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Unit 8: Graphs

․Course contents: ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯

Elementary graph algorithms Minimum spanning trees Shortest paths Maximum flow

․Reading: ⎯ ⎯

Unit 8

Chapters 22, 23, 24, 25 Chapter 26.1—26.3

Y.-W. Chang



․A graph G = (V, E) consists of a set V of vertices (nodes) and a set E of directed or undirected edges. ⎯

For analysis, we use V for |V| and E for |E|.

․Any binary relation is a graph. ⎯

Unit 8

Network of roads and cities, circuit representation, etc.

Y.-W. Chang


Representations of Graphs: Adjacency List

․Adjacency list: An array Adj of |V | lists, one for each vertex in V. For each u ∈ V, Adj[u] pointers to all the vertices adjacent to u. ․Advantage: O(V+E) storage, good for sparse graph. ․Drawback: Need to traverse list to find an edge.


Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Representations of Graphs: Adjacency Matrix

․Adjacency matrix: A |V| r |V| matrix A = (aij) such that

․Advantage: O(1) time to find an edge. ․Drawback: O(V2) storage, more suitable for dense graph. ․How to save space if the graph is undirected?

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Tradeoffs between Adjacency List and Matrix

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Breadth-First Search (BFS) BFS(G,s) 1. for each vertex u ∈ V[G]-{s} 2. color[u] ← WHITE; 3. d[u] ← ∞; 4. π [u] ← NIL; 5. color[s] ← GRAY; 6. d[s] ← 0; 7. π[s] ← NIL; 8. Q ← {s}; 9. while Q ≠ ∅ 10. u ← head[Q]; 11. for each vertex v ∈ Adj[u] 12. if color[v] = WHITE 13. color[v] ← GRAY; 14. d[v] ← d[u]+1; 15. π [v] ← u; 16. Enqueue(Q,v); 17. Dequeue(Q); 18. color[u] ← BLACK. Unit 8

․ color[u]: white

(undiscovered) → gray (discovered) →black (explored: out edges are all discovered) ․ d[u]: distance from source s; π[u]: predecessor of u. ․ Use queue for gray vertices. ․ Time complexity: O(V+E) (adjacency list).

Y.-W. Chang


BFS Example 1

․ color[u]: white (undiscovered) → gray (discovered) → black (explored: out edges are all discovered) ․ Use queue Q for gray vertices. ․ Time complexity: O(V+E) (adjacency list). ⎯ Each vertex is enqueued and dequeued once: O(V) time. ⎯ Each edge is considered once: O(E) time. ․ Breadth-first tree: Gπ = (Vπ, Eπ), Vπ = {v ∈ V | π [v] ≠ NIL} ∪ {s}, Eπ = {(π[v], v) ∈ E | v ∈ Vπ - {s}}. Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Depth-First Search (DFS) DFS(G) 1. for each vertex u ∈ V[G] 2. color[u] ← WHITE; 3. π [u] ←NIL; 4. time ← 0; 5. for each vertex u ∈ V[G] 6. if color[u] = WHITE 7. DFS-Visit(u).

․ color[u]: white (undiscovered)

DFS-Visit(u) 1. color[u] ← GRAY; /* white vertex u has just been discovered. */ 2. d[u] ← time ← time + 1; 3. for each vertex v ∈ Adj[u] /* Explore edge (u,v). */ 4. if color[v] = WHITE 5. π [v] ← u; 6. DFS-Visit(v); 7. color[u] ← BLACK; /* Blacken u; it is finished. */ 8. f[u] ← time ← time +1. Unit 8

→ gray (discovered) → black (explored: out edges are all discovered) ․ d[u]: discovery time (gray); f[u]: finishing time (black); π[u]: predecessor. ․ Time complexity: O(V+E) (adjacency list).

Y.-W. Chang


DFS Example

․ color[u]: white → gray → black. ․ Depth-first forest: Gπ = (V, Eπ), Eπ = {(π[v], v) ∈ E | v ∈ V, π[v] ≠ NIL}. Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Parenthesis Property

․In any depth-first search of G, for u, v in G, exactly one of the following three conditions holds: ⎯ [d[u], f[u]] and [d[v], f[v]] are disjoint. ⎯ [d[u], f[u]] is contained entirely within [d[v], f[v]], and u is a descendant of v. ⎯ [d[v], f[v]] is contained entirely within [d[u], f[u]], and v is a descendant of u.

