Unit4 - 6

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Department of Management Science Bahria Institute of Management & Computer Sciences. Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan. Unit 4 - 6


Unit 4 - 6 S/W Applications in Business

COURSE CODE: IT-161 Credit Hours: 3 (2+1) --- 2 hours lecture + 2 hours Lab.

Dr. Mohammed Yousuf Khan Unit 4 - 6


Microcomputer Parts 

Computer hardware  The system unit, register size and bus size  Speed of microprocessor  Memory, bus, expansion slots and device controller  Input and output devices Computer software  System software  Programming languages  Application software

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Configuring a PC A typical PC includes the following components: 

      

A microcomputer (the processor & other electronic components) A keyboard for input A point-and-draw device for input (mouse) A monitor for soft copy (output) A printer for hard-copy (output) A high capacity hard-disk device (storage) A CD device/floppy disk device A microphone/audio & video components/LAN card/modem A set of speakers etc

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The System Unit 

Represents  

Computer brain and computer memory Other useful parts or carrying out internal operations

It consists of  

Mother board Central processing unit (CPU) / microprocessor

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Mother Board / System Board 

Mother board is the physical foundation of the PC. Represents the main circuit board.

Hosts. Following are attached to a mother board. 

 Unit 4 - 6

The computer’s central processing unit (CPU). Support circuitry for I/O peripheral devices. Data communication bus. 6

Mother Board (Continues …)  

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Memory chips. Expansion slots for linking other circuit board. External peripheral devices can be linked to the processor via serial/parallel ports.


Mother Board (Continues …)  -

Some common ports are: Serial port Parallel port SCSI port USB port Dedicated keyboard port Dedicated mouse port Irda port: infra red/ blue tooth port

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Central Processing Unit (CPU) 

Represents the computer’s virtual brain

Carries out all internal operations  Computations  Data transfer  Numerical comparison

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Central Processing Unit (CPU) CPU consists of:  Control unit (CU) 

Arithmetical and logical unit (ALU) 

Controls the operations Arithmetical and logical operations

Registers 

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Storage locations for CU and ALU 10

Register Size 

 

Computers can be distinguished from one another by their word size, register size, speed and capacity of main storage, where the register size: Represents a storage space inside the CPU Holds numbers being manipulated The larger the register the larger the number it can hold

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Register Size (Continues ..)  

Register’s size is expressed in bits A bit is a single binary digit {(False or True), (Off or On) or (0 or 1)}

Byte is a set of eight bits 

Example of a byte: 01001001

One byte can express any number between 0 and 255

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Register Size (Continues ..) 

Common register/word sizes are:    

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8-lane 16-lane 32-lane 64-lane

bit bit bit bit

way way way way


Buses and Bus Size 

The bus is the common pathway through which the processor sends/receives information's to/from storage & I/O devices. Bits travel between memory devices and the processor over address and data buses. For R/W, control bus is used. Used for transferring program/instructions and data to/from memory and CPU. Affects computer performance.  How much data can be moved at a time. Has a direct relationship with registers where data is stored.

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Speed of the Microprocessor  

Depends on the microprocessor design. Depend on the speed of the system clock.  Clock ticks at a certain frequency.  Computer operations require a certain number of clock ticks.  The faster the clock is the faster the computer.  The speed is measured by no. Of cycles/second.  It is expressed in units of frequency (hertz

Hz). Unit 4- 6 1 megahertz (MHz) = 1 million


Speed of …. Continue 

For example:

Time period, time taken for one clock cycle (T) is: T= 1/frequency (f) or f = 1/T. If f = 400 MHz then the time taken to complete one clock cycle is. T = 1/400 * 106 = 2.5 * 10-9= 2.5 n-sec. Note: the shorter the clock cycle, the faster the processor. Speed units are: MIPS, FLOPS, GFLOPS & TFLOPS. Unit 4 - 6


Examples of CPUs        

8086 microprocessor 8088 microprocessor 80286 microprocessor 80386 microprocessor 80486 microprocessor Pentium series Itanium series … Etc

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Memory 

Primary memory  Random access memory (RAM)  Read only memory (ROM)

Secondary memory  Floppy disk drive (FDD)  Hard disk drive (HDD)

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Primary Memory (RAM)     

