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Download & View Une-bylaws as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 2,837
  • Pages: 12


Latest Revision - May 2009


Section 1. The name of this organization shall be United Northeast Educators (UNE). Article II PURPOSE Section 1. The purpose of the UNE shall be to (a) provide a governance struoture through which member local associations may cooperatively provide services for their members, (b) carry out such objectives as set forth in the Bylaws.



Section 1. Membership in UNE shall be open to local associations affiliated with the Wisconsin Education Association Council and the National Education Association. Section 2. Disaffiliation - A member local association may not disaffiliate from UNE until it has fulfilled its obligations to UNE as set forth in the Bylaws. Section 3.UNE Retired Persons organizationalmembership shall be open to one organization of persons who were previously members of a UNE local affiliate and now have retired or become permanently disabled. Retired persons shall be members ofWEAC-R and NEA-R. Article IV FINANCE Section 1. Dues - Member local associations shall be assessed a per capita dues as set forth in the Bylaws.


Article V BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1. Function - The Board of Directors shall plan and manage the activities and programs ofUNE within the policies established by the Representative Assembly. Duties for specific officers shall be established by the Representative Assembly and set forth in the Bylaws. Section 2. Membership - The Board of Directors shall be comprised of (a) thirteen directors,

(b) the Board of Directors shall elect annually from its membership the following officers: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, WEAC Exccutivc Board delegates and alternates to the WEAC Executive Board.


Section 3. Terms - The terms of office of members of the Board of Directors shall be established by the Representative Assembly as set forth in the Bylaws. Section 4. Qualifications - Members of the Board of Directors must be a member of a local association affiliated with UNE and a member of the Wisconsin Education " Association Council and the National Education Association. At the time of election all members of the Board of Directors shall be delegates to the Representative Assembly. All members of the Board of Directors shall be delegates-at-Iarge of the Representative Assembly. Section 5. Elections - Members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by the Representative Assembly as set forth in the Bylaws. Section 6. Meetings - Regular monthly business meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at least ten (10) months of the calendar year. Special meetings of the Board may be held upon call of the president or upon written request to the president of five (5) members -ofthe Board. If a special meeting is called at the request of the Board members, the purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call and shall constitute the first order of business. This meeting will be held within seven (7) days of receipt of the request. All directorswill receive twenty-four (24) hours prior notice. Article VI REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY Section 1. Powers - The Representative Assembly shall be the chief policy making body of UNE and shall have the authority to transact all business for the organization. The Representative Assembly shall have the authority to delegate responsibility to the Board of Directors. 2


Section 2. Election of Delegates - Delegates to the Representative Assembly shall be elected by local associations as set forth in the Bylaws.

Section 3. Meetings - Regular business meetings of the Representative Assembly shall be held as outlined in the Bylaws. A special meeting of the Representative Assembly may be called provided that delegates have received twenty-four (24) hours prior notice by the President. Section 4. Quorum - Fifty-one (51%) percent of the registered delegates shall constitute a quorum. Section 5. Parliamentary Procedure - Except as otherwise provided in the Constitution and Bylaws or special rules adopted by the Assembly, Robert's Rules of Order (Newly Revised) shall be the rules governing the Representative Assembly. Article VII COMMITTEES Section 1. Standing committees shall be as provided in the Bylaws. Article VIII AMENDMENTS Section 1. This Constitution may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) ofthe voting delegates of the Representative Assembly present at any meeting of the Representative Assembly, provided that the proposed amendment was distributed to the members' locals at least thirty (30) days prior to any meeting at which said amendment is to be voted upon.



Objectives - The objectives ofUNE shall be: A. To promote the human and civil rights and educational welfare of all students. B. To develop among the profession and the public a better understanding of the issues and problems in the area of member rights. C. To advance the civil, human, and academic rights of all members. D. To provide for the involvement of minority members in association activities. E.

To aid teachers and educational support personnel represented b>:member local associations in obtaining improved wages, hours, and working conditions.


To encourage members to register and vote, and to exercise their full rights and responsibilities of citizenship and to perform their rightful part in ~hepolitical life of local, state, and national opportunities.