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Edge Classification

․Directed graph ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯

Tree edge: (u, v) with white v. Back edge: (u, v) with gray v. Forward edge: (u, v) with black v, d[u] < d[v]. Cross edge: (u, v) with black v, d[u] > d[v].

․Undirected graph ⎯ ⎯

Unit 8

Tree edge Back edge

Y.-W. Chang


BFS Application: Lee’s Maze Router ․ Find a path from S to T by “wave propagation.” ․ Discuss mainly on single-layer routing. ․ Strength: Guarantee to find a minimum-length connection between 2 terminals if it exists. ․ Weakness: Time & space complexity for an M × N grid: O(MN) (huge!)

Filling Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


BFS + DFS: Soukup’s Maze Router ․ Depth-first (line) search is first directed toward target T until an obstacle or T is reached. ․ Breadth-first (Lee-type) search is used to “bubble” around an obstacle if an obstacle is reached. ․ Time and space complexities: O(MN), but 10--50 times faster than Lee's algorithm. ․ Find a path between S and T, but may not be the shortest!

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


DFS Application: Hightower’s Maze Router

․A single escape point on each line segment. ․If a line parallels to the blocked cells, the escape point is placed just past the endpoint of the segment. ․Time and space complexities: O(L), where L is the # of line segments generated.

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Topological Sort ․ A topological sort of a directed acyclic graph (DAG) G = (V, E) is a linear ordering of V s.t. (u, v) ∈ E ⇒ u appears before v.

Topological-Sort(G) 1. call DFS(G) to compute finishing times f[v] for each vertex v 2. as each vertex is finished, insert it onto the front of a linked list 3. return the linked list of vertices

․ Time complexity: O(V+E) (adjacency list).

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Strongly Connected Component (SCC) ․ A strongly connected component (SCC) of a directed graph G=(V, E) is a maximal set of vertices U ⊆ V s.t.


Strongly-Connected-Components(G) 1. call DFS(G) to compute finishing times f[u] for each vertex u 2. compute GT 3. call DFS(GT), but in the main loop of DFS, consider the vertices in order of decreasing f[u] (as computed in line 1) 4. output the vertices of each tree in the depth-first forest of step 3 as a separate strongly connected component

․ Time complexity: O(V+E) (adjacency list).

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Strongly Connected Component (SCC) Properties ․ If two vertices are in the same SCC, no path between them ever leaves the component. ․ In any DFS forest, all vertices in the same SCC are in the same tree. ․ Forefather φ(u): vertex w s.t. and f[w] is maximum. ․ The forefather φ(u) of any vertex u in a depth-first tree is an ancestor of u. ⎯ ⎯

Unit 8

φ(u) and u lie in the same SCC. Forefathers are roots of the depth-first trees.

Y.-W. Chang


How Does the SCC Algorithm Work? ․ u and v lie in the same SCC iff they have the same forefather. ⎯

The SCCs are sets of vertices with the same forefather.

․ DFS(G) finds vertices with directed paths from roots; DFS(GT) finds vertices with directed paths to roots (also with paths from roots). ․ In line 3, processing vertices in order of decreasing f[u], then no edge from any previous depth-first tree goes into the current processed tree. ⎯

Unit 8

“Peel” off the SCCs one by one in decreasing order of finishing times.

Y.-W. Chang


Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) ․ Given an undirected graph G = (V, E) with weights on the edges, a minimum spanning tree (MST) of G is a subset T ⊆ E such that ⎯ ⎯ ⎯

T is connected and has no cycles, T covers (spans) all vertices in V, and sum of the weights of all edges in T is minimum.

․ |T| = |V| - 1. ․ Applications: circuit interconnection (minimizing tree radius), communication network (minimizing tree diameter), etc.

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Growing a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) ․ Grows an MST by adding one safe edge at a time. Generic-MST(G,w) 1. A ← ∅ ; 2. while A does not form a spanning tree 3. find an edge (u,v) that is safe for A; 4. A ← A ∪ {(u,v)}; 5. return A.

․ A cut (S, V-S) of a graph G = (V, E) is a partition of V. ․ An edge (u, v) ∈ E crosses the cut (S, V-S) if one of its endpoints is in S and the other is in V-S. ․ A cut respects the set A of edges if no edges in A crosses the cut.

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Greedy-Choice Property for MST

․An edge is a light edge crossing a cut if its weight is the minimum of any edge crossing the cut. ․A light edge crossing the cut (S, V-S) is safe for A. ⎯ ⎯ ⎯

G = (V, E). A: subset of E including in some minimum spanning tree for G. (S, V-S): any cut respecting A.

