Unit7 L5

  • December 2019
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UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template

Name: Nicole Brewer Program: Secondary Ed. Math Course: EDU 460 Lesson Topic / Title: Common Logarithms Lesson Date: 3/19/2019 Lesson Length: 80 min Grade/Age: Grade 9-11 Learning Objectives & Content Standard Alignment - Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and performance tasks that support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals based on content standards. Learning Objective(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning • I can solve exponential equations using common • Common logs are more logarithms. prevalent in the real world, mostly in science. • I can evaluate logarithmic expressions using the Understanding common logs Change of Base Formula. and change of base means that they can evaluate a log of any base on a calculator. Content Standard(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning • Is skilled at solving advanced equations. • It is beneficial in solving equations to understand the CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.BF.B.5 relationship between logarithms and exponents. (+) Understand the inverse relationship between This skill will be helpful in exponents and logarithms and use this solving interest problems and relationship to solve problems involving for work in science classes.

logarithms and exponents.


For exponential models, express as a logarithm the solution to abct = d where a, c, and d are numbers and the base b is 2, 10, or e; evaluate the logarithm using technology. Assessment - Uses assessment flexibly to expand and deepen understanding of learner performance and determines best supports for continued learner growth. Assessment Instructional Decisions / Reasoning • Formative the next class period to assess what was learned today. • The formative allows me to spot any misunderstandings or • Check in during work time. common themes that can be addressed on an individual or class basis. • During work time there will be a chance for me to go around and check their work and their level of understanding.

Revised 07/19/2018

Instructional Materials and Resources - Stays current in content knowledge and expands expertise in reviewing instructional materials from the perspectives of both the discipline and individual learner needs. Materials, Resources, and / or Technology Instructional Decisions / Reasoning Materials • The students use their iPads to • Worksheet take notes and work on worksheets in an app called • Notes Notability. This allows them to • Warm-Up always have their notes with • Formative them if they have their iPad. Technology Notes are done in slide shows • iPads so that students can use them • Laptop as guided notes and can focus Resources more on what’s being said. • Youtube video- • The video allows students to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-7tcTIrers get another person’s perspective and ideas about logarithms. Instructional Methods: Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and performance tasks by using a variety of instructional approaches, strategies, and technologies that make learning accessible to all learners and support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals. Teaching and Learning Sequence Instructional Decisions / Reasoning 1. Formative (10) • The video “How I feel about 2. How I feel about logarithms (10) logarithms” is a great review of 3. Notes (25) what logarithms are and 4. Work time (25) connects them to things we already know a lot about like addition and multiplication. • Watch the video “How I feel about logarithms.” Tell students that this is another way to visualize • The formative allows the logarithms and relate them to things we already teacher to check students know about. understanding of the topic covered. • Have students take formative. • Go through the slides, giving time to copy notes • Having the notes be in and ask questions. slideshow form makes them guided notes that allows • After notes are done and questions have been students to focus more on asked go over the assignment for the day and give listening than on writing. time to work. They have both a worksheet and an IXL. • Giving them time at the end of class to work allows them an opportunity to get ahead of the work and ask questions if they get confused. Meeting students’ needs (differentiation, extensions, Instructional Decisions / Reasoning modifications, accommodations) • Sometimes students iPads aren’t working or they don’t • Printing the worksheet so if they don’t have their iPad or its dead they can still participate in class. have a charger. It is easy to just print off the papers so that the student can still get the work done.

Revised 07/19/2018

Field Courses Only – Post lesson Reflection Most of the students did not find the video engaging. They weren’t watching it or had a dazed look on their face. I thought that it would provide a new way to think about logarithms but maybe it would have been better to show at a different time. The notes went fine and they were moderately engaged. They complained about having to do both IXL and a worksheet and most of them did not use their work time well. If I were to do this lesson again I would have them research to find examples of common logs used in the real world. I learned that there are days where students are not going to be productive in class and you can’t let the ones who aren’t distract you from the ones that are. Those that were working seemed to understand the material. The formative showed that all of the students understood the concept though as they all got a 3. It was good to see that they all understood the basis of the concept and hopefully they can apply it. Teaching Standards and Rationale Standard #2 Learning Differences How I feel about logarithms video Rationale: This video allows students to hear about logs in a way that they haven’t before. They can associate them with addition and multiplication in ways that I haven’t ever explained. I think that the explanation in the video might help some kids think about logs in a new way.

Revised 07/19/2018

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