Unit 10 Recycling

  • November 2019
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Lesson Plan: English 8 - Name of the teacher: Pham Ngoc Tram - Phuong Mai School

UNIT 10 :RECYCLING Lesson 1: Section:- Getting started (page 89) Period 61- Listen and Read 1,2 (page 90) Aim: Objectives:

To give students about the environment problems. Students will be able to do something to protect the environment and save natural resources. Teaching aids: Posters, 6 flashcards, a chart, cassette PROCEDURE Stage Warm up

Steps / Activities

Work arrangement

I.GETTING STARTED Brainstorm: - Draw the circle with an example on the board.

Group work of 4 teams

Ways to reduce the Reuse plastic bags


- Ask students to think of ways to reduce the amount of garbage. - Deliver posters to students, dividing them into 4 groups. - Tell students to put the posters on the board after they finish and the team having the best ideas is the winner. - Give feedback. Possible answers: Use cloth bags, use tree leaves to wrap things, make garbage into fertilizer, make vegetable matter into animal food. II.LISTEN AND READ 1. Pre-teach Vocabulary - Elicit words from students. 1. (a) representative (translation) 2. (to) protect (to keep so / something safe from danger) Teacher - Ss (to) protect (so / sth) from (so / sth) 3. natural resource (s) (translation / explanation)

Lesson Plan: English 8 - Name of the teacher: Pham Ngoc Tram - Phuong Mai School (coal mines, oil / gold / mineral deposits are ….) 4. (to) recycle ( to make something already used able to be used again) 5. (to)contact (translation / definition) (to communicate with someone by telephone or letter…) - Have students copy. Checking technique: -Jumbled words - Stick 6 flashcards with jumbled words on the board. 1 2 3 ceresoru


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= Whole class -Group work of 4/5 Ss


- Ask Ss to rewrite the words in the right words will get 2 points. - Correct Answer Key 1. contact 2. representative 3. resource 4. natural 5. protect 6. recycle 2.Listen and read: Exercise 1: True / False Predictions. - Ask Ss to listen to the situation. - Set the scene. A representative from Friends of the Earth. Miss Blake is talking to the students of Quang Trung School. Friends of the Earth shaves people how to protect the environment and save natural resources. - Put the chart with the statements on the board. - Ask Ss to work in pairs to decide, if the statements are true or false. - Write the Ss guesses on the board (only one guess for each statement) - True or False? 1. Friends of the Earth is an organization to help people make friends with each other. 2. Miss Blake asks the students to remember 3 things reduce, reuse, recycles. 3. Reduce means buying the products which are over packed. 4. We cannot reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles, old plastic bags. 5. Miss Blake says that we should use cloth bags and

Individual work

T – whole class

Individual work

Lesson Plan: English 8 - Name of the teacher: Pham Ngoc Tram - Phuong Mai School shouldn’t use plastic bags at all. 6. Recycling means not just throwing things away but Pair work frying and finding another use for them. While- Ask Ss to open their books, listen to the tape white reading reading the dialogue. - Call on Ss to correct the false statements. Answer Key: - Whole class 1. False. an organization to help people protect the environment and save natural resources. 2. True. 3. False Reduce means not buying………………… 4. False We can reuse things ……………………… 5. True. 6. True. Exercise 2: Answer the questions : - Ask Ss to look at the questions on page 90 and work in pairs. - Monitor and help Ss with their work. - Pair work - Call on some pairs to ask and answer the questions. - Give feedback. Answer Key. a. Reduce means not buying products which are over packed. b. We can reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles and old plastics bags. c. Recycle means not just throwing things away. Try and find another use for them. d. We can look for information on recycling things by having a contact with an organization like Friends of the Earth, going to the local library or asking your family and friends. e. (Students’ answers) (Possible answer: We shouldn’t use plastic bags because when we throw them away, they could stay very long and could not be self-destroyed / self demolished) Post Exercise 3:. Discussion. reading - Write the topic on the board. - individual How to protect our environment - Ask Ss to express their opinions / ideas on this topic. - Write the Ss ideas on the board into a list. - Give feedback, correct and gave Ss copy. Homework III.Homework:

