna _______________________________________________________________ THE EVENING NEWS - JUNE 3, 1918

BOILER BLAST KILLS TWO MEN ________ Explosion at Bartlett Lumber Co., Shelldrake, Sunday. _________ Third Man, Seriously Injured, Will Live; Bodies at Soo. Frank Steele and Adam Schedeunk were killed and Percy Scott seriously injured at 7:30 o’clock Sunday morning when the battery of boilers at the Bartlett Lumber Co. at Shelldrake exploded and demolished the machine shops and dynamo room. Steele was killed instantly, but Schedunk was caught between two hot grates and his body almost burned in two without death relieving his pains for five hours. Scott is expected to survive his injuries. What caused the explosion is not known. The two men, who are now dead, were acting as firemen for the machine shop boilers. The mill was shut down, but fires are continuously kept under the boilers. Scott was sleeping in the dynamo room, which adjoins the boiler room. It is evident that Steele and Schedeunk were working directly in front of the boilers when they let go. Steele was hit with some flying piece of iron or timber, and it is thought that he was not aware that an accident had occurred. His companion was not so fortunate, being pinned between the grates of the boiler and never losing consciousness until death came hours later. He was burned terribly. Scott’s injuries were due to being thrown high into the air by the force of the explosion. He was not burned. The word of the accident reached the Soo at 6:45 Sunday evening when a telegram reached Capt. F. J. Allen of the Nippissing. The captain, immediately took the Nippissing to Shelldrake, where he got the bodies and brought them to the Soo. They arrived here at 12:30 this noon and were taken to the Vanderhook undertaking establishment to prepare for burial. Steele, who was between 45 and 50 years old, was a widower and leaves six children surviving. Two of the children are grown sons, but the other four are young-two being boys and two girls and all living at the home in Shelldrake. Schedunk was a Russian Pole and has a wife in the old country. The main mills of the Bartlett Lumber company will not be affected by the explosion directly and will continue operation. The two boilers, which blew up were large ones but were not connected with the main mill, which was not damaged. The funeral of the two men will be held Tuesday afternoon at the Vanderhook chapel. Burial will follow in a local cemetery.

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Apr 21, 2008 Washington State Death Records Online Hi Everyone, I have spent some enjoyable time looking up records on the Washington State branch of the Buchanan family. I have found these records. The one of most interest to me is my grandmother. (I don't belong to Andrew and Mary Jane's branch of the family, but my grandparents were living in Tacoma when she died.) Darlene will especially enjoy the last one on the list. From the Washington State Death Records on Record Search www.labs.familysearch.org This is a beta site for viewing data that will eventually be moved to the main familysearch.org website. It requires a free registration. [My Grandma!] Name : Elizabeth Buchanan Death date : 07 Jun 1923 Death place : Tacoma, Pierce, Washington Gender : Female Race or color : Age at death : 42 years Estimated birth year : 1881 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Married Spouse name : Wm. A. Buchanan Father name : Geo. Watson Father birth place : Mother name : Jane Welch Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 2022220 Digital GS number : 4221451 Image number : 2330 Reference number : 554 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : Andrew Buchanan Death date : 23 Dec 1939 Death place : Friday Harbor, San Juan, Washington Gender : Male

Race or color : Age at death : 71 years 6 months 15 days Estimated birth year : 1868 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Married Spouse name : Frances Minnie Coxon Father name : Andrew Buchanan Father birth place : Mother name : Mary Jane Booth Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 2023567 Digital GS number : 4222832 Image number : 1960 Reference number : 29 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : Mrs. Francis Minnie Buchanan Death date : 09 Jun 1933 Death place : Friday Harbor, San Juan, Washington Gender : Female Race or color : Age at death : 62 years 8 months 15 days Estimated birth year : 1871 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Married Spouse name : Andrew Buchanan Father name : Wm. Coton [Coxon] Father birth place : Mother name : Nora Ware Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : 12 Jun 1933 Additional relatives : Film number : 2023064 Digital GS number : 4221705 Image number : 661 Reference number : 17 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960

Name : James H. Buchanan Death date : 06 May 1944 Death place : Mount Vernon, Skagit, Washington Gender : Male Race or color : Age at death : 60 years 5 months 27 days Estimated birth year : 1884 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Married Spouse name : Grace M. Buchanan Father name : James A. Buchanan Father birth place : Mother name : Mary Shewin Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 2032311 Digital GS number : 4224963 Image number : 1256 Reference number : 289 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : James A. Buchanan Death date : 16 Jan 1935 Death place : Lopez, San Juan, Washington Gender : Male Race or color : Age at death : 83 years 10 months 11 days Estimated birth year : 1852 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Married Spouse name : Nellie L. Buchanan Father name : Andrew Buchanan Father birth place : Mother name : Mary Jane Booth Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives :

Film number : 2023295 Digital GS number : 4222321 Image number : 878 Reference number : 1 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : William Buchanan Death date : 23 Mar 1928 Death place : Friday Harbor, San Juan, Washington Gender : Male Race or color : Age at death : 66 years 2 months 12 days Estimated birth year : 1862 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Spouse name : Father name : Andrew Buchanan Father birth place : Mother name : Mary Jane Booth Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 2022476 Digital GS number : 4222496 Image number : 2192 Reference number : cn 12 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : Norman Buchanan Death date : 21 May 1951 Death place : Seattle, King, Washington Gender : Male Race or color : Age at death : 54 years Estimated birth year : 1897 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Spouse name : Father name : James Bucanan Father birth place : Mother name : Jennei Hodgson Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address :

Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 2032982 Digital GS number : 4224174 Image number : 1053 Reference number : 8729 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : Margaret Ann Buchanan Death date : 04 Aug 1917 Death place : Friday Harbor, San Juan, Washington Gender : Female Race or color : Age at death : 54 years 11 months 2 days Estimated birth year : 1863 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Spouse name : Father name : William Morrison Father birth place : Mother name : Ann Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 1992503 Digital GS number : 4220847 Image number : 939 Reference number : cn 22 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : Jane M. Buchanan Death date : 1956 Death place : Bellingham, Whatcom, Washington Gender : Female Race or color : Age at death : 67 years Estimated birth year : 1889 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Spouse name : Father name : William Buchanan

Father birth place : Mother name : Margaret Morrison Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 2033623 Digital GS number : 4224480 Image number : 2118 Reference number : cn 16103 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : Edward D. Buchanan Death date : 02 Feb 1957 Death place : Bellingham, Whatcom, Washington Gender : Male Race or color : Age at death : 69 years Estimated birth year : 1888 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Spouse name : Father name : James A. Buchanan Father birth place : Mother name : Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 2033716 Digital GS number : 4224505 Image number : 2155 Reference number : 3844 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : James H. Buchanan Death date : 06 May 1944 Death place : Mount Vernon, Skagit, Washington Gender : Male Race or color : Age at death : 60 years 5 months 27 days Estimated birth year : 1884

Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Married Spouse name : Grace M. Buchanan Father name : James A. Buchanan Father birth place : Mother name : Mary Shewin Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 2032311 Digital GS number : 4224963 Image number : 1256 Reference number : 289 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : Charles Daisley Hemphill Death date : 08 Jun 1951 Death place : Ferndale, Whatcom, Washington Gender : Male Race or color : Age at death : 58 years Estimated birth year : 1893 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Spouse name : Father name : William Hemphill Father birth place : Mother name : Margaret Buchanan Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 2033041 Digital GS number : 4224190 Image number : 457 Reference number : 11802 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : Margaret Hemphill Death date : 22 Apr 1929

Death place : Friday Harbor, San Juan, Washington Gender : Female Race or color : Age at death : 69 years 8 months 20 days Estimated birth year : 1860 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Married Spouse name : William Hemphill Father name : Andrew Buchanan Father birth place : Mother name : Mary Jane Booth Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 2022645 Digital GS number : 4222938 Image number : 1924 Reference number : 21 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : Margaret Myrtle Guard Death date : 10 May 1940 Death place : Mount Vernon, Skagit, Washington Gender : Female Race or color : Age at death : 51 years 9 days Estimated birth year : 1889 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Married Spouse name : Roy P. Guard Father name : William Hemphill Father birth place : Mother name : Margaret Buchanan Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 2023755 Digital GS number : 4222948 Image number : 2401

Reference number : 229 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : Robert Lowery Mccauley Death date : 10 Nov 1922 [Another Source said 9 Nov 1922] Death place : Lopez Island, San Juan, Washington Gender : Male Race or color : Age at death : 33 years 4 months 27 days Estimated birth year : 1889 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Married Spouse name : Sarah M. Mccauley Father name : Samuel Mccauley Father birth place : Mother name : Jane Buchanan Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 1992889 Digital GS number : 4221145 Image number : 2224 Reference number : 27 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : Charles Russell Buchanan Death date : 10 Mar 1951 Death place : Anacortes, Skagit, Washington Gender : Male Race or color : Age at death : 69 years Estimated birth year : 1882 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Spouse name : Father name : Jas A Buchanan Father birth place : Mother name : Mary Shewan Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place :

Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 2032980 Digital GS number : 4224160 Image number : 1311 Reference number : rn 5373 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : Mary Jane Ackley Death date : 16 Oct 1950 Death place : Friday Harbor, San Juan, Washington Gender : Female Race or color : Age at death : 67 years 8 months 19 days Estimated birth year : 1883 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Spouse name : Father name : William Hemphill Father birth place : Mother name : Margarete Buchanan Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 2032976 Digital GS number : 4223317 Image number : 2209 Reference number : 21798 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : Infant Ackley Death date : 04 Jan 1910 Death place : Near Friday Harbor, San Juan, Washington Gender : Female Race or color : Age at death : 1 day Estimated birth year : 1910 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Spouse name : Father name : Robert Ackley Father birth place : Mother name : Mary Hemphill Mother birth place :

Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 1991662 Digital GS number : 4220886 Image number : 314 Reference number : 2 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : Ackley Death date : 16 Oct 1913 Death place : Argyle, San Juan, Washington Gender : Female Race or color : Age at death : 1 day Estimated birth year : 1913 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Spouse name : Father name : Robert H. Ackley Father birth place : Mother name : Mary Jane Hemphill Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 1992080 Digital GS number : 4220901 Image number : 1360 Reference number : 34 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : Robert Henry Ackley Death date : 06 Feb 1934 Death place : Friday Harbor, San Juan, Washington Gender : Male Race or color : Age at death : 51 years 4 months 18 days Estimated birth year : 1883 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Married

Spouse name : Mary Jane Ackley Father name : A. F. Ackley Father birth place : Mother name : Annie Mulino Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 2023102 Digital GS number : 4221727 Image number : 748 Reference number : cn 4 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : William Hemphill Death date : 03 Feb 1931 Death place : Friday Harbor, San Juan, Washington Gender : Male Race or color : Age at death : 72 years 8 months 21 days Estimated birth year : 1859 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Married Spouse name : Margaret Buchanan Father name : Andrew Hemphill Father birth place : Mother name : Anne Liggett Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 2022802 Digital GS number : 4221109 Image number : 2234 Reference number : 2 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : Jack Nash Death date : 16 Sep 1937 Death place : Bellingham, Whatcom, Washington Gender : Male Race or color :

Age at death : 6 years 9 months 26 days Estimated birth year : 1931 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Spouse name : Father name : J H Nash Father birth place : Mother name : Edna Hemphill Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 2023445 Digital GS number : 4222435 Image number : 15 Reference number : 282 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : Samuel J. Mccauley Death date : 21 Jan 1937 Death place : Sumas, Whatcom, Washington Gender : Male Race or color : Age at death : 86 years 16 days Estimated birth year : 1851 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Married Spouse name : Emely Mccauley Father name : John Mccauley Father birth place : Mother name : Mary Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 2023444 Digital GS number : 4222433 Image number : 533 Reference number : 19 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960

Name : Barbara Gilmar Mccauley Death date : 13 Jan 1955 Death place : Lopez, San Juan, Washington Gender : Female Race or color : Age at death : 76 years Estimated birth year : 1879 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Spouse name : Father name : James Forrest Father birth place : Mother name : Margaret Forrest Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 2033441 Digital GS number : 4224491 Image number : 1105 Reference number : 1343 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : Sadie Mccauley Death date : 22 May 1921 Death place : Port Stanley, San Juan, Washington Gender : Female Race or color : Age at death : 23 years 7 months 11 days Estimated birth year : 1898 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Spouse name : Father name : Wm Gallengen [Gallenger] Father birth place : Mother name : Annie Bartcell [Bartlett] Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 1992763

Digital GS number : 4221128 Image number : 24 Reference number : 15 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : Clark Aldrich Death date : 13 Apr 1926 Death place : Port Townsend, Jefferson Co, Washington Gender : Male Race or color : White Age at death : 65 years 3 months 25 days Estimated birth year : 1861 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Married Spouse name : Edith Marion Aldrich Father name : Benjamin Aldrich Father birth place : Mother name : Unknown Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 2022313 Digital GS number : 4222315 Image number : 93 Reference number : 26 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Name : Lenore Belle Aldrich Willey [or Leonora A. Aldrich] Death date : 19 Dec 1915 Death place : Seattle, King, Washington Gender : Female Race or color : Age at death : 28 years 8 months 5 days Estimated birth year : 1887 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Spouse name : Father name : Clark Aldrich Father birth place : Mother name : E. M. Wilson Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence :

Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 1992326 Digital GS number : 4221444 Image number : 1225 Reference number : 2573 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960

This one is for Darlene: Name : Timothy Craig Brooks Death date : 30 Mar 1947 Death place : Anacortes, Skagit, Washington Gender : Male Race or color : Age at death : 57 years 11 months 13 days Estimated birth year : 1890 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Married Spouse name : Dasiy M. Brooks Father name : Grovenor Geo. Brooks Father birth place : Mother name : Mary Jane Adamson Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 2032613 Digital GS number : 4223221 Image number : 514 Reference number : 161 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

May 19, 2008 Other Websites of Our Family Yesterday, a friend asked me where she could post her family tree on the

internet. I suggested that she look at Tribal Pages (tribalpages.com) I decided to search that site for our family and was successful. http://robwatsons.tribalpages.com/tribe/browse?userid=robwatsons&view=9&lnamecha\ r=B&rand=736205111#llames [ http://tinyurl.com/67ef3r ] I like the layout used by Tribal Pages. Rob Watson has a very attractive site. I suggest that you take a look at it. Rob's Watson line is Robert Nathan II < Robert Nathan < Nathan Charles < George "Allan" < George < James Watson & Elizabeth Linnen (His great grandfather is my grandmother's brother.) His site also includes many of our Buchanans. Another Tribal Pages family tree touches on our family, through Elizabeth Buchanan who married Robert (Big Bob) Campbell. It looks to be Ken Campbell's family tree. Ken lives in Wetaskiwin, Alberta, and I have met him. http://bcca69.tribalpages.com/tribe/browse?userid=bcca69&view=0&pid=266&rand=760\ 816145 [ http://tinyurl.com/5zyhvx ] Well, I am wrong. I just found this info: "My name is Beverley Corey and I am the webmaster of this site." Since I am not sure that Ken subscribes to this list, I am sending him a separate email message. I KNOW he will want to check it out. Jerry and Sharon Donnelly Chimney have several websites on Tribal Pages. http://drdogfood.tribalpages.com/ It is password protected, and I can't get in. (Sharon, you didn't tell me you had a granddaughter!) http://gchimney.tribalpages.com/ I hope you are all having a great week. The leaves have come out in the last three days, and the world is looking beautiful! Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

