Unfinished Storey

  • October 2019
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this is some of the camps at bohemain grove-- please notice which companys and corporatons and politicians and -- well these are the global elites -- that rin america and set the trends , the pace the laws and -- well michael rodgers , who is someone i know personally , who is someone i have begged for over a year and ahalf to help me expose troy regas and dave burgess and this child porn ring -- troy regas ( who is now the owner of the hells anegels and confederation of mc clubs worldwide , bought and took over the hells angels with dave burgess == when sonny barger retired and the source of income for the sonny barger hells angels ( the meth market , was taken over by the mexican mafia and left the hells angels broke and without a leader -- so dave burgess and troy regas -- -who own the old bridge ranch in sparks nevada -- in complete control over the hells angels world wide - determined to use the hells angels -for free labor and have created a world wide human trafficing , white slavery child pornogrophy ring--- troy regas, side kick a 40 year veteran of the hells angels here in las vegas , who is the world scribe for the hells angels - used to hang out with me aboit a year and a half ago .. and he sold meth to the hells angels brothers and they were always coming over to his house to buy coke and meth and ob dave told me that they may have lostthe drug market to the mexican mafia but , selling to the hells angels brothers and their girlfriends and their friends makes it so the hells angels in teh club without very much intellligence or potential for a good paying job or just stupid or lazy , sells pot meth coke extacy heroin and even some other things like zanix and any how any and all drugs are available to any and all hell angels at any and all tymes -- because the majority of the hells angels - arent educated or motivated enough to get a good paying job and as you should knoe . to be a hells angel you have to pay about 50 $ a week now - it used to be 35 $ a week for each member 6 years ago but now it has went up, so many hells angels sell drugs to the other hells angels -- to be able to have a inconme and also that is why about 95% of the hells angels do some type of drug - in reno nevada - troy regas told the reno hells angels they could snort meth and coke but werent allowed to smoke it -- simply because of the parafinilia ,, and so ,, umm ob dave -- supplys the hells angels who are the main head dealers for the rest of the hells angels with the supply -- so ob dave doesnt selll small bags of coke and meth and weed ,, he sells pretty big amounts to the hells angels who deal within the club , so they can have money coming in to pay the weekly dues to the hells angels brother hood and so they could afford gasoline and food and hotels or what ever when they go on bike runs which is constant and one of the main reasons they go on such regular bike runs all over the usa -- is to drop offf drugs and pick up money or vice versa ,, and so ob dave had a really nice bran new house and a built in pool and 2 car garage and a bran new mercedes and a harley and also he was flyig to europe and china and other countrys like just a bout every week and well he was flying to other countrys all the tyme - at least 2 or 3 tymes a month - and he would also be there in other countrys for a week or so ,, and he would tell me when he got back from china ,, how much the children there love him and he would tell me that he would be around 20 or 30 children at a tyme and told me how they would hide behind the bushes and follow him all over this huge small walled village in china , but they would run behind trees and so he told me they were like always theyre but always hidden, and so any how at this tyme , i didnt really knoe for sure if ob dave was in teh child porn human traffic black market white slavery - i knew troy regas and dave burgess were because anna marie coletti told me before she died-- and so any how i asked obdave who the china people were he went there to see and he told me that this walled city he