Lesson Plan: English 8 - Name of the teacher: Pham Ngoc Tram - Phuong Mai School - Write the questions and full answers in your exercise notebooks. - Do the exercises in the Workbook on page …

UNIT 10 :RECYCLING Period 62 :Lesson 2. -Speak (page 90, 91) - Listen (page 91) Aim: To help Ss practice in giving and responding to instructions and listening for specific information about making compost. Objective: Ss can give and respond to instructions. Teaching aids: Pictures (copied from textbook, p.91), a mapped dialogue chart, realia (clothes), cassette. PROCEDURE Stage

Steps / activities

Warm up

I.Revision:Memory game (Kim’s game) - Show the picture to the Ss and ask them to observe it carefully, let them look at the picture for about 20” then put it away. - Divide the class into 2 teams. - Ask Ss (one student, in each team at a time) to go to the board and write as many words showing things in the picture as possible. - Tell Ss the team with the most right words is the winner. Possible answer: Used paper, old newspapers, books, cardboard boxes, bottles, glasses, jars, plastic bags, food cans, drinking tins, vegetable matter, clothes, shoes, schoolbags …… II.SPEAKING: 1. Pre-teach vocabulary - Elicit words from Ss. 1. fertilizer (n) (explanation) (farmers often use this thing to make their plants or trees grow well. What’s it?) (to) fertilize 2. compost (n) (question) (What do you call the fertilizer made from spoiled food, leaves, vegetable matter..) (a) compost heap 3. fabric (n) (realia: clothes)


Work arrangement T – whole class Teamwork

Teacher - Ss

Lesson Plan: English 8 - Name of the teacher: Pham Ngoc Tram - Phuong Mai School (What are these clothes made of ?) 4. leather (n) (question) (Our shoes, sandals are often made of … ?) - Have Ss copy. Checking technique: Bingo - Get Ss to brainstorm a list of about 10 new words. Fertilizer, compost, feather, fabric, plastic, glass, metal, paper, cardboard, tin … - Ask Ss to choose any 4 words and copy into their papers. - Call out the words until a / some student(s) has / have ticked all of their words and shout “Bingo” and they win. 2. Dictation List. Individual - Tell Ss they are going to listen to the words for items work and put them into right groups. - Draw the table on the board and ask Ss to copy it. - Tell Ss to listen to the words and put them in the right columns. - Model some words. pair work - Read the words (in the table below) aloud, slowly and jumble them up. - After listening, ask Ss to work in pairs and give their answers. - Read the words again and correct. Answer Key. Group Paper

While – listening

Items Used paper (old newspaper, books, cardboard boxes) (bottles, glasses, jars) (plastic bags plastic bottles) (food cans, drinking tins) Clothes (cloth bags, material) (shoes, sandals, schoolbag) Fruit peels, (vegetables, rotten fruits)

Glass Plastic Metal Fabric Leather Vegetable matter 3. Mapped Dialogue. - Put the mapped dialogue chart on the board. - Elicit the exchanges from Ss. - Have some pairs practice each exchange before going on to another exchange. - After finishing the dialogue, ask a good pair to demonstrate the whole dialogue. Open pairs. - Ask some pairs to demonstrate the dialogue.

Teacher – Ss

- Pair work

Lesson Plan: English 8 - Name of the teacher: Pham Ngoc Tram - Phuong Mai School Closed pairs. - Ask Ss to work in pairs, replacing the information in brackets with the words in the dictation list. - Monitor and correct.

Which group (do clothes) belong to? What can we do with (those clothes)?

Put (them) in (fabric) We can recycle them and make them into paper or shopping bags. That’s right.

Is / Are (fruit vegetable matter)? We make (it into compose and fertilize our field) What will we do with (it)? Post – listening

III.LISTENING: * Multiple Choice - Tell Ss they are going to listen to an expert who gives the instructions to make compost. - Ask Ss to open their books and read the multiple choice questions on page 91. - Check if Ss understand the questions. - Play the tape 2 or 3 times, Ss listen and do the exercise. - Have Ss give their answers and correct. Answer Key: a. A b. B c. A d. B - Practice the dialogue with your partner, replacing the information. IV.Homework: Homework - Do the exercises in the workbook on page ....................