May 25, 2008 Buchanan Cousin's website Mary Buchanan Smith is the daughter of William James (Jimmie) Buchanan and Eva Lyle Stone. This talented cousin, She has a her own website. She writes: "I, too, have a website - www.illsing.com. I was blessed with the musical Buchanan genes and have just recently released my third CD. I always welcome the opportunity to make new contacts. My accompanist's father was a brother to Marion (Henderson) Buchanan - Walter's wife. She and I were high school friends and now that our kids are older, we've decided to share our talents. Some of my

fondest childhood memories are of spending summer holidays with Aunt Gladys she could play piano by ear like no other!" Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Jun 4, 2008 New addition Hi Everyone, We have recently acquired a new member of our family! Our son James married Karin Stangeland [personal information deleted]. Karin is a wonderful girl and we are proud to have her as the newest Buchanan in our branch of the family. The newly-weds have returned from their honeymoon in Cancun, Mexico and have nearly finished organizing their new apartment. Karin is intelligent and fun, highly organized, and has a bright personality that matches James' own. [personal information deleted]. Welcome Karin! Great choice James! (Two photos of the happy couple can be seen on my blog at http://billbuchanan.blogspot.com) I checked out the website of singer Mary Patricia Irene Buchanan Smith. I really enjoyed the sound clips of her beautiful singing. www.illsing.com I have also been contacted by Wilhelmina Maria Johanna (Willi) Buchanan, who is planning a family reunion for the family of Robert Livingston Buchanan at Jimmie's farm. She sent me some old photos and some updates for that branch of the family. These will appear in the next version of the BFT book, planned for December 2008 and the next update of my website. I hope you are having a good week! Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________ Jun 9, 2008 Re: New addition Congrats James & Karin! Welcome to the clan Karin! Mary-Pat (Mary. Old habits die hard)has an amazing voice! I heard her sing (on tape) at her mother, Eva's, funeral. Very moving and beautiful. [Nancy]


Jun 13, 2008 Weddings and Obits Hi Everyone, I just finished transcribing a bunch of scanned newspaper clippings, sent to me by Willi Laurie. They relate to the family of Robert Livingston (Bert) Buchanan and Margaret Hannah Broughton. I am including them in the individuals' notes in the next release of the Buchanan-Watson database on the website. In the meantime, I am including a copy of them here. The items enclosed in square brackets are usually handwritten comments on the clippings. A BIG BIG thanks to Willi for scanning and sharing these clippings. Willi, and all of you, if you find any more please send me copies. Bill ___________________________________________________________ BUCHANAN-DEWAR [May 24, 1952 RAINED ALL DAY] St. Paul's Anglican Church, Atwood, saw the scene of a pretty wedding at 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon when Jessie Annetta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar, R.R. No. 3, Atwood, was united in marriage to Edwin Alexander Buchanan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Buchanan, R.R. No. 2, Atwood. Rev. F. H. Paull officiated. The bride looked lovely in a ballerina length gown of lee blue nylon marquisette fashioned with a fitted bodice, full bouffant skirt with rounded hip peplum and jacket with cap sleeves, Queen Anne style collar, daisy trim with rhinestones. She wore a matching sweetheart style headdress and carried a bouquet of Ted roses. She also wore a rhinestone necklace and earrings to match, a gift of the groom. Mrs. Glen Buchanan gowned in yellow taffeta fashioned with fitted bodice, full gathered skirt of net over taffeta, with matching head-dress, was her sister's matron of honor. She carried a bouquet of mauve and yellow chrysanthemums. Miss Lorene Pehlke, of Monkton, in a pink corded taffeta, fashioned with fitted bodice and full skirt was bridesmaid and she carried a bouquet of pink and blue chrysanthemums. Little Margery Dewar sister of the bride, was flower girl, wearing a floor length frock of white taffeta with matching head-dress and she carried a bouquet of red tulips. The best man was William Elliott, R.R. No. 1, Atwood, and Glen Buchanan, brother of the groom, was usher. Following the ceremony a buffet luncheon and reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Assisting the bride and groom in receiving the guests were the bride's mother wearing a blue nylon marquisette dress and the groom's mother wearing a blue flowered dress. Serving the guests were the Misses Donna Love and Margaret Stevenson, of Toronto; Margaret Bell, of Atwood; Helen Dewar, of London; Kathleen Wherry, 10th concession, Elma. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan left later on a wedding trip to Welland and Niagara Falls, the bride travelling in navy blue gabardine suit with red accessories. On return they will reside in Donegal.

E. ALEX BUCHANAN E. Alex (Mike) Buchanan, 55, of Atwood, died Saturday at the Listowel Memorial Hospital. [July 12, 1980] Surviving besides his wife the former Jessie Dewar, are three daughters, Pauline, of Kitchener; Mrs. Alan (Cheryl) Clelland, of R.R.4 Listowel, and Lee Ann, at home; five sisters, Mrs. Jim (Edna) Laurie, of Milverton, Mrs. Laird (Olive) Cummings, of Listowel; Mrs. Nelson (Nina) Cummings, of Milverton, Mrs. Howard Myrta) Darroch, of Atwood, and Mrs. Ross (Gladys) Scott of R.R.1 Atwood; two brothers, Jimmy, of R.R.1 Atwood, and Andy, of R.R.2 Atwood; and he was a son-in-law of Dave and Mattie Dewar, of R.R.2 Atwood. He was predeceased by his parents and one brother, Glen. Friends were received at the Peebles Funeral Home, Atwood until Tuesday when removal was made to the Donegal United Church for the service. Burial was in Donegal cemetery. [July 13] As expressions of sympathy donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society or the Donegal Cemetery. HYMENEAL BUCHANAN-PESTELL [1963] Orange blossoms and pink peonies, were the setting of Knox Presbyterian Church, Monkton, on Saturday. June 29th, for the marriage of Dolores Margaret Pestell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pestell, R.R. 3, Monkton, and John Andrew Buchanan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Buchanan, R.R. 2, Atwood. Rev. J. McMurray, of Milverton performed the ceremony. The organist was Miss Madeline Quipp, R.R. 3, Monkton. The soloist was Mrs. Raymond McNaught, Peterborough. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a white floor length gown with silk organza skirt and chantilly lace bodice. The scalloped neckline was trimmed with seed pearls and sequins. Three bows accented the back of skirt. Her elbow-length veil was held by a pearl and sequin tiara and she carried a white basket of pink and white button mums. The best man was Thos. Dewar, R.R. 2, Atvvood. Ushers were Ray Pestell, R.R. 2, Milverton, brother of the bride, and Robt Laurie, of Newton. Pink and white roses and a three-tier wedding cake decorated the head table of the church parlor, where a reception was held. The bride's mother wore a delphinium blue lace over tafeta dress with white accessories, and the groom's mother wore a satin brocade deep blue dress with white accessories. Both wore corsages of Queen Elizabeth roses. For travelling to Northern Ontario, the bride wore a pick linen three-piece outfit with white accessories and a corsage of shasta lilies. On their return the couble will reside at R.R. 2, Atwood. Prior to her marriage the bride was honored with a miscellaneous shower at the home of Miss Madeleine Quipp with friends and neighbors attending. Mrs. Stewart Smith held a staff shower at her home where the bride was preesented with a set of snack tables from employees of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce at Monkton.

ROBERT BUCHANAN Funeral services were held Friday at 2 P.M. at the Peebles funeral home in Atwood for Robert (Bert) Buchanan, 77. who died Tuesday, April 24, 1971 Mr. Buchanan was born on the family homestead on Con. 10 of Elma Township, where

his son, Andrew, now lives. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Buchanan. Mr. Buchanan was a semiretired farmer, who had lived in Newton since 1963. He lived formerly at R.R. 2 Atwood. He was married 56 years ago to the former Margaret Broughton, who died in 1966. Mr. Buchanan was a member of the Donegal LOL [Loyal Orange Lodge] Lodge He was also a member of Donegal United Church. He is survived by daughters, Mrs. James (Edna) Laurie of Milverton, Mrs. Laird (Olive) Cummings of R.R. 3 Listowel, Mrs. Nelson (Nina) Cummings of R. R. 4 Listowel, Mrs. Howard (Myrta) Barroch [sic. Darroch] of Atwood, Mrs. Ross (Gladys) Scott of R. R. 1 Atwood; sons, James of R. R. I Atwood, Glen, Alex, and Andrew. all of R.R., 2 Atwood; 34 grandchildren; 10 great grandchildren; sister, Mrs. Annie McMane of Erie Street, Stratford. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Warren Dickson. Burial was in Donegal cemetery. [Fri (rest of handwriting not readable)] Pallbearers were grandsons Donald Laurie of Brussels, Beverley Cummings, R.R. 3 Listowel, Murray Cummings, Waterloo, Murray Buchanan of London, Robert Darroch, Atwood and Donald Scott, R.R, 1 Atwood. Flower bearers were Faye, Cheryl and Lyle Buchanan, grandchildren from R.R, 2 Atwood, Earl Buchanan, R.R, 2 Atwood and John VanStaveren of Newton. We would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness, messages of syrnpathy, beautiful floral tributes and donations to the Heart Foundation received from our many friends, neighbours and relatives, in our recent bereavement In the loss of our dear father. Special thanks to the Rev. Warren Dickson, the Loyal Orange Lodge, the ladies of Donegal United Church and Peebles Funeral Home. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. The family of the late Bert Buchanan. The family of the late Bert Buchanan. Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT L. BUCHANAN late of the Village of Newton, in the County of Perth. Farmer. CREDITORS and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned solicitors on or before the 24th day of September, A.D. 1973, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been made. RIDDELL, MOUNTAIN, JARVIS; MITCHELL, HILL & MONTEITH, 51 Albert Street, Stratford, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 23-3 Messers Earl and Donald Scott of the 6th line, are staying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Bert Buchanan while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott are in London, at the bedside of their son and brother, Douglas Scott, who is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. DEATHS Scott -- Douglas George Scott, the nine-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott of Elma Township, Tuesday, June 5th, 1962, at Victoria Hospital, London. Survivors: parents, brothers, Earl and Donald, both at home, grandparents Mr and

Mrs George Scott, Mornington township and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Buchanan, Elma township. Service 2:30 P.M. Friday, Peebles funeral home, Atwood. Burial Donegal cemetery, near Atwood. Funeral of Douglas George Scott The funeral service for Douglas Geprge Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott, of R.R. 1 Atwood, who passed away in the Victoria Hospital at the age of nine years after an illness of several weeks and a patient in the hospital for six weeks, was held at the Peebles funeral home, Atwood, on Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. Douglas Black, of the Atwood Presbyterian Church conducted the service. The pall-bearers were Robert Kirkey, Earl Liebrock, Kenneth Buchanan, Andrew Buchanan, Carl Scott and Robert Laurie. The flowerbearers were Margaret Cummings, Murray Cummings, Annie Wilson and Larry Buchanan. Interment was in Donegal Cemetery. Douglas was born in the Listowel Memorial Hospital on June 20th, 1952, and attended Bocks School. He is survived by his parents; two brothers, Earl and Donald, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Buchanan.

Milverton man killed in collision LISTOWEL - A 19 year old Milverton man died near here Friday when the car he was driving collided with a farm tractor-plow unit on Perth Road 8. Police said Earl Alexander Cummings of 48 Mill St., Milverton, was travelling south on the county road when his car crossed the centre line and struck the left rear tire of the tractor and then went into the plow. The driver of the tractor, Antonio Dutra Homen, 29, of RR 4. Listowel, was not injured. Damage to the tractor and plow was estimated at $500. Damage to the Cummings vehicle was estimated at $3000. Earl Cummings, 19, of 48 Mill Street East, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cummings, died Friday as a result of an accident. Born in Listowel, he was employed at the time of his death at Steve's Welding. Surviving besides his parents are two sisters, Mrs. Delton (Dale) Schneider, Millbank. and Mrs, Richard (Eva) Seehaver, Waterloo, three brothers, Murray, of London, Jim, of Kitchener, and John, of Listowel, as well as a number. of nieces and nephews. Friends were received at Heubner Funeral Home, Milverton Sunday, followed by a service Monday at Listowel Pentecostal Church. Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery, Milverton. Fatal accident Nineteen-year-old Earl Cummings, of 48 Mill Street East, Milverton, was killed last Friday when his car was In collision with a farm tractor pulling a 6-furrow plow 3.2 kilometres south of Highway 86 on County Road 8, report the Ontario Provincial Police. The tractor was driven by Antonia Dutra Homen, of Lot 41 Con. 1 Elma Township, who was not hurt. Mr. Cummings was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cummings, of Milverton. Police said Mr. Cummings was driving south in his car and the tractor was northbound when the accident occurred about 10:10 p.m. Constable James Booth is investigating.

CUMMINGS, Mr. Earl Of Milverton, passed away suddenly, as a result of an accident, on Friday, May 9, 1980, in his 20th year. He was born in Listowel, beloved son of Nelson and Nina Cummings. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Delton (Dale) Schneider of Millbank and Mrs. Richard (Eva) Seehaver of Waterloo; three brothers. Murray of London, Ont., Jim of Kitchener, John of Listowel and several nieces and nephews. He rested at the Huebner Funeral Home, Milverton. until noon today, when removal was made to Listowel Pentecostal Church for a 3 p.m. funeral service. interment in Greenwood cemetery, Milverton CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Earl Cummings wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, neighbors, and friends for messages of sympathy, floral tributes and donations during our recent bereavement. Also thanks to the Huebner Funeral Home. Special thanks to pastor Ed. Bellsmith and Rev. Cochrane for their comforting words, and to everyone who brought baking and to the WMC Ladies who served lunch at our home. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated and will always be remembered. There must be a reason we can't see There must be a reason why A reason that we must take "on faith" As we do the sun on high. There must be an answer why it is That one who enjoyed life so Why someone who is so dear to us . Suddenly had to go. The Cummings Family. 28P CUMMINGS: In loving memory of a loving son and brother Earl Alexander who passed away suddenly May 9, 1980. When morning comes we cannot tell How God has planned our day Death like a sudden whirlpool came And swept your life away. But faith was meant for times like these And if we take God's hand With loving wisdom he will help Our hearts to understand. Those who loved him in life sincerely Still love him in death just the same. Lovingly remembered by Mom, Dad, Brothers and Sisters.