․If (u, v) is a light edge, w(T‘) = w(T) - w(x, y) + w(u, v) ≤ w(T).


Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Kruskal's MST Algorithm MST-Kruskal(G,w) 1. A ← ∅ ; 2. for each vertex v ∈ V[G] 3. Make-Set(v); 4. sort the edges of E[G] by nondecreasing weight w; 5. for each edge (u,v) ∈ E[G], in order by nondecreasing weight 6. if Find-Set(u) ≠ Find-Set(v) 7. A ← A ∪ {(u, v)}; 8. Union(u,v); 9. return A;

․ Add a safe edge at a time to the growing forest by finding an edge of least weight (from those connecting two trees in the forest). ․ Time complexity: O(E lgE + V) (= O(E lgV + V), why?) ⎯ Lines 2--3: O(V). ⎯ Line 4:O(E lgE). ⎯ Lines 5--8: O(E) operations on the disjoint-set forest, so O(E α(E, V)). Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Example: Kruskal's MST Algorithm

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Prim's (Prim-Dijkstra's?) MST Algorithm MST-Prim(G,w,r) /* Q: priority queue for vertices not in the tree, based on key[]. */ /* key: min weight of any edge connecting to a vertex in the tree. */ 1. Q ← V[G]; 2. for each vertex u ∈ Q 3. key[u] ← ∞; 4. key[r] ← 0; 5. π[r] ← NIL; 6. while Q ≠ ∅ 7. u ← Extract-Min(Q); 8. for each vertex v ∈ Adj[u] 9. if v ∈ Q and w(u,v) < key[v] 10. π[v] ← u; 11. key[v] ← w(u,v)

․ Starts from a vertex and grows until the tree spans all the vertices. ⎯ ⎯

Unit 8

The edges in A always form a single tree. At each step, a safe, light edge connecting a vertex in A to a vertex in V - A is added to the tree. Y.-W. Chang


Example: Prim's MST Algorithm Key[a]=0 π[a]=NIL

Key[c]=8 π[c]=b

Key[b]=4 π[b]=a

Key[h]=8 π[h]=a

Key[d]=7 π[d]=c

Key[h]=8 π[h]=a

Key[i]=2 π[i]=c

Key[h]=8 π[h]=a

Key[d]=7 π[d]=c

Key[f]=4 π[f]=c

Key[h]=7 Key[g]=6 Key[f]=4 π[f]=c π[h]=i π[g]=i

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Time Complexity of Prim's MST Algorithm MST-Prim(G,w, r) 1. Q ← V[G]; 2. for each vertex u ∈ Q 3. key[u] ← ∞; 4. key[r] ← 0; 5. π[r] ← NIL; 6. while Q ≠ ∅ 7. u ← Extract-Min(Q); 8. for each vertex v ∈ Adj[u] 9. if v ∈ Q and w(u,v) < key[v] 10. π[v] ← u; 11. key[v] ← w(u,v)

․ Q is implemented as a binary heap: O(E lg V). Lines 1--5: O(V). ⎯ Line 7: O(lg V) for Extract-Min, so O(VlgV) with the while loop. ⎯ Lines 8--11: O(E) operations, each takes O(lgV) time for DecreaseKey (maintaining the heap property after changing a node). ․ Q is implemented as a Fibonacci heap: O(E + VlgV). (Fastest to date!) ․ |E| = O(V) ⇒only O(E lg*V) time. (Fredman & Tarjan, 1987) ⎯

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Complexity of Mergeable Heaps

․ Make-Heap(): creates and returns a new heap containing no elements. ․ Minimum(H): returns a pointer to the node with the minimum key. ․ Extract-Min(H): deletes the node with the minimum key. ․ Decrease-Key(H, x, k): assigns to node x the new key value k, which is ≤ its current key value. ․ Delete(H, x): deletes node x from heap H. Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Single-Source Shortest Paths (SSSP)

․The Single-Source Shortest Path (SSSP) Problem ⎯

Given: A directed graph G=(V, E) with edge weights, and a specific source node s. Goal: Find a minimum weight path (or cost) from s to every other node in V.

․Applications: weights can be distances, times, wiring cost, delay. etc. ․Special case: BFS finds shortest paths for the case when all edge weights are 1 (the same).

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Negative Cycles in Shortest Paths ․ A weighted, directed graph G = (V, E) with the weight function w: E → R. ⎯ ⎯

Weight of path p = : w(p) = Shortest-path weight from u to v, δ(u, v):

k i =1

w(v i −1, v i ) .

