Unit 5

  • October 2019
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Unit 5 : TECHNOLOGY AND YOU ( Reading) Period : 25 Date : Nov, 2006 Time: 45 minutes OBJECTIVES 1. Educational aims : Students should appreciate the modern devices that help make our life comfortable and should know how to use them properly and economically. 2. Knowledge General knowledge : Students learn about how present and future devices and equipment may change our lifestyle. Language New words: Words related to modern devices and equipment. 3. Skills : Reading for gist and for specific information METHOD: Integrated, mainly communicative TEACHING AIDS : Real objects and pictures showing various modern devices, e.g., a microwave oven, an air conditioner, a computer, a washing machine, a blender, a digital camera, etc. PROEDURE: Teacher's Activities Students' Activities Warm-up (4mn) Teacher gives questions 1. What do you use computer for ? 1. What machine is used to type / watch a film/listen 2. What can be other purposes of computers in the future ? to music/do the calculations/play games'? 2. Do you know how to use this machine ? Pre-reading (7mn) Students' answers Feedback 1. The computer 2. Yes, l do. Activity 1 Students answer (book closed) Feedback Teacher asks students some questions 1/ -to get information Activity 2 : Matching Teacher has students match each numbered item -to sold or received mail -to type with one of the words or phrases in the box. documents -to store facts/ documents While-reading (20mn) -to chat/ play games/ watch films/ listen Activity 1 : Silent reading to music -to read newspapers/magazines Students are asked to read the text silently. -to learn foreign languages 2/ -to do the Activity 2 : Pronunciation practice (new words) shopping visual display unit -to design houses, bridges, buildings. -to 2. scenic cure diseases 1D; 2E; 3G; 4C; 5A; 6. F 7B ; 8H -to give advice... Pairwork. Students do the task with book opened. Feedback Individually Students read in chorus 3. miraculous 4. memos Activity 3 : Task 1 : Matching Teacher has students match the words in A with their definitions in' B. Activity 4 : Task 2 :Decide which of the three options below is the best title for the passage Teacher's explanation : Throughout the text we

1. Computers are used in many fields in our daily lives. 2. People can use computers to solve personal problems with sympathy. 3. Computers can be used to replace humans in the future.

just find the uses of the computer. Activity 5 : Agree or Disagree ?

4. People haven't got any trouble or problems when using computer. 5. Computers are used for r working, studying, Teacher gives some statements and asks for entertainment and other daily activities. students' agreement or disagreement and their reasons. ' Activity 6 : Task 3 : Answer the questions Teacher asks students to read the passage again and to answer the questions with the provided cues. Feedback Post-reading (12 m n) 1. Computers can help us Activity 1 : Talk about the advantages of using -visit shops, offices and places of interest computers. (book closed) -pay all kinds of bills -read newspapers and magazines Activity 2 : Discussion : the other uses of the -send and receive mails in a very short time computer in our daily life. -learn not only languages but also other Teacher designs homework (2mn) subjects like biology, geography and history. Groupwork Feedback lc; 2e; 3a; 4b; 5d Pairwork. 2. Its a miraculous device because Feedback: C It is capable of doing anything you ask It can I speed up calculations Groupwork Feedback I .A. It can manage larger collection of data It 2.D 3.D 4.13 5.A Groupwork allows you to type and print Groupwork Groupwork Feedback -shopping without going out. -receiving mails in some minutes. -getting information quickly. Homework: Find out some problems that people encounter when using computers.

Theme: TECHNOLOGY Unit 5: TECHNOLOGY AND YOU SPEAKING Period : 26 Date : Nov, 2006 I. Objectives: l. Educational aim: Students should know how important and useful information technology is to our lives. 2. Knowledge: General knowledge: Through this lesson, students learn about the uses of modern inventions, especially information technology. Language: Questions and answers about the uses of modern inventions. 3. Skills: 4 skills ( fluency in asking and answering questions about the uses of modern inventions.) II. Method: Communicative III. Teaching aids: Real objects: a cell phone, a simple telephone _ Pictures: fax machine, electric cooker, air conditioner, computer, microwave oven, television...( T. can ask Sts to collect them )

_ Posters IV. Procedure: Teacher's Activities

Students' Activities

1. Warm-up: Matching * Pictures: T. asks Sts to match the pictures with their 1. washing machine names. 2. fax machine II. Pre-speaking: 3. television 4. electric cooker 5. computer 6. vacuum cleaner 7. microwave oven 8. air conditioner T. uses a telephone and asks: 1. What do you call it? 2. Can you tell me what it is used for? T. introduces the structures: * Questions about the uses of something: * Answers: It is used to (infinitive or infinitive phrase) (or) It is used for ( V-ing or ving phrase) T. uses a cell phone and asks sts to make dialogue.