told me he was actually invited there by the chinese embassy, and i asked him , why would the chinese government invite him to china ,.and ob dave told me - if you have enough money you can have as many friends in the government as you want -- now at this tyme -- i was still trying to get info from ob dave to find out about the child porn ring and obdave told me . when troy regas bought the storey county and told me that the confederation of clubs was troy regas ;s way of getting all of the rival mc gangs and their mc club enemys all together under one rule , and so troy regas's hells angels -- is like the top of the pyrimid secret society or organized crime empire , then the reno nomads and the reno red devils were also created with in this confederation by troy regas and dave burgess- but see dave burgess did alot of dope and basically , lost everey thing to troy regas and i will show you later the documents that show that troy regas -owns all of dave burgess propertys now and all of joe confortes properts and owns the hells angels club house and headquarters and troy regas now also owns the old bridge ranch brothel -building and property and copyrights -- and so troy regas is the brains and the brass balls-- he is the one who makes the rules and enforces them -- dave burgess , was used by ingrid regas & yvonne regas and troy regas for years and years , so because the regas family wanted to take over the conforte and burgess empire - and so - ob dave told me back then that he club ( the hells angels - were bringing in about a half a million dollars a week, and you wonder how i got this information when the hells angels _ especially the 1%ers do not tell anyone anything , well, , they do when they think you already and it was quite easy to bluff - i didnt knoe until i got conformation but still i make it seem that i already knew ,, and i guess i reallly did knoe ,, cuz it turned out my hunches and theorys were right on teh money and so ,, when id go to ob daves , we always did lines of meth -and he was the one whos dope it was and let me tell u right now , the hells angels meth is really - ug how do i put this - pure -- you cant even get meth any where this good on teh streets -- but the hells angels - when they lost the meth market to the mexican mafia -troy regas let everyone think the head of the club -- the new president of the hells angels was this mexican named cisco and this cisco guy is , well he was 5 years ago , the medium betweent the hells angels and mexican mafia so that the mexicans would still let the hells angels get the drugs from the mexicans ,, see thyre e was a war between the old hell sangels and the mexican mafia a big one, and this is also connected as to why the hells angels were run out of la and holly wood - but troy regas -- patched up the relationship with the mexican mafia -- and this cisco guy , was somehow a middle man -between the ha white boys and the mexicans -- and this cisco guy was a real idiot , i met him when i tracked him down at the street vibrations in reno nevada about 5 years ago -and this guy ws a idiot -- but now i knoe that troy let the hells angels think that cisco was the new leader or president --- topassify the mexican and also in case something went wrong in troy regas ;s elaborate plan to expand his child porn ring world wide, see the originall sonny barger hells angels didnt do child porn or too much human trafficing they kidnapped and raped women all the tyme and still do,, but the money came from drugs then , so when troy took over the hells angels around 1999 , ( i dont knoe the exact year or day because i had leftreno nevada in about 1997 -1998 and went to long beach california and the reno renegades mc club( which was what dave buregss h & troy regas were in ( they were supporters of the hells angels at that tyme _and then when i cam e back to work in reno in may 2000, the reno renegades were hells angels - although i knew they were going to become hells angels because , since i found that child porn magazine

on the ranch property in 1992 /1993 , i determined to find out everything and so the main reason i ever went to work at the mustang ranch or the obr wasnt for money - it was for info -- and when i would be working -- i wouldnt even make that much money cuz i would be interrogating employees and customers and nosing around the vast mountainous desert property= ive never ever ever hung out with the hookers , i always became friends with the staff and mainly staff that has been arounnd the regas burgess conforte empires for a long long tyme ,, and so -- um i would get littel pieces of info here an dthere and so it took me , well years and years and years and years - to even get the info i kneo now, but see, when i lefy reno when troy regas an d dave burgess were still reno renegades -- i had become really good friends with 2 reno renegades -- donny and ray - and had kept in touch with them very very regularly -- the entire tyme i was in long beach ( i had a baby in long beach_who was murdered last year april 21 on his 8 birthday and i will tell you later the e r t r always - lways i had been llowing about that -- not now --,, umm , so when id fidn out something ,, then i would go to another in teh mc clubs or the cult clan and then act as i knew for sure -- what i had heard or found out _ and then get them to let me kneo if i had been lied to or told the truth by the previois source or info, so when i learned something from one person in the mc clubs or cult clan , i would run it acrosss many others in the mc club and cult clans just to be sure - cuz you kneo , this is a huge huge deal and theyer is no way i was going to walk arround and beleive something i had heard from 1 person ( i tricked people into giveing me info all thetyme , im good atthat ) okay so onething became certian , even the lower ranking hells angels were able to tell me what the main goal of the hells angels are-- and i would ask every hells angel -at tymes when they were most relaxed and usually after they have a few drinks and a few lines of meth_troy regas & shawn regas (his brother are the only 2 hells angels in reno who dont do meth __ but so i would party i with other brothers and troy jack and big time and steve and stick and jonny colletti when he was still in the renegades and so anyhwo , i would ask thehells angels _ every single one of them - at different tymes-- when they were the most relaxed and catching a buzz-and also i have never slept with any hells angel _ except for will roemer an d he was my boyfriend for almost a year - so , when i didnt have sex with anyof them and - guys usually want sex more with a girl , if she doesnt do it than is she does, so -- anyhow , i used thatto my advantage also -- by nor sleeping with them made them more willing to talk to me and be nice to me to please me and get me to be -- more willing i suppose_ anyhow - this hooker world is - well something noone could ever understand except hookers and tricks and pimps -- and so one thing i found out from every hells angel -- when i asked them - what is the hells angels , what does it mean and what does it stand for and they would all give me the airplane storey and id say no,, thats not what the hells angels stand for and re[present - i asked them - seriously - what is the hells angels - what is the goal and the soul ofthehells angels - i what will the hells angels do in this world - -and so eventually after some tugging and getting the answers aboutteh airplane and th edeath head -- every single ha, ended up telling me thehells angels is about a bloodline, the hells angels goal and purpose and destiny is to become the only seed on earth -- -- to make it so that noone else on earth would be able to exist or live here , unless they were of their kind -- and -- i didnt say anything out loud but i was thinking -- you seed -- your bloodlines -- your kind , you guys dont have very many clean seeds to be planting - what i wasthinking is that all of the offspring of their seed would be (dope babys ) but i didnt say it out loud - and so -- this

