Unit 6

  • October 2019
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Unit Six: AN EXCURSION - READING Time: 45 minutes Period : 30 Date : Nov, 2006 * OBJECTIVES 1. Educational Am: Students will he able to: • Read and comprehend letters about famous landscapes in Vietnam such as: Thay Pagoda, Huong Pagoda in the North of Vietnam. do the reading tasks well. • Apply vocabulary to speaking, asking and answering activities. 2. Knowledge: a. General knowledge: Students learn about a plan of making an excursion to some places. b. Language New words: words related to places and making an excursion * METHOD: integrated, mainly communicative * TEACHING AIDS: textbooks, traveling tickets, handouts, the cassette * PROCEDURE: Teacher’s activities Ps’ activities Warm -UP: Hotseat Ps’ answers - T calls a student to stand in front of the class. - T writes names of the following cities on the board: Ho Chi Minh, Da Lat, Da Nang, Hue, Quang Ninh and Hanoi. - T asks some questions like: • Do you like it? • What places are you going to visit in this city? Why? Before you read Activity 1: Ask and answer the questions T asks sts to observe the pictures carefully and give comments by making some questions: • Are they beautiful? • What are they about? - a pagoda / river / mountain / hill... Activity 2: Get information T has students look through the information given about the pictures in the textbooks and gives some explanations if necessary. Activity 3: Match the photos with the information, and then tell each other which of the places you would like to visit and give reasons Activity 4: Match the verbs and the suitable groups of words to make meaningful phrases:

T explains these phrases if f necessary.

While you read T has students listen to the cassette and follow the letter in the textbook -The students take, turn to give explanations so that this student can guess the names of these cities. If he/she gives correct prediction, the one who gives explanations for this, city will be offered a reward: having a ticket to travel to this city. - observe the pictures and answer the questions given by the teacher - look through the given information and ask the teacher for help in terms of vocabulary. - students sit in pairs and do the task

A 1. come 2. have 3. go 4. make 5. get

S u g g e s t e d a ns w e r s : 1d 2b 3a 4c

work in pairs handouts suggested answer: l. d 2.c 3.a 4.e 5.b

Activity 1: look through the tasks T has students look through the tasks 1 & 2 to know for sure what they are going to do before beginning to read the letter. Activity 2: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences T has students read the letter in silence twice and do the task individually Activity 3: Read the letter and find the answers: T has students read the letter again and find the answers. Activity 4: Ask and answer the questions: T has students practice asking and answering the questions in pairs After you read hill in each blank in the summary of the letter with a suitable group of words from the box T divides the class into 4 groups, divides the board into 4 columns and gives each group 8 cards (different colors for different groups) T asks students to do the tasks in the textbook in groups and show their results on the board by taking part in the activity "slap the board".

B a. on an excursion b. one's parents' permission c. some days off d. to an end e. a trip

T gives feedback and decides the winner. The winner will be the group with the most correct answers. Homework Retell your own excursion that you like most. Suggested answer: 1. They are going on a trip when they have some days off after the first term. 2. They are visiting some caves because they want to understand their geography lesson better and many of them have never been inside a cave. 3. It's only over 20 km. 4. They are going to make a two - day trip and have a night campfire. They are bringing their own food and sharing buses with some other classes to make the trip cheap. 5. Lan is anxious about her parents' permission. They may not want to let her stay the night away from home.

suggested answer: 1.C 2. B 3.A do the task in pairs

do the task in pairs group work suggested answer: 1. is going to go on 2. some caves 3. want to see 4. have learnt 5. their trip 6. only problem 7. to persuade them 8. her classmates

UNIT 6: AN EXCURSION - SPEAKING Period : 31 Date : Nov, 2006 A. Aims: Improve students' speaking skill Help students know how to give their opinions B. Method: communicative approach C. Teaching aids: Textbook, posters, cards, hand-outs D. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Checking Leading up A. Class stabilization: B. New lesson: • Warm-up: Naught and crosses 1. ............ wants to be by himself. 2. Susan doesn't want to get ............... 3. ............... often suffers from sickness. 4. Mrs. Andrew .......... want to sit on the sundeck. 5. ................ is going on a boat trip. 6. Sam has never been on a ........ before. 7. John would like to take .............. 8. Lake Michigan is in ..................