HYMENEAL DARROCH-BUCHANAN [1952] The Atwood United Church parsonage was the scene of a quiet wedding at two o'clock Saturday afternoon, August 2nd, 1952 when Myrta Lauretta Buchanan, of Listowel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Buchanan, Atwood, was united in marriage

to Howard Neil Darroch, of Palmerston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Darroch, of Palmerston. Rev. J. W. Button performed the ceremony. The bride wore a white satin ballerina length dress with bolero, flowered headdress and shoulder length veil. She carried a bouquet of red roses. Mrs, Donald Armstrong, of Gowanstown, was bridesmaid. She wore an ice blue nylon ballerina length dress and bonnet to match and carried a nosegay of roses. Mr. Donald Armstrong, of Gowanstown, was the best man. A reception was held at the bride's home to about forty guests. The bride's mother received in a mauve crepe dress, while the groom's mother wore a mauve nylon dress. The rooms were gaily decorated with Phlox, gladioli and other summer flowers. The bride's table was centred with a three-tier wedding cake and decorated with pink and white streamers and white bells. Serving the guests were Mrs. Stanley Noble, Listowel, Miss Judy Conley, Listowel, Mrs. Edward Elligson, Newton, and Miss Margaret Potts, Listowel, The groom's gift to the bride was rhinestone earrings and necklace; to the bridesmaid, a crystal cake plate, and to the best man, a billfold. For travelling the bride wore a light blue tailored suit with white accessories and a corsage of red roses. Following a wedding trip to Wasaga and other points north, Mr. and Mrs. Darroch will reside at Palmerston. Guests were present from Toronto, Newton, Listowel, Palmerston, Atwood, Tvalee, and Gowanstown. [Mar 24, 1981] L AURIE, Isabella Suddenly of Toronto on Tuesday, March 21, 1981. Daughter of the late Joseph and Isabella Laurie, Scotland. Survived by three brothers and three sisters in Great Britain. Sister-in-law of Mrs. James Laurie (Edna). Aunt of Robert, Joseph, Donald and Isabell. The family will receive friends at the Humphrey Funeral Home, 1203 Bayview Ave (at Davisville Ave) from 2 p.m. Thursday. Complete service in the chapel Friday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Spring Interment Greenwood Cemetery, Milverton, Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS [Dec 17/80] In the Estate of JAMES LAURIE, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of JAMES LAURIE, late of the Village of Milverton, in the County of Perth, who died on the 3rd day of December, 1980, are notified to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of January, 1981, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims of which notice has then been received. DATED at Stratford, Ontario, this 9th day. of December, 1980. BYERS AND KENNY 25 William St., Stratford 28 Main S., Mliverton Solicitors for the Executors. HYMENEAL [1954] BUCHANAN-STONE A quiet wedding was solemnized at the United Church Parsonage, Port Perry, on Wednesday, April 26th, 1954 at 3.00 p.m., when Rev. R. H. Wylie united in

marriage Eva Lyle Stone, elder daughter of Mr. Stephen Stone, Newton, Ont., and the late Mrs. Stone, to William James Buchanan, 'eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Buchanan, Atwood Ont. Following the ceremony, the couple left on a short honeymoon, and upon their return they will take up residence on the groom's farm, 8h concession, Elma, Mr and Mrs Bert Buchanan, of Donegal, wish to announce the an engagement of their eldest daughter Edna Laurene to Mr. James Laurie son of Mrs. Joseph Laurie, and the late Mr. Laurie, of Motherwell Scotland. HYMENEAL LAURIE-BUCHANAN A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the parsonage of the Atwood United Church at noon on Wednesday, April 22nd, when Rev. R. D. Trask united in marriage Edna Laurene Buchanan, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Buchanan, of Donegal, and Mr. James Laurie, of Britton, son of Mrs. Isabell Laurie of Motherwell Scotland and the late Mr. Joseph Laurie. The bride who was prettily attired in rose crepe with nosegay of roses and sweet peas and accessories to match was attended by her sister, Miss Nina Buchanan, of Donegal, who was gowned in pink sheer and her bouquet was of roses and sweet peas. Mr. James Buchanan, of Milverton was best man. 'The groom's favor to the bridesmaid was a pearl necklace and to the best man a billfold. Immediately following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents for the immediate relatives. The waitresses were Miss Tillie Broughton, of Newton, and Miss Eva Stone, of North Mornington. After a short trip to Toronto and other points east Mr and Mrs. Laurie will take up residence in Elma. Laurie-- Buchanan 0n Wednesday, April 22, 1942, Miss Edna Laurene Buchanan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Buchanan, Donegal, to Mr. James Laurie, Britton, son of Mrs. Isabell Laurie, Motherwell, Scotland, and the late Mr. Joseph Laurie. Miss Isabel Laurie of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sanderson, and while here attended the wedding of her brother, Mr. James Laurie, to Miss Edna L. Buchanan, on Wednesday.

Kevin Earl Buchanan Kevin Earl Buchanan, 18, of RR 2, Atwood, died Jan. 20 as a result of injuries received in a snowmobile accident. [1985] Born in Elma Township, he was a son of Mrs. Shirley (Dewar) Buchanan, of RR 2, Atwood and the late Glen Buchanan. He was a student at Listowel District Secondary School. Surviving besides his mother are six brothers, Ken and wife Shirley, of Atwood, Larry and wife Karen of RR 2, Atwood, Murray and wife Elaine, of Lambeth, Ron, of RR 2, Atwood, Brian and wife Joanne, of Listowel and Brad, of RR 1, Atwood; and his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dewar, of RR 2, Atwood; also three nieces and five nephews. Funeral service was held Jan. 23 at Peebles Funeral Home, Atwood at 2 p.m. Spring burial in Donegal Cemetery. Youth killed in accident

An Atwood youth who crashed his snow vehicle into a parked car on Highway 86 on early Sunday died instantly, police say. Kevin Buchanan, 19, of RR 2, Atwood, was driving his Yamaha snow vehicle westbound on Highway 86 about one kilometre west of Perth County Road 8 when the accident occured. His vehicle struck a parked 1970 Cadillac owned by Brian Thedorff of Mornington Township and was subsequently struck by another snow vehicle driven by Don Zilliax of Listowel. Mr. Buchanan was taken to Listowel Memorial Hospital where he was pronounced dead, but Police say his death was instantaneous due to multiple injuries. The men were driving on the north shoulder of Highway 86 and Police say visibility was fairly clear in the area at the time of the collision.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Buchanan, of Donegal, wish to announce the engagement of their second eldest daughter, Olive Gertrude to Mr. John Andrew Laird Cummings son of Mrs. Andrew Cummings of Tralee, and the late Mr. Cummings. The marriage to take place in September. CUMMINGS-BUCHANAN [1944] A quiet wedding took place at the United Church Parsonage, Atwood, at 11 o'clock a.m. September 27th, 1944, when Rev. R. D. Trask united in marriage Miss Olive Gertrude, second eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Buchanan, Donegal, to Air. John Andrew Laird Cummings, son of Mrs. Andrew Cummings, of Tralee, and the late Mr. Cummings. The bride looked lovely in a street length pink sheer dress with pretty embroidery and lace trimmings and carried a bouquet of gladiolas. Mrs. James Laurie, of Newton, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, wearing her own wedding dress of rose crepe and matching accessories and carried a bouquet of asters, Mr. Calvin Cummings, brother of the groom, was best man. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to members of the immediate families, at the home of the bride's parents, the bride's table being centred with a three-tier wedding cake. Mrs. Joe E. Petrie, of Donegal, Miss Eva Stone, of North Mornington, and Miss Audrey Law, of Listowel, waited on the tables. The rooms were prettily decorated with pink and white streamers and autumn flowers. The bride's mother chose a navy blue sheer dress for the occasion and the groom's mother wore a green crepe suit. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold locket, to the bridesmaid and best man each a pair of gloves, and to each of the waitresses a nice dish. Later in the afternoon, the happy'couple left by train for their honeymoon to Detroit. The bride chose for travelling a green crepe suit trimmed with brown and brown coat, hat, shoes and other matching accessories. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm at Tralee. Guests were present from Tralee, Listowel, Rothsay and Newton. Also the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Broughton, of Newton, were present. Cummings-Buchanan - On Wednesday, Sept. 27, 1944, Miss Olive Gertrude Buchanan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Buchanan, Donegal, to Mr. John Andrew Laird Cummings, son of Mrs. Andrew Cummings, Tralee, and the late Mr. Cummings.


CUMMINGS-BUCHANAN [1945] A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the Listowel United Church parsonage on Tuesday, July 31st, at eleven o'clock, when Rev. G. W. Moore united in marriage Nina Isabel, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Buchanan, of Donegal, to Nelson Albert, son of Mrs. Andrew Cummings and the late Mr. Cummings, of Tralee. The bride looked lovely in a floor-length gown of white sheer with long full sleeves and wore a sweetheart headdress and a pearl necklace, a gift of the groom. Her bouquet was of red roses and baby's breath. The young couple left on a short honeymoon to Owen Sound and Port Elgin. On their return they will reside on the bridegroom's farm at Tralee.

[1949] SCOTT-BUCHANAN The Presbyterian manse, Monkton, was the scene of a quiet wedding at 11 o'clock Friday morning, October 14th, when Gladys Roberta Georgine Buchanan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert [sic. Robert] Buchanan, of Donegal, was united in marriage to Ross Reid Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, 8th concession, Mornington. Rev. A. G. Scott performed the ceremony. Miss Myrta Buchanan of Listowel, sister of the bride, and Mrs. A. G. Scott, Monkton, were the attendants. Following their honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. Scott will reside on the groom's farm in Mornington.

HYMENEAL [1966] BUCHANAN-PIKE A reception in the Atwood Community Centre followed the wedding on Saturday, January 28, 7.00 p.m., at the Atwood United Church parsonage, of Shirley Maureen Pike, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clem. Bradley, of Listowel, and Kenneth David Buchanan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Buchanan, of R.R. 3, Atwood. Rev. J. R. Wareham officiated at the double-ring ceremony. For her wedding the bride chose a street-length gown of pink satin with chantilly overlace, featuring a round neckline, short sleeves, with Empire waistline and an A line skirt. Her shoulder-length veil was held by a wedding ring band of matching satin and she carried a white Bible crested with pink roses. Miss Marguerite Schneider, of R.R. 1, Gowanstown, was the bride's attendant wearing a street length gown of aqua organza designed with a sheath skirt and net overskirt. She wore a matching headdress and a corsage of white mums. Mr. Larry Buchanan, of R.R. 3. Atwood, was his brother's best man. For the reception, which followed at the Atwood Community Centre for about 175 guests, the bride's mother received the guests wearing a blue silk linen dress with black accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. She was assisted by the groom's mother wearing a black crepe dress with black accessories and a corsage of red carnations.

For travelling to Niagara Falls and other points the bride donned a green velvet dress with white accessories and a corsage of white MUMS. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan will reside on R.R. 3, Atwood. Guests, present, were from Elma, Rothsay, Mitchell, Listowel, London, Stratford and surrounding district.

Miss Velma Matilda Broughton, granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Broughton, wishes to announce her engagement to Mr.Edward Kenneth Elligson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elligson, of Newton. The wedding will take place the second of July. HYMENEAL [1951] ELLIGSON--BROUGHTON In a setting of delphiniums, roses and peonies Monday, July 2nd, at Burns Presbyterian Church, Milverton, Rev, J. W. Williams united in marriage Velma Matilda, granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Broughton, to Edward Kenneth Elligson, son of Mr and Mrs. Charles Elligson, of Newton. Miss Isobel Hamilton presided at the organ, The bride, given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. Bert Buchanan, wore a gown of white satin and imported French lace, rhinestone trimmed, Peter Pan collar and long sleeves ending in lily points over the hands. She carried a nosegay of Briarcliffe roses and white heather, Miss Myrta Buchanan cousin of the bride, was maid of honor She wore a gown of mauve taffeta with fitted bodice, matching mittens and headdress. She carried a nosegay of 'mums. The best man was Mr. Howard Darroch, of Palmerston. The groom's gift to the maid of honor was silverware, to the best man, cufflinks and tie pin, to the waitresses cups and saucers. A reception was held following the ceremony at the bride's home where a luncheon was served to about thirty guests. For receiving the bride's mother wore a figured silk dress with black accessories. The groom's mother wore a black crepe dress with black accessones. The bride's table was centred with a three-tier wedding cake and was decorated with white bells and pink and white streamers. Guests attended from Elmira, Millbank, Milverton, Listowel, Palmerston, Atwood, and surrounding district. On a wedding trip to Tobermory and the Manitoulin Island, the bride chose a navy blue suit with Grey accessories. On their return Mr. and Mrs.Elligson will reside in Newton.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Broughton Celebrate Golden Wedding Large Number of Relatives and Friends Gather in Newton Hall to Honor Them [1940] On Wednesday night of last week about one hundred and fifty people gathered in the Newton Hall, to honor Mr. and Mrs. William Broughton, highly esteemed residents of Newton, who had celebrated their golden wedding that day. The honored couple, who were married at Milvertim by the lateRev. John Kay of Burns Presbyterian Church on April 17th, 1890, were presented with two beautiful occasional chairs as well as a number of other gifts from relatives and friends.

Rev. John Elder, of Milverton gave an address after which a presentation address was read by Russell Ranney, of Southampton while Messrs. James Sparling and R. Jack made the presention of the chairs. Mr. Broughton on behalf of Mrs. Broughton and himself replied in a few well-chosen words, thanking his friends and relatives for the honor they had bestowed on them and also thanked them for the beautiful gifts and their good wishes. Following the presentation a dance was held and all joined in the good time. Mr, Broughton despite his 80 years led off in the dancing, choosing as his partner, Miss Margaret Campbell, of Stratford, as Mrs. Broughton was unable to join in the dancing, Messrs. James Broughton Russell Attridge, Jim Sparling and Loyd Elligson supplied the music for the dancing. The evening was very enjoyably spent by all present but none enjoyed it more than did the honored couple, Mr. and Mrs. Broughton. Among the guests present were the attendants at the wedding fifty years ago, Mr. Samuel Smith, of Elma and Mrs. James Hurst, of Peffers, the former Mary Ann Broughton wh0 is Mr. Broughton's sister. Other gueststs were present from Waterloo, Southampton, Windsor, Stratford , Monkton, Milverton and other points as well as a number of friends from Newton and the surrounding community. Lunch was served during the course of the evening consisting of sandwiches, cake, coffee and also a piece of the wedding cake. During the afternoon a number of relatives and friends gathered at their home and had dinner with them, previous to the evening presentation and celebration. Both Mr. and Mrs. Broughton were born in Elma, the former on August 29th, 1859, and Mrs. Broughton, the former Martha Ranney, who is the last surviving member of her family was born, on January 12th, 1857. They resided in Elma for some years, then on the Oesch farm at the Milverton C.N.R. Station after which they resided on the Schneider farm north of Milverton until retiring to Newton fifteen years ago. They have a family of three daughters and one son, (Edith) Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, of Windsor, (Margaret) Mrs. Bert Buchanan, of Donegal; Matilda at home and James, who farms on the twelfth of Elma, the first farm west of 23 highway. There are seventeen grandchildren. All of the members of their farnily were present for the celebration. Mr. Broughton has been the chief of police at Newton for twelve years and even though he has never had occasion to place anyone under arrest he is usually greeted as "Chief" by the people of Newton. They are well and favorably known throughout the entire district and even more important aree enjoying good health. Mr. Broughton is able to get around somewhat better than she and his cheery disposition and friendly manner is known all over the district. Their merry friends join in extending congratulations on this happy occasion and also wish for them coritinued good health, happiness and contentment for the years to come. WILLIAM BROUGHTON [1945] Another link with the pioneer days of this locality was severed when Mr. William Broughton, of Newton, one of our oldest and highly esteemed residents, passed away at two a.m. on Thursday, June 28th, in big 86th year. Mr, Broughton had been ailing since last November but had only been confined to his bed for a

week. Of a friendly and jovial disposition Mr. Broughton took a keen interest in the affairs of the community until a short time ago. He was exceptionally active for his advanced years and could read without the aid of glasses. The second eldest of the family of the late Edward Broughton and Anna Abel, pioneer residents of Elma, he was born on August 29th 1859 on No. 23 Highway north of Monkton on the farm on which Mr. Milton Holman now resides, Eighty years ago he had the misfortune. to lose his thumb when he got it in the gear of a threshing machine and a willow tree still standing marks the place on this farm where it is buried. He spent his younger days in that locality and operated a threshing machine for a time. He could remember when the first building was erected in Atwood and helped to build what was afterwards No 23 highway. He also helped to gravel this road three different times, On April 17, 1890, he was married at Milverton by the late Rev. John Kay to Miss Martha Ranney, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Ranney. They took up residence on the 15th of Elma on the farm now owned by his brother Ed. In 1903 they moved to the farm at the Milverton C.N.R. station now owned by Mr. Albert Oesch where they resided for nine years. They then moved to the farm north of Milverton now owned by Mr. Arthur Schneider where they farmed until retiring to Newton twenty-six years so. During his residence at Newton he was appointed county constable but he always boasted about the fact he was never called upon to make an arrest. He is survived by his wife, who is in her 88th year, (Edith) Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, of Windsor; (Margaret) Mrs. Bert Buchanan of Donegal; Matilde of Newton, one son James of the 12th of Elma at No. 23 Highway, seventeen grandchildren; five great greandchildren; one sister Mary Ann Hurst, and two brothers, Edward and George Broughton, of the 16th of Elma, Three brothers predeceased him, Charles of toronto, James and Albert of Elma. The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon with a service at his late residence conducted by Rev. Donald MacInnes of Burns Presbyterian Church, Milverton. The pallbearers, all grandsons were Glen, James and Alex Buchanan, Stanley Taylor, William and Jack Broughton. Interment was made in Greenwood Cemetery, Milverton. A large number of flowers were sent by sympathizing friends showing the high esteem in which the deceased was held. The flower bearers were Robert, Alex and William Jack, Wm. Mantz, Jack Stewart and Laird Cummings. The funeral was very largely attended, relatives and friends being present from Stratford, Windsor, Kitchener, Monkton, Seaforth, Blyth, Listowel and surrounding district.