Qualifications - Member local associations shall be unified with the Wisconsin Education Association Council and the National Education Association. A. Method of payment of dues must be arranged between the local associations and the UNE treasurer and approved by the Board of Directors. B. Locals delinquent in dues payments may be expelled by the Representative Assembly. C. UNE-R members shall have their annual dues paid 30 days prior to the Fall or Spring Representative Assembly in order to be counted in the allocation of ddlegates for the Representative Assemblies. 3. FINANCE 1


Dues A. Per capita dues payable to UNE shall be established by the Representative Assembly. B. A life-time membership in UNE-R is available. UNE-R life-time membership dues shall be establishedby the Representative Assembly.Life-time membership in UNE-R may be purchased prior to retirement. Membership in UNE-R shall not become effective until the member retires. C. The fiscal year ofUNE shall be from September 1 - August 31. D. In the event of dissolution of the UNE, monies shall be returned to the member organizations on a pro-rated basis. . 1.

Monies returned on a pro-rated basis shall be determined by length of membership in UNE.


No monies shall be returned to the UNE-R affiliate.


Functions A. The Board of Directors shall prepare and submit to the Representative Assembly a budget for the ensuing year, which shall set forth the estimated receipts and expenditures. When a budget has been approved by a majority vote of the Representative Assembly the Board of Directors shall have power to authorize the expenditure of the UNE funds in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof. B. Expenditures ofUNE funds not authorized by the budget including expenditures from the Contingency Fund, may be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire membership of the Board of Directors. C. The Board of Directors shall have power to make contracts for the UNE. D. The Board of Directors shall employ the UniServ staff. Each contract shall not be less than one nor more than three years.




A. Directors shall be elected for a term of three (3) years and shall take office at the regular June meeting of the Board. Terms of office shall be set so that no more than five (5) directors' terms shall expire in any year. 4-3

Elections A. Persons qualified for office and holding membership in a member local' association may request from the Executive Director a nomination form. The nomination form shall require the signature of the candidate and a nominator. B. Candidates filing nomination forms postmarked one week prior to the May meeting of the Representative Assembly, shall have their mimes on the printed ballot. C. Additional candidates may be nominated from the floor 6fthe assembly at the time designated by the agenda.

D. Directors shall be elected by secret ballot at the May meeting. E.

No local may have more than two (2) directors on tbe Board of Directors.

F. In the event that there are more than twice the number of candidates as there are director vacancies, a primary election shall be held. On the first ballot, the field of candidates shall be reduced to twice the number of director vacancies with the candidates receiving the highest number of votes qualifYingfor the election. G. Candidate(s), as the case may be, gaining the highest number of votes for office(s) shall be declared elected. 4-4

UnexQired Terms

A. All vacancies that occur less than 90 days prior to an RA may remain vacant until the next RA. B. Other vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Board of Directors. An election will be held to fill the unexpired term at the next regular RA. 4-5

The agenda of all regular meetings of the Board shall be mailed to all membcr locals and Board members at least one week in advance of the meeting. The minutes of 3

all Board meetings both regular and special shall be mailed to all locals and Board members prior to the next regular meeting. 4-6

Power and Duties of Officers President

- The

president shall preside over meetings ofthe Representative


and the UNE Board of Directors, appoint the chairperson and members of committees, be an ex officio member of all committees, and shall be the executive officer of UNE. The president shall represent the UNE before the public either' personally or through delegates, and shall perform all other functions usually attributed to this office. Vice-President - The vice-president shall carry out the duties assigned to him/her by the president and in the event the president is unable to. carry out his/her responsibilities, assume the duties of the president. Secretary - The secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all me'etings ofthe Board of Directors, maintain the official file, and assist the president of the Board " with UNE correspondence.

Treasurer - The treasurer shall be bonded, shall hold the funds of the UNE and disburse them upon authorization ofthe Board of Directors. He/she shall prepare the budget to be presented to the members of the Board of Directors and, upon approval of the budget by the UNE Representative Assembly, the treasurer shall assess each member association the amount of dues per bargaining unit member needed to operate the UNE. This assessment shall be adjusted by December 1. The treasurer shall also be responsible for preparing and filing the proper tax forms for the UNE. The treasurer shall be the treasurer ofUNEPAC. WEAC Delegates - The WEAC delegates shall represent the UNE before the WEAC Board of Directors at all regular and special meetings. They IIc/shc shall be responsible to make reports to the UNE as requested by the UNE Board of Directors and Representative Assembly. WEAC Alternate Delegates - The WEAC alternate delegates shall assume the duties ofthe WEAC delegates in the event the WEAC delegate is unable to carry out his/hcl their responsibilities.