․ Warning! negative-weight edges/cycles are a problem. ⎯ ⎯

Cycle <e, f, e> has weight -3 < 0 ⇒ δ(s, g) = - ∞. Vertices h, i, j not reachable from s ⇒ δ(s, h) = δ(s, i) = δ(s, j) = ∞.

․ Algorithms apply to the cases for negative-weight edges/cycles??

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Optimal Substructure of a Shortest Path ․ Subpaths of shortest paths are shortest paths. ⎯

Let p = be a shortest path from vertex v1 to vertex vk, and let pij = be the subpath of p from vertex vi to vertex vj, 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ k. Then, pij is a shortest path from vi to vj.

․ Suppose that a shortest path p from a source s to a vertex v can be decomposed into

. Then, δ(s, v) = δ(s, u) + w(u, v).

․ For all edges (u, v) ∈ E, δ(s, v) ≤ δ(s, u) + w(u, v).

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Relaxation Initialize-Single-Source(G, s) 1. for each vertex v ∈ V[G] 2. d[v] ← ∞; /* upper bound on the weight of a shortest path from s to v */ 3. π[v] ←NIL; /* predecessor of v */ 4. d[s] ← 0;

Relax(u, v, w) 1. if d[v] > d[u]+w(u, v) 2. d[v] ← d[u]+w(u, v); 3. π[v] ← u;

․ d[v] ≤ d[u] + w(u, v) after calling Relax(u, v, w). ․ d[v] ≥ δ(s, v) during the relaxation steps; once d[v] achieves its

lower bound δ(s, v), it never changes. ․ Let be a shortest path. If d[u] = δ(s, u) prior to the call Relax(u, v, w), then d[v] = δ(s, v) after the call.

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Dijkstra's Shortest-Path Algorithm Dijkstra(G, w, s) 1. Initialize-Single-Source(G, s); 2. S ← ∅ ; 3. Q ← V[G]; 4. while Q ≠ ∅ 5. u ← Extract-Min(Q); 6. S ← S ∪ {u}; 7. for each vertex v ∈ Adj[u] 8. Relax(u, v, w);

․ Combines a greedy and a dynamic-programming schemes. ․ Works only when all edge weights are nonnegative. ․ Executes essentially the same as Prim's algorithm. ․ Naive analysis: O(V2) time by using adjacency lists.

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Example: Dijkstra's Shortest-Path Algorithm d[u]=10 π[u]=s

d[u]=8 π[u]=x

d[v]=14 π[v]=x

d[s]=0 π[s]=NIL d[x]=5 π[x]=s

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang

d[y]=7 π[y]=x


Runtime Analysis of Dijkstra's Algorithm Dijkstra(G, w, s) 1. Initialize-Single-Source(G, s); 2. S ← ∅ ; 3. Q ← V[G]; 4. while Q ≠ ∅ 5. u ← Extract-Min(Q); 6. S ← S ∪ {u}; 7. for each vertex v ∈ Adj[u] 8. Relax(u, v, w);

․ Q is implemented as a linear array: O(V2). ⎯ ⎯

Line 5: O(V) for Extract-Min, so O(V2) with the while loop. Lines 7--8: O(E) operations, each takes O(1) time.

․ Q is implemented as a binary heap: O(E lg V). ⎯ ⎯

Line 5: O(lg V) for Extract-Min, so O(V lg V) with the while loop. Lines 7--8: O(E) operations, each takes O(lg V) time for DecreaseKey (maintaining the heap property after changing a node).

․ Q is implemented as a Fibonacci heap: O(E + V lg V). Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


The Bellman-Ford Algorithm for SSSP Bellman-Ford(G,w, s) 1. Initialize-Single-Source(G, s); 2. for i ← 1 to |V[G]|-1 3. for each edge (u, v) ∈ E[G] 4. Relax(u, v, w); 5. for each edge (u, v) ∈ E[G] 6. if d[v] > d[u] + w(u, v) 7. return FALSE; 8. return TRUE

․ Solves the case where edge weights can be negative. ․ Returns FALSE if there exists a negative-weight cycle reachable from the source; TRUE otherwise. ․ Time complexity: O(VE).

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Example: The Bellman-Ford Algorithm

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


SSSPs in Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) DAG-Shortest-Paths(G, w, s) 1. topologically sort the vertices of G; 2. Initialize-Single-Source(G, s); 3. for each vertex u taken in topologically sorted order 4. for each vertex v ∈ Adj[u] 5. Relax(u, v, w);

․ Time complexity: O(V+E) (adjacency-list representation).