- Individual

Lesson Plan: English 8 - Name of the teacher: Pham Ngoc Tram - Phuong Mai School


Period 63 Lesson 3 : - Read 1, 2 (p. 92, 93) - Language Focus 1 (p. 95) Aim: Reading for details about how things are recycled. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to form the Passive in the Present Simple. Teaching aids: Word square chart, photocopied pictures (p. 95), drawing. PROCEDURE Stage

Steps / Activities

Work arrangement

Warm up I.Revision: Word square E N V E L O P E R D











Lesson Plan: English 8 - Name of the teacher: Pham Ngoc Tram - Phuong Mai School Group work of 4 teams


- Put the word square chart on the board. - Tell Ss the topic is about the environment and there are 14 hidden words. - Divide the class into 4 groups. - Ask Ss to write their answers on a piece of paper and hand in when they finish. - Tell Ss the group with the most right words is the winner. Answer Key: environment, garbage, pure, used paper, protect.

Teacher – Ss

envelope, dust, green tree, can, plastic, paper bag, reduce, reuse, recycle


II.Reading: *Read 1, 2 1. Pre - teach vocabulary - Elicit words from Ss. 1. (a) tire (picture) 2. (a) pipe (drawing) 3. (a) deposit (translation) 4. (to) refill (explanation) (to) fill something empty again) 5. (to) melt ≠ (to) freeze - Get Ss to copy the new words. Checking technique: Rub out and Remember. - Ask Ss to close their notebooks and look at the board. - Rub out the English words, one at a time, point to the Vietnamese words and ask Ss “What’s this in English?” - When all the English words are rubbed out, go through the Vietnamese list & get Ss to call out the English words. 2.Exercise1: Open prediction. - Tell Ss they are going to read a page in a newspaper giving some recycling facts to protect the environment. - Write the questions on the board and ask Ss to guess what they’re going to read. * What do people do with used things? * What can they make from them?

Whole class


Whole class Pair work

Lesson Plan: English 8 - Name of the teacher: Pham Ngoc Tram - Phuong Mai School Car tires ....................... Milk bottles ....................... Glass ...................... Drink can ......................... Household and garden waste ........................ Exercise2: Grid (read 3) - Draw the grid on the board and have Ss copy it. - Ask Ss to open their books and read the text. - Ask Ss to work in pairs to make a list of recycling facts Used things Recycling Facts Car tires are recycled to make pipes and floor Milk bottles recovering. Glass are cleaned and refilled with milk Drink cans is broken up melted and made into new Household and glassware are brought back for recycling garden waste is made into compost. mentioned in the text - Call on some Ss to write the information in the grid on the board. Answer Key:

Individual Pair work

Choral Individual

- Ask Ss to work individually to answer the questions on page 93 Exercise 3: Comprehension questions (read 1) - Ask Ss to work individually to answer the questions on page 33 - Let Ss compare their answer with their partners. - Call on some Ss to answer. - Give feedback. *Model sentences: Passive Voice ( Form) - Elicit the model sentences from Ss the have Ss repeat. Car tires are covering into


to make pipes and floor new glassware.






past part

Concept checking: +Form: Passive Form in the Present Simple. Subject + is / are / am + past participle.

Group work of 4 Ss.

Lesson Plan: English 8 - Name of the teacher: Pham Ngoc Tram - Phuong Mai School Whole class

Post reading

+ Use: it is used when the subject is affected by the action of the verb (Vietnamese can be used for weaker students) + How to change an active sentences to a passive one. Active S V O

Individual Pair work

Passive S





by O my parents.