MRS. WILLIAM BROUGHTON [1950] Mrs. William Broughton one of Newton's oldest residents passed away at her home there at 6:10 Saturday evening, April 15th, 1950, in her 93rd year. Mrs. Broughton had been enjoying quite good health until a couple of weeks previous to her death when she suffered an attack of the 'flu. The former Martha Ranney she was born on January 1, 1859 in Elma Township, daughter of the late James Ranney and Margaret McCarrol. She was married to William Broughton on April 17th, 1890, at the Milverton Presbyterian Church bv the late Rev John Kay. When they were first married they took up residence on a farm on the 16th of Elma now owned by Edward Broughton. In 1914 they moved to the farm at the C.N.R. Station where Mr. Albert Oesch now resides. Later they moved north of Milverton. to the farm now owned by Arthur Schneider until 32 years ago when they retired to

Newton. Mr, Broughton, passed away on June 28th, 1945. Mrs/. Broughton was a member of Burns Presbyterian Church. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs, Lloyd Taylor (Edith), Windsor; Mrs. Bert Buchanan (Margaret), Donegal, and Miss Matilda Broughton, at home; one son, James R. Broughton, R.R. 3, Atwood. Also surviving are 17 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren. Three sisters, Mrs. Tom Warner ( Mary), Mrs. Aaron Coxon (Margaret), Mrs. John Campbell (Jennie), and three brothers, Wilson, William and Robert Ranney. predeceased her. The funeral service was conducted at her late residence on Tuesday afternoon with Rev. Donald MacInnes, of Burns Presbyterian Church officiating. Mrs. Alex Cockwell, of Donegal, sang a solo, "The City Four Square." There was a beautiful array of floral offerings. The pallbearers, grandsons of the deceased, who also were pallbearers at Mr. Broughton's funeral, were Stanley Taylor, Jack Broughton, William Broughton, Jas. Buchanan, Alex Buchanan and Glen Buchanan. The flower-bearers were Robert Jack, William Mentz, Lorne Matthews, James Laurie, W.C. Jack, Steven Stone and Alex Jack. Interment took place in Greenwood Cemetery, Milverton. The many relatives and friends attended from Windsor, Parkhill, Dublin, Stratford, Kitchener, Listowel, Monkton, Atwood, Milverton and the surrounding district.

Laurie, Edna Passed away on Sunday November 13, 2005 at her residence Huronlea Home for the Aged, Brussels. Edna was formerly of Milverton and was born 87 years ago in Elma Township. A daughter of the late Bert and Margaret (Broughton) Buchanan. Edna was a member of Burns Presbyterian Church, Milverton and loved knitting and gardening. Beloved wife of the late James Laurie who predeceased her December 3, 1980. Loving mother of Robert and wife Ann Laurie of Millbank, Joseph and wife Willi Laurie of Varna, Donald and wife Linda Laurie of Millbank, and Isabell and husband Jim Prior of Brussels. Sadly missed by her grandchildren Ryan Laurie, Heather and Steven Dawe, Valerie Laurie, Andrew Laurie, Graham Laurie, Cameron Laurie, Melissa and Peter Doef, Jennifer Laurie, Kathy Laurie, Laurie Prior, step-grandchildren Tim and Donna Prior, Debbie and Steven Rathwell and great-grandchildren Joshua and Kaitlyn Doef and step great grandchildren Nathan, Taylor and Emily Prior, Kelsey and Cody Rathwell. Missed by her sisters and brothers Nina Cummings of Listowel, Jim and wife Eva Buchanan of Atwood, Andy and wife Delores Buchanan of Listowel and sisters-in-law and brother-in-law Shirley Buchanan, Jessie Buchanan, Howard Darroch all of Atwood and cousin Velma Elligson of Newton. Family and friends called at the Mark Jutzi Funeral Home, 7 Spencer Street, Milverton on Tuesday from 2-4 & 7-9 p.m.. The funeral service took place on Wednesday November 16, 2005 at the funeral home at 2:00 p.m. with Pastor Bev Williams officiating. Interment in Greenwood Cemetery, Milverton. As expressions of sympathy donations may be made to Burns Presbyterian Church, Canadian Cancer Society or the Huronlea Memory Garden.

[Sept11, 73] Police briefs LONDON - Victoria Hospital officials report no change in the condition of Glen Buchanan, RR 2 Atwood. who was injured in a fall Saturday.

Mr. Buchanan is still in critical condition with bead injuries suffered when be fell off a plank while helping a neighbor, Tom Dewar, put a roof on a car shed beside the house. GLEN BUCHANAN [Sept 15, 73] Glen Buchanan, Lot 8, Con. 10, Elma Township died Thursday in Victoria Hospital, London from head injuries received in a fall last Saturday. [Sept 7] Mr. Buchanan was born in Elma Township, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Livingston (Bert) Buchanan. He lived and farmed in the area his entire life. Mr. Buchanan married the former Shirley J. Dewar 27 years ago. The couple farmed on the home farm for three years until purchasing their own farm. He was a member of the Donegal United church and of the Atwood Lions Club. Besides his wife, he is survived by sons Ken of Atwood, Murray of London, Larry, Ron, Brian, Bradley and Kevin, all at home; sisters, Mrs. James (Edna) Laurie of Milverton, Mrs. Laird (Olive) Cummings of R.R. 3 Listowel, Mrs. Nelson (Nina) Cummings of R.R. 4 Listowel, Mrs. Howard (Myrta) Darroch of Atwood, Mrs. Ross (Gladys) Scott of R. R. 1 Atwood; brothers, James of R.R. 1 Atwood, Alec and Andy, both of R. R. 2 Atwood; five grandchildren. The body rested at the Peebles Funeral Home, Atwood where the service was held on Sunday at 2 p. m. [Sept 16] conducted by Reverend Warren Dickson assisted by Rev. Dennis Clarke. Interment followed in the Donegal cernetery. Friday [corrected to SAT] evening fellow Atwood Lions club members were at the Funeral Home in a body and Sunday formed a guard of honour at the Funeral Home and at the cemetery as well. Pallbearers included Earl Buchanan, George Tucker, Roy Robinson, Alvin Matheson, Thomas Dewar, Larry Smith. Flower bearers were Pauline Buchanan, Paul Dewar, Lyle Buchanan, Donald Reddon, Kathy Kenner, Arthur Brenneman, Douglas Aitcheson. Murray Gerber, Neil Cockwell and Bob Gilmore.

Man falls, condition critical [Sept 8, 1983] ATWOOD - Glen Buchanan RR 2 Atwood, is in critical condition in Victoria Hospital London, following an accident at a neighbor's farm Saturday. Hospital officials said Mr. Buchanan is suffering from head injuries. Mr. Buchanan was helping his neighbor, Tom Dewar, put a roof on a car shed beside the house. He fell off a plank about eight feet from the ground. The plank fell on top of him. He was taken to hospital in London shortly after the accident happened about 5 p.m. [1980] JAMES LAURIE James Laurie, 74, of 3 St. Marys St., MlIverton, formerly of R.R.1 Newton, died last Wednesday at the Stratford General Hospital. Born in Scotland, he was a son of the late Joseph Laurie and former Isabella Smillie. He was a member of Burns Presbyterian Church. Surviving are his wife, the former Edna Buchanan whom he married April 22, 1942; three sons, Robert,. of Milverton, Joseph, of R.R.3 Clinton, and Donald, of

Millbank; one daughter, Isabel Stretton, of Bussels [sic. Brussels]; four grandchildren, Melissa, Jennifer, . Heather and Valeria three brothers, William, Alex and Robert, all of Scotland; and four sisters, Isabella, of Toronto, Margaret and Elizabeth, both of Scotland, and Jessie, of England. He was predeceased by four brothers and two sisters. Friends were received at the Mark Jutzil funeral home, Milverton Chapel where a service was held 2:30 p.m. Friday. Rev. Robert Cochrane officiated. Burial was in Greenwood cemetery. As expressions of sympathy, donations may be made to the Huron-Perth Lung Association or Burns Presbyterian Church. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, [1980] CARD OF THANKS The family of the late James Laurie wish to thank our many relatives friends and neighbours for their kind expressions of sympathy. memorial contributions, flowers and donations of food during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. .Robert Cochrane for his comforting words and to the Mark Jutzi Funeral Home for their help and understanding. Also to the Burn's Church Women who served the lunch. We extend, also, thanks to the doctors, nursing staff of Listowel and Stratford Hospitals and the Milverton Nursing Home for their care. Everything was greatly appreciated.

LAIRD CUMMINGS Laird Cummings, 65, of 553 Ann St., Listowel, died Oct. 7 in Stratford General Hospital. [1976] Born Aug. 18, 1911 in Maryborough Township, he was a son of the late Andrew Cummings and his wife Susannah Ellis. A retired farmer, Mr. Cummings resided in the Tralee area all of his life before retiring to Listowel a few years ago. He was affiliated with Knox Presbyterian Church, Listowel. Surviving are his wife, the former Olive Buchanan; two sons, Norman and Beverley, both of Listowel, three daughters, Mrs. Harry (Margaret) Anger of Kitchener, and Mrs. James (Dorothy) Anger and. Miss Thelma Cummings, both of Listowel; two brothers, Harry and Nelson Cummings, both of Milverton; five sisters, Mrs. Reece (Margaret) Irwin of Palmerston, Mrs, Milton (Della) Geiger of RR 3, Listowel, Mrs. Guy (Vera) McNeil of Drayton, Mrs. Harold (Bertha) Bell of Listowel and Mrs. Norman (Ethel) Allan of Watrous, Sask.; and three grandchildren. He was predeceased by two sons, six brothers and two sisters. The funeral service was held Oct. 9 at 2 p.m, at the Robert Trench Funeral Home, Listowel, with Rev. J. J. Harrold Morris conducting the service. Burial was in Bethesda Cemetery, Moorefield. Pallbearers were Nelson Geiger, Murray Cummings, Ross Lemmex, Bill Cummings, Andrew Cummings and Rae Bell. Flower bearers were Pauline Buchanan, Mary Pat Buchanan, Faye Buchanan, Dale Schneider and Isabel (Laurie) [Stretton]

Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Barton and Mr and Mrs. Bert Buchanan Honored on Fortieth

Wedding Anniversary [Friday Oct 18, 1957] The Donegal Community Hall was the scene of a unique celebration on Friday evening when friends and neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Barton slid Mr. and Mrs. Bert Buchanan, gathered to hononr them on file occasion of their fortieth wedding anniversary. Not only. were the two couples married on the same day, Oct 17th, 1917, but they are first cousins and they have farmed side by side all their married lives. Mr. and Mrs Barton were married at the home of the bride's parents at Beechwood Farm at North Mornington. The minister performing the ceremony was Rev. C. W. Mristol of London, assisted by Rev. J. C. Stewart, of North Mornington Presbyterian Church. The couple were unattended. Mrs Barton, the former Susan Torrance, was the youngest daughter of tile late Adam Torrance. Mr. Barton was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James Barton. The couple have one son, James and two grandchilden, Elizabeth, and Lois. Both Mr. and Mrs Barton have been very active in community life. In the past Mr. Barton has served as trustee on the local school board and in the position of secretary for several years. He also served on the Board of Directors of the Donegal Cheese Factory for a number of years. Both are members of the executive of the Progressive Conservative Association for Perth and Mr. Barton is president and Mrs Barton secretary of the Elma branch of that party. For a great many years in the past Mrs. Barton has held office in the various church organizations of the Donegal United Church. At the present time she holds the office of third vice-president of the Perth Presbyterian. Mr. and Mrs Buchanan, who also share the same anniversary date were married in Stratford by the Rev. Finley Matheson at the home of Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Taylor, who were the couple's attendants. Mrs. Buchanan is the former Margaret Broughton, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Broughton, of Milverton. Mr. Buchanan, is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs James Buchanan. Twelve children were born to the couple, three of whom died in infancy. Their family consists of Edna, Mrs. James Laurie of Newton; Olive and Nina, Mrs Laird and Mrs. Nelson Cummings of Listowel district; Myrta, Mrs. Howard Darroch of Owen Sound; Gladys, Mrs. Ross Scott of Atwood district; Glen, James and Alec are married and living in this district with Andy living with his parents at home. The couple have twenty-four grandchildren. Mr Buchanan and Mrs. Buchanan, have both been active in activities in the community, serving in both church, community and Mr. Buchanan has been a member of the L.O.L. of this district for a great many years. The name of Buchanan was that of the first settlers in Elma Township when several brothers migrated from Ireland and settled in this area. The two couples were presented with two beautifully decorated wedding cakes and a T.V. chair. Prior to the presentation cards and dancing were enjoyed. This occasion marked the second of its kind to be held in the district in a week as neighbours and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton MeCourt gathered to honourr them oil their fortieth anniversary at their home on Oct. 10th. Mrs. McCourt, was the former Willa Barr of this district and they have lived all their married life on the twelth concession of Elma. A TRIBUTE published in the pages of THE MILVERTON SUN, MILVERTON, ONT. SEPT 15, 1966