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Linear Programming ․ Linear programming (LP): Mathematical program in which the objective function is linear in the unknowns and the constraints consist of linear equalities (inequalities). ․ Standard form: min/max c1 x1 + c2 x2 + … + cn xn subject to a11x1 + a12x2 + … + a1n xn ≤ b1 … am1x1 + am2x2 + … + amnxn ≤ bm and x1 ≥ 0, x2 ≥ 0, …, xn ≥ 0.

․ Compact vector form: min/max cTx subject to Ax ≤ b and x ≥ 0, where x is an n-dimensional column vector, cT is an n-dimensional row vector, A is an m × n matrix, and b is an m-dimensional column vector. x ≥ 0 means that each component of x is nonnegative. Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Difference Constraints ․ System of difference constraints: Each row of the linear-programming matrix A contains exactly one 1, one -1, and 0's for all other entries. ⎯ Form: xj - xi ≤ bk, 1 ≤ i, j ≤n, 1 ≤ k ≤m. ․ Example:

․ Equivalent to finding the unknowns xi, i = 1, 2, …, 5 s.t. the following difference constraints are satisfied:

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Constraint Graph ․ x = (x1, x2, …, xn) is a solution to Ax ≤ b of difference constraints ⇒ so is x + d = (x1 + d, x2 + d, …, xn+ d). ․ Constraint graph: Weighted, directed graph G=(V, E). ⎯ V = { v0, v1, …, vn} ⎯ E = {(vi, vj): xj - xi ≤ bk} ∪ {(v0, v1), (v0, v2),…, (v0, vn)} ⎯ w(vi, vj) = bk if xj - xi ≤ bk is a difference constraint. ․ If G contains no negative-weight cycle, then x = (δ(v0, v1), δ(v0, v2), …, δ(v0, vn)) is a feasible solution; no feasible solution, otherwise. ․ Example: x = (-5, -3, 0, -1, -4) and x' =(d-5, d-3, d, d-1, d-4) are feasible solutions. δ(v0, vj) ≤ δ(v0, vi) + w(vi, vj)


Unit 8



Y.-W. Chang


All-Pairs Shortest Paths (APSP) ․ The All-Pairs Shortest Path (APSP) Problem Given: A directed graph G = (V, E) with edge weights ⎯ Goal: Find a minimum weight path (or cost) between every pair of vertices in V. ․ Method 1: Extends the SSSP algorithms. ⎯ No negative-weight edges: Run Dijkstra's algorithm |V| times, once with each v ∈ V as the source. 2 „ Adjacency list + Fibonacci heap: O(V lg V + VE) time. ⎯ With negative-weight edges: Run the Bellman-Ford algorithm |V| times, once with each v ∈ V as the source. 2 „ Adjacency list: O(V E) time. ․ Method 2: Applies the Floyd-Warshall algorithm (negative-weight edges allowed). 3 ⎯ Adjacency matrix: O(V ) time. ․ Method 3: Applies Johnson's algorithm for sparse graphs (negative-weight edges allowed). 2 ⎯ Adjacency list: O(V lg V + VE) time. ⎯

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Overview of Floyd-Warshall’s APSP Algorithm ․ Applies dynamic programming. Characterize the structure of an optimal solution? 2. Recursively define the value of an optimal solution? 3. Compute the value of an optimal solution in a bottom-up fashion? 4. Construct an optimal solution from computed information? Uses adjacency matrix A for G = (V, E) : 1.

․ Goal: Compute |V| r |V| matrix D where D[i, j] = dij is the weight of ․ ․ Unit 8

a shortest i-to-j path. Allows negative-weight edges. Runs in O(V3) time.

Y.-W. Chang


Shortest-Path Structure ․ An intermediate vertex of a simple path is any vertex in {v2, v3, …, vl-1}.

․ Let

be the weight of a shortest path from vertex i to vertex j

with all intermediate vertices in {1, 2, …, k}. ⎯

The path does not use vertex k:

The path uses vertex k:

. .

․ Def: Dk[i, j] =

is the weight of a shortest i-to-j path with intermediate vertices in {1, 2, …, k}.