Read write memory (RAM) Random access memory (RAM) A sequence of individual locations Each location has a unique address All addresses are equally accessible If the power is cut off the computer content in the RAM is lost

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Primary Memory (RAM) 

The amount of RAM is another factor involved in determining the power of a computer

If the RAM is high then the computer  

Unit 4 - 6

Can run complex programs Access data quickly 20

Primary Memory (RAM) 

The units used to express memory size are:   

1 byte (B) = 8 bits 1 kilobytes (K) = 1024 B = 210 bytes 1 megabytes (M) = 1024 K = 220 bytes = 1 million bytes 1gigabytes (G) = 1024 M = 230 bytes = 1 billion bytes

RAM can range from 16 – 400 megabytes

Unit 4 - 6


Primary Memory (ROM) Read only memory (ROM)  Used for storing system programs and routines because it can only be read  A collection of storage locations  The information it has, stored at manufacturing time and it can not be lost  Hosts the POST (power-on-self-test) routines:  Testing routines, test if everything is Unit 4 - 6 22 

Secondary Memory (FDD) Floppy disk drive (FDD)  Works with floppy disks, which are: 

Flexible magnetic disk: inserted and moved from FDD Cheap

There are three types   

Unit 4 - 6

5.25” FD 3.5” FD 8” FD 23

Secondary Memory (HDD) Hard Disk Drive (HDD)  Use one or more rigid, magnetic platters to hold information 

The disks are fixed inside

They are fast and have greater capacity than FD

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Expansion Slots 

Are internal connectors

Allow you to plug an additional circuit board into the motherboard

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Device Controller 

It is a circuit board

It operates a piece of computer equipment:   

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Disk drive Display monitor Keyboard 26

Input Devices 

Keyboard  

Device for entering text and Telling the computer what to do

Mouse  

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An additional auxiliary device Used as a source of input


Output Devices 

Line printer



Unit 4 - 6


System Software (Operating Systems (O/S)) It is the s/w that controls the execution of all applications and system s/w programs.  All h/w & s/w are under the control of the o/s.  One of the o/s program called kernel loads other o/s & application program to RAM as they are needed.  It is the heart and the soul of a Unit 4 -computer. 6 29 

O/S (Continues ….) 

Classes of operating systems. 

 Unit 4 - 6

Single user, single tasking: single user on a single micro that may not linked to a network. Single user, multi tasking: concurrent execution of more than one program a time. Multi user, single tasking: single user on a single micro that are linked to a network. 30 Multi user, multi tasking: A combination

O/S (Continues ….) 

Multiprocessing: more than one CPU inside. Networking task of the O/S.

Some examples are: Windows98, WindowsNT, Mac OS, OS-9, Lynix etc. Unit 4 - 6


O/S (Continues ….) Foreground & background programs: The o/s rotates allocation of the processor resource between foreground and background. Foreground is that part of the RAM containing the active/current program. Background are of low priority programs or may be the backup of Unit 4 -a 6 program. 32

Programming Languages The instruction in a program are logically sequenced and assembled. Each programming language has an instruction set with several type of instructions. Instructions are: I/O instruction: which direct the computer to read or write from which device. Computation instruction: to perform arithmetic operations (add, sub etc). Control instruction: which can alter the sequence of program execution. Assignment instruction: for inter-transfer of data from RAM to other locations. Format instruction: used with I/O instruction. Unit 4 - 6


Programming Languages …. Types of programming languages are:  Machine Languages (in 1 or 0 form).  Assembler Languages (in mnemonics).  High-level languages: (English like). 

 

Pascal, Cobol, Basic, C, Java, …

Visual Languages: Icons for words. Macros: A sequence of frequently used operations that can be recalled when needed.

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Platforms Platforms are the home for s/w.  A platform is a h/w standard on which s/w is developed. It is defined by two elements: - The processor (e.G. Pentium, PowerPC). - The O/S ( e.G. Mac O/S, NT, OS9). 

Unit 4 - 6


Application Software Application s/w are designed and written to address a specific personal, business or processing task. It is the software that helps the user.  Perform word processing.  Use electronic spreadsheets to manage tables to extract results.  To create databases and manage them.  To use the email facilities and access internet. Unit 4 - 6


Reviews: 

Processor parts, memory types, buses, expansion slots, communication ports, system software hardware, mother board are discussed.

Unit 4 - 6


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