Entered into Eternal Rest Tuesday September 6, 1966 MRS. BERT BUCHANAN Mrs. Bert Buchanan, 71, of Newton, died on Tuesday night, September 6, at her home in Newton She was a daughter of the late William Broughton and Martha Ranney, of Newton, and was born in Monkton in 1895. The former Margaret Hanna Broughton married Robert Buchanan in October 1917, who survives her. Following their marriage, they lived in Donegal until three years ago when they retired ,to live in Newton. She was a member of Donegal United Church. Surviving besides her husband are four sons, James, R.R. 1, Atwood; Glen, of R.R. 3, Atwood; Alexander and Andrew, both of R.R. 2, Atwood; five daughters Mrs James (Edna) Laurie, of R.R. 1 Newton; Mrs. Laird (Olive) Cummings, of R.R. 3, Listowel; Mrs. Nelson (Nina) Curnmings, of R.R. 1, Britton; Mrs. Howard (Myrta) Darroch, of Atwood; Mrs. Ross (Gladys) Scott, of R.R. 1 Atwood; one brother, James R. Broughton, of Atwood; two sisters Mrs. Edith Taylor, of Windsor; Miss Matilda Anne Broughton, of Newton; 32 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. She was predeceased by three children in infancy. The funeral service was held at the Donegal United Church on Friday afternoon September 9, with Rev. J. R. Wareham officiating Pallbearers were grandsons, Kenneth and Larry Buchanan, R.R. 3, Atwood; Robert and Joseph Laurie R.R. 1, Newton; Norman Cummings, R. R. 3, Listowel; Earl Scott, R,R. 1, Atwood. Flower bearers were granddaughters, Margaret, Dorothy and Thelma Cummmings, R.R. 3, Listowel; Dianne Darroch, Atwood; Isabell Laurie, R.R. 1, Newton; Pauline Buchanan, R.R. 2, Atwood; Dale and Eva Cummings, R.R. 1, Britton. Burial was in Donegal cemetery. CARD OF THANKS We would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindnesss, expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received from our many friends, neighbors and relatives, in our recent sad bereavement, in the loss of Our beloved wife and mother. Special thanks to Doctor Conners, the Atwood Odd Fellows for the loan of a hospital bed, the Ladies of the Donegal United Church and the Peebles Funeral Home. -Bert Buchanan and family __________________________________________________________ I found some Watson marriages (my grandmother's brother and sisters) in the Michigan records and a death in the Ohio records at pilot.familysearch.org I will send them later. This is enough to take-in for now! Willi, if you want to join the Andrew Buchanan email group, please send a request to the list's owner, Suzanne Schaller. suzannes@... or suzannes@... There is not much traffic on this list, but I find it a handy way to share family history that I find. Bill http://billbuchanan.clawz.com


Jun 14, 2008 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Weddings and Obits Thanks for this, Bill. It is very useful. For some reason, I always receive duplicate emails via the Andrew-Buchanan group. Could it be I am on the mailing list twice? I have only got part way through the data, but already have the following questions: - Mike Buchanan obituary - It says he died Saturday the 12th, and was buried Tuesday the 13th. It must mean the 15th. And it shows the brother James still living. I have him died 21 April 1954 with a reference to the Donegal Cemetery tombstones. But this can't be right, as that is his marriage date, and he had a child born in 1964. Do you have the correct date of death? - Bert Buchanan obituary - It says he died 1971. Shouldn't this be 1973? Otherwise his age and years married are wrong. Thanks again. I really appeciate all the work you put into this. Regards, Barry ________________________________________________________________

Jun 16, 2008 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Weddings and Obits Hi Barry and all, - Mike Buchanan obituary - It says he died Saturday the 12th, and was buried Tuesday the 13th. It must mean the 15th. [I magnified the handwritten date for the burial, and you are right. It is July 15. The vertical part of the 5 is missing, but the top is horizontal, not curved.] - Bert Buchanan obituary - It says he died 1971. Shouldn't this be 1973? [Yes, it should be 1973. The date was modified by hand and the pen skipped the loops of the 3, but the pattern of gaps would match a 3, which agrees with other sources.] Bill http://billbuchanan.clawz.com


Jun 16, 2008 Watsons: 3 marriages and a funeral Here are records for the family of George Watson and Agnes Jane Welsh. I have

had a wonderful time on Record Search at http://familysearchlabs.org/ searching for the births marriages and deaths in Michigan, where the George Watson family (my great grandparents) lived for 20 years. Here is what I found. There are scanned images of the pages accessible for free also on the site. Groom name: George A Watson Groom age: 31 years Groom birth year: 1871 Groom birth place: Canada Bride name: Carrie Schuster Bride age: 25 years Bride birth year: 1877 Bride birth place: Ohio Marriage type: Marriage date: 09 Jun 1902 Marriage place: Sault Ste Marie, Chippewa, Michigan Father of groom name: Geo Watson Mother of groom name: Agnes J Welsh Father of bride name: Max Schuster Mother of bride name: Catherine Martin Marital status: Groom previous wife name: Bride marital status: Bride previous husband name: Additional relatives: Film number: 2342521 Frame number: Digital GS number: 4208661 Image number: 544 Reference number: v 1 p 512 rn 102 Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 This gives a definitive answer to the names of Carrie's parents and evidence that she was born in Ohio, (as the censuses say) and not born in Wuertemburg, Germany (as reported elsewhere). It also supports her birth as being in 1877 and not 1872 as reported in the 1911 census.

Groom name: Arthur Sheffield Groom age: 25 years Groom birth year: 1869 Groom birth place: Canada Bride name: Margaret A. Watson Bride age: 18 years Bride birth year: 1876 Bride birth place: Canada Marriage date: 24 Oct 1894 Marriage place: Detour, Chippewa, Michigan Father of groom name: Joseph Sheffield Mother of groom name: Emily Wallace Father of bride name: George Watson Mother of bride name: Jane Welsh Marital status: Groom previous wife name: Bride marital status: Bride previous husband name: Additional relatives: Film number: 2342498 Frame number: Digital GS number: 4207821 Image number: 253 Reference number: v 1 p 10 rn 111 Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 This adds the names of Arthur's parents!

Groom name: Frank Steele Groom age: 21 years Groom birth year: 1870 Groom birth place: Wisconsin Bride name: Mary E. Watson Bride age: 18 years Bride birth year: 1873 Bride birth place: Canada Marriage date: 16 Jul 1891 Marriage place: Sault Ste Marie, Chippewa, Michigan Father of groom name: James Steele Mother of groom name: Rosa Griffen Father of bride name: George Watson Mother of bride name: Jane Watson Marital status: Groom previous wife name: Bride marital status: Bride previous husband name: Additional relatives: Film number: 2342490

Frame number: Digital GS number: 4208239 Image number: 361 Reference number: v 1 p 388 rn 67 Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 This gives Franks parents' names, which I didn't have before. I still can't find his parents in the census. Also on Record Search I found the death record of Nellie Watson, my grandmother's niece, which gave the date and place of birth and death, which I didn't have previously. The page image gives many details that are missing from the abstract.

Name: Nellie Watson Death date: 13 Dec 1926 Death place: Toledo, Lucas, Ohio Birth date: Estimated birth year: 1913 Birth place: Age at death: 13 years 7 months 27 days Gender: Female Marital status: Race or color: Street address: Occupation: Residence: Burial date: Burial place: Cemetery name: Spouse name: Father name: Frank Steele Father titles: Father birth place: Mother name: [Mary] Elizabeth Watson Mother titles: Mother birth place: GSU film number: 1984618 Digital GS number: 4024345Image number: 332 Reference number: fn 75959Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953 The corrected transcriptions of the newpaper clipping from Willi Laurie can be viewed at http://tinyurl.com/44rduu Bill http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Jun 19, 2008 Family Stories Willi, Those stories are too good to NOT share! Thanks! One day I will send some more photos - you may like the wedding photos I have of most of Edna's siblings... but I have to do something about my scanner before I get involved in that project. At any rate I have attached my favorite photo of Grannie and Grandpa Broughton... As for that other story... I wrote it all down a number of years ago when I first copied this photo from the original. This is Edna's side of the story... 1944- This picture of the Broughton "grandparents was taken in front of the garage in Edna’s garden on the place we (Jimmy and Edna) lived in Newton. The chimney of the old woolen mill which was just behind the garage" is just visible." Jimmy worked in those for a while. The (photo of) the grand-parents was taken one summer day when they came with the horse to scuffle the tomatoes.

" William and Martha lived on the farm across from the railroad station in Milverton until they retired from the farm and then moved to a house in Newton. Tillie and Velma also lived with them and moved to the house as well. In Newton they worked at the egg-grading station. Velma worked there until she retired. Velma eventually fell heir to their house and still lives there now... (referring to Velma "She has lived on the property since she was born, except for a little while after she was married when she lived in a couple rooms over the hotel. She returned to her home after Granny died. Velma’s husband Ed died there too. Granny Broughton was just a little wisp of a thing and Granddad was quite tall. Granny lost an eye and has a glass eye in this picture. One day, while upholstering a chair, she decided to remove a tack which didn’t go in straight enough. Granny attempted to pull it our with a fork, but the tack flew back into her eye. Granny lived right near the train station in Milverton, so she decided to board the next train to get help from the doctor. While she was riding on the train, Granny’s eye popped right out in her hand.!" Granddad Broughton was also a source of local legend. As can be seen from the photo, he lost his thumb at a young age. His thumb was dutifully ‘buried between four trees in a little matchbox on the former family farm near Moncton. The trees still stand to mark the place" on the farm" on County Road 23 where the Holman’s live now". As to how the thumb was removed and found its place under the trees of the Holman farm, there are various stories depending on the teller. Since no-one lives to verify the tales, no one now is really sure if Granddad Broughton was just a disobedient young lad climbing a windmill and catching his thumb in the gears or a young man working on the family farm who lost his thumb in a threshing machine accident. Edna tells the former story but cronies of William and the obituary tells the latter. I suspect that Edna’s story is the right one but that he let others think what they wanted about it in his older, wiser days From another interview with Edna.. There is an interesting story about each of them losing a part of themselves. Several versions of Grandpa’s story exist, but the one Edna talked about was that Grandpa Broughton was missing part of his thumb because of an accident he had when a child. Some people say there are no such thing as accidents and this one most certainly might have been avoided if young William had minded his parents. One day, when they were expecting company and William’s parents were busy in preparations, William decided to climb up the windmill that provided power to the farm. He had been warned away from doing this before, but boys being boys, he took advantage of his parents’ preoccupation to climb the windmill. In those days, before health and safety, the old fan windmills had open gears and sure enough, William got his thumb caught in those gears and tore off his thumb. This certainly would have been a painful event but in those days, the thought of angering a parent and the corporal punishment that might follow was also a powerful deterrent to admitting a mistake. Young William made his way down the windmill, thrust his thumb and his injured hand in his pocket and attempted to maintain a poker face as he went back to his family and their company. The game was up when his family noticed the blood soaking through his pants pocket and insisted on having him show them the damage. The thumb, in those days, was not able to be reattached; the wound

was dressed and the notorious thumb was given a decent burial in a matchbox underneath the huge trees in the Broughton front yard. Granny Broughton was also missing an eye though she wore a glass replacement for the benefit of the grandchildren. This injury occurred when Martha was grown up and married. She and her husband lived on a farm at the eastern edge of Milverton, right across from the railway station. Regular train travel ran through Milverton and past the farm. One day, while re-upholstering a chair, she decided to pull out a tack using a dinner fork, for want of any other suitable tools at hand. While doing so, the tack flew into her eye, causing her much distress. Needing to see a doctor, she boarded the train and headed out. Unfortunately, while still on the train, so the story goes, the eye fell out of its socket, and into her hand. From that time on, Granny Broughton sported an unmoving glass eye.

What Edna Had to say about the photos: Photo of the three brothers in the oval frame...I found the information Edna gave me so you can get the names straight... "Uncle Willie was born in 1882 and was the oldest son of the oldest son. He was a storekeeper for a while in London. He later went out west and lived his life there. He died out west." "Uncle Stanley was born in 1889. He was a farmer who lived just down the road from us - and his brother Bert. He was the tallest and biggest of the Buchanan brothers." "Uncle Ed moved out west and lived on a farm in Saskatchewan." ( I have a nice photo of them with Edna when they came to Ontario for a visit) Interview with Uncle Jimmy - December 9, 2006 "Grandfather James died out west on October 23, 1923 at the age of 71 years. The legend is that he died stooking grain but Andy said " I haven’t ever heard of anyone stooking grain on the 23rd of October." However, the growing season is later in the prairies so perhaps that isn’t unusual. Uncle Jimmy said that they shipped him back to Ontario by train in a steel coffin with a glass lid over the body because of the length of time it took after his death to ship his body. Jimmy said he was only about two years old but still remembers seeing his grandfather in the coffin. Neither Andy nor Jimmy had ever heard that James had been out to the gold rush though they had heard stories of a lot of men who had gone out and of the many who had died in the search for gold. However, if James were up to visiting out west and working on the prairies he no doubt would also have been up for a trip to the gold fields with some of his western siblings. [The gold mining stories I am acquainted with were in James' father's generation. The James Buchanan who figured prominently in these stories was his father's older brother James.] James and Julia Annie moved into Milverton - one of those big red Victorian brick houses about a block from the main corner and on the north side of the main street. His wife continued to live there for some time after James passed away...She lived until 1935 - an additional 13 years. She was 81 years of age when she passed away.

Uncle Ed and William both had sections out west. Uncle Ed was having a sale when Jimmy was out there in 1946 or 47. Uncle Jimmy minds the time when he went out west. He joined a threshing excursion to the west. Eva and Jimmy were not really a settled item at that time. Eva had gone to Grace Hospital in Toronto to train for nursing for two years and Jimmy felt at loose ends. He thought to go with a couple of other fellows out west to join the threshing excursion and make some good money. At that time you would work 10 hours in a day and earn $7.00 an hour. Edna talked about making less than that in a month so it appeared to be good money that could be earned. Uncle Jimmy went out with a couple of fellows - one was named Gerry Scott and another was a boy... They took the train to Toronto and from Toronto out west in what was called a "colonist car." The train seats were wooden benches. Uncle Jimmy complained that you couldn’t really sleep on the train but you might try to put your feet onto the benches across from you. They were "hard old benches and it wasn’t a fun trip. It was an experience but it wasn’t a good trip." When Jimmy and his friends got out to Saskatchewan they went to the employment office in Humbolt but it was raining so no threshing could be done. It rained for two whole weeks. The guys had spent all their money on the ten dollar train ride out west and for food. Jimmy wasn’t feeling well on the train ride out and his stomach was feeling very queasy. He couldn’t look much at food for the first while. His friends must have had cast iron stomachs. He tells the story of his pals coming back on the train at one stop and bringing on a huge hunk of summer sausage and a piece of pie to eat for their breakfast. The rain would not subside and for two weeks, in order to fund a room and board the fellows took what they could, from ‘cleaning lousy chicken coops, to picking stones to chopping wood" - but the pay just allowed them to subsist. After two weeks the rain subsided and the fellows were sent to thresh farther north in Saskatchewan. They were treated well by the Polish couple that owned the farm. They lived in a bunkhouse and had good meals. Unfortunately, Jimmy had developed a severe boil right in the crook of his arm and it gave him considerable trouble. Probably the infection was bothering him even on the trip over and he still didn’t feel much like eating. But he had to survive so he forced himself to get up in the morning and get the team ready and over to the section that needed to be threshed by seven in the morning. His arm would barely bend but he had to pull himself together and do the work to make his pay. At night the woman of the ranch put hot water bottles on the boil to draw the infection out but it continued for two weeks to get more infected. When he was threshing in the north of Saskatchewan he said the land was new land with lots of nutrient and the grain grew very tall - almost too tall to lay the grain on the belt properly for the threshing machine. There was a lot of straw to the grain and much of the straw was piled and burned. He recalled one time when they started burning the straw while the threshing was still going. The

farmer hoped to finish without resetting the machine as it looked as though a storm was coming up. However, the wind suddenly changed direction and started to blow the fire over towards the threshing machine. It almost caught fire - which would have been an end to a fine season’s work. Fortunately they were able to prevent a calamity and the threshing was concluded for the season that night. After Jimmy had finished his threshing at this location, he thought he would look up his uncle Ed in Unity. He had never met his uncle but knew of him - so thought he should visit before going home. He took the train and arrived at a stop for an hour or so. With some time to kill before taking the Unity train and with a little bit of cash in his pocket he took a little wander around the town. While on the streets of the town he met Curly (Glenn) Thompson - a local boy from Ontario who is also probably related in some way. They recognized each other but neither understood how the other could be there in that prairie town. "Curly" was also travelling but had a hotel room in that town that he called his home base. After Jimmy went on his way, the troublesome boil on his arm burst. The poisonous fluids ran down his arm soiling all of his clothes and the lining of his leather coat. He had just an hour before the train and now his clothes were soiled. How could he show up at his uncle and aunt’s like that? He went back to seek out Curly Thompson and "Curly used him real good". Curly was on his way and didn’t have time to get back to his room but he gave Jimmy the key to his room and told him to make use of anything he needed to get cleaned up. Jimmy bought some bandages and went to Curly’s hotel, leaving the key behind for Curly. He was able to freshen up before boarding the train to Unity. The train took several hours to get to Unity and Jimmy arrived in the wee hours of the night. He asked the ticket master if he could sleep in the station house, but the ticket master "didn’t see the sense of him sleeping on a board bench when he could have a real bed." He called out to Uncle Ed and arranged "for a ride out to the farm. Well the farm was five miles out of Unity over rough roads . It was just like mud roads get when they freeze over it was that rough. But they arrived at the section Uncle Ed was farming and Aunt Mary, even though she’d never seen me before, she used me real good. " Later that night he took the bandages off his burst boil and the core of it was easily pulled out. The hole it left in his arm was the same size as his pinky finger. Within no time it was healing. Uncle Ed was able to benefit from Uncle Jimmy and put him to work. The family "lived without many of this world’s goods but they put a good meal on the table and made ends meet." Uncle Jimmy said he was feeling better when he left his Uncle Ed’s farm. He had regained his appetite and had put the infection behind. He managed to earn enough to pay for his ten dollar ticket back to Toronto. But he isn’t sure how he got from Toronto to home. He was broke when he left for Saskatchewan but he was even broker when he returned for all the work he did. He "was more than flat broke - he was flatter than a pancake broke.That trip was an experience. It wasn’t a good trip." Uncle Jimmy would repeat over and over.

