Unit 6 Review Part 2

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 349
  • Pages: 17
Unit 6 Review PART 2 Your guide to getting in the Unit 6 80s Club!!!

1. Why did Roosevelt support a rebellion in Panama? 

So the U.S. could gain the right to complete a canal linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

2. What was the Roosevelt Corollary? 

An addition to the Monroe Doctrine that allowed the U.S. to intervene in other countries economies

3. What was the main goal of Roosevelt’s Big Stick Policy and “Dollar Diplomacy”? 

Expand U.S. economic influence in Latin America and increase U.S. power worldwide

4. What was the United States “traditional” foreign policy before WWI? 


5. What did Wilson do before the U.S. entered WWI that went against a policy of neutrality? 

He supported the Allies’ economic policies

6. What was the primary reason the United States entered WWI? 

To protect theinternational freedom of the seas

7. What was the immediate cause of the U.S.’s entry into WWI? 

German submarines sank 4 U.S. merchant ships

8. What was the primary reason for the Great Migration? 

Industry in the North was exapnding rapidly

9. Why did labor and nativist groups want to pass anti-immigration legislation? 

Because they were worried about the loss of jobs

10. What did the Espionage and Sedition acts show about our first Amendment rights? 

There are circumstances in which constitutional rights are limited

11. What was going on with immigration restriction during/after WWI? 

Immigration from certain areas (southern and eastern Europe) was restricted

12. What is “clear and present danger”? 

A situation that is dangerous for the public

13. What was the result of Schenck vs. United States? 

It placed limits on freedom of speech

14. What was the goal of Wilson’s Fourteen Points ? 

Prevent international tensions from leading to war and establish a League of Nations

15. What is the League of Nations? 

An international group of countries made to keep peace throughout the world

16. Why did the U.S. Senate oppose the Treaty of Versailles? 

They wanted to avoid international entanglements

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