My parents are loved by me. Have Ss copy * LANGUAGE FOCUS 1 1. Ordering pictures. - Ask Ss to read the instructions and look at the pictures on page 95. - Tell them to put the pictures in the correct order according to the instructions. - Call on some groups to give their answers. Homewo Answer key: rk a+2 b+4 c+3 d+5 e+2 f+6 *. Reading - Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences (LF1) in the passive form. - Let them compare their writing and ask some as to go to the board and write their sentences. Answer Key: b. Then the glass (it) is washed with a detergent liquid. c. The glass pieces are dried completely. d. They are mixed with certain specific chemicals. e. The mixture is melted until it becomes a liquid. f. A long pipe is used. It is dipped into the liquid, then the liquid is blown into intended shapes. Use the sequencing to rewrite the instructions (LF 1) (First ………. then ……….. next …………. finally …… ….)

Lesson Plan: English 8 - Name of the teacher: Pham Ngoc Tram - Phuong Mai School

UNIT 10 :RECYCLING Period 64 : Lesson 4 :

Section: - Write 1 -2 (p. 93, 94)

Aim: To help Ss to write a set of instructions on how to recycle used things. Objective: Students will be able to write a set of instructions, using the sequencing. Teaching aids: drawing, mine, photocopied, pictures (p. 94) Stage Warm up

PROCEDURE Steps / Activities I. REVISION: Lucky Numbers - Write 9 numbers on the board, from 1 to 9. - Tell Ss each number is for a question, but 3 of them are lucky numbers. If Ss choose a lucky number, they do not have to answer any question but they get 2 points and the can choose another number. - Divide the class into 2 teams. 1. Lucky number. 2. Say this sentence in the passive. “ People speak English everywhere” 3. Say this sentence in the active. “ Cartoons are liked by most children: 4. Lucky number. 5. Lucky number. 6. Say this sentence in the passive.

Work arrangement

team work

Lesson Plan: English 8 - Name of the teacher: Pham Ngoc Tram - Phuong Mai School


“We do not use thing carefully” 7. Say this sentence in the active “ Are candies liked by the children?” 8. Say this sentence in the passive “ Mr. Han teaches Maths” 9. (same as 8) “ Vegetarians do not eat meat” II.WRITE 1, 2 1. Pre-teach: vocabulary - Elicit words from Ss 1. (to) soak (explanation) 2. (to) mash (mine) 3. (a) wire mesh (translation) 4. (n) bucket ( drawing) - Have Ss copy down. Checking technique; Slap the board - Put the Vietnamese translation all over the board. - Call on 2 Ss or 2 teams of 4/5 Ss in both sides of the class to the front of the class. standing at equal distance from the board. - Call out the English word & Ss run forward to slap the Vietnamese word on the board. - The student slapping the right word first is the winner and gets a point for his / her team. Exercise1: Ordering prediction - Set the scene: tell Ss they are going to read a text about how to recycle used paper. - Put the verbs on the board randomly in a flow chart.- Ask Ss to work in groups to guess the order of the actions. soak dry pull out mix press mash 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Teacher –Ss

Team work


Group work of 4/5 Ss.

- Call on about 2 pairs to writ their answers on the board. - Explain the process of recycling, using mimes or Vietnamese and correct. Answer key 1. soak 2. mash 3. mix 4. pull out 5. press 6. dry Whilewriting

- Ask Ss to open their books, read the text on page 93 and fill in the verbs. Individual - Monitor and correct the exercise in the text book. Answer key:

Lesson Plan: English 8 - Name of the teacher: Pham Ngoc Tram - Phuong Mai School 1 use 2. mix press 5. wrap 6. wait 2.Exercise2: Recall

3. place


7. dry

- Ask Ss to close their books. - Write the sequencing on the board and gave Ss to practice speaking first. - Call on Ss to say the sentences from memory. First. ……………………………………………….. Then. ………………………………………………. Next. ………………………………………………. After that. …………………………………………. Finally. …………………………………………….