Uncle Jimmy also talked about the old coupe he owned and drove in the early

forties. It was still waiting for him when he got home so he did have transportation - if a poor set of wheels. The tires from this particular model of car were very difficult - even more so after the war- and Jimmy’s tires were starting to go, but Eva wanted to visit her Aunt (Edith?)in Port Perry one time with her brother Jack. Jimmy agreed to take the four of them to Port Perry. They set out and somewhere around Orangeville about a foot of rubber tread started to flap off the tire and was left on the pavement. There was nothing to do as no one had replacement tires for that vehicle - so off they went the rest of the way to Port Perry with a foot of tread missing from the tire. Eva went to train for nursing in 1946 and 1947 at Grace Hospital in Toronto. She had a good friend Vivian Duall who trained with her . Vivian eventually went to the North West Territories to nurse but finally retired in Vancouver. She died in Maple Ridge in the past few years.

Lloyd Taylor married cousin Edith Broughton - mother’s sister. They had two children Becky and Stanley. Robert Taylor from Windsor was a son of Stanley and cousin to Robert. Uncle Jimmy also talked about all the Andy Buchanans that had to be told apart by their nicknames. There was Black Andy who lived on the Atkin place and Devil Andy and Fat Andy but he couldn’t remember which nickname went with which family. Aunt Annie [Bray Buchanan McMane] lived close to Lake Huron. This was south of Pine River but within walking distance. Jimmy remembers that you had to take a car to the lighthouse and beach at Point Clark Aunt Eva and Uncle Jimmy had a group of friends they called the "Lakedwellers Association" Aunt Eva and her friends liked to head over to Point Clark on an annual basis. About five couples started to do this as newlyweds. The ladies would go down for the week with the men joining in on the weekends- sometimes renting rooms and sometimes staying with Aunt Annie and Uncle Roy. They continued to do this as they had children but eventually the group just got too big to continue...it required an extra truck just to deliver the things they needed for the children! The couples did stay friends for many years and continued even this year to get together. Aunt Annie’s son-in-law [Robert Kenneth (Ken)] Cornish was a salesman and distributor for Jack Hood School Supplies out of Stratford. Uncle Jimmy also told us a story about Grandpa Broughton leaving "his pipe stem on the window sill outside - probably to dry out the stem. Well, it was a sunny day and the ring on the pipe was just glinting in the sun. A crow took a fancy to the pipe and couldn’t be shooed away, It managed to get hold of the pipe and flew away with it. I don’t think the pipe was ever seen again." Granddad Broughton "was not much of a farmer but he talked a lot about saw logging." (lumbering)

Edna and Jimmy lived across the street in Newton from the Broughtons. The two storey building in the back of the one photo is the woolen mill . At that time it was the only two story building in the village. The horse’s name was "Old Dan." Jimmy had this to say of his Grannie Broughton - "She was a good woman. She didnt have much of this world’s goods but she would take the button off of her shirt to sew it onto yours." His mother too, "was a good woman. She didn’t have a lot of this world’s goods but she didn’t care." She worked so hard and she had children over an eighteen year span, "Edna was eighteen when Andy was born. He was six years after the youngest, Gladys and they didn’t expect any more children but she didn’t care what she had. She loved all of her children all the same." Willi Laurie

Bill http://billbuchanan.clawz.com --- On Wed 06/18, The Lauries wrote: From: The Lauries [mailto: jlaurie@...] To: bill.buchanan@... Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 15:40:39 -0400 Subject: update One day I wll send some more photos - you may like the wedding photos I have of most of Edna's siblings... but I have to do something about my scanner before I get involved in that project. At any rate I have attached my favorite photo of Grannie and Grandpa Broughton... As for that other story... I wrote it all down a number of years ago when I first copied this photo from the original. This is Edna's side of the story... 1944- This picture of the Broughton "grandparents was taken in front of the garage in Edna’s garden on the place we (Jimmy and Edna) lived in Newton. The chimney of the old woolen mill which was just behind the garage" is just visible." Jimmy worked in those for a while. The (photo of) the grand-parents was taken one summer day when they came with the horse to scuffle the tomatoes. " William and Martha lived on the farm across from the railroad station in Milverton until they retired from the farm and then moved to a house in Newton. Tillie and Velma also lived with them and moved to the house as well. In Newton they worked at the egg-grading station. Velma worked there until she retired. Velma eventually fell heir to their house and still lives there now... 1939 Photo of Grandaa and Grannie Broughton (referring to Velma "She has lived on the property since she was born, except for a little while after she was married when she lived in a couple rooms over the hotel. She returned to her home after Granny died. Velma’s husband Ed died there too. Granny Broughton was just a little wisp of a thing and Granddad was quite tall. Granny lost an eye and has a glass eye in this picture. One day, while upholstering a chair, she decided to remove a tack which didn’t go in straight enough. Granny attempted to pull it our with a fork, but the tack flew back into her eye. Granny lived right near the train station in Milverton, so she decided to board the next train to get help from the doctor. While she was riding on the train, Granny’s eye popped right out in her hand.!"

Granddad Broughton was also a source of local legend. As can be seen from the photo, he lost his thumb at a young age. His thumb was dutifully ‘buried between four trees in a little matchbox on the former family farm near Moncton. The trees still stand to mark the place" on the farm" on County Road 23 where the Holman’s live now". As to how the thumb was removed and found its place under the trees of the Holman farm, there are various stories depending on the teller. Since no-one lives to verify the tales, no one now is really sure if Granddad Broughton was just a disobedient young lad climbing a windmill and catching his thumb in the gears or a young man working on the family farm who lost his thumb in a threshing machine accident. Edna tells the former story but cronies of William and the obituary tells the latter. I suspect that Edna’s story is the right one but that he let others think what they wanted about it in his older, wiser days From another interview with Edna.. There is an interesting story about each of them losing a part of themselves. Several versions of Grandpa’s story exist, but the one Edna talked about was that Grandpa Broughton was missing part of his thumb because of an accident he had when a child. Some people say there are no such thing as accidents and this one most certainly might have been avoided if young William had minded his parents. One day, when they were expecting company and William’s parents were busy in preparations, William decided to climb up the windmill that provided power to the farm. He had been warned away from doing this before, but boys being boys, he took advantage of his parents’ preoccupation to climb the windmill. In those days, before health and safety, the old fan windmills had open gears and sure enough, William got his thumb caught in those gears and tore off his thumb. This certainly would have been a painful event but in those days, the thought of angering a parent and the corporal punishment that might follow was also a powerful deterrent to admitting a mistake. Young William made his way down the windmill, thrust his thumb and his injured hand in his pocket and attempted to maintain a poker face as he went back to his family and their company. The game was up when his family noticed the blood soaking through his pants pocket and insisted on having him show them the damage. The thumb, in those days, was not able to be reattached; the wound was dressed and the notorious thumb was given a decent burial in a matchbox underneath the huge trees in the Broughton front yard. Granny Broughton was also missing an eye though she wore a glass replacement for the benefit of the grandchildren. This injury occurred when Martha was grown up and married. She and her husband lived on a farm at the eastern edge of Milverton, right across from the railway station. Regular train travel ran through Milverton and past the farm. One day, while re-upholstering a chair, she decided to pull out a tack using a dinner fork, for want of any other suitable tools at hand. While doing so, the tack flew into her eye, causing her much distress. Needing to see a doctor, she boarded the train and headed out. Unfortunately, while still on the train, so the story goes, the eye fell out of its socket, and into her hand. From that time on, Granny Broughton sported an unmoving glass eye. What Edna Had to say about the photos: Photo of the three brothers in the oval frame...I found the information Edna gave me so you can get the names straight... "Uncle Willie was born in 1882 and was the oldest son of the oldest son. He was a storekeeper for a while in London. He later went out west and lived his life there. He died out west."

"Uncle Stanley was born in 1889. He was a farmer who lived just down the road from us - and his brother Bert. He was the tallest and biggest of the Buchanan brothers." "Uncle Ed moved out west and lived on a farm in Saskatchewan." ( I have a nice photo of them with Edna when they came to Ontario for a visit) Interview with Uncle Jimmy - December 9, 2006 "Grandfather James died out west on October 23, 1923 at the age of 71 years. The legend is that he died stooking grain but Andy said " I haven’t ever heard of anyone stooking grain on the 23rd of October." However, the growing season is later in the prairies so perhaps that isn’t unusual. Uncle Jimmy said that they shipped him back to Ontario by train in a steel coffin with a glass lid over the body because of the length of time it took after his death to ship his body. Jimmy said he was only about two years old but still remembers seeing his grandfather in the coffin. Neither Andy nor Jimmy had ever heard that James had been out to the gold rush though they had heard stories of a lot of men who had gone out and of the many who had died in the search for gold. However, if James were up to visiting out west and working on the prairies he no doubt would also have been up for a trip to the gold fields with some of his western siblings James and Julia Annie moved into Milverton - one of those big red Victorian brick houses about a block from the main corner and on the north side of the main street. His wife continued to live there for some time after James passed away...She lived until 1935 - an additional 13 years. She was 81 years of age when she passed away. Uncle Ed and William both had sections out west. Uncle Ed was having a sale when Jimmy was out there in 1946 or 47. Uncle Jimmy minds the time when he went out west. He joined a threshing excursion to the west. Eva and Jimmy were not really a settled item at that time. Eva had gone to Grace Hospital in Toronto to train for nursing for two years and Jimmy felt at loose ends. He thought to go with a couple of other fellows out west to join the threshing excursion and make some good money. At that time you would work 10 hours in a day and earn $7.00 an hour. Edna talked about making less than that in a month so it appeared to be good money that could be earned. Uncle Jimmy went out with a couple of fellows - one was named Gerry Scott and another was a boy... They took the train to Toronto and from Toronto out west in what was called a "colonist car." The train seats were wooden benches. Uncle Jimmy complained that you couldn’t really sleep on the train but you might try to put your feet onto the benches across from you. They were "hard old benches and it wasn’t a fun trip. It was an experience but it wasn’t a good trip." When Jimmy and his friends got out to Saskatchewan they went to the employment office in Humbolt but it was raining so no threshing could be done. It rained for two whole weeks. The guys had spent all their money on the ten dollar train ride out west and for food. Jimmy wasn’t feeling well on the train ride out and his stomach was feeling very queasy. He couldn’t look much at food for the first while. His friends must have had cast iron stomachs. He tells the story of his pals coming back on the train at one stop and bringing on a huge hunk of summer sausage and a piece of pie to eat for their breakfast.

The rain would not subside and for two weeks, in order to fund a room and board the fellows took what they could, from ‘cleaning lousy chicken coops, to picking stones to chopping wood" - but the pay just allowed them to subsist. After two weeks the rain subsided and the fellows were sent to thresh farther north in Saskatchewan. They were treated well by the Polish couple that owned the farm. They lived in a bunkhouse and had good meals. Unfortunately, Jimmy had developed a severe boil right in the crook of his arm and it gave him considerable trouble. Probably the infection was bothering him even on the trip over and he still didn’t feel much like eating. But he had to survive so he forced himself to get up in the morning and get the team ready and over to the section that needed to be threshed by seven in the morning. His arm would barely bend but he had to pull himself together and do the work to make his pay. At night the woman of the ranch put hot water bottles on the boil to draw the infection out but it continued for two weeks to get more infected. When he was threshing in the north of Saskatchewan he said the land was new land with lots of nutrient and the grain grew very tall - almost too tall to lay the grain on the belt properly for the threshing machine. There was a lot of straw to the grain and much of the straw was piled and burned. He recalled one time when they started burning the straw while the threshing was still going. The farmer hoped to finish without resetting the machine as it looked as though a storm was coming up. However, the wind suddenly changed direction and started to blow the fire over towards the threshing machine. It almost caught fire -which would have been an end to a fine season’s work. Fortunately they were able to prevent a calamity and the threshing was concluded for the season that night. After Jimmy had finished his threshing at this location, he thought he would look up his uncle Ed in Unity. He had never met his uncle but knew of him - so thought he should visit before going home. He took the train and arrived at a stop for an hour or so. With some time to kill before taking the Unity train -and with a little bit of cash in his pocket he took a little wander around the town. While on the streets of the town he met Curly (Glenn) Thompson - a local boy from Ontario who is also probably related in some way. They recognized each other but neither understood how the other could be there in that prairie town. "Curly" was also travelling but had a hotel room in that town that he called his home base. After Jimmy went on his way, the troublesome boil on his arm burst. The poisonous fluids ran down his arm soiling all of his clothes and the lining of his leather coat. He had just an hour before the train and now his clothes were soiled. How could he show up at his uncle and aunt’s like that? He went back to seek out Curly Thompson and "Curly used him real good". Curly was on his way and didn’t have time to get back to his room but he gave Jimmy the key to his room and told him to make use of anything he needed to get cleaned up. Jimmy bought some bandages and went to Curly’s hotel, leaving the key behind for Curly. He was able to freshen up before boarding the train to Unity. The train took several hours to get to Unity and Jimmy arrived in the wee hours of the night. He asked the ticket master if he could sleep in the station house, but the ticket master "didn’t see the sense of him sleeping on a board bench when he could have a real bed." He called out to Uncle Ed and arranged "for a ride out to the farm. Well the farm was five miles out of Unity over rough roads . It was just like mud roads get when they freeze over it was that rough. But they arrived at the section Uncle Ed was farming and Aunt Mary, even though she’d never seen me before, she used me real good. " Later that night he took the bandages off his burst boil and the core of it was easily pulled out. The hole it left in his arm was the same size as his pinky finger. Within no time it was healing. Uncle Ed was able to benefit from Uncle Jimmy and put him to work. The family "lived without many of this world’s goods but they put a good meal on the table and made ends meet."