Ps’ activities

9. They are going boating on Lake .......... Greets class Checks for attendance Divides the class into two teams: naught (0) and crosses(X). Draw a grid of nine squares on the board. The teams take it in turns to put a O or X in the square of their choice. The first team to complete a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line is the winner

Greet teacher Play the game Choose their favourite numbers Task 1: Tim's class is going on a boat trip on Lake Michigan in Chicago. head the information about some of the participants Task 2: Work in groups. Read the seat plan. Decide the best seat for each person, using the information in Task I Activity 1: Rearrange the provided sentences or phrases into the right columns according to their functions:

Asks students to work in pairs, talk to their friends about what they know about Mrs. Andrew, Susan, Mary, Tim, John and Sam Divides the class into 4 teams Distributes each team a poster and cards of sentences/ phrases Asks them to work together to stick the cards on the right column Gives feedback Decides which team is the winner Says the sentences/phrases once Asks students to repeat Activity 2: Decide the best seat for each participant Task 3: Work in pairs. Which seat do you think is the most suitable for you? Why? Use the information in task 1 as suggestions

Key: l. Tim 2. sunburn 3. Mary 4. doesn't 5. Tim's class 6. boat 7. photographs 8. Chicago 9. Michigan

a. In my opinion... b. I'm not sure. c. Maybe... d. What do you think? e. I think/ don't think ... f. If you ask me... g. I suppose you're right h. Don't you think...? i. I agree. j. Do you think...? k. I disagree/ don't agree. l. I guess so. m. I (still) don't think ...

Key: Asking for opinions: d, h, j Giving opinions: a; e,: f Agreeing: c; g, i; l Disagreeing: b; k; m

Work in pairs Work with their team mates Listen Repeat after teacher

C. Consolidation: Check whether you agree or disagree Divides the class into groups Asks them to look at the seat plan carefully Asks one good student to make a short conversation with the teacher as a modal one Asks students to work in their groups Makes comments on their practice Asks students to work in pairs Asks them to talk to their partners which seat is the most suitable for them and to give reasons for their choice Be sure to grasp what they are going to do Work in pairs D. Homework: Prepare Part C- Listening/ p.67 Distributes handouts to students Asks students to work individually Asks students to discuss in groups of 4

Agree Disagree *It's more relaxing to live in the country than in the city *It's better to have a close friend than to have many acquaintances *It's more fun to study English than to study mathematics *To stay in your home town is better than to move away

Writes on the board Work individually Work in groups of 4 Tell their partners the reasons for the problem that concerns they most them. Write down in their notebooks

UNIT 6 : An excursion Lesson plan Period : 32 Date : Sep, 2006 A. Aims: To help students improve their listening skill. B. Teaching aids: Pictures, cards, cassette, visual aids ..... C. Method: Communicative Approach D. Procedure of teaching Teacher’s act. A. WARM UP: pictures

B. BEFORE LISTENING: I. Activity 1 : Answer the following questions l. Do you often go for a picnic ? 2. When is the best time for a picnic ? 3. Why do people go for picnics ? 4. What means of transport do you often take ?

Ps’ act.

II. Activity 2 : Listen and repeat - glorious - destination - tour - delicious - guitar - spacious - left-over - Botanical Garden CWHILE LISTENING: I. Task 1 I. Activity 1 : Describe the pictures - T asks students to answer the question " What can you see in the pictures ? "

- Individual work - T has students answer the questions. -T has students listen and repeat - T divides the class into 3 groups Each group describes two pictures

Picture l: weather Picture 2 : means of transport 2. Activity 2: Listen and number the pictures in Picture 3 : taking a photo the order. Picture 4 : having a meal Picture 5 : gathering at the school gate Picture 6: singing and dancing II. Task 2 1. Activity 1 : Read Task 2 2. Activity 2 :Guess the missing words 3. Activity 3 : Listen and fill in the blanks III. Task 3: 1. Activity 1 : Read the question and discuss 2. Activity 2 : Listen and answer the questions C. AFTER LISTENING 2. Activity 2 : Present the plan for a picnic next 1. Activity 1 :Discuss and make a plan for a week. picnic next week

D. HOMEWORK: Write a short passage about - Sts listen to the tape 2 times and then discuss. your plan for a picnic next week. -Two representatives of two groups go to the - T gives feedback. board and write down their answers. -T divides the class into 2 groups. - Sts listen to the tape one more time. - Individual work' - Sts read task 2 carefully and then guess the - Teacher gives feedback missing words or phrases. - Some students go the board and write down their answers. - Students listen and correct their answers. - Pair work - Sts listen and then answer the questions. - Pair work - Sts listen again and check - One student asks the question and the other answers .