- Get Ss to write the text in brief using the sequencing. - Monitor and help Ss with their work. Answer Key. First, soak old newspaper I a bucket overnight Then, mash the paper by a wooden spoon. Post Next, mix the mashed paper with water. writing After that, use a wire mesh to pull the mixture out, put it on the cloth and press it down filmily. Finally, take the mash out of the cloth & dry it in the sun. - Call on some Ss to read their writhing for the class. - Give feedback and correct. 3.Exercise3: Ordering Pictures. Group work - Stick the photocopied pictures on the board randomly. - Ask Ss to listen and work in groups to arrange the pictures according to the instructions on how to prepare the tealeaves. - Read the instructions aloud. a. First take the used tealeaves from the tea pot. b. Next scalar the tealeaves on the tray. c. Then dry the leaves in the sun. d. Finally, put the dry leaves in a pot for future use. - Get Ss to give their answers. - Correct III.HOMEWORK Homework -Write the instructions on how to make a thing you have ever made using the sequencing

Lesson Plan: English 8 - Name of the teacher: Pham Ngoc Tram - Phuong Mai School

UNIT 10 :RECYCLING Period 65 -Lesson 5 :- Language focus 2-3-4(p. 96, 97) Aim: To get Ss to further practice in the Passive and in expressing their feelings using Adjectives. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to form the Passive in Future simple and the structures with Adjectives. Teaching aids: Text book, cardboards, poster, handouts Stage Warm up


PROCEDURE Steps / Activities

Work arrangement

I.Revision: Question Game: What’s your job? Individual - Call on a student to go to the board and give him / her / a job name. - Ask the rest of the class to guess the job by asking yes – no questions. - The chosen student can only answer yes or no. Example questions: - Do you get a big salary? - Do you wear uniform? ……. - Tell Ss someone who can guess the right job will get a point and take the place of the last chosen student. II. LANGUAGE FOCUS Teacher – Ss *LANGUAGE FOCUS 2 1. Pre-teach Structures - Set the scene: Ask Ss to listen to the situation. A famous inventors, Dr. Kim, is going to build a time machine. One of his assistants. Hai, is asking him

Lesson Plan: English 8 - Name of the teacher: Pham Ngoc Tram - Phuong Mai School questions about the invention. He wants to know when Dr. Kim will start the project. How can he say the sentence in the Passive? (Use Vietnamese for weaker student) Model Sentences: Practice



When will the project be started? will S be past participle Concept checking: Use Passive Form in the Future Simple Form will / shall + be + past participle - Have Ss copy down. - Show Ss the questions (prepared on a poster) and ask them to fill in the gaps, using the Passive. 1. It …….. to the public when it is finished (show). 2. …….. it …….. by the end of the year? (build) 3. It ……….. before Tet. (finish) 4. ……….. it ……….. by you? (made) - Call Ss to give their answers and correct. Answer Key: 1. ……….will be showed / shown ………… 2. Will ………… be made …………………? 3. ………. will be finished …………………. 4. Will …… be made ……………………..?

Whole class


Exercise 1: Interview - Prepare 2 separate large cardboards one for Dr. Kim, one for Hai. Hai Dr. Kim 1. When / will /the project / 1. Very soon. start /? 2. Yes / It / show / to the 2. Many people / want / see / public / time when / it / finish / machine / 3. I’m afraid not / but / It / 3. Will / it / build / by the end finish / Teacher – Ss / before /Tet / year? 4. No, / I / need you / build it / 4. Will / it / make / by you? When can you start? Open pairs 5. Let’s begin tomorrow. - Tell Ss half of them are going to play the role of Hai to Closed pairs

Lesson Plan: English 8 - Name of the teacher: Pham Ngoc Tram - Phuong Mai School interview Mr. Kim, and the others are Mr. Kim. - Model: give one of the cardboards to a good student and ask him / her to demonstrate the interview. Teacher (Dr. Kim) – Student (Hai) - Stick the 2 cardboards on the board and get about 2 pairs to demonstrate. - Deliver hand- outs (same content as 2 cardboards) to the whole class and ask them to do pair work. - Monitor and correct. Practice

*LANGUAGE FOCUS 3 1. Pre-teach Structures - Set the scene: Ba gives Nam a lot of directions at a time so Nam find it difficult to follow Ba’s directions. What does he say to Nam?