Uncle Jimmy said he was feeling better when he left his Uncle Ed’s farm. He had regained his appetite and had put the infection behind. He managed to earn enough to pay for his ten dollar ticket back to Toronto. But he isn’t sure how he got from Toronto to home. He was broke when he left for Saskatchewan but he was even broker when he returned for all the work he did. He "was more than flat broke - he was flatter than a pancake broke.That trip was an experience. It wasn’t a good trip." Uncle Jimmy would repeat over and over. Uncle Jimmy also talked about the old coupe he owned and drove in the early forties. It was still waiting for him when he got home so he did have transportation - if a poor set of wheels. The tires from this particular model of car were very difficult - even more so after the war- and Jimmy’s tires were starting to go, but Eva wanted to visit her Aunt (Edith?)in Port Perry one time with her brother Jack. Jimmy agreed to take the four of them to Port Perry. They set out and somewhere around Orangeville about a foot of rubber tread started to flap off the tire and was left on the pavement. There was nothing to do as no one had replacement tires for that vehicle - so off they went the rest of the way to Port Perry with a foot of tread missing from the tire. Eva went to train for nursing in 1946 and 1947 at Grace Hospital in Toronto. She had a good friend Vivian Duall who trained with her . Vivian eventually went to the North West Territories to nurse but finally retired in Vancouver. She died in Maple Ridge in the past few years. Lloyd Taylor married cousin Edith Broughton - mother’s sister. They had two children Becky and Stanley. Robert Taylor from Windsor was a son of Stanley and cousin to Robert. Uncle Jimmy also talked about all the Andy buchanans that had to be told apart by their nicknames. There was Black Andy who lived on the Atkin place and Devil Andy and Fat Andy but he couldn’t remember which nickname went with which family. Aunt Annie lived close to Lake Huron. This was south of Pine River but within walking distance. Jimmy remembers that you had to take a car to the lighthouse and beach at Point Clark Aunt Eva and Uncle Jimmy had a group of friends they called the "Lakedwellers Association" Aunt Eva and her friends liked to head over to Point Clark on an annual basis. About five couples started to do this as newlyweds. The ladies would go down for the week with the men joining in on the weekends- sometimes renting rooms and sometimes staying with Aunt Annie and Uncle Roy. They continued to do this as they had children but eventually the group just got too big to continue...it required an extra truck just to deliver the things they needed for the children! The couples did stay friends for many years and continued even this year to get together. Aunt Annie’s son-in-law Cornish was a salesman and distributor for Jack Hood School Supplies out of Stratford. Uncle Jimmy also told us a story about Grandpa Broughton leaving "his pipe stem on the window sill outside - probably to dry out the stem. Well, it was a sunny day and the ring on the pipe was just glinting in the sun. A crow took a fancy to the pipe and couldn’t be shooed away, It managed to get hold of the pipe and flew away with it. I don’t think the pipe was ever seen again." Granddad Broughton "was not much of a farmer but he talked a lot about saw logging." (lumbering)

Edna and Jimmy lived across the street in Newton from the Broughtons. The two storey building in the back of the one photo is the woolen mill . At that time it was the only two story building in the village. The horse’s name was "Old Dan." Jimmy had this to say of his Grannie Broughton - "She was a good woman. She didnt have much of this world’s goods but she would take the button off of her shirt to sew it onto yours." His mother too, "was a good woman. She didn’t have a lot of this world’s goods but she didn’t care." She worked so hard and she had children over an eighteen year span, "Edna was eighteen when Andy was born. He was six years after the youngest, Gladys and they didn’t expect any more children but she didn’t care what she had. She loved all of her children all the same." Attachment: Grannie and Grandpa Broughton 1944.jpg (143.06KB) [Bill Buchanan] ________________________________________________________________

Jun 23, 2008 Article about Annie Bray Buchanan McMane Also the info re Aunt Annie McMane - pls note the marriage date was in 1912 and not 1913 as stated in the article . Aunt Annie McMane - b. Annie Brae Buchanan Nov. 10 1889 m. Roy Allan McMane Mar, 12, 1912 . Roy died Aug. 15, 1955. I don't have a death date on Aunt Annie for some reason... Aunt Annie would be 90 in this Stratford Beacon Herald (we all call it the Sneakin Beacon) article circa Nov. 1979. Willi Annie Bray Buchanan McMane was one of our family's greatest historians, and was a major help and inspiration to me in my early research on our family. Here is my transcription of the article that Willi sent.

Drove out West by herself By Nancy Hotson Staff reporter Mrs Annie McMane, of 1 Erie St. has recently celebrated her 90th birthday Mrs, McMane was born in Elma Township one of seven children of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Buchanan. She is the last surving member of her immediate family. She attended school in Elma Township and says that her first heart break in life was not being able to continue her education past Grade 8. In 1913 she married Roy McMane and they farmed near Atwood. They had two daughters Mrs. Jack (Annie) Ingram. of Aylmer, and Mrs. Ken (Gladys) Cornish of

Toronto. In 1939 she and her husband sold their farm and retired to Seaforth. They lived there for a few years until deciding to return to a rural community and moved to Pine River on Lake Huron in 1948. After her husband died in 1955 Mrs McMane stayed at Pine River for a few years and then lived several places before moving to Stratford 10 years ago. "I had my driver's licence until I moved to town" she says. "then I decided I had better give up driving". " I wasn't afraid to drive I drove to Edmonton by myself twice. I was past 80 when I went the second time". She laughs as she tells about being at her daughter's place and saying that no one would go west with her She said , "I told my daughter I would just have to go on my own". The next morning she got in her car and set out for her brother's home in Red Deer, Alta. "I told my daughter that if I got cold feet I'd be back the next day." That first night away Mrs. McManee spent in Michigan. The next morning the sun was beautiful and bright and she said "I couldn't drive facing anything that bright so I just kept on heading west." When she arrived in Wisconsin she mailed her other daughter a card. She said "I'm sure she was shocked when she read the post mark on the card I never told her I was leaving because I didn't think she would approve". After visiting with her brother in Red Deer and spending a few nights sleeping in her station wagon at Provincial Parks, she arrived home to attend her granddaughter's wedding. Now that Mrs. McMane doesn't drive she has time to read, write letters, sew, take care of house plants, and play cards. Recently she had a friend come to visit her from India, The lady from India was in Stratford 13 years ago on a mission for the Indian Government to see how Canadians handled the problem of juvenile delinquency. At Christmas she flew to Sault Ste. Marie to spend some time with her granddaughter and family She also enjoys visiting with her daughters. Mrs. McMane has two granddaughters and six greatgrandchildren. She received birthday congratulations from Prime Minister Joe Clark. Perth MPP Hugh Edighoffer, Perth MP Bill Jarvis and Mayor Ted Blowes. Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Jun 28, 2008 John Charles Buchanan

Hi All; Here is a little info I found out while away on holidays. Funeral Card for John Charles Buchanan (son of Andrew Richard Buchanan and Annie Maude Danbrook) John Charles Buchanan Passed Away Thursday, March 22, 2001 at Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital Burlington, Ontario Charles was in his 83rd year and will sadly missed by his wife Maribelle and family Margaret and Bob MacRae, Mary Lou and Monty Cornish. Sisters Margaret Mitchel, Muriel Robertson and Mary Robertson of Unity, Saskatchewan. Wonderful Grandfather to Andrew and Nicole, Kathy and Paul, Sean and Tanya, Douglas. Great Grandfather to Alek, Chelsea, Emily, Andrew, Ben and Jon. Spring Interment at Markdale Cemetery, Markdale, Ontario. Kelly :o) ________________________________________________________________

Jun 29, 2008 Re[2]: [andrew-buchanan] John Charles Buchanan Hi All; I know you all are questioning this but I dont know either ... Give me sometime and I will be my best to see what I can come up with. I am hoping that I will be able to find an obituary that might answer some of our questions :) I know this wasnt the answer you all were looking for but I promise I will do what I can to find out :) Kelly :o) ----- Original Message ----From: Bill Buchanan Recipient: ketchup@... Sent: Sun, 29 Jun 2008 17:01:15 -0400 Subject: Re: [andrew-buchanan] John Charles Buchanan Hi Kelly, Thanks for the information. I have a question though. I show Charlie as having one child (Gail) who is not mentioned. But the funeral card mentions "family Margaret and Bob MacRae, Mary Lou and Monty Cornish. " Who are they? And who do the grandchildren belong to? Bill

http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Jul 11, 2008 Parents and Siblings of Ann Thompson Buchanan Hi Everyone, I have been contacted by a Thompson descendant in Australia. We are trying to compare info. As official documentation of Ann, we have her marriage, censuses, death certificate and funeral card. Of special interest is the death info reported some time ago by Sue: Death 024848-1911 Ann Buchanan, Nov 6, 1911, age 87y 4m 28d born June 9, 1824; of lot 33, con 9, Elma township; d/o James Thompson and Jane Long, both of Ireland. Ill four days - died of old age & heart failure. and also given on pilot.familysearch.org Name: Ann Buchanan Death date: 06 Nov 1911 Age at death: 87 years 4 months 28 days Death place: Elma, Perth, Ontario Birth date: 09 Jun 1824 Birth place: Co Tyrone, Ireland Gender: Female Marital status: Widowed Race: White Ethnicity: Canadian Spouse name: Father name: James Thompson Mother name: Jane Long GSU film number: 1854824 Digital GS number: 4176377 Image number: 255 Reference number: p 58 cn 024848 Collection: Ontario Deaths 1869-1947 This is what gets really interesting, because Jenny Salmon has records on James Thompson and his wife Jane Long from Longfield, Tyrone, Ireland, immigrating to Australia in 1855, and eventually dying there. Have any of you heard stories of Ann's parents going to Ireland? The identical match on the names and place is hard to explain unless they are the same people. But why would they have gone to Australia instead of joining Ann in Canada? Economics perhaps? We know that is where Ann Thompson and William Buchanan were married in Lower Longfield Parish, Tyrone, Ireland in 1847. Here are the messages from Jenny. I tried sending the attachments but Yahoo refused, saying that the message was larger than 1 MB. Date: 07/08/2008 05:29 AM From: "Jennifer Salmon" Subject: RE: Ann Thompson To: bill.buchanan Attachments: Thompson, James.pdf (239.6 KB) Dear Bill I have read your numerous queries about the Buchanan's in Tyrone. I am researching the Thompson's of Longfield, Tyrone.

I have the death certificate of James Thompson who had a daughter called Ann. Most of the children came to Australia in 1855 but Ann, Robert, William didn't. I do not have a Thomas as a son of James. Perhaps I have a different family but I just wanted to check. I cannot read the age of Ann even if it is correct on death certificate. Attached is the death certificate of James Thompson. Let me know if you think this is possible, I know very little about them except that James's youngest daughter Catherine was my great grandmother. Jenny Melbourne Australia James Thompson died 8 Nov 1871, Shire of Corie, County of Grant, Parish of Moranghurk, Duckponds, Victoria, Australia at age 86. Parents: Robert Thompson, tanner; Margaret Thompson, M N Thompson [If this is right James Thompson, we now have the names of his parents.] [Jenny forgive me if I have mangled the transcription.] Date: 07/10/2008 01:37 AM From: "Jennifer Salmon" Subject: Thompson Immigration To: "Bill RE: Thompson" Subject: Jane Long (James' Wife) To: bill.buchanan Attachments: Thompson Jane.pdf (192.3 KB) Dear Bill James Thompson's wife is Jane Long. If you read the death certificate that I emailed to you it is there. The concern that I have is that I don't think that the years are matching up. The names are relatively common. Both James thompson and jane long died in Australia. I have worked out after emailing the relative of David Wilkin Thompson that I am not related to this person. If you note that William was 59 in 1871 on James Thompson death certificate which means being born in about 1812. Then Ann was about 50 in 1871 and so she was born in about 1821. (it is so close) I have emailed another relative to see what she thinks and I will get back to you when I know any more.

Unfortunately the name Thompson is so common. Please find attached Jane Thompson's death certificate (it is really hard to read) They both died about 70 kms south of Melbourne which is just near Geelong. The town called Duck Ponds is now called Lara. Also I have records that only part of the family came to Australia and Robert, William and Ann weren't on the same ship. Jenny I am also trying to see how this fits from someone else: http://community.netidea.com/tspencer/Thompson/JamesThompson_17XX.html Family Group Sheet for James Thompson of Collow Prepared December 23, 2000 by Tim Spencer 624 7th Street, Nelson, BC , Canada V1L 2Z7 Numbering: modified D'Aboville system with James Thompson of Collow = 1 (underline indicates female eg. 1.7) All places in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland unless otherwise noted -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Husband: James Thompson 1 farmer, of Collow my great great great grandfather --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wife: X --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Children: Place Data source 1M Thomas Thompson 1.1 Baptised: X at: X Married: 1832 at: X aged X Buried: X at: X aged X Spouse: Mason of Collow Children: Andrew Thompson 1.1.1, Elizabeth Thompson 1.1.2, Anne Thompson 1.1.3 Biddy Thompson 1.1.4, Sarah Thompson 1.1.5, John James Thompson 1.1.6 1.2 William Thompson 1.2 my great great grandfather Baptised: X at: X Married: 1836 at: X aged X Buried: X at: X aged X Spouse: Jane Speer Children: Robert Thompson 1.2.1, Esther Thompson 1.2.2, William Thompson 1.2.3 Alexander Thompson 1.2.4, Jane Thompson 1.2.5 3F Anne Thompson 1.3 Baptised: X at: X Married: 1846 at: X aged X Buried: X at: X aged X Spouse: William Buchanan of Ardstraw Note that there are discrepencies in having a child Thomas, missing in the Australian records, and Tim Spencer is missing most of the children mentioned in the Australian records. I am guessing that Tim Spencer is working from Thompson

marriages found in Ardstraw parish, so Thomas might not be in the same family. Same family or different? I will reserve judgement on Tim Spencer's info, but I think we have a match with Jenny Salmon's Thompsons. If our Ann was born in 1824, having her father born in 1785 would be very reasonable. Even if the names Thompson and Long are common, the chances of having two James Thomsons of the right age married to a Jane Long, both from Longfied, Tyrone, seems impossibly small to me. It looks like a match. What do you think? Bill http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Jul 12, 2008 James Thomson death certificate, more complete transcription Hi Everyone, These registrations span two pages and I missed the second page and mis-copied part of page 1. Please use this transcription: Deaths in the District of Duck Ponds in the Colony of Victoria Registered by James Blair Died: 13th October 1871, Shire of Corie, County of Grant, Parish of Moranghurk, Duck Ponds Name and Profession: James Thompson, Coster; Sex and Age: Male, 86 years; Circumstances: old age and general debility, 2 weeks, last seen by: Dr. John Day, 8th October 1871 Parents: Robert Thompson, tanner; Margaret Thompson M.N. Thompson Informant: William M Clellan[?], son-in-law, Duck Ponds Registration: James Blair, 15th October 1871, Duck Ponds Burial: 16th October 1871, Geelong [?] Cemetery Minister: Revd George Goodman, Church of England Clergyman; David McKay, James Alain, John Currie, witnesses Born: Parish of Longfield, County Tyrone, Ireland; Resided in Victoria 16 years Married: Longfield, County Tyrone, Ireland at age 22 years to Jane Thompson, M.N. Long Children: Robert 60, William 57, Ann 50, John deceased, James 40, John 38, Gerrard 35, Margaret [illegible], Alexander [illegible], Jane 28, Catherine 26.