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


The Floyd-Warshall Algorithm for APSP Floyd-Warshall(W) 1. n ← rows[W]; /* W = A */ 2. D(0) ← W; 3. for k ← 1 to n 4. for i ← 1 to n 5. for j ← 1 to n 6. 7. return D(n);

․D(k)[i, j] =

: weight of a shortest i-to-j path with intermediate vertices in {1, 2, …, k}. ⎯

D(0) = A: original adjacency matrix (paths are single edges). D(n) = ( ): the final answer ( = δ(i, j)).

․Time complexity: O(V 3). ․Question: How to detect negative-weight cycles? Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Constructing a Shortest Path ․ Predecessor matrix Π = (πij): πij is ⎯ ⎯

NIL if either i=j or there is no path from i to j, or Some predecessor of j on a shortest path from i

․ Compute Π(0), Π (1), …, Π (n), where

is defined to be the

predecessor of vertex j on a shortest path from i with all intermediate vertices in {1, 2, …, k}.

Print-All-Pairs-Shortest-Path(Π, i, j) 1. if i=j 2. print i; 3. else if πij = NIL 4. print “no path from i to j exists”; 5. else Print-All-Pairs-Shortest-Path(Π, i, πij); 6. print j; Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Example: The Floyd-Warshall Algorithm

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Transitive Closure of a Directed Graph ․ The Transitive Closure Problem: ⎯ ⎯

Input: a directed graph G = (V, E) Output: a |V| r |V| matrix T s.t. T[i, j] = 1 iff there is a path from i to j in G.

․ Method 1: Run the Floyd-Warshall algorithm on unit-weight

graphs. If there is a path from i to j (T[i, j] = 1), then dij < n; dij = ∞ otherwise. ⎯ ⎯

Runs in O(V3) time and uses O(V2) space. Needs to compute lengths of shortest paths.

․ Method 2: Define t

(k )

= 1 if there exists a path in G from i to j with all intermediate vertices in {1, 2, …, k}; 0 otherwise.

․ For k ≥ 1, t ⎯

Unit 8

(k ) ij

( k −1)

= t ij


( k −1)

∨ (t ik

( k −1)

∧ t kj )


Runs in O(V3) time and uses O(V2) space, but only single-bit Boolean values are involved ⇒ faster!

Y.-W. Chang


Transitive-Closure Algorithm Transitive-Closure(G)

1. n ← |V[G]|; 2. for i ← 1 to n 3. for j ← 1 to n 4.

if i = j or (i, j) ∈ E[G]

5. ←1 6. else ←0 7. for k ← 1 to n 8. for i ← 1 to n 9. for j ← 1 to n 10. 11. return T(n).

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Johnson's Algorithm for Sparse Graphs ․ Idea: All edge weights are nonnegative ⇒ Dijkstra's algorithm is

Unit 8

applicable (+Fibonacci-heap priority queue: O(V2 lg V + VE)). ⎯ Reweighting: If there exists some edge weight w < 0, reweight w to ≥ 0. ⎯ must satisfy two properties: 1. ∀u, v ∈ V, shortest path from u to v w.r.t. w ⇒ shortest path from u to v w.r.t. . 2. ∀ e ∈ E, (e) ≥ 0. Preserving shortest paths by reweighting: Given directed G = (V, E) with weight function w: E → R , let h: V → R . For each edge (u, v) ∈ E, define (u, v) = w(u, v) + h(u) - h(v). Let p = . Then 1. w(p) = δ(v0, vk) iff (p) = (v0, vk). 2. G has a negative cycle w.r.t w iff has a negative cycle w.r.t .

Y.-W. Chang


Preserving Shortest Paths by Reweighting

1. Show that w(p) = δ (v0, vk) ⇒ ,


(p') <

(p) =

(v0, vk). Suppose ∃ p'=


w(p') < w(p), contradiction! (p) = (v0, vk) ⇒ w(p) = δ(v0, vk): similar!)

2. Show that G has a negative cycle w.r.t w iff Unit 8

cycle w.r.t - h(v0) = w(c).

has a negative . Cycle c = ⇒ (c) = w(c) + h(v0) Y.-W. Chang


Producing Nonnegative Weights by Reweighting 1. Construct a new graph G' = (V', E'), where

2. 3. 4.

Unit 8

V' = V ∪ {s} E' = E ∪ {(s, v): v ∈ V} w(s, v) = 0, ∀v ∈ V G has no negative cycle ⇔ G' has no negative cycle. If G and G' have no negative cycles, define h(v) = δ(s, v), ∀v ∈ V'. Define the new weight for : (u, v) = w(u, v) + h(u) - h(v) ≥ 0 (since δ(s, v) ≤ δ(s, u) + w(u, v)).

