Unit One

  • November 2019
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Unit One Universe n. 宇宙:Our world is only a small part of the universe. 全世界:Each person is the centre of his own universe. Universal a. 宇宙的,全球的,全世界的:a universal peace/language 普通的,共同的:Television provides universal entertainment. Shower vt.淋湿:The lawn sprinkler showered the children. 像阵雨般撒落:Suddenly the lid came off and showered him with flakes of rust. 倾注,大量给予:They have all been showering us with affection. vi.下阵雨:Is it supposed to shower today? 淋浴:I’ll shave and shower before I go out. 大量落下:Letters showered on him in praise and protest. n.阵雨,一阵雪或者冰雹:I got caught in a shower on my way here. 淋浴:have/take a shower 大量:a shower of falling leaves Confidence n. 信任,信赖:enjoy/have/gain/win sb.’s confidence The servant enjoyed his master’s confidence. 自信,信心:have absolute/every/perfect confidence in sth. She has great confidence in her success. Confident a. 确信的,对….有把握的:(of)be confident of We are confident of victory. 有自信的:He has a confident manner of speaking in the public. Indulge v. 放任,纵容:He indulged his child too much. 使(自己)纵情享受:(in)indulge in drinking He no longer indulged himself in smoking. Indulgence n. 放任,纵容:His indulgence to his children was bad for them. 纵情,沉迷: Indulgent a.纵容的,溺爱的:indulgent parents Favorite n.特别受人喜爱的人(或物):He is a favorite with everyone. a.最喜爱的,特别中意的:What is your favorite flower? Favor n.恩宠,好感:gain favor with sb. The queen soon lost favor. 偏爱,偏袒:show favor to neither party 帮助,好心的行为:do sb. a favor; do a favor for sb. 支持,赞同:be in favor of vt.宠爱,眷顾,赞成,帮助:favor a proposal I shall favor neither side in this election. 第 1 页 共 4 页

偏爱,偏袒:The teacher favors hard-working students. 对…有利: The weather favored our voyage. Favorable a. 有利的,良好的:a favorable condition/opportunity 赞成的,好意的:a favorable answer Comfort n.安慰[u]:I found comfort in his words. 安慰的东西[c]:It will be a comfort to him to know that you are standing by. vt.安慰,使缓和:We should comfort those who and in trouble. Notice n.通知,通告,布告:put up a notice, notice board 注意[u]:take notice of They took notice of my comments. 预先通知:give notice to sb. The company gave notice to 10 workers. v.注意,注意到,仔细观察:I was noticing. Did you notice anything peculiar? 通知:notice the householder that taxes are overdue View n.视力,视野,眼界:The valley was hidden from view in the mist. The island came into our view. 风景,风光:There’s a view of the river from my window. 看 , 眺 望 , 观 察 : ( of ) I sat in the front of the bus in order to get a good view of the countryside. 见解,观点,看法:an opposite/a different view What is your view on this matter? 目的,期待,希望,展望:It is my view to make an early start for the town. in view of 由于,鉴于,考虑到:In view of the serious accident, we should punish him. vt.检查,仔细观察:view the picture/room Several possible buyers have come to view the house. 考虑,看待,认为:How do you view this matter? Approach vt 接近,向…靠近:approach one’s home; approach completion 与…打交道,向…接洽:.approach sb. about/on sth. n.接近,逼近,达到:a gradual approach to the ideal state of things at the approach of spring 入门,途径,进路:all the approaches to the city 方法,态度:the best approach to study English Entertain vt.使娱乐,款待: entertain friends with music/nice food Entertainment n. 游艺,娱乐:the entertainment business 款待,招待:The hotel is famous for its entertainment. 第 2 页 共 4 页

Apologize vi.道歉,谢罪: apologize to sb. for sth. He apologized to us for being late. Apology n.道歉,谢罪: make an apology to sb. for sth. Bury vt. 埋葬:They buried the dead and moved on. 遗忘,结束:They buried a quarrel and forgot the past. 埋藏,掩蔽:The dog has buried a bone. Pray v. 祈祷,祷告:(to)pray to God for sth. We prayed to God that we would be safe. 请求,祈求,恳求:pray to sb. for sth./ to do sth. Grave n.坟墓,墓穴:dig sb. a grave 死:go to one’s grave Such a bad habit leads man to an early grave. a.认真的,庄重的:His face was grave as he told them about the accident. 重大的,重要的:It is a position of grave responsibility. Sex n. 性别:She disguised her true sex under a man’s garment. 男人,女人:youth of both sexes Disappointed a.失望的,失意的,受挫折的: Disappoint vt. 使失望,使沮丧:The results disappointed him. 使落空,使受阻:I’m sorry to disappoint your plan. Disappointing a.令人失望的: It is disappointing to analyze the result. Disappointment n.失望,沮丧,挫折: She felt deep disappointment at not getting the job. Self-conscious a.觉得别扭的,不自然的,扭捏的: Don’t be self-conscious with each other. Conscious a. 知道,感觉到,意识到:(of)be conscious of He is very conscious of his shortcomings. 有知觉的,处于清醒状态的:He was badly hurt, but he still remained conscious. 自觉的,有意识的:His rudeness was conscious, not accidental. 害羞的,不自然的:She was a little conscious in her manner. Fare n.车费,船费:charge/pay a fare, single/double fare What is the fare for a trip to Beijing? 乘客,游客:The taxi driver had only six fares all day. 第 3 页 共 4 页

饮食,伙食:Army kitchens serve better fare than some hotels. vi.享受饮食,吃:I have to fare badly at the hotel. 过活,遭遇,进展:Even the dog under the table fares better than they do. I will fare hard with the thief if he is caught. Realize vt.领悟,了解,体会:He could not realize his danger. 变卖,赚钱:He realized the house. 实现:All his wishes have been realized. vi.实现:Finally, his dream realized. Last a.最后的,末尾的:the last month of the year 刚过去的:last month/year 最时髦的,最新流行的:the last thing in fashion ad.最后地,末了:Who spoke last at the meeting? 上一次,最近一次:I last met her in Beijing. vi.继续,持久:The meeting lasted three hours. 够用,维持:The food will last another week. 支持,活下去:He won’t last long. Material n.材料,原料,资料:building/reading materials a.物质的:material civilization/world 身体的,肉体的:material comfort 重要的,必要的:(to)a point material to one’s argument

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