- Group work - Discuss the time, the place and the activities for a picnic next week. - A representative of each group takes turn to present their plan for a picnic.

LESSON PLAN (ENGLISH 10) Unit 6: An excursion (Writing : A confirmation letter) Period : 33 Date : Nov, 2006 OBJECTIVES: 1. Educational aim : Students should know requests and confirmation in a letter -Improving Sts' writing skill 2. Knowledge: General knowledge : students learn how to confirm requests Language : Adjs, advs, verb forms, model sentences used to make requests and Confirmation 3.Skills : Writing letters of requests and confirmation METHOD: Communicative TEACHING AIDS : Textbooks, handouts, hard sheets of covers transparent papers PROCEDURE: Teacher's activities Students' activities Warm-up: T calls 2 sts to go to the board and St A : He ( She) doesn't have the book “SG K sets the situation Anh van 10 " St B : He ( She) has this kind of book T points Requests: Can you go shopping with me to buy at the things we need for the trip? St A : What do you say to borrow it from him / Is the time convenient for you ? Please let me her ? know as soon as possible Confirmation : See your book Certainly, I will help you to prepare everything Ss A answers T also points at St B : How do you need for the trip Fortunately, I'm............ you reply ?T asks : Which sentence is the .I'll be waiting. ... tomorrow request and which one is the confirmation ? ( If T asks sts to summarize confirmation in typical Sts don't know, T explains in Vietnamese ) Prewords/ phrases / sentences and find more writing : T asks Sts to read the two letters in models ( T can ask :How many types of their textbooks and pick out all requests and confirmation ?) confirmation St A : Can you lend me your book ? St B : I do want to lend it to you but it's in my need now. Sorry. I'll lend you later Certainly Sts answer Individualwork / pairwork Acception : - Certainly, I will..... -Fortunately, I may . , . -Of course, I am always ready to..... Refusal or Delay : - Well, I'll help you but can you: . . . I think it is more convenient for me - I do want to help you but I'm afraid I can't

-Unfortunately, I'm not able to. - I'd be ( most ) grateful if you could...... While-writing: Controlled-practice: Pair work. T gives handouts and asks Sts to work in pairs. Each pair rearranges words in each line into a meaningful letter Letter of Acceptation 1. October / for / P`/ letter / Thank/ of / you / your. 2. the/ 15-17 Th October / confirm / for / inclusive / your / nights / We / of / reservation. 3. seeing / look / to /We / you/ forward / soon. * reservation sự đăng ký ki inclusive : tinh ca Letter of refusal: l .letter /a /for /me /Thanking /the /offering /job. 2. glad /me /I / chosen /very /you /am /have /that. 3. am /that /the /afraid /unable /offer /But • offer :lời đề nghị

Sts' presentation Group 1 & 2 : letter of acceptation Group 3 & 4 : letter of refusal or delay Key: 1 .Thank you for your letter of 1rd October 2. We confirm your reservation for the nights of 15-17th October inclusive 3. We look forward to seeing you soon. 1. Thanking for the letter offering me a job 2.1 am very glad that you have chosen me 3. But I am afraid that I am unable to accept the offer/am /to /I / accept /am /I. 4. again /you /Thank.

