Unfullfilled Prior Request To Cpd

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 312
  • Pages: 2
CAMDEN CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS  Security           Department


201 N. Front Street, Camden, NJ 08102, Tel.: 856.966.2101/2102 Fax: 856.966.2144

8568856856856966856.966.2522 85856.966.222 856.966.2522 B. LeFra Young, Ph. D Superintendent David Shafter School Business Adm. Security Thomas Hewes-Eddinger Chief of Security Josephine Garcia Operations Officer

Sergeant Joseph Wysocki Camden Police Department 800 Federal Street Camden, NJ 08104

March 3, 2009

Dear Joe, Over the past 2 months since my appointment as District Security Chief, I have requested assistance from the Police Department on certain matters pertinent to the safety and security of school district staff and students.

Curtis Surratt Operations Officer

I have received no response to any of the following:

Pamela Christy Clerk

On no less than 5 separate occasions I have requested that the Police department sign off on the local memorandum of understanding that is mandated of us by the State Department of Education.

I have requested Crime mapping data be shared with this office so that I could relay any safety concerns to individual schools that may immediately be affected. I have sent the names and addresses of all schools as requested so they could be incorporated into your system.

I have asked for increased Patrols in two areas:


1. 2.

Farnham Park between 8:00am – 9:00am. Lanning Sq. area, where the district has three Elementary Schools located in vulnerable neighborhoods.

And lastly, I have been informed that your Department is no longer deploying Resource Officers to the schools and have asked for reconsideration of that decision.

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can render. I am available to you or any Command Personnel to further discuss our district wide concerns. I can be reached at 856-966-2101 or by cell at 856-287-3130. Sincerely, Thomas Hewes-Eddinger Chief of Security Cc:

Dr. B. LeFra Young, Superintendent Mr. R. Mills, Deputy Superintendent

Mr. D. Shafter, Interim School Business Adm.

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