can only mean one thing -- their seed being the only kind on earth - that can only mean that the hells angels plan on overthrowing ( the usa govt and then -- using the power of the usa to take over all other countrys , now this sounds a little far fetched - but -- troy reagas has created the confederation of clubs which holds every mc club world wide including the police mc clubs the firemen mc clubs the military mc clubs and the veterans-- and so all of the mc clubs that consist of cops or military or even politicians -are still all in troy regas confederation of clubs and also -- i live in las vegas nevada and theyer is a huge huge problem with black pimps living in all of the budget suites or extended stay hotels and they get the 10 -11 12 --13 -14 , what ever age , they get these super young girls hooked on crack and then pimp them out - i mean it is huge -- because the black pimps get teh girls of all ages really but they have sooo many young very young girls - cuz the tricks will pay big bucks for a 10 yr old girl 0r 12 years old and so , anyhow i saw that these black pimps were everywhere and getting girls hooked on crack and pimping the girls out and then after rthe girll would go out for the night and make the money - she would come back to the hotel _which are all extended stays meaning they r weekly furnished apatments -- and then when the hookers of all ages -- would come back to the house _ which a bout 5 or 6 hookers usually lived togerther in one apartment with teh pimp so one weekly hotel apartment like budget suites would have a bot maybe 10 or 15 differnt apartments with black pimps and about 5 or 6 hookers living with him, and trust me every one had a little girl no older then 12 -- usually each pimp had a 12 snf 13 or 14 year old and then some in their 20s and also they would have a girl in her 30s so they had all age ranges --pre teen --late teen - 20's and 30's and so all of the hookers would come off the streets from working and they always had to give teh black pimp half their money and then guess what they did with the other half-- _bought crack _ and the pimp always told his hookers he had a nice big fat blunt(joint _ and a big rock waiting for them so when they went out to work they would be soo wanting to come home and relax and smoke a blunt first with thir pimp and wifes and laws ) hookers under teh same roof.pimp call each other wife in law - so they woudl anticipate the relaxing blunt with their pimp and their wifes in laws , after a hard nights work and thenafter the blunt theyd get teh bump(the rock) crack _ and so this is how the pimps got very bit of the hookers money and i was so mad by that - cuz i always lived in the budget suites or extended stays also - by myself and saw what was going on and made it a point to talk to the girls and get their storey and i must hav eben approached by a black pimp at least 100 tymes in the past 5 years -- wanting me to come smoke crack and then make some money and i dont do crack and i hate crack and coke , i absolutely hat eit and havent touched it in 11 years -- i do do line s of meth but i kneo its no better but u can function on a line of meth and only spend 20 $ a day and be fine,, with crack 20 $ last you about 5 or 10 maybe 2o minutes if your lucky - anyhow i hate crack and i always told teh pimps i was a man dressed in drag or a cop - and they left me alone - and so -- i have begged troy regas and dave burgess for a very long tyme (via emails _ to help me put a stop to this -- i thought the hells angels are arian and im not pregedous but i kneo no blacks can get in teh hells angels so ithought maybe they would help me shut down this sleezy group of pimps setting up camp all over vegas - well they (burgess nd regas wouldnt do anything and then i met this really cool indian guy and we would go smoke joints and talk about metaphys \we became good friend and one day he was buying a 50 bag of meth and we had to wait at his house for the guy to bring it were ssav apimping pimp hokkker and or a

cop so they k , ttthe ppimp ,tt that roc and d trsd hild -- pre of girld when i had learned , v l ene i could say that i have always been t so a arenoere the only 0ihe w ob dav ebasically finding out 001 e i think, i cant be for sure pplicaterted tade o theyre was pe, what h stheo m f -- and i asked him why he was he made them laugh in th dope a d e drus nde - ir _ new hells angels

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