_ What is used for? Can / Could you tell me what _____is used for? Sts work in 2 teams. Sts are asked to read these things in chorus _ Sts answer: 1. a telephone 2. It is used to talk to another person over long distances. _ Sts work in pairs. St A: Can you tell me what a cell phone is used for? St B: Well, it is used to talk to people when you are away from home.

III. While-speaking: _ Task 1: Asking and answering the questions about the uses of modern inventions. T. uses the pictures in warm-up. T. selects some pairs to ask and answer the questions before the class. Task 2: 1. Words and phrases: T. says words in Vietnamese and asks Sts to say Sts to say them in English ( Words in the box) them in English ( Words in the box) 2. Gap-filling T. asks Sts to use the words in the box to Complete the sentences. _Task 3: T. asks Sts to rank the sentences in task 2 in order of their importance according to their - A: I think that is the most important. thinking) - B: Why do you think so? T. helps Sts with the model: - A: Because Or The reason is that

IV. Post-speaking: _ Task 4: Discussion T. asks Sts to talk about the uses of information technology.( Books closed) T has a St report on what he/ she and his partners have just discussed.

_ Sts work in pairs _ Some pairs of them practice speaking before the class. Sts say words in English. _ Sts work in pairs. Sts read their sentences. _ Role-play _ Sts are asked to say their ideas alter working in pairs. _ Sts work in group of 4. They in turn talk about T walks around the class and offers ideas and the importance and uses of information comments when Sts need help. T asks some technology. One St in each group takes notes so close pairs to speak and corrects their mistakes. that he/ she can report them later. T comments. V. Homework: _ Make conversations to talk about the uses of modern inventions. _ Write about the uses of information technology.

UNIT FIVE: TECHNOLOGY AND YOU (Listening) Period : 27 Date : Nov, 2006 A. Aims : Sts. listen to the tape, understand an- old man's experience of learning how to use a computer, find out false or true information, fill the gaps in the passage and give a summary of the story they've listened from the tape. B. Method : Communicative Approach. C. Teaching aids : textbooks, pictures, handouts, tape, cassette player. D. Procedure: Teacher's Activities Students' Activities A. Check-up Ask and answer about the uses of some electric equipment (a camera, a radio, a cell phone, etc.) B. Warm-up: Word Square

Find 10 words relating to household and office appliances:

B. New lesson : LISTENING 1. Before you listen Listen and repeat. : • Ask and answer worried ['w rid] excuse [iks'kju:s] Model: A: How often do you use a memory ['memari] refused [ri'fju:zd] radio ? headache ['hedeik] VDU [,vi:di:'ju:] B: Everyday/ Sometimes/ Often/ ...

T. has 2 Sts. ask and answer about the uses of Individually some electric equipment. Across - T. has Sts. listen and guess the words. 1. fax machine 2. refrigerator . 3. dishwasher Down 4. cell phone Pairwork 5. camcorder - ask and answer questions by using the words 6. television in the table on page 57. 7. computer - practise pronouncing these words. 8. rice cooker Diagonally.: 9. video 10. radio Fill the gaps with these words 1. My Math teacher has a good for names, so every student is afraid of him. 2. You're always making for your losing things. 3. The fact that she my invitation surprised me much. 4. These aspirins can help you kill your While you listen TASK 1 Activity 1 : Listen to an old company director talking about his experience of learning how to use a computer. Decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F). (page 57) Activity 2 : Correct the false sentences (1, 4, 5, 6) TASK 2 : Listen to the old man's story again and Pairwork write in the missing words. (page 58) He was very helpful. He (1) me to sit down in front of the computer screen. I did not know what it was called. When I asked him what it was, he said that it was a VDU. I (2) didn't know what VDU was , but I was too shy to ask him any more. From that moment my memory (3) to learn because he told me a lot of things that I really didn't understand at all. After a few lessons I began to feel tired. I made an (4) saying that I had a headache. I suggested we should leave the lesson for another day. Since then I haven't said (5) about the computer to my son and my secretary. Feedback T. asks Ss fill the gaps with suitable words from the 1. memory 2. excuse 3. refused 4. headache Pairwork T. has Sts. . list. - read the six statements carefully.