Y.-W. Chang


Johnson's Algorithm for APSP Johnson(G) 1. compute G', where V[G']=V[G] ∪ {s} and E[G']=E[G] ∪{(s,v):v ∈ V[G]}; 2. if Bellman-Ford(G', w, s) = FALSE 3. print “the input graph contains a negative-weight cycle”; 4. else for each vertex v ∈ V[G'] 5. set h(v) to the value of δ(s,v) computed by the Bellman-Ford algorithm; 6. for each edge (u,v) ∈ E[G'] 7. (u,v) ← w(u, v) + h(u) - h(v); 8. for each vertex u ∈ V[G] 9. run Dijkstra(G, , u) to compute (u,v) for all v ∈ V[G]; 10. for each vertex v ∈ V[G] 11. duv ← (u, v) + h(v) - h(u); 12. return D;

․ Steps: Compute the new graph ⇒ Bellman-Ford ⇒ Reweighting ⇒ Dijkstra's (+ Fibonacci heap) ⇒ Recompute the weights. ․ Time complexity: O(V) + O(VE) + O(E) + O(V2 lg V + VE) + O(V2) = O(V2 lg V + VE). Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Example: Johnson's Algorithm for APSP h(v) h(u)

1 = 2 + (-1) - 0

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Maximum Flow ․ Flow network: directed G=(V, E) ⎯ ⎯

capacity c(u, v) : c(u, v) > 0, ∀(u, v) ∈ E; c(u, v) = 0, ∀(u, v) ∉ E. Exactly one node with no incoming (outgoing) edges, called the source s (sink t).

․ Flow f: V r V → R that satisfies ⎯ ⎯ ⎯

Capacity constraint: f(u, v) ≤ c(u, v), ∀u, v ∈ V. Skew symmetry: f(u, v) = -f(v, u). Flow conservation: ∑v ∈ Vf(u, v) = 0, ∀u ∈ V - {s, t}.

․ Value of a flow f: |f| = ∑v ∈ V f(s, v) = ∑v ∈ V f(v, t), where f(u, v) is the net flow from u to v. ․ The maximum flow problem: Given a flow network G with source s and sink t, find a flow of maximum value from s to t.

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Network with Multiple Sources and Sinks ․ Reduce a multiple-source, multiple-sink maximum-flow problem to a problem with a single source and a single sink. ⎯

Unit 8

Given a flow network with sources S = {s1, s2, …, sm} and sinks T = {t1,

t2, …, tn}, introduce a supersource s and edges (s, si), i = 1, 2, …, m, with capacity c(s, si) = ∞ and a supersink t and edges (ti, t), i = 1, 2, …, n, with capacity c(ti, t) = ∞. Any flow in a multiple-source, multiple-sink flow network corresponds to a flow of identical value in a single-source, single-sink flow network, and vice versa. Reduction cost?

Y.-W. Chang


Working with Flows

․If X, Y ⊆ V, f(X, Y) = ∑x ∈ X ∑y ∈ Yf(x, y). ․G= (V, E): flow network, f: flow in G ⎯ ⎯ ⎯

∀ X ⊆ V, f(X, X) = 0. ∀ X, Y ⊆ V, f(X, Y) = - f(Y, X). ∀ X, Y, Z ⊆ V with X ∩ Y = ∅ , f(X ∪Y, Z) = f(X, Z) + f(Y, Z) and f(Z, X ∪Y) = f(Z, X) + f(Z, Y).

․Value of flow = net flow into the sink: |f| = f(V, t). |f| = f (s, V) /* by definition */ = f (V, V) - f (V - s, V) /* V - s ≡ V - {s} */ = f (V, V - s) = f (V, t) + f(V, V - s - t) = f (V, t).

․Cancellating flow going in opposite direction:

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Basic Ford-Fulkerson Method Ford-Fulkerson-Method(G, s, t) 1. Initialize flow f to 0; 2. while there exists an augmenting path p 3. Augment flow f along p; 4. return f;

․ Ford & Fulkerson, 1956 ․ Augmenting path: A path from s to t along which we can push more flow. ․ Need to construct a residual network to find an augmenting path.

