Unit Test Eng 12 A Ans Key.docx

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  • Words: 580
  • Pages: 2


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SECTION – A [READING] Q1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. 1-Title 3-Notes – 4/5 Main points 3/4 Sub points 1-Key words 3-Summary


SECTION – B [WRITING] Q2. Notice - 1-Format Q3. Formal Letters -

2-Content 1- Format

1- Expression 4- Content

3- Expression

(4) (6)

SECTION – C [LITERATURE] Q4. Read the following lines and answer the questions that follow:


(i) Personification and Metaphor – trees referred to a running, children coming out of homes as water spills out of vessels, (ii) Her mother’s advancing age and the fear of losing her parent (iii)The painful thought of losing her mother soon. Looks out of the window, tries to distract her mind with other thoughts. (iv) No. she sees contrasting images which heighten her realization of her mother’s advancing age. Q5. Answer any two of the given questions in 30 – 40 words. [2X2=4] (i) We don’t care or value what we have – realize its worth only after we have lost it or are on verge of losing it. (ii) Earlier books felt like a burden, and school held no attraction – M Hamel and his ruler were scary – later – repented his casual attitude saw M. Hamel in new light – felt pity for him, books felt like old friends whom he did not wish to part. (iii) Mother – alive – is compared with a corpse, dull wan lifeless, ashen, Trees – inanimate – portrayed as sprinting – full of life – lively. Q6. All together in sadness and regret – regretted – careless and casual attitude towards French – preferred other activities – like working in mills, playing in fields , fishing etc. to learning – grieved the loss of not only language but also M Hamel – he was part and parcel of their life since 40 years – now had to leave – a sad day for all – elders came to pay respects to language and master. (3) BONUS QUESTION Irony of human relationships lies in the fact that the closest bonds that we have formed since our birth can sometimes become a burden and a source of guilt. Our parents bring us up to forge our own paths but also 1 |D P S G I n t . / Q . P . / U T - 1 / A . S . : 2 0 1 7 - 1 8

expect the young to take care of their parents when the time comes. The poet loves her mother and cares for her but at the same time she cannot stay with her to take care of her and so probably feels guilty about leaving her mother behind. But she has to do so as she has to follow her career or for any other reason she chooses to leave home. It is ironical to note that the young do not take up the responsibility of their parents who have brought them up and spent their prime on them and rather choose to leave them alone to fend for themselves and only show outward concern.

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