- listen to the recorder 2 times and decide if each statement is T or F. (T. moves around to monitor.) - listen to the tape the 3rd time to check their answers. (T. pauses the tape where necessary.) Feedback 123456FTTFFF T. has Sts. correct false sentences.

Pairwork - T. has Sts. listen and write the missing words. - T. moves around to help if necessary.

Listen to the man's talk again. Then retell his story , beginning the story with the following sentence: The story is about an old man who doesn't know how to use the computer ... These questions can help Ss do this task more easily

1. He wasn't worried. 4. His son knows well. 5. The man didn't. 6. The man was having a headache and suggested leaving the lesson. Feedback 1. invited 2. still 5. anything 3. After you listen

3. refused



When did the man decide to take computing . lessons ? Who became his computer teacher ? l low did he feel after some lessons ? Why ? What did he say to stop learning how to use a computer ?

D. Homework • Prepare "Writing". • Write a story about the old company * Evaluation director's learning how to use a computer. Group work T. lets Sts. listen again , then gives them some questions to help them to retell the story.

Theme: TECHNOLOGY AND YOU Unit five Writing Time: 45 minutes Period : 28 Date : Nov, 2006 A. OBJECTIVES: 1. Educational aim: To help students understand the use of a public telephone. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students practise writing about instructions to use the remote control of some electronic devices. - Language: Connectors and imperative form of verbs from the instructions. 3. Skills: Writing a set of instructions on how to operate a TV with a remote control. B. METHOD: Integrate, mainly communicative. C. TEACHING AIDS: Pictures, real objects of a telephone card and a remote control. D. PROCEDURE: Teacher's Activities Students' Activities

* Warm-up: 1. What are they? Teacher shows a phone card and a remote control 2. What are they used for? and asks students some questions: 3. have you ever used a public telephone? 4. Is it easy or difficult to use it? II/ Pre-writing: Task 1: Activity 1: Brainstorming List some words and expressions relating to the use of the public telephone. Activity 2: - Read the following set of instructions on how to Suggestions: use a public telephone. lift the receiver - dial (v) T. asks some questions: - insert (v) a) What do you need before making a - Individual work. Books closed Suggestions: - have a hone card public call? b) How do you operate the telephone? c) What telephone numbers should you know in emergencies? II/ While-writing: Task 2: Find out the connectors and the imperative form of the verbs from the instructions. Task 3: Look at the TV and the remote control below and answer the questions. Task 4: Practice writing III/ Post-writing: T. gives suggestions and corrections. Homework: Write a set of instructions how to operate a TV with a remote control in your

- Pair work. 1. A phone card and a remote control. 2. A phone card is used for making a public call and a remote control for operating a TV. Group work. Write a set of instructions on how to operate a TV with a remote control. Use the picture and the questions above as suggestions. T. chooses some good writings and hangs them on the board for the others to correct the mistakes.

- know the number you are calling. (Textbook) (Textbook) Pair work. - exchanging the answers among the pairs. Suggestion: - Connectors: first, next, then, until. - Imperative form of the verbs: lift, insert, press, wait. Group work.

- Suggestions 1) If we want to operate a TV with a remote - Sts prepare their writings in their group then control, we have to make sure that the cord is present in the posters. plugged in and the main is turned on. Suggestions 2) Press the power button. If you want to operate a TV with a remote control, 3) Press the programme button. you must make sure that the cord is plugged in

4) Press number l, 2, 3, 4... 5) Press the volume button up and down. 6) Press the mute button.

and the main is turned on. First press the power button to turn on the TV. Next select the channel by pressing number 1, 2, 3... Then press programme button to select the programme you like. Finally, press the volume button up and down to select the volume and if you want to turn oft, press the power button again. - Group work (groups of 4)