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Residual Network ․ Construct a residual network to find an augmenting path. ․ Residual capacity of edge (u, v), cf(u, v): Amount of additional net flow that can be pushed from u to v before exceeding c(u, v), cf (u, v) = c(u, v) - f(u, v). ․ Gf = (V, Ef): residual network of G = (V, E) induced by f, where Ef = {(u, v) ∈ V r V: cf (u, v) > 0}. ․ The residual network contains residual edges that can admit a positive net flow (|Ef| ≤ 2|E|). ․ Let f and f' be flows in G and Gf, respectively. The flow sum f + f ': V r V → R : (f + f ')(u, v) = f(u, v) + f'(u, v) is a flow in G with value |f + f '| = |f| + |f '|.

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Augmenting Path ․ An augmenting path p is a simple path from s to t in the residual network Gf. ⎯

(u, v) ∈ E on p in the forward direction (a forward edge), f(u, v) < c(u, v). (u, v) ∈ E on p in the reverse direction (a backward edge), f(u, v) > 0.

․ Residual capacity of p, cf (p): Maximum amount of net flow that can be pushed along the augmenting path p, i.e., cf (p) = min{cf (u, v) : (u, v) is in p}. ․ Let p be an augmenting path in Gf. Define fp: V r V → R by

Then, fp is a flow in Gf with value |fp| = cf (p) > 0.

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Cuts of Flow Networks

․ A cut (S, T) of flow network G = (V, E) is a partition of V into S and T = V - S such that s ∈ S and t ∈ T. ⎯

Capacity of a cut: c(S, T) =∑u ∈ S, v ∈ T c(u, v). (Count only forward edges!) f(S, T) = |f| ≤ c(S, T), where f(S, T) is net flow across the cut (S, T).

․ Max-flow min-cut theorem: The following conditions are equivalent 1. 2. 3.

Unit 8

f is a max-flow. Gf contains no augmenting path. |f| = c(S, T) for some cut (S, T).

Y.-W. Chang


Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm Ford-Fulkerson(G, s, t) 1. for each edge (u, v) ∈ E[G] 2. f[u, v] ← 0; 3. f[v, u] ← 0; 4. while there exists a path p from s to t in the residual network Gf 5. cf (p) ←min {cf (u, v): (u, v) is in p}; 6. for each edge (u, v) in p 7. f[u, v] ← f[u, v] + cf (p); 8. f[v, u] ← -f[u, v];

․ Time complexity (assume integral capacities): O(E |f *|), where f * is the maximum flow. ⎯ ⎯ ⎯

Unit 8

Each run augments at least flow value 1 ⇒ at most |f *| runs. Each run takes O(E) time (using BFS or DFS). Polynomial-time algorithm?

Y.-W. Chang


Example: Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Edmonds-Karp Algorithm ․ The Ford-Fulkerson algorithm may be bad when |f *| is very large. ⎯

2M iterations in the worst case v.s. 2 iterations.

․ Edmonds-Karp Algorithm (1969): Find an augmenting path by shortest path (minimum # of edges on the path), i.e., use breadthfirst search (BFS). ⎯

⎯ ⎯

Using the Edmonds-Karp algorithm, the shortest-path distance δf (s, v) in the residual network Gf increases monotonically with each flow augmentation. The # of flow augmentations performed by the Edmonds-Karp algorithm is at most O(VE). Each flow augmentation can be found in O(E) time by BFS. Total running time of the Edmonds-Karp algorithm is O(VE2).

․ Goldberg & Tarjan (1985): O(EV lg(V2/E)); Ahuja, Orlin, Tarjan (1989): O( Unit 8

) , U = max. edge capacity. Y.-W. Chang


Maximum Cardinality Matching ․ Given an undirected G=(V, E), M ⊆ E is a matching iff at most one edge of M is incident on v, ∀ v ∈ V. ⎯

v ∈ V is matched if some edge in M is incident on v; otherwise, v is unmatched.

․ M is a maximum matching iff |M| ≥ |M'| ∀ matching M'.

Maximal matching

Maximal matching

Maximum matching

Maximum matching

Unit 8

Y.-W. Chang


Application: Maximum Cardinality Bipartite Matching ․ Given a bipartite graph G = (V, E), V = L ∪ R, construct a unitcapacity flow network G' = (V', E'): V' = V ∪ {s, t} E '= {(s, u): u ∈ L} ∪{(u, v): u ∈ L, v ∈ R, (u, v) ∈ E} ∪{(v, t): v ∈ R}. ․ The cardinality of a maximum matching in G = the value of a maximum flow in G' (i.e., |M| = |f|). ․ Time complexity: O(VE) by the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm. ⎯

Unit 8

Value of maximum flow ≤ min(L, R) = O(V).

Y.-W. Chang