Teacher – Ss

Whole class Pair work

Presentation Model Sentences: Homework It is difficult to follow It be adj to infinitive Concept checking:

your directions. Teacher – Ss

Form: It + be + adjective + to infinitive - Have Ss copy. Exercise2:Gap Fill - Ask Ss to open their books and complete the dialogues on page 96. - Call on same pairs to demonstrate the dialogues and correct. Practice *LANGUAGE FOCUS 4 1. Pre-teach structures - Set the scene: Nam passed the English exam and has grandparents are delighted at it. What did they write to him? - Elicit the model Model Sentences: Production

We are S be

delighted that you passed the English exam. adj that / noun clause

Whole class


Lesson Plan: English 8 - Name of the teacher: Pham Ngoc Tram - Phuong Mai School Concept checking Form: S + be + adj + that / noun clouse - Get Ss to copy Exercise 3: Matching - Ask Ss to read the letter on page 97 and match the words. - Call on some Ss to go the board to draw the lines.

1. relieved (adj)

a. xin chóc

mõng 2. Congratulations

b. trông chờ

3. look forward to (v)

c. xác nhËn lại

4. confirm (v)

d. nhÑ



Exercise4: Gap fill - Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the letter using the words in the box. - Get some Ss to give their answers. - Give feedback and correct. - Rewrite the letter beginning with “Nam’s grandparents are delighted that he …………… …….” - Do the exercises in the workbook, page

Lesson Plan: English 8 - Name of the teacher: Pham Ngoc Tram - Phuong Mai School

UNIT 10 :RECYCLING Lesson 6: summery Period 65

Aim: To give students about the environment problems. Objectives: Students will be able to revive all vocabulary and grammar of Unit 10. Teaching aids: worksheet PROCEDURE Stage Warm up

Steps / Activities • Brainstorm -Ask Ss to give all the worlds on topic recycling. ( What things can people can recycle? )

Work arrangement Whole class



bottl e - After that Teacher may ask Ss to make sentences with the words which they like. Ask Ss do exercises in the sheet. Exercise I Choose the suitable words of phrases to fill in the blanks: 1. Milk ………. To the houses by the milkman every day. a. brings b. is bring c. is brought d. has brought 2. We were delighted ……. Your letter last week. a. getting b. to get c. get d. got

Group work

Lesson Plan: English 8 - Name of the teacher: Pham Ngoc Tram - Phuong Mai School 3. Would you like to go to the movies tonight?. I’m sorry. I can’t. I ……. my homework this evening. a. am doing b. do c. will do d. doing 4. Milk bottle can be ……. After being cleaned.. a. recycled b. thrown away c. broken d. reused 5. It’s dangerous ………. In this river.. a. swim b. to swim c. swimming d. swam 6. This project ………. Next month. a. is carried out b. will carry out c. will be carry out d. carries out 7. We are looking forward to …….. you in June.. a. seeing b. see c. saw d. be seen 8. It ‘s too cold outside, ………. ? – Sure, Ill do it right now.. a. Would you like to shut the windows b. Will you shut the windows, please c. Shall I shut the windows, please d. Can I shut the windows * Check : Lucky number II. Complete the sentences, using the verbs in passive form. course employ cover show hold repair use 1. Cheese ……… from milk. 2. The roof was damaged completely. It has to…… as soon as possible. 3. Many accidents …….. by careless driving. 4. The meeting …… next Saturday. 5. It’s a big factory. Five hundred people ……… there. 6. Recycled plastic can …….. to make toys and utensils. 7. A cinema is place where films …….. 8. Most of the Earth’s surface ….by water.. Check : Lucky number III. Change the sentences into passive voice. 1. Somebody leans the room evry day. 2. How do people learn languages? 3. John will collect me at the airport. 4. Mr. Robinson teaches me how to speak English properly. 5. Your teacher may sign this form. 6. People play football all over the world. 7. Our form teacher will hold a class discussion next Monday. 8. Will you invite her to your birthday party? 9. We can’t wear jeans at worlk.


Lesson Plan: English 8 - Name of the teacher: Pham Ngoc Tram - Phuong Mai School Check : Nought and Crosses * Look new words up of Unit 11 Homework

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