Unit 5: TECHNOLOGY AND YOU Language Focus Period : 29 Date : Nov, 2006 Objectives: 1. Educational aim: Help students practice the vowel sound /u/ and /u:/ and review the present perfect tense, present perfect passive and relative clauses. 2. Knowledge: * General knowledge: students can master the uses of the present perfect tense in Active and Passive form and the uses of relative clauses. * Skills: reading, listening, writing and speaking. * Teaching aids: pictures, posters, hand-outs, textbooks. * Method: Communicative approach. * Procedure: Teacher's Activities Students' Activities I. Warm-up: l . Odd - one out : * Feedback: a) whole b) dog c) monitor

d) but

a) foot look b) who dog c) fruit June d) but put

cook whole food school monitor afternoon pull full

II. Pronunciation: Task1: Listen and repeat (textbook, page 60) /u/: put, foot, pull, look, full, cook. /u:/: food, fruit, school, June, tooth, afternoon. Task.2: Practice the sentences (textbook, page 60) III. Grammar_. and vocabulary: A. The Present Perfect and present Perfect Passive: Presentation: - Teacher draws a picture of a beach, a tree, a boat, 3 birds and mountains. - Teacher asks students to look at the picture carefully before they are asked to close their eyes. After a second, they are asked to open their eyes and observe the picture again. (Teacher leaves out some details in the picture and asks Ss:

- What has changed in the picture? - Class work - Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. - Listen to teacher and repeat in chorus. - Individual work - Look at the pictures and answer the question.

- Teacher asks Ss: + What tense is used in the sentences? + Tell me the form and the use of this tense. + Tense: Present Perfect + Form: Active: HAVE/ HAS + P.P. Passive: HAVE/ HAS + BEEN + P.P. + Use: to describe a past action with the result in the present. Task 1: Exercise I (textbook, page 60) - Teacher asks Ss: "Who has opened the door before Quang comes?" 1. the door is open. -> Tan has opened the door. 2. the TV is on. -> Tan/ He turned/ switched on the TV. 3. the house is tidy. -> Tan/ He has tidied the house. 4. the floor is clean. -> Tan/ He has cleaned the floor. 5. the lights are on. -> Tan/ He has turned/ switched on the lights. 6. two bottles of water are laid on the table. -> Tan/ He has laid two bottles of water on the table. Task 2: Activity 1: - Teacher asks students to answer a question (in passive form) to give the model to students. What has been done by Tan when Quang comes? The door has been opened by Tan. - Teacher asks students to change the sentences in Exercise 1 into passive form. Activity 2: Exercise 2: (textbook, page 61)

B. Relative Clause - Teacher shows a picture of a girl called Mary sitting by the window and asks students to answer some questions: + Who's the girl? -> The girl is Mary. + What is she doing? -> She is sitting by the window. - Teacher asks students to combine 2 sentences using Relative Clauses.

A bird has flown away. The boat has disappeared. - Individual work - Tan has opened the door. - Pair work - Build sentences after the model.

* Feedback: 1. A new hospital for children has been built in our city. 2. Another man-made satellite has been sent up into space. 3. More and more trees have been cut down for wood by farmers. 4. Thousands of animals have been killed in the forest fire. 5. About one hundred buildings and houses have been destroyed in the earthquake. 6. More than 50 films have been showed in Hanoi since June. 7. Their hands have been washed and dried on a towel. 8. Another book has been read by the students. 9. Some ink has been spilt on the carpet. 10. She has been showed to do it.

- Teacher reminds the uses of Relative Clauses. Task 3: (textbook, page 61)

* Feedback: l. which 2. which 4. who Individual work



2. The TV has been on. 3. The house has been tidied. 4. The floor has been cleaned. 5. The lights have been on. - Pair work 6. Two bottles have been laid on the table. - Look at the picture, answer the questions and make the sentence: The girl who is sitting by the window - Individual work is Mary 5. who 6. who 7. who (m) 8. which/ that 9. which

10. who

Task 4: Free practice (hand-outs) Complete each sentence with the words given, using the present perfect. Put the verbs in the active or passive: a. The exam / cancel / the teacher. b. Paul / consider / getting a job / earning money. c. Harry Porter / translate / many languages. d. Animals /use / for medical research / hundreds of years. IV. Homework: Do exercises 1, 2, 3, 4 in Workbook. - Work in pairs and then compare their answers with others'.

* Feedback: a. The exam has been cancelled by the teacher. b. Paul has considered getting a job and earning money. c. Harry Porter has been translated into many languages. d. Animals have been used for medical research for hundreds of years.

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