Removal A. All members ofthe Board of Directors must attend all designated meetings with no more than three (3) unexcused absences per term. If a member of the Board of Directors has more than three (3) unexcused absences per term, his/her seat

shall be consideredvacant. The Board of Directors shall determine what constitutes an unexcused absence. B. The Board of Directors shall have the right to remove any member of the Board of Directors for just cause, after due notice and hearing. Such vote to remove shall require a two-thirds (2/3) roll call vote of its entire membership at a duly convened meeting of the Board of Directors. Should there be any dispute as to what constitutes just cause, the matter may be submitted by the affected individual to final and binding arbitration by the American Arbitration Association. The arbitration hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures and rules ofthe American Arbitration Association and the costs ofthe hearing shall be assumed by UNE. C. Any director on the Board of Directors may be removed from offi~e by a twothirds (2/3) vote of any duly constituted Representative Assembly. 5. REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY 5-1

Powers - All legislative powers of UNE shall be vested in the Representative Assembly which shall be organized and exist as hereinafter provided. A. The Representative Assembly shall determine its own rules of procedure and shall meet two (2) times a year in October and May. A majority vote of a quorum ofthe Board of Directors shall have the power to call emergency meetings of the Representative Assembly. B. The Representative Assembly shall adopt the budget and set the UniServ dues for the fiscal year at its May meeting based on a tcntati v c budget submitted by the

Board of Directors. The annual budget shall be adopted at the j11st Rep/ esentatire Assembly held eachfiscal yea!. C. The Board of Directors, in event of budget deficiencies, may borrow up to 10% of the annual budget without approval of the Representative Assembly. D. Delegates of the Representative Assembly may present resolutions, political 5


endorsements, and legislative positions at any meeting. These may be adopted by a majority vote ofthe delegates present. The Board of Directors shall then be empowered to act on all resolutions, political endorsements, and legislative positions. Resolutions for the UNE Representative Assembly shall be submitted to the Executive Director one week prior to the regular Representative Assembly ofUNE. E. All powers ofUNE not specifically delegated by the Representative Assembly, or otherwise authorized by the Constitution, are reserved to the Representative' Assembly. 5-2

Allocation and Election of Delegates A. The Representative Assembly shall consist of one (1) repre!;entativefrom each member local for each twenty-five (25) members or major fraction thereof. Each local will have at least one delegate. A local association delegate, who has been elected to the Board of Directors, need not be included in the local association's quota of delegates, that Board of Directors member will have the rights of any other delegate.


B. Delegates shall be elected by the local association.

C. Each local association shall submit a list of delegates to the Executive Director five days prior to the initial meeting. D. Alternate delegates shall be identified by a designated member of the delegation at the time of registration prior to each meeting and may only be seated on the floor of the Representative Assembly in the absence of the official representatives.

5-3 Registration - Registration of all delegates or alternates shall be terminated 30 minutes after the commencement of the Representative Assembly.


UNE will operate with the following Standing Committees: a) Negotiations b) Public Relations c) Legislative d) Member Rights 6

e) Instruction and Professional Development f) Political Action 6-2

The Political Action Committee may be funded through a negative dues check-off, the amount will be determined annually by the UNE Representative Assembly. A refund of PAC dues is available upon written request for a refund within sixty (60) days of membership in the Association. Fair share members' shall receive an automatic refund if the PAC dues are included in that person's dues.


The Board of Directors shall have the power to appoint other committees as needed.




A member local association may not disaffiliate from UNE without notifying the UNE officers and Board of Directors of its intention to disaffiliate ninety (90) days in advance of any action to disaffiliate. Such notice of intention to disaffiliate shall state in detail the reasons why the member local association desires to disaffiliate and shall be supported by a statement that the desire to disaffiliate has been presented to a duly convened membership meeting ofthe member local association and that the membership has approved of the intention to disaffiliate.


A member local association may disaffiliate only upon fulfillment of all of its legal and financial obligations to UNE. The disaffiliation will become effective only at the end of the fiscal year.


When UNE sufficiently surpasses its membership goal and it becomes advantageous to divide into two units, the split will be into two contiguous groups. If there is a question as to which locals go with which unit because they are contiguous to both groups, then the local with the longest term of membership in UNE will get first choice until there is a reasonable and equitable split of membership.


When UNE divides, all assets and liabilities shall be shared equally by the two UniServ units on the basis of the membership of the contributing local associations.



These Bylaws may be amended by the majority of the delegates ofthe Representative Assembly provided that the proposed amendment was distributed to the member locals at least thirty (30) days prior to any meeting at which said amendment is to be voted upon.