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Jul 12, 2008 Transcription of Death Registration of Jane Long Thompson

I have had a chance to transcribe Jane Long's death info: Deaths in the District of Geelong in the Colony of Victoria Registered by James Quillan[?] [I can't make out his name but it isn't critical info.] Died: First May 1858, Bream Creek, Duneed Name and Profession: Jane Thompson, m. name Long; Sex and Age: Female, 60 years; Circumstances: Phthisis Parents: Robert Long; Catherine Thompson m. name Sproul Informant: John Thompson, son, Bream Creek Registration: James Quillan[?], Third May 1858, Geelong Burial: 3 May 1858, Geelong Cemetery; Wm Creig[?], undertaker Minister: Born: Cty Tyrone, Ireland; Resided in Victoria 3 years Married: Longfield, Tyrone, Ireland at about 20 years to James Thompson, Farmer Children: Robert, William, Ann, John, James, John, Jared, Margaret, Alexander, Jane, Catherine If we stick to what we can document, it all fits together. I don't know if any of Ann Thompson's brothers came with them, but some relative I spoke to in the 1960s said there may have been one or two. And Annie Bray Buchanan McMane made a passing reference to visiting Thompson relatives in Michigan. But I have never seen anything specific. Tim Spencer mentioned Ann having two brothers (one being "William Thompson of Collow my great great grandfather" who stayed in Ireland) I also see this message regarding the Thompsons: Date: Sat Jan 20 13:25:07 2007 From: Dennis Thompson To: Subject: Re: FAMILY TREE Come to think of it, when I reread your reply, I noticed that you indicated one (or more) of Anne's brothers emigrated at the same time. .... According to my records, it is unlikely that her other brother William emigrated since most of my father's line continues to reside in Ireland. I haven't yet begun to pursue emigration as a possibility for any relative other than the ones I do know about. I am excited at the info Jenny has given me. These others may be the same family or may not, but the evidence convinces me that Jenny's Thompsons are definitely the right family. Bill http://billbuchanan.clawz.com ________________________________________________________________

Jul 13, 2008 Re: [andrew-buchanan] Parents and Siblings of Ann Thompson Buchanan Hi Barry and all,

The immigration record says "Assisted British Immigrants", so they probably had free passage to Australia. Getting accepted is probably why the parents fibbed about their ages as well. (see below) http://proarchives.imagineering.com.au/index_search_results.asp Index to Assisted British Immigration 1839-1871 This is an index to Registers of Assisted British Immigrants 1839-1871 Family Name Given Name Age Month Year Ship Book Page THOMPSON JAMES 53 APR 1855 EPSOM 12 76 THOMPSON JANE 51 APR 1855 EPSOM 12 76 THOMPSON JAMES 25 APR 1855 EPSOM 12 82 THOMPSON JOHN 23 APR 1855 EPSOM 12 82 THOMPSON GERRARD 20 APR 1855 EPSOM 12 82 THOMPSON MARGT 18 APR 1855 EPSOM 12 81 THOMPSON ALEXR 14 APR 1855 EPSOM 12 82 THOMPSON JANE 12 APR 1855 EPSOM 12 76 THOMPSON CATHERINE 10 APR 1855 EPSOM 12 76 Jane Long's mother - I must have made a mistake. Catherine Long was her married name, Sproul was her maiden name. James' mother has Thompson as her married name and as her maiden name. The 10 year-old Catherine was Jenny's ancestor. Bill http://billbuchanan.clawz.com -----Original Message----From: "Barry Snider" [barrysnider@...] Date: 07/13/2008 08:47 PM To: "Bill Buchanan" Subject: Re: [andrew-buchanan] Parents and Siblings of Ann Thompson Buchanan Thanks for sharing this. It makes sense that Ann, Robert & William didn't go to Australia. They were the oldest children, and were probably already married and settled by 1855. Ann we know came to Canada with her new family. William stayed in Ireland (per his descendant). And Robert - well, we have nothing on Robert, except he was probably the oldest child - age 44 when they left for Australia. So possibly he also stayed in Ireland. Do you know what it means about Jane's mother - Catherine Thompson, nee Sproule? Why would she have two last names? Thanks again. Barry P.S. And there appear to be two sons named John. I suspect one died young. ________________________________________________________________

Oct 1, 2008 Mervyn Buchanan

Hi Everyone, I had a phone call last night from Mervyn Buchanan, who has been very active in our Buchanan family history. I remember staying with his family in Neepawa during my 1962 visit there. In the evenings after work he would drive to visit relatives who might have information for me to add to my family group sheets. What a wonderful guy! It was good to hear him sounding so well. The last time I had seen him he was quite sick. "We always said we would never follow our children across the country. Then in 2004 our daughter Joanne died. In 2005 we moved to Red Deer, Alberta to be close to the family." He said his son Howard is a city councillor in Red Deer. He asked if it was possible to get a printed copy of my Buchanan and Watson book that was quoted in a recent history of Neepawa. Below I have pasted a copy of the letter I enclosed with the book.

RR 3 Site 304 Box 11 Onoway AB T0E 1V0 1 October 2008 Dear Merv, It was wonderful to talk to you again. I am enclosing a copy of my 2006 Buchanan and Watson history, which focuses on my ancestors (many of whom we have in common). It has a lot of information about members of the extended family. It can also be found on my main website http://billbuchanan.clawz.com but I have updated your copy by adding two short addendum notes, which are expanded below. My uncle Jack (John Henry Buchanan) as a young man had an illegitimate daughter we didn’t know about. I found out when I had a phone call one night from a lady identifying herself as Velda, asking if I knew of a William Buchanan who used to be a blacksmith at Millet, Alberta. I said, “Yes, he was my grandfather!†Then she went on to tell me that she was adopted as a baby by the Lee family who farmed near Raymond, Alberta. In 2007 the adoption records were unsealed and she was able to find the identity of her birth parents, Margaret Haines and Jack Buchanan. Subsequently she sent me photocopies of the adoption records. She is definitely one of us. Jack and Margaret are both dead, but she was thrilled to make contact with her Haines and Buchanan cousins. On the Haines side she has a half brother and a half sister, from Margaret’s subsequent marriage to Roy Young. She was a little disappointed that my uncle Jack had no children from his marriage to Tina Pacholko. Some of the historians in the family felt that our ancestor Jane Buchanan's maiden name was Long or Young rather than McNeilands. In the past year, we have proven that Jane Long was the mother of Ann Thompson, not the mother of her husband William Buchanan. Jane Long was born about 1798 in Longfield, Tyrone, Ireland and died 1 May 1858 at Bream Creek, Victoria, Australia. She married James Thompson in 1807 in Longfield, Tyrone, Ireland. The Australian records agree perfectly with the Ontario records that these were the parents of Ann Thompson, not the mother of William Buchanan. It may take a few years before some of our cousins accept

this fact. Her name is given as Jane Young by James Watson jr. in the death certificate of her daughter Jane, but is found nowhere else. I hope you enjoy the book. Your cousin,

Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.clawz.com Barry, Sharon, Rob, Craig, etc. If any of you have early access to the new FamilySearch site, I invite you look at our family tree there and make any corrections to your own contributions and add any missing info that you are sure of. If your new information contradicts what is already there, please include documentation. We want this to be as complete and accurate as possible before it goes public. ________________________________________________________________

Oct 24, 2008 Website http://billbuchanan.clawz.com has been offline for the last few weeks. The business website for clawz.com is still there but their toll-free number is not working and emails go unanswered. I suspect that clawz.com has gone bust. This is too bad. They have served me well. http://bill_buchanan.tripod.com is still operational but has older info and a smaller capacity. I need top find another (free) webhost. I will let you know when I do. Bill ________________________________________________________________

Nov 3, 2008 New Webhost Hi Everyone, It has taken a while to find a replacement web host since clawz.com has gone under. My website can now be found at http://billbuchanan.co.cc You may note that there are no advertizing banners across the tops of the pages. Bill http://billbuchanan.co.cc ________________________________________________________________

Nov 14, 2008 Death of Bev McCallum Aubichon The only child of Berwin Leslie McCallum and Inez Marion Buchanan, Beverley Ann McCallum was born 1 Jul 1943 at Stettler, Alberta, Canada and died 30 Oct 2008 at Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. She was my first cousin, and I knew her quite well as we were growing up. To see her picture and my notes from her memorial at Eastwood Community Hall on Monday 10 November 2008, please see my blog. http://billbuchanan.blogspot.com/ Bill http://billbuchanan.co.cc ________________________________________________________________

Nov 14, 2008 Bernice Dertell Does anyone know if Bernice Dertell is still alive? I receved a message from Teresa Fouillard asking me if I had heard anything. Hi Bill, Just received an e-mail from Florence Womack asking if I had heard anything about Bernice Dertell having died, as she got back a letter marked "deceased" She would like to make contact with some of her family to pass on her condolences. Can you tell me anything? Cheers, Teresa [Fouillard]

Hi Teresa, I phoned her first cousin, Roy Woolsey who lives NE of here. He said he had heard of her death. He said her sister Ruth had died in 2007. Bill http://billbuchanan.co.cc I found a reference to Ruth's obituary: WOOLSEY, Ruth Frances (Flores) (Andreeff) Victoria 1928-04-27 2007-04-18 78 Also found one for Gordon John Woolsey: WOOLSEY, Gordon John Edmonton Journal 200707-06 But I found nothing for Bernice. (Bernice, if you are still here, please let us know.) These are my cousins who are descendants of John Buchanan and Isabella Watson. ________________________________________________________________

Dec 15, 2008 Anselan's Ancestors Hi Everyone, I intended to create a 2008 version of the Buchanan Family Tree book, adding some updates from last year. Instead I decided to do an ancestry book on Anselan O'Kyan (Annselan O' Cahan in Irish). Why? Two of our Buchanan cousins did Y-DNA tests. We were told that we were of a "typical chiefly line of clan Buchanan", and all of these chiefs claimed descent from Anselan O'Kyan, son of King Dermond O' Cahan who reigned in northern Ireland. So I decided to capitalize on the whole concept of Y-DNA research, which was to fly over the brick walls that block our paper research. I already had a file of Anselan's ancestry, which was sent to me by Mary Slawson, the head of the Human Family Project. Now I needed to put it into the form of a book. It was an interesting little project. We are all descended from peasants and kings, and I have enjoyed the history, legend, and myth of our very early ancestry on Anselan's line. I am reorganizing the website. If you wish to view this book or download or print it, you will find the link on my Buchanan page. Best wishes to all for a wonderful Christmas and happiness throughout 2009.

Bill http://billbuchanan.co.cc ________________________________________________________________

Jan 9, 2009 Re: AN EARLY POSTING I am going through the group archives, and had a question for Patty regarding this one: Sue and the rest, The date of March 11 is much more in line with the christening date (28 MAR) and my money is on that one being correct (whether or not the grave marker reads 5 or 6 months). I double checked (triple actually) the christening date because is did not match up with the DOB I had from Lorne's book, so I am confident that the christening was correct. I guess Lorna and Doris were off a bit on their date... Also on William-I did find a William Buchanan who had 2 illegitimate children with the same women in the last couple of years before Andrew & Co. moved to Canada. It is possible that it was this William. This is some of the Buchanan christenings that I felt were related to our Andrew-but I am not quite sure how yet. I will sort out all of that info and post it soon (I am still very jet lagged--need to get my energy back!). Just something to ponder..... I check at LDS and the parish records I want to continue to check on are not filmed. So that means paying someone in Belfast. I have someone lined up and his rates seem reasonable and all I can do is give him a try. I will

decide which records I want him to go over and see where to go from here. Patty

Patty what information do you have on these two illegitimate children? I keeping coming back to the Jane Buchanan who married David Watson, and the question of whether she was the "Little" Jane Buchanan referred to as adopted by the Buchanans when her mother died. As I read the posting above, I couldn't help but wonder if she was connected to the family by birth. Throughout her life she claimed to be born in Ireland about 1841.

Bill http://billbuchanan.co.cc ________________________________________________________________ Jan 10, 2009 ANOTHER EARLY POSTING I really enjoyed this one, from Nancy Buchanan Mills in 2002 I intend to combine the contents of the archives into a single file for our mutual convenience. But with over 1000 postings it will take a while! Bill

******************************************** From the Atwood Bee of Friday June 8th 1900; front page, column 1 AN INTERESTING GROUP PHOTOGRAPHED C. A. Lee's photo gallery was on Saturday May 19th the scene of rather an interesting event, being the photographing of four generations in the persons of Mrs. William Buchanan, her daughter Mrs. John Young, Mrs. Young's daughter Mrs. J. O. Hardie and her little boy. A fact in connection gives the group something of local interest. Mrs. Buchanan with her husband were the first settlers in Elma, and Mrs. Young was the first child born in Elma. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan accompanied by 3 or 4 of his brothers and one of hers left Ireland in the spring of 1847, coming west as far as Esquessing where they worked awhile and then came west to North Easthope, where they worked 'till after harvest. Then leaving his young wife, Mr. Buchanan and four or five others struck north to hunt land in the bush, guided by one "Tennant", an old trapper. They covered quite a tract of country, finally taking up land near the Elma-Mornington boundary. Mrs. Buchanan still lives with her youngest son on the old homestead, taken up nearly 53 years ago. After taking up land, Mr. Buchanan put up a shanty, and started to clear, bringing in Mrs. Buchanan on the 9th of January, 1848, to share the trials and hardships of pioneer life. Mrs. Buchanan was the first white woman to pass the night in Elma township, Mrs. Young was born in July of 1848, being the first white child born in the township. Mrs. Buchanan never tires of relating incidents of the early years when she would be left alone with the children to care for the farm, while Mr. Buchanan went to harvest in North Easthope. Being of a kind and generous nature many a weary stranger found a kind welcome and a nights lodging. Mrs. Buchanan well remembers the first settlers as they began to come in, among them the Codes, who stayed

overnight with them, the now Mrs. Young being a small child at the time. The Codes pushed on to find a millsite, and settled on the site of Trowbridge, being the first settlers in the northern part of Elma. Mrs. Buchanan is still hale and hearty, two years ago taking a trip to Manitoba all alone. She intends this summer, to visit her daughter in Michigan. Of her eleven children nine are still alive; six of whom live within four miles of the homestead, one in Michigan, one in Manitoba and one in Exeter. She has forty-two grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. ********************************** Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.co.cc ________________________________________________________________

Jan 14, 2009 Free 1916 census of Canada Hi Everyone, The 1916 census is available on familysearch.org by clicking Search Records > Record Search pilot You can search the index and view or print the scanned image of census page. I have not yet found some of the people I expected, but finding lots of people on other lines. Ontario deaths and a some US censuses and vital records are also there. Bill Buchanan http://billbuchanan.co.cc [The 1916 census is currently not available on this site] [At this point I have copied all of the archived postings that seemed relevant to family history.] Bill 17 Jan 2009 ________________________________________________________________ In short, this is fine with me. The only comment I have is that I'm not "owner and creator" of the information. What do the rest of you think? Sue [Schaller] ________________________________________________________________ No concerns. Donna [Phillips] ________________________________________________________________

OK with me too. Nancy Marie Buchanan Mills ________________________________________________________________ Fine with me. I am obviously still "connected" to the list, as your email reached me. Barry Snider ________________________________________________________________ I am fine with anything that I have posted to the list to be public. Patty [Hopkinson] ________________________________________________________________ I don't think I've contributed a lot to this list, certainly not in the last couple of years, but I'm still here and wanting to continue on this list. I have no objections to this plan. And I do want to say Thanks to you, Bill, for all of your efforts. Wally Payne ________________________________________________________________

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