Less-controlled practice : Handouts gap-filling Letter 1: Acceptation (from the invitation of joining in the trip) Mother and Dad said I........ you next Saturday. You can.... sure that I. . ..... at 8.00. I do ..... to... your father and you for.... me Letter 2. Delay for the interview Thank you..... to come for an interview on Tuesday next week...... I will not....... to attend at the time you suggest. I...... if you......... contact me to......... the time Free-practice : Task 2 in textbook . groupwork ( group 1 &3: letter 1 group 2 & 4 : T gives each group a hard sheet of cover Post- letter 2) Feedback : the first two groups (1 or 3 writing : Corrections (Task 2 ) and 2 or 4) T gives the best group good marks Letter 1: may join, be, will be ready , want, thank , inviting Letter 2 : for inviting me , Unfortunately , able , would be most grateful , could , confirm Groupwork (group I & 3: letter 1 Group 2 & 4 : letter 2 ) The first two groups ( I or 3 and 2 or 4).T gives the best group good marks Sts copy down " Homework" Theme: You and me Homework: Write 2 letters of confirmation Letter l : Acceptation Letter 2 : Refusal / delay Situation : You've

borrowed an interesting book you like to read most from your library for a long time but you haven't returned it. The librarian asks you to bring it back to the library 4. Thank you again

Unit: 6 An excursion Period: 34 Language focus Educational Aims: Helping sts understand, know how to use present progressive for future arrangements and "Be going to" and distinguish the difference between these tenses Knowledge: General: Talking about future arrangements and plans in daily life Language: be going to/ present progressive Skills:. Teaching Aids: posters / handouts/ Method: communicative approaching Procedures Teacher's activities Students' activities I. Stabilization: A. Warmer: - T shows a matchstick picture of a famous person and asks students to try to guess who she is - T asks students to discuss in groups and tell some of the background details such as - Name Age B. Presentation T shows some pictures about the arrangements for the next week of Minh Thu and hands out some sentence starters Sentence starters - Tomorrow, she is meeting......................... - On Saturday evening, She is attending...... - This weekend, She is visiting....................

Marital status Interest -Suggested answer Name: Minh Thu Age: 22 Marital status: Single Interest: Music/ Dancing

Key: - Tomorrow, she imeeting a reporter of Thanh Nien Newspaper - On Saturday evening, She is attending a live show Students guess: Minh Thu / My Tam / Phuong Linh....... Which students give the correct answer will get one good mark Pair work Sts use questions already mentioned in Unit 3 to collect background details II. Check -up: Students write down their answers on the III. New Lesson; posters and stick them on the board Form: Present continuous Students complete these sentence starters with + Be (is / am / are) + V- ing information from the pictures Notes Based on underlined words, sts tell the form - V end ending with "e": Miss "e" before - This weekend, She is visiting beautiful places adding "ing" in Ha Noi - V end" with Consonant- Vowel - Consonant" Double the last consonant before adding "ing" Teacher asks questions to help sts to conduct the use of this tense ex. l. Doe s she meet the reporter/attend the live Pic 1

show/ visit beautiful places? 2. Is each of them arranged before? USE To express future arrangements Part II Teacher shows some pictures and asks sts to describe them by answering simple questions Teacher's questions Ex 3. A: What a beautiful shirt! I Will buy it A: Why did you buy so many vegetables'? B: I am going to make a large salad for the port luck dinner tonight T's questions 1. Does she want to buy a shirt before seeing that shirt in the shop? 2. Has she got the plan of making a large salad'? Form + Be Going To + Bare infinitive Use To talk about something planned before the moment of speaking or something which is surely to happen soon C. Practice Exercise 1. Drill: Text book Key 1. are you doing 2. is getting married 3. are you going to watch 4. am going to be 5. is going to Exercise 2. Drill: Text book T introduces something about the situations in which these sentences are used Exercise 3: Drill: T ext book D. Production T gives 6 pictures of Tom's next week's holiday. Each picture is hidden behind each number. Sts will play a game of lucky number IV. Home work Individual work

Where is he standing? What is he holding in his hand? What is he going to do'? Pic 2 Where is he standing'? What is he going to do? Sts' predictions He is going to write on the blackboard He is going to jump into the river

Sts: No, she doesn't Sts: Yes , it is He is standing near the board He is holding a piece of chalk He is standing on the bridge Sts compare situations in two conservations and conduct the difference "Buy it": happen at the moment of speaking "Make a large salad": planned before the moment of speaking Sts: No, she doesn't Sts: Yes, she has

Sts choose the best option and give the reasons Sts discuss in pairs and write down the correct answers Sts discuss in groups then choose 2 presentatives to present it in front of the class Sts make a sentence for the picture turned up in which present progressive / be going to is used after all, sts tell the whole story

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